#Dominic Carter Book
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Captain America (2005) #36
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dominiccartertv · 2 years
I too, (Dominic Carter) stands on the shoulders of the NAACP.
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egypt-museum · 8 months
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The gold mask of Tutankhamun on display in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 60672, upper floor.
The mask of Tutankhamun is an example of the highest artistic and technical achievements of the ancient Egyptians in the New Kingdom. The exact portrayal of the king’s facial features achieved here made it possible for his soul to recognize him and return to his mummified body. Thus ensuring his resurrection.
After being buried for over 3,000 years, it was excavated by Howard Carter in 1925 from tomb KV62 in the Valley of the Kings. Covering the head of the wrapped mummy in its coffin and activated by a magical spell, no.151b from the Book of the Dead, the mask ensured more protection for the king’s body.
On his brow is the kingly uraeus: the Wadjet or rearing cobra, representing Lower Egypt, combined with the vulture Nekhbet of Upper Egypt.
The combination of the two is symbolic of his domination of both lands. That is strikingly similar to the Narmer Palette's message of control of both halves of Egypt.
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ashdreams2023 · 29 days
The prince
Summery: you’re a stark employee with a simple crush on Loki
Loki x fem reader {reader’s last name is Carter}
You’ve worked at the stark tower for over six months now, a desk job, nothing too glamorous, dealing with finances and was basically the only female in your department but you blended in.
And by blended in it meant you didn’t know how to stand out, you wore suits like everyone else, had your hair out of your face and wore your reading glasses for the majority of the time while you work.
Hunched over paperwork with your sleeves rolled up, everyone around you was planning to go drinking after work but you obviously couldn’t join because no matter how much you liked to believe you blend in you were still a woman in a male dominated department.
By the time you were done the whole department was empty, the walk down the hall to leave was quiet, your hair looked a mess and your jacket hanged loosely on your shoulders.
As you reached the elevator a door opened, you glanced briefly towards the door and phased for a good few seconds before looking back straight.
Loki’s tall frame stood beside you waiting for the elevator and all you could do was pretend like you weren’t hearing the sound of your pounding heart in your ear, you’ve always thought Loki was attractive but this was the first time you were this close to him.
You could smell the woody with a hint of lavender smell on him, maybe it was a perfume or were asgardians just born this way?
"To give you some peace of mind I don’t bite" he spoke making you instantly feel humiliated, he noticed how stiff you were.
After swallowing you stared down the floor, his boots looks shiny and they had some sliver lining "I’m sorry…" you mumbled.
Loki sighs and lifts your chin up with his finger, his green eyes scanned your features before wiping away something on your cheek "there an ink stain on your cheek"
You blushed immediately and tried to look for your mirror to check your face, this night couldn’t get anymore embarrassing.
The elevator opened just when you got your mirror out, he stepped in and watched checked your face in the small hand mirror, he smirked faintly before the doors closed and left you waiting once more.
After that night you noticed some things, nothing drastic but for example, the lunchroom trays were fuller than usual, the department didn’t stink of annoying overly strong men’s cologne.
"And everyone should dress accordingly, and I mean It you" your manager pointed at you as he announced the party that would be held in the tower.
For your defense you did try to dress up nice for events but you just…didn’t stand out? You were paid handsomely but you didn’t exactly understand what might suits you best.
Although one thing gave you hope, Loki was coming with his brother this time around, perhaps if you looked decent he’ll start conversation with you.
So that meant using the big guns…pepper.
The woman was fortunately so considerate and sweet, going as far as booking you a hair appointment and directed you to a boutique you could buy something nice from.
You remember seeing yourself for the first time after getting finished and thinking to yourself…"I look quite pretty" it left you feeling lighter, like a butterfly that finally came out of her cocoon.
You didn’t steal everyone’s attention like one of those movies but you indeed got a few smiles from some of the staff, you sat in one of the tables holding a glass of champagne and minding your business when you glanced up and saw him walking towards you.
Your heart skipped a beat at how nice he looked.
Loki the one person you always both admired and envied at the same time for his sense in fashion was smirking gently at you with an extended hand "Care for a dance miss Carter?"
At times like these you remember that Loki was a prince on his planet…surrounded by beautiful princess throwing themselves at him.
But here he was leading you on to a slow song, holding your waist firmly and looking down at you with playfully amusement "I thought this party would be a boring affair much like the ones stark usually hosts, they are just not my taste"
You found your voice shortly after "I…you must miss the parties back at Asgard…must’ve been entertaining there…"
He chuckled "perhaps but back home they don’t have cute little secretaries with ridiculously round glasses"
Loki managed to make you flush and quickly snorted at your resort to hid your face on his chest.
"Now you’re tempting me like this…or are you planning to seduce me with your antics and take me to your bed miss Carter? Is that your evil scheme all along?" He whispered into your ears.
