#Dragon Attendant
starsfic · 2 years
I have a challenge prompt for you, should you choose to accept it (also sorry if I’m asking in the wrong place or something, I’m new to tumblr and don’t quite know how this stuff works so kinda just winging it cause like your stuff ok anyway). Basically, there are lots of of side characters that don’t get a lot of attention in the fanbase, or at least I don’t see them that often, that I think could be interesting if given the chance. Basically….
I challenge you to make a small fic including but not limited to….. Ao Guang, Scorpion Queen, Goldfish Demon, Ao Guang’s attendant, and Blue Bowl Cut Boy (the one who repeatedly encounters Red Son’s family).
Any format ya want, make ‘em work together or fight each other, I just wanna see these guys get some fic action (this isn’t a ship fic request btw, just in case you were wondering). Again apologies if there’s anything wrong with the request or anything like that.
Ok have a nice day! :D
So, my Discord has been taking to calling the shoe store attendant Fanfu.
This had been a week in Fanfu’s life.
First, his store had been surprisingly successful, considering he had only set up shop in Lán Dēng Chéng a little bite ago. Next, the Monkie Kid of all people had asked him some questions (and Fanfu regretted not recognizing him sooner). Then the city had been consumed by weird bone-ice-crystal stuff before it suddenly exploded everywhere and people were freed.
Now, Fanfu was stuck cleaning up around his shop.
The bluenette sighed in relief as the last bit of stuff disappeared from the sidewalk in front of his stand. He grabbed the dustpan and emptied it into the nearest trash can. Now! All he had to do was restock and-
“Cut the crap, Línggǎn Dàwáng.” An icy voice cut through his relief. Fanfu turned in time to see an angry-looking woman push away…a fish? “Otherwise, your master will be informed of where you are.” The weird green fish in the robot suit looked nervous as she looked around.
Their eyes met.
Fanfu turned but it was too late. The woman was stalking towards him, a frown set on her face. “You.” she barked.
He took a breath and turned back towards her. Oh great. She was a demon, based on the green scales lining her face. He had dealt with way too many demons these past two years. “Yes?” he said, biting back a wince. “I’m sorry, but my stand isn’t-”
She scoffed. “We’re not interested in your petty mortal goods.” First off, rude. And second of all, we? Fanfu was almost temped to see if she also had a massive demon flanking her. “We’re looking for someone.”
Oh. Maybe missing family? Fanfu took a deep breath. “I’m not sure how much help I can be, but let me see.”
“My great-niece.” An older, regal voice spoke. The woman stiffened up before bowing, stepping back to allow an older man forward. The man also had the green scales lining his face, but there was something else, crackling under the man’s white robes. Or those might’ve just been the bandages peeking out. He pulled out a picture and Fanfu leaned forward, taking a look.
The young woman with dual pigtails and green framing her face was instantly familiar, much longer than the Monkie Kid. “Oh, that’s Long Xiaojiao! She and the Monkie Kid were by my stand a few weeks ago or so.” 
The moment he said that, the man seemed to relax. “So, she survived getting here,” he said, seemingly more to himself. “Do you know where she went after that?”
Fanfu shrugged. “I heard something about the city’s talent show and then boarding the rail but that’s about it.” He pulled out his phone. “Do you mind if I check something?” The man nodded as the woman scoffed. “I heard rumors…”
“But the rail crashed a few hours after the talent show.” He turned it so the man could see the article. The man stiffened at the picture someone had snapped of some kind of jet slamming into the train car. “Apparently, something crashed into it.”
Fanfu nearly jumped a foot in the air as a pretty young woman shoved the older woman aside. “The train…” She blinked at their baffled expressions and cleared her throat. Something was equally off about this girl, dressed in a beautiful purple dress, but he wasn’t going to go digging. “Was there a man with them? Glasses, wearing a red scarf?”
Fanfu had to pause for a moment and think. “Uh, yeah. He was with them.” He tapped onto the next article. “If this is right, they survived and then the mountain exploded.”
The two’s jaws dropped.
