#Double Coat Dog Grooming
jackwilliams09 · 9 months
Best Double Coat Dog Grooming in Mount Barker
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If you are looking for the Best Double Coat Dog Grooming in Mount Barker, then contact Wagging Tails Dog Grooming in Mount Barker. They provide your dogs with a pampering experience of a lifetime. Follow their grooming journey with beautiful before-and-after shots that showcase their transformation. If you're looking for a responsible and caring person to groom your pets, you're in the right place.For more information visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/2gtAewMuaL5scZrM8
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dog-groomer-diaries · 8 months
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Clipper alopecia is realllll.
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freckledsweetpea · 10 months
the amount of people that pet Juniper and say "oh my gosh she's so soft" is very surprising. I mean I agree she's soft...but she just feels like a dog? 🤣
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byelacey · 3 months
so you want to keep a great pyrenees as a pet
recently a little comic i made did big numbers on here and i keep seeing tags like "gotta get me a great pyrenees" and like AWESOME there are SO MANY of these big boys looking for adoption, especially in the US but i feel like as a person who got a pyr as their first dog (because i'm insane) there are some things you need to know - they BARK. all day and all night. they've been bred for barking. this is not bond spyxfamily borfing this is LOUD and CONSTANT. barking is their job. working pyrs protect their livestock by looking intimidating, bluff charging and barking very loud. they're also often naturally nocturnal, which means a lot of their barking is done at night. if you're the type who doesn't enjoy loud noises for most hours of the day, reconsider keeping a great pyr as a pet - they are LARGE. they are large when they are hormonal, idiot puppies. their bodies grow VERY FAST but their brain takes 2-3 years to catch up and during that time you've got a 75-150lb puppy on your hands. everything is more expensive because your dog is big, too. beds, accessories, food, vet stuff, medication, grooming, *everything is more expensive* for big dogs. get yourself some pet insurance. you'll thank yourself later. - they're sensitive creatures who form strong bonds with their flock. if you're keeping one as a pet: congratulations, you're now this dog's flock. separation anxiety is huge. they're meant to be guarding their flock, and if you go off without them, they're gonna worry about you. they also don't take well to you shouting at them for doing their job (barking very loud at wayward leaves). i'm serious. they're so so sensitive. - they're extremely smart and independent, which reads as stubbornness to us. they think they know better because they've been bred to work on their own, without humans around to tell them what to do. they're gonna pick up commands really fast, but they do shit on their own time. and recall? forget it. "an off-leash pyr is a dissa-pyr", as the saying goes. this is not a dog you'll be able to have off-leash, as he's gonna do and go wherever he damn well pleases - THAT BEING SAID as they are a large breed dog (extra large, actually), training is extremely important. small untrained dogs can get away with a lot more than a large dog. some people are afraid of dogs. you need to teach your pyr early and often what isn't a threat to you so they aren't causing trouble with their guardian shenanigans - they shed. they drool. they're large, double-coated dogs with big jowls. i have cleaned drool off of every surface of my house, including the ceiling. they blow their coat twice a year and also shed undercoat all of the time. i brush mac once a week during regular season and every other day when he's blowing his coat so that his coat stays healthy and doesn't become impacted or matted. - EDIT: someone just tagged this with a great point as well. you need a lot of space for a pyr! a fenced backyard, at least, with a fence tall enough they can't easily climb over (6ft preferably). they aren't high energy dogs but they do get a lot out of being able to roam around and patrol their yard. they are not apartment dogs (unless you walk them a lot, and you hate your neighbours) admittedly my fenced backyard isn't huge, but mac gets around 2-2.5 hours of walking per day, split between a morning & afternoon walk. they need the mental stimulation of walking around and sniffing stuff! if i haven't scared you off yet, owning a great pyr as a pet is a difficult, but rewarding experience. try and find a breed-specific shelter, there are many, because unfortunately these dogs are overbred in the US (either on purpose or by accident), and they're also often surrendered as puppies because people didn't know what they were getting into. a shelter will also take your lifestyle into consideration when pairing you up with a dog, because they want to find permanent homes for these guys.
anyway i think that's it. and if you have a pyr i am wishing you a very (show me your dog)
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eponymous-rose · 2 months
I can't find it now, which probably means it was months and months ago, but someone sent me an ask about considering adopting a cat but, as a dog person, not knowing much about adoption (e.g., whether shelter cats are good for first-time owners) and the day-to-day responsibilities of cat ownership. I can answer for my own experience, although I'm sure I'll be forgetting some important aspects!
Shelter vs Purebred:
I have a little 5-year-old shelter cat, a female domestic shorthair with a tuxedo coat! That's a big difference between cats and dogs - the vast, vast, VAST majority of cats you'll ever encounter are simply categorized as domestic shorthair/medium hair/longhair, with purebred cats being rare enough that they generally are limited to breeders - when I was an adoption counselor at a shelter, I only saw a couple of potentially purebred cats some through, and both were likely mixes. A lot of the time, cats are identified by their coat colors instead (e.g., calico, tabby, orange, tuxedo, colorpoint, dilute, etc.) with much made of the personality traits associated with those coats even though there's tragically no real science to back that up. Some coat colors are much more common with particular sexes of cats - orange cats are about 80/20 male/female, while calicos are >98% female - and that may contribute to some of the kitty stereotypes (e.g., orange cats are typically male, and neutered male cats tend to be quite calm and chill).
I'd heartily recommend shelter cats to anyone, including first-time owners. A lot of purebred cats sadly come with medical conditions (e.g., scottish folds often have significant pain due to connective tissue disorders, manx cats are prone to arthritis and spinal problems, maine coons and sphynx cats have relatively high rates of congenital heart disease, persians are brachycephalic and have breathing issues) or extra-high maintenance care requirements (e.g., sphynx cats must be bathed regularly because the lack of hair means the oils on their skin stick to any and all dirt, maine coons and ragdolls and norwegian forest cats require significant daily grooming to keep their long double coats from matting, brachycephalic cats require extra baths and grooming since they're generally unable to keep their own coats as clean, and breeds like bengals are so immensely high-energy that it's nearly a full-time job keeping up with their needs for enrichment and constant activity).
Shelter cats are almost all domestic shorthair/medium hair/longhair breeds, and tend to have the longest life expectancy of all kitties - although there are no guarantees (I sadly lost a 9-month-old kitten to a congenitally damaged heart) the lifespan numbers quoted lately for indoor-only cats tend to be around 15-25 years. And, of course, most places are overrun with stray cats - adopting from a shelter often comes with a free spay/neuter and vaccines, along with the satisfaction of having rescued a little critter that had a rough start before finding a forever home. You can visit shelters and get to know the kitties there - keep in mind that most cats are dramatically more fearful and shy in cages, and that you can often ask volunteers to point you to their favorites, especially if you're looking for an extra-chill cat as a first-time owner.
Consider adopting an adult cat! Kittens are adorable, but their energy levels are absolutely through the roof... as well as their destructive potential. Picture tiny whirlwinds with knives on their feet, the ability to jump 4-5 feet from a dead stop, zero sense of self-preservation, and the ability to keep sprinting for hours at random times of day and night. If you do get a kitten, consider adopting two - they tend to be less work since they'll keep each other entertained. Adult cats, however, tend to have more chill personalities and are more likely to settle into a routine quickly. My Clara is still pretty high-energy, but at 5 years old she's happy to have a shorter session of zoomies and intense play if it means she can then just curl up on a lap or in the sun to snooze and purr. Senior kitties are also wonderful - often cats don't have a very visible decline and remain relatively high-energy and chipper until very late in life, so it's not unusual that a 13-year-old cat will still act like a kitten and have many good years ahead, just a bit more chill.