Your fingers stretched on the fabric of his tailored vest "I’m not that bold"
"Are you sure?" He smirked pressing his forehead against yours.
You swallowed with your pupils wide, your body shivered staring back at his intense gaze, holding you firmly and shamelessly in place "if…you say my name…I’m yours to take"
His grip on your waist tightened ever so slightly before his lips moved and the sound of your name echoed in your ear softly like a soft bell in a late summer afternoon.
"Mine" he said.
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cartermagazine · 6 months
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Today In History
Booker Taliaferro Washington was an African American educator, author, and orator, who was born on this date April 5, 1856 in a hut in Franklin County, Virginia.
He was born into slavery and rose to become a leading African American intellectual of the 19 century, founding Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (Now Tuskegee University) in 1881 and the National Negro Business League two decades later.
Washington advised Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. He became the first African American to be invited to the White House in 1901, when President Theodore Roosevelt invited him to dine with him. It caused a huge uproar among white Americans—especially in the Jim Crow South—and in the press, and came on the heels of the publication of his autobiography, “Up From Slavery.” But Roosevelt saw Washington as a brilliant advisor on racial matters, a practice his successor, President William Howard Taft, continued.
Between 1890 and 1915, Booker T. Washington was the dominant leader in the African-American community and of the contemporary black elite. Washington was from the last generation of Black American leaders born into slavery and became the leading voice of the former slaves and their descendants.
He was also the author of five books:
· “The Story of My Life and Work” (1900)
· “Up From Slavery” (1901)
· “The Story of the Negro: The Rise of the Race from Slavery” (1909)
· “My Larger Education” (1911)
· “The Man Farthest Down” (1912)
CARTER™️ Magazine
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yandere-paramour · 4 months
Can we hear more about Asteria and Jaime? What are their interests?
Just to reiterate for new people who don't know, Asteria and Jamie are Atalanta's parents. When Asteria was in her mid-20s, she accompanied her mother on a business meeting with another prominent family. She met the heir of their business, technically her own counterpart, but once she saw the beautiful second son, she had to have him. Jamie was more than a little freaked out by the domineering heiress suddenly very, very interested in him, but the Montclairs made an offer of marriage, and his parents (eager to get in with the Montclairs) agreed and basically sold him off without his consent. He's tried to run a few times but when he tried to take Atalanta and run when she was 4, he got put in solitary for a month and never fully recovered. He doesn't try to run anymore, he's a model husband.
Asteria is very similar to her daughter. She likes to exercise and looks pretty damn good for her late-40s. However, her sport of choice is tennis. She practices tennis every day and often plays with Jamie too. Her hair is slightly past her shoulders and she keeps it immaculately curled. It's the same color as Atalanta's, and they have basically the same face and build, but her eyes are dark brown. She usually wears similar suits to Atalanta, but as she's grown older, the suits are becoming just grey and black with multicolored blouses. And unlike Atalanta, she ALWAYS wears heels, making her 6 feet. She's extremely charming and vibrant, the epitome of a high-society lady, and she's only complete with her perfect husband in her arms. Her mom waited a long time to pass the company onto her so now she's holding on a little longer before she passes it to Atalanta, but now she really only does remote paperwork. She has her own personal assistant and her main hobbies are yoga, book club, and brunching with the girls. She has many friends, both from school and the business world, and she meets with them for lunch and brunch often. She kisses her perfect husband on the cheek (he needs a lot of rest), and heads off.
Jamie is pretty, delicate, and effeminate. He has dark brown wavy hair (Darker than Atalanta's), and large hazel eyes that he passed onto his only daughter. He has an average build with little muscle (Asteria likes him soft) and he's about 5'9". He usually wears soft sweaters and trousers, most usually soft colors like blue, green, grey, maroon, and violet. He's a very soft-spoken man. He doesn't talk much anymore, and when he does, his voice is kinda high and soft. He's gotten to the age where he needs glasses to read and his hands are soft and warm. His main hobbies are reading, taking (supervised) walks in the manor's garden, playing chess, painting, sketching, and baking. Asteria is a stricter yan than her daughter, so she only allows him to have soft hobbies. Anything more strenuous than a game of tennis, he's not allowed to do. He doesn't really have many friends and he doesn't go out much, especially when separated from Asteria. He has a manservant (Carter Thatcher) he's close to who takes care of him. Carter is loyal and kind and looks after his master and keeps him company. Jamie is kind of fragile so he sleeps a lot and is often depressed, so Carter makes sure he eats and takes his medication and tries to keep active.
(You know, I really enjoyed writing this. From now on, feel free to send in questions/comments/asks about Asteria and Jamie.)
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
What does sweet pea do when Joel isnt around?
Like when he’s busy and the others (Carter) are guarding her?
Does she talk to carter at all?
Sit around and run scenarios in her head?
Does Joel bring her books or games?
Sweet Pea by Herself. Raider Master
Good question, I think she does talk to Carter a little. Carter probably feels bad for her.