“Yeah! Here’s a video!” Fanfu pulled up the video and let it play. It was weird and shaky, from a distance, but he could still see the weird monkey robot and then the explosion of purple flames. The moment it ended, he pulled it away. “But, again, that was a few weeks ago.” Something popped into mind. “Uh, have you tried calling them?”
The man looked suddenly guilty. The woman, in contrast, facepalmed. “Of course,” she grumbled as she pulled out a pink phone. “Silly me.” She typed in a number and then waited as it rang. Fanfu could hear someone pick up and then she was talking. “Tang! Hi, yeah, it’s Scorpion. I just wanted to check in and see if you were alive…” She started walking away.
The old man blinked. “Wait!” he hissed, taking off after the young woman. The older woman blinked before following him. Fanfu was left blinking.
He sighed, tucking his phone away. Weird people.
This had been a week in Fanfu’s life.
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bloo-the-dragon · 22 days
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moon beans
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luckyblackcatxiii · 4 months
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It being pride month and the Sun Festival rapidly approaching our group in game, two lines of thinking crossed over into deranged territory in my mind.
Somehow this doesn't seem too out of character that he'd jump at the opportunity though (Happy pride y'all 🏳️‍🌈💕)
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yuki2sksksk · 15 days
Haven't got the free time or anything but I've found this redesign I've made a long time ago from Sun and Moon's dragon forms.
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The weekend is around the corner so hopefully I can get the time to draw a bit 👀🎉
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chknbzkt · 1 year
Anddd for the one that started it all: Moondrop the Night Terror!!! \o/
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More pictures and lore below!!
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Proto dragon Moon (yucky man, I love him so)
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Gremlin to not-gargoyle pipeline is so real lmaooo-
The shades, abyssal inky monsters that take vague, bastardized forms based on things they see (and oft consume) are infamous for only venturing out of their pools at night. Shades are, however, not the only thing that stalks Hyde’s Crossing and it’s people when the sun falls ‘neath the horizon.
Yet another “problem dragon” (with an impressively sizeable bounty on his head!!), Moon’s disposition towards humans in particular is hostile at best, potentially deadly at worst. He relishes in the chaos and unrest his nightly excursions cause to all manner of folk, seemingly unpredictable in that he never sticks around in any one part of Hyde’s Crossing for too long.
No, indeed efforts have been ramping up of late to catch him. He’s responsible for all manner of crimes including arson, murder of livestock, theft, jaywalking, vandalism, bribery, forgery… and murder. Never you mind that the deaths in question were either an accident on his end or that of his would-be slayers, unfortunately he’s not particularly interested in sticking around to give his testimony to the contrary.
So, as efforts to encourage monster hunters to kill him dead in the form of steadily rising bounty rewards continue being made, he’s stuck nomadically jumping around from place to place to evade capture or worse. He’s not keen on stopping his nightly reigns of terror, he wants to be feared and he likes the purchase that comes with having no alignments or attachments.
He’s made attachments with humans before. He has the iron collar to show for it. Never again.
He has no hoard to call his own and it’s not doing his dubious mental stability (with like zero support) any favors. He does tend to linger near villages with libraries a tad longer despite the risk, however.
It’s only a matter of time before his bounty gets upped to “kill on sight,” though to finally sort himself and his baggage out may require being “slain” by the right hunter he meets at the right time…
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odetoalibrary · 3 months
Rhaenyra’s attitude to Daemon’s twin girls in comparison to her own children is…interesting. But I don’t think the writers themselves realised it was an issue so I doubt it will be addressed
First there is her decision to not let Jace ride out on his dragon (understandable after what just happened to Lucerys!) but she sends Baela instead. You could argue that she believes that Baela, as a woman, would be less hot-blooded than Jace would which matches the show’s theme of men being bloodthirsty and women being the peacemakers. But Baela is very much mini-Daemon judging by her mad chase after Criston Cole.
Does Rhaenerya not know her personality? Have they not lived together for years as one big happy family? Or is risking Baela preferable to her actual son?
