#Dixit: Odyssey
scontomio · 6 months
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💣 Asmodee Dixit Odyssey - Gioco Di SocietĂ  Edizione Italiana - Dixit Anniversary Gioco Da Tavolo Edizione Italiana đŸ€‘ a soli 34,74€ âžĄïž https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/asmodee-dixit-odyssey-gioco-di-societa-edizione-italiana-dixit-anniversary-gioco-da-tavolo-edizione-italiana/?feed_id=223300&_unique_id=66005e0ed1988&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Asmodee%20Dixit%20Odyssey%20-%20Gioco%20Di%20Societ%C3%A0%20Edizione%20Italiana%20-%20Dixit%20Anniversary%20Gioco%20Da%20Tavolo%20Edizione%20Italiana Asmodee - Dixit Odyssey, il gioco di societĂ  che stimola la creativitĂ  e la fantasia con carte illustrate. Fino a 12 giocatori possono partecipare, anche a squadre. EtĂ  consigliata: 8+. #coupon #asmodee #giochidatavolo #offerteamazon #scontomio
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boardgameparadisesblog · 8 months
Which is the best board game?
Choosing the best board game is akin to picking the most enchanting star in the night sky — it's subjective and depends on personal preferences. Board games, with their diverse genres and captivating gameplay, offer something for every taste. Let's embark on a journey through some standout titles, each shining brightly in its own constellation.
Catan: The undisputed monarch of strategic board games, Catan, formerly known as The Settlers of Catan, has captivated players worldwide. Its blend of resource management, negotiation, and tactical prowess makes it a perennial favorite.
Ticket to Ride: For those with a penchant for adventure, Ticket to Ride whisks players across continents on a quest to complete railway routes. Its simplicity, coupled with strategic depth, makes it a gateway game for new players and a cherished choice for seasoned board gamers.
Carcassonne: In the realm of tile-laying games, Carcassonne reigns supreme. Players build landscapes with tiles, claiming features for points. Its accessible mechanics and endless replayability have earned it a hallowed place on many game shelves.
Pandemic: As the harbinger of cooperative play, Pandemic tasks players with saving the world from deadly diseases. Its unique collaborative dynamic fosters teamwork, making it a standout choice for those seeking shared victories.
Codenames: For wordsmiths and strategists alike, Codenames provides a linguistic challenge like no other. This party game of word association combines wit, deduction, and laughter in a deceptively simple package.
Gloomhaven: Venturing into the realm of epic campaigns and immersive storytelling, Gloomhaven stands tall. This legacy board game introduces persistent characters, evolving narratives, and tactical combat, creating an unparalleled gaming experience.
Chess: In the hallowed halls of classic games, Chess reigns as the eternal monarch. Its timeless elegance, strategic depth, and global appeal make it a game that transcends generations.
Dixit: Transporting players into the world of abstract and imaginative storytelling, Dixit enchants with dreamlike illustrations and creative narratives. It's a masterpiece for those who appreciate the art of communication.
The quest for the best board game is a personal odyssey, shaped by individual tastes, preferences, and the company of fellow players. Whether you're drawn to strategic conquests, cooperative missions, or whimsical wordplay, the world of board games offers a constellation of choices. Each title mentioned is a shining star in its own right, contributing to the galaxy of board gaming experiences. So, gather your fellow gamers, roll the dice, and embark on the celestial journey of board game exploration.
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udyammf · 9 months
Dear Sir/Madam,
Udyam Investments completes **32 successful years**! Your unwavering support has been our driving force. From **Tax Consultant Odyssey** to **Leading Mutual Fund Distributor**, we've come a long way.
Join us on **Real Talks with Rohan Dixit** as we reflect on our journey.
Thank you for being part of our story!
Warm regards,
Uddhav Tulshibagwale
Udyam Investments 🌟📈
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spiritgamer26 · 10 months
[NOËL 2023] La sĂ©lection de jeux de sociĂ©tĂ© pour jouer en famille
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Table des matiÚres de jeux de société proposé par les Contrées du jeu
Pour jouer en famille
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https://youtu.be/HArRsBSnfCI Unlock (12) Supernatural Adventures Unlock! est un jeu de cartes coopĂ©ratif inspirĂ© des escape rooms. Vous avez 60 minutes pour vous Ă©chapper. Unlock! vous fait vivre ces expĂ©riences chez vous, autour d’une table. Une application gratuite donne le rythme, dĂ©tient les rĂ©ponses et vous donne des indices. Un jeu basĂ© sur la logique, l’observation et l’intuition.