Keep in mind that a cat is a long-term commitment. I was 7 years old when my parents brought two kittens home from the shelter - they lived another 18 years, until I was well into grad school.
Common Health Problems:
Cats that were once strays are very prone to two common diseases: FIV and FeLV. FIV (feline immundeficiency virus) essentially is a disorder of the immune system: these cats may be more prone to getting ill and may get more significantly ill when they do get sick. Luckily, FIV is far from a death sentence! These cats can live a normal quantity and quality of life with proactive health monitoring and regular trips to the vet (we're talking every 6 months instead of every year). FIV is contagious to other cats, but generally is only spread via deep bite wounds, so mixing of FIV+ and FIV- cats is possible given that you know that the cats are unlikely to get into a major fracas. FeLV (feline leukemia virus), sadly, has a worse prognosis - there's a lot of variability, but generally the best-case scenario is only a handful of years before the viral load is too high to avoid dangerous symptoms.
Another kitty disease that is sadly common among younger cats in particular is FIP (feline infectious peritonitis), which is a complication from a common kitty coronavirus that can emerge at any time and often manifests in very vague symptoms and is difficult to pin down. Until very, very recently, FIP was essentially considered to be 100% fatal within a couple of months and the recommendation was euthanasia. Now there are medications that can bring that survival rate past 90% - they're in the process of going through FDA approval, although there are groups online dedicated to getting you those medications through less official channels as needed. If anyone's familiar with Drawfee, Jacob and Julia's cat Olive was diagnosed with FIP at around 1 year old and was considered to be terminal - and, thanks to one of those online groups getting them the medication, is currently a happy and healthy 6-year-old kitty.
Nearly all shelter cats I've encountered have some level of URI (upper respiratory infection) - be prepared for a little extra sneezing and potentially having to give eyedrops the first couple weeks after getting home. URIs are SO CONTAGIOUS that it's almost impossible to keep them from spreading in a shelter setting. Also common is ringworm, although most shelters will isolate any contagious kittens and keep the infection localized.
Please spay and neuter your cats! They can have kittens incredibly young and incredibly frequently - unspayed female cats are also prone to certain cancers and unneutered male cats are prone to spraying (urinating on walls and other surfaces). The surgery is incredibly routine for both males and females (Clara had complications, but that just meant she had a few extra days of confinement) and generally the hardest part is keeping them from going after their stitches. Most shelters will provide spay/neuter services for free or on the cheap. They recover quickly and completely.
Cats also do incredibly well in a lot of different situations - deaf or half-deaf cats are quite common (nearly all blue-eyed cats with white coats are deaf) and just need some extra care to ensure they feel safe; the same goes for blind or one-eyed kitties, who can still happily play and navigate a space once they're familiar with it. Routine is key! Three-legged cats do so well that the saying is that cats are all born with a spare leg they don't actually need. If this is a recent condition, or if there are big changes in the cat's life (such as moving to a new home), just make sure to give them some extra time, support, and patience while they adjust. Amputation in cats can be really rough in the first couple of weeks, but soon enough they'll be sprinting around and jumping up on improbably high shelves.
Male cats are more prone than female cats to urinary blockages, which is one reason why I think it's important to actively clean the litter box yourself rather than using a robot. Changes in urinary output/pain while urinating/urinating outside the box can give you hints about a urinary blockage (a medical emergency in cats) or longer-term issues such as kidney disease, which can be managed with medication for quite some time as long as you know they're happening.
Cats are really good at hiding pain/illness, so it's important to be aware of signs of discomfort (sitting hunched with the neck extended can indicate difficulty breathing, whiskers extended stiffly from the face can indicate a grimace of pain, disruptions to routine such as avoiding beloved people or favorite spots, eating/drinking/litter box irregularity) and to ensure that you bring them to the vet on a regular basis to catch the stuff that might not be causing symptoms yet. Clara has a benign heart murmur and a little stiffness in one ventricle that requires her to visit a vet specialist every year or two to get an echocardiogram to check for any progression into heart disease (one in seven cats wind up with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which has a long median survival with presymptomatic treatment) - if those symptoms are ever present, we get her on medication early and it's unlikely to influence her lifespan for quite some time, whereas unmonitored and untreated, the first symptom would likely be sudden death. Knowing about this in advance also means that she has recommendations in her chart if she ever needs anesthesia for a different procedure. Having a regularly updated baseline at the vet means your cat is that much more likely to live a long, happy, healthy life.
The Day-to-Day:
Caring for cats is extremely fun, and the key is routine! Cats LOVE routine and will happily follow you around through your day-to-day. Clara is fed with an auto-feeder, which means she doesn't tend to pester me too much about food (and which means I can monitor how much she's eating and make adjustments as needed). She's prone to stress-induced stomach upset (aren't we all!) so she gets prescription food and some extra wet food with probiotics if I know something stressful is coming up soon. The auto-feeder dispenses food multiple times during the day, so she can't gorge herself and get sick.
For grooming, Clara does a pretty great job on her own, so I just have to brush her occasionally and every few weeks I will trim her claws. Do not declaw a cat! It's an amputation that is illegal in many states/countries and frequently results in chronic pain and behavioral problems such as an aversion to certain textures (a Major Problem if that texture includes litter...). If you can't trim a cat's claws on your own, try doing one or two at a time while they're sleeping - unlike with dogs, the quick is super visible on a cat's claws, so it's tough to mess up too badly. If all else fails, vets will trim claws for you, or can provide you with glue-on covers for the claws. I also brush Clara's teeth - you can get soft little toothbrushes and tasty-to-cats toothpaste, and even just them gnawing on the toothbrush can provide some benefit. Regular vet visits are also important to monitor any tooth decay that may occur. Cats can do well even with no teeth at all (the teeth are generally just for tearing pieces of prey, not chewing), but keeping those teeth healthy while they've got 'em is important, if only to avoid general anesthesia for a cleaning!
Most cats do very well without baths - so far, Clara has only needed a few little spot-cleans after minor accidents. Bathing is extremely stressful for most cats, so if necessary, I'd check out guides online to help reduce the stress levels. Many cats gradually lose the ability to keep themselves clean, so it's worth looking into, but don't expect to have to wash a cat as often as you would a dog by any means. (Unless you have a sphynx cat, of course...)
To help with scratching, provide scratchers for cats and keep them near the things you don't want the cat to scratch, as attractive alternatives (you can entice them with some catnip sprinkled on the scratchers!) - it's important to have both horizontal and vertical scratchers, since they exercise different muscles. Be aware, though, that bringing a cat into the home means that some of your furniture may be at risk. You can absolutely minimize the risk of damage, but I'd say you can almost never get rid of that risk completely.
Play is super important! I play with Clara throughout the day, but I also set aside some time every single evening to run around with her and really get her playing hard for a while (after which I clean her box, replace her water dishes, and go to bed - the importance of routine!). Cats aren't endurance hunters, but they require very little rest between bursts of energy, so hanging around for a bit with a toy even after you think they may be done is super valuable. Keep in mind that cats can get into life-threatening danger if they eat pieces of toys (strings, feathers, etc.) so it can be good to have some safe toys out all the time (e.g., foam balls) while the more dangerous ones (strings, feathers, etc.) are locked away when you're not actively playing.
