#Doctor who: the guardian of the solar system
twojamie-o-clock · 1 month
Listening to Home Truths/Drowned World/Guardian of the Solar System trilogy right now. Currently finished p1-2, about halfway through p3. Here are my thoughts & some Steven Taylor stuff
I really liked the first one, it was eerie & well done & I was waiting for them to explain how Sara could be narrating this. Definitely in love with the idea of the house projecting her echo as a way to share more stories from her perspective while acknowledging her death. The ending of Drowned World was probably my favorite. Some things I’ve been noticing now:
You probably know if you’re reading this off my blog anyways that I’m obsessed with Steven & how much death occupies his run. First impressions of “Home Truths” & when Sara narrates “the first body” was oh, okay, another death in front of Steven. Obviously it wasn’t as connected to him as Katarina, Sara, Krell, or the presumed Anne, but still. I guess since I’m looking for it I’m finding it or pretending to find it.
I love episodes with “technology gone wrong” or ai over-serving it’s purpose to the point of harm - while I dislike “girl in the fireplace,” (not gonna touch that corner of fandom discourse yet lol) that’s one example, or also “Swipe Right” with 9 & River. With this story it was less technological & more magical feeling, although I can’t say for sure because I have not finished the trilogy yet. But it’s still the same concept: people subconsciously wishing things, or saying things without meaning them, and the house full of power carrying it out.
That kind of leads into the connection to Ruby Sunday/s14 themes. Sara says, the real Sara, when she was exploring the house, was perplexed. Obviously because they had found corpses, the house was unnerving, and everything was just off. But she explains she was confused & thus looking for a mystery to exist, a mystery to be solved. Because she was looking for a mystery, the house created one, and it became real. This is kind of a like which came first thing because the mystery exists because Sara subconsciously wished it, but you could say she only wished it because of the pre existing intrigue or mystery. Anyways this reminds me of a lot of people pointing out how the confusion surrounding Ruby’s mom, and the build up, the desire to know who this person was, is what made her so important. We wanted a mystery, we wanted importance, so it was conjured, even out of a regular woman.
I enjoy all of the Sara backstory we are getting and more allusions to fixed points in time because that’s such a weird area of time travel like flux vs fixed so it’s entertaining to see it tackled anywhere. The conversations between Robert & the Sara-Echo-House add a lot to this I think because it switches it up from being a lost story rehash.
Anyways here’s my Steven Taylor Death Tally (witnessed)
Sara Kingdom
Brett Vyon
Anne Chaplet (assumed)
Krell (alternate timeline)
Dead couple in the House (sara echo)
Like all of the Gunfighters serial
Ok bye for now
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hifithepanda · 8 months
The Guardian of the Solar System- 6.5/10
Third in the Sara Kingdom Trilogy
*Old Review*
The Guardian of the Solar System was performed by Jean Marsh, written by Simon Guerrier, and released in July 2010. 
Short Summary: Sara Kingdom has another story to tell.  Luckily, Robert is still there- still in the house and willing to hear one more story.
“We were rooting for you!  We were all rooting for you!”
That about sums up my feelings for this story.  I liked the references to The Dalek Master Plan and I did find the plot interesting.  It was a clever concept- showing the events that led up to the serial.  As a fan of clocks, I enjoyed the idea of a clock that also manipulated time (another nice nod to The Daleks’ Master Plan) and was being used as a weapon of sorts.  Bringing in Mavic Chen was clever.  I’m not the biggest fan of his- he’s a stereotypical evil Classic Who villain and ya know, yellowface!  This story really didn’t add anything to this serial and, overall, he felt kinda useless in this.
Sara is still feeling remorse over Bret.  Understandable, of course, but she doesn’t have to bring it up every two minutes.  It got repetitive and rather annoying. 
I did actually like the fact that Sara was essentially responsible for The Daleks’ Master Plan.  I find that when characters are inadvertently responsible for big events (whether they affect their lives or others) it makes the story 10x more interesting.  Just a personal preference.  
Now as for Robert- god, isn’t he annoying?  He’s full of contradictions and is just overall very rude to Sara.  You’d think he would be nicer to her.  
I was incredibly disappointed with the cliffhanger of part 1.  To be honest, I was hoping that, at the end of the story, Robert would help Sara finally die.  Finally let go of all her guilt and shame and be free- it is, after all, what she wished for (see what I did there?  Clever).  Instead, she gets a body again and goes away only to come back a while later cause she can’t get off the island.  Big whoop.
The ending kinda pissed me off, I’m not going to lie.  As I mentioned, I would’ve rather had Sara die off.  Give her a send-off and set her free of her burden.  Instead, they brought back the Doctor and left off on another cliffhanger.  I mean, really?  I usually like open-ended stories but this one just annoyed me.
Now that I’ve been sufficiently rude to this story… I did like it.  I didn’t love it but it had its moments.  
As for Steven, we got Sara complimenting him which was very nice.  He barely appeared, but I didn’t expect him to be a big part of this story again.
Friend Death Count: 0
Steven Tortured Count: .5
The Doc does some messed up shit to Steven Count: 0
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taxus-fraud · 11 months
I hope that this second Rainbow Six Siege collab happens after the Destiny 2 one, because, given that both those games use our Earth to establish their setting, it makes the Destiny collab much funnier in the context of occurring between two crossovers with a far more grounded setting.
From Doctor's perspective, you have a group of "humans" from a world called "Earth" who show up on Terra through some sort of interdimensional travel. They have some fancy technology and unusual equipment, but overall they're not too different from Terrans. They're well-trained soldiers and acclimate just fine to the culture.
Then you have a Guardian show up. They say they're a human from a world called Earth, so make the reasonable assumption that they shouldn't be too different from the other guys. This turns out to be entirely incorrect. They casually warp reality with an unknown kind of cosmic power. They die and come back to life over and over with seemingly no negative consequences. They constantly dance for no reason at all. When asked to describe their combat skills, they recount multiple instances of fighting and killing Gods, then turning them into weapons. Their equipment baffles and frightens a majority of the R&D department in the ways it seemingly defies the current understandings of physics, and yet the Guardian insists that they get many of these weapons by randomly finding them on the ground.
From what they say about their home, you deduce that, since the first humans arrived here, Earth has reached some kind of golden age not unlike that of Aegir, brought about by a cosmic entity dubbed 'The Traveler' arriving to their solar system and accelerating their technology and understanding of the universe to heights you couldn't fathom.
Then another group of humans from Earth shows up on Terra. You brace yourself to be faced with even stranger people and shown more unnatural wonders of technology. Nope. More guys from Team Rainbow. Entirely normal guys with the same kind of equipment and experience as the rest of that team. They don't know anything about a Traveler, a Golden Age, or any Guardians.
And you're just left sitting there, eternally wondering what the hell is up with Earth such that there's some kind of undead, god-killing turbo-freak running around, fighting an endless battle against hordes of unfathomable armies from beyond the stars, all while being apparently entirely disconnected from the rest of the people on Earth
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bnxxshthealien · 3 months
Appreciation of Doctor Who Weirdness Post #1
imma give 9 pieces of real Doctor Who lore, and one that I made up. Try to guess which is fake lmao
Before coming to Tsarist Russia, Rasputin was a British prime minister
"Time" is actually just some guy who's imprisoned on a planet that's also called Time
There is an extra planet in our solar system that looks exactly like Earth except it's upside down
Frankenstein was inspired by a cyberman
Before stealing the TARDIS, The Doctor also stole the Moon, as well as the President's wife
The royal family are werewolves
The Doctor has kissed both the parents of their wife
Donna Noble did Pompeii
The Doctor is engaged to Marylin Monroe and married to Queen Elizabeth I
There used to be an alien dog guardian for every human on Earth but they were all killed in 2021 by a clone race that look like potatoes
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doctorwhogirlie · 5 months
Doctor Who: Enlightenment
Season Twenty ✨ 1983 ✨
Doctor: 5th
Story Length: 4 Episodes
Companions: Tegan, Turlough
Main Setting: Buccaneer, Shadow Solar System 1901
Main Enemy: The Black Guardian, Captain Wrack
Creatures: Black Guardian, Eternals
My Personal Rating: 6/10
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Materialising on an Edwardian sailing yacht in space, the Fifth Doctor and his companions Tegan and Turlough find themselves caught up in a mysterious and deadly race. The prize is Enlightenment - the wisdom to find your heart's desire - and it quickly becomes clear that one of the crews will let nothing and no-one stop them claiming victory.
As the Black Guardian pressures Turlough to complete his side of their murderous pact, it seems that the Doctor may not survive to cross the finish line… Source.
