#Dungeons and drama
deadbytbr · 3 months
I just want a found family like those in books and fiction. Is it too much to ask?
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kathaynesart · 1 year
ROTTMNT Fan Season 3 Update
A peek at some concept art for my Dungeons and Drama episode pitch! Will have to wait and see if it gets picked :)
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reedreadsbooks · 6 months
YA Books About Playing D&D
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Losing Hit Points by Kristopher Mielke
Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce
The No-Girlfriend Rule by Christen Randall
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gildedlibraries · 5 months
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dungeons and drama by kristy boyce
"he leans forward so his chest presses against my back. 'i like when you mess with me. i like everything you do with me.'"
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renreadsstuff · 8 months
So. I just finished Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce… can I just say I might’ve found my new favorite book????
Wow 5 stars. 10/10. 100% will be thinking about this book for the rest of the week. I’m not usually one for a romance book but fake dating?! Sign me up! And they play dnd? And work in a game store? And talk about musicals?? It was such a freaking good book. I shall forever be thinking about these two cuties-
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ash-and-books · 10 months
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Rating: 4.5/5
Book Blurb: When it comes to romance, sometimes it doesn't hurt to play games. A fun YA romcom full of fake dating hijinks!
Musical lover Riley has big aspirations to become a director on Broadway. Crucial to this plan is to bring back her high school’s spring musical, but when Riley takes her mom’s car without permission, she's grounded and stuck with the worst punishment: spending her after-school hours working at her dad’s game shop.
Riley can't waste her time working when she has a musical to save, so she convinces Nathan—a nerdy teen employee—to cover her shifts and, in exchange, she’ll flirt with him to make his gamer-girl crush jealous.
But Riley didn’t realize that meant joining Nathan's Dungeons & Dragons game…or that role playing would be so fun. Soon, Riley starts to think that flirting with Nathan doesn't require as much acting as she would've thought...
When musical theater lover Riley is forced to work for her dad's game shop, the last thing she expects is to enter into a fake dating arrangement with the nerdy guy to help him make his gamer-girl crush jealous, or to even fall for him. Riley may have stolen her mom's car to go see Waitress with her best friend... despite not having a driver's license. When her mom finds out she grounds Riley and makes her spend her time working at her father's game shop. Riley can't think of anything worse, especially since her father and her are distant and he seems to care more about his game shop than actually spending time with her.... yet as she works there she begins to realize that maybe that's not the case at all. While working there she meets Nathan, a nerdy guy who loves D and D and has a crush on a fellow gamer-girl. When Riley runs into her ex, she pretends that Nathan is her boyfriend... and then they both come into a new agreement, Nathan pretends to be Riley's boyfriend to get her ex off her back and she'll help make Nathan's crush jealous so he can finally get with her. Yet the more time Nathan and Riley spend together pretending to fall for one another the more they actually begin to fall. Can they figure out what's real and all part of the game? This was a really cute romance read and I loved the chemistry between Riley and Nathan. It's a fun fake dating read and the theater kid x dnd nerd was a cute trope too. This was a overall really sweet read and a fun time!
*Thanks Netgalley and Random House Children's, Delacorte Press for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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holy-crit · 2 years
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ritz-stimzz · 6 months
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...💗 ❤ 💛 × 💙 💗 ❤ × 💛 💙 💗...
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So I've been playing dnd with my campaign fot over a month (wow) and I figured I'll tell you some fun stuff about it :3
(Thank you @waywardwizzard for being the funnest DM ever. And for doing the spicy scens with me)
So the characters are; Skye, the half-elf with a heart of gold and a positive air, yet won't take shit from anybody. She's here to find what happened to her missing mother, and she has daddy issues! Then we got Verwin, whose the quiet, badass type. They're pretty chill and can handle themselves great, despite being a three-foot tall gnome. And finally there's my boy Penkin (mine). He's your classic loser-yet-slutty bard who's off looking for his best friend/homoerotic buddy. Together they are set of on a quest regarding solving the murders of certain members of a small religion.
On the way silly stuff happens!
They meet the bartender, Riv, a gruff man who secretly likes us a lot. He's our dad(dy)
Then Penkin flirts his way into the heart of a shy elfin wizard named Braern, who end up joining their quest because he's THAT into Penkin (awful taste-)
Skye gets sparkly eyeshadow.
Penkin eats a spicy pastry from hell.
Angsty stuff happenes.
They meet a circus.
Aaaand I'll add more stuff as I remember them/they happen.
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bibliophilecats · 2 months
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Read recently: Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce
What I was looking for: Pretty much what the cover teases - D&D and musical in a high school romance
What I liked: Riley sounds like a teenager would argue her case while not being overly annoying. And Riley herself is quite fun to follow. I also liked that the D&D group weren't depicted as overly-comic geeks but that they are just high school students with different interests. The best part was the way the relationship with her father developed. 
