#Dressage Journey
nolanmichaelcruz · 5 months
Nolan's Survival Guide: Navigating the Horse World with Sanity
Hey guys, Nolan here! And I’ve got some fresh insights to help you navigate the twists and turns of the horse world. Being an amateur rider can feel like a rollercoaster ride—daunting, exhausting, and sometimes downright frustrating. But fear not, I’ve got a survival guide packed with tips to help you stay sane amidst the chaos of it all. 1. Enjoy the Journey: Whether you’re into dressage,…
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hcdragonwrites · 1 year
Love of a Mountain
(Part two to @journey-to-the-au Banquet Fic)
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Here is part two to Banquet! I hope you enjoy !
Willow walked out of her room sometime later, having divested herself of the Heavenly court garments. Instead she was back in her simple gowns and letting her hair fall free the way she liked. If Wukong insists upon a feast then it’s best not to get the garments Heaven-approved-of messy.
Feasts were never the same thing twice here on Flower Fruit Mountain. Each one was as different as a sunset- a thing to be experienced and enjoyed. Heaven's orderly festivals and banquets were usually repetitive and ended the same. No two feasts upon the mountain could ever be compared or summed up as the same.
Rin Rin was coming just from around the corner as Willow closed her door. Though she and Wukong were married- they still enjoyed having a room to run back to and sequester themselves in. They had a shared room- one that linked the two seperate ones together. They used this only when the two desired affection and connection. Or when one or both was having a day of it. For Wukong this would be phantom pains from the circlet he had worn across his brow, or nightmares from his time within the vats being boiled alive. For Willow, this would be memories of the imposter, or nightmares of glowing eyes in the dark asking her how sweet she would taste.
Just a Kiss Willow dear~
Willow shook her head, chasing the cobwebs from her mind. Rin Rin came with a smile and wave. The little gray monkey had a fresh flower behind her ear and her fur was all a sparkle beneath her ochre robes. Willow bent to greet her friend in a warm hug as she collided.
“Willow! I’ve come to collect you.” Rin Rin said. Willow sighed.
“Truly all this fuss and bother for a bit of a missed meal.” Willow grumbled back. “I told Wukong it would be fine, but he insisted on waking everyone for a feast.”
Rin Rin smiled as she stepped back, taking Willow's hand and rushing her along the corridor. Even from way back here, she could make out the gaiety and laughter spilling from the great dining hall beyond. Music was being struck up and Willow couldn’t help but hum a bit of the tune. The folk songs of Flower Fruit Mountain usually were rhymes or twisting trickster tales and harrowing pranks that brought glory. The tune now was a song written for Courage, of her triumph over a tiger and how her trade for her life was her voice.
“Well I heard that Heavenly feasts can’t compare to our own!” Rin Rin touched her flower with her free hand, adjusting it. “Besides, Wukong has some entertainment planned!”
Willow couldn’t help feeling a little bit excited for that. Wukong loved to act out and depict his tales and songs and many deeds with improvisation and magic. He would change shape as swiftly as a wind shifted direction, catching all the crowd up in his story weaving. Her dear friend had many stories to tell and a delightful way to show the little ones of the troupe all the stories he delivered on.
“He didn’t have to wake up the whole mountain.” Willow protested but her protests were getting weaker of conviction the closer they got to the hall. Delicious smells set her stomach to rumbling and Rin Rin grinned. The small monkey knew her friend was losing the battle to protest. She simply pulled her along faster, eager herself to join in the merry making.
“We like parties, Willow.” Rin Rin put simply. The monkeys of Flower Fruit Mountain adored parties. Festivals were favorites. Banquets were boastful. Special occasions were sublime. Any excuse to have a good time and to enjoy themselves was enough. And Rin Rin loved showing off her outfits to Liu, her husband. “Wukong seems more excited than he usually is coming back from the Palace.”
That was true. Usually when they came back from such an excursion to the Heavenly Palace he was tired, fed up with celestial interactions. The human behaviours threw him even now because some celestials would act more human and then those few that came from origins on the mortal world would act more animalistic but look the most human of all. It was always a balancing game of how to interact with who and it was something Wukong could never truly get the hang of.
Willow helped where she could but Wukong preferred to, as he liked to say, ‘Shove himself into a live volcano then try and talk to another official celestial body’. Her handsome monkey tried so hard and usually by the end of a night, was beyond tired and grumpy. Especially if that night was like this one. Hearing Wukong was in good spirits had her thinking.
“What is he trying to pull?” She said aloud.
“Whatever it is, it's for you and you have to be in your spot!” Rin Rin chuckled.
They came around the bend of a stalagmites and out into the great cavern that held the dining area. The stone tables and stools were filled with row upon row of monkeys, of every shade and color imaginable. A living rainbow of fur and silk, the Flower Fruit Mountain troupe were in full jovial mood. Willow caught sight of the overflowing dishes- so quickly prepared!- lining the tables in great silver platters. Fruit cobblers, sweet breads drizzled in glazes of sugar, pies stuffed with almonds and oats, great heaps of fruits of all kinds littered the table. Coconut toddy was passed around in great glass jugs between neighbors on benches. Willow saw shellfish poached and buttered, swaths of tofu fried or grilled in a number of sauces passed from table to table. The comradery, the welcome air, was like snuggling into a warm blanket on a cold night.
Rin Rin led the way to the highest table, one exclusively left for Wukongs closest family and his most trusted advisors. They passed the theater floor, which had been cleared of stools and tables. There would be an event of some kind then.
Great swaths of coconut flesh were shining like white snow upon nearby tables and one of the littlest babes held it out to Willow as they passed.
“Granma Willow! Granma Willow!” The little babe spoke up, holding the coconut flake out. “Try try! I got it myself”
“All by yourself?” Willow remembered the name of this little tuft of fluff. He had been named for the pink of his eyes, and for the rare seasoning brought down upon the world from mountain heights. “Salt thats quite a feat!” She took the coconut from Salts little paw and popped it into her mouth.
“Mmm! Delicious!” And the little babe beamed, flapping his hands excitedly. This started up a small baby monkey storm as the littles, hearing that Grandmother Willow was trying and tasting food, came running. It was like a small tidal wave that Rin Rin got swept up in as well.
“Try my apple!” A brown furred little named Braken chirped, presenting a slice of a ruby red apple to Willow. Before Willow could respond, another little monkey climbed her dress, determination across his very tight little face.
“No no!” Storm challenged. “I made my berries into a jam! Just like you showed me!” He held the tiny little jar in one tiny fist. He was yanked down by another baby, a bit bigger female of the group.
“Grandma Willow would prefer my bread!” Scarlet said.
“Well I made yogurt! With bananas !” Another baby called from the top of Rin Rins head, and suddenly Willow couldn’t keep track of the babies who started to bicker.
“That’s nothing- I MADE THE BEST THING!”
“NO ME!”
Rin Rin popped up from beneath a group trying to climb her, laughing and trying to be serious to reprimand the over eager children in their quest to impress the grandmother of the mountain. Willow herself was laughing too hard as she tried and failed to take a taste of all the treats the babies held out to her. Being bombarded in such a way with so much love was a bit overwhelming but also such a warm and buttery feeling.
It’s nice to feel and see so much love. To be wanted and loved in such a way.
“You littles better get back in your places right now!” The voice of her friend called from beyond Willows sight.
“GRANDPA WUKONG!!” And the small tidal wave of littles swamped the Monkey King. He used his magic, growing larger to collect them all in his arms and swing them about.
“Oh my treasures! How are each of you darling gems! You listening to your mothers? Minding your fathers?” A chorus of yes! Came from the clinging little children, laughing as their grandpa swung them about and placed them back at each table with their parents. “Remember! We can’t swamp Grandma Willow! She may get overwhelmed ok?”
“Yes grandpa!”
“Good little treasures!” He said to them in approval. Once all the babies were back with their parents at their respective tables, Wukong held out his hand to Willow. She took it, Rin Rin holding the other as her two friends pulled her up from the floor and to the table.
“I love them all so much.” Willow thought aloud, as she watched the eager and open love from some of the children and their family’s. She would do anything for these tiny gems that shone with such brightness.
“They almost drowned you in that love.” Rin Rin remarked, straightening her fur and having it lie back in place. “They almost drowned me as well-to get at you- the cheeky lemmings.” This last part was said with such soft love that it took all the teeth out of the remark.
“It would have been a good death.” Willow replied.
“Death by smothering?” Wukong snorted. He nodded to his mothers who greeted him, Willow and Rin Rin in return. Wukong led Rin Rin to her seat beside Marshal Liu who was dressed in his finest armor. His soft cream colored fur looked extra well brushed and presentable. Liu smiled to Willow, bowing his head. Rin Rin eagerly went to her seat, setting the both of them to blushing. Ma and Chestnut were seated beside them, already enjoying the sautéed mushrooms and several shellfish between them.
“Death by love is poetic. Especially when it comes from such little hands and happy hearts.” Willow's smile was warm as she spoke, her gaze sweeping the full and boisterous hall. She didn’t notice the slight sparkle that entered Wukongs eyes as he witnessed Willows face melt into one of such love and adoration.
Wukong then led Willow to her spot at the table, right beside his mothers Wisdom and Courage. To their left was Xinshu, quietly picking and dismantling some poor raspberries. Willow wondered how she was peeling them without the berries bursting. Xinshu was expertly dissecting the berries with the tips of her claws. She turned and waved a red tipped claw at Willow and, though there was no malice, there was a hint of cool challenge.
Willow wouldn’t dare comment on her sister-in-laws habit of spooking her or the others of the celestial court. It had taken a while for her and the white simian to come to a sort of trust and agreement of mutual respect. Willow knew that her little wave wasn’t meant to scare her in the fashion she had originally set about when Willow had first come to the mountain. Instead she was testing her strength, challenging Willow as if to say ‘see? Can you do that?’
Willow could not eviscerate a raspberry. She didn’t even know it was possible to do so. Beyond Xinshu sat Ba and Chestnut. It was good to keep Ma and Ba separate to prevent the start of food fights.
Though, Willow admitted, it wasn’t always bad pranks- food fighting was a new experince. It was quite humorous to join in.
Willow would never tell Ma or Ba but she did enjoy their antics to a point. They kept everyone, including herself, on their toes. But they had also taught her better pranks after she had tricked Wukong with a bucket, a door and some simple water. She recalled that memory fondly when the two standoffish monkeys suddenly approached her one day while she was out tending to the orchards.
“Listen-“ Ma said, coming out from beneath an overhanging peach tree, tail curled in a casual S shape
“We love the classic prank you pulled-“ Ba continued. He hopped down from the opposite tree, a peach in his hand. He took a bite, leaning against the bark.
“It was amazing-“ Ma said.
“Ten out of ten!” Ba Replied.
“But if you really want to get Wukong-“ Ma leaned in.
“Like TRUELY trick that old man-“ Ba continued, leaning in conspiratorial.
“Your gonna need better material!” They said together, their tails twitching in tandem.
“Fear not-“ Ba grumbled, finishing off the peach and tossing the pit.
“You're in good hands now.” Ma finished, taking Willow by the hand and leading her through the orchard to discuss further prank material.
Willow had slowly won over much of the mountain's love and adoration in just her actions and her words. She had proven to the cautious and most hesitant of Flower Fruit Mountain that she was not like other Celestials. She wasn’t like the rest of the court that had brought their wrath down upon the mountain during Wukongs younger days.
Willow was partially through a quite delectable bit of sautéed Chicken of the Woods with shallots and chopped onions when Wukong stood, tapping the side of his coconut toddy with the tip of a knife. The simple noise brought a calmer atmosphere to the hall as Wukong cleared his throat.
“My family! I called on this sudden feast to celebrate my wonderous Wife Willow!” A collective murmur of appreciation swept through the attendants.
“Oh no Wukong why…” Willow felt her face flame a bit in embarrassment. While her friend delighted in the spotlight, Willow didn’t mind watching from the sidelines. Suddenly being thrust into the whole reason for a feast made Willow groan in second hand embarrassment.
“Yes ! She defended my honor when the celestial men of the court cornered me to ask and pester questions from your good king!” Gasps. A few furious teeth barings. Xinshu sliced a little too harshly through her raspberry and sprayed red juice across the table. Wisdom rolled her eyes at her sons theatrics.
“Was it really all that bad?” Rin Rin asked, leaning into Willow.
