#Dominicus - headcanon
dasmondkuss · 7 months
Who let Dominicus out?????
He is in such a loving mood right now, I'm overwhelmed 🙃🙃🙃
And also his favorite band is The Beatles.
Like, of course. I will pretend I didn't see it coming.
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thewolfisawake · 2 years
REFLECT (Dominicus)
send REFLECT for me to explain a traumatic event in my muses’s past and talk about their perception of events,  which parts have stayed with them longest and how it affects them now.  (  sender can request specific scenes/backstory  )
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Dominicus falls into the 'not really traumatized' category. Even with his profession, he tends to be okay. I would say that closest was when he was able to glean the thoughts of a rather sick individual. He didn't like the thoughts that came across from that person however they were a match for the machinations of a client. So he put them in contact and went about his merry way. He doesn't recall much about that encounter but he also has never seen them again. So it's not really his problem and it didn't really affect him.
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sharkiethrts · 5 months
Hiya everyone! new inquiry time: i wonder why not much people delve into Lady Cash? She is implied to be Robin's teacher when she was young and was even referenced in 'Concert For Two''s lightcone:
'"But the teacher thinks I'm not cut out for this…"'
She seems to be framed as an antagonistic character for now, with her seeming rather jaded and fastidious to the 'flaws' of today's singers. She even outright referred to Robin's letter to her as: 'a bucket of brainwashing balderdash', going on to say that it is 'what she's best at ' and that 'She's been like this since young'
I'm now wondering:
(a) Is Robin's character supposed to be framed as well-natured first hand but later on opening to reveal much more selfish and human traits that make her seem like a hypocrite?
(b) Or could this just be a show for how horrible the situation is in Penacony- where jealous stars try to tear each other down, despite one being a mentor and another being a student.
Adding onto that, could this be a hint for Sunday's less positive feelings towards Robin? (What if during the White Night trailer, it wasn't Sparkle that was acting as Robin and Sunday was actually rather lackluster around his own sister? Haha, maybe its not likely)
(c) Perhaps Sunday is jealous of her. Hence why in the 'concert for two' lightcone (once again), Robin questions whether that dream is still shared by the both of them- (LEAKS SKIP BOLDED) or perhaps that is due to Sunday being suggested to have been possessed by Ena (or Dominicus), hence becoming distant from her).
(headcanon, with no evidence whatsoever:) Could Sunday's love for sweet treats only be found in their childhood, where he no longers share the same love as he has been possessed while Robin remains unaware and tries to rekindle a bond with a brother she once knew?
Oh my, this could also work out with why Sunday looks rather bored around her (compared to their cutest lightcone and the Myriad trailer- where he seems to love her affectionately).
(d) maybe its just to show that Robin was surrounded by negative figures in her childhood that constantly tried to get in her dream's way. where her acts of kindness (her sending a thoughtful letter to check up on her teacher) is depicted as manipulation tactics,,,,
haha just rambling, PLEASE ADD ON! i'm suffering from a severe hyperfixation.
: I hope you don't mind me tagging you guys here, it's just that whenever I try to find Sunday content, I tend to gravitate to you guys! (please tell me if you do, I wouldn't mind at all- text me privately if you have to!)
@eternity-death @moonsaver @mewnbuns
Please tag anyone else that would be interested in this, I'm also rather interested in collecting sunday blogs :3
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diosapate · 5 months
for the character asks: Augustine the First
ok so for this fucking loser ...
favorite thing about them: he has a FASCINATING range in such a short amount of time. he's a cunt he's a queen he's saying the most profound shit in act 5 he's using the word 'whim-wham' ?? i honestly didn't think much of him on my first read but the second i started actually digesting his wildly out of pocket dialogue is really when i became intrigued by his wiles. because he's rude as fuck and says deeply funny yet incredibly insane things but they actually reveal SO much about the setting
least favorite thing about them: he's the fucking worst. send post
favorite line: tie between “imagine—the worst bee, but with a blood aspect, if you knew the whole time that it was a multitude of bloods. I’m talking at least three different types of blood, here" and "somewhere out there exists a home not paid for with blood; it won’t be for us, but it will be for those who have been spared. Babies always get born. Houses always get built. And flowers will die on necromancy’s grave" which i think sufficiently displays the full range of his character alluded to above
brOTP: unsure if i'd call it a brotp or how we're defining brotp but i do find his dynamic with toting ianthe around like a toy poodle really fascinating considering the fact that she's constantly plotting his downfall. they're very fun together. it's awful.
