#Does it work less good because in the crossover they would be in their twenties maybe
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I already have a couple of ideas for them. (Help me 😢 I can't draw turtles and I don't like writing book style that much, man. 😭)
WARNING I AM PROBABLY CRINGE (I will most likely look at this next year and cringe violently I am very edgy sometimes and trying to get it out.)
Also mentions of violence and killing, you know, typical evil turtle things.
So some main ideas out there
1: The turtles were actually human first they got mutated when they were young. They got into a fight with the foot, oh yeah, the foot still evil in this. It's fighting fire with fire out here. And they trying to kill them with unknown mysterious green glowing liquid™ *COUGH COUGH THE KRANGS DOING COUGH COUGH* and let's just say it didn't... work as intended. (Or maybe it worked exactly as intended 😏 just not what the foot intended *COUGH COUGH THE KRANG COUGH COUGH*)
While they do generally despise the foot for this (they have trauma and issues they have to face every day with the mutation oop sorry you kind of deserve it but not really cause you're still children at this time) they do like how it made them stronger and also allowed them to distance themselves from humanity. Speaking of humanity they absolutely hate humans and often use them as their playthings (AKA hostages, most of them either get experimented on or some variation of torture). (when asked the question of why are they friends with April and Casey if they hate humans so much all of them answered something along the lines of "well they also hate humanity")
2: You know how I mentioned how they got into a "fight" with the foot, yeah, at that point they were like all below the ages of 12 and tried to steal some things from the foot because, oh yeah, did I mention that they are orphans. (Sorry, Splinter it's for their villain origin story) Even though they do have a very sad back story and they are still a very evil. Don't forget that that's important, that's the whole point. (I can't resist angst and hurt/comfort even in my villains because they're also just people, okay? I find the juxtaposition between pure evil fun and "oh, this is kind of like a intense version of a bad future of the other versions of the turtles we know and love")
3: Despite being super mega evil, they don't actually like killing people that often. It's too permanent for them. (Torture you, sure, experiment on you, yeah, but killing you is where they draw the line.) Don't get me wrong they have definitely killed people just mostly...particular people. (R.I.P Hun you deserved it) It's not like they're very careful about not accidentally killing people, They have definitely done that many times, they love explosives. (Donnie especially) It's also not impossible for one of them to just get really angry at a hostage and just...nip the problem in the bud. (They don't particularly like to do that too often, it ends the "fun" too quick.)
4: The main story ideas I have are actually a giant crossover between a bunch of the different versions of the turtles (and the Aprils and Caseys because I like to have fun) (WAIT I JUST NOW REALIZED IF THE CASEYS WERE THERE THEN RISE CASEY WOULD RELATE FUNDAMENTALLY TO THEM AS SHE WAS ONCE IN THAT POSITION OF BEING A VILLAIN HOLD UP I AM COOKING HERE) because you know that joke that they always make in those fanfiction crossovers you know the ones that are like "Are you my evil dimensional counterpart?" I was like hmmmmmmmmmmmm funny joke but what if, reality.
And the counterparts being horrified by their evil versions (Wow, this is definitely not going to help some of them's self-esteem.) like, "Wow, that could have been us.")
However during this crossover they're probably all in their twenties at this point.
Pretend there is a cool transition line here, okay?
Mikey is the oldest and the leader and is just a total chaos being and does not care for anyone's safety (mentally or physically) (Except for his loved ones of course, they are not immune to his pranks however) Prank Master evil little jerk, he is 100% the type to do pranks that only he laughs at and the person he does it to feels horrible. Don't let this fool you he still cares deeply for his brothers. His loved ones our his number one priority even if he does torture them a little.
He's the most fleshed out in my mind mostly because I associate him with the song Jax toy (due to an animatic I saw if that song part of me things he'd have little evil robot toys of himself to control I don't know man) and that one song just titled mayonnaise because I associate that song with Donnie helping him hold the other versions of the turtles captive while their other brothers are making fried chicken in the background it's a weird song but it fits.
Donnie is the second in command (He actually really enjoys Mikey's leadership style because Mikey also indulges in the experimentation with Donnie. Evil brother bonding :D) he comes in guns a blazing literally he loves to use guns, he is a mad scientist, and he kidnaps people for his experimentation. Even though he enjoys Mikey's leadership that doesn't stop him from speaking up and telling Mikey that he can be kind of dumb sometimes especially with his plans and how he deals with hostages.
Raph is violent as all heck but actually really enjoys the chase before the fight. Nothing like chasing down your enemies silently before hitting them with a shuriken in their shoulder, am I right? He has the most scars and very little self-preservation skills. (Unlike Leo he doesn't do it on purpose he just doesn't realize how injured he's getting due to pure adrenaline) He is just as protective of his brothers as any other Raph.
Leo is the youngest this time around but don't be fooled his ego is through the roof. He's the type to on ironically say the line "I am the righteous hand of God and I am the devil that you forgot." He is very cringy but don't tell him that to his face. Slice slice mothertrucker he's still kind of has that stoic-ness to him that a lot of Leos do but it cracks very easily to be a much more jokey "plays with his food" kind of person. Don't let yourself be fooled he's still a self-sacrificial idiot. (Wow, a martyr complex and a God complex they all kind of have a god complex though how does he do it?)
April and Casey are still friends with the turtles (that's right baby they're evil too) and are a couple. I don't really have that many coherent thoughts about them (don't get me wrong I do have a lot of thoughts they're just not understandable and I'm not able to barf them out on to this) except for the fact that April is DONE with Mikey's shenanigans. And Casey Jones try to have a good home life challenge *impossible*. Also them and the turtles consider each other family but none of them are emotionally open enough to admit it.
Pretend This is another cool transition.
I need to remember that writing down my ideas causes me to flesh them out a lot more. Geez, half of that was not figured out before I started writing it down. So, yeah, that's my evil turtle ideas.
Adolescent evil turtles, adolescent evil turtles, adolescent evil turtles, Villains that are half-planned, turtle power!
I keep having original iteration evil turtles thoughts.
But I don't know how to develop an original iteration but I keep having ideas for one. (I keep associating songs with them even though they don't exist yet 😭)
#I may be cringe but I am free#tmnt#a rare original post#teenage mutant ninja turtles#Adolescent evil turtles#That's what I'm calling this now it's too funny#Does it work less good because in the crossover they would be in their twenties maybe#But I don't care it fits the theme song and the regular title doesn't work for some of the stories anyway so#Words can be whatever I want them to be#Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles au#I guess I don't know what I'm doing#Long post#You have been warned#TMNT au#I guess
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twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @feralkwe - thank you! I feel like I've done this before but if I have it's been a minute so
1. How many works do you have on AO3? across pseuds I have 1,010 works. with my "current" one I'm at 607. that is more or less my entire oeuvre, though there's a fair number of short fics on tumblr I haven't gotten around to crossposting though I'd ostensibly like to at some point. eventually. maybe.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 4,873,723. aYIKES. but hey closing in on 5 million! wonder when I'll hit that. I bet I would if I posted my unfinished wips for the mcu tbh
3. What fandoms do you write for? ever or currently? the list of fandoms I have written at least one fic for (not counting ones where the one fic was a crossover) is [deep breath] the mcu, the untamed/mdzs, supernatural, the silmarillion, a song of ice and fire, black jewels trilogy, wheel of time, doctrine of labyrinths, death note, the caliban leandros series, avatar the last airbender, kinnporsche, doctor who, buffy the vampire slayer/angel, gentleman bastard sequence, marvel comics, harry potter, temeraire, good omens, code geass, realm of the elderlings, greek mythology, dragon age, sandman, dexter, lymond chronicles, the firekeeper saga, lucifer (the tv series), crimson peak, kushiel's legacy, the x men movies, chronicles of narnia, twilight, and a couple other small book fandoms.
i used to be a lot more multifandom than i am now in terms of what i wrote for, and have been writing fic for which is how this happened.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Not my favorite fics, for the most part. They are:
Life in Reverse (MCU)
With Absolute Splendor (The Untamed)
some good mistakes (The Untamed)
half a league onward (MCU)
The Villain Wrangler (MCU)
5. Do you respond to comments? I do not. I feel bad about it, but (a) I don't know what to say, (b) I feel unbearably self-conscious/self-important trying and (c) I already have too much I'm trying to do in my limited time/too many obligations I have placed upon myself to add another one that will just stress me out. Again, I have all kinds of guilt about this, though, which probably kind of defeats the (c) purpose of not doing it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Almost certainly Mercy, though it's possible I could dig up others; that's the literal murder-suicide one, though, and I'm pretty sure I've only written one of those. I've written a lot where one character dies but another survives and has to live with the grief, which is arguably worse? but I still think Mercy wins. once there was a way to get back home might give it a run for its money, though.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I've actually written a fair amount of fic with happy endings! just mostly they have to suffer to get there. but trying to think of fic with a straight happy ending...I feel like I wrote some fairly fluffy fic in Black Jewels Trilogy fandom that I don't want to link to because I don't think it's very good. Maybe Life in Reverse, honestly? That's a fic where I tied up most things and resolved them in a pretty happy way.
Oh, or actually With Absolute Splendor might qualify.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have in the past! Not a lot, but it happens every so often. Usually I just delete it, tbh; it doesn't feel worth leaving it there and I'm certainly not going to respond to it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sure do, primarily for pairings that are dysfunctional in one way or another, and for the most part I want the sex to say something about the inner life/psychology of the characters I'm writing. truly plotless smut does happen but I find it weirdly difficult. I have to do so much pre-justification work for my smut, at least in my head if not on page.
a lot of what I write at least has a little bit of kink or D/s flavor to it even if it's not explicitly written as such (and a lot of it is at least a little explicitly written as such). I also like to write about power dynamics (in sex) and sex that's sublimating some other emotion or desire, if that latter makes sense.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I used to, but not anymore, and I probably won't; I don't know why, but I'm just generally not a crossover fan these days. But I did write a Lord of the Rings/Cthulhu Mythos Morgoth/Cthulhu fic back in the day. No, I'm not going to link it, you can find it if you really want.
The Scarlet Pimpernel/Black Jewels Trilogy might be objectively weirder but it was because of an RP and therefore feels more reasonable to me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I had forgotten about it until just now, but yes, actually. Including one that actually got reposted on AO3, which takes a particular kind of guts that's not the same as reposting on Wattpad or the like, imo. (I've also had fic scraped off AO3 and reposted on other sites.) The person took it down when I called them out on it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have been fortunate enough to have a number of fics translated into a few languages! I was curious which ones so I went and looked, and it looks like I've had fic translated into Russian, Chinese, and Japanese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I've started co-writing a fic but never finished one.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Might have to give this one to xuexiao, though there's a lot of room in my heart for many ships! that's just one that hit an incredible number of my favorite things squarely on the head several times, leaving me concussed and helpless. It's so much, you guys.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There's a number of my MCU wips that I look at and am like "yeah what I have of this is good actually, too bad I'll almost certainly never finish it", among which is Dead Superheroes Walking, the fic about everyone who died in Infinity War being trapped inside the Soul Stone and having to work together to fix the ensnappening from the inside. I have about 3/4 of it written if not more and the remaining quarter will probably remain unfinished. It was Wanda POV and a lot about Wanda and Loki bonding.
another one is the one where Hela decides instead of fighting Odin to strategically back down and plan to overthrow him later, and therefore is around while Loki and Thor are growing up. I really liked what I had of this one, and really enjoyed writing Hela's POV, but again. don't think I'm going to end up finishing it.
I have a whole folder called "MCU Salvage" that's basically my MCU wips that I parsed out because I was like "these are pretty good actually, maybe someday I'll have the motivation to return to them", which is probably delusional but, well. one never knows.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at dialogue - I love to write characters having conversations, probably to a fault - and, when it comes to fanfiction, characterization.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Worldbuilding for sure is one. I hate it, I don't think I'm very good at it. also description - I feel like I lean heavily on dialogue in fic and tend to go light on descriptive language. this is probably partly because I'm not a very imagery-focused reader, so I don't think a lot about creating a "visual" with my writing, but also because I just don't like doing it as much as I like writing about internal thought processes and interpersonal verbal exchanges.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I almost certainly would not do it, as someone who is monolingual and has zero confidence in my ability to do it right in a way that wouldn't read absolutely awfully. The one exception to this is in Lymond fic, and that's because the canon did it first, so it is fully justifiable for me to have this guy spout off in five languages in one fic. Otherwise...not since I tried writing a fake Phantom of the Opera fic mocking bad Phantom of the Opera fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I always say Wheel of Time because that's the first fandom of my heart but technically I wrote a crack Harry Potter fic before I wrote for Wheel of Time. But in my heart it was Wheel of Time. That was certainly my first fandom in any meaningful sense of the word.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? This question is my nemesis. My favorite fic I've ever written changes at least once a month. I have a series for this on AO3 that I'm going to link to as a lazy answer to this question even though that's sort of 50 of my favorite fics, so sue me, I've written a lot of things over the years and I actually do like a fair number of them, even if you have to make me say so.
tagging uhhhh @highladyluck, @curiosity-killed, @ameliarating, @gloriousmonsters, i'm not sure how many people i'm supposed to tag for this but if you want to do it, go ahead?
