#evil hero
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Evil HERO Toxic Bubble
#Evil HERO Toxic Bubble#yugioh#ygo#Evil HERO#HERO#He is going to create an environment that is so toxic#Neo Bubbleman went EVIL given he can't be summoned in the TCG legally outside of Infernal Rage and A Wild Monster Appears#Fiend#WATER#Elemental HERO Neo Bubbleman
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The villain successfully corrupts the hero to their side and regrets it. Maybe the hero is releasing their repressed anger and they are far more brutal, sadistic and violent then the villain anticipated. The villain has to witness their new "partner" commit atrocities they wouldn't dream of. The line of who's the true leader of evil organization eventually gets very very blurred.
#writers on tumblr#writeblr#writing#writing prompt#writerscommunity#writing ideas#writing inspiration#writing inspo#story ideas#story prompt#story inspiration#story inspo#creative writing#hero to villain#hero x villain#heros and villains#hero and villain#fallen hero#villain arc#evil hero#corruption arc#villain x hero
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The villain had never seen the hero like this. Twitchy. Vulnerable. Volatile. Wide-eyed and not quite present.
Of course, after the media outpour, after the merciless backlash, after the mess that had went down between them and their agency, the villain had expected some form of pain on the hero's face, but not...this. Some look like they'd gone through a revelation that had ruined their life.
They got the compulsion to take advantage.
"I always knew they would do something like this," they murmured pitifully. They brushed slow, careful fingers under their chin. "But not to someone like you. Never you. You were always so... good."
The hero's eyes snapped up, suddenly cognizant.
The villain flinched back from the rage they saw, and just as quickly it flickered out in the hero's face and they were back to sadly staring.
A moment passed.
The hero said nothing, so the villain continued.
"Would you like to exact revenge?" they asked, gentler this time. "I could help."
The hero looked up again, wide-eyed, but this time interested.
The villain slowly raised their hand, careful not to spook, and touched their fingers to the hero's cheek. "They hurt you," said the villain. "You. I think that warrants some retaliation." They dropped their hand and the hero didn't follow it. The villain wasn't sure if they were cognizant of anything at all.
"Do you know the details?"
"Of what happened? No."
Silently, the hero tilted their head to the side.
"I don't want to take advantage of you," the villain told them gently. "I just believe your rage has been suppressed and smothered and doused for far too long. It's unhealthy, you know—"
"They threw me away," the hero said flatly. "Like rubbish. Because I found things." They tilted their head to the other side. "They sent people to me afterwards. Tried to get me to kill myself. When that didn't work they sent a hero."
The villain buffered as they processed this information. Of course they knew the higher ups at the agency liked doing terrible things, but...
"Just them?"
"Not just them. And not just the people."
The villain opened their mouth, considered their next words. But they were not sure what would give another seething head tilt and what would give the weakness they'd prefer.
"Not just them," the villain repeated quietly. They eyed the hero's stray hairs, the blood and dirt and cuts on their face. All their time in this job they'd never seemed to fit a place like this; a gloomy room, a star-lit sky, tall, looming, spindle-shaped trees. They raised a careful hand to tuck hair behind the hero's ear. "What would you like to do?"
"A lot of things."
The villain trailed slow fingers down the line of the hero's jaw. Slightly, so slightly they could've imagined it, the hero leaned into their touch. Their chest swelled . "Bad things?"
They placed their fingers over the hero's throat to feel the inevitable swallow. "Yes."
"You'd be justified. All these years of overwork, crawling into your bed each thankless night, this constant persistence that you had to do better." The villain stepped close as the hero's expression twisted in pain. "I'd justify that. I think, anyone who isn't an idiot would justify that. Think about it." They cupped the hero's face with both hands, voice down to a whisper. "Think of what you could do to them with my help."
Something in the hero's eyes cleared. They leaned a fraction of an inch back, all the fog in their eyes disappearing.
The villain started to draw their hands back.
The hero caught their wrists in a vice-like grip. They were present. Their stare was fierce. "No. Not just revenge," they said. "I want them to feel helpless. Do you know how much I've contributed to their strategies? Their technological advancement? And yet they don't give me any weapon that's not years old. I want them wishing they could've been better, that this could've been prevented." They shook their head just slightly, and the hair the villain had carefully tucked back came loose to frame their face.
"I want them wailing for help," the hero said. They let go of the villain's wrists and touched their palms to their cheeks instead. "I want the city bending at my whims," they breathed, stepping close, "like I bent for theirs. I want them to resent me. I want them to fear me. I want them scared when night time comes, because they fear I'll pop out and steal them. Then they'll see. Then they'll see how great I am. How great I always was. How I was their fault."
For the first time the hero looked like they belonged in this gloom, like the night sky was rising behind them; a lethal backdrop. The trees behind them seemed to rise up, pitch-black silhouettes. A bloody, dirty face, angry, wide eyes, horrible words spewing out their mouth—oh, the villain didn't know how they never saw it.
They looked like they meant every word. The villain was aware of every inch of them, suddenly alight with fury, with potential, with the need to ruin and desecrate.
The hero pulled them closer, until they were breathing each other's air, and the villain wanted to see their mouth dripping with blood that didn't belong to either of them. Such wild teeth they had. Such a cruel tongue. Such eyes, such hands, such looks. "I want them," the hero said, "to forever regret me. I want to grow like festering mold in their memory. I want to be a parasite in their history."
"You're wonderful," the villain whispered dazedly.
The hero snapped out of whatever had overcome them. They let go of the villain's face and moved back.
The villain snapped out of their stupour, straightening. Back they looked, and the hero had returned to looking like a fawn, all traces of that destructive sadism gone. The villain clenched their fist to collect themselves, bit the tip of their tongue.
"It'll be a pleasure to help you exact your revenge," said the villain. They thought of new ways to take advantage of the hero. Thought, distantly, how they could amplify their terrible side. "But you have to trust me."
"That'll be work."
"I will have to trust you, too," they said. "And—don't wear these colours." They traced the collar of the hero's ruined shirt. "I've always thought black looked much better on you."
The hero looked at the villain. "Your colour."
The villain tugged lightly on their collar. Looked back at them. "My colour." They righted it and brushed off lint that wasn't there from their shoulder. "Now, to work."
The hero followed.
In ten months they brought despair to the city.
In twelve the hero had made the villain theirs.
#kyles.writing#hero x villain#villain x hero#heroes and villains#hero#evil hero#corrupted hero#bad hero#corruption arc#writeblr#writers on tumblr#villains and heroes#writing#my writing#hero x villain community#sorry . that this is mid
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Short Prompt #1293
CW: death threats, near-death experience, implied past character death.
"Do I have your attention now?" the villain questioned with a smile that threatened to sour on a dime, their gun held against Civilian's head. The civilian, already knocked out from the explosion, couldn't even stiffen in fear. "Or must I crack open such a precious skull before you start listening?"
