#Disadvantages of Peanuts
anniebeemine · 21 days
All In- s.r. x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of nudity and strip poker, Spencer's far too smug for his own good
Spencer placed a hand on your shoulder. “Want to play a card ga-”
Spencer smirked. “Alright.” He patted the headrest of the seat, his eyes gleaming with playful mischief. You turned your attention back to the book in your hands, feeling his gaze on you even without looking up.
Emily, who had witnessed your immediate refusal, looked at you in surprise. Her eyes then flicked to Spencer, noticing his seemingly neutral expression. She mistook it for hurt, but you knew better. You could almost feel the twinkle of amusement in his eyes, a sure sign that his rejection was more of a challenge than a disappointment.
“Go play cards with your man,” Emily said, nudging your leg with her foot. “You can’t just leave him hanging.”
You smiled to yourself, knowing full well what Spencer was up to. His insistence on playing cards, despite your disinterest, was his way of getting you to engage. You shook your head. “He cheats.”
Before Emily could ask what you meant, Spencer spoke up. “It’s not cheating!”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help smiling. “It’s definitely cheating if you’re using your charm to distract me from winning.”
Spencer’s grin widened as he began shuffling the deck with a practiced flick of his wrist. “I prefer to think of it as making the game more enjoyable.”
Emily raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? And how exactly does he manage that?”
Spencer leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Let’s just say, I have a few tricks up my sleeve—both in cards and in making sure Y/N is never bored.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “He’s impossible. But he’s right about one thing. Playing cards with him is never boring.” You turned to look at Spencer. “I am never playing cards with you again.”
Emily's eyes widened in surprise, her curiosity piqued. “How bad did he get you?”
The last time you’d engaged in a card game with Spencer on the jet, you’d lost all of your peanuts. The game carried on after you made it home when you pulled out the jar of caramel sweets you had been rationing.
Emily’s eyes widened even more. “Wow, he really got you then. That’s impressive... and ruthless.”
You nodded with a resigned smile. “Exactly. And let’s just say that when Spencer suggested a game of strip poker, I decided to call it quits. I wasn’t about to lose anything else, especially not my dignity.” Then, he’d gotten every article of clothing, save your bra and panties.
Spencer chuckled, clearly enjoying the recollection. “Hey, it’s all in good fun. I thought it would spice things up a bit.”
Emily laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you two. I’d never have guessed that Spencer had a side like that.”
You leaned in, grinning. “Oh, you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. But don’t worry, I’m sticking to less risky games from now on. My wardrobe and my dignity are safe for the foreseeable future. It took me weeks to find the bra on top of the bookshelf.”
As the jet continued its smooth flight, you found yourself settled next to Spencer, the gentle hum of the engines creating a calming backdrop. Despite your earlier declaration, you couldn’t resist the challenge when Spencer nudged the deck of cards toward you.
“So, are you sure you don’t want to play?” he asked with a playful grin.
You considered it for a moment, your competitive spirit getting the better of you. “Alright, fine. But this time, I’m not betting anything.”
Spencer shuffled the cards, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. The game began, and it wasn’t long before you felt the familiar sinking feeling. Despite your best efforts, Spencer’s deft card skills quickly put you at a disadvantage. Within the first few rounds, it became clear that you were on the losing end.
“Already?” Spencer teased, raising an eyebrow as he watched you reluctantly put down your hand.
You sighed dramatically, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Well, I guess I’m not as lucky today.”
He leaned closer, his voice low and teasing. “Seems like I might need to raise the stakes again.”
Spencer chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Alright, alright. I’ll play nice. But you know, it’s all in good fun.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. As Spencer shuffled the deck, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The jet was quiet, the rest of the team either asleep or engrossed in their own activities, making the hum of the engines the only consistent sound in the background. He leaned in closer to you, his voice dropping to a low, playful murmur.
“You know,” he began, his eyes glinting with mischief, “if you want, we could play for something a bit more... interesting.”
You looked up from the book you were pretending to read, suspicious of the tone in his voice. “Oh? And what exactly do you have in mind, Spencer?”
His smirk deepened as he continued to shuffle the cards with a practiced flick of his wrist. “How about this—if you win, you get your underwear back.”
Your jaw dropped in disbelief, and you stared at him, mouth slightly agape. “Wait a minute… you’re telling me you have my underwear?”
Spencer’s grin widened as he nodded, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Maybe. They’ve been in a safe place, I promise.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, recalling the times when you’d been missing certain articles of clothing after your last game. “I’ve been searching everywhere for those! I thought they were lost in the laundry or something.”
He chuckled, his amusement evident as he dealt out a few cards for himself. “Or something. But, you know, if you’re not up for it…”
You crossed your arms, refusing to let him bait you into another one of his games. “I’m not playing. I’m done losing things to you," you said, sticking your tongue out at him.
Spencer simply shrugged, shifting his focus to the cards as he began a game of solitaire. His fingers moved deftly, the cards slipping into place effortlessly, but the smirk on his face never faded. He glanced at you, clearly enjoying your stubborn refusal to play along.
You huffed, unable to resist the challenge in his eyes. The idea of winning back what was rightfully yours—and wiping that smirk off his face—was too tempting to ignore. After all, you’d managed to get back almost everything else, and you weren’t about to let Spencer have the last laugh.
“Alright, fine,” you finally relented, setting your book down with a sigh.
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ckret2 · 7 months
So did bill’s body come with any allergies, or did the Axolotl make him a perfect form?
I've mentioned this before, way back—more than once, but that was the easiest post for me to find—but the Axolotl made Bill's body as healthy and normally-abled as possible because he KNEW Bill would be so, so bad at running a human body and he didn't need any extra disadvantages.
Like Bill detests having to sleep, stays awake as long as possible, and makes himself constantly miserably sleep-deprived because of it; the fact that he has hair at all makes him nauseous and the only thing worse is not having hair; his trillion-year-old mind is SO hardwired for monocular vision that spending too long using binocular vision gives him a raging migraine so he can only do it a few hours before having to put on an eyepatch; he's so unused to being constrained by gravity that he keeps stumbling into furniture and tripping down the stairs...
He's not meant to be in a human body! EVERYTHING about this is a miserable experience for him! The mere simple tiny involuntary acts of breathing and blinking feel wrong and unnatural and remind him he's trapped in an alien body, his soul smothered and suffocating beneath a blanket of meat.
If he discovered he had something like a goddamn peanut allergy he'd go "that isn't even a mandatory part of the human experience, that was totally optional, you could have not done that to me but you chose to anyway." He's depressed enough already, do you think he has enough energy left in him to stand discovering that his savior/jailer loaded down his body with surprise secret disadvantages just because—I don't know—for funsies?
