#Disney Park Updates
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samsdisneydiary · 1 year ago
Disney DestinationD 2023 Park Announcements in Pictures
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khawla-gfm2 · 6 months ago
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 29📰
$4,083/$20,000 as of September 12th [10pm CDT]
Only 4 donations made today!
If you're seeing this post, I urge you to please help this campaign reach $5,000 as soon as possible. it would take Just 50 people donating $20 to reach that short term goal.
Even donating just $5 or $10 can go a long way and carry the campaign further to reaching it's goal. All small donations made, and all spreading to people via reblogging and sharing. mean all the difference.
If you reblog this post tell me in the tags your favorite plant.
[for more information about this campaign check the pinned post in this blog; the campaign page itself; or message me directly if you have any questions.]
[tag list under the cut]:
@vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @iamthecatthatkilledthecar @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @frizzyhairedfriend @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel @slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @dubiousyuri @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @natsukashiisan @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @just-little-confused @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts @wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777
@cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @teamonanamin @wizardinglizard @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie31 @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff @one-cold-witch @boyloserwoes @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @cloudbustingss @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @themazziah @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @spookyyarn @ocipiala @zaminami @oingoboingofan78 @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @thecapitalistraccooninyourinbox @djinna @hananono @centi-pearl @that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @oingoboingofan78 @kenniex2 @heathersno1fananddefender
@yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow @lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @amanda-with-a-y @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker @plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @twistedswrd @apeanut @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @asapphicbug @capturethemeansofdestruction @yesitsanusha @dk65 @my-poor-obsessive-heart @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @crime-crinkle @k9mackenzie @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @melon-extras @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @sealsoulsound @louddragonphantom @pettyboricua @ponefoolery @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land
@jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @alsiken @alicetancredi @wasa-bi7 @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @solablaize @0bottombunk0 @wolfcubjim @gothieck @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @ridechemy @strawberryglitterkiss @fkaho92 @inexperienced-0 @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim @thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @wwhalelovin @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @eunillul @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology @the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @quasisaur @talkswiththem
@voidpumpkin @victormcdicktor @half-asleep-star @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @zirazirablue @the-void-calls-for-me @no-clue-just-vibin @cheesemctoastnuggets @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rrandomlyrandomlyy @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz @chip-thief @therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @karlloss @freckledzombie @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @dead111111111111 @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulite @stonedust4 @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @magicalfunnyartpalace-blog @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @sissyphussy121 @melanatedhoe @thebluespacecow
@reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523 @killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @extrabitterbrain @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @yiyongs @sentienceoverload-29 @kareena-sobha @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @griefgrl @chthonianalacrity @glutenfreeviolence @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @token-middle-child @jane-prentiss-my-beloved @malloryintimeloop @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @dontlook4bo @this-deadgirlwalking @dassy-88 @moonfire1 @rob-os-17 @escaramelo @moonbisexualsharktamerr @victormcdicktor @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @zirazirablue @the-void-calls-for-me @no-clue-just-vibin @cheesemctoastnuggets @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing
@dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rrandomlyrandomlyy @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @chip-thief @karlloss @freckledzombie @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @dead111111111111 @punkeropercyjackson @patchoulite @stonedust4 @ofishally @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @magicalfunnyartpalace-blog @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @melanatedhoe @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @juchily @classyeyeballs @yiyongs @sentienceoverload-29 @kareena-sobha @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @griefgrl @chthonianalacrity @glutenfreeviolence @samurotting