“They did ask about our ability to reproduce -“ Willow began and Liu grumbled.
“I cannot understand the Celestials' obsession with putting their noses into others' familial relations.” The Marshal shook his head. “I am sorry you were put through that … embarrassment, my Lady. If I had been there I would have challenged his honor.” Willow smiled at him, feeling touched by his need to defend her. Marshal Liu had been one of the first to start calling her ‘My Lady’ after her incident at the river. He was always polite and professional, reminding her of the few times she had actually talked to her brothers.
“Your king was cornered,” Wukong continued, beginning to replay the events with magic. He had pulled several hairs from his coat, chewed and then created duplicates from the strands. The doubles changed themselves into leering courtly men, surrounding a very terribly distressed Wukong. “He was communicating quite clearly how he wished to be away and alone when Willow put on the best performance!”
Another double appeared a bit further down on the cleared theater space, Willow in all her courtly attire. Real Willow was pretty convinced Willow douple was glamoured just a bit much. Her hair shone like a ravens wing and her face almost gave off sparkle as it turned. The real Wukong stood back narrating, pointing out each scene as it happened.
Willow felt her face flame a bit more.
“She swooned and put on a spectacular show of it, asking her husband to rescue her from the stifling court air.” Here the Douple Willow fell over in a dramatic recreation. Douple Wukong rushed forward, catching the fainting Willow.
“ And I, the magnificent King that I am, decided that enough was enough and brought her back to our wondrous mountain home.”
Wukong dismissed his copies and turned, to fix his eyes upon Willow. He smiled, and it was a fun and gentle one, full of teasing and love and such open warmth that it could rival the sun.
“Truly she saved us from a bland night of watching the controlled dances of horses and court gossip.”
Ma and Ba were both roaring and cheering with a large majority of the monkeys now. Willow blushed harder and kissed Wukongs forehead. “I can’t believe you.”
“That’s a good rebuff … right?”
“I am going to play the largest prank on you when you least expect it !” Willow smiled. She knew he did this out of love. And out of a need to tease and praise her. But she wanted to tease him back.
Wukong returned the kiss, placing one right on the tip of her nose. “I look forward to your pranks and will return them in kind.” And he snuck a cheeky tug to her hair in play.
As they pulled apart and settled into their meal again, Willow slowly became aware that there was a murmur going about the tables. A muttering and grumbling that started low and finally crested as some of the troupe of monkeys asked louder.
“Dancing horses? What -“
“They have dancing horses?”
Wukong heard the mutterings and rose once again from his seat.
“Oh yes and they danced with such boring restraint! I’ll show you how a real horse should dance!” Before anyone could tell Wukong no, he had somersaulted back into the cleared theatre space and shapeshifted. An adorable short chestnut stallion stood on the theater floor, his facial markings becoming a white banded blaze across his face. The dining hall whooped and cheered as Wukong began to go through the paces. The horse sidestepped and spun, reared and tossed his head. Then he did things that no horse would ever attempt or try. He stood up and walked several paces, trying to imitate several courtiers in the palace. Wukong balanced on one leg, hopping from table to table and alternating. The hall was a frenzy of calling and cries of laughter as the horse became more ridiculous with each iteration of his ‘dance’.
After landing on his front hooves and balancing a goblet on his back hooves, Wukong paused to allow the hall to cheer and to settle. Then the horse turned his face back to the table, to Willow.
“Of course Heavens horses did not dance alone.” He proclaimed. He bowed in horse fashion, neck pulling in as a foreleg extended outward and downward. “Will you join me Willow?”
An abrupt silence as the monkeys in the hall heard this. Then like a bubbling brook they began to babble and chatter.
“Join him Willow!”
“Show us what you can do!”
“Can a celestial keep pace with him?” Xinshu spoke up, raising a brow in playful challenge at her sister-in-law. “My brother does shape change swiftly.”
Willow, stood and walked to the theater floor. When she had first shown Wukong that she too could change shape, it had been from a deep place of trust. To celestials, changing shape like this was seen almost as taboo. Why would one born of Heavens Grace wish to besmirch that gift? Willow had been taught the ways as any young princess would, and told to use them only in dire circumstances.
That resolve had only begun to deteriorate when coming to Flower Fruit Mountain and seeing her friend somersault into bears and birds with a blink of an eye. Shape changing was not meant to show off or be boastful- but Wukong didn’t do it to rub it in others faces. He did it to entertain, to bring joy and laughter to his home and his people. Willow, after years and years of holding to her understanding, had decided to surprise him. They had been sitting on Willows favorite cliff, the one Wukong had brought her to to first experience a sunshower.
She had been filled with liquid joy- they had spent the day with a group of littles teaching them what could be approached and what to be avoided. Of course that meant Wukong had shapeshifted to be the physical representation of each animal that Willow would describe as either dangerous or neutral. Seeing him effortlessly entertain the littles and the smiles it brought the babies, had finally turned what resolve she had left to dust.
Heaven would never see her do what she was about to do- so why should she hold back?
“Mm? What is it Willow?”
“Look” She moved her hands back, pushing them over her face and felt the change take shape. It was a fizzing sensation not that strange from tickling. It had her smiling when she had completed the shift, now just as tall as Wukong. She had turned into a monkey.
Wukongs eyes had become large as saucers, the pupils blown out as he watched her. She had cute little paws, a sparkling face and adorable tail.
He took a deep breath and politely accused “First off. Wow. Secondly. Why are you so cute ? Like, that’s not fair.”
They had spent that day testing who was cuter and who had the better form. It had melted the last of Willows worries about the taboo of shape changing. On earth there were rules that didn’t need to be adhered to as in Heaven. Restraining the joy of being able to be you was one of those rules that got thrown completely clear of the mountain.
It was a slow process to fully get Willow to relax into shape changing for fun but it didn’t take long. As the celestial walked onto the theater stage she felt the fizz and bubble.it rippled across her skin. One step she was Earth Reaching Willow, eldest celestial daughter to Heaven. The next step she was a bay mare, hooves sticking the stone as she pranced up to Wukong.
The hall went wild with cheers and clapping. Willow could hear Ma and Ba calling out from behind.
“Why she is more stunning than our cousin!”
“Bet she could put you through the ringer Wukong!”
Wukong heard this and tossed his head, nostrils flaring. Dancing was gone from his mind as he turned to stare out into the crowd.
“Do we want to put that to a vote? Who here thinks I have the best transformations?”
A roar crashed down upon Willows ears.
“And who here believes Willow to be the better shifter?”
Surprisingly a good half of the room still shouted their support, Rin Rin the loudest with a “Kick his butt Willow!”
Willow stepped up to Wukong, nuzzling him in horse fashion and chewing a bit of his mane. The stallion, shorter than she, stuck his head beneath her neck and wickered affectionately.
“You’ve decided to make a game of this?” Willow snorted in laughter. Wukong could make a competition and game from anything mundane. If it was laundry it would be a race. If it was baking it would be a contest. Shape Changing would be no different now that he had discovered and helped build up Willows courage to do it.
“Heavens fun is boring compared to ours.” Wukong wuffed. He pulled back, flagging his tail and taking a few strides in a trot. The crowd of monkeys whistled. “I think I’ll be the favorite shape changer.”
“Oh really?” Willow decided to give as good as she got. She tossed her head sending the cascade of black mane across her neck. Willow strutted, performing a perfect Piaffe, giving the illusion of galloping in place. The monkeys were a great audience to perform too- they were enjoying this and eating it up like sweet fruits- crying out to each of them in turn.
“I am the favorite after all.” Wukong countered. Then she watched as he changed shape. One step he was a chestnut stallion, proud head and tail flagging. In the next he had stepped into a wolf, red brindled fur shining.
“Only because you are a king!” Willow called. She decided to leap over the wolf that was Wukong and change mid air, becoming a jet black she wolf on the landing. The crowd applauded. They circled each other, tails wagging in play.
“Are you saying my monkeys would be biased to me?” Wukong woofed, tongue lolling in a smile. He chased his tail, earning some giggles from the littles as shifted again into a red buck. He tossed his head, displaying the twelve pointed tines like a crown on his head. “They would never favor me unfairly over you.”
“Is that so?” Willow teased. She slid beneath his neck, stepping into the next shape as a beautiful doe, eyes as black as the night. “Last I recall, I think they chose you as the winner for the pie baking contest we held- even though your pie was inedible!”
Willow nipped his ear affectionately and sprang back, hooves light as a dancer.
“It was completely edible!”
“It was undercooked and you know it!”
The two friends continued to shift from shape to shape. Wukong leading, Willow following. As they jabbed and teased, joked and called the others bluffs, they flowed through shape after shape. Like dancers they moved, becoming butterflies in one step, to crowing peacocks the next. They became so many shapes- cheetahs and foxes, phoenixes and unicorns, dragons and serpents.
Each turn of their game elicited more calls from the crowd. Applause as the pair turned into hyenas and set the room to laughing. Whoops as Wukong and Willow folded into antelope. They flowed through forms, trading jests and conversation in a playful manner. The game became less of a contest and more of a performance as each movement was either matched or complimented by the other.
Finally Wukong turned into a flaming tiger, roaring into the hall. Smaller babes squeaked in fear but most exclaimed their joy. Willow flowed seamlessly from the crane she had been before to a great white tigress, matching his roar.
Willow had forgotten the crowd almost entirely. She was laughing and so was Wukong as they came out of that final shape and back to themselves. They were both breathing hard as magic like that done so rapidly was an exercise in itself. Like any sport, magic was taxing. Wukong took his wife’s hand and they stepped to the edge of the cleared ground. They bowed in unison.
The hall erupted in joyous calls. Their names were shouted in unison, the game forgotten by the crowd themselves. The night from there on devolved into song and dance, food and good company. Sweets musical band struck up another song, a new one of tonight’s performances and the shifting grace of the mountain's two rulers. It was received with jubilant applause and calls for more and more. The wine flowed, the dancing ensued and Willow and Wukong laughed, the Polestar Palace Banquet far behind them.
It was hours later, the flow of wine leaving Willows head a bit lighter than usual. She had possibly drunk a bit too much tonight. Wukong, Rin Rin, Liu and herself were all trying to make their way back to their rooms. All four of them kept either tripping or stumbling which would elicit giggles from the others.
“What a Night..” Rin Rin hiccuped. She was spun in Lius arms in a very shoddy imitation of the dance from early.
“A night to remember~” Liu had stars within his eyes as he dipped his mate into a bow and proceeded to press as many kisses to her face. This elicited Rin Rin and Willow to laugh- Rin Rin because it set her face aflame and Willow because she loved seeing her friends be in love.
“We better give ‘em some privacy.” Wukong took Willows hand, tugging her toward their rooms. “Make sure you at least make it back to your room!”
The two love birds didnt respond as Liu began to whisper in her ear and set Rin Rin to giggling further. Wukong snagged something from inside their room - a pillow - and tossed it at Liu. It plunked against the Marshals head and he stopped his playful torture to look up.
“Make it back to your room Liu before you turn Rin into melted wax!” Wukong said. His friend gave a nod. Then he immediately swooped Rin Rin up into his arms and marched away.
“Well at least they will have some sort of privacy…” Wukong laughed, closing the door. This was their shared room- the space that the two could come together in. A great mound of bed stuffs- pillows, blankets, and soft downy furs, rose from a circular spot in the middle of the room. Willow made her way to it now, not caring to change and not worrying about the clothes she wore. They wouldn’t wrinkle terribly or dig into her skin from hidden pins or corsets.
These were her comfortable dresses made to toss and roll in. Wukong had had them made for her when she first came to Flower Fruit Mountain and had complained of her tight clothes and binding silks. Willow tumbled straight into the nest of bed stuff, grumbling and stretching happily as the soft down consumed her.
Well I’m not getting back up again.
She was beginning to fall asleep, drifting away on a warm glow when she heard the Monkey King call to her.
“Mm?” She lifted her head up, fighting the sleep. A belly full of food and wine with her body tired from magic and dancing- it was a great feat for Earth Reaching Willow to make eye contact with her friend.
Wukong had slipped from his mottled and fancy clothes, wearing a plain tunic. He looked at her with his great golden eyes then looked away. He kicked an invisible bit of dust at his feet.
“Would you … mind …” Wukong began. Then trailed off. Even half asleep, even with a good bit of Coconut Toddy in her body, Willow could read that look a mile away.