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The Art Project The ART Project est un jeu coopĂ©ratif : vous jouez tous ensemble contre le jeu. Chaque joueur pioche 2 cartes Mission au dĂ©but de chaque manche, puis tous les joueurs discutent pour dĂ©cider de l’ordre du tour : en effet, leurs rĂ©serves de Jerrican, Armes, AlliĂ©s et Indices sont en commun et leur gestion est primordiale. Quand vous jouez une Mission, vous dĂ©pensez des ressources communes et trouvez des indices qui serviront Ă  tous. Essayez de sauver 7 Ɠuvres avant la fin du paquet de Missions

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https://youtu.be/p2VmTlU01t8 7 Wonders Architects 7 Wonders Architects est un nouveau jeu indĂ©pendant dans l’univers de 7 Wonders ! Votre objectif est aussi simple que grandiose : bĂątir une Merveille si importante, si imposante, qu’elle marquera l’histoire de l’humanitĂ©. 7 Wonders Architects a Ă©tĂ© conçu pour offrir une expĂ©rience de jeu la plus fluide et immersive possible. Sous vos yeux, les Merveilles vont s’élever et entrer dans l’Histoire ! Un matĂ©riel innovant a Ă©tĂ© pensĂ© dans ce sens.
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https://youtu.be/PGryungP-Gs Akropolis Au cƓur de l’antique MĂ©diterranĂ©e, des citĂ©s rivales cherchent Ă  s’attirer richesse et gloire.Les plus talentueux architectes de la GrĂšce antique s’attĂšlent Ă  la tĂąche. Habitations, temples, marchĂ©s, jardins, casernes
 Autant de quartiers qui permettront Ă  votre ville de croĂźtre et se dĂ©marquer. Mais vos constructions doivent respecter une certaine harmonie et des rĂšgles bien prĂ©cises pour espĂ©rer voir grimper le prestige de votre citĂ©. La pierre reste le nerf de la guerre. Prenez soin de disposer de suffisamment de carriĂšres et n’oubliez pas de construire en Ă©tage pour Ă©lever votre citĂ© vers les cieux.
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https://youtu.be/4DqulCRSFws Syncro Vous devez estimer la valeur jouer par vos camarades de jeux tout en ayant une communication et des informations limitĂ©es. Au fur et Ă  mesure de la partie, vous progresserez dans l’aventure et vous dĂ©bloquerez des nouveaux effets qui pimenteront vos parties. Le jeu contient 2 chapitres avec respectivement 4 et 5 niveaux Ă  traverser afin de remporter la partie !
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https://youtu.be/eJQDBiMnEs0 Dixit Disney Dixit, le jeu de sociĂ©tĂ© onirique rencontre le plus grand studio d’animation de l’histoire ! DĂ©couvrez une nouvelle Ă©dition avec 84 illustrations oniriques inspirĂ©es par les dessins animĂ©s et films d’animation de Disney et Pixar ! Ces cartes sont compatibles avec les jeux du Dixit Universe : Stalla, Odyssey, etc.
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https://youtu.be/6SwKBBMq-Jc Micro Macro Crime City Showdown Showdown est le quatriĂšme volet de la sĂ©rie MicroMacro. Venez y dĂ©couvrir une nouvelle partie de la ville, avec ses 16 enquĂȘtes inĂ©dites et plus corsĂ©es Ă  mener. Ce jeu est indĂ©pendant des premiers volets : il n‘est pas nĂ©cessaire de possĂ©der ou d‘avoir jouĂ© aux Ă©pisodes prĂ©cĂ©dents pour vous lancer dans ces nouvelles affaires !MicroMacro est un jeu coopĂ©ratif. Un Ɠil affĂ»tĂ© et un sens de la dĂ©duction aiguisĂ© seront vos meilleurs atouts pour coincer les criminels les plus retors !