Daily maintenance is pretty easy. I clean Clara's litter box at least once per day (which just involves scooping the contents into a bag that I then throw into the trash bin outside - less than 2 minutes/day) and do a deeper clean every week or two where I empty out all the litter and quickly scrub the box itself. Cats are lousy at remembering to drink, so I have three water bowls around the house - these get washed and replaced with fresh water every evening. Fountains are great for some cats (Clara had no interest) - some cats are obsessed with running water. Keeping water away from food can also help encourage cats to drink more. Apart from that, it's mostly just refilling the auto-feeder, attempting to tempt her with wet food (she's not a fan), and giving the occasional treat.
She also gets a monthly flea/tick preventative, which is just a couple drops of liquid that I apply at the base of her neck (usually while she's sleeping). She's an indoor-only cat, but bugs get inside and can transmit all sorts of bad stuff. Be warned that you should NEVER use a dog flea preventative on a cat - the dosage can be so high that it can cause a lot of harm. Make sure you have a correct dosage - ask your vet for more info.
And that's about it! In return for that minor maintenance, I get a silly little fluffy friend who follows me around and makes me laugh all day every day. She's gone from a really skittish little scaredy-cat to... well, still a skittish little scaredy-cat around most people, but around me she's affectionate and constantly looking for cuddles.
I hope this is in some way useful! I think a lot of people who don't consider themselves cat people would really enjoy having a cat - and even if you decide it's not for you, I hope you can appreciate and enjoy the other cats in your life!
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canisalbus · 1 year
Hi, I just read your answer about Machete trying hard to keep he’s appearance neat and clean and as an owner of an all white dog I feel the struggle, my dog looks so handsome right after his bath/grooming but that appearance last about two or three days if I’m lucky, he gets dirty so easily but unlike popular believes he doesn’t get “dark” or dust dirty, he starts to stain “yellow”, of course mud stains are dark and very noticeable but those are easier to brush away once they dry than regular dirt that makes him look peanut butter colored instead of his pretty off white natural color. I can’t bathe him often as he’s double coated so I have resign to have a dirty yellowish dog, but very pretty nonetheless. Last but not least I love your art and your characters… it just occurred to me that it would be very tender and special if Machete let Vasco brush his fur :3
Good to hear input from an owner of an actual white dog! It's nice that I wasn't too off the mark with the maintenance bit. I've met some white dogs that had a distinct beige tint to them and I assumed it was indeed something along the lines of fine dirt, body oils and general exposure to the elements. Your boy sounds lovely, give him scritches from me!
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everybodyshusband · 10 months
@moony-ghoul’s post got me thinking about a farm au where the ghouls live in a big farmhouse in the countryside :3
they grow crops in the fields and have a herd of cows, a herd of sheep up in the nearby hill, horses in the stables and a big ol’ chicken coop. they make their living by selling their milk/butter/eggs to the nearby town and every day dew is up before the sunrise to milk the cows. he and mountain pass each other and share a quiet, sleepy conversation and a kiss when they pass each other on their way to their respective tasks (dew to the barn for the cows, and mountain to the stables to ready the horse and cart for his daily milk run)
aeon has a soft spot for the chickens so rain and cirrus are teaching him how to take proper care of them. he was entirely horrified when he first learnt that he needs to feed the chickens their own eggshells along with their regular pellets and kitchen scraps
aurora has a soft spot for the sheep. she’d stand up on the hill and watch them for hours if she could. she trained the sheep dog herself and everyone calls her “little bo peep” whenever they see her coming back down to the house. sunshine bought her a shepard’s staff as a joke but aurora LOVES it and refuses to visit her sheep without it
since aeon’s taken over the chickens, rain decided the farm needed bees and now he’s got a few hives going. they sit just outside the kitchen windows so whoever’s working in their can open the window and hear the gentle hum of the bees while they cook. cirrus helps rain harvest the honey when it needs it and they both take great pride in the labels they designed. they’re working hard to convince mountain to take some of their jars on his milk cart rounds to see if he can sell some in town
aether’s a horse girlie <3 he grooms them well and makes sure their coats are shiny and pretty and that they’re all healthy enough to be pulling the farm machinery in the fields
sunshine’s self-imposed daily talk is going around the farm making sure everything has water. that includes the animal’s water bowels/troughs and that the collection of houseplants, the vege garden and the fruit orchid. she has a collection of watering cans but her green one with flowers painted on it in her favourite
swiss works the dairy room. he takes the milk from dew in the mornings and keeps some as milk (making sure he’s run it through a milk separator before he bottles it), some he churns for butter and some he sets aside to turn into cream
cumulus loooooves the wheat field <3 if no one knows where she is, the first place they look is there. she finds it calming to stand in between the furrows and watch everything sway in the wind. she’s the one who drives the battered old truck down to the flour mill a few hours away and brings back bags filled with soft flour (she sells most of it, but keeps a few bags for the farm so they can use their own flour in their baking)
speaking of baking and cooking, they all share the responsibilities of the kitchen depending on who’s done what that day but they all have things that they’re the go-to to make it. cumulus and her breads are renowned throughout the land (no seriously, she’s had people come to the farm asking to buy her bread) and she gets so much joy from carving little designs into her sourdough loaves and seeing how they turn out once they’re baked. cirrus is the BEST at making omelettes and she has a special knack for knowing which eggs will have double yolks in them. rain is surprisingly good at barbecuing/grilling and cooks roasts fantastically well with the perfect seasoning and melt-in-the-mouth deliciousness. aether the king of baking will bake so many sweet treats and they’re all soooo tasty and addictive. he’s mastered almost everything but they got a new stand mixer for their kitchen and he has No Idea how to work it so he mixes everything by hand. luckily, aurora knows exactly how it works so sometimes she and aeth will tag-team in the kitchen to make things faster. they also love decorating things together and aurora is fantastic at plating their dinners up so elegantly. aeon can cook curries and rice and that’s IT but no one else can get the rice cooked quite as well as they can, so no one’s really complaining. dew and mountain are the best at cooking warm comfort meals and soups in the winter so if neither of them are busy and someone is in need of a little extra cheering up, they’ll make the person’s favourite comfort meal to keep their spirits up and remind them of how much they’re loved. swiss and pizzas OH MAN. he can do all the fancy spinning tricks with the pizza dough and they always come out of the pizza oven (he and aurora only finished building it a few weeks ago) perfectly cooked through. he loves preparing pizza nights for everyone where he’ll prepare the dough and toppings on the massive kitchen table and let everyone roll their own dough and choose their own toppings before he puts them all in the oven and calls everyone to their meal when it’s ready. sunshine is the queen of soups and salads. she can whip together a soup or a salad out of practically thin air and they’re always so tasty and pair perfectly with whatever else is being made for dinner that night
they all help out with everything (both in the kitchen and with tasks around the farm) especially when it’s time to harvest the fields and it’s all hands on deck to get everything done, but in my mind these are their main tasks/favourite things to do around their little country farm <3
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pawsitivevibe · 3 months
Apparently the salon I'm interviewing at tomorrow doesn't accept new doodles anymore. Interesting.
The owner's reasoning:
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They also don't shave double coated dogs unless they really have to for mats.
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They're also really picky about their clients in general, and expect them to put their dogs on a grooming schedule. They also charge more for dogs who have longer between grooms. They can afford to be picky because they have a large clientele.
