#Dream probably eats slowly the few times he agrees to eat and that's not a problem for Hob
webonchin · 1 year
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They may choose a different place the next date...
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Truly, one of the greatest love language is someone agreeing to eat something atrocious for your benefit.
My first experience with this was in college. My friend Charlie invited me to a jazz club. One would think he’d learned his lesson. I thought nothing of this and agreed to a fun night with a guy friend. We arrived and I saw nothing romantic in the outing.
The menu at the club was very traditional date food- steak, oysters, romancey food. But still, I didn’t catch on. This food didn’t sound like what I wanted. In fact, what I wanted was a hummus plate. Charlie took this turn of events with a slight wince but ordered one for us.
The hummus plate arrived. Sitting politely on the corner of the garlic bomb was a spicy pepper. Laughing, I teasingly dared Charlie to eat it. You see, this kind of rough humor was common among buddies. I thought we were in Buddy Rules. But Charlie was operating under Date Rules; eating the pepper would be a romantic test of his bravery.
He bit the pepper.
His skin was almost as pale as mine and he went bright red instantly, tears stood in his eyes as sweat broke out across his whole body in protest. He barely managed to swallow as he began coughing, his body reflexively trying to spew forth the poison in his mouth.
I was doubled over with laughter and didn’t feel bad until a few days later when Brendan informed me it had been a date. I scoffed initially and only slowly realized Charlie had been intending it as a date. I repented the pepper and promptly dated Brendan in self defense.
Charlies act of romantic heroism went unappreciated but the spirit was there.
Many years later when I’d given up on boys I was dating my beloved wife. Together we took a trip to Taiwan. One of the wonderful things about new places is the food. I still dream about the food in Taiwan. Even the humblest train station cream puff was several orders of magnitude better than any I’ve ever had in the states.
But one place we went was like. Italian food as interpreted by Taiwanese cooks. Some of the combos were as bizarre to me as many Italians probably feel American Italian food is. Specifics escape me, but it felt like I was dreaming some of the menu at the time. At the end we decided to get a chocolate fondue, because why not. We were on vacation.
The liquid chocolate was served with all the things one would normally expect, strawberries, sweets, the usual chocolate accompaniments. And then we saw the tomatoes. Tomatoes and chocolate. We all stared at the tomatoes in horrified fascination.
Now, I hate tomatoes. I can stand a tomato sauce but raw tomatoes and I have nothing to talk about. So I knew that if I tried it I’d find it as repugnant as I’ve always found tomatoes. But I was haunted by the idea that someone who actually liked tomatoes would like tomatoes in chocolate.
My beloved loves tomatoes. And chocolate. I turned the biggest puppy dog eyes on them and begged to know if the combination was actually somehow delicious. My wife insisted that it would be heinous. Still, they speared a tomato sacrifice and coated it in chocolate, for me. For me, they ate it.
It was so wretched that their face collapsed into instant regret. But they didn’t spit it out. They knew I got sick if people spit out half chewed food. So they soldiered on and swallowed the cursed chocolate fruit.
Their devotion utterly delighted me, and even years later I adore that they suffered that tomato to reassure me that indeed, it was bad.
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redeyerhaenyra · 6 months
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Imagine being a porn couple with Soap
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Summary: Headcanons of being a pornhub couple with Johnny :3
Warnings: Smut duh, recording sex, sex tapes, public sex, roleplay n costumes, Johnny is handsy, Johnny is kinda pushy w reader, oral (f receiving), fem coded reader, an English lass attempting to write a Scottish accent is its own warning 😭
Notes: Johnny in a kilt save me. Save me Johnny in a kilt.
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This vision appeared to me in a dream
So imagine you n johnny are a couple
And overtime he slowly convinces you that the many, many recordings he's made of you two fucking should get posted online
"Ah you'll be so popular hen, you've no idea, just imagine, so many drooling over what only I can touch."
He's kinda a pushy, needy asshole about it but I'll elaborate on that in a later post 🤷🏻‍♀️
Eventually you agree, and Johnny is soooo giddy
Gives you a big, crushing hug and and a wet, messy kiss
He makes you both a pornhub account, posts a few videos he's got saved, and waits...
Within hours you get soooo much interaction
Johnny proudly shows you all the comments lusting over you
"Look! Look! See! Ah told ya didn' ah?"
He's so dog coded 😩
Johnny gets such an ego boost from it all, he gets new ideas of what you should post all the time
DEFINITELY has several videos of him in his kilt
Probably has a playlist featuring various kilt related scenarios
"Just showin' off ma heritage hen.."
The on thing i will not budge on is this:
He has DEFINETLY bought you some kind of cosplay peasant dress, driven you all the way out to a forest and fucked you there. Titles the video "English farmgirl gets fucked by Scottish brute."
He's extra mean that day, pushes your face into the dirt and growls and you and cums on your face :(
To make it up to you, you both film another video in the car afterwards where he eats you out so sweetly 😇
He gets so handsy in public too, he just LOVES filming you
You think he's just being cheeky then BOOM you see under the table he's recording his hand creeping up your skirt
There is a less than zero percent chance he's used that phat military paycheck on a really expensive, high quality camera and tripod
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hughjackmansbicep · 12 days
The Seamstress
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Contains: Logan Howlett X F!Reader
Summary: Youre a seamstress and he seems to have an endless supply of holey clothes....
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: None :D
a/n: haiiiiii ive always loved this trope in fics !!! tehe!! srry for not writing much recently i got fired from my job LOL anywayssss... i was listening to the smiths writing this unrelated but related.
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Most days bled together, the same mundane routine playing out in front of you each day. Wake up, go to work, go home, eat takeout, and pass out to some soap opera. Currently, the highlight of your life was finding out what was going to happen next on The Days of Our Lives. You were a seamstress in the middle of Manhattan; you owned a small shop off 64th, and although you were living out your dream, nothing excited you anymore. Every task felt exhausting; you couldn't even find passion in sewing anymore. That was until he stumbled into your shop.
“Hi, yeah, I was wondering if you'd be able to sew this up for me.” He grumbled, holding up what appeared to be some yellow and blue jumpsuit. You'd almost forgotten to respond, completely captivated by his sheer beauty. His gorgeous face, chiseled body, kitty-like hair, and you can't forget the unusual yet totally working for him mutton chops. “U-um, ahem, yeah, I totally could.” You manage to choke out, reaching for the clothing item. “How long do you reckon it'll take?” You examine the clothing carefully; it's decorated with rips and holes everywhere. He's lucky if I can get this finished by the end of the week, “Tomorrow.” Your mouth moves quicker than your brain can. “Cool, I'll come by at 10? Is that alright?” He asks, slowly backing out of the shop, his eyes never leaving you. ‘10am? I can't begin to do that either; I mean, I wouldn't get to sleep tonight’. “Yep! See you at 10!” Cure that mouth of yours; you give him a smile and an awkward wave as he makes his way out the door.
You blow your breath out as if you'd been holding it the entire time, sinking down into your chair. You silently cursed at yourself for agreeing to such a stupid timeframe, but this meant you could binge Days of Our Lives tonight, so maybe it wasn't half bad.
The rest of the day went just as you expected. A couple hems, a few cinches—nothing out of the ordinary apart from the comic book cosplay you agreed to revive back to life. It was currently 3 o’clock in the morning; you'd been sitting there sewing the garment for 7 hours. Honestly, you'd been making great time; you were so close to finishing, maybe 20 stitches left total. Somewhere between the last stitch and a doctor getting slapped, you'd passed out on your living room floor.
You'd awoken to the feeling of your feline licking your cheek, causing you to immediately shoot up off the floor. Your eyes frantically searching for a clock, the power Must’ve gone out sometime around 5 in the morning because that's all you saw flashing back at you on the stove. In a frenzy, you started throwing random clothes on, praying they'd match, shoving the costume in a garment bag, and running out the door. Thats when you finally looked down at your phone, seeing the time read 10:03, “God damnit.” You whined under your breath. Your shop was only a couple blocks away, but that was still a 15-minute walk, so you sprinted. You probably looked like a complete lunatic, but you couldn't care less right now. The incredibly hot customer probably waiting outside your doors was the utmost important thing on your mind.
Dripping in sweat and hyperventilating as you turned the corner to where your shop was, you saw him just as you thought you would. Leaning up against the door, one arm crossed over his torso as he took a drag from his cigar with his other. God, he looked heavenly, and you... Well, maybe not your best day, but definitely not your worst. “Hey, sorry I'm late.” You breathed out, hands resting on your knees as you caught your breath. “But I've got your thingy.” You hold the garment bag up; he just furrows his eyebrows at you, cocking his head to the side. His silence makes you feel more embarrassed than you already do. You get up to unlock your doors, ushering him to follow you inside.
You check him out at the register; the only words being exchanged were the cost of the repairs and where he can tap his card. He walked out with a smile and a nod, a soft ‘Thanks’ escaping his lips before the door shut. You throw your head in your hands, feeling shame wash over you. You were hoping and praying he was going to leave his number on the receipt, but obviously he did not. I mean, why would you have had him waiting and showed up looking like a complete mess? Not very good looks. You simply had to chop it up as a loss and return back to the mundaneness of your life.
The very next morning, though, he was here again, this time holding an old brown jacket. He'd said there was a small hole in the pocket he wanted fixed. This time it only took you all 20 minutes. You asked him to wait upfront as you brought the jacket to the back to repair it. When you returned, you checked him out the same as before, and he left exactly the same as before. This became an everyday routine for the two of you. Every day he'd walk in with some worn-out article of clothing asking you to stitch it up; you always obliged, even if the clothes looked and smelled like they came from 1987. You always did wonder how this guy had so many ripped-up clothes just lying around, and why wouldn't he just bring them in all at once?
This charade had been going on for 2 weeks now when you finally decided to break from your usual script of ‘thank you, come again’. “Why is everything you own torn apart? Is everything okay back home?” You asked as he slipped his card into the machine. You could see the heat rising to his cheeks as he tried to hide a smirk creeping its way on his face. “You want me to be honest with you?” He looked up at you, pursing his lips together in a thin line. You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue, “I honestly thought you were gorgeous when I first walked into your shop.” Now your cheeks started burning red as your eyes went wide. “So every day since then I head into Goodwill and find anything I can with a hole in it so I can find an excuse to come see you.” This was the first time you'd ever seen this man avoid eye contact with you. You couldn't find your words as your throat had gone dry. He was into you??? And here you were this whole time thinking you ruined your shot (and that he was homeless, but you weren't going to tell him that). 
"Well, say something.” He exasperated, snapping you out of your daze. “I honestly don't know what to say; I’m shocked. I get off at 6 if y’know... You wanted to grab something to eat?” You offer awkwardly, smiling through the pain of how anxious you sounded. He looks up to you finally meeting your gaze, a soft smile painted on his lips. “Ill be here to pick you up at 6 doll.” He grabs your hand, planting a gentle kiss on your knuckle. He walked out the door, leaving you in utter shock and denial for the rest of your shift.
hi ps u can always request me shtuff to write! :3
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ghostreblogging · 2 years
Omg like I had this dream about it yesterday. So what if batfam decided nope we're gonna ghost proof this house. And in the way they did it, they didn't use blood blossoms, ectoranium etc (blood blossoms are extinct and hard to find in large quantities and ectoranium is a space metal that nobody knows exist yet or confused with kryptonite) They used magic, so it's little less noticable.
And Tim decides to Invite his new friend over, aka Danny Fenton . Said friend refuses to touch anything while there. He wouldn't sit, eat food, or touch any of the occupants. And when he finally accidentally touches something, the spell works and he is captured with glowing chains or straight up thrown back into the infinite realms.
Danny finally has time for normal teenager shit. He managed slowly go through the bureaucratic shithole that is the infinite realms politics and he managed to come out with his sanity intact. Phantom is no longer a menace but a hero that tragically gave himself up to seal all of the Infinite realms (that is kinda true he did go through a nightmare to make sure ghosts didn't attack the living world and had to do the equivalent of centuries worth of paperwork to do that.)
And all things considered ghosts are a thing of the past for most people. ( He hopes that the ones he allows through keep their oaths and stay hidden)
And he can finally be a normal teenager again, albeit in Gotham of all places. But the death in the city masks his more inhuman traits and he really didn't wanna go through another paper work stuff to register himself as a meta without the meta gene, he would have to do that later though.
But he can do that later, he's on a vacation and he's not doing that.
He is standing in the doorway. People around him are getting their umbrellas and sadly he doesn't have one. He was debating internally if he should just go or go back to the lost and found for an umbrella.
He was waiting for Tim as he agreed to come for dinner. The car ride to the Wayne manor was calm, filled with few words.
All changed when he came to find the whole manor was covered in intricate magical circles and traps. He saw atleast few that straight up sent him to the dark parts of the realms and he didn't want to touch that. And as much as he wanted to straight up escape, Tim had been asking for multiple days.
So as much as he wanted to flee, his social skills are shit and he didn't want to risk the awkwardness afterwards.
So he tried his best. Didn't touch the ground floated slightly above it, didn't touch the furnitures cuz apparently it was considered part of the house, couldn't touch the walls. Couldn't even touch the residents before setting the alarms off.
He thinks he pulled it off. Of course he pulled it off everything was going smoothly and he just has to make sure he has everyone in the room in his sights and float a bit. Well until the actual dinner. He couldn't touch the food and he looked quite akward so much so Tim whispers to him.
"You okay? You aren't touching your food."
"Oh I'm okay, it's just-" before he could even start with his sorrowful excuses, someone someone grabs his arm, again it wouldn't have been a problem too it would only raise the alarm, until he is pushed down into the chair thus triggering multiple traps .
Big golden chains appear and he is arleady out of the chair by then. He opens a window and turns to say sorry but he accidentally trips over another trap and is pulled into the realms. He should probably cross Tim out of his list of friends.
Tim's friend just fell through a portal, should probably call Constantine about that.
Dick was the first one to speak up after the silence that incued.
"Did we just banish Tim's new friend to the shadow realm?"
"Wait why did he trigger the alarm? He didn't seem all that ghostly, was he like Jason"
"Probably. We probably won't see him again, do we just. . . Push the blame onto Constantine?"
" We are heroes-"
"And how the heck are we supposed to enter the realms anyway? And escape! Constantine greatly expressed that portal was one way only"
They see Danny just waltzing through Gotham and they pull him aside.
"What the fuck. You got pulled into the shadow realm yesterday! How do you even trigger the alarms"
Danny who arleady went through the five stages of denial and how tf am I gonna explain "oh you see i am a warlock of....uhhhh
I didn't think this far
And after a very stressful meeting with batman and the entire JL dark members cuz apparently his alter ego became a big deal without his agreement.
Where he
Had to speed learn how to create duplicates
Had to fight off a few ghost lawyers cuz they wanted to be a part of "the very important meeting of importance"
Got asked to do magic (he's still learning okay?)
He panicked tried to sell one of his powers as a spell or him just having the copy of his patrons power.
More people got worried about him supposedly creating a contract with a very powerful new unknown diety
Got into the JL dark as a warlock
People apparently trusts him now???? As FENTON??????
Apperantly showing off weaker version of patrons power was a bad idea cuz he greatly overestimated the power limit.
He is a powerful warlock of a powerful "demon"?
"so what is he"
Uhhhhhh a guardian spirit?
Uunhuun soo it's phantom right.?? Leme do some research
Wait . . . . Clockwork. Oh my god.
Now he is the number one call up magic person for the bats now.
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girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Cabin in The Woods
word count: 6.7k
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Summary: Everyone knows to stay out of the forest, but through a dare you ventured in… you just never came out. Meeting a wolf that says he needs you to survive, and you have no one else to give your love to but the animal that uses you every night.
Pairing: Werewolf!Jungkook x Human!Reader
Genre: yandere, supernatural!au, horror!au, smut, angst, some fluff (if you squint)
Rating: 18+
Warnings: bullying, disfiguration of body parts, breaking of bone, mate bonding, possessiveness, implied murder, blood, eating of people & living animals, implied/attempt at rape/non-con, vaginal sex, cream pie, cock warming, pussy sniffing & kissing, jk is horny for reader 99% of the time, kinda stockholm syndrome-ish, easily manipulated reader, dom!jk, sub!reader, lonely!reader
A/N: The best way I can explain this fic is that jk has actual wolf tendencies. He’s more wolf than man, so you’ll find that he relates more to a wolf in this fic than to his human half. I had a dream about this, probably should see a therapist, but here we’re instead! I hope you enjoy, my yandere lovers! 😌
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
You don’t know why you agreed to the dare. It was stupid to even think nothing would happen to you.
All you wanted was to make some friends, so when some people in your hometown asked you to come to their party, you were all for it. When you got to said party, it wasn’t what you were expecting. Everyone’s eyes were on you, and the peer pressure was to the max. Somehow a game of truth of dare started, and now your here—alone in the woods because you were one of the few daring people at that party.
