that-gay-jedi · 1 year
Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or did your penis just cut my fucking hands off?
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vertigoartgore · 11 months
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The cast of Sam Raimi's underrated western The Quick and the Dead : Leonardo DiCaprio (before Titanic), Gene Hackman (soon after Unforgiven), Sharon Stone (after Basic Instinct) and Russell Crowe (some years before Gladiator).
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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legend-had-it · 2 months
rip zoro you wouldve loved being a cowboy
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Knight Errant | Le Chevalier Errant
by Gustave Doré
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tentacion3099 · 11 months
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uchiha-namikaze-spawn · 6 months
A type of fanfiction I need that is extremely rare to find is how used the characters are to something.
Like, jutsus, for an example, imagine Boruto (I'm going for Naruto: Next Gen for a better understanding) watching Sasuke and Naruto do signals with their hands too fast for human eye to capture and he stops and just thinks how difficult and how many times these shinobi had to use these hand signs in order to be able to even make it one handed - as its Sasuke case, in which he can even use another person's hand to use jutsus - and Boruto just ignores Kurama, sharingan, etc., etc. and focus on asking Naruto if he even knows what he is doing.
After awhile it must become muscle memory, right? You know you want the result to be a huge tower of water and just effortlessly acts on it, your brain not having to think it through, think about every detail so you don't end up with a small water puddle instead.
I know that Boruto is used with "the fastest you can hand sign the more skilled the shinobi" yadda-yadda but- imagine he has a moment to think out of the box as he analyses his father dueling with his sensei just for the sake of it-
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thefugitivesaint · 1 year
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Benno Berneis (1883-1916), ''Das Leben'', 1905 Source
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atyd1960 · 6 months
The Marauders as duels:
Lily & Pandora: The justice fighters- they’re out to get the ministry of magic, these bitches better watch out.
Remus & Mary: Gryffindor house’ Casanovas- everyone’s in love with them.
James & Marlene: Quidditch team buds- they will make you run laps around the castle at 5.50am, stay safe.
Evan & Barty: The unhinged due- they have genuine murderous intentions, they’re terrifying.
Regulus & Peter: The sulkers- don’t talk to them, they’re brooding.
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microcosme11 · 27 days
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General Jean-Louis-Ebénézer Reynier (1771-1814), Engraving by Elisabeth G. Herhan after a drawing by Jean-Urbain Guérin (wikimedia commons)
Reynier was the man who killed General Destaing in a duel because Destaing was insulted by Reynier's book about the Egyptian campaign. Destaing unwisely challenged him. Naps was pretty ticked off about it, but Reynier was too good to get rid of, so he served in countless campaigns after that. He was finally taken prisoner at Leipzig. The Russians offered him a commission but he declined and returned to France in a prisoner exchange. He died soon afterward, apparently being completely worn out.
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francepittoresque · 3 months
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26 juin 1599 : arrêt du Parlement contre les duels ➽ http://bit.ly/Arret-Parlement-Duels Après les guerres civiles qui désolèrent la France vers la fin du XVIe siècle, les duels devinrent si communs que le parlement de Paris, usant de ses prérogatives, rendit un arrêt en forme de règlement dont on ne peut trop admirer la sagesse, et le premier d’une série d’édits prévoyant des peines sévères pour les contrevenants
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thisbluespirit · 6 months
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Martin Jarvis as Karn in Arthur of the Britons 2.1 "The Swordsman" (HTV, 1973)
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
How common is duelling in the ShoH universe?
It's, like, common enough, but it's not happening on a daily basis, if that makes any sense? It's wayyy more common among bored and prideful nobles who just like to stir up drama and peacock at each other; when the common folk get mad at each other, they just brawl, there isn't any fancy formality about it that connotes it into a duel (unless you're a rapscallion like Trouble who goads nobles into dueling with him so he can take their stuff).
It's worth noting that, while dueling isn't illegal in Haven and you can't get in trouble for it, you can still get in trouble for killing someone in a duel, depending on who it is and the circumstances surrounding the whole affair. The old Autarch kind of put a soft ban on it because she felt too many young nobles were stupidly getting each other killed, but didn't want to take the "art" of it away entirely, so it's now a question of skill: if you can best your opponent and humiliate them without killing them (or turning them into a martyr), you're gucci, but if you kill them outright, you might still face a tribunal (again, really depends on who you killed and why). So that's definitely decreased the number of duels compared to the ones that were happening like 15-20 years ago, but it's still common enough that people aren't that fazed by it!