@aldryrththerainbowheart @token-middle-child @jane-prentiss-my-beloved @malloryintimeloop @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @dontlook4bo @this-deadgirlwalking @dassy-88 @moonfire1 @rob-os-17 @escaramelo @moonbisexualsharktamerr @weakestwarrior @iridescent-oyster @v1rtualv4mp @fiapple @tryna-sleep @snapcracklepop-myjoints @l-art-stuff-l @minosbull @duskstarshit @cosmicgamerboy @squidkiddoesstuff @attaboy-art @rainbowbookcasesandlargemugs @fireflyingaway @blackcrystalball @lookineedsleep @i-luv-ateez-sm @lampthehealthminister @artdinosaursgaming @therealdjpocky @holyeaglecupcake @amberspacedf @teeethbrush @bunnannie @lesbitching @lonelypotato23 @swaggy-hairy-thang @murenaaaaa @pikathe1stone @karlmarxmaybe @littlegaypancake @malkaveean @zimislockedinthefreezer @hollylowejones @nyidori @catboywillferal
@yetisidelblog @tspicer23 @galax-dragon @redpinejo @orphancat @missdeross @sea-200 @literally-one-million-bees @aroacedisasterr @blvvdyindustries @lesbianbutters @fuzzythememe @sunmooneclipseandstars @theandroidsentbycyberl1fe @reblogingstuffrandomly @animatorfun @r4yt0r0f4nb0y @fazar234 @mstormcloud @theguiltygearheritageposts @doubleedgemode @millionthcephalophore @white-mirrors @cherubsaliaa @alienghostbeebaby @ash24601 @vermillion-reeds @willhelmthewhale @garden0flowr @cipherinator @sister-lucifer @missivorystone @4de2ssy0 @alpabett @99orangeblossoms @totally-six @sematary-drive @knittedquails @masterofthepistachio @gagreflexoxo @owlchow @specificiumray @valentinemailbox @patzweigz @papus-clown-enclosure @melodiceelegy @montewave @chilewithcarnage @easariel @leftyreea
@genderlesscrows @erikaogrady @quesofromagecheese @spookygayferret @cloudy-osc @thatonedemon @ethanscrocs @hellswolfie @hungee-boy @thenamelessdepths @courtly-kenzie @funnypickle3 @ittotloml @wompwompwoooooomp @sapphirepetal @ashytheslashy @magnuficentwo @celestialserenity24 @thatgothicgirl @geodetojoy @feelo-fick @herondale-infj @nerdytextileartist @queencantaloupe @clownbugg-ie @lil-jellyw @wayward-bitch @xxhalfempty @ransiquack @rowletlittenpopplioteam @the-coley-zone @kayle-chiped @somenobodyok @secondaryserenade @choosethename @furrysinthematrix @frograaa @doe-in-the-woods @mattsinclairvo @snufkin1970 @bi-worm @sillymarillly @luckycloverforducks @sithlordpadawan @kippahkaplan @bonecodoposto-45 @tinkerscrickets @starshinesparkle @9sy
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twilightown · 5 months ago
My Spotify Playlists Master Post 🎵
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Get Some Toast - 'Cuz these songs are my jam(s.)
🗣🎤🔊 - Songs to sing or scream along to
Showtunes - Theatre songs
Instrumental Songs - Sometimes you just need background noise
Seasonal Vibes
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Fall 🍁☕️
Winter ❄️🩵
Summer ☀️🍹
& none for spring, bye
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Dreams Come True - Songs from Disney movies
Most Magical - Songs from Disney Parks
Disney Road Trip - A playlist to get you hyped while on the road to the parks
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2013 Prom - Let's fuckin' goooooooooo
2000s (Early) - My Childhood
Dad Rock - My dad, anyway
Angsty Teen - Think '08 to '14
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showroomcertifiedzine · 1 year ago
Showroom Certified is an upcoming for-charity fanzine about animatronics! Pre-orders open on January 13th!
(INFO) || (Twitter)
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dreamacosplay · 1 month ago
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It’s not done yet, but this amazing dress will be used for my Constance Hatchaway Cosplay!
Thank you @monetaj for finding this Gem
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yen-sids-tournament · 3 months ago
All 128 Quotes for our Quotable Disney Tournament!
They are alphabetical. First by where then by who and finally by what.
101 Dalmatians (1961) -1-
Cruella De Vil: "Miserable, darling, as usual, perfectly wretched."
A Bug's Life (1998) -1-
Flik: "It's you who need us! We're a lot stronger than you say we are...and you know it, don't you?"
A Goofy Movie (1995) -2-
Lester the Possum: "Who's your favorite possum?" Nerdy Kid: "Yo, Stacy! Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, baby!"
Aladdin (1992) -4- and Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996) -1-
Genie: "All right you baaaaaad boy, but no more freebies." "Jafar, Jafar, he's our man, if he can't do it-GREAT!" "Ten Thousand Years will give you such a crick in the neck!" Jafar: "Giving you your reward... your ETERNAL reward!" Genie: "Sand! It's everywhere. Get used to it."
Amphibia (2019-22) -1-
Marcy [S2 E20]: "But look at how much fun we've had. Look at how much you've both grown. Look at Spring, I gave you this. I gave you everything! I just...didn't want to be alone."
Bambi (1942) -1-
Thumper: "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
Beauty and the Beast (1991/2017) -3-
Luminer: "Try the gray stuff, it's delicious" Gaston and LeFou: "Dismissed. Rejected. Publically humiliated. Why it's more than I can bare." / "More beer?" LeFou (2017): "There's a beast running wild, there's no question. But I fear the wrong monster's released."