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20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @batrachised! Thank you friend! I am glad we are both mildly unhinged about the same 1900s Canadian author.
How many works do you have on AO3? 39.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 81,156. Which I did not realize.
What fandoms do you write for? Currently, I have written for: Stargate Atlantis (13) Harry Potter (8) Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (7) Girl Genius (5) Baldur's Gate III (3) Bob's Burgers (1) The Story Girl (1) Chronicles of Narnia (1)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Falling For The First Time (DND:HAT) Troutblight Blues (DND:HAT) Five Times Marcus Woke Up Audrey (And the One Time She does It Back) (Harry Potter) [ed.note: How???) Hearts Worth Breaking (DND:HAT) Exit Wounds (SGA)
Do you respond to comments? I try to! Sometimes it takes a while, but I do try to reply to most, if not all.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? When I Come To The End Of The Long, Long Road for sure. Though that might be my angstyist fic just in general. Though Like Two Sparrows In a Hurricane isn't exactly chipper either.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of 'em. I am a purveyor of cotton candy! It's fluff all the way down!
Do you get hate on fics? Not really? I've gotten one or two hmm comments, but I'm mostly in chill fandoms/write really niche things in unchill fandoms, so there are just less eyes in general. Which is fine by me.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have dabbled in smut. It is all very soft, very vanilla, and mostly exists as a way to practice a different way to analyze a character.
Do you write crossovers? I write random tumblr crossovers, if that counts. L.M Montgomery and C.S Lewis, BG III and DND:HAT. Things with thematic similarities, but nothing wild or cracky, alas! Thought one day, I might. One day. Because Anne Shirley, Girl Genius style Spark?? The potential!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge?
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not a fic proper, but I'm spitballed a fair few fic ideas with other people enough where it counts, I reckon.
What’s your all time favorite ship? The HMS Dreadnought; or, Anne Shirley/Gilbert Blythe.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? It hurts me to say, but Sir Yendar and The Blue Knight. But then, you never know! I might watch The Green Knight and the words might return!
I just suspect I need to just rewrite chapter 2 entirely. I don't want to! But.
What are your writing strengths? Brevity! I get to the point. I am so good at cotton candy.
What are your writing weaknesses? Well, sometimes I am too brief and skip a lot of useful detail. I also used to have a vocabulary? No idea where it went. Maybe to Ibiza with my motivation and my brain I guess.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If I knew any others I would possibly have more of an opinion? But as of now it's never come up.
First fandom you wrote for? Oh boy.
So many, many years ago, I was into Digimon. Like, really into Digimon. Sora was my girl. I hated Mimi because ten year old Sparrow had some weird-ass internalized misogyny she didn't pick up at home, let me tell you!
But my first fic, some twenty-five years ago, was probably Digimon, and it was probably awful. And if it wasn't Digimon, it was for Dragons of Autumn Twilight and man would baby Sparrow be devastated to know what had happened to Raistlin later on in that series. Teen Sparrow was miffed as is.
Favorite fic you’ve written? Right now? Like Two Sparrows In a Hurricane. It's certainly one of my best.
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twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by the amazing @oohnotvery, thank you!! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, but I orphaned my old account several years ago when I left fandom for a bit. I don't know how many I had back then, over 100 for sure.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files. There's most likely going to be some Star Trek in there eventually, and I ventured into other realms in the past, but right now, exclusively The X-Files.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
under construction (Torchwood)
wild side (The X-Files)
in conclusion (The X-Files)
the ghost circle (Torchwood)
the physics of being alive (Torchwood)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. If I ever forget, I'm sorry! I love every comment and it's important to me to say thank you.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
held safely in the dark (Torchwood). It's not even all that angsty by that fandom's standards, I suppose.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Good question. I rarely ever write unhappy endings. Fanfic is my happy place. But I think the one I most enjoyed writing because there was NO angst at all was in conclusion (The X-Files).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Ohhhh my god one time in a different fandom on my old AO3, somebody left a scathing, vitriolic comment on one of my fics, but obviously meant to do it anonymously -- only they forgot to log out first. By the time I read it they had deleted their entire account. That made the whole thing actually funny in context.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. What kind? Hmm. Mostly pretty plain and boring. It's all about the feeeeeelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I used to. Back in the good old livejournal days I loved a good crossover. I wrote a Stargate Atlantis/Firefly crossover once, that might have been the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I'm...not sure? I think so? But that would have been like 15 years ago, I'm not sure anymore whether that actually happened or not.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!! And it's so much fun. I've had a few co-writers over the years. Once life is less crazy, I might be tempted to give it another shot.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mulder and Scully. There's a reason my tag for them is "the ship of all time."
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None, currently. ...I'm. Hold on. That can't be true. But I truly can't think of a single one. I can't remember the last time that happened. This doesn't happen. But no, not one.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Because it's fun, and through years and years of practice. One of my first betas drilled "show, don't tell" into my head to the point where I feel it's permanently tattooed onto the backs of my eyelids and I see it every time I blink when I'm writing. And in my very specific case, that meant learning to make people use their words. BUT it has helped me getting rid of unnecessary exposition, which at the same time made me get a lot of practice with dialogue instead. (Let's ignore the fact that I literally just posted a fic that has almost no dialogue at all...)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. I can't do it, I'm sorry. Whose hand goes where when? Does this guy need three arms to do what I just told him to? Wait, you were just over there, how did you get here suddenly? Anyone who can write action scenes has powerful magic and I envy you and please teach me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm bilingual, so I could do that, I suppose? The need for it has never come up. Sounds fun though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate Atlantis!! I still miss that fandom. Ahh the livejournal nostalgia is strong tonight...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's usually always the last one I posted, but I'm gonna say in conclusion. I'm very fond of that one.
Tagging...I don't know who has done this and who hasn't! @mr-iskender if you want to?
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Twenty questions for fic writers
I saw @alightbuthappypen do a writing meme and I wanted in, dammit.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
92, apparently. I could not have begun to guess this amount without checking. I would have said that I’ve posted way less than that to AO3, but it does include everything I ever posted on livejournal.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I am belatedly realising that writing this will be an exercise in revealing the daft ways my brain works. I was about to say “I tend to only write one fandom at a time,” but that simply isn’t true; I tend to write whatever my distractable brain presents me with, and I feel like I have little to no control over what my brain latches on to. I am currently editing a few fics from The Witcher, specifically the Netflix show, though I can’t help but mix some game canon in too. I have previously written about Good Omens (both the book, waaaaaaayyy back when, and then also the show kicked off some fic years later), the IT movies, Our Flag Means Death, Teen Wolf, Star Trek, The Musketeers, The Untamed a little bit… and a lot more I'm forgetting. I gain and drop fandoms quickly, and never end up writing an awful lot in each.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Number one by a country mile is a Teen Wolf fic that I refuse to link to because I just don’t like it any more. One day I’ll orphan it. Kudos: 8915.
Number two: Build Our Kingdom (Good Omens). Kudos: 6884.
Number three: One Big Bed (Our Flag Means Death). Kudos: 1239.
Number four: I’m Falling And I Don’t Know What To Say (Our Flag Means Death). Kudos: 1219.
Number five: Desire Dividing Me (Good Omens). Kudos: 1100.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It depends when they catch me. If they come in within a week or so of me posting, then I gleefully respond. After that, it depends. I read all of them, obviously – I read and re-read comments when my mood needs a boost – but if a little time has passed, I either feel weird about replying (?why? I can’t figure it out beyond brain daftness), or I simply forget (my memory is a joke). I literally always love a comment, though.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, hmm, I’m not much for writing angst. Uh… I’ve just scrolled through all my fics and I’m shrugging. I guess there’s an X-Men Charles/Erik fic called Cold Reunion where they meet after the divorce and bitch at each other a bit… that might be the closest I get. Oh, or the only Witcher fic I’ve posted so far (The Song of the White Wolf) is very much about Jaskier being in what he believes to be unrequited love with Geralt, and nothing gets resolved at the end, because it is just slotted into a gap between episodes.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I will write and re-write “and then they get together” a billion times, because I’m such a sucker for it. I’d say either Build Our Kingdom, my version of the obligatory Good Omens picnic scene, or maybe L’Appel du Vide, in which Eddie Kaspbrak does some learning and changing in his forties. God, I miss Eddie and Richie.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
LOL one comment on the aforementioned Eddie/Richie fic was about how I’d written Richie to be particularly woobified, I think? But it came, like, eight or nine chapters into a very wordy ten chapter fic, and it cracked me up for how long they’d persevered before snapping. I don’t think it was hate so much as disappointment. I laugh every time I think about it. I can’t think of anything else which comes close to hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to write smut quite often, but I don’t feel like I’m especially good at it, or that I present it in an interesting way. I don’t think the world is missing out for me not writing it anymore.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I was about to say “no, I haven’t,” but I definitely have. My goddamn memory! I started a Star Trek/Teen Wolf crossover that I did not finish. Whoops! Retroactive apologies to anyone I pissed off by doing that. I have since learned not to post fics until I have finished them completely. I have so many damn WIPs that I have all but abandoned.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah. Wait, have I? …I have a vague memory of raging about this while I was at university 20 years ago (!) but that’s the only thing I can remember (joke of a memory).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few. Cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! Not for a long, long time now, but there have been a couple.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Uh, that’s a big question. I feel like I’ve been pretty clear about how quickly I go into and drop out of fandoms at this point. I guess the one I’ve come back to most often is Crowley/Aziraphale? But I don’t love it any more than I love any of my other OTPs, it has just snared me back into writing it more often than the rest. Others of note: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Wangxian, Yennefer/Jaskier/Geralt (and every permutation therein), Stede Bonnet/Edward Teach (but I haven't even seen season 2 yet), Aramis/Porthos.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
God, I’ve got a Stranger Things Steve/Eddie fic that I just need to sit down and edit properly, and make some decisions about, and it’d be done. And yet here we are, with it still unfinished. Also I have a 14K Crowley/Aziraphale fic that I’d love to actually finish one of these days, but my ideas for it petered out. Probably if I really did some thinking I could write an ending for it, and just be done with it, but it is set after season 1 of the show, and would no longer jive with the canon… I don’t know. Would it be worth it? Who knows?
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhh. Well, I’ve done Nano twice now, so I guess I can pump words out when I really push myself. And I feel like writing dialogue comes pretty easily to me, though I suppose everyone else is free to disagree!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description uuuuugggggghhhhhhh. Keeping track of limbs or objects or facial expressions. I feel like I struggle with endings in that I always think they feel abrupt. I’m also fucking terrible at motivating myself and tend to work better with outside motivation (for example, committing to a certain number of words a month – but then how do I make myself edit afterwards? Would love to know!).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’m barely coherent in English, mate. Everyone else can do as they wish, but if I have to keep scrolling down to see what things mean, I’m clicking away. My attention span sucks.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh god. The Beatles, with a sort of dizzy sense of, “Wait, this is allowed?”
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh wow, an even bigger question! Uhhhhhhhhhh…? Fucking hell. Probably either L’Appel du Vide, because it basically did everything I wanted it to, or maybe Build Our Kingdom, because I managed to write it clearly enough that I can actually see it happening in my head, which is usually not the case. Does that make sense? I’m not very visual, but I can picture them through my own words more easily than I managed to do in other fics. Stupid! Those fics are certainly the two I re-read most often.
