#Dr Peyton Westlake
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oldmanbracket ¡ 5 days ago
Sexiest Old Man Tournament: Round 2
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Who is hotter?
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nemonoonesuch ¡ 6 days ago
Ergo Proxy References and Parallelisms Vol. III
This post was supposed to be longer, but for "reasons" I guess it will be shorter than expected. My apologies for the rush.
On this Volume:
Train Stations
Navigation Map
City of the Sun
Douglas Coupland
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Darkman (the 1990 superhero-horror film directed by Sam Raimi) belong to different genre, and dwells into different tropes, it was an atmospheric influence for Manglobe and the creators of Ergo Proxy. The idea of the erosion of a main character with an eroded identity lies in the DNA of both stories since Darkman's protagonist, Dr. Peyton Westlake, loses his physical identity after a brutal attack leaves him disfigured. He uses synthetic skin to assume different identities, but his transformation also leads to a psychological struggle with his sense of self.
Proxies as shapeshifters themselves are no strangers to the habit of taking a human appearance to coexists among their creations. Vincent Law is the very well crafted human suit of a meek personality, antipodal to his more insightful but aggressive true nature as Ergo Proxy. Yet, even as a human, Vincent struggles to get to be accepted in Romdeau's Society.
On Meditatio XIV, the Proxy regent of Ophelia used his ability to shapeshift to create multiple identities for himself, and so, blend into society by taken multiple identities.
Not only the uniforms and vehicles, but the weapons of the survivor soldiers at Xharos Dome on Meditatio VIII remind us to the latest installment of Word War in our history.
At a point, a soldier has what is very reminiscent of a Walter P38, a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol that was developed by Carl Walther GmbH as the service pistol of the Wehrmacht at the beginning of World War II.
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Meditatio VIII
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C&S Detective Special 2()19
One of the Weapons that Re-L Mayer uses is a C&S Detective Special 209.
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This Weapon also dubbed as the "Proxy Killer" can be loaded with the FP bullets that have the lethal dosis of Amrita Disablers.
The design and name of this weapon is in homage to Rick Deckard's pistol (the LAPD 2019 Blaster) that was used by Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) in the original Blade Runner movie, to hunt down Replicants. Note: Several other characters are seen handling Deckard's gun at times, notably Rachel.
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Train Stations
Romdeau Train Station System Map can be seen on Meditatio III, while Re-L Mayer tries to pinpoint the exact location of Vincent Law.
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On the left page of her journal, a page with a time table can be seen. This kind of document is surely a copy of the ones published by the New York Transit Authority establishing the timetable of the trains of a given station. The one that's on the journal mentions "Stillwell Avenue" on "Brooklyn"
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This is a 1955 exemplar
Also, on Meditatio I, on one of Romdeaus Train Station, a list of British location names can be seen on the board
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Note: According to an apocryphal interview with Jonathan Klein, co-founder of production company New Generation Pictures, Romdeau was named Romdo to be reminiscent of London:
(JK) We were told to spell it "Romdo" by the Japanese producers. What isn't really explained in the show (although hinted at) is where these domed cities' names come from. What we were told is that they're re-interpretations of names of long-gone old Earth cities. So Mosk was supposed to be Moscow and Romdo was supposed to be London. I can't say why it was spelled "Romdeau" in the animation other than guess whoever animated the text went with the most logical spelling of the city, not realizing where the source of the name was supposed to come from.
The subtle similitude in Japanese allows space to that speculation.
ロムド Romudo/RomDeau/Rondo
ロンドン London
Navigation Map
The Map that Vincent uses on Meditatio VIII to get to Mosk dome is a collage of distinct maps, including a Chart of the Mountains nearby the Lake Geneva made on the XVIII century.
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Some of the geografical features on the original map are renamed on the series:
Lake Geneva it's replaced by the Sea of Sleep, Geneva by Romdeau, and Mosq is placed on an iterated Aiguille d'Argentiere a few thousand miles southeast (contradicting the fact that the were traveling north).
So, the coastline it's safe to asume it was created for the show, and it's merely an artistic illustration of the journey. I have serious doubts that the creators intended to place the event of the series in meticulously placed cities, and I believe that the closer they tried was to play with names and cultural references to give the vibe of being in the European continent.
