#Dorcas x pandora
lesbwinter · 2 days
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a pandorcas / lovemeadow visual
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trohpi · 2 months
pandorcas is the prongsfoot of the pantheon, as in theyre the two of the group that are literally soulmates and have always been at least half-way in love with each other and all of their friends are slowly going mad just begging them to kiss
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marylily-my-beloved · 2 months
You guys.
If it's marylily, then there has to be dorlene, and pandora x sybill.
If its pandalily, then dorlene and emmary (emmeline x mary).
It its marylene, then dorlily and pandora x sybill x emmeline.
If its lilylene (lily x marlene) then it has to be dormary (dorcas x mary) and pandora x sybill
If its Mary x sybill, then it has to be dorlily and pandora x dorcas.
If it's dorcas x sybill, then it has to be marylene and pandalily
If its emmeline x lily, it has to be marylene and dorcas x pandora
but no matter what, it's always emma x amelia
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thexultimatexmarauder · 8 months
Ok round 2b this one is a little random match I guess
( can’t choose pick the one who would have the cutest dates)
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valoflunar · 2 months
Michelle by sir Chloe but its pandora staring at Dorcas MESMERIZED even though she knows she shouldn’t be because she’ll never be more than ‘just friends’ with Dorcas and the affection between them will always be nothing more than platonic even if she so desperately wants it to be more than that and the slim chance she had is no longer there because Dorcas is now with Marlene and she feels so bad for being in love with Dorcas because god she’s with someone else and she’ll never be hers and-
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babydipper · 1 year
“Word of warning, mate,” Mulciber spits with a cruel smirk, “she doesn’t swallow.” Pandora looks stricken and Dorcas can feel her blood boil at Mulciber’s confession. She wants him dead. Wants him to be ruined, left in pieces, and forgotten. She wants to ruin him completely with her own hands.
But before Dorcas can move, Mulciber is already taking a step back and touching his face. There’s blood on his fingers. It drips down his arm. Ruins his robes. Ruins his pride. For a second, there’s nothing but the smell of iron and she has to close her eyes to fully experience it, process it. The ruby drops blinded her, reflecting in Pandora’s dress.
Before Dorcas could move, Remus Lupin punched Mulciber in the face.
Remus Lupin has punched Mulciber for Pandora. Nothing makes sense anymore.
Dorcas ends up with Lupin on a fake balcony Pandora found a year ago. It’s evidently forgotten by the staff and it’s based on the ground floor, which makes it perfect for hiding and smoking when they want to spend time alone. She sits on the railing, watching Lupin with a cold bottle of firewhiskey to his face.
Mulciber punched back before leaving the party and now she has to babysit Pandora’s new boytoy. She would heal him if he asked. He hasn’t. “We’re lucky Rosier didn’t get to him first,” Dorcas says because the silence is eating her alive along with alcohol in her system. She has found a stray cigarette in the pocket of the jumper she has stolen from Evan, so she lits it up with a spell. She likes the little gifts he leaves her. “It would bloody ruin everything.”
“Because he and Barty would kill him,” Dorcas confesses. “And it would have consequences.”
Remus laughs harshly, but he seems genuine. “Yeah. Yeah, it would. It will for me.”
“So your little friends weren’t supposed to know,” she plays with the cig in her hands. “I wonder what Black will say about hanging out with his baby brother in the same room.”
Something passes through Lupin’s face and it’s not caused by the building-up bruise. Dorcas puts her cheek on her knees. Everything smells like cigarettes and alcohol and Autumn. It’s the smell of disaster. She likes it best. “His opinion on my life is irrelevant.”
This is it. This is why he hangs out with Pandora and why he hasn’t gone to his dormitory the second Mulciber’s fist met his face. Dorcas takes pity and passes the cig. Lupin takes it with grace she hasn’t suspected him to have. He has to smoke, she decides. It makes him less of a loser.
Pandora slips through the window, the only way to get to the balcony, still wearing heels. Her makeup is smeared a little and her hair is a mess, but other than that and some blood on the dress, she looks fine. Not as if her birthday party got ruined. And certainly not as if her ex-boyfriend humiliated her in front of people. She watches them briefly, Lupin on the ground and Dorcas on the railing. “Fuck,” Pandora goes then, “Fuckity fuck.” She’s drunker than Dorcas remembers, but she doesn't blame her. “I bloody hate him. I didn’t even get to kiss anyone,” Pandora pouts.
So Dorcas leans in and kisses her, hard, all tongue and teeth. Pandora melts. They part hearing a noise, quite startled. Lupin has let go of the bottle, but fortunately, it hasn’t broken. He looks even more startled, so Pandora smiles her most dangerous smile. The one that is so sweet that it just can’t mean anything good. She squeezes Dorcas’s hand in thanks and falls down beside the bloke. “You want to join?” she asks innocently.