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SHIPPING INFO — ♥ answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog !!
roxy / john might be as close as , honestly .
anything outside of 5 years starts to catch some side eye from me , though it ' s very much dependent on the point in their life the muses are in . roxy is in her mid - twenties , so i could go upwards quite a bit with no issues , but younger muses would definitely be a case - by -case basis , and heavily discussed with the other mun .
i think a combination of ' the bikini rule ' and intent should be considered . ' the bikini rule ' covers , metaphorically , touches anywhere a bikini covers , so once touches start to be focused in those areas with sexual intent , i ' d start considering that nsfw . touching someone ' s butt as flirtation is nsfw , while jokingly patting someone ' s butt is more friendly , but still suggestive ? goodness knows i ' ve reached over and bopped a friend in the tit as a joke , with no sexual intent behind the move .
somewhat . i want to ship , but i ' m also here to write a well - rounded , three dimensional person , and romantic interpersonal ships are only one facet of that . i want chemistry between characters , but i also have to vibe with the mun , as well . you don ' t write in a vacuum , after all ...
most of the homestuck cast , crossover ships ... i ' m willing to ship with a lot of people
yes . hard and fast , yes . you absolutely can flirt with roxy , but she has been hurt , and needs time to overcome said hurt , and needs to come to trust the other muse . we need to discuss that before things go further .
to quote myself , " interpersonal ships are only one facet of that , " though i originally spoke in the context of romantic ships , even platonic or other interpersonal ships are still just one facet each of the complex shape that make up a person , and solely focusing on that does the muse a disservice , and hinders you as a writer . i ' m here to write a character in her totality , however that may go .
blog fandom , or otherwise ? still not answering that , does tumblr have a character limit on posts ? i don ' t plan to be the one to find out .
first , you build a bonfire . throw pleasantly scented , dried herbs in , and follow the ancient chant— all jokes aside , if you think there ' s chemistry , or you want to see if we can spark some , talk to me about it ! i don ' t advertise it , because i'm a little shy , but i do have a discord you can ask for ❪ for more immediate responses ! ❫ or you can reach out over ims . i promise i ' m more afraid of you than you are of me , nor do i bite .
tagged by : stolen from another blog of mine tagging : if you ' re still awake now , you !
#✧・゚ ——— ❛ game fanatic; hot tea addict. ❪ file :// 001. | ooc. ❫#✧・゚ ——— ❛ something silly; just for fun. ❪ file :// 001. | dash games. ❫#if you do this from my post consider this me tagging you
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Leslie grew up in small town known as Huntsdale, Pennsylvania and has remained there for the majority of her life. She moved a short distance to attend college in her early twenties and travels between the two distances to remain in contact with her friends. Leslie has no ties to her family at this point: her mother abandoned her when she was a child, her father is an alcoholic who vanished, and her brother is dead - murdered for attempting to harm Leslie no less.
On the occasion that Leslie does travel outside of these locations, it is always via steed to ensure her safety. A steed is a faerie who appears in any form they wish. This ranges from esquine to motor vehicle - yes, they take the form of a car. Leslie would need a good reason to venture long distances without a larger ensemble of escorts, but few hour distances to museums is not uncommon.
While Leslie is, for all intents and purposes, considered mortal, there are quite a few supernatural worlds which her character is capable of crossing over into. This could be as simple as your character noticing Leslie can see unseen creatures or that Leslie herself is... off.
SiGHT?: Leslie possesses Sight which allows her to see faeries. Faeries are supernatural creatures who are able to glamour themselves and appear human, but when they do not don this shield, they remain invisible to mortals. A mortal with Sight is able to see passed the glamour and view them at all times. Leslie was not born with this ability, but rather was granted it after an ink exchange which tired her to a faerie.
FAERIE POLITICS!: Leslie, while mortal, is considered an important figure in faerie politics because of whom she is directly tied to. As the mate to two faeries whom have occupied the title of Dark King, she is thought of as a pseudo queen by many dark faeries. They are constantly watching over her to ensure her safety and, for some, act as fixtures in her daily life. Those that wishes to harm the Dark Court might look into Leslie. The Summer Court and Winter Court would also be angered by an attack against her as Leslie is best friends with the Summer Queen, Aislinn Foy, and good friends with the Winter Queen, Donia.
NOT QUITE MORTAL&: Leslie has become peculiar since the ink exchange that tied her to a faerie was severed. It has been mentioned multiple times that she moves too quickly when angered and possesses a strength which she should not. The Summer King, Keenan, even alluded to feeling threatened by her, something which no mortal would ever do to a faerie let alone a regent. In addition to this, the shadows themselves seem to fluctuate around her, small tendrils reaching out to touch her ankles and keep her safe. It would be easy for someone with a trained eye to notice these small details.
If you have roleplayed with someone I have interacted with previously, I would be happy to accommodate! This could mean that you know the writer of a blog or character whom I am familiar with. In either instance, I am happy to work out a storyline in which this other person is interwoven. There are many characters who Lesle considers important fixtures in her life and, whether you have noticed that I have roleplayed with them directly or you know them indirectly (e.g. Leslie and Y/N both know Aislinn Foy), we can use this as a starter point.
#; quick fixes aren't what you need (main.)#; you are safe (spoilers.)#; you can love me from a safe distance (headcanons.)#tw: murder#fae rp
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I Know You (You’re Part of Me)
Please note this work contains spoilers for the 911: Lonestar crossover episode. This work does not contain spoilers for 911: S04E03.
TW: No trigger warnings.
��It was you, wasn’t it?”
They were docked at the 126, invited to stop over on their way from the fireline to use the showers and change into clean clothing. Buck had let the others go first and Eddie had hung back under the pretence of calling his Abuela to let her know they were coming back.
Buck was leaning over the partition wall in the common area, head tilted, looking at Eddie like he could see right through his ribs and into his heart.
“What was me, Buck?” he asked, arching a brow with a half-smirk. A lot had happened over the past four days and there was a lot he could answer for. Buck pouted at him in that stop trying to play with me way.
The kind of way that made Eddie want to reel him in and leave him gasping for air.
“How did you know we’d go darkside for a rescue op?” Buck asked in lieu of answer; brows furrowing. The last of the 118 had trickled out of the showers so Eddie scooped up their bags and headed in.
“I knew you’d go darkside. TK was a good bet, but I was fifty-fifty on whether you’d convince him to stay and take the truck yourself,” Eddie confessed. He’d seen enough of Buck in TK’s eyes to go straight to the 126 crew, though.
He began to undress and Buck hopped up on the polished counters, legs swinging as he looked at Eddie carefully. His silence begged further explanation, and Eddie complied.
“I know you, Buck. I knew the moment you heard someone was trapped you were gonna throw your name into the bowl. And then you found out it was someone’s father - TK’s father - and I took one look between you both and knew that was the deal done. Especially when you were told no.”
And fuck, but it had terrified him. The thought of Buck, alone or with just one other firefighter, storming into the midst of a wildfire...Even to save lives, to save one of their own...
Eddie was selfish that way.
“How did you know I’d go for a truck?” Buck asked, and Eddie shot him an oh, please look. Knowing Buck would go for a truck over a buggy was as easy as knowing Buck would throw his fool ass into the flames in the first place.
Buck pulled a face and Eddie stripped off his shirt, moving to lean on the countertop next to him.
“I kept an eye on you. I know when your head is working. And sure enough, I saw you sneak into the tent and lift the keys from the board.”
“Okay. So you knew I’d go, and you knew I’d steal one of the trucks,” Buck trailed off, clearly thinking. Eddie let him for a moment, then put him out of his misery.
“Like I said. I know you. I know you enough that one look at you and I knew you were going. And I knew I wasn’t going to let you go alone. But I also wasn’t stupid enough to sneak off without telling anyone where we were headed,” he pointed out.
Buck’s face pinched and Eddie knew with satisfaction he’d given Buck something to think about. He could never stop Buck from running into the danger zone, but at least he could make sure Buck wasn’t alone when he did it.
“So I went to Judd,” he shrugged, pushing away, hands drifting to his belt. Buck’s gaze followed, pupils dilating slightly.
“Judd said if you offered TK a line, there wasn’t a way in Hell he wouldn’t take it - get undressed, Buck. We move out in under an hour - so Marjan distracted the Captain and I figured out which keys you stole, and you know the rest”.
He didn’t miss the way that Buck frowned at the mention of Marjan, face going a little sour before he obliged and slid off the counter. He stopped and turned, though, biting at his lower lip.
“You didn’t have to come. You shouldn’t have come,” Buck stressed after a moment. You have Christopher went unsaid. You’re worth more than me lingered between them.
Eddie stepped closer, shorter but the point of authority in the moment.
“Where you go, Buck, I follow,” he told him. Firm but soft, the way Buck received the best. Bobby had it down to a talent, especially after the mess of the lawsuit. Eddie hadn’t taken long to figure it out himself.
The words seemed to devastate Buck, but in the good way, if there was one. It was the same look Buck got whenever someone included him in the definition of their family, or said they were proud of him. The kind of broken warmth in his eyes whenever Eddie saw right through his façade.
"You really thought I wouldn’t know? That I didn’t know you well enough to understand you’d do anything to make sure someone didn’t lose the one they loved? That someone didn’t lose their Bobby?”
Buck crumpled at the words, gaze darting away. Tongue on his lip, head dropping lower. Buck never knew what to do when Eddie carved him out and handed him everything he’d tried to hide and away and protect.
“And you really thought,” Eddie continued, a hand reaching up to brush at Buck’s birthmark, thumb gentle against the pink skin. “That I’d let you go alone? Without me?”
We go together.
“I go where you go,” Buck murmured into the scant space between them. Nothing they hadn’t said before, but both of them could feel that the past four days had somehow changed the meaning of them. Given them more weight.
“Good,” Eddie breathed, praise and confirmation at once. “And don’t you ever forget that I know you like part of myself, Evan Buckley. You ever try to leave me behind again and there won’t be anything left of you for Bobby to yell at,” he warned, helplessness and anger and insecurity creeping in for a brief moment.
For a moment, they just stood there. Inches away from each other, silently reminding themselves that they’d made it out. They’d gotten through it, together. One more time rolling the dice on their lives and they’d won.
And maybe they’d cashed in on another win, too. Finally reached the end of a game they’d been playing for three years now, one maybe neither of them had even realised they’d started.
But here, in a strange station twenty hours from home still stinking of smoke and destruction, was not where Eddie was going to move his piece over the finish line. Buck deserved better than a rushed kiss in the bathroom of someone else’s second home, and twenty hours after where they couldn’t talk about it because they were cramped in with other people.
He was in this for the long haul, and Buck deserved nothing less.
#911#911 (tv)#911 buddie#911onfox#911 on fox#911fox#911 fox#buddie#fanfiction#fanfic#911 fanfiction#buddie fanfiction#buddie fanfic#buddie fic#eddie diaz/evan buckley#evan buckley/eddie diaz#eddie diaz x evan buckley#evan buckley#evan buckley x eddie diaz#eddie diaz#911 crossover#rogue fanfic
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Fine Line | Jurdan Quarantine AU
Written for Jurdan Week 2020, hosted by @jurdannet | Day 4- Song Crossover (Adore You by Harry Styles requested by @mysweetvilllain )
Chapter Rating: M
CW: mature themes, explicit descriptions, vulgar language, eventual explicit content.
Summary: Two vindictive assholes. One shitty apartment. And a vow to get under each other’s skin. Stuck in hate together twenty-four-seven, this can only end in a crime of passion.
Next Chapter | Fine Line Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3
Chapter 1- Adore You (Verse 1)
[Cardan POV]
The minute I walk into the kitchen, I know I’m fucked.
She’s sitting there on one of my bar stools, at my island counter, eating my strawberries straight out of the plastic container. I say “my” because I’m still in denial that I have to share this shit-hole with anyone. Especially her.
When I put the ad up online, I was skint and desperate. I would’ve taken anyone short of a serial killer, really, but I was hoping for normal. Or at the very least, boring. It’s just my luck that the only person who responded to the ad was someone so insufferable.
We were civil with each other for all of a day. Three weeks had me almost driven to moving out. Me. Moving out of my own damn apartment because even that is easier than living with Jude Duarte.
That’s when corona hit, so I guess I’m stuck.
It’s been a fortnight of isolation. Putting up with her unmitigated bullshit. Her ceaseless presence and mulish disposition. Our constant butting heads.
On a good day, I give myself over to the ashen taste of resignation. On the bad ones, I want to throw myself down the stairs just so I can spend the night in hospital.
Anyways, I’m fucked because my wretched flatmate is sitting there in her baggy black sweatpants and oversized hoodie. Her knees are tucked up to her chest, giving me a plain view of those stupid rainbow socks she’s always wearing. Her hair is a mess on top of her head. Everything about her sets off a tick in my jaw.
Except the way she eats strawberries.
Her full pink lips wrap around one now and—fucking hell. I swear my cock twitches. When she sinks her teeth in, those lips come away red-stained and glistening. A line of juice dribbles down her chin as she chews. Then, she pops the stem into her mouth and eats that, too.
I find myself imagining her on her knees, strawberry lips wrapped around something else of mine. The way the back of her throat would feel as I ram into her mouth—
I blink. My lip curls. I need coffee, and maybe a cold shower.
The former is closest, so I stop standing in the doorway like the twat that I am, and walk into the kitchen. Thankfully, she’s got earphones in and is so immersed in whatever the fuck she does on her laptop all day that she hasn’t noticed my blatant ogling.
