#whump promts
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whumperly · 9 months ago
Whump Symbols Masterlist
Beneath the cut is a list of symbols. Send one or more of the following for receiver's muse to discover sender's muse... (or include a 🔄 for the reverse!)
😈 ...being tortured.
🩸 ...bleeding out.
🦴 ...with a visibly broken bone.
🪡 ...patching, stitching, or cauterizing their own wounds.
🩹 ...beaten and left to die.
😵 ...unconscious.
🪑 ...collapsed or unable to stand.
⚡ ...being electrocuted.
🔍 ...suddenly returned after having gone missing.
🍽️ ...dying of starvation.
🥤 ...dying of thirst.
🕳️ ...fallen into a deep pit, hole, or ravine.
⛰️ ...dangling from a ledge.
👐 ...being strangled.
🔪 ...stabbed.
🔫 ...shot.
🌊 ...drowning.
🚬 ...covered in cigarette burns.
🤕 ...covered in bruises.
🫗 ...poisoned.
🥃 ...drunk.
💊 ...drugged or overdosed.
🐴 ...whipped.
⭕ ...branded.
🐍 ...bitten or stung by a venomous creature.
🤧 ...severely ill.
😨 ...having a dangerous allergic reaction.
🤰 ...suddenly going into labor at a bad time.
🔇 ...mute from trauma, shock, or conditioning.
🧍‍♂️ ...paralyzed.
🙈 ...blinded.
❓ ...suffering from amnesia.
💥 ...caught in an explosion.
🔥 ...trapped in a fire.
❄️ ...suffering from hypothermia.
🥵 ...suffering severe heat stroke.
📸 ...being publicly humiliated.
🗣️ ...being verbally assaulted.
💪 ...being physically assaulted.
💋 ...being sexually assaulted.
🪢 ...bound and gagged.
⛓️ ...chained up.
‼️ ...forced into a stress position.
🐶 ...collared and kept like an animal.
⚠️ ...having a panic or anxiety attack.
👹 ...experiencing sleep paralysis.
🛌 ...having a nightmare or night terror.
👁️ ...severely sleep deprived.
🛞 ...unable to drive safely or at all.
🚙 ...struck by a car.
🛻 ...in a car accident.
🏚️ ...trapped beneath a collapsed structure.
💣 ...with a bomb strapped to their body.
🚨 ...arrested and taken to jail or prison.
🚑 ...rushed to the ER.
⚰️ ...buried alive.
💀 ...on the verge of death.
🪦 ...dead.
Feel free to change whatever you like to make the wording more specific for your muses or desired scenario!
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whumpbythefireside · 4 months ago
Terribly squeamish character in a historical setting becomes unwell and awfully feverish, meaning that a physician has to come and bleed them. Since they’re already semi-delirious, this is not a fun situation.
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redd956 · 2 years ago
Mini Whump Prompt 38
Whumpee came limping into a remote village. Confused onlookers stared at the clearly injured individual, who spoke a language they didn’t recognize, wearing a uniform they’ve never seen. Then again they didn’t see much up in the mountains.
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sillygoose1777 · 3 months ago
Prompts Masterlist
Whumpees and self-injections (prompt 1)
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f1sh-bone · 2 months ago
✩ Whumpee who gets blindfolded so that they don't recognize whumper
✩ Scared, injured whumpee who gets blindfolded by their caretaker, so that they don't freak out during medical treatment
✩ Scared, injured whumpee who feels comforted by their blindfold and caretakers gentle shushes
✩ Scared, injured whumpee who completely freaks out after losing their ability to see
✩ Whumpee being blindfolded by Whumper so that they don't get to see the weapons they're about to be tortured with (them not knowing what to expect makes it more fun for Whumper)
✩ Whumpee getting rescued and flinching when caretaker tries to take off their blindfold
✩ "Dangerous" nonhuman whumpee who is forced to wear a blindfold, combined with physical restrains, while being medically examined
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whumble-beeee · 1 year ago
Crack Prompt: Welcome to the Whumpee Store!
(aka totally not bbu what do you MEAN)
Whumpees stacked on shelves grocery store-style
Different aisles for different types of whumpee ("No ma'am, this is actually the conditioned aisle, the defiant aisle is on the other side of the store, aisle 9.")
Workers that are TOTALLY not whumpees themselves probably
Or maybe that teenager helping you really is just your average dead-eyed retail worker. Basically the same thing at this point anyway.
"Sir, that's the price for a fresh unaltered whumpee. You can mold them however you want."