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https://youtu.be/d-tSD-PZ_20 Sur les traces de Darwin 20 ans aprĂšs son voyage de 5 ans autour du monde, Darwin souhaite rĂ©colter de nouvelles informations sur la vie animale, notamment Ă  propos des continents qu’il n’avait pas ou peu visitĂ©, comme l’AmĂ©rique du Nord, l’Asie et une partie de l’Afrique. Trop ĂągĂ© et occupĂ© par sa famille et ses travaux, il vous confie cette tĂąche, ses confrĂšres de la Royal Society de Londres lui ayant dit tout le bien qu’ils pensaient de vous
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https://youtu.be/4BJv_vDqou8 Skyjo Dans Skyjo, anticipez, soyez audacieux dans vos décisions et remplacez vos cartes judicieusement pour avoir le moins de points à la fin de la partie. Un jeu de cartes simple, subtil et terriblement addictif !
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https://youtu.be/3-B4CkjIpx4 Sea Salt & Paper A vous de crĂ©er votre propre ocĂ©an. Constituez votre main, posez des cartes pour leur effet et dĂ©cidez si vous mettez fin Ă  la manche. Mais vous devez choisir : stopper immĂ©diatement la manche ou laisser aux autres un tour supplĂ©mentaire pour tenter de creuser l’écart. C’est un risque Ă  prendre
PRIX DU GROUPEMENT DES BOUTIQUES LUDIQUES TRAVAIL D’ILLUSTRATION 2023 : Lucien Derainne et Pierre-Yves Gallard pour Sea Salt & Paper,
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https://youtu.be/jSfY3jeY278 Mantis Mantis est conçu pour les enfants comme les adultes. À chaque tour, pariez sur la prochaine couleur Ă  sortir du paquet pour voler vos adversaires ou marquer des points. Un jeu addictif oĂč l’on enchaĂźne les parties !
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https://youtu.be/AywXbAoTERg Mino Dice Mino Dice est un jeu de plis qui se joue
 avec des dĂ©s.Devinez combien de plis vous allez remporter (ou pas !) au dĂ©but de chaque manche. Devinez bien, et vous deviendrez le champion du labyrinthe !Mino Dice est une rethĂ©matisation de “Skull King Dice” et propose aux joueurs une expĂ©rience de jeu captivante qui associe hasard et stratĂ©gie. Read the full article
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boredgameslh-f · 10 months
Vincent Dutrait
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Vincent Dutrait is a highly acclaimed board game artist and illustrator renowned for his exceptional contributions to the visual aesthetics of various board games. While he is not a game designer himself, his artistic talent has left an indelible mark on the gaming industry. One notable title that features Dutrait's captivating artwork is "Lewis & Clark," a historical board game designed by Cedrick Chaboussit. In this game, players embark on an expedition through uncharted territories in North America, and Dutrait's illustrations bring to life the breathtaking landscapes and challenges faced by the explorers.
Another piece of work showcasing Dutrait's artistic prowess is "Rococo," a game designed by Matthias Cramer set in the opulent Baroque era of the 18th century. As players take on the roles of dressmakers crafting elegant attire for the nobility, Dutrait's detailed and sophisticated illustrations capture the essence of the period, adding depth to the game's thematic richness.
In the realm of strategic gaming, Dutrait's art graces "Rising Sun," a game designed by Eric M. Lang. Set in feudal Japan, the game features powerful clans competing for control and influence. Dutrait's vibrant and detailed depictions of mythical creatures and characters contribute to the game's immersive experience.
Vincent Dutrait's talents extend to the party game genre as well, as seen in "Dixit Odyssey," an expansion for the popular game "Dixit" designed by Jean-Louis Roubira. In "Mysterium," a cooperative deduction game designed by Oleksandr Nevskiy and Oleg Sidorenko, Dutrait's atmospheric and mysterious illustrations enhance the immersive ambiance of the game.
While I can appreciate Vincent Dutrait's artistic talent in board game illustrations, I find that some of his work, like in "Rococo" and "Lewis & Clark," tends to be a bit too old-fashioned for my personal taste. The detailed depictions of historical eras and landscapes are undoubtedly impressive, but I lean towards a more modern and contemporary aesthetic in board game art. In "Rising Sun," although the mythical elements are captivating, the overall feudal Japan theme feels a bit traditional for my preferences. Even in party games like "Dixit Odyssey," where the whimsy is delightful, I find myself yearning for a more modern and edgy visual style. It's not a critique of Dutrait's skill, which is undeniable, but rather a reflection of my inclination towards board games that embrace a more contemporary and cutting-edge approach to art and design.
