#Dorothea Larson
malarkgirlypop · 4 months
Dear Dot
Part 1 (Eugene Roe x Fem!OC)
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Ok so this was supposed to be a one-shot, but then it snow balled and then here we are. Here is the first part of the story, unsure of how long it's going to be ahah. Also this is for @footprintsinthesxnd since she said she would love a Eugene one-shot, sorry Jess, I got a bit carried away.
This is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters no disrespect to the hard working paratroopers in real life.
Tag list: @footprintsinthesxnd
Gene and the men entered the small bar in the small countryside where they resided in Aldbourne. The time they had spent there was only short, arriving recently into the country. It took a long boat ride over from America to get to where they were. 
Gene had been thankful when they finally were able to leave the confines of the stuffy hold, where they had been for months on end. Though when they had arrived in England it was no holiday. 
They were immediately put to work, they had continued their rigorous training exercises, even more so than when they were in Camp Toccoa. Gene shivered at the thought of their previous camp, the large hill looming in his mind. 
He was pulled from his thoughts as Bull’s large hand landed on his shoulder, shaking him gently. 
“Doc, what are you having?” The deep country drawl carried over the noise in the bar. 
“Nothing for me.” Gene shook his head, he knew in the morning they had an early start. More practice ambushes. 
The group gathered round a small standing table after they had collected their drinks. Smokes were being passed from person to person as they chatted amongst themselves. 
Gene glanced around the room. Seemed like the whole small town and their dogs had gathered into the tiny establishment. 
The bar was filled with a smoky haze due to all of the cigarettes everyone puffed on. Gene had a lit smoke hanging from his lip as he half listened to the men. It just about fell out of his mouth as he watched the door to the bar swing open. A group of very pretty ladies strode into the pub, all sporting army uniforms.  
Skip, who perched next to him, had followed his gaze. 
“My, my, boys we are going to have a good night tonight!” Skip hollered not taking his eyes off of the group of women who moved past the group to the bar to order their drinks. 
The girls didn’t even seem to notice the looks they were getting, too caught up in their own chatter and giggles. 
However the striking lady trailing behind the group sure did. She didn’t hesitate sending daggers to the onlookers who gawked at her friends. 
The woman gave off more of a mature aura to the rest of the ladies who were with her. She ushered them along after they had collected their drinks to a more secluded booth in the back, where she thought they would be less disturbed. 
Unfortunately for the group it wasn’t to be the case. The Easy men were far too competitive to let the ladies chat by themselves. 
“Luz go talk to them.” Alex egged on the man who was grinning. He stood on his tip toes peering over at the table. 
“Should I?” Luz smirked at the Easy men. He was a self proclaimed ladies man. 
“Go on George!” The group encouraged the man. Gene stayed silent watching the interaction. Unlike the rest of Easy, he was one of the more quiet men. Most of his peers were rowdy and loud. Gene often felt as if he was a sore thumb sticking out when he was with them. 
Luz sauntered over to the group of ladies, a coy grin on his face. 
They couldn’t hear exactly what he said to the group as he bent down to one of the blondes who sat at the edge of the booth. 
But from the looks of it, he wasn’t the ladies man he claimed to be. 
The blonde's smile dropped quickly after George whispered into her ear. It was all too quick for the Easy man, she lifted her hand and in a swift motion slapped him across the face. 
The group of men erupted into cheers and hysterics, as George made his way back to the table with his tail between his legs. 
Gene couldn’t take his eyes off the brunette who appeared to be the leader of the group. She smiled brightly at the blonde who had smacked George. Turning her attention to their table, she stood. 
Eugene froze, watching her approach. He noticed she moved with such elegance and precision, it almost appeared as if she was floating towards them. 
He gulped as she finally stood at the edge of the group. She loudly cleared her throat, getting the attention of the rest of the men. 
“Gentlemen.” The brunette looked the men up and down, “If I can call you that.” She muttered under her breath, before straightening. 
A mean smile slipped onto her lips. Gene had never seen a smile that looked threatening, but somehow she pulled it off. 
“My name is Sgt. Larson. The girls and I are just trying to unwind after a busy day, I’m sure you understand.” Sgt Larson judgingly looked around at the men in front of her, her tone clipped. 
“We would appreciate it if you and your short friends.” She glanced at George and Perco. “Would keep your playground antics at bay. See we only deal with gentlemen, not whatever this is.” She gestured around the group. 
The men were silent, never had they met a woman so brazen, so brash. She was a killer, but somehow she managed to do it with a smile on her face and a light tone. If you hadn’t heard what she had said you would’ve believed it to be a pleasant interaction. 
“Well, boys.” She sneered. “I do hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.” The Sgt didn’t even wait for a retort or a reply. Turning swiftly on her heel and a swish of her pristine curls, she strutted away back to her table. 
Gene glanced around the table to find his friends with their jaws slack. He was unsure if they had got the message, or if they were too captivated by her looks to even comprehend what she had said. 
“Who she calling short?” Perco squawked. George nodded in agreement. 
“Yeah! What the hell!” George exclaimed. 
“What did you say to the girl George?” Gene asked, he wondered what would elicit such a reaction from both the blonde and her Sgt.     
“I only said. ‘Are you a drill sergeant? Because you have my privates standing at attention.’” George had an innocent look on his face as if he didn’t know why on earth that would earn the reaction it did. 
The Easy group groaned in unison at George’s distasteful line. 
“Luz who the hell told you that was a good idea?” Toye jabbed him in the side with his elbow. 
“Perco said it was good!” The focus shifted to Frank who couldn't contain his laughter.
“I was obviously joking Luz!” Perco smacked George on the arm. George whined, rubbing the place where Frank had struck him. 