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
To whoever broke my keyboard: meet me in the Denny's parking lot at 11:30am. Bring a weapon. I will.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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aissa-snapped · 2 years
Rescuing A Friend
Summary:After Eloise meets notorious Sirius Black at a ball, she thinks they will become friends at school, but that wish comes to an end the moment he sees her sitting with Regulus Black, thinking she is just like the rest of them.
Word count: 6k+ 
Pairings: Sirius Black x OC
'' Don`t know mate. All I know is that I don`t want to go to that stupid ball my parents are throwing.'' Sirius huffed angrily, placing his chin in the palm of his hand, resting it on the table, unavoidably pushing his plate filled with scrambled eggs and sausages to the side.
'' Well you don`t have much of a choice now, do you?'' Remarked Remus as a matter-of-fact. He took a sip of his pumpkin juice, followed by a bite of toast.
The dark haired boy glared at him, huffing at his comment.
'' A little support from my friends would be much appreciated Moony!''
'' Ok, ok. I am sure it will all go well and you`ll have fun.'' James reassured his grumpy friend, patting him on the back.
'' More like it will go by fast, hopefully.'' Grumbled Sirius, aware that this was their last day of school and tomorrow he will be heading back home for the summer, where his oh-so-lovely mother decided to host yet another fancy ball for the pureblood families across all Europe.
'' Bye Prongs. I'll miss ya. Write to me.'' Sirius hugged his bespectacled friend, pulling away sadly. ''You two as well.'' He glanced at Remus and Peter, who were waiting on the Potter boy to accompany them.
'' Of course we will Pads, but I can`t say the same about you.'' James raised his brows, acting all serious for a few moments before laughing and hugging his brother from another mother a second round. '' Oi I told ya my mum grounded me last summer. There was no way for me to contact you.'' He reasoned.
'' Well then behave this summer lad. Be good and we might see each other sooner.''
'' Ye ye all right. Bye.''
'' Oh I`m so happy for this event. I even dare say I`ve outdone myself!'' Walburga exclaimed enthusiasticaly, clasping her hands together, and taking a step back to admire her work. She gazed around the room, where the ball was being held, to take a look at the fine decor that complimented the walls and ceiling.
'' You mean to say the house elves have outdone themselves.'' Corrected his mother smirking, whilst leaning half his body on the entrance into the room.
Scoffing at her rebel son, she rolled her eyes turning to look at him. '' I was the one who coordinated the whole planning of this. Therefore, it was all my efforts that are now paying off!'' Argued back the annoyed mother.
'' Yes yes but technically it was their physical effort that made it-'' '' WHAT are you still doing here? The guests will be arriving shortly. I do Not have time to waste my energy on such matters. Go get dressed.'' She waved a dismissive hand at Sirius, ushering him back to his chamber.
Defeteadly, Sirius huffed, making a piece of curly hair that was hanging around his face fly away in the process, turning smoothly towards the stairs.
Hours later, the ball was in full motion. Various families were dancing, drinking and conversing delightfully, overall creating a pleasant atmosphere.
At such times you were able to tell the heavy contrasts between the two Black brothers. Whereas Regulus was already blending in and courting several young women, Sirius begrudgingly sitting in a corner of the room, itching to go light up a cigarette but thinking of the consequences, knew better than to do it.
Hovering his eyes over the room looking for a potential person to chat with, his looks rested upon an unfamiliar face. The young girl seemed to be just as out of place as him, so with a grin, he strode over to her.
'' I don`t think I`ve ever met you before. You seem... Lost.'' He remarked, beaming his charming smile at her. The stranger blinked up at him, moving her shoulder length hair our of the way.
'' Yes well, that would probably be because I have never been here before. Hi I am Eloise Montalli.'' She offered her hand for a shake, and Sirius took if gleefully, feeling her soft skin against his own.
'' Sirius. Pleasure.'' He bowed lightly, making her giggle at his courtesy. '' Montalli... Mon-ta-lli. I don`t seem to be familiar with your family. Half-bloods?''
She frowned her brows, shaking her head almost as if insulted. ''Purebloods. We are from Italy.''
''  That explains the slight accent I sensed.At what school do you go to?'' Truthfully, Sirius thought her accent was rather cute and quirky. He liked it.
'' I-... I was home schooled. Our whole family was. We always believed that we can get the most education if we had the teacher`s full attention on just a few of us, rather than a full class.'' She shrugged neutrally, reaching next to the table to grab a snack. '' Oh yes, I understand. And what year are you going into?'' '' 6th. Though, my parents have been asked to move their work specifically here, by personal request of the minister.''
At this, Sirius widened his eyes, piecing all the newfound information in his head.