Conclusion: At first, I thought there would be much more drama between Riley and her ex in the third act regarding the musical (unfair taking away of her work or similar) but I am happy this did not happen. Not that there isn't drama, just not the kind I feared. A fun YA romance which was actually better than I had hoped.
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lizanneyoung97 · 8 months
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Enemies to Lovers
Fake Dating
Like any other teen, Riley gets in trouble with her parents. Except this time her punishment is to work at her dad’s game store. The store is a bit of a sore subject since Riley feels her father chose the store over his family in the divorce, but she finds some positive in it as she makes new friends and joins in a game of D&D.
I’m always a sucker for a fake-dating story because I love to see what the reason behind the heist is. This one is pretty standard, getting back at an ex and trying to impress a crush. It’s a fun story as Riley and Nathan, a teen who works the store, fake it until the lines begin to blur for the both of them.
I wish there had been a bit more characterization with Riley. She goes through a ton over the course of the story, all of which are relatable to the audience, but it feels like her characterization happens off-page. Suddenly she’s just ready for different things or has realizations, but we don’t really get to see that process.
Thank you to the publisher and TBR Beyond Tours for a chance to read an eARC.
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bookcoversonly · 5 months
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Title: Dungeons and Drama | Author: Kristy Boyce | Publisher: Delacorte Press (2024)
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sirkusdyretbooks · 4 months
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So finishing up my Bachelor I decided to throw myself into reading things I actually wanted to read! And I found this silly YA-novel that came out this year by Kirsty Boyce to get a slow and easy start.
I actually made notes on my phone while reading this, and I'll write them down (with commentary).
Straight people (There is one queer couple, but it's a very straight story).
Divorced dad with family who didn't care for his interests (I felt for him).
Theater chick who ends up having to be "tOrTuReD aT dAdS nErD sHoP".
Referencedumping: Tardis++++
"I was about to cast fireball"
"Players handbook" just being mentioned.
5 chapters in and the book seemed like it's pretending to know what dnd actually is. (It was written that way, and the author actually DO know!)
FAKE DATING PLOT (This is why I'm here at all)
Female villain (Booo, not a fan of a female villain)
GIRLBARD (I kinda loved this)
Gets good in chapter 6.
Gets bad in chapter 6.
Spruce Wayne and Sol Juur.
Female villain is a Rogue.
Of COURSE theatre kid is a natural roleplayer.
Teen dramatics
Bard sings live during sessions (Major cringe but it's cute).
Fake boyfriend is kinda basic (because I actually forgot to make notes of him).
Ofc she falls in love.
Good ending.
The book was good, but absolutely not targetted towards me, I would recommend this book for teenagers/young adults, it was an easy read with only 297 pages. A cute romance story with a fake-dating plot + D&D.
Do I give it a rating? I guess I'll give it a dice roll of 4/6.
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reedreadsbooks · 7 months
finished Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce last night and am surprised by how much i loved it. I would never normally pick up a hetero romance but as a ttrpg player and ex-theatre kid it seemed too perfect to not read (also the cover is STUNNING) and it was really really fun! it’s not perfect, there are definitely a few things i could pick apart about it, but i had a great time reading it.
(picture of said stunning cover because i’m obsessed with it)
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nii-chan-tamer · 7 months
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My new books I bought today.
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badwolfarcadiabay · 8 months
January book review!
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Date: December 28-December 29 (this counts for January because I say so)
Pages/word count: 336
Type: Physical/Graphic Novel
Time: First
Rating/review: 10/10 but also ahhhhahahahhahahahahah/10 because it ended too early. But I love that Charlie is getting more confident and nick is beginning to explore himself!
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Date: January 14-January 14
Pages/word count: 247
Type: Physical/Graphic Novel
Time: first
Rating/review: overall good. It was a bit short and we didn’t really flesh out too many relationships as much as maybe I would have liked but it had the implications there and it was a cute story. I got it because gay mermaids like me and it delivered that. So perhaps a 3.7/5. Ik it was short and sweet for a reason, I just wanted more lol
It was a good allegory (for love hitting you fast and etc) just not necessarily a great story.
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Date: January 15- January 18
Pages/word count: 293
Type: Physical
Time: First
- as someone who has been told numerous times I have the vibe/energy of a theatre kid (I would have been if I wasn’t so shy and insecure. Hell I barley mustered up courage to join the swim team) and also loves dnd this book did speak to me on that level. I have also experienced living in Ohio.
- all in all it was obviously a bit cheesy and there were a couple things writing wise I was pulled out of the story for (emphasized the wrong words and some random descriptions) buttt it was pretty fun after the fake dating started and the story really started to story! It started a 3 and ended as a 4/5 for its genre.
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