#more movies based on disney attractions please and thank
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sureuncertainty · 2 years ago
haunted mansion movie was really good btw
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lovemars03 · 2 years ago
♡ ISIDORE AND SIMONE FIRST KISS ♡ (scene inspired in the TMI graphic novel)
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TMI characters genderbend version from Cassandra Jean and Cassandra Clare.
I created this fanfic/imagine based on a scene from the TMI graphic novel and thinked of doing a genderbend version! English it's not my native language, so you will probaly find a few grammar mistakes.
"I'm going to take Simone to the park and show her the faerie circles." announced Isidore, with bright smile in his face.
Simone jumped in surprise from her seat in the Taki's restaurant. Her astonished pale face changing to a tender pink as her eyes landed on Clarence. The redhead boy was side besides Isidore, with a grumpy face looking nothing but irritated.
Alexa, Isidore's older sister, she looked bored, if not irritated, and not caring about the two mundanes at the table. Every now and then, her eyes would go from Jayce to her plate in quick seconds that (she thought) no one noticed.
"Cool! Are you coming, Clarence?" Simone asked, adjusting her glasses.
Clarence glanced quickly at his childhood friend, then at Isidore, before shrugging his shoulders and distracting himself with the pancakes he had ordered. Across the table, Jayce had a smirk on her face that irritated Simone.
"No" responded Clarence, averting his emerald eyes "I'm tired. I'm going back to rest."
Simone's heart shriveled like a balloon being bitterly popped by a sharp needle. She just nodded in understanding, squeezing the hem of her jean shorts until her knuckles turned white. She didn't noticed Isidore smiling.
"Well, okay..."
The night in the park was colder than the mundane and the Shadowhunter could imagine, it was almost autumn after all, and soon the orange leaves of the trees would cover Central Park like an embroidered cloak all in gold. But surprisingly, it was also very empty. Simone followed Isidore's trail. She looked him up and down. He was much taller than Clarence and the rest of the boys at their school, handsome—very handsome—and provocative-looking. The clothes he wore only served to show off the handsome face he'd been blessed with, wearing a white shirt that let his muscles show through his skin, where the flesh was marked by the whitish scars of the runes the Shadowhunters wore. He gave off a faint scent of vanilla that didn't bother Simone, but on the contrary, pleased her. He was totally different, if not the opposite, from Clarence.
Clarence was never a boy who cared much about his appearance. If he had been more dedicated to wearing fashionable clothes and taking care of his always messy red curls, they certainly would have attracted a lot more stares from the girls in high school. Clarence's father, currently missing, was a very handsome man, tall, with green eyes and red hair who commanded attention everywhere he went. Simone imagined that, when older, Clarence would look like his father.
"Thanks for the walk. I needed some air." said Simone.
Isidore peeked over his shoulder, flashing a quick smirk. Hm!
"We don't come here often. It's faerie territory."
"What do you mean?"
Slowing their steps, they passed in front of a fountain of water, where three women carved from cold marble stretching their bodies in a bent position and holding hands, as if they danced happily to a rhythm they could not stop, intoxicated by the madness and the music. and with smiles on their faces.
Isidore stopped his steps, lifted his chin, looking at a field of flowers behind the fountain.
"People think they can control green spaces, but they can't" he said, thoughtful "It's where fair folk are strongest."
Simone raised her eyebrows. Fair folk? Like the folklore? Simone tried to imagine what the fair folk would look like. They look like Tinker Bell from Peter Pan? She also watched many Disney movies and readed fairytales books in her childhood, but couldn't picture any of them. By the way Isidore spoke, they must have been something much more... machiavellian.
"And they aren't friendly?" asked.
"Some are, some aren't. Look"
Isidore pointed beyond the fountain, directly to the field of flowers where the beautiful petals were in bloom, lit only by the park's glowing streetlamps.Simone looked in the direction he was pointing, squinting through the lenses of her glasses.
"Can you see that one?" asked Isidore. There was a young green-skinned fairy dancing on the top of one of the flowers, with a huge smile on his face and humming a happy ballad.
"No, I'm not magic. I'm not like Clarence" Simone answered disappointedly, looking at the flower, where she couldn't see anything. "I'm just ordinary."
The breeze blew harder between them, Simone flinched, a small scream escaping between her teeth. It was too cold, they should be back soon! What would Clarence be doing...
Isidore, at her side, moved as lightly as the breeze blew through his short hair, as if he weighed nothing, he leaned elegantly over Simone. Her heart beat faster.
He smelled deliciously like flowers, the scent of which no boy at Simone's school had ever smelled. Not even the others girls with their expensive perfumes. Isidore, who wasn't a mundane, had an inexplicable charm that she couldn't quite explain… maybe it was something about that angel blood thing in his veins?
His dark brown eyes were too close, staring directly into hers. His face was too close.
"I don't think you're ordinary." He whispered softly.
With her mundane vision not allowing her to see anything but the boy crouching in front of her, Simone didn't notice as the fairies rose in a flurry of wings, flapping their wings. She closed her eyes as Isidore's lips approached hers, his breath warm and good. Isidore wrapped his arms around her petite body, resting his elbows on her shoulders as they touched their lips in a soft kiss as the breeze blew sending leaves and petals swirling between them as the mischievous little fairies flew towards him as if in a dance, admiring that moment. Isidore's fingers closed against the fabric of her T-shirt, pulling her slightly closer to him and deepening their kiss, the pressure between her lips hot and wet.
Simone didn't understand why that -beautiful- boy was kissing her. Not even Clarence had that interest. Clarence. For a moment, he was no longer there in her mind, like if she forgot of him. She imagined what his reaction would be if he knew she was kissing Isidore, if he would feel jealous...
Their lips part in a soft smack, but they remained with their foreheads touching, Isidore with a small smile on his lips. Simone had her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She already had boyfriends in school before, she'd kissed before... but this... this was totally different.
"Kiss again!" a fairy said to Isidore's, flying up his head. Isidore smiled, only he being able to hear that. Fairies were pretty sassy little beings, he knew well, having dated one before.
"We should go back to the Institute" Isidore said, in a soft provocative voice.
"Yes... "Simone agreed, still confused and drunk for the moment "We should."
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thehollowprince · 4 years ago
Queerbaiting vs. Fan Service
For whatever reason, I decided to take a stroll through The Falcon and The Winter Soldier tags after the second episode, and I was slightly distressed (and mostly annoyed) with how many people were labeling the interactions between Sam and Bucky as queerbaiting. You can imagine my confusion.
Now, as a gay man, nothing would please me more to see a relationship between two men in a big budget action franchise, even if it is just the MCU. Ignoring the reality that this is Disney and that they'll probably never have a gay or bisexual main character in anything, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is not the place to draw that line in the sand.
I've been on this app for about eight years now, and I can't tell you the number of times I've seen people make and reblog posts about the desire to see more men be friends with one another, to not fall victim to the toxic masculinity. How many times have you opened opened this app and seen posts about "let men cry" or "let men be intimate with each other without making it weird"? And yet, every time, almost as if on a timer, the moment two guys (either in a show or actual people) look at each other for longer than .05 seconds, a ship is born.
Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with shipping. Especially when you factor in the fact that same sex romances are severely lacking in modern media. I myself am attracted to the idea of SamBucky, because they have foundation there that if the producers decided, could be used to build a relationship off of. I did the same with Steve and Bucky in the MCU. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with shipping, but some people take it too far. In this instance, I've been seeing too many people claim "queerbaiting" because Sam rescued Bucky from falling to his death under a moving truck or because of the therapy scene where they had to face each other and get real close.
That is not queerbaiting.
For starters, it's been two episodes. The show isn't even halfway over. Not that I expect Disney to actually do something like that, but it's precisely this need to jump the gun and declare something that makes the problem worse within the fandom. And more to the point, I'm not entirely sure many of you know what the term queerbaiting actually means.
Queerbaiting is when a show or movie or whatever, sets up a relationship between two people of the same sex, has everything point in the direction of them becoming a romantic pairing, only to, at the last second, have one or both of them enter into a heterosexual relationship or be killed off.
A great example of this, and the first that pops into my mind, is The Magicians, specifically Queliot. Now, anyone who followed me, especially when the show as airing, knows I'm not the biggest fan of that ship, but in the fourth season of the show, they spent a great deal of time setting up Quentin and Eliot finding their way to each other, only for the production to kill off Quentin in the finale of the season. One could even argue that having Quentin chose Alice for a reconciliatory relationship after they did everything to set up Quentin and Eliot is another form of queerbaiting, eschewing the same-sex romance in favor of a heterosexual one.
Now, circling back to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, what we have here is not a case of queerbaiting. Production of the show, and the MCU in general, more than likely scour Twitter and Instagram and whatever else and see the fandom reaction to certain ships/pairings, and specifically make scenes or scenarios where those two characters have to interact. That is called fan service, an entirely different animal.
A great example of fan service would be Teen Wolf. As anyone who has been following me knows, I've been talking about this topic a lot recently, thanks to one particularly persistent anon. If you've ever interacted with the Teen Wolf fandom, you know that the big ship that dominated it was Sterek, despite it being something that wasn't based at all in canon. Jeff Davis, after seeing how fans reacted to the few interactions of Derek and Stiles in season one, gave the fandom a more in season two, such as the pool scene, or when they were both paralyzed by Kanima venom in the sheriff's station, the dream sequence at the end of season three, or the ride to Mexico in season four. Hell, even the comedic sequence in the final season of Stiles "rescuing" Derek from the FBI to make it back to Beacon Hills for the final showdown was fan service. What it wasn't, was queerbaiting, because Sterek wasn't something that the show set up. It was something that the fandom set up, which more power to them, but with that being established, people still got mad because the show didn't go the way they (the fandom) decided it should have gone.
This same thing happened with Stucky. The idea of Bucky and Steve was appealing. If either one of them had been a woman in the MCU then their relationship would have very easily been interpreted in canon as romantic, but as it stands, that's not the case. They were just two very close friends.
Brining it back to my original point, we have Sambucky, and no matter how much fandom kicks and screams and demands, it won't happen in the show. It's alright to ship them, because I do see the appeal, but at the end of the day, too many people are getting upset about something that fandom made up and that canon doesn't deliver on, despite the two being unaffiliated. You want to ship Sam and Bucky, I fully support you in that endeavor. I myself like the idea of it, and often tag posts as such, but calling it queerbaiting in an attempt to shame people for not supporting it is misleading.
Bottom line: queerbaiting is a very specific thing and there are actual shows out there that are perpetrators of it. Please try and actually understand what queerbaiting is before you simply throw the term out at every inconvenience.
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nyxetoile · 4 years ago
More spoilery Black Widow review
Told in bullet points, train of thought style
There were 7 previews and 2 different commercials reminding us that theaters were open again and this was how movies were made to be seen. A) We’re already in the theater Cinemark, chill and B) When I watch movies at home they start with I hit the godsdamned play button.
Flashback to 90s Ohio with adorable spy children. All my head canons of Nat knowing random 90s trivia is now valid.
Excellent use of American Pie.
The opening credits are more harrowing than any Marvel movie so far.
General Ross will never not be an idiot.
Hello attractive British fixer guy. I suspect you to be evil but you are not and that is a relief.
“People with friends don’t call me.” Dude all her friends are in prison, way to rub it in.
No, Nat! Don’t just put the McGuffin in your back seat!
Taskmasker is a Taskmistress, calling it now.
SHOOT HER LEGS NAT. Her shield is the size of a dinner plate. Don’t you meme?
I feel like the fact the gas is glowing is, like, a health hazard warning? Is there radium in it?
Nat and Yelena have an all out brawl when they reunite, which, based on sisters I know, seems accurate.
So Budapest is code for “that time we blew up a building in an attempt to kill my old boss and had to lie low for 10 days” I’m with Clint, here, that doesn’t resemble the Battle of New York at all.
Maybe plan an escape that is less likely to cause bodily harm.
Taskmaster shoots an arrow to remind us she can copy ALL The Avengers, even the ones without solo movies.
I REALLY don’t think either of you survived that car crash. Especially considering it’s Nat’s second major crash in two days.
So Clint DOES like hanging out in vents? That’s amazing. Which writer’s been hanging out on Tumblr?
So THAT’S where they took Sherif Hopper.
This is the most badass yet stupid prison break in cinema history.
“This is an awesome way to die.” I love Yelena, she’s my new favorite.
Don’t make period jokes to Black Widows, apparently.
“I was about to talk about Fallopian tubes.” I AM ADOPTING YELENA.
Alexei trying to give the girls a fatherly pep talk. Insert Will Smith “He’s got the spirit” gif.
Please let the pig breathe morally grey Rachel Weisz!
That being said, heavy Amanda vibes from Melina. They’ll get along.
“Pain makes you strong.” I feel like that’s supposed to feel like and inappropriate thing to tell a kid but that’s like, one of my family mottos.
Keep trying Alexei, you’ll get one of these right.
My biggest beef with this film is “No one has noticed a floating fortress over Russia only 4 years after aliens invaded New York.”
The photostatic veil masks will never get fucking old.
AHA! Taskmaster’s a lady. Called it!
“This is a less awesome way to die.” Your bedtime is never Yelena.
Pheromone block. That’s a new one.
OMG she was “Thank you for your cooperation-ing” him. Bless.
Much action. Many bad guys. Fights.
Ok, Nat vs 20 Black Widows is pretty awesome.
Yelena with the de-programming bomb for the win.
Oh, look, physics has left for the remainder of the movie.
“This was fun.” Yelena, no! You’re lucky they need you for a Dark Avengers/Young Avengers thing because otherwise, you would be dead.
“Is he gone?” *sniff* I’m adopting Taskmaster, too.
Nat called her sister. Why can’t we have more of this?
“My leg is clearly injured.” Yeah. Melina and Amanda need to meet and mad science together.
Ross was apparently able to keep Nat less than two weeks. That scans.
End credit scene. “Tune in to the Hawkeye show! This spring on Disney +” I apparently said that loud enough for people behind us to laugh.
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paintingwithdarkness · 4 years ago
"i run the night slot on campus radio and some jackass keeps calling in to insult my music taste and request high school musical songs instead” with BluePulse please!
“Good evening, Tigers! You’re listening to Houston U’s nightly segment. I’m your host, Jaime Reyes. Y’all just listened to ‘Today is the Day’ by Yo La Tengo. Next up we have ‘Seven Nation Army’ by The White Stripes.” Jaime pressed a button on the console in front of him, starting the next song before adding on to his commentary. “If anyone has any requests, don’t hesitate to call in!”
Jaime switched off his microphone and let the song play, flopping back in his chair. Running the night segment of the Houston University campus radio was a pretty chill gig. It paid him above minimum wage for every hour he worked, he only had to work six hour shifts, and it was only five days a week. Besides that, it was a solo job, and no one was there to tell him what to do. Obviously there had been some ground rules when he’d been hired— no cursing on air, and he had to take call-ins from students— but other than that, he had free rein of the radio frequency and he could play whatever music he wanted from 6 pm to Midnight, Monday through Friday. All he had to do was press buttons on a control console, sit back, relax, and occasionally answer the phone.
Speaking of which... Jaime checked the time. 10:28 pm. Great, that meant it was almost time.
With a groan, he raised a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation, eyes squeezing shut. Every night for the past two weeks at exactly 10:30 pm, without fail, the same jackass student had been calling in to insult his music taste and request High School Musical songs instead. The first time it had happened, Jaime had been shocked at the audacity of the student, but had granted the song request anyway. (He had to. It was part of his contract. If a person called in with a song request, Jaime had to grant it. The only exception was if someone requested a song that was inappropriate to air. As long as it had clean/sensored language, and was free from overly explicit themes, Jaime queued up the song).
He mentally prepared himself. ‘Seven Nation Army’ was just about over, and Jaime already had his next song selected. If he timed things right, he could take the annoying student’s call during the next song, and wouldn’t have to subject himself to humiliation where everyone who was listening to his station could hear. It had only taken Jaime three nights to catch onto the trend.