Brave (2012) -1-
Merida: "I am Merida, first born child of Clan DunBroch, and I will be shooting for my own hand."
Brother Bear (2003) -1-
Kenia: "Well, it's kind of about a man...and kind of about a bear. But mostly about a monster."
Buzz Lightyear Star Command: The Adventure Begins (2000) -1-
Emperor Zurg: "Target the planet of widows and orphans"
Christopher Robin (2018) -1-
Winnie the Pooh: "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day."
Cinderella (1950) -1-
Cinderella: "A dream is a wish a heart makes."
Descendants: Rise of Red (2024) -1-
Ella: "There's nothing I wouldn't do if my heart tells me it's right If it's for someone I love If it's to save a life"
Disney America Press Conference (1993) -1-
Bob Weis: "We want to make you feel what it was like to be a slave, and what it was lite to escape through the Underground Railroad."
Finding Nemo (2003) -1-
Dory: "Just keep swimming."
Frozen (2012) -3- and Frozen 2 (2019) -1-
Olaf: "Some people are worth melting for." Prince Hans and Princess Anna: "We finish each other's--" / "Sandwiches!" / "That's what I was going to say!" Princess Anna: "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Queen Elsa: "Everyone I have ever loved is here within these walls"
Fun and Fancy Free (1947) -1-
Jiminy Cricket: "Don't cross a bridge or peak 'round the corner until you're there. Just learn to smile and in a while, you'll find trouble's a bubble of air"
Gargoyles (1994-97) -1- and Gargoyles the Movie: Heroes Awaken (1995) -1-
David Xanatos [S1 E2]: "Pay a man enough and he'll walk barefoot into hell." Elisa Maza: "Claw marks? What could leave claw marks in solid stone?"
Gravity Falls (2012-16) -7-
Bill Cipher [S2 E21]: "I have some children I need to make into corpses." Blonde Woman in Blue [S2 E5]: "You can't undo who you are." Grunkle Stan [S2 E5]: "Sometimes a man has to steal an animatronic badger to stay in this crazy game called life." [S1 E10] "You know, studies show that keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That's why I own ten guns, in case some maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder." [S1 E5] "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!" Soos (reading Romance Academy) [S2 E5]: "When the cherry petals of magic Romance Academy are in bloom...anthyding can hadplen." Soos' Abuelita and Soos [S2 E5]: "I would like to see you settled before I ascend to heaven and live with the angels!" / "And with grandpa." / "...no, he's not there."
Halloweentown (1998) -1-
Aggie Cromwell: "Magic is really very simple, all you've got to do is want something and then let yourself have it."
Hercules (1997) -4- and the series (1998-99) -3-
Hades: "I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat." Megera: "I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day." Sundial Seller: "Wanna buy a sundial?" Zeus: "For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart." Adonis [S1 E10]: "Would sturdier lies help? I could shore them up with some half-truths!" Aphrodite [S1 E27]: "Okay, that's curvy enough for you, young man." Trivia [S1 E9]: "I'm only trying to stimulate your minds, people."
High School Musical (2006) -2-
Basketball Team: "Getcha head in the game!" Everybody: "What team?" / "WILDCATS!"
Lilo and Stitch (2002) -5-
Lilo Pelekai: "My friends need to be punished." "Oh good! my dog found the chainsaw!" "Pudge controls the weather." Lilo and Nani Pelekai and Stitch: "Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." Stitch: "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good."
Mary Poppins (1964) -2-
Mr. George Banks: "You'll be part of: railways through Africa! Dams across the Nile! Fleets of ocean greyhounds, majestic self-amortizing canals! Plantations of ripening tea,,," Mrs. Winifred Banks: "Though we adore men individually, we agree as a group they're rather stupid."
Meet the Robinsons (2007) -2-
Lewis: "Keep moving forward." Walt Disney: "Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." [as written at the end]
Milo Murphy's Law (2016-19) -2-
Bradley Nicholson [S1 E1b]: "Oh, sorry, I'm trapped in a ribcage right now." Orton Mahlson [S2 E1]: "They say write what you know, but all I knew was the zoning commission."
Monsters, Inc. (2001) -1-
Roz: "Your stunned silence is very reassuring."
Mulan (1998) -7-
Chinese Soldier: "Now all of China knows you're here." Fa Ancestor: "We can't ALL be acupuncturists!" Li Shang: "I'll make a man out of you" Mushu: "Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! make note of this. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow," "My little baby, off to destroy people." "You missed?! How could you miss? He was three feet in front of you!" The Emperor of China: "No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it."