The hero, for once in their life, had no witty comeback or quip. That was their lover in Villain's grasp, their everything. Hero stood tense, ready to rush forward, and yet too petrified to move.
Was this what the villain had felt like all those years ago when Hero had let their partner fall?
#writeblr#writing#writing prompt#short prompt#hero x villain#hero x villain community#hero x civilian#evil hero#smuwfy#some messed up writing for you#tw: death threats#tw: near death#tw: character death
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Reporter finds out that their city's hero is corrupt, and they make it their goal to expose them to the public. Somehow they fall in love. (Can go plucky reporter who openly confronts Hero, or cautious reporter who knows a corrupt hero is dangerous, so they get close under false pretenses to find evidence.)
Prompt courtesy of @thepenultimateword
"Wait. No. What is...?" The reporter's throat had gone dry as sand. They slapped the composition book shut, thrust it back into the gold paper wrappings. But it was too late. Afterimages of dates and names and dizzyingly high sums danced before their eyes - all in the hero's own neat handwriting.
"It's the proof you wanted, darling," the hero said, a dreamy smile on their lips as they gazed at the reporter through the candlesticks. "All the money I've been extorting from our city's villains in exchange for turning a blind eye to their wrongdoing. Happy one year anniversary."
The reporter stared from the hero's face back down to the gift, so beautifully wrapped. They had gotten the hero designer sunglasses. "You knew," they said. It was meant to be a question but... no. This was not a surprise. Somewhere over the past year, this had become an inevitability. "You knew I was..."
"Investigating me? Seducing me?" The hero chuckled and rose. The reporter managed to quash their flinch as the hero picked up the reporter's empty plate, then their own. "Darling, I spend my life foiling schemes. Yes, of course I knew."
The reporter sat, flooded in an adrenaline rush so strong they wondered if they were having a heart attack. The door to the hero's penthouse apartment was forty feet behind their back. Their fingers itched to grab that notebook and run - but some survival instinct kept them frozen to their chair as the hero prowled the dishes off to the kitchen.
"So," the reporter said evenly. "You've just been... toying with me, this whole time?"
"Toying with you," the hero purred, returning to cock a hip against the table and give the reporter that half-feral smile they had only ever seen behind closed doors. God help them, the reporter felt themselves blush. "Yes. That's a good word. You decided you'd try to seduce your way into my confidence, to uncover my secrets. So..." The hero traced a finger along the reporter's temple, teasing a lock of hair out to run between their fingers. "...I set out to seduce you back. And you win."
The reporter blinked. "What."
"You win." The hero gave a fond little tug to their hair and then let go. "I've fallen in love with you. So."
"You cant love me! I'm here to expose you!" The reporter scrambled backwards, clutching the notebook to their chest as if the hero hadn't just handed it to them, literally gift wrapped. "You've been blackmailing villains!"
The hero shrugged without a blush of shame. "Only those who would have bought their way out of the justice system anyway. Why shouldn't I cut out the middleman and use their money for crime-fighting?"
"Crime-fighting? You're lining your pockets!" The reporter waved a hand wildly at their luxury surroundings as they backed away. "The food, the clothes, the whole lifestyle!"
"And I'm the last hero of my generation still standing," the hero said, calm and steady as they paced forward. "You think that's a coincidence? Or you think it's because you and I both know sometimes doing the right thing means bending a few rules along the way?"
The reporter stopped dead again. "What are you talking about?"
The hero's hand closed on the reporter's wrist and - yanked was too harsh a word. It was a pull and a spin, like the sun dragging a meteorite into its gravity well and suddenly the reporter was wrapped up in the hero's arms. In their lover's arms, their back pressed to the hero's chest.
"This," the hero hummed into the protagonist's ear, swaying them both to the soft music trickling from the hidden sound system. "A year of lies and blurred lines and compromises to get your story. Hardly the stuff of journalistic ethics seminars. What would your friends and colleagues say?"
"So it's blackmail," the reporter whispered.
"If that's what you want. We could destroy each other. Or..." The hero's mouth pressed to the sensitive spot on the reporter's neck. They almost melted. "Or we could see what happens next, with all our cards on the table."
"You can't be serious." The reporter jerked away. The hero let them go. "You want to keep dating?"
"Of course. You're gorgeous, clever, a little reckless, and you have that flexible morality thing. It's like you were made for me. Like we were made for each other." The hero gave them a once-over so blatant the reporter blushed again. But they didn't move to corner the reporter. "Go home, think about it. Take the notebook."
"You won't chase me?" the reporter said before they could stop themselves.
The hero's grin widened. "How about I give you a head start?"
The reporter fled to the sound of the hero's laughter rattling in their chest.
#my fiction#hero x villain#reporter x hero#evil hero#filled prompt#thepenultimateword#reporter x villain#100#300#500
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CW: child whumper (sidekick), mentions of previous abuse. (If you find any more CWs I’ve missed, please tell me!)
Villain was feeling great. Todays plan had gone perfectly and now hero’s own sidekick was tied to a chair in front of them. Poor sidekick probably had no idea where they were, Villain smirked.
‘I bet your praying hero is going to show up and save you. I assure you they won’t. They don’t even know where my lair is; besides, do you really think they’ll go through all the effort just to save their stupid little sidekick who got themselves kidnapped?’
Sidekick was shaking. Terrified. Now completely at the villains mercy, their identity was going to be revealed, they just knew it. And then it wouldn’t just be sidekick that will die, but their loved ones too. Hero has told sidekick about villain. Sidekick knew villain was a ruthless killer. Their fear mixed with their guilt for having endangering not only themselves but their friends too. Hero would be so disappointed in sidekick. Villain was right, hero would never bother to save them. It was their own fault that they had messed up and gotten themselves kidnapped.
Villain crouched down and reached out to sidekicks face-
‘Let’s see who’s under this disguise- which I must say, is rather pathetic. Could you not have come up with a better costume for yourself?’, villain joked.
-Sidekick flinched away, but villain swiftly grabbed sidekicks mask and roughly pulled it off their face.
‘I bet you’re-‘,
The villains grin dropped along with their stomach. This was not what they were expecting. Rage shook through villain. Sidekicks face showed nothing but absolute fear.
‘A child. You’re just a child’
Villains face softened as they tried to hide their anger from the kid that sat before them. Hero had sent a child to fight them. A child. How could hero do this? And who was responsible for sidekicks black eye? Villain knew it wasn’t them. Was it hero? When villain got their hands on them-
But that could be dealt with later. Villain needed to focus on the terrified face in front of them.
‘I’m not a child. I’m 15’
‘Who told you that was old? Was it hero? You can’t even drink yet, darling. You’re a child.
