#Dorothy Must Die!Tin Woodman
slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
The Tin Woodman's 'I want that down on record. All of it, everything, the whole shebang: it was for her.' VS the Scarecrow's 'You don't fail a woman like that,' 'Not even once.'
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marinerainbow · 4 months
Second of all, here are those genuine Dad!Corrupted Scarecroe Examples:
Scarecrow loving to defy Glinds every now and then (It's good for her, he tells little Una. Keeps her on her toes.) so sometimes when Una misbehaves, Scarecrow'll sneak her out of her room to hang out with him, or slip her hot chocolate and lollies, or flash her a reassuring smile and wink; assuring her that it's all okay.
Scarecrow telling Una bedtime stories of him and his old friends like he did for Ozma sometimes (When he has nothing better to do, or Glinda forced him). Sure, the way he tells them now is a little different, he calls Tin a twitterpatted twit and the the Lion an animal- and whenever Una asks about the great Dorothy he sighs at her-- but his hand is always comfortingly on her tummy or her side, rocking her to sleep with a gentle precision.
Scarecrow telling Una jokes!! They're awful (as in, gross and kinda mean), but she laughs because they make her dad laugh 🧡
Scarecrow always remembering to feed Una. Always. Glinda might go into States where all she can think about are her devious plans and cunning strategies and what next-- bit the Scarecrow will always take Una to the kitchen and spread some jam on a piece of bread for her for dinner. It's not a lot and it's not nutritious but it's more then her adoptive mother remembered to give her. And he stays with her, muttering about Glinda (sometimes complaining to Una about Glinda), while she eats, so he can send her straight to bed after (he knows he may not need it, but she does!).
I wish I could come up with more but I have to get ready for work! ^^ Hope you're having a good day ^^ See ya! 🐊🐙🦞🐳
Alright, I've had all day to brew on this XD be prepared for plenty of incohesive thoughts. For anyone else reading, be warned as this mentions a lot of gore. If you know anything about the Dorothy must Die universe, you know that it gets pretty dark. With that warning out of the way-
First off, this did get me thinking more on Una's timeline. Not just this AU, but in general. It's not perfect since I'm not quite sure how time in DmD!Oz works, nor am I too far in the books yet (I'm still in the part where Amy acquires her Glamora styled room. I need to pick these books uo again 😅). But lemme go over that real quick.
Around the time the Witch of the West took over, Una's father, a winkie named Hubert (yes I'm making that canon XD) decided it was worth the risk and set off on his own, wanting to live freely from the Witch. The other winkies were too scared to follow him, and he was gravely injured by the time he made it outside the borders. But he was alive.
A bit before Dorothy came to Oz in the first place, Hubert met Twyla, an Ozian woman who would become his wife and mother to his child. She had possessed a tiny bit of magic, and was a great painter. Being a traveling merchant, she let Hubert tag along on her way to the Emerald City, and they shortly fell in love.
They decide to build a cottage in the woods together, choosing to live away from society to avoid any trouble with the Wicked Witches. Even after the news finally reached to them about how Dorothy slayed them (which again, they live away from people. It took a while 😅), they liked the life they built and chose to stay.
At some point during the war between King Scarecrow and Jinjur, which Twyla and Hubert were fortunately blissfully unaware of because they lived so deep in the woods, they have little Una. They fill the girls head with all the stories they have heard about the Witchslayer Dorothy and her companions, as well as The Good Witch Glinda. This, along with her mothers' limited magical skills, inspires Una to learn the ways of magic one day.
When Una was just 7 years old, however, Glinda had discovered the family's secret home purely by accident. For reasons unknown (did she see a threat in the family? Was it for control? Simple entertainment?), Glinda influenced Dorothy Gale to send the now corrupted Tin Woodman on a crusade to kill anyone he found in that forest. (Hubert had been the first to die, a blade through the chest. Then Twyla, after running as far as she could with Una in her arms and her own injuries, had her head ripped off right in front of young Una. Una just barely made it out alive, now covered in her mother's blood and the terrifying metal monsters eyes flashing in her mind).
Now, in this is when her timeline diverges in the AU. In the OG timeline, Una wandered the forest, tired and starving, for a week before she came across Mombi. As you know, Mombi took her in with The Order of the Wicked, and adopted her helped raise her to become the witch she is now. But in this AU, Glinda decided to follow Tin, to make sure the family was killed. When Una survived, she saw potential in the child, and 'saved' her, before taking the girl under her wing. By the time Una turns 20-24, in either timeline, I imagine that's when Amy arrives in Oz herself.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's got onto the headcannons for this AU! I got a lot so hang tight 😅 and since I haven't read the books too far, I have no idea how accurate these are.
Una and Glinda
In the OG timeline, Una's mind does block out a little of what happened because the trauma was so severe. Enough where she doesn't realize that the Tin Woodman was the one behind her parents' deaths. But in this AU, Glinda encouraged her to forget. Distracting the girl, and maybe using magic to subtly erase Una's memory. Her subconscious fought it, but now Una can't recall what really happened that night now. She has nightmares of it, and knows that her blood parents were taken from her, but Glinda made her believe the 'great danger' they're fighting in Oz killed them.
In the OG timeline, Una is pretty strong, both physically and magically. She's had excellent training in the order. But here, Glinda keeps her as weak as possible while still training her. Una has very little physical strength, and although she has the potential to be very powerful. Glinda is careful with what she teaches her. But Una, with the help of Scarecrow, is starting to suspect her mother figure.
As you can see, Glinda has a lot of influence in Una's life. She controls what she sees and learns, and makes sure that she doesn't see what's really going on- not until she knows she has Una's undying loyalty. As such, Una is rather naive, and her spirit has been damaged with Glinda's manipulative ways; Glinda sweetly putting her down at the right moment, keeping her in the dark and making sure she believes she needs her. (But damaged does not mean destroyed). Yeah, as you can see, Una and Glinda are like Rapunzel and Gothel.
Of course, Glinda fills her head with lies about her aunt Glamora, Mombie, Granny Gurt, and all the other witches. Una had thought Glamora killed her parents, but of course, she's proven wrong.
Not important, but please imagine with me; Glinda singing the Mother Knows Best reprose to Una if/when she runs away (especially if she runs away with a possible crush I'm thinking up for her 👀). Also! In the Carrie Musical How Those Boys would Dance, but Glinda trying to place doubt in Una's mind about someone she loves. Also, this scene in Steven Universe when White Diamond and Steven finally meet. I'd have to dig into a lot of why Whites words are important, but imagine if Una was 'brought' back home from the order, or she runs away, and Glinda with her fake warmth treats this like it was all just a silly game played by a girl having a temper tantrum, "Did you get everything out of your system, dear?"