If she notices me at all, she doesn’t acknowledge it.
Good. It’s better this way. The less we talk the less we end up screaming at each other. It’s only happened twice. The neighbors came round both times.
I pull a mug and the instant coffee down from a shelf.
It irks me. Just last night, I was standing in this very spot, doing everything in my power not to lose my shit after finding a pile of her dirty dishes in the sink. For the third time this week. She always says “they’re soaking”, and I always end up doing them later anyway, because I can’t stand the mess.
She does things like that a lot. Dishes and crumbs and wrappers. Stealing my food. A week ago I found a pizza crust jammed in between the cushions of the sofa. She denies all accountability, of course.
Not to mention, she sets her alarms for the ass crack of dawn. She’s such a heavy sleeper that I’m invariably wide awake well before she is, listening to the incessant shrill of her phone through the walls as she hits snooze, over and over.
I’m certainly not without my faults, of course. I know she hates me just as much as I hate her. She’s told me as much. Which is why I’m miffed that suddenly, without any warning, I want to fuck her into the kitchen counter.
There’s a spoon in the drying rack and I use it to stir my coffee.
Nicasia hated me, I think to myself. She loved me once, but she hated me for a while before she did anything about it. Then, I stop. Because I don’t want to uncork that bottle today. Point is, maybe it’s not completely out of left field. To want someone right when they’re giving you the very least of their attention.
I tap the spoon against the lip of my mug. Usually, I’d retreat back to my bedroom at this point. Instead, I throw the spoon in the sink and turn around to lean against the counter.
She’s still sitting at the island, honed in on her computer. I can hear the thin, metallic wail of a guitar coming from her earphones. She bobs her head slightly to the beat.
It’s not as if she isn’t attractive. In her own, unique way.
She’s strong. If I didn’t hear her pummeling that blasted punching bag she’s got hanging in her room every night, I’d have known she boxed just by the way she looks. She’s got a fighter’s build about her. It lives in her shoulders, in the barrel of her chest. As if every line of her was made bold and unyielding. With intention.
Again, I have to stop my own wandering thoughts. I’m starting to wonder if maybe my dead end job that has me editing bad romance novels for a living is starting to go to my head.
It pays the bills until it doesn’t. And then it rots my brain. Maybe I should quit.
Still, I tell myself it’s the quarantine talking. That if I wasn’t trapped in here with her, I wouldn’t find anything about her attractive. That I’d probably be willing to whore myself out for one cigarette right about now. And I don’t even smoke.
But then she looks up at me, mid-bite. Those honey-brown eyes are wild. They threaten to cut straight through me. She squints, accusatory. Chews her bite, slow. Swallows.
My mouth goes dry as the fucking Sahara.
“What are you staring at?” she demands, glare blazing.
Apparently, I’m in the mood to walk that fire, because I take a sip of my coffee and say, smug as I can, “You.”
Sometimes, it’s better to be completely honest with Jude. The truth always seems to appall her far more than any lie ever could. As if she expects everyone to be deceiving. Or maybe it��s just that my truths are so outrageous to her that she doesn’t believe them.
I wouldn’t blame her there. I can hardly admit to this truth, myself. Whether she believes me or not, though, it gets under her skin.
“Right,” she scoffs. “Is it because I’m pretty? Is it because you like me so much?” She bats her lashes at me, mocking. I am stunned by the fact that, for a moment, I wish it was real. That I’d gladly lose myself in that look if it came from her eyes in earnest.
Then I shake my head. I sound like the biggest shit-for-brains. It’ll take more than a few eyelash flutters to make me surrender.
“Oh, no,” I say, trying to match her taunting tone, “I don’t like you. I adore you.”
That makes Jude roll her eyes. “Please,” she says. “You’re probably plotting ways to stick me in my sleep or something. Fucking psychopath.”
It’s that last part that makes me take a step toward the island, lean forward to rest my elbows on the counter so I’m nearly in her space. She doesn’t draw back. Just gives me a scathing look from over the top of her screen.
“If I’m ever depraved enough to stick you,” I tell her, smirking, “I guarantee you won’t be sleeping, love.” Which may come off as anything from perverted to downright murderous, but I don’t care. The face she makes is worth it.
It’s all jaw dropped, vicious gaze, blush creeping into her cheeks like red smoke. I’ve never challenged her before. It makes her look at me like she despises me. Like the only thing she’ll ever do is despise me. I don’t know why that eggs me on, but it does.
“Would you look at that,” I hum, “You’ve got the face about right, too.”
Her nostrils flare. Jaw sets. There’s a lovely shade of puce coming up on her already heated cheeks. She’s absolutely livid, and I can taste it in the air between us. It’s like static on my tongue.
That’s when something cold and slimy hits me dead between the eyes. Jude’s half-eaten strawberry plops to the counter. I’m so surprised I almost laugh.
“You’re disgusting,” she says with as much derision as I feel coursing through me.
Part of me wants to give into that anger. Sling a string of curses at her. Throw the strawberry right back in her face. Those things won’t annoy her half as much as what I actually do.
Keeping an unbothered expression, I pluck the strawberry off the countertop and pop it right into my mouth. Stem and all. I lick my fingers for good measure. All while keeping direct eye contact with the little menace sitting across from me. Her gaze flits to my lips. So I swipe my tongue over them. She blinks.
“Delicious,” I say.
She looks just the right amount of scandalised for me to straighten, take my coffee back up in one hand, and saunter out of the kitchen. I don’t say anything about the strawberries. Or how stealing isn’t a very good exercise in courtesy.
We’ve never been courteous with one another, anyway.
When I’m back in my room I lean against the closed door and scrub a hand over my face. My heartbeat is raging since I did not.
Sometimes, I think the irritating things she does are all on purpose. Just to get under my skin. I rarely give her the satisfaction of knowing it works, but I don’t like letting her trample all over me, either. It gives me an oily feeling. Like I’m back to being under someone else’s thumb, and I hate it.
But that—whatever that was—felt more like fighting back than I ever thought I’d have the balls to do. I feel more alive now than I’ve felt in months.
Maybe that makes me a bastard. C’est la fucking vie.
I start shucking off my clothes, throwing them into the hamper in the corner, one by one. My bedroom is mercifully en suite. If I wanted to, I could live in here for days at a time without leaving.
I don’t know why I ever bother.
I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. As I stand there under the cold stream, I think about how dangerous it is, this game I’ve entered. Flirting with Jude to get a rise out of her is one thing. That’s clear cut. A direct retaliation.
It’s another thing entirely if part of why I’m doing it is to take the edge off of my own perversions. I mean, what kind of sick fuck has sex fantasies about someone they hate? Someone they’re stuck in isolation with, twenty-four-seven, for the foreseeable future? Someone who hates their guts, too, and could probably easily take them out if it came to physical blows?
I guess that sick fuck would be me.
It’s a fine line to walk but there’s no turning back. I’ve already begun.
AN: So I guess I’m hopping on the quarantine fic bandwagon 😅 this is definitely not what I expected to come out of this song crossover prompt, but I kind of like it? It’s (very loosely) based off of Adore You by Harry Styles- the threads are there if you look for them 😉
I’m planning on making this a 12 part series (one chapter for each song on Fine Line) so if you’d like to be added to the tag list for this, or to my Jurdan Forever tag list, let me know in the comments/my messages/inbox and I’d be happy to add you!
-Em 🖤💫
Title Inspo: Fine Line (album) by Harry Styles, Adore You (song) by Harry Styles
Tag List: @velarhysismine @knifewifejude @the-mithridatism-of-jude-duarte @clockworkgraystairs @thesirenwashere @judexcardanxgreenbriar @nite0wl29 @aelin-queen-of-terrasen @whocares-idont @babycardan @mysweetvilllain @aesthetics-11 @storiesandschemes @jurdanhell @poeticbrownmermaid @thechainofiron @random-llama-socks @villanellevi @lady-thea-of-narnia @b00kworm @flowersinvegas @vanessa172003 @cardanstrickytail @queen-of-glass @doingmyrainbow
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Fine Line Masterlist
#surprise!#it's a full chapter#a whole ass meal#tfota#jurdan#jude duarte#cardan greenbriar#tcp#jurdanweek2020#day 4: film/song/fandom crossover#was i the dumbass who started two (2) new aus this week?#why yes yes i was#jurdannet#jurdan week#twk#tqon#qon#the folk of the air#the cruel prince#the queen of nothing#queen of nothing#the wicked king#holly black
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Don’t know if this is feasible, but would you do a crossover between Build and Cherry Magic? Maybe with like Kurosawa and Adachi going over to the cafe for family dinner and they meet the whole squad, not just Sento and Banjou, but Misora, Kazumin, Sawa, and maybe even Gentoku? With the prompt “Why are you staring at me”
Darling, your brain is massive.
15. “Why are you staring at me?”
“How did you find this place?” Yuichi says as they round the corner into the little alley.
“Fujisaki recommended it to me, actually.” Kiyoshi grins up at him. “Apparently she and a couple of her girlfriends like to go here sometimes. She says the coffee’s only ok really, but the pastries are really nice. Here, this is it, Cafe,” he squints at the sign, “Nas--nascita.”
The only other customers inside are a group of people who seem to be friends, clustered around a couple of tables pushed together in one corner. Not wanting to intrude, Yuichi goes to get a table in the opposite corner, and Kiyoshi heads to the counter to order.
The barista’s a middle-aged man with a pork pie hat and tinted glasses who looks like he should be playing jazz at a nightclub, not serving coffee to bored twenty-somethings. He’s cleaning a glass as Kiyoshi approaches, and he glances up, says, “Good afternoon and welcome to Nascita, I’ll be with you in just a--” and then cuts off for apparently no reason.
There’s a long, awkward silence before Kiyoshi says, “Uh, why...why are you staring at me?”
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, you just.” The barista shakes himself. “You look a great deal like someone I--”
“Hey, do you have a problem with me or something?”
The barista looks past Kiyoshi, frowning, and Kiyoshi himself turns around and nearly runs into...
...himself. Except...different.
The other him is scowling at Yuichi, who’s looking at him wide-eyed. “No, seriously, do I have stuff on my face or something? You’ve been staring at me since you sat down, it’s making me--” He turns towards the counter, nearly runs into Kiyoshi himself, and stops dead. “Uh. Sento?”
Someone else stands up from the cluster of people in the corner and blinks at Kiyoshi several times. “Well, this is unexpected. Banjou, is that you?”
“That’s me. I thought there was only supposed to be one other me.”
“No, uh, I’m me. I’m fairly sure.” Kiyoshi laughs nervously. “Kurosawa, help.”
At this point Kiyoshi’s getting the worrying feeling that their new friends might all be insane, which makes it very nearly a relief when Sento, who says he’s a physicist and whose hair has been standing up at the back for most of the conversation thus far, says, “You must think we’re all insane.”
Kiyoshi suppresses a hysterical giggle. “Of course I don’t think you’re. You’re.”
“Oh, no, don’t worry, it wouldn’t be an unreasonable assumption. I mean, we aren’t, I promise there’s a scientific explanation for all of it, it’s just really lengthy and in some places kind of stupid.” Sento peers at him. “You look exactly like him, it’s amazing.”
“Actually pretty sure Banjou’s taller.” That’s the man at the far end of the tables, who speaks with a broad country accent and whose name Kiyoshi vaguely remembers being Kazumi. He keeps looking back and forth between Kiyoshi and his double--Banjou Ryuuga, who’s got red hair and a silk bomber jacket with a dragon on the back, Kiyoshi’s never met someone who looked so much like a comic book character--and sort of gesturing vaguely, as if he’s trying to figure out how tall they are exactly. “By, like, an inch or two.”
“No. He can’t be. Can he?” Sento frowns. “How tall are you, Adachi, if you don’t mind my asking? Strictly for science, of course.”
Next to Kiyoshi, Yuichi seems much more comfortable. In fact, he’s practically giving an impromptu sales pitch to Banjou and Sento’s friend Sawa, who’s a journalist, and who’s listening to him talk about Toyokawa’s new organizational tools with unfeigned interest. Next to her is the cafe owner’s daughter, Misora, who Kiyoshi feels like he recognizes from an idol video he saw Rokkaku watching the other day, although she’s dressed much more simply. She seems less interested in planners than her friend, and after a moment she turns to him and says, “If Sento keeps getting on your case just elbow him or something, he’s always like this.”
Kiyoshi feels his face go red. “No, no, it’s fine.”
“You know,” Banjou says around a mouthful of pastry, “under the circumstances I feel like this worked out pretty well.”
Kiyoshi blinks. “What did?”
“This whole double-whatsit thing. The Swedish word Sento used before.”
