#Drabble Promts
aphroditelovesu · 3 months
Heyyy babe, its my first Yandere romantic request since we are in Valentine’s Day week! So my request is:
[💙] + [20] with Percy Jackson with gender neutral demigod darling.
That’s ir, byeee! Happy Valentine’s Day 💌💘
[💙] - ''I know I deserve all your hate and despise but... Please don't ignore me or leave me, I really can't live without you.’’
[20] - ''I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again."
❝ 🌊 — lady l: Happy Valentine's Day, babe!! ❤️ Hope you like this!! Forgive me for any mistakes. :)
❝tw: death, betrayal and mild anguish.
❝🌊pairing: yandere!percy jackson x gender neutral!reader.
❝word count: 925.
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The smell of blood mixed with ash was the only thing you could smell as you slowly regained consciousness.
The screams had long since ceased. You weren't sure what had happened, you just remembered monsters? A Minotaur, perhaps, but your mind was blank and dazed when you regained consciousness.
When your eyes finally adjusted to the dim light, you found your boyfriend's face, Percy's.
When he noticed that you had woken up, Percy smiled in relief and you noticed that there were tears of relief running down his slightly tanned face.
"W-What happened?" Your voice was no louder than a whisper.
Percy caressed your face and, for some reason, your body shivered. A shiver of fear, you noticed.
He seemed to notice as a frown formed on his brow. And there was no answer to your question.
"Percy?" You tried once more but Percy just sighed deeply.
"They are dead." That's all he said.
"What?" You struggled to connect the dots, your mind still reeling from what had been inflicted on you. With a heavy sigh, you asked, "Who?"
Percy pursed his lips, squeezing your arm lightly. You flinched at the sudden pain. Why was it hurting so much? What had happened?
"Our friends." There was a slight disgust in his voice when he said the word 'friends' but you didn't notice it due to the shock going through your body.
Dead. Your friends. They were dead...
"H-How did this happen?" You mumbled, your eyes filling with tears. The sight of your almost overflowing eyes left him distressed and hurt.
Percy hated when you cried.
"Shh... It's going to be okay..." He murmured, caressing your face gently, his bloody fingertips staining your skin even more than it already was.
"What happened? W-Why can't I remember anything?" You asked, tears finally streaming down your blood stained face.
Percy knew you wouldn't take the news well but he didn't want to lie to you. Lies ruin relationships and the last thing he wanted was to ruin his relationship with you.
No more than he already did when he decided to betray his friends for you. He felt slightly guilty but... It was for you and he would do anything for you.
Percy took a deep breath, his gaze wavering as he struggled to find the right words. His heart was beating fast, and he knew the truth was something you needed to hear, even if it was painful.
"It was the Minotaur" He began, his voice low and heavy with regret, "we were fighting him. You were injured... Badly. I… I made a choice." He hesitated, his eyes filling with a mixture of guilt and determination.
"What choice?" You whispered, feeling a sense of desperation rise in your chest. Fear and confusion were intertwined, and you desperately needed answers.
Percy closed his eyes for a moment, as if trying to muster up his courage, "I knew we couldn't win if we all fought together. So, I made a deal with the Minotaur. I... I betrayed our friends to save you. They died so you could live."
The silence that followed was deafening. Percy's words hung in the air, heavy and full of implications. You felt an icy cold spread through your body, and the tears finally fell freely, mixing with the blood and dirt on your face.
"You... You did what?" Your voice was full of disbelief and pain. ''They died because of me?''
Percy held your face more firmly, his eyes boring into yours. "I couldn't lose you." He said, voice steady despite the tears that also threatened to escape his eyes. "I know it's hard to accept, but I would do it all again if I had to. I don't care what it means to me, as long as you're alive."
You shook your head, your mind spinning at the revelation. "How could you... Percy, they were our friends! How could you do this?"
The pain in Percy's eyes intensified, but he didn't back away. "I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again." He whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. "I know this doesn't erase what happened, but it was the only way I could find to make sure you survived."
You felt an overwhelming despair wash over you. "Then I'd rather be dead." You whispered, and Percy's eyes widened. He grabbed your shoulders tightly, and it hurt a little.
"Don't say that." He pleaded, voice desperate. "I know I deserve all your hate and contempt, but...Please don't ignore me or leave me. I really can't live without you."
Percy's words cut deep, leaving a mixture of gratitude and anger in his heart. You didn't know how to process it all. The loss of your friends, Percy's betrayal, your own survival. Everything felt like a nightmare you couldn't wake up from.
As Percy continued to caress your face, you realized that, despite everything, he was there. He had made a horrible choice, but he was on your side. And it was a place he would never leave.
With one last shuddering breath, you closed your eyes, allowing the tears to fall freely, knowing that, somehow, you would need to find a way to rebuild your lives, from the ashes of what had been destroyed. Percy kissed your lips softly and you knew there was no going back.
You would never leave him. He would make sure of that.
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madmenr-amble · 5 months
guinea pig
Senku x fem!reader drabble
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It was a warm summer afternoon, the sun’s golden rays were now a gorgeous amber seeping through the windows of Hirosue High.
Senku stood close to the lab bench purely concentrated in his work. He watched as the mixture in the beaker turned from a pale pink to a deep velvet.
“Yes! This is coming together nicely!”he exclaimed.
Senku then added a couple of extra ingredients to the concoction. A drop of vanilla extract along with a dash of sildenafil citrate. With the that the concoction had changed its color for the final time, this time a stunning hazel.
