forged-in-kaoss · 7 months
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I want the peace and joy in your mind Give me the peace and joy in your mind
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dojae-huh · 8 months
Sometimes I couldn't help but think of the vast difference between the shipping culture of Korean fans and the international fans. International fans love eating up company ships like JaeYong. In Korea, JaeDo and MarkWoo are the most popular NCT ships. Yet I remember when that ranking came out, a lot of international fans were confused because it's not really the popular ships in the international fandom (in their own words, "Do these ships even interact?" lol). It makes me wonder if they even know their idols at all, because for example, I don't follow MarkWoo that much but anyone with a pair of eyes and ears can see how close they are, especially when watching contents and their own lives. Mark had said countless of times how he is close to Jungwoo and vice versa, they even dropped honorifics with each other. Out of everyone in NCT, Mark probably considers Jungwoo as his closest friend. But then again, their fans remain blind to this. Don't even get me started with JaeDo, but I think everyone already knows so I'm not gonna explain about them anymore. When I was a new fan in the NCT fandom, all I knew is I like Jaehyun. I hadn't explored any form of shipping culture within the fandom. I remember watching NCT Life in Gapyeong and that is the first time I am witnessing the group dynamics. And then I noticed Doyoung. That mafia game where Jaehyun picked him as his co-mafia was the exact moment that made me go "Huh, wait. There is something in there". Mind you, I was clueless about their relationships with one another. So I decided to watch more contents, checking if that was only a fraction of a baseless assumption, and boy... all I can see is JaeDo's chemistry, I would even call it the sexual tension between them that is so high up the roof. Makes me think if fans cannot discern the subtle group dynamics and obvious clique among members, because if you watch them closely, especially in contents, you will get to see who is close with who, who is fond of who. Even up to know, a lot of people do not acknowledge how obviously closer Jaehyun, Doyoung, and Haechan have gotten and that is so easy to see in their recent contents. Korean fans can obviously eye those relationships better than International fans, just see who the majority ship and you'll realize they are the members that are actually close in real life. Also, this is something that I noticed. A lot of Doyoung fans ship him with Jaehyun, either in a devoted or casual way. There are some who are dedicated Doyoung solo stans, not a shipper, but would tweet Jaedo-related content every now and then. They obviously adore Jaehyun and maybe that has something to do with all the doting (the pining looks and affectionate stares) and tangible forms of affection (attending DY's solo gigs, sending food trucks, etc) that Jaehyun does for Doyoung. But among Jaehyun fans... heh. He's so popular among shippers, majority of them that dominate are JaeYong and JaeWoo shippers. Does it have something to do with Jaehyun's loverboy image? It's so funny to see the contrast.
"I-fans" is a super broad term, but I guess we all mean English-speaking part of X, and it is heavily influenced by Western fans and their ideas, they just overwhelm writing in English SEA and other i-fans.
I wonder if it depends on the type of involvement. Many i-fans seldom watch content with their chosen group, relying on short moments and re-telling on socmed. It also can be the difference in attractiveness of certain members or archetypes of relationships.
If we compare MarkWoo and JaeWoo. There were Jack&Rose, JaeWoo sightseeing in Japan, Jae teaching Woo bowling, they were roommates with TMIs, and there used to be many DJJ photoshoots. It is easy to watch this short list, choose to like the ship because of it, and later ignore everything else. MarkWoo had many lives, but their bonding moments are overshadowed by YuMark in official content. As you said, you need to pay attention to notice them in bts videos, listen to what they say about each other. And stan fanwars show that many ignore what idols say (Tae proclaiming his endless love to Do in the case of Tyongfs who hate Do).
Another possible thing. Koreans watch their idols like hawks, they follow their every move and interaction, make maps of stores and investigate how far the hotel Jae stopped at is from the venue Taeyeon had her concert, which Doyoung was attending, etc. They look for information to support their suspicion. What you and I did. While many i-fans are more of passive consumers, eating up what socmed brings, listening to what other people say, and believe what SM and idols present. Many get easily fooled by contradicting information and multiple versions. For example, Yuta said he likes Mark hundred of times. Jungwoo calls his outings with Jae as dates, writes on bubble he sleeps in his bed (when they were roommates), tells stories about Jae playing music box for him in their room, they make challenges (to mock Do). One clear narrative in both cases. Meanwhile Do and Jae don't know each other one day, tease another, say they are close and send each other food trucks, but don't congratulate with BDs on IG, their interactions are cut out from bts.
