#Dr Ohnn
honeypawsart · 9 months
💙Meet The B●t🤖
A new Spot AU?? From ME?? How shocking lol
This is The Bot, from a more futuristic AU (Earth-101101) where all the Spider-Man villains are just “normal” people who have built robots of their villainous selves. Bot was actually designed by Dr. Johnathon Ohnn just as a test subject “dummy” for his supercollider experiments- but ended up fusing with his invention during the explosion. Bot is powered by dark matter, allowing him to freely and safely travel through alternate dimensions. When the dark matter’s power runs out- so does Johnathon’s existence. So he becomes obsessed to harvesting as much as possible from other dimensions… which… can’t be good for him.
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I had fun making this lil video last night!! It took me 6 hours total, and I made it using Procreate (for the artwork), Procreate Dreams (for the animation, tweening and composition), and CapCut (the music and video effects)! Hopefully this year I can get better and better at using these programs to make more animated video content!
I wanna make more Bot content soon as well- same thing for my other AUs haha I have so many ideas but so little time!
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lavendergent · 1 year
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science is cool!! some spot doodles while i work on bigger projects... (it's just more drawings of him)
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fuzedatti · 1 year
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spidertick · 2 months
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thenethergale · 1 year
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he's stressing
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lixxen · 1 year
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kettleghost · 1 year
spot lore
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tapwaterx · 1 year
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drawin a bit more of them
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eizzhah · 1 year
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alchemax only hires hippies ik it smelled crazy in there
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I’m on some weird side of TikTok that hates Gwen for some reason and I’m terrified of looking on tumblr and seeing if that’s just the majority opinion, but anyways my thoughts on it:
So most of the videos I’ve seen on hating Gwen are about her “not being there for Miles” and because “she didn’t tell him”, and I don’t think those people watched the movie because
1.) Gwen joined an organization. An organization with rules. An organization with rules with tracking technology. There’s no way that they would’ve been okay with her just visiting Miles. Yeah she visited other Spideys, but those Spideys were a part of the organization.
If they had caught her visiting Miles for no reason, which they would have most likely noticed immediately, if not because of the tracking technology, then because of Jessica checking in on her often as her mentor that vouched for her, she could have been kicked out of the organization. Which for Gwen meant going back to her universe where she’d either be homeless and on run from the law, or just in jail.
There was no way she could have just visited beforehand, and they most likely had her on strict rules on not contacting him too (because this is an organization that tries to prevent the multiverse from breaking down, there’s no way they didn’t have strict rules), but the second Gwen was able to go to his universe, the very first thing she does, is stop by his house.
In fact, her mission is a second priority to her, she just leaves a tracker where the Spot is going to be, and then focuses on spending time with Miles.
2.) She tells him, then what? Either he accepts it, and just,, waits for his dad to die, knowing it’s not an event that he’s allowed to change (to their knowledge), or he fights against it, which would be the natural instinct of a 15 year old hearing that a loved one they’re close to is about to be killed, which would then put his entire universe at risk.
You heard them, they can fix Pavitr’s timeline “if they’re lucky,” most likely if Miles saved his dad and his universe started collapsing, they might not be able to save it, then he doesn’t just lose his dad, he loses everyone (if they let him join the society, would he be able to if his universe goes or does he go with it?)
Yeah some of the Spideys have some suspicions on whether or not interfering with the canon actually does cause a universe to collapse, but the only for sure facts they have is that Miguel fucked with a universe’s canon and that universe fell apart, it’s too risky to test it out on a hunch, and y’all wanted her to still risk it? knowing that there’s a 50/50 chance Miles still tries to save his dad and accidentally takes down his whole universe???
Now we as the audience have different information, and we’re pretty sure Miguel is wrong about the canon events, but you gotta think about what the characters know in universe, and what Gwen knows is that a Spidey wouldn’t want to just sit back and let a loved one die, and that screwing with canon might cost someone waaaay more than just one loved one
So Gwen not telling Miles anything and not visiting him wasn’t actually her flaws in the movie, yeah we felt betrayed that she did that, because it’s from Miles’ pov and Miles felt betrayed, but just because we wished she had done something different, doesn’t mean that her actions were wrong
Tragically, knowing what she knew, her mistake in the movie wasn’t “not being there more for Miles,” it was actually being there for him and visiting him, instead of avoiding him and focusing on her mission to capture the Spot, because if she had done that, then she could’ve stopped him before he started screwing with the multiverse
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eldritcheyegod-art · 1 year
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Here a doodle of the spot I cleaned and fix a bit.
