All things Steddie
908 posts
Reblogging, liking, and writing all things, Steddie! header by the amazing @inklessletter
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aliea82 · 10 months ago
Why people get so hung up on "canon compliance" with fanfic I will never understand. The whole point of fanfic is "what if...?"
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aliea82 · 10 months ago
My other account dedicated to Stray kids, wanted to share here as well xx
There is a scene in Lonely St that tickled my brain and I wanted to extend upon it.
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Hope this makes sense.
Waking in an unknown space was not unusual, in fact it was becoming a daily occurrence.
But this, this was different.
He was cold.
Very cold.
Oh, and he was basically in a box.
Since waking he had touched every part of the four-by-four prison he found himself in. The walls were glass, frosted but not fully, he could just see through and make out the space beyond the prison.
Light came from far above, the walls extending high up, far too high for him to even attempt to climb. The source of the light was hard to make out, it was too bright for him to look at for long.
So he spent his time looking out, trying to see beyond, trying to find a way out, wondering if he was going to be alone the whole time or if someone would come.
Someone always came.
One of them.
It was just a matter of who in this world it would be.
Maybe it would be the one he was searching for.
The one jumping right along with him, always ahead, never behind and only sometimes glancing.
But he doubted it because they hadn’t once met again in all the time they had been moving through worlds.
Moving from one wall he ran his hand over the cold glass, looking through, searching for the least frosted part, trying to get a clearer view beyond the box when a shadow fell across the outside and he pulled back startled.
Recovering quickly he moved back, both hands on the glass as he looked through, searching, wishing the wall was clearer to see through.
A flash of blond hair and pale skin and he knew.
Fingers clawed against the glass as a name left his lips.
He followed the other as they moved around the box, fingers against the glass, but not once did he look up at him, as though he couldn’t see in, as though the glass to him wasn’t see through.
Speaking again the name he hardly even dared to think he crouched down to be the same height as the other, the inside of his prison higher than the floor outside of it.
Fingers moved to the exact spot of the others hand and they both stilled as something surged through them both.
Eyes wide he stared at the blond outside his prison.
It was him.
Not another.
Not a clone.
It was really him.
“Lix.” He whispered, his hand fully pushing against the glass now just as Felix did the same, their hands separated by the cold hard prison.
The blonde’s lips moved and he made out his name but there was no sound.
He stared, taking in the other, the blood on his cheek, the bruising, the bandages on his hand.
Who had hurt him?
“Felix.” He says again, louder now as Felix moves from looking at his hand to looking right at him, again the blond lips move saying his name.
“I’m here... it’s me.”
Something suddenly causes Felix to turn, his hand leaving the box.
“No,” he whispered, then, “Felix,” he almost shouts, his hand clenching and hitting the glass hard.
Felix turns back to the box, eyes wide, hand moving to reach back up but he again turns away, obviously hearing something he couldn’t.
“No, no, please, wait.” He does shout this time, again hitting the glass but Felix doesn’t turn back this time, his attention fully on what had caught his attention.
“Felix!” He shouts, fear clawing at his chest as Felix starts to move away.
“!” He now screams as Felix glances back at the box before running.
“No.” He whines, his forehead falling against the glass, tears building as his heart starts to break.
He was so close.
Right there.
This wasn’t fair.
Tears fall as he collapses against the glass, moving to sit in a corner, knees coming up as a sob escapes his lips, his hands covering his face.
He wraps his arms around himself as he let’s himself fall into despair.
This was never going to end, this was going to always be the way.
Chasing him across worlds, always behind, never ahead, and only sometimes glancing.
The light above suddenly starts to dim and he glances up and notes how dark it now looks beyond his prison.
He sighs, understanding why Felix ran.
Jumping worlds hurt.
It wasn’t easy and if he could, he would run too.
But this time he had no choice but to wait as the light above continued to dim until darkness fell fully.
Pain laced through his head, his body tensing as it felt like his cells were ripped apart and he was once again forced to jump to the next world.
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aliea82 · 10 months ago
I do love this! It's always nice waking up to comments from someone, but to have that someone read three different fics in one go is amazing.
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aliea82 · 10 months ago
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⤷ via matt_healy_studio on instagram
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
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s e e i n g d a y l i g h t
When i saw cowboy au, i knew i Had to dive in🔥. ayeayeayes 's new work is Spectacular and i'm so Excited for you all to welcome it!! @subeddieweek
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
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Quick study
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"Sin título-1.psd" is such a mood.