"You want me to do YOUR JOB for you?! What kind of establishment is this?!"
On that note, whumpees made to order
You want a medium-sized defiant whumpee that'll start crying and freeze up the second you turn the lights off? Say less.
Tags on the more dainty and dewey-eyed whumpees that say "Torture with Care"
"Mx., you broke the warranty when you threw your whumpee down the stairs. The instructions clearly state they're meant for household chores only, you'll have to pay full price for a new one."
Whumpees in those sealed plastic action figure boxes, forced into a single pose for. however long it takes you to buy them please buy them they're begging you please PLEASE PLEASE THEY CAN'T TAKE--
Whumpees staring hopefully (or fearfully) at every potential customer that walks by.
Customers trying to get the conditioned whumpees to crack so they don't have to pay as much for them.
"I'm not sure this whumpee is trained as well as you say, I'm gonna need a demonstration"
Living weapon whumpees locked behind those stupid glass cabinets that you have to get a store attendant to unlock for you if you want to get at one
^Exotic/rare/expensive ones too
Thank you to all my friends on the Whump World server for all your suggestions and enabling me :) I probably have more too, but this was getting long lmao
@whumperofworlds | @randowhump | @kira-the-whump-enthusiast | @whumpninja
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lsgv · 9 months ago
Prompt #15
“What is it? What’s wrong Sidekick?” Hero rushes to shacking sidekick.
“No-nothing… I-“ sidekick tries to explain, but the sobbing doesn’t let them.
“Come here,” Hero hugs them. “It’s ok, shhh.”
Sidekick lets out muffled cries, they can’t control it.
“It’s ok, it’s ok, don’t worry, everything is fine, you’re all right, you’re safe, shhh, it’s ok, you’re safe here.” Hero reassures, poor kid, something bad must have happened.
“I- I don’t know wha-what to do with myself anymore.” They manage to say, shackling. “I don’t-I didn’t know where to go get help, Hero! You’re my-my only hope, Hero, I feel like I’m dying inside. Please, please help me!” Sidekick cries.
Hero is shocked, they had alway thought that Sidekick was alright, how could they miss this?!
“Hey, it’s ok, I’m here, I’ll help you. Don’t worry, I’ll always be here for you, ok?”
Sidekick only nods and hugs Hero tighter.
“I’ll make some tea, just sit in the couch, feel like home.”
“Th-thanks” Sidekick answers sniffing.
“I’ll be right back.”
Hero prepares both tea cups and returns to Sidekick after it.
“Careful, it’s hot. “ Hero hands Sidekick their cup.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“About what?” Sidekick takes a sip of their tea.
“About why you came here in the middle of the night crying?”
“Oh, that… umm, I had an argument with my mom.” Sidekick says embarrassed.
“Oh, what happened? Was it that bad really?”
“Well, umm… I-I-she hit me with a pan multiple times and then gave me a speech on why I’m a failure and why I can’t be more like my brother and all of that… but umm… I also didn’t come immediately here, I, umm, I was kinda sucidal and cut the veins from my arm, then I realized I’m sort of a hero and couldn’t just die, so I stitched me up -kinda- and now I’m here and I don’t think I plan returning home.”
“What the fuck” Hero murmured. “Are you ok?! Do you need help with your wounds? Why didn’t you start there? I-I’ll go get the first aid kid, do-don’t move.”
“Hero, I’m ok, don’t worry.”
“Too late, you’re getting all patched up.”
Sidekick sighed and took a sip or their tea.
“I’m back, where would you like me to start, in the arm or…?” Hero placed the kit on the coffee table.
“The arm, please.”
“Ok, let me see… Oh my gosh, Sidekick, what the fuck did you do?! This is baaaad.” “Sorry?”
“Don’t be, it’s ok, you’re gonna be fine. Just take a deep breath, I’m going to cut the stitches you made, ok?”
“Ok.” Sidekick took a deep breath and Hero rubbed some alcohol, and that alone hurt a lot. Sidekick grunted.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry. It’s almost over.” That was a lie.
Hero then started cutting the stitches, hurting Sidekick more.
“You know what, bite this down, we don’t want more accidents.” Hero handed a bandage roll to Sidekick.
Sidekick nodded in agreement. Hero finishes cutting through and cleaned everything to restitch them. Sidekick’s screams were muffled but still awful to hear.
“Ok, done!” Sidekick sighed with relief at those words. “Now, did the pan leave any wound that I can help?”