The prodigy grabbed the beaker and took a whiff of the mixture. It had a natural scent to it with hints of sweetness. The combination created a balanced and sophisticated fragrance that evoked a sense of warmth, vitality, and natural elegance. He smirked to himself feeling proud of his creation but soon his pride turned to displeasure. Who was he going to test it on? He couldn't try it on himself otherwise who will help him if something goes wrong? The gears in his head turned and in an instant he had and idea! He would just call he’s best friend Taiju! An excellent idea!
Just as Senku reached over for his pocket, someone else had walked in to the classroom.
“Um, excuse me have you seen my phone? I think I might have left it here”
It was girl about his age with white stockings and a navy blue skirt that looked way too short. Her demeanor was a bit shy as she looked at Senku with pleading eyes. She clearly was a bit nervous given how she was playing with the helm of her skirt.
Senku smirked, he thinks he may had just found his guinea pig.
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beautyconsumer · 2 months
Hi! For the drabble prompt: "I burn for what's no longer mine."
please? <3
"I burn for what's no longer mine."
Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd
Fandoms: Batman, Batfam, Under the Red Hood
Words: 415
Content and TW: angst, non graphic injury and mild blood, slight whump, character study, unreliable narrator (sort of) not like Bruce gives much chance to let Jason know what's up.
Jason gets hurt. Batman takes care of Red Hood, it's not a bad thing for once. Jason reminiscences about it.
Jason doesn't say anything at first, not eager to break the silence, despite knowing he'd be the one to do it. Bruce was the most comfortable in the silence and Jason refused to indulge him.
"You ain't gonna say anything?" Jason says, "Wouldn't have pulled my punches back, not like you'd have," he says, grin throwing amusement in his tone, Jason tastes the blood on his teeth, his smile must show hella charming.
Bruce doesn't respond, just keep attending at his wound, retires the bandage with those metallic scissors he carries around, it separates from him heavy with blood pulling at his skin painfully, Jason hisses.
Jason is waiting for the 'I told you so' or the passive aggressive comment that would essentially mean the same.
It doesn't come.
Jason eyes Bruce, with Jason being sprawled into the shitty safe house, bleeding out in the couch Bruce looks as impersonal as ever.
He waits for the scolding, since the violence already resided and it'd be counterproductive and illogical if Bruce decided to beat him up now, the 'you went too far' must be at the tip of his tongue.
Not like those fuckers didn't deserve it, selling children like cattle. As if Jason could just sit there and do nothing.
Bruce opens his mouth, after pursing his lips painfully tight Jason feels reluctant trepidation to what's gonna come out of him. Jason's afraid it'll make his gut churn in anger and frustration because he just never got it.
Nor did he tried to, the stubborn bastard.
"Your armor," Bruce ends up saying, Jason blinks in confusion, "It doesn't cut it anymore, you'll need better equipment."
Jason blinks again, then he sighs dropping his head onto the couch, "What are we doing?"
He closes his eyes, thinks of how Bruce must be doing gymnastics in his head, trying to see the innocent little boy he once thought he knew.
Bruce must be mourning Robin in his head, latching to it and never letting go.
Jason mourns for Bruce too, what he did wanted for Bruce to be for him. The father he wanted, the one he yearned and needed back then.
Jason opes his eyes up to the grainy popcorn ceiling, the black ink shadow at his side doesn't feel like the omnipresence of the big Bat it once was, it's just a man.
It's frankly a little disappointing.
Both of them burn for what's no longer there, perhaps for what never was there at all.
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kitchen-spoon · 1 year
Pls I need famous rockstar Eddie as a guest Judge on drag race. Imagine he judges on a music challenge or something. He would be so good at coming up with the shitty puns and like he would def love any alt style queens. He would also give serious advice tho and like rlly try to help with his critique
And because I can’t help but Steddie-fy it. Steve would be so jealous Eddie got to go that he bugged Chrissy (she could be his manager) until she finally had an accommodation made so he could come. He takes selfies with all the girls and posts them on social media 100% stealing Eddie’s spotlight.
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thegirlwholived1213 · 2 years
Hero's eyes burned as they stared at the glowing computer screen in front of them, back arched in a position they knew would leave them stiff once this final report was in. They glanced at the clock, sighing. They could almost hear the deadline creeping closer, fingers gliding over the keys as the words flowed onto the screen. After finishing a paragraph they forced themselves to lean back in the rolling chair they sat in, groaning and stretching, elbows pushing back. They shook their hands out, intending to return to the document in front of them but paused. They listened for a moment, trying to convince themselves that the sound coming from the hall had been only a figment of their fatigue. They shrugged, wrists settling against the laptop but then they heard a new sound, now sure they weren't imagining things.
They could tell just by the rise and fall of the footsteps exactly who was coming down the hall towards the door. Even though a haze in Hero's eyes as they stood, ignoring the slight tunnel vision from the sudden change, they could tell it was Villian. They could just imagine them sauntering towards the door, a smirk plain to see. And they were right. As Villain opened the door, smirking wide, Hero sighed.
"Villian, I just got done fighting you two hours ago. Can't I get a night to myself?" Hero sighed, plopping back into their chair. Villian opened their mouth, a snarky response ready but they closed their mouth again, reconsidering their next words.
"Jeez, Hero you look like you haven't slept in days."
"Yeah, I think you cracked the case." Hero sighed, scrubbing a hand over their bloodshot eyes. They pushed their chair in, fingers grazing the keys. Villain sighed as Hero stared at the screen, gaze unfocused before they walked forward. Hero jolted, hands raising to protect themselves, but Villian only snatched the laptop.
"Hey, no I need to get that done!" They groaned, standing up and walking over to Villain. They reached out but Villain pulled the computer away last second, their other hand tapping different keys. Each time Hero reached out for their work Villain pulled it away, Hero's movements becoming sluggish as their eyes drooped. They sighed, hands dropping to their sides.