Among the most peculia
La cittĂ  del Sole o The City of the Sun is philosophical utopianist work by the Italian Dominican philosopher Tommaso Campanella, written in 1602. The City of the Sun described an ideal city inspired by Plato's Republic and the description of Atlantis in his Timaeus.
Structurally the city is protected by seven concentric ring walls, in reference to the seven astrological bodies known at the moment. Major emplacements of the city ass the walls celebrate major figures and achievements of mankind, similarly to Romdeau that names avenues, parks and streets as major political figures and philosophers of Western culture.
Inside the city everything is controlled for the collective good, with a high degree of surveillance and regulation. Similarly, Romdeau in Ergo Proxy is a highly monitored city where citizens' lives are managed by the government and the central computer system known as the "Collective", that rule the "Administrative Bureau.". Matters such as privacy are virtually obsolete, under these regimes.
Romdeau is a more dystopic realization of the toll of such an ostracism and over-regulated system, where even the reproduction is carried by an artificial Womb System.
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The Design of the Domed City is also reminiscent to the old engravings of the Sun City.
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The title of Meditatio XVIII and Meditatio XXI seem to be referencing two novels by Douglas Coupland: Life After God and Shampoo Planet.
Life After God, published in 1994, is a collection of short stories and reflections that wrestle with the idea of living in a secular, post-religious world. Coupland dives into the emotional and existential drift of a generation raised without traditional spiritual frameworks, blending nostalgia, alienation, and a quiet yearning for something bigger. It’s raw and introspective, often feeling like a personal confession wrapped in fiction.
Shampoo Planet, from 1992, takes a different tone. It’s a novel about Tyler Johnson, a young, ambitious guy navigating the materialistic, consumer-driven early '90s. It’s sharper and more satirical, poking at the absurdity of corporate culture, globalization, and the obsession with branding—shampoo being a recurring symbol of superficial perfection. Yet, beneath the wit, there’s a tension between youthful optimism and the creeping cynicism of adulthood.
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Meditatio XXII "Bind (Bilbul)," is the penultimate episode of Ergo Proxy, a 2006 cyberpunk anime directed by Shūkō Murase and written by Dai Sato. The title "Bilbul" comes from the Hebrew word בִּלְבּוּל, meaning "confusion" or "bewilderment. And considering the revelations and dramatic turn of the plot in this episode, is perhaps the most appropriate name for the episode.
Bilbul in the hebrew context is a method of studying the Talmud through intense textual analysis in attempts to either explain conceptual differences between various halakhic rulings or to reconcile any apparent contradictions presented from various readings of different texts.
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brokehorrorfan ¡ 1 year ago
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Scream Factory has revealed the specs for its Darkman 4K UHD + Blu-ray. Releasing on February 20, the 1990 superhero film will be available in both Steelbook and standard packaging
Sam Raimi (The Evil Dead, Spider-Man) directs from a script he co-wrote with Ivan Raimi (Army of Darkness), Chuck Pfarrer (The Jackal), Daniel Goldin, and Joshua Goldin. Liam Neeson, Frances McDormand, Colin Friels, Larry Drake, and Ted Raimi star.
Darkman has been newly restored in 4K from the original negative in Dolby Vision, approved by Sam Raimi and director of photography Bill Pope, with DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and 2.0 sound.
Special features - including new deleted scenes - are listed below.
Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by filmmaker/fan Josh Ruben (new)
Audio commentary by director of photography Bill Pope
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by filmmaker/fan Josh Ruben (new)
Audio commentary by director of photography Bill Pope
Deleted scenes (new)
Interview with actor Liam Neeson
Interview with actor Frances McDormand
Interview with actor Larry Drake
Interviews with actors Danny Hicks and Dan Bell
Interview with makeup designer Tony Gardner
Interview with production designer Randy Ser and art director Philip Dagort
Vintage making-of featurette
Vintage interviews with Sam Raimi, Liam Neeson, and Frances McDormand
Theatrical trailer
TV Spots
Still galleries: posters & production stills, behind the scenes, make-up effects, and storyboards
When the laboratory of Dr. Peyton Westlake (Liam Neeson) is blown up by gangsters, he is burned beyond recognition. Altered by an experimental medical procedure, he assumes alternate identities in his quest for revenge.