Lupin opens his mouth, closes it, and opens it again. It gives Dorcas enough time to get the bottle and start to drink with her hips leaning against the railing. Firewhiskey burns her throat. She enjoys the feeling. “Fuck, sorry,” he tries, “sorry for stalling. I’m making this awkward.” He brushes his hair with his hands and then he does the same to his face; the cigarette has long since been finished. Dorcas passes him the bottle. He drinks greedily. “Fuck, I don’t think I like girls like this anymore. Does it make sense?”
“No,” Dorcas says.
“Yes,” counters Pandora and shoots her a glare. Dorcas just shrugs in response.
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Do Dorcas and Pandora have a ship name. Asking for a friend
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olskuvallanpoe · 1 year
new fic: honey hair & juniper
pandorcas, 1k words - fluff
Summary: “dorcas dreams of pandora and wakes up by her side / [inspired by "for emily, whenever i may find her" by simon & garfunkel]”
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the-original-gays · 3 months
James was the mum friend in a "wraps you in a soft blanket and makes you tea when you're not feeling well" way.
Sirius needed someone to love him.
Remus needed someone to accept him.
Peter needed someone to value him.
And James made sure each of them went to bed smiling.
Regulus was the mum friend in a "chasing you around the house screaming at you to not put forks in the plug sockets" way.
Evan had no regard for safety, his own or others.
Barty has no impulse control.
Pandora did dangerous experiments on a daily basis.
Dorcas would do just about anything if you paid her enough.
And Regulus was just trying to keep those fucking idiots alive.
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sspadfoot · 3 months
The Marauders doing the trauma dumping sweet trend on TikTok
Sirius: My names Sirius and my parents used to torture me as a punishment until I had to run away and I brought haribos
Remus: My names Remus and when I was 5 I was bit by a werewolf because he hated my dad and I brought sour patch kids
Peter: My names Peter and I was tortured until I joined a fascist cult and I brought giant strawberries
James: My names James and my boyfriend broke up with my to join the cult because his parents told him to and I brought jolly ranchers
Regulus: My names Regulus and I’m that boyfriend. I also tried to drown myself on multiple occasions and I brought marshmallows
Barty: My names Barty and I was imperioed by my dad for most of my life, until I became crazy, and I brought twizzlers
Evan: My names Evan and I was forced by my parents to join a cult and I brought rainbow laces cause we’re all fruity
Pandora: My names Pandora and I can see the future so I saw all of my friends and family die and I brought skittles
Dorcas: My names Dorcas and my girlfriend was killed by one of my oldest friends and then I had to go face to face with the leader of the cult and I brought airheads
Lily: My names lily and my sister hated me for most of my life and I had a horrible toxic best friend who called me slurs and I brought nerds
Marlene: My names Marlene and I was killed by my best friend, my sister was also kidnapped and tortured and I brought Reeces
Mary: My names Mary and I was obliviated by my headteacher and I don’t remember why and I brought squashies
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trohpi · 4 months
pandorcas microfic [cross-posted on ao3]
@marauders-rarepair-fics • june 7: go • 851 words
“Mama, why is Mummy sick?” A small voice asks over the sound of retching. Dorcas, who had been putting all her attention on Pandora, whips around in surprise. Standing in the bathroom doorway is their daughter, Luna. She has the cutest little furrow in her brow as she watches the scene before her with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
Dorcas opens her mouth to answer right when Pandora lurches forward again, gagging into the toilet. She quickly focuses back on her wife, smoothing her hair away from her sweaty forehead.
“Not now, love,” Dorcas says distractedly. “Go and finish your breakfast.”
“Is she dying?” Luna asks innocently. Dorcas falters while Pandora, still hunched over the toilet, begins to shake with laughter.
Following the untimely demise of the pet puffskein Luna had received for her third birthday, they had tentatively attempted to explain the concept of death. Being only four, she still doesn’t quite understand it, but the conversation had sparked a natural curiosity that led to her favourite question to ask: Is so-and-so dying?
“No, Mummy is fine,” She says hesitantly after a moment. Pandora starts to laugh even harder, though that is quickly cut short by a groan as her face goes a sickly green.
“Alright, darling?” Dorcas murmurs, gently tucking a stray blonde curl behind her ear. The other woman hums and closes her eyes, leaning her head into her touch.
“Don’t know how you managed this shite for nine months,” Pandora says in a hush, mindful of the little ears in the room.
“Luckily, I had you to keep me sane.”
“Keep you sane for what?” Luna asks, and Dorcas shoots Pandora a conflicted look. They still haven’t told her of the pregnancy, mostly because they can never find the right time. But really, is there ever a right time to tell someone they’re about to get a little sibling? Dorcas isn’t sure.
Sensing her wife’s hesitance, Pandora hums. “Go on, Doe. You can tell her.”
