#Durin needs hugs
conqueenror · 2 months
They HAVE to give us Albedo's second SQ/ Venti's second SQ/Mondstadt Interlude quest or anything like that during the Natlan cycle where some shit happens again in Mondstadt, involving Durin and Albedo, and please even more Rhinedottir lore thankyou, and Dragonspine and. Yk. They gave us the prologue, they HAVE to give us the story after all those years. Or what was it for then.
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umbra-vine · 2 months
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might disappear for a lil while bc i havent had much motivation to draw recently so hopefully a lil break might help the artblock
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raointean · 2 years
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genpact-kinfessions · 2 months
Oh. Oh no. Oh god.
< maybe Durin
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eczlipse · 22 days
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summary : where enhypen!hyungline prefer placing their hands on you depending on the scenario. inspired by : @bokkicidal (love you.)
pairing : enhypen x fem!readers. , hyung line for now !
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heeseung .
casual : he definitely wouldn’t hesitate to wrap his hands around your waist at any given moment— kind of like, some sort of comfort. he’d relax his hands on you, maybe swaying you around a bit if you’re in public. he had probably developed this habit before because of how much you had spent time together pre-relationship. he never failed to pull you by the waist within any given situation and you never failed to let him. he didn’t always do it just for you, sometimes to claim you, to mark you as his in a way.
sensual : your jawline is his favourite place to hold whilst he kisses you, his hands roaming around both your body and that beautiful face of yours— he loved holding you in general. his thumb slowly rubbing your soft skin as he continued to work his tongue with yours. his hands slipped perfectly with your face and you would both always enjoy kissing and more. his height played a part in this, he needed to cup your face in order for him to look at you— sometimes for you to obey him …
jay .
casual : jay is always big on interlocking hands. he’d definitely want to have your hand in his wherever you both go. wanting to keep you safe and near him. your safety is his number one priority and you would always abide by it. holding your hands when your cold, when you both need to run somewhere and even while watching movies. to have you by his side is enough for him in any situation. to know your next to him helps him move forward, physically and mentally. jay is honestly just such a caring man, when you want to run free and around— he wants to do it with you too.
sensual : he definitely adores having his hands around your neck whilst kissing you or even talking to you sensually. holding you in between his hands, staring into you and kissing you even— he’s gentle enough not to hurt you but god— he loves wrapping his hands around your neck— not even to be sexual. the way he had gotten to that point of control in your relationship and how you trusted him enough to hold you in that manner just made it all so much better.
jake .
casual : jake loves to have his hands rested on your hips. within any place or time. he seems the type to also tug onto the belt loops of your jeans when you’re almost anywhere. it’s become a habit of his, in malls, grocery stores and even in the house— holding onto the curves of your hips, gliding his hands up and down at times. at first it surprised you because, normally you would’ve expected a guy to hold onto your waist area more but he just seemed so obsessed with pulling you in that way.
sensual : to him, he’d probably think that moving his hands higher would change the setting or feeling whenever he wants to have sensual moments with you. meaning, he aims for the waist in this case— he’d tighten his grip a bit , not to hurt you, just to get reactions out of you. if he’d hug you he’d tighten himself around you and your waist, rubbing and gliding his hands slowly over your sides while he whispered sweet nothings’ to you and more.
sunghoon .
casual : he most definitely enjoys playing with your hair or jewelry sometimes. if you’d both been waiting in public for something, he’d think that playing with your hair— curling it up or down would be a bit entertaining to him. even attempting to make braids. if not that— he’d play around with the necklace he bought you around your neck. fidget with it and even just make the most of the time you both have to spend. sunghoon would sometimes even wrap his arm around your waist in any situation— (another waist-holder) just to make time pass by quickly. another thing he’d most definitely do is just have his hand resting on your lower back, to guide you around stores or to just somehow have a part of you with him.
sensual : during moments between the both you, which you both rarely get— he’d most definitely hold your body as close to him as possible. whether you’re both in bed or just in your shared home, he’d love to squeeze you when you’re alone. he loved having you all to himself. your face being squeezed against his biceps was definitely something you had to get used to at first but as long as in the end you two both love it— it’s worth it.
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babushkatty · 9 months
Tranquil SAGAU - Part 3
-> Part 1
-> Part 2
-> Part 4
Turns out, you did jinx yourself last week.
You should have learnt your lesson from all those times you and your sister had spoken bad luck into existence, be it unannounced guests or other inconveniences.
But you didn't, so here you were.
Staring down motherfucking Ursa the Drake, with Dvalin pinning them (her?) down with his massive body and motherfucking Crepus Ragnvindr looking at you both simultaneously like it's Christmas and like he thinks he's schizophrenic.
Diluc didn't look any better. He was as white as a sheet and if you were any better at identifying emotions, you'd think he was about to cry.
...surely not?
But then again, he was younger than in the game and his father was right there, alive and well - you doubted he was anything like the cold and grumpy Diluc who closed himself off from the world that you knew.
A terrified baby that was probably overthinking how Ursa would kill him, his father and the whole cohort they traveled with all the way to Tuesday.
...now you just felt bad for judging. You wouldn't be any better in his place, especially without your scary Dvalin priviledges.
"Ursa, darling, what exactly are you doing?"
All you got for your troubles was a roar in your face.
Except it didn't even feel like a scary dragon about to eat you, it felt like a child throwing a tantrum.
...the notion of Ursa being this uncontested and plaguing Mondstadt for a thousand years while being a mere child was kind of terrifying actually, so you very deliberately decided not to dwell on it. For your own sanity, if nothing else.
"Dvalin, you know Ursa, so... Any ideas?" You asked the dragon, who looked almost bored as he outright lounged on Ursa as if they (she?) were his beddings. If that didn't make a statement, you didn't know what would.
"While we did not cross paths frequently in the past, I had always thought her to be... Especially nefarious."
Ursa trashed around, but Dvalin didn't budge and effortlessly kept them (her? her.) pinned down.
"She reminds me of Durin. But where Durin was oblivious to the grevious harm he caused and merely wanted to play, Ursa is fully conscious and reveling in the pain she inflicts on others, often being open to agreements that involve human sacrifice."
Ursa screeched. In protest, maybe?
"For now, there is not much that can be done. You would need to be much stronger to subdue her permamently, which requires time. But I shall stall her until you are strong enough, alongside Boreas."
So your scary Dvalin priviledges were being voided. It was a shame, you really liked his company -- his stories were a delight to listen to and he spoiled you rotten for comfortable accomodations, any bed or chair from now on would be a massive downgrade.
Still, it was understandable. Responsibilities and human lives were priority over your comfort. You weren't going to complain too much.
"I'll miss you," you say as you stroke his wings, not really having access to his torso or head to hug him properly due to Ursa.
Speaking of Ursa...
"Be good. You're making trouble for everyone."
And maybe you were being reckless and simply asking for your arm and face to be bitten off, but you flicked her on the snoot, because you only live once and Dvalin had you mildly convinced nothing in Teyvat would hurt you.
Ursa startles and then, honest to God, whines.
Dvalin huffs in what you assume is amusement and grabs at Ursa with his massive limbs. His wings stretch as he readies himself to take flight.
"I will miss you too, (Name)."
And just like that both dragons are gone like the wind.
That left you all alone to face the Ragnvindr and C.O., so you put on your customer service smile and clap your hands in fake excitement you really don't feel.
If nothing else, working in retail taught you how to play the fool.
"So, now that that is done and over with. I believe you have a mess to clean up?"
Crepus looks at you like you grew an extra head, before doubling over in a hearty laugh that broke through the weird atmosphere that settled over the caravan as easily as a hot knife through butter.
Diluc still looks like a poke would knock him over, but at least he got some colour back in him.
"Ah, thank you for that."
Crepus walks over to you and offers you a handshake, gripping your hand firmly and with enthusiasm that was entirely on him. Not that you weren't excited to meet characters from Genshin... but that was the thing, wasn't it? They weren't the characters you knew in Genshin. Crepus was barely a mention, Diluc was a different person entirely and the rest of the caravan were either NPCs hanging around on the map somewhere or didn't exist in the game at all.
So, you had to treat them like actual people.
And you weren't good with people.
"No problem. I'm (Name) (Last Name), just call me (Name) please."
Smile through the pain Harold, grant me your strength.
"Crepus Ragnvindr, and the redhead over there is my son, Diluc. It's a pleasure to meet you, (Name)."
He lets go of your hand and smiles so brightly you half-heartedly wished for some sunglasses. Was this man sunshine personified? Certaintly felt like he was.
"I would say I wish we met under different circumstances, but that's not exactly the truth, is it? Any other circumstances would have me trying to fight Ursa the Drake and that was bound to end badly for me, so... Thank you for saving my life."
And at that precise moment the Knights of Favonius spurred on by Kaeya Alberich himself burst into the scene, weapons ready.
...Kaeya looked like such a baby too, it had you thinking on just how young the literal children like Diona would be.
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* ✨ Author Note✨
Suprise, we're 4 years early in the timeline! And I have no idea what the timeline is besides what little I glimpsed from the Wiki, so lore accuracy is thrown out the window!
✨ I still can't tag the one person that asked to be tagged and I'm feeling horrible for it even when it's not my fault ✨
Also, yes, ✨ is my favourite emoji, why do you ask? :D
Also, also -- yes, I did pump out 3 parts in 2/3 days, it is an anomaly, do not expect such pace from me especially since I'm about to throw myself head first into HSR.