The men kept their promise and left the group of women alone. Gene couldn’t focus on the conversation, he couldn’t help throwing fleeting glances towards the lovely Sgt. 
Gene shook his head, trying to break the trance that she had over him. But nothing in his power worked. He walked up to the bar to buy the next round for the men, ordering himself one as well. He needed something to distract him. 
After about 30 minutes the group of ladies stood. Though they didn’t leave like Gene expected them to. Instead they approached the bar, whispering to the barkeep who smiled at the group and nodded enthusiastically.     
He came out from behind the counter, moving into the back corner of the pub. He cleared away the tables and chairs leaving the floor open, before he climbed up onto the counter and flicked on the radio that was perched on a high shelf. 
Music played through the small room. The ladies cheered in excitement, moving onto the floor and dancing to the music. The Easy group turned and watched with amused smiles. 
One by one the girls stopped dancing with each other and plucked up the courage to go ask the soldiers if they wanted to dance. 
The petite blonde who had slapped Luz approached the table, her cheeks flushed pink. Surprisingly she approached George. 
“Do you want to dance with me?” She asked shyly. George grinned widely, nodding his head, extending his hand for the girl to take. 
“What the?!” Perco exclaimed, turning back to the group, who shared his look of confusion. 
“I guess the line did work.” Lieb laughed as we watched the pair dancing. Luz looked back over to us, sending a thumbs up and a wink. He appeared to be very proud of himself. 
Soon more ladies approached the table, taking more Easy men out to dance, until all of the girls had been taken. 
Well except for one. 
The Sgt didn’t ask anyone to dance, instead she clapped along on the sidelines, smiling brightly at the woman who glided past her.
Soon it was late and the men found their way back to the table, most of them. George and the girl who had slapped him talked quietly in the corner of the bar. He seemed to be enamoured with the young lady, a lazy smile on his lips. 
Bull gathered up the rest of Easy, ushering them out of the bar, since it was closing for the night. The Sgt appeared to be doing the same, pulling the blonde away from Luz and taking her outside. 
“One more second, Dot, please.” The girl pleaded as she walked alongside her Sgt. 
“You have until I finish my smoke, then we are leaving.” The Sgt said sternly, but a small smile graced her lips when the blonde excitedly scurried away to get George. 
Both Easy and the group of women waited outside the bar for the pair to finish chatting while everyone else smoked and talked. 
Gene watched Dorothea lean against the wall, she pulled a cigarette from her purse as well as a lighter. She bent forward covering the flame with her hand, but the light wouldn’t catch. Eugene didn’t even notice, but he had started to walk towards the Sgt. 
He stood in front of her awkwardly with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Gene cleared his throat making his presence known to the woman. 
“Need a light?” He asked. 
Dorothea huffed cursing under her breath at her trusty lighter, though not so trusty now. 
“Yes please.” She conceded. 
Gene plucked the lighter from his pocket, moving to stand closer to the lady so she didn’t have to lean forward to reach the flame. He struck the lighter for her, sheltering the flame from the wind. 
The end of the cigarette burnt a cherry red as Dot sucked in a breath filling her lungs with the smoke, before blowing it out again. 
She had expected the man to leave once he had offered her the light, but he still stood beside her looking up at the night sky above them. 
“Does it look different?” She asked while she took a long drag from her smoke. 
“What?” The man was confused at her question, as she hadn’t really given him any context. 
“The sky. Does it look any different, to the one back home?” Dot clarified. 
“Oh. Um. I guess it does look different. Back home you can’t see the stars well, too much light.” He seemed to be mesmerised by the twinkling lights in the sky. 
Dot tilted her head up, taking in the night sky as well. “That’s sad.” 
The man looked over at her. 
“I couldn’t imagine looking up at the sky and not being able to see them all. Guess I took it for granted.”
“There are other things in the night that make it pretty.” Gene said. 
Dot glanced quickly at the man, a scowl on her face. But when she took in his features there was no smug look on his face like she thought there would be. 
“Like what?” Dot questioned. 
“Well we have fireflies, I guess those are like our stars. And it’s never quiet, there are always frogs, crickets and other swamp dwellers. It’s like a whole orchestra, made up of nature.” Gene reminisced, he missed his home. 
“Sounds nice, it would be interesting to visit.” Dot had never left England. She wondered what the rest of the world looked like. 
“Well, if you do come, I’ll give you the tour.” Gene smiled at her. He was proud of where he was raised and would be happy to show it off. 
“Who do I ask for?” Dot questioned, all well and good having a personal tour guide through the country but she didn’t even know the man's name.   
“Eugene Roe, Medic, with the 101st Airborne.” Gene extended his hand to the lady who finished the last of her cigarette. 
“Nice to meet you. You can call me Dot, everyone else does.” She shook his hand firmly. His fingers were soft and warm against her skin, sending shivers up her arm. The night air was chilly, his warm skin reminded her of the cold that nipped at her flesh. 
“You’re not so bad. I thought all you Americans were all noisy riff raff, but I like you.” Dot smiled at the man, finally letting her walls down a bit. 
She was hesitant of all the American’s that dwelled in the small town. They seemed to cause havoc and chaos, so she steered clear of them. 
Dot glanced at her watch, it was later than she thought it was. She cursed under her breath, looking up to find all of her girls, so she could usher them all back to bed. 
Her team mingled with the other men Gene arrived with. Talking in small groups, laughing and smoking. Dot smiled, noticing that all of them were being well behaved. 
Unfortunately she was going to disrupt the peace. 
“Girls! Let’s go.” She called, walking around grabbing each one by their elbow and pulling them away. 
She let them all exchange goodbyes and information. They scribbled down addresses and names so that they could send letters to each other. 
