plasticsaints · 1 year
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Donovon Piscopo : dog whisperer : San Diego, CA
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caseythepigeon · 1 year
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I’m doing art fight this year! 
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venusleontios55555 · 7 months
I freaking adore this child with all my heart
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Oh to be in Anya's brain....
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thecrimsonbook · 1 year
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steve jinks and guns
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xxdigitaldream · 1 year
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[RA] Plugged in
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sparrowsabre7 · 1 year
All you films, books, games etc where the title is just the main character's name with no embellishment, not even a moniker or adjective or an "and the ...".
Do better.
You are bad titles.
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iiitsnotbase · 2 years
Zelda Donovan is asexual, and she came to that realisation at 17, all alone in her room, and she was terrified of it, of course she was, who wouldn't be?
(Terrified, not asexual.)
Her family worshipped the god of ecstasy and lust, and no matter how many times she prayed to them, they didn't grant her feelings of lust or love. Her Fathers, her Uncles, her Cousins, everyone in her family worshipped the same god, and my god, they were all so horny. She sought out someone who she was a similar age too, but who went to Hudol. Her surrogate brother (and actual cousin), Link.
"Zelly! Hey." Link looked up from his book, and looked over at his cousin, who stood at the door, earphone's wrapped around her fist and phone in her hoodie pocket. Her eyes were poofy and red, and her ears were limp. "What's wrong, who do I need to kill?"
"Me?" She half-laughed. "Can we talk?" Link folded the book in half and sat up, and Zelda joined him on the bed, crossing her legs so they sat directly across from them. The invitation to talk was wordless; A subtle agreement between the two youngest in the house they could seek each other out and be welcomed in even if they'd killed someone. "I think god hates me."
"Hm. Why?" Link was not being mean when they asked that, it was simple curiosity, and Zelda knew that. "I don't think god hates you. I think you're one of the favorites."
"I don't. I think that- Getting kicked out of the girl's house, but I mean, we've been through that, this is something different. I have this lack of- Lack of lust. Which is strange because we- Sorry- Worship the god of ecstasy. I don't feel an attraction to- I mean, I do, I love him, but Fabian Seacaster and Kristen Applebees and Tracker O'Shaunessy all have this desire and I just straight up don't. I think I'm broken." Link thought for a moment.
"Ok well god doesn't hate anyone, that's like their whole thing. Sometimes people just don't have that desire. That doesn't mean your broken, and your Dad's won't love you less. I won't love you less. Isn't there an LGBTQ alliance at your school? Why don't you head there tomorrow?" It was Zelda's turn to think. "You are not less. You are not broken. I love you."
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artofmerak · 1 year
I reread the 8th day series over reading break a while back, so I decided to draw my head canons for some of the characters in high school after the series.
Jax Aubrey
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He moves to go to Dorian’s school after graduating middle school to live with Riley and Evangeline, but basically alone for most days of the week.
Despite being a bit oblivious and nice to most people he meets, Dorian described him as a bit scruffy and delinquent-like. He definitely looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon bun. (He got that from Riley)
In fact, for the first few years of high school, most students are scared of him because he kept skipping classes (for some Grunsday missions) and looking like he just came out of a few fights
He learnt how to cook and bake not only because he now lives alone, but after seeing the twins’ atrocious diet and how picky Tegan was due to her sensitive nose, he decided to make good food
He is the mascot of the cooking club and the members absolutely adore him because they are the few people who actually see that he is not scary
He becomes secretly popular by the end of high school, though he doesn’t know himself.
Despite his initially mediocre grades (he shares a brain cell with Billy and Tommy), he studies hard to go to the same university Tegan is applying to. The reason why he applies for any universities is because it’s what his dad and now Riley want for him to do
One of his earrings is a gift from the round table for being a core field agent for them and they wanted a quick way to track him if any of the missions went south. It is directly linked to Tegan’s scry bowl due to their previous partnership in the Morrigan mission. (And because the round table also thinks they’re cute together.)
Dorian Ambrose
I’d like to think that he completely detaches himself from the Round Table business and opens a transport business with brownies
Tegan Donovon
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She and her family move to New York and go to the same school as Jax due to their increased involvement in the Round Table
Looks like a cinnamon roll, will kill you
She has a lot of hidden pockets to steal and store things with ease
She was a bit of a weird kid in the first year of high school, but with her charisma and analysis of school society, she quickly became the school’s most popular kids
While she’s still a bit of a chaos causer, due to the stupidity of her friends and brother, she does act as the mom friend when Evangeline is not there to take that role
She’s like the dad that doesn’t want pets (brownies in this case), but pretty much adopt one and love them dearly after a week
Eats anything Jax makes (food-wise)
Get jealous easily when it comes to Jax
Hosts girl’s night with Leslie and Addie where they start seances or whatever girls do at girl’s nights
Gets super high grades now that she doesn’t focus on stealing for a living because the Round Table pays them for their services
Plans to get into computer science in university
Tommy Donovon
Definitely gets buff and become the himbo of the group
Some other characters
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Definitely gets anxiety and PTSD from the Morrigan situation (definitely needs therapy)
Gets a tattoo on her wrist (done by AJ), similarly to the family crests, but it’s actually a ward against the Morrigan
Gets close to Billy because they are the “normal ones”
She’s going to show up one day on a normal day of the week casually while other people freak out that the 8th day curse is broken or something and some of the murderous Kin were free, but she would just go “yeah, I figured out how to break it but only for me.”