OTP: let's just say his ass is NOT resting easy next to her bones 😂😂
nOTP: not that people genuinely ship this but i've seen, like, two posts alluding to augustine/harrow and it genuinely chills me to the fucking bone
random headcanon: this is moderately informed by canon but i think he was probably, aside from cassiopeia, the first disciple to start doubting the source of john's power waaaaay back in the day (given all he says about following power back to its source and never being able to puzzle out john's, seeing as it clearly wasn't coming from dominicus as he claimed) but as denial seems to be one of his defining traits he just kinda didn't do much about it until mercy popped the "what is god afraid of?" question later on
unpopular opinion: i REALLY want him to come back. please tamsyn please please please
song i associate with them: oceanographer's choice >:)
favorite picture of them: midnightcrows does some very yummy augustine profiles
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Honestly at this point killing John would cause a lot more problems than it would solve. And all it would really do is perpetuate the cycle.
Who said anything about a cycle? John is a one-in-a-million blend of power, charisma, desperation, self-centeredness, and Chosen One Gone Wrong.
If I can do what I'm so good at doing with headcanons and pull a little bit from real-life Earthen history, any time in our history that there was a leader who became too powerful, too autocratic, they had to be taken down. This was never a clean one-and-done sort of affair; toppling the leader also topples their government, their structures. There had to be someone to take their place and lead people through the changes, and when you create a power vacuum for revolution, society requires a LOT of rebuilding from the ground up.
But human society EXCELS at building things from the ground up. It doesn't "perpetuate a cycle" when you're putting an END to something. To someone. To a corrupt leader.
Now, in the case of Dominicus, apparently killing John could snuff out the sun. I don't think he was bluffing when he said taking him out takes out the sun; Ianthe says they thought the Sixth had melted when Dominicus flared. They wouldn't have thought that if John's "death" hadn't actually done something to the sun. (Unless, of course, Jod was lying, again.)
But who's to say we can't find a way to use John to power Dominicus continually without him being, say, conscious, or having power over EVERYTHING still? John was perfectly powerful when Alecto was "asleep".
I mean, let's also remember that John put an entire resurrection beast into a human body. Wild shit happens in this universe. I don't think it's too crazy to say there's potentially another way to stabilize the system. With every book, we learn of more varied ways to achieve Lyctorhood, or some equivalent. We never have all the information; we never see all the cards in this series. The possibilities are as endless as they ever were.
What if Alecto gets put in charge of all this? A planetary soul seems like the most fitting ruler of a solar system to me. Not John; not a Lyctor; not any human. Certainly if a human can aggregate the power to keep a solar system alive, a RESURRECTION BEAST can do that too?
Personally, I'm hoping for the theory where the system stops using necromancy/thanergy entirely and starts using thalergy instead, but I hardly see evidence that it's heading that way. It's a lot of vague allusions and reaches and hopefulness, but thalergy heals, and if the solar system is to go on, that's the only way I can imagine it doing so for many generations to come.
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
ianthe tridentarius
Hopping in on lunch break to tackle this one.
First impression
I don't think she made much of an impression when I was first reading GtN, which is the point. You're thrown this huge cast of characters, and Ianthe lurks in the background strategically.
Impression now
Don't get the hype I'm afraid. I'm immune to the Draco in Leather Pants phenomenon so her treatment of Harrow mostly comes across as super skeevy to me. I would say this means I'm in line with the author who keeps saying 'stop thinking Ianthe is hot' but Tamsyn Muir has been in fandom. She knows exactly what she was doing and I do not see why she pretends otherwise.
Favorite moment
Her argument with Gideon at the end of Harrow was a good way to break the tension the book has been carrying for so long. When your best argument for why you're going to win the love n-drangle is that you have bones.
Idea for a story
Would love to know how the leadup to Ianthe stabbing Babs and eating his soul went.
Unpopular opinion
Here's two for the price of one.
1 - IDK why I see people saying her saving Jod was the obviously wrong choice. John can't permanently die, but his brief vaporization made the sun nearly fry the Sixth House, so it's reasonable to assume getting sucked into a stoma might destabilize Dominicus even more. The Nine Houses aren't *good*, but that doesn't mean I advocate mass casualty events.
2- Everyone keeps drawing Ianthe in ruffly white shirts and leather pants when canonically she's wearing poorly fitting dresses for someone several sizes larger than her. Where is the art of Ianthe in some godawful pastel outfit being held together with like 10 belts. She insists it's a well-respected fashion choice. John who is familiar with Kingdom Hearts and their belt situation nods solemnly.
Favorite relationship
Obviously there's a lot going on (mostly offscreen) between her and Corona. Corona being or wanting to be her secret cavalier and Ianthe eating Babs instead to save her sister but that being perceived by Corona as a betrayal (just as Gideon sees Harrow's attempt to save her as a sign she's unwanted). Ianthe's glib dismissal of Corona's intelligence (we don't know if she believes that or not) versus Corona being the only one who can give Camilla a good game of chess. Ianthe as God's last lyctor versus Coronabeth as a BoE recruit. Where is this going. I want to find out.
