best-of-beaks · 6 years
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Say hello to Flora and Fauna 💕
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
Help me choose names!
So we're keeping two Bielefelder pullets we hatched and I'm stumped for names. It only just occurred to me they NEED names 😳
My current breeders are Molly, Polly, and Dolly because they're triplets so matching twin names (but different than my current breeders) for these two new girls would be great 💕
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
the plot chickens
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
He's the happiest boy 💕
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
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He's the most handsome boy 😍
Also I'm going to be doing a video review of the diaper I got him tomorrow! It's so amazing and has totally changed my outlook on having an indoor duck.
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
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Daisy Johnson looking dapper in his diaper 🦆💕
I also made an Instagram for him! @thehouseofduck
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
The Daisy Johnson fashion show is scheduled for later today 😍
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
1,000+ followers 😳
Not sure when it happened, but we're closer to 1,100 than 1,000 now and I didn't get a chance to announce it!
Thank you all so much 💕
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
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Guess who is back ;D (winky duck face)
Daisy Johnson has rejoined our little family!! His return home is sadly not on the best terms but we're very happy to have him. Daisy has become extremely aggressive to male birds, roosters and drakes alike. Thankfully he doesn't harm hens but he's not interested in having any of his own. He killed his previous owner's rooster, and was in the process of killing their other one when they caught him. We've decided he'll be a house duck indefinitely due to his ridiculously sweet personality with people and the fact we cannot place him with other birds.
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
RIP you sweet boy 💔
My heart is sad
Early this morning of February the 1st, 2019, at about 3am Daisy Rae the Silver Sebright rooster passed on to the next life. He’s gone, and my heart is heavy and sad. I know his internet fans must feel torn as well. He was always extremely friendly, sweet, and absolutely hilarious. His favorite games to play with his human parents included Point and Dance, and High Flyer Ground Crower. Every once in a while I’d play “Where’s Daisy”. He loved to fly, sometimes higher than 20 feet. He enjoyed being inside the house so much, one time we thought he was gone into the night, when we found him sleeping on a blade of the kitchen ceiling fan! From the beginning, Daisy and his human daddy Chris shared a special bond. Chris named Daisy and loved how unique and cuddly he was. They had similar personalities, I’ve never seen a full grown man be as delicate and sensitive as Chris was with Daisy. We have lost one of the best, they always go too soon. We love you Daisy, rest in Paradise sweet little roo.
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
A man's man
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
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Top right was 3-4x as thick as the branch I'm holding, and it came from the left trunk of the tree 😳
Like I said, crazy chicken keepers.
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
How to tell if you are a crazy chicken keeper
You go out in 55mph winds and spend an hour under a 60ft+ cedar tree with 3-4" thick branches falling around you, and using one of said branches to force two chickens out of said tree 🙃
And now you're about to go back out after realizing you have blood on your hands. Aka someone is bleeding and we gotta find out who.
Fun times!
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
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On to the next!
9 little eggs were set today! I'm going to be putting in more eggs over the next couple days so we'll have chicks hatching the 22nd through the 25th.
Unrelated, my birthday is the 23rd ;)
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
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Ta daaaaaa~
We have one little girl named Henny Penny, Penny for short, and a little boy named Teddy!
Sadly, our 3rd little egg passed away this morning :( But it was another little girl 💕
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best-of-beaks · 6 years
We have a baby!!
Any last minute guesses as to if it's a boy or girl 👀
I'll post pics once they get transferred to the brooder!
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