Then she goes to live with Jax because his apartment is way too big for one person
She’s skipped a few grades to be one under Jax and Tegan and is definitely the real delinquent of the school
Gets highlights in her her, to Evangeline’s dismay
She doesn’t study but gets amazing marks
Gets introduced to Avatar the last Airbender and convinces Jax and the gang to make the life action film of it using her magic and submits it as homework and convinces everyone the CGI was just really high quality
Just happily living away with Riley
Just a bit into arson
The mom friend
Does argue a lot with Addie but she’s proud of her at the end of the day
The flirt of the friend group
Gets a tattoo on his wrist (done by AJ) claiming that he can make his own bloodline (and who knows, maybe his kids will be able to get into the 8th day)
I don’t know, I just think that Billy and Leslie would be good together
Studies mythologies in college and goes around the world to investigate and learn more about what my be in Grunsday that they don’t know about
Is the intelligence analyst that the Round Table must consult with, as he is able to give the regular citizen perspective
Also helps regulate the relations between the normal people and the transitioners when a wild event is occurring, so the huge power imbalance between them in the books lessen
Very cowboy core (the part that said he wears cowboy boots in the book will never leave me)
His plan of sticking with Evangeline for every Grunsday works well and they have a happy life together
Core member of the Round Table
Tired all the time
Gets really weirded out when Jax is older than him
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twistitch · 2 years
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so i’m probably gonna go through and post all these individually at some point, but for now here is the compilation image of what i did for oc-tober. i started on it 10 days late then finished it a week into november. day 30′s word was power, and 31 was wish
anyhow, i think that’ll be it for me dumping my art for the evening
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delusional-dingus · 2 years
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sgt-dignam · 9 months
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donovon really believes some of this shit. as do i, by the way.
Slow Horses - 3.03
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venusleontios55555 · 7 months
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So you are telling me this is not an overprotective father?
It seems that Loid is becoming more of a father figure with each passing chapter...
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finxeydav · 2 months
-despite Mark and Donovon no longer being in contact, Mark will still send Donovon birthday cards and presents, though they always get returned
-I like to think Argos and Billy have a uncanny resemblance(we know why but in this universe it’s just a coincidence), so when Mark first met Argos (I like to think it was while Argos was delivering him mail) Mark just screamed and slammed the door in his face😭
-Argos kinda reminds Mark of his late mom(for better and for worse Awjfjs)
-Mr Plant as a father figure for Mark makes me squealy HEEHEHE I don’t have any specific reason for that, I just like it hehe
-Mark’s extended family are those tough love kinda people and had him working as soon as he turned 16, they’re still family to him, but he misses something more tender ya know?
-Billy’s mother once sent Mark a apology letter on behalf of her son, Mark still has it, he doesn’t really know how to feel about it
-the survivors guilt is strong with this one
-he sheds!
-he refuses to get any type of pet, he’s to scared of it dying because of him
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kazuaru · 3 months
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Donovan Deadheart for @acuar-io's simblr outlaws.
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Donovan McConnell aka (Donovan Deadheart) was born from a one night stand his father had with a prostitute & raised by the (deadheart gang) after running away at the age of 16 from the brothel his mother worked at.
He was raised with tough "love" & was always call a "stupid drunk irish bastard" by everyone in the gang. One night when everyone was a sleep dovovan gave the deadhearts their name by murdering all of them in their sleep & stabbing all of them in the heart with their own knives. After the now known (deadheart massacre) donovon fled with all the gangs stolen money.
Now a the age of 34 he spends his days roaming from town to town killing any one who dare calls him or irish people "lazy drunk bastards"
(edit inspo) + (🔊)
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bonus: edit, everyday, formal/laying low & sleep outfits.
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darlingrini · 11 months
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What do you mean I'm late by....a lot :3ccc (I'm just doing this at my own pace lmao) Cringetober Day 4 - Angel x Demon I used my yandere OC couple for this one XD Donovon the "Angel" and Celibacy the "Devil" :3ccc
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thelreads · 3 months
Lol I saw people freaking out when Henderson was "revealed" to be married, but meanwhile I'm here like "well CLEARLY, /you/ guys don't follow L who knows everything."
Also that baby Donovon reminds me so much of Damien.... Like, Damien is younger than him here, I think, but he's just. He's so innocent. Like when Henderson says "I would be out of a job!" and Donovon goes "hmm. I wouldn't like that." Like!!!! The modern day Donovon would never have walked back a statement like that!! Let alone for something as "small" as having an emotional connection with someone!!!!
Wait, people weren't aware he was married? But it was made obvious in the letter he sent back at the start, he addressed his daughter and son-in-law, and in a time like this and from a prestigious family I doubt he'd have kids out of wedlock
Hell I can't even imagine someone like Henderson having kids even in wedlock. Not with anyone but Martha that is.
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