✨Self-plug time✨
My UID is 715 837 832 and I got a lvl50 Bronya as support.
I am still on Walt copium, even though I didn't get him even once despite the many, MANY rerolls I did, but that is neither here nor there.
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darlingsfandom · 8 months
omg cill won a golden globe!! him and younger reader celebrate?? idk 😭
I'm very proud him! we all are 🥺
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Gif credit: @edward-munson
Warnings: swearing, face fucking, rough sex
It almost didn't seem real, it was almost like a dream but it was indeed real. You were standing there in your best dress clapping hard enough that your hands felt like they were going to fall off with tears in your eyes as Cillian stood there holding his golden globe. He was a little shy before he started talking. Everyone sat down for a minute as he gave his speech but what caught you off guard was hearing him say your name out loud.
"Darlin, please stand up!" Cillian moved his hand in an upwards position and you stood up to his motion. "Ya see tat lovely lady right there, she's me world! Helped me through out the ups and downs! Never left me side durin ta hard times! She's da best person I know, I love you!" You wiped your eyes with the back of your hands as the rest of the table decided to group hug you as if you won the award, but you did in a way! Cillian was the best boyfriend you've ever had. The rumors the paps had made about you being a gold digger since Cillian is twenty one years older than you were now put to rest with his speech. He finished up his speech by thanking the rest of the cast and crew along with a little speech to Christopher as well. As he came off stage everyone was clapping and cheering him on when you ran up to him and cupped his face to plant a big wet kiss on his nose before kissing him proudly on the lips.
Cillian looped his arm with yours and lead you back to the table before pulling out your chair for you. You held his hand the rest of the night. You clapped for Robert when he won best supporting actor , you made a face at the terrible Barbie "joke" and so did Cillian. The rest of the night carried on and you laid your head on his shoulder to which Cillian kissed the top of your head. Once the night was over the two of you made your way outside so he could take his photos with the award but when he seen you standing off to the side he pulled you over with him because you needed to be showed off! He handed you his award . "See not only did I win, I really won!" He kissed your face making you blush and giggle before he grabbed your hand and the two of you made your way towards the car so you could get to the hotel.
"I'm very proud of you." You spoke up once the two of you were in the back of the car. Cillian leaned in and kissed you hard. Your hands rested against his chest while you moved your lips against his slowly. His tongue pressed against your lips making you part them so he could slide in. Your skin felt hot as his finger tips brushed against the back of your neck so he could pull you in closer. The metal of your ruby necklace felt cold as your body temperature rose. Lucky for you the hotel was a short drive away because if you had spent another minute in that car, that driver would've gotten a show.
Cillian held your hand tightly making way through the paps that were taking pictures, calling your names and yelling questions. You just waved and smiled until the two of you were inside the lobby and making your way to the elevator. His hands wrapped around your waist while his lips attacked your neck. The little ding let you know that you were where you needed to be. The two of you made your way into the bedroom and Cillian quickly had you in his arms once again before throwing you back onto the bed.
His breath was hot against your mouth as he kissed your lips making his way down your jaw line, the side of neck and down to the top of your breasts. Cillian sat you back up to help take off your dress leaving you in a matching set that hugged you in all the right places. His mouth watered as you unhooked your bra , tossing it at him which drove Cillian wild.
"Tonight's all about you daddy." Your words were laced with sex appeal while you dropped down to your knees. Your hands ran over his thighs before unzipping his pants and yanking them down along with his boxers.
"Fuck!" Cillian hissed as the cold air hit his hard cock. You smiled up at him while pulling off his boxers. He carefully stepped out of the pile of clothes around his ankles before looking down at you with those devilish blue eyes that made your thighs squeeze together. Cillian stood there stroking his cock above you making you pout because you wanted his cock, you wanted to please him and he knew it, but he wanted to tease you.
"Open pretty girl" he pushed the head of his cock past your lips and down your throat just a little before pulling right back to which you pouted your lip at him. "Don't ya worry honey..." Cillian slid his cock back down your throat until he hit the back of it making your eyes water. Your hands flew up and grabbed his thighs while he started fucking your face. He knew this was about him and when it was about him you allowed him to do anything he wanted. Tonight was a special night and you had promised him that if he won you'd let him do this.
"Good girl! Takin me fuckin cock like a whore! Me whore!" He grunted while pulling on your hair hard and thrusting hard down your throat with spit dribbling down your chin you were the most beautiful thing he had his eyes on. You sat on knees holding still as possible while he held your head. Your thighs were sticking together from all the wetness pooling in your panties. Cillian pulled out enough to let you breathe. Your lips were swollen and covered in spit, your eye make up had been cried off and the spit and dribbled down onto your chest.
"Up!" Cillian helped you up onto the bed, got you on your back and climbed on top of you. Your lips covered into a smile as Cillian lined the head of his dick up to your pussy and pushed in slowly while holding his hand on your stomach.
"I love you!" You blurted out. It wasn't the first time you said that but it was the first time you said it during sex. Cillian stopped his movement, looked down at you with a soft smile and stroked your cheek. "I love you too." Cillian leaned down and kissed you softly. His lips moved in sync with yours while your hands wrapped around his back and pulled him closer which made his dick go deeper inside of you. Your mouth gasped open so Cillian slid his tongue inside of you making you cry out in pleasure into his mouth. He lifted up his hips before smashing back down into yours. Cillian wasn't holding back anymore! He kissed you hard while holding up your legs so he could hit the angle you liked so much.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as Cillian pounded hard into you. Your moans and whimpers were loud. His hands squeezed your thighs tightly while grunting and cursing under his breath which made you wetter by the second. Your hand ran down between your legs and rubbed your clit. Cillian smacked your hand away to replaced it with his hand, only he could touch you at that moment.
"Cill! You're gonna make me cum!" You pleaded.
"Do it pretty girl! Make a mess of me cock!" Cillian was getting close too. Both of you were panting messes. Your orgasm hit you hard as you squeezed his cock and cried out his name. That was enough for Cillian to have his own orgasm. Cillian held your legs up in the air, looked down into your eyes and came deep inside of you while moaning out your name. He kept eye contact with you when he finished before slowly pulling out, but you stopped him half way.
"No! Keep it in!" You blurted out making Cillian raise an eyebrow. He slowly slid back in making his cum get pushed back inside of you. He laid down on top of you resting his head on top of your sticky chest. Your fingers played with his hair as the two of your laid there smiling ear to ear.
"I really do love you darlin. Every inch of ya, yer me girl ."
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Is it alright if I request Yandere father Gojo satoru where his daughters ability is to control time since Gojo has absolute control over space at an atomic level and she also has infinity but he never taught her how to use it but durining the shibuya arc she either reverses or stopped time to save a couple of people a d stop certain events from happpening (if this is too much you do t have to do the whole shibuya arc part )
Sorry that this is long anyways have a nice night/day ( `ε´ )
Since I have not watched season 2 yet, I am not doing the shibuya arc part. Since you also specified fem pronouns, the reader will be fem.
edit: hehehe, I forgot to say: have a nice day as well and I loved this request :D
warnings: yandere themes, isolation mentioned (I do not condone this and if you can seek help please do), Gojo is a piece of shit and two-faced, Reader is done with life, swearing because author is in pain and sick and when the author is sick they swear a lot, vague ending
I don't understand the ability completely, but I made it so that if you didn't master it properly you can get hurt when you use the ability (which might actually be apart of it, but my memory is shit)
Consequences and actions
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Goji Satoru was the first sorcerer to be born with limitless and six eyes in 400 years, so truly he was surprised when he saw that his daughter had them too. It was weaker than his, yes.
But he didn't know what to do. He didn't want his daughter to master both because then she wouldn't need him anymore.
"Dad can you teach me use both?" Reader had once asked, and his answer was: "There is no reason for you to learn."
It frustrated Reader to no end, she had the abilities but she wasn't allowed to develop and become a full-pledged sorcerer.
Satoru could understand Reader's frustration to an extent, but after a while of you complaining and begging to start training, he started to get annoyed.
"Reader, if you don't stop complaining right now, you will lose your communication privileges." Satoru hissed. Reader scoffed and muttered; "You should just call it isolation."
"Watch your mouth." Satoru hissed. "That's no way to speak to your father."
Reader rolled her eyes. "I just don't get why." Satoru sighed and spoke softl; "It's too dangerous, you would get on the curses radar and right now I got the world believing that you are just a child with no special powers, with no grade."
"When you are gone." Reader started. "How will I be able to protect myself if you aren't here?"
"That's not for you to worry about, now stop complaining and whining about it."
Unfortunately for Satoru his students like Reader more than him, so they helped her with learning how to control their abilities. Well to the best of their extent.
So when Reader had been good in Satoru's opinion she could tag along on a school mission. "Remember, if there is a fight run don't fight. I'll find you with your tracker."
"Wait what tracker-"
"Excuse me I misspoke. Habits, I meant habits." Satoru lied quickly with a grin and kissed Reader' forehead, sounding rather soft. "Now can you promise me you'll stay out of the way before we meet with the class?"
Reader nodded and hugged Satoru. "Thank you dad for taking me with you."
"No problem, kid." Satoru chuckled.
Unfortunately for Reader she couldn't keep that promise. Out of instinct she protected Satoru and Yuji for a curse that suddenly appeared. What was worse is that she used her abilities.
But using your abilities out of instinct can hurt you quite a lot, Reader started to bleed out of her eyes..