National Treasure (2004) -1- and National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) -1-
Ben Gates: "A toast, yeah? To high treason. That’s what these men were committing when they signed the Declaration. Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered. Oh! oh my personal favorite; had their entrails cut out and burned. So, here’s to the men who did what was considered wrong, in order to do what they knew was right." Ben Gates: "I'm going to kidnap the President of the United States."
Newsies: The Musical -1-
Jack, Katherine, Davey, Lou: "Get those kids to see we're circling victory And watch what happens We're doing something no one's even tried And, yes, we're terrified But watch what happens"
Oliver and Company (1988) -2-
Francis: "Isn't it rather dangerous to use your entire vocabulary in a single sentence?" "My name is Francis. Not Frank. Not Frankie. Francis."
Once Upon A Time (2011-18) -1-
Rumpelstiltskin: "All magic comes with a price, dearie!"
Park Rides -3-
it's a small world: "it's a small world after all." Spaceship Earth: "After 30,000 years of time travel, here we are--a truly global community, poised to shape the future of this, our Spaceship Earth." Splash Mountain: "What goes up is sure to come down. A penny lost is a penny found. How do you do? And you howdy back. A little bit of this and a little bit of that."
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2005 and 2024-) -1-
Percy Jackson: "Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood..."
Peter Pan (1953) -1-
Wendy Darling: "But, Mother, I don't want to grow up."
Phineas and Ferb (2007-) -3- and Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (2011) -1-
Almost Everyone: "Hey, where's Perry?" Dr. Doofenshmirtz: "Curse you Perry the Platypus!" Isabella Garcia-Shapiro: "What'cha doin'?" Phineas Fletcher: "Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!" Dr. Doofenshmirtz: "If I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice."
Pinocchio (1940) -1-
The Coachman: "Give a bad boy enough rope, and he'll soon make a jackass of himself."
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) -1- and Dead Man's Chest (2006) -1-
Captain Jack Sparrow: "So, you see, we're all men of our word. Except Elizabeth, who is, in fact, a woman!" Davy Jones: "Do you fear death?"
Pocahontas (1995) -1-
John Smith: "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you."
Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin (1997) -1-
Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh: "Promise me you'll be here. Always. Even when I'm a hundred?" / "How old shall I be then?" / "Ninety-nine." / "I Promise!...forever and ever."
Ratatouille (2007) -2-
Remy: "Change is nature, dad. The part we can influence. And that starts when we decide." "The only thing predictable about life is it's unpredictability."
Return to Oz (1985) -1-
Jack Pumpkinhead and Dorothy: "If his brain's run, how can he talk?" / "It happens all the time, Jack."
Robin Hood (1973) -1-
King Richard Lionheart: "It appears that I now have an outlaw for an in-law!"
Sleeping Beauty (1959) -1-
Prince Phillip: "Now, Father, you're living in the past. This is the 14th century!"
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) -1-
The Dwarfs cut song: "You're never too old to be young."
Tangled (2010) -3- and Tangled the series (2017-2020) -1-
Eugene Fitzherbert: "I'mnotfreakingoutareyoufreakingout?I'mjustveryinterestedinyourhairandthemagicalqualitiesitposses.howlonghasitbeendoingthatexactly?" "This is the story of how I died. Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story. And the truth is, it isn't even mine." "You were my new dream." Princess Rapunzel and Queen Arianna: "Plus est en von."
The Aristocats (1970) -1-
Marie: "Ladies do not start fights. But they can finish them."
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) -1-
Lucy Pevensie: "Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch?"
The Emperor's New Groove (2000) -6-
Chaca: "Well, which is it? It seems like a pretty crucial conjunction." Emperor Kuzco, Yzma, Kronk: "How did you get back here before us?" / "Uh...uh, how did we, Kronk?" / "Well, you've got me. By all accounts it doesn't make sense." Kronk: "Oh yeah, it's all coming together." "Oh, right, the poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison specifically chosen to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison?" Yzma: "A llama?! He's supposed to be dead!" "Ah, how shall I do it? Oh, I know. I'll turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives--AH HA HA HA! I'll smash it with a hammer! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I tell you! Genius, I say!... Or to save on postage I'll just poison him with this!"
The Fox and the Hound (1981) -1-
Widow Tweed: "We met it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. Then I found out, I need you, too. I remember how we used to play. I recall those rainy days, the fires glowed, that kept us warm. And now I find, we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be."
The Great Mouse Detective (1986) -1-
Basil: "There's always a chance, Doctor, as long as one can think."