You weren’t daring, though, and the dare wasn’t random. It was pointed at you by a couple of college kids that wanted to pick on the loner girl. You realized this after the hour in the haunted forest definitely went by, and no one came to save you.
North became south, and west became east. Any direction you pointed yourself in, you would find yourself trailing deeper and deeper into the woods where too many tourists and even a few locals never came out of.
You swore the forest was even playing tricks on you. Swearing that each tree looked the same, and the fog got thicker with each step you took. You didn’t stop your hurried walking, to try and get out of the forest as quickly as possible, until you heard a snap of a twig from behind you. Slowly turning your head, something you never thought in your twenty-two years of life you would ever see was standing right above you on a rock.
It was a wolf.
Not just any wolf. A snarling, big, yellow eyed, and black furred scary looking wolf that still had animal carcass from an earlier dinner hanging out of its mouth. And you had a feeling it wanted you for desert. You, for some reason, thought if you stayed still that it wouldn’t see you. Like all the movies about predators not being able to see their prey if it stayed still. Well, you very quickly realized this is not Jurassic Park and the wolf lunged at you.
You screamed, sliding somehow just out of the way from the wolfs attack, and then booked it. Running as fast as you can, and screaming as loud as you can. You claimed this day to be the worst one of your life because even as you ran like hell, the wolf still followed closely behind. Four big paws hitting the ground way faster then your two feet were.
You think you may have run a mile that day just trying to get away from the wolf. When you finally decided to look back and see the beast, you were finally able to skid to a stop when you see it’s not behind you. You breathe out a sigh of relief… but that relief didn’t last long.
Just as you turn back around, the same beast as before springs out of the shadows and tackles you to the ground. The beast hunted you. It made you think it left and had you let your guard down. Stupid mistake because now your done for. 
The beast growled in your face, and pinned your entire body to the ground. It’s sharp, huge teeth dripping with drool right on your face. This was it. This was going to be the end of your life, and you were going to be apart of the many that ventured into this forest and never came out.
Tears streamed down your face, and because you felt desperate you even begged the wild animal. “Please… I-I’m not ready to die.”
In that moment, you thought you even heard the wolf laugh. A heavy chuckle coming from its snot. But in that moment, when the beast was laughing at your pathetic pleads, it sniffed the air around you and then it’s pupils dilated. The wolf inhaled again, this time pressing its snout right against your neck, and making you shake with fear when you thought it was going to bite you.
There was a moment of silence, the wolf keeping its nose against your neck, and then it retracted it’s snout away from you. Everything happened so fast after that…
The sound of bone crunching was the first thing you heard, but it wasn’t your own. The creature above you backed away a messily bit, and it was only because the head of it was melting away. It’s then you realize it’s body was transforming into something you’ve never seen before. Body parts coming out of its skin, and constant sounds of broken bones snapping as each piece of the wolfs limbs melted away into one of… something else.
When the first limb that was being created out of the wolf became whole, you realize it was one of a persons. A man’s hand attached to a whole arm as each piece of him clicked together. It was a gruesome and slow process to watch. One that would of had you gagging if you weren’t so focused on the once wolf turning into a man.
When each bone finally clicked in place, a man that would of had you swooning by his looks alone any other day was kneeling above you. His hair was close to hitting his shoulders, and to the opposite of what you would expect from a creature like him, his skin was smooth to the touch except a singular small mole under his lip. His lips were pink, chapped, but plump and they were above a jaw line that most women would compliment as being sculpted from the gods.
It’s then, as more silence stretches on and you’re now staring into two brown eyes that were once yellow, that you put the pieces together of what creature us standing before you. Of what creature—this very muscular, and very naked, creature of a man has been doing in these woods too. Making countless people disappear, and having too many people afraid to even step foot into these wood because of it. Because of him.
“Werewolf,” You say at the same time the beast above you says, “Mate.”
And that was the day your life changed forever.
Nobody missed you. Nobody went out searching for you. You assumed everyone at the party thought you died, so that was the end of loner girl y/n. Probably didn’t even have a memorial like all the other forest disappearances.
You had no parents to worry about you. Your mom died over a year ago from complications, and eventually your father died soon after from a broken heart. No siblings or other close relatives to wonder about you, so you were stuck. Stuck in the woods with the only person—being, wolf, whatever—that actually showed he… cared?
You’ve be in a small cabin in the woods with him for three months now. It was a cabin that if an people passed by—not that they would venture in to the woods or get that close to begin with—wouldn’t think twice about it being abandoned and nothing worth exploring. But on the inside was everything a girl like you needed.
A somehow working bathroom, a small kitchen right in front of the door, and a queen sized bed (that’s more of a mattress on top of a old bed holder) that was pushed into the corner of the small cabin. With a blanket and two pillows on top of it. One pillow that ironically had a picture of a wolf sewed into the fabric of the pillow case. Everything a girl like you needed to survive was in this small space.
And everything the werwolf needed, Jungkook you found out his name was the day you met him, was you and what was in the last door of the cabin. The door that opened up to a set of steep stairs, and held nothing but a steal cage in the middle. That’s where he held you the first week you stayed here. Trapped and forced to endorse his ritual of claiming you as his. Teaching you how to be the perfect little submissive human to his dominate wolf.
He never took you as a an actual wolf luckily, but he did take you that first meeting in the woods. On the ground, with your clothes ripped apart, and you crying and screaming for him to stop. It wasn’t until he bit into your neck, forever claiming you as his mate, that it felt like your whole world shifted.
Suddenly it was like you could do nothing but submit to him. You still had resolve, though. And that’s why he kept you in the cage for so long. A week may not seem like much, but it did for you. Especially when he—allegedly—left you down there at night. He didn’t let you out until you promised never to leave, and after three months you’re still here.
You’re currently washing a dish in the small sink in the kitchen. You just ate lunch of what you assumed was rabbit, Jungkook being the one to hunt for yours and his food, and once your done with cleaning it you put it on a towel to dry. You look up from the sink at the same time Jungkook as a wolf came into view of the small window in the kitchen above the sink. You can see he’s holding in his mouth what looks to be a deer, and you grimace as you think about how he killed it.
You open the cabins front door when he gets close enough to the house, and move off to the side so the big wolf can squeeze himself into the house. Shutting the door behind him, he came in into the kitchen area and dropped the dead deer on the floor. You crotch onto the floor in front of what you presume to be dinner, and you aren’t scared of the wolf’s fangs as he continues to heave out breathes next to you.
You haven’t been scared of his wolf for a long time.
“Poor Bambi,” You say as you pet the deers snout. Earning a growl from Jungkook as you touch the dead deer so tenderly, and then he pushes his own snout in between your hand and the deer so you can then pet him. “Stupid wolf.”
You smile as the wolf laughs. A husky chuckle of a noise you remember used to confuse you when you heard it, but now you know it as him laughing in wolf form.
He then backs away from your hand after a few scratches, and you look away as he begins to transform into the man you were forced to love. The only person you love.
The sound of broken bone came from your right, but it wasn’t until you feel a human nose against you cheek that you turn to see a hairless faced Jungkook. His hair is still a bit long, but you convinced him to cut it a little shorter and even chop a part of it completely off. Making it look like he had a buzzed portion of a quarter of his hair. He’s currently naked, but you ignore that fact. Being very used to his naked form by now.
“Hello stupid wolf,” You say in greeting with a small smile, and you watch his own smile twitch up for a second. He then pushes his face forward, and you let your eyes drift shut when you know he’s about to take in your smell. Something he always does when going into human form and being in front of you.
He first presses his nose back onto your cheek, it wiggling a little as it touches you. Then he moves his nose to your own, and glides it next over your two eyes. Sniffing and inhaling every few seconds. It isn’t until he goes to your lips that you allow your eyes to open half-lidded.
Jungkook’s eyes are shut, but he senses you staring at him so he opens his own eyes. Two pools of brown looking back at you as he slowly presses his lips to yours. Your eyes flutter shut, and you know his eyes are still open. It’s a small, barely any pressure type of kiss and you always think he’s doing it more for you then for him. He knows he doesn’t need to kiss you to earn your love, to own you, but he kisses you anyway.
After a moment of the soft pressure of his kiss to you, he detaches from your lips. You flutter your eyes open, and you hear a quiet growl rumble from his chest. Making your eyes flicker down to where you believe it sounded from.
“Hello… Y/n,” Jungkook says with a broken up voice. You think he’s never talked in his human form until he met you. At least not for a long time, so hearing his voice now is a rarity but you can’t help yourself and smile at him as he practices speaking.
“Yes, I’m y/n.” You press your hand to your chest. “And your Jungkook.” And then you press that same hand onto Jungkook’s naked chest right above his slowly beating heart.
You watch the corner of his lips twitch up again into a small smile, and you wonder what it would look like for him to actually smile. With teeth and all.
“Yes,” Jungkook says simply as he nods at you. He then takes his face away from so close to you, and aims his sights on the bite mark he left on you during the first day you met. You softly gasp when you feel his finger touch the surface of your neck. Gliding his fingers around the jagged teeth marks that will never go away. He then says with a mouth full of clenched sharp teeth, “Mine.”
And you’re his. He’s drilled it enough into your mind and body that you’re his. That he needs you to survive because a wolf without his mate is futile. Just like how your father died without your mother, Jungkook would die without you.
He may have brought up the situation in parts, and started this relationship in a terrible way, but he’s been alone and stuck in his wolf for a very long time. He didn’t know what “no” meant, and everything humans learned about consent and taking things slow into a relationship was nonexistent to him. So, he did what he does best when he wants something, he took it. Took you right there on the forest floor, and came deep inside you as he bit against your neck hard. Claiming you to him and his wolf forever.
Jungkook then slowly departs his finger from your neck, and wraps his arms around your arms and back. Your arms are sandwiched in between the two of you, and you’ve come to learn he likes to hold you this way. Having you safely protected in his arms, and he can easily bring his whole body on top of you so he can scent all of you at once. You pull your legs to your chest, knowing he’s going to scoop them up after he’s done sniffing your hair.
With one last whiff of your hair, he rubs his nose on top of your head. He then, just like you thought, scoops your legs up with one arm and supports your back with the other. Picking you up bridal style, and looking down at you as he caries you to the bed.
Your cradled and squished against him the whole ten steps there, but the whole way feels so safe. You would think a wolf like him that has such animal tendencies would be the worst place for you to be, but overtime you recognized it as the safest place for you. No one could touch you as long as your with him.
But that just means the big bad wolf would always have the ability to touch you.
Some time later, when your clothes are stripped off of you and your stomach is being pressed against the mattress, Jungkook drives his cock roughly into you from behind. It’s a rough, hard, and rocky affair every night. That’s right, every night.
The only times he doesn’t take you is when you’re on your period, and that’s because he hates the smell of blood on you. Keeping his distance and staying in wolf form the whole week, so he doesn’t temp himself in his human form.
Your hands are holding onto the front of the mattress in a tight grip, and his hands are clamped on top of yours as he continues to drive into you on repeat. Your moaning so loud it sounds like a scream, and each time you feel his hips press against you to go as deep inside you as possible you arch your back as a quivering sensation goes off in your stomach. Indicating you’re going to cum for the first time that night soon.
Jungkook grunts above you in a animistic way when he feels your pussy clench around his length. Making the teeth of his wolf elongate when his peek gets closer. His cock continues to drill into you at a fast pace as he brings his mouth down onto your neck. He doesn’t bite you, but he does apply a soft pressure of his teeth onto the bite mark he left there three months ago.
He doesn’t need to bite because he knows you know he already owns you. He owns your body, and he knows it so well by now that he doesn’t need to repeat the hurtful mark again. Just laying the sharp teeth across the ridges is enough of a reminder to what you are to him.
With a few more thrusts, banging his hips against your ass, your cumming along side him as he groans into your neck and you moan into the mattress. You lay there, heavy breathing going off from the both of you as your highs decrease. Jungkook takes his teeth off of you and then licks the surface of your neck. A little blood trickling down it since his orgasm was so harsh he bit down on you a little.
When he’s done cleaning your neck, whimpering a little to say sorry for making you bleed, he flips you over without pulling out of you and starts up his thrusts again. Caging your head and arms underneath him, with his arms holding himself above you next to your head. It’s like he didn’t just cum and reck your whole head space as he begins fucking you again. You expected this, though. It’s never just one round, not even two!
He continues to fuck you over and over again, placing you in new positions that keep you surrounded by his body after each time he cums deep within your clenching walls. Not a single time he’ll speak, either. Only you moaning and crying out your pleasure can be heard aside from his occasional grunt as he finishes inside of you. But the faces he makes are enough to have your mind going dirty besides doing the act itself.
When you get a chance to see his face, it’s so sexy it makes you clench around him. His mouth will be wide open in bliss, and his eyes squeezed shut. It looks like he can’t take how good you feel, but he still chases the feeling every time. Wanting to make you cum just as much as he wants to cum.
He fucks you so many times that it gets to the point tonight that you lost count of how many times you’ve orgasmed, and as he was placing you sideways to thrust into you again you felt yourself drift into unconsciousness.
Waking up was a start. The sun was blaring from outside the window, and you blink your eyes open to see it. Your body wasn’t sore since it’s gotten used to how rough he is on you over the months you’ve been here, and you look down to see his arms wrapped around your naked middle. You bite your bottom lip, trying to figure out a way you could get out of his hold without waking the softly snoring Jungkook behind you.
As you wiggle in his grasp, staring to remove yourself from him gently, you realize there was no way to get up without him noticing. And that was because he’s still inside you. Still hard too, which was unexpected. You turn slightly around to see the handsome wolfs face, looking innocent as ever as he sleeps.
Softly, you reach out and cup his cheek with your hand. Trying to coax him awake with a few rubs of your palm. Instead of waking up, though, he rubs his face into your hand like a puppy. Wanting you to continue what you’re doing even as he sleeps. You hold back your laughter as Jungkook begs for your rubs, but you drop your hand altogether.
Instead of waking up from the lack of rubs, his face starts trying to find where the amazing sensation went. It isn’t until his nose gets buried in your hair, him sniffing up a big whiff of your small and gripping you a little tighter in his grasp, that he blinks his eyes open.
He pulls his face out of your hair, looking down at you like he didn’t realize it was for a second, but then the corners of his mouth are switching up when he sees it’s you he’s holding.
“Goodmorning,” You whisper to him with a smile. He hums his own version of saying good morning, then he wraps his other arm around your middle and pulls you flush again him.
You cry out when his cock that’s still inside you impalas you deeper, and then he letting go you altogether when he hears your cry. He must of not noticed he was inside you until now, gently taking his slowly softening cock out of you, and he looks at you frantic when he thinks he hurt you. Hovering his hands above your arms and looking strained as he tries to push out the word, “Hurt?”
You swallow, pulling yourself together as the rough pain to your dry pussy lessens, and you shake your head and smile again at him. “Nope, just surprised me.”
He looks at you unconvinced, and because he doesn’t know what boundaries mean, he pulls your legs apart and inspects you himself.
“Jungkook!” You scream as you try to cover your core from him. He’s scene it plenty of times, but besides to aim his cock at you he’s never directly looked at it before. He still pulls your hands away from you, pinning them against your one leg as he pulls your legs wide apart. Your beat red in the face and chest now as he just stares at your core so closely. “S-stop it.”
He looks up at you, and his eyes say more then any words can. Matching with his pointed frown, his big doe eyes look up at you saddened. Even though he’s been rough with you many times in the past, using you every night for his own pleasure even if he coaxes your own in the process, he hates the thought of you hurt. That’s also why he hates you bleeding because blood means hurting, and hurting means pain, which should never involve itself with his mate.
Looking back down at you pussy, he slowly places a singular kiss onto your slit. You clench your eyes shut at the press of his lips on you. And then your full on grunting when you feel and hear him smell your pussy up close. You know it’s just him saying “I’m sorry I hurt you,” since you taught him kisses could help when someone is hurt, and the smelling is so he can check that you’re not bleeding. But out of all things, your pussy should not be getting kissed and smelt this way!
After a few more embarrassed wiggles from you, Jungkook finally clears that you’re okay and lets you go. You pout at the wolf that looks confused at why you’re upset, and you roll out of bed. As you start getting changed, you hear the cracking of bone behind you. Within seconds Jungkook is back in his wolf form, and pressing his snout against your clothed back.
You sigh, turning around and looking down at the wolf who’s staring up at you so apologetically, and you roll your eyes at him. “Yeah, yeah you stupid wolf.”
You pet him in between the ears, now seeing a smile on the wolfs face and you return a human smile of your own. One with a lot less drool. Then you head for the door, stopping when you realize the deer from last night is still on the ground from last night and look an accusing eye at the beast who brought it here. Jungkook crocks his wolf head at you, not understanding the look you’re sending him.