Favorite headcanon
First joke that comes to mind is 'Third house doesn't habitually eat people, Ianthe is just like that' but honestly I think it's fun if the whole Third house is like that. Eating your cavalier's fingernails is fine actually. What's everyone looking at. Go judge Magnus and Abigail's blandly supportive marriage, those freaks.
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cursewroughts · 2 years
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 (  demi  man  |  he/him  |  evan  mock  )  ——  isn’t  that  edgar  bones?  yeah  that  is  them,  outside  the  leaky  cauldron!  they  used  to  be  in  gryffindor  but  apparently  they  now  work  as  an  auror  trainee  at  the  dmle.  they  always  seemed  to  remind  me  of  hair  that  is  always  somewhat  messy  or  otherwise  showy  ,  and  always  done  on  purpose  ;  bloody  knuckles  ,  worn  with  nothing  but  absolute  pride  ;  a  worn  out  leather  jacket  ,  even  when  you  could  very  well  afford  a  new  one  ;  the  warmth  of  an  entire  hearth  contained  in  a  single  hug,  which  seems  about  right.  anyway  i’ve  heard  they’re  still  a  bit  loyal,  rash,  and  stubborn.  they’re  twenty  -  three  now  but  some  things  never  change!  i  wonder  how  being  a  pureblood  is  affecting  them  after  school,  especially  now  they’re  an  associate  with  the  order  of  the  phoenix?  when  was  it  they  graduated  again,  1973?  has  it  really  been  that  long…  ——  [  mar  :  gmt+1  :  24  :  she/they  ]
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hi  friends  !  my  name  is  mar ,  24  years  old  ,  from  the  gmt+1  tz  &  using  she  /  they pronouns  ,  here  to  introduce  you  to  my  second  child  ,  edgar  !
if  you  struggle  with  reading double  spaced  text ,  click  this  link  to  a  page  that  has  my  intro  without  any  formatting  !
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 before  you  read  ,  please  be  aware  that  this  part  includes  trigger  warnings  for  /  mentions  of  :  familial  death  ,  implied  torture  /  gore  ,  implied  mental  health  issues  /  depression  ,  grief.
 pretty  much  all  of  this  is  pending  changes  regarding  family  headcanons  ,  so  edits  might  be  made  !
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full  name  :  edgar  christian  dominicus  bones.
nickname(s)  :  ed,  (  edd,  and  )  eddie.  
birthdate  :  april  4th,  making  him  an  aries  sun  &  sagittarius  moon.
gender  &  pronouns  :  identifies  as  a  demi  man  &  generally  uses  he  /  him  pronouns,  but  is  not  opposed  to  they  /  them  either.  still  working  it  out.
sexuality  :  bisexual.
positives  :  confident,  loyal,  sociable.
neutrals  :  passionate,  mercurial,  rebellious.
negatives  :  rash,  stubborn,  thickheaded.
education  :  hogwarts,  gryffindor  house.
occupation  :  auror  trainee.
current  residence  :  a  small  apartment  in  horitzont  alley.
familial  affiliations  tba  until  plotting  with  other  boneseses  has  happened  !
relationship  status  :  currently  single.
allegiance  :  associate  with  the  order  of  the  phoenix.
patronus  :  the  collie,  and  he’s  very  proud  of  finally  casting  it.
boggart  :  the  remainder  of  his  family,  murdered  in  the  same  way  his  brother  was,  because  of  his  own  actions.
wand  type  :  blackthorn  wood,  dragon  heartstring  core,  9″,  unyielding.
amortentia  :  the  smell  edgar  associates  with  home,  lavender  fabric  softener,  is  the  most  prominent,  though  hints  of  woodsmoke  and  leather  can  also  be  found.
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 edgar  was  raised  in  wizarding  world  middle-upper  class  privilege,  his  father  a  renowned  hit  wizard,  his  mother  head  of  the  ministry’s  goblin  liaison  office.  they  were  purebloods,  not  pure  enough  to  be  of  the  sacred  twenty-eight,  but  just  enough  to  avoid  haughty  looks  from  those  who  were,  their  adopted  children  were  either  purebloods  or  halfbloods  too,  and  considering  they  stayed  out  of  pureblood  ideology  issues,  nothing  and  no  one  really  bothered  the  bones’  family.  he  grew  up  without  much  ambition,  his  parents  provided  everything  he  needed,  he  wasn’t  smart  enough  to  think  about  high  educational  goals,  and  with  the  bones  family  being  so  distanced  from  the  pureblood  ideology  spiel,  he  didn’t  care  much  about  politics  either.  edgar  always  figured  he’d  probably  land  a  cozy  ministry  job,  or,  if  he  really  tried  his  best,  a  decent  position  on  a  quidditch  team  somewhere.  edgar  made  a  couple  mistakes  along  the  years,  making  friends  with  the  wrong  people,  or  just  not  bothering  to  stand  up  for  others  when  they  were  harassed  by  those  same  people,  even  when  he  felt  bad  about  it.  neutrality  was  his  little  safeguard,  and  he  refused  to  leave  that  bubble  of  comfort  —  because  why  would  he?  he  was  neutral  in  most  his  relationships  too,  though  his  confidence  and  easy  going  smile  definitely  did  not  make  him  a  hated  figure  around  school.  he  just  had  a  blasé  attitude,  not  a  hateful  one.  easy  to  befriend,  edgar  likely  had  a  large  circle  of  people  he  got  along  with.        