"I don't have time for thi-"
Villain rolled their eyes and shut the laptop.
"No! I need to finish that by tomorrow-"
"Look at you, you can barely stand."
"You just ruined it all, now I have to restart!"
"Don't be silly, I saved your work."
Hero huffed, frustrated and forced their eyes to stay open. "Why do you even care? Get out of my hous-"
"Oh, trust me I do not care about you or your work. I came in here expecting a good fight, not for you to start whining about a paper and barely able to stay conscious." They scolded, setting the computer down on the desk. They then reached out, taking Hero by the wrist before they even realized what was happening. Villain started pulling them out of the room while they squirmed, weak protests doing nothing against Villian's iron grip. Villain shoved them into the bedroom, and they stumbled, catching themselves on the armrest of a chair.
"Now go to sleep." Villain commanded, pulling their door closed.
Hero considered, for a moment, but shook the thought away. No, no. They really had to finish, and they couldn't just sleep. Villian was in their house. They stumbled over to the door, pulling on the handle and yanking the door open. Villian sighed, halfway out the front door.
"I won't tell you again, Go. To. Sleep."
"No, you don't get to tell me what to do! This is my house!"
They could see the annoyance and anger cross Villain's face as they walked back into the study, snatching up their laptop. They turned around and ran right into Villain who wrapped their arms around them and hoisted Hero into the air.
"Hey, Hey! Put me down!" Hero screeched, legs kicking weakly. Villain bumped the switch and turned off the study and hallway lights, Hero's protests quieting in their arms. Villain pushed through the now ajar bedroom door, plopping Hero onto the bed. Hero sighed, Villain, taking the laptop from their hands and tossing it onto the chair. They then grabbed Hero's comforter, begrudgingly pulling the covers over Hero.
"I thought you didn't care.." Hero smirked, eyes staring into Villains.
"Again, I don't, but how am I supposed to fight you if you haven't slept?"
Hero sat up again, about to protest, and Villain glared at them.
"Alright that's it."
Villain walked to the door, turning the light off before turning back and climbing onto the bed next to Hero. Hero tried to squirm away, but Villain was too quick, laying down next to them and wrapping one arm around their waist, pulling them in close and the other hand around their mouth, restraining them. Hero fought feebly for a minute, but as soon as they relaxed, fatigue gripping their consciousness, Villain loosened their grip to comfortably hug Hero close.
Every alarm was going off in Hero's head.
This is Villain. They are in your house, you aren't safe. No, no, no don't sleep.
Yet Hero found themselves melting into villain's grip. They had lived alone for so long, the stress from work and school eating away at them slowly. Now, relaxing into the arms of another, someone who only brought them more pain, Hero couldn't help but relax into their soothingly cool grasp.
Soon Hero's breathing slowed and evened, and Villain pulled the hand away from their face. They considered now leaving, knowing Hero was out for the count but changed their mind, telling themselves it would wake Hero up and they would have to do it all again. They let themselves relax, breathing coming to match Hero's
Perhaps they did care, just a little bit.
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jazzythursday · 1 year
Careless (667 words)
He’d gotten careless.
It was a simple mistake, but a careless one all the same. He’d gotten distracted, and the ratio of one chemical to another was just a bit not right, just enough to—
It was carelessness, is all it was. Stupid. Idiotic. He can’t afford to call himself a demolitions expert if he can’t even handle semi-compustables without fucking it all up.
He’s still staring at the remnants of the exploded vile in his hand, tiny rivulets of blood running from the bits of broken glass embedded in his skin. He’s never liked being hurt, he’s never liked blood. It makes him feel fragile, and a bit like the times he was a child getting rapped on the knuckles for not trying hard enough in lessons, even though he was trying so hard. He flexes his hand. It burns, but not much, not as much as it probably should, and he should really get something to clean up the mess, but he’s just staring, staring and staring and wondering why he hadn’t thought to measure twice, why he hadn’t—
Jesper finds him like that, hunched over his work table, staring.
He’s very gentle as he handles Wylan into a chair and cradles his arm, brow furrowed and lips pursed as he inspects his hurt hand to look over the injury. Wylan feels frozen, like he’s stuck somewhere he doesn’t know how to find his way back from. Bracing for some kind of punishment—from who, he isn’t sure. Berating himself for being stupid enough to make a mistake he knows he’s better than and caught between the past and the present, in some cold and numb place in the middle.
Jesper catches his eyes. “Well, it looks like you’ll get to keep all your fingers.”
It draws a rough laugh out of Wylan, and he feels himself start to thaw. “Is that your professional opinion, Jesper Fahey?”
“Yes, and that’s Medik Fahey to you. Sit tight, love, and if you’re a good patient, I’ll even throw in a prize.”
Wylan snorts, then winces, because being out of his head means he can properly feel how much his hand actually hurts, and he finds that it does. Ouch.
Jesper gets out a pair of tweezers and pulls out every piece of glass, cleaning the cuts and wrapping them until Wylan has a bandage that runs from his fingertips up halfway to his elbow.
Jesper drops a kiss into the palm of Wylan’s hand when he’s done, soft and infinitely sweet in ways that Wylan cannot begin to define, in ways until recently he did not know he could have.
“Thank you,” he says, meaning it.
Jesper shrugs one shoulder and tilts his head, “Anytime. Well—not any time, please don’t make a habit of demo-disasters, not that this was a disaster, but—you know what I mean—”
Wylan cuts off the ramble with a kiss, marvelling at the way it never fails to make Jesper release a short little swallowed gasp into his mouth as his hands immediately pull Wylan closer. “I know,” Wylan says. “Thanks.”