“Did you really just leave that thing on the floor?” He looks to where you’re pointing, and his ears perk up. Walking up to the fly swarming carcass, instead of throwing it away or putting it in the fridge, he starts to eat it whole.
You grimace as you watch him a second too long, never getting use to seeing that happen in front of you, and then you head out the cabin to start your day.
Your day usually consists of tending to the small garden behind the cabin. It’s nothing incredible, but enough that you won’t be eating dead deer or rabbit everyday. A few tomatoes and cucumbers that you were able to syphon from plants near by, and TaDa! Your own personal garden.
Besides this garden, you don’t usually stray too far from the cabin. For one, even though the monster that haunts these woods lives with you, you’re too scared to find out what else could be found lurking in these woods. And two, anytime you accidentally travel too far from it, weather it be just to walk around or to try and find more seeds to grow, a huffing wolf named Jungkook will come and coax you back to the cabin. There’s been times he’s legit dragged you by your shirt to get home, but that’s just because you were so close to finding new seeds and you didn’t want to leave yet.
You know it’s all out of protection—and maybe still out of fear that you may leave him—but he likes having you close by enough to smell you. His wolf nose being able to track anything from a mile away, so that’s how far around the cabin you’re allowed to go before he loses scent of you. Stopping your wondering just before your scent crosses over that mile mark.
Today, after you put the veggies inside the fridge, you take one of the books that Jungkook “found” for you and go walking into the woods to find a place for you to sit. Just before you cross the tree line, you see on the opposite side of the clearing you’re in that Jungkook is walking into the woods too. Probably to go on a hunt or scoot the area even.
You walk for about a minute into the woods before you find a rock and a tree you can sit, and lean against. Opening up your book, you frown when see the small pool of blood on the title page. You try to ignore how it most likely got there, and keep flipping pages until you find the first page.
It’s just when you get to chapter two, that you hear a twig snap close by. You grin at the knowledge that it’s most likely Jungkook, and call out, “Come to read with me, stupid wolf?”
“No, but I would definitely like to do more then just read with you.”
You gasp, jumping up from your spot and dropping your book on the ground in the process when you hear a human voice that’s most definitely not Jungkook’s. It’s a man with long brown hair, a beard thats unkept, and one of his eyes looks screwed shut from loss of sight.
Your body starts shaking immediately. Since you’ve got here, you haven’t seen a single human. You always thought no humans were stupid enough to wonder into these woods—unlike you, but you were lucky enough to be the monsters mate and not die. You know not a single person is going to be that lucky if they come across a hungry Jungkook. Or just him in general!
“I-I, what are you doing here?”
The man raises a fluffy eyebrow at you, and you continue to stare at him wide eyed. “I just thought I would wonder these woods that so many claims is haunted. I just didn’t think I would find myself such a sexy specimen like yourself in here too.”
You swallow thickly at his sultry words, backing up from him as he starts to move forward. “Tell me, girly. Why are you out here all by yourself?”
“I-I’m with my boyfriend.” Your referring to Jungkook, but if this man some how got past him there’s no way he can save you if this man tries something. You watched Jungkook go the opposite way of you, so you have no idea how long it would take for him to rescue you even if you scream.
The man looks both ways, stopping in his tracks with you. “Don’t see no boyfriend.” The closed lip smile on the man’s face disappears. “But I am hungry.”
You open your eyes wide, and clutch onto the skirt of your dress. You look all around the area your in, thinking up the best route to get away from this man. “I-I don’t have any food. So you should p-probably go looking somewhere else.”
The man laughs, showing his blackened teeth as he does, and then he looks at you with a pair of disgusting eyes that only mean one thing. “Oh, darling… that’s not what I’m hungry for.”
Right when his words register to you, you run as fast as you can in the direction of the cabin. Your not far from it, and you can only hope that maybe Jungkook stopped his travels early and came home. You hear heavy footsteps behind you, and you’re suddenly aware of what this chase of cat and mouse reminds you of. The difference between that day with Jungkook and you and right now is that you thought Jungnkook was going to eat you. While the disgusting and vile man behind you doesn’t want to actually eat you, but taint and ruin your body. Ruin your soul, even.
You push forward as you spot the clearing up ahead. Dodging tree branch’s and jumping over rocks. Just when you’re about to step foot into the clearing of the cabin, a heavy body pins you to the ground. You cry out as the man that was chasing yous heavy weight falls on top of you. Screaming once again when you feel a hard erection press against your ass through his jeans.
He’s not as big as Jungkook—not that that was your main concern—but just knowing it’s there and not Jungkook’s has you starting to cry already.
“Oh, shut the fuck up you whore!” The man above you yells. Maneuvering himself so he can pin your arms against your back with his knee, and you hear the start of him unbuckling his pants and belt.
You think your done for. That you’re about to be ruined beyond repair from the man above you, and never want to face Jungkook again. Even though Jungkook did the same to you once all those months ago, there was still pleasure for you being brought to the table. It wasn’t selfish, but a need for him to mate you. This man, on the other hand, won’t give a shit if you like it and wants to use you because your just there. Not because he loves you, or wants to hold you in his arms forever. Keeping you safe and making sure you’re never in pain.
This man wants to bring you pain, and you shut your eyes and cry out one last time before you think you’re about to be ruined forever. “Jungkook, help me!”
It happens so fast after that… but not what your thinking.
One second the man is pushing up your dress to reveal yourself to him, and the next he’s being ripped off of you. It doesn’t register to you that you’re no longer being pinned to the ground until you start to hear screaming, growling, and the sound of bones breaking. Breathing heavily against the ground, you stay completely still until the screams stop out of no where and the smell of blood is in the air.
You blink back your tears that are still falling, and on shaking arms you push yourself up onto your hands and knees. Before you could be brave enough to stand up entirely, a hand is being pressed into your back. You jump away from the hand and turn around to see a bloodied face Jungkook crouching in front of you.
Although your eyes are being blurred with tears, you can see his extremely upset face as he takes in your form. You don’t waste any time. You leap into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He makes a ‘Uph’ sound and stubbles back, but he catches you nonetheless. He’s always there to catch you.
Jungkook buries his face into your neck to smell you, while your face is against his neck to cry into. He growls against your neck when his nose processes the now dead’s man smell on you. You let him scent mark you, and the whole times he’s keeping you strapped to him. Not letting go of you for a single second.
By the time he’s down scenting you, and your crying has simmered down a little, you pull your face out of his neck to face him. The same deep frown and saddened eyes look at you, and you know it’s because of what almost transpired a few moments ago.
He swallows, pushing out a, “Hurt…?” You open your mouth to say no, because even though it scared you the man didn’t hurt you exactly. But then Jungkook is pushing out more words, “Try. To… Hurt. You?”
Your lip wobbles, and you can’t speak. Feeling your chest crumble from knowing the answer to his question is not positive, and instead of you speaking you nod your head since it’s too hard to speak right now.
Jungkook’s upset frown turns into an expression you haven’t seen yet on him. You know what he looks when he’s happy (flick up of the corners of his mouth), and when he’s sad (deep frown and drooping eyes), but this is different… this Jungkook is angry.
His sharp wolf teeth extend from his gums, and the corners of his eyes wrinkle and twitch as he thinks about what that man would have done to you. If it wasn’t for Jungkook being back on his way to the cabin at that second, it would have been too late. The man’s smell didn’t even register to him when Jungkook did an air check to smell where you were. All he smelt was something dirty, and he registered that as the part of the woods you were in smelling weird.
Never again. Never again will he ignore weird smells around you, or think your alright even if something seems off. He’ll drop everything for you. Even if he really wants to go claw some more at the dead man’s body right now, he picks you up as you’re now, wrapped around his body, and starts carrying you in the direction of the cabin.
You keep your face against Jungkook’s shoulder the entire time. Not letting go even after he puts you on the bed. You don’t remember how you got here, or even him closing the door behind you, but once your in bed and safe you still don’t let him go of him. And Jungkook is okay with that.
He puts you against the wall, making sure your caged in between his body and the wall so nothing can harm you. Even if someone were to look inside the cabin right now, all they would see is Jungkook’s naked back and ass.
Trying to be a good mate, he hums what sounds like a lullaby as he runs his sharps nails up and down your clothed back. When you finally begin to relax, calmly pulling your arms off of him so they can be sandwiched in between the two of you, you whisper a quiet, “Thank you.”
Jungkook stops humming, and stops rubbing your back. Looking down at your shameful looking face with wide eyes.
“Why?” He asks.
“Why, thank you?” He nods his head pointedly. “For saving me.”
Jungkook won’t take that. He won’t take a thank you for this. Your his mate, and he wasn’t there to protect you. He doesn’t deserve your thank yous or even you at this point. Pulling your face out of his chest with his two hands, he stares into your eyes as he tries to communicate how he feels. “No. No, thank yous. Don’t… Deserve… Thank yous. Or… You.”
Now it’s your turn to look at him wide eyed. You grab onto his hands on your face and shake your head. “What are you talking about? Yes, you do. You deserve me because I’m your mate.”
Jungkook’s shakes his head. “Not enough.”
Your lips part, and you see the sadness in Jungkook’s eyes as his hands fall off your face. This is the first time he said something without breaking the words apart, and out of all things it was him saying he’s not enough for you. Well now, your not going to take that.
You grab onto his face, making him face you and feel a little pleased with yourself when you see a surprised look on his face. You pull his face forward and smash your lips against his. He’s surprised, at first, but then he’s groaning into your mouth and wrapping his arms around your middle again. You moan when you feel his length begin to grow against your thigh, moving it slightly to allow him some friction. He growls when you do that, and you detach your lips from his as you look at him determined to make him understand just how you feel about what he just said.
“You do deserve me, Jungkook. You deserve me because I’m your mate, and you’re mine. And I-… I love you so stop being stupid and just claim what’s yours already!”
Jungkook blinks, registers your words a couple times in his head, and repeats, “Mate?”
You roll your eyes and say, “Yes!”
“Love. Me?”
You swallow, taking a moment of hesitation but then replying again, “Yes.”
Then that’s all Jungkook needs to be convinced. He smashes his lips against yours the same way you did, and you’re moaning up a storm by the time he rolls you underneath him. You take your clothing off as fast as your arms can do it, and then Jungkook is thrusting into you the second your pussy is presented to him.
Both of you making noises of pleasure as he enters you, stretching and rubbing at your walls just the way you like it as he roughly pounds against your core. As always, Jungkook fucks you rough and hard, but right now you need it. You need it just as much as him, and when you both cum at the same time, you’re scratching at his back to go another round… and another… and another.
As always, you lose count of how many rounds you both did, but this time you’re both out of breathe by the time you both decide to stop. His cum is leaking from you because you’re so filled to the brim with his seed, and you revel in it. Feeling his cum drip on your leg, and feeling his soft lips peeper kiss your face as he sandwiches your body against his and the wall again.
You love it all! But most importantly, you love your mate.
And he loves you more than you could ever comprehend.
The End
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sorchathered · 7 months
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Something in the Orange
Happy Valentine’s Day babes! Just a little Bob one shot to celebrate the day.❤️
Pairing- Bob Floyd x reader
Warnings- Drinking, language, smut
Summary- North Island’s new medical officer seems to have caught everyone’s eye, but she has her sights set on a certain WSO.
Knuckles rapping against the shitty cafeteria table startle you out of your thoughts, looking up you audibly groan at who has decided to grace you with his presence. Jake Seresin, or Hangman as you know him has sidled up to the table of aviators and medics with a cocksure smile and flirty demeanor almost every day this week and to be frank it’s really starting to get on your nerves. Being the head medical officer for the dagger squad isn’t a boring job by any means and sometimes all you want is to just eat in silence, today unfortunately no one is giving you that opportunity.
“What’s up doc?” He says while wiggling his eyebrows at you, and you roll your eyes, he has got to be the cheesiest man you’ve ever met and you still don’t know how any of his lines get him a date.
“Just living the dream Hangman, trying to catch a break and hoping one of you doesn’t wind up in my infirmary today.”
If he gets the hint that you aren’t interested he doesn’t acknowledge, just makes himself at home in your space and swipes a chip off your plate.
“Hard deck tonight, everyone’s going, you gonna tag along? I’d love to buy you a drink.”
You had in fact planned to go, but not to spend time giving Seresin any more attention than his giant ego needed. You had your eye on someone else entirely, but being the shiny new toy in fightertown (single, under 40, and hot) meant that every available guy (and some girls) on the squad had been vying for your attention the past few weeks since your arrival. It was becoming tedious, you knew you would need to set up some boundaries but you’d been testing the waters and just trying to make some friends, not looking for anything serious yet. Well unless a certain someone wanted that but that was a whole other can of worms.
So you just smiled up at Mirimar’s golden boy and told him you’d see him later that evening, not missing the glare a certain bespectacled WSO had directed in his teammate’s direction. You’d unpack that later.
Bob Floyd had been your one serious boyfriend in your navy career, you’d both been stationed together in Maryland in your mid twenties and had gotten on like a house on fire. But you both were young and not ready for anything substantial so when he moved to Lemoore you both agreed to stay friends and see where life took you. It was hard and you were heartbroken but you knew now it had been for the best, neither one of you were ready for marriage at the time and your careers kept you both on opposite sides of the planet which made things even more difficult. But now you were here, seeing each other every day and it was slowly driving him insane having to watch every one of his squad mates flirt with you on the daily. He knew you probably found it hilarious how it got under his skin, he didn’t have the right to say anything about it anymore and that was what frustrated him the most. He’d been the one to break things off, he’d put you both in the position you were in and he couldn’t stand it. But you two had barely spoken since you’d joined the team, and who knows if he even still had a shot in the first place?
Hard Deck Fridays had become a commonplace for the Dagger Squad and their crew, and tonight was no exception. The bar was packed to capacity, everyone tossing back drinks and toasting to the weekend, congregating by the pool tables near the jukebox while Hangman and Coyote ran the dart board. You finally squeezed your way through the crowd after getting a beer for you and your medic buddy Carrie, grateful that she had claimed a table with Phoenix and a few of the other girls in your group. You all chatted and gossiped over the news of the week and you could finally feel the tension release from your shoulders, it really had been a good idea to get out tonight you hadn’t realized how much you’d needed the girl time.
“Uh oh girls, Rooster’s headed this way”
You all craned your necks to get a good look, there was no denying that Bradley Bradshaw was hot, but he definitely wasn’t your type. He’d made it known more than once that he wasn’t a commitment kinda guy and you were perfectly fine with viewing him as eye candy and letting that be that. But he had his eyes set on you tonight and his heated gaze raking over your body had you feeling some kind of way. “Down girl, it’s been a while but damn you need to get it together” you thought as he made his way over, one night in the sack with Bradshaw wouldn’t be worth the weeks of awkwardness that would be sure to follow and the repercussions were enough to keep him at arms length.
“Evening ladies,” he said with a lopsided grin, sunglasses still perched on his nose despite being indoors, which should have looked stupid but on him it was definitely working.
“Y/n wanna take a walk outside with me for a bit? I’d love a chance to get to know our new medical officer a little better.”
Well he certainly took the direct route, you had to hand it to him. He knew what he wanted and went for it, you could respect that. But as your eyes flicked up to make your response you noticed Bob at the table across from you with Fanboy, eyes boring into yours with a look you knew all too well. That I know what you look like on your knees kind of look, and damn it you were turned on just at the memories of him. So you smiled sweetly at Bradley and politely turned him down, making your way towards the bathrooms with a slight nod of your head in Bob’s direction. He slung back the last of his whiskey and made an excuse to leave the group, no one the wiser at what was transpiring.
In the dark hallway by the restrooms he found you, nervously playing with your bracelet and eyes darting all over as you looked for him. You sighed in relief when you saw him and he reached out for your hand to take you through the back exit into the balmy summer night.
You felt like every nerve was on fire, you’d been avoiding him the past few weeks, afraid to ask how he was or how things had been. What if he was in a relationship? What if he was over you and wasn’t interested anymore? You’d spent way too many nights with your hand hovering over his contact in your phone, way too chicken shit to make the call. But now he was here and holding your hand and you might explode just from the proximity alone. He had bulked up since you’d seen him last, muscles stretching that white tee just right and his hair was lighter from all the days in the California sun. Freckles covered his nose and cheeks and you wondered if they were along his shoulders and back as well, wondered what it’d be like to be in his arms again, in his bed, listening to him sing to you as you fell asleep like he used to. You needed to know if you had a shot, it was right on the tip of your tongue and you couldn’t bury it anymore.
“Robby, uh I know it’s been a while but-“
“I missed you.”
You blinked up at him with shock now, how much time had you wasted the past few weeks avoiding him? Regret flooded you at the realization that you should have had this talk sooner.
“I missed you too.”