“Doppelganger.” Sento rolls his eyes. “And it’s German.”
“Yeah, that one. I mean, it could definitely be way worse. I mean, there’s the other actual me, the one with the same name, but apart from that you seem cool? Like, I’d rather share a face with an office worker than, I don’t know, a cannibal serial killer or something.”
“Was that...likely? I don’t think another version of me would be a cannibal serial killer...”
“Me neither, but you never know, yeah?”
“I mean,” Kiyoshi says, frowning absently into space, “I wouldn’t have expected to have the same face as someone who does shoot fighting, that’s sort of a surprise. Not a bad one, though.”
“Yeah, this isn’t so bad.” Banjou pauses, blinks, and then stands up. “I’m gonna be right back. Hey, babe, if Gentoku shows up before I’m back tell him I said why the hell is he late, I thought politics guys were supposed to be on time for stuff.”
“I’m not telling him that.” Sento leans his face up for a light, brushing kiss, and then Banjou’s off in the direction of the bathroom. “Besides,” called after his retreating back, “you know Kazumi’s going to say it anyway.”
Kiyoshi stares in his direction for a moment, looks back at Sento, and, suddenly, smiles. So we’ve got that in common.
The bell at the cafe door rings, and Kazumi lurches upright in his chair with an abrupt, bright smile and waves. “Hey, Beardy, you’re late! I thought politicians were supposed to be on time for shit!”
At Kiyoshi’s elbow, Yuichi says, weakly, “I’m sorry, Ms. Takigawa, is that the prime minister’s son?”
Kiyoshi looks up in alarm at--the prime minister’s son, who’s wearing a black leather jacket which he opens to reveal a t-shirt that reads:
Kazumi snorts. “Oh, poor you, you had to play tennis.”
“Fuck you too, Potato, just because you can--I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize we had compa--Banjou?” The prime minister’s son blinks several times and then shakes his head. “Did Banjou dye his hair?”
“No, I’m,” Kiyoshi scratches the back of his head, “I’m Adachi, hello.”
Sento beams up at the prime minister’s son as Kiyoshi stifles a nervous giggle and Yuichi shakes himself. “They have the same face, it’s very exciting.”
#adachi kiyoshi#kurosawa yuichi#kiryuu sento#banjou ryuuga#cherry magic#kamen rider build#fanfiction#nearlybanjou#not tagging all the other characters because most of them barely have lines
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Hi! Do you know of any amazing race crossovers? Or, if not, general reality show aus? Sterek only preferably. Thanks you’re the best!
I couldn’t find any specifically Amazing Race ones, so here’s reality tv ones instead.
Cupcake Wars by cheekycal
(1/? I 1,745 I Teen)
Stiles snags a job at a local cupcake shop.
What he doesn't expect is that a certain werewolf (who looks surprisingly casual in a pink apron) will soon become his boss.
Dessert Wolves by hazelandglasz
(1/1 I 2,228 I Teen)
Where Stiles Stilinski and Derek are both contestants in a reality TV Show that looks an awful lot like Top Chef Just Desserts ...
Survivor by tryslora
(1/1 I 4,736 I Teen)
Derek gets on Survivor, but it’s not about winning the money. He doesn’t really expect how things turn out.
All This Has Happened by 1001cranes
(1/1 I 10,769 I Mature)
The thing is, most of it's been done before. People competing for money, or love, or fame - it's all boring, it's all been done, has-been, seen before, who cares? Until some motherfucker finally realized - you know what's really interesting?
Dystopian AU where fame is the name of the game. Sometimes revenge is the quickest way to the top, and Derek Hale has plenty to avenge - Stiles is just along for the ride.
Texas Drought by fullmoontonightt
(1/1 I 17,068 I Mature)
Derek's eyes widen when he does finally recognize the song, not believing anyone would seriously audition with it.
“Sweat baby, sweat baby, sex is a Texas drought. Me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about.”
Derek Hale, famous lead singer of Månen, isn't too sure about being a judge on The Voice. But when he hears the most unique voice behind his red chair, he can't help but fall for its owner straight away. Love at first voice? Is that a thing?
Queer Eye for the Werewolf-kinda Guy by FarAwayInWonderland
(1/1 I 17,247 I Mature)
“Coming hot on the heels of its successful predecessor, the new Queer Eye spin-off proves that it has as much heart as its bigger Atlantean sibling.” – New York Times
“What do we want from Queer Eye? Heart, charisma, memeability, avocados and patterned shirts. The new Queer Eye spin-off got three down and two still to go.” – Pink News
“15 question that tell you which Queer Eye show you are.” – Buzzfeed
Season 1, Episode 5: “Don´t Be Such A Sourwolf”
He´s drowning in guilt and prefers to keep his pack away. But said pack isn´t willing to let their self-deprecating Alpha just be, so they show him that your family can be whoever you want.
Two Bros in the Know by blue_fjords
(1/1 I 28,904 I Explicit)
According to their fansite, Two Bros in the Know (or TBK, as they were referred to by those in the know) grew out of an idea Scott had their senior year of high school.
The truth was much less cinematic: Stiles wanted to impress Lydia Martin, and thought being a famous ghost hunter would do the trick. But it wasn't until the summer before their senior year in college, during an epic tour of farmhouses in the Dakotas, that TBK's popularity went through the roof. Thanks, in large part, to their "rivalry" with Natural, the show featuring real-life siblings Derek and Cora Hale, and their mission to debunk all the same kinds of places TBK said were haunted.
This is the story of how the TBK crew met the Hale crew, featuring a golden bromance, pranks, stress baking, pillow forts, an internet meme, homemade moonshine, ghostly apparitions, dramatic rescues, the plot of a Muppet Show special, and of course, true love.
You Can't Choose Who You Fall In Love With (oh wait, I guess you can) by writingonpostcards
(9/9 I 44,857 I Teen)
A dating show AU that was meant to be fluff but then wasn't.
"I came on this show because my mother has always wanted to see me fall in love and get married. Her and dad have this really great relationship you know, and she wants that for me. But things just haven’t been working the normal way I guess." Stiles shrugs like he’s making light of the situation, but Derek senses there’s more to the story.
There is. But Derek’s got more than one reason for doing this show as well.
Are you the one by fullmoontonightt
(6/6 I 57,248 I Mature)
If you’d told Stiles that one day he’d be the star of some stupid soulmate searching reality show, he probably would have laughed in your face.
Yet, nothing was less true today.
When Stiles enters mtv's reality tv show 'Are you the one' he doesn't expect anything serious to come from it. He especially doesn't expect to meet the love of his life.
~ so many ships are in this I can't tag them all ~
We Prefer Good Love to Gold by i_am_girlfriday
(9/9 I 63,371 I Explicit)
This week on Millionaire Matchmaker: Supernatural Edition - Derek Hale, a thirty-year-old millionaire venture capitalist and beta werewolf, finally gives into his sisters’ pressures to start dating again and reluctantly agrees to use the services of a supernatural matchmaker. Stiles Stilinski, at age twenty-five, just sold his start-up to Google for undisclosed millions, and ends up on a reality dating show when his true alpha best friend tries to help him get over his broken heart.***The last thing anyone expects is for the two eligible bachelors to fall in love with each other behind the scenes.
#teen wolf#sterek#stiles stilinski#derek hale#first date#pining#oblivious!stiles#oblivious!derek#anon
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The Magnus Archives Fic Recs
In no particular order, a list of my favourite fics I’ve found since getting into TMA.
(Contains spoilers)
ceylon, assam, and darjeeling by Sciosa
People do not bring Jonathon Sims tea. Martin Blackwood, newly-minted archival assistant, has apparently not received this memo.
Yesterday is Here by CirrusGrey
"Who the hell are you?" Jon could feel his hands shaking. The man laughed, taking a step forward and raising a hand to point at him. "I'm you, from the future!" he said, then swayed, eyes going unfocused, and collapsed to the floor in a dead faint. -------- Post-season-four Jon and Martin time travel back to the season one Archives.
patchwork by Jothowrote
Part 1 of Anthill verse
It was happy hour at the Anthill, and it was busy. Jon got there late, held back at the institute by an irritated Elias. Elias knew exactly what Jon did with his Friday nights, and he hated it.
In fact, one of the main reasons Jon went each week was because of Elias’ distaste for the place. Jon himself wasn’t overly keen of the dusty, faded décor, grimy floor, or limited selection of IPAs, but he didn’t go to the Anthill for the place, as Elias well knew. He went for the people.
An AU in which all the various Avatars hang out at a bar.
Martin: A Model Assistant by idareu2bme, kristsune
Tim finds Martin's old photoshoot, and makes everyone appreciates model!Martin the way he should be.
doctor, don't look me in the (eye)s by blacksatinpointeshoes (Note: Crossover with the Bright Sessions!)
Part 1 of jon sims v the nhs (+ podfic)
Joan Bright has a new patient. He's carrying an old tape recorder and is covered head to toe in scars. Jonathan Sims looks dangerous, but Dr Bright has dealt with all sorts of atypical individuals. She has no reason to be nervous.
avatar groupchat by gayprophets
10:12 PM Jared Boneturner: the arm bone was a femuur :) i looked it up Elias: Humerus. Jared Boneturner: yeah it was pretty funny :)
tell me again about how it hurts by Wildehack (tyleet)
After Ny-Ålesund, Jon goes to the prison and compels his way as far as Elias’s cell block before a guard stops him. There’s a bright streak of blood dripping unchecked from the guard’s nose, and his eyes are vacant. He says calmly: “There are twenty people between us, and I’m prepared to sacrifice them all if you keep walking.”
deep within, just beneath the skin by cacowhistle
A collection of drabbles that explore the things that may come with becoming the Archivist.
(A collection of drabbles that focus on the more eldritch monster parts of Jonathan Sims. Some good, some bad.)
Come Change Your Ring With Me by j quadrifrons (Jenavira)
The Lukases demand the Archivist marry into the family, and the Institute relies on them too much to say no. Peter is smug. Elias is fuming. Martin is suffering. Jon thinks this might be tolerable if only Peter would hurry up and leave him alone already.
OR, the soap opera we call an Archives revolves around Peter Lukas this time.
Canary by brinnanza (+ podfic)
There is a door in Jon’s office that is not supposed to be there.
AKA: Helen comes bearing gifts.
Hey Martin, I Like Your Shirt! by idareu2bme
Tim has started shamelessly flirting with Martin around the office. Martin can tell it's an act, but what he doesn't understand is why Tim's doing it in the first place.
the umbrella by Wildehack (tyleet)
"And to think—all of Jonah Magnus’ carefully laid plans, the centuries of scheming, the murders, the sacrifices, all of that work could have been completely undone if Martin Blackwood had gone back for an umbrella.”
Clothes Have No Gender by kristsune
Jon wears a skirt to the Institute for the first time, and gets reactions he hadn't expected.
these halls ain't empty with you by hulklinging
Jon doesn't meet someone like him until he's almost twelve years old.
Once he does, though, he'll do anything to not let go.
(The Magnus Institute's human experiments are not alright. But at least they're not alone.)
It Serenely Disdains to Destroy Us by trill_gutterbug (+ podfic)
Martin gnaws his lower lip. “Do you think he’ll - I mean, do you think it’ll be…”
Melanie's smile becomes a little less of a grimace. She claps his shoulder, not ungently. “Martin. It’ll be fine. It’s only temporary. He’s not moving in.”
Martin chuckles. “Yes. Of course.”-
Jon's flat is being fumigated. He is not impressed. Martin offers his spare bedroom.
Martin Blackwood Tries to Save the World (and Drags Jon with Him) by TheRealAndian
It's the end of the world, and Jon and Martin have no idea how to fix it. That is, until a suspicious door lands them unsuspectingly in the past, long before the apocalypse. Now they have to work together with their former coworkers and their younger selves to stop the Watcher's Crown from being completed, and maybe even admit their feelings for one another.
Hybrid Signal by Mad_Maudlin
To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once.
Martin receives a message from an unknown individual, and discovers there's more to his role at the Magnus Institute than he previously realized.
a gift; a promise by holdingbee
jon requests an assistant. or a few, if elias can spare them. elias certainly can.
a self-indulgent one-shot where martin and jon meet a little differently.
Like Real People Do by HistoriaGloria
'Martin Blackwood had been an archival assistant for over 2 years when he found the first tape.'
Martin finds a tape which reveals some uncomfortable truths about his boss and sets him searching for the monster that Elias refers to only as 'Archivist'. But for all of Martin's work and research at the Magnus Institute, he is not prepared for what he might find down this path.
#i hope the 'read more' works#if not - very sorry mobile users!#tma#the magnus archives#also: feel free to rec me fics too#always up for more tma content#my posts#fic recs#podcasts#tma recs
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Comics this week (1/6/2021)?