 after  graduating  hogwarts,  edgar  didn’t  land  a  ministry  job  nor  a  quidditch  position,  though  his  parents  were  comfortable  supporting  him  as  he  hopped  from  job  to  job,  trying  to  find  “  his  passion  “.  the  passion  not  found,  he  settled  in  a  comfortable  administrative  position  at  st.  mungo’s,  that  required  absolutely  no  thinking  or  actual  heavy  lifting  on  his  behalf.  his  life  had  little  true  substance,  a  relationship  here  and  there  that  ended  quickly,  friendships  that  mostly  consisted  of  getting  a  beer  and  talking  about  meaningless  things  after  work  —  but  edgar  was  content.  he  never  had  lofty  ambitions  in  any  way,  he  was  simply  heavy  to  drift  around  endlessly.  the  war  is  not  as  forgiving,  though  edgar  tried  his  best  to  ignore  it.  who  did  not  ignore  it,  however,  was  his  eldest  brother.  a  staunch  order  supporter  and  exemplary  auror,  who,  last  year,  made  the  mistake  of  arresting  the  wrong  wizard,  putting  them  on  trial,  and  causing  public  outrage  against  the  death  eaters  for  the  actions  committed.  ambushed  on  his  way  home  to  his  wife  &  newborn  child,  the  death  eaters  left  barely  enough  of  him  to  scrape  off  the  pavement  and  identify.  as  someone  who’d  never  experienced  a  casualty  of  war  so  close  to  home,  as  someone  who  had,  despite  their  differences,  idolized  his  older  brother,  as  someone  who  cared  for  very  little,  but  did  care  for  his  family  —  the  effect  of  this  death  on  edgar  was  significant,  to  say  the  least.        
 edgar  stopped  going  into  work,  edgar  did  not  reply  to  his  friends  and  barely  went  out,  edgar  could  only  stare  as  his  parents  cried  and  cried  and  cried.  their  household  was  filled  with  grief,  but  all  he  could  feel  was  a  burning  anger.  he’d  never  felt  such  rage  before,  it  consumed  him  whole,  starting  fights  with  anyone  who  so  much  as  looked  at  him  wrong,  sneering  instead  of  smiling,  and  dark  bruises  under  his  eyes  from  lack  of  sleep  and  on  his  body  from  constant  fist  fights  now  marked  him  permanently.  no  job,  no  friends,  and  a  household  filled  with  nothing  but  grief,  edgar  fell  into  a  deep  darkness  —  until  a  hand  reached  towards  him  to  pull  him  out.  the  order  of  the  phoenix  offered  him  something  edgar  hoped  would  end  his  constant  rage  :  revenge.  but  edgar  was  and  never  had  been  very  dedicated  to  his  studies.  he  was  athletic  enough  to  win  most  fistfights,  but  his  spellwork  was  atrocious,  and  instant  revenge  was  out  of  the  question.  though,  in  a  way,  that  was  a  blessing.  enrolling  in  auror  training  and  helping  the  order  on  a  more  personal  level,  the  burning  anger  quelled  and  turned  into  more  of  a  fire  to  keep  him  warm.  he  made  new  friends,  people  who  understood  him  &  what  he’d  gone  through.  he  helped  others,  keeping  them  safe,  making  sure  they  did  not  face  the  same  fate  as  his  brother.  there  was  still  a  fight  in  him,  but  the  warmth  that  had  always  graced  him  in  his  youth  returned,  and  it  kept  the  darkness  at  bay.  to  properly  dedicate  himself  to  the  goal,  edgar  decided  to  follow  his  brother’s  path  recently,  enrolling  in  auror  training.  it’s  a  difficult  task,  considering  his  lack  of  academic  abilities,  but  edgar  has  found  a  new  passion  and  perserverance  he  never  had  before.  