Una and Scarecrow
Scarecrow being a dad for Una- even if it's not the most genuine on his part- is getting to my heart so much 🥺🥺🥺 I can't possibly raise your headcannons, but here's what I have;
Una bonded with Scare, especially when he would treat her after Glinda punished her and he would complain to her about her during their late night 'dinners' (even if Una didn't want to talk that way about her, she did agree with some things he said. Especially as she grew older. It was what inspired her to be suspicious of her mother figure and teacher in the first place). As such, he's her first choice of person to go to when she's scared or hurt, especially if by Glinda, or if she just wants a hug (I mean, he is like a pillow XD).
Because of how close she and Scare have gotten, Glinda has pretty much appointed him as her Una Spy. He reports everything he can back to her (or at least he's supposed to)
Even though Glinda is her teacher, she has gone to Scare to help her with her homework or for extra lessons. After all, if there's anybody in Oz who can teach her anything, it has to be the smartest guy in the world, huh? If Scare isn't busy with his experiments, he'll happily take the opportunity to prove how smart he is- I mean, teach the silly little girl.
When Una joins the order (when she runs away, or Mombi kidnaps her for a plan, and Una proves her worth to join the order), she was in denial about Scare the most. That's her father! How could he be such a monster?? How could he... Know what Glinda had done to her parents and not do anything?? This can't be him, can it??
Also, Una would hug Scare a lot. Everytine she sees him. It's a comforting habit she gained when she was younger, and he took care of her. Even when he's a grum about it, Una will still give her straw dad a hug ^^ it does hurt a little if he pushes her away or act like this is such an inconvenience, but it's what she knows so she doesn't let it stop her all the time.
Now, if Una got to see Scarecrow after his brain is removed and the sweet, affectionate straw man is back, it'd take her a moment to process it all. Her father is... This now? After how she grew up knowing him as a mean, kind of gross and antisocial man? How he was cold even towards her sometimes? After finding out what he did?? And... He's actually loving now? He wants her hugs?? It'd take her a moment to get used to this Scarecrow (I want Dumb!Scarecrow to learn or remember how he thought of Una and how he only showed her affection to manipulate her (mostly), and do his very best to make it up to his baby 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
I can see this AU actually having a better chance at the Rehabilitation AU! I mean, Una was raised with a softer heart for one. But she sees these people as her family. Even if they were so much worse than she expected, she doesn't want to give up on them.
Also not important, but when little Una got used to Scarecrows presence in her life, she showed him a lock of her hair and pointed at the hay sticking out from the seams of his body and basically said they matched 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I know he's a heartless bastard but PLEASE tell me that got to him?? Just a tiny bit????
Una and Lion
She didn't see Lion often, and was scared of his size. Though since he's the friendliest even with his corruption, I don't think it took too long for him and Una to develop an uncle and neice sort of bond. Glinda made sure he didn't eat her, of course. And didn't slip out any information that would be too troubling for the little girl.
Una has many memories of climbing onto Lion, giggling with him and listening to his great tales of the days of old (when he and his friends were still heros). She was always in awe of his great feats of bravery, and he quickly became her favorite storyteller. Yes, even over her father (Lion doesn't insult anybody while telling stories *side eyes Scarecrow*)
Lion sees her as just a little cub 🥺 yes, even now as she's grown up. She's so tiny and bright! Una actually reminds him a little of Dorothy, before everything... He promised her that someday he'd take her to see his great kingdom in the jungle, and that he wouldn't let the monster hurt her (I'm not sure if Lion would know who killed her parents, but either way, he cares about Una to protect her like Dorothy). He doesn't see her often, but when they are both at the palace, it's like old days again when she would crawl all over him. It's a nice break from her conniving family for Una.
I'm not sure if Glinda would let her learn it, but if Una could transform into other animals, she's definitely showing it off to Lion... I'm not sure if that'd be the safest thing to do around the hungry king of beasts, though 😅
Una and Tin
I think it may have taken Una a long time to see Tin. Glinda had to make sure she wouldn't recognize Tin and revert all her progress. It took around a year at least for Glinda to fully trust them meeting.
Little Una was intimidated by Tin Woodmans appearance, not believing at first that that was the same gentle hero her parents told her about. But after seeing Lion, Una approached him and reached for one of his finger blades to hold. Of course, he pulled away, a bit shocked that Glinda had a daughter. But he knew he had to treat her with respect, so he was very polite with the child.
I think that since Tin is too busy being Dorothy's authority and thinking about her, he and Una didn't see each other often. Even less than Lion, maybe? Along with Glinda telling her all about how Tin keeps the peace, Una still sees him as a hero rather than a family member like she does the others. As such, she's very cordial but polite, rather than seeking him out for comfort or loosening up around him.
Of course, they run into each other sometimes when Glinda takes her to the Emerald Palace. The more he sees her, as she gets older, maybe Tin grows more curious about her and asks Scarecrow about her? The two seem to be close, and clearly, Glinda must have big plans for the witch. Perhaps she is meant to help to protect Dorothy??
Una and Dorothy and Ozma/Pete
Una is not too familiar with Dorothy. But she had been excited to meet her. Why wouldn't she want to see the hero and queen of Oz? I'm not sure how much control Glinda has over Dorothy, really, but either way, I don't think Una would like her too much. Dorothy doesn't exactly hide her true colors. Maybe Una accidentally peeved her, and she started screeching at her (maybe Una giggled, and Dorothy took that as her laughing at her). Glinda stepped in however, and took Una aside and told her she needed to be careful around their very stressed ruler. Ever since then, Una has been... Very very conflicted about the witchslayer.
She and Ozma totally gain a sibing bond in this AU! Una was confused about the great fairy being so childish and zoned out, especially hearing that she apparently tried to hurt Dorothy. But she warmed up to the fairy as they got to live and play together. She and Ozma would huddle together when Scarecrow told stories, and they'd have many sleepovers together ^^ as Una grew older, she took it upon herself to care for her new sister, and is hoping to cure her of her memory loss and her supposed corrupted heart.
I think as she gets older and Glinda molds her into the perfect ally more, Una is taken to the palace more. She still retains her good heart though and, despite the servants being afraid of her, she wants to talk to them. Pete was the only one who was willing to approach her, and they would up becoming friends. Una isn't sure why, but something about the boy is familiar. Like she knows him already, somehow. It's strange, though, how he's always disappearing...
Also, I'm considering in this AU, Una might develop a crush on a boy in the palace named Benjamin? I'm not sure, but she wouldn't be so scared of faliing in love here (she doesn't see any risk of losing her lover in the war, unlike her OG self), and I really want to explore her falling in love and how her little family would react to it.