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Okay, I don't like stories set on boats. Don't ask why. I just don't. Even ones in space, I don't like.
I randomly thought during this story that I missed the Daleks. Haven't seen them in a while.
Watching Turlough fall through space, was actually really sad, there was something about it that was heart breaking.
(I shouldn't be enjoying Turlough tied up so much)
I really enjoyed Tegan's fancy dress, she's so pretty.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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v-thinks-on · 4 months
The Future History of Humanity According to the First Doctor:
1966 - WOTAN supercomputer tries to take over the world by hypnotizing people to build war machines, the streets of London are overrun with robots that are fought off by the British military.
1986 - Earth's sister planet, Mondas, suddenly appears piloted by Cybermen, who try to steal all of the Earth's energy.
c. 2164 - Earth is conquered by the Daleks, destroying all human civilization, but they are unseated by a human rebellion.
2400's - Space travel and interplanetary settlement is commonplace, education is carried out subliminally.
At some point an interplanetary war occurs.
c. 4000 - Peace is maintained by the Guardian of the Solar System, there is a UN Deep Space Force and Space Security Service, the Daleks try to take over with an alliance of several alien races.
c. 10,000,000 - Earth has been rendered uninhabitable by solar flares, most of humanity has been miniaturized for the ~1000 year journey across space to a new home planet.
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girlgeekjf-blog · 2 years
Big finish audios
I am making a list of what I have listened to so far, along with a short rating for each story.
1- actively unpleasant, would suggest skipping
2- slow or subpar. Also Stories with moments I really liked but were otherwise frustrating (i.e. the Minuet in Hell rating)
3- competent, provides an average amount of enjoyment
4- good story, would recommend, something special to elevate it from average
5- can't miss, excellent, personal fave
Abbreviations: CC- Companion Chronicles, ST-Short Trip
The Sirens of Time 2
Out of Time 5
First Doctor
Wink 5
Daughter of the Gods 4
Domain of the Voord 3
The Doctor's Tale 4
The Bounty of Ceres 4
An Ordinary Life 5 CC
The Rocket Men 5 CC
Here There Be Monsters 4 CC
Mother Russia 5 CC
Farewell Great Macedon 4
The Fragile Yellow Arc of Fragrance 3
The Transit of Venus 4 CC
Home Truths 5 CC
The Flywheel Revolution 5 ST
Etheria 4 ST
Frostfire 5 CC
The Suffering 4 CC
The Sontarans 4
The Beginning 4 CC
The Drowned World 4 CC
Quinnis 5 CC
The Destination War 3
The Great White Hurricane 4
The Crash of the U. K. 201 5
Fields of Terror 3 CC
Across the Darkened City 4 CC
The Bonfire of the Vanities 4 CC
The Plague of Dreams 5 CC
The Perpetual Bond 5 CC
Cold Equations 5 CC
The First Wave 4 CC
The Age of Endurance 3
The Fifth Traveler 3
The Return of the Rocket Men 5 CC
The Library of Alexandria 3 CC
The Guardian of the Solar System 4 CC
The Ravelli Conspiracy CC 5
The Flames of Cadiz CC 4
The Anachronauts CC 5
Upstairs CC 5
For the Glory of Urth 4
The Hollow Crown 4
Rise and Fall 4 ST
Second Doctor
Little Drummer Boy 4 ST
The Dalek Occupation of Winter 4
The Jigsaw War 5 CC
The Isos Network 2
The Yes Men 4
The Great Space Elevator 2
The Resistance 4 CC
Little Doctors 3 ST
Prison in Space 1
The Way of the Empty Hand 5 ST
Helicon Prime 3 CC
The Emperor of Eternity 3 CC
The Queen of Time 3
Fear The Daleks 3 CC
The Glorious Revolution 4 CC
The Dying Light 3
The Night Witches 4
The Black Hole 3
The Forsaken 3
The Wreck of the World 3
The Outliers 4
The Norton Legacy 4
The Home Guard 4
Deleted Scenes 5 ST
Lords of the Red Planet 4
The Forbidden Time 4 CC
The Apocalypse Mirror 3 CC
Echoes of Gray 3 CC
House of Cards 4 CC
The Selachian Gambit 4 CC
The Curator's Egg 5
A Red Stain in the Sand 3 ST
Dumb Waiter 5 CC
The Iron Maid 4 CC
The Tactics of Defeat 3 CC
The Mouthless Dead 5 CC
The Story of Extinction 5 CC
The Integral 4 CC
The Edge 4 CC
Third Doctor
Prisoners of the Lake 4
Havoc of Empires 5
Old Soldiers 4 CC
The Magician's Oath 4 CC
The Scorchies 5 CC
Doll of Death 3 CC
Time Tunnel 3 ST
The Other Woman 3 ST
Council of War 4 CC
The Many Deaths of Jo Grant 4
Find and Replace 5 CC
The Shadow of the Past 3 CC
The Prisoner of Peladon 3 CC
The Blue Tooth 4 CC
Sentinels of the New Dawn 3 CC
The Dawn of the New Humans 4
The Tyrants of Logic 4
The Mists of Time 4 CC
The House that Hoxx Built 4
BInary 3 CC
The Rings of Ikiria 5 CC
The Conquest of Far 3
Storm of the Horofax 4
The Ladt Post 5 CC
Ghost in the Machine 4 CC
The Elixer of Doom 5 CC
Primord 5
The Scream of Ghosts 4
A True Gentleman 5 ST
Fourth Doctor
The Catalyst 3 CC
The Justice of Jalxar 3
Auntie Matter 4
Stealer from Saiph 3 CC
Phantoms of the Deep 3
The Dalek Contract 4
The Final Phase 4
The Oseidan Adventure 3
Destination Nerva 3
The Renaissance Man 4
The Wrath of the Iceni 5
Empathy Games 4 CC
Ghosts of Galstead 4
The Devil's Armada 4
The Sands of Life 3
War Against the Laan 3
The Tivolian Who Knew Too Much 4
Energy of the Daleks 4
The Trail of the Great White Worm 4
Foe From the Future 4
The Valley of Fear 3
The Child 4
Requiem for the Rocket Men 5
The Well-Mannered War 3
The English Way of Death 3
Death Match 5
The Romance of Crime 4
The Time Vampire 3 CC
The Abandoned 4
Luna Romana 4 CC
Return of the Cybermen 4
The Pyrallis Effect 4 CC
The Beautiful People 4 CC
Dethras 4
Ferril's Folly CC 3
The Invasion of E-Space CC 3
Wave of Destruction 4
The Beast of Kravenos 5
The Eternal Battle 4
The King of Sontar 4
White Ghosts 5
The Crooked Man 5
The Evil One 5
The Last of the Colophon 3
Destroy the Infinite 4
Zygon Hunt 5
The Exxilons 4
The Darkness of Glass 4
Death-Dealer 5 ST
Suburban Hell 4
Return to Telos 3
The Labrynth of Buda Castle 3
The Paradox Planet 2
Legacy of Death 2
The Pursuit of History 2
Casualties of Time 3
The Morvellan Grave 2
Fifth Doctor
Night of the Vashta Nerada 4
Subterranea 4
The Cloisters of Terror 4
Phantasmagoria 3
Red Dawn 3
Creatures of Beauty 3
The Land of the Dead 2
Winter for the Adept 3
Loups-Garoux 5
Spare Parts 5
Primeval 5
Castle of Fear 5
Eternal Summer 4
Plague of the Daleks 3
The Mutant Phase 4
Singularity 5
The Church and the Crown 4
Renaissance of the Daleks 3
Circular Time 5
The Gathering 4
The Eye of the Scorpion 5
Nekromantia 0 (seriously just skip this 🚫)
Omega 4
Axis of Insanity 4
The Roof of the World 5
The Game 5
Three's Company 3
The Council of Nicaea 3
The Kingmaker 5
Renaissance of the Daleks 2
Exotron 3
Urban Legends 4
Son of the Dragon 4
The Mind's Eye 4
Mission of the Viyans 4
The Bride of Peladon 5
The Haunting of Thomas Brewster 3
The Boy that Time Forgot 1
Time Reef 2
A Perfect World 4
The Judgment of Iskaar 4
The Destroyer of Delights 5
The Chaos Pool 5
Cobwebs 5
The Whispering Forest 4
Cradle of the Snake 5
The Demons of Red Lodge and other stories 5
Heroes of Sontar 4
Kiss of Death 4
Rat Trap 3
The Emerald Tiger 5
The Jupiter Conjunction 4
The Butcher of Brisbane 5
The Burning Prince 3
1001 Nights 4
Eldred Must Die 4
The Lady of Mercia 4
Prisoners of Fate 4
The Blazing Hour 5
Freakshow 5 CC
Ringpullworld 5 CC
1963: Fanfare for the Common Men 5
Moonflesh 3
Tomb Ship 3
Masquerade 4
Mistfall 4
Equilibrium 4
The Entropy Plague 4
The Secret History 5
The Waters of Amsterdam 4
Aquitaine 5
The Peterloo Massacre 5
And You Will Obey Me 5
The Deep 4 ST
The Memory Bank and Other Stories 4
The Star Men 4
