#Domain 9
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lunaxion3 · 2 years ago
Domain 9 fan fiction to win ToF
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Don't forget to find Tian date letter if you are dating him here to unlock his date in domain 9 I record it and stream it over at https://www.twitch.tv/luna_xion
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superdjshadow · 2 years ago
Tower of Fantasy a top anime type moment
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titleknown · 2 months ago
Bad Idea: Analog Horror adaptation of Plan 9 From Outer Space
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kyraxyrespace · 7 months ago
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So when Vol 9 was airing, I saved this above gif of Weiss looking at the Rusted Knight. It's short and quick, but I always thought it was an interesting pose they did for her. Like, look at how the rest of her team looks:
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Ruby and Yang are surprised with Yang looking a bit more surprised. Blake is beside herself to be meeting another character, which given she's a book lover and had more or less been taking the lead throughout their Ever After journey, it would be more understandable for her to geek out over meeting him. Her stance almost mirrors Weiss' stance but not nearly as much. Her hands are closer to her waist compared to Weiss', which are raised up near her breast.
So what am I implying from this? The Rusted Knight was Weiss' fictional crush growing up.
Think about it. When Weiss was listing off two other characters back in Episode 4 “A Cat Most Curious," she named Lively Carpenter and the Rusted Knight. She described the Carpenter as "sweet" and Rusted Knight as "handsome." Now, one could make the argument that she only referred to each as "one" but I'm going based on the order she had listed them. So let's think about it. She described the Carpenter with a personality trait but described the Knight by a physical attribute. Now, we can assume The Girl Who Fell Through the World is like its real-world counterparts, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and that it has illustrations. Yet I don't think the Jaune was ever illustrated since, while the girls might not have recognized him prior to meeting him, they might have years later since they IMMEDIATELY recognized him upon meeting in the Ever After. Oh the Rusted Knight most certainly would have been drawn, just not Jaune. So Weiss describing him as handsome is something she had to take the word of from the author and believed. I wonder if she ever imagined what he looked like under the armor? Did she have her own vision of him?
You know, we learned back in Volume 2's “Extracurricular” that Weiss has been pursued by suitors because of her last name, similar to her father marrying her mother. I no doubt believe that's why Weiss is picky about dating, and why she was so disinterested in Jaune's attempts. She saw how her father treated her mother, and vehemently does NOT want that for her life. I think, though, she may also be slightly swayed by her crush on the Rusted Knight. He was described as handsome by Lewis and didn't seem to be painted in a bad light. Maybe his depiction of a good, honest man influenced her taste. It's all just head canons, but an interview with Weiss' VA Kara a major White Knight supporter said that Weiss' type is someone who is mature and stepping up for other people. Is it possible some of this came from the Rusted Knight? He was much older than Alyx and Lewis, and since he hailed from Remnant, he wasn't zany like the Ever Afterans, making him mature. Also, he was helpful and was almost like a guide for the group up until Alyx poisoned him. That could be seen as him stepping up, especially since many of the Ever Afterans, while not evil, may not have been as helpful as him or the Cat who was just using the two humans to get out of the Ever After.
I'm going to stop there because I didn't mean for this to get out of hand. I was intending to just post this gif and do a quick little "hehe, look who has a crush" and somehow that spiraled out of control.
Anyway, Vol 9 has been over for a while, Weiss and Jaune have grown emotionally and in their relationship, and I'm curious to see what will come now that RWBY's moving to Viz Media.
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bubu0h · 6 months ago
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9 ½ Days by magpie_fngrl
Meadow at Giverny (1894) by Claude Monet
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opencharacters · 4 months ago
It is interesting how misinformation proliferates. Wikipedia says Plan 9 from Outer Space is public domain but i can find no evidence of it. Looking it up in the copyright registry it appears to have been renewed in 1983. Meaning it is in copyright until 2053 but everyone seems to accept it as public domain
The weird thing is, like the rights holder Reynolds Pictures doesnt appear to be active and things like the comics and the 2015 remake were done seemingly without any involvement with them and the full movie is up on youtube and wikipedia without protest from anyone.