"D-dad." Reader muttered out. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry."
Satoru brushed away Reader's blood stained tears. "It's okay, you did it out of instinct." This caused Reader to become confused. "Y-you aren't mad?"
"Baby, you are injured you think I will be mad right now?" Satoru asked Megumi to grab his eye cream and used it on you. "Class dismissed."
Satoru took Reader home, unexpectedly calm. Causing Reader to feel like a storm was coming. Satoru was making her a drink when he asked: "You trained your abilities, didn't you?"
Reader tensed up and nodded slowly. It was better to be truthful, right now. "... I suppose I cannot be that angry as it might have saved your life." Satoru muttered with a frown. "Drink this."
A glass of soda was put infront of her. Reader drank it, she was quite de-hydrated. "Thank you, papa."
"Why did you train without my permission?" Satoru asked. "I want to be able to protect myself." She admitted. "So that you can trust me with going out more."
Satoru chuckled as her eyes became dazy. "Perhaps you should figure out when your drink is spiked then."
Reader stood up and stepped back in shock.
"Awh, did you really think you wouldn't be punished?" He grinned. "How cute my dear daughter."
She tried to back away knowing full well what will happen.
"Maybe I should break your legs." Satoru mumbled doing a fake thoughtful look. "I got it!"
"Dad, please."
"I will make sure that you fully understand my love!" Reader knew what this meant, being locked up, and much more. "Maybe I should get you another parent to help with that as well..."
Oh, that was new.
"But I don't want to share you at all...."
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I don't know if you can do it but if you can (want to), can you do child Atsushi and child Akutagawa in teyvat with teen reader.
Or they could be with normal Ages too!
If you were not alone
Part IX
Characters: Self-Aware! (Child!) Atsushi Nakajima, Self-Aware! (Child!) Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Reader: Teen! GN! Reader
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Physical age regression (Atsushi and Akutagawa remain their memories, mental age and abilities, but physically were turned into children). Platonic hug.
🐯🧥 After you, Atsushi and Akutagawa woke up in Teyvat, you tried to find both good and bad in your situation. Bad № 1 - you were transported into Teyvat, without your phone and without any idea of how to go back. Good № 1 - Akutagawa and Atsushi were with you. Bad № 2 - They, somehow, become children. If the situation was better, you would tease them for being an older sibling now. Good № 2 - Their memories were intact. Bad № 3 - You were on Dragonspine in your normal clothes, that wasn't suitable for this mountain. Good № 3 - You ended up in Durin's cave, so, for now, you were warm.
After the analysis you came a to a conclusion - situation was a bad one, not a good one or neutral one. How are you supposed to get down from Dragonspine? The closest people to the cave were Fatui solders, and you don't want to go near them. And you weren't sure, if Albedo visited this place at all. Atsushi and Akutagawa offered to use their abilities to get down from the mountain. However, there were two problems. First - it was almost nighttime, and you don't want to wander around Dragonspine at night. Second - none of you were sure, that Beast beneath the moonlight and Rashomon still have the same power level.
You three decided to sleep in a cave and rethink the situation in the morning.
You fall asleep, listening to a Durin's heart beating.
🐯🧥 The dream you have was strange. Like... You could see everything, that was happening around the Dragonspine. Hilichurls, boars, Fatui, members of Adventure guild... You even saw Albedo in his lab. Yet, you couldn't move. You saw, feel all of them at the same time... Strange dream indeed.
'Durin could not move, but he has remains of his will. It was hard, but he left the message in Scarlet Quartz's pieces near the lab. He knew, who was sleeping near his heart. Creator...'
🐯🧥 You woke up because of Atsushi's and Akutagawa's angry shouts, the smell of burning firewood, toasts, fried onions and tomatoes. The moment you opened your eyes, you saw Albedo, together with Klee, were trying to calm Akutagawa and Atsushi, while trying to keep an eye on the fire. Albedo calmly tried to reason with your older(?) brothers.
"Please, we don't mean any harm. We just want to help."
Well, it seems, you got some luck on your plate.
🐯🧥 You jinxed it. Yes, you had breakfast, and Albedo brought warm clothes. But, the biggest threat was soaring above you three. Because, if Albedo wasn't lying, soon you will have a bounty on your head and an angry mob chasing after you. On your meek "But... what if I told the person on the throne, that I don't want to be in charge and only want to return home" Albedo responded with "The Cursed Brat won't listen. They won't change their mind."
You three were in danger. And you need to move fast. Chase after Alice. To get home.
Albedo couldn't help Atsushi and Akutagawa became adults again. But, he said, that they would either get to their original age soon enough, or Alice could help with that.
And, according to Albedo, she was on her way to Fontaine.
Albedo gave you supplies and helped you find a boat.
Your journey has begun.
🐯🧥 Almost near Fontaine borders, you three were captured by Fatui. You were brought to the House of Hearth. You three were separated. Atsushi and Akutagawa were with other kids. And you were kept in the basement. In a hidden dungeon.
🐯🧥Atsushi hated the House of Hearth. While it wasn't as bad as his previous orphanage, this place still felt rotten. Especially because of the other residents.
"Poor brothers, the Sinner had corrupted you. Don't worry anymore. Father will protect you." Lynette, as Atsushi learned her name later, couldn't finish the line. Akutagawa still can't use Rashomon, but, the knowledge about self-defense was still with him. And Atsushi knew, how to throw a punch without white tiger's help.
Two ten-year-old boys were throwing punch after punch, hitting Lynette.
"Don't you dare talk about [Y/N] like that! They are our sibling!" yelled Atsushi. Akutagawa growled, trying to bite Lynette's ear.
Both of them were restrained and locked in a storage room.
They could hear, how Lyney and Freminet, who locked them, were whispering about "poor kids. I hope, it's not too late."
When the voices disappeared, New Double Black tried to make up a plan.
Akutagawa whispered.
"Did you learn, where [Y/N] are, Man-tiger?"
Atsushi shook his head.
"No. You?"
Akutagawa shook his head in return.
"No. This damn place is too big."
And, Atsushi could bet on it, other kids were keeping an eye on him and Akutagawa. They can't search the orphanage freely. But they knew, that you were still here. Something tells them, that your... "Punishment for being an Imposter" won't be quiet and hidden.
🐯 They were talking the rest of the day. And no good effective ideas were proposed. Atsushi hated it. He hated to be small and powerless. He hated, that you were in danger. If only his ability was here...
Atsushi's eyes slowly focused on the small window. At the full moon.
The transformation was painful. But, the white tiger has returned.
🧥 Akutagawa didn't pay attention to Atsushi or moon. He was thinking about you. You were his little sibling. And he was your protector. And he can't fail his job. He just needs… Just need his power. Akutagawa almost shouted.
"Rashoumon: Tenma Tengai"
And black tendrils finally came to life.
And the black hellhound has returned.
🐯🧥 Huge feline were shuffling the air, like it was trying to find something... Or someone. Yes... His family were missing. Tiger cub were missing. Tiger saw, that dragon knight was here. He will help find tiger cub.
Akutagawa, in his Rashomon's armor, climbed on tiger's back. Rashoumon's tendrils ripped off the door.
Their search has begun.
🐯🧥 You were half glaring at Arlecchino. The Forth Harbinger has been visiting your cell every day. Trying to convince you to be reasonable. She won't let you and Shin Soukoku go. She saw a chance of having her own loyal Creator. And she won't lose her chance.
Her voice was calm.
"Be reasonable. I can protect you and two kids you were traveling with. All I need from you is to be an obedient godling, child."
You breathe in, but stayed quiet. You already begged Arlecchino to let you three go. She didn't. Maybe, if you tried again...
🐯 He could smell it. Faint scent of his tiger cub. He snarled, following it. His tiger cub was in danger. Dragon knight on his back destroyed doors, that were on their way.
They reached the basement. And white tiger finally found his tiger cub.
🐯🧥 The door behind Arlecchino fell apart. Before Harbinger could react, familiar black maw sank its fangs in her shoulder and threw her away. The door of your cage have no chance against white tiger and Rashomon.
Immediately, you were hugged by Akutagawa, and the huge feline rubbed his head against your torso, chuffing happily.
Happy tars flow down your eyes.
"Guys! You are here!"
Akutagawa, before answering, put you on tiger's back, sitting behind you.
"We would never abandon you."
White tiger waited, before you two sat on his back, and started to ran off.
You three left the House of Hearth behind.
🐯🧥 Tiger were running all night, until sunset. Then Atsushi transformed back. Then the tears and hugs came again. You three were finally safe, Atsushi and Akutagawa were adults again. Now you can focus on finding Alice.
🐯🧥 It took two more weeks, but you managed to do it. You found Alice. And you finally went home.
🐾 Reunion was tearful. Your fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts and siblings were happy to see you. They were happy to see Atsushi and Akutagawa.
🐾 Your stay in Teyvat were scary. But, one thing you knew for sure. Doesn't matter, what age they were, your brothers Atsushi and Akutagawa will protect you.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
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Porcelain Steve - Part 8
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
Eddie hears the commotion in the living room, and it takes everything left in him to move away from the door. He just crawls himself forward and onto a pile of nearby clothes because he knows he'll be out of the way there when they open his door.
He knows he should open the door and go out there. Wayne's still out there, confused and concerned, and he needs to call Jeff. He can't just not show up. Yet he remains on the ground, cross-legged this time, face hidden in his hands.
Steve is broken. Because Eddie broke him.