The Contingency Club 4
Zaltys 5
Alien Heart- Dalek Soul 4
Time in Office 5
Kingdom of Lies 5
Sixth Doctor
Ghost Walk 5
The Serpent in the Silver Mask 3
The Heliax Rift 4
Devil in the Mist 5
Whispers of Terror 2
The Marian Conspiracy 3
The Specter of Lanyon Moor 5
The Holy Terror 5
Bloodtide 3
Project: Twilight 3
The Sandman 2
The One Doctor 5
...Ish 3
Project: Lazarus 4
Davros 5
Doctor Who and the Pirates 5
The Wormery 5
The Reaping 5
Arrangements for War 4
Medicinal Purposes 2
The Juggernauts 5
Catch 1782 4
Thicker than Water 5
Pier Pressure 3
The Maltese Penguin 5
The Nowhere Place 4
The Year of the Pig 3
ID 3
Urgent Calls 5
The Wishing Beast 4
The Vanity Box 4
100 (all 4 stories) 5
Blood on Santa's Claw and other stories 4
Together in Eclectic Dreams 5
The Condemned 5
Peri and the Piscon Paradox 5
Assassin in the Limelight 2
The Doomwood Curse 5
Return of the Krotons 4
The Raincloud Man 4
Brotherhood of the Daleks 5
Patient Zero 5
Paper Cuts 4
Blue Forgotten Planet 5
City of Spires 5
The Wreck of the Titan 4
The Legend of the Cybermen 5
The Crimes of Thomas Brewster 4
The Feast of Axos 3
The Industrial Revolution 3
Recorded Time and Other Stories 4
The Acheron Pulse 3
The Nightmare Fair 4
Mission to Magnus 1
The Macros 3
The Hollows of Time 3
Paradise Five 4
Point of Entry 4
The Song of Megaptera 4
Voyage to Venus 4
Voyage to the New World 3
The Curse of Davros 5
The Fourth Wall 5
Wirrm Island 4
The Wrong Doctors 5
The Wings of a Butterfly 4 ST
Spaceport Fear 4
The Seeds of War 4
1963: The Space Race 4
Antidote to Oblivion 5
The Brood of Erys 5
The Scavengers 5
Breaking Bubbles and other stories 4
Seventh Doctor
The Carrionite Curse 4
The Widow's Assassin 4
The Masters of Earth 4
The Rani Elite 4
The Fearmonger 5
The Genocide Machine 3
The Fires of Vulcan 4
The Shadow of the Scourge 3
Dust Breeding 3
The Rapture 2
The Dark Flame 3
Flip Flop  1
Master 5
The Harvest 4
Dreamtime 2
Bang Bang a Boom 4
Unregenerate 4
Live 34 5
Night Thoughts 5
The Settling 4
Red 4
No Man's Land 3
Nocturne 4
Valhalla 3
Frozen Time 3
The Dark Husband 1
The Death Collecters 4
Spider's Shadow 3
Kingdom of Silver 3
Keepsake 3
Forty-five 4
The Magic Mousetrap 4
Enemy of the Daleks 4
The Angel of Scutari 5
A Thousand Tiny Wings 3
Klein's Story 5
Survival of the Fittest 3
The Architects of History 3
Project: Destiny 4
A Death in the Family 5
Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge 4
Robophobia 5
The Doomsday Quatrain 3
House of Blue Fire 3
Project and Survive 5
The Shadow Heart 3
Black and White 5
Gods and Monsters 4
Earth Aid 3
Thin Ice 5
Crime of the Century 4
Animals 3
Persuasion 4
Starlight Robbery 5
Daleks Among Us 3
1963: The Assassination Games 3
Halflife 5
Revenge of the Swarm 4
The Mask of Tragedy 4
Signs and Wonders 4
Police and Shreeves 3 ST
The Defectors 3
We Are the Daleks 4
The Warehouse 4
Terror of the Sontarans 4
You Are the Doctor and Other Stories 5
The Two Masters 5
A Life of Crime 4
Fiesta of the Damned 4
Maker of Demons 3
Eighth Doctor
The Gray Man of the Mountain 4
Shadow Planet/World Apart 4
The High Price of Parking 3
The Blood Furnace 4
Storm Warning 5
Sword of Orion 3
Stones of Venice 3
Minuet in Hell 2
Invaders From Mars 4
The Chimes of Midnight 5
Seasons of Fear 5
Embrace the Darkness 5
The Time of the Daleks 5
Neverland 5
Zagreus 5
Scherzo 5
Creed of the Kromons 1
The Company of Friends 5
The Natural History of Fear 5
The Twilight Kingdom 3
The Faith Stealer 5
The Last 3
Caerdroia 5
The Next Life 4
Terror Firma 5
Scaredy Cat 1
Other Lives 5
Time Works 4
Something Inside 4
Memory Lane 5
Absolution 4
The Girl Who Never Was 5
Solitaire 4 CC
Living Legend 5
The Mummy Speaks 4
Eclipse 3
The Slaying of the Writhing Mass 4
The Heart of Orion 4
If I Should Die Before I Wake 5
The Silver Turk 5
The Witch From the Well 5
Army of the Dead 4
Blood of the Daleks (1&2) 5
Horror of Glam Rock 5
Immortal Beloved 4
Phobos 5
No More Lies 3
Human Resources (1&2) 5
Dead London 4
Max Warp 5
Brave New Town 4
The Skull of Sobek 4
Grand Theft Cosmos 5
The Zygon Who Fell to Earth 5
Sisters of the Flame 5
The Vengeance of Morbius 5
The Dalek Trap 5
The Revolution Game 4
The House on the Edge of Chaos 5
The Island of the Fendahl 5
The Turn of the Screw ST 5
Orbis 5
Hothouse 5
The Beast of Orlock 4
Wirrn Dawn 4
The Scapegoat 4
The Cannibalists 3
The Eight Truths 5
Worldwide Web 4
Death in Blackpool 4
Situation Vacant 5
Running Out of Time 3 ST
Nevermore 4
The Book of Kells 5
Demos 5
The Resurrection of Mars 5
An Earthly Child 5
Relative Dimensions 5
Prisoners of the Sun 5
Lucie Miller 5
To the Death 5
Day of the Vashta Nerada 4
The Devouring 5
The Great Cyber War 4
Twenty Four Doors 5
The Empty Man 4
War Doctor
Winter of the Demon 3
Dark Eyes: The Great War 5
Dark Eyes: Fugitives 4
The Innocent 4
The Thousand Worlds 3
The Heart of the Battle 3
Pretty Lies 4
The Lady of Obsidian 5
The Enigma Dimension 4
Legion of the Lost 3
A Thing of Guile 3
The Neverwhen 5
The Shadow Vortex 3
The Eternity Cage 4
The Eye of Harmony 3
Ninth Doctor
The Bleeding Heart 3
The Other Side 2
Retail Therapy 4
Window on the Moor 3
Hunting Season 5
The Curse of Lady Macbeth 4
Monsters in Metropolis 4
The Seas of Titan 4
Lay Down Your Arms 3
Fond Farewell 3
The Way of the Burryman 5
The Forth Generation 5
Tenth Doctor
Salvation Nine 5
The Last of the Zetacene 4
Break the Ice 5
Technophobia 5
Time Reever 5
Death and the Queen 5
Splinters 4
The Stuntman 5
Quantum of Axos 4
The Infamy of the Zaross 5
The Sword of the Chevalier 3
One Mile Down 5
Expiry Dating 5
The Creeping Death 4
Cold Vengeance 4
No Place 5
Weapon of Choice 4
Square One 3
The Inquiry 4
A Blind Eye 5
Lies 5
Spirit 4
Pandora 5
Insurgency 4
Imperiatrix 4
Fractures 5
River Song
Warfare 4
Appropriation 3
Mind Bomb 4
The Boundless Sea 3
I Went to a Marvelous Party 5
The Rulers of the Universe 5
Expiry Dating 5
The Unknown 4
Five Twenty Nine 4
Would Enough and Time 5
The Eye of the Storm 3
The Lady in the Lake 5
Requiem for the Doctor 4
My Dinner With Andrew 5
The Furies 3
Time in a Bottle 3
Kings of Infinite Space 4
Whodunit 4
Someone I Once Knew 5
The Bekdel Test 5
Animal Instinct 5
The Lifeboat and the Deathboat 5
Concealed Weapon 4
The Blood Wood 4
Terror of the Suburbs 4
Never Alone 3
Rivers of Light 4
War Master: Mastermind 5 CC
War Master: Beneath the Viscoid 3
War Master: The Good Master 4
War Master: The Sky Man 5
War Master: The Heavenly Paradigm 5
War Master: Call for the Dead 3
War Master: The Glittering Prize 4
War Master: The Persistence of Dreams 3
War Master: Sins of the Father 4
War Master: The Survivor 4
War Master: The Coney Island Chameleon 4
War Master: The Missing Link 5
War Master: Darkness and Light 5
Missy: A Spoon Full of Mayhem 5
Missy: Divorced, Beheaded, Regenerated 5
Missy: Broken Clock 5
War Master: From the Flames 3
War Master: The Master's Dakek Plan 5
War Master: Shockwave 4
War Master: He Who Wins 5
Missy: The Lumiat 5
Missy: Brimstone and Terror 5
Missy: Treason and Plot 5
The Three Companions 4 CC
Charlotte Pollard: The Lamentation Cipher 3
Charlotte Pollard: The Shadow at the Edge of the World 4
Charlotte Pollard: The Fall of the House of Pollard 5
Charlotte Pollard: The Viyran Solution 4
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truebluewhocanoe · 2 years
Quantum Archangel review
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I had the good fortune of being loaned this book by a friend who picked up a ton of Who books from this year’s Gallifrey One (2023). I just finished reading it about 10 minutes ago. Here’s my thoughts!