“Tell me what?” Luna asks, her curiosity seemingly never-ending. Dorcas huffs out a fond laugh at the barrage of questions and relaxes.
“C’mere, love,” she says, beckoning her daughter. Luna obediently crawls into her lap, sitting so she is sandwiched between her mothers.
Dorcas smoothes a hand over Luna’s blonde braids, a colour she specifically requested to ‘match with Mummy.’ “You know how before you were born, you were in my tummy?”
“Uh-huh. And your tummy was big and round, like in the picture on the fireplace,” she nods solemnly and Dorcas chuckles.
“That’s right. Well, right now, Mummy has a baby growing in her tummy, just like when you were growing in mine.”
Luna giggles. “Stop lying, Mama. Her tummy isn’t big and round at all.”
“You’re right, you’re so smart,” Pandora says, turning to smack a tired kiss on the top of her head. “That’s because the baby is very small right now. It’s too small to see from the outside.”
Luna leans over to look at her mother’s flat stomach in suspicion.
“There’s really a baby in there?”
“Mhm, and you’re going to have a new little brother or sister.”
“Really? Like Harry and Neela?” she asks, thinking of her friend and his two year old sister.
“Exactly like Harry and Neela.”
She is quiet for a moment as she processes with a small frown. “…If you are sick, then is the baby sick too?
Dorcas hugs her just a bit tighter at that, her heart aching. Luna really is one of the most considerate and thoughtful children she’s ever met, no matter how biassed she may be.
“No, love, don’t worry. The baby isn’t sick and neither is Mummy, she’s just a bit poorly because of the baby.”
“The baby is making her throw up?” Luna frowns, shuffling on her lap. “That’s not very nice. I don’t like this baby.”
Dorcas hides a smile in her daughter’s hair while Pandora stifles a giggle.
“The baby isn’t doing it on purpose, Luna. It happens to everyone with a baby in their tummy.”
Luna seems to think about this for a second before her eyes widen in horror. She whips around to face Dorcas urgently. “Did I make you throw up when I was in your tummy, Mama?”
“Only just a bit,” she lies reassuringly. In truth, her morning sickness had been absolutely atrocious the entire pregnancy. She vividly remembers being unable to keep anything down except crackers and, oddly enough, Dirigible Plums. The toll it took on her is partly the reason that Pandora volunteered to carry their second child, and she couldn’t be more grateful for the wonder that is her wife.
Luna deflates in relief. “Good.”
“Go finish your breakfast, little miss,” she laughs softly. Pandora groans at the mention of food and Dorcas sends her an apologetic look.
“Okay,” Luna sighs, crawling out of her lap. She turns to them before she leaves and says earnestly, “I’m happy you’re not dying, Mummy.”
Pandora lets out a half-hysterical laugh and says, “I’m happy I’m not dying, either. Now, please go so Mummy can throw up in peace.”
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not-rab · 4 months
Pandora: The floor's lava!
James: *helping Regulus onto the table*
Barty: *kicks Evan off the sofa*
Dorcas: There are two types of boyfriends
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rudamaruda520 · 1 month
James: What the fuck?! Crouch just fucking bit me!
Regulus: oh finally!
James: huh?
*Regulus, Evan, Pandora and Dorcas collectively roll up their sleeves to show him teeth marks*
Pandora: It means you're accepted. Biting is his love language.
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thexultimatexmarauder · 9 months
some people love other say this is strictly platonic ( but this is a romantic ships battle)
marauders ship-batle round 1b
(can't pick pick the one you think would be the healthiest relationship)
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fiasco95 · 2 months
(Jegulus, Rosekiller, Wolfstar!) MODERN AU where the 3Bs heard someone disrespect Regulus and the outcome of it is well..
Regulus, putting his jacket on:
Dorcas: Oh, where are you off to?
Regulus: To bail out the 3Bs.
Pandora: 3Bs?
Regulus: Brother. Bestfriends. Boyfriend.
Dorcas & Pandora, sighing and getting ready to go out as well: Fuck’s sake.
Regulus: I’m not mad that you did what you did. I’m mad that you got caught.
Sirius, James, Remus, Barty & Evan: Sorry.
Dorcas: Can’t believe you didn’t invite me.
Pandora: Exactly. Then you guys wouldn’t have been caught if we were there to help.
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ghosteccedentesiast · 3 months
*Just the slytherin skittles playing truth or dare*
Barty: Truth or dare Regulus?
Regulus: Truth
Barty: Do you want to kiss Potter?
Regulus: Actually dare
Barty: I dare you to kiss Potter!
Regulus: Never have I ever!
Barty: Thats not the god-damn game!
Regulus: *shrugs*
Barty: Never have I ever wanted to kiss Potter!
Regulus, taking out his wand: Silenci-
*The rest just watching in amusement*
Evan: Should we inter-
Dorcas: No, Regs denial is rather amusing!
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