'' Wait.. so.. does that mean... you're transferring to Hogwarts?'' He asked hopefully, feeling a sudden warmth taking over his insides.
'' Oh.. I- I don`t know yet. Perhaps. ''
They conversed for the rest of the night, Eloise laughing once in a while at a corny joke Sirius cracked from time to time. Usually, the dark haired boy hated these sorts of gatherings. It was no secret he was against everything the pureblood high society stood for. But for once, he seemed quite pleased with this night and he seemed to enjoy every second of it.
Regulus eyed his brother once in a while, noticing his joyful state and getting a slight wave of jealousy seeing him flirt with a pretty girl.
The night eventually came to an end. With sad looks and sighs, the two parted ways, but not before Sirius took the initiative and hugged the Italian girl. Getting a whiff of a sweet flowery scent, he inhaled it deep in his lungs, hoping he could hold onto her smell a little longer and wouldn`t forget her so easily.
Before he even blinked, summer was over and he was returning back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Seeing his friends for the first time in a few months was always a go-to. Reuniting with them felt like his heart was full again.  He could go back to pulling pranks and having a hearty laughter.
But at the back of his head, there was that lingering scent of the stranger girl he met at the ball, wondering if she will show up at Hogwarts. Not knowing if she did, he thought it unimportant to tell his friends about her YET.
The celebration was as boring as ever. Being a first year and getting placed into your house for the next seven years surely was a nerve wracking experience. But as one of the older students, you couldn`t care less about the youngest ones being placed in their respective houses, unless it was a know relative of course.
Sirius couldn`t catch a glimpse of the girl amongst the first years, so he sadlt dropped his gaze on his lap, ignoring his friends talking around him.
'' You all right Pads?'' The scarred boy checked on him, seeing he kept glancing at the first years. '' You looking for someone familiar?'' James asked curiously, forming a grin in a teasing manner.
'' OH no no. I was... just observing the children. They are so tiny, can`t believe we were like them just a few years ago.'' He sighed sadly, trying to convince his friends this was what was keeping him so lost in their conversation.
'' Yeah.. right.'' Peter agreed, looking at him weirdly and then going back to conversing with James.
Unbeknownst to Sirius, the said girl had been sorted into her house previous to the arrival of the rest of the students. She found herself sitting with none other than Regulus Arcturus Black, who was more than happy to welcome her to her new temporary family.
First day of classes was the hardest. Reprogramming your mind to waking up early in the morning, adjusting to both classes during the day, as well as during the night for Astronomy and finding the time to study or do your homework in your free time. Not that these were all things Sirius truly cared about. He was lucky having grown up in a pureblood lineage. They had access to education and all sorts of knowledge that was introduced to them very early on in their lives. So naturally, he was a fast learner and unlike his friends, he spent the least amount of time dedicated to school, since he only needed a few repetitions to fully understand something.
'' C`mon hurry up. I am hungry.'' Peter whined, waiting impatiently by the door, already dressed up and ready for the first day of classes.
'' You don`t have to wait for us. Just go and stuff your face with food.'' Remarked Sirius grumpily, who was putting on his white shirt as slowly as ever.
'' Ugh. You lads always make me miss the first round of sausages. '' And with that. Peter left their shared dorm and with heavy thumping sounds, he rushed towards the Great Hall.
James laughed, glancing at Remus and Sirius, and finished knotting his tie, ruffling his hair a bit followed by placing his glasses on.
'' Don`t worry mate. No matter how hard you try, Evans won`t agree on going out with you today either.'' Reassured Remus, before checking his school bag to check if everything was in order.
With a gasp, James stood agape for a few moments, before he started reasoning with Remus as to how he has been developing some sort of strategy that will DEFINITELY make Lily go out with him.
'' - and when she`ll hear it, she will come to ME to cry to-who you laughing at Pad? Put some bloody pants on and fast cuz we want to go down to breakfast.'' Sirius begrudgingly obliged, and with rushed steps they all headed towards the Great Hall.
They were scanning the Gryffindor table in search for their friend, when Sirius glanced by the Slytherin table by mistake and spotted his brother. However it was not his brother that made him pause his movements, but rather the person sitting next to him. It was HER. How come she never told him she was here? And how come he didn`t see her yesterday during the sorting ceremony?
Feeling a pair of powerful eyes on her, Eloise turned to look around for whoever was studying her. When she noticed Sirius, she happily waved at him, showing him a beautiful genuine smile. However, her beam faltered when she noticed he was not reciprocating her actions, but worse, he was glaring at her and quickly turned his back to her.