The premise of this art is, the spot finding out my oc also have superpowers and him asking if they can be partners, a super villain duo. Maybe I'll make more art of them. When I'm finish designing my oc and when I feel better. Yay to feeling like shit. Or just draw more of him. He so fun to draw after all.
I'm legitimately in love with him, I knew I would like him already in the trailers but by god. Also I watch the movie with my sister and we both Immediately realized that the spot is just me. So much of his mannerism is similar to me. How he starts explaining things when he nervous, like same man same. Him saying hypothesis I'm going to put my head in that hole. that scene, something I will actually say and do,  Like he so relatable to me. I can see soooo much of me in him.
He so pathetic, but he also cool at the same time? I love everything about him. I will die for him fr. Also he gives me so much gender envy.
The writers and animators did him so well. Like everything about the movie was sooo good. Like as an artist I can feel my artistic identity change so much all ready. Both movies change have me for life. Actually psychologically change me. I will never be the same
Man sorry for this long ramble but I love him sooo much. I'm soo happy he so popular and a tumblr sexyman too.
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honeypawsart · 10 months
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"Hi, my name is Dr. Johnny B. Ohnn. No, not the Ohnn you're thinking of. I'm from an alternate dimension (EARTH-0164). If Johnathon Ohnn didn’t become The Spot because of the supercollider explosion, but rather just accidentally dropped the dark matter capsule. Causing a slow spread of dark matter to corrupt his body over time. That's me."
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Dr. Johnny B. Ohnn is an ex-Alchemax lead scientist who designed and began the creation of the Supercollider. On the day of the funding ceremony for his project, he accidentally dropped a canister of dark matter he extracted from a mini-collider test model, which he was to use as a demonstration for the presentation. The dark matter painfully spread to several portions of his body. However, instead of support after his accident, he was ridiculed by his respected friends and coworkers for being so clumsy and unprofessional. "Butterfingers" was a common yet silly thrown at him afterward. Johnny quit his job out of frustration, turning on the Alchemax company to make them pay for his deformities... using them to his advantage.
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Johnny is generally very grumpy. This is due to his dark matter deformities being very uncomfortable. It feels like burning, itching, and chronically painful to deal with daily. The black spots feel void of sensation however, it's the white areas that hurt him the most. He uses cold water showers and drinks to help soothe the pain. The dark matter corruption on his body feels like jello, memory foam, or oobleck to the touch; it's solid at first but things can sink into the nothingness void.
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The corruption is relatively slow, and by the time he's 41 years old, he's 80% corrupted. At this point in time, although he's still clumsy as ever, he's more confident in his ability to use his powers to his advantage. He adopts the nickname "Milky Way" then (based on another popular chocolate bar candy).
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Johnny also has a pet shrimp named Shrimptin Beck. Later on in his isolation, he builds a functional Mysterio robot suit for Shrimptin to move around and help with his crimes. They sort of have a "Megamind & Minion" relationship haha
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Johnny B. Ohnn is not a huge fan of his dimension's rendition of Spiderman. Her name is Lucky Charm, and is the exact polar opposite of Butterfingers. But you know what they say about "opposites attract" ;)
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Earth-0164 Spider-Man, aka Lucky Charm! Works at the Trophy Bugle casino part-time! The rest of her time is spent saving their city using their very luck-driven superpowers! On their off days, Gwen Amber (lol yes that is my actual first and middle name, cringe is free) works as a regular employee at the Trophy Bugle Casino, owned and run by J. Jameson who HATES Lucky Charm for potentially ruining his business. Butterfingers ended up hitting up a casino after his accident- he always loses and gets frustrated with the hosts and that’s how he and Lucky Charm meet the first time, but she INSISTS on trying to make him better outside of work so they sort of get close as they teach him ya know?? Meanwhile, he doesn’t even realize that out of all the hosts at the casino, the one he happens to bump into is the hero he should hate for being against his motivations.
✮ ✮ ✮ That's all I have for now in the Earth-0164 canon!! I hope you guys enjoy this sort of long, info-dumpy post! He also has an official Spotify Playlist! Fan art is 100% welcome of Butterfingers. I also don't mind if you draw yourself/oc with him. Just please realize some boundaries with him. I will not tolerate any sort of "proship" art of him with any underage characters, since he is an old man (36-41 years old). He's very special to me, so please be respectful about that!
He's also my OC, so please tag me in any posts of him as well! He has a tag on all socials as #butterfingersohnn as well! All fan art is uploaded to his toyhou.se page.
That's the end!! Thanks for reading :D
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lavendergent · 1 year
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intrusive thoughts while sitting alone in the cafeteria
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ironladders · 1 year
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mr. villain of the week 
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vanjestic · 1 year
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Dr. Johnathon Ohnn | The Spot
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I love a good unhinged scientist
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