#Duck and Waffle
vivitalks · 4 months
i don't know how much of this is good character acting and how much is just pure justin mcelroy but i think it's cute how duck has such finely honed big brother instincts. rest assured if you leave a young woman under his supervision he WILL provide her with waffles and a lateral thinking puzzle
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fisheito · 28 days
i can't look at him i can't look at him i can't look at him i won't i can't im not allowed to why is he I CANNOT
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bueris · 2 months
not to brag or anything but I literally met an angel last week
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biffybobs · 1 year
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Haru Ito: a best of ❤️❤️
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not-dere · 1 year
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nwreric · 2 years
NTSCqt Thing
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sakurarisen · 2 years
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WHAT  THEY  SMELL  LIKE.  Sera loves the outdoors and fairly regularly smells of flowers, wood, and grass, especially prior to settling down due to her traveling and sleeping in trees. However, she vastly prefers fruity and beachy scents when it comes to shampoos, bodywashes, and perfumes, though she doesn’t often wear the later without reason to - she adores strawberry scents and watermelons, and gravitates to them enough that her bathroom is full of them, resulting in her smelling much like a fresh strawberry or watermelon after a shower or a bath until nature once more takes over. This only changes when she’s had a long and stressful day and tries out a bathbomb to relax in with her partner, more often than not going for florals here like lavender, sweet pea, and cherry blossom, or when she’s been at the beach, leaving her smelling much like the sand water, and fresh breeze she loves so dearly.
HOW  THEY  SLEEP.  SLEEPING  POSITION.  SCHEDULE.  ETC. Pre-settling, it was often on her back or on her side in a tight ball; she’d sleep in trees if she could find any, and on her back was usually the only option there. If no tree, she’d find shelter under a rock, brush, or even on a rock, and curl up as tight as she could with her bag for a pillow to keep herself as out of the way and unnoticeable as possible, including whenever she was allowed a cot or bed at an inn or someone’s home. Once given her own bed, be it in the treehouse or her home on the plate, she shifts into a more comfortable side position, or snuggles herself into Zack’s side, and has only begun sleeping restfully and comfortably since living with him.
As for schedule, she doesn’t stick to a strict one - She usually sleeps either whenever Zack goes to bed or she’s too tired to stand, or when she has no work left, which can be anywhere from 11pm to 2am, sometimes even later or even not at all. Regardless of when she crashes, though, she’s up at dawn and rising with the sun if it’s allowed to shine into her room, with the only means of making her sleep in to avoid sunlight actually shining in through the window. She’ll then either be woken by her partner getting up or sleep in closer to noon - A sign she needs more sleep than she ever gets, if her occasional after dinner naps (once a week to every other week, at best unless otherwise overworked) aren’t enough to say as much.
WHAT  MUSIC  THEY  ENJOY.  She doesn’t really have a favorite? She’s fond of instrumentals and would listen to anything light and lacking vocals for hours, yet at the same time she’s also into light rock, pop, classical... She’ll listen to a lot of things as long as it’s not blaring, overly loud and screaming, and you’ll usually catch her dancing, if not singing along! She’s especially fond of regional musics, such as things that would be played at a festival or a fair, and you’re specially likely to catch her dancing and humming along then when she’s learned the tune.
HOW  MUCH  TIME  THEY  SPEND  GETTING  READY  EACH  MORNING.  Half and hour to about 45 minutes, at most. If not distracted by her family, she’ll get up, wash up or shower if it’s a shower day (which is every other day unless she’s been sweating or something else comes up), take the time to brush out her hair and occasionally towel dry it if she’s not letting it air dry, dress, and tend to her part in breakfast duties. There’s not much she does special unless the day itself is meant to be special or she’s distracted by something.
FAVOURITE  THING  TO  COLLECT.  Geodes. She doesn’t really talk about it and keeps these a secret, but they’re the only non-essential thing she allowed herself to have before she settled down, a small sparkle of brightness found in the most unsuspecting of places that never failed to make her smile. She doesn’t have many and her collection is more fragments and small crystals over larger, fuller pieces, but they sit in a special box that has long since been added to as something of a treasure box since meeting Zack and had other memories tucked into it alongside them.