The only thing letting him trudge onward is knowing that he's only so miserable because there's no possible way he could have not been miserable within a human body. This isn't malice. He still has hope of improving his situation. Finding out that any part of his body was deliberately designed to make things harder for him would break him. Why bother anymore—his suffering was chosen for him, and if that's the case, then there's no hope for him to get out of this, is there? He's just a spectacle for someone else's schadenfreude. He'd completely give up. He'd eat half a jar of peanut butter while flipping off the axolotl in the living room fish tank.
So no, no allergies. Couldn't risk it.
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
hard agree on your bit city opinions. i had no idea what was going on for the first minute or two-- i wish they put a little more thought into making this a proper "pilot". also, idk how i feel about the way the theming works. i have very little interest in popstars, so this whole video started out at a disadvantage for me. not to mention, if you do know a lot about the topic, i think it could get a bit annoying watching the cast stumble their way through basic connections of whatever they're surface-level familiar with.
anyway, i wanted to ask if you know how the filming works for these? like, where do they get their live audience from? and how do you feel about that? i get that it's based on the late night show format, but i feel like the main appeal of live formats in the modern age is... getting to watch it live. otherwise, it's just a regular video but less comfortable and polished.
sorry for the long and negative ask. i am still excited to see where this goes!
I'm gonna give them some grace because it's brand new but I think they should let Chanse and Angela be more natural in the opening. I think I heard Angela say they wrote that opening and maybe that's why it felt weird? It wasn't off the cuff.
The live audience was just the other workers at Smosh who I assume weren't currently running cast and crew stuff as in a photo shared it looked like Josh was in the audience. I do not think at all Smosh is going to bring in outside people to act as an audience.
I'm not sure how I feel about it being filmed with an audience. I like it for Who Memed It? But I'm not sure with this.
I'm ready to see the second episode and find out what the theme is because is it really peanut butter?? And how that episode goes.
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narhinafan · 2 months
Crack shipping is stupid af-no shipping is stupid. why should we care about which character marries who. Look dbz may have a toxic fanbase bit at least most of these fucks don't give dog craps about who's vagina Goku/Vegeta fuck and even then they don't take the GokuxVegeta as seriously as SnS do because there isn't anything pointing at them being gay or having feelings for each other which sns love to but that ship dies with one panel where Naruto is disgusted by kissing Sasuke and disgusted again when Kurama reminds him of it.
Back to the point. I said shipping is stupid because in the end it's the author's choice to have a character fuck another example chokarui who the fuck thought of that? It makes people forget what the story is even about like that one fuck who thinks Sakura is an example of hardwork when it's Fucking talent. Naruto is hardwork and even then the show is about friendship not that, the plot of H vs T is only with Lee not everyone anyways and that people don't understand how Underdogs fucking work. A good example is Goku vs Frieza because at first Goku was being beaten the shit out of him making him an underdog. Underdog is the character who's at an disadvantage which Naruto is always him being jinnchuriki and Minato's son didn't make anything better it just made it worse for him socially and mentally because he couldn't know who his parents fucking are.
Heck actually thanks to fucking Hinata did his social position even change. In the chunin exams when he defeated Neji is when everyone acknowledged him and it was thanks to Hinata."But everyone could have cheered him up" no Maybe Sasuke and Lee could but no Shikamaru doesn't know Naruto much at this point Sakura has the emotional maturity of a teenager (I don't hate her but saying she could give Naruto that kind of speech that Hinata gave him is like saying a veterinarian can cure testicular cancer, Sakura barely understands him and doesn't know how it feels like to be a failure like him ,Lee and HINATA are.) Jiraiya could but where the fuck was he. Kakashi is always late (they're my favorite character with Tobirama) Lee only could because he's a failure and Sasuke is a 50/50 you take your guess if he'll make it better or worse considering his inferiority to Itachi.Back to what I was saying, thanks to him upper cutting Neji did the Village's people start seeing him in a different light, they acknowledged that He's strong and Maybe not that bad. Did Sasuke/Sakura do that? No because again Kishimoto wanted fucking NH and I'll always point to that because of Hinata interfering in pain that Naruto met his Dad and defeated Pein and was named Konoha's hero/child of miracles of some stupid shit he probably doesn't care about as of now. Did Sakura go there and help him. No she didn't so stfu. Kudos to Kurama because he too helped in those times where his powers had a positive effect on Naruto's status (defeat Neji and Nagato) so my heart goes to that silly Fox .My point is that Hinata (with Kurama) had a very positive impact on Naruto's social status from Zero to Hero that most of this goddamn idiotic Fandom can't see because they have a peanut sized brain.Let me make it clear I am not a NaruHina fan nor did I ship but for God sake it makes better sense than whatever the fuck NaruSaku are cooking. Sns is just straight up creepy dude, they feminize Sasuke like he's some fucking doll. Bro has more testosterone than the average Kpop star (no hate towards them). Look at his adult design in Boruto and I dare you to say to me If he's feminine. And look I've seen femboys and Sasuke is no femboy
Fandoms are fucking disgusting with how stupid they can be. Naruto and Hinata are trans. How? If you're going to use a stupid argument and tell me I am transphobic because of that it just shows you're easily offended. I've always know thier Canonical straight male and female so why should I entertain your headcannon? Heck I don't entertain any headcanons on Characters' sexuality because it fucking idiotic and stupid. Why should I make a 100 page essay on Proving Naruto is gay when it's debunked by a single panel? It's just pure idiocy that's what it is.I love how people say Sakura giving SPR to Naruto is a "Kiss" and WOOO YEAAHH A WIN FOR NARUSAKUUUU!! When it's non consensual. So Sakura is a sexual harasser? Great way to defend NaruSaku with admitting that sexual harassment is ay-okay. Fucking retards"Ooo but Hinata stalked Naruto" yeah but did she cause him harm? "But she didn't try to talk to him when they were kids" good try retarted mother fucker but go read the chapter where that one Kumo guy and Naruto talked about B's past after that Naruto had gone to a spiked cliff and started having a flashback to his first fight with Sasuke which guess what. Hinata tried to cheer Naruto on so go do research before you try and open that toxic waste of a mouth you fucking idiots.
This fandom is full of shitheads and retards and Naruto on reddit is cesspool because when you dare and say that Temari is bland and overrated it's like you just opened Pandora's box for everything unholy. Then again people would hate you for starting the truth and dare say Hinata is better then Temari (not a Hinata fan btw. Temari is bland character that barley has any depth and so is Konan. Tsunade is the best out of all of them and if anyone would question me on that their just pure delusional).