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 former  friends  :  edgar  has  always  been  quite  easy  going  &  someone  who  could  befriend  pretty  much  anyone  and  everyone.  before  the  death  of  his  brother  last  year,  he  didn’t  much  care  which  side  his  friends  stood  on,  as  long  as  they  didn’t  involve  him  in  it.  now,  however,  there’s  been  a  significant  change  —  and  i  imagine  he’s  completely  cut  the  friends  that  were  more  death  eater  -  aligned  off  entirely.  it’s  likely  become  a  super  antagonistic  connection  as  well,  because  i  think  former  friends  make  the  worst  of  enemies.
 new  friends  :  on  the  opposite  end  of  the  spectrum,  i’d  love  for  him  to  have  met  some  new  people  (  or  people  he’d  met  in  the  past,  but  never  befriended  )  on  the  order  side  of  things.  i  feel  like  these  could  be  interesting  as  well,  because  they  could  either  not  know  about  his  past  or  they  could,  and  still  hold  some  resentment  or  hesitation  towards  him  because  of  it.
 crush  :  in  the  past,  relationships  have  come  pretty  easily  to  edgar,  but  he  never  took  them  seriously  enough  to  make  it  work.  i’d  love  for  him  to  have  a  crush  on  someone  now  who  will  absolutely  not  give  him  the  time  of  day  &  calls  him  out  on  his  romantic  history.  idk  what  it  will  develop  into  as  i  love  to  see  their  chemistry  first.
 other  :  enemies  (  duh  ),  fellow  auror  trainees  &  aurors,  mentor,  hookups,  exes,  first  kiss  /  romance  /  etc,  frenemies,  roommate  (  possibly?  ),  neighbors,  friends  with  benefits,  secret  friendships,  enemies  turned  friends.
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disabledrunner5 · 2 years
Rule Britannia headcanons:
My Quintus‘ name isn’t Quintus really, it’s Aurelia.
Well that’s her roman name.
Quin’s mother, Murienn was a Pict in Britannia and her father, Julius Lucius Barbantius, was from Rome.
Her parents met and fell in love whilst he was serving over in Britannia, they fell in love, he rescued her from being captured and sent to slavery, and nine months later...well.
Quintus was born in the 6th year of Emperor Trajan’s reign on the 14th of Ianuarius (14th January) 104 AD.
Julius and Murienn gave their children a Roman name and a pict name to protect them. Quin was called Alys (Pict) and Aurelia (Roman).
Soon after Julius had to return to Rome and his wife (in a loveless marriage which bared no children).
This version of Five had a younger brother like her other iterations. However he was her twin brother, Alpin or Lucretius.
Like all of her iterations, Quintus was disabled and because of that, in Roman Britain she was not expected to survive, however she defeated the odds of that.
As a child learned basic Latin and was told stories of her father by her mother.
When they were five, Quin and Lucretius’ mother was murdered and they were held captives of Aneas, sent to Rome they were put on auction, to be sold as slaves.
Thankfully, Julius stumbled across them, recognised the pair as his children and bought them with no intention of using them as slaves and instead adopting and claiming his biological illegitimate children.
Her stepmother had other ideas though and would treat Quin as a serving girl. Her father though showed her kindness and love and gave her a thorough education. Quin thrived on books.
Lucretius became popular and athletic whereas Quin was scrawny, quiet and picked upon with no friends until she met Samnium at the age of seven. He became her only friend.
She met Sam on a beach in Dalmatia, when her father was posted there and his father worked as a slave master there.
I have a head canon where almost (with the exception of Abel’s Buccaneers) every single iteration of Five has a crush on Sam but it’s always Sam who develops feelings first.
However in the Rule Britannia/Pax Germanica timeline, it is Quintus who develops feelings first.
She developed a crush on him fairly quickly after meeting Sam.
The name Quintus originated when she’d play on the beaches of Dalmatia with Sam and he’d call her Quintus because as a woman couldn’t be a soldier. He occasionally shortened it out of affection and Quintus, Quin and Quinque became a nickname for her which only Sam called her.
They’d play fort on the beaches, play marbles or read books together on a regular basis, occasionally sharing a honeyed dormouse or roasted legumes with each other.
Quin’s family died from an illness when she was thirteen, that she too was not expected to survive from.
Young Sam would visit her every day of her illness and that in itself made her feel better and more determined to fight through it.
after which she was raised in her home by her paternal uncle, Dominicus, who also taught her how to fight and be as athletic as her brother once was (although she still remained relatively scrawny).
She chose Quintus for her name when she joined the auxiliaries so Sam could find her in the military easier.
Oh yeah she joined the auxiliary because couldn’t bare the thought of Sam dying in a battle in her home country and she wanted to make sure he didn’t. So she pulled a mulan and decided to join up as a man.
Sam tried to convince her against joining upon figuring out what she was planning. A woman is not allowed in the army. He eventually relented over arguing with her but he’s secretly sworn to himself to look out for her so she doesn’t get killed.
She did not recognise Aneas as the man who had murdered her mother and essentially sold her and her brother into slavery when she met him, for she had blocked that horrific memory from her mind.
She wasn’t however, surprised when Aneas turned out to be using necromancy. She was however, when it turned out Sam’s birthmark was revealed essentially magic.