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) -2-
Judge Frollo and Captain Phoebus: "Look at that disgusting display." / "Yes, sir!" The Archdeacon: "You can lie to yourself and your minions. You can claim that you haven't a qualm. But you never can run from nor hide what you've done from the eyes the very eyes of Notre Dame."
The Incredibles (2007) -3-
Dash: "We're dead! We're dead! We're alive, but we're dead!" Edna Mode: "No capes." Honey Best: "The 'Greater Good?' I am your WIFE. I am the greatest good you are EVER gonna get!"
The Lion King (1995) -1- and The Lion King II Simba's Pride (1998) -1-
Timon: "What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?" Animals: "Someone once lied to us, now we're not so blind"
The Muppets Treasure Island (1996) -1-
Long John Silver and Clueless Morgan: "This is a cursed place." / "Now that's an informed opinion."
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1989-91) -1-
Tigger and Eeyore [S1 E8a]: "You know, that's the third time today you've called me 'Tigger.'" / "Well, aren't you?" / "No, I don't have any stripes." / "Oh, doesn't matter. You're still Tigger, on the inside...You'll always be Tigger. It's all in the stuffing."
The Parent Trap (1998) -1-
Meredith Blake and Nick Parker: "Get the picture? It's me or them. Take your pick." / "Them." / "Excuse me?" / "T-H-E-M, them. Get the picture?"
The Princess and the Frog (2009) -2-
Dr. Facillier: "Shake my hand. Come on, boys, won't you shake a poor sinner's hand? Yeeeaaaasss..." Mama Odie: "This gonna be good."
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) -1-
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: "A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early."
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (2005-08) -1-
Maddie Fitzpatrick: "And I don't look like Ashley Tisdale?"
The Three Caballeros (1944) -1-
Panchito Pistoles: "Caramba! Now we're three gay caballeros!"
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) -1-
Thor Odinson: "Why would I spend my last moments with you when I can spend them with her? I chose Love, you can too."
Toy Story (1995) -2-
Buzz Lightyear: "There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere." "You are a sad, strange, little man and you have my pity."
Treasure Planet (2002) -1-
Captain Amelia: "Doctor, to muse and blabber about a treasure map in fron of this particular crew demonstartes a level of inepitiude that borders on the imbecilic! And I mean that in a very caring way."
Walt Disney (unattached) -1-
"Everyone needs deadlines. Even the beavers. They loaf around all summer, but when faces with the winter deadline, they work like fury. If we didn't have deadlines, we'd stagnate."
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Centry (1999) -1-
Zenon Kar: "Cetus-Lupeedus!"
Zootopia (2016) -1-
Officer Judy Hopps: "I mean I am just a dumb bunny, but we are pretty good at multiplying."
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winwintea · 4 months ago
everytime i go to disney i wanna go on a disney date bruh ugh....
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oceanwaves-xo · 1 year ago
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Christmas is starting now in Magic Kingdom!🎄❤️💚
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Congrats to Journey Into Imagination, the winner of the Extinct Disney Parks attractions/experiences tournament!
some of the earlier round results did surprise me tbh, maybe I'll fill in the bracket of my opinions later for fun xD
Best animatronic tournament should be starting very soon! Hopefully within a couple days! The initial set up always takes so much more time than I think! But stay tuned! In the meantime, feel free to add propaganda to any of the entires!
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disneybooknerd626 · 5 months ago
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Harsh but true
Follow me on Instagram: disneybooknerd626
Tiktok: disneybooknerd626
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btspurplemusicworld · 6 months ago
_* Share with ur friends *_
Please follow me 🙋 back Army's 💜💜💜💜
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cheeriochat · 1 year ago
Im at Disney Sea rn!!!!! Im super happy because I keep seeing twst cosplayers and they all look so good.
Im also Disney bounding as Idia (aka I cant cosplay him because no wig) but I dont think I did a good job 😭.
Sporting the Idia merch tho
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sureuncertainty · 2 years ago
haunted mansion movie was really good btw
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spiritsofprogress · 1 year ago
Anyone know why the entire muppet and Christmas store little section in Hollywood studios is completely dead and the stores aren’t open? Has their been any official news about this? They were closed when I went and appear to still be???
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samsdisneydiary · 2 years ago
Exclusive Monorail View: Epcot's Transformation Update August 2023 | Journey of Water
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stuckasmain · 2 years ago
This close to making a Disney parks side blog for all my inane ramblings but I don’t know if there’s enough people or if I can handle having 6+ side blogs lmao
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