Honestly lovely to see a salon prioritize their groomers and the dogs' well-being and not just cave to owners demands.
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robfinancialtip · 6 months
Join Charlie Chun, a renowned expert dog trainer, as he shares invaluable spring cleaning and grooming tips for your beloved canine companion. In this comprehensive guide, Charlie discusses the importance of grooming your dog, including the use of various tools such as deshedders, Slicker brushes, and nail grinders. Through the example of Gustav, a furry friend with a double coat, Charlie demonstrates the proper grooming techniques to maintain your dog's coat health and shine without compromising their natural regulation system.
Moreover, Charlie emphasizes the significance of paw care, nail trimming, and conditioning, providing insightful advice on acclimating your dog to booties for protection during outdoor activities. From moisturizing paw pads to addressing seasonal allergies, Charlie covers every aspect of canine grooming with expertise and care.
Beyond physical grooming, Charlie delves into dental care, suggesting safe alternatives like coconut oil and kid-friendly toothpaste for effective cleaning. He also highlights the importance of monitoring your dog's eyes, ears, and overall health during the spring season.
Throughout the discussion, Charlie introduces the innovative Halo collar, a wireless dog fence powered by real-time GPS technology, ensuring your furry friend's safety and freedom during outdoor adventures. With Charlie's guidance, you'll gain the confidence and skills needed to keep your dog clean, healthy, and happy throughout the spring season and beyond.
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thewolvesshade · 1 year
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A small break from your weekly horrors for a bit of dopamine - Shade in dumbass mode!
While it isn't canon to the main story, I like to imagine that werewolf puppies (aka any werewolf under the age of 12) are super playful and affectionate.
While they do undergo monthly transformations, werewolf pups are far more versatile and tend to bounce back more quickly. They are energetic, loving, and enjoy going on walks with their caretakers.
Werewolves are omnivores, and thus are capable of eating any food a human can eat. Werewolf pups have often shown a liking for orange juice, beef jerky, hot dogs - and most importantly: Fruit Snacks.
However, it is important to note that too much sugar can cause a werewolf to have a tummy ache. Parents of werewolves are advised to reduce the amount of sugar intake on full moons, as it can lead to indigestion.
In the event your werewolf pup returns with a kill (such as a bird, rabbit, or other small animals), do not panic! This is merely a hunting instinct and a sign that they care about you - rather than violent intent. They are young and still learning to fend for themselves, so they will often give their caretakers "gifts" - both as a sign of thanks, and an attempt to contribute to the household.
Werewolf pups are most notable for their soft, downy fur - compared to the coarse and somewhat greasy hide that their adult counterparts have. This fur requires consistent brushing and grooming to prevent matting. A local dog groomer will suffice, but it can be an embarrassing conversation to have. Just be sure not to shave their coat, as werewolves are double-coated!
Finally, werewolf pups are full of love - and require consistent attention. Just like humans, they are a social species and rely heavily on family and friends. Some theorize that a born werewolf will behave in a docile or even protective manner around their loved ones provided enough care, even leading into adulthood.
Caring for a werewolf is a lot of work, but worthwhile. They are loyal providers and very intelligent, both in human and wolf form. What you give to them, they will return tenfold.
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weregreatatcrime · 1 year
Fuck it In making Splinters have rat issues
Rise!Splinter is blind. Legally, awfully, rat-vision blind. He is permanently squinting because he can at BEST see swashes of color. His clear vision range is about a foot. This is why the color names, he couldn't tell them apart at ALL from a distance until he had something bright and eye catching attached. His ears, whiskers, and tail make up for a lot of issues vision that bad causes, but he still has to sit like a foot in front of the TV with giant fuckoff glasses that don't really do much. He can't use the glasses unless he's sitting still because they're so magnified he Will trip or throw up. There's no prescription strong enough for rat eyes
2012!Splinter has issues with his teeth and lungs. He had a lot of trouble in the early years not knowing how to care for his teeth properly and trying to ignore the rat instincts to brux/chew. His teeth got nasty overgrown and painful for a bit and trimming them back is such an unholy awful sensory HELL that he decides to just be a rat and avoid the trimming. He chews on things all the time and allows himself to brux (angry rat chewing, where they grind their teeth, it means they're either Very happy or Very upset) because anything is better than having to take dog nail clippers to your TEETH. Dignity be damned, he will find chunks of applewood or pear wood or ANY possible substitute to chew on before having to trim his teeth. He also has had several health scares where his lungs got very sick. Domestic rats' lungs are their kryptonite, and he was not expecting the close quarters with him and four infants in a cramped nest to cause him to basically get URIs every other month. (I refuse to believe he was a wild rat. Those pretty markings are PEAK domesticated rat marks) Mans had to come up with an herbal remedy to breathe in or he'd just be constantly Suffering wheezey coughing hell. His vision is Also probably a bit worse
2003!Splinter has the least issues just because he was a rat First, so he's used to rat things. But he likely has a lot of issues with his coat and his joints. Can't groom properly anymore, because he's still very flexible but not nearly as much as he used to be, and some rats can go into shock if you surprise them with too much water. (I say most, as my patchwork rat and double rex would find the nearest stream of water and quite literally take a shower with it) He hates water and how heavy it makes his fur, but having kids means frequent bathing.... his poor fur likely has had issues with mold because he struggles to dry it all the way through. He has a lot of joint issues as he's kept a lot of the shape of rat limbs but the posture of humans and that's Not Great, plus he was old to begin with and his old man joints got Permanently Old Man-d. Also definitely got BETTER vision with his mutation, which he appreciates, but he was hardly a Normal Rat beforehand bcz I refuse to accept "showmakers knew nothing about rats" as an excuse for their weirdness in 2k3
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iconuk01 · 2 months
This afternnoon, whilst taking a stroll through the countryside and nearby villages around my town, I happened upon an elderly couple who were sitting on a bench. They had a dog with them, of a type I've not seen in a while, a full blown Chow chow. (I remember someone in my home town bred them and it was quite a sight to see her out with them)
Chow chows are amazing dogs, notable for basically being very sturdy floof balls, with a VERY thick double coat and distinctive blue tongue
So this is basically who I met today.
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The couple said I could pet him, and he seemed friendly (and I tend to be good with dogs) but he took one sniff at me and suddenly I was his best friend ever, he was rubbing against my legs, slobbering as only a chow who has a big bowl of water can, and when I started to pet him, he basically melted, instantly rolling over exposing his tummy for rubs and with his leg twitching reflexively whilst making happy little noises.
Whilst we had chatted amiably about his breed and the level of grooming that a chow chow needs (the above is their summer coat, it gets even thicker in winter so draw your own conclusions) his owners seemed genuinely surprised at his reaction.
"Good heavens" they said (They were the sort of couple who I suspect would say "Good heavens" and consider it to be dangerously close to a swear) "He's not normally like this. He's never THIS friendly!"
Despite getting a definite impression that I was there for the rest of the day, I did manage to extract myself (reluctantly) after a few minutes and we went our separate ways.
So that's how my afternoon went, how about you?
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jamethinks · 3 days
Dog breed hcs for the boys:
Both boys are mutts. Lots of mixing and mingling to create ideal dogs. Gives them lots of problems, but they're still lovable in the end.