Pre-order Darkman.
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shuteyecinema ¡ 9 months ago
An original creation from Raimi, and not based on any comics, “Darkman” follows the story of Dr. Peyton Westlake, a scientist about to make a breakthrough in synthetic skin. Peyton’s girlfriend, Julie Hastings is a hot-shot lawyer who gets on the wrong side of Robert G. Durant. WRITTEN WITH A.I. Here’s a comprehensive look at the parallels in plot, scenario, and script between “The Dark…
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thecollectors-world ¡ 11 months ago
1. Handlung: "Darkman" ist ein Superhelden-Actionfilm, der von Sam Raimi inszeniert und mitgeschrieben wurde. Der Film handelt von dem brillanten Wissenschaftler Dr. Peyton Westlake, der bei einem Anschlag schwer verletzt und fßr tot gehalten wird. Westlake ßberlebt jedoch und wird dank experimenteller Technologie, die ihm ßbermenschliche Kräfte und ein unempfindliches Gesicht verleiht, zu "Darkman". Er nutzt seine neu gewonnenen Fähigkeiten, um Rache an den Verbrechern zu ßben, die ihm Unrecht getan haben, während er versucht, seine menschliche Identität wiederzuerlangen.
2. Hauptdarsteller: Liam Neeson spielt die Hauptrolle des Dr. Peyton Westlake / Darkman. Der Film war eine der frĂźhen Hauptrollen in Neesons Karriere und half ihm, sich als Actionstar zu etablieren. Weitere Darsteller sind Frances McDormand, Larry Drake und Colin Friels.
3. Produktion: Der Film wurde von Renaissance Pictures produziert und hatte ein Budget von etwa 16 Millionen US-Dollar. Die Dreharbeiten fanden größtenteils in Los Angeles statt. Die visuellen Effekte und das Make-up-Design von "Darkman" wurden von Tony Gardner und seinem Team entwickelt und sind ein herausragendes Merkmal des Films.
4. VerĂśffentlichung: "Darkman" wurde im August 1990 in den USA verĂśffentlicht. Der Film erhielt Ăźberwiegend positive Kritiken von Kritikern und war an den Kinokassen erfolgreich. Er entwickelte sich zu einem Kultklassiker und erhielt zwei Fortsetzungen sowie eine Reihe von Comics.
5. Einfluss: "Darkman" wurde von Sam Raimis Liebe zu Comicbßchern und Superheldengeschichten inspiriert und wurde zu einem beliebten Beitrag zum Superheldenfilmgenre der 1990er Jahre. Der Film ist fßr seine stilisierten Actionsequenzen, seine dßstere Atmosphäre und seinen einzigartigen, von Raimi geprägten Stil bekannt.
Insgesamt ist "Darkman" ein spannender und stilvoller Superheldenfilm, der durch seine ungewÜhnliche Prämisse und seine visuellen Effekte ßberzeugt.