So this may be a case of an "Orphan Work" where the rights holder is either not really known or doesn't seem to care.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years ago
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if you eventually want to see the crochet lace work I struggled all day on fixing I am now sporadically posting my crafts on @sleepy-princess-craftery
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episodes-without-incident · 9 months ago
9 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
7 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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publicdomainbooksdevotee · 5 months ago
Thus, of a total of 31 discharged from the File Hills school, 9 died at the school, of 6 others there is no record of condition on discharge, but all are reported to be dead, 7 others died from within a few months to three years after discharge and 9 are reported as in good health, 7 being farmers or their wives at the File Hills Colony, 1 a student, and 1 at Coté’s reserve.
It suffices for us to know, however, that of a total of 1,537 pupils reported upon nearly 25 per cent are dead, of one school with an absolutely accurate statement, 69 per cent of ex-pupils are dead, and that everywhere the almost invariable cause of death given is tuberculosis.
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wlw-webcomic-bracket · 6 months ago
For the second voting round of the Yuri Olympics (theme: consumption), I created a short narrative-focused Sleepless Domain TTRPG for two players. One plays as Goop, trying to convince Tessa to abandon hope and give in to possession. The other plays as her friends, family, and anyone else who wants to keep her safe.
If you play it and enjoy it, I’d love to know!
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artmakerproductions · 3 months ago
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Monsters of the Public Domain Re-envisioned (Pt 2)
For the previous entry, it can be look at here.
Now we’ve reached truly obscure levels.
- Cesare from “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” (1920)
- Ghoul/Vampire Girl and Undead Inspector Clay from “Plan 9 from Outer Space” (1959)
- Giant Bat from “Devil Bat” (1940)
- Jan and Surgical Transplant Monster from “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die” (1962)
- Irradiated and Mutated Turtle from “Phantom from 10,000 Leagues” (1955)
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galaxywarp · 2 years ago
also I wanna gush for a moment that me and my best friend of nearly 10 years have recently Officially updated our status to queer platonic partners. they don’t even use tumblr they’re a nerd who uses instagram but im @‘ing them anyway. @agoraphobicalien is my partner and I love them very much. Here’s a cute gay ass picture I had commissioned of the two of us
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superdjshadow · 2 years ago
Tower of Fantasy no door can stop m - oh
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clockwork-stars · 4 months ago
Doing my favourite 11pm activity once again (contact Spotify support chat to change my email settings because really I don't speak Dutch)
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winterseve00 · 5 months ago
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"plan 8 from outta space? Ah yes. Plan 8 involves sending a couple of werewolves to take over a small post office, or something..."
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anadorablekiwi · 1 year ago
So as some of you know, I finally got Diluc after a long 2+ years of simping for him
And as i was chatting with Tellie about it, inspo struck
So here, have a half crack drabble about it 🤣
[while I obviously simp for Diluc, this isn’t intended as Diluc /Traveler ship lol. Moreso just me inserting myself in Lumine’s place 😂]
Drabble under cut~ (and a bonus scene that is somehow longer)
Kaeya smirked. “Took you long enough.”
“Diluc!!! Hang on, let me go get your stuff! I’ll be right back!” The Traveler ran off excitedly, greeting Gaming with caution.
Diluc huffed.
“Oh? Someone is jealous~” Kaeya said in a singsong tone.
“I am not.” Diluc frowned, eyes not leaving the Traveler. She collected various artifacts and materials, placing them in a box and happily chatting with Gaming, who was helping her.
“Here,” Kaeya offered. He held out a plate of mint jelly.
Diluc scowled. “What is this?”
“Mint Jelly of course! It’s your new signature dish~”
Diluc glared daggers at his brother.
Kaeya just laughed. “I cannot believe you. Jealous of a child? I would have thought the head of Dawn Winery to be above that sort of thing.”
“I am Not jealous.”
“Oh? Then why is it that you arrive the day after she gives your prefarmed artifacts and planned weapon to another Pyro user, with whom she is having fun?”
Diluc huffed. “Merely a coincidence.”
The Traveler came running back, box loaded with items.
“Here Diluc!! Your artifacts, and I prefarmed your ascension materials! I had originally prefarmed some talent books, but Mona needed them and you weren’t here yet so I used them, sorry about that. Oh! But today is the right day for the domain! So I’ll do a few runs of that right away! Here!”
She shoved the box into his arms, then retrieved two claymores.
“You have a couple weapons to choose from, both would be really good I think! I’ll be back again!”
Diluc smiled slightly. “Thank you. It is good to see you again, my friend. Don’t work yourself too hard for me.”