Bond is a Great Pyrenees, Maremma Sheepdog, Kuvasz, and Clumber Spaniel mix. He's a massive dog with a thick double coat. He's surprisingly lazy for his blend but enjoys having work. He's clumsy, too, but that's for comedic purposes. A major issue for him is the tiny apartment. He's big and a guard dog mostly. He needs lots of space and things to protect. When they go to the park, he always ends up herding the kids or other dogs. He also loves herding Anya and forcing her to bed. He sometimes herds Loid if he stays up too late. He really does enjoy walks with Yor because she normally goes to large open spaces where he can run around. Sometimes, they bump into farms, and he starts herding the livestock. Since her epilepsy diagnosis, Bond has been extra attentive to Anya frequently guarding her, pulling her away from crowds, etc. He can also tell when she's about to have a seizure so he can alert Loid or Yor. He struggles a bit with self grooming and requires a lot of help in that field. Yor can spend up to an hour just brushing him. He also eats a lot of food and is prone to obesity so Loid has him on a strict diet. He has very powerful bark and can get very noisy when he's excited. He's massive, almost as tall as Yor when upright and weighs more Fiona (in her defense, she is tiny). Only Yor can easily pick him up, Anya can not even hold a paw. Loid genuinely think Bond would crush her by accident, so he's very weary about leaving the two alone. But in the end, he's a cuddle bug and likes to act like a lap dog much to everyone but Yor's frustration.
Aaron is a German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois mix (a few other breeds in there since he is also mutt). He's very smart, strong, and energetic. Surprisingly, the lazy Handler is actually very good at managing this beast. He's very well trained and even teaches himself a few additional tricks. He loves working and hates staying indoors all day, hence why Handler has to bring him to work or he'll destroy (actually clean) her apartment. Aaron is actually very young, between a year or two, so he's still extra energetic, breed aside. Handler actually loves having such a demanding dog. She used to train a lot of spies, but now she doesn't get the chance as often, so it's stimulating for her. Like I mentioned before, Aaron has taught himself a few additional tricks. He actually monitors Handler's blood sugar to make sure she's eating enough. First, he'll alert her, but if she ignores him, he'll bring her a snack. He also does this to other agents, so if Aaron starts approaching you, it's a clear sign you need to eat (or you're a rat). He can also tell when Fiona is coming and would leave to avoid setting off her allergies. Although he is very intelligent and skilled, he has anxiety from his time as a bomb dog so he can get a bit of stage fright and doesn't like being left alone or he'll start crying because he is still just a baby. He also can't handle fireworks and loud noises. Even gun shots scare him. He has to take anxiety meds and lots of time resting.
Bonus: Nightfall's cats
She has two Siberian Forest cats. One is like 100, weighs 25 pounds (not fat just objectively huge). He's about half the weight of Anya for context. Thick triple layer coat and barely sheds that fucker. The other one is a white kitten (say 6 months to a year), she's partially deaf. The older is extremely well trained, loves to play fetch and enjoys chasing people. Actually very close with Aaron who's always trying to play with him. He loves taking long walks and actually uses a leash. In other words, he's a cat that acts like a dog. People love it and are obsessed with him, but much like his owner, he's reserved and avoids people. The kitten is full of life and energy but still in the process of being trained. Strict ass Aaron always gives her a lesson in behaving (yes, Aaron can train cats. Just another hobby of his).
She has a third one, but it's a Sphynx and spends most of its days in the house cuddling everyone and everything.
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toasttheinkling · 4 months
I have a question for pet owners- How often do you bathe your pets (A chain?)
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snaillamp · 8 months
Sicker Than Dogs - Part 1
Enajr groaned and rolled out of bed.
He felt terrible. He'd been sick for days, feeling pretty shitty, but today he felt even worse than normal, like one small breeze would topple him over.
Pulling on the first shirt he found, the same one from the last two days crumpled on his floor, he pulled it on, ignoring how sweaty it smelled and shuffled out of his bedroom into the kitchen, flicking on the light.
His cabin was small, the light buzzing above his head as he tried to make sense of the early morning routine in his head. His head, however, was pounding, his vision doubling as he stumbled to the kitchen, attempting to make a coffee. He could hardly hold the kettle as he filled it with water, finally setting it down to boil.
After a minute of leaning heavily against the kitchen bench, the water was ready and he poured away. Heaping milk and sugar into it, Enjar drank the sickly sweet, almost syrupy concoction, pulling a face at it. He didn’t like sweet coffee. He didn't know why he’d put so many spoons of sugar in it, if he was being honest, he had hadn't counted.
Walking to his bathroom, he looked in the mirror, his usually long, well groomed hair sticking out in all directions as he stared at his gaunt reflection, his scar standing out from his flushed skin. Sipping the coffee, he ran the tap, bending down on stiff, aching joints and sniffing up the goo slowly dripping from his nose. He found his flu tablets, standing back up and fumbling with the box.
He managed to get it open, only to drop the box into the sink, grumbling in annoyance as he fished it out of the water, leaving it on the counter to dry. Tossing back two electric blue tablets, Enjar swallowed them with a gulp of coffee, before coughing, annoyed at how dizzy he felt. Stumbling back to bed, he collapsed into the sweat soaked sheets, his mind spinning. He was glad the bathroom was an en suite at that moment.
He awoke hours later, feeling worse than before, only to frown.
There was a strange sound... like rain... coming from the bathroom...
Wracking his brain for a second the lighthouse keeper tried to figure out why, only to scramble out of bed when he came to the realisation, immediately making him feel dizzy as he shot across to the sink.
He’d left the tap running, water spilling everywhere. Groaning in frustration, he grabbed towels, and after switching off the tap, began the clean up.
Bending down made the pounding in his head worse, but he forced himself to keep going, until couldn't anymore. Tiredly, he slumped against the shower, breathing hard as sweat poured down his face. He gasped for breath, his eyes sliding shut... He was so... so... tired...
Enjar’s body slumped onto the tiles, his breathing shallow and fast, his skin flushed, puddles of water still on the floor.
When he awoke, he was numb and shivering, barely able to move. He whined weakly, trying to lift his head, to no avail. It dropped back down against the tiles, sending shock waves of pain through his skull, a weak moan reverberating in his aching chest. His throat hurt, his ears throbbed... He couldn’t move, but managed to curl into himself a little, shuddering as he felt his stomach churn.
‘Oh no…’ He thought, his eyes shooting to the toilet. His body convulsed a little, as he swallowed a gag and forced himself onto his shaking hands and knees. Enjar could barely hold himself up as he crawled towards the toilet, pulling himself up onto it just in time. With a final convulsion, he felt his stomach ripple, and the bile rise up and out of him.
Feeling a little light-headed, but better, he shuddered, as more came up. He slumped over the bowl, barely able to hold himself up, and for a few minutes did nothing but throw up what little he had inside him. Then, he was dry heaving, gasping for breath with ringing in his ears, the acrid taste coating his tongue, head hanging in the bowl as his body kept trying to force up something that wasn't even there.
Enjar stood on trembling legs, shivering as he stumbled towards the sink, gripping onto it for dear life. He was glad the bathroom was so small, the sink was the only thing keeping him from collapsing on his weak knees. His body shook as he turned on the tap, leaning down and drinking the water barely dripping from the faucet.
His head spun as the taste of puke left his mouth, and he straightened, immediately staggering backwards, colliding with the wall behind him with a dull thud. He groaned, clutching his forehead and sliding down the wall, before looking through the doorway at his bed… so warm… so soft… so comfy…
Enjar forced himself back up onto his feet, staggering to the closet and wrestling off the wet, gross shirt. He opened the closet, grabbing the first shirt he saw and pulling it on, changing into fresh clothes before stumbling back to bed.