With a sad gaze, she turned back to her breakfast, only she was no longer hungry and slightly pushed her plate away. Regulus, who was smirking from the previous interaction between the two, altered his emotions, looking at her with pityful eyes, rubbing her back.
'' I told you. That`s how they act. They have no respect for us and turn against you once you join this house.'' '' But- we talked. At the ball... We had a great time..'' With a roll of his eyes, ensuring she wasn`t looking at him, he placed an arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to him, feeling her weight slightly shift into his side.
'' Who was that mate?'' James asked the instant they were all seated. '' Hello?!'' He repeated, seeing as Sirius completely ignored the question. Finally acknowledging his question, he raised his eyebrows at his friend, as if asking silently if the question was directed at him.
'' You were asking me?'' '' No, he was asking your mom.'' Remus remarked, huffing at the marauder.
'' Don`t know. I don`t think I`ve seen her around here before though.''
'' That`s because she is new. Transferred here this summer.'' Chipped in Lily, who just happened to be passing the boys before going to sit down next to her friends.
'' Then how come we didn`t see her at the cer-'' Sirius couldn`t finish his question because Lily was already heading towards her group and James in a rushing tone yelled after her if she wanted to study with him after class.
'' I`ve already promised someone I`d study with them.'' She said cheekily, winking at James and sitting down a few seats away from them.
''Bloody buggers. I hope it`s not that mop of greasy hair.'' He grumbled under his breath, biting down his toast with anger, which caused the other marauders to chuckle at his flustered state.
'' Potions as first class in the morning should be illegal. I can`t brew anything this early in the morning.'' Complained Sirius to James, who was nodding along and taking steps towards the classroom. They were usually partners in Potions whilst Remus and Peter would pair up together, or in this case, they had different classes than the two pureblood marauders.
Taking a seat in the very back of the class, they pulled out their textbooks, and kept themselves busy chatting with one another, planning future pranks and such. That only lasted until one certain student took a seat in front of Sirius, gesturing with his hands for another one to come take the available seat next to him.
Sirius turned towards James with a grimace on his hands, mouthing the word 'Snivellus' and both of them sniggering at the whole new pranking possibilities to make this class more entertaining, for them two at least.
Sirius` snorting stopped, once he recognized Snape`s Potions partner. The girl lightly twisted her body towards the marauders to collect the textbook from her bag, and attempted another smile at the Curly haired boy.
James returned her gesture, already being a gentleman by introducing himself. '' Glad to meet you. I see you have already been corrupted with sitting with the snakes. But I guarantee you, should you change your mind, our table is more fun and friendlier.'' He flirted, taking her hand and kissing the top of it. Not knowing how to respond, she giggled, trying to ignore the rush of heat that was making her way towards her cheeks.
Snape glared at James, and placed a firm hand on the girl`s shoulder, forcefully turning her around towards the front and with her back towards the boys. James frowned at that gesture and Sirius, who had been sitting quietly near his extroverted friend, furrowed his eyebrows at the action, but remained quiet.
A few weeks into the new school routine, Sirius found himself telling the marauders about his encounter with the girl during the ball in summer, followed by his revolted opinions surrounding her sitting with the snakes.
'' Not once did she seem like the rest of `em. I s`pose it was all in there hidden. All that time.'' He commented distastefully. As much as he pretented to now despise the new-come girl, his friends could see how affected he was by her being a Slytherin. It was as if, that small feeble stream of hope that she could`ve been friends with him, all dispersed once he saw her with that grotesque emerald green colored robe.
Eloise would try to greet Sirius every Potions class and sometimes in the hallways, but in vain, as he blatantly ignored her. His friends however often times would say a 'hello' back to her to save her the embarrassment of her being completely ignored.
Weeks later, she came to realize that her greeting attempts were not being reciprocated and so she eventually gave up on him. She strenuously let herself be taken under the wing of the Slytherins. After all, it was them she shared a common room with right?
That, however did not mean she could finally say she had found her people. With each passing day, she would be reminded time after time the reason why this house was so hated. Most Slytherins were too stuck up to even glance at muggleborns, or to ever apologize for something they did wrong. No wonder they all had such a bad reputation. She experienced this on her own skin when she was once being interrogated by her so called friends for reasons she was hanging out with 'mud-bloods'.
'' We were just studying. I was helping Lily with her birthchart, plus she's super nice. That doen`t mean we`re friends.'' She tried defending herself in front of half of the Slytherin students. Even though she started to consider Lily her friend, she wouldn`t dare say it out loud under these circumstances.