“I don’t think so, I didn’t feel any blood or anything, maybe just bruises.”
”Do you want me to check?”
“No, it’s ok, thanks.”
“Ok. Come here, I’ll show you your room.”
“Room?! As in my room?”
“Yeah?” Hero was confused.
“Wow! I never had my own room! Awesome!” Sidekick was stunned by that.
“Wait, what?” Hero was shocked, they hoped they misunderstood that.
“Yeah, my siblings and I all slept in the same bed.”
“Oh, I see, well, this is all yours.”
“Really?! Thanks.” Sidekick hugged Hero.
“It’s this one.” Hero opened the door.
“Wow!.” Sidekick was impressed, it was enormous.
“Thanks Hero, really, thanks, thanks, thanks!” Sidekick hugged Hero.
“You’re welcome, Sidekick. There’s clothes in the counter and soap and everything you might need on the bathroom. Do you want dinner?”
“Thanks, but I ate at my house. Really, thanks for all.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
And with that, Hero left Sidekick in their new room.
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mysticsublimeperson · 8 months ago
(Really angsty merthur modern Au.)
Merlin and Arthur had been dating in secret for the better part of a year, or more accurately, they had this almost play of happy married couple that they put on every couple of days in Merlins apartment.
Arthur was this big name in his industry, son of a political figure, god forgive him having any kind of scandal that could potentially ruin his bright future. On the other hand Merlin was only a technician in the company, going to school at night to have a degree in teaching. When they started... whatever the hell they were doing, Merlin was hesitant, but he has never been able to say no to Arthur.
They didn't really talk, because that would make it real, they have a nice time together in his flat, they would have dates and movie nights and dinners, but outside, it was like Merlin's presence was enough to tip Arthur over the edge. And when school became too much and they couldn't meet or the work piled up, it was worse. If Arthur was mad, he would put it on him.
This situation resulted in Merlin loosing most, if not all of his confidence, he became quiet and avoided Arthur on the workplace, when they were together it was like nothing had really changed, not much anyway, not something very obvious, maybe sometimes he would not defend himself from some comments, or would be a little too self deprecating, but the changes where subtle enough that nobody at work really noticed much.
But Merlin's friends did notice. Nobody knew that Merlin was dating someone, he had always been really private with his love live since he was outed in high school and bullied by his crush, and all of his friends respected that. but they thought that maybe it was the lack of love life that was slowly turning Merlin into this zombie, basically they thought he needed to get laid.
So they invited him to a club. Guilt tripped him into coming and got him drunk enough to finally let himself loose in the crowd.
And then...
It was nobody's fault, but that didn't make Freya, Will, and Gwaine any better. Gwaine was too drunk to be vigilant, Freya was enjoying herself with a cute girl from another country and Will had gone out for a smoke. Merlin was an adult. He was supposed to be able to care for himself. He was supposed to be able to stand up for himself, to protect himself from this situations.
Bu he was also pathetic.
So it was nobody's fault.
But his.
The guy was perfectly nice, they had been dancing and talking a bit in between the songs.
Edwin was blond, and the lights were low, and Merlin was drunk.
He had asked if Merlin had a boyfriend and Merlin didn't quite know what to answer. Then he gave Merlin a bit of his drink to try.
And Merlin has trouble remembering anything else that night.
Or at least that's what he told the therapist that comes twice a day to check on him at the hospital.
In reality he remembers a bit more than what he would want to remember.
"This is the only thing you are good for"
He remembers almost all of the comments, but that had resonated within himself. Had made him stop fighting while three other people restrained his limbs.
Because that's something Arthur had said before.
And then, everything after that, was a blur. He was numb and unresponsive and apparently that's a turn off so they contented themself with beating him and leaving him in the streets, with open wounds and ripped clothes.
Someone had called the police and an ambulance.
He was taken care in the ER, but he could not bring himself to speak, so they put him in a room and a therapist had come to talk to him, about how this must be really scary and new, how he must be in shock because usually men aren't the target of sexual assault, how even if he felt embarrassed or ashamed he should try to speak to the police, if not for himself, to prevent this from happening to another people.
And all of what they said was true. He felt all of those things, and was ashamed and scared, but there was also something they didn't know, something nobody knew, because he was not worth it, he was not enough for someone to show him off proudly, for someone to love him openly. So something must be wrong with him.
But he agreed to talk to the police.
He still couldn't bring himself to talk, even when he tried, so the therapist gave him a notepad and a pen, and accompanied him throughout the whole ordeal.