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Darkman (1990) Art by John Alvin
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andersonvision ¡ 1 year ago
Scream Factory™ is set to thrill fans of the cult classic "Darkman" with the release of its Collector's Edition 4K UHD + Blu-Ray combo pack and a Limited Edition SteelBook on February 20, 2024. This highly anticipated release of Sam Raimi's timeless masterpiece features a new 4K restoration from the original camera negative, approved by both Raimi and Director of Photography Bill Pope, in Dolby Vision and packed with exciting new bonus content. "Darkman," starring Oscar® nominee Liam Neeson and Oscar® winner Frances McDormand, is an explosive, action-packed thriller that showcases Raimi's unique style. The film follows Dr. Peyton Westlake (Neeson), who becomes Darkman after a brutal attack leaves him disfigured. Using synthetic skin and assuming alternate identities, he seeks revenge and a new life with his former love (McDormand). Exclusive Bundle Offers from Scream Factory™ ShoutFactory.com presents exciting bundle offers, including the Collector’s Edition 4K UHD + Blu-Ray, the Limited Edition SteelBook, and special items like a prism sticker, poster, and exclusive lobby cards. These offers provide fans with unique collectibles like enamel pins and artwork by Matthew Skiff, replicating vintage horror prism stickers from the '80s and '90s. Both the Collector’s Edition and SteelBook feature a new 4K restoration with Dolby Vision, offering an unparalleled viewing experience. The discs come with new and existing audio commentaries, including insights from filmmaker and Darkman superfan Josh Ruben. Additional features include deleted scenes, interviews with key cast members, and a detailed look at the film's production and design. In anticipation of this release, fans can revisit "Darkman" through a theatrical retrospective, "Panic Attacks: The Films of Dario Argento," at the IFC Center in New York from January 31 to February 8. This event will include a sneak preview of "Dario Argento Panico" and screenings of Argento's classic films, including "Suspiria" and "Inferno." Prepare to experience "Darkman" like never before, with stunning visuals and sound, along with a treasure trove of extras. Mark your calendars for February 20, 2024, and pre-order your copy today at ShoutFactory.com. Whether you’re a long-time fan or discovering this gem for the first time, the "Darkman" Collector's Edition and SteelBook are must-haves for your collection. Darkman arrives February 20th, 2024 from Scream Factory
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corikane ¡ 2 years ago
Raimi Trash
Darkman (1990) by Sam Raimi Part of me is kind of miffed that Sam Raimi made it into the big leagues with his filmmaking. Not because I don’t like his Spider-Man trilogy or even the Doctor Strange sequel but because movies like Darkman are a thing of the past now. Trashy horror… I mean, at least, trashy horror à la Raimi. And Darkman is certainly that – with an Oscar-winning cast. What…
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nightofthecreeps ¡ 3 years ago
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Bruce Campbell as Final Shemp (Darkman) DARKMAN (1990) dir. Sam Raimi
Raimi had originally hoped to cast his longtime friend and collaborator, Bruce Campbell, as Dr. Peyton Westlake/Darkman but was overruled by Universal, who insisted on a more bankable actor. However, thanks to the central gimmick that Darkman can disguise himself as anyone with synthetic skin, Campbell very briefly takes the role in the film’s final shot (credited as “Final Shemp”).
“We had made Evil Dead 2 just before that, and I was not enough of a [acting] commodity for Universal [...] Sam threw me the bone and said, ‘Why don’t you be the final [in disguise] Darkman.’ So, I am Darkman, technically.” — Bruce Campbell
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soulnottainted ¡ 4 years ago
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Hiya, I’m Kelsey! I’m a 20 year old smol asexual who has (1) romantic, a few platonic, and a LOT of parental f/os! My f/os are mostly sci-fi and spooky media related, and I love them with all my heart. I also have some pretty obscure f/os as well!
I’m shy and softspoken irl, but I’d love to make friends! I’m sometimes horrible with replying to messages, so keep that in mind.
Please read by BYF before interacting (Carrd is in BYF, pinned on my blog)
If you don’t wanna look at my Carrd to find my f/os, my list of F/Os are below.
Copia/Papa IV (Ghost) 
Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars) 
George & Carrie Herbert (War of the Worlds) 
Count Dracula (Universal & BBC 2020) 
Barbara & Adam Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer Netflix) 
Morticia & Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) 
Papa Nihil (Ghost) 
Frankenstein's Monster & The Bride (Universal) 
Erik/The Phantom (Universal & Musical) 
Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Cirrus & Cumulus (Ghost)
Dr. Peyton Westlake/Darkman (Darkman)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Papa I (Ghost)
Papa II (Ghost)
Papa III (Ghost)
Other Family
Count Dooku, grandfather (Star Wars)
Captain Rex, uncle (Star Wars)
The Monster / Yew, guardian (A Monster Calls)
Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice the Musical)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Doc Brown (Back to the Future)
Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
The Director/Paulo Ravinski (HHN)
The Usher/Julian Browning (HHN)
Ashoka Tanko (Star Wars)
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quasar1967 ¡ 2 years ago
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Darkman (1990)
Dr. Peyton Westlake is on the verge of realizing a major breakthrough in synthetic skin when his laboratory is destroyed by gangsters. Having been burned beyond recognition and forever altered by an experimental medical procedure, Westlake becomes known as Darkman, assuming alternate identities in his quest for revenge and a new life with a former love.