That night, remained forever scarred inher brain, as well as her body. The Slytherins saw fit to 'punish' her 'traitorous' actions and, just as taught from their parents, used some sort of stinging spell on the girl, that left her with a fresh wound on her arm.
It was a few months well into school, and the girl had no choice but to comply to the bullying of her own housemates. Not that it happened so often, however, she felt like a prisoner, always being watched by them, abused verbally and reminded not to associate herself with 'mutts'. Though she grew up in a pureblood family herself, she never experienced real school life until now. Her parents never forbade her from talking to muggles, moreover, encouraged her to learn their way of living, to see how they exist without magic. She had a balance around the area. Not obsessed with them but not hateful of them either.
Everytime Lily came up to greet her or ask her about her day, she had to sadly ignore her or keep the conversation as short as possible, seeing as her housemates would have a go at her again. And she was right. She even sensed a joy in all of them whenever she was inflicted in pain, and her cries were not helping her, but rather fueling their resentment towards her.
She had been desperately searching for a safe space for her to hide into, where she could let her tears and sadness out. And that happened to be the bathroom on the second floor, which was already with its own resident, a ghost who seemed to be weeping just as much as her nowadays.
She found the presence of the little girl quite comforting, since she was also sharing her sentiments. Though sometimes she did wish she could be fully alone, she learned to accept the phantomatic presence.
Her crying sessions would usually last hours after dark, with her only returning back to her dorm when most of the students were already fast asleep.
While she was making her way to the dungeons quietly, she heard footsteps behind her. Checking for any signs of a teacher of prefect, she simply couldn`t see anyone. With a new sense of fear, she was hurrying towards the common room, when all of a sudden she felt a hand grabbing at her forearm, stopping her from going anywhere.
Instinctively, she let out a scream out of shock, her heart beating faster than it ever has in her life.
'' Shh... You`re gonna wake the whole castle up.'' And as if out of thin air, none other than Sirius Black appeared before her. More confused than ever, she tried grasping her head, not knowing what just happened.
'' You- out of nowhere-h-how?!'' She breathed out words between each exhale.
'' I`ll explain it later. But more importantly, what are YOU doing here at this hour, and almost every night?'' Eloise was trying to come up with an excuse but then frowned at the words spoken by the boy. '' How do you know I come out here almost every night?'' The Slytherin interrogated smartly.
Sirius, seemingly speechless, gulped as quietly as possible, forming a believable answer to the girl, without giving away their beloved bewitched map.
'' I`ve-... Seen you other times as well. Just didn`t want to come and bother you.''
''Oh.'' That`s all she could say, hoping she was now free to go, seeing as she was becoming tired and needed as much sleep as she could get.
'' Well? What are you up to!?'' He pressed impatiently.
Scoffing, she crossed her arms and scowled at him, something she picked on from her housemates. '' Why should I explain myself to you?'' Acting all tough and mighty, she forgot one minor detail. Her eyes gave away everything.
Sirius was scanning her face, not even flinching at her cold stares.
'' Have you been crying?'' '' WHAT?! You`re honestly so ridiculous. You ignore me all these months, giving me the cold shoulder as if we`ve never met. And I-'' her voice cracked, which took both students by surprise. If she was able to conceal her sadness before, right now a new wave of tears were coming in strong, as she was no longer able to control them.
So she simply allowed each tear to flow down her soft skin, and blinking madly trying to clear up her vision, she proceeded to continue. '' You have NO idea what I`ve been through. And-'' Another voice crack paused her speech. ''- to think I was so happy to come here knowing I`ll have you as a friend...'' She shook her head, simply letting her angry tears take over her as she was starting to shake.
Sirius was speechless. He had no idea what to do at this moment. He was never the right type of person to comfort another, and in this exact moment he was reminded yet again of his incapability of it. So instead of sitting there like an idiot, he decided on a few pats on the shoulder, along with a bit of caressing them.
Eloise was bawling her eyes out in front of Sirius Black, and she was fighting against her own emotions, attempting at caging them inside her. Minutes later, she was finally able to calm down, with only a few sobs here and there. Her breathing was also slowing down, leaving space for her to blink any last tears away from her vision.
Sniffling, she shrugged Sirius` hand off her and dusted away at her clothes.
'' Goodnight.''  Not leaving any room for Sirius to speak, she swiftly turned back around and jogged down dungeons, the Gryffindor being left there in complete shock.
The morning news was the first priority of the day for the marauders, and for Sirius, it was the moment he told me what had happened the night prior.
'' What do you reckon happens to her?'' Asked James, who seemed to be quite involved in this new matter of business that revolved around the Slytherin girl.