Anonymous said: So thoughts on Death Metal?
Anonymous said: So... Future State?
Anonymous said: Today’s comics?
Dark Nights: Death Metal #7: There’s lots of dopey bits in here I’d normally critique much harder - we did not need this ridiculous comic to be the way to get DC to this status quo when assorted other series have been *trying* one way or another since 1998 - but the day a fascist mob was allowed to have a nice little stroll around the national capitol and a lounge in the literal seats of power I was very ready to spend my lunch break with an extremely big, extremely dumb event comic finale where I didn’t have to think about anything else for twenty minutes, and in that capacity I enjoyed it tremendously. Don’t know how all of Death Metal will eventually work for me on reread as the finale to 3 years of storytelling, but today it hit the spot.
Future State: The Next Batman #1: Good news, it rules! A very self-assured, almost leisurely intro to show off Derington’s chapter, a tiny straightforward Batman adventure to demonstrate the radically changed context in which Batman adventures happen in this new world and set up the basic cast for the next three issues. Weird as it is that he occasionally speaks like a normal young person (not bad weird, but WEIRD) I instantly buy this guy as the for-real Batman with the iconic shorthand Ridley dips into, and Derington/Bonvillain are an instantly definitive Batman art team. The Brandon Thomas/Sunit Kumar Outsiders backup is also shockingly fun, and even more stunningly Paul Jenkins and Jack Herbert are able to take the truly ridiculous Tomasi take on Arkham Knight and wring some real interesting material out of her in the final story here.
Future State: Superman of Metropolis #1: So hey if ANY comic here could use four issues of its own rather than two. This is a lot of fun, but it leans hard on the idea that you already get the basic idea of ‘Son of Superman’ to immediately leap into putting Jon through a physical and moral wringer rather than giving any sense of what his ‘normal’ day-to-day in the tights is like, and it’s a dense shot of fun I appreciated more on reread but this is screaming for some breathing room it simply doesn’t get. Also, a bit hard to get a sense of what this team theoretically doing Jon in the future for Infinite Frontier would look like, between the cramped storytelling and that Morrison’s touted influence as a consultant is all over the place with this baby. This really does feel like an attempt at repackaging the best of their New 52 take, and I wonder how differently it’ll be received a decade later and with Clark not being the one wearing the cape. If this all sounds like I’m more down on it than I really am, it’s in large part because this is an enjoyable diamond in the rough with a lot of promise, and the excellent Mister Miracle and Guardian backups only reinforce the potential. Regardless of any nitpicks however:
Anonymous said: TIME LUCHADORES. That is all.
Future State: Wonder Woman #1: A hoot! Absolutely gorgeous, and while I don’t know that I’m totally sold thematically on this as a new generation Wonder Woman specifically this is a fun teen/early-20s superhero romp period, and the one big twist on a standard WW concept it does have to offer is excellent.
Future State: Swamp Thing #1: I’m pretty sure this is really good but it would seem not even Ram V can crack making me care about Swampy. It’s me, not him, but it is what it is.
Crossover #3: Finally gets some momentum now that it can get into the big adventure but there are multiple moments where it feels like Cates is jerking off directly in all our faces, and one moment in particular where it feels like he’s screaming at us to thank him for it. Regarding the twist (rot13): V fjrne gb tbq V guvax gur Znqzna snxrbhg jnf whfg fb gurer'q or na rkphfr gb chg gung 'jbexf bs Zvxr Nyyerq' nq va gur onpx naq gurersber grpuavpnyyl unir vzntrf bs Fhcrezna, Ongzna, naq fbzr Zneiry urebrf choyvfurq va guvf obbx.
The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #1: A meeting years in the making! Been singing this series’ praises right along so very satisfying to see it hurtling headlong into its next phase.
King in Black: Return of the Valkyries #1: A mini-revival for one of Marvel’s quiet better books of the last few years, this doesn’t feel as if it’s missed a step and if you missed what Gronbekk and Ewing did with Aaron the first time I’d definitely recommend this even if you too couldn’t care less about King in Black shenanigans.
Miles Morales Spider-Man #22: After a string of weaker issues this gets back to form with the sort of casual antics and lived-in feeling that’s defined this book at its best.
Iron Man #5: God it is weird that this is the Iron Man book, and it rules.
Guardians of the Galaxy #10: This issue is a Morrison/Ennis/Hickman-tier OH MY GOD FUCK YES moment for a character who two months ago gun to my head I never could have envisioned such a thing for. Ewing and Cabal are too powerful and must be stopped before they decide to make Taserface my favorite character or something.
Eternals #1: The very definition of a perfectly constructed relaunch debut - never read an Eternals thing before in my life but by the end of this I get the concept and can parse how it’s been reconfigured here, have emotional ins with a couple characters and a sense of the general players, and think it kicks ass and want to see more of it, and also it’s drawn by Esad Ribic as all #1s should be along with most other comics too for good measure. Exactly what you want out of this team handling superhero space-godlings, to an extent I’m surprised Marvel allowed.
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ML Relationship through the Perspective of a Fanfiction Writer
Listen to the Spotify playlist I made as an auditory companion
For their anniversary I would like to discuss from my perspective as a writer of fanfiction the many layers of ML’s relationship
Onions have layers as well as cake! I learned that from Jerry’s friend Eddie Murphy.
We all know how much the boys love cake…

Layer One Partnership
I wouldn’t be writing fanfiction about two guys who worked at a gas station. Their act is the reason we know about them and celebrate them today. What all of America saw was two men equally skilled at their art (though many were too stupid to realize), both in awe and each other’s biggest fan. What was not presented to the public was the communication it took to pull off their act. It took negotiation to set up a gag and trust as well as the sense to know when not to push when doing a stunt. Their natural rhythm made adlibs come off better than scripted material. They were so attuned to one another they could do the impossible.
Layer Two Friendship
Dean and Jerry most likely met in 1942 that’s four years of friendship before they ever were on stage together. They hung out, had more fun than anyone, and were emotionally supportive of the other. A subset of this aspect is when they act like boys. Wrestling each other to the ground, play fighting, playing football in the hall in nothing but your boxer shorts, and innocent kisses are all the actions of boys not yet taught the rules of manhood. In my writing I sometimes explore the idea of them having a romantic friendship. More than friends, less than lovers. Their relationship isn’t physical and neither has a sexual attraction but are deeply attracted to each other emotionally. This love can be (and Jerry often has!) compared to romantic love. They are affectionate sometimes in the form of kisses but that’s only to communicate their strong emotions for the other.
Layer Three Family
Some people are uncomfortable with them having a romantic friendship. What part of it was a LOVE STORY do you not understand? Often these people will say they loved each other like BROTHERS. In the past I have compared them to brothers but I meant only in the sense that they have a family-like bond. Brothers are protective in this “no one beats the shit out of my brother but me” kind of way. No real life brother relationship I know of is anything like Dean and Jerry. I do, however, get strong father/son vibes from them. Dean is protective, caring, gives Jerry discipline when he needs it, and loves him without condition. It’s important to note these are all things Jerry’s biological father didn’t provide.
Layer Four Marriage
Now we’re getting deep. When I talk about their marriage I don’t mean romantic love or a sexual relationship. I’m speaking strictly of their domesticity. Their act made it so they had to live on the road, sharing hotel rooms and a bed in the early days. As Jerry once said, LIVING AND LOVING TOGETHER. It’s canon that Dean moved in with Jerry more than once. They know what the other is like in a domestic situation. Jerry knows that Dean cuts corners when doing house work and can be a slob. Dean thinks Jerry should relax and not be so fussy. They learned to accept the other’s irritating quirks and create a harmonious environment where they can enjoy each other’s company. Dean and Jerry have to work together to (Jerry would love this analogy!) nurture their baby (their act). This requires...you guessed it! COMMUNICATION. When they communicate and I mean TALK, exchange words and make hard decisions, nothing can break them. In real life their little spats were like the arguments that married people have. In my fiction when they can no longer communicate what they want or need that’s the beginning of the end.
Layer Five Dom/sub
I’m not talking about in a sexual relationship or even within them practicing an alternative lifestyle. When Dean is dominant over Jerry it makes him feel owned. For Jerry to be owned is the highest form of love. He willingly submits to Dean’s loving authority and to serve him brings him great joy. The roles often switch back and forth depending on what the other needs. When Jerry is dominant over Dean it gives him a chance to breathe. For most of Dean’s life he had to appear dominant and in control because that’s what is expected of a man. Jerry is seen as the wife, the female half and naturally the more submissive. But when Jerry takes over the dominant role Dean can just be. He doesn’t have to worry about appearances. Sometimes a man just likes to be led.
Layer Six Romantic
This is when I write Dean and Jerry as lovers. Call them boyfriends, husbands, whatever you want. They are romantically attracted and deeply in love. If you would like a description look up any quote from Jerry about their relationship.
Layer Seven Supernatural
I’m not planning on doing any crossovers with the TV show if that’s what you were thinking. I’m speaking of all the things related to their connection that cannot be explained. They were mythological. In real life they spoke of a connection so deep they knew when the other was sick, in pain, or even angry at them before they were in the same room. I create stories that hint at this connection. They were fated to be together. No matter how stupid they act or how badly they fuck everything up a force beyond their control will always bring them back together.
Layer Eight Sexual
I have left this to be the final layer because it is the most deepest and intimate aspect of their relationship. When I write them having sex all of their aspects work together. Their professional partnership, especially the part where they must know the other’s limits, prepares them for a sexual relationship. As boys they can wrestle and play and as men these games can become something more meaningful than harmless fun. If you replace father with caretaker then that aspect also plays a key part. Making love is what married couples traditionally do. Dominance, submission, the switching between the two awakens their deepest desires and fulfills their deepest need. In Dean’s case it’s a need he didn’t know he had. When I write them practicing an alternative lifestyle I include pain and that sex doesn’t have to be gentle to be deeply romantic. Sex and physical touch on it’s own is how Dean can express his love for Jerry. Words fail him but his hands never do. I write that they can feel the love as if it was something tangible and passed to the other. As for the supernatural aspect, imagine how satisfying sex could be with your soul mate who knew when you would take your next breath and who knew your body as well as you did. This is why whenever I write Dean and Jerry having sex or experiencing sexual intimacy it is always more than that. It does not matter what they do or the lies they tell they are experiencing a deeply emotional act that can sometimes border on the spiritual.
I remember hearing the writer of a TV show talking about writing sex scenes. He used sex scenes as an opportunity to show who the characters were. That always stuck with me and as a writer I prefer examining their relationship and personalities through sex scenes. I mainly write them in a sexual relationship for this reason and also because it’s fun.
Below the cut is my personal experience with writing their sexual relationship, particularly penetrative sex. None of this will be included on the version posted to AO3
It is very important for me to know if and when my characters engage in certain acts, especially penetrative sex.
I am very protective of my Jerry character. Once upon a time, I wanted Dean to be his first everything. I think we all like the idea of Jerry being in control of his experiences with men and for those experiences to be really special. But when I would attempt to write Jerry as shy and innocent it felt like I was writing an original character that had the same name. Jerry’s experiences whether good or bad make him who he is. I can’t logically write that Jerry never acted on his attraction towards men in sixteen years because his soul mate was out there waiting for him. Also, Dean’s possessiveness would take over when he found out Jerry was untouched. He would think of him as “pure” and that never sat right with me.
Jerry kissed boys and men, was held by some and maybe even developed romantic feelings for one of them and Mr. Martin is just going to have to accept that.
Another thing Mr. Martin has to deal with is that Jerry very much enjoys penetrative sex and wants that in his sexual relationships. I write Dean as his first experience with homosexual intercourse because I want that experience to be special for him. If the idea weren’t so laughable I would have Dean sprinkle rose petals on their bed. Jerry isn’t losing his “virginity” he’s had sex before. Intercourse isn’t any different from any other sexual act. Any way men choose to have sex or get off with each other is valid, intimate, and as romantic as they feel.
However, intercourse is a riskier act than the others. The first time for any gender can be tricky and a lot can go wrong. I want Jerry to be with someone gentle and caring enough that he can receive the maximum amount of pleasure. I want this person to be someone he’s in love with and only gives him positive emotions during. Most importantly I want him never to regret this happened and when he thinks of it throughout the decades he feels good.
Quite recently, I’ve decided on a specific time when they do this. Drum roll please... Dean and Jerry share this special experience in 1947 when Jerry is twenty-one.
