#Dwarf Fort
sassytail · 11 months
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ohoo hoooo i haven't ever gotten this far before with a fort.
deeper we go i suppose!
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gravesoilbreath · 10 months
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Why was there a naked TAMED child in my fortress. There's actually two of them.
I know it's from the spell craft mod but ... Oh my lord.
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fuckyeahdwarffortress · 11 months
After seeing that it's not entirely possible to upload this change via Steam Workshop (yet), I still feel it is in the public interest to hand out the colors.txt patch.
You will need to go into \\Steam\steamapps\common\Dwarf Fortress\data\init, or into \\df_50_11_(flavour)\data\init\, and open up your colors.txt in notepad.
Once open, replace all text in there with the following:
These are the display colors in RGB. The game is actually displaying extended ASCII characters in OpenGL, so you can modify the colors.
[BLACK_R:0] [BLACK_G:0] [BLACK_B:0] [BLUE_R:0] [BLUE_G:0] [BLUE_B:128] [GREEN_R:0] [GREEN_G:128] [GREEN_B:0] [CYAN_R:0] [CYAN_G:128] [CYAN_B:128] [RED_R:128] [RED_G:0] [RED_B:0] [MAGENTA_R:128] [MAGENTA_G:0] [MAGENTA_B:128] [BROWN_R:128] [BROWN_G:128] [BROWN_B:0] [LGRAY_R:192] [LGRAY_G:192] [LGRAY_B:192] [DGRAY_R:128] [DGRAY_G:128] [DGRAY_B:128] [LBLUE_R:0] [LBLUE_G:0] [LBLUE_B:255] [LGREEN_R:0] [LGREEN_G:255] [LGREEN_B:0] [LCYAN_R:0] [LCYAN_G:255] [LCYAN_B:255] [LRED_R:255] [LRED_G:0] [LRED_B:0] [LMAGENTA_R:255] [LMAGENTA_G:0] [LMAGENTA_B:255] [YELLOW_R:255] [YELLOW_G:255] [YELLOW_B:0] [WHITE_R:255] [WHITE_G:255] [WHITE_B:255]
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alwaysdevilday · 2 years
So I found an interesting worldgen… (Icemourn Pt. 1)
Last night I got the itch to play some Dwarf Fortress (the Steam version because I love me some pretty graphics and menus) so I loaded it up and generated a world.
Much to my surprise, one of the options for a starting civilization (a nation of origin from which my dwarves can be from) was this:
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What you're looking at is a civilization of one (1). The king of this entire nation is also its only member, and he spends all his time sitting in his castle alone at the edge of the known world surrounded by ice and frozen peaks. There ain't anybody else other than my seven starting dwarves.
I thought to myself "oh this is gonna suck, there's no way I can't do this", and decided to go for it. I was gonna raise this nation out of the dirt as if my life depended on it.
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I chose a spot in the frigid coniferous forests off the landmass's southern coast. No close neighbors, just me and the bears and whoever decided to pass through.
For my preparations, I loaded up on the bare essentials until I ran out of points, gave my dwarves the standard spread of jack-of-all-trades skills and took a few animals for emergency food and protection. The water buffalo are hard to take down and although they eat a lot of grass in pasture, they yield lots of useful resources if I have to Do The Deed. War dogs would take up the task of saving my hide from any potentially dangerous wildlife.
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I named the fortress "Icemourn" or Ushilleshal in the dwarven tongue. I thought it appropriate, given that the land remains frozen and blanketed with snow 9 months out of the year.
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My embark location was rather auspicious, sporting a wide range of towering trees and plenty of fruit during the admittedly brief surface growing season. The presence of a small river and a natural (if shallow) cliffside did not go unappreciated.
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My first task was to carve out a chunk of the hill into something more useful (and aesthetically pleasing). It was there that I would set up my home base, digging out soft and heavy earth to make room for rudimentary bedrooms and the first two workshop areas. The room to the north would be my first dining room, something I planned to convert to a tavern's main floor later.
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Initial setup complete, I set about securing my dwarves' safety with some log walls around the entrance. A drawbridge would block all but the biggest and meanest of hostiles from entering in times of emergency. Thankfully, trees were so plentiful in this location that I almost certainly would never run out of usable wood (though that might spell trouble if elves decide to visit later).