Second place goes to sea hearts - seeds growing in Gongaga’s jungle often swept out to sea by the rivers once dropped.
LEFT  OR  RIGHT  HANDED.  Right-handed
FAVOURITE  SPORT(S). To watch? None, unless it’s the local kids playing, but I’m not sure that counts. To play, she’s not partial to any in particular, especially because she’s not in the best of health even when she’s better about taking care of herself as an adult, but she does like to play soccer and kickball with her boys and the local kids. She needs a break to catch her breath after around an hour and a half, but it’s nice to hear them laughing~
FAVOURITE  TOURISTY  THING  TO  DO  WHEN  TRAVELLING.  SEE EVERYTHING. Is there a sight to see that tourists usually flock to? She wants to see it! She wants to see everything she can and explore, visit all the places, try all the foods she’s able to, make all the memories she can - She’s the tourist you’ll find lighting up like a kid on christmas and asking whoever she’s with to go see whatever sounds interesting, just because she wants to explore. She wants to attend and see it all!
Second place goes to spending all day on the beach, but that’s less a touristy thing and more just Sera’s being drawn to the beach and sea overall.
FAVOURITE  KIND  OF  WEATHER.  Mild weather! Sera doesn’t do well with super hot or super cold, so she’s really into more mild weather where she can just walk outside without a coat or sweater of any kind and enjoy the sunlight. She likes to go for walks, see clear, cool nights where she can watch the stars, stand comfortably on the beach... If it rains, that’s okay too, she can stand under something and watch the rain fall and jump in the puddles - Just as long as it’s a mid-temp kind of day and she can get a few minutes outside, at least, to do her outdoor errands and chores comfortably. <3
WEIRD  /  OBSCURE  FEAR  THEY  HAVE.  Specific bugs. Sera has a LOT of fears though of all of them, it’s perhaps her fear of bugs with many legs and shells/’creepy crawlies’ that’s the most obscure or weird - She’s fine with a lot of bugs, but it’s things like roaches, crickets, and centipedes/milipedes and beetles that scare her. They creep her out and leave her unsettled and spooked, no thanks she’ll do without them thanks-
THE  CARNIVAL  /  ARCADE  GAME  THEY  ALWAYS  WIN  WITHOUT  FAIL. Skeeball and ring toss! Sera’s pretty good at judging distances, strength needed, and the like, and can fairly accurately figure out how hard and where to throw, even if she doesn’t understand how or how to explain her reasoning for it. She’ll usually give away any prizes (or tickets!) she gets from it, too, but it’s not unlike her to be convinced to keep one if whoever’s with her notices it making her eyes light up like a kid, or is dog or cat themed.
tagging: @honorisen, @kaibacorpbros, @firxga, @azure-steel​, @yoroiis​, @auraguardians​
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ghostc0r3 · 5 months
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Bar Pazzo
Downtown Scranton, PA
Duck Wings on a Waffle 😋
Bar Pazzo restaurant hosted Masters of Resonance evening dinners & our live show at The Ritz
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noconcessions · 1 year
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Poultry Day
While dogs may be man’s best friend, man’s favorite meal may very well be Poultry. The domestication and cultivation of poultry have done a great deal to help society grow and prosper.
National Poultry Day celebrates this ancient tradition of animal husbandry has made delicious turkeys, abundant chicken, and eggs of every variety a staple on tables all over the world.
If you love all things poultry and are looking for an excuse to wing it and have a good time, watch for National Poultry Day to come around!
History of National Poultry Day
Sometimes the greatest things start out from humble beginnings, and that’s how it happened with National Poultry Day. Starting in a small town in Ohio by the name of Versailles in 1951, the holiday lasted only a single day, growing in popularity each year until 1962 when it was extended into a two-day event.
Every year saw more people in attendance, more varieties of food available, and more activities added. Current celebrations of National Poultry Day are full weekend events that contain everything from barbecue pits and beer tents to the worlds largest omelet pan.
National Poultry Day is an incredibly important event for the small town of Versailles, Ohio. Every year its population of 2,687 becomes nearly 52,000 for one short weekend. This incredible influx of people has led to the 40-acre park known as “Heritage Park” to become the new home of the festival, with shelter houses, ponds, sports fields, and a walking track.