“You want to cuddle don't you?” She summarized.
His eyes grew as big as saucers as he nodded, eagerly.
“Come here, my handsome Monkey.” Willow opened her arms, an open invitation to him. Wukong came barreling in, settling himself into her. Wukong burrowed a hand into her hair. Willow curled her own into his fur. Wukong tucked her head into his chest and Willow made that her pillow. His tail wound around her leg as her free hand began to scratch his back. Wukong chirped and smacked his lips, nuzzling the top of her head and eliciting laughter from her.
The warm glow wasn’t just from the wine. Nor from the warmth these two souls shared. It was a common and honest love, deeper than physical. A bond of trust and care.
“That was fun.” Wukong spoke between his happy rumbles.
“You were planning to perform like those horses huh?” Willow asked him. Her fingers began to scratch behind his ears.
“Yeah- I was gonna be the sole horse dancer.” Wukong began to run his fingers through her hair, gentle as a spring breeze. “But… I’m glad you joined in. It’s more fun when there’s a partner to play with.”
“We’re partners for life.” Willow mumbled. Her fingers were slowing as Wukong pet and tended her.
“Partners to the end.” Wukong chuckled and pressed a kiss to her brow.
“Mm love you Wukong.” Willow muttered, falling back into sleep.
“Love you too Willow..” Wukong spoke between the happy baby noises he was making.
The two fell into sleep, happy and content and the troubles of the previous Banquet already buried beneath the memories of the new one. The safest place for both Willow and Wukong was here, within the gentle embrace of each other's arms. No nightmares came for them. Only blissful sleep and warm dreams. Dreams of food and wine and shifting shapes. And of a love that was the size and greatest of Flower Fruit Mountain.
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griffinequestrian · 9 months
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Mikey has recently been shod in the front for the first time in more than a year. I’m happy with his suspensory support shoe set up. Now I can confirm that he is stepping underneath and through. 😊
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ktvstheworld · 2 years
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Hi everyone, and welcome to my new Insta page! 🙋🏼‍♀️ . For those who don't know me, my name is Katie, and I'm an Aussie Mum in my 30's, who's getting back into riding after a crazy long break 🏇 . The short version is that after 2 years of covid lockdowns (during which I had my second daughter) I decided that this was the year I was going to start doing something for me again. I was going to get back on my horse, and we'd be in the show ring before the year was out... And then 2022 laughed, and said 'heh, hold my beer...' 🙈 . $20k worth of uncontrollables happened within a month, and yet another year was written off before it had really begun. With my hubby (Jay) working mega overtime, I lost my spotter and kid wrangler, which meant riding was out of the question, which ALSO meant I had to put my business and my dreams back on hiatus for the third year in a row. . As you can imagine, it took a huge toll on our mental health, and we then all took turns having all sorts of health dramas, just to top it all off. It never rains, haha! 😅 . HOWEVER, life likes to challenge everyone from time to time, and I've decided to say 'fk it, let's just work with what we've got' 💪😁 . Looking at the positives - the bigger workload at home has given me mad time management skills, I'm an earlier riser, the horses are in great nick, and all the other ducks are slowly lining up. The only thing stopping me now, is me - which is great, because that's something I CAN control 🥰 . This Insta page is going to chronicle my journey from 'unfit, cranky, house-bound Mum' to 'happy, healthy, riding-lots Mum'! . I need to get fit, start all my physio work from scratch, tighten up the screws on the diet, change my sleep pattern, and train my horse... . It'll be a big journey, but I'm honestly excited as hell! . Big love, K xx 😘 . #equestrian #ottb #dressage #dressagerider #showrider #hunterhack #riddenhunter #showhunter #journey #fitness #mentalhealth #ottbdressage #showhorse #fitnessjourney #postpartum #equestrianmum #horsemum #equestrianlife #positivity #health #motivation #instagood #inspiration #determination #chasethosedreams (at KRequestrian) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjKReovrp5L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ctrl-alt-em · 6 days
When the whole Wyrdwood team levels up (which I don’t think will be for a while), I hope Robin gets to level up. I want him to be able to grow and adapt too from his journey. He’d probably get to be level 1, but I can see them jumping him to level 3 for the subclass benefits for mechanics and role play potential.
Using the classes and subclasses for 2024 PHB, there are three classes I think could suit Robin right now: Fighter, Warlock, and Sorcerer. They each highlight how I think Robin and Morven will grow over time, either separate, against, or alongside.
Fighter would give Robin combat skill while keeping magic as Morven’s thing entirely. There would be two sides to the body: physical and magical and that could be interesting to explore, particularly with the different combat styles. Narratively, his new abilities could be explained by Happen and/or Lug teaching how to use weapons. For subclass, I think Champion fits best. It’s the most straightforward, makes the least use of magic, and feels like something more feasible for a commoner than Battle Master.
For Warlock, I think there would need to be some decay in Robin’s relationship with his friends and growing hostility and fear with Morven. If he’s afraid enough Morven will be given his body completely and he’ll be killed or essentially imprisoned, Robin could be desperate enough to make a pact, especially when he’s surrounded by others so much more powerful than him and an outside world trying to kill him. I’m leaning towards Archfey subclass for the support abilities and movement spells, like Misty Step, Faerie Fire, and Calm Emotions, or whatever Cadence is because of the narrative potential that with Happen. Warlock would show contrast between Morven’s innate skills vs Robin making a deal for power out of desperation and how both of them seek gain control of their situation.
Sorcerer, specifically wild magic sorcerer, is my favorite for him. It would keep the two in the same class but show two very distinct uses of sorcery. Morven is a skilled sorceress who has complete control of her magic. She’s has an intellectual and calculating approach to magic. Robin, on the other hand, would have a much more instinctual and maybe even volatile relationship with magic. He hasn’t spent years studying and training and now he suddenly has access to abilities he never gave much thought towards and needs to use them quick. Where Morven is a champship dressage rider, Robin has only seen a horse from afar and is now suddenly in a saddle on a temperamental horse. Wild magic surges fit with magic going wrong in Heoth as well, giving other example of magic going awry. Wild magic sorcerers don’t get their own spell list, but I think the core list with cantrips like Acid Splash and Mending and spells like Chaos Bolt and Shield fit him just fine. Robin is not nearly as confrontational as Morven. Robin could stick to ‘simpler’ or mundane cantrips/spells further differentiate their styles and personalities.
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too-many0-0fandoms · 2 months
F1 drivers as horse breeds (Part 3)
Retired drivers/other people :)
(If you have any idea for who you want to see, feel free to dm me :) )
Oliver 'Ollie' Bearman
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For Ollie I imagine him being a large and friendly soul. I ended up on a Clydesdale because I thought a Shire was just a little too robust. Clydesdales were bred because people wanted a smaller Shire with prettier movement. I imagine Ollie being the cuddle-horse of a petting zoo for children. Just imagine him gently moving around all the small children and thriving in the attention <3
Torger 'Toto' Wolf
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Tall, dark, handsome and looks amazing in white. Sound familiar? Toto’d definitely be either a Friesian or a Friesian x Arabian cross. A gorgeous mover that can be quiet hot-headed. The star in the dressage ring!
Christian Horner
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Christian in my eyes is the epitome of an Arabian; determined, intelligent, sneaky, cooperative yet not ;) I imagine him being the older stallion at a well respected estate that’s like the showpiece of the stable. Maybe also trained in dressage or driving? (And obviously not as inbred as some horses can get nowadays)
Sebastian Vettel
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Seb is a Haflinger! These guys are cheery and joyful, but also love working. And his mane/hair just matches perfectly :3 I imagine him being a pretty successful dressage pony that loves to guide new kids on their journey to the higher levels.
Kimi Raikkonen
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Kimi is (also) a Finnish Horse! I imagine him and Seb being leased out at the same estate and them just being best friends. Everyone knows that where Seb is, Kimi is also. Where Seb is a the joyful, energic pony that needs a lot of work before he can settle down and actually start moving, Kimi is the complete opposite. Calm and collected, he easily gets into work. Together they like to relax in the sun in their meadow. And they also look a like a lot so imagine the newer kids having difficulty telling them apart! :)
Nico Rosberg
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For Nico I imagine him being a racehorse, maybe even at the same stable as Lewis :3, but being different. Like him being an Akhal Teke. This gorgeous breed from Turkmenistan is so shiny and gorgeous, but they can also really excel in racing. I imagine him being the underdog for most years, everyone calling his owners crazy for even considering him, but Nico putting down really solid times. And everyone keeps doubting until he wins a grand slam as the fourth horse in history to do so, because I imagine Lewis also gets like 3 or 4 grand slams. His owners promptly retire him and he becomes one of the most successful breeding studs while also enjoying his retirement :)
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thatpaintedpony · 23 days
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✨ States 2024 ✨
Last weekend, Sky and I headed off to NSW States Dressage Championships to try and wipe away the less than stellar performance we put in last year 😂🫣
I decided to stick to where we had a chance to be competitive and just entered the Novice. We had a later draw which was lucky since we were driving up that morning. The 2.2 was up first and we put in a solid test unfortunately marred by breaking to canter in one of our lengthen trots (4, ouch lol) but otherwise scored really well with a few 8s and a lot of 7s for a 68.4% and 4th place. In the 2.3 I thought she worked a lot better, was much more connected and didn't have any mistakes. We got a great score from the E Judge (70%!) but some tough judging from C brought us down to a still respectable 66% and 7th place - funnily enough, echoing exactly our placings at the 2022 State Champs at Prelim! That's consistency 😂
Overall I'm absolutely thrilled with her. She's working better and better, she's just so easy to take out, so easy to do everything with, I honestly couldn't ask for a better partner in this wild journey ❤️ she's the world's most perfect 🦄
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rambleonwaywardson · 2 months
Clegan Olympics AU - Opening Ceremonies
Author's Note: Some Olympics fluff to start your week. We're going back in time to the start of the AU for a nice opening ceremonies scene. See end notes if you want my thoughts on the real men's gymnastics team.
“We really shouldn’t be here,” Croz laughs as they crowd against the railing of the boat, athletes pressed together on all sides. Hands on the metal railing, he pushes himself forward and back in anticipation with an excited grin as they prepare to start their journey down the Seine. 
“No we should not,” Curt agrees as he looks up and down the boat at all the other athletes on board.
Curt stands in between Croz and Bucky. On Bucky’s other side is Gale, and then Benny and Marge. They managed to snag a great spot on the lower deck near the front of the boat, and the male gymnasts have been living up to their “face of the games” role by helping to hype up the other athletes while they wait to go. 
Men’s gymnastics qualification starts tomorrow morning, and they definitely should be resting up, not standing on a boat in the pouring rain, cheering and dancing and taking selfies with hundreds of other team USA athletes. Alex and Brady, perhaps the only smart ones on the team, decided to follow that guidance. They had podium training yesterday, a chance to practice on the Paris apparatuses that they’ll be competing on, and everything is starting to feel a lot more real. The pressure is on. 
But seriously, how were they supposed to just miss this historic opening ceremony? For the three American gymnasts, this is their second Olympics, but their first with an actual audience and the ability to be around so many people at once, unlike the tense and lonely atmosphere of Tokyo in 2021. Not to mention, it’s the first opening ceremony ever to not be taking place in a stadium. 
Repeat: they’re on a boat, on the Seine, about to sail past Paris landmarks towards the Eiffel Tower. They’d be damned if they didn’t go. 
The team USA boat is absolutely packed, front to back and top to bottom. Bucky and Gale somehow gravitated towards one another like they were inventing a new law of nature, so now the male gymnasts and the young equestrians make for an unlikely pairing of new friends among the crowd of American athletes. It’s pouring down rain in Paris, but that isn’t bringing the mood down. If anything, it’s psyching the USA boat up even more as they cheer into the downpour and quite literally soak it all in.
Curt leans over the rail to look at the equestrians on Bucky’s other side. “Gale, Benny, you start tomorrow, too, yeah?” 
“Oh yeah,” Benny nods, looking off into the distance with an air that says oh the fuck well. They were, in fact, told not to come to the opening ceremonies, considering Benny’s dressage ride is at 9:30am tomorrow morning, with Gale’s scheduled for 11am. 
“Harding’s gonna kill us,” Gale agrees. He glances over to the gymnasts. “He’s our chef d’équipe.”