“Right,” Jesper says, a little breathless. “Right,” he says again, dropping a kiss to the top of Wylan’s head and then flashing the grin that Wylan knows he uses when he wants to be charming. “First things first, I did say you’d get a prize, and I have it on good authority from Nina that waffles make the best medicine. Feel up to getting out of here?”
Wylan let’s Jesper pull him up by his uninjured hand and lead him out of the warehouse and into town. He’ll have to clean up the mess he’s made of his workstation tomorrow, remake the whole batch of flash bombs. But for now, as Jesper fills the silence with easy conversation about what he’d missed at the Crow Cub, the reassuring weight of his arm wrapped around his shoulders, Wylan thinks it can wait.
Maybe he can afford to be a little careless about some things.
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s-creations · 11 months
🩸 Patching up a wound with Luisley. Peasley patching up Luigi after an adevnture
((Uh, for some reason my brain didn't compute 'after an adventure'. So I hope this still works! Love my two Green Bean Boys.))
🩸 Patching up a wound (Link to Post)
Luigi watched with a small smile as Peasley wrap up his arm. The prince doing his best to cover the rather long and deep cut that had been placed. Peasley was thankful that they could no longer see the red. 
“I’m still not used to the fact that your blood…is so red.” Peasley said weakly. Gently running a hand along the wrapped arm. 
“Humans and Beans are built differently.” Luigi attempted a small laugh, faltering when the prince didn’t share the same feelings. He reached out to gently take Peasley’s hands in his own. Squeezing them softly. “Hey, I’m fine, really. You don’t have to worry.”
“You can say that to me, but that doesn’t mean I’ll listen.”
“I hate seeing you hurt,” Peasley said softly, “I know you’re strong, I know you can take a lot, but… All I can think about is how I could have prevented it. How I could have gotten you out of the situation. It’s all that can run through my mind.”
He let out a shaky laugh. Luigi frowned softly as Peasley wiped away at the corners of his eyes. “Sorry, how silly of me. You’re a hero! You see far crazier things than what you faced today and you always come out on top. I just…”
Peasley’s bottom lip trembled from both holding back his fears and the nervous energy that hit him as Luigi leaned closer. Eagerly accepting the gentle kiss that the human laid upon his lips. Taking a deep breath as his hands carefully travel up Luigi’s arms, making sure not to undo the wrappings he’d just placed. 
It was quick and meaningful, the kiss. Peasley letting out a shaky breath as if exhaling his nerves and frustrations. Eyes closed as he stayed in the moment, trying to remember the pressure on his lips only a few seconds ago. Smiling softly as Luigi pressed their foreheads together. 
“You’re not silly,” Luigi said softly, “I understand what you’re saying, because I feel the same way. About you, and Mario, and Peach, and so many others. It just means you care about people. I would jump into any attack or fight or anything even like it means it would keep you safe.”
Peasley couldn’t help but laugh again, still feeling shaky. “How is it you’re the one who’s hurt yet you’re trying to comfort me?”
“Because that’s what you do when you…when you love someone,” Luigi swallowed softly. Peasley loved how his human’s cheeks glowed with a beautiful red. Even if he was panicking about it only a few moments ago seeing it drip down Luigi’s arm. 
“You love me?” Peasley asked teasingly. 
Luigi laughed before poking out his tongue. “Of course I do!”
“I love you as well… Even with your crazy need to take attacks head on.”
“I thought that made me chivalrous?” 
Peasley didn’t bother with a verbal reply. Instead bringing Luigi into another gentle kiss, cupping the human’s cheeks in his hands.
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scratchandplaster · 8 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 10 - Killing in self-defense
CW: death, revenge
What's worse than taking a life? Not getting the relief you expect to come from it.
After killing Whumper, calculated murder or spontaneous manslaughter, Whumpee is left with the consequences of their actions:
Maybe Whumper was too influential, meaning Whumpee and Caretaker have to get rid of the body asap
Where can they get help from? Trapped in the middle of nowhere, they have to fight further to reach civilization
Whumpee suffers deadly wounds from the fight, their last goal was to take the monster out and prevent Whumper from hurting anyone else
Stockholm-syndrome Whumpee can't help but cry about the loss of their beloved Whumper, the contradictions of survival instincts and attachment nearly splitting their mind apart
Even months after, Whumpee is haunted by some sort of "perpetrator trauma", the undeserved guilt for protecting themself gnaws at their soul
Whumper may be gone for good, but the Whumpee's suffering continues nevertheless...
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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aliea82 · 1 year
Okay, hear me out....Steddie AU based on Ladyhawke!
Seriously, think about it, Steve would be the Wolf by night and Eddie would be the Hawke by day, or whatever animals the author would want them to be.
Henry/Vecna/one would be the bad guy, not sure of how or why he cursed them but he does.
Robin would be Mouse, because as much as Dustin seems like the more likely choice, Robin would be better because she would be the only one to talk Steve down.
Anyways...the Party could show up as ummm helpers of some sort, I don't know.
But that end...when they see each other again...arghhhhh.
I would write this, but I'm having a serious writer's block, so if anyone picks this up I ask please please please tag me!!!!!
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starchild--27 · 2 years
Starry Night
promt: stargazing, sleepy kisses, first loves with junmyeon
word count: about 2k
a/n: please excuse this lame-o title xD thank you, dear Starry @cxsmicmyeon, for the promts~ i had the best time writing this little thinggy for you ^^ as always, i am my own beta reader and english isn't my first language, so bare with me and the mistakes you may or may not find xD
“You’ve got your sleeping bag and extra blankets?”
“The sleeping mat?”
“Have you packed enough food and water?”
“Yes, Mom, I double checked everything. I’m good to go, really, no need to be worried.”