His phone had a few messages and calls, and not enough battery.
He wrote to his mother, it was the only person he could bring himself to try and explain the whole truth.
Then he wrote to his department manager, Gaius letting him know that he was going to take a sick leave.
And lastly he wrote to the group chat, where the latest messages had been a few encouraging text celebrating the assumption that he had gotten laid.
"It didn't turnt out well, I want to be alone"
He knew it wouldn't work for long but he just couldn't...
With the notepad he also asked his therapist to not let anybody but his mother in. He didn't want to deal with nobody's reaction, above all, because he didn't know how to react himself.
He thought in contacting Arthur, but quickly abandoned the idea. Arthur only wanted him on his conditions, he would probably never want Merlin again, seeing the state of him.
That made him feel lost and sad. And everything became numb.
His mother arrived early on the second day at the Hospital, after 5 hours on train, and cried hard when she saw him. He cried quietly too.
On the third day, Arthur was at his door.
His mother had opened thinking it was the nurse, and then rushed him outside to have a hushed conversation, thinking Merlin asleep. Merlin hadn't been able to properly sleep since...
He hadn't expect that. He didn't know how the hell Arthur knew where he was, or how he was able to pass through up to his door he didn't know.
He couldn't see the door, or hear what was happening, but dread pooled his insides. The other shoe was about to drop, and he didn't know what did that mean exactly.
Either or, something was going to end.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 2 years ago
Stick a gas mask on your bound Whumpee, tell them you’re going to sedate them, and make them wait. 
Just think of how anxious they’ll be! Constantly vigilant for a hissing noise or strange smell or anything that could show it’s started. Leave them there for hours, with nothing to do but breathe and wait, fear gnawing at them with each passing moment. Let them exhaust themselves with their fear, trying so hard to breathe shallowly that they make themselves dizzy. Let them wonder if that exhaustion is from the stress, or if the drug has already entered their system. Let them be terrified of even closing their eyes.
By the time it actually begins, Whumpee would be so anxious that they’d simply panic. Fighting desperately against their restraints, torn between begging for it to stop and holding their breath. When they are forced to inhale, it’s in sporadic, desperate gasps. Each breath feels like a defeat, each breath drags them closer and closer to oblivion. And yet it’s inevitable, a fight against their very body that they’ve no chance of winning. Their own body is being used to drag them under, and it’s terrifying. As the numbness and exhaustion starts to spread, all Whumpee can do is cry. When they finally succumb, the mask is wet with tears.
Sometimes anticipation is the worst form of torture.
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allthingswhumpyandangsty · 11 months ago
Heyo! Thought I would mildly give some thoughts I've been having.
For some reason I fucking love the idea of the caretaker being traumatized. Like maybe not even on their own, maybe when they saved whumpee the whumper managed to do shit to caretaker too? And they're trying really hard to hide it because they wanna take care of whumpee and help them recover.
Hope that wasn't worded weirdly lol
love caretaker who hides their own pain and fear for the sake of whumpee, especially if it's because caretaker thinks whumpee will feel safe as long as they think caretaker is strong and can take care of them.
love caretaker who curls in on themself and finally allows themself to cry when they're alone in their room at night where no one can see them break down.
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but-is-it-whumpy · 1 year ago
Non smoker whumpee desperately smoking a cigarette to help null the pain/calm themselves down 👌
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kimjinzzy · 5 months ago
Writing prompt for today.
Person A: you scare me.
Person B: what? Why?
Person A: Because I tell you things I can't even tell myself. And it scares me.
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dont-be-gentle-please · 1 year ago
Whumpee being scared of loud noises. Fireworks. Honking. A pan being dropped accidentally. Gunshots.
Whumper could take advantage of it, punishing their sweet dumb pet in the most harmless and amusing way possible. Entertaining their guest with a shaking and pale whumpee covering their ears.
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beautyconsumer · 8 months ago
Hi! For the drabble prompt: "I burn for what's no longer mine."
please? <3
"I burn for what's no longer mine."
Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd
Fandoms: Batman, Batfam, Under the Red Hood
Words: 415
Content and TW: angst, non graphic injury and mild blood, slight whump, character study, unreliable narrator (sort of) not like Bruce gives much chance to let Jason know what's up.
Jason gets hurt. Batman takes care of Red Hood, it's not a bad thing for once. Jason reminiscences about it.
Jason doesn't say anything at first, not eager to break the silence, despite knowing he'd be the one to do it. Bruce was the most comfortable in the silence and Jason refused to indulge him.