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aroundtable · 1 year
Con Dixit 7, ovvero Dixit Revelations completiamo, almeno per il momento la playlist di Around the Table dedicata alle carte di Dixit. A dire il vero in questa playlist mancano tre scatole una Ú quella del mio Dixit base ovvero Odyssey, la seconda Ú quella della prima espansioe di Dixiet: scatole che avevo aperto molto tempo prima di aprire il canale e quindi era un po' strano farvi vedere quelle carte ( anche usurate perché usate senza la consapevolezza del board games), l'altra scatola che manca in questa playlist Ú proprio quella del Dixit, base che non ho mai acquistato quindi mi domando: vi piacerebbe che io aprissi la scatola dl Dixit base base? Ovvero riuscirete a convincere chi di dovere che e necessario che acquisti anche quella scatola di Dixit fatemelo sapere. Dixit 7 Revelation sarà l'ultima espansione di Dixit prima di settembre/ottobre quando uscirà la nuova scatola di Dixit dedicata al mondo Disney( che mi sta facendo venire l'acquolina in bocca per tutte le anteprime di  @AsmodeeItalia  e  @libelludgames  ) Ma intanto godiamoci le carte che ha realizzato Marina Coudray per Dixit Revekatuions: ho trovato oltre allA classica meravigliosa oniricità delle illustrazioni e la consuerta ironia anche un pizzico di sensualità del tutto in edita per il mondo di Dixit Dixit 7, Dixit Revelations Ú un'espansione per Dixit che contiene 84 nuove carte immagine edito in Italia da Asmodee! 00:00 Intro 02:28 Le Carte 11:04 Outro! Seguimi sui miei social: https://www.facebook.com/AroundThe7able/ https://twitter.com/AroundThe7able https://www.instagram.com/around_thetable/ http://aroundtable.tumblr.com/ #AroudtheTable #giochidatavolo #Dixit
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lettieriletti · 1 year
Dixit Odyssey - Base - Edizione italiana
Dixit Odyssey – Base – Edizione italiana Dixit Odyssey Ăš sia un gioco indipendente che un’espansione per il meglio conosciuto Dixit. Come in Dixit, le carte vengono date e con una parola o una descrizione bisogna descrivere la propria carta
 ma non troppo ovviamente! Ogni altro giocatore sceglierĂ  una carta che possa identificare la descrizione, dopodichĂ© ognuno dovrĂ  indovinare quale sia la

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niyotech · 2 years
For the summer holidays, take advantage of these board games on sale
For the summer holidays, take advantage of these board games on sale
Do you like board games? During the Sales, it is not uncommon to find titles on sale at major distributors as well as at specialist shops. We have listed the offers that we believe are the most relevant, either because they are part of our guides or because they are well discounted. Board games on sale Pandemic is €25.92 instead of €45.99 on Amazon Dixit – the Odyssey card game is at 16.14

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whovian223 · 3 years
Boardgame Geek Top 300 - Play or Played - #220-211
Boardgame Geek Top 300 - Play or Played - #220-211 #boardgames @CMONGames @FFGames @czechgames @AwakenRealms @BlueOrangeGames @alderac @trzewik @VlaadaCh @kwapinski_adam @JohnDClair
We’re heading into the home stretch with our look at the Top 300 games on Boardgame Geek. I may even finish before October! Wouldn’t that be a hoot? I’ve actually really enjoyed doing this list, even as I stated last week that it just started as a way to get some content up here during the pandemic. It’s exposed me to many games that I may have heard of but really had no concept about. It’s

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lightandconsolation · 6 years
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Dixit Tarot
Major Arcana Part 3: the Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, and the Hanged Man
I compiled a Tarot deck from my Dixit deck and the three expansion decks I have: Origins, Revelations, and Odyssey. In this series, I go through my choices for each card and evaluate how well they work. Masterpost is here.
The Hermit (from Dixit Revelations) A turtle stands alone, looking upward. A view inside its shell shows a volcano covered in skeletons with a dragon inside. 5/5 - I was inspired to use a turtle for this card by @collegewitchboy who loves turtles. The Hermit has an inner expansiveness in some ways similar to that of the High Priestess, but this expansiveness is more earthbound than spiritual, born of long experience.