It was very sweet of your Mom to look out for you like that, so you suppressed rolling your eyes at her nagging. Besides, she kind of had a point (- of course she had, moms always do), knowing your tendency to forgetfulness all too well. But it wasn’t like you would be all alone on this little camping trip. Nope, Junmyeon would be there. Charming, dutiful and organized Junmyeon, who would certainly have thought of everything the two of you might need on your four-day-vacation. The mere thought of him painted a little smile on your face.
And apparently, it could also summon the man, you thought to yourself at hearing the sounds of an approaching car. When it came to halt in front of your house, you pulled your mother in one final goodbye-embrace. She swayed a little from left to right as she held you tightly and gave you a soft peck on your cheek, which made it really hard for you to be annoyed when you heard her whisper next to your ear.
“Do you have a tent?”
“Junmyeon brings the tent, Mom. It’s gonna be fine, please, let me go? He’s waiting outside already.”
“Okay, darling,” your Mom said, giving you a final squeeze before she gave you space to grab your coat and oversized backpack.
“Does he want to come in for a moment? You two could stay for a cup of coffee or tea?”    
You snickered at how chipper your Mom suddenly sounded at the mention of Junmyeon. She really adored him and how he was always polite and always on time and always respectful and reliable. He was the best boyfriend a mother could want for her child. And also the perfect son-in-law - you were quite aware of that yourself and suspected your Mom had already dreamt of a perfect wedding.
But that wedding would definitely stay a dream for some more time. Junmyeon and you were only together for a few months now - far, far away from any wedding plans - and he was your first serious boyfriend. Your first, great, world-shaking love and all you wanted was to take your time to experience all of its beauty fully and as naturally as it came. You felt no pressure to rush any steps, only the security that Junmyeon thought the same way about your relationship and the fact that he considered your bond equally precious as you did, multiplied the butterflies in your stomach by a thousand.
“I don’t think we have time, we need to be at the camping site no later than 5,” you explained, giving your Mom a last quick peck on the cheek before opening the front door. Junmyeon had gotten out of his car already and was rummaging through the trunk to make a little more space for your things.
“Have fun, sweetheart,” your Mom smiled and gave a wave to Junmyeon who had emerged as soon as he heard your mother’s voice.
“I will,” you smiled back at her, “Bye, Mom, see you in a few days.”
“Bye-bye”, she squeezed your hand, then you went to finally greet your boyfriend with a soft kiss. 
“Hey,” he said and instantly took your hand in his with the warmest smile.
“Hi,” you responded a little shyly, feeling all kinds of bubbly at his lovely action and the sound of his sweet, gentle voice.
“Your mom seems quite happy you are leaving for a few days, huh?” he teased as he took the huge backpack from you. 
You snorted. “Mh right, if you want I can drive alone and you’ll stay here with her. I’m sure she’d be delighted to have you around,” you joined in on his joke and watched him loading your backpack in the trunk with swift movements.
“Yeah, she would, I’m charming like that. But I’d be much more delighted to have you around, so no last minute changes to the plan.”
His words made you blush a little. How dare he make your heart all soft and mushy like that, your inner voice squealed while you made your way to the passenger seat. 
“Have fun you two!” your Mom shouted one last time before she went back into the house, to which Junmyeon replied with one of his nicest smiles and a happy “Thank you, we will!”
Your heart fluttered even more seeing him being just as excited about this trip of yours as you were and by the time Junmyeon had taken his place in the driver’s seat, starting the engine, you were grinning like the happiest person on the planet. And who knows, maybe in that moment, you were.
The drive itself was calm, filled with nice music and easy-flowing talks, and even setting up the tent once you had arrived, worked out perfectly - well, at least after one of the camping site’s staff offered a helping hand. But it was fun, and filling the interior with mats and blankets and all kinds of different pillows felt a lot like building a cozy blanket fort. 
You were surprised by how soon the sun was setting though, getting the tent to take shape must have taken longer than you had thought. There were a couple of trees that casted long shadows over the otherwise quite empty site. It had been a smart idea to plan the trip a few weeks before the actual summer break, so that there were no families crowding the place. And the two of you had picked a spot a bit more secluded from the few other campers anyway.
You actually had pretty much forgotten that there must be others around somewhere and didn’t bother thinking more about them as Junmyeon hurried towards you to show you the pictures he took of the stunning sunset. He handed you his phone so you could thumb through his camera roll to pick your favorites as he put his arms around you to hug you from the side, finally pressing a kiss against your temple.
“You hungry?” he mumbled, his lips still grazing your skin. You nodded as an answer, still immersed in the high quality pictures Junmyeon’s phone could make and the fact your high quality boyfriend was hugging you with seemingly no intention to let you go again. No that you wanted that. If you had it your way, Junmyeon would never stop hugging you ever. 
“Good, because I’m starving,” he chuckled, “What do you think about a dinner-picnic?” You loved the idea. But you hated the fact that it made Junmyeon let go of you after all. A little sulky about the prompt end of your hug, you quickly sent the pictures you’ve selected from Junmyeon’s phone to your own before joining him in setting up the picnic while the light was fading more and more. 
When the two of you finally sat down on the picnic blanket, munching happily on the dishes both of you had prepared, you caught a glint in Junmyeon’s eyes that told you he had planned for exactly this. A picnic under the starlit sky - the sole idea had “Junmyeon” written all over it, really, and you wondered how you didn’t realize before.
“Hey, what are you laughing about?” Junmyeon must have noticed the little giggles you let out as you began to see through his little plan.
“Nothing, just… I was just thinking about how a picnic under the stars just has to be the most you-thing ever.”
You suspected that comment made him blush, you couldn’t really see in the growing dark, but the way he didn’t answer you for a little moment spoke for itself. 
“Is it… umm… do you like the idea?”