And to be clear, I am not going to hurt you. I know hero’s probably told you horrible lies about me, but I can assure you, they’re not true… at least most of them aren’t true. But I would never intentionally hurt a child’
Sidekick was shocked by the softness of villains voice, which was completely different from the roughness it had been filled with 2 seconds ago. It was just an act. It had to be. Sure, hero could be harsh to sidekick, but sidekick deserved it right? Hero was just training sidekick.
‘Are you hungry? Injured? Let me patch you up’
Villain gently brushed sidekicks hair out their face to get a better look at the purple bruises forming on their forehead. Sidekick flinched away from the hand, letting out a small whimper.
That was it. Villain vowed they would destroy hero next time they saw them. But first, they have got to help the poor kid.
This was my first time writing something like this, so any feedback and help would be appreciated. In fact, it think this is the first time I’ve written a story outside an English lesson (which I haven’t done as a subject since GCSE’s) since I wrote a short Harry Potter headcanon when I was 12 lol. I still remember that headcanon tho, and I’m pretty sure it might still be on tumblr somewhere 🫡
#child sidekick#villain and child hero#villain and child sidekick#evil hero#whump writing#I am terrible at grammar feel free to point out any mistakes I made (also I sincerely apologise lol)#whump#villain x sidekick#hero x villain#caretaker#caretaker villain#idk what else to tag#idk what im doing#in case anyone was wondering the headcanon was about teddy tonks sneaking into headmistress mcginagalks office to look at memories#of his parents in the pensieve
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VILLAIN won by Hero's friend as a prize at a poker game part 2
TW: tortured, suffered, abuse, captivity whump, rescue, recovery
"Good. I'll help you heal up, and in return you will share with me any intel I ask for, whether it be on you or New Villain. Deal?" Hero asked firmly. She had to know if Villain was truly committed.
Villain hesitated for a beat, before nodding weakly, his tired eyes sliding shut as he finally lost the battle to stay awake, slipping silently into unconsciousness.
Hero snapped on some gloves and brought out a suture kit, getting to work stitching up the deeper wounds and treating them with utmost care. It would certainly be a long road to recovery, but it helped that Villain had slight regenerative abilities, which allowed him to heal twice as fast as normal. But the more injuries he had, the slower the healing process would go.
It took awhile, but eventually Hero had dressed and patched every wound. There were so many, that Villain almost looked like a mummy, covered in so much gauze.
Then Hero left him to rest, returning the next day with a warm meal. Gosh, it looked like Villain hadn't had a decent meal in weeks. Villain was awake when she arrived, and he gratefully accepted the food, wolfing it hungrily down. It gave strength to his maimed form.
"...Do you remember anything about who did this to you? What they looked like?" Hero asked when he was finished.
Villain eyed her warily before answering. "Not much... They were wearing a black and red mask that hid their face when they attacked me. They took me by surprise, snatching me when I was in an alleyway with two of my henchmen. They killed them, and took me alive for their cruel games." He shuddered uneasily, hand subconsciously moving to cover the worst injury in his side.
Hero nodded thoughtfully. "The alley on 23rd street?" She clarified.
Villain's eyes widened. "What makes you think that--"
"--I've been keeping tabs on you longer than you realize," She cut him off, offering a crooked smile. "I know all your routes." She stood up from where she was sitting at bedside.
"I'm going to scout that area, see if I can find any clues about this New Villain. I'll be back later to check on you. Let you know if I find anything." She turned to leave, when Villain's hoarse voice stopped her.
"Wait! You can't go by yourself!" He coughed weakly. "You cannot underestimate this opponent under any circumstance." His eyes were wide and... surprisingly worried for his new ally.
"I'll be careful," Hero tossed over her shoulder. "I know how to stay unseen." And then she was gone.
((((I'm just going to write a summary for what happens next since I ran into a little writer's block for the middle section. I'll skip that section and jump into the next piece I wrote. Summary: Hero reached the alley and could see the weeks-old damage, signs of a fierce struggle, as well as old dried blood. She also found a small piece of red cloth from New Villain's suit that she brought back for testing, discovering that it was a strong, almost bulletproof material. She shared the findings with Villain, and decided to wait until he was fully healed before trying to track down New Villain, so that she could bring Villain as backup. Villain's power was super strength, and Hero's was ice.
This next part takes place after two weeks of searching, when they finally locate New Villain's lair and barge in to ambush New Villain and bring him down. But it turns out to be a trap, although Hero realizes it in time and dodges it, letting her anger get the better of her as she loses control of herself in rage.))))
**CONTINUED---Hero was enraged at being caught off guard. New Villain was more clever than she anticipated, standing at the front of the room looking all smug. When she avoided the trap, New Villain gave a bored eye roll, flicking a hand at his henchmen.
"Kill them," he ordered, and turned his back, unhurried as he started to leave the scene. At least a dozen of his men came charging forward with blades and guns to attack Hero and Villain.
"Think you can handle the goons?" Hero called. Villain nodded and stepped forward, cracking his knuckles loudly with a wolfish grin. "As you wish, miss," he chuckled teasingly. Then he was a hurricane of brute force, tearing into New Villain's henchmen with a controlled rage, landing blows and tossing them around with ease as though they were no more than paper dolls. It cleared the way for Hero to make her move, leaving him to deal with the men while she chased down New Villain, quickly catching up to him before he could make his escape.
"YOU!" She roared angrily.
New Villain turned to face her with a polished smile and a raised eyebrow, unconcerned by the threat she posed. "Yes?" He asked politely, all the more lethal for it.
"You're a dead man!" Hero snarled, and rushed forward to attack... when a blinding pain smashed into her side, a charge of pure electricity hitting her in the shoulder, shocking every last nerve all at once. She fell to the floor with a sharp cry of pain, white-hot agony ripping through her whole body. The pain intensified with each passing second for what seemed like forever before it sharply ended, leaving her head buzzing and muscles acting terribly. She let out a groan and rolled her head to the side to see one of New Villain's henchmen standing close by, with an electric pulse gun leveled at her.
"Thank you kindly. Now, if you would please dispose of the unwelcome intruder, it has taken up enough of my precious time." New Villain's lip curled with disgust as he looked at Hero.
The henchman stepped forward, switching the electric gun out for one with real bullets. Hero's eyes widened and she struggled to her feet, but wasn't quite fast enough to avoid it. A bullet tore through her stomach, stealing a pained hiss from her as it tore through her, leaving a fierce burning pain in its wake, while another blasted into her shoulder. But she didn't give the man a chance to let off a third shot. She used her ice powers and swept a hand toward the henchman, a powerful blast of ice leaving her fingers that smashed into the man's chest, solidifying into a cocoon of solid ice that trapped him in place.
"No one else to hide behind now," Hero panted, swiveling around to face New Villain again, radiating deadly, barely-leashed fury.