Dot rounded up everyone, doing a quick head count before they headed home. They all waved and trotted off down the country road, back to the house where they all stayed. 
Crunching footsteps sounded behind Dot. She turned on her heel, behind her was a panting Gene. She looked at him curiously, why had he chased after the group?
“Eugene, are you ok?” Dot asked bending down slightly to check the man was fine. 
“Dot, would you like to give me your information?” Gene asked, straightening.
“What for?” She asked, confused.
“So I can send you letters.” Gene smiled shyly at the woman. 
“Oh!” Dot said in surprise. “Sure. Ok.” She bit her lip trying to suppress the grin that formed on her lips. 
She had never been asked to be sent letters before. Dot’s heart fluttered slightly in her chest. She pulled out a pencil and paper from her purse, quickly writing down her information before handing it over to the medic. 
Eugene smiled brightly. “Thank you, Dot. Have a good sleep.” 
Gene ran back to the men who waited for him at the fork in the road, where he had left them to run after the Sgt.
“Doc, did you get it?” Frank asked the man. 
He grinned, raising the paper that had Dot’s information above his head for the men to see. The soldiers erupted into a cheer, enthusiastically patting their friend on his back.    
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Dusted Mid-Year Round-Up: Part 2, Dr. Pete Larson to  Young Slo-Be
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James Brandon Lewis
The mid-year exchange continues with the second half of the alphabet and another round of Dusted writers reviewing other people’s favorite records.  Today’s selection runs the gamut from Afro-beat to hip hop to experimental music and includes some of this year’s best jazz records.  Check out part one if you missed it yesterday.  
Dr. Pete Larson and His Cytotoxic Nyatiti Band — Damballah (Dagoretti Records)
Damballah by Dr. Pete Larson and his Cytotoxic Nyatiti Band
Who Picked it? Mason Jones
Did we review it? No, but Jennifer Kelly said about his previous record, “It’s authentic not to some musicological conception of what nyatiti music should sound like, but to the instincts and proclivities of the musicians involved.”
Bryon Hayes’ take:
Judging from Jenny’s review, Dr. Pete Larson hasn’t really changed his modus operandi much since last year’s self-titled release. Well, he has appeared to have dropped vocalist Kat Steih and drummer Tom Hohman, who aren’t credited with an appearance on Damballah. Sonically, this album feels more polished than its predecessor. There’s a richness that was lacking before, a sense of clarity that Larson seems to have added here. He still hypnotizes with his nyatiti but doesn’t lose himself behind the other players. That sense of mesmerizing repetition of short passages on the resonant lute-like instrument is what sets the music of the Cytotoxic Nyatiti Band apart from other rock groups who play in the psychedelic vein. It’s easy to get lost in the intricate plucking patterns as the guitars and synths swirl about. The rhythms bounce cleverly against those created by the percussion, anchoring the songs to solid ground. Balancing the airy and the earthy, Dr. Peter Larson and His Cytotoxic Nyatiti Band create a cosmic commotion perfect for contemplation. 
 James Brandon Lewis / Red Lily Quintet — Jesup Wagon (TAO Forms)
Jesup Wagon by James Brandon Lewis / Red Lily Quintet
Who recommended it? Derek Taylor
Did we review it? Yes, Derek said, “’Fallen Flowers’ and ‘Seer’ contain sections of almost telepathic convergence, the former and the closing ‘Chemurgy’ culminating in Lewis’ spoken words inculcating the import of his subject.” 
Tim Clarke’s take:
Tenor saxophonist and composer James Brandon Lewis demonstrates his control of the instrument in the opening moments of Jesup Wagon’s title track. Before his Red Lily Quintet bandmates join the fray, he alternates between hushed ululations and full-blooded honks, inviting the listener to lean in conspiratorially. Once the rest of the band fire up, cornet player Kirk Knuffke, bassist William Parker, cellist Chris Hoffman and drummer Chad Taylor lock into a loose, muscular shuffle. Their collective chemistry is immediately evident, and each player has the opportunity to shine across this diverse set’s 50-minute runtime. I’m particularly drawn to the rapid-fire rhythmic runs on “Lowlands of Sorrow,” the gorgeous cello on “Arachis,” and the spacious, mbira-laced “Seer.” There’s something about the mournful horn melody of the final piece, “Chemurgy,” that sends me back to first hearing Ornette Coleman’s “Lonely Woman” — and, just like that, I’m excited about the prospect of exploring jazz again, for the first time in a long time. Great pick, Derek.
 Roscoe Mitchell & Mike Reed — The Ritual And The Dance (Astral Spirits) 
the Ritual and the Dance by Roscoe Mitchell & Mike Reed
Who recommended it? Derek Taylor
Did we review it? Yes, Derek wrote, “Roscoe Mitchell remains an improvisational force to be reckoned with.”
Andrew Forell’s take:
For 17-plus minutes, Roscoe Mitchell solos on his soprano with barely a pause, the rush of notes powered by circular breathing, as drummer Mike Reed’s controlled clatter counterpoints Mitchell’s exploration of his instrument’s range and tonal qualities in what sounds like a summation of his long career at the outer edge of jazz. It‘s an extraordinary beginning to this performance, recorded live in 2015. On first listen it sounds chaotic, but shapes emerge in Mitchell’s sound, and Reed’s combination of density and silence complements, punctuates and supports in equal measure. After an incisive solo workout from Reed combining clanging metal and rolling toms, Mitchell swaps to tenor and the pace changes. Longer, slower notes, a rougher, reed heavy tone and a lighter touch from Reed. Having not closely followed Mitchell’s work since his days in The Art Ensemble Of Chicago, this performance was a revelation and will have me searching back through his catalog.     
