#Dispatch services
appgainmedia · 7 months
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backendsolutions · 7 months
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tridentdispatch · 2 years
The Benefits of Outsourcing Dispatch Services
Dispatching is a common part of any business, but it can be difficult to do yourself. When you outsource the job to an expert, however, you’ll find that it’s not just easier — it’s also more cost-effective and efficient. This can help your business grow and thrive in a way that would otherwise be impossible. In this article we’ll explore some of the benefits of outsourcing dispatch services for your company:
It can Get Your Business Up and Running
When you’re starting a new business, it’s often difficult to find the time and resources to launch it. You may have to take on jobs that don’t bring in much money but are important because they help your company grow.
Outsourcing Truck dispatch services can help you get your business up and running by giving you more time in which to focus on growing the business rather than doing everything yourself.
It Can Improve Customer Service
One of the most important things to remember when it comes to customer service is that it’s a priority. When you outsource your freight dispatch services, you can ensure that your customers’ needs are met and their experience with your company is an excellent one — which in turn will increase sales for both parties involved.
When customers have access to self-service systems such as phone or email support from within their own offices or home computers, they tend not only feel more satisfied but also inclined toward buying from companies again in the future (and thus giving them money). This can lead directly back into improving customer loyalty and brand recognition among new prospects who may not otherwise know about certain products/services beforehand; all while also increasing overall sales figures over time!
It Can Increase Efficiency
Outsourcing dispatch services can help your business in a variety of ways. A good outsourcing company will be able to help you increase efficiency, which is important in any business. For example, if you have an office with a large number of employees and vehicles, it may be difficult for you to keep track of who’s working where and who needs what vehicle at any given time. This can result in delays that waste time and money on unnecessary trips or equipment usage (i.e., wasted gas).
An efficient dispatch Company system allows workers who need something specific from another worker or department before they start work on their own projects — and it gives them access to the tools needed for their jobs without having them stop whatever else they’re doing first!
It Can Help You Cut Costs
You can hire and train new employees at a fraction of the cost.
You won’t have to buy equipment or phones, because they will be provided by the outsourcing company.
The office space you need isn’t as important when you’re outsourcing flatbed trucking dispatch services because all of your employees are working from home anyway, so there’s no need for an office space big enough for everyone to gather in one location together.
Utility costs are also less expensive when it comes time for your outsourced dispatchers to start using utilities such as electricity and water filters at home instead of having them paid separately from their salaries each month (which can add up quickly). This is especially true if they live in close proximity with other members on staff who do similar jobs but don’t require any specialized equipment like computers or cellphones — it makes sense financially!
Outsourcing dispatch services can help your business in a variety of ways.
It can get your business up and running quickly, without having to spend all of your time on it. This allows you to focus on other areas of the business that require more attention from you, like marketing or sales.
It can improve customer service by removing some of the burden from employees who would normally handle customer requests themselves (like answering phone calls). You’ll be able to delegate those tasks instead, which means less stress for everyone involved — you!
Outsourcing dispatch services will also increase efficiency within your organization because they’ll be working with an outside company rather than being limited by resources within their own office space(s). That means less wasted time spent looking through files trying to find out who did what when an order was placed; instead it gets done instantly through email communication between both parties involved so there’s no need whatsoever for paperwork anymore!
Outsourcing dispatch services can help your business in a variety of ways. You can get your business up and running faster, improve customer service, increase efficiency and cut costs. The benefits of outsourcing dispatch services are clear so it’s time to start looking into it today!
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metromax2023 · 2 years
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frangipani-wanderlust · 8 months
How To Call 911
So most of my followers know now that I started working last May as a 911 dispatcher. Super proud of myself. And now that I am starting (very much still starting) to settle in a bit, I want to offer some tips on how to call 911. So, hold on to your hats.
(no-color version if the yellow text isn't rendering on your screen correctly)
When in doubt, call 911. Don't take this as me encouraging you to jump at shadows. Your neighbors' loud party is not an emergency, google the local non-emergency line and call that. Neither is the dry cleaning not giving you your clothes (I actually got this call on our 911 line). Nor is the fact that you saw a fox inside city limits (also something a real human called 911 about). But if you see a situation unfolding and you think "this seems dangerous, maybe this is 911-worthy" then it's 911-worthy. Don't hesitate. Call.