Also, not important, but I found a picrew and made Una! The one on the left is her in the Glinda's Apprentice AU, and the one on the right is Una in the OG timeline (I tried to rough her up as much as possible. Also, this picrew didn't have a silver color for eyes, so they're blue here XD but I promise her eyes are canonically silver. Also, ignore the ears. She has human like ears like her mother, I just liked the art style of this Picrew)
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That's all I got for now. I really need to sleep XD thank you so much for sending this in!! I hope you like this ^^
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thegayfanboy · 7 years
How to improve The Wizard of Oz-
Everything stays the same except after Glinda the Good says that Dorothy has had the power to go home all along…
Dorothy: “…the fuck did you just say to me, bitch?”
Glinda: *chokes in surprise* “um, what?”
Dorothy: “the entire time…?”
Glinda: “well, uh, yes”
*clicks heels and vanishes*
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Wizard Of Oz AU, Dumbledore Is Oz There's no question about it. Since Leo was supposed to be a DR Self for Reality Shifting Is Dorothy, The Cowardly Lion Is Neville, Tin Woodman Is Hermione, I don't know who would be Scarecrow though. And Also don't know who exactly fits Glinda or The Wicked Witch (Altought I Think The Obvious Answer Is One Of The Lestrange)
Dumbledore IS Oz oh my god. He is and now I can’t unsee it. You don’t understand, you don’t, because...I’m having an existential crisis now. I played Oz as a kid. He was my first theatrical role ever. I was the Wizard in my fifth grade production of Wizard of Oz. And I’ve always felt a connection to that character for that reason even if we’re nothing alike. (Same goes for Templeton the Rat but that’s another story.) This is actually why I’d prefer to play him than Fiyero if I’m ever lucky enough to be in Wicked. But he is SO Dumbledore and now that I see that...oh god. I think I need to go take a shower. Okay but in all seriousness, Neville is totally the Cowardly Lion. I kind of see Hermione as being the Scarecrow myself, and Ron as The Tin Man. 
Glinda...oh god. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I feel better. Because to me, Glinda is the “Dumbledore” of that story. Setting “Wicked” completely aside for a second because I know that changes the context for the characters, just looking at the 1939 movie....Glinda completely used Dorothy, just like Dumbledore did to Harry. No, I’m serious. And I’ve been waiting for an excuse to talk about this, so apologies for hijacking the post but oh goodness.
First of all, why didn’t Glinda do anything about the Witch in the East? She’s clearly powerful enough to challenge her. When Dorothy’s house landed on the Witch, Glinda immediately credited her as this “Witchslayer” despite it being pretty clear that Dorothy was just a passenger in the house, nothing more than a lost, bewildered child. At the same time, she transferred the highly valuable and dangerous ruby slippers onto Dorothy’s feet without asking or telling her about the risks. “It’s too late, there they are, and there they will stay.” 
Glinda goads the Wicked Witch of the West and taunts her, gets her angry. When all is said and done, she has the nerve to say, “You’ve made yourself a rather bad enemy of the Wicked Witch.” Um, no Glinda. You’ve made her a rather bad enemy of the Witch. You put a target on her back. Then Glinda straight up abandons Dorothy even though there’s no reason given for why she has to leave. She could take Dorothy in one of her bubbles to the Emerald City. Barring that, she could at least be Dorothy’s guide. She says “Just follow the Yellow Brick Road” but almost immediately, Dorothy happens upon a fork in the road when she meets The Scarecrow. It is pure luck that she took the right path. 
Eventually, they hit the poppy field, and nearly die because of the Wicked Witch’s spell. I’d just like to point out that Glinda implied Dorothy was safe so long as she kept the slippers on. That she must “never take them off” or she would be at the mercy of the Witch. Yet clearly, the slippers didn’t do jack squat to protect her, probably since Dorothy doesn’t know how to use them. Glinda does save Dorothy and makes it snow, but that actually incriminates her even more. I’ll get to why in a second. 
Did Glinda seriously not know about the Wizard? I don’t believe that. She had to have known. And yet she sent Dorothy to the Wizard anyway. Maybe she thought he would just be useless. Or maybe she knew the Wizard would try to have Dorothy killed. (I mean, did he really expect her to survive challenging the Witch in the West? I doubt it.) Or maybe all of this played out exactly as Glinda wanted it to. In the end, she returns to tell Dorothy that the slippers can take her home. This is an infamous plot-hole, since Glinda implied at the beginning that she didn’t know how they work. “Their magic must be very powerful, or she wouldn’t want them so badly.” 
And yet, her justification is “She wouldn’t have believed me.” Bullshit. You could have at least mentioned it, Glinda. This woman is not Dorothy’s friend, she’s a manipulative liar. By the end of the story, all of the other major powers in Oz have been taken care of. The two Witches, and the Wizard. Sure, Dorothy’s companions are officially in charge, but they’re going to need help. Glinda has already inserted herself into the situation. I bet this was her plan all along - engineering her rise to power. 
And to that end, I’d like to point something out: Glinda has weather powers. This is shown to us, in the film. She conjures a snowfall. She can control the weather. I ask you, my friend. How did Dorothy arrive in Oz in the first place? Because of a tornado that...I guess just happened to connect two different worlds for no apparent reason? I realize this is a longshot and sounds like a conspiracy theory, but...what if Glinda created the Twister? What if she did kill the Witch of the East, and arranged it to look like it was this “fallen angel” who had done it? What if Dorothy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, a tool that Glinda used in her schemes? 
I’m telling you, it all adds up. 
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justanoutlawfic · 5 years
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Taylor's Favorite Books: 3/? 
Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know?
Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a road of yellow brick—but even that's crumbling.
What happened? Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.
My name is Amy Gumm—and I'm the other girl from Kansas. I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. I've been trained to fight. And I have a mission: Remove the Tin Woodman's heart. Steal the Scarecrow's brain. Take the Lion's courage. And—Dorothy must die.
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Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige || Book Review
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge | A book based on a fairy tale
Synopsis |  I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero.
But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado - taking you with it - you have no choice but to go along, you know?
Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little bluebirds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a yellow brick road - but even that's crumbling.
What happened?  Dorothy.
They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.
My name is Amy Gumm - and I'm the other girl from Kansas.
I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked.
I've been trained to fight.
And I have a mission. 
Remove the Tin Woodman's heart. Steal the Scarecrow's brain. Take the Lion's courage. And then - Dorothy Must Die.
Down is up, up is down. Good is Wicked, Wicked is Good. The times are changing. This is what Oz has come to.