New Villain glanced at his incapacitated goon with a flicker of genuine surprise, eyes widening with dawning realization. He went for his own gun but between one heartbeat and the next Hero was onto him, driving a fist into gut hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs.
He stumbled backward with a broken wheeze, but Hero didn't give him a chance to recover. She snatched the wrist of the hand holding the gun and squeezed hard, until she heard several bones snap, making the gun clatter to the floor.
New Villain screamed in pain and tried to wrench his hand away, clawing futilely at her arm in a vain effort to get her to let go, but she only held on tighter, pulling him close, a dark, predatory grin spreading across her face. Colder than permafrost.
"Game. Over," she hissed dangerously, and drew her dagger from her belt, plunging it deep into his leg hard enough that it punched clean through, making New Villain shriek in agony as she yanked it back out. Then she sliced gashes across each of his ribs, taking her time and drawing out the pain, ignoring how New Villain eventually begged her to stop.
She was losing control, anger and bloodlust taking over as she reverted back to her old ways. The dark side she had long since suppressed came surging forth with vigor, and she gave into it, relished it, the heady flood of power she felt. She let the darkness out to play. She slashed mercilessly at New Villain, who tried to block whatever blows he could see coming, which wasn't much as she struck fast and hard repeatedly.
"Doesn't feel very nice, does it?!" Hero barked, and smashed the hilt of her dagger into his jaw hard enough that his head snapped back from the force of it, and he fell to the floor. "All those people you tortured... this is the price you pay for it."
"I'm... I'm sorry--" New Villain tried to apologize, desperately hoping to appease her wrath, but broke off into violent coughing as Hero kicked him hard in the gut, cracking several ribs.
"S-Stop... Please..." He choked out, his voice leaving him in a gurgle as blood filled his mouth from where she'd smashed some of his teeth in.
New Villian curled in on himself with a groan, shuddering. Hero reached down and grabbed him, hoisting him up into the air by the front of his suit, before punching her blade through his side, stealing another hoarse scream from his raw throat.
"You don't deserve such mercy," she snarled viciously, and pounded on his already badly bruised ribs.
New Villain's head weakly lolled forward as strained breaths wheezed in and out of blood-filled lungs, starting to drift into unconsciousness from the shock of the extensive injuries.
Hero pulled her arm back, about to crush his face in a final blow, when a strong hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She turned with an angry growl to see Villain standing there, face tightened grimly, casting her a knowing look.
"Don't do this... once you cross this line, there's no coming back," he said. "You worked so hard to become Hero, don't ruin your new life. I've been where you are, remember? But you showed me a better way. Don't let (Hero's old Supervillain name) win. You're better than this." He reasoned softly with her, averting his gaze from the ruined face of the broken person she was holding, focusing on Hero alone.
"We'll turn New Villain into the authorities... bring him to justice the right way. You don't have to be a killer again." He let go of her wrist. "Take a moment to breathe, pull yourself together again. Then we can turn him in. All right?" Villain offered a reassuring smile that instantly fell away at the terrifyingly vacant expression on Hero's frozen face.
"Hero...?" He said in confusion.
"No..." Hero growled coldly. "Death... is the only answer." Something dark and cruel twisted her face, and without breaking eye contact with Villain, she took her dagger with her free hand and slashed it across New Villain's throat in an arterial spray of blood, before dropping him to the floor.
Villain couldn't help a horrified gasp, eyes landing on New Villain as he twitched weakly on the floor, choking on the blood that filled his mouth and flooded freely out his neck and pooled beneath him. New Villain's struggles quickly faded as he bled out, until he finally went limp after one final shudder, dead.
Villain pried his horrified gaze away to look at Hero, who wore a horribly impassive expression on her face, devoid of anything but cruel intent.
"Turns out, (old Supervillain name) was the one strong enough to do what needed to be done," Hero said icily with a dry laugh, turning toward the exit. "Get in the way of my goals again, and you'll end up the same," she added viciously, delivering a deadly warning.
Villain's stomach churned with dread, and a terrifying realization dawned on him. He remembered what it had been like when (Hero's old Supervillain name) had ruled the city, all the innocent lives they had taken, the destruction and chaos they had caused. It had been a bloodbath, the city streets flooded red from unchecked violence.
And now that Hero was reverting back to her old ways... Villain couldn't let that happen. Hero had given him a taste of a better life, fixed his moral compass, and so his intention was only in the best interest of the city when he took up the fallen gun in a trembling hand, leveling it at Hero's back. Because Hero was right... Death... was the only answer...
Villain pulled the trigger and fired three rounds with deadly accuracy. Hero dropped to the floor with an angry shout, and he walked over to her as she rolled onto her back to glare at him.
"What are you... doing?" She hissed through gritted teeth.
"...What needs to be done to save the city," Villain answered, voice cracking helplessly.
"I'll... kill you... for this..." Hero snarled angrily.
Villain only looked down at her with great sadness, knowing she was too far gone to be saved. (Supervillain name) was taking over her conscience more with each passing second.
"...I know you will," Villain whispered. "Which is why I can't give you a chance to." Then he pointed the gun straight at the left side of her chest, and fired another bullet straight through her heart, a quick kill. A merciful death. Hero jerked once before falling still, and Villain let out a shaky breath. It was over. The city had been saved... but at what cost?
Villain soon became the city's new hero, its protector, but every day he knew in his heart that Hero was the only reason for the good inside him. He'd never forget what she did for him.
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#whump list#whump inspiration#whump#whumplr#whumper and whumpee#whumpee#whumper#cruel whumper#whump writing#writing#writing prompt#hero x supervillain#hero and villain#hero x villain#evil hero#fantasy#fiction#caretaker#whump fic#writers on tumblr#villain#whump prompt#villain whumpee#tw violence#tw blood#trauma#whumpblr#whump community#villain whump#hero whumpee
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Finally! I have a continuation of the Villain/Photographer prompt!
Villain and Photographer Part ii
I hope you all like it!
Photographer sat in their living room, looking out at the rain as it aggressively streaked down their window. The light sounds of vintage music from the ‘30s and ‘40s echoed from their kitchen, but it didn’t give them the comfort and focus it usually did. Not with them in the kitchen. Cooking like it was a normal Wednesday evening. Asking Photographer what they preferred, carrots or peas? Potatoes or noodles? Every now and then Photographer would ask that they go out and get something from the Thai place or sub shop, just to see their unwelcome guest’s reaction…
Photographer learned early on that such suggestions were not appreciated.
So here they were, looking out their own window, sitting on their own couch, getting ready to eat their own food…all while a prisoner in their own home.
“I added a little paprika to the stew, hope you don’t mind, I like a little kick to my food.”
Photographer worked hard not to flinch at the voice as it entered their space. They tried their best everyday not to show any semblance of emotion towards Hero, no matter how long they kept them here, no matter how much they threatened them. Photographer wondered how long they could keep doing it.