He's been so afraid that something would happen to Steve if he wasn't around but given the track record of Eddie's life, he feels like such an idiot for not realizing the biggest threat to Steve and his safety is Eddie himself.
The commotion beyond his door gets louder, bursting open, and then Robin and Dustin are falling through it, stumbling over each other in their haste to get into Eddie's room. Wordlessly, Eddie points to where he abandoned Steve on the floor, knows that they're here for him.
He's a bit startled when the two finally untangle themselves and Dustin goes to Steve but Robin drops herself onto his dirty laundry, all but draping herself over him in a hug. His body moves on its own, wrapping around Robin and all but pulling her into his lap in a bear hug. He's not crying, too numb for that now, but he does shove his face into the side of her neck and let out a dry, sobbing noise as she coos softly.
"Shhhh. We're here. We've got Steve and we've got you," Robin's voice is wet. She's crying, too, silently but tears are definitely falling because one lands directly in his ear.
He feels detached from himself after that. He's aware of things going on around him but doesn't feel sentient. Robin pulls back from him slowly, she says something as she stands up but Eddie's too busy watching Dustin ever so gently pick up Steve's pinky finger and then Steve. He thinks the smile Dustin gives him is supposed to be reassuring but it's mostly just sad.
Eddie's head followed Dustin as he heads out the door and down the hall, at which point he starts to track Robin as she's coming back down the hall, dragging Wayne behind her.
"Can you stand up, Eddie?" she asks, and Eddie feels like he's watching himself shake his head no more than he feels like he's actually doing it.
"That's alright," Wayne says, as he pats one of Robin's shoulders before moving around her. "I'm not so old as to not be able to get down there. I still don't understand what's goin' on, Eddie, but I'm here."
Wayne joins him on the floor, sitting beside him so he can fling an arm around Eddie's shoulders and tuck him into his side. Robin flops down on his other side, once again draping herself across Eddie like a weighted blanket. It's all very grounding, and a little bit jarring, and that's probably what makes Eddie come back to himself sooner than he would have if he were alone in his room.
"You should be with Steve," is what Eddie decides on saying when words return, turning his head to look at Robin.
"He'd want you-"
"No, he wouldn't. I'm Steve's soulmate and I know him better than anyone else in the world. Which mean you don't get to tell me what Steve would want, because I know what Steve would want. And that's me, here, making sure you're okay first."
"What's happened with Steve?" Wayne asks, and Eddie stiffens. Robin starts rubbing soothing circles on his back.
"It's a long story, Mr. Munson. But I promise we'll fill you in once the crisis has passed."
"Is this related to whatever happened last year durin' the supposed earthquake that y'all can't talk about?"
"Well, I couldn't say either way, since we can't talk about it."
"Right. Get one o' the kids to tell me, then. Whatever they signed ain't legal anyhow."
Robin shoots Eddie a look, like she's trying to figure out if Eddie broke his NDA and told his uncle everything. He gives a quick shake of his head, and then Robin looks to Wayne. "I'm certain Dustin would be thrilled to fill you in, then. Now, Eddie, can you tell me what happened?"
He looks down the hall. He can see people crowded into the trailer's tiny living room but none of them look like any member of the Byers-Hopper household. "Uhh, yeah, but where's El?"
"They're in Indy, some family day thing. But don't worry, we went out to the Cerebro and were able to get El on the Walkie, so they're on the way back."
"You went- how long have I been just... sitting in here," Eddie is mostly talking to himself because it hasn't felt like enough time has passed for them to have made it to pick everyone up, get to Weathertop, communicate with El, and come here.
"Well, Nancy called me-" she cuts off, grabbing Eddie's arm and twisting it around so she can read the time on his watch, "-about an hour and a half ago. So, I guess you've been here that long."
Eddie untwists his arm, shaking her off. "You are being scarily calm right now, Queen of Catastrophizing."
"I already had an hour and a half to freak out. You think I need more?" Robin says as she stands up.
"I guess not," Eddie follows after her.
"Hey, help your old man up," Wayne grumbles, hand out for Eddie to grasp and help pull.
They go down the hall and now Eddie can see the full collective of people in his living room. Nancy, Mike, Lucas, Erica, Max, and Dustin, who is still holding Steve. It settles something inside Eddie, that the group he sees before him is the same one that fought tooth and nail to clear his name and keep him alive.
"So, we're all really sure that we can't just glue it back on?" Mike is asking when Eddie, Robin, and Wayne make it to the living room.
"We aren't sure about anything, Mike," Nancy replies, the frustration in her voice clear.
Everyone stops talking, though, as Wayne gives Eddie a thump on his back and wades through the crowd to get back to his chair. "Well, don't stop on my account. If I hear somethin', no I didn't."
That gets a snort of a laugh from Dustin.
Nancy looks like she wants to argue but doesn't. Instead, she wheels on Eddie, full journalism mode seemingly on, "what happened?"
Eddie swallows thickly before answering, "I dropped him. I-I pick him up and something pinched my palm. It surprised me, or something, and I just- I just let go. He landed on his left side before falling onto his back."
Nancy nods, brain processing much faster than Eddie right now, "And the crack appeared before or after you dropped him?"
He tries to remember, "I don't- I think so?"
"You think or you know?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know?"
"I don't know, Wheeler," Eddie says it more harshly than needed but he doesn't know! He doesn't remember because he didn't even look at Steve for longer than a second or two after Jeff saw him. "I've been having a mental breakdown kind of all day so no, I don't know! All I know is it's my fault because there wasn't a crack this morning, and now he's missing a finger-"
She's not even effected by his outburst, "Eddie! I'm not blaming you! I'm asking for the details because if you didn't do anything to cause the crack, then maybe that's just Steve, breaking the curse or something."
His anger drains from him almost as quickly as it built. "What?"
"I've been reading a lot, researching you know. About magical transformations. But there's not a lot of nonfiction on the subject. Ergo, I've been reading a lot of fairy tales."
"Which isn't really good for research-" Dustin starts, but Nancy just talks over him.
"My point is that, if you didn't do anything to cause the crack, maybe it just happened naturally. Supernaturally? Whatever, maybe it's a sign of whatever curse is on Steve is fading on it's own. That's why I wanted to know," she shifts from one foot to another now before adding, "I'm sorry about your day. I might have broached the subject differently had I known."
"No, you wouldn't have, but that's why I like you, Wheeler. You're a no-nonsense gal and I appreciate that," Eddie says.
Nancy gives him a small, almost shy, smile in return and the room falls into a silence that just this side of uncomfortable.
"Alright, Dustin, since the talkin' seems to be done, you wanna fill an old man in on what the hell's been goin' on around here for the last few years?" Wayne breaks the silence and Eddie barks out a laugh at the look on everyone's faces.
"Uhh, we don't-I don't know what you are talking about," is Dustin's eloquent answer.
Wayne nods and Eddie knows his uncle well enough to recognize the look on his face and in his eyes. Wayne switches tactics, then, and says, "You got any one older than twenty-five that knows what's happenin'?"
The group exchanges looks before Dustin says, "yes."
"Alright. They comin' here?"
"I can wait, then. Anyone hungry? Thirsty?" Wayne asks, and then without waiting for an answer, looks to Eddie and says, "Eddie, get to makin' some sandwiches. What kinda host are you?" Wayne is shaking his head like he can't believe Eddie's audacity.
Eddie sputters out some indignant response, even as he turns to round the corner cabinet to officially be in the kitchen. His first choice is peanut butter and jelly, but when he gets the peanut butter out, he can see there's probably enough for two sandwiches, three if it's a thin layer of peanut butter. Opening the fridge shows a sad amount of lunch meat; the cupboard has two tuna fish cans.
"Guess we're making several different sandwiches," Robin's voice so close to his back makes him jump, which earns a chorus of chuckles from the peanut gallery in the living room.
"Someone needs to get you a bell," Eddie mutters. "Get to work on the PB and J's. I'll get this tuna mixed."
They work in silence, making three different types of sandwiches. Wayne knew they didn't have enough of any one thing to make enough for everyone here, and the ones who will be showing up eventually, but he told Eddie to do it anyway. Asked, but didn't wait for an answer. Wayne's making busy work for him, he realizes. A distraction from what he's done. He's not sure if he should be thankful for that or not.
The only thing separating the kitchen from where everyone is seated in the living room is a counter and cupboards, so when the sandwiches are done, Eddie just shoved them across the counter. "Sandwiches are done."
It's not exactly a rush for the sandwiches on the other side of the counter but everyone does gather to grab one. There's not even an argument about wanting a specific one, except Max, who is offered all three kinds and when she says PB&J, Mike hands over the one he grabbed without hesitation. It's the most mature thing Eddie's seen him do, if only because every other time he does something mature he complains about it, which kind of ruins the 'mature' part.
It's about three minutes into eating that the trailer's front door bursts open and at first no one is there, like a gust of wind had blown it open, but then El comes barreling in and Hopper can be heard shouting something about knocking first.
"Where is he?" El demands.
"Here," Dustin is already holding Steve out to her. She doesn't even approach Dustin, just pulls Steve to her using her mind, grabbing him out of the air with one hand. She examines him quickly, finding the crack. She trails one of her fingers along the crack to where his pinky is missing. Dustin adds, "Do you want his finger, too?"
She shakes her head and turns to Eddie next, and he doesn't even feel the bandana leave his pocket, but he does watch it fly across the space between them. She moves over to sit in front of the TV, Steve in her lap as she's folding the bandana into a blindfold.