As the guitar faded out, Jaime switched back on his microphone and addressed his audience, “That one’s a classic. ‘Seven Nation Army’ by The White Stripes. Hope y’all enjoyed that one. I’ve got a few more songs in store for y’all with the time we have left-”
The tell-tale ring of the phone interrupted him. Jaime had to bite his tongue to prevent the string of Spanish curses that wanted to fall from his lips from actually coming out. He had spent too long talking, and now he had to take the dreaded call on-air.
He took a deep breath, and had to layer on the enthusiasm thick as he ‘cheerily’ exclaimed, “It looks like we have our first caller of the night!” Jaime picked up the phone and gave the scripted greeting, “Hello, fellow Tiger! You’re on-air with Houston U’s nightly segment. Care to introduce yourself to all the listeners out there?”
Like all the nights previous when Jaime had asked this question, he got the same response. “Nah. I think I’ll stay anonymous. Keep things interesting. Though if you want a clue, I’ll tell you; I’m on the track team.”
Jaime scrambled for his notebook. That was the biggest clue he’d gotten yet about this mysterious student caller. It was almost like some kind of game. So far, every night when this student had called in, they’d said they wanted to remain anonymous, yet would give a clue about their identity. So far, Jaime had a bulleted list of eight items, with ‘track team’ being number nine. The other clues he’d received were ‘hates Indie Rock’ (which was Jaime’s favorite genre of music, thank you very much), ‘favorite movie is High School Musical 2’ (which was blatantly obvious, based on the songs this jackass student always requested), ‘favorite color is red’ (which told Jaime squat about who this kid was), ‘favorite food is chicken whizzes’ (once again, jack shit), ‘red hair’ (which was the first major clue Jaime had gotten), ‘green eyes’ (now it was obvious the kid wanted Jaime to figure out who he was), ‘5’9”’ (somewhat helpful), ‘Freshman’ (which eliminated 3/4 of the students on campus this caller could be), ‘mechanical engineering major’ (another somewhat helpful clue), and ‘gay’ (which, wow, Jaime would never out himself live on the air. This guy had some balls...).
After the mad scramble for a pencil, Jaime flipped the notebook open and single-handedly jotted down the new piece of information, balancing the phone against his ear with the other hand. When he was finished, he leaned back in the big leather chair, kicking his feet up against the edge of the desk in front of himself, feeling satisfied. Jaime knew he had enough information now to track down this annoying student and put an end to these stupid calls interrupting his radio show every night. Tonight would be the last time ‘We’re All in This Together’, ‘Bop to the Top’, or ‘Get Your Head in the Game’ would play during his segment, and Jaime was RELIEVED.
“Is that why you feel the need to call into my show every night?” Jaime fired back at the student. “So you can rope all of your track mates into singing ‘We’re All in This Together’ while you run in circles?”
An airy laugh was the response. And there a slight second where Jaime thought to himself, ‘Wow. That’s actually kinda cute,’ before his brain rebooted and he realized how counterintuitive that was. This guy was an annoyance that had to be dealt with. So what if he had an attractive laugh? It didn’t erase all of the other judgements Jaime had already formed of this student. And they were that this guy had terrible music taste and needed to find another hobby besides calling in every night to bug the shit out of Jaime.
“What better song to commemorate mutual suffering?” The other man laughed again.
Jaime scowled. ‘Mutual suffering’? Sure, Jaime knew the vexing student was talking about his track mates, but he couldn’t help catching the irony in the choice of words. As far as Jaime was concerned, the only one doing any suffering was him.
“So is that your request for tonight?” Jaime just wanted to get this over with already.
A contemplative “hmmm” made its way down the line, before being followed with, “Well, I was originally gonna ask for ‘Get Your Head in the Game’ but ‘All in this Together’ works nicely, too.”
“Por Díos,” Jaime mumbled under his breath. “¿No puede este idiota tomar una decisión?”
“Woah, hey, is that Spanish?!” Apparently Jaime’s mumblings hadn’t been quiet enough. “Yo hablo español!”
Jaime cringed. The pronounciation was terrible, but the enthusiasm was endearing. And dammit! He shouldn’t be thinking things like that. His train of thought was off the tracks again.
Without saying anything else, Jaime turned to his computer, quickly punched ‘We’re All in this Together’ into the song search bar, and hit play. He switched over the audio connection so that the only thing his audience could hear was the music, took a deep breath, and then made his rebuttal to the annoying student.
“You might want to work on that pronounciation, ese.”
The response was whiny. “Aww, it’s not that bad!”
Jaime cringed. “It’s not great, either.”
The student on the other line sighed. “Fine. But at least I have good taste in music!”
“That’s debatable.” Jaime didn’t know why he was dragging out the conversation. Usually after he granted this annoying caller’s request each night, the student rattled off a final jab at Jaime, before just hanging up. Why was he staying on the line tonight? Maybe Jaime just had to direct the conversation in that direction?
“My music is better than what you play every night. I’m doing you and your radio station a favor!” And yep, there it was.
“I don’t think people are tuning into my station to listen to the one High School Musical song you insist I play every night.”
Jaime could practically hear the smirk through the line when the other student responded. “Even if people are tuning in to listen to your crappy music, my song is still the highlight.”
Jaime groaned. He was growing weary of this conversation. “Do you listen to anything besides terrible High School Musical songs?”
That cute laugh caught in Jaime’s ears again. “Doi. A guy needs to have a little variety in his music. I’ve also got ‘Can’t Stop Singing’, ‘Turn Up the Music’, ‘Determinate’-”
Jaime’s eyes rolled skyward. “I’m gonna stop you there. Does your playlist contain any songs that aren’t from Disney Channel movies?”
A horrified gasp marked the beginning of the indignant response. “What’s wrong with Disney movies? High School Musical is the crashest movie series in existence.”
Jaime didn’t have enough time to think over the choice of the word ‘crashest’ before the other student continued rambling on.
“What other kind of music do you need?! Disney movies have great numbers, teach you about life and friendship, and growing up, and you gotta be kidding me if you don’t think Zac Efron is hot playing Troy.”
Jaime snorted a laugh for the last amendment to the other student’s statement. He’d only watched High School Musical once, and that was enough for him. And despite occasionally finding other men attractive (being bisexual himself), Zac Efron had never really done it for Jaime.
“I wouldn’t exactly call those ‘musical numbers’ as you put it, any type of masterpiece, however, I suppose you earn a pass for the friendship and growing up part.” Jaime smartly decided to skip the Zac Efron comment altogether, “I would say I’m more of a fan of the Disney animated movies. At least I can tolerate the Lion King and Aladdin sound tracks.”
A little puff of a chuckle, and then, “You should really get a better hobby than bashing on Disney movies.”
Jaime scoffed and immediately fired back, “You’re the one who calls me every night to bash on my music.”
“Oooh.” The other student made a hissing sound, as if a flame were being extinguished. “Caught red handed. But—” And here, Jaime could sense something dangerous was about to be said— “how about we settle this once and for all. You obviously don’t get out of the radio studio enough. What say you come to the next Houston U track meeting? We can settle this music debate once and for all.” Yep. That was a challenge.
Jaime took a few seconds to deliberate. He was curious to see who this mysterious caller was. Besides, what harm could it do? Jaime was not the type to back down when he was challenged. He had his pride and dignity. He would not be bested by this asshole. He was going to go to that track meeting.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, ese.” If the other student were there in person, Jaime could imagine shaking his hand to seal the contract.
“Alright,” the other student said, and if Jaime wasn’t mistaken, he sounded rather gleeful that Jaime had taken the bait, “I’ll see you there.” And then the line went dead.
Jaime ran a hand through his hair as he hung up the phone with the other. What had he gotten himself into?
The next Houston U track meeting was a week and two days since the fated phone call. Since that night, the mysterious student caller hadn’t rung Jaime’s radio station. It was a power move, and a good one at that. He had put the ball in Jaime’s court (or passed him the baton? That was a track thing, right?), meaning all responsibility was on him. In all honesty, Jaime was tempted to skip out on their ‘deal’. Sure, he’d agreed, but only because Jaime’d thought it was the key to get the student to stop calling. Now that the calls had stopped, Jaime saw no reason to get involved and draw attention back to himself. Maybe if he didn’t go, the annoying student would just leave him alone.
On the other hand, if he didn’t go, wouldn’t that just give the other student more incentive to start calling him again? Not only would Jaime continue to get bashed for his music taste, but then the other student would also be able to expose him as a liar. That was definitely NOT the reputation Jaime wanted to have. He had no choice. He HAD to go to that stupid track meeting.
It didn’t mean he didn’t drag his feet the whole way to the field though. Even with his ticket and getting there five minutes early, it was near impossible to find a seat. Jaime had no idea a sporting event like track would be so popular. What was so special about a bunch of guys running around in a circle?
It took a little shoving and some mumbled “sorry”s and “excuse me”s before Jaime was finally able to plunk down next to a young couple, in one of the only empty seats left. They seemed like nice enough people; the man even tried making small talk with him once Jaime sat down; but Jaime’s shy demeanor prevented the conversation from launching into something deeper.
Once the couple was no longer paying him much attention, Jaime surreptitiously slipped his little pocket notebook out of his jeans and flipped it open to the page where he had noted all of the little clues his mystery caller had given him.
Unfortunately, only some of them were usable in this context. Clues about the other student’s personality and preferences wouldn’t help Jaime identify anyone. Only the clues the track star had given Jaime about his physical appearance would be of use. He was looking for a redheaded, green-eyed, 5’9” Freshman. Should be simple enough.
When Jaime glanced down to where the runners were stretching by the starting blocks, he immediately noticed three boys with red hair. Luckily, this track meet was only a Houston U event and other schools weren’t participating. That meant one of the three was his mysterious caller.
From this distance, Jaime couldn’t judge eye color, and height was difficult to gage. He supposed he would have to wait for the announcers to give the names and grades of the competitors. Hopefully only one of the redheads would be a Freshman, and Jaime could find his culprit.
Within a few minutes, a runner was at the blocks for every lane. The first event was the 100m sprint. Everyone on the team would be participating. Only six could go at a time, and the announcer said that there would be three heats. Unfortunately for Jaime, the announcer didn’t bother with the names of the competitors since everyone was running, but he hoped that at least the winners would be announced, in case his redhead happened to be one of them.
In the first heat, two of the three red-haired boys were lined up at the blocks. Jaime trained his eyes on them. The first boy was in the second lane, and the other in the sixth lane. Hopefully one of the two would win so that Jaime could narrow down his suspects.
When the starting gun fired, all six runners took off like rockets. The pure speed was quite a shock for Jaime to witness. Within fifteen seconds, all six runners crossed the finish line.
“Winner!” The announcer shouted, once first place for the heat had been determined. He held up the arm of one of the redheads Jaime had been watching. “Senior Wally West with a time of 10.8 seconds!”
An elderly couple three seats over from where Jaime was sitting sprang out of their seats cheering. “Yeah, Wally!” shouted the man. His wife was enthusiastically clapping.
When they sat down again, the couple next to Jaime (conveniently sandwiched between him and the cheering couple) turned to face them.
“Wow!” the blond man next to Jaime exclaimed. “That’s his fastest time yet!”
The other blond man laughed (and it was then that Jaime noticed the striking resemblance). “He’s been working hard. Of course, he’s no match for Bart, but just maybe Wally might have a shot at beating him in the 3200m.”
The brunette woman of the younger couple hummed, a smirk resting on her lips. “I don’t know about that one. Our Bart’s got Thawne blood, too. He’s got runners from both sides. Wests... not so much.”
“Mel!” the man next to Jaime gasped, scandalized. “I thought we said no family rivalry at track meets?”
Immediately the brunette woman, Mel, appologized. “Sorry, sorry.”
“That’s right,” the man from the elderly couple interjected. “You have to remember Donny’s got some West blood himself. Iris was a West before she married me.” He slung an arm around the graying red-haired woman sitting beside him.
It was then that Jaime was able to piece it together. The young blond man— Donny— sitting next to him, was the son of the elderly couple— Iris and her husband (unfortunately Jaime didn’t have his name yet). The younger brunette woman— Mel— was Donny’s wife, and one of the runners— Bart— was their son, and the grandson of the elderly couple. Wally— the runner who had just won the first heat was a relative (?) of the two couples.
By the time Jaime was done puzzling out the relations, the next heat of runners was already at the starting blocks. Unfortunately, the other redhead, whom Jaime guessed was Bart, was not in this heat.
The starting gun fired, and the race was over within fifteen seconds again. The winner was announced, and the runners of the third heat took their places.
Jaime’s gaze zeroed in on the redhead in the first lane. That must be Bart. Mel and Donny were balanced on the edges of their seats next to Jaime.
As soon as the gun fired, Bart was nearly a quarter of the way down the lane. He was insanely fast. Jaime wouldn’t be surprised if he hit an Olympic time. His teammates stood no chance.
When he was announced the winner, Jaime had to do a double take at the 9.63 second time blinking on the screen behind him. That was more than a second faster than Wally, who had won the first heat.
“‘Attaboy, Bart!” Donny yelled.
The exclamation caused Bart’s attention to be drawn towards them. He waved proudly at his parents, and then his gaze caught on Jaime. Even from this distance Jaime could see the electric green eyes trained on him. There was no mistaking it now. Even with the other redhead to consider (since Jaime hadn’t heard his name or grade announced yet), he was certain Bart was his mystery caller. There was something in his eyes— a knowing glint— that made Jaime nervous. Could Bart know who he was?
It wasn’t completely impossible. Because he ran the campus radio at night, Jaime had a page on the school website. His name and picture were plastered right along side Cassie and Gar’s. Cassie had the morning shift from 6 am to noon, and Gar’s comedy segment ran from noon to 6 pm, when Jaime started. All Bart had to do was look him up and he would know exactly who Jaime was.
In retrospect, Jaime easily could have done the same to figure out who his annoying caller was. Once he’d received the track team clue, he could have pulled up the roster and narrowed his suspects down. He could have ruled out Wally because he was a Senior, and possibly even the other redhead based on his year. The announcer had said that Bart was a Freshman when he’d announced him as a winner, so Jaime figured he was the most likely of the three to be the caller. He matched all of the physical descriptors.
There were two more sprinting events that followed, each doubling the distance of the previous. After witnessing the 100m event, Jaime wasn’t surprised when Bart came in first for the 200m and 400m. It was honestly impressive. Bart was talented both in the art of running and annoying Jaime over phone calls. Truly difficult feats.
Once the sprinting events were finished, the competitors moved onto the field. Unlike the sprinting events, some members of the team sat out. Jaime noticed only six members of the team were participating. Two for discus, two for shot put and two for javelin. Neither Bart nor Wally was one of the six. The other redhead on the other hand, was lined up at the javelin throwing line.
Jaime paid him little mind. As soon as the announcer introduced him as a Senior, Jaime tuned out completely. Now there was absolutely no doubt whatsoever. Bart was his mystery caller.
While the field events took place, Jaime watched Bart stretching out on the side of the track. He was surprisingly limber. And Jaime had nothing to blame but the part of his mind attracted to men when he watched Bart bend over in his running shorts to stretch out his hamstrings. He had really nice legs, among... other things.
Jaime shook his head. He shouldn’t be thinking things like that. He’d come here to put Bart in his place because of the annoying phone calls. Not admire his amazing calves.
When the field events were over, some members of the team moved back onto the track for the hurdle events. Again, Bart was not amongst them.
“He doesn’t do hurdles either?” Jaime accidentally mused aloud.
Donny turned to look at him. “First track meeting?” he asked, kindly.
Jaime felt a blush crop up on his cheeks. He hadn’t meant for his comment to be out loud.
“Yeah,” he admitted, despite his embarrassment.
Donny gave him a smile. “They each only do one event plus the sprints. You’ve got the three field events, hurdles, and long distance.”
“Oh.” Jaime nodded to show he understood.
Donny outstretched his hand. “I’m Don.”
Jaime shook Bart’s father’s hand. “Jaime,” he returned.
When Don took his hand back, he used it to point to his wife. “This is my wife, Meloni.”
The brunette woman waved at him.