Croz furrows his brow. “Pardon?”
“He basically runs the entire US eventing team,” Benny explains. “Coach and manager in one.”
“And he’s gonna kill them,” Marge repeats. She’s the only one out of their group of six who should actually be here, since she’s the only one not starting competition in less than 24 hours. 
“Oh he won’t be complaining when we win him some fucking medals!” Benny exclaims loudly. Gale rolls his eyes as the three gymnasts enthusiastically cheer in response, garnering a shouted agreement from the other athletes around them. 
Bucky wraps an arm around Gale, a hand on his waist. “Well I’d hate for you to miss this, the opening ceremonies of your first Olympics,” he says. “And I’d hate to miss seeing you in this.” He glances up and down at Gale’s outfit, which is the same as every other person’s outfit on this whole boat. Navy blue Ralph Lauren blazer with a pinstripe shirt and washed out blue jeans, the USA opening ceremonies uniform. They’ve also all been given small American flags to wave. Gale has his demurely tucked into the front pocket of his blazer, while Curt and Croz have been sword fighting each other with theirs. 
“What? Seeing us in this fit isn’t good enough for you?” Curt asks, pulling forward the lapels of his blazer as he turns to look, offended, at Bucky. 
“Sorry, man,” Bucky laughs. He tightens his grip on Gale. “I like this view a little more than your ugly mug.” Then he presses his lips to Gale’s cheek. 
“You two gonna be like this the whole boat ride?” Benny asks, nodding to Bucky and Gale. “Cause I might just…” he starts shifting away from Gale, but Marge pushes him back into place. 
“What did I do?” Gale mumbles. He’s just standing here getting manhandled by the American equivalent of a Greek God or some shit. Unless you count the way he lets himself practically sink into Bucky’s embrace, tucking himself in close. 
“You’re too fuckin’ pretty for your own good,” Benny tells him. “Now we gotta deal with these assholes.” With his flag, he motions to the gymnasts, who practically climb on top of each other in mock outrage, muttering curses as they pretend to go after Benny. 
Gale gives them all a look that says to calm down, and they actually listen. Marge can’t help but laugh at how her best friend already holds so much influence over these boys. Bucky lets go of Gale’s waist to reach across and give Benny a consoling pat on the shoulder. Curt sticks his tongue out at the equestrians, smirking as he puts up a peace sign. “Welcome to the shit show. We’re happy to have you.”
On Gale’s other side, Benny wraps an arm around his shoulders and points at him. “Just wait til you see this man in his Olympic dressage get-up.” With his free hand he joins his thumb and forefinger together in an OK sign and winks at Bucky, who smirks at Gale. Gale tries not to squirm uncomfortably and looks down at the water below to hide his blush. 
“Guys we’re moving! We’re moving!” Marge squeals, tapping the railing with her hands as the boat finally pulls into the middle of the water and starts to move down the river. All of the athletes on board cheer as they start their trek through Paris, heading into the night. 
As the next nation to host the summer Games, they’re the second to last boat in the over 80 boat flotilla. It’s dark now, and most of the performances along the river have long since ended, but the bridges and sculptures and buildings around them are lit up bright as can be. Even the fountains spitting water into the air in intricate patterns are backlit with vibrant colors. 
As they set off, the news correspondent that’s been making rounds around the boat seeks them out, a cameraman in tow. The media wasn’t expecting the gymnasts to be out here tonight, so she’s excited to talk to them. John Egan is, after all, one of the big faces of the American presence here. Commercials, billboards, magazine covers – you name it, he’s on it. Sure enough, she starts out by talking to Bucky and Curt, then Croz. She asks them about being the USA’s first hope in several Olympiads for a men’s gymnastics medal, and she of course asks Bucky about what it’s taken to get back to the world stage after a should’ve-been career ending injury. He handles it with grace, even though he’s getting sick and tired of the whole “comeback” cash grab the media likes to label him with. He’ll give the people what they want, though, because he won’t ever again take this sport, his health, or the opportunity to represent his country for granted. 
Eventually, though, the way John so clearly has his arm slung around someone else’s shoulder and isn’t letting go forces the cameraman to zoom out and include the equestrian athletes in the shot. Benny and Marge wave and grin at the camera as Gale gives a small, shy smile that has people across the country falling in love with him on the spot (well, that, and the fact that he’s got the balance between adorable and hot as hell in the bag). 
“This is an athlete combination we haven’t seen before,” the reporter says. “The U.S. gymnasts and equestrians.” She motions to Bucky’s arm over Gale’s shoulder. “You’re both from the DC area. Do you know each other well?“
Bucky nods, smiling at Gale instead of at the camera. “Yeah. Yeah, we know each other.”
Curt scoffs beside him and has to cover his mouth in a fake cough to hide it. 
The reporter asks Gale about how it feels to be at his first Olympics, to be riding down the Seine towards the Eiffel Tower surrounded by other members of Team USA. “Unreal,” he says. “It’s a huge honor to be out here and we’re excited to kick off eventing first thing tomorrow.” 
Then she talks to all three of them about being labeled as the new face of US equestrian. The equestrian team has been doing a sort of marketing revamp leading up to the Olympics in an effort to draw in an even bigger audience, especially with the younger crowd. People are more excited for eventing than ever before, and it’s in major part due to these three. They even appeared on an Olympics commercial together, decked out in red, white, and blue riding gear as they cantered down a center line or soared over massive jumps. 
Benny does most of the talking, Marge chiming in here and there, while Gale says a few charming words but mostly tries not to look like too much of an embarrassment on national TV. Bucky’s arm is still around him, and he focuses on that feeling instead.  
As if sensing his discomfort, Bucky leans in close to the camera, pulling Gale in on one side and Curt on the other. The camera pans out to get all six of them in the shot. “US gymnastics and US equestrian are going to dominate this Olympics,” Bucky declares. “Just you watch!”
Once the reporter has moved on, they all break down into laughter. “Yeah, you two know each other a little too well,” Curt teases, shoving his shoulder against Bucky’s. He knows what Bucky and Gale have been up to when he isn’t in the shared bedroom.
“Fuck off,” Bucky laughs. 
Curt shrugs. “Hey man, I’m happy for you.”
Bucky flips him off and Gale rubs a hand over his face in embarrassment. He tries to turn to talk to Benny and Marge instead, but they’re laughing at him, too, and he shoves them playfully, scowling. “Quit thinkin’ about my sex life and enjoy the ceremony.”
The rain starts coming down even harder, soaking the athletes on board. Water below and water above; they’ve seen a lot of water tonight, they all keep joking. Some have put on the ponchos that were distributed before they set off, but others, the gymnasts and equestrians included, opt not to. There’s something about the feeling of the rain coming down. It makes it feel special in a way, even more of a moment than it already is. Plus, it’s not like they paid for these probably unnecessarily expensive outfits. 
Curt somehow acquires a pair of those ugly Olympic rings glasses and keeps purposely knocking Bucky in the face with them. He goes so far as to take Bucky’s little American flag so he can add to his own, sticking one on each side of his glasses. 
After a futile battle to get his flag back, Bucky turns back to Gale and stops short. Gale is looking down the side of the boat, watching the crowd of American athletes standing along it, the sights of Paris in the background. His lips are parted, his eyes wide as he takes it in. Rain drips down his face, clings to his eyelashes, turns his cheeks pink, and Bucky can’t help but stare. 
“Quite a view, isn’t it?” Bucky says. Absolutely no other opening ceremony can compare to this, but Bucky also sometimes forgets that this is Gale’s first Games at all. He remembers his own sense of wonder in Tokyo, even with things as isolated as they were. 
Gale turns to look at him, that wide-eyed, awe-filled expression shifting to Bucky in a way that makes Bucky’s heart flutter. He blinks, though, and the expression goes away, just a snapshot memory for Bucky to tuck away for safekeeping. 
He grabs Gale by the waist with both hands and turns him so they’re fully facing each other. Then he takes the flag sticking out of Gale’s front pocket and uses it to tap him on the nose. 
“Not gonna wave the flag for your country?”
Gale rolls his eyes and plucks the flag from between Bucky’s fingers, giving it a little halfhearted wave. “Happy?”
“You’re at the Olympics, doll. Show some enthusiasm!” Bucky wraps his hand around Gale’s and guides it over the railing, so the flag waves in the breeze over the side. Then he puts his other hand on Gale’s hip and leans in, placing a gentle kiss on his lips, wet from the rain. Their noses bump, and Gale smiles into the kiss. A real smile conveying actual joy rather than the little half thing he’s known for, and he’s still smiling when they pull away and he finds himself absolutely lost in Bucky’s eyes. The only thing keeping the flag from tumbling over the side of the boat is Bucky’s hand tightly gripping his. 
“I think we may be watching the start of a love story,” Marge says to Benny.
“Oh you didn’t see the real start,” Benny replies, shaking his head. “When Gale got off the plane and came to me in a panic ‘cause he somehow just forgot to get John Egan’s phone number after spending an entire plane ride with him.”
“Hopeless,” Marge agrees lightheartedly. She’s worried about Gale, though. She’s never seen him fall for someone so hard so fast. She’s never seen him fall for anyone, really. She and Benny know that, as much as he puts up a tough front, he’s a sensitive guy deep down who just shoves things away so he doesn’t have to feel them. She’s proud of him, on one hand, for opening up to someone new. But she doesn’t know much about John Egan other than the way he’s been shown in the media. She doesn’t think he’s a bad guy, but he’s a little bit of a wildcard, and she can’t stand the idea of someone toying with Gale’s heart. 
“He’ll be alright,” Benny whispers to her. He knows exactly what she’s thinking, but he also thinks that Gale deserves this. Maybe he’ll get hurt, but maybe he won’t. For now, this is the happiest Benny’s ever seen him, so who is he to step in the middle of it?
If Gale and John can hear them over the way they’re staring at each other, lost in their own world, they don’t say a thing. Instead, Bucky smiles brightly, strokes back a strand of Gale’s hair that came out of place due to the rain, and then he turns back to the rail. Slowly, Bucky’s hand slips away from Gale’s, leaving Gale to wave the little flag on his own. Curt shoves against Bucky again and pats him on the back, and Bucky forcefully reclaims his own flag. The US athletes pump their fists and cheer, hundreds of little American flags waving in the air, as they pass beneath a bridge full of spectators, hyping them up as the parade of nations approaches its end.  
“USA USA USA!” Bucky chants, and pretty soon their entire half of the boat is joining in, even Gale. 
Even as it’s getting dark, an audience is crowded along the Seine in every possible place. On the sides, on the bridges above, on balconies and rooftops of buildings, and they all wave and cheer as the USA boat passes. 
Marge jumps up and down excitedly and points out every landmark they pass. The Notre Dame, Le Louvre, La Concorde. She and Gale joke with each other in French, Benny, in between them, annoyed as ever that they can talk over him in a language that he never bothered to learn. Marge ruffles his hair when he complains and tells him, in French, to stop pouting. 
Despite the crowd on the side of the boat, Curt somehow convinces someone to take a picture of all six of them together. Leaning back against the rail, they press in close and smile for the camera just as they’re passing the Louvre. After that, they trade phones, taking pictures of each other as they sail through Paris. Other than selfies, the first photograph to ever be taken of Gale Cleven and John Egan together is a crooked portrait, taken by Benny, as they stand on the boat in front of La Concorde, a red- and blue-lit fountain rising up behind them. It’s blurry from the pouring rain, and they’re both drenched – Bucky’s curls plastered to his forehead and Gale’s hair gel just starting to give up – but Gale is grinning and laughing, a real laugh that makes his nose scrunch as he throws his head back, his flag waving over the rail. Bucky’s arm is around him, hand on his waist, and he stares at Gale like a man in love. 
Bucky will choose a less suggestive photo of them together to post on Instagram, one where he has his arm over Gale’s shoulders instead, where he’s grinning widely at the camera and Gale has the corner of his mouth quirked up in a barely there smile, where they’re both holding their flags innocently up in front of them with the Eiffel Tower far in the distance, where Curt is photobombing from behind. That’s the one that the world will see at the end of the night, tucked inconspicuously into a selection of photos including Bucky and Curt, the three gymnasts, and the six of them together. 
But the picture of Gale laughing, John clearly about to kiss him silly, the rain coming down in torrents – that’s the one that they’ll keep going back to. That’s the one that they’ll hold onto, look at when they need to smile, the one that they’ll use to remember this night. That picture the world will only see years from now, when John finally posts it on Instagram to reminisce about that fateful Olympics where he met the love of his life. 