Fairy tales were some of the first books I read before I started reading harder books on my own. Now that I'm older, I'll still revisit them from time to time, but I also keep my eye out for anything that takes a twist on them while still keeping remnants of the original. I’ve always loved The Wizard of Oz in any capacity, whether it be the original story, the musical from 1939 or The Wiz, so this got my attention from both the concept and the beautifully abstract cover.
I hate to break it to you, but just because someone has pretty hair and good skin tone and a crown instead of a pointy hat doesn't mean she's not the baddest bitch this side of the Emerald City.
I really enjoyed the character changes and worldbuilding in this twisted version of Oz. Having a power hungry Dorothy running Oz into the ground with a now mad scientist Scarecrow, lethal bodied Tin Man, and a beastly Lion on her side really added to the fact that this was not entirely the story we were initially familiar with. This also made room for so many horror movie elements that I appreciated, like the PermaSmiles and reanimated corpses of Dorothy’s prisoners. Everything was described so vividly that I could picture even the tiniest of details in my head - from the animation of Indigo’s tattoos to the draining of color and magic throughout the land. The concept of the roles being reversed combined with the world’s drastic changes really painted the picture of an almost post-apocalyptic environment under Dorothy’s rule, which wasn’t exactly what I was expecting when I started reading, but completely welcomed and accepted by the end.
You’re a long way from Kansas, I know, she said. But there’s more than one kind of home. And you’re right. You are on your own. We all are, and we all have to learn it sooner or later. If you have to be alone, wouldn’t you rather be alone among friends?
The glue to this story for me was probably Amy. From the very beginning and throughout, this whole journey to this alternate Oz played out as a trip of self-exploration for her, going from Salvation Amy from Flat Hill, Kansas to the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked’s savior. I liked watching her grow in strengths as both a warrior and a person, perfecting her new magic skills and learning her worth. With this new found knowledge, I’m excited to see where this takes her as she continues to carry out her mission.
There is a moment in magic. Whether it’s a tiny spell or a big one. There’s a point where you can turn back or you can give yourself over to it—even the most Wicked have to pull back.
Overall, this was a great trip back to the land of Oz. I really enjoyed all of the twists and turns to a story I’ve been fascinated with since childhood. It took me a while to actually find and get into this one, but I can’t wait to see where this story goes next. Hopefully an adaption is made soon or in the future - I would love to see there visuals come to life, whether on a big or small screen.
Rating |  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Goodreads
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Title: The Wicked Will Rise • Series: Dorothy Must Die (#2) Author: Danielle Paige • Number of Pages: 239 • Rating: 3/5 Published: March 31, 2015 • Read: July 18, 2019 - July 20, 2018
Goodreads Synopsis: To make Oz a free land again, Amy Gumm was given a mission: remove the Tin Woodman’s heart, steal the Scarecrow’s brain, take the Lion’s courage, and then Dorothy must die… But Dorothy still lives. Now the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked has vanished, and mysterious Princess Ozma might be Amy’s only ally. As Amy learns the truth about her mission, she realizes that she’s only just scratched the surface of Oz’s past—and that Kansas, the home she couldn't wait to leave behind, may also be in danger. In a place where the line between good and evil shifts with just a strong gust of wind, who can Amy trust—and who is really Wicked?
My Review: I read the first book in this series around three years ago, so I honestly didn’t remember much of it, but thankfully this book had enough recap that I could follow what was happening. I really loved the first book when I read it three years ago, but honestly I didn’t love this one as much. I don’t know if it’s because this book just isn’t as good as the first one or because my taste in books has changed over the past three years, but I definitely rated this one lower than the first one.
I really like the premise of this series and I still enjoyed reading it, but I felt like everything and nothing was happening at the same time. There were exciting scenes right off the bat, but then a lot of Amy just wandering around for chapters on end. The writing still made me laugh, but it just wasn’t quite the same as the first book. I am glad I kept reading until the end, though, because the ending totally surprised me and definitely made me want to keep reading!!
I’m really hoping the writing gets better again in the next book and I’m looking forward to finding out what happens next : )
The Wicked Will Rise on Goodreads This Review on Goodreads My Goodreads
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litological-blog · 6 years
• january book recommendations
This one is for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses. You know, stories where young girls are either swept away into another magical world or are already in a magical world where they fall into a complicated, longing, totally hit you in the feels and make you cry because you wish you had a boyfriend/girlfriend like their love interest, etc, etc. If you've devoured the entire ACOTAR series and want more books similar to it, just keep reading. We hope we can help you find your next addition to your TBR list:
1. "Dorothy Must Die" by Danielle Paige
A re-telling of The Wizard of Oz with a modern twist, Dorothy Must Die is definitely one of my personal favourites. It's about a teenage girl, Amy Gumm, who is strong and defiant, despite being bullied at school and neglected by her substance-using mother. On a particularly bad stormy night, when she is once again left alone in her trailer, a tornado picks it up and transfers her to Oz. But it is not like the movies, at all; Oz is in turmoil, and it’s all because of the infamous Dorothy Gale, who is sucking all the magic and life out of it. The only way to stop her is to kill her companions; she must remove the tin woodman’s heart, steal the scarecrow’s brain, take the lion’s courage, and then - Dorothy must die.
2. “Stealing Snow” by Danielle Paige
Another marvelous read by Danielle Paige where she dives back into the world of magical lands and dangerous, villainous rulers. This time, it’s about a girl called Snow, who has been locked up in an asylum most of her life for trying to walk through a mirror as a child. Despite her bleak life, Snow falls in love with Bale, a troubled boy with a catastrophic love for flames. One night, Bale is kidnapped, pulled through a portal into a world she’d been dreaming of, and the only way to save him is to escape from Whittaker and journey into a magical world that has been waiting for the day she would return. There she meets many allies and even manages to catch two intriguing boy’s eyes. She must learn to control and harness her magical powers into deadly weapons to fulfill the prophecy and defeat her father, the king. But in a world of treacherous magic, who can Snow really trust?
3. “Red Queen” by Victoria Aveyard
This is more in league with the likes of the Hunger Games in certain ways, but it’s based in a fantasy world and had so many similarities to ACOTAR that I couldn’t not add it to the list. Plus I really love it.
This is a story about Mare Barrow, a girl who has red blood in a world dominated by those who have silver blood. The silvers are royalty, with their powerful abilities they outrank the reds. But Mare is something different, something rare and unheard of: she discovers she is a red with powers. She can summon lightening. To ensure nobody gets wind of this, she is disguised as a long lost Silver princess by the royals and is taught the ways of being a princess. Conflicted by her emotions for two prince brothers, one fiery and passionate, the other calm and collected, Mare struggles to navigate her new life and must be wary of who she can trust; there are deceivers everywhere.