“And my parents, Barry and Iris.” He gestured at each member of the older couple as well.
Jaime ducked his head shyly. “Nice to meet you all.”
The pop of the starting gun drew their attention back to the track where the hurdlers had just taken off from the blocks. Jaime watched on in interest, amazed at the skill that had been displayed today. He’d never imagined a track meet being this entertaining.
After a few moments, Don turned back to him. “Who’re you here for?” He pointed down at the track members surrounding the edge of the rubberized circle, cheering on their participating teammates.
Jaime felt that blush bloom on his cheeks again. Should he be honest? He was sitting right next to Bart’s parents. What if they started asking questions he didn’t have the answers to?
“Uh, I-I’m here for Bart.” He didn’t really have any other options. He didn’t know the names of any of the other track members.
Donny’s green eyes suddenly lit up. “Bart didn’t tell us his boyfriend was coming! It’s quite a coincidence we ended up sitting next to one another!”
Jaime gave a hard blink, processing the sentences that had just exited the blond man’s mouth. “Uh, we’re not-”
Meloni cut him off. “Oh! You’re the one who runs the campus radio! I knew your name sounded familiar. Bart talks about you all the time!”
The first thought that went through Jaime’s mind was, ‘Does he now?’. There was no mistaking it. Bart was 100 percent the annoying student who called into his radio segment each night. And Bart knew who he was. As soon as this track meeting was over, Jaime was definitely going to have some words with him.
“It’s so nice to finally get to meet you!”
Jaime didn’t know whether he should burst their bubble. Don and Meloni seemed like genuinely good people, and they were happy for their son having seemingly found a relationship. Although their assumptions weren’t true, Jaime knew he would feel extremely bad telling them otherwise.
Luckily, there wasn’t much time for him to dwell on the subject. As soon as the winners for the hurdling events were determined, the obstacles were cleared off the track and the next set of runners were lining up at the starting blocks. Two heads of red hair immediately caught Jaime’s attention. Bart and Wally were lining up in lanes one and two, while a few more of their track mates joined them in the other lanes.
“Who do you think it’ll be this time?” Barry posed the question aloud.
“I think Bart’s got a running shot.”
Everyone groaned at Don’s poor-quality joke.
“I apologize on my husband’s behalf,” Meloni mostly addressed Jaime, “What he meant was that Bart’s been working on his pacing. He’s the fastest on the team, and has always taken first in all of the sprinting events, but Wally always gives him some good competition for the long distance stuff.”
Jaime nodded thoughtfully. Bart had definitely been fast; no doubt about that. But he was curious to see how he would do in an event that required more endurance. Apparently he would actually have some competition this time, unlike in the sprinting events where Bart had left all of his teammates in the dust.
When the starting gun fired, Jaime found himself actually holding his breath. This first distance was 1500m, just shy of a mile. Jaime could remember having to do the one mile run in P.E. back in high school and how much of a pain it had been. The best time Jaime had ever gotten was just over six minutes.
For the first lap or so, Wally and Bart were neck and neck. The rest of their teammates were about half a lap behind. Then, when they went into the second lap, Bart kicked it up a notch, pulling ahead. Wally kept his own even pace, a schooled look of determination set over his features, while Bart’s lips transformed into a confident smirk.
By the final lap, Bart and Wally were shoulder to shoulder again. It was clear that Wally had the superior skill when it came to pacing, as he had been able to keep the same speed the whole time, whereas Bart’s speed had varied in spurts, depending on his level of endurance. It was unclear which one of them was going to win.
When Jaime looked around at the stands, he could see fans eagerly debating which one of the redheads they thought was going to win. The general consensus seemed to be Wally, but Jaime had a feeling his High School Musical-song-loving caller had a trick up his sleeve.
When they reached the last 100m or so of the race, the stadium burst into cheering, each person of the audience shouting encouragement to their respective runner. Against all odds, and to the surprise of many, Bart burst into a full out sprint, easily overtaking Wally, and crossing the finish line with an enthusiastic whoop.
Jaime was absolutely shocked to say the least. After running three laps, how had Bart found the energy for that last burst of speed?
A time of 4.02 minutes flashed on the screen behind them as the announcer proclaimed Bart the winner. Meloni and Don broke into cheers beside Jaime, and Barry and Iris clapped as well to show their support. Even Jaime found a small smile working it’s way onto his lips as he clapped, in awe of the impressive speed Bart had just displayed.
There was a few minutes between events while the results of the race were recorded and the next set of runners lined up at the starting blocks. Again, both Bart and Wally were among the competitors. This time, the distance was more than double what they had just run at 3200m. Jaime was curious to see how Bart would hold up against the longer distance.
When the starting gun fired, all of the runners took off as a group, rather than Bart and Wally distinguishing themselves from the pack right away. With eight laps to go, Jaime supposed it made sense. No point in going all out during the first half of the race, only to burn out when it really mattered. Bart and Wally would probably wait until the final few laps to burst ahead of their teammates.
Around and around the track they went, keeping pace with one another until the sixth lap. As soon as they passed the starting line, all of the runners kicked it up a notch, and gaps between the competitors became more noticeable. As expected, Wally and Bart pulled ahead of everyone else, and chatter broke out amongst the crowd about which redhead it would be this time.
Barry and Iris seemed to have their money on their nephew (Jaime had finally pieced it together when Barry made the comment about Iris being a West before marriage), whereas Don and Meloni, being the proud parents they were, were betting on their son to come out on top. Jaime couldn’t help being biased, and was also rooting for Bart. After all, he was the whole reason Jaime was at this track meet to begin with.
Bart was giving his all. Halfway into the last lap, he was ahead of Wally by a few steps. It seemed like he had the win in the bag. Then out of nowhere, Wally pulled the same stunt Bart had last time.
Jaime could see Bart do a double take when his cousin passed him, but there was nothing he could do. Bart’s strength was his speed; not endurance. He was only able to give about 80 percent, whereas Wally had paced himself better, and could pour 100 percent of his speed into the last leg of the race.
While Jaime was disappointed to see Bart take second, he was still impressed overall. Wally had beat Bart by two seconds, but Bart had beat the rest of his team by nearly ten seconds, meaning he and Wally had had quite an impressive lead.
Barry, Iris, Don and Meloni were engaged in a chat about the outcome of the latest race, but Jaime found his eyes glued to his not-so-mysterious (anymore) caller. Despite losing the last event, Bart seemed to be a good sport. He and Wally were standing on the sidelines, getting a quick drink and catching their breaths before the final event was set to start. Between gulps of water, Jaime could see the cousins teasing one another, egging each other on, and hyping one another up for the competition of the next race.
When they were called over to the track for the last event, Bart elbowed Wally in the ribs with a cocky smirk on his face, and Wally retaliated by pulling the smaller man into a headlock to ruffle his hair. Jaime didn’t quite know what to make of it, other than that Bart seemed to have a cocky, playful personality. It explained why he had been so adamant about playing the stupid identity game he had roped Jaime into over the phone during his radio segments each night.
The last distance was 5000m, or approximately 12 laps. Just thinking about that much running made Jaime want to cry. Needless to say, he wasn’t a huge fan of running. Other sports, sure, but running was not something Jaime enjoyed for himself. He would have to give massive kudos to Bart for having enough dedication to running to put himself through the 12 lap race.
Again, all of the runners stayed in a pack for the majority of the race. By about lap eight, it was clear who the real endurance runners were. The six competitors had spread out, a few feet behind one another, with Wally leading. There was a black-haired guy on his heels, and following behind him were Bart and another black-haired runner, a little shorter than the man in front of him. Two more runners were taking up the rear.
Laps nine, ten and eleven passed without much change. It wasn’t until they got into the final lap that Bart mustered the energy to pull ahead of his two black-haired teammates and take up the trail behind his cousin.
Wally’s winning time of fourteen minutes and two seconds flashed up on the scoreboard, followed by Bart’s time of 14.08. Jaime almost had to do a double take. When he calculated the math, it meant Bart had averaged a time of approximately a minute and eleven seconds per lap, and Wally had been faster still!
While the judges and officials were confirming the results of all of the events that had taken place, the stadium around Jaime burst to life as audience members began to make their exit down to the track to meet with and congratulate the athletes they had come to support. Beside him, Don, Meloni, Barry and Iris stood from their seats and gathered up their belongings, preparing to go congratulate Bart and Wally on their wins in today’s events.
“You should come with us, Jaime,” Meloni suggested when Jaime didn’t stand up with the rest of them.
Immediately, a stone sank in the college student’s stomach. What would Bart think if he saw Jaime with his parents? He and Bart hadn’t even met yet. How would Jaime be able to explain if Bart’s parents brought up the boyfriend issue?
Reluctantly, Jaime got up to follow the two couples down to the track. He was sweat-dropping. He really hoped Bart’s parents wouldn’t make things awkward.
As soon as he was in range, Don slung an arm around his son’s shoulders, congratulating him on his multiple wins. Meloni also smothered Bart in a hug when she got her opportunity, cooing over how well he had done. Beside them, Barry and Iris were doing much of the same to their nephew, expressing their awe of Wally’s endurance in the long-distance events. Meanwhile, Jaime stood awkwardly by, waiting for a chance to hopefully have a chat with his not-so-mysterious caller.
When the Allens finally separated from their son, Jaime locked eyes with Bart. There was a glint in those green irises that Jaime couldn’t place. It wasn’t good or bad per say; Jaime could only describe it as making him feel on edge, ready to tip one way or the other.
As soon as Meloni noticed the stare between the two boys, she immediately turned on Bart, much to Jaime’s horror.
“Bart! Why haven’t you introduced us to your boyfriend? He’s such a handsome young man.” She used an insistant hand to push Jaime forward, so much so that he almost stumbled and fell into the chest of his supposed “boyfriend”. Luckily, Bart’s hands came up and caught him by the biceps before that could happen.
Both his and Bart’s eyes widened. Pink burned hot on each of their cheeks. Jaime took a quick step back. He felt like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
“Well?” Don goaded. “Don’t be shy! I’m glad to see my son’s finally been able to put the Allen-family charm to use! How long have you two been together?”
Jaime could feel the color in his cheeks getting darker by the second. Bart was still giving him this weird look, as if it weren’t his parents who had instigated this whole conversation in the first place. The prolonged awkward eye contact was making Jaime uneasy, and he was tempted to just speak up and shut down Bart’s parent’s idea about him and their son being in a relationship, but before he had the chance, Bart was clearing his throat to speak.
The track star raised a hand to the back of his neck, and Jaime had to do a double-take at the innocent “embarrassed” façade he was now putting on. “Well,” he said, playing bashful, “Guess the cat’s out of the bag, Babe.”
Jaime’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates upon hearing the pet name. Bart was just going to go along with this?!
Without preamble, the redhead slung his arm around Jaime’s shoulders, crushing him into his side in a display of “affection” for his parents’ benefit. “Jaime’s a little shy,” Bart said, when Jaime failed to fill in the silence. “He wanted to keep our relationship a secret. I’m actually a little surprised he came to the track meet today.”
Bart subtly bumped Jaime’s hip with his own, which was a cue for him to talk. It took a moment for the raven-haired boy to scramble for a response. He would play along... for now.
“I had to see if you were as good as you were making yourself out to be,” Jaime had noticed Bart’s encoded message; he hadn’t expected Jaime to take his phone call seriously and show up. Jaime was giving his own back in return (I had to discover who the annoying caller was).
Bart chuckled. “Would I ever lie to you?”
Jaime had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Now the guy was just laying it on thick.
“Of course not, Chiquito.” The pet name came out from behind clenched teeth.
Luckily, Mel and Donny seemed to buy their act. When it was clear they were in the clear, Bart asked, “Mom, Dad, is it okay if I have a few minutes alone with my boyfriend?”
Meloni and Don shared a look before Don said, “Okay. But no hankey-pankey behind the bleachers!” He waved a finger at them, teasing smile in place over his lips.
Jaime felt himself going pink. “Of course not, Sir,” he managed to get out, in spite of how mixed up this situation had gotten.
Bart grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him a little ways down the track so that they were out of Meloni and Don’s hearing range. As soon as he had the opportunity, Jaime whirled on him.
“What the hell was that back there, ese?” Jaime hissed.
Bart shrugged. “They bought it, didn’t they?”
Jaime felt his eyes narrow into a glare. “Why didn’t you correct them?”
Bart did another shrug, this time with a knowing expression on his face. “It’s not like you said anything either.”
Jaime’s glare fell apart under the truthful accusation. It was his fault for not immediately shutting down the idea when Don had first brought it up to him in the stands.
Bart placed his hands on his hips and began rocking back and forth from the balls of his feet to his heels. “In all honesty, I’m actually surprised you showed up.”
Jaime emulated Bart’s pose, resting a fist against his hip and gesturing with the other. “Well, I couldn’t risk you calling back during my segment tonight and accusing me of being a liar in front of my entire audience, now could I?”
Bart tilted his head in such a way that Jaime had to repress the thought of ‘Oh, that’s cute,’ before it accidentally slipped out of his mouth.
A faint pink blush rose to Bart’s cheeks. “I guess I did kind of back you into a corner, didn’t I?” He raised a hand to the back of his neck, and it was the moment that Jaime realized Bart was genuinely sorry for having done so. While he may have wanted Jaime to show up today, it was clear now that he wouldn’t have used Jaime’s absence as blackmail against him if he had decided not to show.
Not wanting Bart to feel guilty, Jaime shrugged it off. “No es gran cosa.”
A smile worked its way onto Bart’s mouth. “I have no idea what that means, but I’m guessing by the look on your face, you’re not actually all that bothered by it.”
Jaime sighed. “Well, besides inviting me here so I can tell you how much I hate granting your High School Musical requests every night, what exactly is the reason?”
Bart scoffed. “I can’t believe you had the audacity to say that to my face!” He was trying to deliver the line seriously, but the smile on his lips told Jaime that he wasn’t actually offended.
Jaime shrugged, a small smirk working its way onto his own lips. “What can I say? Disney Channel movies are cheesy, and their sound tracks are even worse.”
Bart chuckled. “Your music is too depressing. You need something more upbeat. Less lyrics about death, sad childhoods, and oppression. ‘We’re All in this Together’, right ah-me-go?”
Jaime cringed, both at Bart’s pronunciation and at the stereotypes. His music was more complex than what Bart was making it out to be. Besides, Jaime wasn’t here to argue anyway. Bart had invited him to this track meeting with ulterior motives, and Jaime was determined to figure out what they were.
“Not all of my music is depressing,” Jaime countered. “Besides, you ignored my question. Surely you had some kind of motive in inviting me here besides to just discuss your terrible music taste. I want to know what it is.” Jaime raised both eyebrows.
An unexpected pink blush rose to Bart’s cheeks, covering up the freckles sprayed like paint across his Caucasian skin. “I wanted you to notice me.” Jaime nearly missed the words, for they came out of Bart’s mouth in a whisper.
“You wanted me to notice you?” He repeated the statement, hoping for a bit of an explanation.
Bart’s blush deepened, skin in competition with his hair for reddest feature. His green eyes were piercing the ground, seemingly in an effort to burn a hole big enough to burry himself in to avoid such embarrassment. His fingers twisted harshly against one another. His whole aura had changed from the confident runner he had been on the track to nervous schoolboy.
“We’re in the same physics class.” Bart’s sneaker kicked up a puff of dirt as he ground his toe into the sand.
Jaime blinked. He’d never seen anyone like Bart in his physics class. Was he that non-observant that he had missed him?
“I-I usually sit behind you.” It sounded like Bart was struggling to admit something difficult. Usually Jaime was the shyer one in conversations, so he completely understood what it felt like having to lead a difficult conversation. But he wanted to get to the bottom of this. Bart was on the edge of a confession, and Jaime had to know what it was.