The income from the event helps to fund the park and ensure that it is maintained throughout the year, as well as making donations to important charities in excess of $700,000 over a 10 year time.
How to Celebrate National Poultry Day
Check out some awesome chicken themed goodies!
We’ve scoured the web to find weird, wonderful and fun poultry products and gifts, so that you can play along at home. Here are some of our favourites.
Take a trip to Versailles
National Poultry Day is best celebrated by making your way to the home of the event in Versailles, Ohio and participating in it right there. If that’s a bit of a trip for you then it’s time to start organizing your own National Poultry Day celebration with your friends and family.
Who knows, your own town could become an important mecca for those unable to reach the home town of Versailles, Ohio! Just remember that poultry is the theme of the day, so include plenty of great meat and egg dishes.
Start a chicken farm!
If you want to make sure that every day is National Poultry Day, you could even consider getting a small chicken farm going in your own back yard.
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little baby lime | s.r. x pregnant!fem reader
“does reid have a girlfriend?” emily asked derek and jj. they both shared a quizzical look with pouted lips, taken aback by the random question.
“not since that one time thing with that lila actress,” derek mumbled. now it was emily’s turn to be thrown off by this new information, “an actress?”
“an old case,” jj informed her. “spencer doesn’t seem like the dating type, mostly. never mentioned anything that might point to it, always doing his usual routine on his days off.” the blonde shrugged off her sentence.
“why do you ask?” derek turned back to emily who jerked her chin while looking behind the two, “cause he’s hugging a girl who might also be pregnant.” an impressed smirk to her mauve lips.
derek and jj wiped their heads fast around you could hear a crack from their necks. true to emily’s words, doctor spencer reid, well know to be a germaphobe, was wrapped in a tight embrace with a shorter woman. his back was to the trio but they could see that his arms were over her shoulders and hers were snug around his torso, also noting that spencer was giving both bodies a gentle sway.
“well that’s a sight,” derek teased. then jj followed with, “why might you think she’s pregnant? we can’t see with tall boy swallowing her.”
emily tapped the side of her nose, “saw her enter just before i asked the hundred dollar question and her tank was a bit snug on her stomach and she even gave it a rub.” eyes moving to the mystery duo then back, “then when spencer went to her he, one kissed her forehead then two also touched her stomach.”
three sets of eyes honed in back to spencer and his mystery guest. you leaned apart, head leaving spencer’s chest but arms wrapped to his back. you smiled brightly at spencer’s rosie face, “you’ve gotten prettier in only a week. not fair.” pouting exaggerated as you rubbed your palms along spencer’s spine.
he smiled nervously at the compliment. “that’s statistically not true. only with time and sometimes diet does your skin start to shift and change. like your body is doing now while going through pregnancy.” a quick peck upon your oily forehead, you sweat too much and sucks that summer is rolling in.
“this little lime is slowly stretching some of my clothes out. but i’m gonna be a sexy mama, like rachel green from friends. so i expect you to defend me against anyone.” teasing spencer since you already know he’ll defend you even over an argument about clothing.
before spencer could reply there was a loud, exaggerated cough from behind. stepping out of spencer’s hold you waffled your hands together and leaned your head against his bicep. a trio of agents you haven’t met before smiled questioning spencer’s way.
“pretty boy, you didn’t tell us you had a gorgeous girl waiting for you.” a tall dark skin man teased like an older brother. he looked at you and smiled his white teeth, “derek morgan, part of the bau.”
“oh, the playboy of the unit. i’ve heard a thing or two about you.” cocking a brow while derek showed surprise but covered it with a laugh, “glad to know i always leave an impression on pretty boy.”
“and thank you for the new nickname, i will be stealing it.” causing the two women to chuckle. a petite blonde woman stuck a hand out and you automatically took it, “i’m jennifer jareau, but you can call me jj. i’m the liaison for the team, deal with media and dictate our cases.”
“and a beaut. glad i snatch up spence before you had the chance.” spencer ducked his chin to his chest while jj just raised her brows, “think it’s for the best you took him off the market first.”
