webweabings · 5 months ago
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“Driving away”, by Le Castle Vania & Sunsun; // “Driving away from home (Jim’s Tune)”, by It’s Inmaterial; // “Drive”, by Halsey
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batwynn · 11 months ago
Listen, driving at night sucks so much for so many reasons. (Lights. Eyes don’t want. LED LIGHTS. Drunk people. Animals be runnin. Etc)
But there’s something weirdly magical about passing people’s homes at night and you catch that glimpse of someone or something lit up in a room as you go by. Sometimes it’s someone making dinner in a cozy kitchen, surrounded by so many chicken themed collectibles. Sometimes it’s a family, frozen in a moment of chaos of trying to get their Christmas tree up early. Sometimes it’s someone standing alone, wine glass in one hand and a phone in the other. Sometimes it’s the dog, plastered against the window to shout about your existence to those within as you pass by.
Just that little look into their life that would otherwise gone unseen without the darkness, and the light.
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chefd1985pgh · 2 months ago
“Never before and never since.”
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lulurhythm · 1 year ago
Y'know, all debates about Robin aside, I've realized something lately. The character of Robin was not created for us adults, the people with logical thinking skills who question why the kid wears such bright colors when it makes him a target, or why Batman would even let a child (gremlin) fight crime in the first place. Robin was not created for us. He was created for KIDS, for the children, for little people that would look at Batman with awe in their eyes and the urge to explore the world jittering in their limbs and think "I wanna do that". Robin was a vessel for young people who couldn't see themselves becoming Batman, but could and did eagerly see themselves working WITH Batman, lightening his darkness with dumb jokes and lots of flips and a hopeful kind of justice that Batman, in his tragedy, just couldn't offer. A role model. A snarky inspiration. A call to something brighter, more exciting, even heroic.
The character of Robin started as a kid's dream and, over time, became so much more. And I think that's beautiful.
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ruleofleft · 3 months ago
Just feeling a little down
My grandparents have both been with Creator for a bit now, and of coarse I miss them, but I think I miss the feeling of family that i associate with the house. Like every holiday everyone would go to “grandmas house”, I had 2 aunts and 4uncles and each has/had 3 or 4 kids (big family 😅), but everyone would make it a point to go for Christmas, cousins didn’t always get along and sometimes the “adults” would yell or argue. But the house was warm and the food was delicious and staying up till 12 to open presents was awesome…….
My grandpa passed 1st, then grandma a couple of years later. At this point only 4 of my grandparents children are still alive ( my mom included), no one really “fought” over any of my grandmas things��the youngest of the siblings just told everyone that “mom left me the house” and they just let him have it.
It sucked to see my family that I loved fall apart as fast as it did after grandma passed. I never realized that the day I went to go pick up my stupid instapot and grab the last container of waters would be the last time I was gonna be in that house.
I drive by it sometimes not really thinking about it, going to check in on grandma and see how she’s doing only to realize that she’s not there and I get a bit choked up. Today was just a little harder I guess.
I don’t expect anyone to read this, I just wanted to put it out Incase anyone else ever did the same a did t want to feel crazy 😅
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exsqueezememacaroni · 3 months ago
I need people with more talent than me to do two things:
Make the most niche of memes about Mike's sub relationship with vowel sounds and dom relationship with consonants. Mike Patton x linguistics fans unite
Make an AMV for South Paw with the storyline of a sexually abusive father from the pov of the abused that culminates with the person smothering the dad with a pillow while being raped, the abuser vomits in the throes of suffocating and that's what the person wipes away with the line "save yourself the embarrassment" and final chorus is actually just all sweetness and sunshine and happiness after escaping.
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#MidnightThoughts #DrivingThoughts
Thick Heavy Fog and the blank after or between the heavy pea soup fog, is like Analogue TV verses HD Tv.
Don't think I could describe a better analogy. #ProveMeWrong
I could see either Charles or Burt say something like this. Maybe Dave or even Sven.😊😄😆😉
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cryoverkiltmilk · 2 years ago
Considering all the times they're just hanging on the outside of vehicles, let alone being flung around on jetpacks, without any kind of facial covering, GI Joe must have a really extensive lip balm budget.
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hoveringwatcher · 1 year ago
driving home alone at night making the 🥺 face at red lights in order to convince them to turn green
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dyingroses · 2 years ago
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ionizednonsense · 17 days ago
Ik heb zoveel verschillende versies van mezelf. Ik zie ze rondlopen als ik ergens kom. Ik heb geen idee welke versie ik ben. Ben ik ze allemaal of geen enkele echt. Ze waren ooit allemaal mij, maar nu zijn ze nog maar een fractie. Ze komen soms terug, en dan verdwijnen ze weer. Ergens in mij
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saturns-rings-sys · 4 months ago
Gonna do my driving theory again today, probs gonna fail again, why is it so hard :(
Update; I got the date wrong so didn't have to do it. Thank fuck cos I was definitely gonna fail.
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matttheww · 5 months ago
A lot of y’all preach that you’ll change and end up doing nothing and stay the same.
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wheredomelodiescomefrom · 6 months ago
Random inspiration strikes while I'm driving.
I almost go off the road.
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clipsie · 8 months ago
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A shitpost. lol
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someassemblyneeded · 8 months ago
When the orchards turn feral will the future know what they once were? Or will they think that the largest trees in the forest were planted in straight rows by some ancient god lost to time?
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