'' Couldn`t exactly find out. She was almost choking on her tears so she didn`t have any room for an explanation.'' Half joked Sirius, which caused the werewolf sitting next to him to hit him in the stomach with his elbow.
'' OW. MOONY. IT WAS A JOKE ALL RIGHT? Ugh you and your bony arms'' He grumbled in pain, rubbing at his stomach.
'' I say we go and ask her.'' Shrugged Remus simply, sipping on his pumpkin juice and reading the Daily Prophet.
'' Yeah, that is a good idea.'' Chimed in Peter, who out of all, he seemed the least interested in the matters that involved the girl, but for the sake of his friends, tried to appear useful.
James, who was sitting in front of Sirius, had a clear view of the girl, who was squished between some Slytherin boys, and seemed to be feeling uncomfortable. Sirius followed his gaze, also observing the little hints that might be an indicator as to what happens to her when she enters the coomon room.
The marauders were all revising for a Transfiguration in the warm common room, when Lily and her pals entered all chatting worriedly, instantly getting the attention of the nosy teen boys.
''Lily, my angel. What is the matter?'' James found himself gazing up at the redhead, grinning her way. Her face scrunched up at the nickname, but approached the boys anyway.
'' Eloise, she was crying in the bathroom again. Said she had stinging pain all over her arms. Those heartless idiots..''
'' What are you ever talking about?'' Sirius asked more confused than ever. ''Listen. I shouldn`t be telling you this since it is not my business. But I am worried about her and I trust that in your most absurd and stupid ways possible, you could help her.'' She started, getting their full attention, even Remuses, who until now was still reading from his textbook, but now it sat closely in his lap.
'' She said the other Slytherins used a stinging jinx on her whenever she was seen talking to me or other... Muggleborns. Said they were giving her proper 'education' and she told me we can no longer be friends because she feared going back to her dorm.'' She finished sadly.
'' What the bloody...-'' '' Godric`s knickers I-'' '' We have to help her!'' Exclaimed Sirius, ignoring the weird stares from his friends for his choice of exclamation words. '' Yes but how exactly? We can`t exactly fight off the entire Slytherin house!'' Exclaimed Peter in fear of what his brave friends might be thinking as a solution.
'' Oh but Pete... Can`t we?'' Smirked James, who placed an arm around his chubby friend`s shoulder. '' We are the MARAUDERS. We love a challenge. And this certainly is a big one. We will prank them ALL.'' He concluded the leader,  winking at Lily who rolled her eyes and called on her friends to go up the dorms.
Sirius was satisfied with his friend`s response, nodding eagerly and ruffling Remus` hair in happiness and excitement.
'' Calm yourself Pads before I plant my elbow up your-'' '' OK GOT IT.'' They all laughed at their antics, and began planning their newest and probably biggest project, with homeworks and textbooks seemingly forgotten on the side. Eloise tried to spend as much time away from the dungeons as possible. So she found the library to be one of the best spots for finishing up her homeworks, doing her lectures and being left alone. There was also the fact that she was able to talk to other students from different houses without fearing that a Slytherin might spot her and report it back.
She was returning to her common one afternoon when she came across 4 figures standing ahead of her, at the end of the hallway. Her heart jumped a little, scared they might`ve been the Slytherins but to her relief, she was a reflection of gold and instantly knew those were just Gryffindors. Inhaling deeply, she worked herself up to get the courage to pass through the group since they were in the way. However, as she aproached, she noticed who the group actually was.  
'' Good afternoon, Montalli.'' Greeted James politely. '' Uh, hello.'' She waved shyly, splitting the 4 and trying to find her way out of the hallway but a hand caught her in the same style it did that night.
'' Why the rushing? Running away from someone perhaps?'' Sirius asked intrigued.
'' No-no. I have to get back to my dorm. That`s all.''
'' We wanted to ask you something.'' Imposed James, in a serious tone, unlike him.
Eloise was dragged, almost unwillingly, into an empty classroom where she was interrogated by the 4 teen boys, each taking their turn to question her. She even shed a few tears towards the end of the discussion, yet again unable to control them. What warmed her heart and gave her some sort of comfort was when they told her she was going to be sitting with them during meal times.
She couldn`t really understand why they asked her all this, though they did say if anything were to happen to come and find one of them and the rest would follow. Whilst she was pouring her heart out, she often times felt Sirius inching closer towards her, placing a reassuring hand on her knee or shoulder, which in return made the girl a bit flustered.