And don't get me on Tenten/NejiTen. Is TenTen even a thing? Personally I thought everyone just forgot she existed and I personally don't like to act like I care about a character because I really don't care about her or team 9. Only Gai really.
She would have been good female character! How? Would she have effected the story? Because Hinata Sakura Tsunade did. Konan just stalled the story Hinata and Sakura and Tsunade did by supporting Naruto. How can Tenten or Temari do that. Konan could but she chose to kill Obito failed anyways.Heck Shisui the guy who we barley know shit about is a better character. No screentime all the relevance bruh Itachi and Danzo can't exist without Shisui he's the fucking King of this shit show. he's a good character because he affected the story and wasn't used as a plot device to explain the rotation.These people forget that the story revolves around Naruto and Everything needs to be revolved around him or someone close to him to affect the story.Itachi is revolved around Sasuke which is associated with Naruto Shikamaru wanted revenge on the Akatsuki which associate with Naruto Danzo is revolved about being Hokage which is associated with Tsunade and therefore Naruto. Yiu basically get it the story is always about Naruto so you need to have an effect on him have relevance. Naruto and Dragon ball have the most retared fandoms out there and goodlord they need a life and higher brain capacity .
This answer is too damn long of a rant.
I know crack shipping is the worse like ships that are some what reasonable is one thing, but when people ship somthing the clearly isn't going to work and try force feeding it to others is the worse. I really hate it when people act as if sns has any chance of happening cause it wasn't since neither Naruto or Sasuke are gay like you said.
Normal shipping is fine though as some pairings are quite reasonable or could happen if the author wanted it. Its just that some fans get out of hand especially when it was clear what the end game was going to be like with Naruto, Hinata was set up as the only possible love interest with her having a crush on him since her introduction.
Sakura is as far as possible from an example of hard work she has the talent, but wasted it by refusing to work hard unless someone was holding her hand. The show is about a lot of things hardwork, friendship, loneliness. There are a lot of messages in series as long as this.
Yeah no one other then Hinata could have picked up Naruto before the Neji fight for the simple reason no one else would be able to get him to let his guard down and drop his mask like he did for Hinata. Hinata has always been gentle and soft even during the exam showed kindness to Naruto wanting to help him in the written exam despite how it could get her in trouble. None of the characters could make him able to show his weak side and drop his fake confidence as none of them are the kind of characters who wouldn't make Naruto worse if he dropped his guard. Most would make fun of him or wouldn't have an idea what to say even Jiraiya at that point isn't close enough to Naruto to give him the support he needed.
NaruHina has always made sense it was clear they were going to be together and it only became certain as the series went on as every interaction ends up happening during big plot points.
Totally know what you mean about people acting as if Naruto and Hinata are trans is canon. Like seriously its not even headcanon its just forcing the idea due to their own insecurities and then trying to force feed to everyone in the Naruto fandom. If you point out the truth and facts they cry transphobic just cause you disagree with what they are so desperate to have as canon.
Sakura fans acting like SPR was a kiss in annoying the mood and setting did not have that kind of atmosphere at all it was medical treatment nothing more. In other manga yeah if the author intentionally plays up SPR and really sets the atmosphere then it can count as a kiss, but in Sakura's it was only medical treatment and even then it means little when Sakura pulls out the seal not long after when previously she complained about running out of chakra when Naruto was dying.
Hinata isn't even a stalker she only admired Naruto when he was in public places and as you pointed out did not harm him in anyway. Heck her attention would be far from unwanted if Naruto knew she was there he would have invited and befriended her and let Hinata watch and train with him in the open.
Temari isn't that bad she does have influence on both Shikamaru and Gaara who go on to influence Naruto. She is a side character though so she doesn't get shown that much nor her own character arc. I found her character interesting though as it becomes clear that she has always cared for Gaara even when he was his worse like a sister should. Plus her relationship with Shikamaru is a good overall.
Tenten could have been shown more out of the side characters she really didn't get a decent showing. I like NejiTen to me its the only Neji ship that makes any sense and a Hyuga weapon master sounds bad ass. Overall though she really did end up being forgotten about in the story and the only way she could influence Naruto is through her interactions with Neji, Hinata or Lee.
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calciumdeficientt · 25 days
bro if you still do oc headcanons can you do headcanons w my oc and jimmy? they have like a sibling relationship and she’s like his mom cuz his mom is..well..yk
thank you !!!!
Jimmy has some unresolved mother issues. That much is very obvious based on the opening of the game, his mother’s apathy towards him and the general distaste he shows to yet another stepdad shows that this is absolutely nothing newThis teenaged womaniser, troublemaker and just generally disadvantaged kid needs a mother, figurative or otherwise, and Harin already has a brood of kids just like him, what’s one more?
She goes out of her way to check up on Jimmy regularly. At first he probably resisted because he sees himself as independent and mature enough to manage his own emotions, but eventually Harin is able to get him comfortable to talk it out. They find somewhere private to sit, and Jimmy lets loose all of his pent up shit. Wether it be one of the endless troubles he’s having with Gary, troubles in class, or just generally clueless kid stuff, Harin is there. During these talks, they’ll usually share a cigarette. Harin knows its bad for him, but she’d rather the kid be well regulated, with one bad vice than completely rogue and losing his mind doing all kinds of bad shit. It’s a slippery slope.
Has his back, even when the whole school is against him. Shes not all that easily swayed and because she’s taken the time to get to know the kid, she knows that none of the shit flying around the school is true. He’s just a kid, sure he goes about stuff the wrong way sometimes, but doesn’t everyone when they’re young? Especially when they’re in the formative years of teenhood like Jimmy is.
She does get a little bit overprotective of him but she can’t really be blamed, he come out of his dorm wearing a thin cotton school shirt, boxing shorts and sneakers in the dead of winter, you can’t really blame her for turning his ass around and making him put on long pants at the VERY LEAST. He’s a loose canon, under her watch he gets just a little bit of a tighter hold on himself.
If he’s sick she’ll do her best to make sure he’s well taken care of, god knows sick students dont get much other than a day or two in their doers. Usually she’ll send peanut as a scout and if he’s very worse for wear she’ll cut class to bring him water, tissues, meds if she he can get them and maybe a comic or something, kid’s probably bored out of his skull in that godawful dorm all day long.
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 month
This right here is why I care way more about advocating for the rights of disabled people than I do about things like using the correct pronouns and such when addressing someone. Yes we can care about many issues simultaneously... but I'm talking about COLLECTIVELY. Why the pronouns thing is so much more important to people than the rights of those who are already physically or even mentally at a disadvantage is something I will forever not understand. I hope this manager was fired.