“You like a little kick to a lot of things,” Photographer replied. Like thugs, ruffians, Villain…and most recently, Photographer’s stomach.
Hero let out a long sigh, as if dealing with an impudent child.
“You know,” Hero said sweetly, “We could stop this whole dog and pony show if you would just agree to my terms…and tell me where the film is. Honestly, I can’t see why you’re being so stubborn. It’s not like anyone even supports you on this.”
Photographer didn’t look away from the window. It was true, no one supported them on this. Hero already had Reporter and Editor in their pocket…Photographer was the last piece of the puzzle to control everything in the popular news agency. Everyone in the city trusted their agency to be the one to tell the truth, that was the whole reason Photographer had started it with their friends in the first place. It seemed Photographer was the last to hold out.
Hero walked closer to them, leaning over their head and looking at both of their reflections in the window. They spoke close to Photographer's ear.
“What are you even doing this for? Pride? Stubbornness? Some silly inclination that you’ll be the triumphant whistle blower of a whole conspiracy? Please, no one really cares what the truth is anymore. They never did…”
They gripped Photographer’s shoulders painfully, “Or maybe you think you can win?” They shook Photographer, their head almost hitting the glass of the window.
“You can’t win…just give me the film and do your job as I say and your freedom will be restored to you.”
You liar, thought Photographer. If I agree, my freedom will never be restored…not truly. They chose to remain silent. Closing their eyes so as not to see their reflection so close to Hero’s in the window.
“Dammit Photographer!” Hissed Hero, their grip relentless. Photographer flinched at the tone. “You know what I’ll have to do if you don’t relent soon! You think I want that? Think about all we’ve been through! Why would you make me do that?”
Instinctively Photographer tensed up, sensing what was coming next from Hero. This had become their normal nightly routine in the last two weeks. It always ended with Photographer in pain on the floor.
Knock, knock, knock. They both swiveled their heads towards the apartment door.
Hero abruptly let go of Photographer and took a step back.
“You know the drill,” Hero said to them. “I’ll be in the kitchen finishing dinner. Get rid of whoever it is quickly. If not,” Hero gave a sinister smile, “you know what happens to them.”
Photographer only nodded. So far they had been good enough at lying to dissuade anyone from wanting to come into the apartment, but they knew if they messed up even once Hero would make good on their threat. They would probably even enjoy it.
Hero walked into the kitchen and Photographer heard the music being turned down.
With a fake steady step Photographer walked over and looked through the peephole.
Holy shit! It was Villain!
At first Villain had been worried that no one was home. Maybe Photographer moved? Went on an extended vacation and that was why they hadn’t been on the job in a while? Maybe took a job with someone else for a while just to avoid the politics of this city for a bit? But that thought soon fled their mind as they heard music from within the apartment on their approach. Old vintage…yeah, that seemed like Photographer’s style.
The music abruptly went down after they knocked. Villain waited for someone to answer.
They heard a small gasp on the other side of the door. Then the sound of a chain lock being removed.
Their heart jumped into their throat. What if Photographer told them to sod off? That they were the villain everyone saw them as? What if this was the wrong apartment?
The door flew open.
Photographer stood there. One hand on the door handle, the other clenched in a fist in front of them. They looked…god, they looked terrible.
Photographer’s eyes were sunken, dark circles outlining them and emphasizing emotion that Photographer was usually able to put away during a job. They stood slightly hunched, like their ribs were bothering them, and rather than stay in a fist, their fingers were moving and twitching like crazy.
My god, what happened to you? Villain wanted to shout. Instead they waited for Photographer to say something.
“Why are you here?” Photographer said in a calm and confident voice which did not match their appearance.
“I…” Villain took a breath. “You haven’t been underfoot taking pictures lately.”
Photographer’s hand made another movement and their fingers snapped impatiently.
“Perhaps because there’s nothing worth taking pictures of. The last time seemed information enough for the public.”
Villain felt their anger rise.
“And you just take it at face value then? I thought you were better than that.”
Photographer’s hand made flippant gesture. The other still on the door handle.
“Face value is my trade, in case you didn’t notice. Perhaps you should be talking to Reporter about this and not darkening my doorstep with your schemes.”
“As if…” Villain trailed off. Photographer was twitching their hand so badly now it was hard not to take notice.
“Well excuse me for living,” Villain finished.
It was taking a moment. The other hand was still on the door handle so they could only do one letter at a time along with simple gestures.
“You’re excused. And while you’re at it, please inform whoever gave you my address that despite my love for putting images in the public eye, I myself enjoy privacy so if they could refrain from sending anyone else here…” Photographer kept signing as they spoke.
Trapped…Hero here…trapped…can’t leave…please
“I will. Can’t say I’m surprised…You’re all the same in the end,” Villain said it with disgust as they avidly watched Photographer’s hand.
Have film…hide film…Hero want
“Well, news is news. Whatever gets readers is all I care about,” Photographer flipped their hair out of their eyes. Villain saw a deep bruise on their neck. If they weren’t so focused on Photographer’s signing, they would have been overcome with rage.
Hero was so going to die for this.
Know truth…no trust…alone…alone…trapped…please
Villain nodded that they understood the message as they said, “Then I guess I’m done here. No more excuses now you know. I’m not going to avoid you when I let off an attack or let you take as many photos as you want…no more telling the other villains to leave off. You’re on your own now.”
If it wasn’t for the reassuring look on their face as they said it, Villain was sure these words would have broken Photographer who looked so close to collapsing under some unseen pressure.
“Fine. Goodbye.”
Photographer swung the door closed, but not before seeing Villain sign back.
You’re not alone.
#villains and heroes#writers#creative writing#writing community#writing promt#character creation#creadigol#heros and villains#original writing#dialogue prompt#villain#civilian x villain#photographer#intimidation#truth#bad hero#evil hero#protagonist x antagonist#protagonist#whump prompt#protection#protective#will continue if requested#whump community#whump#whump writing#writeblr
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What is your flame wingman, infernal wing, Phoenix enforcer lore. My guess is siblings
Inferno Wing is just Flame wingman after her transition (to female and to evil), Pheonix enforcer is her brother and just supports women rights and women wrongs
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Evil HERO Malicious Bane
#Evil HERO Malicious Bane#yugioh#ygo#Evil HERO#HERO#Fiend#DARK#Fusion Monster#So psyched for the new Evil HERO support
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Hey would you ever consider writing a second part to heroic betrayal? I absolutely loveeddd that snippet I keep re-reading it I adore heroes turned villains!
Heroic Betrayal: part two
Yes of course!! I actually forgot about this prompt but i loved writing the second part so expect more soon!!
Continued from this:
Hero stared at them; mouth open in silent confusion. Which all ended when they felt cold metal press against the back of their skull. Flynn beamed at someone behind Hero, then fixed his smug gaze on Hero’s eyes.