He didn’t wait for you to say anything else, crowding you up against the weathered wall of the bar and leaning in to cup your cheeks with his hands. He rubbed his nose along yours and you let out a shaky laugh, he’d always been so good at rendering you speechless, drunk on the smell of his cologne and heat of his body pressed against yours.
“Can I kiss you sweetheart? Wanna make up for all that lost time we wasted.”
You nodded maybe a little too enthusiastically because he huffed out an amused laugh but pulled you impossibly closer, lips molding to yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck and sighed. God you’d missed him, no one had ever filled the void he’d left in his wake no matter how hard you’d tried. The two of you a tangled bunch of limbs and tongues in an all too familiar dance that had your hands roaming and bodies grinding into each other, barely aware that you were in a very public space. The bar door flung open and startled you both, Phoenix peeking out into the darkness to find the two of you still pressed together, chests heaving as you gasped for air.
“So I see you two have kissed and made up” she said with a laugh, and Bob hid his face in the crook of your neck, giggles pouring from him which brought on a round of them from yourself. She smiled knowingly and with a wink waved you both off, of course Bob had told her everything about the two of you, it wasn’t a surprise at all in her mind that she would eventually find the two of you like this; it had only been a matter of time. “I like her” you said as you fixed his crooked glasses. “Yeah, she grows on you, like mold” which sent you both into a laughing fit, it felt good to be with him like this again. No more tension between the two of you and it had you craving domesticity with him even more.
“What does this mean?” You whispered up at him, you didn’t know if you could bear it if he didn’t want to start over and the uncertainty in your eyes broke his heart.
“I was stupid, so so stupid. I love you, I never stopped. I won’t screw it up this time baby, I swear it.” He reaches for your hand and sticks his pinky out, knows your affinity for pinky promises and that they are law in your heart. It’s binding, if you two cross this bridge and he makes this promise there’s no going back.
With a shaky breath you link yours with his and blink back the tears that blind your eyes, he really does mean it. He won’t break your heart again.
“Let’s go inside before Phoenix comes back, she’s relentless and it’s time I introduce you to her properly. Want everyone to know you’re mine.”
He pecks your lips and then helps you fix your hair and dress, leading the way back to your table. To say the group seemed stunned was an understatement, no one but Natasha had known you even knew each other and now here was their quiet WSO with the new girl in his lap kissing her like they’d known each other for ages. Bradley turned to Jake who gave him a flabbergasted look as well, how the hell had Baby on Board managed to snatch you up when they couldn’t even get a second glance from you? Coyote ever the nosy gossip of the group sidled over to the two of you pulling you both from your conversation, Bob giving him an eyebrow raise clearly annoyed at being interrupted.
“Ease up Bob, just curious about how you two kids know each other, you two look awfully cozy.”
You patted Bob’s cheek and smiled, the rumor mill would swirl regardless so why not get ahead of it now? You leaned in to give Bob a quick kiss and then turned all your attention to the group who clearly couldn’t mind their own business, eavesdropping on your conversation and failing miserably at hiding their interest.
“Not that it’s any of your business Lieutenant Machado but Bob and I go way back. Now if you’ll excuse me I think I’m going to have my boyfriend take me home and fuck me senseless so if you’ve gotten your answers I’d suggest you find somewhere else to be.” You smiled a saccharine sweet look at him, laced with a bit of venom as you dared anyone to say anything untoward. You knew the guys liked to pick on him and you wouldn’t have it happening on your watch anymore. Coyote gave an incredulous look but got the hint and with a fist bump to Bob made his way back to the group. Everyone else seemed awestruck until you glanced over the room, then they magically all had something else to do or look at that wasn’t the two of you.
Bob and Phoenix choked out a laugh and he squeezed your side, when you looked at him his eyes were hungry, heat pooling in your stomach at the look he gave you. It’d been so long since you’d been together but you would never forget what that look meant and you gasped for air, squeezing your eyes and legs shut at the same time as he leaned in to nuzzle next to your ear.
“Think we should get out of here pretty girl, what’dya say? Time to go home so you can get fucked senseless like you put so eloquently?” He huffs out a laugh, he’d missed your smart mouth and zero tolerance for bullshit.
Your response gets lost in your throat somewhere, but you follow him out of the bar as he waves everyone off, they’ll no doubt have plenty to ask you both on Monday but he didn’t give a shit, you were here and he’d been an absolute fool to let you go. He wouldn’t do it again.
He’d tried to move on countless times over the past few years, if he was honest with himself he looked for you in every woman he dated but no one seemed to fit the bill. You two had kept in contact over the years and he knew you hadn’t settled down either, hope always in the back of his mind that you’d find your way back to each other.
He’d barely made it in the door before he was on you, wrenching your tiny dress over your head to find you in nothing but the tiniest scrap of underwear he’d ever seen. You were grinding your body all over his and whining deep in your throat as he ran his knuckles up against your nipples. Scooping you up and tossing you over his shoulder he made his way down the hall to his bedroom, peals of laughter leaving you and he swatted your ass, God he’d missed this. He’d never had this kind of intimacy with anyone else. It was easy, like breathing when the two f you were in bed, always talking and laughing while also rough and dirty, the sex was always hot but the partnership you shared was something neither of you could find anywhere else.
You bounced backward as he plopped you onto his bed, and you were suddenly very aware that he had too many clothes on. You needed him now, there would be plenty of time to talk and take time relearning each others bodies but in this moment you wanted him inside you.
“Robby, please. Please fuck me, need it so badly missed you so much.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, pulling his shirt off and tossing it somewhere in the dark. Pants made it just below his ass before he was pulling himself free and sliding into you. You gasped as he manhandled you, grasping his face to lick into his mouth as he slammed back into you with a sharp thrust, you had been soaked the minute you two got in the car and were more than ready to let him have you. It was animalistic the way he was fucking into you, sucking and biting whatever skin he could reach as he grunted praise in your ear, how tight your little wet pussy was and how badly he wanted to mark you up, keep you stuffed full of him every second of every day, needed to fuck you until you couldn’t walk anymore and you clenched down on his cock, it was too much and not enough all at once, you needed him like oxygen, so many nights you’d spent pretending your fingers were his cock but nothing could ever substitute how good Bob could make you feel.
He needed you to cum, his resolve was crumbling but he couldn’t let himself finish without you letting go first, needed to see you come undone and watch that fucked out stupid smile on your face he’d missed so much while he took what he needed from your spent body. He snaked a hand down to your throbbing clit and swiped slow circles to build you up, watched your chest and neck flush as you began to wail and thrash in his arms, pussy pulsing around him and he couldn’t hold it in anymore, biting down on your shoulder as he came hard, painting your walls in his release as you cried and bucked into him, still coming down from your high.
Finally the heaviness in his chest he’d had since you arrived felt bearable, he took a deep breath that he swore he’d been holding for days and appraised his handiwork as you sucked in deep breaths. Your chest was littered in what would be dark hickies before the weekend was through, bite mark on your shoulder would definitely cause some looks but you looked like an angel from the orange glow of the hallway light, and Bob finally felt himself relax.
You giggled into his shoulder as he melted into you, broad heavy body crushing you into the mattress and you felt like you were floating from the afterglow.
“So, is it safe to say we’re back together?” He said with a sheepish grin and you slapped his ass causing him to yelp and rub his stubble into your cheek.
“Might have to keep my options open, apparently I’m a hot commodity these days” you cackled and he pulled back to pin you by the hips to the bed, attacking you with tickles as you kicked and fought his advances. The two of you would spend the whole weekend wrapped up in each other, and Bob would spend every day proving to you he was in this for the long haul.
Monday morning came too soon, and when the time came to change in the locker rooms the guys were treated to baby Bob Floyd covered in hickies and scratch marks, needless to say they didn’t pick on him again about his lack of sexual prowess, and the incessant flirting from Seresin and Bradshaw miraculously stopped. You were Bob’s girl, off limits and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tagging- @attapullman (thank you for clearing the writer’s block a little!)
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starsbies · 9 months
Hungry For Your Love (Coriolanus x !Plinth Reader)
Warnings: NON-CON, drugging, drinking, Coriolanus is his own warning, jealousy, breeding kink, manipulation, forced pregnancy, virginity loss, forced marriage (lmk if i missed some)
divider by @cafekitsune
porn w some plot or when coriolanus decides he wants you.
18+ only MDNI
wc - 4.4k
Coriolanus wouldn’t deny all the things he had in his mind. About all the things he would do to you. Especially in this very moment of time. 
You were sitting right next to him at the dinner table. Ever since he got rid of Sejanus–and became the new son of the Plinths–he had to eat dinner with the Plinths every two or so weeks. Although he found their district status to be quite deplorable, their wealth wasn’t. And to be frank you weren’t either.
To Coriolanus, you were the epitome of class and obedience. Well, almost, the way your leg was bouncing wasn't classy at all. Under different circumstances he would just put his hand on your thigh to stop you. Then he’d slowly make his hand upwards and-
“Coriolanus, what do you think?” 
The old man broke Coryo out of his train of thought. Suddenly his mind was going a million miles per minute. What were they talking about? Something about a project for.. No, that's not right. A new building? For the University maybe?
Then you spoke up, “Well Pa, personally I think a new cafeteria for the Academy is long overdue. It would’ve been nice to not have such a beat up cafeteria when I was a student.” 
He looked at you in the corner of his eye. You had a strand of your hair tucked behind your hair and your leg was no longer bouncing. Had you purposely saved him? 
Then he remembered that he still needed to answer Strabo. Coriolanus cleared his throat, “I think I’d have to agree with Y/N. The cafeteria dates back before the war so I believe it’s definitely overdue for a new building.”
Strabo nodded in acknowledgement before continuing to bite into his steak. Coriolanus decided to do the same and then took another peek at you. You looked so gorgeous to him, well you do everyday—but today was a treat.
You wore a red dress that went to your knees. It covered just enough to be considered modest. Your hair was down but he could see your dangling pearl earrings. He noted how you’d make a perfect bride for him. Beautiful, graceful, and heiress to the family business and fortune. In exchange he would give you status.
Together you two would be the elite of the elite. 
“So Coryo,” the blond internally winced. He hated when Mrs. Plinth called him that. “How's it going being Dr. Gaul’s understudy?”
“Well, there’s a lot of work, you know.” He took a deep breath, “We’ve been working on remaking the Jabberjays, since they can’t reproduce on their own we have to make a whole new species of them. We want to use them in the next Hunger Games so-”
A sudden chair screeching interrupted him. He turned and saw you standing. You excused yourself from the table, claiming you needed to finish writing an essay. Coriolanus wasn’t dumb, he knew why you really left. Though you’re very different from your brother there were also some ways the two of you were similar. Your distaste towards the Hunger Games was something that he’d have to help you get over if you’re to be the first lady of Panem.
Coriolanus waited a few moments before also excusing himself and he found himself making his way to your room. As he started nearing your room he started asking himself, what was he doing? What would he say when you asked him why he was here? 
He couldn’t just proclaim you as his wife and tell you to get over it. Not yet, anyway.
He eventually came to the conclusion that it was probably best to just leave. Grandma'am and Tigris were waiting anyway. 
That night Coriolanus had dreamt of you. That in itself wasn’t really a rare occurrence by any means, but the things you told him—the things you did to him—in his dreams was what made him wake up rock hard and sweaty. You really are such a tease. 
After a few seconds of laying in bed, Coriolanus decided that since a certain problem won’t go away any time soon it was time to get his day started. Once he stood up he nearly started to make his own bed. A bad habit of his. Before the Plinth’s started providing everything he needed, Coriolanus always had to make his own bed. He always had to clean up for himself. Now he has Avoxes to do that for him. Old habits do die hard.
When Coriolanus stepped into the bathroom he wasn’t surprised to see that the bath wasn’t drawn for him like usual. He was up way earlier than usual. He sighed and turned on the water. He started undressing and then checked the water temperature. Once he decided the water was warm enough he slowly started to insert himself into the tub. 
Once he was fully submerged, he closed his eyes and eased his body. He recounted the images from his dream and subconsciously his hands started moving to his shaft. 
“Sir, please.. Please let me see it.” you were in that slutty red dress that you wore last night. And you were on your knees for him. The thought of that was biting and delicious. He’d tell you no, just so you’d beg more. 
In his dream, Coriolanus stood from his chair. Now towering over you, he unzipped his pants allowing his cock to spring free. You immediately took it into your mouth.
Would you be that desperate for him in real life?
 Coriolanus needs you as much as any man needs air. He gritted his teeth, unable to hold on much longer. Slowly, the blond starts pumping his shaft. It was so animalistic and enticing, the image he had of you. He couldn’t help but choke back his wails of pleasure. He was afraid of being caught by Tigris, or even worse–the grandma’am–but he couldn’t help himself. 
In his fantasy you’re swallowing him whole, deepthroating every inch of him. Your cheeks hollowed out and your tongue was swirling around him like a good girl. He grabs you by both sides of your head and starts fucking your face like an animal. 
Soon enough Coriolanus can feel himself  reaching his climax. His legs are weak as he tries to imagine himself pouring his seed into you, and not some bathtub. You’d most certainly look divine carrying his child.
After a few moments after his climax he realized how tainted that whole ordeal was. Yet, he thinks that he would do it again, and again. Until he had you.
Coriolanus sighs as he drains the tub and draws up another bath. This time around the bath was short.
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The next time Coriolanus saw you–in person–was at a party hosted by Clemensia. He was surprised to see you. You weren’t usually the type to go out, especially to parties like these. Unless there was a good reason for you to come. Or had you finally made an effort to debut into Capitol society? Hopefully the latter.
He continued to observe you from afar. You were sitting with one leg crossed over the other. Seemingly deep in thought. Or you were, until a tall and pretty lean gentleman approached you. Your face lit up and Coriolanus wished you’d look at him like that. 
Who is he? How did he know you, how did you know him?
Coriolanus quickly sought out Clemensia, it was her party so she must know. It didn’t take long to find the black haired girl. She was speaking with Festus and the two were clearly laughing about something that didn’t really seem too important. He approached the two and whispered “Clemmie,” a nickname he only used if he needed something, “Can I steal you for a minute?” 
The girl stilled for a second before telling Festus to give them a second. She looked up at Coriolanus, “What is it, Coryo?” 
He wasted no time in asking who the male that was with you was. 
Clemensia sighed, “Her plus one, I invited her ‘cause she’s rich and the heir to her father’s business. It’s good to have her on my good side.  Wasn’t really expecting her to come so I told her to bring a plus one if she wanted.” 
Plus one? You not only came to a party, but brought a plus one? Were the two of you together? The thought of that makes someone churn in his stomach. “So who is he?”
“Don’t really know. Pretty sure they bonded over their hatred of the games, he was probably homeschooled.” 
Coriolanus felt sick and Clemensia noticed. She took a step back. “Hey, you look like you might vomit all over the place.. You know where the guest bathroom is right?” He nodded. “Good. There’s a medicine cabinet in there too, if you want. Please don’t ruin my party, Coryo.”
Coriolanus nodded his head before making his way to the bathroom. He stood over the toilet for a couple of moments, and nothing happened. He figured that it would be best to take some medicine before heading out, just in case. He opened a few different cabinets before finding the right one. 
He knew there’d be lots of different bottles, but he still wasn’t expecting such a variety. Coriolanus knew that Clemensia struggled a lot, mentally, after the snake incident so he knew there’d be lots of prescriptions in here. Curiosity got the best of him and he started going through each one. There were a few anxiety prescriptions, like benzodiazepines,  which he expected. However, he took notice of all the insomnia medications. There were so many sleeping pills. The one that caught his attention the most was flunitrazepam. It’s a powerful sedative, and he’s wondering if Clemensia really takes such a strong drug to sleep?
There was a little voice in the back of his mind telling him to take some. Not for himself of course. To give to you. Coriolanus wishes that he still had a little angel on his shoulder, telling him it was a bad idea. A voice to persuade him not to. But there wasn’t. Has there ever been?
Before Coriolanus knew it he was unscrewing the cap and took out one of the small pills. He took his handkerchief out of his pocket and laid it beside the sink. He set the pill on top before smashing it into tiny pieces. He rolled the handkerchief—with the sedative still inside—into a ball and shoved it into his coat pocket. 
Before Coriolanus left the bathroom he made sure to take medicine for his stomach ache. Just in case. 
He made his way to the bar, where an Avox was bartending. He put up two of his fingers to the bartender. As it started making the drinks, Coriolanus sought you out again. Unsurprisingly, you were still in the same spot. The only difference now was that the male was sitting beside you, and Coriolanus could feel himself becoming more and more aggravated. He turned back around, not wanting to see you laughing at the other man’s joke any longer. 