You couldn’t tell if he was stammering out of embarrassment or because he was actually insecure if you’d be into something romantic like that. Whatever it was, it had to be fixed with a kiss, you decided and quickly huddled up against him.
“I love it, Junmyeon,” you said quietly, “I love you.” And gently, you cupped his face, pulling him closer for your lips to meet. You could feel how he was smiling against your kiss, how he shortly pulled back to tell you he loved you too, how he caught your lips again. The romance of it all made you feel like floating, swimming in emotion, wrapped in nothing but comfort and love. 
Soon enough the dark of the night had engulfed you fully, the dishes put aside so you could lie down and get comfortable. Your head was resting on Junmeon’s shoulder while his arm was wrapped around you, his fingertips grazing along your arm in slow movements. 
“Can you recognize any constellations?” Junmyeon almost whispered into the quiet night and you nodded in reply. 
“The basic one’s. Here’s Cassiopeia… and there’s the Big Dipper… and that’s Orion.”
You lifted your arm and pointed towards the sky, moving your finger along with your explanations.
“Right next to Orion is Taurus, look!” Junmyeon added and pointed upwards as well. “And I’m pretty sure that’s Leo right there, but no guarantees,” he laughed. 
“I wouldn’t know, I’m always getting lost in all the stars up there, I’m already happy I can spot three constellations in this mess,” you chuckled along, taking the night sky in once again.
In comfortable silence, you looked at the twinkling lights a little longer. It was mesmerizing and beautiful and overwhelming. You couldn’t remember when you saw the sky like this for the last time, without light pollution or clouds blocking the view, and you wanted to remember this for a very, very long time. How the sky seemed to be expanding only, how bright the starlight shone upon your face, how good it felt to feel Junmyeon just breathing next to you, sharing the warmth of your bodies in the cool night air. 
It was unfair how quickly you felt your eyelids growing heavier and heavier, how often you caught yourself already halfway headed into a dream. Junmyeon sighed and like a stubborn child you clung to his side. You didn’t want him to get up, you didn’t want this to be over already. But then he mumbled your name, his voice a bit hoarse from not using it for a while, and one by one you started to pay attention to your aching limbs, to how cold it had become and with a little whine you loosened your grip on him, allowing him to sit up as you did the same. 
“Maybe we should get in the tent,” he spoke the words that were hanging between the two of you. You agreed with a simple humm, clearly hating the necessary change of location.
“Don’t pout, we can do this again tomorrow, you know?” Junmyeon said softly, stroking your cheek before giving a little peck to your pouty bottom lip. 
“I guess we can,” you sighed, a little more dramatic than you actually felt, making Junmyeon laugh brightly. Man, he really outshone all these stars up there when he was happy like that, you thought to yourself. 
This thought gave you a last burst of energy, which you and Junmyeon used to quickly clean up your picnic space and get changed into warm pajamas before you let yourself sink into the pillow paradise you had built earlier that day. Or yesterday. You had lost track of time completely and thoroughly enjoyed the feeling, knowing that it didn’t matter at all. Not for the next couple of days. Not with Junmyeon laying down next to you, looking so very kissable as he was about to turn off the last flashlight. 
“Good night kiss?” you asked, the tiredness from before coming back at you all at once.
Without hesitation, Junmyeon leaned down to you and moved his lips lazily against yours for the last time before your mind drifted off into much needed slumber.
“Sleep well, baby” were the last words you heard before you sank into pleasant dreams.
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guraiuna · 1 year
Touch me and you lose
"Say, girlie" Childe uttered right before flipping another shot of fire-water down his throat "wanna make a bet?"
Lumine folded her legs beneath her and turned slightly towards the owner of the bed she was sitting on.
"Go on." She said with a faint curiousity in her voice.
Childe grinned.
"I bet you can't let me play with your body without you touching me too."
Lumine bit her lip. This bastard... He knew she liked hearing him moan and oh, what a song-bird he was sometimes. Lumine rubbed her chin thoughtfully.
"What's in it for me?" Smirking, Childe scooted towards her, his arm wrapping around her waist. He placed his chin in the crook of her neck and whispered against her skin.
"If you win, I'll do your commissions. For 10 days in a row."
He could feel her breath hitching in her lungs in response.
"Deal." She breathed. Childe smiled against her skin as he started to kiss her neck tenderly.
Lumine hummed in pleasure. Not only because of the warm brush of his lips against her sensitive skin, but also because if he did her commissions for 10 days, that meant she had 10 free days. 10 free days she could spend in her teapot doing nothing in particular.
Lumine shuddered when he bit into her skin. She felt desire pooling in the pit of her stomach when his hand slipped under her black tanktop.
Now that she thought about it, the fact that her dress was neatly folded on one of his chairs and she was only in her tanktop and bloomers gave him a bit too much access than she was comfortable with...
With a hand placed on the small of her back, Childe pushed the blonde closer to his chest, his hand lazily cupping her breast.
Lumine found herself holding onto his shoulders and standing on her knees, his folded leg spreading them apart. Her chest way too close to his for her liking, save a few inches.
Now that she thought about it, the position also gave him easy access to-
"Aaah...!" Lumine moaned loudly when Childe shoved his hand unceremoniously inside her panties.
She tightened her grip on his shoulders. Surely if she kept her hands on his shoulders she wouldn't want to tou-
His long fingers twisted her nipple mercilessly and Lumine threw her head back as she moaned.
He was especially cruel this time, she noticed as her cheeks flushed a bright red from the wet sounds her pussy made as he teased it.
They became even more obscene when his hand slid lower and pushed deep into her core. Electrifying warmth washed through her whole body as his fingers moved in and out of her, her walls closing in around them for more contact and in hope of something bigger.