But they’re not thinking about any of that right now. Even if they can both feel something ineffable taking root between them, they don’t have the slightest idea where it’s going to go. 
“It’s not fair that your hair still looks so good!” Bucky complains. He reaches a hand out to try to mess up Gale’s hair, but Gale ducks away. 
Just a few strands have broken the hair gel’s hold, but for the most part Gale’s hair is maintaining a nice coiff against the heavy rain coming down. Bucky, on the other hand, is starting to look more and more like a wet dog, his hair flattened but a little frizzy at the same time, drops of water dripping off dark curls. Gale couldn’t love it more. 
“It’s called product,” he informs Bucky. 
“I used product,” Bucky insists.
Gale shrugs and turns so he can lean back against the railing, twisting the flag stick between his fingers as he smirks at the gymnast. “Don’t know what to tell you, then.”
Bucky cocks his head and steps in front of Gale, so he’s standing over him, his slight height advantage suddenly very apparent. Gale looks up at him through long eyelashes, water droplets clinging to them like crystals. Bucky rubs a thumb over Gale’s cheek and is about to come up with some clever retort when Curt makes a gagging noise beside them. 
“Ugh, stop being so obsessed with each other,” he groans. “Disgusting.”
Before any of them can say another word, Marge exclaims “Oh there it is!” She grabs Gale by the shoulder, shaking him out of his head-in-the-clouds moment, as she leans over the rail and points excitedly towards the front of the boat.  
“Well, would you look at that.” Croz’s jaw drops, and all of them turn to look at the Eiffel Tower rising high in front of them as they come around the final bend of the parade route. Sparkling in the darkness like thousands of twinkling stars, the tower is impossible to look away from. The Olympic rings are displayed across the front, lit up in bright white, and it caps off the feeling of pure magic that has encompassed the entire night.
This is real. This is happening. They’re here. 
“We’re at the Paris fucking Olympics,” Benny muses. He puts one hand on Gale’s shoulder and the other on Marge’s. Bucky is pressed against Gale’s other side, and Curt wraps his arms over Bucky and Croz’s shoulders. A line of six athletes newly tied together: three second-time Olympic gymnasts looking to make history, and three first-time Olympic equestrians ready to show the world what US equestrian can be. Drawing it all together is a love story, taking shape under the flickering lights of the city of love. 
They’re just six athletes among hundreds on a crowded boat on the Seine, the “USA” chant ringing out on all sides. The 2024 Games are about to begin, and each one of them will rise to the occasion, look victory in the eye, and claim it for themselves. But even with everything to come, this very moment will stick in their minds for the rest of their lives. 
Bucky tilts his head to rest against Gale’s as they watch the Eiffel Tower go by. Somewhere, someone snaps a picture of them that will get people talking in the coming days. But for now, they just take in the moment. 
“You ready for this?” Bucky asks. 
“Mhm.” Gale nods against him. “Yes.”
He’s ready for it all. 
Olympics notes:
Paul Juda on the men's gymnastics team reminds me a lot of how I picture Croz in this AU, hyping everyone up, happy to be there. Paul has my heart. A lot of people were surprised to see him selected to the team, but I was really hoping he would be all year and he’s shown up in a big way so far.
Other than Brody's unfortunate falls on high bar, team USA looked great in qualifying. Hoping they keep it up for team finals. Super excited for Fred Richard and Paul Juda who will represent USA in individual All-Around, and for Stephen Nedoroscik who qualified for individual pommel horse finals. I love this whole team tbh.
Again, devastated for Brody, who is usually super consistent and just amazing, especially on high bar. But after a long road to get here, it's truly incredible that he made it to the Olympics, and he has such an amazing (outward) attitude towards it. Looking forward to seeing him in the team finals tomorrow.
I know I never talk about women's gymnastics in this AU but holy shit are these US women phenomenal. Every single one of them ❤️❤️
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kullabergs · 6 months
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HVA CONSULTANT GRADING Due to difficulties with traveling abroad for the HVA grading show, we got busy at home with setting up a professional studio backdrop, grooming a mare that refused to stand still and dig out an old camera for an online consultation with the HVA. Having the honour to own such a fine mare as ZHG Vespa with such extensive and impressive pedigree lines that date back to SSE Winter Is Coming and several old bloodlines from RDEC such as RDEC Gottecourt and RDEC Vandalist, means that keeping those lines alive comes with a great responsability. It felt important to us to have Vespa graded and approved for breeding and I'm thrilled to announce that the HVA gave its approval and then some! The HVA officials ended the grading with some beautiful notes and a very impressive score:
Genuinely, I think she's one of the most elegantly built prospective hanoverians that we've received thus far, very well done! For Vespa, we've given her a grade of 97%, and she has been approved for breeding!
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HVA FUTURITY SHOW
"Isn't he growing into quite the beauty," Iris remarked, stealing a glance at Luciano as he playfully tugged at Vomme's pink muzzle, the foal resisting with equal determination. They had flown all the way to California for this grading show and they were lucky enough that the tall dark foal was near on his first birthday, or else they never would’ve been able to complete the long journey here. Meanwhile, Luciano awaited his turn to enter the grading arena with Vespa and Vomme, while Iris kept a watchful eye to ensure the foal didn't wander off in the vast venue. Catching Luciano's fleeting glance, Iris returned it before he hastily refocused on the foal. ”He’s not a swan yet. Besides, he is too big to ever be able to ride fast in a jump-off.” While there was a grain of truth in his words, Iris sensed an underlying resistance, most likely directed at her, beneath Luciano's banter. There had been numerous accounts where she’d caught the two playing together or giving each other loving scratches, but the minute he saw her, he stopped. He was nothing more than a man child, come to think of it. Iris rolled her eyes in return. So much for extending olive branches. They hadn’t spoken much since Monaco. In fact, they’d hardly spoken at all. Which may make you wonder what Iris was doing coming on this trip with him in the first place. Originally, her sister was meant to go in her stead, but she backed out at the last minute, citing an allegedly unmissable dressage clinic. Iris saw through the facade; there was no clinic, just a ploy orchestrated by her manipulative sister to force her and Luciano to talk about the inevitable. In the months following the excruciatingly public events in Monaco, Iris had hardly trained under Luciano’s supervision at all. Their stubborn silence even led to her missing out on the Kuse final in Spain, and she had been too proud to ask for his help and he had been too proud to offer it. They both knew they couldn’t keep going at this pace as Iris was risking her professional career and Luciano was doing the exact opposite of what a trainer is supposed to do. Yet neither of them wouldn’t even touch on the subject with a ten-foot pole. As they were instructed to enter the arena, Luciano tightened the grip on the mare’s reins. ”Well, good luck.” Iris offered awkwardly. Luciano shot her another quick glance and gave her a small nod in response, lips tightened into a thin line, his face giving away absolutely nothing. With Vespa charging forward in her customary fashion, Vomme eagerly followed by her side and they left Iris behind by the gate. This was shaping up to be a tough week, Iris thought wearily as she let out a heavy sigh.
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
Betty Boogie's Avatars
I don't see many people talking about it, but one of the more interesting and most definitely the cutest characteristic of recent South Park is Trey Parker's daughter voicing some specific characters. Most viewers might not even realize how much impact she has on the actual show. For instance, when she has favorite pop songs, Trey makes sure to include them in the episodes, such as Humble in S21E1 or when she got into horse dressage, Trey made an episode about it (S25E4), and he specifically stays up to date about current children's trends through her. I'm here to take you on a journey of the characters she played, so naturally first comes Ike.
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Ike Broflovski Ike had a lot of voice actors, famously voiced by the children of crew members. Betty's been voicing Ike since season 20, and that might just be a reason why Ike had such a big role in that season, since Trey evidently loved making his daughter say the silly obscene things Ike said. She started doing the voice when she was 3 years old, just like Ike is. And while she gained other roles, she still does Ike at the age of 10 in S26.
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Hannah Williams Interestingly this first grader, Hannah, has been a background character since S9, waaay before Betty was even born. But she was never named and she never said a word. That changed, when in S21E2 she is singing at a school talent show, voiced by Betty. In S22 she continues voicing Ike and also she provides sound for the priest call whiste. ("I love Jesus! I love Jesus!")
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As of S23 she is also credited for voicing the PC Babies, most prominently Riley, and a vegan boy, who might be a first or second grader, she is also Menorah in S24, the daughter of future Eric.
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However an interesting shift happens at the end of The Return of Covid, in which we meet an entirely new character, Heather Williams (also mistakenly addressed as Heather Thomson before her on-screen appearance) who is decidedly a new fourth grader created specifically for Betty to voice.
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We first see her watching Terrance and Phillip and eating ice cream. Then the boys (as adults from the future) blackmail her with a photo of her farting, since she can get Denver Nuggets tickets from her dad. Then she becomes a recurring character in S25, keeping the idea that whenever Trey thinks a line would be funnier if it came from the mouth of an actual child, he invited Betty to say it.
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In Pajama Day she calls PC Principal a fascist and appears to be friends with Wendy and Millie. And she dares to argue with Eric about the correct pajama terminology at a kids meeting. In The Big Fix, she is seen in the main fourth graders' classroom, arguing with Stan, and it's clear Trey enjoys Betty opposing with his characters specifically.
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I wonder if there's some history behind her voicing two characters named Williams. We know she played a girl called Harper at the South Park 25th Anniversary Concert specifically named after one of her friends, so Williams might be the surname of one of her friends as well. Soon, Heather fades into the background without any explanation, after the show seemingly decided to make her a regular, she gets replaced. Why? It seems like when Betty got 9 years old, Trey decided she should get a permanent character. Perhaps for that idea, they had a better design to use...
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Back in S24, before either Heather Williams or Menorah Cartman got introduced, there was a Lil' Qties member who has never appeared before. She was specifically designed by Betty, seemingly already created to serve as her avatar (and I applaud Trey's bravery to represent her daughter as an anti-vaccine character). Still, I forgot about her, kept waiting for Heather Williams to have a role in S26, and instead when Stan's family buys a japanese toilet, which girl voiced by Betty shows up?
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The blonde girl with the black jacket and bow. And she's officially named Betsy now. The personality is the same as Heather Williams: an assertive, outspoken girl who lashes out at Trey's characters without ever being talked back to. Except she is a different character in-show, and therefore none of the development and experience Heather had in the episodes count anymore. While both of them had exactly one season at this point, I believe Betsy is here to stay, since she is designed by her, named after her, so unlike Heather, she is a more personal avatar.
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Betsy already seems to be friends with Nelly, Nichole, Bebe, Red, and to a lesser extent, on friendly terms with Wendy (although I can imagine their strong personalities would clash at some point), I hope they decide to expand upon her character and make her a mainstay. And it seems like that's the intent. Especially after Trey's father's day cake had Betsy's face on it. My theory is that Heather was supposed to stay relevant, but they just chose the Betsy design after a trial year. So if nothing else would change in their real life, I think it's safe to assume we can count on Betsy returning.
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A rundown of all the Gouden Paarden books
So, these are my favourite horse books of all time. Written by Christine Linneweever and with cover art by George Schriemer, these all follow the point of view from the titular horse. They have sadly never been translated to any other languages than Dutch, but I'll give a rundown of all of the currently out books anyways! Most if not all will just be the translated backcover synopsis, so some might be shorter than others, and they'll be listed in order of release.
Aurea de wilde pony - Aurea the wild pony On the rugged plains in England, the mare Darinde gives birth to a beautiful foal. The filly's coat shines like gold and her mane and tail are pure white. Life for the ponies of the plain is beautiful, but hard, Aura is two years old when one day a truck drives onto the plain. Her mother is shocked and warns Aurea. She knows what the arrival of the humans means. (The pony Aurea is born in a nature reserve. When she’s two years old, she is caught. That is the beginning of an exciting journey.)
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De zoektocht van Pico - Pico's Search Pico has felt unwanted from birth. His mother is a purebred New Forest pony and she should never have had a foal from that Appaloosa stallion. Who likes appaloosas, with those strange spots? Nobody, right? When Pico is sold at the horse market and ends up at the Sissende S Ranch, he cannot believe his eyes. There are all kinds of Appaloosas living here! He finally feels at home. Pico makes many new friends and learns to ride the western way. But the most important thing for Pico is that someone really loves him: the owners' daughter, Martine. Until everything goes wrong and Pico has to leave the ranch...