Many Korean JaeDo fans are Jaehyun-biased. Probably, the way Jaehyun is perceived, what fans he attracts and for what reasons plays here a role. Doyoung is also not popular in the West.
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acequinz · 19 days
The flashback to dochi mo dochi that I got from doku koi.
Oh we for real back to the og jpn bl dramas huh?
The vibes and vibing. I fear I am gonna love this one.
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cam-arts · 2 years
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Runnin Wild
DOC: 11/25/2022
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voca-song-a-day · 2 years
Today’s featured song is: “Now, Which?” by Hinata Haruhana feat. Kagamine Rin & Len!
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lavender-lily · 8 months
Union baristas say their exclusion is another punishment for having organized roughly 400 of the chain’s 9,000 corporate-owned U.S. stores since 2021. Starbucks has publicly committed to reaching contracts with the union, Workers United, but in recent weeks the union has filed 47 new charges alleging unfair labor practices, including one related to the barista championship.
According to internal documents viewed by HuffPost, Starbucks says union stores can’t participate in the competition because it’s a workplace benefit that must be bargained over if workers unionize. The company has made the same legal argument in withholding other perks from newly organized shops, including participation in Starbucks’ “black apron” program, which trains baristas to become elite “coffee masters.”
I’d also like to point out something I’ve noticed:
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This is Seattle. Home of Starbucks. There’s a huge swath of the city without a single location. See those two green rectangles towards the bottom left? Those are the STADIUMS. Football games, baseball games, soccer games, concerts - there are tons of people in this area on a regular basis. There’s not a single Starbucks. Weird, right? They’re missing out on business.
Well. There used to be one. About a block from that little yellow dot. (Which is a store I go to often.) This particular location? Was one of the first (maybe THE first, I can’t remember) locations to unionize. Months later, it was gone. It hasn’t been replaced by anything. The storefront is empty. The only location anywhere near the stadiums, the Amtrak station, the international district, several very large office buildings…just gone.
I wonder why.
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romanasuloriginal · 11 months
Iarna, în România, este adesea asociată ... https://romanasul.ro/superstitii-si-legende-romanesti-despre-zapada-ninsoare-lapovita-burnita-si-gheata/?feed_id=29&_unique_id=65516b675f93a Traditii, Anul_Nou, burniță, casă, colinde, Crăciun, credințe, cultura_populară, Dochie, farmece, folklore, gheață, iarnă, Lacul_Sfânta_Ana, lapoviță, legende, magie, mituri, ninsoare, noroc, obiceiuri, povestiri, prosperitate, purificare, ritualuri, românești, simboluri, spirite_rele, Strigoi, suflet_trist, superstiții, tradiții, tradiții_de_iarnă, vindecare, zapada
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jayzillaa · 1 year
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this by me.. its dochi
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Dochi the hedgehog
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neocatharsis · 2 years
NCT 127 supposed costumes for Halloween 2022
Taeil - Money Heist
Johnny - Flash Slothmore
Taeyong - Nick Wilde
Yuta - White Blood Cells (Cells at Work Anime)
Doyoung - Judy Hopps
Jaehyun - he will show it when there's a chance
Jungwoo - Dochi
Mark - Megamind
Haechan - Mr. Incredible
© nctymisfit
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cupidzrock-net · 2 years
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happy! lucky! dochy! ✰
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dojae-huh · 11 days
im more a fan of doyoung than of jaehyun so i’ll mostly talk about him.