Lumine wasn't sure when his hand left her breast, but she got her answer when the unmistakable sound of fabric being ripped reached her ear.
One of his hydro blade have materialised around his hand, the tip nipping Lumine's thigh as it cut through her bloomers and panties. The pieces left pooled up around her other leg pathetically. His fingers still pounded into her.
Lumine looked down, her legs shaking from all his ministrations and saw the pink, glistering tip of his dick peeking though his undone pants. Her lips quivered as she watched his now wet from hydro hand grabbing his semi-erect cock and guiding it in between her folds.
His fingers left her wet core with a pop and went up to tease her nipples, now slippery with her own juices. Lumine held her breath in expectation as she naturally lowered herself on his dick. She couldn't wait to have him inside her...
Apparently the bastard could because he twisted her nipple hard enough to jolt her up then started griding the tip of his warm cock against her overstimulated clit.
Lumine thought she might just go crazy as she moaned, tears forming at the corner of her eyes from both pain and pleasure. Her grip on his shoulder grew weak, her fingers slowly sliding down his chest till they reached-
She heard his lips parting against her ear as he kept teasing her clit.
"Touch me - on any erogenous zone - and you lose, pretty girl." Childe whispered against her ear, his hot breath against her sensitive skin making her shudder. He bit her earlobe and Lumine let out a breathy moan.
His mouth traveled down her to her neck, his teeth biting into her sensitive skin and sending her over the edge. Through the haze of her arousal and her unusually warm face making her dizzy, she thought how unfair the whole thing was and how she wanted to hear him sing too. His moans were so pretty...
Suddenly Childe took his mouth off her neck with a pop and let out a breathy moan. It was only when he looked at her smugly that Lumine realised her fingers were wrapped around his left nipple.
"You lost." Childe stated, his breath heavy. Now that she looked at him, she realised his face was flustered.
His mouth went back to abusing her nape.
"Thank Archons...!" He breathed against her skin as he plunged her down on his throbbing cock.
And Lumine saw stars.
Childe groaned in pure bliss when her eager walls immediately wrapped tightly around him. The Traveler was cute, he thought as she tried to tease his nipple with her shaky fingers only to stop when his pace increased. His fingers dug into her flesh as he bounced her up and down on his dick. Her head thrown back as she clung for dear life to his shoulder with one shaky hand. Her tits bouncing obscenely as her walls clenched harder on his cock with every merciless thrust of his.
She was warm and soft and pliable and each of her moans only fueled him more.
It was like she was a sleeve, a sheath for his sword to slide in and out whenever he wanted...
He plunged her down hard one last time before he filled her tight core to the brim in creamy white, her greedy walls squeezing everything as she came undone in his arms.
Lumine moans slowly died down into soft whimpers as he fucked both of them through their orgasms.
It took her a little to hear his voice when he spoke.
"Spend the night here." He demanded, and he looked up hopeful in her hazed eyes as he slowly glided her on his not yet limp dick.
"Wha...?" Blinking, Lumine did her best to gather her thoughts. Yet all she could think about was the way his cum slushed inside her as he moved.
"You lost; that's my demand." Childe explained, a satisfied smile playing on his lips because of the state he brought her in.
When her brain finally registered his demand, Lumine parted her now dry lips as warmth enveloped her.
"Okay..." She mumbled then she quickly added. "-but can you help me with my commissions for 10 days?"
His terms were cuter than hers, she thought.
Almost endearing.
His face brightened. "Only if you spend the night for those 10 days too!"
Lumine tapped her lower lip. It was a good compromise she didn't expect, but she stalled her answer because she loved the way his usually dull eyes glimmered in expectation.
"Deal!" She grinned and kissed on the lips the Harbinger she never would have thought will become way more than an enemy.
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blahblahjustreadit · 2 years
glimpse of light
Friends to Lovers
Light barely sweeps through the windows. Just enough so that with an eye half open he can see his surroundings.  
Oh fuck. Harry’s gonna kill him.  
He must have been too smashed to realise the boy from last night took him to the wrong room. Honestly he doesn’t remember much, not how he got home, and unfortunately, not much about the shag itself either. But he’s sticky and sore in a way that lets him know he got a good pounding against the mattress. 
Louis always liked cuddles but cuddles after sex feels a little too intimate for a one night stand. He should be panicking, honestly. He got black out drunk at Liam’s birthday party, he doesn’t even know who the lad is or what he looks like beside the feeling of his strong arms around him. He’s comfortable, which has to be a first, specially because he’s not usually the little spoon when he does cuddles after sex but somehow it feels warm and familiar. He thinks it might have been a coincidence, they probably fell asleep like this, seeing as this stranger’s cock is still nuzzled between his cheeks, almost as if he barely pulled out before falling off to dreamland. 
Louis knows he should not surrender to his lowest desires, not in Harry’s room at least. One could say he already gave himself enough, since he can tell he most probably didn’t even use a condom last night. But on the other hand, Harry’s probably ready to burn the sheets regardless of the amount of times Louis got shagged in them and all the bare fucking they’ve done is alredy done. 
He’ll freak out about that one when his brain is more or less awake and there’s no possibilities of hard promising cocks near his bum.
This was definitely not how he expected his morning to go, so little sunshine, no need to open his eyes, his body aching in all the right ways after a good mindless fuck and now he was about to have lazy morning sex under the covers with the apparent owner of a massive cock, honestly not too chabby for a one night stand. The stranger doesn’t do much to help matters, still lazily rubbing against him that Louis has to step up his game and help this boy just the tiniest bit. 
They both hissed when finally the cock caught in his rim, pushing in just right. A delicious hand pressing in his lower belly as it keeps entering him slowly, it makes the strech feel more intense and fuck he’s going to have to keep this boy if he’s always this good. 