The Notwist — Vertigo Days (Morr Music)
Vertigo Days by The Notwist
Who recommended it? Tim Clarke
Did we review it?  Yes, Tim said, “The Notwist really know how to structure a front-to-back listening experience, and this is emphatically a work of art best appreciated as a whole.”
Arthur Krumins’ take: 
In his review of Vertigo Days, Tim Clarke highlights the “multiple layers of drifting, shifting instrumentation.” It is an album that seems unbound by adherence to a set instrument lineup, and it moves quickly between moods both frenetic and contemplative. However, due to a careful mixing and an unforced approach to genre expectations, it is a surprising and varied listen that bears repeated scrutiny. The touchstones of the sound are at times the motorik beat of krautrock, at others the ethereal indie pop of their melodies and the quality of their singing. It feels like the perfect quirky coffee shop album, just out there enough to create a vibe, but tactful enough to take you along for the ride.
  Dorothea Paas — Anything Can’t Happen (Telephone Explosion)
Anything Can't Happen by Dorothea Paas
Who picked it? Arthur Krumins.
Did we review it? No. 
Eric McDowell’s take:
In one sense, it’s fair to say that Dorothea Paas’s debut album opens with a false start: A single note sounded and then retreated from, fingers sliding up and down the fretboard with the diffidence of a throat clearing. Yet what gesture could more perfectly introduce an album so marked by uncertainty, vulnerability, and naked self-assessment? 
If Anything Can’t Happen is an open wound, it’s a wound Paas willingly opens: “I’m not lonely now / Doing all the things I want to and working on my mind / Sorting through old thoughts.” That doesn’t make the pain any less real — though it does make it more complex. “It’s so hard to trust again / When you can’t even trust yourself,” Paas sings on the utterly compelling title track, her gaze aiming both inward and outward. Elsewhere she admits: “I long for a body closer to mine / But I don’t want to seek, I just want to find.” Instrumentally, Paas and her bandmates manage to temper an inclination toward static brooding with propulsive forward motion, a balance that suits the difficult truth — or better yet, difficult truce — the album arrives at in the climactic “Frozen Window”: “How can I open to love again, like a plant searches for light through a frozen window? / Can I be loved, or is it all about control? / I will never know until I start again.” In the spirit of starting again, Anything Can’t Happen ends with a doubling down on the opening prelude, reprising and extending it — no false start to be found. 
 Dominic Pifarely Quartet — Nocturnes (Clean Feed) 
Nocturnes by Dominique Pifarély Quartet
Who recommended it? Jason Bivins
Did we review it? No 
Derek Taylor’s take: 
Pifarely and I actually go way back in my listening life, specifically to Acoustic Quartet, an album the French violinist made for ECM as a co-leader with countryman clarinetist Louis Sclavis in 1994. Thirty-something at the time, his vehicle for that venture was an improvising chamber ensemble merging classical instrumentation and extended techniques with jazz and folk derived influences. The results, playful and often exhilaratingly acrobatic, benefited greatly from austere ECM house acoustics. Nearly three decades distant, Nocturnes is a different creature, delicate and darker hued in plumage and less enamored of melody, harmony and rhythm, at least along conventional measures. Drones and other textures are regular elements of the interplay between the leader’s strings, the piano of Antonin Rayon and the sparse braiding and shadings of bassist Bruno Chevillon and drummer Francois Merville. Duos also determine direction, particular on the series of titular miniatures that are as much about space as they are centered in sound. It’s delightful to get reacquainted after so much time apart.  
The Reds Pinks & Purples — Uncommon Weather (Slumberland/Tough Love)
Uncommon Weather by The Reds, Pinks & Purples
Who picked it? Jennifer Kelly
Did we review it? Yes, Jennifer said, “Uncommon Weather is undoubtedly the best of the Reds, Pinks & Purples discs so far, an album that is damned near perfect without seeming to try very hard.”   
Bill Meyer’s take:
Sometimes a record hits you where you live. Glenn Donaldson’s too polite to do you any harm, but he not only knows where you live, he knows your twin homes away from home, the record store and the club where you measure your night by how many bands’ sets separate you from last call. He knows the gushing merch-table mooches and the old crushes that casually bring the regulars down, and he also knows how to make records just like the ones that these folks have been listening to since they started making dubious choices. Uncommon Weather sounds like a deeply skilled recreation of early, less chops-heavy Bats, and if that description makes sense to you, so will this record.
 claire rousay — A Softer Focus (American Dreams Records)
a softer focus by Claire Rousay
Who picked it? Bryon Hayes  
Did we review it? Yes, Bryon Hayes wrote, “These field recordings of the mundane, when coupled with the radiance of the musical elements, are magical.”  
Ian Mathers’ take:  
In a weird way (because they are very different works from very different artists), A Softer Focus reminds me a bit of Robert Ashley’s Private Parts (The Album). Both feel like the products of deep focus and concentration but wear their rigor loosely, and both feel like beautifully futile attempts to capture or convey the rich messiness of human experience. But although there is a musicality to Private Parts, Ashley is almost obsessed by language and language acts, and even though the human voice is more present than ever in rousay’s work (not just sampled or field recorded, but outright albeit technologically smeared singing on a few tracks) it feels like it reaches to a place in that experience beyond words. The first few times I played it I had moments where I was no longer sure exactly what part of what I was hearing were coming from my speakers versus from outside my apartment, and as beautiful as the more conventional ambient/drone aspects of A Softer Focus are (including the cello and violin heard throughout), it’s that kind of intoxicating disorientation, of almost feeling like I’m experiencing someone else’s memory, that’s going to stay with me the longest. 