A few seconds later the Avox set two drinks in front of him and Coriolanus took no time in taking out his handkerchief and spilling the contents into one of the glasses. The Avox watched the whole thing happen and could only raise its eyebrows in response. Coriolanus smirked knowing it couldn’t say anything. Coriolanus took a glass into each hand, noting that the one with the sedative in it was in his right hand. 
The closer Coriolanus got, the more nervous he became. Part of him felt bad, really. You're just an innocent girl, one who is easily swayed. That had to be it. Sejanus must’ve started your hatred towards the hunger games, and that man continues to spark that hatred. Someone needs to save you, to wake you up. He won’t let you do something stupid like Sejanus did. Coriolanus is saving you, and this is the only way he can do it. 
“Y/N Plinth, what a pleasant surprise!” he exclaimed, as if he wasn’t already of her attendance. You looked up at him, and he swore his heart rate went up. 
“Oh, Coriolanus. Good to see you too.” 
You clearly were uncomfortable with his interruption. Was he the first person to approach you? Coriolanus was thinking about how to ease the tension when your plus one spoke up instead. “Hello, I’m Chiron. Nice to meet you.”
Coriolanus took a few minutes to soak in the male’s appearance. He had dark hair, and blue eyes. His jawline was square and Coriolanus took note of how his suit was lower end. Was he even Capitol? Then he turned back to you. You wore a simple black dress and heels. A timeless outfit. He noted that you did an updo with your hair, to show off your earrings. Stunning.
“Nice to meet you too, Chiron. Sadly, I only have two drinks, you don’t mind do you?” 
The brown haired man shrugged and you finally spoke up again, “Oh, it’s okay. I don’t drink.” How cute, Coriolanus thought. “Oh c’mon, it’ll help you ease up a little. I can tell you’re a little tense.” 
His tone was light, but he could tell he might’ve sounded more demanding. You sighed and gave him a tiny smile. He made sure he gave you the one in his right hand. You held it and eager to get you to drink it, he raised his glass. “To Sejanus.” A toast that you knew you couldn’t refuse.
You raise your glass afterwards and whispered, “To my brother.” Without waiting for Coriolanus to lower his glass, you took a giant swing of the drink.
After a couple minutes of small talking, he could tell that the drug was slowly taking effect. You were swaying and kept trying to steady yourself. Until you couldn’t and Chiron had to catch you from falling. 
“Woah hey, are you okay?” the brunette asked and of course you gave no response. “What’s wrong with her? Did you do something?” the man gave Coriolanus an accusatory glare.
“No! Of course not.” Coriolanus paused for a moment, thinking of what he could say to sell his lie. “Wait.. I can’t believe I forgot she’s a lightweight. I should’ve realized when she said she doesn’t drink.” 
“You did this on purpose didn’t you!” Chiron started shouting at Coriolanus. “Did you spike her drink or something? You did, didn't you!” 
All the background chatter from the other attendees quieted down. Observing the scene before them. “Why would I do that? I would never even consider doing that to her, I-”
Then Clemensia stepped in. “What’s going on here, Coryo? I asked you not to ruin my party.” Her eyes landed on you and then up to Coriolanus, clearly expecting a good explanation.
He sighed. “This man is making very harmful accusations. He’s saying I drugged her. Y/N’s just a lightweight.” 
“Is that true?”  
He already knew she’d believe him and the brunette knew it too. 
“Look, whatever. I’m taking her home.” he said, and started to pick you up before Coriolanus spoke up again. 
“No.. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Do you think so Clemmie?”
“Well I don’t know I-” 
“Clemmie, do you want her to be taken by some guy that nobody knows?” his voice was eager, he can’t let all of this trouble go to waste. “Who knows what he’ll do to her?” He whispered, only loud enough for her to hear. 
Clemmie sighed. “I guess not, maybe she should just sleep in one of the guest bedrooms?”
 After that people began to whisper and that felt more eerie than the silence. 
“I’ll stay with her.” Chiron was clearly trying desperately to save you. Sadly for him, he doesn’t have nearly the same amount of power as Coriolanus.
Before Coriolanus could persuade Clemensia to say no, she did it on her own. Telling him that he needs to leave her party, since the reason he was even allowed to come—you—was no longer, technically, here. 
And that was that. Two Avoxes wasted no time in escorting the man out. Coriolanus could only smirk to himself. He made a mental note to thank Clemensia in the future. 
“I guess I’ll take her to the guest bedroom then?” He finally allowed himself a deep breath in and out. Everything he’s ever worked for has led to this moment. 
“Coriolanus.” Clemensia’s voice was serious and blond found himself coming back to reality. “Don’t hurt her.” 
He looked down and found that she was already looking at him. Her face was hard and eyes were cold and serious. Like a snake. Coriolanus gulped, “I would never dream of it.” 
And she believed him. 
Coriolanus took no time in picking you up bridal style. On his way to the bedroom, he passed the bar and made eye contact with the same Avox that watched him spike your drink. He couldn’t help but feel his pride grow as the Avox quickly looked away. Surely aware of what was going to take place. 
In the past the blond felt bad about the seemingly inhumane ways the Capitol removed tongues from people who spoke out or rebelled. He always thought about the pain, and how cruel it was to take away their communication, then force them into servitude.  That was him a long time ago however. Now he understands the importance of such policies. Power and control, two words that Coriolanus resonated with. 
 Once he made it to the bedroom he laid you gently onto the mattress. He didn’t immediately take off his clothes, or yours. He just sat there and studied you. You were so irresistible. How hadn’t he noticed earlier? Was it because Sejanus bothered him so much that he never noticed you? Whatever the reason was, Sejanus was now gone and you were going to be his–soon.
The thought that more nights like this—nights with you— were in his future made him grow hard. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He began by taking off your heels. He wondered how you could wear such ridiculous things, surely they were uncomfortable and he was proven right when he noticed the blisters on your feet. He mentally added that to his list of things he’d have to fix. 
Coriolanus took time in taking off your dress. He carefully sat you upright just enough to unzip the back zipper. He even more carefully removed the dress from your body and then laid you back down.  He took a moment to admire your almost bare form. You were wearing a matching black set. Nothing too much. You weren’t planning on this happening anyway.
He pushed your panties to the side and inserted one finger into you slowly. Absolutely divine, he thought. The way you felt around his finger was enough to get him drunk.  He began to kiss up your legs while also thrusting his digit. Part of him wishes you were awake, just so he can see your reactions. You’d be moaning for more, begging for more,  he knows it.
The blond inserted a second digit and began scissoring motions. Suddenly he hears a small whimper, so small he wasn’t even sure what it was until he heard it a second time. Were you waking up? Part of him hopes so, that way you’ll know and realize who you belong to. The other part of him wants you to keep sleeping. That way he won’t have to fight you, he already worked so hard to get here anyway.
Coriolanus momentarily stops his ministrations and removes his fingers from your wetness. He examines them, drenched in your juices. He licks his fingers clean  and can feel himself getting impossibly harder. You make him so hungry, he’s starved. He can’t hold himself any longer, he tells himself. Next time, he assures himself, he’ll take his time enjoying you. 
He quickly releases his length. It’s angry and red, begging for you. He huffs before finally removing your underwear. He contemplated stealing them before realizing he won’t need to after this. He quickly threw them somewhere and then he spread your legs. 
He touched his cock a few times, then proceeded to coat his length in his precum. He could feel his heart pounding and his breath quickening. He aligned himself with your entrance and slowly pushed in. You were tight, and he cursed to himself because he knew he should’ve taken more time preparing you. 
Once he was fully seethed inside of you, he took a moment and admired the blood on his cock. Pleased to know you hadn’t slept with that lousy Chiron guy, he slowly removed himself before shoving himself back inside of you. You were still whimpering like before, but now you wore a pained expression on your face. You could feel him. 
“I know it hurts right now, love. Bear with me.” he whispered, although he wasn’t sure if you could hear him or even comprehend what he was saying. 
Coriolanus could feel all the arousal pooling between the two of you. You weren’t as tight as you had been in the beginning. Now he could easily invade your gummy walls. If anything he wasn’t invading them because they sucked him back in. His lip twitched and he began to quicken his pace. After a particular thrust your body clenched around him and he let out a groan. “You like that, huh? You dirty slut.” 
He began to aim harder at the same place that had you clenching around his length. When you let out a mewl he decided to go even faster. You were such a mess. A beautiful mess, one that he created and one that he will clean up. 
The blond slid his hands behind your back and unclipped your bra. He quickly disposed of it and stared at your chest. Now you were fully exposed to him. He drank in the sight, no more secrets. He was going to memorize every freckle, every birthmark, every inch of your body by the end of tonight. 
Every thrust made your chest bounce and he couldn’t help but take the left one in his mouth while squeezing the other. He swirled his tongue around your nipple before sucking on it lightly. In his other hand he was rubbing your nipple. 
“C- Cor-”
He perked up, hearing your voice. You must be waking up. He removed his mouth from your mound, leaving a trail of his saliva, and looked at your face. You looked scared and for a second he felt bad. Then he reminded himself that you did this to yourself. In the long run, you’ll be thankful.
“Whats-” you furrowed your brows, clearly not fully awake. “What are you-”
He was quick to shush you. “Let me take care of you, okay?” He planted a kiss on your forehead, to which you tried your best to push him away. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t let your refusal be let off so lightly but you were just so weak. Instead he just took your wrists and pinned them above your head. 
“Be a good girl or I won’t let you cum. Understand?” He looked into your eyes and he could tell you were about to cry. Your eyes were glossed over and your face was red, from the sex or the need to cry–he wasn’t sure. 
After a mere second of eye contact you turned your head to the side. He growled, tired of your disobedience. He removed one of his hands from your wrists and moved it to your jaw. He forced you to look at him. 
“Keep your eyes on me,” your tears started falling and he quickened his pace, “I’m gonna take care of you.. I promise.” he wiped your cheek with his thumb. Out of lust–or fear–you nodded. He could tell you were gonna climax soon, so he removed his hand from your wrists and moved it to your clit doing circular motions. You started whimpering, holding back her moans, “Go on, moan my name.. Don’t be shy.” 
“C- Coriolanus,” he hummed, questioning. “Please.. Too much.” you begged.
He grinned in satisfaction and quickened his pace. You started to squeeze him more and he knew it was coming. You started to squirm, an unfamiliar feeling surely boiling in your lower abdomen. 
After a few moments longer you came undone. Coriolanus made sure to study the pure ecstasy on your face. The way your mouth opened, revealing the most gratifying moan. The way your eyes squinted, your senses became too much. It was all so lewd and he gave you no comfort in stopping his ministrations, opting to fuck you through it. He was searching for his own climax now while you were a moaning mess underneath him.
He leaned down to your ear, “I’m gonna feel you up so nice, put a baby in your womb. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
You didn’t answer him, unable to not be a blubbering mess. He took the way your cunt sucked him in as an answer enough. 
There it was, the coiling feeling. He became erratic, chasing that all too familiar feeling of his high. Suddenly he was the moaning mess and not you. He examined your face, and noted that you were crying more than before and that sent him over edge. He spilled every drop of his seed into you. 
Then he stayed there and the world felt silent besides the two of you breathing. Everything felt surreal. 
His member was soft now, and he slowly removed himself from inside you. He pushed out the cum that was leaking out. Don’t want any of that getting lost, he thought.
He laid himself onto the bed next to you. He tried looking at you, only for you to turn the other direction. He sighed, understanding that you might need time to think about everything that’s happened. 
“You’ve ruined me, Coriolanus Snow.” you said, so tiny he wasn’t sure you even said it until you turned your head back to face him. 
“You’ve taken everything from me.” your face was tear stained and red. Your nose was runny and he just noticed that you were sniffling.
You took a shaky breath. “My life, my fortune,  my future,” you closed your eyes, “my brother.”
To that his heart sank, and his eyes widened. It wasn’t often that Coriolanus felt bad, to be honest he still didn’t, but the look on your face told him he should. 
“I’m sorry.” he whispered, and reached out to wipe your tear-stained cheeks.
“Me too.”
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yuyu1024 · 2 months
Pairings: Yunho × y/n
Genre/tags: lovers to strangers
Warning: pet names, cursing, cheating
~~~ [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.3k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
A/N: i am in my down moments lately... and i want to write something a bit sad randomly
Hope you all have a wonderful day. 🖤
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6yrs. You and Yunho have been together for that long already. From college to now as adults. He is your first in everything. He is your guy, your comfort and your safezone. He is the man you always have dreamed of.
He is perfect and He's yours.
However, these past few months have been very... off for you. Well, both of you. And you know why.
A few months ago, after you guys celebrated your 6th year anniversary together, Yunho got a call from his supervisor that he is a candidate for a promotion. That his boss is rooting for him and for sure know that after a few more deliberation with the rest of the team, you will get it.
Both of you were so ecstatic. You even jumped like a kid on a trampoline after hearing his news. Coz you know how hard working and passionate your man is with his job. You know he deserves it.
It will have its pros and cons being promoted especially when it comes to time with you or whatever. But it does not matter coz you know it is his for him and it will make him happy career wise. And you know Yunho will do a good job balancing his life and work.
But then just more than a month after he got the position, it suddenly went south.
Yunho have been going home late two to three times a week. Which is not bad coz its not everyday and too extreme. However, whenever he goes home now you feel the distance building between you two. It felt like he has been coming home to you and expecting to just pick his coat and bag on the floor, make sure he eats and then let him rest.
He have gotten so cold and quiet.
You tried talking to him during his off days. Wanting to suggest to go on a date or hang out somewhere, have fun, play games, watch a movie or something. But he either rejects you because he is tired or if he agrees, it feels so forced.
What happened? You were so lost. Unsure what to do or say. But being the girlfriend, you always made sure he feels loved and taken care off. Because you also thought that he might be just having this transition in his life because of a new environment at work.
You believed that this shall pass.
But as months go by... it gotten worse.
It came to a point that you two feels like two strangera living together. That the 6yrs of being boyfriend-girlfriend was suddenly felt like nothing.
"You think.... it's better... that I move out?" You blurt while starting at your plate during breakfast.
Yunho pauses and slowly raise his gaze to you. "What?" He is stunned by your sudden question.
Still looking at your plate whilst poking your food you add, "Because... I feel like... I'm not needed here anymore..." then you eyes lifts up to look at him. "Nor wanted by you anymore..."
He probably stopped breathing for a second but after processing what you said, "Y/N..."
You snort an irritated laugh. "Shocker. You still know my name..." you mumble.
"I'm sorry...." he answers lowering his head. "I'm caught up so much work that I..."
"Just work?" You ask, going back to staring while poking your food.
His head snaps back up, brows rippled. "What do you mean by that?"
"I'm not dumb." You softly say before letting go of the fork then proceed to putting your legs up your chair and  then hugging your knees. "I know... I know everything...." your voice breaks at the end.
An important detail why something is off between the two of you this past few months is that, Yunho, cheating. A woman from his work. His teammate.
You caught him one time, as you were coming home late after having a drink or two with your friends, when you saw him walking with the woman. They are not drunk. They are casually walking together, laughing and acting like they are on a date.
At first you told yourself that they are just friends. That maybe Yunho is just being respectful to the elder girl, who is obviously into him, that he cannot just publicly embarass her to tell her to move away. But then, as you follow them even more just around corner of the next building, you see them making out.
It's not just her making moves to him. Yunho was actually kissing her back. He was kissing her the way he kisses you. 💔
"You know what hurts too...?" You begin , "is that I was standing there.... obviously and in plain sight... but you weren't able to see me... or notice that someone is watching..." you wipe the first tear that roll down on your cheek. "You were to focus on her... so... taken by her..."
"Y/N..." tears starts to build up in his eyes. "I'm sorry..."
"No your not." You say, trying to hold on a bit more to not actually break apart in front of him. "Coz if you really loved me, you would not...you would not ever...."
You fail. You can't stop yourself from crying now. You cover your face as you sob and loudly whine as you express all the pain you have been keeping in for the past months.
It hurts. So painful. And yet the man in front of you can't and won't even defend himself or try to talk.
It felt like he just confessed through his silence that he did and is cheating. And probably will not stop seeing her.
"Why?" You ask. "Am I not enough? Not successful enough...? Ugly?" You take a deep breath in, "Do I not satisfy you in bed anymore? What... w-hat did I do? What made you do it? Why? Why now?"
He becomes silent.
"For fuck sakes, Yunho! Six years! We've beem together for six years and this is what I get? I know I'm not perfect but... God!" You cry it out more, facing him away. You are crying so much that you can barely breathe now and you eyes are blood shot red.
"Y/N..." he stands up and tries to reach out to help you to breathe but you move away quickly.
You stand up and jerk away from him.
"Please what?" You look at him, with sad yet fiercing eyes. "Stay? Why? So you can have someone to act like your 'girlfriend' when your other woman is not around to please you?"
"I... I love you." He mumbles, "please..."