She has books from the trailer (shooting practice drabble says a little about what's in the trailer) and she has playing cards from the trailer but since they're old and wrinkled and faded it's easy to memorize which ones have what kind of damage. Joel hasn't really brought her stuff yet (clarification: entertainment wise) and when she went on raids with him, she was hesitant to take anything because she felt bad. :(
She runs scenarios about what life could have been like without the outbreak, whether she would have met Joel at some point. She wonders what Joel's life was like since he'll never talk about it. And she thinks about the future, like if he's ever going to (consciously) kiss and cuddle her or tell her he's hers, too. If he's ever going to tell her he loves her.
She thinks about how to make him happy. She replays things in her mind where she's seen cracks in his tough facade and really clings to those moments. She even plays "he loves me, he loves me not" type games with the cards :( like if it's a heart or diamond, he wants to kiss me. She thinks about things they could do together, whether he'll take her anywhere other than a raid, whether another life is possible--especially the more fed up he gets with his men.
And yes, I do think she masturbates. Especially if she wakes up and he's outside doing something like shooting practice. I think she fantasizes about him protecting her, even shooting guys :-[] I think she's secretly a little dark in that way, like it turns her on seeing him so dominant and even violent. But then she also thinks about him being soft with her. Every time she cums she imagines him kissing her. Sometimes she can practically feel it (from the time he was half awake in the morning).
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justforbooks · 5 months
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Dickey Betts
Guitarist, singer and founding member of the Allman Brothers Band best known for writing their 1973 hit Ramblin’ Man
Dickey Betts, who has died aged 80, was a founder member of the Allman Brothers Band, one of the most influential US “southern rock” groups of the 1970s. The hard-living outfit blazed out of Jacksonville, Florida, in 1969 with a mix of rock, blues, country and jazz that defined the genre, also influencing artists such as Lynyrd Skynyrd, ZZ Top, the Black Crowes and Kid Rock. They scored several platinum and gold albums and were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Although the six-piece band was ostensibly led by the blond- haired Allman brothers, Duane and Gregg (guitar and keyboards/vocals respectively), as joint lead guitarist, singer and main songwriter Betts played a crucial role. A larger than life character with his cowboy hats, long moustache and gunslinger good looks, Betts wrote many of the band’s best loved songs, including Jessica, Blue Sky and the 1973 US No 2 smash Ramblin’ Man, inspired by life on the road.
The signature duelling of Betts’s and Duane Allman’s lead guitars rewrote the rule book of how twin guitarists play together - previously one had played lead and the other rhythm. The band’s huge fanbase included President Jimmy Carter, and in 2020 Betts even received the rare accolade of a mention in a Bob Dylan song, when Murder Most Foul contained the line “Play Oscar Peterson, play Stan Getz/Play Blue Sky, play Dickey Betts.”
He was also the inspiration for the rock star character played by Billy Crudup in the former rock journalist Cameron Crowe’s film Almost Famous (2000), the director having been drawn to Betts’s aura of “possible danger and playful recklessness behind his eyes”.
Betts was born in West Palm Beach, Florida, one of the three children of Harold, a carpenter, and his wife, Sarah (nee Brinson), who wrote poetry and played the cornet in a Salvation Army band. Although his father was also a keen fiddler, Dickey’s first instrument was the ukelele, which he started playing aged five, later graduating to the mandolin and the banjo.
He was at West Gate elementary school when he wrote his first song, Seven Years With Pamela, about his sister. He then attended various West Palm Beach schools until seventh grade, dropping out of high school when he was 16, by which time his pursuits included carpentry, hunting and listening to the Grand Ole Opry on the family radio.
Hearing Chuck Berry’s Maybellene in his mid-teens prompted another switch of instrument, as he “started realising that girls like guitars”. He dropped out of high school aged 16 to tour the US with a travelling circus in his first band, the Swinging Saints, but was playing in Second Coming with the bassist Berry Oakley when Duane Allman invited both men to join his new group.
The lineup was completed by the drummer Butch Trucks and – unusually in white-dominated 60s southern rock - a black second drummer, James Lee Johnson, who had previously played with Otis Redding and Percy Sledge.
Although sales of their first two albums were sluggish, Duane Allman’s appearance on Eric Clapton’s 1970 album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs – which included the classic hit Layla – boosted the heavy-touring Allman Brothers Band’s rising profile. Their 1971 live album At Fillmore East sold 1m copies.
After Duane Allman and Oakley were killed in motorcycle accidents in 1971 and 1972 respectively, Betts led a rejigged lineup. The 1973 album Brothers and Sisters – featuring Ramblin’ Man and the instrumental Jessica, later the theme to the television motoring show Top Gear – topped the US charts for five weeks, while 1975’s Win, Lose Or Draw went into the Top five. By then the band were succumbing to a familiar music industry cocktail of success, drugs, alcohol and feuding.