as for music itself, it’s a really good, cohesive album. it tells a story, it’s not a collection of random songs in random order. to me the stand out tracks are from little wave, dallas love field and lost in california. my least favorite is warmth. i wish the track with taeyeon was a more intense, emotional song. beginning isn’t the best track on the album but it’s a perfect opening and it’s nice to see doyoung’s first official song writing effort get so much love. little light had to grow on me and i think the fanchant helps it a lot. overall, i’m glad doyoung didn’t go the mellow and safe ballad route that many people expected from him. i think youth is a strong first step to building a full fledged artistic identity. i’m still not bored of it, and i listen to it nearly daily.
it was a step away from doyoung’s idol persona towards an indie rock band frontman. i understand why his album isn’t very popular among international kpop fans - they (we?) were never the target audience. as a kpop release it lacked choreography, interesting visuals, cinematic mv. but it was really well received by domestic audience, non-kpop fans.
the most memorable contents were the documentary, dingo live where he did snippets of each song from the album, dingo storytime where he meets the fan. judging by how often i see people on kforums and ktwt say they got into doyoung during his solo era i guess they were effective. it was nothing innovative but there were quite a lot of viral moments - the open air showcase, the complicated fanchant, meeting the fan, lovesome festival, cute interactions with kiss of life girls at a radio show, hanging out with seventeen backstage. i liked the muk2u episode with mark and johnny as well.
i think that rather than showing new sides, doyoung confirmed things i always thought about him. i find his hard work and ambition inspiring. he really craves recognition. he wants his music to touch the hearts of many people. overall, i’m a satisfied customer. i feel like doyoung gained new confidence and improved as a performer and i’m looking forward to his future work. i’d like to see him do some jazz and a dreamy, ethereal sound. maybe have a more interesting mv.
i’m not really into rnb and i didn’t love jh’s lab releases so i didn’t have high expectations that i’d love his solo. and i didn’t. smoke was quite forgettable. my favorite bsides were completely because of the piano and can’t get you. i don’t really have strong opinions about other songs. i haven’t yet had time to check out much of jh’s promo contents but i get the impression that he wanted to show who he is as a person, something he hasn’t really had opportunity to do before. i watched his lmj service and i remember thinking that he’s a really awkward guy, lol. he chose some popular programs to appear on, it will be interesting to see if it’ll result in domestic fandom growth in the long term.
Firstly, I wholeheartedly agree with your last paragraph about Doyoung. For me as well there were no new surprising sides (maybe a reminder about some of his traits I see rarely or tend to forget), rather, the idea of his character I had became sharper, in a better focus.
I also agree that the three song you listed (From little wave, Dallas love field and Lost in california) are, probably, the strongest tracks on the album. Maybe not something new (my friend dismissed LinC as american sound copycat, heh), but with its own bright character that can leave an impression without understanding the lyrics. FLW is not in a genre I like, however, it makes me like it because of a powerful charge it has.
Never expected a ballad album from Doyoung. I really think this idea came from the fans who joined recently.
You know, after reading an overview of LSM's musician/producer/visionary history, it really sinked how musically backwards SK was and continue to be. Yes, k-pop is something bright and fresh for the world, however, in the country itself it is a subgenre that not many people listen to. It's not just that Doyoung deviated from his idol image (hard to digest for old fans), he couldn't go all out with a new sound if he wanted gp to like him. DY Track and the NCT jazz medley for the concert showed he is interested in even more creative things as a musician and a vocalist. I think now that he proved to himself the public approves of his ideas, he will be brave enough to go further towards creating his own distinctive sound.
Could you list which moments and ideas caught the most attention among knetizens? What worked best?
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azurin · 11 months
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Thank you dochi for recommending the outfits😳🙇🙇
Here are the references:
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ztremx · 2 months
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Dochi's human no longer works at the shop 😢
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writerystuff · 11 months
"...we can all see Dochi [the hedgehog] vociferously eating his worms."
I listened with the sound turned up--Dochi doesn't say anything. I think the writer probably means "voraciously." Dochi sure likes those worms.
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knows · 1 year
tagged by @bootyfarter leaveme alone .
d: drawin blanks - hsiu
o: on a dime - aimaiishitsu
c: can't stop raving - dune
h: happy lucky dochy
y: yukikosan - midori
tagging YOU
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