"You don't." You wipe the rest of the tears off your cheek. "You stopped loving me the second you cheated. You are just keeping me around because you are used to having me around. You are just saying you love me because you need me."
"I'm sorry...." Yunho goes down to his knees and begs. "Please don't go.... I... No... I made a mistake... I... she helped me get through all the troubles at work and... it just..."
"You confided with her and not with me? As your girlfriend?"
"I know it's wrong... but... I didn't want to burden you with my own problems..."
"And look what it caused."
"Please...." Yunho crawls closer to you and hugs you by the waist. "I'm sorry... I will stop... I already told her I can't do it... I just... had to tell her to..."
"Yeah... I think it's better if I move out..." you peel him off you. "I don't think I can do it any longer..."
He is crying, looking at you. "Babe, please."
"I'm sorry." You say as you then pull out the promise ring he gave you from your first anniversary.
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iheartmalewives · 4 months
Since you're online again i was hoping you cpuld mayhaps open your requests again? :3 and if so could you perchance write an idia aquarium date?
Aquatic Sceneries are Enjoyed Best With the Right Company ☆
HI OMG 😭 THANK GOD IM BACK AFTER A WHOLE ASS YEAR OF DISAPPEARANCE. Ive been so caught up with everything that I totally forgot about tumblr 😓😓 Im back now and will be taking requests! I have deleted the old requests as they probably dont want to read it anymore hshsjd ;; so if you have any new requests, tell me in my inbox ^^
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An aquatic date with a special someone was one of your dream dates. You loved seeing marine life and the habitat they live in through a glass, but seeing it with someone you love was definitely an added point.
And of course, you had to drag Idia Shroud on a aquarium date. You two have been dating for a while but you've only ever had your date nights indoors. Initially, you didn't mind it. You always wanted Idia to feel comfortable no matter what. But this time, you just couldn't resist going on this trip with him!
It took you 5 whole days to persuade him, 5 whole days of begging on your knees and giving him all kinds of limited edition items just to convince him. Thankfully, he eventually agreed.
In the serene Aquatic area, with only a few people around, the two of you stood, captivated by the sight of fish gracefully swimming. "I can't stand these things..." he mumbled, lightly tapping on the glass, causing the fish to scatter in fear. And in that moment, a look of horror washed over his face as he turned to you exclaiming, "Even the fish are scared of me!"
"No they're not. They're like that! See—" As you tapped on your side of the window, contrary to his experience, the fish didn't scatter at all. Instead, they became drawn to your finger, as if it were fresh bait, swimming closer with curiosity and interest. "Nevermind."
"S-See? They hate me." He pointed at the fishes accusingly.
"No, they dont." You provided reassurance by linking your arm with his before leading him to another area. The two of you continued to explore, marveling at the diverse species you encountered along the way. With each new sight, Idia's curiosity and interest grew stronger.
Certain fish were particularly drawn to his hair, which seemed to radiate various shades of blue, illuminating the room with vibrant hues. "Look, we can eat that." You playfully said, pointing at a humongous fish that swam around slowly.
"Ew. No." He frowned. "I hate seafood with like a BURNING passion."
"Is that a pun?"
"Maybe." He grinned, showing off those razor-sharp teeth that you always thought was endearing, even if it scared a few people alway. "But NGL, I could definitely catch these things."
"In what? A game?" You asked sarcastically, watching the tips of his hair turn a shade of pink. "Duh. Those types of games are easy win. GG fishies." He said, glancing at the tank next to you, the smirk on his face causing you to laugh softly.
"Right. Let's enjoy this rather than thinking about killing the fishes. Oh— What about a pic?"
"I don't do pictures!" He squeaked, his eyes widening in slight horror.
"Come on, Ids. Pleaaase?"
"I already came here. Isn't that enough? This is not a normal habitat for me."
You grinned and took out your phone, taking a selfie, with Idia trying his best not to shy away; his hair was slowly turning pink.
But then again, this whole date was a dream come true for you and he couldn't care less about getting embarrassed as long as he makes you happy. (and get you to buy more figurines for him even though he can afford it all)
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a/n: hoping this is enough for a come back 😭 again, open for requests
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can i have a fluff where the reader realizes that morpheus has turned into a cat (because he likes to adopt that form from time to time in his room) and instead of freaking out like he expected, she immediately cuddles up to him because she's a cat lover and she starts hugging and kissing him, plus if she also gives him the nickname of meowpheus
Hello There!
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: "I LOVE CATS" -you (also me)
Word Count: >700
Warnings: kitty meow meow dream (real), touch deprived!dream, gender neutral!reader, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: MEOWPHEUS T_T omg that's so cute <3 thank you for this req. i did change a detail tho, i hope you like it still <3 also i totally agree that if dream where a cat, he'd be a big mainecoon 10000% Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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"You do know instead of spying on like a creep-"
"I'm not spying, I am observing."
"... like a creep! You could just go and-"
Matthew croaks from the top of the signage when the door flies open.
I huff as I throw my trash into the dumpster. I then look out into the damp street, glistening under the shine of the streetlights. I call out to the kitties I usually feed at this time, though I knew they probably wouldn't come, cause it had just rained a few moments ago.
But then, I spot the large cat, walking over to me with purpose.
"Great Scott, you are a big one!" I gasp.
The black cat is unfazed, continuing to walk over.
"You hungry, kitty cat?" I bend down slightly, trying to see if the kitty had a collar, but to no avail. I half expect the cat to meow at me. No, there was only silence.
There was something oddly familiar about this cat, perhaps the cutie belongs to my neighbor? Nah... that's not it. I just couldn't put my finger on it.
Matthew watches from the signage on the other side of the street, wondering why Dream hasn't spoken yet, but then again, this is the first time he's come in his cat form. Maybe he's got sense not to freak the living ghost out of-
I squeal, making the black cat reel back. I crouch to my knees, "shit, sorry, you're just so fluffy and cute. GAH!" I sigh, slowly coming over to the creature, "you must be super hungry."
I reach out to the feline, to my surprise, I am met with a cheek rubbing against my hand. My heart explodes at the cuteness, "okay, okay, gimme a sec."
Dream watches his lover run into the back door.
"Here!" I say once I come back out with a can of opened cat food. I put the object down, crouching a few feet away from the feline. The kitty walks over to me in caution, sniffing at the food before reeling back and looking at me in disgust.
I scoff, "tough crowd. You must be a prissy house cat," I get to my feet, "no matter, the strays will come and eat this if you don't want to."
A shiver runs down my spine when I think I hear a voice whisper out 'you are a kind soul'.
I shake my body, "weird."
The black cat sits and observes me as I call out for the stray cats.
The next moment, they are upon me, meowing for food, rubbing against my leg for cuddles.
"Hello there, cuties!" I say, as three cats swarm over, eagerly heading for the food.
I bring out two more cans of cat food and pour out some kibble on the street for them as well. At one point, there are a total of six cats in front of me. The black furred cat only watches the 5 when they eat. I make a face at the creature, "how very cat of you."
For a moment, there is only the sound of cats eating.
Much like her ritual, a kitty, I called Ruby, comes up to me after eating and rubs against my leg. I coo and pick her up, offering some cuddles to her, uncaring that she was a stray, "hey there, pretty girl. I'm glad you came to pay your dues."
I look out to the cats, "y'all, take notes!"
The next moment, I hear a deep meow, laced with purrs, and I turn down and see the black cat staring up at me with wide, blue eyes.
I snort, putting Ruby down, narrowing my eyes at the seemingly jealous kitty, scratching lightly at my pants. I crouch next to it, "you just wanted cuddles, now, did you?"
The cat stands, pressing paws on my shoulder, rubbing their head against my face, taking me off-guard. I nearly fall on my butt when I reel back. A string of giggles leave my lips, "okay, okay, I get it!"
I gather the kitty into my arms with a grunt. He is so large that it actually takes some strength to carry him. I huff, "what a big, healthy boy!"
I squeeze him tighter into my arms, both because he was so fluffy and soft, and because I was afraid I might drop him.
His purrs are so deep and loud, I can feel them echoing in my body.
"You know... you kind of remind me of my boyfriend," I casually say.
A genius thought comes into my mind.
"I'll call your Morpheus!" I smile, "MEOWPHEUS!" I cheer, rocking him in my arms, "HOMAYGOSH, I cannot wait to show you to him!"
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
So we all agree that Hob is the World's Greatest Lover, 600 year reigning Pussy Eating Champion, etc etc. But think of the comedy potential if instead he was just...kind of mediocre at sex. After all these centuries he's still satisfied with a quick wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, and he's not a particularly generous lover. A lot of the sex he's had over the years has been with prostitutes, so he doesn't feel very guilty about not making sure they finish, and his wives and long-term partners have mostly been a bit prudish/sheltered because of the time periods they lived in (some of them may not have even been aware that female orgasms were a thing). But none of them ever complained, so he assumed he was pretty good at sex.
And sure, he's had experiences with men (he's been a sailor at times, after all), but back in his day oral sex with any gender was kind of unhygienic and gross (cue the "ripe smegmatic sausage" meme) so the man's never given a blowjob in his unnaturally long life. Now, he *thinks* he knows all there is to know about sex because, to be fair, he has probably done it more times than any other human alive. But the reality is, his idea of "kinky" is any position other than missionary.
So he's surprised (and his ego is a bit bruised) when Dream seems disappointed but amused after their first time. He's worried Dream is going to dump him (and he's beating himself up, thinking he's so stupid for ever believing he could live up to Dream's standards), but Dream just smiles fondly at him and promises to teach him everything and train him to be a worthy lover for an Endless.
So after that, every night when Hob is in the Dreaming they work on his sexual education. Training montage: Dream makes him practice sucking his dick and eating his pussy until he really is the Pussy Eating Champion. Dream expects to come at least three times before Hob is even allowed to think about his own orgasm. Dream fucks his brains out and makes him a plug and a cock cage out of dreamstuff to wear in the waking, so he's always ready and can't cum unless it's on Dream's cock. Hob is, of course, a very eager and studious pupil, and he's more than happy to do anything Dream wants; he's realizing he's actually a lot kinkier than he thought. He loves being dommed by Dream, and Dream considers his education to be complete when Hob is able to successfully Dom *him* (which may or may not have been his goal from the beginning). The student has become the master, etc etc.
I love it here, you guys are so good to me <3 bad sex is so one of my kinks, especially coupled with a lil humiliation kink.
It's entirely fair to believe that Hob might have got a little bit too comfortable over the years. Recently his sexual experience has very much aligned with his modern image - middle class, a little boring, would probably rather just have a cup of tea. He's been sleeping with women mostly, and sadly he's been lulled into a false sense of security when they assure him that yes they did cum, honestly. Even in the decades before that a lot of what he did was drug fuelled and he can barely remember most of it.
Dream is a little disappointed, but on the whole he's amused and quite looking forward to giving Hob an education - after firmly telling him that his dick is nothing special and he really needs to work on his stamina (Hob is sitting there in stunned silence wondering how on earth this conversation is making him hard.)
Hob spends the next few months not being allowed to put his dick anywhere near Dream anyway. He's only allowed to pleasure Dream with his mouth, and only very occasionally allowed to cum. Dream is the strictest of teachers and resorts to corporal punishment when his student doesn't behave (spoiler alert, Hob also enjoys this more than he ought to).
Slowly Hob picks up the skills that he either lost or never had in the first place, and Dream becomes much more agreeable with him. After nearly half a year Hob is finally allowed to fuck Dream again, only this time he's wearing a cock ring and his purpose is only to bring his lover pleasure. Dream is so pleased with his progress that he even lets Hob cum inside him.
Before long Hob is coming home from work, grabbing Dream by the waist and hauling him over the sofa to tongue-fuck him until he screams. Which was more or less what Dream was hoping for during their first encounter. He's quite happy to sit on Hob’s (admittedly quite nice) dick these days, because he knows that Hob’s primary objective will forevermore be to make him cum.
Even if he does occasionally have to tie Dream up to do it. Oh yes, Dream needs to be educated too - about the perils of working too much and not letting off steam. Hob is only too happy to take on the role of teacher, this time.
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chapter 9
Note: direct follow up to chapter 8 of the Fighter fic. Other Fighter chapters are in my masterlist.
Warnings: 18+!! fluff, smut, suggestive. mention of alcohol.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric slowly found himself back again, while you managed to surprise him.
wordcount: 4,5k
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'What's gotten into you?'
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After you had finally managed to drag your husband away from the beach, up the hotel entrance stairs and eventually into your room, you didn't even have a chance to sober him up. As soon as Sihtric hit the bed, he fell asleep. And he snored. Loud. His insanely loud snoring could probably be heard all the way down at that beach party. You struggled to take off his clothes, leaving him to sleep in just his tight, Gucci boxer shorts, and you finally laid down next to him after having changed into sleeping gear yourself. You laid awake for hours, making sure he was okay and didn't accidentally get some kind of alcohol poisoning. 
After a while he more or less woke up and kept trying to hug you, which told you he was doing fine. He kept trying to kiss you, and you had to push him over to face the other side, so his cocktail scented breath wasn't being breathed in your face anymore. After that you eventually fell asleep for a few hours.
It was almost noon when you woke up because you suddenly heard Sihtric sprint to the bathroom, where he threw up, again. He reappeared after a few minutes, and you couldn't help but snicker at his appearance. He was looking awfully pale. What was left of his previously braided hair was more a tangled mess that resembled something of a bird's nest, and his eyes were heavy. So much for a fun night out. 
'You okay?' you asked as Sihtric stumbled back towards the bed.
'Yeah,' he said, his voice hoarse, 'just my head is fucking killing me. And I had the weirdest dream,' he shuddered, 'I fought one of those gigantic spiders you're so afraid of, but... but he wasn't afraid of me?'
You stared at him, blinking a few times while being speechless at the sudden random information.
'I... I think you should try to eat something, sweetheart. Do you want me to call room service? Get you some juice and some scrambled eggs or something?'
Sihtric groaned, grabbed onto his stomach, and ran back into the bathroom.
'Guess not,' you mumbled as you grimaced at the sound of him being sick again.
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The rest of the day was uneventful, as Sihtric needed the entire day to recover from his hangover, and you had to catch up with some sleep yourself. The following days after the beach party, Sihtric slowly started to pick up a workout routine again. Early in the mornings he'd go for a jog, before the sun was fully risen, and you found him shadow boxing on the balcony in the evenings. Overall, his mood improved quickly within those days and before you knew it, you only had one day left before your flight back home again. You once again had dinner at the hotel and enjoyed some quiet time in your room, after both having packed up most stuff in your suitcases.
'You want to go to the beach?' Sihtric asked when you just finished braiding his hair.
You happily agreed, grabbed a bag and a few towels, and went to the same beach you've spent earlier evenings at. 
It was once again quiet, with only a handful of people around. Despite Sihtric being quite a pain to be around the first few days, this holiday did turn out to be the best one in regards to going out in public. You were hardly ever bothered, and it made Sihtric more at ease to leave the hotel with you. Sure, you hadn't really done any sightseeing, but then again, you didn't even want to go to Australia in the first place, so you didn't care much.
At the beach, you found a little hidden spot between a few high rocks, where you spread out the towels. Then, you took off your dress under which you wore your bikini, the latter which didn't cover a whole lot of skin to be honest, and you grabbed the book you were still reading as you settled down. You frowned when you saw Sihtric approach the water, something he hadn't done the other evenings, but you were glad he was keeping himself busy while it was still bright enough to read. For a moment you thought he was ging to take a dive in the water with his thin, white sleeveless shirt still on, but he didn't. Instead, he sat down in the sand and you focused on your book.
You finally managed to read one whole page of your book, and when you figured Sihtric was awfully quiet, you peeked up over the pages, only to see him do some sit-ups not far from you. You smiled at the pleasant sight, but managed to bring your eyes back to your book again, reading yet another whole page. When you peeked at Sihtric again, you caught him doing push-ups. You tried to bring your focus back to your book again, but couldn't help your eyes wandering back to your husband and his ridiculously sized biceps. You had to admit, after a few days without any sexual activity, you desperately wanted to be handled by him, but not that rough. 
Sihtric was oblivious to your hungry stare and, after a long moment of eyeing up your husband, you finally managed to continue your book. Until, moments later, Sihtric suddenly snatched the book out of your hands and grabbed your ankle. He pulled you towards him, quickly took off his shirt, then picked you up as you screamed and he threw you over his shoulder.
'What the hell!' you laughed as he walked towards the water again, 'what are you doing?'
'Going for a swim.'
'What? No!' you yelled and giggled, trying to fight him, but you simply didn't stand a chance.