4. “Heartless” by Marissa Meyer
The first book on this list I haven’t actually read yet, but it is definitely on my TBR list, and here’s why it should be on your’s too:
“Heartless” tells the story of the girl Catherine was long before she was known as the cruel, - ironically - heartless Queen of Hearts. She was the most coveted, admired girl in Wonderland, and one certain unmarried king even had his eyes set on her. But Catherine wants nothing to do with becoming queen; she aspires to open a bakery and sell delicious treats. Her mother, however, doesn’t support her dreams and instead forces her into going to a ball where she is supposed to receive a marriage proposal from the king.
Instead, Catherine meets the handsome and mysterious Jest who she feels a strong attraction for. Cautious of offending the king, she enters into a secret relationship with Jest, and is determined to choose her own fate. But it seems there are others who may have different plans for her...
5. “Cinder” by Marissa Meyer
Set in the futuristic city of New Beijing, Cinder - a young cyborg and talented mechanic - is a second class citizen with a past wrapped in mysteries, and a cruel, wicked stepmother who blames her for her stepsister’s illness. Unforeseen circumstances lead her fate to become intertwined with the dashing Prince Kai’s, and she finds herself standing smack dab in the middle of an intergalactic battle and a forbidden blooming love. Uncovering secrets from her past may just be the only way to save the world’s future.
6. “The Cruel Prince” by Holly Black
This is a book I've wanted to get my hands on for a really long time now because it just sounds so intriguing and right up my alley. When their parents were murdered and they were stolen away by the faeries, Jude and her two sisters were brought to live in the High Court of the Fae. Years later when she is seventeen, Jude longs for to belong amongst the fae, but many of them despise humans and want nothing to do with them - especially the wickedest of them all, the youngest son of the King, Prince Carden.
To earn a place at Court, Jude must overcome the most dangerous task of defying Prince Carden, which leads her life to become entangled with palace intrigues and deceptions. But when a war threatens to break out among the Courts of Faerie, Jude is forced to put her own life at risk in the hopes of saving her sisters, and all faeries.
7. "Everless" by Sara Holland
This is one of my honest to God favourite fantasy novels. It's so fresh and unique and a nice change from the usual fantasy stories. In a world where time is used as currency by extracting blood and binding it to iron, and then it is consumed to add to one's lifespan, Jules Ember discovers her father is dying and must journey back to the very place she and her father had fled so many years ago: Everless. Her father needs more time, and despite having been driven out of there many moons ago after witnessing a fateful accident, she knows she must return for his sake. But returning to Everless can only bring danger to Jules, especially when she finds her heart caught between two people she thought she'd never see again.
8. "Ash Princess" by Laura Sebastian
Just six years old when her country was invaded and her mother, the Fire Queen, was killed right in front of her, Theodosia’s family, name and land were all taken by the Kaiser. For a decade she has been held captive in her own palace, having to endure much ridicule and abuse from the Kaiser and his court. So, when rhe Kaiser finally forces her to do the most heinous, unthinkable thing, she decides enough is enough. The Ash Princess has seen the fall of her people and her land - no more. She will fight back with everything she has.
9. “To Kill a Kingdom” by Alexandra Christo
A modern re-take of The Little Mermaid with a darker twist, Princess Lira is the most lethal siren of the sea; she holds the hearts of seventeen princes in her hands. But when a sudden turn of fate forces her to kill one of her own kind, her own mother - the Sea Queen - punishes her daughter by turning her into the one thing they hate most - a human. She is given until the Winter Solstice to retrieve Prince Elian’s heart and deliver it to the Sea Queen, or remain human forever. 
Prince Elian finds his calling in hunting and killing sirens like Lira; unknown to him, when he rescues a woman from drowning in the ocean, she is much more dangerous than he could have ever thought. She promises to help him find the key to destroying all sirens for good, but can he really trust her?
10. “Alice In Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll
This is the first story on this list that doesn’t have any romance in it, but is instead a fresh, unique story of adventure, courage, friendship, and a little pinch of madness. It tells us about a young girl called Alice, who follows a white rabbit wearing a waist-coat and carrying a pocket watch down a rabbit hole. She finds she’s fallen into a magical, if not a bit bizarre, land called Wonderland, where a cruel Queen of Hearts rules over. Join Alice on an adventure of a lifetime, meeting strange people and animals such as The Mad Hatter, The Chesire Cat, and the Blue Caterpillar. It will only make you curiouser and curiouser...
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Dorothy Must Die Series by Danielle Paige
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I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado - taking you with it - you have no choice but to go along, you know? Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little bluebirds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a yellow brick road - but even that's crumbling. What happened? Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe. My name is Amy Gumm - and I'm the other girl from Kansas. I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. I've been trained to fight. And I have a mission.
*What I thought: 4 out of 5 stars
read: 04/18
I like the take on Wizard of Oz. This is a first retelling of it for me and I liked it. I like the twists when it came to the original characters
I thought it was neat that Amy’s last name is Gumm because that’s Judy Garland’s real last name
I liked how Amy’s character developed throughout the story. The beginning she was mouthy but didn’t really stick up for her self, to be able to do magic & defend herself, to being ruthless towards her enemies
I like that romance may be brewing between Amy and Nox
I like Amy’s secret mission to get closer to Dorothy and her bravery on trying to complete her mission
I like the twist when it comes to Pete. I always felt it was odd how he would show up at random times, but now I understand why
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To make Oz a free land again, Amy Gumm was given a mission: remove the Tin Woodman’s heart, steal the Scarecrow’s brain, take the Lion’s courage, and then Dorothy must die... But Dorothy still lives. Now the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked has vanished, and mysterious Princess Ozma might be Amy’s only ally. As Amy learns the truth about her mission, she realizes that she’s only just scratched the surface of Oz’s past—and that Kansas, the home she couldn't wait to leave behind, may also be in danger. In a place where the line between good and evil shifts with just a strong gust of wind, who can Amy trust—and who is really Wicked?