“I noticed how a-attractive—” Bart’s blush deepened yet again— “you were pretty much as soon as I laid eyes on you. I-I wanted to get to know you better, so I asked around a little. Turns out Cassie’s a mutual friend of ours. She told me a little bit about you, from working with you at the radio station, and I did a little bit of research on my own. I looked you up on the school website. I started calling in to your station. I kept asking Cassie if she could find out more about you for me. Your favorite color, food, movie... Any hobbies, or things you like. I started piecing together this picture of you in my mind, using our conversations on the phone to confirm or deny my theories about you. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was desperate for you to notice me, so I started dropping hints on the phone, hoping you would take an interest. But you didn’t. And I-I can understand if-if you don’t feel the same way but IthinkIaccidentlyfellinlovewithyou.”
Jaime blinked hard. “¿Qué?” That last bit had left Bart’s mouth in an unintelligible jumble of sounds. Had Bart just admitted he was in love with him?
When Jaime snapped out of his confusion and looked back at Bart, he saw that the track star was struggling to hold back tears. A salty droplet fell from his chin and landed on the ground between them, creating a dark spot in the dirt. His shoulders were trembling with the effort to not let out a cry.
Guilt settled hard in Jaime’s stomach, like a boulder being dropped into a lake. The aftershocks were still rippling through his system. The pieces were slowly coming together.
Bart was in love with him, and wanted the feeling to be mutual. He had called in to Jaime’s radio station, hoping that he could get Jaime to take an interest in him. He wanted Jaime to pursue him, that way he would know for sure that Jaime felt the same way. And Jaime had taken an interest; he’d just done a poor job at showing it.
Hesitantly, Jaime reached a hand forward in an effort to get Bart to look up at him. “Por favor, no llores. Lo siento, I-”
Bart took a step back, angrily wiping his tears away with his fists. “No. I-it’s stupid. I built this idea of you up in my head, and it’s probably not who you are at all. I was just desperate and wanted you to like me back. And I know that me calling you every night was probably annoying and that you probably aren’t even into guys-”
Jaime surged forward, grabbing onto the other boy’s bicep with one hand and cupping his cheek with the other, and did something that surprised himself probably even more than it surprised Bart.
Bart froze, teary eyes wide in shock as Jaime’s lips smashed against his own. He was too surprised to react.
As soon as Jaime realized what he had done, he pulled back, blushing madly. Despite his embarrassment however, he couldn’t help the truth that fell from his lips.
“I am.” When Bart still looked confused, Jaime rushed to clarify. “Into guys. Into... you. I’m bisexual.” He raised a hand to nervously rub at the short raven hairs along the back of his neck, chuckling awkwardly.
Bart seemed to snap out of his stupor. “You’re into me? I didn’t think you were interested. I thought you only came today because I was blackmailing you.”
Jaime’s awkward laugh turned amused. “If you think I showed up today because of your so-called ‘blackmail’, you need a new definition for the word.” He moved his hand from his neck, slipping it into his pocket to pull out his notebook. Jaime flipped it to the page where he had taken down all of the little clues Bart had given to him over the phone and turned the book around to show it to the track star. Bart’s green eyes widened slowly as he read over all of Jaime’s scrupulously written notes.
“I wrote down everything you told me about yourself.”
Bart’s gaze slowly ascended from the page, an awed look in his eyes. Hastily, Jaime closed the notebook and placed it back in his pocket. He shifted his weight from foot to foot in consideration before finally saying, “I’d like a chance to get to know you. I want to give us—” Jaime used a finger to gesture between himself and Bart— “a chance. If that’s... crash?” He tested out the word he’d heard Bart use during a few of their phone calls.
The redhead’s face lit up like a child’s after receiving a piece of candy. “Yeah! That’s totally crash! When are you free?”
“Uh-” Jaime pulled out his phone to check his calendar, and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder.
“Time to get this show on the road, Kiddos.” When Jaime looked up to see who the hand belonged to, he saw Bart’s father standing between them, his other hand grasping onto his son’s shoulder. “Who knows what you two would get up to if Mel and I left you alone any longer.” Don playfully shook his head, before turning the eyes Bart had inherited from him on his son. “Your mother and I were college sweethearts, too. We know what kind of things kids your age get up to.”
Both Bart and Jaime blushed at the implications.
“Dad!” Bart groaned in embarrassment.
Don chuckled, as if it were all in a day’s work embarrassing his son. He turned to Jaime. “We usually go out as a family after track meets to celebrate. Everyone’ll be there. It’s a good opportunity for Bart to introduce you to the family. If you’re up for going, Jaime?”
The raven-haired student shared a look with his boyfriend? friend? person-he-thought-was-very-attractive-but-wanted-to-get-to-know-a-little-better-before-dating? Bart shrugged.
Jaime felt put on the spot. He and Bart had just discussed the possibility of beginning a relationship, and now he was supposed to meet the ‘rents? Not that he hadn’t already, but that was beside the point. Going out for a meal with Bart’s parents, grandparents, cousin and who-knows-who-else, and having to pretend that he’s madly in love with someone he was just meeting for the first time today? This had the potential to kill any chances he and Bart had at actually beginning a real relationship.
“I’m sorry, I already have plans,” was what Jaime wanted to say. Instead, he said, “Sure. I’d love to get to meet your family, Cariño.”
“Good evening, Tigers! You’re listening to Houston U’s nightly segment. I’m your host, Jaime Reyes-”
“-and his amazing boyfriend, Bart Allen-”
Jaime had to stifle an ‘oomph!’ as his boyfriend of three glorious months slung an arm around his neck and plopped down on his lap, leaning in close to the microphone so that he could be heard, too.
“-Next up we have ‘Flourescent Adolescence’ by Arctic Monkeys-”
“-And after that, ‘I Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You’ from High School Musical!” Bart slammed a finger into the ‘play’ button, starting the next song in the queue, before swinging his leg around so he could straddle Jaime’s lap and drag him into a kiss.
When they pulled apart, Jaime had a pout on his lips. “Who let you in here?” Bart wasn’t supposed to be in the studio, especially when Jaime was live on the air.
The younger smirked deviously. “Cassie might have loned me her key so that I could pay my boyfriend a visit while he was working...”
Jaime shook his head. “Of course she did.”
Bart booped his nose with a fingertip. “Don’t act so put out. You know you looooove me.”
Jaime shook his head, trying to keep a poker face. “Nope. You just tainted my reputation by saying that we’re gonna play High School Musical songs voluntarily. How could I love someone who would pull such a slanderous act against me?”
Bart poked his nose again. “You looooove me.”
Jaime shook his head. His lips threatened to quirk up into a smile. His poker face was cracking. “Nope.”
Bart hovered his lips dangerously close to Jaime’s own. “Admit it, Babe. You love me more than anyone in the world.”
Jaime’s mask crumbled. “Yeah,” he finally admitted. “Te amo con todo mi corazón.” He pulled Bart that little inch forward to kiss him again.
Unfortunately the phone cut their loving moment shorter than either boy wanted. Jaime picked it up.
“Hello, fellow Tiger! You’re on-air with Houston U’s nightly segment. Care to introduce yourself to all the listeners out there?”
“Yeah, Jaime, it’s Gar. I’m glad to hear that you finally found yourself a good partner, but next time you might want to make sure your mic is off before making any declarations of love while you’re live.”
Crimson bloomed to life across the entirety of his face while Gar hung up on the other end of the line. Immediately, the radio host leaned forward and flicked off the switch to his microphone. Jaime buried his face in his hands.
“I hate you!” He directed at Bart in an embarrassed moan.
Bart chuckled. “Nah. You looooove me.”
Here it finally is @purple--waffles! I’m so sorry it took me so long! I’ve been slowly working on it since the day your request arrived in my asks. Life is crazy, and I haven’t had a whole lot of time to write recently, but I really wanted to finish this for you. My mind ran with the prompt, and even though it took me awhile, hopefully the length makes up for it??? Maybe? Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!
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marauderssequels · 4 years ago
dorcas ideas!  - actually a ravenclaw  - half-blood  - on a softball team back in the muggle world  - trains hard for quidditch  - became friends with mary, lily, and marlene in their second year  - james thought they had a quidditch rivalry, intensely competes specifically against her in ravenclaw-gryffindor games  - dorcas barely knew who james was, really didn’t pay much attention to the individual players from other teams  - close relationship with witch mother  - short but athletically-built  - basically buff but smol gf  - serious and intense, but has a lot of fun around the right people  - generally pretty chill, kind of hard to rile up her temper  - not horrible with girls? but not great either, like she knows what to do and how to ask a girl out, how relationships work, she knows honesty and communication are the basis for any kind of relationship, but also girls make her nervous and she isn’t really obviously emotionally available, so she hasn’t had a lot of opportunities  - pretty much a combination of shang’s “you fight good” from mulan, leslie’s cop boyfriend from parks and rec, and viktor krum  - she’s not really concerned about if someone’s physically/aesthetically attractive  - balances out the more temperamental, fiery marlene quite well, especially since she wouldn’t be scared off by marlene’s drama and can stop her from going too far with stupid or anger-inspired ideas  - has punched a death eater square in the face and would do it again  - gets one cut/scraped knee and sits stoically as marlene goes to pieces over it, letting her take care of it while marlene shouts about how moving staircases shouldn’t have trick stairs or whatever, then gives marlene a kiss to thank her and walks away, leaving behind a very flustered and pleased marlene mckinnon  - not a clean freak but pretty neat, vs marlene’s messy tornado-style way of life  - oops these have turned into pure dorlene headcanons  - very smart, always gets good grades despite being very quiet in classes, one of remus and lily’s favorite study buddies  - actually fairly calm around exam time, trusts her mind and her knowledge, doesn’t stress or overthink too much  - really loves hogsmeade, she’s certainly not above visiting outside official school trips  - muggle movie nerd, organizes the disney movie nights when lily realizes none of the marauders besides remus have ever seen one  - will always think first of muggle solutions instead of magical ones, already pulling a hammer halfway out her bag to fix something before anyone’s even raised their wands to cast “reparo”  - tends to think of magic as “the easy way”, values effort and working with her hands  - more familiar with magic if it has a muggle base, I think she’d do great in transfiguration but not as well in charms  - maybe a bit of an inventor, combining muggle and magical things  - not sure if this would come up with thestrals or hippogriffs or what, but being a natural with rideable magical creatures because she’s already great with horses  - can see thestrals because of animal deaths, I feel like she might have an aunt who owns a farm or something so she’s familiar with the weight, meaning, and importance of death  - (although I’m sure other students were either horrified or sympathetic when they learned she could see thestrals, “I’m so sorry dorcas, were you two close?” “well I was the one milking her all last summer, so I guess you could say we were acquaintances”)  - at the same time, she cannot handle sad dog content. she loves dogs so so much and can’t stand hearing about them being sick/injured/dead unless there’s a way for her to help  - it’s not immediately apparent how protective she is, for the most part she trusts her friends to take care of themselves, but if you hurt someone she loves, you are not prepared to deal with the consequences  - changed her style a few times over the years, but it was always very abrupt, she’d just show up in class one day with half her head shaved and a completely new wardrobe (outside her school uniform of course) and never really say much about it  - very self-aware, not really the type to say things in anger that she’d regret, chooses her words deliberately
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sweeethinny · 4 years ago
Prompt idea (if u have the time:)): hinny taking 3-4 yr old teddy to a muggle amusement park. Or Disneyland I would looovvee for them to meet Mickey and Minnie and go on a few rides:)))
I LOVED WRITING THIS. (I left Teddy with six years old, so he could enjoy more)
I never went to Disney, in fact, I never left the South of Brazil, which is where I live, so like that, I really have no idea what a Disney park is like, only by videos and photos, so if there is something wrong, please ignore I love to write about these simple moments of Harry with the family, and I think this one shot was really good, thanks for the prompt! (it got a little big, but who cares?)
Teddy had been asking for a time to make this trip, Mathew, one of his classmates, had already been to the park more than four times and always came back with news, which left the boy saddened that he could not meet.
Harry rented several films of Mickey Mouse and his friends, his weekends together were based on watching that mouse go by boat, drive a car or build a house. But still, it didn't seem enough.
During the mid-year vacation, Harry managed to take a week off, just like Ginny, and they bought plan tickets to that park in the United States (because Teddy wanted to live the whole experience, and Andromeda was saying that the boy would not be well in a portal key)
None of the three had ever traveled by plane, so when they got on that machine, Ginny was already feeling sick and feeling a cold sweat running down her back.
''How can this be safe?'' She could barely look out the window as the pilot took off
''You fly on a broom, Gin-Gin'' Teddy looked shocked by his godmother's fear ''Will it be long? Wooow, look at this'' He pointed to the small screen in front of them, with the path the plane would take, movies and games to distract bored children and adults.
''I control the broom, and it's just me on it, not me and 100 more people'' She sighed, looking over the head of the godson who was enjoying the technology, staring at Harry who smiled more excitedly than ever ''You seem very happy for someone who is going to a playground''
''I always wanted to meet'' he admitted, not in the least resentful that he was finally going to Disney. He was sure that if it went with the Dursleys, it would be as bad as that time at the zoo.
The trip was fine, after a while Ginny seemed amazed that they were passing through the clouds, as well as Teddy on her lap and Harry who sneaked in to get to see too.
Harry had bought the tickets for three days, and it only started tomorrow, so by the time they arrived around 11AM, Teddy already looked like he was about to pass out from anxiety.
''Let's go for a walk around town first, buddy'' Harry reminded him, packing his muggle clothes and looking in the mirror of the hotel room they had rented ‘'Let's go to the beach, to the mall, we can have ice cream .. Even eat hamburgers'' The godson smiled from ear to ear, nodding excitedly
Harry was also happy, fulfilled to be traveling and going to see the damn talking mouse he saw in the comic he stole from Dudley, but also, very happy that he could be creating that memory with Teddy
''Why the hell do they have so much ... this thing of buying crappy food?'' Ginny asked, looking curiously at the passing streets, while Harry calmly drove the car they had rented, worried that he needed to use magic here or there ''We've been through more than ten, and we've barely left our neighborhood''
''Fast Food? I don't know, maybe they want to die early'' Harry turned his attention back to the traffic lights, ignoring the conversation Teddy had with Gin about whether or not they could eat one of those.
In the end, she decided that they would only eat once, because she would never let Teddy get clogged with that plastic food
They toured much of Orlando, visited shopping, bought gifts, clothes, toys, even a new sofa, which they would shrink and send by Flu later.
They visited some sights, took a lot of photos, especially when they went to the beach, and ate at one of those fast foods that had passed earlier, even though Ginny kept saying that it wasn’t real food and that there was no way that meat came from a live animal.
''I'm so excited'' Teddy said as soon as they left the American 'Diagonal Alley', which was much bigger than what they had in London, but much more hidden, being in a neighborhood far from the city center. His godson was in his lap, almost sleeping on Harry's shoulder, the hair constantly changing between animated pink and natural blue, sighing tiredly.
''We had a busy day, you need to rest to be able to play tomorrow'' Ginny helped the boy into the car, adjusting the little one in his appropriate seat and making sure he didn't end up with a neck pain from sleeping askew.
''I know .. '' Teddy sighed, closing his eyes before Harry even started the car and returned to where they were staying
''I bought the best tickets, they said we would not be in the public queue and that way we could access the toys more easily''
''You're excited, aren't you?'' Ginny put her hand on his thigh, also resting her head on his shoulder, her cheeks flushed from all the sun they had caught and looking absurdly beautiful wearing that yellow summer dress with her hair stuck up
'' Teddy is so happy and ... it makes me happy '' Harry kissed the top of the red head '' I want him to have amazing memories with me '' Ginny didn't answer, she was also sleeping, and Harry had to smile as he stared that scene, finding it almost unreal that he himself was there.
The next day, it was barely seven in the morning when Teddy jumped out of bed, waking up his godfather with all his enthusiasm, jumping in the middle of the couple and getting them up.
'' We're going to be late '' He whimpered when Ginny got in the shower, and Harry started ordering their breakfast
'' Teddy, we need to eat before we leave, and we're still on time '' Harry reminded him, forcing the boy to stay put while he applied sunscreen on his flushed cheeks '' We don't want you to get burned and be sore the first day, right? '' He fixed the cap his godson had bought the day before, helping him put it on his head.