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
This song, Red Lights by Hyunjin and Bang Chan of Stray kids, has me thinking toxic Steddie so bad.
I've not read @azrielgreen and @thorniest-rose Prism for reasons but I've seen enough about it to get an understanding that it is not a great relationship.
Anyways, if there are any other Stays in the Steddie fan base let me know.
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
Anxiety is your body feeling like it wants to rip apart, like it wants to fight for no reason. I have been ready to fight to the death all day and I am exhausted 😩
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
Started to watch KDramas, watched True Beauty (I had read the webtoon ages ago and was stunned to see they had made it into a series, it is so good!) Just finished My love from the Star, I cried a lot! Now watching W, two worlds apart.
Finding that they are helping a lot with recurring depression; because they are subtitled I really have to watch and read, which leaves little room for anything else in my head.
Any recommendations for when I finish W?
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
This Az Verse gift fic is EXQUISITE, please read it!!
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
Never thought I'd be the one that dares to show and deliver some nsfw art but here I am, proving myself wrong yet again.
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aliea82 · 11 months ago
Never thought I'd be the one that dares to show and deliver some nsfw art but here I am, proving myself wrong yet again.
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aliea82 · 1 year ago
Reblogging for science!
What if Eddie’s little speech about getting back with Nancy is interrupted?
Cause seriously, what were the Duffers thinking?????
What If?
“See?” Eddie was saying as Steve kept looking around.
“The only reason I came in here was ‘cause those ladies came in straight after you. Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind.” Eddie touched his arm, stilling him, making him look and he did, looked right into Eddie’s eyes as the other kept talking
“But Wheeler right there, she didn’t waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in.” Eddie looked at him then and paused as he saw Steve staring, he was about to continue when Steve caught movement behind Eddie. Covering Eddie’s mouth he pushed Eddie back against a tree, pressing himself against the other man, his other arm tucking between them to hide the flash light as a Demogorgon appeared a good twenty meters away, its pale body hunched as it sniffed at the ground, it’s weird clicking sound filling the air.
He kept his eyes on the monster as he felt Eddies hands on his hips, fisting the material of the denim vest he was wearing. He could feel Eddies breath on his hand, coming fast and sharp through his nose, but he didn’t dare look at Eddie, too afraid to take his eyes from the monster.
The creature moved around before taking off in the opposite direction.
Sagging, Steve closed his eyes as he lent against Eddies shoulder, taking much needed deep breaths as he had been holding his breath the whole time.
The hand over Eddie’s mouth slowly moved, landing on the other shoulder, while Eddie’s hands unclenched themselves but didn’t move, just stayed, resting on Steve’s hips.
“What was it?” Eddie asked directly into his ear, and Steve shivered, his whole body lighting up at the sound of that voice in his ear, and there was no way Eddie didn’t feel it.
Pulling back, but keeping himself pressed against the other, he looked at Eddie as his breathing returned to normal.
They stared openly, their eyes locked until Steve looked down at Eddie’s lips, lips that parted as Eddie took in a shocked breath. Glancing back up, the hand on Eddie’s shoulder moved, finger grazing over a lightly stubbled chin.
“I don’t want Nancy, I haven’t for years.” He moved his fingers to Eddie’s bottom lip, watching as Eddie’s eyes darkened even more, his pupils impossibly huge.
He could feel his own heart and Eddie's through the hand between them, and he once again looked at Eddie’s lip before back up, questioning.
Eddie barely nodded and Steve kissed him, soft, gentle just lips against lips but it was enough to answer the question he had racing through his head since Eddie pushed him against the boat house, his lips really were as soft as they looked.
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aliea82 · 1 year ago
Wip found in my drafts, not sure if I will keep going with it but thought to share cause why not.
The ballroom is awash with colour, with couples dancing beautifully, with mothers scheming, with men peacocking and lovely ladies awaiting their chance to find a suitable husband.
He loves and despises balls.
He loves the colours, the pomp and ceremony of it all. He loves watching couples slowly coming together, as they flirt and play coy, as others watch on with jealous eyes.
He loves to dance, to take his best friend’s hand and lead her lovingly around the floor, smiling wide as she giggles and act as the perfect lady when they both knew she was far from it, just as he was far from the perfect gentleman.
He loves the way he fools them all, how they both do.
What he hates, is stood talking to a beautiful woman, with warm skin, blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She is stunning, smiling sweetly, hiding herself behind her fan as she giggles, the perfect lady for the man talking to her.