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Then there is the insane attitude towards Rhaena, who she can spare because she has no dragon. Rhaenyra can’t bear to let her boys go…but Rhaena will have to be “mother” to them now. She tells this kid, her stepdaughter, to mother her children and how hard this is for her, Rhaenyra. Rhaena’s own mother is dead and she’s 16 years old.
If I thought the writers were exploring some interesting issues with Rhaenyra such as; maybe she has internal misogyny like Alicent but it express itself in a different way; or maybe she like many stepmothers just doesn’t care as much about Daemon’s previous children; or maybe she’s getting colder and more selfish as the pressure piles on and she lost her son…..but I highly doubt this was the intention.
The writers so far have made it clear that we are supposed to see Rhaenyra as the “moral” character so she doesn’t get to have major flaws like this (terrible writing decision btw). But this is completely undermined by them not realising how her treatment of the twins looks to the audience
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rainy-nomad · 7 months
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Crossover of the century, My DnD character meeting the DnD DCA! Trust me they're going to be the best of friends.
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linafoxoficial · 2 months
I'm not going to say anything... just look
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how size from this big boy
knight help me show
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nudlmonster · 1 month
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Getting dressed up for an official visit to Ravenloft ✨
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alicent-archive · 2 months
I just know that while Daemon is experiencing horrors beyond his comprehension, Caraxes is terrorising some poor turnip farmer in the Riverlands.
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melanirana · 1 year
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Dragons love keeping their precious as close as posible, luckely y/n is very light to pick up.
with less lazy coloring this time, suns colors where a struggle.
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bloo-the-dragon · 8 months
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@thatmooncake They play!!
(inspired by this video)
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elexuscal · 4 months
so. June. Pride Month.
listen, i love pride month. obviously. but partly as a consequence of being Terminally Online, partly because my country's pride month is in July which means all the actual in-person events don't start for another 30 days, often my first association with it is All The Discourse Posts
which means every year i have to physically restrain myself from making in-universe Pride discourse for different fictional universes
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yuki2sksksk · 7 days
Maristella's first meeting with Sol & Mani:
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How it ends:
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(they actually end up really tragic but we're not there yet)
(also Maristella's scar and earrings are yet to be given to her in this one)
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chknbzkt · 1 year
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And a mix of various sketches and drafts!!!
Psst down here v
Since the horrific murder of a nobleman has put many people in the kingdom’s walls off the idea of letting dragons in their midst for the time being, Sundrop’s continued employ under the king as a personal jester and informant has many under the impression that the dragon himself may have had something to do with it, and that his influence is corrupting the monarch in question.
Sundrop, however, thinks the people can believe whatever they want.
While his position gives him plenty of wiggle room to lavish himself with as much luxury as he desires, truthfully he’d much rather be outside the kingdom walls than in them. No, his heart lies with the wilds of Hyde’s Crossing’s ancient forests. His hoard isn’t even as extensive as it should be, consisting of a few plushies, puzzles, and children’s toys here and there, it’s oddly… empty?
So as much as he… appreciates the fluidity, he spends most of his time trying to keep his distance from Farqur Kingdom as often as possible. Before he has to return.
When he isn’t on his perch at the king’s beck and call, he’s running into random adventurers and the odd monster hunter left and right as he continues to peruse the wilds and stir up mischief as per usual. Most of them have been called to action as of late due to the influx of shades razing settlements to the ground when they’ve been left unchecked for far too long, rising to the challenge in the hopes of scoring money to keep themselves afloat.
There have been a few stinkers regarding interactions here and there, but making new friends is still endlessly fulfilling and entertaining on the occasion that they’ll let him get close enough to actually mingle with them proper. He’s content to share stories of his findings and across the land, landmarks, places of interest, the best places to sun oneself and the loveliest fishing spots!!! This boy loves to know people and be known!!!
He never sticks around long enough to say goodbye however. Always leaves in Farqur’s general direction in a big hurry at odd beats in the conversation. Odd fellow. And he never actually clocked where his companion was from, so the chances of them meeting again are slim…
He seems very flighty for someone so pleasant…
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witherfide · 1 year
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spreading eclipse propaganda once more
[[reblogs are appreciated <3]]
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