Sihtric let his body drop down into the water once he had walked in far enough, and you went along with him, completely under, where you managed to escape his grip. You half swam, half ran from him, but Sihtric was still much faster than you. He got a hold of you before you could reach the dry sand, and he pulled you back in the water. You let out a sudden yelp when he picked you up again and did the same as before, dunking underwater with you in his arms. You hadn't seen Sihtric smile this wide or laugh this hard in a while, so you let him have his moment, enjoying the innocent taunting of the man you love entirely and wholeheartedly. All his flaws and his perfections, he was yours, and you him completely.
'What's gotten into you?' you smiled when he finally seemed to calm down, and he pulled you close as you stood almost up to your chest in the sea.
'I don't know,' Sihtric smiled, his arms circled around your waist under water, and he nuzzled your nose and cheek, 'could be that bikini of yours,' he chuckled.
'Oh, come on, you've seen it before,' you said, and softly hummed at his affection.
'Yeah,' he said, 'but it's like… I don't know,' he suddenly smiled shyly, 'like you look even prettier today than usual. Which should be impossible.'
You giggled and felt your cheeks heat up. 
'You look really good today too,' you said while squeezing his biceps, 'I saw your little work-out,' you grinned, 'I'm sure in some countries you'd been arrested for being too damn sexy.'
Sihtric smiled and blushed, then buried his face in your neck, softly pecking your skin while he held you close. Then, he hooked his arms under your knees and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist while he held you up, conveniently for him, by holding your buttocks in his hands. You didn't mind, but you were already aroused since he did those push-ups, and now that he squeezed your ass occasionally as you kissed him, the pressure only got worse.
'Honey,' you giggled, but Sihtric silenced you with a kiss.
He bit your lower lip softly, and when you wrapped your arms around his neck, you both deepened the kiss. Sihtric's breathing became heavier, turning into light moans against your lips while your tongues slowly moved against each other like waves, as the ocean water calmly pushed up against your back.
'Fuck,' Sihtric breathed, 'you don't know what you do to me, bunny,' he whispered in between his slow, wet kisses, 'you really don't fucking know, baby.'
'Then tell me,' you whispered, feeling overwhelmed with a sudden rush of butterflies as your lips crashed back onto your husband's.
'I can't explain it,' Sihtric whispered, 'you're everything,' he smiled against your lips, 'so beautiful,' he kissed you again, 'so sweet,' he flicked his tongue against your lips and chuckled softly, 'so fucking perfect, bunny. I'm the luckiest man alive,' he gazed up into your eyes, 'I only ever want you. I'm yours. All yours. And I want everything with you,' he whispered before he kissed you deeply again, 'everything with you, for the rest of my life.'
'Sihtric,' you breathed and cupped his cheeks, 'I… I really want you to make love to me right now.'
'Gods,' he chuckled with a desperate moan, 'I thought you'd never ask.'
He carried you back onto the beach, where he put you down on your feet as soon as he had reached the towels.
'Hotel?' Sihtric asked, impatiently, while you closed the book he had snatched away earlier and threw it in your beach bag, 'should I call a cab, bunny?'
'No,' you said, quickly looking around and not finding a single soul nearby, 'here,' you then giggled and sat down on the towels, 'now.'
'H-here?' Sihtric asked, with big eyes.
A sudden blush settled on his cheeks as he watched you lay down, slowly pulling to loosen the string that held your bikini top up around your neck, revealing your bare breasts to him within seconds.
'Come here, tiger,' you purred. 
You gave him a cheeky smile and beckoned him over, using your index finger teasingly to lure him closer. Sihtric wasted no time and followed your lead, moving on top of you. His head was spinning, and his eyes darkened at the sight of your almost completely naked body underneath him, in public, while the setting sun casted the colour of fire on your skin, which resembled the burning sensation he felt inside for you, he thought.
'What if anyone sees us?' he asked.
'Then let them watch,' you breathed, 'let them watch how good you treat me.'
You didn't care right about anyone else, you just wanted him, now. Sihtric grinned and bit down on his lip. He slowly removed your bikini thong, whereas you were fast to pull down his swimming trunks. A warm breeze touched your skin pleasantly, before Sihtric moved his body in between your thighs.
'Baby?' you whispered and cupped his cheeks.
Sihtric looked at you with soft, questioning eyes. 'Hm?'
'Go easy, okay?' you said, tracing his lips slowly with your thumb, 'I don't just want to fuck,' you whispered, smiling, 'I want you to love me.'
'I always love you,' Sihtric whispered, taking your chin gently with his fingertips, 'Always. I got you, bunny,' he smiled and kissed your lips, 'I got you, I promise. Let me take care of you,' he whispered before he kissed his way down your neck, to your breasts, down your stomach and on to your inner thigh.
You were already lightheaded with lust and love before you felt his lips leave soft, wet kisses onto your folds, until he slowly and firmly used his tongue to nearly push you over your edge within minutes. Desperately trying to keep quiet, you had to stop him before you'd finish and become overstimulated. Sihtric got the hint and, with a satisfied yet cocky smile, he brought his face back up to yours. He kissed you deeply as he finally entered you, both trying your hardest to keep your moans as quiet as possible. Sihtric moved his big hands up into your hair and one down to your thigh, holding you close as he thrusted into you, slow and deep, while you had your arms wrapped around his neck and one leg hooked around his waist. He moaned when you met his movements by rolling your hips against his. He then kissed you, slow and deep, the same way he made love to you on that beach while the sun was slowly disappearing into the ocean.
'I love you,' Sihtric breathed, with a desperate tone, 'gods, I love you, lady.'
'And I love you, husband,' you smiled against his lips, and Sihtric moaned heavily at your words.
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The next day you found yourself in the plane again, first class, ready to fly back home. Before Sihtric settled down next to you, you quickly hid the tiny liquor bottles, which the flight attendants had prepared for each first class passenger. Sihtric may have said he didn't want any alcohol again, but you knew he would get bored during the long flight and would try to down whichever tiny liquor shot he could find. And the last thing you wanted was a drunk, former kickboxing champion stuck on a plane. 
Still all head over heels for you since the passionate love making on the beach the night before, Sihtric couldn't keep his hands or lips off you. Despite leaving boiling Australia, he was dressed in black sweatpants, a black hooded sweater, the hood pulled up to cover his braided hair and part of his face, while wearing black sunglasses to be more or less unrecognisable. He pulled you against his chest after he had reclined his seat, so he could lay back comfortably, and he brought your knee up to rest on his legs. 
Moments after the plane had taken off, Sihtric gently pushed your chin up to kiss you. Soft, sweet pecks at first, but soon enough his kisses became deeper and sloppier. He held your face while his other hand found its way to your ass, softly massaging as he moved his big, warm hand over the smooth fabric of your matching sweatpants, and occasionally giving you a firm squeeze. He hummed and chuckled softly during the sweet but intense make out session. And you don't know what suddenly got into you, but you couldn't seem to stop yourself from rubbing your palm over his crotch, feeling his cock harden quickly.
'Don't tease me like that,' Sihtric whispered, smiling, before he kissed you again while he squeezed your ass a little harder.
'You're my husband,' you giggled softly, 'I can tease you all I want.'
'Mhm,' he hummed, 'I am your husband, and proudly so,' he whispered, 'but you know we're too loud to have sex on a plane, bunny. We won't get away with it.'
'Don't worry,' you grinned as you snuck your hand down his sweatpants, 'I don't want to have sex.'
'You don't?' Sihtric furrowed his brow as he stared at you from behind his sunglasses, but he quickly smiled again as you continued teasing him with your hand.
'No,' you shrugged with a sly smile, granting him a few more seconds of the secret pleasure.
Then you abruptly pulled away from him and got up, leaving your seat. You looked back over your shoulder as you made way to the toilets, and you waited for about a minute before Sihtric managed to follow you without raising any suspicion. Without anyone noticing, you pulled him into the cramped space, locked the door, closed the toilet lid, and you pushed Sihtric to sit down before he could even take off his glasses.
'Wow, baby,' Sihtric chuckled and pushed the hood of his sweater down while he removed his shades, 'what has gotten into you today?'
You had no idea what had gotten into you, all you wanted was to please your husband right now. So you just gave him a cheeky smile and a shrug. Then, you parted his knees and kneeled down between his thighs. Sihtric leaned back, biting down on his lip with a sly smile, his eyes already heavy, his cheeks coloured rosy while his hands moved up into your loose hair.
'Hm, you gonna treat me, bunny?' he husked.
'Mhm,' you hummed with a smile, moving your hands slowly up his muscular thighs.
You cupped his arousal, gently massaging him as you leaned in to kiss his lips. Sihtric hummed against your lips, already struggling to contain his excitement, and you told him he better be quiet.
'How quiet I am,' he said and leaned back again, 'depends entirely on my wife.'
You smiled, then took out his cock, and proceeded to give him the best blowjob he ever had, according to him. And you knew he wasn't lying, as he nearly blacked out after you made him finish. And you knew his heavy, beast-like growl was without a doubt heard outside of the toilet door. But you didn't care. You wiped your mouth with a smile, satisfied that you could please your husband that good it made him lose his ability to function for a good while afterwards. After you had quickly hopped back to your seat, Sihtric followed shortly after, stumbling as his head was still spinning. He sat down with a deep sigh and pulled you into his arms again, holding you tightly against his chest.
'Thank you, bunny,' Sihtric whispered and pecked your lips, then he pulled the hood of his comfy sweater up again and put his sunglasses back on.
'My pleasure,' you smiled and kissed his cheek, 'I love you.'
'I love you more. I promise I'll show you a good time after we land,' he said with a smile.
'Eh... at the airport toilet?' you grimaced.
'What? No!' Sihtric snorted, 'you know I prefer to eat in my car,' he winked.
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You were both happy to be back home again, and you were also thrilled to find out Sihtric had accepted a rather short notice job. He was invited to attend a charity event at a local gym in two weeks, which helped troubled youngsters to stay off the streets and take their issues out with boxing. As Sihtric was quite the troublemaker himself, sometimes still struggling to stay on the right track, he gladly accepted the invite, but only if you'd join him, which you would.
Despite feeling a little under the weather that day, you enjoyed seeing him teach a whole bunch of children and teenagers some kickboxing basics during a masterclass. After that, there was a Q&A, which you enjoyed even more. You told Sihtric you wanted to sit with the crowd, not on stage, as you had no business there, but Sihtric only agreed if you'd be in the first row where he could see you, so he knew you were still close. 
You smiled at the sight of him, as he was clearly quite enjoying this day, despite being the centre of attention. The difference was that there was no media around, except for a local newspaper, so no one bothered him with private matters or made things uncomfortable.
'Will you come out of retirement again?' one youngster asked during the Q&A.
Sihtric chuckled when the entire crowd erupted in massive cheers, and he couldn't speak before everyone quieted down, so he glanced at you. You shrugged lightly, knowing that you could never decide that for him, and never would.
'I don't know if I will ever fight professional again,' Sihtric answered honestly, earring a few taunting boos from the kids, 'but I will fight whoever booed me,' Sihtric quickly remarked, to which everyone laughed and a few brave teens yelled they're up for it.
He looked at you again and you smiled at each other. You mouthed an I love you to him, to which he visibly blushed and blew you a quick kiss, which left you with a satisfied grin.
'How do you stay grounded when you are capable of fighting at the highest level? Like… how do you deal with fame?' someone else asked.
'Eh,' Sihtric said, then paused for a moment. 'As most of you may know, I don't deal well with fame at all. But,' he paused again, 'you need good people around you, people you trust,' Sihtric said, 'I'm blessed with my team. They stuck with me despite the stupid things I have done. Not just in the past, but also recently. Look,' he said, 'I don't have everything figured out either. Half of the time I don't know what I'm doing, or where I'm going. It's a weird life,' he admitted, 'it's not always fun. It can be very lonely, very isolating. It can become very depressing. Getting into the game because you want to be famous is the worst thing you can do. If you train with that goal in mind, I can guarantee you, you will fail. You have to want to become the best because you love the sport, not everything that comes with it. Because at the end of the day, after winning that huge title fight you so desperately wanted, and you're alone in your hotel room with that belt in your hands,' he paused again and shook his head lightly, 'you will find out that the belt, the title, the money, all that… it means fuck all.'
'Oh, ehh,' the host of the event said quickly after Sihtric's cursing.
'Oh, fuck, sorry,' Sihtric said, then groaned, 'I mean, crap,' he chuckled when everyone laughed.
You laughed, but had teared up at his speech, feeling awfully emotional for some reason, and it only got worse as the Q&A continued.
'What I try to say is, you have to be yourself, no matter what. Pay attention to those who have your back now and stick with you all the way to the top. Because those are the people you can trust. I'm sure you all know Uhtred and Finan,' Sihtric said, 'they've been with me from the beginning. But remember, always be wary of those who start to get close after you're booking success.'
Sihtric looked down at his feet when he earned a rather deafening applause and you quickly wiped a tear away.
'Do you still feel lonely?' a boy suddenly asked him.
Sihtric's stern look softened, and a shy smile appeared along with a spark in his eyes.
'No,' he said, 'I don't. Not anymore,' he looked at you, 'I've been blessed with a pretty lady who didn't care about who I was or what I had. In fact, she didn't even like me at first,' he laughed, 'but I still married her. She saw right through me and my tough guy act. Things would've been way different if she didn't stick around through some of the shi-, I mean, the hell I've put her through ever since we met. So,' he sniffled and cleared his throat, 'a good group of friends around you is important, but also a husband or wife who has your back is really important, if not the most important. Believe me, nothing beats the feeling of coming home and having someone who is waiting for you to step through that front door.'
You were a bawling mess by the end of the Q&A, and Sihtric was quick to run up to you as everyone left the room.
'Hey,' he cupped your cheeks, 'what's wrong, love? You look a little pale.'
'God, I don't know,' you sighed, 'I just don't feel well and your stupid speech made me cry,' you sniffled, 'honey, I'm sorry, but I really think it's better for me if I go home. I really don't feel good.'
'No, it's okay,' Sihtric said as he embraced you, 'I'm sure they'll understand why we are going home, bunny.'
'What?' you looked up at him, 'no, sweetheart, you stay here. I can get a ride home.'
'No, Sihtric. These kids are dying to meet you, to have a chat and get a picture. You can't leave. I won't let you.'
'No,' you said sternly, 'just stay, okay? You can't do much for me anyway back home, and It's good for you to do this on your own too. You will be fine, I promise,' you pecked his lips, 'just don't fight with anyone, that's all.'
Sihtric gave you a pained look. He really didn't want to let you go back home on your own, and he also truly didn't want to be left on his own either, but he knew you were right. Reluctantly, he agreed and called Finan to pick you up, as he didn't want you to get a random cab home. And after an uncountable 'I love you's' and endless quick kisses, Sihtric finally let you close the car door and allowed Finan to drive off.
'Fin?' you asked from the backseat, 'can you please stop by a pharmacy?'
'Uh, yeah,' the Irish man said, 'you okay?'
'Yeah, just gotta grab some… stuff.'
'Stuff, huh?' he asked, 'anything Sihtric should know of?'
'No, no,' you said, 'it's probably nothing.'
'Not pregnant, are you?' Finan snickered.
'Heh, imagine,' you feigned a chuckle and stared out of the car window.
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The next afternoon you felt even more nauseous than the day before, where Sihtric had found you asleep in bed by the time he came home in the evening. And today, you had to tell Sihtric some news, but you couldn't find him in the annoyingly big house. When you decided to give up and just sit in the living room in your pyjamas, Sihtric suddenly snuck his arms around you from behind. You cursed loudly at the sudden scare, but you were also glad to have found your husband again.
'So-,' you tried to speak.
'Come with me,' Sihtric said as he took your hand, not hearing you.
Before you could say something else, he pulled you with him through the kitchen, into the gigantic backyard. It was early fall, but it was a pleasantly warm afternoon. Sihtric was dressed in an unbuttoned flannel, exposing his trained body while his signature black sweatpants were underneath, and his hair was tied back in a bun. He was effortlessly looking good, as per usual, you thought. You only decided to ignore the white socks he wore in those hideous green flip flops.
'Where are we going?' you asked, 'what are you doing?'
'I'm not telling,' Sihtric smiled as he guided you into the small forest he owned.
A few minutes later you stumbled upon a large blanket, spread out on the leaf covered ground, on which a few pillows and all kinds of foods and drinks were placed.
'Siht?' you teared up as you looked back at him, 'what is this? Wha-'
'Shh,' he hushed you with a kiss and led you onto the soft blanket, 'sit.'
You sat down, trying to be as relaxed as possible, but you couldn't shake your nerves despite the sweet, romantic setting.
'So,' Sihtric said as he poured you a cup of tea from a thermos flask, 'I have something to tell you.'
'Oh,' you looked surprised, 'I… I actually have something to tell you too.'
'Oh?' he said as he poured himself a cup, 'you go first then, bunny,' he smiled sweetly after he brought his full attention to you.