On another note on talking about why I know for a fact people care way less about disabled people collectively, Goodwill has a history of paying some of its disabled employees less. This below directly comes from the Goodwill website regarding the special minimum wage certificate.
Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act authorizes employers with a special minimum wage certificate from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Wage and Hour Division to pay special minimum wages to workers who have disabilities for the work being performed. According to DOL data, as of July 1, 2024, there were 748 employers nationwide with issued certificates and 41 employers with pending certificates (789 total potential certificate holders), employing 40,112 individuals with disabilities. Employers using the certificate include businesses, school to work experience programs, community rehabilitation programs and employers of patient workers. Certificates are granted for a two-year period; it is possible for an employer listed as holding a certificate to not use it because the organization has transitioned before the certificate expires. Goodwill Industries International (GII) supports opportunity for all. We believe the responsible approach in eliminating use of the certificate is to transition people with disabilities employed under the special minimum wage certificate into competitive integrated employment. Such a transition should honor individual choices and include supports, resources and assistance needed to succeed in those jobs are available and accessible – including well-planned systems of alternative supports, resources and services in communities where certificates are currently held. A phase-out should result in more people obtaining competitive integrated employment and staying in the workforce. As of July 1, 2024, only 9 of the 149 local Goodwills in the United States are reported on DOL’s list. Many of those organizations are in the process of transitioning away from using the certificate. GII does not hold a certificate, and we support local Goodwill leaders as they collaborate with people with disabilities, local employers and other service providers to create an array of community-based employment and other opportunities.
Meanwhile, from a CNBC article back in 2013:
Goodwill Industries, a multibillion-dollar company whose executives make six-figure salaries, is among the nonprofit groups permitted to pay thousands of disabled workers far less than minimum wage because of a federal law known as Section 14 (c). Labor Department records show that some Goodwill workers in Pennsylvania earned wages as low as 22, 38 and 41 cents per hour in 2011. “If they really do pay the CEO of Goodwill three-quarters of a million dollars, they certainly can pay me more than they’re paying,” said Harold Leigland, who is legally blind and hangs clothes at a Goodwill in Great Falls, Montana for less than minimum wage. “It’s a question of civil rights,” added his wife, Sheila, blind from birth, who quit her job at the same Goodwill store when her already low wage was cut further. “I feel like a second-class citizen. And I hate it.” Section 14 (c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which was passed in 1938, allows employers to obtain special minimum wage certificates from the Department of Labor. The certificates give employers the right to pay disabled workers according to their abilities, with no bottom limit to the wage.
Then also from 2019 in response to the minimum wage increase in Illiniois:
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WCIA) — An iconic nonprofit thrift store is crying poor in the face of looming payroll increases, and it is announcing plans to layoff disabled employees in order to take on the extra cost. However, the 501(c)(3) organization pays no taxes, collects state funding, was awarded state contracts, and has special permission from the federal government to pay disabled workers well below the minimum wage floor. Sharon Durbin, President and Chief Executive Officer at Land of Lincoln Goodwill, told dozens of disabled thrift store workers they would no longer receive a paycheck as a result of the state’s new minimum wage increase, and she warns future job cuts could still be coming to the last 11 remaining disabled employees still on the payroll. Durbin runs the Central Illinois nonprofit branch that oversees 15 retail locations and more than 450 total employees. She wrote about “upcoming changes to the Vocational Rehabilitation Program” in a letter dated June 14th. Her letter said the program “is funded through the Illinois Department of Human Services,” but the funding “does not cover all of the significant costs of the program.” The abrupt shift not only comes as disappointing news to dozens of disabled workers in the area, including some who live in group homes without their parents, but it also threatens to weaken the core promise of Goodwill’s mission statement. Inside one of Springfield’s retail locations, a massive wall painting says, “DONATE STUFF. CREATE JOBS.” The loud speaker broadcasts a message that reminds shoppers, “At Goodwill, every item you buy, and every item you donate funds job training and so much more.” Literature hanging in the lobby announces that “we train and support over 1,000 people with developmental disabilities.” The state legislature awarded a 3.5% funding increase in the current state budget to help fund the job trainers and skills coaches who work with the disabled employees. In previous years, lawmakers required the entire increase in state funding to go toward staff raises. This year, the non-profit vendors were allowed discretion to use the increase however they see fit. But the thrift shop organization said it had not yet awarded pay raises to staff, and that the extra funding was not enough to offset a higher payroll burden due to the pending minimum wage increase. “As of January 1, 2020, a new minimum wage law takes effect which will increase our payroll cost significantly,” Durbin’s letter reads. “Over the next five years, the added expense will exceed two million dollars if we do not make changes.”
Still think that disabled people are being tended to, or it's incredibly unfair some get better parking spots? Think it's bullshit there's such a thing as disability pay? Hell, I see it a lot in my line of work businesses architects not drawings desks to become ADA compliant, businesses that are looking to cheapskate being ADA compliant, etc. "Let's make the sink be ADA compliant but not the dishwasher" in their break room. Architects that will make a desk ADA compliant technically... but then the ADA section is all the way by the wall and it's hard as hell to get to the damn reception desk. Barely anyone cares about disabled people anymore it seems, I swear...
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Bonrin zombie apocalypse au, and Ryuuji is just trying to survive but he comes aross a friendly zombie: Rin! <3
I've been wanting to do a "Poll Your Own Adventure" and it just occurred to me that this is the perfect prompt for that. So! The fate of the characters in this story is up to you guys. The poll is at the bottom (if this works right, lol) and I'll follow the chosen path.
Triggers: Blood, some gore, implied possible character deaths. (It's zombies. And they're not all friendly.)
-- -- -- --
Ryuuji had lived the same routine for ninety-eight* days with almost no variance. He woke up from whatever fitful sleep he’d managed to get, made use of the fact that he enjoyed mornings (or had when he’d been able to enjoy things) to get up and make use of the early morning light and the way it made the infected —because even now, calling them zombies sounded too cliche and childish, even though that was very much what they were — the infected slow down and stagger. Sunlight always did, but they built up something of a tolerance to it around noon and would shamble right back after anyone they saw. 
Night had always meant death, and Ryuuji had never cared much about night anyway.
The chill of winter was seeping in, which also meant that the shortening days were nearing a climax. The shorter the day, the worse of a time he had. The longer nights meant endless hours of trying to survive — it was all endless hours of trying to survive—but the nights made the damn things come alive in a way they never did in the bright sunlight.
He also didn’t have night vision and the goggles he’d found had been cracked, so he was always at a disadvantage. Still, he had enough batteries for a few more days and enough food to make it to the next town, and he hoped one day to reach home and know if the entire journey had any point or not.