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gbhbl ¡ 3 years ago
Horror Movie Review: Darkman (1990)
Darkman is an action-horror superhero film that was written and directed by Sam Raimi.
Darkman is an action-horror superhero film that was written and directed by Sam Raimi, releasing in 1990. It serves as his first Hollywood studio film and according to Raimi, was intended to be his way of paying homage to Universal’s horror films of the 1930s. Dr. Peyton Westlake (Liam Neeson) is developing a new type of synthetic skin to help burn victims. However, he cannot get past a flaw that…
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oldmanbracket ¡ 16 days ago
Sexiest Old Man Tournament: Round 1
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Who is hotter?
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brokehorrorfan ¡ 1 year ago
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Darkman will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray in Steelbook and standard packaging on February 20 via Scream Factory. Sam Raimi (The Evil Dead, Spider-Man) directs the 1990 superhero film.
Raimi co-wrote the script with Ivan Raimi (Army of Darkness), Chuck Pfarrer (The Jackal), Daniel Goldin, and Joshua Goldin. Liam Neeson, Frances McDormand, Colin Friels, Larry Drake, and Ted Raimi star.
Darkman has been newly restored in 4K from the original negative in Dolby Vision, approved by Sam Raimi and director of photography Bill Pope. A preliminary list of special features is below.
Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by filmmaker and fan Josh Ruben (new)
Audio commentary by director of photography Bill Pope
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by filmmaker and fan Josh Ruben (new)
Audio commentary by director of photography Bill Pope
Interview with actor Liam Neeson
Interview with actor Frances McDormand
Interview with actor Larry Drake
Interviews with actors Danny Hicks and Dan Bell
Interview with makeup designer Tony Gardner
Interview with production designer Randy Ser and art director Philip Dagort
Vintage making-of featurette
Vintage interviews with Sam Raimi, Liam Neeson, and Frances McDormand
Theatrical trailer
TV Spots
Still galleries: posters & production stills, behind the scenes, make-up effects, and storyboards
When the laboratory of Dr. Peyton Westlake (Liam Neeson) is blown up by gangsters, he is burned beyond recognition. Altered by an experimental medical procedure, he assumes alternate identities in his quest for revenge.
Pre-order Darkman.
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ao3feed-doctorwho ¡ 3 years ago
Infinite DC Journeys: Infinite Darkness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3tRajw4
by LivingStoneWriter
A new type of Weeping Angel has been unleashed on the Infinite DC and Mandy (the Seventh Gladiator of Gallifrey) has fallen victim to it with her companions Clarence Wendle and Dr. Peyton Westlake (a.k.a. "Darkman"). Rather than send them all back in time, this Weeping Angel sends them to another reality, in which they've become stranded on M6-117, a harsh desert planet with vicious alien wildlife. But, it's not the wildlife that Mandy, Clarence, and Darkman have to worry about. There is another threat - not of this dimension - that awaits the travelers. Their only hope for survival lies in notorious criminal Richard B. Riddick.
Words: 1889, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 19 of Infinite DC Journeys
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Doctor Who (2005), Pitch Black (2000), Riddick (2013), Clarence (Cartoon), Darkman (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Mandy (Neas - Infinite DC), Clarence Wendle, Peyton Westlake, Richard B. Riddick, Carolyn Fry, William Johns, Imam Abu al-Walid, Weeping Angel(s) (Doctor Who), Jack, John "Zeke" Ezekiel, Paris P. Ogilvie, Sharon "Shazza" Montgomery, The Vashta Nerada
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Action, Adventure, Aliens, Darkness, Desert, Doctor Who References, Doctor Who Feels, Monsters, Multiverse, Murder, Outer Space, Post-Chronicles of Riddick, Time Travel, Science Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Sonic Screwdriver, Team TARDIS, Exploring the TARDIS, Travelling in the TARDIS (Doctor Who), Broken TARDIS, Time Lords and Ladies (Doctor Who), Blood and Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3tRajw4
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crookedtable ¡ 4 years ago
'Darkman' (featuring Kevin Smith)
Long before Liam Neeson let the world know about his "very particular set of skills," he was Darkman. The cult classic from director Sam Raimi even predates Neeson's Star Wars and Batman Begins days. Yet, in many ways, it feels like it belongs to the initial comic book movie boom of the early 2000s.