 M. Sage — The Wind Of Things (Geographic North)
The Wind of Things by M. Sage
Who recommended it? Bryon Hayes
Did we review it? No
Bill Meyer’s take:
Matthew Sage’s hybrid music gets labeled as ambient by default. Sure, it’s gentle enough to be ignorable, but Sage’s combination of ruminative acoustic playing (mostly piano and guitar, with occasional seasoning from reeds, violin, banjo, and percussion) and memory-laden field recordings feels so personal that it’s hard to believe he’d really be satisfied with anyone treating this stuff as background music. But that combination of the placid and the personal may also be The Wind of Things’ undoing since it’s a bit too airy and undemonstrative to make an impression.
 Skee Mask — Pool (Ilian Tape)
ITLP09 Skee Mask - Pool by Skee Mask
Who picked it? Patrick Masterson
Did we review it? No 
Robert Ham’s take:
Pool is an appropriate title for the new album by Munich electronic artist Bryan Müller. The record is huge and deep, with its 18 tracks clocking in at around 103 minutes. And Müller has pointedly only released the digital version of Pool through Bandcamp, adding it a little hurdle to fans who just want to pick and choose from its wares for their playlists. Dipping one’s toes in is an option, but the only way to truly appreciate the full effect is to dive on in. 
Though Müller filled Pool up with around five years’ worth of material, the album plays like the result of great deliberation. It flows with the thoughtfulness and intention of an adventurous DJ set, with furious breakbeat explosions like “Breathing Method” making way for the languorous ambient track “Ozone” and the unbound “Rio Dub.” Then, without warning, the drum ‘n’ bass breaks kick in for a while. 
The full album delights in those quick shifts into new genres or wild seemingly disparate sonic connections happening within the span of a single song. But again, these decisions don’t sound like they were made carelessly. Müller took some time with this one to get the track list just right. But if there is one thread that runs along the entirety of Pool, it is the air of joy that cuts through even its downcast moments. The splashing playfulness is refreshing and inviting.
 Speaker Music — Soul-Making Theodicy (Planet Mu)
Soul-Making Theodicy by Speaker Music
Who picked it? Mason Jones
Did we review it? No 
Robert Ham’s take:
The process by which DeForrest Brown Jr., the artist known as Speaker Music, created his latest EP sounds almost as exciting as the finished music. If I understand it correctly — and I’m not entirely sure that I do — he created rhythm tracks using haptic synths, a Push sequencer, and a MIDI keyboard, that he sent through Ableton and performed essentially a live set of abstract beats informed by free jazz, trap and marching band. Or as Brown calls them “stereophonic paintings.” 
Whatever term you care to apply to these tracks and however they were made, the experience of listening to them is a dizzying one. A cosmic high that takes over the synapses and vibrates them until your vision becomes blurry and your word starts to smear together like fog on a windshield. Listening to this EP on headphones makes the experience more vertiginous if, like I did, you try to unearth the details and sounds buried within the centerpiece track “Rhythmatic Music For Speakers,” a 33-minute symphony of footwork stuttering and polyrhythms. Is that the sound of an audience responding to this sensory overload that I hear underneath it all? Or is that wishful imaginings coming from a mind hungry for the live music experience? 
 The Telescopes — Songs of Love And Revolution (Tapete) 
Songs Of Love And Revolution by the telescopes
Who recommended it? Robert Ham
Did we review it? No. 
Andrew Forell’s take:
Songs Of Love And Revolution glides along on murky subterranean rhythms that evoke Mo Tucker’s heartbeat toms backed with thick bowel-shaking bass lines. Somewhere in the murk Stephen Lawrie’s murmured vocals barely surface as he wrings squalls of noise from his guitar to create a dissonant turmoil to contrast the familiarity of what lies beneath. The effect is at once hypnotic and joltingly thrilling, similar to hearing Jesus And Mary Chain for the first time but played a at pace closer to Bedhead. A kind of slowcore shoegaze, its mystery enhanced by what seems deliberately monochrome production that forces and rewards close attention. When they really let go on “We See Magic And We Are Neutral, Unnecessary” it hits like The Birthday Party wrestling The Stooges. So yeah, pretty damn good.
 Leon Vynehall — Rare, Forever (Ninja Tune)
Rare, Forever by LEON VYNEHALL
Who recommended it? Patrick Masterson
Did we review it? No. 
Jason Bivins’ take: 
I was amused to see Leon Vynehall’s album tucked into the expansive “Unknown genre” non-category. This is, as is often the case with these mid-year exchanges, a bit far afield from the kind of music I usually spin. Much of it is, I suppose, rooted in house music. Throughout these tracks, there are indeed some slinky beats that’ll get you nodding your head while prepping the dinner or while studying in earnest. There’s plenty to appreciate on the level of grooves and patterns, but he closer you listen, the more subversive, sneaky details you notice. The opening “Ecce! Ego!” isn’t quite as brash as the title would suggest, featuring some playfully morphed voices, old school synth patches and snatches of instrumentalism. But after just a couple minutes, vast cosmic sounds start careening around your brainpan while a metal bar drops somewhere in the audial space. Did that just happen? you wonder as the groove continues. Moments of curiosity and even discomfort are plopped down, sometimes as transitions (like the closing vocal announcement on “In>Pin” — “like a moth” — that introduces the echo-canyon of “Mothra”) but usually as head-scrambling curveballs. Startled voices or flutes or subterranean sax bubble up from beneath deep house thrum, then are gone in ways that are arresting and deceptive. I still don’t know what to make of the lounge-y closing to “Snakeskin – Has-Been” or the unexpected drone monolith of “Farewell! Magnus Gabbro.” In its way, Vynehall’s music is almost like what you’d get if Graham Lambkin or Jason Lescalleet made a house record. Pretty rich stuff.