Quick introduction: It’s a Past Doctor Adventure (PDA- so written post-1996 movie but following a past Doctor) following the Sixth Doctor, but it’s actually a sequel to the Third Doctor episode “The Time Monster”, which I did watch- and enjoyed!- before reading this book. It follows Sixie and Mel and is *extremely* intertwined with the events of the Time Monster; don’t read this book without watching that episode or at the very least reading a detailed summary! Familiarity with the Key To Time/Guardians and the Eternals is also recommended but not necessary, it just helps set the scene.
This is my FIRST Doctor Who novel that I’ve read. I’m generally aware of the EDA stuff and vaguely aware of the VNA stuff but this is the first time I’ve breached that obtuse Wilderness Years literature.
SPOILER-FREE thoughts: I enjoyed it a lot! It’s not a perfect work but it had a lot of stuff I really grooved with. This book goes DEEP with cosmic world-building; you’re going to hear a lot about the Eternals and the Chronovores and the Council of Guardians. Does the worldbuilding in this book comply with the worldbuilding in other Doctor Who media? I doubt it! But that’s okay; it’s great for what it is, which is a VERY techno-babbly but still fairly cohesive universe-spanning high-stakes story. It’s a book that explores characters by what they would want from an ideal universe, which is a trope I LOVE. Here’s some miscellaneous thoughts: -Sixie characterization is on point! This is a book that definitely understands the character and does him justice, impressively so for a work that came before his run on Big Finish -For a story that is ostensibly about the Doctor and Mel having a friendship breakup, Mel sure doesn’t get a lot to do. She is characterized well, but the story is clearly not sure what to actually do with her, and her personal connections to the plot are pretty accessory. -Great handling of the Master. He’s doing all his 80s Master stuff.  -Surprisingly empty of plot holes for a book about reality-bending god-hood -The narration of the story is from 3rd person limited POV, and multiple different perspectives have the character’s internal narration describe the Doctor’s voice as “fruity”, which I am going to take to mean that their gaydar is on point
Overall, if you like it when Doctor Who goes epic, cosmic, timey-wimey spacey-wacey, and are down for a Classic-style Master story with stakes that put Journey’s End to shame, this is the book for you!
SPOILERY(!!!) thoughts: -The twist concerning Paul was so obvious it was barely a twist -I love the Master’s patheticness throughout the story. He’s just at absolute rock bottom and it shows. Fun times. -SIXTH DOCTOR GOES SUPER SAIYAN??? That was sick! Whose dick do I have to suck around here to get some fanart of Super Saiyan Sixie and The Quantum Archangel throwing solar systems at each other??? -No seriously, the Doctor gets a Lux Aeterna power-up and the narration goes out of its way to describe the Doctor as suddenly becoming a golden-haired Adonis in a black suit (read: Colin Baker’s actual desired costume) burning with cosmic black fire. The Doctor’s internal narration has him repeatedly try to not think about why his god mode looks so edgy. Dr Nyarlathotep fans, get on this!
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leontheneedledriolu · 2 years
I honestly wouldn't know if anyone would ever use this, but I keep finding people from discord on this site, so I guess it's worth a shot.
You can now Ask about my OCs! Cause I have plenty of them. And I think they're cool.
Current OC List (oh god this is large):
Leon the Needled Riolu; A 2' male riolu with a needle that used to be a human. Wishes he wasn't, but nothing he can do about it now. Is often introspective and probably has a caffeine addiction. The Leader of Team PRS.
Niko the Sun Guardian Braxien: A 4' female braxien with a glass sphere of light, which is apparently the sun of another solar system. Born into the SOW cult (Save Our World), Niko carries and protects this sun with her life. She is very kind and caring of others, and is an excellent baker! The Support of Team PRS.
Gunslock the Gunslinger Bloodmage Sneasel: A 6' Trans Male Sneasel with a holster for their gun, a scar on their chest, a neat cape and a sheriff hat. Also has a scalpel to use their blood magic with, since that magic requires an open wound. Apathy hit this guy hard, he either feels no emotion or just rage.The Tank/DPS of Team PRS.
Masky the Masked Omnipowerful Zoroark: A 5' male Zoroark with a wooden plague doctor mask, and a staff with a sapphire gem at the tip. Possesses godlike magic, yet is so lazy to really ever bother with it. He could be doing so much but doesn't wanna. That being said, his alchemy prowess is unmatched- He's an assistant to Team PRS in that manner.
Sapphire the Moodgem Sableye: A 3'4" Sableye with a cracked gem eye that shows her mood! Has a deep passion for mining and eating gems. Kinda screwed up a building plan for a group of Sableyes and fled after some mistakes. Tagged along with Team PRS' many assistants!
Wuxy the Robotic Gallade: A 5'4" Gallade that looks completely life-like, if not for the plate of metal on their chest which protects their inner gearwork. Fled his creator after discovering their evil intentions. Helps out Team PRS!
Foxen the Armless Firefox: A 3'7" male fox with armless, floating hands and a tail which at the tip is flaming. My first OC, nearly 10ish years old in my mind. Fairly playful, has a job within alchemical practices. He doesn't have a soul of his own, that void is filled with Nightmare. Rarely uses it, but besides fire magic, can shift his size at will.
Nightmare the Demonic Spirit of Fear: A 6' male demon from hell, in the form of a ghostly spirit for the overworld. Has a fear aura which can be toggled. Pacted himself with Foxen because he was bored and could use something to lighten up his life. Is a pure glass cannon- But can respawn within Foxen if he ever died. Has many connections in hell.
Kathina the Mute Watercat: A 5'6" female cat with water powers- But is mute from an incident from a decade ago. Good with knives and never minds a brawl. Finds some peace in the ocean. Is married to Wolven, that lovable fluffball him.
Wolven the Army Superwolf: A 6' wolf with super strength! Unfortunately, he was way too caring to be of any use to the army- Even when his super strength developed. After he was discharged from the army, they ran into Kathina, and the two hit it off. After a year in dating, they got married.
Wasp the Genetic Scientist... Wasp: A 5'6" male wasp that's a genetic scientist. He's on his way towards immortality- Sucks that he's using live subjects to discover it. Due to legality people have to sign a lot of papers to be used at his lab, but if you're looking to die it's a good option. Pays well too, cause it's basically a death sentence. Rarely cares about morals, if he ever did.
M0th the Cyborg Moth: A 5'2" female moth with cybernetic parts. She is able to project a screen from her eyes, mostly just to show what she's working on. Has no free will- Sold herself to Wasp in order to save her family, who was in dire straits. Shame that M0th lost those memories...