After the confessions were made, she solemnly told them she really had to get back to her dorm, so they all offered to escort her there. Positioned in the center of the group, with Sirius and James on both her sides, she felt happy and safe for the first time here at Hogwarts.
Sirius took the indicators that she was feeling better as a sign to confidently grab her hand in his, holding her palm and giving their now locked hands a natural swing whilst they were making their way to the 'snake`s pit'.
What made them pause their walk was a group of Slytherins,  with an ugly sneer on their face. '' What do you think you`re doing down here? You blood traitors?'' Spat Mulciber, one of the students to blame for Eloise`s new forming scars.
'' Escorting a young beautiful lady to her dorms to ensure she arrives safely, something YOU couldn`t be bothered with it seems.'' Snapped Sirius, scanning the venomous students and noticing Snape was amongst them. He got excited silently at this opportunity to bully him.
'' What`s wrong Snivellus? Got jealous Eloise was spending more time with Evans than you?'' He teased, knowing damn well this was a tender subject.
'' Shut your mouth, Black. Leave, all of you before we decide to curse ya.'' He threatened, gripping his now pulled out wand, initiating the same action from the other Slytherins.
Eloise was grateful for what they have done, but she knew that this was not going to end well, and since it was because of her they all came down here, she took a few steps towards her fellow housemates, which in return shocked them at her unexpected actions, but quickly recomposed, wands at the ready to attack the Gryffindors. Sirius and James both frowned at her, motioning for her to go back to their side, but she simply shook her head.
'' Thank you boys, really. But let`s not cause a big fight alright? Have a good evening.'' She said her goodbyes, in hopes of dispersing the tension, but the moment she turned her back, she heard a spell being cast, and fortunately, or not, it was not casted towards her.
Avery, the third Slytherin that was present, directed a jinx towards one of the marauders, which was the trigger for a duel to break loose. Eloise was behind all the comotion, sitting there mouth agape and her heart pumping blood faster. She didn`t know what to do, should she join and protect her friends? Or just sit there awkwardly and try to stop them, fully knowing she wouldn`t be able to do that.
Attempting to shout a 'stop' once in a while, but in vain, she only hoped this would stop soon enough. A few jinxes later, some extra hands and antlers growing uncontrollably out of Mulciber`s head, the marauders all snickered at their results. She took one glance at them to make sure they were all right, and it was safe to say they seemed to have experience in duels, seeming as they all looked fine, with the exception of Sirius who seemed to be annoyed at his now 'ruined hair' and was trying to fix it. She smiled at that, which caused Sirius to look at her and wink.
The Slytherins had to rush to the infirmary to get their abnormalities off them, which meant Eloise saw a perfect escape for her to run up her dorm and lock herself in the safety of it.
The next morning, she remembered how the marauders Insisted for her to join them for breakfast, knowing full well it would cause an ugly reaction from the serpents. She timidly entered the Great Hall, in hopes that she might be able to go unnoticed by the loud group of mischivieous boys, but no luck, as she was spotted moments after she entered.
'' Oi, Montalli, here, here.'' Shouted Sirius, waving his hand and indicating to an open seat between him and that tall boy, Remus. Eloise looked to her left, noticing the Slytherins already whispering to each other as if planning something, but she jogged towards the marauders, making herself as comfortable as one could be around those loud baboons.
'' How did you sleep? Did they bother you?'' Sirius asked concerned, but for odd reasons not touching her as he used to do other times.
'' No, I was in my dorm the whole night. They can`t come up there,y`know. But I wanted to thank you guys for what you did. You truly are brave as they say.'' She complimented, making Sirius look down at his food to try to hide what looked like a blush.
'' Why thank you. But that was nothing. Can`t wait for you and others to see what we`ve planned.'' James informed excitedly, rubbing his hands in anticipation.
Eloise, confused, raised a questioning brow at him, silently asking for a further explanation, but none came as he dove in his breakfast leaving there dumbfounded.
But her wish was about to come true as Mulciber and Snape were fastly approaching the Gryffindors table, specifically for the girl, and when Sirius noticed her heart beating faster, he smirked the Slytherin`s way, whispering a ' relax' to the girl, which wasn`t the most reassuring at the moment.
'' So now you`re ditching your OWN HOUSE, to sit with with these?!'' Mulciber argued angrily, throwing the girl and the boys one of the most venomous looks she had ever seen.
'' What`s it to ya mate? She can sit with whomever she likes yeah, now c`mon leave us, you sort of interrupted our morning chat.'' James waved dismissively, only angering the two boys.