Why such a specific time? Because in 1948 Jerry goes to Hollywood and reunites with his oh so special friend Tony. When I first joined this fandom I thought Jerry met Tony in 1948 and in my fanfiction writer mind because of their strong sexual chemistry they instantly started a sexual relationship. They did EVERYTHING. Jerry didn’t have to worry about the rules that men were supposed to follow or if he was acting too feminine in bed or not feminine enough. There was no hesitation or holding back with Tony. He bottomed, he topped, dominant, submissive he explored every side of himself. To be with Tony he has to be a fully blossomed flower of a man and when the fifties hit he knows exactly what he wants sexually and completely accepts the desires he has for whichever gender he has a relationship with.
It’s beautiful isn’t it? Tony and Jerry definitely have their problems but when it comes to their sexual relationship I always write it as positive and satisfying for the both of them. When I started writing fanfiction for them it’s what I loved the most.
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A Happy Halloween Outlander Fan-Fiction Reading List
Trick or Treat! Here’s a Halloween reading list for your enjoyment!
Draco (chapter 12 of the Constellations Series) by @kalendraashtar
“Witches all to burn at the stake.”
The Evanora @bonniebird17
The full moon hung over me, giving me the strength to keep me going and I was heading east, leading the witch hunter further away from my home and my sisters.
Part 1
Part 2
An Leabhar Dìlseachd by @thetranquilteal
Claire Fraser had always known she was a witch. Her affinity for healing hinted at it and her ability to time travel confirmed it. What she didn’t know was that she would come into her full power the day she became a mother. Concerned with how her pregnancy is progressing, she's seeks the help of apothecary Master Raymond in the hope that he will be able to teach her how to utilise her newfound power and protect her family from disaster. A canon-divergent AU told through the pages of the Fraser Grimoire ‘The Book of Faith’.
Bewitched by @julesbeauchamp
Jamie and Claire Fraser are like any other young married couple, except for some tiny detail: he's a mortal human being and she's a witch, something which she does not divulge to him until after their wedding.
Jamie just wants them to live a simple, mortal life, to which Claire agrees, meaning no witchcraft and no telling any of their mortal friends and relatives of her being a witch. However, that no witchcraft vow is more difficult to maintain than Claire had expected.
Brujerìa by @julesbeauchamp
Being a witch was a detail Claire Beauchamp omitted to tell people. She was determined to live her life as normally as possible and she was doing a pretty good job of it. At least until her meeting with a stranger sent her life into a spiral and revealed secrets about her past she never suspected.
The Witch and the Red Man by @lady-o-ren
He was a man meant for a life of loneliness but was relentlessly hunted for the darkness lurking within.
To Kill a Witch by @owlish-peacock36
Jamie doesn’t know much about women. Even less about the strange Miss Beauchamp. Outlander AU. One-shot.
Three Witches by @westerhos
An AU where Claire, Jenny, and Geillis are three modern-day witches. A big ole house, a "No Men Allowed Policy", rituals in the woods - the usual witchy norm. When Jamie shows up, things go to hell in a hand basket.
Three Witches Stories by @westerhos
Little ficlets set in the Three Witches universe, where Claire, Jenny, and Geillis are modern day witch friends with hilarious love lives.
The Thief, the Whore, the Witch, and the Strange Woman by @westerhos
An Outlander AU in which a 22 year old Claire Beauchamp Randall travels back in time on August 1st (Lughnasadh), 1941/1739. Ellen and Brian Fraser, both alive, offer her shelter in exchange for help in aiding Ellen's recovery. The growing attraction between Claire and Jamie leaves Claire torn, while suspicions arise regarding her past...Soon, it becomes clear that the Frasers know more than they let on.
The White Witch's Gift by @sapphiresassenach
A Christmas gift is given to Jamie and Claire during their twenty-year separation. The gift of each other.
I am a Witch by wongirl
What if after the witch trial when Jamie asks Claire if she is a witch she says yes?
P.S. Don't take it too seriously it's just a bit of fun
This is a Harry Potter/Outlander crossover story.
Witches by @whiskynottea at @otheroutlandertales
1739 -Fort William has a new garrison commander - one who is decided to break the Scots’ spirit. Will Jenny and Claire be able to save the tenants of Lallybroch with their magical powers, while staying safe?
Red Jamie and the White Lady by @takemeawaytocamelot
Claire Beauchamp is dragged by her best friend and flatmate, Geillis Duncan, to go visit a powerful psychic to prove once and for all that true love exists. Claire is a practical woman and finds the idea of true love pointless. Jamie Fraser is a powerful psychic who can glimpse the future. When he meets Claire, something changes. Like they were destined to find each other.
Legend of the Faerie Wife by DiverseMediums
A legend from the written history of Clan Fraser.
While this is a stand alone story, it is intended to be a companion piece for takemeawayocamelot's Red Jamie and the White Lady. There are no spoilers, but it adds a bit of depth to the brilliance she's creating over there :)
The White Witch by BlackStarNYC
The Scottish matriarchal family—known as the "Thomson Witches"—have a long and forlorn history... As the youngest of the clan, Claire’s life turns to chaos at a young age due to the power she has inherited. Pulled into the 18th century, she becomes bound by love that is threatened to be torn apart by castle intrigue, a 100 year old clan feud, war and a man possessed by a spirit that has haunted her family for centuries.... what could go wrong?
This Life by @calliopemoonbeam
Claire is a healer from a very young age. She trains in the mystical arts around the world, as well as the traditional medical field. She finds herself in London as a surgical resident in the late 1980s and early 90s. She starts having dreams of a past life. Where will they lead her?
Philomene by @ianmuyrray
Jenny -- thought dead by the rest of the world -- has lived in quiet exile since her king brother betrayed their family by allying with Black Jack Randall, who is on a mission to weed out any and all women who possess magic. Execution now waits for any woman who shows herself to know and use magical powers, or any woman merely suspected of being magical - no matter her rank, her family, her influence, her children, or her own desire to live.
Jenny was supposed to be the first in the rising storm of murdered women, but, by some miracle, she survived. And has lived in hiding. But now she has been found.
Exsanguinate by @owlish-peacock36
Exsanguinate: to drain of blood
No one ever asked for his name anymore. They gave him a wide berth, avoiding him at all costs. Whispers of rumors filled his ears, closer to the truth than they realized.
Monster. Incubus. Strigoi. Upyr.
No. His name was Jamie.
Step Into the Night by LadyRevolution
An Outlander AU where Claire didn't fall through the stones, she was on the run from the vampire coven that has been trying to enlist her for centuries. In her reprieve at Castle Leoch, it has been a challenge to both hide her vampirism and stay away from Jamie. He smells good, too good, and for a thousand year old vampire with steel control, that's worrying.
"Ye need blood, Claire, I can tell ye do," Jamie whispered, backing her into a wall, a hand on either side of her head. Breathing heavily, he leaned forward and exposed his neck, "so take it from me." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the moment Claire gave into her desires, her almost black eyes zeroing in on his neck.
Scottish Vampire in Boston by sunshineduckies
After Culloden, Jamie is turned by a vampire with a political agenda. Now he must find his way through his new life without Claire and his new burden, vampirism.
Scalamandre by @futurelounging
An outbreak of a contagion causing violent psychoses across the globe sends the world into chaos and destruction. A scientist and a mountaineer meet in the wilds and join together to try to stop the men behind the madness.
Dawning in Dust by DiverseMediums
The Last War has ended. Civilization is no more. For Claire, solitary wandering is the only way of survival. What if it didn't have to be?
But I love you until the end of time. by @maybeimdoingsomethingright
With her husband constantly away not long after their marriage, Claire lives mostly alone in their house at the Scottish Highlands. However, she is not exactly alone and there is quite more to this house and her future -or is it her past?- than meets the eye.
Endless-loop theory and ghost!Jamie with a wee spin.
Reaching Through the Veil by @westerhos
Prompt: Imagine that Jamie somehow travels to Claire's time when Bree is still a baby and drops in on Claire randomly like she does in Voyager.
The Far and Distant Places by @westerhos
After fighting with Frank, Claire goes to a nearby church for a moment of peace. On her way home, she runs into a certain red-haired Scotsman...
The Haunting at Mrs. Baird's by @frasersridgeforever
The kindly hostess of a bed and breakfast notices some ghostly activity in her establishment, as the culprit sees his wife for the first and last time. A Halloween tale of Mrs. Baird and Jamie’s ghost as the Randalls arrive in Inverness for their second honeymoon.
Through the Magic Lantern by dielle
He didn't know how it worked, how he could float across the flow of the time and be there. - Ghost!Jamie, as seen in the first episode.
Purgatory by suspiciousteapot
Anonymous asked: what if because Claire's in the future Jamie as a ghost got to see her grow up or see bits and pieces of her life
Ghosts in the Daylight by @owlish-peacock36
"It's easier to dismiss ghosts in the daylight..." All Jamie wanted was quiet loneliness to work on his novel. But, are we ever truly alone? Ghost AU
Through the Door by @ianmuyrray
Proper Highland protocol held that the door must be opened at once after a death, to allow the soul to leave. - An Echo in the Bone, Chapter 2, "And Sometimes They Aren't"
Ghost!Jamie AU by Mod Eloise @imagineclaireandjamie
Story 1
Story 2
Other Magical/Fantastical/Horror Stories
Scotia by @kalendraashtar
An AU based in Myths and Legends. Written for the Tumblr 2017 Secret Santa challenge.
There Is More Beneath The Surface (Than We Can See) by @maybeimdoingsomethingright
When she was young, Claire saved a boy from drowning. Meeting again eleven years later, their worlds are forever changed. (Mermaid)
Thrush by @ianmuyrray
Roger goes sailing to meet mermaid Bree. (Mermaid)
A Fairy's Stone by @sapphiresassenach
Prompt: I was thinking if you could come up with a fanfic where what if Claire actually was Fae and revealed it to Jamie but stated that since she was bound to Jamie because they were soul mates and whatnot and thus she became fairly human when the deal was sealed and whatnot. If you get inspired maybe by this it would be cool to see what you come up with. (Fairy)
An Infinite Variety by orphan_account
Challenge on Infinite Earths, Outlander style
The Shape We Take by @westerhos
An AU inspired by Black Mirror's slightly dystopian "Hang the DJ," in which a dating app pairs you up until it finds your perfect match.
Just Happen During Halloween
A Costume Party by @sassenachpetals
Jamie and Claire ring in the Halloween holiday by attending a costume party. Claire has surprised Jamie with their couple costume idea and it's one that they'll never forget: Gomez and Morticia Addams…
Across The Hall by @thetranquilteal
Growing up in Scotland, one of Jamie Fraser’s all time favourite things to do was carve turnips on All Hallows Eve. Having recently relocated to the United States of America, Jamie assumes carving pumpkins on Halloween is no different and finds himself in a situation that he never expected.
The Doctor’s Companion by @theministerskat
After coming back through the stones, Roger and Bree get ready for a Halloween party.
Back To You Ficlet - Halloween by @balfeheughlywed
Set in the Back To You world, Jamie and Claire spend their first Halloween together at a costume party; smut ensues.
Halloween At the Ridge by @abbydebeaupreposts
Four Part Halloween Fluff set after MOBY imagining what traditions Jem and Mandy bring with them to Fraser’s Ridge
Halloween Through the Years by @takemeawaytocamelot
Claire and Jamie participate in a costume contest every Halloween.
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four
Year Six
Halloween, 1955 by @westerhos
Prompt: After [episode 305] with the making the 'batsuit' scene you should totally do a story about the first time Claire made some sort of costume for Bree.
****If an author whose work is listed is actually on Tumblr but is not tagged, please let me know.
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Yuletide letter
I am laughingpineapple on AO3
Hello dear author! I hope you’ll have fun with our match. Feel free to draw from general or fandom-specific likes, past letters, and/or follow your heart.
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (especially if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, magical realism, established relationships, future fic (when in doubt, tell me what’s happening to them five, ten, twenty years in the future!), hurt/comfort, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, tropey plots that are already close enough to characters/canon, outsider POV, UST, resolved UST, exploring the ~deep lore, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, maps, mutual pining, cuddling, wintry moods, the feeling of flannel and other fabrics, ridiculous concepts played entirely straight, sensory details, places being haunted, people being haunted, the mystery of the woods, small hopes in bleak worlds, electricity, places that don’t quite add up, mismatched memories, caves and deep places, distant city lights at night, emphasis on non-human traits of non-human characters (gen-wise, but also a hearty yes xeno for applicable ships), emphasis on inhuman traits of characters who were human once and have sort of shed it all behind
Cool with: any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, unrequested characters popping up.