Implication the Immortal Genetic Disaster: A 6'3" moth, who has one side of themselves constantly dripping acid, and an arm that's forever a blade. Was made this way because of a sheer refusal to die and being the subject of one of Wasp's experiments. Can never die, but sustaining enough damage turns them into an acidic puddle.
Those are the main folk I have. Oh boy this is a lot. I do have art of these guys- So ya'll can just ask if you wanna see what they look like!
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being-of-rain · 3 years
Some various thoughts from my Classic Who watch, the first half of season 3.
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Galaxy 4 maybe has one of the thinnest plots so far, there really isn’t a lot to it. But it also felt like it lay the groundwork for some of Doctor Who’s morals. I mentioned before that you have the ‘beautiful’ Drahvins and the ‘ugly’ Rills who don’t fit their stereotypical morality, and I think it’s also one of the first times that the Doctor risks his life to help some people when he had the opportunity to leave in the TARDIS immediately. Maybe that sort of thing has happened before, but it felt very pronounced and purposeful this time, rather than the Doctor and crew just getting caught up in events and going with the flow. They still leave the Drahvins to die though, which you can’t exactly blame them for but it’s not something the show would often do now.
Mission to the Unknown... exists. Or, rather, doesn’t. I don’t think it does anything that isn’t done by the first episode or two of the Master Plan proper, so I’m not really sure why it’s a thing. I suppose it acts as a hype-up for the longer story? Whatever.
The Myth Makers is fun! I’m always a slut for ancient history stories. The characters in this one are fun. Vicki’s send-off is a little unsatisfying and out of nowhere though- even stranger is that, almost the opposite of all of the heart-touching farewell scenes that the show has done until now, Vicki goes into the TARDIS to say goodbye to the Doctor and then we don’t get to see that scene, we only see her coming out again afterward. I wonder what they said. We need more stories with post-Myth Makers Vicki.
The Daleks’ Master Plan was actually pretty good! It almost felt like a combination of their previous greatest hits, but not in a way that felt derogatory. Random thoughts: -I don’t think it was intentional, but the entrances into the evil space councilroom being a white ramp next to black corridors looked kinda surreal, and one scene where people were walking in from both at once looked like they were coming in from different dimensions or something. -Bringing the Monk back was obviously a good idea, and it was very funny when he accidentally ended up bouncing between the Daleks and the Tardis team, trying to quick-talk his way out of trouble with each party, always insisting he’s on the side of whoever’s caught him now. -It occurred to me how really fantastic Big Finish tie-ins this story has that expand on the characters and concepts. The Sara Kingdom trilogy (especially Guardian of the Solar System) for Sara, Mavic Chen and the SSS. The Perfect Prisoners for the Galactic Council and their various species. And Daughter of the Gods for Katarina.
Had a bit of trouble following The Massacre, it’s one of those stories I might enjoy more if I knew anything at all about the historical event. I mean, as far as I know it did a pretty good job showing the build-up to the eponymous massacre. But I think even if any moving footage of the serial surviving, I would’ve had a hard time telling the difference between all the men with beards and fancy outfits. That said, shout out to the Loose Cannon fans who made all the recons I’m watching because they put so much work into these things, especially The Massacre which I think had almost no surviving screencaps. Oh and the final scene really is wonderful. Steven being angry, the Doctor being introspective, and then Dodo barrelling into the TARDIS. The way the Doctor and Dodo are immediately 100% down for kidnapping Dodo while Steven loses his mind over it. Fantastic, 10/10 dynamic.
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true-blue-megamind · 3 years
FAN THEORY THURSDAY: Megamind’s Connections Beyond the Film
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Before we get started, it’s time for the obligatory SPOILER WARNING!  
In case this hasn’t been made sufficiently obvious by the fact that this is a post about Megamind written in a fan theory series about Megamind and published on a blog dedicated solely to Megamind, please let me just assure that this article is, in fact, about Megamind.  
If you haven’t seen the film yet yet, I have to question why you’re reading this in the first place.  As well as your taste in animated movies.  I’m definitely questioning that.
Over the years I’ve heard several fan theories concerning connections between the film Megamind and various other forms of media.  Today, let’s delve into just a few.
The first one is so obvious it’s almost painful, but it has to be mentioned.  Megamind is a Superman spoof.  Metro Man is clearly based on the Man of Steel himself, with a hefty dose of Elvis Presley and a larger range of character flaws thrown in for good measure.  (He also seems to contain quite a lot of the Popular Jock archetype.)  The character of Megamind is more complex still, combining elements of Alice Cooper and a nineties Goth theater kid with several comic book supervillains. The best known of the last include alien genius Brainiac and mad inventor Lexx Luthor, but they aren’t the only ones.  Some of Megamind’s engineering and technological inventions call to mind Spiderman villain Doctor Octopus even more than Lexx Luthor, and he also shares some parallels with the mad inventor Dr. Sivana in the SHAZAM comics.
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Megamind’s most notable of the latter is the similarity of attitudes toward society.  Both Megamind and Dr. Sivana started off trying to use their inventions for good—the first in the classroom and the second for the betterment of mankind—but both became bitter when people mocked and shunned them.  For Dr. Sivana, this led to a desire to conquer all of Earth while for Megamind, in a sort of microcosm, it led to a similar drive to take over Metro City.  Both Lexx Luthor and Dr. Sivana have, perhaps, the strongest connections to Megamind as share, deep down, a desire to help or protect mankind, and as Lexx Luthor, like Megamind, harbors a secret love for the reporter damsel in their respective stories.  (This desire to do good, especially in the face of corrupt officials, ties into another Megamind fan theory that I will likely discuss in more detail in a later post.)
The connection between Megamind and Alice Cooper, by the way, was extremely intentional.  The creators stated in an interview that, like Alice Cooper, Megamind’s dark, evil self is, in fact, a stage persona.  (Even their clothing, consisting largely of black leather and spikes, is similar.)  That fact is illustrated in the film as we can see that Megamind’s behaviors on- and off-camera tend to be vastly different.  Even as a villain, he is merely playing a role, although in the case of Megamind that role has begun to merge with his self-identity.
There are, however, hints within the world of DreamWorks that Megamind has other connections as well.  The first is fairly recent and intensely interesting. In the Rise of the Guardians, Jamie Bennett, a young boy who still steadfastly believes in the seemingly impossible, mentions “aliens in Michigan,” only to be scoffed at by his friends.  Because Metro City is located in Michigan, (as can be seen briefly when the Death Ray is fired from space,) many fans theorize that the “aliens in Michigan” are none other than Megamind, Minion, and, perhaps, Metro Man. 
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This would indicate that the two stories take place in the same world, and that Megamind’s adventures, while well-known in Metro City itself, have been covered up and kept secret from the rest of the world.  (Imagine moving to a moderately-sized city only to discover that—surprise!—there’s an extraterrestrial supervillain in residence and, oh, by the way, if you live downtown homeowners’ insurance is ridiculous!)
The second inter-film connection is less clear, but has spawned some interesting fan theories as well.  The idea is that, like Rise of the Guardians, Monsters VS. Aliens also takes place in the same reality as Megamind.  It’s not too far fetched—after all, both films involve extraterrestrials and amazing inventions—but there is one specific theory that really ties the two together.  Consider this for a moment: Megamind is a blue alien with incredible intelligence who hails from a destroyed planet.  Does that sound like any other DreamWorks character you know?  If you’ve seen Monster VS. Aliens, the antagonist, Gallaxhar, probably springs to mind.
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According to Fandom.com, Gallaxhar’s official backstory is that he “destroyed his home planet” for the implied reason that “he experienced bad childhood and unhappy marriage.”  The fan theory is that that Gallaxhar’s planet was, in fact, Megamind’s home world, and that the former created or harnessed the black hole which destroyed it.  This would explain why Megamind’s people—as well as Metro Man’s—didn’t have time to escape despite being space-faring.  You see, black holes take millions of years to develop, and even a rogue black hole would take about a million to shift and swallow an entire solar system, so if the event had occurred naturally, there should have been plenty of time to build an entire fleet of spacecraft and leave for Earth or another safe planet.  (The fact that Megamind’s parents set his escape pod’s navigation system for Earth indicates that they knew of its existence.)
Of course, despite their large heads and blue skin tones, there are quite a few physical differences between Megamind and Gallaxhar.  The first is humanoid while the second has four eyes and tentacles instead of legs.  Fan theories have explanations for that, too, however.  