"TV," is her final demand as her eyes vanish behind cloth and she's trying off the bandana. Mike moves instantly to the TV, clicking it on to fill the room with static.
Wayne, to his credit, has only the tiniest hint of an eyebrow raised from watching things move about the room seemingly by nothing. El hadn't even stopped to consider someone not In The Know was here. Guess he's In The Know now.
Will, Jonathan, Argyle, Joyce, and Hopper have made it into the trailer, closing the door silently behind them. Hopper finds Wayne among the crowd of kids, eyes going wide, while Wayne just lifts his sandwich in a salute before taking a big bite out of it.
"Steve, I cannot hear you. I do not think you can hear me in your mind. Nod if you hear me now." El's voice breaks the tense silence that had fallen.
Of shit, what did Eddie do?
"Oh, good. Are you okay?" A pause. "He is nodding. Do you know what happened? He is shaking his head. Do you know why you are far away now? Shaking his head again. You can still hear. Can you still see? He is nodding. Steve, there is a crack on your arm-"
"His left arm," Mike interjectes.
"Yes, your left arm. Yes. You are missing a finger on that hand. Do you think that is what is causing the distance? He is shrugging. Do not worry, we will figure this out. I am going to go now."
El pulls off the bandana and uses it to wipe the blood from her nose before setting it on the living room floor. "I cannot get as close to him as I could before. He stays far away no matter how close I walk. But he is okay."
He's okay. Steve's okay. Fucking Christ, Eddie's going to throw up. A couple people call his name as he dashes down the hall. He crashes through the bathroom door and knows he doesn't have time to close it, so everyone gets to hear him lose his sandwich into the toilet bowl. On the third heave of his stomach, cool hands touch his head, gather his hair up and away from his face. He doesn't even have it in him to flinch or jump. "Thanks."
"I'd say anytime, dingbat, but I don't really want to hold your puke hair too many more times. You get, like, two more, tops," Robin says.
"I can't go back out there, Robin," he whispers, "I did this. I cracked him, broke his finger off and now El can't even hear him. I can't- he's gotta go with someone else. I can't-"
"I know. Dustin already asked if you'd be upset if Steve went home with him. I'll let him know you understand he needs to be around Steve right now."
"Why aren't you mad at me?"
"Dingbat. Eddie. You're mad enough at yourself for all of us," she says, reaching over and flushing the toilet. Eddie feels like there's more throwing up to do but he is glad to have the smell of vomit reduced with the flush. He sits up a bit more, so his hair won't fall into his face when Robin lets go. Robin lets go long enough to search the bathroom cabinets for a hair tie, pushing it into Eddie's hands. "Hair up."
"So demanding," Eddie mumbles even as he gathers his hair into the tie.
"Once you're done ralphing just go to bed. I'll get everyone out of your house."
Eddie nods and Robin leaves, clicking the door closed. He heaves a few more times before his body is done. On shaking legs, he makes his way to his room. He feels like he's floating above himself again. He doesn't know if everyone has left yet, or if he hears nothing because he's too out of it.
He tucks himself in and dozes. He wakes up three times; once, when his uncle comes in and puts the walkie near him on the bed, the second time in the evening when Robin wriggles into his bed and forces herself into his arms with a simple I usually hold Steve when I'm feeling bad, but I suppose you holding me will have to do and the final time, almost at midnight, when the walkie goes off.
"Anyone up?" says the disembodied voice of Dustin Henderson.
Eddie's not sure how the quiet voice woke him up, but it does. He reaches over Robin, who has starfished out of his arms in their sleep, to grab the walkie. He doesn't know if he should answer, so he holds out for someone else.
"Hello?" Dustin asks again.
No one answers. So, finally, Eddie does. "I'm here, Henderson. Bad dream?"
"I'm glad it's you, Eddie," Dustin says, something soft in his voice.
"'Cause I wanted to talk to you," says a new voice, a familiar voice.
"Steve?" Eddie whispers, even as his free hand is violently shaking Robin awake.
Robin mumbles something incoherent, head turning to Eddie as the voice on the walkie says, "Yeah, it's me."
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ailendolin · 1 day
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x06
I have a feeling there will be no Elrond in this episode and my inner Durin is already crying over it
but my boy Arondir is here so that is good
probably not for the orcs, though
yep, told you so. Don't mess with Arondir. The way he sheathed his sword at the end? Absolute badass
oh that's Eregion on the map. Let's see if Arondir will make it there since no one else ever seems to manage to
I don't suppose that's a good sign there's a (admittedly cute) mouse in the forge
oh Celebrimbor is deteriorating so quickly. I just want to give him a hug and yeet Annatar off that tower
is this the episode where he will throw the hammer at Annatar? Ngl I am looking forward to that
the gentle music when Annatar is pretending to be understanding is making me so emotional because Calebrimbor needs comfort so badly and Annatar knows exactly what chords to play to make him think he is getting it
oh Valar, he is so tired. Someone get him out of there and please let him rest. Fuck, this episode is going to break my heart, isn't it?
I am LOVING the elves in uniform! Look at them! The way the colours blend together on their armour is so pretty
Malendol my beloved! Please join Camnir, Vorohil and Rían in my little collection of favourite minor characters who we will probably never see again (or, Valar forbid, see getting killed off)
omg he is so pretty and his voice! Aaaaah!
(this has nothing to with the episode but I am already seeing myself shipping him with Camnir for no other reason than that I love them both. This is not good. I need to stop getting attached to one-off characters)
Mirdania, I'm sorry, but you are grating on my nerves a little here
I'm loving the foreboding music when Annatar takes her hand
did you see the banners in the background? I want one of them and am once again asking Amazon: where the merch?
ah it's time for the Adar & Galadriel dinner scene. I didn't watch the clip that was released but I know people were screaming about it so this is going to be interesting
lol I see Adar is pulling no punches here and calling Galadriel out on her obsession with Sauron immediately. Good for him. Elrond would like you
Sauron promised her an army? Gal, love, he wanted to make you his queen
"Children." Nooooo what? Adar only ever wanted to be a dad. I'm crying
but oh this is so clever of him when he says Sauron's lies which must be extinguished becuase one thing I've loved about the show's portrayal of Sauron in season 1 is that he didn't lie to Galadriel. She was the one who constantly put words in his mouth
yes let the exes unionise!
oh he's got the stabby crown!
"The fate of that city now rests on your ability to put aside your pride." Yep, Eregion is doomed
Elendil! Everyone's adopted dad's not having a good time right now
clever, Pharazon. But Elendil will never renounce Miriel
YES, I told you he wouldn't! Fuck you, Pharazon, that man loves his queen and will never serve you
Lol. "Snoring? Who's snoring?" Tom, I love you, but you are not good at giving pep talks
Poppy and Merimac :)
omg that's a long time to decide on a name. What were his parents thinking?
I repeat: Poppy and Merimac :) That kiss was so sweet
and look, Tom, Poppy is great at pep talks. That's how you do it
okay we're going staff finding. Is it ridiculous that for a moment I thought he might get his staff from the Stoor tree?
omg you're not throwing the Gandalf quote in there without warning, are you? My poor heart can't take all these emotions. It's such a beautiful quote and I guess this is one more argument in favour of the "The Stranger is Gandalf" theory?
Khazad-Dûm my beloved
look at all that gold. I'm getting Erebor flashbacks (flashforwards?) here, and not in a good way
Annatar, get the fuck away from Durin, I swear. Where the hell is Elrond? He would feed you to the Balrog in a heartbeat
"More precious?" Do not use that fucking word
oh, the answer is no? That's a surprise. I bet there's a catch
noooo, not the fucking Balrog in the flames. He's going to wake him up, I know it. Just look at his smug, little face
ah, there's the catch. Poor Durin
"No, you belong to it." Truer words have never been spoken
I see Durin is faring as well as Elrond when it comes to convincing loved ones that the rings are dangerous. They are truly besties even in that
oh no, he's crying. My heart. He's stuck in such an awful situation and I am so glad he and Disa are uniting over it instead of letting it drive them apart as well
those trumpets sound gorgeous
ah, Earien is beginning to learn that actions have consequences. Good. Her relationship to her father is so complicated. It feels as if they're always talking at each other, not to each other. And yet you can see how much they love each other in every painful interactions
Forehead touch! This is not a drill!
YES DISA! Show them! Oh I love her so much. Her secret weapon is bats! I wrote my PhD about bats and they have a very special place in my heart so go, Disa, I am rooting for you and your bats!