If you call 911 and you are freaking out, that's okay. If you're in a crisis, you may not remember a single tip I'm about to give you. We are trained for that, we can handle it, just do the best you can. It's not the end of the world to have a hysterical or frightened caller, and these are tips, not rules.
Location, location, location. We can't send you help if we have nowhere to send it to. Ideally, know the address. Failing that, know the name of a business or a church or an intersection. It is not cheating if you read this off a sign. There isn't a set of invisible rules that says you have to have your exact GPS coordinates memorized. Be prepared to describe the location somehow. That way, if our connection drops and that's all you can tell me, I can still send some police out to come find out what's going on and they can ask for medics or firefighters or whatever if needed. But we absolutely must know where to send assistance, it is the first thing we're going to ask.
Location again, but with a twist. The first thing our office says for emergencies is, "911, what is the address of the emergency?" If a building is on fire, tell us where the fire is. If your neighbors are being robbed at gunpoint across the street, give us their address. If you witnessed a car accident, tell us where the accident happened. The location of the emergency isn't necessarily the location where you are. Don't send police and fire to your office building if the wreck is on the freeway.
Answer the questions that you are asked. If the calltaker asks "Is the patient breathing?" don't start in about the seizure they just had (if they aren't breathing, the seizure they just had is not the biggest problem). If the calltaker asks, "Which way did the man you saw go when they ran?" don't tell them about how they broke down your door (if they are running away, knowing they broke your door down does not help the police know which direction to start looking). The particular question you are asked is being asked for a reason, and that reason is not frivolous but in an emergency, we aren't going to stop and explain everything.
Do not launch into a speech. If you're asked a yes/no question, yes or no is all the answer you should give. Your impulse will be to explain the yes or the no because more information is better than not enough, but overexplaining is its own problem. Now, we are hired for good typist skills, and are encouraged to get better and faster, but infodumping means things can get missed. The calltaker is going to have some information they're going to ask for by protocol and probably the option to drill down on some of it if clarification is needed. If you spend five paragraphs explaining your last answer, it delays getting other pertinent information.
Do not launch into a speech, part the second. You don't call 911 for things that happened last week, or even yesterday. Tell me the emergency that is happening right now. Ideally in one sentence. If someone is having a medical issue, and you call 911 about it, when the calltaker asks exactly what happened, do not tell them about how the patient had a surgery 5-and-a-half weeks ago. You called 911. What is the emergency that is happening right now. Don't be telling me about their surgery when the problem you called about is a broken leg. Yes, the surgery may have led to generalized loss of balance that has yet to return which caused the patient to fall which caused them to break their leg. Understood. But you didn't call because of all of that. You called because of the broken leg. Apply this principle to all emergencies.
Don't launch into a speech, part the third. When asked a specific and direct question, do not give an explanation instead of an answer. If the calltaker asks you "Is the weird person on the side of the road actually in the lanes of traffic?" do not explain to them how it's a very narrow roadway (see parenthesis for the story here). Aside from the fact that we're not asking these questions to be funny (see part the second), there's also the fact that now you are coming over as suspicious as hell. If I asked "how did that person on Facebook know what this supposedly missing kid is wearing and where he's going to be at 3:00 today?" and you say "well Facebook is a good way to spread information" I am now extremely suspicious of you.
(Also an actual call I have taken. The man was a totally ordinary guy out for a walk to the store, but this blue collar man walked through a Rich Person Neighborhood™ and according to Lady Catherine De Bourgh on the phone with me, that merited a call to the police. When I asked her if he was actually in the lanes of traffic [traffic hazard call type] versus not [suspicious person call type, on a technicality but technically...], she tried explaining three times that the road was narrow before she finally got the message that I was not going to stop asking until she told me the actual answer and answered "Well, I suppose so, yes." At this point, because she'd been so reluctant to answer me, I no longer believed the man actually was in the lanes of traffic and to this day believe that she lied to try and manipulate the police into a stronger-level response than was actually warranted. Because determining whether she was lying for sure is beyond the scope of my job, I put down what she said, but I didn't believe then and still don't believe now, that she told the truth. The totally ordinary and probably very nice guy was not arrested or hassled at all and was instead given a courtesy ride to the store.)