(Ryuuji had to believe it was. He had to believe that they were all gathered in the inn and temple, all together and alive. Surviving and laughing and teasing and maintaining the temple he’d loved his entire life and that they weren’t gone. That they were alive. If they weren’t…
What was left?)
Ryuuji ate one of his protein bars — a disgustingly sweet kind that was supposed to be some sort of peanut butter flavor and tasted more like licking a bowl of sugar that had been set near some peanut butter at one point in its life, but beggars couldn’t be choosers, and Ryuuji was mostly grateful he’d found the unaffected bars. He gnawed on the mildly stale end, peering between the slats of his current hideout, wondering if it was wise to leave yet. He’d already been here two days, and it had been too long. He tried to avoid populated areas, but he’d been chased here and now there were zombies all over the place, and he was entirely alone again.  
Ryuuji could only hope they were all okay. He could only hope that Renzou and Konekomaru had made it out of that ambush and that they were doing as well (or much better) than him.
He couldn’t know, and he couldn’t go back. They’d caved it in and there was no telling what monsters had been unleashed in that hell.
It wasn’t enough to find himself in a zombie apocalypse. No, they all had to be unlucky enough to live in a demonic zombie apocalypse. 
All the people shambling out there, all the people murdering and devouring each other and limping around with broken bodies and missing parts and agonized expressions with blood drying on their bodies and an insatiable hunger in their heart, these creatures had all been living breathing humans at one point.
One point too long ago, because they’d lost anything in themselves that had been human. More dead than alive, but never permitted to rest. They were twisted and broken and cruel, and they had been stripped of what made them them, and Ryuuji was weary of fighting the endless mass of them. The fight was turning him into one of the nameless undead, and he was still alive.
It just didn’t feel like it.
Staying holed away in here might keep him alive for a few more hours, but it wouldn’t make him feel alive, and that’s what he really wanted, and he had to reach Kyoto, so Ryuuji finished his shitty protein bar and let the slat fall back into place as he moved to gather his limited supplies up. 
It was always a question of moving quickly and quietly, and having enough stuff for emergencies. You couldn’t be guaranteed to find anything, so it was always a struggle to pack as little as possible and as much as was needed. 
Ryuuji hefted the bag on his shoulder and belted his holsters on, making sure the gun, backup, and knife were all easily accessible, and hefted the khakkhara up with a determined frown. He’d tied an old bit of cloth around his head to act as a hachimaki and made sure there weren’t any tears in his coat. He patched the elbows with duct tape and pulled the collar up to protect his neck as much as he could. 
As ready as he could be, Ryuuji climbed up to the window he’d snuck into and slipped outside. The dumpster was still there, and there was a swarm of zombies at the south that were going to be a problem.
He dropped down as silently as he could — never silently enough — and pressed himself against the cold metal of the dumpster, holding his breath and strangely not minding the smell of rotting food. 
Rotting humans smelled far worse. Garbage was real in a way, and he’d take it over the other.
It was silent. Ryuuji took a breath, held it, tried to listen beyond the sound of his heart pounding in his ears, and peeked around the corner of the dumpster. The zombies had shambled a little closer, but none were actively looking his way. The north end of the alley was empty, and there was a hope of escape. A dangerous one, but one he held close anyway.
There wasn't another choice anyway.
Releasing the breath he was holding, Ryuuji booked it for the possibility of freedom and escape. (He had never anticipated his morning runs coming in handy like this.)
He pushed his legs and feet, rushing over the cracked pavement, hearing the clatter of bodies and the moans of hunger and the snarls as he was spotted, and pushed for the opening to the street. If he could make it there he’d have real room to escape and real room to run until he could find a place to hide or climb. He ran, breath coming in a pant as he darted for the narrow opening, twisting to sidle through—
And slammed into a body as they crossed in front of the narrow alley entrance. They both went tumbling and falling to the hard concrete, slamming on to it (the other person took the brunt of the fall) and rolling from the impact. Hot arms wrapped around him, something wound around his leg as a knee hit him in the hip, and sharp points of pain dug into his arm (claws. They all had claws.)
Ryuuji brought his arm up, ramming his duct taped elbow into the zombie's (because it had to be a zombie) face. Something crunched under that pressure as a jolt of pain went up his arm. The arms around him loosened, and Ryuuji rolled over, pushing up on his arms and getting his knees under himself. Something was still wrapped around his thigh, and there was a cacophony of moans and groans  and growls in the air he couldn't sort to hear around. It was just a roar of noise that mixed with the pounding of his heart as he struggled up, curling his fingers around the obstruction on his leg, pausing, and gaping as he saw it was a fur wrapped thing. No. It was a tail.
Ryuuji got his hands under it and pulled, earning an ear splitting shriek from the zombie that had fell him. The tail sprang away, poofing up and Ryuuji stumbled back just to hit another zombie. Thin arms went around him, a growl echoed in his right ear, and the zombie lunged to bite at his protected throat. This one looked like it had been a girl at one point, and he only felt a little bad elbowing it in the chest and stomping down on its bare foot as he jerked himself free and away from those lethal teeth.
“Stop that!” Someone yelled, but Ryuuji was already moving away from the zombie that he’d stumbled into and across the broken concrete. The road led past the populated part of town and into the farmland, and that was his best bet. He’d take wildlife and demons over zombies. (At least if those killed him he’d die human.) 
But that had been a voice, and real words, and Ryuuji couldn’t stop himself from turning his head back (breaking the first rule he’d learned in this apocalypse, never look back. It made you slower, and you couldn’t unsee what you saw, and you couldn’t see where or what you were running into.)
The zombie he’d knocked into was struggling to his feet, and Ryuuji caught his first clear look at him. A boy, probably about Ryuuji’s age, sickly pale with dark blue splotches up his neck and cheek, veins standing out and throbbing in a sure sign of infection as he turned his head to look in Ryuuji’s direction. His hair was black, flickering with blue in the early sunlight, hanging messily around his face and in his eyes, doing nothing to cover the long and pointy ears he had or the way his eyes seemed to flash with blue. He had fangs past his slightly purple lips, and he was bleeding from a cut on his cheek. 
He might have been handsome if he were alive, but at the moment, he just looked annoyed and in pain.
That almost had Ryuuji tripping to a stop. The zombies had only shown the ability to look infuriated and murderous. He hadn’t seen anything so human as annoyance or pain. 
The boy shoved at the zombie that had gone for a bite of Ryuuji’s throat. “Stop it!” He yelled again, and Ryuuji’s heart seemed to stop in his chest.
He’d never heard a zombie speak. 