'' Move. Come on get UP.'' Mulciber persisted, directing his full attention on the girl who was shrinking in attempt at becoming invisible. She couldn`t understand how the rest of the marauders were so calm, and even more, smiling. They seemed to have everything under control, which further confused the spooked girl. Feeling a new wave of courage wash over her, she made direct eye contact with the aggressive Slytherin, and squinting her eyes, she said lowly: '' No...''
Mulciber and Snape, shocked at this newfound rebellion, decided to act physically. So then Mulciber went for it and to grab her firmly by her forearms, dragging her towards the green table.
'' You... You.. Associating with such beings. You`re insulting our HOUSE. Ruining our reputation... Can`t believe you dared do that aware of the consequences that lay ahead...'' He started spitting, but towards the end trailed his words, noticing almost all of the Great Hall was staring at him, laughing and pointing his way. This only railed him more as he continued to drag her towards the final destination, but something felt weird. He glanced down, maybe he had some stains on his white shirt, however something even worse was going on.
His pants were laying on the ground, exposing his boxers and his pale scrawny legs. The marauders let out the loudest barks of laughs, pointing at him shamelessly and therefore redirecting the attention of even more students on the hot-headed Slytherin, who had let go of the girl in an attempt to pull his pants up, but due to the anger blinding him and the attention of the laughing students, couldn`t successfully do so, without almost tripping and falling face first on the ground.
Eloise let out a laugh as well, deciding he was too busy trying to scurry away from the shame and went back to sit with the Marauders, who laughed and explained to her how they came up with a charm that whenever someone were to touch her, their pants would fall off.
Over the next few days, life was good for the girl. She was no longer afraid to speak to Lily, or even the marauders, knowing that she was protected by this charm of the boys.
Other instances happened when Snape was the one trying to lead her back to their shared common room whilst she was in the middle of the hallway with Sirius, but the same thing happened to him, causing Sirius to have a go at him in the midst of all the laughter.  
'' Oi Snivellus. I think you dropped something. Oh by the way nice knickers you`ve got there. You shopping from the ladies section?''
It only took this much for the former bullies to drop their interest in the girl and to avoid her at all costs like she was the walking plague. She couldn`t be more grateful for it, so she wished to thank them.
She was walking outside, on a sunny warm day, searching for the boisterous teens, but she could only find the black haired boy, so, with a grin, she approached the peaceful Gryffindor, who was lying on the grass, seemingly taking a nap.
'' Hey.'' She greeted softly, not wishing to disturb the peaceful state he was in. She crouched down next to him, so she was at the same level. Opening one eye only, searching for the intruder, he found the girl that had been making his heart rate go faster each time he was around her, so with a soft grunt, he opened both eyes and propped himself up, resting his upper body in his elbows.
'' Hello there sweet pumpkin.''
Eloise scrunched her nose at the nickname, snickering at it before reminding herself why she came up to him in the first place.
'' So... You see, I wanted to thank you for everything you`ve done for me. I have no idea how one manages such a charm but, I appreciate it and I am glad you`ve helped me.'' She confessed shyly, feeling the grass between her fingers.
'' You want to thank us... or me personally?'' He flirted cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows, causing the girl to blush at his inuendos and scoff playfully.
'' Well obviously all of you. You all had your part in it.'' She decided to continue timidly. '' But... I suppose you more. You seemed to be by my side more often than not.'' Rubbing her neck Ina nervous manner, she looked around her, to avoid staring into Sirius` eyes, who were burning on the side of her face.
Sirius Black seizing the opportunity, smirked and moved his hair out of his face.
'' Yeah, well. I know one way you can repay me for what I`ve done.'' He suggested cockily.
'' Oh yeah, and how might that be?'' She caught on, flirting back slightly, which was something unusual for her. Sirius inched closer to her, Eloise following his lead and eventually being only a few inches away from eachother, to the point the girl was able to feel his soft breath hitting her skin.
'' Move a little closer...'' He whispered, closing his eyes in the process, causing her to do the same thing. Eventually, they locked their lips in a sweet, short kiss, Sirius having placed his palm on the side of her face.
Pulling away shortly after, they both smiled at each other, and just when they were about to go in for a second time, Eloise started giggling uncontrollably at Sirius, which made him furrow his eyebrows questioningly. But when she pointed down at his pants, which left his legs bare and briefs in plain view.
'' Oh nice knickers you`ve got there.'' She imitated his voice mockingly, the same tone he used on Severus a few days prior. Sirius rolled his eyes, but nonetheless grabbed the girl`s face again, bringing it closer to his. '' Oh shut up.'' He grunted before smashing his lips on hers a second round.
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