 Michael Winter — single track (Another Timbre)
single track by Michael Winter
Who recommended it? Eric McDowell 
Did we review it? Not yet! 
Mason Jones’ take: 
Over its 45 minutes, Michael Winter’s 2015 composition slowly accelerates and accumulates, starting from an isolated violin playing slightly arrhythmic, single fast strokes. The playing, centered around a single root note, seems almost random, but flashes of melodic clusters make it clear they're not. After nine minutes other players have joined in and there's a developing drone, as things sort of devolve, with atonal combinations building. By the one-third mark everything has slowed down significantly, and the players are blending together, with fewer melodies standing out. Instead, it's almost more drone than not; and at a half hour in, most of the strings have been reduced to slowly changing tones. As we near the end we’re hearing beautiful layers of string drones, descending into the final few minutes of nearly static notes. It's an intriguing and oddly listenable composition given its atonality. The early moments bring to mind Michael Nyman, and the later movements summon thoughts of Tony Conrad and La Monte Young, but it's clearly different from any of them, and more than the sum of those parts.
 Young Slo-Be — Red Mamba (KoldGreedy Entertainment / Thizzler On The Roof)
Who picked it? Ray Garraty 
Did we review it? No. 
Ian Mathers’ take: 
The 12 tracks on Red Mamba fly by in a little over 27 minutes (not a one breaks the three-minute mark) but the result doesn’t feel slight so much as pared down to a sharpness you might cut yourself on. Stockon’s Young Slo-Be only seems to have one flow (or maybe it’d be more accurate to say he only seems interested in one) but he knows how to wield it with precision and force, and if the subject matter hews closely to the accepted canon of gangbanger concerns, Slo-Be delivers it all with vivid language and the studied, superior disdain of an older brother explaining the world to you and busting your chops at the same time. The tracks on Red Mamba all come from different producers, but Slo-Be consistently chooses spectral, eerie, foreboding backgrounds for these songs, even when adding piano and church bells (on “Asshole”), dog barks (“21 Thoughts”) or even Godfather-esque strings (the closing “Rico Swavo”). What’s the old line about the strength of street knowledge? These are different streets, and different knowledge.
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https-rainbumble · 2 years
Lesley ‘Rebel’ Wright
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face claim · brie larson
fandom · top gun
fic · creators of the frontline
love interest · bradley [?]
Alethea Shadow
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face claim · maimie mccoy
fandom · pirates of the caribbean
fic · serpents of gold
love interest · jack sparrow
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face claim · elena kamporius
fandom · descendants
parents · odette and derek
fic · rejecting the skies
love interest · jay
Dorothea Tabiner
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face claim · eloise smyth
fandom · pride & prejudice
fic · dishonor with a goal
love interest · mr. darcy
Charlotte ‘Charlie’ McPherson
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face claim · amybeth mcnulty
fandom · little women [2019]
fic · supporter of freedom
love interest · theodore laurence
Jo Warren
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face claim · karen gillian
fandom · jurassic world
fic · growls in my dreams
love interest · owen grady
Cameron Wooten
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face claim · brie larson
fandom · jurassic world
fic · calm before the storm
love interest · owen grady
Valentina Giovinco
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face claim · anna-maria sieklucka
fandom · fifty shades trilogy
fic · welcome to the night
love interest · christian grey
Jolene Johnson
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face claim · lily collins
fandom · kingsman
fic · companions and heirs
love interest · eggsy
Harley Fisher
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face claim · alice pagani
fandom · kingsman
fic · intention of the end
love interest · eggsy
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silverlake-rp · 4 years
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The following characters have just joined Silver Lake! Please go over the checklist, make sure everything is in order, and send in your account in under 48 hours.
Sage Daniels [ Dakota Johnson, Ariel Arts Instructor & Business owner ]
Keegan Anderson [ Zac Efron, Psychologist ]
Ricky Rios [ Manny Montana, Drug Dealer ]
Hayden Larson [ Dominic Sherwood, Owner of Good Vibrations ]
Dorothea ‘Teddy’ Finley [ Crystal Reed, Musician ]
Cameron Underwood / Rainey Biss [ Anne Winters, Student / Adult Actress ]
[ SAGE DANIELS. 31. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 2 YEARS ] and are originally from [ LAS VEGAS, NEVADA ]. They are an [ ARIEAL ARTS INSTRUCTOR & BUSINESS OWNER ] and in their downtime love [ GARDENING ] and [ COOKING ]. They look a lot like [ DAKOTA jOHNSON ] and live [ ON REDCLIFF ST ]. (ooc: sarah, twenty three, she/her, est)
[ KEEGAN ANDERSON ], 28.HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 5 YEARS] and are originally from [ SACRIMINTO, CALIFORNIA ]. They are a [ PSYCHOLOGIST ] and in their downtime love [ PARTYING ] and [ SOCIALIZING ]. They look a lot like [ ZAC EFRON ] and live [ IN SILVERWOOD TERRACE ]. (ooc: devin, 24, she/her, EST)    
[ RICKY RIOS. 33. CIS-MAN. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ ONE YEAR ] and are originally from [ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ]. They are a [ DRUG DEALER  ] and in their downtime love [ PLAYING POOL ] and [ DRINKING WHISKEY ]. They look a lot like [ MANNY MONTANA ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS  ]. (ooc: mel, 24, she/her, est)    
[ HAYDEN LARSON. 29. CIS MALE. HE/HIM ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 11 years ] and are originally from [ KILLINGLY, CONNECTICUT ]. They are a [ OWNER OF GOOD VIBRATIONS ] and in their downtime love [ WOODWORKING ] and [ LISTENING TO SLAM POETRY ]. They look a lot like [ DOMINIC SHERWOOD ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: em, 26, she/her, est )
[ DOROTHEA ‘TEDDY’ FINLEY. 27. DEMIGIRL. SHE/THEY] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ TWENTY SEVEN YEARS ] and are originally from [ SILVERLAKE ]. They are a [ MUSICIAN ] and in their downtime love [ PLAY PIANO ] and [ GET DRUNK ]. They look a lot like [ CRYSTAL REED ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: evie, 21+, she/they, est) 
[ CAMERON UNDERWOOD/RAINEY BLISS. 24. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [9 YEARS ] and are originally from [ CHILLICOTHE, OH]. They are a [ STUDENT/ADULT ACTRESS ] and in their downtime love [ ROLLER SKATING ] and [ TAKING POTTERY CLASSES]. They look a lot like [ ANNE WINTERS ] and live [ OASIS APARTMENTS ]. (ooc: Brit, 25, she/her, CST)
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nicolemaiines · 4 years
if anyone is looking to join a rp and wants to fill a wc…I have a few open for my characters over at @mapleviewhq! 