The night in the grove, safe from the revenants Sam and Quin had a chance to have a heart to heart, in which she almost admits her romantic love for Sam but she just doesn’t manage it.
She was utterly terrified in Tartarus although she didn’t show it at first.
Quin clung to Sam’s arm when they stepped onto the bridge together, bruising his arm in the process.
Because she thought she’d not lived a good enough life, due to survivors guilt from her past eating at her.
Thankfully, she had lived a good enough life. But that was the only way you could have got an inkling that she was terrified.
She was more scared for Sam’s life during the battle. Although she’ll admit it was pretty awesome being Cerberus for a while.
Yeah...Sam definitely sees Quin in a new light after the battle.
He makes her a full citizen of the Roman Empire and asks if she’ll take his name so they can be family. Although Quin is bothered by him addressing it as ‘your brother’ due to her feelings but she resides that she’d be okay as his ‘sister’....
But basically I have a head canon in most of the realities, Five and Sam do get together romantically so...
They totally get drunk after moving in with each other and Sam drunkenly admits that he only addressed it like that because most of the army still thought she was a boy. And they might have shared a drunken kiss. But only Sam remembers that part of the night and their relationship remains unchanged.
I’m definitely looking forwards to finding out what happens in Germanica with these two.
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thepioden · 4 years
My very good Locked Tomb Trilogy Headcanons, Harrow the Ninth spoilers below.
Right okay so the Dominicus system is implied to be our solar system post-necropocalypse, and based on the Necrolord Prime 1) calling himself the Necrolord Prime and 2) "Hi, not fucking dead, I'm dad" I think it is safe to say that John """"God"""" Gaius is a huge fucking memelord from our nearish present, and probably has a Tumblr account.
My takeaway: all the little meme references? You studied the blade, a hunger only thumbs could satisfy, jail for mother? Yeah, those are effectively holy writ, the word of God that has become codified into idiom. Like the Biblical idiom that we use now - skin of your teeth, drop in the bucket, etc.
And like first of all, imagine being the ghost of the Llamas with Hats guy and your flash cartoon passing into history as a fucking psalm, but also: Gideon Nav takes the Lord's memes in vain.
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saidelia-draconis · 4 years
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it: Doubt
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“You might want to talk to him about it.”
“It’s fine. I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding.”
“He told you ‘Not fucking happening.’ I think he understood you just fine.”
“Well yeah, but--”
“I’ll see if I can get around to it.”
  The girl strode briskly back towards the tent, keeping her gaze on the trail through packed snow as she walked. Her shoulder brushed by a solid object on her trudge back through her tent. She briefly took her eyes off the footsteps.
“Sorry, I-- Oh.”
“Evening, Mister Halveth. Is everything alright?”
“Probably not, but nothing I can bitch about now. Where are you off to?”
“I think I’ll turn in early. Have dinner at my tent.”
  The man’s seemingly indifferent gaze was laid on the girl as she spoke. Her voice was quiet and meek. The fact that the man stood several feet over her was daunting. With his personality to match, she felt like a field mouse staring down a lion. Her gaze was mostly on his chest, having to crane her neck to look up at him. After a few moments of callous silence, he laid a hand on her shoulder.
“Perfect. Sounds like you’re free for dinner.”
“Halveth, I--”
“Lamb tonight, I think Treat from our mages in the big city. You like lamb, right?”
  Without so much as a second thought, the hand on her shoulder nonchalantly steered her towards the main pavilion. The sights, scents, and sounds were disquieting, to say the least. For someone so reserved as the young paladin, she often avoided the hubbub of the tournament proper. Halveth did not seem to mind. His tactic was much less artful than Saidelia’s polite attempt at eye-contact to move her fellow Crusaders. Halveth brushed them aside with a brusque “’ scuse me,” paying no mind to whomever he brushed aside. Saidelia watched in horror as she watched a bishop stumble away from the duo.
  After securing their meals, Halveth gazed down at the small, unimposing knight. He nodded, holding his tray as he quickly brought them back outside of the great hall. The sting of the winter night air nipped at Saidelia’s nose. She hunched down. Halveth set down the same path that they had taken towards Saidelia’s tent.
“Not a complete shitlord. We’ll eat where you’re comfortable.”
  She nodded wordlessly as the two made their way towards her tent. Halveth set his tray down, sitting at the table that functioned as either a desk or a dining table, depending on the time of day. Saidelia pulled up a stool, sitting with him. He stared down at her, nodding softly.
“So. You wanted to speak with me?”
“Did I?”
“Pull your head out of your ass, kid. I’m not going up there looking for you. Say what you’re going to say.”
  Saidelia gazed up at the man in awe. The brashness of his manner was disarming. He paid it little mind, taking a bite of his still-warm dinner. The chill of Icecrown hadn’t taken it yet.
“Okay, I guess. Halveth-- Daniel. I didn’t appreciate you yelling at me the other day?”