Betts and Gregg Allman both made solo albums, before Betts felt betrayed when the latter testified against the band’s road manager in a 1976 drugs case and refused to work with him again. Nevertheless, they regrouped in 1978, splitting again in 1982.
A second comeback in 1989 proved more enduring, although in 2000 Betts was fired over his drinking. That third spell in the band had been dogged by alcohol and drug abuse, lawsuits and arrests, and in 1996 he was charged with aggravated domestic assault after pointing a handgun at his fifth wife, Donna (nee Stearns), whom he had married in 1989. The charges were dropped after Betts agreed to enter rehab.
In his later years he returned with his own Dickey Betts Band and played in the band Great Southern with his son Duane. True to his ramblin’ man credentials, he remained on the road to the last, even after brain surgery following a 2018 fall at home, and he released live albums well into his 70s.
He is survived by Donna and his children, Kimberly, Christy, Jessica and Duane.
🔔 Forrest Richard Betts, musician, singer and songwriter, born 12 December 1943; died 18 April 2024
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justmeinabigolworld · 9 months
You wanna know why I love middle grade books so much compared to YA?
One, they feel much more optimistic than YA, and more likely to try new, off-the-wall things
And two…
They don’t have all that gratuitous romance. Like, I already don’t read a huge chunk of YA books because they’re pure romance, and even in the books that aren’t explicitly about romance, there’s romance. Just when you think you’re safe, it pops up.
Oh, look! A fantasy book with a creative setting and a female protagonist! I’m gonna read it! Okay…good so far…wait, there’s this guy…oh, I don’t like where this is going…aaaaaaand they kissed. And the guy tends to be awful, too. Really mean to the protagonist, but she loves him anyway, because…she has to. It’s YA. I mean, sometimes the guy is fine, but sometimes he’s a piece of shit.
It’s like there’s some kind of law stating that all YA with a female protagonist must give her a love interest, complete with an angsty romance subplot, no matter what the story is about or how much (or little) it fits with the actual plot.
And you know what? I’m seeing more books that give the heroine a female love interest, which is great, even though that means the book has to be marketed as a “queer book” (so as not to upset the homophobes who would otherwise pick up the book or whatever). Still, a love interest is a love interest, and even though I enjoy seeing more queer representation these days, what I’d enjoy even more is a YA section that’s not dominated by romance.
Come on, people. We teens aren’t that horny. Not every book needs romance. Like, with how prevalent love interests are in teen fiction, why are you guys surprised that teens feel bad for having never kissed anyone? Hell, I’ve never kissed anyone, and I’m 19 at the time of writing this. Do I feel like a loser? Yes. Is it because of teen media? Yes…and it’s also due to seeing my classmates in relationships and feeling bad in comparison, but shush.
Also, this is gonna sound weird coming from a girl, but I’d like to read more YA with male protagonists. Everything seems to be about girls these days, and it’s good to have female protagonists, but let’s not leave guys out. As a plus, they have less of a chance of having a love interest. Hooray.
Seriously, though, not every girl constantly thinks about romance, and not every girl wants to read about it. Okay?
Hell, who am I even talking to? It’s not like the publishers are gonna listen to me.
But, uh, yeah. Read middle grade, it’s awesome. I’ve got some recommendations if you’d like.
I’ll probably make a post that’s just a list of good middle grade books and series, but here are a few:
The Thickety by J.A. White: really good dark fantasy, stuff that would even disturb adults, great worldbuilding and characters, and yes, there’s a love interest, but there isn’t much of a romance element. Feels really unique.
How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell: yes, it was a series before it was a movie, and yes, the books are better. Very different from the movies, but that’s not a bad thing. The series gets darker as it moves along and Hiccup grows up, and things the characters took for granted are looked at with a more critical eye. Really interesting.
My Life With the Liars by Caela Carter: a book about a girl who grew up in a cult. Every time I read it, it gets more disturbing because I realize things that a younger me didn’t. Still, the book is more about Zylynn’s trauma and how she begins to heal and reach out, even as her worldview crumbles.
The Secret Series by Pseudonymous Bosch: witty, charming, and secret! Apparently, some people find the author’s frequent asides and footnotes to be annoying, but I love them. The sequel trilogy isn’t nearly as good, though.
Okay, that’s it for now. I hope at least some of you can understand my frustration, and I hope you’ll check out these books!