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That done, my next task was to start carving out the uppermost workshop and stockpile rooms to ensure that my dwarves could carry out essential tasks without being forced to venture into the harsh winter. Dirt walls are ugly and unpleasant, but they get the job done. Beautification would have to come later.
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The bare essentials on their way, I had time to order my dwarves to dig deeper, down about 8 z-levels (units of height, estimated to be about 2 meters) until we struck rock. To my delight, the substance proved to be shiny black obsidian. An aesthetically pleasing material, and one I could make basic weaponry out of without having to go to the effort of setting up forges. And as a bonus, fire opal gemstones! Right at my fingertips!
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By this time the year's thaw had come, right on schedule in the middle of the summer. Pretty! Warm! Hospitable!
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This brought to mind the fact that sooner or later, I would need a water source, so I set my dwarves to tunnel out some of the loam towards the river, forming a subterranean channel that would pipe fresh water into a cavity beneath my entrance's "courtyard". A covered well would allow the dwarves access to drinkable water year round, without concern for it freezing easily.
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As autumn approached, the first traders arrived from somewhere far away. I hastily set up a trade depot for them and dumped my sole bin of wooden crafts onto the offering table. By the time the deal was done, we had procured several barrels of alcohol (and the trader had procured a nearly 60% profit, absurdly) and had lightened our load a bit. Unfortunately, our three months of sunlight was over and the snow once again began to fall as the traders packed their things and hastily left.
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Continued Later
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sovietsquiddo · 2 years
Just had the most batshit insane thing happen with my hammerer
an ambush happened and despite me putting up the ‘hide inside’ burrow the hammerer decided to sprint out and confront the ratfolk head on. She immediately obliterated one of them with her pick but then seemed to be enamored with an iron helmet she stares at for a while as 5 more ratfolk encroach on her position. The ratfolk showing up seemed to snap her out of her trance, but had the strange effect of making her rapidly strip off her armor and throw it to the ground along with her trusty pickaxe. She immediately ran at the ratfolk, seemingly with a suicide wish as they all had crossbows and immediately began peppering her with their bolts.
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Things did not go well to start. I was uncertain what was happening but as I didn’t really want to endanger my military for unnecessary casualties and it seemed like she had a bizarre death wish I just watched, my militia sitting back in the safety of the fort. 
What I did not expect was her to start winning. She began manhandling these ratfolk despite constantly sustaining serious wounds to pretty much every part of her body.
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using every unorthodox method of combat possible
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Eventually she killed all 5 of the ambushers that had attacked her, however several more were still on their way. By this point I felt she was a hero to the fortress and decided we must do everything we can to save her life. I quickly rallied my troops to drive off the remaining rat people, managing to do so without any other injuries
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This was the aftermath of her rampage, you can see her armor and shield on the ground where she dropped them. She was quickly moved to the hospital and treated by the finest health professional in our fort
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and she’s still alive and her injuries are well enough that she’s crawling around despite having a broken hand, broken ribs, a cut and broken skull, two broken legs and a broken hand.
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headdunk · 2 years
watching the lore rectangle scroll by in the corner of the df worldgen
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mindcool25 · 2 years
God I love dwarf fortress
Have my current favorite notification I got
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Also bonus corpse description, apparently blood spatters stack
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nikotinewithdrawal · 2 years
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dorf fort guys!!!!!
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zsielous · 2 years
hey uh real quick does anybody have the post that had a quantum lettuce/salad from Dwarf Fortress kicking about still
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Having kids is messy.
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dwarvendiaries · 1 year
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sassytail · 2 years
i started a new fort in a 250 year world, with a smaller scale to focus on design and intention
and i found a really cool embark spot with two rivers, one in a gorge and the other on top of the mountain, so i decided to create some little artificial waterfalls and make a little fishing village in the bottom of the gorge.
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already off to a great start
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xiki-pupper · 28 days
Love watching dwarf fortress vids and seeing ppl tell their own wild stories in the comments
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shytenda · 3 months
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Wrestling Time
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"Kill them with kindness" WRONG. Poster hacks Viewer in the head with her +iron battle axe+ and the severed part sails off in an arc!
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thatdykepunkslut · 7 months
"Everything I Ever Knew About Geology and Rock and Mineral and Soil Sciences I Learned from Dwarf Fortress" by Fallout Boy
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