Be prepared to describe relevant people, maybe including yourself, and that includes race. If you have an asthma attack at a football game, the medics need to know how to find you in a crowd. If you are a black woman, that's gonna rule out everyone who isn't that. If you are a black woman wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and a blue bandana over your hair, that excludes nearly everybody and when the medics arrive, they'll know exactly who to look for. Most of the time, someone's race isn't relevant information. When describing someone to emergency services, it absolutely is and it is not racist to accurately describe the relevant person or people.
There are more tips in the world, and I may come back to this post and add them as they occur to me. In the meantime, please enjoy this short treatise on how to call 911.
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violent138 · 3 days
Barbara probably has the perfect voice for podcasts or informational documentaries, but very few of the Batkids or Birds of Prey can ever listen to any of her side gigs without having a conditioned fight or flight or anxious response kick in.
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I can translate try to translate the unhinged nonsense of the previous ask. Number 5 held a sermon / attempted summoning ritual for The Croaker. Shortly after that was finished the blog @dispatcher192-c was discovered and it posted encoded messages saying that they were searching for "Kermit 144kc" which was later to confirmed to be codename for The Croaker. There has also been an increase of weird puzzle shit and mysterious happenings from the other blogs, which the rambler believes is linked to Olipop, (AKA The Horseman of Famine in lore [Limos is apparently the Greek god of famine]) and is warning you not to drink the soda or else you will be under its control.
I see. Thank you for enlightening me
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Me: I'm trying to decide what I want to do as a career. Maybe it's because I've been watching a lot of 911 lately, but I'm considering maybe being a dispatcher?
Friend: I think you would be a good dispatcher. You like gossip, it's just like. High stakes gossip.
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all i want is for someone to share the new wilfried pov short story with me ;_;
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
okay i am still working on that henry percy write-up but another angle i wish was explored more:
very few allow for the possibility that chapuys was exaggerating jane’s support of mary as heir to the throne to the extent he was because he’s gone beyond and arguably to some extent, even against charles’ advice/instruction in his support of jane and active role in the boleyn downfall, over any princess charles wanted him to wed when it became clear there would be a new english queen (consort)....
of course he’s lost face regardless, but the solution to minimize that (basically, for promising different outcomes than resulted and overestimating jane’s influence on henry and the power that would be hers once queen) might have been to repeatedly insist that jane was vehemently attempting intercession for mary and even to reinstate her as heir, but that henry was dead-set against this, and of course, nobody could ever have predicted this (it was within the expectations of the ambassador’s role to predict political outcomes, an element where chapuys was more often than not, an abysmal failure, particularly wrt this timeline)
aside from the one report of the bishop of faenza ( she has five times thrown herself publicly at the King's feet, requesting him to send for his daughter and declare her Princess), who was not the most reliable source of the tudor court, this is not corroborated by any other contemporary source beyond a report that mary sat at the king and queen’s table for meals (much later), and the later spanish chronicle. chapuys’ own eventual face-to-face meeting with jane preceding mary’s capitulation contained commitment from her that was soon interrupted by henry, although of course chapuys attempts to spin this as best he can and save face later when events plummet soon after:
 the satisfaction of this people with the marriage was incredible, especially at the restoration of the Princess to the King's favor and to her former condition [...]  begged her to favor her interests; which she said she would do [...]  I begged him the day before, when he spoke about it, to take care that it did not contain anything which could directly or indirectly touch her right, or the honor either of herself or of the late Queen, her mother, nor yet her conscience; otherwise she would not consent thereto for all the gold in the world [...] Meanwhile I went to talk with this Queen's brother, whom I left very well informed of the great good it would be, not only to the Queen his sister and all their kin, but also to the realm and all Christendom likewise, if the Princess were restored to her rights; and I am sure he will use his good offices therein. [...] the King got into a great anger against the obstinacy and disobedience of the said Princess, showing clearly that he bore her very little love or goodwill [...]  In this case it would be important for the Princess to be declared heiress, at least in case of no male heirs. Has some hopes of this from the demonstration lately made by the King, the Queen's goodwill to her, and the words of Cromwell. [...]  it was proposed to deprive the Bastard and make [Mary] heiress [...]  the matter proceeded so far that, in spite of the prayers of this Queen, which he rudely repulsed, the King called the judges to proceed according to law to the inquest and first sentence which is given in the absence of the parties [...]  I even sent to [Cromwell] several times, when matters were so desperate, to advise the Princess to consent to the King's will, and I have since fully assured him that he should know before two months were over that there was no man in the world who had done better service in this matter than I. /  the danger of interrupting our negociations for amity, in which the English proceed so coldly that I know not what to say /  The ambassador writes that she was a maid of the late Queen, and afterwards of Anne Boleyn; that she is virtuous and kindly and welldisposed to the Princess, in whose favor she has spoken to the King, and that there were hopes of her being declared true heir in the parliament. / They have also renewed and aggravated the statutes against those who should use the name of Pope, which is also treason; and it is said they will cause the whole realm to be sworn again, in confirmation of the statutes against the Holy See, against the marriage of the late good Queen and the legitimacy of the Princess, to whom no one should dare give that title on pain of his life. /  [...] doubted whether he should have any child by the Queen; for which reason he intended, in a few days, to declare the Princess heir of the kingdom /  I think the Princess has acted more prudently, whatever Count Cifuentes and Doctor Ortiz may say, who in my opinion have not considered all the circumstances. /  The Princess is well. Since her reconciliation to her father, she has been treated even with more ceremony than in times past. /  As to the Princess, Cromwell tells me she will be declared heiress apparent without fail. /  She is now served as Princess. /  Chapuis writes on Sept. 2 that the Princess is well, and is served as Princess. 