Maisa de dappere Arabier - Maisa the brave Arabian 'And this is perhaps our most famous Arabian thoroughbred, Maisa Bint Makloufa!' A soft 'oooh' sounds through the stable. The visitors of the tour at GS Arabians are deeply impressed by Maisa's beauty. But one night the precious mare is taken by strangers. Will Maisa manage to escape? (Maisa, a beautiful thoroughbred mare, is stolen. When she tries to flee, she gets heavily disfigured and disabled and ends up at a stable that specializes in teaching disabled children to ride.)
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De ontsnapping van Rafal - Rafal's Escape Rafal is a konik and lives with his herd in a nature reserve in the middle of the Netherlands. It's a tough life for the horses now that it's winter. There is a thick layer of snow and the animals can hardly find food. In the reserve, the koniks are not fed additionally and the herd cannot leave the area to look for food. One day the horses see no other way out: they have to cross the lake that forms the border of the reserve, hoping that something edible can be found on the other side. However, to do so they have to cross a snow-covered ice field. Rafal is afraid of the ice, but he realizes he has no other choice. Will he make it to the other side? And what awaits him on the other side of the lake, where he has never been before? (The stallion Rafal is so hungry that he leaves his herd and escapes the nature reserve. He meets the girl Sam, who takes him to a stable. But does Rafal want to stay there?)
De droom van Fabio - Fabio's Dream Fabio is a Haflinger who is extremely good at dressage. With his owner Lara he wins many competitions. Now they're even allowed to start doing Z-dressage! Fabio finds it amazing and wants to put in all his effort, but he has the feeling Lara isn't as enthusiastic. She rides less and less and seems to be losing interest in him. In the mean time, she expects him to keep performing at the same high level. To minimize risk, he isn't even allowed into the meadows anymore. Fabio does what he can, but it is heavy for him and often he's stiff from muscle pain. On top of that, some of the jury at competitions find it weird that a Haflinger is competing at this high level. Fabio starts to doubt everything: Lara, himself, and his life as a dressage pony. Of course, he wants to do well and shine in the dressage arena. But he also wants to feel the wind in his manes...
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De redding van Roan - Roan's Rescue Roan is a big, tough, friendly Friesian. He is perfectly happy in his stable in Friesland, with his owner Dieuwertje. Together they enjoy wonderful outdoor rides and are quite successful in dressage competitions. But when Dieuwertje comes to the stable one day crying, Roan's world collapses. Dieuwertje's mother has lost her job and they can no longer afford to keep Roan. To his great sorrow he has to be sold. His new boss is very different from Dieuwertje. Roan has to work very hard in a pair, together with Tjeerd. The two horses become great friends, but they also have a hard time and receive little food. Moreover, Tjeerd is terrified of water. Roan does what he can to help his new friend overcome his fear. It seems to work, until they participate in a big competition. Something happens there that will turn Roan's world upside down once again...
Bowi komt in opstand - Bowi Revolts Bowi is a happy Shetland pony who loves to see the world. He's incredibly happy when he gets sold to amusement park Ponyworld. Because of how smart and funny he is, he's allowed to participate in the shows. Bowi loves August, the trainer. But one day August suddenly disappears, after a fight about him spending too much money on the showponies. Bowi's life changes completely when Hugo, the owner's son, becomes the new trainer. Hugo doesn't train the ponies by rewarding them, but by punishing them, and he is too lazy to take proper care of them. The other ponies accept their fate, but Bowi revolts! But is that a smart idea? Because Hugo can decide what is going to happen to him. And sometimes ponies that have too leave Ponyworld end up at the butcher's... Or can the twins Yara and Dominique save Bowi when he pulls yet another prank?
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Nola, met hart en ziel - Nola, with heart and soul Nola is terribly disappointed that she is being sold again. Twice now she has given her all for her riders, who then simply exchange her for a bigger horse. She will never do that again! She ends up with Floyd, who doesn't know exactly what he wants. Despite Nola’s reluctance, a bond slowly grows between them. When an attempt is made to steal the most expensive horse from the stable, Nola and Floyd can only prevent it by working together. To do this, they must overcome dangerous obstacles...
Het vuur van Bajka - Bajka's Fire Bajka was born in Poland on a stud farm with racehorses. She always trains with them and is often the fastest, yet she is not allowed to participate in horse racing because she is not a true thoroughbred. When her owner goes to college, Bajka is sold to a trader from the Netherlands. After a terrible journey, she soon finds a sweet new owner, Julia. But she soon learns that life here is very different from the racetrack in Poland. Here you can't gallop endlessly and Julia gets scared when Bajka wants to stretch her legs. It makes Julia and Bajka both unhappy. Can Julia find a way to channel all of Bajka's energy?
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De heimwee van Faxi - Faxi's Homesickness Faxi and Noor are a golden duo. Faxi loves participating in competitions with Noor and guiding tourist tours in Iceland. Unfortunately, this suddenly comes to an end when Noor has to move to Finland. Faxi is inconsolable. Even when Noor has been gone for a while, he still thinks about her. Then he hears that the world championships will be held in the Netherlands this year. That's the country where Noor comes from! Faxi is freaking out when his owner Ingaborg chooses him to come along. He doesn't believe Baldur, who claims that all horses that leave Iceland to go abroad never return. Ingaborg would never let that happen, would she?
Vidar wil dansen - Vidar wants to dance Vidar, a fjord, works in forestry with his boss Steven, but he hates dragging trees; it's tough and always the same. He would love to dance like a dressage pony! According to his mother, he is absolutely not suitable for dressage. Vidar has to give up his dream and accept his fate as a workhorse. Until boss Steven has an accident and breaks his leg. Steven's granddaughter Fay has to take care of Vidar for so long, even though she thinks he is a clumsy and fat animal and she has absolutely no desire to do so. Gradually, Fay and Vidar get to know each other better... When Steven has recovered, Vidar has to return to the forest, but can he and Fay still live without each other?
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De liefde van Luna - Luna's Love The three-year-old mare Luna has had little luck in life. She was bought by a trader who wanted to make her saddle broken as quickly as possible so that he could resell her. His stablehand Rico does this with so much violence that poor Luna becomes terrified of riding. One day Sterre comes to visit her and it is love at first sight! Sterre sees how poorly Luna is treated and decides to buy her. But she soon finds out that Luna is a nervous pony and as soon as she wants to ride her, things go wrong...
Izar de Spaanse beauty - Izar the Spanish Beauty Izar was bred by the famous Spanish horse breeder Dona Alvarez. Despite his excess energy, Dona has enormous confidence in him. His future has a silver lining. Until everything goes wrong and Izar experiences something terrible, which almost causes his death. He is rescued in the nick of time, but there is nothing left of his energy. And that means that he is the ideal horse for Marit, who became afraid after a fall. But what if Marit manages to give him his energy back? Will she still be brave enough to ride him then?
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De overwinning van Erin - Erin's Victory Erin is a police horse: as gentle as anything and afraid of nothing. That is, until she is bitten by an aggressive dog. She is left with a significant wound, which is healing nicely. But the wound in her heart is less easy to heal. No matter what Jeanine, her rider, tries, Erin maintains a deep-seated fear of dogs. This means that, to her great sadness, Erin is no longer allowed to remain in the police force. She ends up with Lieke, who she immediately has a connection with. Lieke, just like Erin, would love to go on outdoor rides. She decides to help Erin with her fear, but how can one girl succeed where all the police specialists have failed?
Een veulen voor Rose - A foal for Rose Rose is a surrogate mother at a breeding farm for Arabian thoroughbreds. She has already given birth to four foals that she knows are not her own. She's had more than enough. Most of all, she wants a foal of her own. And someone who cares for her and loves her for who she is. Out of sadness and loneliness, Rose starts eating more and more. When the extra kilos cause her to fail to get pregnant again, Rose is fine with that, but the owner of the Arabian breeding farm is not. Rose is transferred to a covered wagon company to lose weight. She has to work terribly hard for the mean owner and is barely cared for. Will she ever get out of here? And does she have to go back to the breeding farm? In the meantime, she continues to long for a nice life and her own foal...
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Ferron, een echte vriend - Ferron, a true friend Ferron and Bravo are best friends. They live and work at a beer brewery in Zeeland, where they run in a beautiful six-horse team together with four other draft horses. They are well cared for by Joris. But everything changes when Bravo becomes very ill and then suddenly disappears, and Joris is fired. Ferron does not get along at all with the new horse caretaker Lars. And he shows it too! When the brewery owner decides to continue with four horses instead of six, Ferron is sold to a horse trader. Where will he end up now? And will he ever see his best friend Bravo again?
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
A Blossoming Friendship
Book: The Royal Romance, Book 1
Characters: Hana Lee & Kiara Theron (platonic for now)
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,864 words approx
Summary: Rivals and suitors for the Prince's social season, are never really expected to become friends. All that changes - for Lady Hana and Lady Kiara - with one conversation.
A/N: Takes place after the apple-tasting task at the Apple Blossom Festival (TRR1 Ch 11) Plum blossoms are China's national flower, and orange blossoms are used often in Moroccan cuisine (and Kiara is part-Moroccan from her father's side).
This story is a prequel one-shot to a Hana x Kiara series I'm planning, Petals and Thornes. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for FotW.
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The first crop of the season has a particular bite to it.
As Hana Lee walks away from the trio of chosen frontrunners - the bitter aftertaste of Cordonian Rubies still ringing on her alarmed tongue - Hana finds herself feeling something vaguely approaching anger towards her mother.
All that time, all those lessons. The best tutors, the best academies, the best books. Etiquette embroidery dressage dancing music ice-skating tea-serving. Only for her downfall to be brought about by an apple.
She is sure Mother must be sitting at home right now, watching the live feed, scowling at Hana's face as she blurts out - barely masking her disgust - "I wasn't expecting such a sour taste!" She has no doubt Mother must be hissing the rare expletive at the TV screen.
As if you had nothing to do with that, Mother!
Her brain is such a deluge of words and smart phrases, things she could absolutely say if she picked up the phone right now. How could you? You sent me here thinking they tasted like honey! She can just imagine Mother on the other end of the line, opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish. How the hell do you expect me to be Queen of Cordonia if you can't even let me know what their apples taste like! It would be so simple: she could outshout Mother, interrupt her the way she's been interrupted half her life, leave her speechless with quick, short, harsh catchphrases and ironclad logic.
Except she knows that won't happen. The moment she picks up that phone, every single word - no matter how well-rehearsed - will crumble into ashes in her mouth. Yes, Mother. I'll try, Mother. I'm so sorry, Mother. I'll work harder, Mother.
But she knows one thing now, in a way that her mother still refuses to. All the effort in the world won't be enough. She could have stood there stone-faced and waxed lyrical later, and still not stood a chance. It's a realisation that dawned on her over the past few weeks - she is not Cordonian enough, not white enough, to be worthy...no matter how perfect her dressage moves are or how skilled she is at everything a noblewoman is expected to do.
Broken engagements are small change for the likes of a Countess Madeleine - they're only reputation-ending scandals when the woman in question is a brown-skinned foreigner.
"Vous voulez de l'eau?" a familiar and rather musical voice calls from behind.
Lady Kiara Thorne is one of those women who doesn't even need to try to look gorgeous. Even on her worst days, Hana doesn't doubt that her hair will be the glossy black of a raven's wing, her skin smooth and dewy, her stride sinuous and confident. Among fellow Cordonian nobles who smile sweetly to her face, and engage in mindless whispered gossip about her skills as a polyglot (or lack thereof, they would insist - she only ever speaks two languages!) behind her back...Hana envies Kiara's ability to remain so supremely unruffled, so self-assured. She is sure that getting to that point can't have been an easy journey.
Today Lady Kiara is holding out a small bottle of water - likely taken from the stands kept for the apple-pickers. Hana's eyes search her face, warily, suspiciously, for signs of disdain, and finds none.
"Take it, I don't have all day," Kiara taps her foot in impatience. She clarifies as the doubt in Hana's face changes into pure confusion. "It'll take the edge off of the taste."
Kiara is right. The moment the water touches her tongue, the sour taste instantly dissolves into a mellowed sweetness, lingering in her mouth.