'' I'm excited '' Teddy justified '' Mathew said that there is a castle, and that inside you can meet Mickey .. Can we meet Mickey? Please''
'' We can '' Harry had to restrain himself from saying that he also wanted to take a picture with that human dressed as the character. Not that he expected it to be a real mouse that was there.
After Ginny got out of the bath, wearing comfortable clothes to walk in a park, and they ate, the three finally headed towards Disney, following the map they had bought so they wouldn't get lost, talking animatedly about what they would do and where they would go when to get there (even if they didn’t quite know what to expect).
''Holy Merlin!'' Ginny looked most shocked when they parked, wide-eyed and blinking in wonder at the immensity of that park, definitely not a simple playground with some giant wheels and anything else that would entertain children.
Even she could almost feel anxious to start going on all the roller coasters around.
''I don't even know where to start'' Harry admitted, feeling like a child in the middle, so happy that his eyes shone with enthusiasm behind his sunglasses. ''Where do you want to start, Teddy?''
''I don't know'' The boy looked just as shocked. Flashing to all the stores, characters and attractions that were just in sight
The three began to stroll with much more enthusiasm than in the city, stopping at themed shops and buying ice cream, sweets, more gifts, and the long-awaited Mickey and Minnie ears, in various colors and shapes. Harry was wearing a traditional one, Ginny with one that was Minnie, blue and red, and Teddy with one from the movie 'Fantasia', which came with a 'wizard' hat, painted with moons and stars.
Ginny dragged them off to ride a roller coaster of terror, and Harry seemed the only one who was somewhat fond of the toy that was completely in the dark, even Teddy screamed with excitement at every descent they took, or scare they took. The next was another roller coaster, but this time with spins and falls, which caused  scream and arms up, while the wind in face seemed to suffocate them.
''That was the coolest thing I've ever done!'' Teddy jumped for joy, his cheeks flushed with the newest emotion
''It looked like I was flying but without the broom, and no control'' Ginny also seemed close to jumping ''Let's go to the one who says it's 3D ..'' And so they went, as many toys as possible, passing through the Tower of Terror (which made Teddy cling to Harry) and a few more roller coasters, some that passed through the water and wet them whole, others that were quiet and let them admire the view
In the end, the time finally came that they most wanted it.
''Let's see Mickey!’' Ginny shouted excitedly as she joined the row, fixing up the Daisy themed hat she had bought and the new sunglasses ''Are you excited?'' Teddy nodded, eating his ice cream sandwich with the Mickey's face ''And you, Harry?''
''Also. Will Minnie be there?'' He could barely contain his enthusiasm, adjusting the tiara with ears on his head, not bothering to look like an idiot.
"I hope so, she looks so cool .. Daisy was super nice to me, and we won't even talk about Cinderella!" Ginny smiled again "Ahhh, we're coming"
''I'm so nervous'' Teddy sighed, seeming to do his utmost to keep from changing his hair color (They were in a dark shade like Harry's)
''Don't be, everything will be fine'' One more couple and it would be them, Harry could barely hold his smile ''Do you think I should take off the tiara?'' Ginny denied next to Teddy
''You look beautiful with her '' Gin nodded
When they were finally called, Harry thought that both he, his godson and his wife, would pass out in excitement. Mickey and Minnie were there! On their fronts!
''HI! What do we have here? Are you eating my face?'' Mickey bent down to be as tall as Teddy, who looked so embarrassed and nervous, and red as a tomato
''Hi, Mr Mickey'' The people around him laughed softly, admiring when the boy hugged him. The camera clicks didn't seem to end, and Ginny was more than excited to decorate the new photo album (which they had purchased with the park theme) with those. "Hi Mrs. Minnie" Teddy greeted the other mouse as well.
''Hello dear, you are very polite'' The woman bent down too, returning the hug. The five took the photo, Harry could barely contain his smile and Ginny looked almost ready to jump for joy when Minnie praised her.
''OK. That was the most incredible thing we've ever done. Forget winning the Quidditch Cup, Minnie praised me!''
''My chances are gone. Minnie, I will never get super you'' Harry admitted, as he took them to another attraction
''Never, it's a shame baby'' Ginny kissed his cheek ''But at least we're already married, so..'' She shrugged
The rest of the day was very lively, and in the end, when they stayed to watch the fireworks, Harry barely knew why he wanted to cry, holding Teddy on his shoulders so he could see better, and smiling like a child.
''It's beautiful'' Ginny leaned on her husband ''And look, we're wizards'' She whispered that part, making the man laugh
"It's because they really try, there's no wand trick," he whispered back, laughing when he saw her wipe a single tear that ran. Harry kissed her, quickly, just to mark that moment  ''Thank you for being here'' 
'’I thank myself for accepting your marriage proposal. I never would have come here if it weren't for you.'' Harry laughed, so happy and light he didn't even look like himself. Ginny stood on tiptoe, pulling Teddy's hand to kiss her ''And with you, my Teddy Bear''
''Our next trip'' Harry started, as they headed back to the parking lot, Teddy still on his shoulders, admiring everything ''It's to Universal's park. I heard they have an attraction about wizards.'' His wife's eyes shone
''It must be hilarious .. We will ''
And they went, but that time, there was one more participant in the trip, one who, already with them at Disney, was just hiding in Ginny's belly
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ficsinhistory · 4 years ago
Analysis and Theories - Cobra and Mongoose/Better off Fred -  Disney finally learned how to balance comedy, emotion and action!
Cobra and Mongoose
Hiro and Fred's friendship! It's as cute as these two are always so close, not least because, as was established in the first episode, if the gang were to leave it would be just them. So these tips are cool to see from how they are friends and rely on each other.
The fact that the video game is the same as "Pray Date"! And this time, Fred really won, different from last time! And bonus point for everyone, including Baymax, to have a headphone!
The snakes!! The fact how they attack Fred and how Heathcliff intervenes is so amazing and well animated!! And how sordid and deadly they are!
The poison! Since snakes are robots, they have to throw the poison to be absorbed into the skin. And this happens in real life, there are substances that do it! It was a great recurring joke!
When Hiro comes to help and Heathcliff leaves a cell phone with a dramatic message even though he's barely there!
All the message in question! That butler is so dramatic and I love it!
The fact that Heathcliff knew how to shuffle tracking signals, he was a spy, so well played! Aside from the fact that Hiro took this as a personal challenge to his genial intellect, I love my pompous and intelligent son!
The restaurant where the first battle took place! It's so beautiful and the aesthetics of south asia and how it has influences beyond the Japanese in the city. Because San Franscisco really is full of other cultures and San Fransokyo being part Japanese doesn't erase that. Which is very cool.
Cobra. That's it, that's the whole point.
I love this villain!!! Everything about her is perfect! She is menacing, fun, smart and, as the name says, acts and moves like a snake! Outside I loved the design! And the whole sequence of conversation before the fight was the best! She remembered Momakase, but you can see the difference from her!
Reference to Mary POpPins! Eclipse WHO?!
Heathcliff fighting!! He has a sword in his umbrella and fights masterfully, all this is perfect and from how Fred is with a vase on his head during the fight and is paralyzed again!
In real life, Mongoose are natural predators of cobras and have a layer of fur that makes them immune to poison. So, well drawn writers, well drawn.
Cobra analysis. Unlike Momakase who steals objects, Cobra works on stealing technologies to steal objects, which is a good differential the two thieves. And how Hiro takes offense at his neurotransmitter being stolen. Not least because the last time this happened, his brother was killed. He must not have good memories of it.
Heathcliff's past itself! This, for those who do not know, is a reference to Alfred who was a spy before serving the Wanne. And the fact that he has this whole story with Boss Awesome, and saved the life of said hero in a volcano and how snake should have died and in the end Heathcliff ended up as a butler is cool.
"Who took these pictures?""You have not changed since then?"Hiro Hamada asking the right questions!
Mention to Boss Awesome. Rip Stan Lee.
And he explains it through a spy pen. Carmen Sandiego fans Rise UP!!!
Farewell! How Heathcliff loves the family he works for and Fred, whom he must see as a nephew and he having to leave to preserve that same family is sad. And how he makes Fred swear not to go after him is also sad, because Heathcliff had to use one of the things Fred loves most to make sure he doesn't follow him. It shows how important Fred is and how he knows that because Fred cares so much, he can't risk it.
The memories of Fred and how Heathcliff was with him from the beginning are touching. Fred as chaotic as he is, he really cares about who he loves. And from how his family sometimes travels a lot, it implies that the only parental figure was the Butler. And Heathcliff has no family outside the Fredericks.
It's lil Fred! It's cute!
Cobra's encounter with Mongoose! Cobra had so many robots and how it was on the roofs with the lights in the cities! This avoids the confusion of having people in the middle of the fight, as preserving identity and gives the fight drama on the roof™ !
Fred coming and " breaking” the oath. Oh, the old technical detail of that was a copy! And how he didn't steal the spotlight, thanks to the snakes. That was Heathcliff's past after all.
The final fight!!! From how Heathcliff changed clothes in the best Magic Girl style, with an effect phrase and everything, and in the fight with the umbrella and the giant snake?! It was all for me! He looks good in white!
Hiro helping!!! And of how, in the end it was Heathcliff who arrested Cobra having the spotlight from start to finish! Perfect!
The scary smile joke! I think people too!
Cobra in my top 3 of non-main villains!!
Better off Fred
The beginning has the reference of “guys,guys,guys” from Big Hero 7 (if I don't), but less lively.
Fred being extra™ when heartbroken and having it right in sight!
Baymax can now be a surgeon. Tadashi worked very well.
Honey wanting to know more and Gogo just begging not to. A classic!! Honey Lemon being the mother of the group as always. And Gogo just not getting paid enough!
Flashback! I love how Fred met Olivia. It was very Fred and having someone who liked rare comics is very something that would happen.
I love Olivia! She is super cute and I understand why Fred fell in love with her. She is funny, cool and is actively a nerdy girl, without the vibe of ”no like the other girls", which I quite liked. She is feminine, but not conventionally feminine, reads comics and no one in every episode talks about it. She is actively a nerd, with beanies, colored hair but no one points out that she is the "stranger" for it or she demeans other girls for not being like her. She is a girl who likes rare comics and with a good attitude! Thank You Disney!
The nerd crush music! And the whole gang balloon sequence.
The rejection and what was led to it. They talk about family until culminating in her revealing herself to be a Mole. But, let's be honest, Fred can be pretty chaotic, but he had spine to call the girl he liked right away for a date. Maybe Hiro can ask for some advice.
"Since when have you been there?"The writers recognizing the absurdity of some jokes and out-of-nowhere pops adds 10 years to my lifespan!
Everyone saying listening to Mole was a bad idea! But Fred is in love so he top! Stupid in love, huh?
The music of the transformation sequence speak just that!
The gang in fancy clothes!!! This is not training!!! They look beautiful! And man, Honey looked good in that dress and Hiro kill in that suit. My son looked beautiful! And points bonûs for giving him a real formal costume.
Baymax tie!!!
The arrival of Fred, or rather, Frederique. And how Honey tried to warn him that being himself is the best approach.
Fredsorna. That's a word in canon in BH6. That's... I didn't expect it.
It was all just very shameful when Fred wasn't himself.
Olivia not being traditionally female again. She wears a dress, but it is simpler and instead of high heels, she wears a pair of sneakers. And nobody says anything! Not to mention that I would use.
Points to Disney for showing that behaviors like imposing themselves on someone, invading personal space and acting like the other had no choice is NOT attractive. The media has done this for years and show, mostly to a male group, that being aggressive while flirting is cool. So Disney show showing that this is scary is all I want. I'm glad Olivia dumped her ex, including.
Mole is unbearable!! This kid is evil pure and Fred really got down for it. He really liked Olivia and wanted to spend time with her and gremiling ruined it!!! Besides paying Bluff was only low, even for him.
Olivia listening to everything from afar. She didn't want to leave him badly, she just went... fool.
When Supersonic Stu and Sue appeared! They may be bad, but that Stu has more family support than a lot of people!
Some may find it strange that everyone only delivers their belongings, but we have to remember that without the police and Big Hero 6, most people are defenseless and in the end they are still villains. They can hurt.
Fred saving the day with Olivia's help and using references! That's style!!!
She taking off her glasses and being a lousy actress. I love it.
Fred being honest with Olivia. He explaining everything and being vulnerable and explaining everything is very cute and open, being the opposite of her ex. And from how Olivia understands it is very cool and how good that it all ended well for them with a meeting of giant monster movies.
And Mole stuck on a piano! Please less Mole on eps!
Olivia / Fred will be interesting!
Conclusions and theories:
Cobra's coming back! Maybe after Hiro since he led him to his overthrow? She's a very rancorous villain. And definitely behind Fred and Heathcliff! Anyway, Disney I want to see her again!!! Maybe along with Momakase or even Sirque, who is another tech thief.
Heathcliff! He was amazing!! Best unofficial uncle!
Olivia!! Another one that will appear again!! And now Hiro and Fred can talk about their girls officially! I loved her and want to know more about this girl and the relationship between her and Fred!! And with the rest of the gang!! She's just super cute and I want to know more in general.
I... kind of noticed a pattern here. As much as Karmi as Olivia has names based on nature, more specifically plants and has positive characteristics. Olivia makes reference to olive trees and the name means “friendly”, “beauty” and “kind”. Karmi means "orchard, garden”,  "my vineyard “and other things like” hardworking“,” golden “and even”, ”generous". It would seem that the love interests of these heroes are amazing and brave people with names of a similar nature. Interesting.
She and Karmi would get along very well, by the way. You know, two fangirls.
I like how the two episodes focus on the theme of the season that seems to be family. And this can yield interesting things.
I have this theory even that the episodes will start to have more plot and complement each other more when all the villains of the hexagons appear and then, the grand Big bad (or the villainous driving force of the season) will appear, complementing the NBB.
So far we have most of the villains, just missing Momakase, and along with them,story lines related, with the theme family, that will converge even more. The NBB and the sisters has the theme of Brotherly Love, along with Hiro's conflict with the separation of the gang established in the first episode, apart from what may be the push to the Big Bad that I believe to be Braggtech, brought in the first episode and that I think will be developed in the episodes ahead, in addition to the
Hardlight and the Super duo brought the romantic love of a family to both Hiro and Fred, with Harlight taking an extra line on what may be Karmi's rise as a heroine and how all these changes in her will affect her and Hiro's relationship. The Supers have a strong relationship with Fred and Olivia.
Cobra too, but she may have a more forward role more related to Braggtech, in my opinion.
Apart from the other villains that remained from the second season. Of course, not everything will be connected, but the main plots yes.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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justafairytailofinnocence · 3 years ago
Horror, Disney, and Twilight matchup, please?
Okay so I’m Lexi and my icon is me! (You can also check my "#vintage inspired" tag for a better look!)
I’m 21, 5’4, & ISFP.
Pros? I’d say I’m playful, talkative, loyal as a dog, great listener, smiley (albeit I’ve got resting bitch face), sarcastic, and most would probably describe me as either adorable yet cursed or adorably cursed. Essentially a bit of a cryptid
Neutral? I’m very sensitive, independent, mildly socially awkward,
tend to ramble a lot, and am a bit of a perfectionist
Cons? I’m shy, anxious, stubborn, non-confrontational (unless truly needed), and can be passive-aggressive
Likes/Hobbies: Playing bass, secondhand shopping, music, art, photography, horror movies
Dislikes: Being underestimated, being interrupted (I’ve had trouble in the past with coming off as quite literally invisible to peers), and...country music? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Fun facts about me:
* Sometimes I write music (mainly just basslines though)
* I once accidentally won an art show (Long story short: It was photography + photo manipulation. Didn’t plan on entering more like my teacher made me and wasn’t taking no for an answer
* Erm…I used to work at a daycare?
Well I hope that’s enough. Thanks in advance!
Helloooo we have another matchup for today.
So the first one I ship you with in horror again I assume creepy pasta:
Eyeless jack🍿
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- he can't speak and knows what it's like to be socially awrkward. It's not bad though he often communicates to you through sign language and presents gifts (hopefully not blood) to your door.