jane either over-promised or chapuys exaggerated the vehemence of her promise (he certainly did cromwell’s... ‘without fail’ indeed); edward it seems made no commitment at all (none chapuys reports, at least...) and yet he is ‘sure’ he will do his utmost to restore her to her rights. 
the question becomes, what corroborating evidence do we have of chapuys’ reports on this dynamic as he reported? really it’s only mary’s letter to jane, which seems to be in response to a letter of support jane only wrote and sent after mary’s submission/capitulation (the copy of which has not, frustratingly, survived, although mary quotes it partially-- “no less full of motherly joy for my towardness of reconciliation than of most prudent counsel for my further proceeding therein"-- although it seems like jane was only able to keep one promise-- “of your goodness you promise to travel to bring to a perfection” was kept, but her request to “have in remembrance her desire to attain the King's presence” after the initial visit was not met for another five months-- “the delay of the coronation will do no harm except that the coming of the Princess to Court is put off till it takes place”). 
#his advice to mary being connected on a promise elizabeth would be demoted and mary would be confirmed heir by parliament... woof#there's also quite a gap between the reconciliation and mary being received at court#this has been attributed to the plague but it's like...it's not as if she went with them to dover...#chapuys attempts to save face by saying mary has not been invited to court because she won't be until jane is crowned#and then she is. before she's crowned.#i get so much secondhand embarassment reading his dispatches fr like...what DO you know#but yeah so much of this has to be read as an exercise in face-saving#i don't understand why it so seldom is#'received with EVEN more ceremony than in times past'...come tf on?#as in more so than when she was princess and had a huge household in service to her?#she did receive more servants than she had in elizabeth's residences before#but it was definitely still a huge reduction from 'past times'#also it's interesting that he never asked this of anne#it would involve recognition of her which i assume was why he wouldn't but#considering he claims she was the primary influence of her ill-treatment...wouldn't the obvious answer be to request him to favor her#in exchange for imperial gratitude?#*and most importantly; the primary influence upon henry#or even to george as he does here (the queen's brother) considering he thought george's influence on anne and the king were pretty great#also smth chapuys never attempts despite speaking with george a handful of times during anne's reign#*to request anne#it seems like he chose cromwell as the conduit to henry with very little effect#at least insofar as promoting/protecting mary's interests went
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metromax2023 · 2 years
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frangipani-wanderlust · 10 months
Ride-along today with fire department medics.
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dramaphan · 2 years
Girl help I'm thinking about changing careers
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concoulor · 2 years
I haven’t watched an australian tv show before so another fun thing is listening to the different noises
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itruckdispatch · 3 days
Streamline Your Truck Business with Advanced Dispatch Software and Load Tracking App
iTruck Dispatch offers innovative solutions to enhance your truck business operations. With cutting-edge dispatch software and an efficient load tracking app, managing your fleet has never been easier. The app helps you optimize routes, monitor deliveries, and streamline your trucking services in real-time. Stay on top of your business with seamless tracking features that ensure on-time deliveries and increased productivity. Elevate your trucking efficiency with iTruck Dispatch's comprehensive tracking app.
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cabsoluit-blog · 27 days
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