“What? Kid, are you disciplining me, or are you asking me a question. Speak with some damn conviction. You’re my superior officer, and you’re dancing around me like a fucking altar boy. Are you mad, or what?”
“I mean, a little? Yesterday when I gave you an order, you yelled at me.”
“First of all, Saidelia, it was a shit order. Either you didn’t see, or didn’t care about the archers up on the bluff. Or you weren’t thinking that I don’t carry around a big fucking board like you. Second of all, if I was yelling at you, you’d know it. I’m a big guy. I yell loud.”
  The girl stopped short. Even with all of her coaching, she seemed hardly able to handle a difficult soldier. She had hardly been taught deviations from the plan. A bully like the man across from her was shockingly familiar. She felt helpless, set up for failure. Doubt plagued her every thought.
“I-- I don’t understand. Why are you here? Why did you bring me to get dinner? Why did you do this if you’re just going to throw what I say back at me?”
“Because you need to sack up, Draconis.”
  He paused, his eyes quickly appraising her. He shrugged.
“Or tit up, or whatever it is you lot do. Kid, I’m one fucking soldier out of the four you’re responsible for. I’ll give you credit, I’m the shit one. But if you can’t handle giving out orders to four people, how the fuck do you think we’re going to get anything done? When you give us orders, what are you considering? Do you think about what you’re trying to accomplish, or do you consider the opposition to your plan? Do you consider what we think of your orders? Do you consider how you sound just about begging us to get them done for you? You need respect from us. Do you have any plan on how to get it? Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”
  Saidelia gazed down at her lap as she listened to the hulking brute across from her belittle her. She felt the sting of each question like a lash on her back. She felt small, insignificant, an imposter, dressing in plates and pomp. Playing knight like she did when she was a child. The sting of being told she was nothing more than a stablehand’s daughter. She felt tears well up in her eyes. When Halveth stopped, he recognized the weight of his words. He quietly picked up his chair, setting it next to hers as he laid an arm around her shoulder. He pulled the girl close to his chest. Having known her only a few weeks, he had taken something of a shine to her. In his own, strange way.
“Oi, quit crying. I’m not done. You don’t know what you’re doing, Saidelia. Not yet.”
  She dared not speak for fear of making a fool of herself. She waited. Daniel patted her shoulder as tenderly as he could muster.
“I’ve been doing this thirty-some-odd years longer than you. I know what happened with your knighthood... You know, moving forward with Sir Dominicus’ death. You’re still a kid, and they’re expecting this of you. Times are weird when we’re at war. But I’m trying to help you. You know why every knight you ever met is a proper asshole? Because nobody listens to the small girl who says please.”
  He gave her a soft, reassuring pat on the back as she mulled over his words. Behind his crude demeanor and biting tone stood a comrade who cared for her. Despite his shortcomings.
“We’ll start with confidence. Pretty soon we’ll make you as big an asshole as I am. How’s that sound?”
“Yeah... Thank you, Halveth. I...”
“You what?”
“Halveth, I fucking hate lamb.”
(Thank you so much for the ask @theparkhurstalchemists! I promise I’m not blowing these asks off! I’m just bad at time management and life!)
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dasmondkuss · 6 months
Since we're all sharing sexy facts, I want to share that:
Dominicus fucks socks on!!!
You know those white calf-high socks, the dad socks. They stay.
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thewolfisawake · 2 years
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Time to bang this out (I blame you wholeheartedly for that being in my brain now, Trappola. I do) since I have been wanting to try to clarify some abilities and all that. Will it stick? Who knows, character development and creative applications affect everything. So of course I start with an unliked one anyway.
Dominicus’ ability is knowledge detection. Despite what it the name might imply, it IS a passive ability thus he can’t turn it off. And how it manifest, it can be mistaken for telepathy. He even thought that was the case when he was a tween. At that time he could only get info that was ‘near the surface,’ the knowledge on someone’s mind or are brought up shortly before encountering him. For example, someone is told about an exchange that is going to occur. Dom arrives shortly after and meets this person and as it is a recent piece of knowledge they hold, he now knows about it. 
It did make for a rough start for him because of his aristocratic family so he couldn’t exactly avoid crowds. It made him very astute as its very rudimentary manifestation it was more of sensations and emotions. The most basic of things within people. Which probably contributed to his water-like attitude since he spent so much time adapting to others’ wavelengths. Because he couldn’t turn it off and he needed to actually face the ability because he could not look nor act ‘strange,’ his mastery did progress...quickly-ish?
When he heard about the tryst that arguably started his path to fixer, it was the first time his power had really grown. To where he can hear thoughts or recent goings on. At his current level, Dominicus can keep up with the surface knowledge like conversations. He leans towards that telepath impression since the principles work similarly for him. He can also focus on up to 2 people to probe deeper into what they know. He can glean memories and secrets. Secrets being easier than memories and what he prefers anyway. However it takes concentration and if it is more than one, it exhausts him pretty quickly. So he doesn’t do this outside of idle time at nightlife he goes to. 