“You won’t because you’re coming with us.”
“Don’t move,” came Villain’s voice over Hero’s shoulder. Hero lifted their head slightly, only to have the barrel press into their head and push it down again to face Flynn. “I will shoot you. Give him your handcuffs.”
Hero glared down at Flynn who looked entirely too pleased with himself. The barrel pressed Hero’s head down further impatiently.
Still Hero didn’t move. They didn’t know what to do but they knew they couldn’t just stay frozen like this forever. It was so hard to think with their heart beating fast against their chest. They needed to do something.
Flynn was a villain…
Forget it. Focus.
Flynn moved below Hero drawing them out of their trance. Flynn removed his hands from behind his head, reaching up to Hero’s waist and slid his hands to Hero’s back, unclipping the power dampening cuffs from their belt. He opened them with an easy flourish of his wrist.
Hero dodged to the right, one foot on the ground while they rounded their other foot out to Villain’s hand kicking the gun out of it. They followed the movement through, their second foot landing on the ground behind them so they stood with their knees slightly bent. Hero pressed their heels down into the dirt and lunged for Villain, catching them around the waist and they went rolling. Hero threw a punch once they stopped, but Villain caught it and clamped their fingers down on Hero’s fist, not letting go.
The corner of Villain’s lips quipped into a smile before shadows engulfed Hero's fist like a glove, and Villain squeezed Hero’s fist crushing it with their shadows. Hero cried out, ripping themselves away and stomping a heavy boot down on Villain’s armpit. Villain let go with a grunt, and Hero fell backwards, catching themself before they hit the ground. Hero stepped back, their shoulder hitting a tree, as they cradled their fist against their chest.
From Hero’s position they could see Flynn who was now standing, smiling, holding Hero’s handcuffs in their hand like it was a sure thing, like they weren’t afraid of Hero getting away from them. It made Hero’s skin crawl and blood boil at the same time.
How could he just stand there and be so nonchalant about being a villain. How did hero never notice? Never see! They were such an idiot.
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” Flynn said as Villain got to their feet. Hero had to fight. They had to.
Hero stood up straighter, shaking out their wrist before reaching one hand behind their back, the other over their shoulder and drew their long, curved daggers from their sheaths. The black blades glinted beautifully up at Hero, an extension of their arm and the world seemed to right itself once more. The familiar click of their power humming once their blades settled comfortably in their palm.
Hero set their jaw, glaring at Flynn, and said: “go fuck yourself.”
Villain rolled their eyes, reaching down to pick up their gun. “I told you they’re more trouble than they’re worth,” said Villain, tone bored.
Flynn’s head tilted to the side. “I know, but aren’t they just adorable?”
Hero lunged for Flynn, and Flynn ducked out of the way. Hero manoeuvred back easily, shooting their right up in a feint, Flynn dodged to the left and Hero grinned as they got the blade of their left under Flynn’s throat.
“Hero…” Flynn said with their beautiful voice and Hero could feel the edges of their vision blur. They shook their head quickly, shoving Flynn away. “Stop fighting us, Hero. Come willingly.”
Hero stopped, feeling weak, their guard lowering just a smidge. The compulsion moving through their mind like molasses, making them sluggish. Hero bit down hard on the inside of their cheek, drawing blood and the taste of iron sharpened them again.
They drew their daggers up.
Only one blade raised. Hero frowned, their head turning slowly down to their side to see a glove of shadows enshrouding their arm up to the middle of their forearm.
The shadows pulsed darkly and squeezed around Hero’s wrist until they let out a sudden painfilled cry. Hero reached over trying to claw the shadows away with their free hand, but their hand went straight through the shadows to their arm. The shadows intangible. To Hero’s horror when they pulled their hand away the shadows had wrapped around both.
Hero had barely a second to register it before the shadows pulsed again, a deep all-encompassing black and the pain intensified tenfold. The shadows were so cold, too cold and empty but they burned, as if Hero was submerged in the Arctic ocean. It felt like the shadows were burning cold under Hero's skin. Ice raced through their veins as white flashed behind Hero’s eyes, and they were screaming the only thing that seemed to bring any heat back into their body. Hero didn't even notice that they dropped their precious daggers beside them.
Every muscle in their body seized up with the blinding pain as Hero fell to their knees, gasping in shaky breaths as the excruciating pain ebbed into a sickening cold that left Hero shivering. Tears they didn't know had fallen turning cold on their cheeks. Hero was exhausted, even breathing was too much effort: their breath dredged up from their lungs, Hero heaving in heavy air. Even the darkness seemed too bright all of a sudden.
A pair of boots advanced before them, a hand went under their chin tilting their Head up to see Flynn standing above them, regarding them with a mimicry of pity. “I told you to come the easy way, Hero,” he said.
The cuffs of shadow raised Hero’s wrists to meet Flynn’s hands and he locked the cuffs down snug against Hero’s wrists. Hero felt the familiar sizzling of power beneath their veins fade and become nothing but a knowing ache, like there was something missing that is supposed to be there. Powerless. Hero barely had it in them to care, mind still hazy from the pain as the shadows dissipated under the cuffs.
Flynn reached down, scooping up Hero’s daggers and sheathed them behind Hero’s back. The action alone made Hero want to sob, the cruelty of having the opportunity to fight back so close and not being able to reach it.
“Let’s not dally any longer, Flynn. We don’t know if they called for reinforcements.”
“Don’t worry,” said Flynn, looking down at Hero with a fond smile. He tucked a stray piece of hair behind Hero’s ear as he said: “they didn’t.”
Hero shivered at their easy confidence. Hero knew Flynn and Flynn knew Hero, inside and out, they were partners... Flynn put their hands under Hero’s elbow and started guiding them up, but Hero pulled away. “Get away from me,” Hero spat, venom lilting every syllable.
The shadows reappeared at Hero’s arms, and they glared up at Villain, though they thought they were going to have a heart attack at the simple threat.
“He likes you. He wants you. He is the only thing keeping me from unleashing the shadows to wrangle some more of your pretty little tears, and cute little screams from your lips. So, if I were you, I’d listen to him and stand the fuck up, Hero.”
Hero glared at Villain, then looked down to the shadow still clinging threateningly to their arms and sucked in a sharp breath. When Flynn offered to help them up again, this time Hero let them. Hero felt bile rise in their throat when Flynn touched them, but they sucked it up for the moment. It was better than having Villain’s shadows torture them.
“There you go, Hero. See how nice it can be when we’re civil? Trust me, we’ll have fun together,” Flynn said, disgustingly chipper. “The three amigos!”
The cold air bit into Hero’s skin as they walked through the woods, Flynn walking beside them and Villain striding ahead, alert, and ready. Their muscles still shaking after the unnatural use of Villain's shadows on them.