'No, no,' you chuckled, 'it's okay, love. I mean,' you looked around, 'you did all this? Why?'
'No, it can wait,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your cheek, 'spill your news.'
'No, I-'
'Love, just tell m-' Sihtric cut you off.
'No, babe-' you interrupted him.
This cutting off continued for a short while, until you both got so confused and riled up, that you both spilled your news at the same time, by accident, while completely talking over each other.
'Bunny, the UFC offered me a contract and I've signed it.'
'Honey, I'm pregnant.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1
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dreamer-fallen-angel · 3 months
Unknown Road - Imagine Taeyong x ftm reader
a/n: Hope you guys enjoy it.
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Part (2/?)-🥀Inside The Abyss🥀
- Ah, how long has it been since I was last here?
So gloomy...
So dark...
So damp... As if I were on the bottom of the sea, so hard to breathe-
Trrim, trrim, trrim!!!
With the morning light hitting his face and the alarm clock ringing non-stop, Taeyong slowly opened his swollen eyes, the light soon beginning to hurt his vision. Even with so many inconvenient situations, he felt comfortable and welcomed. He stood up, stretched and placed his hands on his face, his eyes widening as he remembered of his partner.
- Y/n!-
Taeyong gets out of bed clumsily and starts running desperately around the house, knocking into some furniture but ignoring the pain and continuing his search. As he enters the kitchen he stops his steps, after he hears the sound of a pan hitting the sink.
- I made a lot of noise, didn't I?-
There was y/n holding a frying pan with burnt food residue.
- Don't look at me like that... I took care, but it burned anyway. And now what are we going to eat?-
Taeyong didn't hear a word that came out of y/n's mouth, he just hugged the terrible chef.
- Out of the blue?-
Taeyong kept quiet and just shook his head in confirmation
- You're very strange today, more than usual at least...-
- I had a bad dream, and I lost you in it... I was worried...-
With a suspicious expression, y/n let out a quiet sigh.
- "You don't have to worry, after all, I'm not just going to suddenly disappear-
They both stayed for a long time cuddling, after Taeyong had calmed down a bit, they both agreed, after a lot of demanding on the part of the older man, aka Taeyong, to go to a restaurant they had been to on a few previous occasions for lunch, as it was already past 11 in the morning.
The journey was marked by warm conversations and a growing euphoria. After 20 minutes Taeyong noticed the unusual landscape around them.
- You got lost again y/n?- he rolls his eyes in annoyance.
- Maybe, just maybe, I don't know where we are...-
The older man tried to open the GPS on his cell phone.
- Damn! My battery's dead-
Taeyong put his cell phone in the car to charge.
- Calm down, we'll get there soon-
A slight pang of regret for having refused to look for alternative means hit the driver after more 10 minutes, as they remained without the slightest idea of where they were.
- Just use the GPS on your cell phone-
Y/n looks at him with apparent nervousness.
- You forgot your cell phone, didn't you?-
- Maybe... -
Taeyong curses, already starting to get stressed by the hunger that is growing by the minute.
They decided, after much discussion, that they would stop and ask for directions on the next avenue.
While they were both concentrating on the road, y/n saw something very strange, something like a glitch in his vision. The landscape became distorted.
Y/n started to feel scared after noticed that it was no longer morning, now he could only see the night sky on all sides.
- Damn it! Did you see? suddenly become night out of nowhere-
- What are you talking about? It's still daylight-
There was a look of confusion on Taeyong's face.
- What do you mean it's daytime? Can't you see?- he pointed out of the window.
With a frown, the older man shook his head in denial.
- You've been up all night again?-
- I don't, how could you not see? You know what, forget it, it's probably the hunger and the heat, I'm hallucinating already-
But he knew he wasn't seeing a mirage or something like that, so he broke out in a cold sweat. He accelerated the car and tried to turn on the headlights, but Taeyong said it wasn't necessary. What would happen If the youngest hadn't obeyed him at that moment?
In almost total darkness, y/n continued his journey, keeping straight ahead.
Suddenly some animal, which y/n couldn't identify in the darkness, jumped out of the woods in front of the car, causing the driver to turn the wheel sharply out of reflex.
Ah, if regret could kill, maybe y/n would already be dead.
With his vision full of blood, y/n woke up, his breathing panting and shaking. Looked to the side and saw Taeyong covered in the blood that was coming from his head.
- T-Taeyong, wake up!" his voice came out with difficulty and soaked in pain.
After several attempts, Taeyong woke up.
- What happened?" He put his hand on his forehead and look at it- That's blood?- despair beginning to consume him, he looks at you- why are you bleeding y/n?!- he stops after feeling a tremendous pain in his head.
- I think I rolled over the car into an abyss, I-I can't move my legs... - his hands were shaking non-stop but his legs didn't show the slightest sign of life, even with all the effort he was making to get out of his position. To make matters worse, y/n's belt was stuck and wouldn't come off no matter how much force was put on it.
- Try to get out yourself, my belt won't release-
Taeyong obeys, managing to get out of the crumpled car with difficulty, and as soon as he's free he goes to the other side of the car to try to help y/n get out, but luck wasn't on his side today, the door was jammed, the older man's efforts were in vain.
- Try calling for help with your cell phone-
With his cell phone in hand, Taeyong tried to call the ambulance, but without success.
- I'll see if I can get a signal, I'll be right back-
And off he went to several different corners, somewhat distant from where the car was. As soon as he got a signal, he started calling.
- Hello, it's an emergency, my car has overturned and-
- Are you with anyone else?
- Y-Yes, the car has fallen over and-and...-
- Calm down, sir, and state your location.
Taeyong inhales and exhales, trying to hold on to the slightest bit of calm necessary for this situation.
- O-Oh, right, right, I'm on some cliff near...-
Before he could even complete this sentence, Taeyong heard the sound of an explosion, which made his eyes widen.
- Y/n?...- his cell phone slipped out of his hands and landed on the ground.
- Hello? Sir? Are you still there?
Running in desperation, Taeyong went to the car, now on fire. He ignored the fire and, with his eyes already watering, put his hands on the car handle, pulling and pulling, but to no avail.
- T-TAEYONG!- y/n looked through the glass in despair as his body was being devoured piece by piece by the flames- HELP ME TAEYONG!!!! PLEASE!!!- his cries and screams of despair and agony sounded much more eloquent as they painfully entered the older man's ears, the feeling much worse than in his nightmares. Taeyong despaired even more and pulled even harder on the door, even trying to break the glass with a nearby stone, which worked, but the belt... It hadn't come off in time...
Taeyong with his arms already burned, managed to pull his body through the belt with difficulty.
His screams were no longer heard, his body was gravely burned and his breathing was no longer present.
- Y-Y/N!!!- words proclaimed with a desperation he had never seen or felt before.
The older man wiped the fire residue from y/n's body with his shirt. Rain poured from his eyes, or was it a deluge?
- You said you wouldn't just disappear out of nowhere...- he whispered through his sobs- FULFILL YOUR WORD Y/N!!! N-No... don't leave me alone y/n... Please...-
Taeyong hugged your body for a while and even though he knew it would be in vain, he called for help over the phone. But the rescue took too long, even longer to get into the abyss.
All the while, Taeyong remained hugging your body, not wanting to let go, as if the moment he did, you would leave him.
After arriving at the hospital, Taeyong couldn't stop banging his legs on the floor. He was by your side while the doctor examined you, and he was by your side when the doctor covered you up and told the date and time of your death. He had already cried out all the liquid in his body, but even so, when he heard about your death, he couldn't stop a tear from falling from his eyes. He already knew, he knew that you had been lifeless in his arms for a long time, but he wanted to believe that he would see you alive again. Taeyong's body looked like an empty glass now, it was y/n who had died, but it seemed that Taeyong had died with you in that abyss.
His blurred vision was the last memory Taeyong had before he woke up.
He woke up and lifted his face from the table, looked to the side and saw his empty whisky glass there, the rain still falling outside, as if it had fallen especially to remind him of his disgrace.
With his mind in a tangle, he sat there, staring at his glass and the rain. The night remained bluish.
It was then that Taeyong saw a light and put his hand in front of his eyes, trying to prevent the sudden brightness from hurting them. The front door opened and suddenly a loud thunder sounded in his ears.
It was from this same door that Taeyong saw a black shadow entering his house. He soon recognized the figure in front of him.
- Y/n?...-
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lowqualitygarbage · 7 months
So what is the wasteland like in your AU? Is life slowly crawling back in? Or is it being stamped out by petty conflicts and the Jesus freaks? How the hell do Gamma storms even still exist? What lives out thier besides people?
!!! Hi!
So, this AU is a pretty direct Fallout adaptation, and I'm not sure how familiar you are with the games so sorry if I over or under explain.
It does kind of bother me that in the games like 200 years have passed since the War, and people are still basically in the stone age and eating centuries-old mac'n'cheese despite so much of the Old World being in a semi-recoverable state.
The sort answer is, the Wasteland could actually be built into a functioning society pretty easily, if people weren't The Absolute Worst.
Settlements are kept small and lower-tech, because you're right, the Army of Righteous does prioritize places that look like they could become a threat. Water treatment plants, armories, power stations, commercial farmlands, etc. The only large settlements that can survive are the ones that are basically fortresses and not worth the effort to wipe out.
This is part of what allowed the system of Overlords to form - they were basically Raiders who were able to survive long enough to amass enough fortifications and followers to the point they aren't easy targets any more, which in turn brings even more settlers to agree to serve under them for protection.
Wildlife is standard Fallout fare - mole rats, mutant dogs, radstags, yao guai, deathclaws, brahmin, giant insects of all kinds, mirelurks, robots, ghouls, and super mutants (along with whatever else I've forgotten). There are a few other animals I'll throw in mutated variations of as needed. Only major homebrew species is Razorbacks - mutated descendants of pigs and boars, I'll do a little writeup on them when I post Fat Nuggets.
As for the radiation storms, they're a gameplay element from Fallout 4, which I think they explained as there being the hyper-irradiated Glowing Sea nearby, which was ground zero for a massive nuke. Storm fronts coming into the Commonwealth over it would pick up the radiation and cause an extra hazard during storms. Most people and animals would either take shelter from the storms, or are already too irradiated/mutated to really be bothered. It's a convenient device to force people into places and in close quarters for a period of time, so I kept it. Let's just assume Pentagram City was a major target for nukes like other major cities, so there's a similar issue.
Additional worldbuilding thoughts below the cut:
The people who do make advancements/big recoveries in technology are people like Vox, and are just basically cut-throat capitalists who will murder their competitors and burn down/steal their stuff, to keep a monopoly on what they offer.
So VoxTech in the Vault 666 universe does offer a bunch of modern conveniences, but he also owns the local power stations and such to make them work, and runs the Vees' territory like a glorified Company Town where everything just goes back into his pockets. Anyone who tries to innovate is either bought out by him, or killed off so they're not a threat. Same with other Overlords who run an industry. No altruists can survive in this environment, which makes Charlie's dreams that much crazier.
technically anyone could probably run a radio broadcast. Alastor is so full of himself he doesn't see others as being even close his level, but people are too freaked out by him to really try; doesn't help that he overrides Vox's broadcast (which is commercials with some music now and again) for funsies whenever he feels like it.
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seospicybin · 2 years
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Changbin x reader. (s,f)
Synopsis: You find your dream man in Changbin only to be his second favorite girl.
Preview under the cut!
The sound of the doorbell ringing startles you in your chair. You don't expect anyone to give you a visit but you got panic thinking it's probably your editor.
When you open the door, you see him instead.
"Hi, hello!" You greet him, a bit surprised but at the same time, delighted to see Hana is with him.
You smile and wave your hand at the little girl, "hello you cutie!"
Without warning, she throws herself at you, hugging you by the hips.
"Sorry for disturbing you," her father begins.
"Not at all!" You quickly deny it. If anything he's stopping you from procrastinating and you're grateful for that.
"To what do I owe this cute little visit?" You rub Hana's shoulders as you speak.
"We're going to have dinner out and we'd like for you to come with us," Changbin holds his hand out at Hana and she slowly lets go of her hug at you, walking back to her father.
"Right now?" You ask.
You don't even know it's already dinner time, you confirm by looking at the clock on the wall and it's indeed the time.
"We'll be having Hana's favorite," he adds.
Well, cooped up in your apartment isn't helping either and who knows you'll get ideas after getting some food.
"I need a few minutes to get ready," you refuse to go out wearing sweatpants and an old t-shirt.
Changbin glances at Hana, then back at you, "then how about we wait in the car, and you—"
You agree immediately, "yeah, I won't be long, I promise."
"Okay then, see you!"
The moment you close the door, you break into a run and rummage through your closet for something to wear. You put on a simple make-up, spray some perfume then grab a purse, shoving your wallet and phone inside.
You hate to make them wait especially when one of them is a little girl who can throw a tantrum at any minute. You bounce your feet the whole elevator ride down the building and half jog to their car.
You fix your hair quickly and slow down when you're only a few meters away, you organize your breath.
"Hi, sorry for making you wait!" You say even before he pushes the door open for you.
Changbin opens the door to the passenger's side, "no, it's alright."
Duh, Hana is still too young to sit in the front so you get to sit there instead with her father. You turn to see Hana buckle up to her seat, "I'm sorry Hana for making you wait," you sincerely apologize to the little girl.
She stays quiet and not replying to you, looking out the window with her lips jutting out, forming a cute little pout.
"Maybe we should hurry," her father says and starts the car.
Hana's mood is revived when the food comes, for two years old, she has an exquisite taste in food.
"Hana's favorite food is pasta, huh?" You say.
She nods as she digs her little fork into the pasta, getting excited to eat her favorite food to even answer your question.
"Please, help yourself to some more food," Changbin politely offers you.
You take your cutlery and start digging into your food as well, twirling the spaghetti with your fork.
"I never met a two-year-old whose favorite food is pasta," you talk to her dad while glancing at Hana who's deep into her bowl of carbonara pasta.
"That's on me," Changbin says with a sheepish smile.
"How so?"
"Because it's my favorite food," he replies.
It makes sense then, they probably had gone on these pasta dates so many times that it eventually became her favorite food too.
That's just so cute. You wish that you had special something you share with your father but you were a really a homebody, then and now, it's the same.
He suddenly puts down his utensils and clears his throat, "I'm sorry I didn't know that you're a writer."
You let out a smile, "that happens. It's alright."
He seems to mind it a lot when it's normal for people to not recognize you, being a writer is a job that allows you to hide behind your writing and that's why you chose to be one.
You guess he feels bad for making you babysit Hana and paid you for it.
"It was your neighbor who told me that you once babysat her son," he explains, "and I needed a babysitter real fast, if I had known I wouldn't have asked you."
"I did babysit her son once because her husband was admitted to the hospital and I wanted to help her," you confirmed.
Changbin nods and sips his glass of water, "why you agreed to babysit Hana?"
"Because I wanted to help and I had a lot of free time," you take a sip of water before continuing, "and Hana is a sweet, sweet girl."
Which makes you glance at the little girl and wipe the white sauce off her cheek with a napkin.
"Honestly, I'd love to babysit Hana any time any day," you stated while gently patting her head.
"Why?" Her father asks in pure confusion.
Maybe his real question is why would you do this for free?
"I love little kids," you simply answer while looking at him, "and I think they're the cutest at Hana's age."
Changbin smiles upon hearing your answer, relieved to finally get the answer he wanted.
"Hana is turning 3 soon," He says.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, we'll throw a birthday party for her."
You used to find men only talking this passionately about superficial things like how much they earn, their job titles, what car they drive, etcetera.
And here he is, talking while smiling with dimples on his cheeks like he's the one who'll be having a birthday soon, not his daughter.
He's so sweet and you can't help but smile.
Hana is quiet again on the ride home and when you turn to see her, she's asleep in her seat. You put the little blanket over her.
"She's sleeping?" Changbin asks in a hushed voice.
You lower your voice as well, "yeah."
He turns down the volume of the music playing through the car stereo and makes it quiet inside the car. The car stops at a traffic light and you think of something to talk about to stop the silence from turning awkward.
You open your mouth to talk when he gets ahead of you.
"I didn't see you working out lately," he says but keeps his eyes on the traffic lights.
"That's probably because I'm... getting lazy?" You shamelessly admit with a low chuckle.
"I'm always working out alone and maybe that's why I didn't find it fun," you didn't know the exact answer but that seems like the right one.
He turns to look at you with one hand on the steering wheel, "we can work out together sometimes," he offers.
Changbin is wearing this fitted pale blue shirt that enhances his muscular arms and your eyes wander off to ogle at it, for a second forgetting that he invites you to work out together with him. Wait, what?
"Pardon me?" You ask.
"I mean, I can help you working out," he starts driving as soon as the lights turned green.
"I'd be happy to," you try to sound calm but you know you failed.
Full fic will be posted tomorrow!
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