- he often stalks you yep expect a creepy man in a mask to come by your house often. He was taken by your beauty almost acting like a high-school kid.
- at times when your with your friends he would stare at you in the distance expect alot of gifts with kidneys.
- when someone tries to flirt with you he would kill them. He is a killer and this is the only downfall I can say.
- he would even plot to break into your house trying to make you his. He would steal your clothes and pets so you can find it leading to him.
- when you see him you scream in rejection he would try to show you he means no harm. He greets you with flowers or something to your liking.
- so if you choose to date expect a body guard and gifts every night.
Ok for twilight I ship you with:
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Seth 💫
- he is the cutest of the pack making sure you have a fun time always.
- often everyone else is serious and he is quite well taken by you. He stares off into space thinking about you playing the bass.
- when he does see you you try to teach him how to play. The poor kid doesn't know it that well.
You: no like this *places hands on the bass*
Seth: so like this *hands all tangled*
You: no wait- here *helps him*
Seth: hey I'm doing it ha *plays sort of*
You: yeah kinda youll get there
Seth: anyways thank you *kissed forehead*
You: no problem now from the top *smiles*
- you would have problems with the vampires since they deem you as an enemy.
- every awrkward moment can be made up with a date most of the time.
- your wedding will be at their place as you become Seth's mate.
Ok for the next ship I put you with:
For Disney I ship you with:
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- he would be mostly interested in your fun personality. Expect a lot of adventures and micheavious journeys with him everything is exciting.
- he loves your personality it's what attracted him in the first place. Your flaws are also interesting to him seeing as every woman is perfect.
- you have a genie by your side to grant wishes. Imagine that you have quite the luxury Life.
- your stronger then jasmine often holding on your own and being a badass. You get your own outfit often even coming close to being a really good fighter.
- Jafar may not stand a chance but based on your beauty I wouldn't be surprised if there was some romantic tension.
- if there was he would make a proposition to have your hand in marriage as his queen. But if you reject then let's just say Aladdin comes to save you.
- your wedding would be big and often very outstanding everyone gathering around for you.
Anyways that's all I have sorry if that's short but hope you like it💖
Ta ta💫
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fandomwriter73 · 5 years ago
(1/3?)Hi! Idk if you're still doing match ups but I was wondering if i could get a haikyu match up pls! If not, please feel free to ignore my ask, I completely understand and hope you're resting 💕 if soooo-I’m a straight cis Hispanic female that’s 5ft tall, I have wide hips, big butt/thighs, my top half ain’t special tho and I have black hair/bangs and dark brown eyes+glasses! I’m a cancer with an INFP personality, I’m shy and closed off at first but as I get used to you I open up. Also my favorite season is fall 🥰 I've been told that I have a motherly, clownery, therapist type of vibe.  Im stubborn, not big on commitment *when i commit tho i COMMIT*. My ideal date is napping, eating our favorite junk foods and watching anime and movies! I'm a cancer sun, leo moon, and libra rising💕 my birthday is july 19 and I'm currently 15 😋3/4 I’m shy and closed off at first but as I get used to you I open up. I like sleep, anime and boys*but I seem to like anime bois more than real ones:(*..I also have daddy issues, My hobbies include dancing and singing! My turn on: love and understanding *I base my love life off of disney movies and wattpad 🤧🤡* im an introvert and hufflepuff 🤪LAST ONE! turn offs: not willing to understand that i need space to cope with my moodiness 👉👈 Im the type of person that tends to want to listen more than I want to talk. I'm always on tiktok cus crackhead tingz 🤪. My names larissa but my friends prefer "dummy", "idiot", or "clown"🤡 cus even tho I may be book smart I am very stupid 🥰💕 THANK YOU IN ADVANCE IF YOU DO CHOOSE TO DO THIS, MAKE SURE YOU DRINK WATER, REST, AND PLS EAT 🥺💕
Y'all sound really pretty I could never
I match you with......
I feel like you two would compliment each other really nicely
Easpicially since your the motherly but you can also behave like a child sometiems
I think dachi would be willing to make sure that your doing well if your in one of your moods but would wait for you to talk to him, and not pestering you about it.
Also if you wnat someone to rant to you this one will do it
You can not change my mind daichi is that one guy on the team that talks about them at home 24/7
So he will rant to you about anything that he's passionate about
Including you
It's fanon canon that dachi is into people with legs in general
So he's not just attracted to your personality
Even though he does agree that that's more important it's a bonus that you have thighs
He's the type that would pretend to be annoyed or aggravated with your tick too antics but would actually find it kind of endearing
Next, he WILL cry during every and any disney movie
He likes that you like to sing and dance
He'll ask if you can sing for him almost on a daily
He'll go to every recital and concert
But he'll bring the rest of the team with him to a few to which hints constantly asks you questions afterwards
🌌RuNeR UpS iNclude the FollowinG🌌
I hope you liked this I enjoyed reading about you, sorry this took forever to get out but anytime i tried to post it would always rebuff and delete my progress. But thank you for requesting💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
- cass
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bbypeterprkr · 6 years ago
Two Times
Summary: You are done trying to fix your failing relationship with Steve.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 1,545
Warnings: angst, language, cheating, bad writing (oops)
A/N: This fic is loosely based on the song TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME by the 1975. as usual, constructive criticism and feedback are greatly appreciated. requests are open!!
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He was late. Again.
He had been promising you all week that he would be back in time to take you out. How could he possibly have forgotten about you on your own birthday? You had noticed that Steve started spending less and less time around the apartment. At first, he said that he was called into a late meeting with Tony. Then, it was that he was assigned a last-minute mission and that he wouldn’t be home for a few days. Today, he hadn’t even called to tell you where he was.
You glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. 11:02.
Finishing off the bottle of Dom Perignon, you kicked off your heels and dragged yourself to your room to get ready for bed. Just as you had finished taking off your makeup and tying your hair up for the night, you heard the front door slam. You just climbed into bed with your back facing the door. Less than two minutes later, you heard your boyfriend stumble into the room. You felt the bed dip and then two strong arms wrap around your waist.
“Hey, baby. What’re you still doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep. Where were you?” You turned around in his arms to face him. You noticed that he had these odd red stains littered on the collar of his shirt and his lips were stained pink.
“Just out with Sam. He just got back from a month-long mission in Munich so we decided to get a couple drinks.”
A couple. Clearly, it was more than that. This man absolutely reeked of whiskey… and perfume, which obviously didn’t belong to Sam. You spent a moment, trying to figure out what you were going to say until you blurted out
“You forgot.”
“Forgot? Forgot about what?”
You didn’t say anything. You just watched as the wheels started turning in his head. Then it finally clicked.
“Oh fuck, Y/N I’m so fucking sorry.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”
“No, it’s not okay. I’m the worst boyfriend ever.”
All you could do was look at him. You could tell he genuinely felt bad. But this wasn’t his first offense. You knew he didn’t deserve to be forgiven but you just loved him so much it hurt.
“No, you’re not. Just… don’t let it happen again okay?”
“It won’t. I promise. I love you so fucking much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Steve.”
It happened again.
The morning after your birthday, Steve had been going on and on about how he was going to make it up to you on Saturday.
“First, I’m going to take you out to breakfast to that diner you love. Then, we can go to the museum. We haven’t been in a while and they have this new exhibit that I think you’d be interested in. After that, we can come home and watch Disney movies for the rest of the day.”
You had been sitting at the table by the window for about half an hour. You texted and called Steve a dozen times but still hadn’t received a response. At this point, it was embarrassing. You had started to receive pitiful glances from the other patrons of the diner.
Fed up, you flag the waitress down and asked for the check. You refused to sit there and let yourself wallow in self-pity. You were going to give Steve a piece of your mind.
Once you reached your apartment, you threw your keys down on the table and dialed your boyfriend’s number. It kept ringing and just as you thought it was going to voicemail, he picked up.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?”
“What’s up? Are you kidding me right now Steve? I can’t believe you.”
“Here we go again. What did I do now?” He said as if you were the one bothering him. You scoffed in disbelief.
“I have been sitting here, waiting for you at this diner for 30 minutes. Where the hell are you?”
There was silence for a moment and then you heard it. A woman’s voice.
“Steve… who are you with?”
“A friend. She texted me last night asking if I could help her move a few things into her new apartment and I said yes. What’s the big deal?” He said nonchalantly.
“Steve, please don’t make me ask again? Who are you with?”
“... Peggy.”
You felt your blood run cold. Steve was alone with Peggy Carter in her apartment. Things started to make more sense. That's where the red stains came from. They came from her lipstick.
“You know what, forget I even said anything. See you at home, Steve.” You hung up before he got the chance to respond.
By the time you got back to your apartment, Steve was already there, pacing in the living room. When he saw you come in, he immediately ran up to you and grabbed your hands.
“Baby, please don’t be mad at me. I just wanted to be helpful. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Didn’t mean to upset me? Steve, you ditched me, again, just to help another woman. And not just any woman, your fucking ex-girlfriend.”
“Peggy and I are just friends. Please just trust me on this.” You just looked at him. Really looked at him. Behind his eyes, there was no sincerity. He was lying. He wasn’t really sorry. You were too tired to argue.
“I trust you, Steve.” He hugged you close, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you, Y/N. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”
You really wished that he wouldn’t make promises that he couldn’t keep.
The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. You were disappointed but not surprised. You decided to just go on a run to blow off some steam. You had to have a clear mind before you made any decisions. Part of you knew you should leave. You knew that your relationship was beyond the point of repair. But the other part of you, the stupid part of you wanted to stay and make things work. Steve had been such a significant part of your life for so long, you were scared of what living your life without him would be like.
You hadn’t been paying attention to where you’d been going when you bumped into something or someone. They caught you before your body could hit the ground.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I should’ve been paying attention to where I was going.” You said, letting out a breath.
“Don’t worry about it, doll.”
Doll? There was only one person who ever called you that and you hadn’t seen him since you both graduated college. You finally looked at the man’s face and your suspicions were confirmed.
“Bucky? No fucking way, what are you doing here?”
“I got a new job downtown, so I’m back home for now. How are you, Y/N. You look great.” You just blushed and thanked him. Before you met Steve, you and Bucky sort of had a friends with benefits relationship going. You both had always been attracted to each other but were forced to go your separate ways after he got a job in Atlanta once you graduated.
“What have you been up to? Are you seeing anyone special?” You felt your face drop. Steve was the last person you wanted to talk about right now.
“Yes, actually. His name is-”
Your head whipped around to see Steve walking towards you… with Peggy. You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“Steve, what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, who’s this?” He asked looking Bucky up and down. Sizing him up.
“Steve, this is Bucky a friend from school. Bucky, this is Steve… my boyfriend.” Bucky smiled and extended his hand to Steve.
“Nice to meet you, man.” Your boyfriend just stared coldly at him.
“Yeah, likewise. Y/N, can I please talk to you for a second?” Before you could even answer, he was dragging you over to a nearby park bench.
“Explain.” He demands, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Excuse me?”
“What are you cheating on me or something? Who was that guy? I don’t like the way he was looking at you.”
“No, I’m not cheating on you, you idiot. Bucky’s an old friend. I find it very bold of you to accuse me of cheating when I could ask you the same thing.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He grumbled.
“Oh, I don’t know what I’m talking about? What I do know is that there is something going on between you and Peggy and that you don’t love me anymore. At least not how you used to.”
He finally met your eyes. He looked guilty. But he didn’t deny anything.
“Baby, I’m so sor-”
“Don’t apologize. I know you don’t mean it. I’m going to head back to the apartment and pack a bag. I’ll be back for the rest of my things later.” You felt your eyes start to sting with tears but you refused to cry in front of him. He wasn’t worth your tears.
“I truly am sorry, Y/N. You deserve better.”
“I know.”
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straightupstrangetimes · 5 years ago
13 Not-So-Scary Movies to Get You in the Halloween Spirit!
Contributed by Kris Rustic, host of Obscure Anomalies podcast
Halloween is around the corner. Everywhere you look a horror movie is playing. For me, I love it. There is just something about being scared while knowing full well you are safe. But not everyone is into that sort of thing. My wife is one, so I tried to find lists of not-so-scary movies but was having trouble coming up with one, so I decided to write my own.
Please keep in mind, I did try to keep the list more kid and family friendly.
300 years have passed since the Sanderson sisters were executed for practicing dark witchcraft. Returning to life, thanks to a combination of a spell spoken before their demise and the accidental actions of Max, the new-kid-in-town, the sisters have but one night to secure their continuing existence. With the help of his younger sister Dani, his high school crush Allison, and a magical cat, it is up to Max to save the children of Salem.
A must see on any Halloween movie list. Full of light-hearted humour, this film is loved by people of all ages.
Watch it: Amazon Rent or Buy
12. CASPER (1995)
Furious that her late father only willed her his gloomy-looking mansion rather than his millions, Carrigan Crittenden makes a plan to burn the place to the ground. That is, until she finds a map leading to a treasure hidden under the house. But when she enters the rickety mansion to seek her claim, she is frightened away by the mansions ghostly inhabitants. Determined to get her hands on this hidden fortune, Crittenden hires afterlife therapist Dr. James Harvey to exorcise the ghosts from the mansion. Harvey and his daughter Kat move in and soon Kat befriends Casper, the ghost of a young boy, who is “the friendly ghost.” But not so friendly are Casper’s uncles--Stretch, Fatso and Stinkie--who are determined to drive all “fleshies” away. It is up to Harvey and Kat to help the ghosts cross over to the other side.
I may get some flack putting Casper this high up on the list, but hey, to each their own. Casper is a fun little film filled with the right amount of supernatural scares placed inside a package that every age can enjoy.
Watch it: Starz; Amazon Rent or Buy
While staying at a hotel in England with his grandmother, Helga, young Luke inadvertently spies on a convention of witches. The Grand High Witch reveals a plan to turn all children into mice through a magical formula. When they find that Luke has overheard, the witches test the formula on him. Now, with the help of his grandmother and new friend Bruno Jenkins, Luke the mouse must fight back against the evil witches.
Based on the book of the same name, The Witches is a classic. This may be one of the more frightening films on the list but is still children-friendly. Besides, who doesn’t want to save the world as a mouse.
Watch it: Amazon Rent or Buy
The Monster Squad is a club of friends who idolize the classic monster-movies, especially their non-human stars. One day, Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein’s Monster, and other classic horror icons, all of which the club idolize, arrive in town in search of a magic amulet to destroy all the good in the world. It is up to the five friends to save the amulet from destruction and use it to cast the monsters into limbo.
One part The Goonies, one part Ghostbusters, and one part Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, the Monster Squad is a true cult classic that was way ahead of its time.
Watch for yourself and find out if the “Wolfman has nards.”
Watch it: Amazon Rent or Buy
Adam and Barbara are like every other happily married couple -- who just happen to also be dead! Before they died, Adam and Barbara had spent their vacation to decorate and make the house their own, that is, until the fatal car crash. Unfortunately, a new family is moving in, and not quietly as they make plans to redecorate the house with the help of an interior designer. Adam and Barbara try to scare them out, but end up becoming the main attraction to the money making family. They call upon Beetlejuice to help, but Beetlejuice has more in mind than just helping.
While having a special place in my heart for taking place in Connecticut, Beetlejuice is an all around classic starting Michael Keaton and a young Winona Ryder.
Watch it:: Amazon Rent or Buy
Norman Babcock has the ability to speak with the dead -- and he often prefers their company to that of the living. Norman learns from his estranged uncle that a centuries-old witch’s curse on their town is real and about to come true -- and only Norman can stop it. When zombies rise from their graves, Norman and his ragtag team must summon all their courage and compassion to the limit to save his fellow townspeople. Taking place in the fictional town of Blithe Hollow, this stop-motion film is a beautiful take on the Salem Witch Trials.
I have to admit, I slept on this movie when it first came out. I had no interest in it at all, but then I watched it and became an instant favourite. The humour is a little more blue for a “children’s” movie, but the lesson learned in the end is valuable for all involved. Did I mention it is also well known for being the first mainstream animated film with an openly gay character?