“How long?” Hero croaked. They didn’t mean for it to come out as broken as it did; like they were a wounded dog, a stupid puppy who got kicked and kept coming back for more.
Flynn was gentle as they said: “as long as we’ve been friends, if that’s what you mean. Longer, before I even joined the academy. I guess I’ve always been a Villain, the rouse was the hero business.”
“We met at the academy. When you told me that you wanted to help people from the dregs—”
“I do,” said Flynn sincerely, and it sounded so convincing. “I just don’t think being a Hero will let me do it. Supervillain—”
“Terrorises the city!” Hero bit out. Flynn just sighed.
“Well, you’ll understand when you meet them.”
Hero’s blood ran cold, their feet slowing to a stop. Flynn glanced at Villain’s back, then stepped in front of Hero, their once kind eyes that were so reassuring now only served to terrify Hero, as if they looking into a stranger's. “You’re bringing me to Supervillain?”
“Of course. After I told Supervillain who was single handedly thwarting our every attack, seeing through every diversion…” Flynn said with a coy smile, eyes flashing with something Hero had never seen in them before. Flynn’s voice dipped as they said, “well let’s just say they were intrigued.”
Hero’s blood was pumping in their ears as they swallowed the lump in the throat, forcing themselves to speak, not to cry. Don’t cry.
“You… you were always with me… following my lead. I thought you trusted me. I thought— but after,” Hero’s eyes hardened as they shoved Flynn in the chest, pushing them back a step. “All this time you were just keeping an eye on me! You fucking— you knew Sidekick was—”
Hero’s eyes widened then, and stomach turned as the realisation set in. “You… you…” Hero began, their heart racing. Flynn tilted his head at Hero, something indifferent falling over his features. A look Hero had never seen before. Hero swallowed and began again, voice coming out far too quiet. “You went with Sidekick… they didn’t meet Other Villain at all, did they?”
Flynn’s intelligent eyes turned cruel, drawing a sadistic smile onto his face. He reached up and grabbed Hero’s chin between his index finger and thumb, pinching it. He didn’t let Hero escape as they tried to move their head back, he just tightened his grip until it turned painful. Hero reached up again to shove Flynn back, but Flynn caught their arm and held them down, as if Hero's struggles were non-existent.
“See what I mean, Hero? So intelligent. So clever. Supervillain will love you.”
Flynn grabbed Hero’s elbow again. This time his grip was harsh and tight as he dragged Hero along with him to catch up with Villain, and Hero didn't bother to waste their energy struggling anymore. They had to relax and save their energy for the right moment.
Continued Here
#writblr#hero villain writing#hero villain snippet#hero villain story#hero#villain#writing#heroic betrayal#hero turned villain#betrayal#manipulation#supervillain#heroes and villains#hero and villain#hero x villain#villain x hero#super powers#memory power#superpowers#angst my beloved#creative writing#whump writing#hero whump#hero whumpee#bad hero#good hero#evil hero#the angst#hero angst#orphan writing
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Short Prompt #1281
CW: violence, implied character death.
"Thought you could cheat your way to the top, did you?" the supervillain crooned, kicking their downed enemy further along the road. The hero groaned in pain but did nothing else, too injured and exhausted to move.
The criminal planted a boot atop the other's ribcage, cracking their bones further. They snarled, "Did you think no one would figure out your little secret? Superhero had been mine to defeat, but you just couldn't help yourself, could you?
"The title of Number One was just too enticing."
Citizens watched from the safety of their homes and nearby stores as Supervillain grabbed Hero by the hair and held them at eye level. "Superhero had been perfect; a true hero," their glare narrowed further, "unlike you."
Carelessly throwing them back down, Supervillain sauntered away, barking orders at their henchmen. "Bring the scum back to base. I'm not done with them yet."
#writeblr#writing#short prompt#writing prompt#hero x villain#hero x villain community#evil hero#smuwfy#some messed up writing for you#tw: violence#tw: character death
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You are an ancient, sentient cursed sword known for corrupting even the most valiant and well-intentioned of heroes. However, you cannot corrupt the most recent hero whose hands you have fallen into - not because of their purity of heart, but because of their incorruptible cynicism.
Prompt courtesy of @writing-prompt-s
The Wielder was silent - too silent - during the planning meeting. So Gleamsteel held its thoughts to itself too, and was not surprised at the council's close when the Wielder walked off not to dinner at the campfire but to an empty grove where they drew Gleamsteel and opened their mind willingly.
I need your help, the Wielder thought, stepping smoothly through the first practice sequence. We can break through the tower defense, but once we do there's no way we can stop the sorcerer's ritual and save the princess. Am I wrong?
Gleamsteel thrummed. It's a one in a million shot... it ventured.
The Wielder didn't laugh out loud, but Gleamsteel could hear the tired scoff down their mystical connection. That's what I thought. Okay. They shifted into the second form. Okay. The princess has to die, and it has to look unequivocally like the sorcerer's fault.
Holy shit, Gleamsteel articulated before it could stop itself.
This time the Wielder did sigh out loud. It's not personal. I feel bad for her. I'd save her if we could. But she's just one person, and if that ritual goes off everyone in seven leagues dies. They cut downwards with extra venom. That's not a balanced risk, not for someone just because they have sentimental, maybe symbolic value to the king.
Hm. Gleamsteel pushed its tendrils towards that disgust. Such a selfish order, to put countless other sons and daughters at risk to save his own -
Knock it off. The Wielder straightened out of their form, swishing Gleamsteel's tip down into the dry dust. I told you I don't want to be king and I don't want to be a king maker. Stop with the creepy whispers or it's right into the bin with you when this is down.
Then what do you want?, Gleamsteel snapped. You don't want fame -
Crowd loves to see yesterday's hero fall, the Wielder said, spinning the sword in their hand and slicing through a theoretical foe.
You don't want power -
Ugh. What would I do with it? Make things worse?
You want wealth? Riches?
The Wielder ended the sequence not with a flourish, but with a perfectly controlled thrust. You know my terms. I want my due, and I want to walk away alive. You help me and I'll help you get into the hands of someone more, ah, amenable. Isn't that what you want?
Gleamsteel simmered with rage. How are you... Why won't you let me help you? You must want something!
Momma always said look out for them insisting on giving you something for free. The Wielder stuck Gleamsteel into the soft grass under an oak tree, picked up their flask of water and drank deeply. 'Cause that only means they're hiding the cost until its too late.
If Gleamsteel had lungs and teeth it would've snarled.
Stay focused here. The Wielder crouched beside the blade. Tower. Defense. Princess. Ritual.
"Chosen One?" Came an uncertain voice. "You all right?"
The Wielder stood swiftly, seized their sword and sheathed it, giving a reassuring nod to their companion. "Clearing my head. Big day tomorrow, eh?"