There appear to be two schools of thought on the subject.  The first is that Gallaxhar was another breed of alien living on the planet, possibly a servile race different from Minions, and the second is that part of Gallaxhar’s “bad childhood” involved being experimented upon, thus giving him his bizarre appearance and his seeming obsession with experimenting on others.  (There is some disagreement in the Megamind fandom about exactly why Gallaxhar was subjected to such treatment, ranging from falling into the hands of an unscrupulous scientist to being part of an experimental medical program.  The latter fan theory suggests that Gallaxhar was both blind and paraplegic, and that his additional eyes and tentacle “legs” were meant to rectify that, but that those physical differences made him an outsider, thus leading to his unhappy life and ultimate hatred for his own planet.)
If that were true, many may wonder what, exactly, Megamind might do if he ever found out about Gallaxhar.  Well, good news!  Just like there’s an app for everything, there’s a fan theory for that, too!  I will warn you, however, that this one is, frankly, build upon pretty thin evidence.  However, it’s interesting enough to be worth relating.
There is a character in Monsters VS. Aliens named General Warren R. Monger who, on the surface, is exactly what he appears to be: a high-ranking military man.  However, there are a few things that fans point to as possible evidence that Monger isn’t what he seems.  
The first is so simple that, alone, it would be inconsequential.  Monger rose through the ranks uncommonly fast, so much so that it caused some comment among others.  The second is significantly odder; Monger claims to be ninety years old despite looking like he is in his late forties.  Now, of course, this may have simply been the character exaggerating or messing with the “monsters” under his care, but some fans say it’s more than that, and claim that Monger chose that age because he was unfamiliar with human lifespans.  Next there is the fact that Monger is so intelligent that, despite one of the beings in his containment facility. Doctor Cockroach, being a super-genius, Monger outwits every escape attempt the monsters can make.  Then, of course, there is the fact that, despite his brusque manner, Monger seems to actually sympathize with the inhuman people he is charged with containing, and even pushes for them to be given a chance to prove themselves.  There is the oddity that, although he is assigned to the secret military base at “Area Fifty-Something,” Monger seems to disappear a lot, often for days at a time.  Finally, there are a few key physical and technological attributes: Monger has some odd and incredibly energetic facial expression—including a nearly maniacal smile and a dark scowl—as well as a jet pack that he appears to have constructed himself and green eyes.
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I’m still not certain I see the resemblance, but maybe there are some similarities?  What do you think?
If you’re familiar with Metro City’s resident blue alien, you can probably see where this is going.  Although it’s not a popular theory, I’ve heard it suggested in the Megamind fandom that Monger is, in fact, Megamind disguised using his holowatch.  (This is why the green eyes are significant; Megamind’s eye color is the only aspect of his appearance that the holowatch doesn’t change.  However, I feel compelled to note that the shade of green appears to be different.) Fans insist that it would have been easy for someone as incredibly brilliant as Megamind to hack government systems and forge documents such as birth certificates thoroughly enough to dupe even U.S. Military Intelligence. The two jet packs, some have contested, look different either because of the disguise or because the one featured in Monster VS. Aliens is an older model. I’ve even seen the fact that both Megamind and Monger begin with M being pointed to as possible evidence that the latter is no more than an invention of the former.
The argument is as follows: as Monsters VS. Aliens takes place in 2009, one year before events in Megamind, it’s possible that Megamind, still being a villain, created an alter-ego which he could use to help him search for and deal with other alien life.  (He is shown to be painfully lonely, and the Megamind comics reveal his desperate desire to find other survivors from his home planet.)  Upon figuring out who Gallaxhar was, and more importantly what he had done, Megamind wanted to be part of taking him down.  But he couldn’t be too open about it; he was, after all, still a “Bad Guy.”  This theory explains Monger’s frequent long absences—during those time Megamind was back in Metro City taking care of his regular business— as well as why Monger had a secret soft spot for the “monsters.”  Megamind, having always been treated like a monster himself, would naturally want to give them a chance, but wouldn’t dare behave in too overtly friendly a manner as it would have aroused suspicion.
As I said, support for that particular theory is, perhaps, a little thin, especially given the fact the Monsters VS. Aliens preceded Megamind, so character designs from the former are unlikely to have been influenced by the latter.  Nonetheless, I admit to appreciating the complexity and creativity of it.  It’s an undeniably fun theory. If they haven’t already, maybe someone will write a fan fiction about it one day.
Those are only a few of the theories out there connecting Megamind with other fandoms.  One could go on and on about the subject, but I won’t torture readers by doing that.  Nonetheless, it illustrates once again the immense love and original thought that Megamind fans put into developing their theories!  I dare say that few other animated movies have earned a following so dedicated and inventive…  But, then, any of us who love the film Megamind will tell you that it has more than earned the consideration!
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
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Word Count: 1,180ish
Summary: How life turned out for Bailey Stark and her family.
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Everyone was so excited for us. It did take quite a bit of convincing to get Tony on board, but he eventually did. We decided to celebrate by throwing another Gala, where we officially dedicated the facility, announced Bucky and I’s engagement, and Pepper handed over the title of CEO to me.
The many years of my life flew by in a flash. 
The Guardians visited a few times after the Gala, per Nebula’s and Rocket’s requests. It was always great to see them and hear of their adventures in space. They often tried to get me to join them, but I always turned them down, telling them that space was really not my thing and that I was much needed on Earth.
Thor stopped by whenever he was going to check on Valkyrie in New Asgard. He was doing much better than the previous years, it was so good to see. He had began to lose weight and start looking like his normal self again. When he found out about the roof top garden, he requested that Loki be honored as well. I understood why and agreed to it. He would often show up without warning and FRIDAY would notify me that he was on the roof. It made me glad that he was able to find peace somewhere.
Clint and his family stuck to the farm life, with me frequently  visiting. Laura and Pepper were always talking to each other, giving one another parenting advice, especially as Laura’s kids got older and as Morgan was still at the ages Pepper hadn’t raised a child in. 
Bruce kept on with the Avengers, but stuck to the science division. His arm never healed and he never sought out anything to fix it. And I never offered. He believed that it was a good reminder of how lucky he was to survive and a reminder of the sacrifices that were made.
Sam kept the title of ‘Falcon’ though carrying Captain America’s shield. With Bucky’s help, he did amazing things. He eventually did find a wife and had kids. 
Wanda began to work with Doctor Strange. She never found love again. She was always holding out for Vision, believing that they’d be reunited on the other side even though I’d never seen him there.
Steve and I finally got our friendship back to a normal place. He died a few years after the final battle. I was there in the Afterlife waiting for him along side his parents, Peggy, Tony, Natasha, and Howard. Seeing him reunite with Peggy was the much needed final piece to my broken puzzle. I finally understood why he wanted to go back to her so bad. The love I felt between the two was something I had only felt a few times between people.
Happy and Peter’s aunt May officially got together. They even got married. It was so great to see the two of them so happy. Peter was definitely protective over May and, as I joke, I was protective of Happy. The couple had to sit us down and talk to us about being overprotective.
Peter never stopped being Spider-Man. It was the role he was always meant to be, even with his identity known. He ended up marrying his friend MJ, having two kids with her. His kids called Buck and I ‘Aunt and Uncle B’ and I loved it. Bucky secretly did too. They grew up thinking that Peter and I were actually siblings, along with Morgan. I never told Tony, but I believed that’s what he really would have wanted.
Rhodey kept helping with the Avengers Initiative until the day he died. He believed it’s what Tony and Nat would have really wanted. And he wasn’t wrong. 
Pepper never remarried. She never had the desire to. She had found her true love, and would patiently wait to be reunited with him. Pepper died peacefully in her sleep with Morgan and I by her side after living many years of being an amazing mother and grandmother. 
Morgan grew up, choosing to be a genius like our father. She insisted on graduating earlier than Tony from MIT. And she did. She was one week younger than he was when he graduated. She eventually found a wonderful man, who, luckily, could keep up with her and the life she was born into. They had three kids, naming their oldest child, and only boy, Anthony. I didn’t tell her until just before she was married that I was able to communicate with Tony. She immediately wished to see him, saying that she had something she needed to tell him. That was the first and only time that I’d take someone to the Afterlife with me, not counting when Wanda and I made the connection. Tony was shocked to see Morgan there and how she much had grown. Morgan was quick to wrap her arms around him and tell him that she was never mad at him for the choice he made. There was a lot of tearful hugs that day. 
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Bucky and I married a few months after our engagement. And I did end up hyphening the name. We never had kids, due to me being sterilized and both of us believing that that was never meant to be our calling in life. As officially CEO of Stark Industries, I made Morgan a member of the board at her request. She believed that she wasn’t meant to be the CEO but still wanted to be apart of the family company. Bucky helped with the Avengers, but mainly stuck with helping Sam step into Steve’s shoes. 