*What I thought: 4 out of 5 stars
read: 04/18
I like that there was a recap of what happened in the first book (even though I didn’t need it since I started this right after I finished it but nice nonetheless)
I would have liked to see more of Ollie in this one because I think he’s a cool little monkey but I do like it showed The Queendom of the Wingless Ones and how cool it would live there lol
Poor Star. She didn’t deserve that even though her type creeps me out lol
I like who she found in the Island of Lost Things. Even the things she thought she lost
The shock of what she was used for by the witches didn’t actually work
I like that Amy is getting better with magic even though it made her scary at times
The ending was crazy. With what happened with the Wizard, with what happened with Ozma and Pete, with them not being in Oz anymore
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Once upon a time, there was a girl from Kansas named Dorothy. You might know her as the Girl Who Rode the Cyclone. She ended up in Oz, where she became friends with the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion. But the temptation of magic was too much for her. She let it change her. Her friends became twisted versions of their former selves. The magical land of Oz is now a dark and menacing place. My name is Amy Gumm. Tornadoes must have a thing about girls from Kansas, because I got swept away on one too. I also landed in Oz, where Good is Wicked, Wicked is Good, and the Wicked Witches clued me in to my true calling: Assassin. The only way to stop Dorothy from destroying Oz—and Kansas—is to kill her. And I’m the only one who can do it. But I failed. Others died for my mistakes. Because of me, the portal between the worlds has been opened and Kansas and Oz are both in danger. And if I don’t find a way to close it? Dorothy will make sure I never get to go home again.
*What I thought: 4 out of 5 stars
read: 04/18
I felt bad for Amy, everyone just seemed like they were using the poor girl
Kansas isn’t the same, her life is flipped from what it was before she went to Oz . Just sucks for her, like why didn’t do this before she got sucked away?
The developing facts that Amy found out about Dorothy and why she became who she was, was interesting
There’s a new evil that is in play and he’s very creepy
When there are battles, they’re epic
Nox just needs to give into his feelings lol. I mean he does for the most part but he needs to get it together because some things don’t wait....especially if it’s me lol
I’m interested to see what happens in the final book because like everyone said ‘don’t trust anyone’ plays kinda true near the end of this book O.O
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Ding dong—Dorothy is dead. I watched as the Emerald Palace crumbled to the ground, burying Dorothy, the Girl Who Rode the Cyclone, under the rubble. And now that the rightful ruler, Ozma, has been restored to the throne… Oz is finally free. My name is Amy Gumm. You might remember me as the other girl from Kansas. When a tornado whisked me away to the magical land of Oz, I was given a mission: Dorothy must die. But it turns out girls from Kansas are harder to kill than we look. Now the Road of Yellow Brick is leading me away from Oz to the dark world of Ev, where I have a new, powerful enemy to deal with: the Nome King. And—surprise—he has a gingham-clad bride. With my magical shoes and a shrinking group of allies, I have one final chance to fulfill my mission, and save not only what’s left of Oz, but Kansas, too. As the line between Good and Wicked blurs even further, I have to find a way to get rid of Dorothy once and for all—without turning into a monster myself. Dorothy once said there’s no place like home. Can I stop her from destroying mine?
*What I thought: 4 out of 5 stars
read: 04/18
Wheelers, Flying roads, and the land of Ev, oh my! lol I thought it was a good conclusion to the story. Amy doesn’t lose herself. She found a way to defeat Dorothy almost peacefully. I really liked it went that way because everything went back to how things should be. 
(*spoilery) Dorothy gets a POV. She was just as annoying as she was throughout the book. She was so dense and she thought everything she did was right...I hated reading her parts so I’d skim through them lol.
I hated Madison in the first book for what she did to Amy but in this book, she made things interesting. lol I think she ended up redeeming herself big time in this book. I was questioning her in the last book but I can see why she was added to a bigger role. The things she said were comedic. 
Oh Nox, he was so much better in this one. He was kinda aloof in the previous books and he did a turn around in this one. I loved him and Amy in this one. 
Overall, I liked the series. They were interesting. A little slow at times but I liked the outcome.
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thestrepsills23 · 3 years
✲Read [PDF] Books Dorothy Must Die
Dorothy Must Die
  Synopsis :
I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero.But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado?taking you with it?you have no choice but to go along, you know?Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still the yellow brick road, though?but even that's crumbling.What happened? Dorothy.They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.My name is Amy Gumm?and I'm the other girl from Kansas.I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked, and I've been given a mission:REMOVEThe Tin Woodman's heart,STEALThe Scarecrow's brain,TAKEThe Lion's courage,And then?DOROTHY MUST DIE.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
DMD!Scarecrow x Maid!Reader (x DMD!Tin Woodman) || Oneshot
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Plot: The Scarecrow likes you; he really does. He thinks that you're cute, and just dumb enough to fall for him if he plays his cards right.
... but f u c k, you're sometimes just t o o dumb to handle. And he cant control himself.
But thats his mistake to fix. His.
Not that bleeding heart of a tin can.
Warnings: Possessive manipulative Scarecrow + Scarecrow yells at you and shakes you. Sexual thoughts. Unedited.
"Fuck!" The Scarecrow's voice generally sounded scratchy, like it had to make it through a thicket before it made it out, but now it sounded terrifying to you. He sounded so mad, and when he stood up to assess the damage your clumsy mistake left, all arms and legs - Spiderlike, - , he towered over you by feet. You immediately cowered back, eyes wide and shiny as you covered your mouth just to keep the cry in. "Look what you- Do you know how much work this is, twit!?"
"Y- yes, sir, I'm so sorry- it was an accident- " You didn't mean to drop the pile of parchment you were bringing him! They were so heavy, and you were so tired, they- they- they just slipped! Now they were all over the floor; hundreds of papers and markers spread all over the floor in a horrible mess that you couldn't even fathom pulling together again in any kind of order.
"... An accident." The Scarecrow repeated, a terrible furious tone in his awfully calm, even nightmare-voice. And before you can get out of the way again, cower to a place further away so he cant touch you, he sees red and reaches for you. He grabs you around the arms; the straw in his gloves crunching and straining around your limbs with surprising strength as he shakes you hard, twice. "Jesus christ you're dumb as a box of rocks." He seethes, sneering into your face. "'Accident'." His eyes roll in the fabric, a disturbing sight, though you're too frozen with fear to consider it too hard. "Get out of my sight, girl. Or idiot- whatever you are. Out."
Then he discards you to the floor, like trash, and you stare at him with wide eyes as he starts cleaning up his work- what he really cares about.
He's never hurt you before, you think miserably as tears well up in your eyes. You knew the Scarecrow was known for his cruelty, you knew first hand of his cold and removed, sometimes gleeful attitude towards his experiments, but he had never been that way towards you before. In fact the Scarecrow had always been rather decent towards you; taking you away from your old grunt work and tedious little jobs to help him in his study and allowing you more breaks than you're usual, so long as you spent them in his room with him (because it was your little secret, he'd told you). He would compliment you, calling you smart, and pretty a couple of times, and saying that you're the only one in this whole palace who he liked. That he felt happy around. He was almost... charming. Well, as charming as a mad straw man can be.
But now you saw the truth in his hate-filled, painted-on blue eyes glaring down at you, and you felt stupid. And terrified. But mostly dumb because- because you felt special. He made you feel special.