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, focus on children, unrequested ships (background established canon couples are okay, mentions of parents are okay!), canon retellings, consent issues, actual covid (fantasy plagues are okay)
Les Cités Obscures: any
This is a very general “please, anything in the style of canon, just maybe with less thoughtless sexism” request. I want to lose myself in these cities again, and in the strange lands that connect them. I’d be happy to follow any of the known characters and/or OCs, or eschew characters altogether and write about the cities themselves. What caught your imagination in Brüsel, Xhystos, Taxandria, Alaxis...? The history of some cool building that was only marginally featured in one of the stories? Or an OC city! If you’ve got a favourite European city that doesn’t already have its obscure counterpart, please tell me all about it! Go big, go wild! What strange and classically surrealist happenings take place within its walls? Or even... outside Europe... Nerding out about architecture is of course very welcome. I would also love to read a story based on any Schuiten illustration, contextualizing it as if it were part of this ‘verse. Here’s a bunch of them, for example!
Ghost Trick: Cabanela
You know.. him. Dazzlingly OTT, untiring, rock-solid self-esteem, loyal to a fault, following a rhythm of his own, flawless intuition until it fails and it all burns down… him. I just want to see more of him doing stuff! The way he’s chill and open toward new people (like Sissel and Missile in ch15) makes him perfect to throw at most other characters and see how they react to the sparkles… I’d love some focus on how ridiculous his aesthetic is, half Saturday Night Fever half hardboiled detective half bubbly preteen (for a total of 150%) and yet he makes it work. Or how ruthless he can be, possibly for the sake of the people he cares for. The quote “The intimacy of big parties”. Him and Alma in the new timeline bonding over knowing (once Jowd has spilled the beans) but not remembering that terrible timeline. Some tropey scenario on the job. Snark-offs with Pigeon Man, by which I mean PM snarks and it bounces off him like water off a spotless white goose’s back.
Ship-wise it’s only Cabanela/Jowd whenever it’s not infidelity, Cabanela/Alma in what-ifs also if it’s not infidelity and Cabanela/Alma/Jowd for me (and Lynne/Memry and Yomiel/fianSissel on the side). There are a bunch of shippy prompts in all my past letters - I would however reiterate here that Jowd. is. the worst tease. always. Like, just saying, but assume he’s pining big time and Jowd and Alma figure it out - they’d make a national sport out of excruciatingly protracted teasing.
Conversely, Cabanela/Lynne and Cabanela/Yomiel are NOTPs especially from Cabanela’s side. So while I appreciate the thick tension of a good Yomiel VS Cabanela confrontation like everyone and their cat, and also really appreciate a roughed-up Cabanela, and I do love Yomiel in his own right… I don’t want Cabanela being into it. Adrenaline junkie he may be but this hurts and his coat’s a mess and there’s no perfect winning scenario so he hates every second of it. (JOWD being super into Cabanela being roughed up is another matter altogether and he should probably mind his own business. ...incompatible kinks, truly tragic. they’ll have to find some other common ground. they’re smart, resourceful, playful fellows, I’m sure they’ll manage)
Kentucky Route Zero: Donald kentuckyroutezero
I love everyone in the cast, all acts and interludes, and I am extremely into all the themes this incredible work of art ended up exploring. Agreeing with the overall doom and gloom up to Act IV, I was blown away by Act V’s strong affirmation of the importance of the arts and of the bonds we make and of carving up spaces for ourselves in capitalism’s wake. Donald was, indeed, not a part of any of that. Even the final interlude updates us on Lula and mentions Joseph, but the big guy is nowhere to be seen. So, you know, there’s fanfiction! He’s so static, defeated. I am fascinated by the chain of metaphysical spaces that goes surface -> Zero -> Echo -> Dogwood and even within that framework, the hall of the mountain king is like a hopeless dead end. Dude’s terminally stuck. So - once again, in the spirit of transformative works, how could he get... you know... unstuck? Did Lula’s momentous appearance in Act III shake him? Having a functioning Xanadu again, perhaps? How could he interrogate that oracle, what recursive wonders would it show him? If he decides to leave, what does it feel to be on the surface again after so long, or on the river perhaps? Maybe he is forced to leave by the flood, if not this one, the next... Having him meet any other character would be amazing. Past or future time spent with Weaver... seeing Conway again, changed... programmer guy chatting up musician androids... did he know Carrington from his college days or was Carrington only a friend of Lula’s?
As for Lula herself and Joseph too: “Flipping through the pages, Conway is able to gather that it’s a story about three characters: Joseph, Donald, and Lula. It’s something like a tragic love triangle, but much more complex. Some kind of tangled, painfully concave love polygon.” 😔 I ship them as a full triad, if you can nudge them in that direction, good. But I’m very open to non-romantic resolutions as well, going past their messy feelings to find each other as friends after so many years maybe. Or... a start. idk.
I’d be interested in fic that leans on the game’s adjacent genres: wanna go full-on American Gothic? Dip into surrealism? Take a leaf from Twin Peaks with tulpa / split narratives to explore the characters’ issues? I’m also open to AUs, real or through Xanadu. This also feels like a good place to stress that I really, really like caves.
And now for something completely different: FAQ: The “Snake Fight” Portion of Your Thesis Defense is in the tagset this year. I’d say that the crossover with the snake portion of Here and there along the Echo writes itself, but it would not be correct, as in fact I would like you to write it for me. Feel free to not feature Donald if you focus on this crossover instead!
Uru would be a fun crossover too, for Donald specifically. He’s very DRC-shaped in how he tilts at doomed projects which just so happen to be deep underground.
Pyre: Volfred Sandalwood
This is a Volfred solo, Volfred&literally anyone or Volfred/Tariq, /Oralech or /Tariq/Oralech request. I adore everyone in that Blackwagon+Dalbert+Celeste, so if you want to add a Nightwing or two to any prompt, please do! I also love all the Scribes and find Erisa a compelling tragic figure, while out of the other triumvirates, I’m “love to hate them” for Manley, Brighton, Udmildhe and Deluge and would not like to see them featured in sympathetic roles. fwiw I also enjoy Jodi/Celeste and Bertrude/Pamitha a lot!
I feel deeply for all of Pyre’s main themes - literacy, degrees of freedom, the fragile time that is the end of a historical cycle, nobodies rising up to the occasion, building a better society, and of course found family, “distance cannot separate our spirits” and all that jazz, and Volfred is squarely rooted at the center of all of them. I really really love everything he stands for, even if he’s overbearingly smug in standing for it. Just please tell me things about my fave. His relationship to the Scribes (as a historian, a some kind of vision, via *ae or once he’s a star himself)? A ‘forced vacay’ Downside ending where he looks at the Union from afar and keeps living in this strange transformational place? Life in a cramped Blackwagon that was meant for like 5 people tops and is currently eight Nightwings, a herald and an orb? Since he picked him for the job to begin with, does he respect and cherish Hedwyn as he dang well should? What does it feel like to try and Read a herald? Was he ever in danger, in the Commonwealth or in the Downside? What daring act of resistance did he and Bertrude pull off at some point in their past? It’d be cool if one of his old pamphlets came up at some point. Does he puff up as prime minister because he’s nervous, and who can see past his hyper-professionalism and lend a hand? Please roast him big time about the votes he assigns to the various Nightwings in his planner? What’s his attitude toward the flame’s purification (what with being a tree but mostly like, as a general concept. He did nothing wrong!) (well he definitely said some things wrong and sometimes oftentimes the ego jumps out, but his intentions did nothing wrong)? When did his calculating approach fail him? Something with Pamitha along the lines of that edit that goes “Can we talk, one ten to another?“/"I am an eleven, my girl, but continue”? Dude could easily be voted sexiest voice in the Downside - how much is he aware of it? Does he sing? I love how he bears his ‘reader’ brand proudly. And speaking of scars, I have to wonder, looking at Manley for comparison, if the shape of his head, with that massive crack, isn’t also due to injuries.
As a refrain from my general likes: emphatically yes xeno to both shippy interactions at all ratings and to gen explorations of what a Sap is like… I’d love to read all your headcanons.
Ship-wise, I enjoy him with Tariq as this kind of esoteric connection of minds, guarded words full of secret meanings, long contemplative walks together (is any external pov watching...?), Volfred’s Reader powers brushing against Tariq’s mind and getting weak in the knees at the starlit expanse he finds there, so unlike mortal thoughts. Tariq finds his individuality learning from him; Volfred presumably gets a transcendent glimpse of the Scribes. And I enjoy him with Oralech as pretty much the opposite of that, Oralech is so very mortal compared to him, such a precious, fleeting, burning life especially after his fall. Oralech’s idealism is very dear to me, it was their plan, their shared revolutionary spirit, I find it deeply moving. And I am very interested in seeing them rebuild their connection now that Oralech is back, changed, and in some ways he can learn to let go of his misconceptions and slowly open himself to Volfred’s love again, but in other ways that’s who he is now, with this deep-set anger, and what does it even feel to realize that you’re the symbol of the end of an era (the end of the Rites, the fading of the Scribes). I’m interested in both topside and downside endings for all of them, as long as they end up on the same side, the revolution was peaceful and they don’t angst too much about the side they ended in. Tariq can ‘find his way home’ in the near post-canon somehow or even be summoned again, as a different aspect of the same ‘moonlit vision’ that once inspired Soliam Murr.
Strandbeest: any
I would just like words to go with these, please and thank you so very much. Worldbuild to your heart’s content! Specifically: I’m fascinated by the premise that the strandbeest are living creatures that evolve and adapt to their ecosystem. A world where life is just wind stomachs and sandy joints, and the tide that can catch you unaware. I would like a story that feels distinctly inorganic. The wonder that is the existence of these creatures. Their unique struggles. Weird and experimental if you like. With a mechanical focus, maybe?
I nominated four critters as a selection of the different cool things they can do - Percipiere Excelsus is huge and has the hammer mechanism, Suspendisse’s tail senses the hardness of the sand, Uminami is my fave caterpillar and the caterpillars overall feel like a new paradigm after a mass extinction event, Ader straight-up flies... but they’re all wonderful. If you want to focus on different strandbeest, please do!
Twin Peaks: Lucy Moran
Case fic but they don’t find out jack shit, someone disappears, David Bowie was there, it’s complicated. Fragmented, shifted, mirrored identities. New Lodge spaces. The risks of staring into the void for too long. Gentle illusions. Transcendence. The moon. Static buzzing. Any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt, actually. Whatever goes on on Blue Pine mountain or the even more mysterious things that go on on White Tail mountain where exactly zero canon locations are found. Twin Peaks is all about the mystery to me, the awe of mystery and unknowability and the human drive to look beyond and the risks of getting a peek, and about shared consciousness and trauma taking physical form in an uncaring world. Go wild with the ethereal whooshing! But I also love the human warmth at the heart of it all, and sometimes it’s enough to anchor these characters and let them have a nice day. A fic entirely focused on some instance of coziness against the cold chaotic background of canon would be great too.
For Lucy specifically, a big draw for me is how canon (...s2 need not apply) empathizes with her way of processing the world. Not just Peaks, but On the Air’s protag who is basically a Lucy expy also gets the narrative completely on her side and that’s great. And I love how in s3, her focus on the small things around her is always echoed by bigger, climactic events beyond her horizon (bunnies / Jack Rabbit’s palace, chair order / Garland’s chair, her first scene talking about the two sheriffs / doubles everywhere...). It feels to me like some kind of off-kilter mindfulness and I love it. She’s also got a loving husband and an amazing son, which, in this economy and also this canon? Damn. The one functional family, imagine that. I am not interested in focus on family dynamics, but singularly, either Lucy/Andy or Lucy&Wally are great - in particular, I’m interested in how strange they are and yet they make it work. With the ruthless critique of traditional family structure that’s all over canon, maybe they make it work specifically because they’re not doing any of that. A bit like the Addams family... but... not goth...? Anyway. I’d love to see Lucy interact with and maybe strike a friendship with any character she’s never shared a scene with in canon! In the tagset, there’s Diane for some secretaries bonding, Audrey because??? why not?, Albert because it’d be an epic enemies to friends slowburn, some version of Laura in the future, if we’re feeling really daring maybe even some version of Coop in the future, still fragmented... or anyone you want! Outside the tagset I’d be curious about Hawk, Margaret and maybe Doris in particular, I think, and Phil, and Nadine and the Invitation to Love fandom in general (Frost says it still airs - did it get as weird as TP s3 did?), but if you have an idea with someone else, absolutely go for it!
Canon-specific DNWs: any singular Dreamer being the ‘source’ of canon, BOB (let alone Judy) being forever defeated in the finale, Judy being an active malevolent presence in the characters’ lives, clear explanations for canonical ambiguities, ‘Odessaverse’ being the reality layer, the Fireman’s House by the Sea being the White Lodge, whatever Twin Perfect’s on about, Cooper/Audrey, Cooper/Laura
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