"Indeed," the companion said, clearly relieved to be in the Wielder's presence. But Gleamsteel felt their eyes cut to the hilt, felt the threads of doubt and the hunger to be chosen themselves...
That one, Gleamsteel whispered to the Wielder. I'll get you through tomorrow and you'll give me to this one as my next Wielder.
Done, the Wielder said immediately and clapped their friend on the shoulder to go with them to dinner.
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No. 31
“Mercy,” Supervillain hissed, “you want mercy? Every second you breathe is time I’ve given to you. Every moment, every foolish thought, every damn wile and whim you’ve had since you’ve entered my halls has existed due my mercy. And yet you dare ask for it at my feet, as if it hadn’t already been given you, as if it was something you hadn’t already taken for granted.”
“I did it for you!” Hero cried, staggering up from the blood. Superhero’s blood.
Supervillain stopped.
His chest didn’t even rise. He stared down at Hero with a smile. “Of course, you have. Of course, you and I would rule, with the world under our feet, with our opposition beneath the ground. Nothing, I mean nothing, would stop us.”
“Yes, yes,” Hero grinned, stepping in close, “exact-“
“Yes, I would’ve thought that two years ago when we made our little agreement but now,” he leaned down, catching Hero’s chin within the vice of his fingers, “now, I want nothing more than one man and it is his blood that stains your hands.”
“You’re going to throw away everything we worked for? You’re going to waste it all for a hero? For him?”
“Yes.” Supervillain curled his grip, digging into the soft flesh beneath Hero’s chin. “I would.” He forced Hero’s head to the side, toward the window. Red police lights cut through glass and caught the blood flecks high on Hero’s cheekbone.
“No, you can’t.” Hero writhed, but Supervillain’s hold was firm.
“This is mercy, Hero.”
#writeblr#villain#writing prompt#hero#prompt#villain prompt#hero prompt#writing#villain x hero#hero x villain#supervillain#supervillain x superhero#evil hero#hero betrayal
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(My first multi-part thing!!!! Kinda planning on 3 parts, at least, for this one. Might go for 4, not sure, it depends on how the others are written out, and whether y'alls want a happy ending.)
(it's past 11 pm here, so this is rushed. I spent a lot of my free time trying to find an alternative to Google docs. The AI thing creeps me the fuck out. Hope you enjoy anyways!)
Edit: Fixed the links!
Morally Grey Pt. 2
Part 1 Part 3
TW: Non-consensual drugging, kidnapping
Superhero stared dully at the paperwork in front of him. He hadn't ben able to focus on his work since his talk with Villain, and people were noticing. The other heroes kept coming up to him, asking what was going on. Some assumed he'd hit a snag in a case. Others had (correctly) assumed it was a lovers quarrel.
"Which means more to you - the city or me?"
"I can't take it anymore!"
"You better figure out which one is more important for you to keep, before I'm gone forever."
Villains words rang in his head. They swirled, hitting on different points, and reminding him of the choice he had to make. A choice he didn't want to make. He wanted to continue to have both - Villain and the hero life. But he knew that his Villain would never let him do that.
"Everything ok, Superhero?" He jumped as Secretary walked in.
"Everything is fine, Secretary." Superhero answered, shifting some paperwork on his desk. "Do you need something?"
Secretary smiled. "Some people might believe you when you say that," She sat down on the edge of the desk. "I am not one of those people." She took the papers and organized them. "What's going on.
Superhero sighed. "I... I'm having a problem with a lover." He admitted. "He's saying if I don't leave the hero business, then he'll leave me. I don't want to lose the man I love, but I also love my job." He buried his face in his hands. "I don't know what to do."
"This partner." Secretary said slowly. "Are they directly affected by your career?"
"I-I feel that answering that question will lead to questions I cannot answer." Superhero said, to protect Villain from the public.
"Then I suggest doing what you need to do to make you happy." Secretary said. "Consider this choice a fork in the road of your life. You need to decide which path to take, and what your future will look like from this point on."
Superhero smiled at one of his oldest friends. "Thank you." He said. "I will take your advice to heart."
Secretary smiled. "No problem." They said, standing. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off, and I'll handle this." She gestured to the mess on his desk.
The crime fighter stood. "Thank you, Secretary." He said. "I think I've made my decision now."
"Well, I've still got your workload." Secretary dismissed them. "Bye!"
Superhero left, a plan forming in his mind.
Villain climbed into the warehouse the same way that he got in last time - through a fucking window. Once inside, he crept along, prepared for anything. Superhero had asked Villain to meet him here, claiming he'd made his decision.
Villain hoped that the decision in question didn't shatter him like glass.
"Villain!" Superhero cried in excitement when he rounded the corner. "You're here!"
"Barely." Villain muttered.
"I brought food!" Superhero gestured to the spread laid out on a blanket.
Villain grinned. "Why didn't you say so?" He sat down and picked up a cracker. "So what did you want to talk about?" Villain asked, mouth full of crackers.
Superhero joined him on the blanket, and poured his boyfriend a glass of wine. "So, I was thinking about what you said the other day." He said, psyching himself up for some big speech. "I love you." He continued as Villain drank some of the wine. "You're my everything. I can't live without you."
Villain nods, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Yeah? And?"
Superhero took a deep breath. "But I can't leave my team. I've put too much work into them."
Villain froze. "So you're choosing your team." He said flatly. "I-I should have known." He laughed bitterly.
Superhero reached out, but Villain stood up. "No, I'm done." He walked off, prepared to leave and never come back.
Only to stumble as the world tilted sideways. Arms wrapped around him as he tumbled. "Easy there, sweetheart." Superhero soothed. "Maybe I went too hard on the drug."
"D-drug?" Villain tried and failed to sit up, collapsing limply into his lover's lap. "What drug?" A chill went down his spine. "What did you do to me?"
"Oh, it's a simple thing." Superhero said, scooping Villain up into his arms. "I dosed the wine with it, and you're helpless. You'll black out any minute now."
"S-stop." Villain tried to shove Superhero's arms away. "Don't touch me." He was slurring now. He didn't have long.
Superhero laughed. "Did you honestly think I'd let you walk away from me?" He leaned down and kissed Villain's cheek. "You're mine, and I will never let you go." Superhero smiled. "Goodnight sweetheart."
Villains whole world went dark.
#possessive hero#evil hero#hero x villain#hero x villain community#evil superhero#kidnapped villain#superhero x villain#writing#creative writing
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Round 1f, Match 3: Evil HERO vs. Topologic vs. Qliphort!
Evil HERO Adusted Gold // Topologic Bomber Dragon // Apoqliphort Towers
#yugioh#yu gi oh#yugioh!#yu gi oh!#yugioh archetype tournament#tumblr tournament#bracket#yugioh tcg#Evil HERO#Topologic#Qliphort
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