#Disease Eradication
familythings · 17 days
The Impact of Conflict on Polio Eradication: Gaza and Global Challenges
As Tuesday is the week day dedicated to Health and Beauty issues to FAMILY+ Blog, we will continue with another health article. This time we will talk about a very dangerous disease that unfortunately is coming back in zones of conflict. I’m talking about Poliomyelitis, commonly known as polio. This is a highly infectious viral disease that primarily affects children under the age of five. The…
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In the realm of public health, few interventions have had as profound an impact as immunizations. Vaccines stand as a stalwart defense against a myriad of infectious diseases, safeguarding individuals and communities alike.
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hedwig221b · 18 days
Time to block another AI-promoting sterek event I guess 😍
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 7 months
I have a sneaking suspicion...
That if Hamas had somehow infiltrated, and were holding hostages in, the largest hospital in Tel Aviv, where the patients and doctors are Israeli civilians, that the IDF would figure out how to take out the terrorists, and free the hostages, without bombing the hospital from the air, firing missiles through the windows from the ground, and surrounding the compound with bulldozers, leaving the hospital completely nonfunctional.
And if the hospital did sustain damage, Israeli government officials would welcome inspectors from the W.H.O. to help set things right, instead of blocking their access.
That's just a hunch, though.
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queers4years · 6 months
Indigenous Hawaiians really had a good system going: wake up reaaally early and do most of the days work while it's cool and by the time the sun was up and it got hot the work was done and you're free to surf and socialize. I wish the white people realized they themselves could work smarter and not harder and get time to relax. Instead of calling Hawaiians lazy (and being genocidal about it)
#Ik this happened in most if not all tropical regions that got colonized#they were so pissed that these 'lazy' people got all sorts of fruit and natural bounty 'handed to them'#when those indigenous people were just working before the colonizers woke up and felt no need to kill themselves in midday heat#Which is what's natural for an apex predator: lazing around#Like u see lions in big cuddle puddles during the hottest part of the day. And they have the privilege of laziness by being the top predato#Idk if lions have a specific time they hunt but ik they will hunt at night when people can't observe them#Also Europeans failed to recognize indigenous agriculture and the /purposeful / cultivation of helpful plants (done w/out clearing the land#And even if they were only foraging. Like. If you love the earth and care for it (and not clear it) the earth will love you back idk#Gah! It's just like we coulda eradicated capitalism in its cradle if Euroamericans werent so arrogant and sure their way of life was correc#Like what if they were explorers and not conquistadors and colonizers. And there was a true cultural exchange#Would it have been better if the Europeans never crossed the ocean (even if they weren't there to colonize)? yeah probably#Like while the disease thing wasn't on purpose (initially) Europeans did inadvertently kill a lot of people bc they had no immunity#But I also acknowledge the human desire to explore and see what's out there#But I wish it was like#Europeans: here's some horses and metal tools#Indigenous people: thanks. Here's a way of life more in harmony with nature and an understanding that we're part of the ecosystem#Europeans: oh cool let me bring these ideas back to Europe. Maybe we won't deforest all of England#(I say Europeans but eventually when Canada and America became independent entities they also were responsible for these things)#Capitalism#capitalism is hell#anti capitalism#Colonization#colonialism#colonial violence#Imperialism#conquistador#age of exploration#anti colonialism#anti colonization#hawaiʻi
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
People who go "why don't you eradicate gender" annoy me so much, because gender is what I am on the inside, if both genders were treated the same, I would still be transgender because I'd still feel like a man internally and it's so hard to get other people to realize that eradicating gender is literally an impossible task, that's like asking people to eradicate sexuality so you wont have homophobia anymore, like no, people have an innate sense of their own gender/sexuality that cannot be eradicated because thats just part of being human. I genuinely feel like what these people mean is to eradicate gender roles rather than gender but still...
Sorry for the long ask, I'm just frustrated with people not understanding
It's also like... unreasonable to ask trans people specifically. We've been around for millenia - as long as there are human beings born and alive, there we will be. If gender weren't a thing, people would transition. People would still be trans. We can't be eradicated through "well let's just make gender not a thing!!!!" and it feels like some people only want gender eradicated because they think that will eradicate trans people.
Like I've said before, trans and cis people both would benefit from gender roles being less constricting and less of a priority in society. What we need is to accept others - especially those of whom "buck the binary," so to speak.
I understand the nuance that goes into these conversations; however, it's like... nobody seems interested in having it in good faith, or talking about this in a way that isn't, "you trans people are so fucking regressive about gender, unlike cis people, who are historically more normal about it."
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witch-of-the-creek · 1 year
Vaccines are easy, just get them.
-the beloved doctor Sydnee McElroy, Sawbones ep “measles”
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re that last post. tumblr actually has a fairly large population of physically disabled or chronically ill ppl, whose lifespans have been expanded significantly thru the availability of medical (and frankly, preventative) tech today. and that’s tech and even /practices/ that wasn’t available even a couple centuries ago (we know when european docs started washing their hands before delivering babies — and a lot of u are white so that’s relevant to u). and like i get it cuz i was a wiccan teenager on tumblr for a while, the thought of being burned at the stake is frankly hot (pun fully intended), but the reality is that like… you probably /would/ have died well before hitting adulthood, due to basic ass illnesses? like i’m not even the greatest Respector Of Ancestors’ Way Of Living , it’s more like. idk first worlders who don’t appreciate current med technology and downplay that past are the most likely recruits for shit like the antivax movement
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the-final-sif · 1 year
whats a tdap vaccination? like the real life one or is that referring to a minecraft mod we're recommended to use? sorry if this is a silly question i could only find the real life vaccination when i looked it up and am not sure if thats what you meant
Oh the real life one, I just thought it'd be funny and also wanted to remind people to get up to date on their TDaP. Gotta remember to renew it every 10 years!
You should also get one if you're pregnant, even if you have already had it. If you time it correctly during the third trimester, then some of the immunity for whooping cough passes on and that's super important.
Anyways vaccination is how Diphtheria has been effectively wiped out in the US, despite previously being a leading cause of death. We went from a suspected million+ cases per year worldwide to ~10k worldwide. It's genuinely incredibly, and increasing vaccine access + acceptance is the best way to wipe it out for good. Which is fucking amazing given how awful Diptheria is (do NOT look up cases of it unless you have a strong stomach).
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nereb-and-dungalef · 2 years
apparently one of mosquitoes' most important ecological functions is to defend ecosystems by keeping humans out. and i think more ppl need to recognize that the parts of nature not fit for human consumption are still worth protecting
(this is about wetlands. i am from florida.)
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kikikarkat · 1 year
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day 44
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venerablehoney · 2 years
biggest pet peeve is when diseases are described as "eradicated" when they absolutely have not been
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
i will never, ever, ever forgive republicans for making the pandemic a political issue.
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rainbow-femme · 1 year
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I've been having this thought mull around in my head because I'm asthmatic and all,
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iwannabeyourman · 2 years
I saw a post on here trying to make people feel bad for wondering what purpose pest bugs serve (like mosquitoes, bed bugs etc) because it’s comparable to the way rich people think about the working class and while that would be GREAT for a poem bro it is Not that deep.“We haven’t been able to trace a definite purpose for bed bugs and they’ve been pests to humans for almost our entire existence but saying that bugs need a purpose is kind of human-centric tbh ://“ who are you people
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