"I love you." The moment we were all Durin
of course MIriel is going to face judgement in Elendil's place. Those two love each other so much without ever saying those words and I'm so here for it
she is cradling his face. I can't
and have I mentioned how fucking brave she is? Imagine facing that sea monster and not even being able to see it coming?
damn but this is shot absolutely beautifully
please let her gain a new pet sea monster that is going to swallow Pharazon and Kemen for breakfast
fuck yes, "Hail Tar-Miriel, Queen of the Sea!"
i love the cracking reality effect of the Palantir
so Adar knows Elrond has Nenya now. That's going to have consequences, isn't it? Will he try to capture Elrond to get the ring so he can defeat Sauron?
okay, Adar came prepared. Good for him. Bad for Celebrimbor and Eregion
Glûg my beloved! I have missed you! Please don't get yourself killed in the siege
oh that call to war is epic
Malendol! Aaaaaah another glimpse of him! I am so smitten it's ridiculous
aaaaand the Siege of Eregion is on
aw no, don't destroy your sketches, Celebrimbor
omg Annatar is such a little shit. "How fares your progress?" That smile, I can't
ooooh fuck, Celebrimbor fighting back? Physically? YES!
oh no, it's a vision. This is so fucking cruel. Look how relieved he is that his people are well. This is also a reminder to us viewers how much life will be lost in the coming episodes. That this was a place of happiness, once
fuck, there's the hammer
and mithril ore? Are you kidding me?
the oath. And the thing is, he is right. It will be all about the rings
and there's that word again. Precious. It is haunting the narrative and I love that it is being used for all the rings because they are all, one way or another, a product of Sauron's mind
"Best Feanor himself." Celebrimbor, why don't you use that hammer and smack Sauron back to Mordor? Please?
and the illusion stops. The fact that Celebrimbor doesn't even know what time of day it is ... my heart hurts
also the fact that the last peaceful moment of Eregion we saw was a lie? That the last moment it gleamed in sunlight was nothing but a cruel trick?
*insert gif of Theoden* So it begins
the end credit music is making me sad. Who gave Bear McCreary the right?
seriously though, Charlie E deserves all the awards. His Celebrimbor is so heart-breakingly kind and so heart-breakingly flawed at the same time and I just want to wrap him up in a blanket and hug him
two more episodes. Valar give us strength for what is to come
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brainrotbabe24 · 1 month
Could I please make a request for Thorin's company reuniting with their love after Erebor is retaken? For the line of Durin you can can make a what if if you want 😢
Thank you for this request. It was fun writing mini-scenarios for each. 💖🤩
Side note: I love the Durin boys they are gonna be in part 2 hehe
Reuniting: Part 1
Balin: You wake to the sound of familiar boots in your living room. Adrenaline surging, you jump out of bed and down the stairs. Your heart drops when you only see Dwalin. Fearing the worst, you gasp. Making Dwaling look up. He smiles and moves out of the way, and in walks Balin. Balin looks up at you and smiles. "Oh, my heart…" you say, running to him. You hug him and whisper thank you’s and other quiet gratitudes in his ear. He holds you close and says, "I'm here now. I'm here." 
Dwalin: Dwalin saw you from afar; you were laughing at something your friends were saying. He smiled, loving how your face lit up. Then, your friend leaned in and whispered something to you. Your eyes snapped up, locking with Dwalin's. You dropped what you are doing and walked towards him. It's like a weight had lifted off Dwalin's shoulders as he took a step forward. He collapsed into your embrace, letting your smell envelope him. Dwalin didn’t let go. He couldn’t let go. He was finally home. 
Óin: You were out in the woods, harvesting mushrooms, herbs, and other supplies for the clinic. You had continued working in Oin's shop while he was gone. It was stressful, but you were counting down the days till you saw him again. As you tried to recall how long it had been since he left, you heard your name. You turned and saw him, exhaustion written all over his face. You rushed over to him, kissing his nose and cheeks; he held you close and kissed your arm rapidly. ( like Gomez would do, Lol) He couldn’t stop touching you. He needed to feel you, too feel that connection again. He ended up picking you up bridal style and carrying you home. "Harvesting can wait," he grunted. 
Glóin: You had heard the news of Erebor being reclaimed and expected Gloin any day now. It was his laugh you heard before anything else. You ran out of the house and saw him, a big smile on his face, his cheeks rosy. He dropped everything and opened his arms wide. "Come here,Y/N! " he called out, laughing. You giggled and ran to him. He wrapped his large arms around you, lifting you up and twirling you around. "Welcome home, Gloin!" you giggled.
Bifur: You were busy working at the tavern with a customer when you heard the front door open. "Please seat yourself. I'll be right with you," you called out over your shoulder. You smiled back at the customer when you suddenly heard someone speak in Khuzdul, behind you. You immediately turned and saw Bifur standing there. He nodded before looking at the ground. Overcome with joy, you hugged him. Still in his embrace, you looked into his eyes, noticing how deep and tired they were. Then it hit you, "You could have died!" you cried. Your face was filled with shock as you gently touched his face, eyeing his scars and missing ax. He squeezed your waist and finally spoke, "I've missed you so much," this time in plain language—not Khuzdul.
Bofur: Bofur left for the journey, saying, "This is the journey of a lifetime. I have to go". He was excited to go, but after the battle, he is more than ready to come home to you, with something important on his mind. He returns a few months later and sees you shopping in the market. Smiling, he sneaks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you. You yelp in surprise, before your expression melts into happiness once you see it is him. Bofur smiles, taking a step back and removing his hat. He clears his throat,"I've been thinking. This adventure made me realize you mean a lot to me. I need you in my life. S-so let's create some memories together, hm? Would you want to do that with me?". He fiddles with his hat before pulling out a courting bead. Bofur's heart flips when he sees you beam up at him and say yes.
Side note: I finally did some research and found out that beads are a way for dwarves to ask to court. 
Bombur: You stood in silence, watching as Thorn's company returned. You saw each member return to their loved one, saw their happiness and relief. But you felt guilty. Guilty for agreeing to let Bombur go. You thought you had betrayed him, and now you feared letting him go had killed him. Was it because you said yes that he was gone forever? But all worry faded when you saw an orange mop of hair bounce through the group. You saw his smile as he approached you, pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm sorry," you said. He shushed you and said, "You have nothing to be sorry for."
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bagginshieldlibrary · 6 months
This week's selection is Hurt/Comfort. So get your Blankies, snackies and a trusted stuffed companion, because this is going to hurt your feelings.
First up is Teach Me Your Ways by airebellah
Summary: Thorin sat in a bookstore reading to his nephews. He struggled to read the foreign English text, but he would do anything to please his nephews. Including humiliating himself in front of a cute man with a small boy of his own.
Thorin Durin, forced from his home in war-torn Erebor, struggles to adapt to England’s language and customs. Bilbo offers to help, and amongst many a cultural confusion, their relationship quickly grows beyond simple language lessons.
Rating: Gen
The summary says it all. :)
(you need and account to read it)
Next Up is Bad Blood by @conkers-thecosy
Summary: Bilbo patted Gloin awkwardly on the back, once, and was glad when the dwarf let go. It had only been a fraction of the time Thorin had held him for on the Carrock, and he was glad for it. Somehow it had been different, and perhaps until now, until he had been hugged fast by another of their company, held as a friend expressing gratitude, Bilbo hadn’t quite realised how different.
The thought of their leader caused Bilbo’s gaze to drag across to where Thorin was standing, restrained firmly by two elves, and he was embarrassed to find those blue eyes fixed upon him quite unblinkingy. His expression was unreadable, as it always seemed to be, but there was something fierce in his gaze. Something barely contained. Hidden, but so close to the surface that Bilbo still got a sense of it. Like a shadow, or smoke reflected in glass.
Or: How might the events of Mirkwood unfolded if Bilbo hadn't had the ring?
Rating: Teen and up
Angry protective Bilbo. Biting. Feral acts of violence against elves. Nobody's secrets are safe. Conkers I love you for this one.
In third we have, A King's Bond by Mordelle
Summary: King Thorin felt like Mahal Himself had swung his mighty hammer and cracked it right between his dazed blue eyes. The vibrations from The Strike shook his very being from his skull to his heart and then out through every nerve in his body. His eyes rolled back, his lungs expelled every breath of air, and the King Under the Mountain swooned so violently that his chair tipped backward with a loud crash, leaving everyone in the room silently gaping at the head of the table where only a pair of royal boots could be seen. His One had finally returned his Call.
Rating: Mature
(just imagine a string of crying emoji's here.) there's fading, there's parental rage, there's slow burn. They love each other your honor.
Our 4th fic is Wild Wings by DomesticGoddess
Wounded and stranded in a strange forest, Thorin finds himself in the care of a lovebird, a reclusive and mysterious race. He’s not impressed. His host appears backward and primitive. But Bilbo seems content enough to play caretaker while Thorin heals, and that is a mercy. Isolated with the halfling, Thorin has little to do besides navigate the barriers between them and learn more about his host. The more he learns, the more he finds himself drawn to the selfless, hardworking hobbit.
But how can he be sure that this growing attraction between them is anything more than an intimacy brought on by isolation? Besides, Thorin’s a king. He’ll have to return to his kingdom, and Bilbo has never left the forest.
Rate: Explicit
WING FIC!! WING FIC!!!! WING FIC!!!!! That is all.
And lastly we have Through the mist (I find you) by MiraHerondale
Summary: Bilbo returns to Erebor two years after the Battle of the five Armies, invited by his friends to join the Durin's Day festivities. With his last memory of Thorin being him dying on the ice of Ravenhill, he worries he might not be entirely welcome. After all, he never heard about his banishment being revoked. What he finds, is simply much more devastating.
Rate: Explicit
Thorin's lost his memories. Bilbo's desperate to get one last taste. I apologize for the hurt, but also You're welcome for the rest!
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moonswolfie · 1 year
Thunder storms
It's currently thunderstorm season where I live and I am absolutely horrified of them (always have been) so I decided to write some haikyuu men comforting you (the reader) during one because i desperately need this (;´д`)
A bit of timeskip spoilers so watch out, G/N reader
(currently writing this during a huge ass storm and I keep getting startled by the loud thunder, LIKE SERIOUSLY IT'S BEEN THUNDERING THE ENTIRE DAY LET ME BREATHE NORMALLY)
Characters featured: Kuroo, Kita, Hinata
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࿐ ࿔*:・゚Kuroo Tetsuro
"Oh, looks like there's going to be a storm." Kuroo looked outside, relaying the information to you casually. You've always been afraid of thunderstorms while he doesn't seem phased by them at all.