DOROTHEA ROSE ( BRIE LARSON ) is looking for their BABY DADDY around mapleview. they are 30-50 and look like ANY MALE FC. so to preface this, thea definitely has a habit of sleeping around, so she isn’t 100% of who the father of her daughter is, but for the sake of the connection, it’s going to be the wc! around ten years ago, the two slept together and thea ended up getting pregnant, though she didn’t find out until late in the pregnancy. I think it’d work best if wc is from mapleview (like thea) and they left for some reason and have just returned recently, the reason as to why and all that can be utp though! their daughter, freya, is nine years old and is pretty much the spitting image of him. the mun DOES NOT (BUT YOU CAN) need to be contacted at ( lockcdheart ).
DOROTHEA ROSE ( BRIE LARSON ) is looking for their FWB around mapleview. they are 30-50 and look like UTP (ANY GENDER). thea and wc have been fwb for some time (how long we can decide). thea usually hits them up whenever she’s feeling lonely, etc. wc has developed feelings for her and wants more, but thea isn’t there/isn’t ready to admit that she might feel the same. this definitely has the potential for some fun feels/angst/drama, so bring it on! the mun DOES NOT (BUT YOU CAN) need to be contacted at (  lockcdheart ).
DOROTHEA ROSE ( BRIE LARSON ) is looking for their BEST FRIEND around mapleview. they are 30-33ish (willing to discuss) and look like ANY MALE FC. honestly most of the character can be your creation/utp! thea was definitely “one of the guys”/a tomboy growing up, so wc would’ve been her best friend. wc should either be from mapleview or have moved there at some point during school aged years (before the age of 18). they’ve been close ever since they met and wc would be like an uncle to thea’s nine year old daughter, freya. the mun DOES NOT need to be contacted at ( lockcdheart ).
STEFANO COSTA ( MILO VENTIMIGLIA ) is looking for their SON around mapleview. they are 22-23 and look like JORDAN FISHER, JUSTICE SMITH, TANNER BUCHANAN JACOB ELORDI, DACRE MONTGOMERY, FINN COLE, TOM HOLLAND, ANY WHITE OR HALF WHITE FC. first name can be utp as long as it is italian! last name should be costa. wc was born when stef was 20 years old. after a one night stand with a groupie while on tour, he found out he was going to be a father. wc’s mom didn’t want anything to do with being a mother and agreed to let stef raise their child on his own. i imagine they have a very close father/son relationship and that wc is also close to their one year old half siblings. wc can be living with stef at his house in sycamore way too if you’d like, i’m open to discussing further!  the mun DOES NOT (BUT YOU CAN) need to be contacted at ( littlelionmcn ). 
STEFANO COSTA ( MILO VENTIMIGLIA ) is looking for their EX FIANCEE’S BEST FRIEND around mapleview. they are 35-45 and look like UTP (ANY GENDER). wc is/was best friends with stef’s ex-fiancee. the two moved to mapleview (her hometown) a few years ago and got engaged. everything was going well until she disappeared for a few months, only to return to let stef know that she was pregnant with twins. wc could have known all along, or perhaps they didn’t know and it caused a falling out between them. however, she left again after giving birth and stef is raising the twins on his own. i imagine they were also good friends with stef and we can either go with that they’re still good friends or an awkward friendship route, i’m open to either idea! the mun DOES NOT (BUT YOU CAN) need to be contacted at ( littlelionmcn).
PAXTON MACAULAY-YANG ( BOOBOO STEWART ) is looking for their BEST FRIEND/ROOMMATE/POTENTIAL LOVE INTEREST around mapleview. they are 25-27 and look like TOMMY MARTINEZ, JOHN BOYEGA, ELLIOT FLETCHER, AVAN JOGIA, ALBERTO ROSENDE, TYLER POSEY, SEAN TEALE, KEIYNAN LONSDALE, MASON GOODING, UTP/ANY MALE FC. okay so pax and wc have been friends since childhood. they grew up in mapleview together and are basically attached at the hip/are a package deal/are ride or die. wc’s family took pax in after their family kicked them out at the age of 16 and they lived with them until after high school graduation. eventually wc and pax got a place together and are currently roommates. we can definitely discuss the potential love interest bit more (and it’s 100% not required for the wc) but I definitely am a sucker for a good friends to lovers trope so that’s an option I’m open to as well if we wanna explore that! the mun DOES NOT (BUT YOU CAN) need to be contacted at ( lonclyroad ).