"You ain't gonna say anything?" Jason says, "Wouldn't have pulled my punches back, not like you'd have," he says, grin throwing amusement in his tone, Jason tastes the blood on his teeth, his smile must show hella charming.
Bruce doesn't respond, just keep attending at his wound, retires the bandage with those metallic scissors he carries around, it separates from him heavy with blood pulling at his skin painfully, Jason hisses.
Jason is waiting for the 'I told you so' or the passive aggressive comment that would essentially mean the same.
It doesn't come.
Jason eyes Bruce, with Jason being sprawled into the shitty safe house, bleeding out in the couch Bruce looks as impersonal as ever.
He waits for the scolding, since the violence already resided and it'd be counterproductive and illogical if Bruce decided to beat him up now, the 'you went too far' must be at the tip of his tongue.
Not like those fuckers didn't deserve it, selling children like cattle. As if Jason could just sit there and do nothing.
Bruce opens his mouth, after pursing his lips painfully tight Jason feels reluctant trepidation to what's gonna come out of him. Jason's afraid it'll make his gut churn in anger and frustration because he just never got it.
Nor did he tried to, the stubborn bastard.
"Your armor," Bruce ends up saying, Jason blinks in confusion, "It doesn't cut it anymore, you'll need better equipment."
Jason blinks again, then he sighs dropping his head onto the couch, "What are we doing?"
He closes his eyes, thinks of how Bruce must be doing gymnastics in his head, trying to see the innocent little boy he once thought he knew.
Bruce must be mourning Robin in his head, latching to it and never letting go.
Jason mourns for Bruce too, what he did wanted for Bruce to be for him. The father he wanted, the one he yearned and needed back then.
Jason opes his eyes up to the grainy popcorn ceiling, the black ink shadow at his side doesn't feel like the omnipresence of the big Bat it once was, it's just a man.
It's frankly a little disappointing.
Both of them burn for what's no longer there, perhaps for what never was there at all.
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creadigol · 1 year ago
Finally! I have a continuation of the Villain/Photographer prompt!
Villain and Photographer Part ii
I hope you all like it!
Photographer sat in their living room, looking out at the rain as it aggressively streaked down their window. The light sounds of vintage music from the ‘30s and ‘40s echoed from their kitchen, but it didn’t give them the comfort and focus it usually did. Not with them in the kitchen. Cooking like it was a normal Wednesday evening. Asking Photographer what they preferred, carrots or peas? Potatoes or noodles? Every now and then Photographer would ask that they go out and get something from the Thai place or sub shop, just to see their unwelcome guest’s reaction…
Photographer learned early on that such suggestions were not appreciated.
So here they were, looking out their own window, sitting on their own couch, getting ready to eat their own food…all while a prisoner in their own home.
“I added a little paprika to the stew, hope you don’t mind, I like a little kick to my food.”
Photographer worked hard not to flinch at the voice as it entered their space. They tried their best everyday not to show any semblance of emotion towards Hero, no matter how long they kept them here, no matter how much they threatened them. Photographer wondered how long they could keep doing it.
“You like a little kick to a lot of things,” Photographer replied. Like thugs, ruffians, Villain…and most recently, Photographer’s stomach.
Hero let out a long sigh, as if dealing with an impudent child.
“You know,” Hero said sweetly, “We could stop this whole dog and pony show if you would just agree to my terms…and tell me where the film is. Honestly, I can’t see why you’re being so stubborn. It’s not like anyone even supports you on this.”
Photographer didn’t look away from the window. It was true, no one supported them on this. Hero already had Reporter and Editor in their pocket…Photographer was the last piece of the puzzle to control everything in the popular news agency. Everyone in the city trusted their agency to be the one to tell the truth, that was the whole reason Photographer had started it with their friends in the first place. It seemed Photographer was the last to hold out.
Hero walked closer to them, leaning over their head and looking at both of their reflections in the window. They spoke close to Photographer's ear.
“What are you even doing this for? Pride? Stubbornness? Some silly inclination that you’ll be the triumphant whistle blower of a whole conspiracy? Please, no one really cares what the truth is anymore. They never did…”
They gripped Photographer’s shoulders painfully, “Or maybe you think you can win?” They shook Photographer, their head almost hitting the glass of the window.
“You can’t win…just give me the film and do your job as I say and your freedom will be restored to you.”