"Oh, really?" you turned your head to the window, and the sky was painted a dark grey. Guess he's right.
You shivered a bit when you heard the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. Kuroo seemed to take notice of your nervousness, and joined you on the couch.
"I gotta go unplug some devices, I'll be back." you stood up, going to unplug everything. It always made you feel more safe during a thunderstorm.
It seems you were taking quite a while to do that, because you heard a yell from downstairs. "Are you going to make me wait forever, or...?" you could almost see Kuroo's stupid smirky face as he yelled that.
"I'm going, I'm going!" you yelled back, running downstairs. By now, the storm was almost right above you, flashes of lightning illuminating the hallway as you ran downstairs.
"Ah, there you are." he said, smirking at you as you sat down next to him.
A really bright flash of lightning made you jump, and the loud crack of thunder after it wasn't helping at all.
Kuroo's arms around you surprised you, and you found yourself in his embrace in a split second, as fast as the lightning outside.
"What are you-"
"I know you hate thunderstorms, so I thought hugging your boyfriend would make it all better." you couldn't see his face, the only thing in your vision being his dark blue hoodie since he was holding you tight.
"I'm not a kid, I don't need to be hugged!" you wriggled and squirmed in his grip, voice muffled against him.
Instead of letting you go, he just chuckled.
"It's not funny, let me go!" your wriggling got more intense, and yet you couldn't budge much. Dammit, why does Kuroo have to be so strong?
"Hm... How about no?" he asked in a sweet, cheerful tone. "How about yes?" you grumbled through your teeth.
"No can do."
"Let me go right now!"
"Stop hugging me!"
"Let me think about it....nope."
When your protesting didn't stop, he sighed.
"Listen, love, I know you like this, so stop being stubborn and accept your fate, because I don't plan on letting you go till the storm is over. Actually, scratch that, maybe ever."
You started to relax in his hold, knowing he meant what he said. He was right, you did like it. But were you really going to admit it to that jerk?
"There we go, just relax and let me hold you, babe."
"Shut up." you grumbled against him, arms circling around him to hug him back. You heard him make a satisfied hum above you.
"I'll never get tired of your hugs. You're just too cute." he squeezed you gently when saying cute.
"Yeah, yeah..." you mumbled, squeezing him back.
"You do know I meant what I said earlier, right? You're not going anywhere until I say so~" he smiled down at you.
"...I don't mind at all."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚Kita Shinsuke
You were humming to yourself as you went downstairs to find your boyfriend, Kita, sweeping the floor.
"Why are you in the house?" it was currently 6 pm and your boyfriend was usually still out farming at this time.
"There's gonna be a storm,and it ain't safe to be outside durin' one." he replied without looking at you, still sweeping the floor.
"A s-storm, you say?"
"Yes, I heard some thunder rumblin' just now." he told you in his usual calm tone.
"Oh... Okay." you replied, already nervous due to the storm. You walked closer to him, since being in someone's presence made you feel safer during a storm.
"I noticed yer scared of thunderstorms."
I guess you could always leave your observant boyfriend to figure out everything about you. "Yeah, I am..." you said, unsure how to respond to that.
"Why? They're just another weather condition. Are ya afraid of snow, too?" he asked with that freezing cold look in his eyes, making you shudder. He really never holds back, does he?
"They're loud and creepy and if you get struck by lightning you can die." you explained.
"Ya can also die if ya get burried under snow. Shouldn't ya be scared of earthquakes instead? They cause a lot of damage."
You sighed as you flopped down on the couch. "Shinsukeeee..." he was right, earthquakes were much worse statistically speaking, but he just didn't understand your feelings here.
"Yeah?" he asked casually, still sweeping the floor, not registering your whine of his name as a complaint. Or maybe he did, but replied like he usually does.
"I'm-" a loud thunderclap interrupted your sentence, making you squeak in surprise instead of finishing it. You looked over to your boyfriend, who was looking at you, waiting for you to continue.
"Can you just... come hug me?"
"Will that make ya feel less scared?" he asked.
"Yes, of course." you replied, smiling.
He said nothing, going to put the broom away and cleaning up the collected dust and debris, and then joined you on the couch.
He hugged you wordlessly, and you hugged him back, the two of you laying down on the couch now.
"I don't like thunderstorms either, they can ruin ma crops if they're windy." he admitted, running his hand soothingly up and down your back.
"I get that." a bright flash outside made you flinch in his hold.
"I hate seeing ya scared. I want ya to feel safe with me."
"I do. You do a great job, I always feel so taken care of when I'm with you." you raised your head to peck him on the cheek, and watched as his cheeks turned pink.
"I'm glad." he pat your head gently.
"I want ya to be happy with me." he said after a small pause, thunder reverbating in the background.
"I am. You would make a good husband, you know?" you leaned up onto your elbows, smiling up at Kita. It's been on your mind for a while now, your wedding with Kita. A subtle hint won't hurt.
He was silent, a blush creeping up onto his cheeks.
"Ya can't just say somethin' like that outta nowhere..."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚Hinata Shoyo
A bright flash outside made you flinch as you and Hinata were laying in bed. He was dead asleep, you could tell by his gentle snoring.
It seems that there was a thunderstorm outside which started at night. You checked the alarm clock, and it was 5.34 AM.
Your boyfriend would normally already be up by now on his morning run but he's currently on break and has a rare chance to sleep in so you didn't want to wake him.
Actually, even when he's on break he usually is up by 5 AM, something about keeping his routine and that it feels wrong to not do it. And you respect that about him a lot.
You reach out to pat his head, smiling to yourself, when your happiness is interrupted by the loud roar of thunder. He told you he would sleep in today so you two could start the day together.
You thought about getting up for a second, but you decided against it. So you just quietly and carefully cuddled up to him, hugging him from the back.
Your boyfriend's sleepy voice surprised you, and you thought you were hearing things.
But Hinata turned around in your arms to face you, eyes fluttering open.
"Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?" you removed your arms around him.
"Nah, I guess I'm too used to waking up early that I wake up early even when I'm not trying to." he said after glancing at the alarm clock.
He noticed the thunderstorm outside, immediately turning to you and hugging you close.
"I'm used to this, but it must suck for you to be woken up by a thunderstorm this early."
You nodded into him, hugging him back.
"I love you, Shoyo." you mumbled into him, and felt him tense up around you.
"Why would you say that all of a sudden?! I- I mean, I love you too." you looked up at him, to see his entire face beetroot red.
"You're so hard-working, always dedicated to volleyball" you reached up to boop his nose "aaand at making me happy." you giggled as he somehow got even redder.
"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one comforting you right now." he shut his eyes, avoiding your gaze.
"Oh, I always forget about the thunderstorm when I see your handsome face." you giggled again, sliding your hand over his cheek as lightning lit up the room for a split second.
He didn't say anything back, seemingly losing his ability to speak. He was so cute when flustered.
After a couple of seconds, he found his voice. "I'm glad I c-can make you comfortable. I always try my best to."
"I'm glad I make you happy, too." you replied, snuggling into him, the storm outside on the out of your mind as your boyfriend filled it up with him instead.
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Idk if I wrote kita well, making him sound mean wasn't my intention I tried to make it sound like he doesn't get why you're scared and to convey his ice cold remarks
Also sorry about Kuroo's not being as lovey-dovey as the others 😭
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
So I was browsing Tumblr since I like to do that sometimes, and bam! I got hit with a fic inspiration... Anyway here you go misfits! (This is set after the new hotel is built)
Girls' day feat. Angel Dust:
“Uh why the fuck is he here?”
Those words came out when the last of the invited arrived at Charlie’s little get-together. It was Angel Dust wearing a beautiful pink crop top and black shorts with sparkly neon pink heels as he grinned. “I was invited toots.”
“Ya got a problem with Angie?” Cherri growled at Vaggie, who lifted her hands in defense. “No, just thought he'd be with the guys..”
Angel Dust just laughed. “You're just jealous cause I can easily out girl ya toots.” He playfully sneered, fluffing up his sexy chest fluff.
Vaggie just growled a bit, though blinked as she heard the door only to see Charlie come back with the cutest looking outfit on, which was free flowing grey crop top with small sleeves that exposed her shoulders and a beautiful pair of casual jeans. Instantly she blushed a bit and looked away. “Ha, look at the blush on the fuckin’ munchkin!” Cherri chuckled, nudging her best friend Angel who joined in with a snicker. Even Niffty who sat on the couch couldn't help but giggle. “She looks like a lamp.”
Charlie pursed her lips clearly not liking the teasing. She flashed the others with her demonic red and white eyes to get them to stop. “Uh whoops, so uh what cha got in the box?” Angel laughed nervously.
“I'm glad you asked, since it's a girl's day I figured we could have a fun spa session!” The princess grinned, placing the box down and opening it.
Inside said box was a bunch of different skin care products, nail polish, scented body lotions, and much more. “I ain't one for just relaxin’ but Angie convinced me.” Cherri stated picking up one of the nail polish, a beautiful shimmering yellow like his eyes. Her face fell since it had only been several weeks since the battle with heaven.
“Seriously Cherri, ya needed it, besides we all miss our little snake.” Angel placed one of his arms around her. “Now let's see how this color looks on ya sugar tits.” He grinned trying to cheer up his best bud.