Watch it: Sadly it is not available for streaming on Amazon, Netflix, or Hulu at this time, due to licensing agreements
Young Victor Frankenstein is a science nerd and an outsider at school, but he does have one friend, his dog Sparky. Sadly, tragedy strikes, taking Sparky away from Victor. Heartbroken, Victor is given an idea of how to bring Sparky back to life. The experiment is a success and everything goes fine, that is, until his fellow students learn of his secret and use it to resurrect their beloved lost pets. Frankenweenie is a heartwarming tale of a boy and his dog, and the lengths we would go to keep our beloved friend.
I consider Frankenweenie to be the sister movie to ParaNorman. Both are stop motion and came out in the same year. The difference is Frankenweenie takes you back to the classic universal horror icons in a brand-new way. Did I mention it is in black and white and has that classic monster movie feel?
watch it: Rent on Youtube
What happens to the Pumpkin King when he tires of being just that, the King of Halloween. Jack Skellington is bored of the same annual routine of scaring the people of the real world. One day, he stumbles upon Christmastown, full of bright colours and warm spirits, bringing a new lease to Jack’s life. He plots to bring Christmas under his control, only to find that the best-laid plans of mice and skeleton can go awry.
Originally I intended only one movie per director, but I don’t think you can begin to discuss family friendly Halloween without Tim Burton, especially because you cannot have a Halloween list without Nightmare Before Christmas. In all fairness, this is the perfect movie to finish out the year with.
Watch it: Amazon Rent or Buy
Miguel dream of becoming a musician, just like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. The problem, his family has a generations-old ban on music. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel steals Ernesto’s guitar and finds himself in the colourful Land of the Dead. With the help of a charming trickster named Héctor and Miguel’s dog Dante, Miguel must find his way back home, meanwhile learning the truth about his family’s past.
All bite. Coco is a Dia de los Muertos movie. I know some of you will complain that it is not a Halloween movie. Truth is, the spirit of Dia de los Muertos and Halloween are close enough for me to warrant inclusion into the list. The scenery and background is gorgeous, the story will tug at the heartstrings, and you will get to learn a little about the culture behind Dia de los Muertos, even if a bit Disneytized.
Watch it: Netflix
On Halloween, while Marnie is arguing with her mother Gwen, the kids’ grandmother Aggie comes to visit. Aggie wants to start Marnie’s witch training before her 13th birthday or Marnie will lose her powers forever. But there is another reason for Aggie’s visit. Something dark and evil is growing in Halloweentown, and Aggie wants help to defeat it. While Aggie and Gwen are arguing, Aggie uses magic, which Marnie observes. After Aggie leaves to return to Halloweentown, Marnie, Dylan and, unknown to Marnie and Dylan, Sophie follow her onto the return bus. Soon afterwards, Gwen follows the children to Halloweentown. While there, Aggie and Gwen are attacked by the dark force. Marnie, Dylan and Sophie have to race to get the ingredients to activate Merlin’s Wand to stop the evil and save Halloweentown.
A classic made for TV Disney movie, this film (and all sequels) are a perfect Halloween movie for all ages, and albeit a little cheesy at times. But who doesn’t love the occasional cheesy movie?
When the Master Gang Scooby meet a famous horror writer Ben Ravencroft (who may or may not be based off of Stephen King) during their last mystery, he invites them to his small hometown of Oakhaven, Massachusetts to join in the annual Autumn Fest. Ravencroft tells the Mystery Gang about the history of his ancestor, Sarah Ravencroft, who happened to be an evil witch and is supposedly haunting the town of Oakhaven. The gang decides to help the town and solve the mystery of the Witch’s Ghost.
This was tough to pick. We have Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School, Scooby Doo and Zombie Island, I mean honestly any Scooby Doo movie could fit. But I picked Witch’s Ghost for three simple reasons: takes place during the fall, witches, and the Hex Girls, a fictional all-female Goth Rock Band.
Watch it: Amazon Prime, Boomerang Channel on Amazon
13-year-old DJ is obsessed with his creepy neighbour, Nebbercracker, and his eerie house. After all, rumours of his past have run rampant in the town. But one day, DJ and his friends witness the house come to life. Unable to find an adult that will believe him, and with Halloween vastly approaching, it is up to DJ and his friends to find a way to destroy the house before innocent trick-or-treaters meet their end.
At times, this film is a little on the frightening side, at least for the younger ones. The characters are well thought out and put together. While the animation is not ground breaking, it looks great and fits the movie perfectly. A perfect film for those looking for a fun, clean movie this Halloween.
Watch it: Amazon Rent or Buy
While collecting junk from an abandoned house, best friends Sonny and Sam come across an unpublished “Goosebumps” book. Opening it, they release Slappy, a mischievous talking dummy. Hoping to start a family, Slappy kidnaps Sonny’s mother and brings fourth all of his ghoulish friends (creatures and monsters from the Goosebumps novels) to life, just in time for Halloween. The sleepy town becomes overrun with monsters, witches, and other mysterious creatures. It is up to Sonny, his sister Sarah, and Sam to save their town, his mother, and foil Slappy’s plans.
Goosebumps (2015) is a pure nostalgia ride with a brand new feel and Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween is no different. Trading in some of the humor for a little more horror feel, the movie has a little bit to offer for everyone.
Watch it: Netflix
The truth of the matter is, this list is not perfect and may never be complete, but it is a great starting point to the ever growing list of the Not-So-Scary Halloween movies. I feel in writing this, I have left so many great films off, so I have a list of some runner up films that just barely missed being on my top 13.
Dracula and the classic horror monsters are afraid of humans. In an attempt to take a vacation away from humanity, Dracula operates a hotel way off in the woods. One day, a brave human makes his way to the castle, where the human and Dracula’s daughter “Zing”.
A man claiming to be Uncle Fester, the missing brother of Gomez Addams shows up at the Addam’s household. The family is thrilled, however Morticia begins to suspect the man is a fraud as he cannot recall details of Fester’s life. With the help of a lawyer, Fester manages to get the Addams evicted from the home. Can the Addam’s family save Uncle Fester? Can they get their home back?
The Farmer family is in debt and might lose their house. The Farmer Twins discover the somebody mean and shrewd is responsible for all the family problems. The determined twins try to trick at their evil aunt out of her magic moonstone to save their family home.
Two animated adaptations of classic literature adapted by Disney make up this film, which is the only reason it made the runner up list as Mr. Toad, while good, has nothing to do with Halloween. However, in the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” the gangly schoolmaster, Ichabod Crane, falls for the beautiful Katrina Van Tassel. Caught in a love triangle with Katrina and Brom Bones, Ichabod fears the local legend of the Headless Horseman. Is the legend more truth than lore?
Alvin loves monsters and monster movies, though he is terrified of them. Stuck with Werewolves on the mind, he believes his next door neighbour is one. Reluctantly, Simon helps Alvin investigate the neighbour. Meanwhile Theodore is bitten by a strange dog, and finds his inner “inner monster” and starts behaving like a werewolf himself.
Did I miss your favourite Not-So-Scary Halloween movie? Let me know what it is in the comments below.
Enjoyed this piece of high strangeness? Share it with your world!
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missroseleigh · 6 years ago
reddie fic recs
Since the Reddie fandom is currently imploding and we are all rapidly descending into madness, I thought it would only make sense for me to compile a list of my favorite Reddie fic to act as a balm in the days leading up to It: Chapter 2. Enjoy!
Growing Up A Loser by Sarah_Vincent1506
Aging-Up Fic involving the Loser's Club. Mostly the core four (Bill, Stan, Richie, Eddie). Begins right after the end of the 2017 film, and is mostly based on that, with hints to the book and maybe the mini-series. Reddie and Stenbrough, basically, with some drama in-between but probably a happy ending that doesn't involve certain characters forgetting each other and/or dying because I can't deal. Warning: This will be Gay as Shit.
This fic is absolutely gorgeous. The characterizations are spot on, the individual story lines are perfect, and the writing is stunningly beautiful. Even though Reddie isn’t the main focus of this story (though it is a major aspect), the other characters/relationships are just as enjoyable to read. This work is a WIP, but I would still 100% encourage you to dive head first into this brilliant story. Features Benverly and Stenbrough
wonder violet by belby
"Right." Eddie's not sure what to think. "Well, thanks, for sticking up for me." Eddie's also not sure if he means that, but it feels like something he should say.
"Yeah, 'course," Richie replies. "You're my sister's best friend."
This is an AU about Eddie befriending an older Richie’s sister and how their Friendship By Association develops into an actual relationship. This story is very angsty one moment, but very sweet and fluffy the next. Features jealous!Richie and oblivious!Eddie. 
tear it with your teeth by belby
"We could leave this place, Eddie," Richie says. "God, imagine that? Not having to live in this trash dump anymore. We could go wherever we wanted. A different place every night."
Just...read this. Read it right now. 
Sweet Sacrifice by Drindalis 
A slick yellow raincoat clad bundle of tears slammed into Stan's chest and he gave an oof as the wind was knocked out of him, sending him tumbling back against the wall of the sewers.
"St-Stan, it's cold and dark and scary down here, I-I found Eddie but he won't wake up, an' I wanna go home, where's Billy!?"
The Turtle used the last of its power to revive the three people who matter the most to the Loser's Club, activating upon It's physical demise; Stanley Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak, and Georgie Denbrough.
This fic is long--it currently has 86 chapters and 170,361 words. Just like Growing Up A Loser, Reddie isn’t the main focus of this story but that doesn’t detract from it at all. The premise of this story is very interesting and is executed perfectly. Richie and Eddie are so madly in love that it’s equal parts sweet and heartbreaking. Features Benverly and Stenbrough 
Scream Hello by gilded_iris 
Eddie Kaspbrak is thirty-eight years old. His hair is thinning in the back, his hands are constantly dry from the antibacterial soap he uses, and his gums are receding after a lifetime of over-brushing his teeth. For the past few years, he's been wearing a pair of rimless spectacles that sit handsomely on his delicate nose. Despite being unable to exercise, he keeps a tidy figure. He is attractive enough, although not overtly so. He is short. Meek. Anxious. Tired. Most of all, Eddie hates his life.
It's twenty-five years after the Losers Club confronted It. Eddie is the owner of a luxury car service and is married to Myra, a clone of his mother. His memories of Derry are jumbled and suppressed. Then, one day, a certain ghost from his past gets into the back of his car.
This fic revolves around Richie and Eddie reuniting 2 years before the final confrontation with It, and I believe that author gilded_iris dealt with the fascinating premise wonderfully. It is funny, sad, sweet, and basically everything you would want in a Reddie fic. 
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
Richie and Eddie leave Derry and build a live together in the years leading up to the final confrontation with It. Equal parts charming and devastating, as most of the fics on this list are, and one of my all-time favorites. 
Wishes by striclyamess
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
This fic is incredibly special, from it’s wonderfully accurate characterizations to the Disney magic woven into the structure of the story. It is incredibly charming and sweet, and definitely worth a read. Features Benverly and Stanlonbrough
I hope these fics were enough to calm your Feral Reddie Vibes until the actual movie comes out!! If you are interested in more recs (cause let’s me honest, I have many) please let me know and I will provide!!
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harmonie-writes · 6 years ago
Spells and Quirks Introduction
BNHA x Harry Potter crossover - Midoriya x witch reader
AN: I know floo powder only works on wizarding homes but shhh it’s fine. Let me be happy and have traveling be convenient for you! 
This might be long so this might have to be broken into parts (:
Key: (y/h) = your house, (y/p) = your patronus, (y/h/c) = your house color, (y/h/e) = your house emblem
In the world today, witches and wizards presence is still supposed to be kept a secret from muggles (even if quirks can be magical). However, this hasn’t stopped a young witch from keeping her childhood friend in the dark about where she left to when the school year started. Re-dipping the quill into the ink bottle she finished scratching the letter onto parchment that would soon be sent. Anytime she planned on visiting she would write it down so that her friend, Uraraka could prep and hopefully get people out of the dorms living room. 
Rolling up the parchment you walked towards your snowy owl who was sitting by your dormitory window. Sliding the parchment into the tube you opened the window and off your owl went. Casting a glance toward your friend Hermione who was helping you pack your trunk for the holidays. You weren’t going to be spending the holidays at Hogwarts with Hermione or the Boys this year like you did the last. 
In the UA dorms Uraraka was in the common room with the others when she saw a flash of white go past the window. A grin reaching her ears, she quickly excused herself before bolting from the room and upstairs to her dorm room. Her classmates shared a confused stare at the odd behavior, but turned back to the movie they were watching. 
Uraraka squealed at the sight of seeing the familiar snowy owl perched on her window ledge. Giddily she slid the pane up to let in the feathered friend and pulled out the parchment. After reading about how you were doing and some of the antics that happened with your Hogwarts friends you told her how you were going to be visiting her in a couple days of receiving the letter, and wanted to meet her friends that she hangs out with. Both excited and panicked because she can’t call you she fretted on how to get people out of the living room so your appearance wouldn’t be as startling. Shrugging it off Uraraka decided she would cross that bridge when it came time.
You grabbed the portrait of the four of you goofing off on the quad and put it in your messenger bag. “Reducio,” you breathed while pointing your wand at your broomstick, once it shrunk in size you put it in your trunk and your wand back in your boot. Ron and Harry were waiting in the common room to see you off and Hermione was going to help bring your stuff down and say goodbye with the rest of them. Ron initiating the group hug you were squashed in the middle smiling all the while of seeing them in a few days. Pulling out the floo powder you all pulled away from the hug. You happened to still be dressed in your house uniform and black robe instead of changing into more casual clothes but you really didn’t feel like changing, you were too excited to see Uraraka again. Throwing a handful of the green powder into the fireplace you stepped in with your luggage. “UA class 1-A dorms,” you spoke clearly and closed your eyes. 
Uraraka felt like she had been on pins and needles waiting the last few days while also trying to hide the fact that an owl was currently living in her room. In reality she is just so excited to see you again since it has been at least a year since you have been able to see each other. Luckily for her the majority of her classmates decided to go out for the evening since it was a Friday night. The only people left were Midoriya and Iida who wanted to know why they haven’t been allowed in her room, but while all of her free time has been spent in the common room. Lets be real, they have noticed the frequent glance Uraraka would make toward the fire place and wanted to get to the bottom of it. 
“Uraraka are you okay? You have been acting a little.. um well off?” Midoriya gave a her a worried look. Iida took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, “We are worried about your well being as well as why you have been stuck in this room for the last couple days.” “Guys, I’m fine really!” She rapidly shook her head and hands at the same time trying to ease their nerves. 
Honestly, you have the worst timing but also the flashiest of entrances is what Uraraka has learned from being your friend in the past. The fire place, mind you, hasn’t been lit so when it crackled to life Uraraka face palmed while Midoriya and Iida jumped off the couch holding each other. Once composed they faced the fire place while Uraraka jumped up to stand a few feet from it. Eyes the size of the moon the boys watched while Uraraka jumped up and down clapping her hands. The fire itself turned green and the fire places started to grow in size. “Do you guys remember that one friend I always talk about?” Uraraka asked not turning around her gaze still locked on the fire place in anticipation. “Um..they aren’t a villain are they? Everyone knows that Disney characters surrounded in green are evil...” Midoriya muttered while getting somewhat ready to fight just in case. “No, you dingdong! She isn’t a Disney villain this is just how it works, but besides that I would like you guys to finally meet her since she will be here right...about.. now!” Uraraka cheered as your figure appeared in the fire. 
Being the silly witch that you are you somersaulted out of the fire place and stood with your hands straight up “Tada!” you flung yourself on to your friend who reciprocated with just as much energy. Midoriya and Iida’s jaws were on the floor at witnessing someone step out of fire. They assumed it was a fire quirk they have no idea it’s magic, at least not yet. “Iida, Midoriya I would like you to meet (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Iida Tenya and Midoriya Izuku,” Uraraka introduced the three of you like a proud mother would. 