His stomach was cramping, upset about the small amount of water inside him, threatening to expel it. Enjar curled up on his side, holding his waist and groaning in pain as the cramping got worse, the ringing in his ears getting louder and the shivers getting worse.
The pain was soon too much for him, his mind shutting down as he slid into unconsciousness again.
A grating, loud beeping awoke Enjar, making him whine with annoyance, before reaching out with a shaking hand to press the cold, smooth snooze button on his alarm clock.
It was only 6 am.
It dawned on him he must’ve been so disoriented that he didn’t even notice it was night when he’d made the coffee... And that was still sitting in the bathroom on the sink, stone cold.
Sighing, he sniffed, rolling over onto his back. He had to go turn the stupid light off, or he’d get yelled at by someone. Pulling himself into a sitting position with great effort, Enjar’s body shuddered again, and his hand flew to his mouth reflexively. Nothing came up, but he eyed the bathroom warily.
His stomach growled crankily, twisting inside him, making him nauseous. ‘The light…Come on, you big baby... Get the fuck up!’ He thought, swallowing any gags he had rising up, and forced himself out of bed.
The second he stood, he swayed, as nausea wracked his feeble body. Groaning in self pity, Enjar pushed himself to put one foot in front of the other and get to the door that lead to the tower. He opened it, sighing at the sight of the stairs winding their way up into the darkness, their steel frame suddenly much more intimidating than usual. His shoulders sank.
The wall up the stairs usually took Enjar a few minutes on a good day, a bit longer on a bad, but on bad days he could always rest at the halfway point, the maintenance floor halfway up the tower. However today, he could barely get halfway to the maintenance floor, before collapsing on the cold, sharp, steel steps, in a shivering wreak.
Looking up at the stairs he had to go, Enjar reached up to the railing, grabbing it and pulling himself up, holding onto it for dear life. ‘Get up, and keep climbing.’
He made it to the maintenance floor finally, collapsing to the ground. Rolling onto his back and staring at the stairs beside him, he grimaced, coughing weakly. ‘Still have so much left to go’. He thought, groaning again and pushing up and making his way over to the stairs beginning the final climb to the top, ignoring the fact he knew he still had to make it all the way back down.
By some miracle, he ended up at the small, wooden ladder that lead to the gallery where the light was housed. Enjar managed to climb up with just enough energy to make it to the control box and turn the light off. He was glad Johaan was a lazy, old bastard who instead on automating the entire process of turning on the light with a simple, red, glowing button and the flick of a switch. Enjar was sure he wasn’t cognitively aware enough at that moment to do anything other than hit stop and flick the off switch.
He watched the light grind to a halt, making the same mental note he made every day to get around to checking out the light mechanism and fixing whatever was wrong with it.
Making his way back down the ladder, he sighed at the steps he had to descend. Gripping the stair rail, he slowly stepped back down the stairs, taking a break every fourth of fifth stair to catch his breath and give his aching, tingling body a break. When he finally made it back down to his cabin, the sun was gleaming in through the windows, hurting his head.
Sighing exasperatedly, Enjar rubbed his eyes as his headache compounded in his head, and went back to his bedroom, pulling the curtains shut and shutting his door, something he rarely did. Dust flew around the room, making him sneeze, and once he started he couldn’t stop, sneezes and coughs forcing him to his knees where he desperately tried to catch his breath.
“Nnngghh…” He groaned, his voice sounding gravelly and congested.
Enjar couldn't breathe much through his congested nose before, but now he couldn’t breathe through it at all. Crawling to his bedside table, Enjar rummaged around for tissues, tucking back his sweat soaked hair as it hung limply in his vision. Finding the tissues, he blew his nose, relishing in the sensation of the slime coming free. Sighing contentedly as the headache eased a little, his throat aching, ears ringing he climbed back into bed.
Enjar lay there, trying to sleep away his awful cold, except he was so uncomfortable he couldn’t.
Every time be began drifting off, he needed to cough or sneeze or gag. Every time he tried to breathe, his nose and throat filled with slime. With every blink, tears streamed down his face, and occasionally, if he did manage to actually pass out, it would only be for a few minutes before he had to drag himself out of bed to go throw up, though, nothing ever did, he always ended up slumped over the toilet bowl, dry heaving instead.
After a couple hours of repeating this, he gave up, pulling off his sweat stained shirt and dropping it on the floor, along side the pile of slimy tissues he had amassed. Sliding out of bed like a slug, he stalked to the bathroom, turning on the shower and hoping the water pressure was good enough that he could have the hottest, steamiest shower of his life, in a bid to rid his body of congestion.
Turning on the taps, he sighed as the shower pipes shuddered and groaned, vibrating the wall, before a dribble of water came splashing out of the head, then nothing. Enjar could’ve cried at that moment, if he’d had the energy or tears to actually do it.
He stood, drained of energy, swaying sightly as the pipe continued to groan and creak noisily. Turning off the taps, Enjar shuddered, sinking to his knees and curling up in the corner of the shower, slumped against the corner of the wall. The tiles felt nice and cool against his hot skin, as his stomach gurgled, protesting being squished. Pulling his knees up close and letting his bare back curl against the tiles as he tried to cry.
Cold drips fell in front of his feet as he shivered, the cold winter morning waking up around him. He could hear the wind rattling the windows, the cold air settling around him again, making him shiver. Before, the cold was pleasant against his hot skin, but now, he wanted nothing more than to crawl back to bed.
Sighing, his breath hot against his bare chest. Enjar regretted leaving his shirt in his room, but didn’t think the shower wouldn’t have worked at all. Gritting his teeth and pulling himself up, he managed to make it the few steps from the bathroom to the bed, collapsing into the sheets with a groan of relief.
In seconds, he was passed out, not even under the covers. The winter cold set in more as the fire remained unlit and the cabin grew colder and colder. Enjar’s flushed skin began to get paler, his moans and twitches growing smaller and further apart, until he finally went still in his cold, dark room.
Enjar was walking through a forest. He had a gun slung over his shoulder, and warm clothes, but he was freezing. Desperate to find somewhere warm in this massive, infinite forest... Snow piled up around him, he knew he was looking for something… someone…
“HEY!” He called out, his voice cracking as he strained it. Coughs overwhelmed him, forcing him to his knees. The snow was wet, his bones aching and his lungs burning as he tried to breathe…
“Gotta… get… up…... Keep… going…” He looked up at the darkness around him, the world engulfed in shadow. “Quit whining… and get… up…” Enjar pushed against the ground, managing to get to his feet, only for his body to tilt sideways and land heavily on the ground.
Pain shot through his body as he cried out, but no one could hear him… he was all alone… he was always alone… no one was coming… It was so cold...
Enjar’s eyes peeled open, and he sighed against the hard ground. His body ached all over, his headache a million times worse. He barely lifted it, staring up at his bed.
“Must’ve… rolled off…” He whispered, aggravating his throat even more, as he reached a shaking hand up to grip the soft blankets above him. Pulling them down, he let the blankets land heavily on top of him. He had no energy to lift himself back up onto the bed, he could barely move his aching, quivering arms.
Every joint in his body felt weak, stiff and swollen, every breath he took felt like less an less air was getting in… The world was growing smaller and darker as Enjar’s eyes rolled back and he went limp once more, slumped heavily on his side.