Vaggie smiled a bit. She knew the loss of Sir Pentious weighed on everyone. However, with the new hotel, it was a chance to move forward. She went over to the box and smirked. “He did like the smell of mint.” The angel held up some hand lotion to Cherri, who blinked.
“There wasn't a day where I didn't see that snake with either a cup of coffee or tea.” Angel mused as Cherri took the lotion with a nod. To her it felt weird, people actually being nice, to have had a man who complimented her mind instead of her hot as fuck body, and that kiss, fuck it had been kinda hot.
Cherri smirked a bit. “He was fun to pick on, the slimy shit.” She took off her gloves and casually applied the lotion. It really wasn't her style but she didn't mind it.
Charlie smiled a bit seeing how Cherri relaxed. She was hoping to recruit the bombardier but the woman had turned her down. “So Angel..” She smirked in a sing-song like tone. “I saw the eyes you were giving Husk. What's up with that?” She playfully poked the spider.
Angel blinked and cleared his throat. Even Cherri looked up at him and smirked evilly. “Don't you start too!” He groaned but blinked as Niffty giggled.
“I'm not one for the gay stuff, but I did notice ehehe. He always pours your drink first.” She smirked with her wide toothy grin. “I think that cat has grown soft.”
Angel blinked at Niffty, but then had a soft smile of his own. “During the before battle shit I wanted to stick by the guy and enjoy his drinks and company.” He admitted with a light blush.
“I saw you two flirtin’ durin’ the whole thing!” Cherri nudged with a grin.
Charlie squeed having the same look she had when Sir Pentious confessed his crush for Cherri to her. “I'm rooting for you Angel!”
Vaggie lightly punched his arm. “You got this.”
Angel just chuckled and hugged the girls. “Daww you ladies are makin’ me blush!” He grinned. “Now which of these would Kitty like?” He asked while releasing the girls so he could dig through the box.
Charlie smiled and picked out a gorgeous starry night nail polish. “This would look so good on you, Vaggie!” She grinned as Vaggie blinked. “Alright hon, go ahead.”
Angel chuckled seeing Charlie take out a nail care kit first. “Could you do my nails too blondie?” He asked “Sure!”
Cherri blinked being tugged on by Niffty who held up a very pretty perfume bottle. “Try this, it smells really nice!” The little maid grinned, spritzing some onto Cherri’s wrist. “Oh, it's kinda got a musky scent.” She mused as Niffty nodded. “It smells nice doesn't it?”
“Reminds me of the shit Pen would wear.” Angel replied with a smirk. “Where’d ya find that one Niff?”
“I got it from the store, I also sprayed every bottle so I could find the right one.” She snickered since she made the clerk really pissed that day.
“Ya turned the store into a mustard gas situation?!” Cherri smirked and ruffled Niffty’s hair. “Yer a fuckin’ freak, I like ya.”
Angel rolled his eyes but then looked at Vaggie and tilted his head. “Hey toots, why are ya sittin’ cross legged?” He asked with a playful smirk. “Are ya tryin’ to hide your tiny ass feet?”
Vaggie flipped him off. “I don't see you taking off your heels. So you don't get to say shit.” She retorted with a smug look.
Angel grumbled and flipped her off right back. He didn't exactly like his feet, hell when he did his pornos he begged Val to keep his sexy heels on mentioning that sick fucks would be extra horny for the mystery. Cherri looked over and got up. “Hey Angie?”
“Yeah?” Angel looked at Cherri. “Wanna try on these fuckin’ sexy ass heels?” She grinned showing Angel some beautiful black leather laced up heeled boots.
The spider demon's eyes lit up as he took the shoes. “Fucking hell Cherri Bomb, where did ya get these beauties?”
Vaggie blinked and tilted her head. “Those actually look nice…” She added seeing the beautiful pink trim along the top and sole. “I know right? Bought these bitches for Angie cause the fucker loves his sexy heels.” Cherri showed a wide grin as Angel chuckled.
Charlie giggled, seeing the heels. “What are you waiting for? Try them on Angel!” She playfully coaxed, having finished applying the nail polish to Vaggie's beautiful nails.
Angel blushed a bit however looked at the girls. “Turn around for a sec and I will.” He replied looking at his glittery heels.
Vaggie noticed his hesitation and sighed. She was going to regret this but took off her own heels to reveal cute little feet making Charlie squeak. “You want me to paint these too?” She asked as Vaggie nodded.
Angel blinked at the gesture, he then looked at Cherri who looked a bit surprised but smirked. “Don't worry Angie, I'll beat any dumbfuck who messes with ya.” The bombshell grinned patting her spider boi on the shoulder.
The pornstar gulped a bit but nodded as he started undoing the buckles of his beautiful sparkly boots. He gave Vaggie a small thankful nod as the latter smiled a bit. Soon his small cute spider-like clawed feet wiggled free, tipped with his pinkish white fur and small little claws. He looked over and spotted Charlie who had removed her own shoes revealing small red hooves. “Huh…” He smiled a bit, feeling a little less awkward thanks to the two girls.
“Here catch.” Vaggie tossed Angel some beautiful glittery neon pink nail polish. “Hey thanks Vags.” He smirked looking it over.
Cherri blinked but smirked a bit. These folks were alright in her book even if some were a stickler for the rules. “Here let me apply it.” She asked Angel who blinked. “Oh sure..”
Niffty easily grabbed one of Charlie’s hooves, making the princess yelp and started to look it over. “Ooo! Kinda like what Alastor has, except yours are smaller than his..” The maid giggled only to be accidentally kicked in the face when she touched a ticklish spot.
“Shit! Sorry Niff!” Charlie gasped, looking horrified. “Yay pain!” The maid cooed springing back up from the wall she had smacked into because of the power behind the kick. “Do it again!”
Cherri just laughed. “Damn, looks like the goody two shoes has some power. Ya practically punted the tiny bitch.” She smirked as Charlie groaned. “I didn't mean to!”
Vaggie had to shoo Niffty away to keep the maid from trying to get Charlie to kick her again. “Hey Niff, check this out, there's bleach in the next room!” Angel smirked as the maid instantly scurried off with a rabid expression and grin. “Thanks…” Charlie sighed in relief.
Angel winked at Vaggie as a ‘the favor has been repaid’ gesture. The angel smirked a bit and casually started to pamper those cute little hooves. “It's a spa day isn't it, you get some pampering too princesa.” (Princess)
Charlie blushed as Vaggie massaged the ankles. She then looked over at Angel who smirked playfully. “Aww ain't that cute, betcha two get into some fun kinky shit in the bedroom eh?” He teased as Charlie started to blush and sizzle. “I think they're those vanilla type fuckers. Looks like it anyway.” Cherri smirked as Vaggie grumbled trying to pay no mind to the teasing though her golden blush was starting to show again.
The more lewd duo laughed amused at the flustered couple's reaction, though Angel smirked a bit at his painted toe nails, he soon slipped on those beautiful boots looking more comfortable.
While everyone was chatting, Charlie got a phone call. “I'll be right back, babe.” She gave Vaggie a kiss on the cheek and left to take it.
Cherri and Angel smirked at Vaggie who gave a confused look. “What?”
“Hey feather duster, wanna spice yourself up for your girl?” Angel smirked holding up some lotions. “Don't cha wanna see yer blondie practically fuckin’ sizzlin’?” Cherri chimed in with a playful smirk. Niffty giggled seeing Vaggie squirm.
“I know what she likes, I don't need your help..” The angel turned away with a cute huff. Though the golden blush gave it away that she did want to.
Angel smirked and nodded at Cherri and Niffty. “This is gonna be fun.” The spider man took out a comb and some hair products. “W-wait!” Vaggie gulped while caught off guard.
After an hour Charlie came back into the room annoyed. “Husk says that my dad and Alastor are fighting again, and they nearly burned down the lobby with a cook off..” She groaned coming back into the room. “Huh?”
Cherri and Niffty blocked her view. “And done!” Angel grinned moving away. “Go ahead and let the blondie through.”
“Ehehehe, enjoy the treat princess.” Niffty bowed and scurried away.
Cherri gave a thumbs up and moved as Charlie looked very confused. “What are..” She couldn't finish her sentence as she then spotted Vaggie.
“Hi hon..” The angel blushed with her hair looking so fluffy and wavy now. There was even a braid that brought some of the bangs back to expose the soft features of Vaggie's face. Charlie just stared as the scent of both apples and lavender filled her nose. “Ha! She's speechless!” Cherri laughed and gave a thumbs up to Angel.
Angel chuckled but blinked, coming over to Charlie. “Uh hello? You there, blondie?” He poked her, and Charlie fell over red-faced. “Whoa!”
Cherri just burst out laughing as Vaggie ran over. “Ya made her a fuckin’ knock out Angie!”
“So… pwetty…” Charlie mumbled her eyes swirling with her tail out wagging. She looked like she was drunk. “Come on sweetie, let's get you off the floor..” Vaggie easily picked up Charlie who laid like a cute little snake, her face looking dopey and in love.
Vaggie looked at Angel who gave a smug look. She grumbled but fist bumped the spider twink who grinned at his work.
Though the rumbling of the hotel made this day come to an end as Lucifer was chasing Alastor who was laughing like a mad man, with Husk coming out and shaking his head, clearly not drunk enough for this shit.
(This all started because I saw Vaggie had tiny feet and remembered the fact Angel didn't like his own feet...)
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