Wheel of Fortune (from Dixit Odyssey) An ape spins a wheel containing symbols of possible life events. In the background, a person stands, held captive with a ball and chain. 5/5 - Before getting my new Dixit Odyssey deck, my Wheel of Fortune was a card from Revelations showing a bunch of interlocking gears with faces on them. It worked, but this one is so much more specific to the meaning of the card in its depiction of the randomness of chance and our inability to escape the results. Also an ape is there bc why not.
Justice (from Dixit Odyssey) An angel attempts to escape the trip-hold of their own robe. They carry a scythe and a set of scales and wear a mask that is half face, half skull. 3/5 - Now I look closer at this, it’s more like a hybrid of Justice and Death. Actually, the reason I chose a new one for this was that the color scheme for the one I had previously was too close to what I had for the Hanged Man. It showed a scale with a feather outweighing a bag of coins, and I think that worked better conceptually. May need to reevaluate.
The Hanged Man (from Dixit) A marionette is seated in a plush chair, its strings hanging slack above it. 4/5 - This card does get at the sense of listlessness that I associate with the Hanged Man, but I feel it’s missing the sense of a change in perspective. If the color scheme issue is going to be a deciding factor here (and it does bug me), perhaps this is a better candidate for replacement than the Justice card, though I think I’ve looked for a different Hanged Man a few times and haven’t had much luck.
Up next: Death, Temperance, the Devil, and the Tower
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scontomio · 2 years
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💣 Asmodee Italia, Dixit Odyssey, Gioco da Tavolo, Edizione Italiana đŸ€‘ a soli 22,99€ invece di 29,90€ âžĄïž https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/asmodee-italia-dixit-odyssey-gioco-da-tavolo-edizione-italiana/?feed_id=6381&_unique_id=63109dd21d06b&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Asmodee%20Italia%2C%20Dixit%20Odyssey%2C%20Gioco%20da%20Tavolo%2C%20Edizione%20Italiana
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loyallogic · 5 years
Blog Competition Winner Announcement – 4th week of September 2019
So, today is the day! We are finally announcing the winner of our Blog Writing Competition of 4th week of September 2019 (From 23rd September 2019 To 29th September 2019) 
We’d like to say a big thanks to everyone for participating! It has been a great pleasure receiving your articles on a different legal topic, they were all amazing! 
And now we’d like to congratulate our top 5 contestants who become the undoubted winners. Their entries (see below) received marks ranging from 7 to 9 out of 10 based on the average marks given by the panel of our editors, the most of any entrant, and has been crowned the winners!
Participants Name
About Participants
Name of the Selected Articles
Priya Jha
Student of BA.L.L.B. (4th year), Bharati Vidyapeeth University, New Law College, Pune
Artificial Intelligence Through The Lens Of Copyright
Rajeshkumar Rajendran
Pursuing a Certificate Course in Arbitration: Strategy, Procedure and Drafting from Lawsikho.com
Which Method is More Effective: Arbitration or Litigation
Jelena Marijanović 
Pursuing a Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE and VC transactions) from  Lawsikho.com
Reverse Merger
Vrinda Baheti and Vishesh Goel
Second-year students of Faculty of Law, University of Delhi
Alleged Arbitrariness in Premature Release of Prisoners
Mariya Paliwala
Intern at Lawsikho.com
Relevance of Aadhar in Present Era
We also have winners who made the top 10. Their entries (see below) received marks ranging from 5 to 6 out of 10 based on the average marks given by the panel of editors, the most of any entrant, and has been crowned the winners!
Participants Name
About Participants
Name of the Selected Articles
Shanvi Agarwal
Student of (School of Law, Christ Deemed to be University, Bengaluru)
Fourth and Fifth Amendment Act, 1955
              Hitul Sehgal
Guest Post
The legal odyssey of the Uniform Civil Code
Anjali Dixit
Guest Post
Let abortion laws be woman-centric
      Sahajveer Baweja
Pursuing a B.A.LL.B (Hons.) from Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Patiala
Feminist Jurisprudence in the Indian Constitution
Jitmanyu Satpati
A third-year student from NLU Odhisa
Character Evidence in Criminal Trials
  Click here to see all of the contest entries.