I became a huge advocate for building alliances with people from other planets. And with the Guardians, Thor, and Carol Danvers help, it slowly became a reality. We began to trade and venture out farther than humans ever had before. I created the first colonies on all the planets in our solar system. I created a universe wide communication system, with Morgan’s help of course. I also helped train Avengers recruits, specifically the ones with similar abilities to mine. 
I visited Tony, and the other’s in the Afterlife, no more than twice a year. He forced me to agree to that, believing that I would waste my life away always visiting him. We never could figure out how I was able to communicate with them, but I guess it never really mattered. 
As time went on, it got hard to see people age. I wasn’t aging like everyone, Bucky was even aging. I watched most of my family members die, with me looking like a thirty year old. I kept on as CEO. Hiding was not an option. I finally kicked the bucket at the mere age of two hundred and fifty two. Oh the reunion that was had in the Afterlife. It was magnificent.
So thus ends my family’s story. The story of how we fought to survive, to stay together. How we saved the world-- the universe even-- on more than one occasion. How we learned to love and forgive. The story of Bailey Stark and the Avengers. This was our legacy.
Thanks so much for following along with Bailey and her story (stories)! If you still have any questions about anything or comments, feel free to ask! Thanks again for all the likes, comments, asks, messages, and reblogs. It’s truly meant a lot. 
My next story should be coming out very soon and should not be as long as this one. (To be honest, I spent almost two years writing LEGACY. So... I had a lot of time to write a lot of things... Like I probably rewrote just the Age of Ultron and Civil War parts at least 3 times, each. They always ended up being longer than the last draft. Anyway... now I’m just rambling...)
For reals though, thanks for reading!
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hifithepanda · 8 months
Hello! I'm Malcolm (he/him)! This is my sideblog for all of my reviews of my large Steven Taylor media binge. Essentially, I'm on a mission to watch/hear/read every piece of Doctor Who media with Steven in it (he's my favorite companion, if you can't tell). I was originally on instagram (as hi_fi_the_panda) but since I don't really use that platform anymore I decided I'd move all my reviews onto tumblr. I'm not sure how consistent I'll be considering a) I am a uni student and b) I definitely go through phases of being super into Dr Who and completely ignoring it lol.
My main is @lizard-speed and am always free (and more than willing) to talk about Steven, the First Doctor run, or Dr Who in general!
Below the break is my masterdoc of all the Steven media w/ links to all the reviews!
On-Screen Appearances
The Chase
The Time Meddlers
Galaxy 4
The Myth Makers
The Dalek Master Plan
The Massacre
The Ark
The Celestial Toymaker
The Gunfighters
The Savages
Big Finish
Mother Russia
Home Truths (Sara Kingdom Trilogy Pt. 1)
The Drowned World (Sara Kingdom Trilogy Pt. 2)
The Guardian of the Solar System (Sara Kingdom Trilogy Pt. 3)
The Suffering
The Perpetual Bond (Oliver Harper Trilogy Pt. 1)
The Cold Equations (Oliver Harper Trilogy Pt. 2)
The First Wave (Oliver Harper Trilogy Pt. 3)
Tales from the Vault
The Anachronauts
Return of the Rocket Men
The War to End All Wars (Old Steven Trilogy Pt. 1)
The Founding Fathers (Old Steven Trilogy Pt. 2)
The Locked Room (Old Steven Trilogy Pt. 3)
Fields of Terror
Across the Darkened City
The Vardan Invasion of Mirth
The Bounty of Ceres
An Ordinary Life
The Ravelli Conspiracy
The Sontarans
The Dalek Occupation of Winter
An Ideal World
The Crash of the UK-201
Daughter of the Gods
The Secrets of Det-Sen
The Secret History
This Sporting Life
O Tannenbaum
Peace in Our Time
Out of the Deep
The Five Companions
The Light at the End
Men of War
The Myth Makers
The Gunfighters
Galaxy Four
The Savages
The Celestial Toymaker
The Ark
The Massacre
The Time Meddler
The Chase
Mission to the Unknown
The Mutation of Time
The Empire of Glass
Bunker Soldiers
The Golden Door
64 Carlysle Street
Planet of the Bunnoids
The Little Drummer Boy
Corridors of Power
Scribbles in Chalk
The Schoolboy’s Story
Waiting for Jeremy
Making History
The Long Step Backward
Snowman in Manhattan
Do You Smell Carrots?
White on White
The Power Supply
Murder in the Dark
Are You Listening?
Death to the Doctor!
The Forgotten
The Choice
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taekookficrecs · 5 years
it’s been a while!
a long while holy crap i’m really sorry :( school is Tough and i’ve had little to no time to even read fics, much less rec but it’s winter break now so i’ve read a couple that i really liked and want to share. 
sad, bad and kinda ugly - conclusions (introductions) (( 1/1 | T | 3,563 )) “Did I just hear you correctly?” Jeongguk asks, blinking. “Did you just say we should—”
“Break up,” Taehyung finishes cheerfully. “The pasta’s boiling over.”
or: taehyung and jeongguk break up for one (1) day, decide they hate it, and get back together. 
sonámbulo - batman (( 5/5 | E | 57,341 )) One painting, one mission, one hundred days.
The Viper and His Bunny - buttercupguk (sselizabeth) (( 27/? | E | 232,025 )) Taehyung had the entirety of Seoul in the palm of his hand, known venomously as the Viper for his reckless trigger finger. He never thought he'd be good for anything but killing—until he fell upon the bunny hybrid who'd been to hell and back twice, with eyes as starry as the solar system and a heart just as big.
Featuring right-hand man and assassin Jimin, intelligence ace Namjoon, designated doctor Hoseok, and war criminal Yoongi.
“There are people out there who would destroy this city to take me down. You know they'll try to get to you, right, bunny?"
One ear lopped over, Jungkook said petulantly, "Let them try. They won't get far." 
Resonance - rix (( 1/1 | E | 30,676 )) Jungkook wonders if the fact that soul-focused battle techniques make people horny as hell is just something the professors politely ignore. Or maybe he's just weird.
Snapshots in the Life of a Binary Star - porridgemilk (( 1/1 | M | 21,081 )) "I never get tired of dancing with you, hyung.”
Something warm blooms inside Taehyung’s chest and unfurls gently until he feels full with the feeling. “Good thing you’re stuck with me then, huh?”
“I chose to be stuck with you,” Jeogguk laughs. “Stop saying it like it’s a bad thing, hyung. You don’t have to beat yourself up over it.”
Or, Taehyung and Jeongguk live on a space station long after the earth has died. Just the two of them.
the time space continuum (or something)  - drawingspaces (( 1/1 | T | 8,943 )) Jeongguk's kind of sad drunk. A boy out of time. Taehyung is kind of gross. The boy who waits.
Cage Match - golden (SlimeQueen) (( 1/1 | E | 20,919 )) Taehyung knows he likes the rush of adrenaline that comes from fighting. He likes his knuckles split and stinging, heart pounding in his ribcage, the rush of blood in his ears. Jungkook is new to it all but all he knows is that he likes Taehyung.
New (Newer) Rules  - jvante (( 6/6 | E | 108,229 )) Step #1: Don't get involved with the guy your girlfriend cheats with.
Failed step 1.
Decipher - jvante  (( 1/1 | M | 23,823 )) Jeongguk is a remarkable hacker, known by few in the scene for the secrets he can steal. Taehyung just needs a little bit of information.
love addicts anonymous - antiking (( 1/1 | M | 31,013 )) Yoongi’s plan is to protect his human (Jimin), train his protégé (Jeongguk), and yet again prove to everyone (mostly Namjoon) that he is a responsible and capable guardian angel deserving of trust and respect.
Yoongi’s plan does not involve being seen by Jimin. It certainly doesn’t involve keeping Jeongguk away from Jimin’s sketchy friend. And it doesn’t involve Hoseok, period.
(A spoiler: this story involves all of these things and Yoongi’s plan goes to utter shit.)
(ok so this is both yoonminseok and taekook so keep that in mind before you read!) - admin nj 
admin nj - that’s all i got right now! sorry for the wait and i hope you enjoy these!
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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By shirleytwofeathers
Titles: The Mighty One, Great of Magic, Lady of Terror, Lady of Action, The One Before Whom Evil Flees, Mistress Dread, Lady of Flame, The Scarlet Woman
Element: Fire
Colour: Red
Consort: Ptah
Son: Nefertem
Origin: Upper Egypt
Attribute: A two headed snake; Sekhmet holds one head in each hand. Also arrows
Manifestation: Sekhmet manifests as a woman with a lion’s head or as a lioness.