“We gotta be better than—OW!”
She pivoted forward, latching onto the arm he’d shoved at her with her teeth, tearing and leaving a dark and bloody gash across his arm. Ryuuji’s heart lurched towards his throat at that sight (the same sort of wound Godaiin had gotten before he’d gone down) and the boy shoved the girl harder, knocking her onto her ass with a frustrated snarl.
“Fucking OW! Would you all—”
The boy realized Ryuuji was still standing there at the same time Ryuuji realized he was still standing there.
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proxylynn · 1 year
hello Lynn 👋 may I know a list of disadvantage/ cons of Peter? if that’s okay?
- 🥔
[Hmmm...His peanut allergy is one thing. I would add gullibility because he will do ANYTHING for you if you ask, but he's not dumb enough to see some requests could be used against him. I really don't like to think about emotionally manipulating him, because that could work, but I'd never do that to the poor boy. He can't swim and getting in water deeper then his calves fills him with fear. I hope this touches on it decently enough for you,🥔.]
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fiftytwotwentyfour · 5 months
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Puzzle 16: Speed Puzzling:
1000 Piece
Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Puzzle
Created by Buffalo Games & Puzzles
Puzzle Classification: Jigsaw Puzzles
Price: ~ $12
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I definitely bit off more than I can chew and I really put myself at a disadvantage.
My table was/is too small (I was constantly drop pieces on the floor - and - wouldn't you know it - if the pieces landed upside down the practically blended into the floor) , I had/have no overhead lighting, and I started my puzzling too late in the week.
I opted out of having Tasty Tunes... I did this all in my head.
But in my defense a 1000 Piece puzzle is a big undertaking even in perfect conditions.
Reading articles here and there I have seen some stats stating a 1000 piece puzzle could possibly be completed in as low as 5 hours (last week it took me roughly 4 hours to complete a 500 piece puzzle) - and - another source said 1000 piece puzzles could take as long as 15 hours.
My personal challenge was to complete the entire Spider-Man puzzle in 10 hours.
Well... As time went on I just wanted beat 15 hours, so I set my cap at 14 hours.
14 Hours in I still had exactly 125 pieces to place.
I only managed to complete 87.5%
In short:
Did lose the challenge? Yes.
The last hour I was color checking pieces against the insert...it was getting down to the nitty-gritty:
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Did I eat that entire Bag of Peanut M&M's?
Yes, gawd, yes...
Is it a complete loss?
I got some moments of "zen" - and Hello - An Entire "SHARING SIZE" Bag of Peanut M&M's for my efforts - and in the grand scheme of it all I only 125 pieces left and I still won't mind wrapping it up - Who Knows?! Maybe I'll glue it when it is all said in done and hang it in my den?!
Give me a break I just "lost" 14(+) Hours of My Life - Don't I get to Mount My Kill Puzzle?!
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End/Failure Time:
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Items Not Included / Needed:
Large Clean Surface
Optional: Tasty Tunes
Personal Rating: 6/10
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2024 Puzzle Record: 13/16
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I did finish (4/24/24) - And Guess What! - There was TWO pieces missing. Looked Everywhere - No Go!
Completion Time:
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leqclerc · 2 years
I can't stand Ferrari letting Charles behind all the time and thinking is okay, the right thing to do, they f**** his race again to let his stupid teammate being the number 1.
*big long defeated sigh* I swear Ferrari just doesn't have it in them to stay on top of things for the entire race distance. About halfway through something always starts giving. By that logic they should smash it in the sprints. If only pace didn't matter eh 🫠🙃
First of all (because ofc people are arguing over this already) "fighting" for peanuts in P6 and P7... that's not where you want to be. Even with the safety car disadvantage they admitted post-race that their stint on hards was their weakest point and they didn't have much more left in that car. So clearly there are bigger issues that they really need to look into here.
That being said this race was giving Brazil a bit ngl. Charles was steadily making his way through the field after starting 12th, had a really good stint on softs, and was soon right up behind Carlos....yet again. Carlos, meanwhile, had a bit of a mid showing and even lost out to Stroll 😭😭 The dummy call was great, looks like it's the one strategic trick they can actually make work semi consistently.
Now, people are already kicking off about "well if he's faster why can't he pass." Charles had better pace than Carlos. As always with these things there's a lot of stuff that just gets ignored or isn't broadcast so people assume it doesn't exist. I'll review Carlos's radio myself later once the clip is uploaded. But just from following Tweets you see a few issues arise. Sounds like Ferrari had implied that Charles could have the pace to potentially chase down Lewis, but Carlos (and his RE?) kept trying to catch him on their own. Somewhere in the middle of this Carlos was also apparently shown a black and white flag for weaving. Turns out he didn't have the pace to chase down Lewis, by which point it's too late to consider doing anything anymore. Charles additionally made a mistake, I believe, ended up dropping out of the DRS zone, and then just switched to conservation mode to, like he said, "bring the car home" because it was obvious there's nothing else to fight for.
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There was some mixed messaging around the hard tyre as well. Charles had a good stint on the softs, so I wonder if it would've been possible for them to extend that a bit (obviously they couldn't have known a safety car was just around the corner but still) and then try to stick on mediums. Lewis had a difficult time with the hards and he pitted for mediums just two laps after Charles did (lap 16 and 18) and seemed to have a good stint with those mediums while Ferrari dropped off on the hards. And I believe Charles had a set of new mediums banked... 🧐 But don't quote me on that, I could be way off, just musing out loud since the hard stint clearly didn't do them any favours 🙃
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blenderfullasarcasm · 2 years
Batfam, favorite Duel Monsters archetypes/strategies, go.
gonna preface this by saying that while i do play duel monsters and have never lost a game, that’s because i’ve only played like. five games ever.
also i haven’t touched my deck in at least five years so. that being said.
i think most of the batfam would tend towards strategies that rely on trap or spell cards rather than drawing a specific powerhouse monster (looking at you kaiba)
dick has two different decks - one he uses to play for fun and one he uses when he wants to win. the first deck is mainly made up of cards with puns in the name bc he thinks it’s funny (and also because he loves the look of dawning horror on his opponent’s face as they start to realize that the puns won’t stop). unfortunately that leaves that deck not super well-balanced but he enjoys the mental exercise of trying to win anyway. his deck for winning is made up of mostly water/wind type monsters and one time it made wally cry.
jason’s deck is the most well put together (by which i mean every card he draws enhances whatever cards he has in his hand) and it’s pretty well balanced although he does tend to go a little heavy on the trap cards and field cards. it works for him though. a lot of his monster cards are fiend or psychic type.