And you ruined it.
With a final 'i'm so sorry!', you sniffle and scramble up to your knees- rushing out of the study and hopefully as far away as possible.
When you literally crash into the Tin Woodman it hurts like hell, and you cry out; nose throbbing and forehead aching, sure to leave a bruise, but you're still mostly crying from what just happened. When the Tin Woodman looks down at you, this mess of a maid that just randomly ran around a corner and collided with him, in order to tell you not to concern yourself about it and just go back to your duties- he sees a woman absolutely devastated... and becomes confused.
Thats- that seems like an overreaction to their collision.
More awkwardly then he would like to admit, the Tin Woodman clears his throat and speaks down to you like a very unstable person- which you seem to be, to him (Unfortunate, he thinks, and wonders how you achieved a position in the palace.). "Miss- I don't intend to punish you for this. Just... go." You look up at him with wet eyes and something like gratitude, blinking away some of the tears at his words even though your face still hurts. "Go ahead; back to your work now. Thank you- "
When he tries to side step you, you cant bear it. Thats the kindest thing you've ever heard, right now. He's not going to punish you?? Even though you ran right into him??? And he's the Queen's best General???? Immediately you hide your face in your hands and once again and start to cry--causing him to promptly stop and return to his spot in front of you. "I- I'm so sorry... " You manage to weep, struggling to speak through your sobs. "I- Just- Got- Scolded- And- "
"Ah... " The Tin Woodman nods, believing he understands, patting your shoulder gently with razor fingers. "One of the higher ranking maids disciplined you? Oh yes, I know, that can be... difficult. But its necessary, to improve for our Queen Doro- "
"No," Shaking your head, you sniffle. "I- I- it was the Sc- Sc- Scarecrow... " At that, the woodman looks down at you again- looking properly this time.
Oh... this the girl the Scarecrow has been stealing away lately, he thinks. Well... right now, she doesn't seem like much. (But no one looks pretty when they're crying, so I'll reserve judgement for now. The Scarecrow wouldn't put that much effort into an ugly duckling).
"... my old friend can be temperamental these days." The Tin Woodman relents, finally giving into this situation and stroking his hand over the back of your shoulder. She's so pitiful, tear-damp and snotty, and he remembers when he used to cry. It was terrible and uncontrollable, and she's... there's something about her. Maybe he trusts the Scarecrow's judgement that much, or there's just an undeniable quality about this girl that attracts, but he cant judge her. Cant leave her like this. I guess this is what's happening, now, he thinks; sighing.
I suppose I cant have one of my dear Dorothy's servants walking around in less then top notch working order. Yes, that'll be my excuse. Goddamnit.
"I- I- I didn't mean to upset him!! I tried so- so hard! B- b- but my hand slipped- and- papers went everywhere- "
"Mhmm... " The Tin Woodman wasn't entirely sure what had happened between you and the Scarecrow, it was hard to make out the actual situation; but knowing his friend, former brother-in-arms, it was nasty.
While the Tin Woodman comforts you, his large and intimidating mechanical form blocking almost your entire view of the near surroundings, neither of you notice the tall canvas creature turn the corner and stop still; seeing the two of you.
The Scarecrow stares at the scene with irritation. He cant believe it. After weeks of treating you like you're 'special', making you feel better then everyone else, acting 'nice'-- the second he makes one little mistake, one that was completely your fault in the first place, you end up in that fucking tin can's arms. Figures.
How does that bleeding heart even end up in just the right place at just the right time like this!? You ran off aimlessly! Like a scared rat! If Scare didn't know any better in fact, which he does of course, he would think it were planned. It would have been, if it were him; if their positions were reversed. He'd have observed you for weeks, and made sure to be right where you would find him the moment there was an opening to sneak into your life. Slip ever-so-easily into your confidence and your trust.
In fact- he would have caused the incident that made you need him in the first place. More predictable, that way.
... but this is the Tin Man we're talking about. That dummy cant even get Dorothy to like him- and that kid's the most simple, conceited dolt in all of Oz. He didn't mean for this, thats for sure.
The Scarecrow stays silent, watching them. The girl's an ugly crier, he thinks... though a smirk slips across his embroidered mouth. But still, its kind of nice to know a few pointed words can get her that way. She really cares about what I think of her, huh?~
He'll have you in your rightful place on the ground between his legs, the filthy floor all over your pretty knees and your lips all over him, in no time. You'll look perfect with your mouth open- so fucking dumb, and pathetic. He might not have a dick to fill it with, but rest assured he'll find something~
-But its no time to celebrate, yet. Not with... The Scarecrow scowls darkly at the couple in front of him... this, going on.
He has to get the Tin Woodman out of the way. But, hey, considering how you hang onto his words... convincing you that Tin only has the w o r s t intentions for you, shouldn't be hard.
... After a few moments more of thought, the Scarecrow moves forward towards them; guiding you away from the Woodman and feigning the 'sincere' apology that he practised on the way here. His hands are gentle on your cheeks and he's sure to smile softly, apologetically, and he watches the Tin Woodman disappear out of the reflection in your eyes. Just like he should.
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teenageread · 5 years
Review: The Wicked Will Rise
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In this dark, high-octane sequel to the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die, Amy Gumm must do everything in her power to kill Dorothy and free Oz.
To make Oz a free land again, Amy Gumm was given a mission: remove the Tin Woodman’s heart, steal the Scarecrow’s brain, take the Lion’s courage, and then Dorothy must die...
But Dorothy still lives. Now the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked has vanished, and mysterious Princess Ozma might be Amy’s only ally. As Amy learns the truth about her mission, she realizes that she’s only just scratched the surface of Oz’s past—and that Kansas, the home she couldn't wait to leave behind, may also be in danger. In a place where the line between good and evil shifts with just a strong gust of wind, who can Amy trust—and who is really Wicked?
With the Tin Woodman’s heart in her bag, Amy is left in Oz with the not-there Queen Ozma, and Pete, who happens to share the same body as Ozma. Amy discovers there is more darkness in her than she thought, as she defeats the lion by diving into the Darklands. With dark magic in her, Amy meets with the Queen of the Wingless Ones, Queen Lulu, who allows Amy to rest in her kingdom, but is not willing to sacrifice her monkeys for the war. With no knowledge of what happened to the Order, Amy makes it her goal to find Nox, the only person in Oz she feels a connection too. With the help of Pete, Amy and he made a deal: Pete will try to keep Amy from going too dark, and for Amy will protect Pete against the Order. With Dorothy on their trail, the trio sets off to steal the Scarecrow’s brain, learn the connection between Oz and Kansas, and to prove that Amy Gumm is a killer after all.