Feast Day: Feast of Sekhmet – Egyptian New Year’s Day – Jan 7
Sekmet, lioness goddess, epitomises the blazing, scorching power of the sun. She is the goddess of war, justice, destruction, and healing. Her name may derive from a root word meaning “to be strong, powerful, mighty, or violent.” Sekhmet is among the fiery manifestations of the Eye of Ra.
She is a fierce guardian goddess of Upper Egypt. Her hot breath created the desert. Sekhmet was associated with plagues and pestilential diseases; illnesses that blew in on the desert winds. Sensational descriptions of Sekhmet tend to emphasise her destructive aspects, but she was also among Egypt’s most significant healing deities and remains an active healer today.
Sekhmet was represented by the searing heat of the mid-day sun (in this aspect she was sometimes called “Nesert“, the flame) and was a terrifying goddess. However, for her friends she could avert plague and cure disease. She was the patron of Physicians, and Healers and her priests became known as skilled doctors. As a result, the fearsome deity sometimes called the “lady of terror” was also known as “lady of life“. Sekhmet was mentioned a number of times in the spells of The Book of the Dead as both a creative and destructive force, but above all, she is the protector of Ma´at (balance or justice) named “The One Who Loves Ma´at and Who Detests Evil“.
Most spirits must be asked before they will openly intervene in someone’s life. (It’s possible that many  perform acts of rescue anonymously). Sekhmet appears when invoked. She is also renowned for appearing in dreams and visions in order to perform successful healings even when no one summoned her, at least not consciously. Instead, Sekhmet recognised a need and personally took the initiative.
If Sekhmet heals you without first being asked, offerings are in order. Sometimes this is a one time favour but it may also be her way of extending matronage. If you wish to accept her offer, then create an altar or make some other gesture of acknowledgement.
Acceptable Offerings:
Beer by itself or blended with pomegranate juice
Silver medical tools
Sekhmet heals all illnesses except those of the eyes. She is associated with blood ailments. She has dominion over the menstrual cycle and women’s reproductive systems. Sekhmet should not be bothered for trifles, but she is an intensely powerful and proactive healer. She is the matron goddess of reiki.
Pharaoh Amenhotep III placed some six hundred statues of Sekhmet in the Karnak temple complex in hopes of improving his ill health. Sekhmet’s priests were considered Egypt’s finest physicians.
Some theorize that Sekhmet is an emanation of the primordial goddess Hathor who first emerged in a time of crisis and took on a life of her own, similar to the relationship between Indian goddesses Kali and Durga. Just as Shiva is able to halt Kali’s dance of destruction, so Lord Thoth is able to pacify Sekhmet, something to keep in mind, just in case.
Sekhmet is depicted crowned with a solar disc encircled by a uraeus (upright cobra, symbolic of divine authority). Many Sekhmet statues survive perhaps because there were so many to begin with. Temple priestesses allegedly made offerings before a different statue each day of the year. Legend suggests that her statues were especially protected because of the aggressive nature of the deity and also because they were coated with anthrax or other highly infections bacterial powder to ensure that they were not disturbed.
More About Sekhmet:
Sekmet (Sakhmet) is one of the oldest known Egyptian deities. Her name is derived from the Egyptian word “Sekhem” (which means “power” or “might”) and is often translated as the “Powerful One”. She is depicted as a lion-headed woman, sometimes with the addition of a sun disc on her head. Her seated statues show her holding the ankh of life, but when she is shown striding or standing she usually holds a sceptre formed from papyrus.
Sekhmet´s main cult centre was in Memphis (Men Nefer) where she was worshipped as “the destroyer” alongside her consort Ptah (the creator) and Nefertum (the healer).
She was also known as the “Lady of Pestilence” and the “Red Lady” and it was thought that she could send plagues against those who angered her. When the centre of power shifted from Memphis to Thebes during the New Kingdom the Theban Triad (Amun, Mut, and Khonsu), Sekhmet´s attributes were absorbed into that of Mut (who sometimes took the form of a lion).
She was associated with the goddesses given the title “Eye of Ra”. According to myth, Ra became angry because mankind was not following his laws and preserving Ma’at (justice or balance). He decided to punish mankind by sending an aspect of his daughter, the “Eye of Ra”. He plucked Hathor from Ureas on his brow, and sent her to earth in the form of a lion. She became Sekhmet, the “Eye of Ra” and began her rampage. The fields ran with human blood. However, Ra was not a cruel deity, and the sight of the carnage caused him to repent. He ordered her to stop, but she was in a blood lust and would not listen. So Ra poured 7,000 jugs of beer and pomegranate juice (which stained the beer blood red) in her path. She gorged on the “blood” and became so drunk she slept for three days. When she awoke, her blood lust had dissipated, and humanity was saved.
In one version of the myth, Ptah is the first thing she sees on awaking and she instantly fell in love with him. Their union (creation and destruction) created Nefertum (healing) and so re-established Ma’at.
Sekhmet was closely associated with Kingship. She was often described as the mother of Maahes, the lion god who was a patron of the pharaoh and the pyramid texts suggest that the Pharaoh was conceived by Sekhmet. This ancient myth is echoed in the New Kingdom reliefs in the temple of Seti I which depict the Pharaoh being suckled by Hathor whose title is “mistress of the mansion of Sekhmet”. Ramesses II (Seti´s son) adopted her as a symbol of his power in battle. In friezes depicting the Battle of Kadesh, Sekhmet appears on his horse, her flames scorching the bodies of enemy soldiers. But, one Pharaoh in particular seems to have had an obsession with Sekhmet. Amenhotep III built hundreds of statues of Sekhmet in the precinct of Mut´s temple south of the Great Temple of Amun in Karnak. It is thought that there was one for every day of the year and that offerings were made every day.
Sources: Ancient Archeology Online and Encyclopedia of Spirits
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isagrimorie · 5 years
[overdue reactions] Doctor Who - Mythmakers / The Daleks Masterplan
One thing I will never get used to with classic Who is how one storyline runs across twelve episodes. 
The Mythmakers
If there’s one thing I’m happy about the revival historicals is that the Doctor is no longer the cause of historical catastrophes like... the burning of Rome, or the sacking of Troy. 
*stares at the Doctor*. 
The Mythmakers started well enough with the first episodes as a comedy and then veering a hard left into THE SACKING OF TROY. And then Vicki from the future opting to stay with Troilus because apparently Vicki from the future took the name of Cressida. So, that was a thing that happened. 
The Daleks Masterplan
But first! Look, a couple of university students recreated the lost Mission to the Unknown episode! 
And it looks like a real classic episode! 
Anyway, the Daleks Masterplan boy there are some surprises here, I think is the first ever story where companions die, and not just one but two. Or three depending if you see Brett Vyne as a Companion. 
Katarina, a servant girl from Troy whom Vicki saves to go in her place to the TARDIS (Vicki, apparently lives a long life in ancient times). 
One of the things that really surprise me is the Daleks reaching out for allies and actually being sneaky about it. I’m so used to the revival!Daleks where it’s all about purity and can’t even last a pretend coalition for an episode. 
This makes Junkyard!Resolution!Dalek feel more like Classic!Dalek to me. 
Then we meet Sara Kingdom, highly efficient security officer from Earth, who used to be unquestioningly loyal to ‘The Guardian of the Solar System’ Mavic Chen. 
I wish they could go in depth in to her arc more -- because she ends up killing Brett, who later is revealed to be her brother, out of blind loyalty until circumstances trapped her with the Doctor and Steven, and she has to face the reality that the leader she followed all along was actually power hungry, and will bring about the ruin of the whole universe. 
I’m really glad I just listened to this in audio-play form because Mavic Chen character in yellow face... yikes. 
There’s a lot of run around in the story although I did like that the Monk returned to cause havoc to the Doctor. He really is the class clown, or trying hard to be the class clown but he only ends up annoying people instead of making them laugh. 
I think these are the episodes where the Doctor is slowly getting known as the enemy of the Daleks. In my headcanon like these Daleks, in their timeline come before the Chase episodes. The events here are the reason why the Daleks were keen on chasing the Doctor down in The Chase. 
The way Sara dies though, slowly withering away to dust -- it’s horrific. And she was only a few feet away from the TARDIS and didn’t even make it. 
That was dark. 
I think I will skip The Massacre because wow, I really can’t with these series of stories. 
I know things lighten up with The Gunslingers which I love. An old Western with songs!
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