Satisfied, Hana settles down on a stone seat a little away from the press and the three women. Kiara takes a sear beside her. It's the first time they've ever sat together like this, out of choice rather than necessity or seating arrangements. Hana regards the other woman with wariness and more than a little admiration.
Lady Kiara was the first to drop out of the running, around the time of the Lythikos Ball. Hana remembers, even now, how when the spare of Castelserraillan claimed the Prince would fall for her, her smile never reached her eyes. This woman knew from the beginning she wouldn't stand a chance - not with half of the press, not with the royal family (and once Esther blazed into their lives like a rogue comet, not even with the Prince himself).
But what most people would view as a failure she'd transformed into opportunities; she has never stopped hustling from one contact to another, one prospect to another, patiently laying the foundations for the next step in her career, whatever that may be.
The two women watch now in silence as the frontrunners of the season vie for press attention, their blindingly white faces turning a little pink in the sun. Duchess Olivia stands a little back, surprisingly. She looks tired, bitterly aware that she's lost most of her footing with the public since her infamous public kiss with the Prince. Countess Madeleine exudes confidence from every pore, except when she steals glances at the woman she'd never expected to last a week. Her eyes blaze in a naked need to possess what she considers her territory. And Esther...
"This is your first time?"
"Hm?" Hana murmurs distractedly, her eyes still focused on the dark-haired woman whose striking sapphire eyes caught all of Cordonia's attention from the moment she blazed into the social season, and into Prince Liam's life. Unbidden, she lets out of soft sigh.
Kiara rolls her eyes, and tries harder than ever not to scan the area for her very own special...also-dark-haired...person.
There are a great many things Lady Lee may be good at; hiding her feelings isn't one of them.
"Eating a Cordonian Ruby," she repeats, slower and more deliberate this time. "Is it your first time?"
"My mother used to bring only a few from trips she took to Bethulia," Hana says, curling within herself and cupping her chin, almost defensively. What kind of Cordonian are you? she can almost hear Kiara thinking. "Mostly for pies. Or to be more accurate...to make me learn how to make pies. I've never actually tasted one on its own."
"How did she describe the taste?" Kiara asks, the corner of her mouth tugging upwards very slightly.
"You know...the usual," Hana says tiredly, "Pleasantly crisp. Intense flavour. Notes of caramel." Hana lets out a harsh laugh at the last description.
"To be fair, it's the first pickings of the harvest that have the harshest bite." Kiara concedes, "they mellow down a little after that."
Hana bites back a smile. "Only a little?"
Kiara grins back. "You must understand...Cordonians - especially here and among the descendants of the Fire Tribes - tend to have more of a taste for the astringent. You should try their glazed duck with garlic potatoes once - you'll understand."
Hana nods. Above her and Kiara, the petals of some apple blossoms fall, leaving the remaining to release their own bouquet of scents: some delicate and mellow, some spicy, some like mulled wine - warming your limbs and your soul.
"Perhaps that's why I might never be fully into this kind of apple. I was brought up in Shanghai. Sugar was always seen as a sign of prosperity. Most of our foods are at least a little sweet."
"That makes sense," Kiara says, "What is your favourite fruit then, if it isn't an apple?"
Hana allows herself a tiny smirk, anticipating the horror on Kiara's face when she whispers, "Durian."
"You're not serious!"
"You only think so because you haven't eaten one yet," Hana points out, laughing slightly louder now, "even if it smells like turpentine and onions wrapped up in a sock..."
"...or as Anthony Bourdain once put it so elegantly, 'as if you'd french-kissed your dead grandmother -'"
"Hah! That's a new one," Hana says, feeling a little bolder and less polite, in the face of Kiara's teasing demeanor, "But the taste is divine. Smooth like custard, pillowy like the softest cheesecake. A...slightly strange mix of flavours, like garlic or cheese or caramel, but it works."
Kiara raises her eyebrows.
"Really!" Hana says, laughing again, "but the funniest part is you can never truly know how ripe it is, except by smelling it."
Kiara wrinkles her nose. "One small sacrifice isn't much for something that delicious, oui?"
"Oui," Hana echoes. "What's yours?"
Kiara grimaces. Her answer is uttered so softly Hana isn't sure it can even qualify for a whisper.
Hana lets out a rather audible gasp. "The national fruit of Auvernal?"
"Keep your voice down!" Kiara hisses, then laughs at her own brief panic, embarrassed. Hana presses her lips together to stem any more laughter, but her eyes glimmer with mirth.
Sheepishly, she whispers: "You won't tell anyone, will you?"
Hana playfully performs a zipping motion with her fingers, over her mouth. "My lips are sealed. We can't possibly have the daughter of diplomats creating an international incident at Cordonia's biggest social season yet, can we?"
Kiara's eyes widen in surprise at Hana's own audacity, before she chuckles herself and joins in the fun, pretending to jokingly punch Hana's arm.
"You're teasing!" She shakes her head, "though to be quite honest with you, the fruit is just alright. It's the flowers I'm crazy about."
Creamy-white, with honey-hued orange tips at the center of the flower...Hana has never tasted orange blossoms before, but she's aware of their scent - fresh, like new soap...now if only she could remember the words from her old copy of the Language of Flowers...
"Your purity equals your loveliness," Hana whispers suddenly, a slow smile gracing her lips.
"What?" Kiara responds, confused.
Hana laughs, lifting a small petal of apple blossom from the ground. It is velvet at the tip of her fingers. "That's what orange blossoms are meant to signify... according to the Victorians, anyway."
Kiara shakes her head, gazing at Hana with something approaching fondness. "The next time I need to send someone a bouquet, I'm calling you. I gave up trying to remember flower symbolism before I turned 15."
Hana strokes the petal lovingly, smiling as it bends a little at her touch. "Why orange blossoms?"
"My father's father came from Morocco," Kiara tells her, stretching as she makes herself comfortable and staring into the distance, as if she were there in Morocco with her father's family. "A traveling musician who married my grandmother - the Duchess of our province. Along with my Jiddah, he is considered one of Castelserraillan's best Dukes."
Hana lets the petal fall, looking downwards. "That's a very sweet story."
Kiara doesn't seem to hear her. "Orange blossom water is everywhere...our perfumes, our mint tea, our couscous...and dessert without at least a drop of it never tastes quite right to me."
"How does it taste?" Hana asks, her eyes softening. She knows, already, that her companion's mind is not even in Cordonia right now, but far away, in Morocco, exploring the streets and sinking her teeth into a sinfully honeyed almond baklava. She knows, because even though she grew up in a whole different continent Hana has felt in her bones what it feels like to belong to many places at once.
It's a rare moment, indeed, to see a pragmatic Lady Kiara wax...poetic...over practically anything, so orange blossom water must be something pretty damn special.
"You have to be careful with it," Kiara says, smiling slightly, "it's clean and bright, floral and citrusy all at once....but it's that tiny kiss of bitterness that makes it truly special. Too much and you'd let that same bitterness overpower a dish."
Hana smiles brightly, wrapping her arms around herself. "That's beautiful," she says, "I hope to taste something like that one day. My favourite blossom doesn't really get used in food that much."
Kiara regards her curiously. "Which one is it? Foxgloves? Daffodils?"
Hana shakes her head, laughing. "Plum blossoms."
"Ah, I should've guessed. China's national flower, yes?"
"Yes...and people like to see it as symbolic of our spirit as a people. A sign of persistence and grit. It looks delicate but you'll find it blooming in the harshest winters. We even have a saying somewhere about how its fragrance comes from the bitterness and the cold."
"A defiant little flower," Kiara says softly, then smiles, "It sounds like exactly the kind of flower Lady Olivia would like. She'd probably nick a shrub and try to grow it in Lythikos."
Hana fakes a cough. "Listening to her you'd think Lythikos is the only place that knows what resilience means." she mumbles under her breath.
"You only have to drop a pebble for Olivia to rant about how good Lythikan pebbles are and how no other pebble compares," Kiara whispers back, winking. Even in a voice so low Hana has to strain to hear her, Kiara manages to capture Olivia's way of speaking perfectly.
Hana and Kiara look at each other, gauging the other's reactions. Then they burst into peals of laughter.
"Are there any foods you can use them for? The plum blossoms?"
Hana pauses. In her minds eye she can see those pale pink blossoms, can almost get a whiff of their distinctive scent. No one here knows what that flower means to her...and perhaps they never will. Her Nǎinai and aunt had named her after it. Her aunt had read her poems on it. Our love is like the plum blossom/The freezing snow won’t be able to bury it/It blooms on the branch at the coldest time. When Nǎinai died, Hana placed a plum blossom from Nǎinai's favourite tree, next to the urn that held her ashes.
No one, not even Esther, knows this. And Hana is not ready yet to tell.
"Sometimes," Hana runs a fingertip over her chin, pretending to be in deep thought. "Usually as garnish for desserts. But you can also use it to make some wonderful tea."
"Really?" Kiara has always wanted to try more teas from China and Japan, but has never really ventured beyond some of the more popular varieties.
"It's lovely. It smells like peaches but the taste is absolutely like plums or stonefruit, and sometimes it'll have the nuttiness of almonds. Very sweet, very fruity, very floral. Layer upon layer upon layer of flavours."
Kiara grins. "You sound like you're describing a vintage wine!"
"We should take you to a proper tea ceremony!" Hana says, already excited by the prospect. She knows there is a chance the court may visit her city after the Coronation - maybe she could ask her parents to include that teahouse in Hangzhou in the itinerary. "Many of the tea leaves go through an ageing process - much like wine - and the drinks have their own aromas and flavour profiles."
"Only difference is you won't get drunk," Kiara teases.
"You'd be surprised!" Hana responds, with an airy playfulness. "If we ever get a chance to visit China on the next tour as a court...I'll show you."
Kiara tilts her head slightly, a smile still on her lips. Hana shifts nervously in her seat, wondering if she has overstepped.
They're not yet friends, after all. Just two people who happened to have a lovely conversation.
"Is that a promise, Lady Lee?"
Silently, eyes wide, Hana nods yes.
"Good," Kiara says, her smile a little wider. She looks down on her watch, and gasps when she sees the time. "I'd better leave. Penelope has been begging me to come join her for cocktails a little away from here. She'll be very upset if we're late."
Hana stands up, brushing away the dust and fallen petals from her dress. "Have fun, both of you."
Kiara doesn't take more than ten steps away when she suddenly turns back towards Hana.
"...Lady Hana."
Kiara stares at her for more than just a few seconds, and Hana fights the urge to shuffle her feet nervously at the scrutiny.
"Would you like to join us? It's not too far, and we won't be there too long. I can always get our driver to drop you back if you want to return early."
Hana knows exactly why Kiara is asking. She'd seen the writing on the wall herself weeks ago, ever since her embarassingly desolate yacht party, but today's show of honesty has sounded the death knell on any hopes that she'd get any further in this competition. If you'd told her this weeks ago Hana would have been a wreck, dreading the next phone call from her parents.
But right now she feels surprisingly...light.
She knows why Kiara is giving her a hand in friendship. A show of solidarity. A recognition of Hana's own position, now.
And in all honesty, it doesn't actually feel all that bad.
Hana closes the wide gap between herself and Kiara, coming over to her side.
"Lady Kiara," she says, offering her new friend her most charming smile, "I'd be delighted."
Vous voulez de l'eau? - Do you want some water?
Jiddah - Darija for grandmother.
The poem Hana's aunt taught her is a Song-dynasty verse called "One Plum Blossom"
In the P&T-verse, Hana has a name that only her relatives from her father's side use to call her - Méihuā (plum blossom).
While Kiara's surname/House name is Theron in canon, I've changed it to Thorne in the P&T-verse
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
It’s so strange to me how predominantly white horse sports are (that’s not the right term but yolo), especially because going back to the Old West and the actual cowboys, they were mostly Black and Hispanic men. Idk it’s just weird to me how once it became a fancy “high society” event, all the representation is white people (I mean I know it’s because of racism, but it’s still mind boggling)
Sorry I left this ask in the inbox for a while! I don't know enough of the horse-riding scene in the States to comment, I think it's pretty safe to assume that racism has a lot to do with it.
While I don't think all kinds of riding is seen as 'fancy' or 'high society' (there are definitely more down-to-earth riding schools and ranches), it definitely is the case at elite competitive levels, where the sport is almost exclusively white and is also prohibitively expensive to take part in. It is a rich people's sport where they investment in and own the horses, pay for all the maintenance and for riders to compete. I don't think anything is going to change that.