PAXTON MACAULAY-YANG ( BOOBOO STEWART ) is looking for their ESTRANGED SISTER around mapleview. they are 21-24 and look like FIVEL STEWART. I imagine that they were close growing up and had a pretty good brother/sister relationship until pax got kicked out at the age of 16 when their parents caught them messing around with a boy. they lost touch likely because their parents kept her from pax and cut off all contact. now that wc is older/possibly no longer living under their parent’s roof, they’re trying to rebuild their relationship. I’m definitely open to plotting/discussing more ideas there! the mun DOES NOT (BUT YOU CAN) need to be contacted at ( lonclyroad ).
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highsocietyhq · 4 years
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&&. announcing his/her/their grace, ( klara dorothea egilsdóttir ), the ( 28 ) year old ( duchess ) of ( kópavogur ). she is often confused with ( brie larson ). some say that she is ( stubborn and wilful ), but she is actually ( resourceful and open-minded ). ( OOC: obi / 23 / est / she/her )
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all muses modern au hc
set lasers to stan ( pt. 1 of idk how many i started doing this and i got bored for now lol)
claude: marina diamondis / lana del rey / selena / aliyah / oscar isaac / poe dameron & cassian andor
marianne: halsey / hayley kiyoko / sufjan stephens / hozier / twilight sparkle
dorothea: mariah carey / indina menzel / barbara streissand / whitney houston / lizzo / various disney heroines (specifically esmerelda, kida & megara )
dimitri: joan jett / hozier / iggy pop / gerard way / amy lee / kurapika (hxh) & batfleck
edelgard: hayley kiyoko / fiona apple / alanis morisette / loona / lady gaga / gerard way / amy lee / versailles / fka twigs / magneto, finn and leia from star wars, & thor.
hubert: halsey / robert smith / morrisey / gerard way / amy lee / helena bonham carter / dracula & belatrix lastrange
sylvain: fallout boy / panic at the disco / the clash / lizzo / brie larson (mostly pre-captain marvel) / tony stark
catherine: (doesn’t really pay attention to music or celebrities besides thinking some mma/wwe wrestlers are hot as fuck) / diana price / captain marvel / nebula / hel.
dedue: janelle monae / loona / sufjan stephens / fka twigs / solange / zendaya / steve rogers  
luxu: frank sinatra / chance the rapper / ariana grande / elton john / david bowie / himself
kairi: loona / blackpink / perfume / babymetal / disney princesses, princess peach.
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What I read in 2018
The Black Notebooks- Toi Derricotte The Winterlings- Cristina Sánchez-Andrade (tr. Samuel Rutter) As If- Anna Meister The Lonely City- Olivia Laing Graveyard Clay- Máirtín Ó Cadhain How to Write an Autobiographical Novel- Alexander Chee A Falling Knife Has No Handle- Emily O’Neill A Hunger- Lucie Brock-Broido Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration- David Wojnarowicz Prey- Jeanann Verlee Witch Wife- Kiki Petrosino Ordinary Beast- Nicole Sealey The Descent of Alette- Alice Notley Another Brooklyn- Jacqueline Woodson Of Love and Shadows- Isabel Allende The Narrow Door- Paul Lisicky Hijra- Hala Alyan Headwaters- Ellen Bryant Voigt American Sonnets- Gerald Stern Why Poetry- Matthew Zapruder Debridement- C. Bain There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyonce- Morgan Parker Gephyromania- TC Tolbert The Babies- Sabrina Orah Mark R E D- Chase Berggrun The Tennis Court Oath- John Ashbery The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie- Muriel Spark Sepharad- Antionio Muñoz Molina (tr. Margaret Sayers Peden) Baricoon- Zora Neale Hurston Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Imagination- Sarah Schulman Rocket Fantastic- Gabrielle Calvocolressi Priestdaddy- Patricia Lockwood Her Body and Other Parties- Carmen Maria Machado Calling a Wolf a Wolf- Kaveh Akbar Goodbye, Columbus- Philip Roth One! Hundred! Demons!- Lynda Barry How Her Spirit Got Out- Krysten Hill Blackacre- Monica Youn Lessons on Expulsion- Erika L. Sánchez Nature Poem- Tommy Pico Chronic- D.A. Powell Dream of a Common Language- Adrienne Rich The Book of Questions- Neruda (translated: William O’Daly) 300 Arguments- Sarah Manguso The Rest of Love- Carl Phillips Dear Sal- Jeremy Radin Howards End- E.M. Forester Wolf in White Van- John Darnielle Music for a Wedding- Lauren Clark H is for Hawk- Helen Macdonald Whereas- Layli Long Soldier Midwinter Day- Bernadette Mayer Tender- Sofia Samatar Into Perfect Spheres Such Holes Are Pierced- Catherine Barnett Electric Arches- Eve Ewing The Selected Larry Levis The Devil in the White City- Erik Larson The Art of Daring- Carl Phillips Harry Potter and the Cursed Child- JK Rowling The Game of Boxes- Catherine Barnett Selected Poems- Tomaž Šalamun Thunderbird- Dorothea Lasky Working (comic)- Harvey Pekar/Studs Terkel My Brilliant Friend- Elena Ferrante
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inspire-by-desirec · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes
jack-davvson · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes
kristablogs · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes
myrinae · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes
seitrack · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes
baby-ace-kitten · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes
eugene-v-dabs · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes
glassofteajlc · 3 years
Family Spoils Grandma With 5-Minute Video Chat
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DULUTH, MN—After agreeing to make an exception so long as it was just this one time, family sources confirmed Monday that they had decided to spoil local grandma Dorothea Larson, 73, with a five-minute video chat. “It’s nice for her to have a special treat now and then, so we figured there wouldn’t be any harm in…
0 notes