tim learned how to play via the yugioh tv show so while his deck is pretty well put together and has a bunch of intricate almost instant win combinations, he mostly relies on luck of the draw (and the heart of the cards ofc) to actually get those combos. tim is not a lucky person, and although those combos are devastating to his opponent when he does pull the right cards, they’re much less effective when he keeps pulling one card from each of his combos instead of a complete combo. his main monster type is dragons bc he made his deck when he was like twelve and he thought they were cool (secretly he likes the pun).
cass has a super op light/fighting type deck. i forget which card it is but there’s one that’s like “every light monster on your side of the field gets 500x(# of light monsters on field) points added to their attack score” and once she plays that it is over. she mostly relies on monster effects over spell cards though so even if she doesn’t draw that card she usually wins.
damian loves using field cards to give himself an advantage or to give his opponents a disadvantage but he also shoots himself in the foot a little because whenever he comes across a card he thinks looks cute he adds it to his deck. he tries to incorporate the cute monsters into his strategy but it doesn’t always work. yes he has at least one kuriboh in his deck. kind of reminds him of goliath. he owns like fifty monster reborn cards.
duke’s only just been inducted into the secret batfam duel monsters competition and he’s having to overhaul his deck from when he was like ten. it’s mostly warrior and winged beast type monsters and he’s a little low on spell and trap cards. jason’s offered to let him have some of the cards he isn’t using (he has a stash of old DM cards bc he refuses to throw them away) but duke hasn’t had a chance to look through them yet.
steph refused to play the first time tim asked if she wanted to join and now there’s a bet going on to see who can get her to cave first. she knows about it and refuses to give them the satisfaction. she does know all the rules though and often gets pulled into being the referee (mostly to stop the peanut gallery demo interfering tbh)
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addmoneyonline · 2 years
Make 1000$ Per Month With Freelancing #1 :How To Start
It's normal to be nervous and unsure about taking the plunge and starting a freelance business. When they first start out, all freelancers have the same feelings.
But you know you have to; it's your entrepreneurial mindset, that yearning to be your own boss, doing what you love and doing it your way.
And it is because of those emotions that you will succeed.
All you need at first is some direction on which steps to take first.
Steps to help you leap and land on your feet in the world of freelancing.
1. Know Your Why – Know Your Way
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Define your goals and fully understand what you want from your business before embarking on your journey.
Consider the following questions:
What am I thinking? - (Being my own boss, setting my own hours, and spending more time with my family?)
What do I hope to gain from it? - (Is it a side hustle or a full-time job?)
Where do I want to go? - (Do you want to keep working as a freelancer or start a company with employees?)
What am I willing to invest? - (How many hours per day, days per week, am I willing to make sacrifices?)
Be completely honest with yourself because making statements you can't commit to only serves as a reminder of failure and erodes self-belief.
Set your objectives next.
Smart goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
Have both short-term (this week/month/quarterly) and long-term (annually) goals (something you have to do consistently).
Set your goals the night before and make a plan for each day. Examine your results on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. You'll be able to see where you're succeeding and where you're not, and you'll be able to adjust accordingly.
You can now begin your journey:
2. Choose A Profitable Niche
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"But I know what I want to freelance in," you may say, but that is not your niche.
Every market has numerous niches, and choosing a profitable one is critical if you want to earn a living.
Assume you're a freelance writer. Because of their geographical location and lower living costs, people are willing to charge less than you. If you only advertise on the same platforms as they do (for example, Fiverr - Upwork), you'll either work for peanuts or give up.
However, there are numerous niches in the writing world (Ghost-writing, white-papers, blog-posts, long-form content, etc.) And the most profitable ones hire the best writers rather than the cheapest.
3. Design a business logo
Just because you're new doesn't mean you have to look it; in fact, it's because of this that you should think about branding, starting with a logo.
Why do you require one?
You'll be contacting potential employers via email if you don't have a website or a social media account.
You can also use a signature to give your account a more professional appearance. You will be able to add a logo, a personal photo, a description, and your contact information to your email platform. This increases your chances of capturing the attention of the intended reader. 
4. Set up a website and social profiles
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It is critical to establish an online presence for yourself. Clients must be able to look at your work and quickly locate you. It is fairly simple to maintain a basic website. To begin, you don't need anything fancy; just a place to showcase your best work and provide contact information.
5. Focus on productivity
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Freelancers will frequently tell you that, while working at your leisure sounds appealing, there are a few disadvantages. For some, solitude can become lonely. Employees in an office can talk to coworkers between projects, but freelancers working remotely cannot. On the other hand, freelancers are not subject to office politics.
Set up an in-home office or find another location where you can focus and get work done for maximum productivity. The lack of a boss down the hall may be a plus, but it also means you must manage deadlines and productivity on your own.
6. Find customers and build your client base
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Now that you've identified profitable niches, created a logo, established your website and social profiles, and established your pricing structure, it's time to find customers and begin building your client base.
But, since you're new to the game, how will you approach it?
If you already know some of your future clients or are completely in the dark, a fishing net approach rather than a fishing hook may be your best bet at this early stage. The goal is to get your first job and get started.
The location of your client will be determined by your market. You can reach them through their website, social media platforms, or email. Another option is to sign up for a paid membership platform.
Paid platforms, unlike their free counterparts, provide a service for a fee and serve as a meeting place for professionals.
Once you're working, you can narrow down your target client list by selecting only dependable clients who provide consistent, well-paid work.
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object-show-oc · 10 days
object: jar of peanut butter pronouns: ey/em adjectives: thrilled, disadvantageous limbs: two arms, four legs color palette: #11644D, #A0B046, #F2C94E, #F78145, #F24E4E from https://ift.tt/zkHnKr2
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blogtheworlds · 1 month
Types of Oil Extraction Methods
Oil Extraction primarily involves applying high pressure, and sometimes heat, to "press" the oils out of the plant products. The type of oil extraction method used significantly impacts the quality and characteristics of the final product, with cold pressing and hot pressing being the most common methods. Understanding these methods and their respective advantages and disadvantages is essential for making informed decisions about oil production and consumption.
What is an Oil Pressing Machine?
An oil pressing machine, also referred to as an oil expeller or oil press, is a device designed to extract oil from plant materials such as seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and leafy plants.
This extraction process is primarily mechanical and typically involves applying high pressure and sometimes heat to "press" the oils out of the plant products.
Types of Oil Extraction Methods
The method used to extract oil depends on the type of oil being produced (essential oils, vegetable oils, etc.) and the desired quality of the final product. Here's a breakdown of common methods:
Cold Pressing Method
Cold pressing is an oil extraction method that involves pressing seeds or nuts at low temperatures, usually below 120 degrees Fahrenheit, without the use of any heat or chemical solvents. This gentle process helps to preserve the natural flavors, nutrients, and antioxidants found in the oil.