“lucky for me.” pointing a manicured finger to the left of jj, “now you, sexy lady must be emily prentiss since i already know wonderful penelope garcia. if i hadn’t know spencer earlier you would’ve been on my mind twenty-four seven.” a playful wink thrown her way, she didn’t protest to your suggestive words.
“maybe we can get together and see what i’m missing out on. but also, how long have you known reid? we didn’t know you existed.” a huffed laugh.
“use to live in vegas as a kid. thirteen my freshman year to have the local boy genius, twelve year old senior tutor me in algebra. with his help i didn’t need summer school. and i didn’t see him for a while until a few years ago when he’d make visits back into town.” cartoon hearts filtered through your eyes as you recounted your love story. “been dating two and a half years and then this dolt,” a light smack to spencer’s chest, “forgot to practice safe sex and here we are.”
all three of their faces showed complete shock at your last sentence and you can understand why. “don’t worry, spencer takes very good care of me. day and night if you know what i mean.” wiggling your brows suggestively.
spencer sighed, “i think they do, sweetheart. and i wish i could forget this whole conversation.” displeased at where this headed, but still stared towards you like you were the stars in the sky. “now if you’ll excuse us, garcia would like to see her favorite person.”
“second favorite,” derek cheekily pipped in. you waved him off as spencer walked the both of you away and further in the offices. to garcia’s dungeon or lair, whatever she’s feeling that day.
with a polite nock to her closed door and a muffled, “enter traveler,” you rushed inside for her bear hug. “penny!”
“oh my gosh! how are you sexy mama?” penelope rocked you side to side, cheek pressed into her neck. you giggled at the nickname, “is bean pole taking care of you?”
“bean pole?” spencer’s voice was mumbled but an unladylike snort escaping your nose. “i do have a thing for tall, lanky boys.”
“i don’t like this conversation either.”
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gildedoak · 5 months
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Ya'll - the SPEED at which I scrambled to finish this when I found out today was National Peach Cobbler Day. I'll have to bake some tomorrow!
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Gumbo (plus character notes!) Beignets (part 2) Shrimp and Grits Cornbread Biscuits and Gravy Pecan Pie/Sugar Pie Fried Catfish ??? - Season 1 Finale
EDIT: the timer is now named Peaches
Image description below the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A short two part comic.
Panel 1: Header reads "13 APRIL - NATIONAL PEACH COBBLER DAY." Lucifer stands behind his workbench that is littered with tools, holding a bowl of peach cobbler and whipped cream in one hand, and a note in the other. The note reads, "Remember to eat and take breaks every hour. Your posture is terrible. Charlie will be upset if you disappear into your workshop for the whole day and miss dinner again. ~Charlie's Superior Dad." Lucifer looks slightly torn between exasperated, amused, fond, and irritated.
Panel 2: A closeup of the rubber duck Lucifer was working on, which is now a singing timer. "Time for a break, you workaholic! Did you drink your water today? Get outta your goddamn chair! Unclench your jaw!" Next to it, the bowl is empty.
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not-dere · 2 years
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luveline · 5 months
Hi Jade!! I love your writing so much! you wrote a few fics of postprison!reid with kinda shy!reader like the one where she faints and I loved that dynamic and that Reid, do you think you could write some more? pls pls pls <3333333
cw non-consensual drug use /reader is spiked 
Spencer is quite gorgeous. He has a great smile, soft and a little shy without teeth, exuberantly bright like a commercial with teeth. He’s smiling like he can read your mind now, fishing for your hand, and taking it into both of his. Your pinky in one hand and your index the other, he wriggles your hand back and forth and laughs softly. “You don’t handle inebriation well.” 
“What?” you ask, startled. You can’t believe he’s touching you like this, casual, like he’s your boyfriend. Your hot boyfriend.
“You think I’m hot?” 
You squint at him. “What?” you ask. 
He covers your hand gently with both of his. “Nevermind. Do you want something to eat now?” 
“No.” You’ll throw up. Chunks, probably, your breakfast. And it wasn’t even a healthy breakfast. It was waffles and whipped cream and then a donut on the way to the office, Spencer will be able to tell, he’s too smart, he’s too everything. 
“I’m not that smart,” he says kindly. 
That’s a straight up lie. 