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timeguardians · 1 month
Updated muse page: By category
and yes I am, for the time being, bringing five of my other blogs onto this one. At least until I get out of being critically ill)
----Historical & Period Drama:----
-----Turn ----
Philomena Cheer (with modern actress verses, Bridgerton, Titanic verses)
Elsie Marion ( Swamp Fox's/Francis Marion's Daughter-- many AUs available)
Samatha Tallmadge
Eliza Smith (Mary Woodhull's sister)
Peggy Shippen (request only)
Abigail (request only)
Samuel Tallmadge (Private& request only)
Colonel William Bradford (Private & request only)
Rose Dewitt Bukater (Titanic with Turn & Bridgerton verses)
----Bridgerton ----- Kate Sharma (Bridgerton)
----Downton Abbey----
Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey, Turn Verses, Titanic & possible Bridgerton Verse)
Mary Crawley(Downton Abbey, Bridgerton verses)
----Young Sheldon & BBT ----
Missy Cooper (With Turn & A-team Influences)
-----Dc, Marvel, Hero:----
Peggy Carter
Captain Stephanie "Stevie" Rogers- Fem Captain Rogers
Sergeant Jamie "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes
Diana Prince
Brianna Wayne
Jamie Michaela Rogers (Oc daughter of Peggy Carter & Steve Rogers)
Yovela Edina Jarvis (Oc daughter of Edwin & Ana Jarvis) fc: young brooke shields alternate tbd
----Disney & Movie ----
Elizabeth Swann -Turner
Anastasia Romanov
Susan Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
Mia Thermopolis
Anna of Arendelle
----Star Wars----
Qi'ra (Low activity/request only)
female! Poe Dameron (Low activity/request only)
----First Responders & detectives:----
----One Chicago----
Gabby Dawson
Lizzie Novak
Kim Burgess
Vanessa Rojas
---- Law and Order SVU----
Oliva Benson
Juliet Higgins (request only)
Nancy Drew (1960s heavily influenced with smatterings of book canon)
____The Rookie____
Lucy Chen
Talia Bishop
Baily Nune
-----Villain Muses ----
-----60s-the80s muses----
Cherry Valance (request only)
Bonnie barstow
Ricki Tubbs
Justice Crockett
Jake Crockett (private muse with Smeagol)
Judy Hoffs
Amy Amanda Allen
John Hannibal Smith
HM Murdock (Shipped only with Avictimofthejazz's Kelley)
Pete Malloy- Adam-12
Dominic Luca 1975
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shallyne · 1 year
Well, anyways, I was bored and made a list with book characters that I like from A to Z (couldn't come up with something for Q)
Book Characters List
Aemmory Percyval Taxus
Aelin Galathynius
Amara Maroni
Alpha Villanova
Annaleigh Thaumas
Aedion Ashryver
Asterin Blackbeak
Aaron Warner
Ansel of Briarcliff
Addie LaRue
Avery Kylie Grambs
Ash Maddox
Alex Volkov
Ava Chen
Alessandra Davenport
Bryce Quinlan
Bone Carver
Barney Fitz-Amobi
Bel Price
Bridget Van Ascheberg
Corvina Clemm
Cardan Greenbriar
Chloe Green
Camila Dunne
Cinnamon Hotpepper
Cormac Donnall
Catherine Pinkerton
Cara Ward
Carter Price
Chrstian Harper
Danika Fendyr
Dante Maroni
Donatella Dragna
Declan Emmett
Dorian Havilliard
Dante Russo
Dominic Davenport
Elide Lochan
Evangeline Fox
Emilia DiCarlo
Evelyn Hugo
Ember Quinlan
Elspeth Spindle
Evangelina Sage
Elm Rowan
Feyre Archeron
Fenrys Moonbeam
Hunt Athalar
Hannah Rooney
Iris Winnow
Ione Hawthorne
Isabella Valencia
Juliette Ferrars
Jude Duarte
Jesiba Roga
Jack Brunswick
Jespyr Yew
Josh Chen
Jules Ambrose
Kenji Kishimoto
Kaltain Rompier
Kai Young
Lorcan Salvaterre
Lidia Cervos
Liam Mairi
Luna Caine
Manon Blackbeak
Morana Vitalio
Meghan Chase
Nesryn Faliq
Nazeera Ibrahim
Nash Hawthorne
Naomi Ward
Oak Greenbriar
Pippa Fitz-Amobi
Ruhn Danaan
Rowan Whitethorn
Randall Silago
Rhiannon Matthias
Ravi Singh
Ravyn Yew
Renelm Yew
Roman Kitt
Rachel Price
Rhys Larsen
Shara Wheeler
Scarlett Dragna
Sal Singh
Stanley Forbes
Stella Alonso
Sloane Kensington
Tristan Caine
Tristan Flynn
Thea Delion
Trystan Maverine
Violet Sorrengail
Vittoria di Carlo
Vivian Lau-Russo
Xaden Riorson
Yrene Towers
Zephyr Villanova
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taelonsamada · 8 months
I Wrote Another Book
😅 I keep going radio silent on here, I’m sorry! 😆 the reason for my silence this time? Yep, another book 😅
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This is Book 2 of my mafia rom-com series! This time, we follow Riley Dolan, Underboss to the Dolan Syndicate and older sister to Carter, who we met in the first book, as she buys her favourite hockey team, and deals with her massive crush on the himbo goalie, Dominic Veras!