Our panel of judges, which included editors of iPleaders blog and LawSikho team, choose the winning entry based on how well it exemplified the entry requirements.
Congratulations all the participants!
Team LawSikho.
Students of Lawsikho courses regularly produce writing assignments and work on practical exercises as a part of their coursework and develop themselves in real-life practical skill.
LawSikho has created a telegram group for exchanging legal knowledge, referrals and various opportunities. You can click on this link and join:
Follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more amazing legal content.
The post Blog Competition Winner Announcement – 4th week of September 2019 appeared first on iPleaders.
Blog Competition Winner Announcement – 4th week of September 2019 published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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clubrulesuk · 7 years
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Here's another look at a shelf from the collection! Dixit: Odyssey is a great, imaginative party game which holds up to 12 players (some great laughs when this gets played). Cash 'n' Guns 2nd Edition is a game where players point foam guns at one another in an attempt to spread out the loot (a unique game which I had always wanted since I saw it). Deception Murder in Hong Kong is another game that holds up to 12 players but players are trying to deceiver a murder mystery (Think the theme of Cluedo with the game engine of Mysterium and any social deduction game). Oh BĂ€renpark. What a pleasure it is to see you sitting on my shelves. Game of the year for me at the moment. Love the Tetris-like puzzle it gives and ease of play (turns a very fast which makes it even more appealing to get to the table). And another new game on the shelves in Century: Spice Road. This has replaced Splendor for me in the collection, with Splendor going to the school collection, as it has a bit more going on. If you're a fan of splendor, you Must must must check this one out (this is also another game that has fast paced turns). #boardgames #shelfie #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #spiel #brettspiel #games #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #gamenight
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skorobagatko · 7 years
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Awesome game :) #game #games #dixit #cardgame #boardgame #odyssey #company #evening #greattimes
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whovian223 · 4 years
Boardgame Geek Top 200 - Play or Played - #200-191
Boardgame Geek Top 200 - Play or Played - #200-191 #boardgames @Libellud @czechgames @gmtgames @thunderworksgam @strongholdgames @RavensburgerNA @riograndegames @trzewik
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After finally getting the last post for the BGG Top 100 games done last week, I was a bit at a loss.
What to do for a follow-up?
I’m still not getting many games played and while I am behind on a review or two (would be even more if my review copy of The City would actually get through Canada Customs!) ultimately there’s not a lot to write about.
Then I got to thinking: people really seemed to

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lightandconsolation · 6 years
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Dixit Tarot
Major Arcana Part 4: Death, Temperance, the Devil, and the Tower
I compiled a Tarot deck from my Dixit deck and the three expansion decks I have: Origins, Revelations, and Odyssey. In this series, I go through my choices for each card and evaluate how well they work. Masterpost is here.
Death (from Dixit Revelations) A lumberjack enters the forest with an axe. Beneath the ground, the tree roots take the form of mourning women of different ages. 5/5 - The sense of grief is so strong here, and sense of grief is different for each of the root figures in the card. Something about the unawareness of the lumberjack makes it even more tragic.
Temperance (from Dixit Odyssey) A red-haired woman sits on a throne formed by a dead tree, wearing a dress of the grass and flowers on the ground. She holds a heart in one hand and a book in the other. 5/5 - This card really captures the integration of opposites characteristic of the Temperance card: life and death, head and heart, even the red and green colors that are dominant here. It’s all very balanced.
The Devil (from Dixit Odyssey) A ballerina dances on a spinning record. In the background, a shadowy horned figure with red eyes lurks behind a camera. 5/5 - There a a few different themes you can go with for the Devil card, and this one is very much about exploitation, and being forced to perform for the male gaze.
The Tower (from Dixit Revelations) A person stands at the doorway to a grand house. Beneath the house, a volcano spews smoke, threatening to explode. In the distance, three other houses have rocketed into the sky. 5/5 - The RWS Tower card shows a disaster in progress, but I’m really intrigued by Tower cards that show an impending disaster. In the middle of something terrible happening, you’re too busy dealing with everything to really think about it, but when something terrible is about to happen, you really feel the impact of it.
Up next: the Star, the Moon, the Sun, Judgement, and the World
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