“God, I just can’t get enough of an arse like yours.” The voice is raspy and deep. Sort of like… sort of like…
“Oh for fucks sake” 
Yeah… so his morning definitely didn’t go as he expected. Waking up with his best mate dick inside his arse after an apparently mindblowing late night fuck. 
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cherry444kisses · 8 months
my sweetest sin is how i relish in your laugh when no one else is around
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Random Drabble 3, I don’t believe it
Prompt: The item the protagonist worked so hard to get is fake. Characters: Archibald, Richter
The thing in his hand, was supposed to be a genuine Kelpie’s stone. An artifact capable of calling a powerful beast to be his companion and partner in magic. Instead, he got a tiny, very confused human. The man lay sprawled on the giants table eyes wide at the site before him.
“Just... fantastic.” Archibald huffed, he leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. Humans were not naturally occurring in his world, so he couldn’t say he didn’t get anything rare. But the familiar’s stone was supposed to call some great and powerful beast.
Archibald had to keep from growling and drumming his fingers. If for no other reason than not to frighten the poor man on his table. The little fellow was probably having a panic attack by now. The giant pulled himself out of his own head, and shot a glance to the small man.
Instead of fear, he saw awe and wonder. Archibald just stared back “Are you-”
“GRANDPA WAS RIGHT!” The man threw his arms into the air, falling backwards in the process. Archibald wasn’t quite fast enough to break his fall, sadly. The human thumped his head on the table, but still remained smiling.
“I don’t... understand.” The giant lay himself partially on the table, so the human wouldn’t have to look up quite so far. Though he hadn’t expected the human to spring up and begin examining him. It was a testament to Archibald’s patience that he allowed the human to poke and prod along his skin.
“Ah, sorry. My grandfather told stories about my great great grandfather. He spoke about how my family used to be related to some great and powerful monster. I just thought he was telling me fairy tales to build my confidence when I was just a kid but...” The man trailed off.
“Wait. So you’re related to, but are not a Kelpie?” He’d spent all that time, making a lake and appropriate bog for the horse like creature. The man in question just sighed miserably.
“If my grandfather is to be believed, I’m part Kelpie, but my great great grandfather married a human woman.” Richter groaned. “Because that’s what horse monsters do apparently.”
Archibald hummed. “Well they are capable of taking human form. And complex speech. So it makes sense. So he fell in love with your great great grandmother. I supposed he passed at some point. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to call you.”
“I was told there was a chance someone would find my ancestor’s whatever it was. But I’m sorry, why is it a rock?” Richter pointed to the object he’d been called with. “Shouldn’t it be a bridle or something?”
Archibald hummed. “When things are banished to another realm, it tends to be with a more permanent object. Like a stone. They can only return as another person’s familiar. Or their youngest living relative. Which is apparently you.”
Richter paused, running his hand over his familiar’s stone. “Wait. Does that mean I’m your familiar now?”
“Well we haven’t built up a contract, so no. Not yet. But the option is theoretically on the table.” Archibald’s mind was working a mile a minute now. The fact that this man was human wasn’t such a problem now. He still had some of his ancestor’s power. Though he was unsure how much would still reside in the human.
Richter himself was putting some thought into it. Things were hard in his own world. But then, he wasn’t quite sure what the giant would hope to gain from him. What did a familiar DO exactly? There was also the thought that he might have to literally move to another dimension, and he wasn’t sure if he could bring his belongings.
“I won’t be opposed to it... But I think I need some time to well. Get prepared. Do I get an apartment or do I just live here?” Richter pointed generally around the room.
“You’d have a sort of pocket dimension. I did set up some accommodations for someone like your ancestor. I could put in whatever an apartment is. If you like. Just describe it to me. You might have a water feature though.” Archibald drummed his fingers.
Richter only gawked. “A pocket dimension. Okay. Do I get to move my furniture in?”
“From your home... Probably? I wasn’t prepared for these complications. William is going to have a field day with this.”
“Who’s William?” Richter began making a mental plan for his new apparent role in life. Including cancelling electric bills, water, and trying to parse out if moving companies would even cover cross dimensional transport. He was guessing no.
“My husband.” Archibald answered flatly. “He’s going to love having you about. The man is a human fanatic. You’ll probably meet him soon.”
As if on cue, a set of keys began jingling. Both men glanced towards the door.
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thegirlwholived1213 · 2 years
CW: nightmares, recapture
The nightmares had always been there. Since day one, when everything around Sidekick was in disarray, everything changing all too quickly, their night demons were always waiting for the moment of sleep before flooding Sidekick's head.
At first, the nightmares had been loud and fitful, waking Hero almost every night, but as Sidekick had settled into Hero's home and began training, they had learned to keep their mouth shut.
Tonight was no exception. Sidekick still fought day in and day out, even in sleep. When they did wake, they could tell something was off.
At first, they just assumed they had seen it wrong, the shadow by the foot of their bed. They rubbed the sleep from their eyes, and studied the form, convincing themselves it was a figment of their imagination.
Then the figure cleared its throat.
Sidekick's dreams were always different, but there had been one change that was never broken.
Villain's men never spoke, at least not in their dreams.
"Well, am I sure glad to see you again, Sidekick."
A shiver ran up their spine.
"Oh, no need to be afraid, I'm sure Villain will be very pleased to have their little pet back."
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justcallmealt · 2 years
I really
like "Between life and death" by iN6Fs
If Alt (my OC) has a theme (not like all of songs by mood, one and only song) it'll be his theme
Like, i can call him dancing between life and death (don't worry, it's just some lore. A lot of actually, but I'm not sure that my English let me tell it)
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