😊 “I Think I’m Playing For A Mobster” is currently on pre-order here on Amazon, and will be available in ebook and paperback on several sites March 30th!
I will definitely be taking a break from original work once this book is finished and ready, so expect some long overdue fanfic updates come spring! 😁
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anarcho-occultism · 10 months
Miskatonic University
Miskatonic University is a private university based in Arkham, Massachusetts. Miskatonic University was established in 1690 by Ward Phillips. The University originally was heavily modeled on neighboring schools like Harvard, but would begin to move in a different direction early on when, in 1693, Philips gained custody of a number of rare occult books from the collection of the Sanderson sisters in the aftermath of the Salem witch trials. Thus, from an early era, Miskatonic University was heavily colored by an interest in paranormal and occult phenomena. This would in early history largely remain underground–especially in the late 1600’s still dominated by a Puritan ethos. However, the university would gain a reputation for addressing unusual incidents. It was Miskatonic University scholars who were tasked with figuring out what caused the events around Rip Van Winkle’s anomalously long sleep, investigating rumors of a so-called ‘headless horseman’ in the backwoods of New York and carrying out research into reversing the effects of ‘the Alteration’ rendering the ocean treacherous to navigate. Much of this research was carried out in secret by professors ostensibly dedicated to other subjects. In the mid-19th century, the growth of Spiritualism and interest in the occult led to the founding of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose at the school, which quickly became a much larger esoteric order. A large archive of occult tomes and supernatural artifacts were accumulated at the school and in 1871, the American Secure Containment Initiative was founded by Artemus Gordon, Brisco County, Sr., and Jonah Hex, who set up the ASCI’s headquarters underneath the campus library.
These elements largely remained underground into the early 20th century, though plenty of cracks were present. Miskatonic University professors helped analyze the origins of the so-called ‘boomfood’ that triggered a wave of gigantism in the 1900’s, recognizing that radioactive particles played a key role. Research into weapons development sponsored by the U.S. government made it a major target during the War in the Air, with German air raids heavily damaging the campus. It has been suggested that Dr. Herbert West’s later experiments occurred because of trauma experienced when West survived a bombing raid that killed an entire class of students in the room with him. A number of Miskatonic University faculty became involved in incidents involving the supernatural or paranormal-Henry Armitage, Randolph Carter, and Seneca Lapham among others-but overall most students were more focused on traditional prestige in this era. While the occasional figure in the vein of William Fitzgerald or Trevor Bruttenholm was attracted to attend by the university’s occult underground, this was the exception rather than the rule well into the 20th century.
However, the mid-20th century saw the paranormal and occult elements of Miskatonic University creep into the open. As part of the Cold War, the US government had developed a keen interest in supernatural phenomenon and developed many agencies–Delta Green, the Unusual Incidents Unit, the Federal Bureau of Control and the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense–aimed at researching the supernatural, combating threats it posed and even perhaps weaponizing it. Miskatonic University’s familiarity with these anomalies was seen as a positive by the government. Furthermore, the prestige associated with paranormal and anomalous research was expanding. Columbia University Professor John Montague had helped make parapsychology a much more respectable field. These factors combined to allow for Miskatonic University to become the first university in the world to open up a Department of Paranormal Studies, containing such majors as Parapsychology, Occult Studies and Esoteric Archaeology. The existence of these departments would require unconventional hiring choices and so the likes of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, MACUSA member Gomez Addams, self-proclaimed ‘psychic doctor’ Miles Pennoyer and former news anchor Carl Kolchak would end up among the faculty of the school by 1980. Members of the Department would play a key role in providing information to the White Committee, which sought to determine the implications of the Black Prom incident in Chamberlain, Maine (though much of the opinions of Miskatonic faculty were discarded by the committee).
The establishment of the Department helped the school draw an unorthodox array of students in the years that followed. Alongside the old-money crowd of future lawyers and businessmen came the likes of Lydia Deetz, Jack and Maddie Fenton, Tommy Jarvis, Nathan Dawkins and Nancy Thompson-all figures drawn to the school by its expertise regarding supernatural and paranormal phenomenon. However, this also drew less savory individuals to the school. The likes of Nikolai Wolf (who would resort to human sacrifice to gain fame for his band Low Shoulder), Cole Turner (a half-demon lawyer who briefly became the Source of All Evil) Edgar Zambus (the creator of a strain of zombism that combines supernatural and viral methods of reanimation that he deliberately infected himself with), Roman Armitage (inventor of the infamous Coagula procedure which hijacked the bodies of numerous African-Americans) and Amy Hughe (a serial killer and worshiper of the demon Malphas) all attended or were planning to attend the school only to make use of its occult secrets for not-so-noble ends. The near-miss awakening of Cthulhu in 1983 during World War III only further caused the school to develop a sinister reputation. Senator Bob Roberts launched a quixotic bid to bar students attending the school from receiving federal financial aid in the 1990’s over these ties to black magic, though his proposal never made it in front of the President before Roberts resigned due to being implicated in the Mattiece scandal of 1993.