Releasing from the hug you stuck your hand out, “Hi I’m (Y/N), it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you from Uraraka!” Both the cinnamon rolls snapped from their dazes to greet you.  “Do you have a fire based quirk that gives you the means to travel?” Midoriya magically pulled out his hero notebook and was frantically scribbling down information while glancing at you to sketch and image. “Wha- No, no. It’s a um a little more complicated than that...” You and Uraraka stole a nervous glance at each other. “What school do you attend I’m not familiar with this uniform?” Iida used his iconic hand gestures to point out your black robes and house uniform. Upon hearing this Midoriya stopped his chicken scratch and glanced at what you were wearing. Your uniform consisted of a grey pleated skirt that was just above the knees with long grey socks, a black vest with (y/h/e) over a white shirt, and (y/h/c) tie neatly underneath the vest. You were quite attractive and his cheeks tinted pink.
Fidgeting slightly Uraraka pointed towards the stairwell, “How about we um go talk about this a little more in my room?” Nods were given by you three, and you turned towards the fire place to grab your trunk and rolled it behind you. Midoriya glanced over his shoulder and blushed slightly but went with his gut to be a gentleman. “Um here, let me take this for you,”  Midoriya said trying to control his heating cheeks by looking away from you. “Thank you,” you gave him a soft smile. There was no calming of his cheeks when he saw your smile. God you were beautiful. Uraraka noticed this exchange and giggled slightly while continuing to lead the way to her dorm room.
“It’s not much really, but you know its home,” Uraraka rubbed the back of her neck nervously. She knows you go to a large “private school” and sometimes feels like her style of living is a little underwhelming for you. “I love it!” You walk in behind her and do that little spin thing to admire the room. Midoriya’s heart squeezes at how cute you are being without even trying, and Uraraka knows that you are being sincere even if she is a little self conscious sometimes. 
As Iida closes the door, you and Uraraka make yourselves comfortable sitting on her bed and Midoriya on the floor. Iida takes a seat on the chair and both boys give their full attention to the girls on the bed wanting to know whats going on. 
“How good are you at keeping secrets?” You ask both of them with a quizzical look in your eyes. Midoriya bites his lip and looks down at his hands, he has hidden his quirk from his classmates so he thinks he is alright with keeping secrets. Nodding he looks up. “Great, now do you believe in magic?” you whisper leaning forward while Uraraka an hardly contain the smile on her face. At this point both boys are very confused and having matching looks of puzzlement. “(Y/N) just show them already!” Uraraka exclaims quietly in eager anticipation. “Fine, fine you’re no fun,” you huff sticking your tongue out at your best friend. 
Pulling a want made out of Acacia wood and dragon heartstring from your boot you smile and act like a game show host, “Alright then, Midoriya pick something around the room please.” Laughing at your antics he humors you, “Hmm, (Y/N) I pick the spare glasses Uraraka took from Iida earlier this year.” Uraraka laughs and avoids eye contact with Iida and you wear a large Cheshire grin. Honestly the boys don’t think much of your wand until you point at the glasses. “Accio!” your voice spoke clearly as you pointed your wand at the glasses on the other side of the room. Two pairs of eyes widened at the sight of the glasses rising and moving to your open hand.
“I believe you asked for these?” You hand Midoriya the glasses and put your wand back into your boot. This boy is shocked and flustered, shaking hand moving to take the glasses from yours. “I think that I was wrong about the fire bases quirk earlier...” Midoriya answers. Both you and Uraraka are sharing the same splitting smile as you can see the gears in both boys heads start turning.
“You’re a witch aren’t you?”
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Disney Heroes Battle Mode Cheats
Disney Heroes Battle Mode Guide
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Disney Heroes Battle Mode manual is a guide for a popular new game. Watching the 0.33 video unlocks loose raids all through the day. This selection allows you to behavior raids inside the "port" and "assessments" modes, and you could spend numerous raid playing cards right now. Free raids closing until five:00 the following day. Achieving vip level 2, three and four, you can get bonuses for each of the three promotional movies with out looking the video. However, you may log into the game every day to get free Diamonds! What are port double awards? You can watch the video on the victory display to double the rewards in the port. Your personal records might be deleted from the account, although the account itself and the items may also still continue to be in the sport. Please note that this action is irreversible. The way to change the server? Disney heroes has many servers. You can select whether or not you'll play simplest on one, or you'll have accounts on several servers. Every server is specific, and accounts and objects cannot be transferred among servers. If you need to attempt playing on any other server, first connect the recovery approach to your account via clicking for your avatar on the main screen, then on "bills", after which connect to facebook, google play or gamecenter. This web page isn't always affiliated in any manner with microsoft, sony, sega, nintendo or any video game publishers. The metropolis is at chance. A wicked virus is corrupting each single pixel, turning even your favourite characters towards each other! It's time to stop this evil plan! Play disney heroes: battle modes on computer and mac with bluestacks and pull the great heroes collectively to shape an appropriate crew for the task! Equip them with effective equipment and conflict against awesome enemies to save your characters! I'm a standard gamer and play all sorts of games so might be trying to portray that a chunk better in my next video. I am looking to attraction to the sofa gamer so will be working to get that message throughout over the next few vids. Thank you a lot in your feedback and its given me self assurance to maintain going. Watch this space hehe! X no issues, and if it's some thing you revel in stick with it, it is tougher than humans assume, and people may be surely brutal, so simply do your element and attempt no longer to take comments too seriously. When you gather sufficient of those, you can upgrade your hero to a brand new colour stage, which need to lead them to a touch stronger. You can also improve each of their talents with the in-game currency of gold, but if you try this too often, you may fast run out of funds. The monetization is as awful as you will assume. The in-app purchases variety up to $ninety nine.ninety nine in keeping with item. There also are varieties of forex and a stamina machine, not to mention top class loot crates. Switch to a higher gaming enjoy with 'repeated faucet' on bluestacks. Both press and preserve an assigned key to faucet continuously or simply tap as soon as to execute the tap unique variety of instances. Matters are warming up and the world and your preferred heroes are at risk. What do you when that occurs? You name bluestacks that will help you out! Go away no room for stressful as now you can remember a chain of capabilities to be able to take your gaming talents up high inside the sky right away! The trouble with disney heroes: war mode is that, as enjoyable as the idea might also appear, it falls flat. For starters, gamers don't in reality have an awful lot to do with regards to battles. After choosing your team and beginning the combat, the characters are on their very own. The only factor players do is faucet on a portrait to activate a unique circulate when it's charged up, and even that can be bypassed with the autoplay option. Your handiest responsibility is to level up the characters you have got. Use amplification accurately! Each day you've got a constrained time for advantage. If time is up, you need to wait until tomorrow to set off it again. The hazard of benefit is reset each day together with your every day reset at 05:00. how do i know my heroes are bolstered? If you have activated the amplification, you can see a special icon to your heroes on the display screen with the heroes, while deciding on a hero earlier than the struggle and all through the war.you can test how a lot benefit will paintings by using clicking at the benefit icon inside the decrease left corner of the primary display screen. The manufacturing cost is right, which suggest attractive portraits, an alright tale, and strong touchscreen controls. But past the stylish veneer is a run of the mill hero collection automobile-brawler that just drags on and on. Perblue leisure hasn't provided enough of a cause to play via this kid-friendly journey except gathering all the heroes and finishing the tale. And positive, there are a few more modes to play through for the ones of you which can be brave enough to trudge thru the tale mode, but is that surely sufficient? So in place of focus on heroes, consciousness on capability team comps. Could be an excellent subject matter for every other video. Town watch you must be extra thorough with, display a few runs, maybe speedy forward it a chunk in the historical past as you talk strategy over it. Surge and heist should be performed one by one as nicely so perhaps we can all prevent explaining it 50 instances a week lol. Simply make certain the point of interest is on guild and of completion over scoring. The Diamonds is exceptional, the surge store tokens are greater critical until you're in top 1-20 guilds essentially car completing it day by day. Base mods may be upgraded to level 20. better-elegance mods can be further advanced by way of increasing their electricity. Higher-magnificence mods need to be adapted for a specific hero. Hero chips may be spent on re-adapting the mod for another hero. Code snippets may be used to improve the mod elegance. There are 15 kinds of code snippets. They fluctuate in shape and shade. Mods may be advanced, this gives a secondary bonus to the hero - for instance, an boom in assault pace or extra armor. If the strength of your crew is so excessive that they can't pick up a sturdy enough opponent, you may be picked up with the aid of an opponent and their heroes might be raised. Because of this you may see someone with a crew degree decrease than the level of the heroes you are fighting with. City watch opens at team level 25. What are city patrol raid cards? For the battle in all 5 regions and the passage of the city watch, raid cards are given.
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stormvanari · 5 years ago
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Two figures known as Ralph and Vanellope stand in front of the entrance of DHBM.
Ralph: I can’t believe you talked me into this.
Vanellope: Aww, come on, Ralph! How often do we get to try a game in BETA?
Vanellope enthusiastically takes out a mysterious key from the pocket of her sweater.
Vanellope: We gotta use this key!
Suddenly the entrance sign tilts and glitches.
Ralph: Uh...I dunno, kid. Looks like there’s somethin’ seriously wrong. I’ve never seen an entrance like this before.
Vanellope: Fortune favors the bold, Stinkbrain! You can follow me or get left behind.
Ralph: Alright fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you...because I AM warning you!
As the duo enter the doors, a transformation happens on them: Ralph’s sleeves tear apart and his hair becomes similar to a Saiyan, while Vanellope is equipped with a soda soaker and cool-looking goggles. The two are then transported to an area of the City. Vanellope looks in awe of her DHBM-exclusive weapon.
Vanellope: Wowee! Look at this soda soaked Ralph!
Ralph: Aw, man! This is my only shirt...
Vanellope: Are you kidding?! You look amazing!!
As the buildings begin to glitch, the DHBM logo appears.
Ralph: Whoa. This doesn’t look good.
Vanellope: What’s wrong with this place?
Elastigirl enters with a furious expression glued on her face.
Elastigirl: You!!! Where is my family? What have you done with them?!
Ralph: Why do people always assume I’m the bad guy?
Creeps appear and among them is a corrupted Mr.Incredible
Elastigirl: Bob! Thank goodness you’re safe. I was so worried!
Creep!Mr.Incredible: Grr...
Elastigirl: Wait...Bob, is that you?
Vanellope: He doesn’t look so good...
Elastigirl: Bob, if it’s really you, please snap out of it!
A fight begins as Ralph performs his signature move.
Ralph: I’m gonna wreck him!
Vanellope: It’s Lollipop Slam time!
Elastigirl: Honey, I don’t want to hurt you, but I will STOP YOU if I have to!
The fight ends, as Ralph brushes some dust off from his sleeves. He turns to Elastigirl with a mixture of confusion and worry.
Ralph: Okay, you gotta tell us, lady-what is going on?
Elastigirl: I’m not sure, but we have to do something! My family’s missing, villains are everywhere, and Bob...
Suddenly, the lights turn off. Or are they lights?
Ralph: Hey, who turned out the lights?
Elastigirl: I have a bad feeling about this...
The so-called lights turn back on to reveal another wave of Creeps and this time, a corrupted Vanellope.
Ralph: Kid! What’s happened to you?!
Creep!Vanellope: Attack! Attack!
A second fight begins, but soon our survivors find themselves getting heavy hits.
Elastigirl: We need to regroup! Run!!
Our survivors escape, as they head to a safe haven, located somewhere in the City. I’m going to assume it’s the fountain that everyone is talking about. That is, the fountain could be the base of our survivors of the Creep invasion.
Ralph: Okay, lady, you’d better explain what’s goin’ on right now, because this game is no longer fun!
Elastigirl: This is some kind of GAME to you?
Ralph: Yes! Of course it’s—Ugh! I don’t have time to explain everything. My friend’s in trouble!
Elastigirl: My family is out there too!
Ralph was defeated in the forthcoming argument.
Ralph: You’re right. So, what do we do?
Elastigirl: We regroup and survey the area.
The two find out that they have received loot from the battle. They first discover a diamond crate and unlocked it: out comes Frozone!
Elastigirl: Frozone! Am I glad to see you.
Frozone: Elastigirl! Can you explain what in the greater good is going on here?
Elastigirl: I was hoping you’d be able to tell us, actually.
Another crate is also received: it is a gold crate. The trio proceed to open it.
Ralph: Is it a medal?
It’s actually a badge. Frozone inspects it and applies it to himself. Suddenly, a strange power engulfs him, and he states that he feels improved within his fighting abilities.
Elastigirl: Now that we have proper reinforcements, let’s scout the area.
Ralph: Ready when you are!
Stormy’s Analysis(ish): DHBM is assumed to take place during the events of Ralph Breaks the Internet(thanks TV Tropes), and it is possibly inspired by the defunct Disney Infinity website that the duo was supposed to visit. So perhaps you can call this game an alternate path for the movie. Anyways, moving on to what the Prologue is: our alternate Ralph Breaks the Internet storyline begins when, during their travels in the Internet, Ralph and Vanellope discover an eerie entrance covered with bright blue and black. It’s the Disney Heroes game and Vanellope takes out a key that is used to unlock a massive door in front of them.
Question: How in the world did she get that key?
Answer: It hasn’t been explained further enough in later chapters, but Vanellope probably found it on the grounds of the Internet, or maybe the Dark Net in the movie: I’m basically thinking that some random hooded figure attracted Vanellope into the many gadgets and gizmos on his “cape pockets”. That’s theory #1. Theory #2 is when the Inventor was holding that key, but dropped it due to excitement for an assignment he’s looking forward to work on.
Ralph warning Vanellope is an eventual foreshadow for the latter’s fate. As Ralph and Vanellope enter in and discover that something is wrong with the City, Elastigirl storms in and demands an answer from Ralph. Her diction and strong tone proves that Elastigirl is in deep worry about her family in danger. Suddenly, strange creatures appear! However, among the group is Mr.Incredible. But wait! He’s corrupted in a strange green and is glitching!
Question: How did he get corrupted?
Answer: A character we will get to in future chapter dialogues(or you probably know who this guy is if you reached a chapter that showed this) has shown the process of corrupting Heroes. We’ll discuss that when we reach that chapter.
A fight begins: CRASH! SLAM! POW! The fight ends with Ralph demanding an answer from Elastigirl to find out what in the world is going on in their setting. Suddenly, lights out! Lights on and-wait, VANELLOPE! She got corrupted and the surviving two(Ralph and Elastigirl)get ready to fight.
Or not.
The two were eventually met with heavy hits and retreat immediately to gather more allies. Reaching an unknown area in the City, Ralph once again searches for an answer within the horrible setting they’re in. The two almost got into a heated argument, but Ralph was eventually defeated upon hearing Elastigirl’s worry for her family. Suddenly, they discover that they have received loot, and one of them is a new ally: Frozone! Once again and just like Ralph, Frozone demands an answer for Elastigirl on what the freeze is going on right now.
This is probably gonna be weird, but I assume that a locked Hero who met their fate in corruption eventually goes through this “Lives” concept. A hero appears in the City, KO! They are sent to the crates(which I will say is the regeneration chamber when leftover data particles or the remains of the Hero, is gathered and stored there) to be regenerated. Unlocked and back into battle, KO! Repeat(but minus the crate part).
Anywho, we’re almost done with this long af post: as the trio open a gold crate, Ralph wonders if the reward is a medal.
Wrong, but that would be nice for his first battle in the game itself.
The reward is actually a badge, glowing with a strange power within it. In fact, when Frozone inspects and applies it on himself, I assume that the freezing crimefighter said that his fighting abilities have improved, especially his ice powers. Our heroes are now ready to embark on a journey to save their fallen comrades and get to the bottom on what the Creep is going on in the City.
My first and long analysis is done. Whew. But before I actually conclude this post, I would like to discuss sub topics not related to this in the future. The topics would include:
👾What the City is supposed to be and how it functions(Ft. Fan ideas from me that are not agreeable on)
👾How in the world did the Heroes(excluding Ralph and Vanellope)got into the game?
There might be more sub topics in the future, but these two are the more discussed ones within the DHBM community.
Until then, Chapter 1 is in progress.
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