The cabin was still all day, as Enjar slept on the cold, hard ground. As the sun began to set, he stirred a little, only to sigh and fall still again. His breathing was faint and slow, his shivering slowing as he warmed up a little, but still very much there. A bruise formed on his head where he’d hit the ground, his skin shining with sweat as the fever ravaged his body.
As the sun set, the light snow was crushed under heavy boots, making their way to the door of the cabin. The person standing outside looked up at the light, or lack of it, worried. Matthew had been trying to get a hold of Enjar all evening, wondering why the light wasn't on, on this particularly foggy night. Something was wrong.
Matthew tried the door. Locked, as expected. He went to the nearby shed and found the old, rusted key. Returning to the tower, he lifted his hand to the old lighthouse door. “Enjar? Hey!? ENJAR!”
He pounded his fist on the door, shaking the window in its’ frame. “Enjar? It’s Matt. You there?” Matthew peered through the salt encrusted window, looking for any sign of his friend. He could tell that the familiar warm glow of the cabin was missing, everything still, dark and quiet. Frowning, Matthew’s gut told him something was up. The snow hadn't even been cleared from the doorway, so Enjar probably hadn't left. Matthew went inside the dark, cold cabin, scared of what he was about to find.
Silence greeted him. “En? You okay…?” Matthew’s voice trailed off, a hint of concern in his voice, the wind howling around the cabin, shaking the windows. “Come on... answer me.” He whispered, glancing around the cabin. The portable radio was still there, so Enjar definitely hadn’t gone anywhere. Maybe he was climbing the tower?
Matthew went to the door, the cabin hard to see in the dark, and made his way up the stairs. Coming to the maintenance floor, he called out the rest of the way up the tower. “ENJAR!” His voice bounced off the stone walls, echoing its way up the stairs.
Shaking his head, Matthew climbed the rest of the way up the stairs and into the light gallery. He turned on the light, listening to the strong, awful grinding sound it was making as it began rotating. A shiver went down his spine. Enjar had been complaining about how the light needed repairs for months. Maybe he’d gotten hurt fixing it? Rapidly checking the area around the light, Matthew peered around it, looking for any signs of his now potentially mangled friend.
Sighing in relief, Matthew made his way down the winding tower. Maybe Enjar had just gone to bed early. He tended to do that if he was having a rough day, and he'd been sounding pretty sick the last few days...
Glancing at the bedroom as he walked past, he sighed. Enjar wasn’t in bed either. But he wasn’t in the shed when Matthew looked for the key, and he wouldn’t be fishing, not at night, and the fjord nearby, where he liked to do it was frozen…
‘Wait.’ Matthew thought, doing a double take and looking closer at the room.
There was a pile of blankets, piled haphazardly on the floor, and sticking out from under one, were two pale legs.
“Enjar…” Matthew breathed, turning on the light and rushing over to his friend who was sprawled on the floor, barely covered but the blankets. They were heaped over his waist, his hand barely holding one between his fingers, tucked close to his naked chest, but not covering it. His entire chest was exposed, his skin clammy and pale in the dark, sweat gluing his long, black hair to his face, neck, shoulders and back. The rest was in a matted heap strewn over the floor.
Matthew’s face fell as he looked down at his friend’s sleeping face, noticing how blue his lips were. “What happened to you, En?” Matthew whispered as he pulled the blankets off his friend. He grunted as he lifted Enjar’s heavy body off the ground, his stomach dropping when he felt how cold his friend's skin was. For a short guy, Enjar was heavy, his muscular frame hard to lift, especially when he was dead weight.
Matthew managed to haul Enjar’s torso onto the bed, catching him briefly as he began sliding off. “Damn…” He puffed as he pushed Enjar back up. “You really must be sick… You’re… completely… out of it.” Matthew finally managed to get Enjar up onto the bed, ending up with his friend lying face down across the width of the bed, his legs hanging over the side. Quickly correcting him, Matthew tucked Enjar in, laying the blankets back over the top of him and going hunting for a hot water bottle.
“I know you have one around…” Matthew muttered, opening every cupboard and drawer looking for it. From the bedroom, Matthew froze when he heard Enjar moan softly. “Please don’t wake up and freak out…” Matthew whispered quickly, tense as he listened for any other sound.
Opening the next cupboard under the bench, Matthew gasped as he saw the pot tumble out a second too late. It landed with a loud crash on the ground, rolling before coming to a stop. Matthew let out a sigh as he heard nothing from Enjar, picking up the pot and sliding it back into place. It moved another pot, and another, until three or four pots and pans came tumbling out of the cupboard, with a deafening crash. Matthew cringed, waiting for Enjar to storm out of his room, pissed off, but all he heard was a weak, low, annoyed groan.
Matthew waited in tense silence, dead still for at least a minute, until he was sure Enjar was still asleep, or at the very least not coming to rip his head off. “If there’s one thing that puts him in a foul mood, it’s being woken up, especially unpleasantly…” Matthew muttered to himself as he continued the search.
Finally, stuffed in a drawer, Matthew found the hot water bottle. He boiled the water for it, bouncing anxiously from foot to foot as he waited. Preparing the bottle, Matthew wandered back in to Enjar’s room, pulling back the covers slightly and earning an annoyed grunt from his probably still uncoscious friend.
Placing the bottle directly against the lighthouse keeper’s bare chest, Matthew went to the closet nearby and began looking for some layers. Using one of Enjar’s arms to hold the bottle in place, Matthew left him and returned with a shirt. He noticed Enjar’s arm was wrapped tightly around the bottle, clinging to it for warmth. At that moment, Enjar made a sleepy sound, somewhere between a groan and a grunt, but very contented sounding. The colour was returning to his face too and Matthew grimaced, sliding it out from between his arms, feeling bad for taking it again so soon. He held up the shirt, trying to figure out how to slide it onto Enjar's unconscious body.
“Charlotte does this all the time, how does she…? Ohhhhh.” He murmured as he got the shirt over Enjar's arms and head, pulling it down his torso. He grabbed a couple more layers, an extra shirt and a woolen jumper, finally satisfied that he would be warm enough when he tucked ENjar's arm back around the hot water bottle. Enjar twitched, clutching it tight. Matthew watched his friend’s face grow warmer for a while, before he frowned, now Enjar looked too warm.
“I’ll get you some water, En, cool you down.”
Matthew came back with a small bowl full of cool water and a rag, dabbing Enjar’s forehead and cheeks in an effort to keep the fever down a little, eventually taking off the extra layers he’d put on. Enjar occasionally twitched and groaned, his head turning from side to side, but he seemed stuck in his feverish sleep.
“You’re okay, man. I’m here.” Matthew whispered, noticing the fever rising in Enjar’s skin. “You were frozen on the floor and now you’re burning up… what’s happening to you?” Enjar groaned a little, sounding uncomfortable, but Matthew wasn’t sure if that was a response or just sick, sleepy sounds.
Matthew’s water must’ve been helping though, because soon Enjar came around, moaning in pain, tired and haggard. He half opened his eyes, gazing at the ceiling. Matthew could tell he wasn’t really there. “Mmmnnngh…” Enjar quietly groaned, trying to move his arms. They were wrapped around the hot water bottle again, and Enjar curled into it for a moment, before trying to move again. “Shh, stay still En. You’re sick.” Matthew whispered, very careful of his movements and voice. He knew Enjar was very easy to tip over the edge when he was like this.