The second book in the series, Danielle Paige continues telling us that Oz is not always what we think. This other version has an evil Dorothy, the Wicked are the good guys, and in order to save the world, our farm girl in red heels must die. Amy becomes more likable in a way, as Paige starts to dive into what makes Amy think and act the way she does. From the past, to present it is easy to see Amy as an anti-hero, after all, she is out to murder in cold blood. What sucks is that even though Paige told us that she has to get the presents given from the Wizard to the Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow, Amy seems to forget that in the do-or-die parts and go straight to Dorothy. The connection between Kansa and Oz is revealed and is quite the cliffhanger for the next book in the series.  The love triangle between Nox, Amy and Pete are smashed (in a good and somewhat expected way), leaving just Amy and Nox to deal with. Ozma herself a mystery in the first book becomes clearer and more powerful throughout this novel. The Order of the Wicked might be down and out, but Amy is ready to become their assassin she was meant to be and kill Dorothy Gale.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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blogthebooklover · 7 years
Dorothy Must Die #1 Book Review
Dorothy Must Die is the first book in the Dorothy Must Die series.  It is written by New York Times Best Selling author, Danielle Paige.  She is also currently writing a new series called, Stealing Snow, a retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen.  There are a total of four books so far of the series, and digital novellas available at the Amazon Kindle Store.  It is a retelling/continuation of L. Frank Baum’s classic Oz books.
The story follows Amy Gumm, a teenage girl who is also from Kansas, as she is caught in a tornado, and taken to the Land of Oz.  Only this time, Oz isn’t the one we all know and love.  Dorothy Gale, who was crowned princess, has now taken full control over Oz to the point of being a dictator; and she’s been harvesting the magic throughout Oz for her own purposes.  Amy teams up with a rebellion group called the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked; where the wicked witches of Oz plan to take Dorothy down for good.  Amy’s mission is to do three things: remove the Tin Woodman’s heart, steal the Scarecrow’s brain, and take the Lion’s courage.  All in order to kill Dorothy.
The book features the familiar characters from the Oz books, as well as brand new characters to the series.
This was an interesting take on the Oz series, as well as a possible continuation of the books.  It was very intriguing to see Dorothy as a deranged, fascist dictator, and most definitely nothing like the scared little girl from Kansas.  Dorothy uses a sickly sweet tone of voice, much like that of a little girl, to keep her subjects in line, and to give out punishments for those who have not pleased her.  I was curious as to why, and how, Dorothy became so crazed; and developed this mad lust/addiction for the magic of Oz.  I’ve heard the novellas are a prequel mini series that explain how she became like this.  I will try and read those some time in the future.
The Scarecrow, I think, is one of the creepiest characters in the book.  He comes up with different experiments and inventions, all of which are very disturbing.  He is also addicted to taking people’s brains for himself, albeit in a liquefied form, and injects the liquid into his own brain.  The Tin Woodman is the Captain of the Guard, and he has a crush on Dorothy.  The Cowardly Lion isn’t so cowardly anymore.  To gain more of his courage, he literally sucks the fear from his victims.
Growing up, I loved the MGM film, the Wizard of Oz, I’ve been watching it since I was two years old.  I think it’s a fantastic film to watch any time you feel like it.  The costume designs, the sets, and of course, the makeup designs still hold up to this day in 2017.  I think it’s also an important film to watch, because of the time period this film was released.  The song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, was played for U. S. Soldiers in camps during WWII.  Because the song is about longing to be somewhere beautiful, and happy, in a time of great turmoil and despair.  It gave the soldiers hope for a better day to come.  I can go on and on about the film, but that’s a post for another time.  
I really enjoyed this book from the start.
However, I do have some criticism to the character, Amy Gumm.
Overall, I thought she was fine as a protagonist, but she didn’t really have any hobbies that made me connect with her.  For example, Feyre from the Court of Thorns and Roses series is an artist, and has a love for painting and archery.  Amy is more a self-insert character for the reader.  Although, she does have a bit of sass to her personality.  However, I did think she was a bit more understanding of a character, than Bella Swan from Twilight.  I’ll let it slide a bit, because she is still a teenager, and all teenagers grow up eventually.
If you are a fan of the Oz books, and the movie, then this series is definitely worth the reading; and to add to your collection of books, or Oz-related memorabilia.
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daniellempaige · 7 years
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Look at all the pretty!!! Thank you so much #Repost @taylors_pages ・・・ 🎧Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics🎧 _ Happy Release Day to @daniellempaige The End of Oz is now live! 💚 I was so excited to get all these beauties and I can't wait to dive in! I love retellings like this! Do you like retellings or how do you feel about them? _ If you haven't read Dorothy Must Die, I will leave the synopsis below so you can read about where the series started! _ Synopsis _ I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know? Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a road of yellow brick—but even that's crumbling. What happened? Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe. My name is Amy Gumm—and I'm the other girl from Kansas. I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. I've been trained to fight. And I have a mission: Remove the Tin Woodman's heart. Steal the Scarecrow's brain. Take the Lion's courage. And—Dorothy must die. _ #books #read #love #alwaysreading #keepreading #keepcalmandreadon #yesplease #amustread #amazingbook #amazingauthor #bookish #bibliophile #fangirl #bookstagram #readalot #booknerd #booklover #bookworm #bookwhore #bookporn #bookdragon #lovetoread #lovereading #daniellepaige #theendofoz #dorothymustdie
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thedarkestgreys · 8 years
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YA Moodboard Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige 
I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know?
Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still the yellow brick road, though—but even that's crumbling.
What happened? Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.
My name is Amy Gumm—and I'm the other girl from Kansas. I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. I've been trained to fight. And I have a mission: Remove the Tin Woodman's heart. Steal the Scarecrow's brain. Take the Lion's courage. Then and only then—Dorothy must die!
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lostinlit-becca · 8 years
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Are you a fan of retellings? How about Wizard of Oz retellings? The End of Oz by @daniellempaige is here and now that the Dorothy Must Die series is complete! I am so ready for a binge read! These have to be some of my favorite covers of all time! They are so beautiful 😍 I will definitely share what is under the jackets soon!! I will leave a synopsis of Dorothy Must Die below for you all to check out ❤💚💙💛• • SYNOPSIS 👠• I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know? Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a road of yellow brick—but even that's crumbling. What happened? Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe. My name is Amy Gumm—and I'm the other girl from Kansas. I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. I've been trained to fight. And I have a mission: Remove the Tin Woodman's heart. Steal the Scarecrow's brain. Take the Lion's courage. And—Dorothy must die. 👠• #dorothymustdie #daniellepaige #harpercollins #retellings #wizardofoz #dorothymustdieseries @harpercollinsus
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