Traveler grinned. “It’s good to see you too! Don’t worry, I’m taking care of myself! Be right back!” And with that she ran off again.
Kaeya chuckled. “You know, she only sees Gaming as a little brother at most.”
Diluc’s usual grumpy expression returned instantly. “I’m aware.”
“Couldn’t handle another pyro claymore user in her heart, huh? Even if it’s familial?”
“Kaeya…” he growled.
The Cavalry Captain laughed. “Alright, I’ll stop. But only because someone is all geared up now.”
The two men stood in silence for an awkward moment.
Kaeya coughed, eyes studying the sky and pointedly away from his brother. “You know, Diluc, the Traveler isn’t the only one who missed you.”
Diluc froze, then the slightest curve of a smile graced his lips. “I’ve missed you, too, brother.”
Bonus Scene
“Sorry about that Gaming, I didn’t mean to take what I had only just given you yesterday.”
The boy flashed a bright smile. “Hey, no problem! From what you told me you’d been waiting for him for a while right? And it was intended for him anyways! I don’t mind.”
Traveler smiled. “Thanks for being so understanding. As an apology, i got something for you!”
The Traveler brought out a large box, labeled ‘For Gaming’ on the front in big red letters.
“Whoa, is this all for me?”
“Yup! Its all yours. And not just to borrow. Open it up!”
He opened the box, and his face lit up immediately. “Dang, how much did this put you out? You shouldn’t have! I promise to put it to good use!”
The Traveler smiled. “Turns out I had enough good quality artifacts to give you your own set already! I was planning on farming a set for you at some point anyways, and when I get the chance I’ll definitely see if I can get both of you even better ones.”
She retrieved a glowing blue and gold claymore from thin air, grinning. “This is also for you! Diluc liked the other claymore option better, so he said you can keep the five star!”
Gaming accepted the claymore, smiling from ear to ear. “Oh man, you’re trusting me with a lot of power here. But I promise you, its in good hands! I’m gonna ramp up my kung fu training and hustle hard, watch me!”
The Traveler giggled. “Don’t work yourself too hard now. We all need to make sure we’re taking good care of ourselves, or Kokomi will lecture us about it.”
“Right! You can count on me! Oh, and tell Master Diluc thanks for me! This is Dope!!”
“You can thank him yourself, I think he’s just right over there.” Traveler pointed off to the side, where Diluc was examining his new greatsword and pretending to not be eavesdropping.
He glanced up as they approached. “Hm? Did you need something?”
“Thanks for letting me keep the five star sword Master Diluc, sir! The sword is totally dope!”
“You’re welcome.” He then paused, a look of confusion on his face. “…’dope’?”
“Yeah! It means very good, or cool!”
“Ah, I see. Well, it was no trouble to me. This other sword Traveler offered me is just as good, so I decided to let you keep the one you had been using. Even if it is a little… less cool looking.”
“What do you mean, that sword looks epic! Is it magic or something?? How does it hold up so well?”
“Its a magic sword from the melusines over in Fontaine,” Traveler answered. It was a thank you gift for helping them out so much, and they poured all their love into it!”
She glanced at the sword, then giggled. “As did someone else I know it seems. I see Kayea has been babysitting Klee today?”
Diluc grunted. “Yes he has. She wanted to see this ‘super cool magic sword’ Kaeya told her about, and add some stickers of her own.”
“Aww, how cute! Are you good with kids then Master Diluc?” Gaming asked.
Traveler giggled, avoiding Diluc’s questioning gaze.
“I wouldn’t necessarily say that I am, but Klee seems to have grown fond of me regardless for some reason.”
Traveler grinned. Hanging out with Jean and Kaeya will certainly help with that I’m sure.
“At any rate, now that you two have officially been introduced there doesn’t have to be any jealousy anymore!”
“Huh? Jealousy? What do you mean Traveler?” Gaming tilted his head in confusion.
Diluc glared at Traveler, although there was no heat to it. “No one was ever jealous that I know of.”
Traveler clapped once. “Good! Now come on Gaming, I want to introduce you to some of the others. I think you and Razor would get along great! You and Bennett would definitely need some supervision though. Oh! And Fishl, it takes a bit to get used to her but she’s fantastic!”
Diluc watched the pair go, ignoring the warm feeling welling up inside him.
He has enough children he has grown fond of already, there is no need for another (as if his heart would ever pay his wants any heed).
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