You liar, thought Photographer. If I agree, my freedom will never be restored…not truly. They chose to remain silent. Closing their eyes so as not to see their reflection so close to Hero’s in the window.
“Dammit Photographer!” Hissed Hero, their grip relentless. Photographer flinched at the tone. “You know what I’ll have to do if you don’t relent soon! You think I want that? Think about all we’ve been through! Why would you make me do that?”
Instinctively Photographer tensed up, sensing what was coming next from Hero. This had become their normal nightly routine in the last two weeks. It always ended with Photographer in pain on the floor.
Knock, knock, knock. They both swiveled their heads towards the apartment door.
Hero abruptly let go of Photographer and took a step back.
“You know the drill,” Hero said to them. “I’ll be in the kitchen finishing dinner. Get rid of whoever it is quickly. If not,” Hero gave a sinister smile, “you know what happens to them.”
Photographer only nodded. So far they had been good enough at lying to dissuade anyone from wanting to come into the apartment, but they knew if they messed up even once Hero would make good on their threat. They would probably even enjoy it.
Hero walked into the kitchen and Photographer heard the music being turned down.
With a fake steady step Photographer walked over and looked through the peephole.
Holy shit! It was Villain!
At first Villain had been worried that no one was home. Maybe Photographer moved? Went on an extended vacation and that was why they hadn’t been on the job in a while? Maybe took a job with someone else for a while just to avoid the politics of this city for a bit? But that thought soon fled their mind as they heard music from within the apartment on their approach. Old vintage…yeah, that seemed like Photographer’s style.
The music abruptly went down after they knocked. Villain waited for someone to answer.
They heard a small gasp on the other side of the door. Then the sound of a chain lock being removed.
Their heart jumped into their throat. What if Photographer told them to sod off? That they were the villain everyone saw them as? What if this was the wrong apartment?
The door flew open.
Photographer stood there. One hand on the door handle, the other clenched in a fist in front of them. They looked…god, they looked terrible.
Photographer’s eyes were sunken, dark circles outlining them and emphasizing emotion that Photographer was usually able to put away during a job. They stood slightly hunched, like their ribs were bothering them, and rather than stay in a fist, their fingers were moving and twitching like crazy.
My god, what happened to you? Villain wanted to shout. Instead they waited for Photographer to say something.
“Why are you here?” Photographer said in a calm and confident voice which did not match their appearance.
“I…” Villain took a breath. “You haven’t been underfoot taking pictures lately.”
Photographer’s hand made another movement and their fingers snapped impatiently.
“Perhaps because there’s nothing worth taking pictures of. The last time seemed information enough for the public.”
Villain felt their anger rise.
“And you just take it at face value then? I thought you were better than that.”
Photographer’s hand made flippant gesture. The other still on the door handle.
“Face value is my trade, in case you didn’t notice. Perhaps you should be talking to Reporter about this and not darkening my doorstep with your schemes.”
“As if…” Villain trailed off. Photographer was twitching their hand so badly now it was hard not to take notice.
“Well excuse me for living,” Villain finished.
It was taking a moment. The other hand was still on the door handle so they could only do one letter at a time along with simple gestures.
“You’re excused. And while you’re at it, please inform whoever gave you my address that despite my love for putting images in the public eye, I myself enjoy privacy so if they could refrain from sending anyone else here…” Photographer kept signing as they spoke.
Trapped…Hero here…trapped…can’t leave…please
“I will. Can’t say I’m surprised…You’re all the same in the end,” Villain said it with disgust as they avidly watched Photographer’s hand.
Have film…hide film…Hero want
“Well, news is news. Whatever gets readers is all I care about,” Photographer flipped their hair out of their eyes. Villain saw a deep bruise on their neck. If they weren’t so focused on Photographer’s signing, they would have been overcome with rage.
Hero was so going to die for this.
Know truth…no trust…alone…alone…trapped…please
Villain nodded that they understood the message as they said, “Then I guess I’m done here. No more excuses now you know. I’m not going to avoid you when I let off an attack or let you take as many photos as you want…no more telling the other villains to leave off. You’re on your own now.”
If it wasn’t for the reassuring look on their face as they said it, Villain was sure these words would have broken Photographer who looked so close to collapsing under some unseen pressure.
“Fine. Goodbye.”
Photographer swung the door closed, but not before seeing Villain sign back.
You’re not alone.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 3 months ago
After a quiet argument in the rain, one partner yells, "Why can’t we be a normal couple?"
The other looks away, hands trembling. "Because I killed someone… and you deserve better."
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