“Miss Christina Cunningham, she is quiet lovely, is she not.” Robin spoke as he spun her gently around the dance floor.
“She is.” Steve agrees, tearing his eyes away from dark curling hair to look back at her, “She is new in town.”
“Yes, staying with her cousins the Wheelers, apparently she is escaping a scandal, but no one is quiet sure what it is.”
Steve smiles as he looks at his friend.
“Always so up to date with the gossip.”
“But of course.” She pulls back as the music comes to an end and curtesy, just as he bows, then instantly offers his arm, instantly warding off gentlemen that started to head towards her, begging a dance.
“You know he has to play his part also.” She whispers as they head off the dance floor.
“Doesn’t make it easy to watch.”
As they walk around, greeting lords and ladies, engaging in small talk, their arms linked, each playing their part also.
It was their cover, their way of hiding in plain sight.
It wasn’t going to last, they both knew it. Steve would eventually have no choice but to make some sort of proposal. They had spoken of getting married, a marriage of convenience.
Steve was the soul heir to the Harrington estate, Robin was the first daughter to the Buckley manor, but her younger brother was heir.
Their marriage would mean they would be free to be themselves, to see who they wished without having to lie.
But Steve held back, he struggled, because he loved already and he wished nothing more than to marry them, if only it was possible.
As they walked, he fought to keep his eyes away, to not look and stare, to not yearn for dark eyes and darker hair.
“Come, let’s get some air.” Robin led him towards the doors leading to the garden.
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aliea82 · 1 year ago
Once again back on my "Please write whatever the fuck you want especially if it's unhinged" bullshit.
I feel like fandom doesn't talk enough about contrast to understand how important it is and how human nature will always inevitably seek it out to some degree. One of the BEST things are a pairing in fandom is that you get to read fic about them in all different ways. From Canon typical meet cutes and happy ending fix its to serial killers AU and dead doves ahoy. Contrast and multifaceted expression is necessary. It will always exist. It needs to. It should. It MUST.
I say this because the suppression of "contrast" (I.e anything the loudest people in fandom don't vibe with) is especially rampant where the pairing becomes an extension OF the people engaging with it. The inability to separate and share space securely without needing to dominate through bullying and harassment is behind so much of what's wrong in fandoms now.
But see, most people don't understand what fucking contrast IS. They can only see someone doing what they are doing: trying to dominate and suppress by asserting superiority, when in fact that's not the case at all.
Contrast is a good thing. A fic that's different and weird and provocative might inspire something new in a reader. Art doesn't only come from happy hyperfixations and an echo chamber of agreement. Salt tastes AMAZING after chocolate. Everyone's tastes can be expressed and contrast is what's responsible for so much of creative expression that we barely realise it. Contrast is Eddie Munson DYING in SE4. Did anyone like it? Fuck no. Did it trigger a mass movement? Hell yes, at least in part. If everything in fandom is "Happy and Safe and Approved By The Self Selected Voices of Fandom TM" then everything will become a replica of everything else. There must always be space for the new, challenging and downright dark explorations because they provide balance, they trigger reactionary imagination, they provide context and critical thought and that's without even touching upon catharsis or human experience in a narrative frame.
Contrast is necessary. Anyone can write ANYTHING. AO3 is an archive, it's for everyone and anyone but not any ONE person to try to control.
No cruelty or discourse will be worth it in 5 years time. Only the art will remain.
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aliea82 · 1 year ago
Share what ever you want, it is what AO3 is for, share them here also. Your work is precious and wanted and I'm sure people will love them xx
Should i write little whips and post them on ao3? I have so many ideas but some are a little dumb and idk if theyll even reach 1k words 😭😭
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aliea82 · 1 year ago
Please write whatever deranged, unhinged, dark, fluffy, obsessive, adorable, never before seen take on a classic, 100 word drabble or a 200k masterpiece you want. Write kink, write coffee shop, write dark stuff, write pure floofy fluff. Monsterfucking, Movie AUs, murder mystery, sex pollen, first time, fuck or die, roommates, mafia boss, breakups, harsh times, there was only one bed, bad relationships, imperfect queer rep, heartwarming found family, bad romance, dead dove cowboys on a ranch, non-con, soul bond, weddings and werewolves ANYTHING!
Don't ever let people tell you otherwise. This is YOUR space too. Contrast is important. Fandom is a tapestry that should NOT only be made up of one uniform colour. It's supposed to be messy.
Please write whatever you have inside you. This is your sign.
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