Quite the cheat-y ability for his profession but he can live with that. After all, it’s just more commerce to him. And while it could be abused more...Dominicus really isn’t into doing all that often. Sometimes for a good pay off but really is a rarity he does that. Instead he likes using the ‘mind reading’  to mess with people. Usually to see the ‘gap moe’ between their thoughts and actions. Because he be like that, I guess. 
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dasmondkuss · 7 months
While Dominicus enjoys his position of nurturer and provider, it didn't use to be like that when he was younger. He was just a kid, being asked a bunch of questions he didn't have the answer for, and that, for some reason, was taken so seriously that it determined the decisions of some people in the family or changed the dynamic.
When these requests became incisive and mandatory, he was perhaps eight to nine years old. To avoid the responsibility, he started reading and writing a lot so he could tell his parents and grandparents that he was studying or working on a school project. However, when he was fourteen, his Nonno passed away, and his mother had his little sister. Something switched in Dominicus; he couldn't bear his Nonna's tears, the lost look in the family's eyes, and the idea that he built in his head that if he didn't take his Nonno's place, Cosima would grow to be lost and sad.
He involved himself in the family. His years of reading and writing gave him the tools to apply critical thinking to situations. Dominicus wasn't longer scared of saying the wrong thing or misguiding someone. He trusted his criteria, growing into a natural leader and protector.
Dominicus slowly pushed his needs to the side. He doesn't even remember what they were like. He thinks of his younger self, and he can't comprehend why there was a time when he didn't want the role given.
The thing here is Dominicus was/is very privileged. He comes from a wealthy family and has never had to worry about food, roof, or clothing. He studied in an elite private school and was popular among his classmates and teachers. He had it really good growing up, indulging in every sport he could think of. So, he was a busy kid but a happy one.
Then, he decides to study journalism. At the university, he meets boys and girls he likes, realizing he isn't as perfect as his family pictured him. But Dominicus knew nothing was wrong with him, just that it would be hard for his family to understand. He preferred to keep it quiet.
Then, he goes to Morocco.
Dominicus returns to Italy with a bunch of needs. He wants to have Alois close to make sure he's safe. Dominicus returns to a little sister who has found her own voice and doesn't see him as a hero anymore. He also learns that Cosima is a lesbian and worries about their family's realization. He comes out of the closet for Cosima's sake and has to exert a strength he didn't have at the time. He also lost all interest in journalism.
He's tired, traumatized, burnt out, and lost. With all this, Dominicus realizes that his family will always love him but that he must not have these needs and issues to return that love. He can't quite go back to being a natural leader and protector. He can't endure anything as he used to.
There was a shift, and it went unnoticed by many. Dominicus still behaved accordingly as a force of habit, but his Nonna knew something wasn't right. It was a blessing that when Dominicus went to Morocco, she learned that other men and women could still carry the family. Not everything should rely on one man, so she allowed Dominicus to leave for Germany with his best friend.
The family still calls Dominicus for basically everything. But now that he lives with someone who doesn't ask him to be perfect just to stay by his side, Dominicus does resemble the person he used to be.
Dominicus still keeps himself to himself, but he knows Alois will be there if he ever needs it. Although he rarely takes that route, he's comforted by knowing he has an option—that it is all he needs.
In the end, what hurts Dominicus is the idea of being someone nobody needs.
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dasmondkuss · 7 months
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Also, this is Dominicus' sister, Cosima Bianchi.
Surprisingly, they don't get along. Cosima dislikes Dominicus' role in the family. She believes the treatment men and women get in the family is unfair and rooted in a dysfunctional dynamic, and Dominicus does nothing to change it.
Nevertheless, Dominicus agrees with her that they're a traditional family with obsolete beliefs, and had he been born a woman, he wouldn't have the position he holds, but now that he holds it, he won't step out of it. Dominicus stands that due to his role, he's able to make changes.
In fact, Dominicus stayed in the closet for a long time, fearful of his family's reaction, until he learned that Cosima was a lesbian. He decided to be the first to come out in the family so she would have an easier time when she did.
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dasmondkuss · 7 months
I'd like to make a special announcement:
If you're Irish and have no father, you're automatically Dominicus' type.
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dasmondkuss · 7 months
Let Dominicus kiss your knuckles. Let Dominicus massage your calves. Let Dominicus carry you into the tub. Let Dominicus bring you flowers to work. Let Dominicus prepare your lunch. Let Dominicus help you with that paperwork that's driving you crazy. Let Dominicus slow dance with you in the middle of the living room. Let Dominicus carry your purse. Let Dominicus caress your hair when you take a nap on his chest.
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