Matthew lifted the damp cloth away from Enjar, moving to place it back in the bowl, sighing in relief. He looked back at Enjar, who was still very out of it, and sat quietly, waiting for him to slowly wake up. Enjar was still gaining his bearings, trying to move again.
His breath seemed to quicken as he struggled under the sheets, tangling himself up, gritting his teeth and grunting as he tried fighting them off, his movements growing more and more erratic as he began to panic. Matthew sat frozen, unsure of what to do as Enjar freaked out beside him. With a final, big kick, the blankets came free and Matthew took his chance as Enjar sucked in a deep, panicked breath.
He spoke up, “Enjar! Calm down, you’re okay, it’s just blankets… You’re okay, you’re okay.” Enjar seemed to hear Matthew’s voice, but wasn’t lucid enough to gauge where he was or what was happening.
He groaned in confusion, his eyes sluggishly moving as he slowly came too, before he sighed, exasperated and closed his eyes. Moving an arm from around his waist, he placed his scarred forearm over his face moaning softly.
Enjar felt strange. His bones felt rattled inside his skin and he was so cold, but so warm. His head was pounding, his skull feeling too big yet too small at the same time. He didn’t know where he was, but his mind was aware of someone nearby, talking through the haze.
“Mmmnnngh…” he groaned, curling up around the warmest thing on near his chest a little. He groaned again, trying to get the weight off him. It was crushing him, he needed it off. ‘Where am I?’ He wondered trying to lift his arms again. They were pressed against him, held down… like… ‘No…’ He thought. ‘No, no, no, no…’
He began to thrash around, fighting off the arms, the lights above him too bright and the voices too loud, the room too silent, everything was wrong. For a second he was back there, back in hospital, back where it had all began, he flashed through his past with every blink and was always somewhere else. The memories were all jumbled, the memories were all wrong… where was he?
What was happening?
Enjar gasped as as the weight lifted off him with a strong, scared kick, a wave of cold crashing over his sweat stained clothes. It grounded him a little, and his heavy eyes slid shut, reality smashing into him like a ton of bricks.
He could hear quiet talking, his name maybe, but nothing made sense. His head was pounding.
He wasn’t sure what was happening, but the pounding…
Placing his arm over his brow, he sighed in relief.
The pressure seemed to make his head feel less floaty.
He could still feel the full bodied aches, but now, he was at least sort of aware of his surroundings....
“Enjar, speak to me.” He felt a hand grab his shoulder, shaking it gently, causing Enjar to flinch. “Enjar?” Enjar couldn’t make words come out of his head as he lifted his arm and stared out from under it. He could see the blurry outline of someone… Dirty blonde hair… tall… that voice…
“Matt…?” Enjar whispered, barely. His voice croaked as he tried to speak, causing him to cough a little. His throat felt painful, every swallow, every breath... The top of his throat was swollen, narrow and he could still taste the faint whisper of puke.
“What are you… doing… here?” Enjar’s vision began to clear as he blinked, and he saw Matthew’s tired, stressed face looking down at him. A sudden realisation struck Enjar, making his stomach sink. “The light…” He breathed, trying to get up.
“No, no, no, no. I handled it. You need to stay there.” Matthew murmured, the light fading fast now, his face bathed in shadow. Enjar could’ve sworn it was moving abnormally, but when he blinked, his friend’s face was normal.
“Enjar, I know this is the last thing you want to hear but I think you should go to the hospit-”
“Hospital… I know…” Enjar interrupted Matthew.
He looked up at his friend, pleading with him. “Please, Matt… no… no hospital.” Matthew frowned, “But Enj-” Enjar managed too lift his arm a little, reaching for Matthew’s own. “Matt. Please, no…” Enjar knew he wouldn’t last in a hospital. If what happened to him last time was any indication, he didn’t want to go. He didn’t want to relive it all again, all of it. He was scared this trip would add to the memories.
“Fine. No hospital, but you’re coming home with me. I can’t leave you on your own like this.” Enjar shook his head. “Matt… No… Who will look after the light?” Matthew rolled his eyes. “I’ll figure that out.” Enjar mustn’t have looked so sure, because Matthew huffed in frustration. “I know you don’t like other people doing your job, but Enjar, I found you collapsed on the floor half frozen to death!” Matthew’s voice grew louder as he argued, Enjar sighing, staring at the ceiling, forlorn.
“Hey, En… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell, I’m just worried. You’ve had it rough out here before and it didn’t end well, you’re far from any help if you do need it, and I know you, you always wait until the last second to get help. I don’t wanna find you dea-” Matthew began tearing up, the image flashing through Enjar’s mind.
Matthew walking in through the door, finding Enjar on the ground, cold, still and…
Enjar didn’t want to picture anymore of that thought. Closing his eyes, Enjar stifled a rising sob. “I promise… that will never happen.” He whispered, looking at his friend. The look on Matthew’s face told Enjar that he didn’t believe him. Grimacing, Enjar forced himself to sit, leaning over and pulling Matthew into a weak hug. “Okay… I’ll go…” He felt Matthew’s body shake against him, his best friend, a brother, crying into his shoulder.
Matthew’s fingers gripped Enjar’s shirt tightly as he squeezed his friend, holding him so hard, so close, so he wouldn’t let go… So his friend wouldn’t go. “I love you man…” Enjar smiled, “I love you too…” They stayed close, holding and comforting each other with their presence, each just enjoying the fact their friend was alive in that moment.
Eventually, they pulled apart with a sigh. Matthew quickly wiped the tears from his face and sniffed, but Enjar didn’t have the energy. “Ugh, oh my god…” Matthew wasn’t prepared for the unexpected strong emotions to creep up on him like that. “Okay, En… Let’s get you dressed, it looks like it’s gonna snow bad later.” Enjar nodded tiredly, sighing and reaching over for the hot water bottle, hugging it around his stomach. It was warm, but not really hot enough for him. He still enjoyed it though, something was better than nothing. The cramps were coming back.
Matthew helped dress Enjar up warm, slinging his arm over Matthew's shoulder, supporting Enjar’s waist with his own. Each step was agony, the shaking, weak joints in his legs barely able to support Enjar’s weight. He felt stiff and sore and achy, all of it was torture.
Finally Matthew got him bundled into the car, climbing into the drivers seat next to him and started the car. Occasionally, he would glance over at Enjar, checking he was okay, but his friend slept for most of the trip. Matthew rummaged around in his pocket, trying to find his phone, but he couldn’t concentrate on the road, so he gave up, focusing on the misty back roads.
As they got closer to town, Matthew felt the road change. It became smoother, the bitumen solid under the wheels. Enjar twitched, mumbling something, before snuggling up against the door of the car. “What was that?” Matthew asked, glancing at him. The outline of his friend looked up, and Matthew could barely make out his features in the dark. “No hospital… please…” He murmured, letting his head drop back against the door.
Matthew pursed his lips, looking at the intersection where he would have to turn if he were to take Enjar to the hospital.
Sighing, he accelerated past the intersection, taking the next turn and going further into town.
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micahthemoon · 12 days
September 5 2024
Random fact about me: I love watching dog grooming videos on youtube. And after getting more body hair I imagine my legs being a double coated dog getting shampooed and conditioned every time I rub soap into it in the shower. I find the mental image quite cute and affirming. It might be weird but if it makes me enjoy showering more, what’s the harm? I’m not a fan of how my legs itch after putting on (zero perfume) body lotion however. Not sure what that’s about.
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