As for racial representation, I think it has a lot to do with history, culture and tradition. Equestrianism as the sport we know nowadays i.e. dressage and showjumping in particular has such a long tradition in Europe, but is relatively new to the rest of the world. Due to my background, I'm more aware of the developments in Asia, and while there are definitely strides being made, most Asian equestrians still train in stables in Europe, where coaching, support and facilities are more established and easily available.
It's going to be a long journey before any meaningful improvement in representation can be made. I started riding when I was 5, and progress has been painfully slow, but with greater awareness nowadays, hopefully we don't have to wait too long to see better representation at all levels of the sport ❤️
Horse girls representation
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kitsunescraft · 1 year
DSMP Equestrian AU Rambles [P 1]
Hi hello! I've been trying to make and plan a Dream SMP equine AU for months now, but I don't think it's ever going to get to a point I'll be able to write a full on story about it, so I thought I'd just post some notes and thoughts about the various characters and horses I have planned starting with the dream team. Okay yes here goes-
So the dynamics themselves don't really play out like the DSMP storyline. Everyone is usually very friendly, with some bantering and rivalries between people during competitions or casual rides.
Dream's older brother is DreamXD, who I've named Aegis. He owns and runs the stables, however Dream does still have authority of how things run since Aegis steps away for long periods of time to compete overseas. Drista also has some authority! But she doesn't take her duties very seriously. Honestly, she just likes causing as much mischief as possible knowing fully well she can get away with so much stuff
Aegis, Dream, and Drista all own horses who are related to one another in some kind of way. Aegis and Dream got horses from the same sire and dam, while Drista got a horse from the same sire but different dam. Drista and Aegis' horses hate each other, but Spirit tolerates Aegis' horse to a little bit of a degree. Let's just say he's very nosy.
Aegis' horse is a buckskin gelding who has escaped his stall more times than Dream can reasonably count. They always find him in the weirdest of places in the morning and at this point Fundy is convinced he's not a horse. Drista's horse is a grey stallion! She likes to braid a small chunk of his mane and tail and spoils him with treats. He's usually very well behaved and stands well under saddle, but will try and kick the living daylights out of Aegis' horse (He almost kicked him and the two agreed never again). Drista thinks it's funny. Aegis does dressage and Drista does Cross Country
Dream owns a dominant white mare named Spirit! She's a retired show jumper after an accident they had, but the two of them still like to compete sometimes. Dream was the one who convinced Aegis to start up the stables in the first place, wanting to create a safe community where rookies to the equestrian world could have a safe and fun community to fall back on while they find their footing. He also likes to braid her mane, and Dream finds it cute when he and Drista's horses match
Sapnap is a western rider with his seal bay stallion named Mars! They mainly do reining, however Sapnap helps to train some of the new horses that come into the stables. He, Quackity, and Karl hit it off together quickly, and it's safe to say Sapnap is no longer allowed in the hayloft after what happened last time. Sapnap used to ride at a different stable, but moved to Esempii after Dream extended an invitation to him
George is a dressage rider who owns a dunalino overo stallion named Beckerson! He became an equestrian because Dream and Sapnap were really into the community and he wanted to spend more time with them. Thus cue the journey of him getting Beckerson and Dream and Sapnap helping him learn about horse ownership for the first two years. Thankfully Beckerson is very well bred and has an awesome temperament, which made his introduction to everything a little more smooth. George rides Dressage, but he doesn't mind a little bit of show jumping sometimes
I'll be adding a lot of more information later (and maybe some art I've done of the horses-)
I'm really excited to finally share this AU with everyone, so thanks for reading this far haha
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just-1-scorpio · 6 months
Reverse 1999 1.5
Patch 1.5 is soon will be here. People probably know full well what we will get, but I still would have liked to make one comprehensive post.
My sorces are the in game latter, the triller, and from Prydwen.gg. Pictures are from Tumblr, and from Prydwen.gg.
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The event takes place in Australia. Vertin and friends will meet a reincarnator, and together they bring back the Uluru Games, after it haven't been held in ages.
The new playable characters:
First we will get Spathodea, a 6 stars character.
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Then we will get Ezra Theodore, an another 6 stars character.
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Then we got Ulu, a 5 stars character.
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And last, but not least we will get Desert Flannel, a 5 stars character.
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New skins.
First we got the pain shop skins.
We got a tennis themed skin for Tooth Fairy, name "Ace Through the Bagel", and a high jumping themed skin for Pavia, named "The Leap of Wolf".
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Then we get a new battle pass skin.
It's for Dikke called "The Pointy End Up", and I don't know the theme. I don't really know anything about sports.
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And last but not least, we will get a new free UTTU skin.
It's a dressage themed skin for Darley Clatter, named "Dressage".
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New psyhubes.
We will get 3 new psyhubes.
The first is a 6 stars psyhube, called Long Night Talk
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Then we get two 5 stars psyhubes. One called Let's Set Sail, and the other on called Take the Hard Journey.
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Now Banners
We get two banners.
In the first one the 6 stars character is Spathodea, and the two 5 character are Ulu, and Dikke, who you have a bigger chance to get.
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And in the second one the 6 stars character Ezra Theodore, and the two 5 stars characters are Desert Flannel, and Satsuki.
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Naturally we will get a new Wilderness. This time Australia themed.
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New events.
We will get 14 free unilogs. 7 on the first banner, 7 on the second banner.
Log in for 10 days during the event to recive exlusive an Wilderness building, as well as free meterials.
Two side events for the two new 6 star characters.
Three new mini-games
And natural UTTU makes a come back.
New Anecdotes. Dikke, and Erick will get the new Anecdote chapters.
New boss added to Mane's Bulletin. "The Brain", and the "Hypothesis of the Exhibition" raid.
New timer will be added to show the remining duration of the Picrasma Candies in the inventory.
Saved, and preset teams can be named.
Characters from 1.2 (Tooth Fairy, Jesssica, Blonney, and Horrorpedia) will be added to the standerd pull.
And we get information about an update that will happan in 1.6. Players will be able to geberate, and share code for wilderness layouts!
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for those of you who were not around last time: every so often obscure indie tatterpig Exalted releases the manuscript of their next splatbook as part of their kickstarter campaign, and i read through it and lose my nuts. now the manuscript for sidereals, fate-weaving celestial ninjas, is out. and i am going to lose my nuts. if you don't care about this , the tag to blacklist is #hour in rainbow
alright enough pussyfooting around. lets get to it
starting with the severe fuck shit sidereals pull:
excellency changes target numbers, they use prayer strips in their charms but they have them around unless they specifically dont, they deal with enemies of fate, they have
MAIDEN CHARMS which are basically bridge keyword done right. if you have say 3 charms of any Battles ability you will be able to purchase Mars charms like BATTLEFIELD GENIUS STYLE and ASCENDING BATTLES HOROSCOPE
sidereal charms are specific, they interact with the celestial bureaucracy but cant be stopped just by bureaucracying, theyre esoteric and funky with it. they include versatile charms in their combat abilities that can work with martial arts!
holy shit!!!
the ascending and descending horoscopes all have this fucking fantastic structure where you can grant a blessing or curse, but you have to have a constellation-themed interaction first. if you see someone feed a street animal you can invoke Stray Dog Gratitude to bless their travels, if you see them abandon something important you can invoke Forsaken Castaway Curse to curse the same
good worker spirit starts with "when the sidereal lies about where she's been" which is fucking primo, this is the translation of one of the old resplendencies that made it hard to catch you slacking off
mysterious traveler wisdom makes you both helpful to people youre traveling with and impenetrable when they try to figure out where the fuck you came from
predestined escort coincidence, which we are all fucking jazzed to see out of the drive charms from shards, lets you throw open the car door horse bridle and give someone a wordless look to tell them you're taking them where they need to go
oxbody only gives -0 hls, because it is vital that sidereals look completely unaffected and fine
the mast sways turns you into a fucking pinball puppet who takes knockback instead of allies
strength of the mast makes you stronger, especially if youre the strongest one in teh room
unbroken weave deflection clashes attacks with a disarm gambit because weapons just fucking bounce off?? holy shit
oh my god mast upholds all lets you provide support ie "looming behind someone" and they can use your sta+res successes instead of their own. that is unbelievably fucking funny. also people cant notice you doing this.
these charms are horny. there's nothing we can really do about it. setting that aside:
IRON HEART IRON HORSE isnt horny though. it just makes your mount fearless. we love to see it. it will become horny later.
breaking the wild mortal is horny though. sorry vance i'm powerless to deny it. you put a bridle on a guy to make them like you. at least they forget about it
FIELD MOUSE RIDER isnt horny. field mouse rider is really good. we were all so worried when we heard resplendencies were going away but here is FIELD MOUSE RIDER safe and sound
desirable maiden's bargain is fucking fantastic. you tell the world why you're doing something, fate gives it away to whoever needs that information but shows you a clue or surprise tool to help you later, using a flash of lightning or glint of dawn
print the phrase "acquaintance-improving dressage" and look me in the eyes. you can train mounts, including bridled mortals, with this
fiend-humbling horsemanship lets you turn an enemy of fate into a horse. yes this is bai longma yes it is... really thats it but now theyre a HORSE
i would be remiss not to mention RIDING THE DRAGON, which is yes dragon tf. at least it doesnt outright kill you anymore
rarely is travel peaceful. salt-into-ash sleight lets you remind a water spirit that it left the oven on
yellow sky augury lets you get a weather forecast of evils, which is really fun
omen of mutiny lets you learn about threats to your authority at midnight or when you gamble, which is such fucking good food
implicit admiralty assumption makes everyone assume you're the superior of whoever's boss in the room. but your eye does shine when you use it, so better wear an eyepatch
disaster-accelerating expedience lets you learn about a disaster in the future and go, hmm. id like that now please. and just make terrible shit happen faster (but it is weakened)
and then dire squall forewarning lets you just introduce a disaster that will befall your ship. have fun!
charms to make the landscape like you. charms for psychogeography.
poetic sacrifice insurance lets you fail something, buck up, and try again
holy shit entombed soul monument lets you pull an intimacy out and turn it into a natural feature
and then tomb-parole sanction lets you petrify your body and astral project into an animal or spirit
oh my god beloved world embrace lets you become buddies with an environmental hazard and move it around
weapons wander around the battlefield, and so do you! ive always loved this scripture
oh my god shrike-roosting gesture lets you yoink anything to your hand if you've held it this scene. this is a specific image thats been in my head for like years and nows its a charm somehow???
pelican aloft departure is such a bitch name. i absolutely have to say it out loud as i knock someone across the room.
MAIDEN AND SHADOW FORM gives us a funny little preview: every fucking combat ability has its own form now. holy fuck. sidereals and their fucking kung fu. by the way this one surrounds you with thorns made from your shadow. kingdom hearts ass
hshjsj impromptu betrayal trick lets you knock a weapon frmo someone's hand straight into someone else's body
i haven't been talking much about charms from past editions but i cant not mention life gets worse approach. god i love life gets worse approach. great name great flavor you land a weapon in someone and it pulls further troubles and knives to them
HWKQJlGGJDF shining flock of adversities lets you turn that into a whirlwind of debris that attacking attacking attacking attacking. or i should say whirlwind of debris and small animals because you can fucking throw your familiar in there too
ooh, and frayed skein entanglement lets you grapple someone from afar by catching the thread of their fate
and now we come to the enlightenment charms, which absolutely made me go MOM holy fuck. the enlightenment charms let you use, say, thrown charms with an SMA, and learn SMA by mastering thrown instead of other martial arts
three-body trilemma is a BANGER name and a banger charm. when you throw a weapon it becomes a juggling act because you swap places with your target and just catch your weapon harmlessly.
flown beyond the world sends you to fucking final destination no items. jesus christ.
ahahahahaha shadow migration tactic lets you throw someones shadow at someone else
wandering axe foresight is so fucking funny. yes i threw a knife at your doorway three hours ago no i didnt tell anyone until now here it is surprise! i watched oceans twelve the other day and i think they should have given this to them
unrelenting torment is so fucking hilarious. you want to attack me so bad it makes you look stupid. btw golden axes torment. btw its fucking indefinite until you rip the prayer strip off
i absolutely have to stop there we'll pick up at serenities next time
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