He laughs heartily, at odds with his quiet talking, and you’re so confused because it’s like he’s reading your mind? Can he read your mind? There’s so much stuff about yourself you don’t want him to know, your chest hurts thinking about it, you don’t want to tell him anything—
“I think I’ll go find you a hot chocolate,” Spencer says, the sleeve of his shirt falling down unbuttoned to his wrist as he stands. He pushes it back up. He is surprisingly underdressed today and you’ve no idea why. “Does that sound nice?” 
“I don’t think you should leave.” 
“I don’t want you to tell me stuff you don’t want to tell me,” he says. 
“But if you leave I’ll be by myself.” You sound strange to your ears. Crackly, like a garden fire.
Spencer perches himself on the hospital bed next to you. You’re sitting cross-cross on the tight white and blue sheets, waiting for something? Something was supposed to happen, you know that. A doctor was going to take your blood. You look down at the crook of your elbow to find they already have, a cotton pad medical-taped to the skin. 
“I’m not going anywhere if you don’t want me to go,” he says, taking your arm into his hands with the same care he’d shown your fingers. He lifts the corner of the tape and begins to pull it away from the direction it had been stuck in, stretching it, and removing it from you without any pain. 
“Where did you learn that?” you ask. 
Spencer holds your arm in his hand now the cotton ball is done. “Learn what?” 
You’re not interested in asking him again. Weirdly, your throat feels dry, but you won’t tell him because he’ll offer hot chocolate again and you don’t want him to go. 
“Hey,” he says, “not going anywhere until it wears off. Not if you need me.” 
How does he always know what to say? 
“You know, why don’t you get into bed and lay down for a little bit? You must be tired, sitting up. It’s so late.” His voice is a sheet of silk. 
“I thought we were going home?” you ask. 
“We can’t, bub,” —that’s a new one— “not for now. But we will tonight, I promise.” 
“Why not now?” 
He smiles sadly. “‘Cos you’re coming down, Y/N.” 
You frown. “Oh.” 
“I know.” Spencer wraps and arm around your back. “But you’re not alone.” He ducks in until your faces are almost touching. “You know? It’ll go away soon.” 
You don’t know why you say it, but you say, “You’re so nice to me. Even when you’re scary.” 
“Am I scary?” he murmurs. 
You look at him long and hard, feeling the warm rub of his thumb as he smooths a short line into your back. Spencer is intimidating, maybe, because you hadn’t known him when he got out of prison, and he's pretty like a model, or a movie star. But he isn’t scary. That’s not the right word. 
“No,” you say. “I guess not.” You pause. “I feel weird.” 
He doesn’t laugh like you, just hugs you tighter. “It’ll get better.” 
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thebrandonshow1 · 2 years
Space Bass Promo
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thattripleabattery · 2 months
a few platonic reader incorrect quotes for Deadpool and Wolverine
Reader can be any gender, sexuality, and age. If you want to know why reader is there, their timeline has already been destroyed from natural causes and is at the tva and was teamed up with Deadpool to keep him in line
Reader: So what's the plan?
Deadpool: I don't know. You're smart, *points at Logan* he’s mean, come up with something.
Reader to Deadpool and Wolverine: with all due respect, which is none
Deadpool: It's nice to be wanted, you know?
Reader: Not by the tva!
Deadpool and Wolverine fighting each other
Reader: can I have a waffle 😢CAN I PLEASE HAVE A WAFFLE😭
Wolverine: I could kill you if I wanted.
Reader: Yeah? So could any other mutant. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
Deadpool: We have fun, don't we, reader?
Reader: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Wolverine to Deadpool: do you have adhd
Reader: I don’t think there’s a name for what he has
Reader: I am though if you’re curious
Reader (point to Wolverine): you push people away and act like an asshole because you’re too afraid to get close to anyone
Reader (points to Deadpool): and you use humor to deflect trauma
Deadpool: Thank you
Reader: I didn't say that was a good thing
Deadpool: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Reader: Holy shit, Logan, do you know what this means?!
Wolverine: Kid, whenever you start doing this, nobody knows what you mean.
Reader: this is what you sound like Logan
Reader: oh Jean this, oh Jean that, oh I’m in love with Jean even though she clearly is with Scott
Reader: like seriously, storm was right there man
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