Kevin Smith joins the show to discuss why Darkman is such a well-kept secret, how it's a critical turning point for Raimi's career, and why Hollywood should dust off the franchise. We'll also cover Oscar winner Frances McDormand, the late great Larry Drake, and that pink elephant.
He's everyone and no one. Everywhere and nowhere. But this episode, you can call him Darkman.
When thugs employed by a crime boss lead a vicious assault on Dr. Peyton Westlake (Liam Neeson), leaving him literally and psychologically scarred, an emergency procedure allows him to survive. Upon his recovery, Westlake can find solace only by returning to his scientific work developing synthetic skin, and seeking revenge against the crime boss. He assumes a phantom avenger persona called Darkman, who -- with malleable facial qualities -- is able to infiltrate and sow terror in the criminal community.
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adamwatchesmovies ¡ 5 years ago
Darkman II: The Return of Durant (1995)
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Darkman II: The Return of Durant is a picture that demands special care when reviewing. This is a direct-to-video sequel to the cult classic Darkman. Its target audience is narrow. I say the first film (featuring Liam Neeson, directed by Sam Raimi) is only ok but I can appreciate more of Peyton Westlake/Darkman (this time played by Arnold Vosloo). under those terms, how does it do?
Darkman’s archenemy, Durant (Larry Drake), survived that fatal-looking explosive helicopter crash and has now awakened from a coma. While Darkman continues to search for a way to restore his face using synthetic skin, Durant begins rebuilding his criminal empire.
Darkman II doesn’t really feel like a sequel, more like a weird remake. You go in expecting the rematch of the century, Durant vs. Darkman! Together again for the first time! But the two characters hardly acknowledge each other. It’s not even that Durant thinks about Darkman and decides that he’s going to set aside his plans of revenge so that he can take back the streets for himself; it’s like he doesn’t even remember Darkman. Only during the climax of the film, where a series of coincidental events bring the two men together do we get the rematch that brought us here in the first place. It's disappointing.
I don’t mind Arnold Vosloo, I’ve liked him ever since the Mummy films, but if I were to take a guess at the three things that got people to fall in love with that first story, I’d guess 1) Sam Raimi, 2) Darkman’s look and 3) Liam Neeson! I appreciate, maybe ironically, the footage which retcons some of the original film's events to show Vosloo in the iconic disfiguration scenes that now force Darkman to wear bandages all the time. I was curious about seeing another actor take a swing at this role - Neeson seemed like an odd fit. This change? not an improvement. Overall Vosloo is ok, but like his predecessor, he's not good in the intense moments where Darkman's sanity begins to unravel.
It's not all bad. Durant commissions some superweapons from Dr. Alfred Hathaway (Lawrence Dane), who looks and feels like an evil version of Doc Brown from Back to the Future. That's fun. Some of the female characters are also highlights, as they turn out to be more than would-be damsels in distress or replacement love interests. I don’t have much else to say. The plot is alright. The makeup is pretty good. The violent deaths at the hands of Darkman or the gangsters satisfy. As far as direct-to-video sequels go, it isn’t bad, but I’ve seen better.
Hardcore fans of Darkman will still consider this follow-up more of a curiosity than a great feature to accompany their beloved off-beat superhero flick. The return of Larry Drake is neat but it is ironic. The one actor who returns is the one whose character was clearly bumped off. They don’t really even explain how the guy managed to make it out of that exploding helicopter so I almost want to give extra points to the movie for writing itself into a corner and just giving up and going with the return of Durant anyways. I’m going to give this picture 2,5/5. I don’t really feel like it deserves that much, but no one would ever see Darkman II without seeing the original and having a great time with it. For you, it's worth watching for free at home with the commercial breaks or for a couple of bucks. (On DVD, February 12, 2015)
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