The more sinister reputation enjoyed by the school was particularly ironic knowing the role of faculty, alumni and current students in preventing a number of prophesied calamities surrounding Y2K. Miskatonic University Professor Iain Gladstone was the first to take notice of multiple prophecies related to the Apocalypse being fulfilled in the lead-up to the turn of the millennium. Working with his colleagues Rayna Kazuki, Leroy Brown and Dirk Pitt, Gladstone worked to recruit a team that could identify potential Antichrists and, if possible, eliminate them. Most of the team were current students at the school-Sarah Bailey, Steve Urkel, Charlie McGee, Casey Connor and Kate Libby were selected based on a combination of desired research capabilities and known or implied paranormal prowess. Beyond the current students, the quartet of professors brought in a few university alumni-the previously mentioned Lydia Deetz, ex-football star Scott Howard and on-and-off X-Men team member Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde. Aside from Deetz, the alumni were brought in as additional muscle. Through diligent investigation, this team was able to identify Angel Caine-the son of businessman Robert Caine-as a potential Antichrist working through his father’s business empire to bring about the End Times. Caine had additionally formed an alliance with Adrian Woodhouse, another potential Antichrist who sought to co-opt remnants of older Great Old One cults for his ends. The team brought these two to the attention of the BPRD and, alongside a military forced headed by one Colonel John McNamara, were able to prevent Armageddon.
The modern Miskatonic University has enjoyed an enormous boost to prestige following the Awakening of Magic and the widespread embrace of occult and supernatural research. The school was able to greatly expand operations as a result, pursuing ideas that were fringe even amidst the ‘new normal’ of anomalies. After the Amphibian invasion of 2020, the school became a locus of research into extradimensional phenomenon, discovering the realms of Mewni, World A, Oz, and Throne among many others. Researchers from the school helped create the EVA units used to fight the so-called ‘angel’ incursions of the 2010’s and chronicling the spread of ‘quirks’ across 90% of the human population post-Awakening of Magic. Miskatonic University has also begun tracking temporal anomalies after the Warren & Warren incident of 2021, partnering with Britain’s Anomaly Research Center in the process (the ARC has indicated interest in a ‘temporal storm’ appearing to connect 2023, 1890, 1941 and 2053 in some way). Beyond this renown, however, the highs and lows of a normal prestigious school remain. Students briefly seized control of Armitage Hall in protest of the school accepting a $30 million grant from Fortunato Pharmaceuticals, right-wing pundit Lindsey Bluth-Funke has condemned the school for pushing ‘wokeness’ and allegations that rich alumni bribe there way into the school continue to dog its reputation alongside its more fantastical dimension.
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Cthulhu Mythos, The Lurker at the Threshold, Hocus Pocus, Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, The Order, SCP Foundation, The Wild Wild West, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., Jonah Hex, The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, The War in the Air, Herbert West: Re-Animator, The Lurker at the Threshold, The Diviners (Bray novel), Delta Green, Control, Hellboy, The Haunting of Hill House, The Conjuring, The Addams Family, Miles Pennoyer, Kolchak the Night Stalker, Carrie, Beetlejuice, Danny Phantom, Friday the 13th, Beyond: Two Souls, Nightmare on Elm Street, Jennifer’s Body, Charmed, Plants vs. Zombies, Get Out, Dead of Summer, A Colder War, Bob Roberts, The Pelican Brief, The Secret World, Explorer Woman Ray, Encyclopedia Brown, Dirk Pitt, The Craft, Family Matters, Firestarter, The Faculty, Hackers, Teen Wolf, X-Men, Holocaust 2000, Rosemary’s Baby, Hatchetfield Universe, Shadowrun, Amphibia, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Final Fantasy, The Land of Oz, Kill Six Billion Demons, Neon Genesis Evangelion, My Hero Academia, Old (film), Primeval, Bodies (Netflix series), The Fall of the House of Usher (2023), Arrested Development, Scooby Doo, Ghostbusters
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mediaevalmusereads · 2 months
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Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space. By Amanda Leduc. Coach House Books, 2020.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: literary criticism, Disability studies, essay
Series: N/A
Summary: In fairy tales, happy endings are the norm—as long as you're beautiful and walk on two legs. After all, the ogre never gets the princess. And since fairy tales are the foundational myths of our culture, how can a girl with a disability ever think she'll have a happy ending?
By examining the ways that fairy tales have shaped our expectations of disability, Disfigured will point the way toward a new world where disability is no longer a punishment or impediment but operates, instead, as a way of centering a protagonist and helping them to cement their own place in a story, and from there, the world. Through the book, Leduc ruminates on the connections we make between fairy tale archetypes—the beautiful princess, the glass slipper, the maiden with long hair lost in the tower—and tries to make sense of them through a twenty-first-century disablist lens. From examinations of disability in tales from the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen through to modern interpretations ranging from Disney to Angela Carter, and the fight for disabled representation in today's media, Leduc connects the fight for disability justice to the growth of modern, magical stories, and argues for increased awareness and acceptance of that which is other—helping us to see and celebrate the magic inherent in different bodies.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: reference to stillbirth/child death, ableism, bullying, suicidal ideation, discussion of sexual assault
I saw this book on a reading list for disability studies, and since I'm generally a fan of folklore and fairy tales, I picked it up.
Overall, I think this book was more insightful as a series of essays and less helpful as a work of scholarship, but to be fair, Leduc claims as much in her introduction. Through that lens, then, I found this book incredibly well-articulated; the way Leduc draws parallels between fairy tales and disabled life is thought-provoking, and I was wholly convinced by her insistence that stories and real life shape one another (whether we're conscious about it or not).
The most memorable discussions, in my opinion, were moments when Leduc and others talked about growing up on Disney and what impact that had on them. Leduc interviews several disability activists about their experience with Disney, and I was struck by how complex the relationship between disability, childhood, and Disney films was. Because Leduc and others grew up during the Disney Renaissance, they have a connection to Disney that I'm sure feels familiar to a lot of us. Disney has been more or less omnipresent since the 1990s, ingraining itself into childhoods and dominating the fairy tale landscape for decades. It was therefore interesting to read about how disabled activists responded to these stories as children and what lasting effects they had as they became adults.
This is not to say that the entire book is about Disney. There are some chapters about French and German fairy tales, and Leduc makes some interesting points about the purpose of these stories during the time they were collected.
I also appreciated that Leduc was open and honest about the book's limitations and made sure to include BIPOC and lgbt+ voices without speaking for them.
If I had any criticisms, I would say that I think there were moments when Leduc tended to meander. This isn't all bad, since I was viewing the book as a collection of essays, but if you're going in for scholarship, you might find yourself wanting a bit more structure. I also think there were some moments when Leduc could have done more with her primary texts and explored concepts further, but again, the author doesn't claim to be a literary scholar.
TL;DR: Disfigured is a good introduction to thinking about the way stories (particularly fairy tales) shape and are shaped by our perceptions of disability. It's suitable for those who want to think critically about media but who don't necessarily have a background in academic scholarship, and Leduc's honesty and vulnerability makes for a compelling series of essays.
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greyghoulette · 2 years
moments I consider iconic in the vtm new york games (spoilers ofc)
•No one giving a shit about Callihan’s death
•Thomas Arturo having a blackberry phone
•Julia asserting dominance over the Camarilla
•Julia beating the shit out of Kaiser
•Qadir’s car monologues
•Valerie killing Sana at the train station
•Agathon’s grandmother
•D’Angelo’s outfit
•That one cg where it’s just Qadir’s ass taking up most of it
•Carter’s facial expression changing at the end of the good ending of shadows of New York
•Benoit being Christian for the aesthetics
•Vince in the NY by Night book being 19 but in game looks 40 years old
•Katherine Weiss just being there
•Hope being a LOONA stan
•Thomas’s ugly laugh
•Prince Panhard’s met gala outfit
•Qadir pretending he’s playing baseball when he’s about to chop your head off
•Qadir doubting Sophie has read any of the books in her haven
•Adelaide Davis
•Sophie having an entourage
•Larson just getting his shit fucked up
•Julia telling Katherine her gf single white femaled her
•Torque’s hat
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cartermagazine · 1 year
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Today In History
Booker Taliaferro Washington was an African American educator, author, and orator, who was born on this date April 5, 1856 in a hut in Franklin County, Virginia.
He was born into slavery and rose to become a leading African American intellectual of the 19 century, founding Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (Now Tuskegee University) in 1881 and the National Negro Business League two decades later.
Washington advised Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. He became the first African American to be invited to the White House in 1901, when President Theodore Roosevelt invited him to dine with him. It caused a huge uproar among white Americans—especially in the Jim Crow South—and in the press, and came on the heels of the publication of his autobiography, “Up From Slavery.” But Roosevelt saw Washington as a brilliant advisor on racial matters, a practice his successor, President William Howard Taft, continued.
Between 1890 and 1915, Booker T. Washington was the dominant leader in the African-American community and of the contemporary black elite. Washington was from the last generation of black American leaders born into slavery and became the leading voice of the former slaves and their descendants.
He was also the author of five books:
· “The Story of My Life and Work” (1900)
· “Up From Slavery” (1901)
· “The Story of the Negro: The Rise of the Race from Slavery” (1909)
· “My Larger Education” (1911)
· “The Man Farthest Down” (1912)
CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #historyandhiphop365 #cartermagazine #carter #bookertwashington #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #history #staywoke
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