Cold pressed oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil, are known for their rich taste and nutritional value. The absence of heat ensures that essential fatty acids and vitamins remain intact, making cold pressed oils a popular choice for health-conscious consumers.
These oils are ideal for raw or low-temperature cooking methods, such as salad dressings and drizzling over dishes, where their delicate flavors can be fully appreciated.
Advantages of Cold Pressing
Cold pressing is a method of oil extraction that involves crushing oilseeds without the use of heat. This process preserves the oil's natural properties, leading to several benefits:
Nutrient Retention: Cold pressing preserves the natural flavors, nutrients, and antioxidants in the oil, including essential fatty acids and vitamins.
Flavor Quality: The gentle extraction process ensures that the oil retains its rich, natural taste, making it ideal for raw and low-temperature cooking.
Wholesomeness: Cold pressed oils are often considered more wholesome and pure, as they are produced without the use of heat or chemical solvents.
Health Benefits: Due to the preservation of nutrients and antioxidants, cold pressed oils are often perceived as having greater health benefits.
Disadvantages of Cold Pressing
While cold pressing offers numerous benefits, it also has some drawbacks:
Lower Yield: The absence of heat means that cold pressing typically results in a lower oil yield compared to hot pressing.
Higher Cost: Due to the lower yield and more intensive production process, cold pressed oils are often more expensive than hot pressed oils.
Shorter Shelf Life: Without the stabilization provided by heat, cold pressed oils may have a shorter shelf life and can be more prone to rancidity.
Limited Cooking Applications: Cold pressed oils generally have a lower smoke point, making them unsuitable for high-temperature cooking methods such as frying.
Hot Pressing Method
In contrast, the hot pressing method involves applying heat during the oil extraction process. Seeds or nuts are typically roasted or steamed before being pressed to release the oil more efficiently.
The application of heat not only increases the oil yield but also helps to eliminate any potential bacteria or microorganisms, making hot pressed oils safer for culinary use. Oils like sunflower, sesame, and peanut oil are commonly produced using this method.
Hot pressed oils have a higher smoke point, making them suitable for high-temperature cooking methods such as frying and sautéing. While the heat may reduce some of the nutritional content, it enhances the oil's stability and extends its shelf life.
Advantages of Hot Pressing Oils
Hot pressing involves applying heat to oilseeds before pressing them to extract the oil. This method offers several advantages:
Higher Yield: The application of heat helps release more oil from seeds or nuts, resulting in a higher extraction yield.
Safety: Heat helps to kill potential bacteria and microorganisms, making the oil safer for culinary use.
Higher Smoke Point: Hot pressed oils have a higher smoke point, making them ideal for high-temperature cooking methods like frying and sautéing.
Extended Shelf Life: The heating process can enhance the oil's stability, resulting in a longer shelf life.
Disadvantages of Hot Pressing Oils
While hot pressing offers several advantages, it also has some drawbacks:
Nutrient Loss: The heat used in the extraction process can degrade some of the nutritional content, including essential fatty acids and vitamins.
Flavor Alteration: The heating process can alter the natural flavors of the oil, often resulting in a less delicate taste compared to cold pressed oils.
Potential for Chemical Additives: Some hot pressing methods may involve the use of chemical solvents to aid in extraction, which can be undesirable for those seeking a more natural product
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tejuhoneycomb · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Tile Grout for Your Home
When it comes to home improvement, the details matter. One often overlooked but crucial element is tile grout. Whether you're renovating your bathroom, kitchen, or any tiled surface, the right tile grout can make a significant difference. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about tile grout, helping you make informed decisions for your next project.
Understanding Tile Grout
Tile grout is a dense fluid used to fill the gaps between tiles, securing them in place and providing a finished look. It comes in various types, each suited for different applications and environments. Choosing the right grout not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your tiles but also ensures durability and ease of maintenance.
Types of Tile Grout
When selecting tile grout, it's essential to consider the type that best suits your needs. Here are the primary types:
Cement-Based Grout
Advantages: Widely available, easy to apply, and affordable.
Disadvantages: Prone to staining and requires sealing.
Best For: Areas with low moisture exposure, such as living rooms and hallways.
Epoxy Grout
Advantages: Highly durable, stain-resistant, and does not require sealing.
Disadvantages: More expensive and can be challenging to apply.
Best For: High-moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens.
Furan Resin Grout
Advantages: Extremely durable and chemical-resistant.
Disadvantages: Difficult to install and often used in industrial applications.
Best For: Commercial kitchens and laboratories.
Choosing the Right Grout Color
The color of your Epoxy grout can significantly impact the overall look of your tiled surface. Here are some tips for choosing the right color:
Match the Tile Color: For a seamless look, choose a grout color that closely matches your tiles.
Contrast for Impact: A contrasting grout color can make the tiles stand out, adding visual interest.
Consider Maintenance: Lighter grout colors can show stains more easily, requiring more frequent cleaning.
How to Apply Tile Grout
Applying tile grout may seem daunting, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve professional-looking results. Follow these steps for a successful grout application:
Prepare the Surface:
Ensure the tiles are clean and dry.
Remove any spacers used during tile installation.
Mix the Grout:
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing.
Mix until the grout reaches a smooth, peanut-butter-like consistency.
Apply the Grout:
Use a grout float to spread the grout over the tiles, working diagonally to fill the gaps.
Press firmly to ensure the grout fills all spaces.
Remove Excess Grout:
Use the edge of the float to scrape off excess grout from the tile surface.
Wipe the tiles with a damp sponge, rinsing frequently, to remove grout haze.
Allow to Cure:
Follow the manufacturer's curing time instructions.
Once cured, apply a sealer if using cement-based grout.
Maintenance Tips for Tile Grout
Proper maintenance is key to keeping your grout looking new and extending its lifespan. Here are some tips:
Regular Cleaning: Use a mild cleaner and a soft brush to clean the grout lines regularly.
Sealing: If you have cement-based grout, apply a sealer every 6-12 months to prevent staining and moisture penetration.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Harsh cleaners can damage the grout. Opt for pH-neutral cleaners instead.
The Benefits of Professional Grouting Services
While DIY grouting can be rewarding, hiring professionals ensures a flawless finish and saves you time and effort. Professional tile installers have the experience and tools necessary to handle any challenges that may arise during the grouting process.
Conclusion: Transform Your Space with the Right Tile Grout
Choosing the right tile grout is crucial for the longevity and aesthetics of your tiled surfaces. Whether you opt for cement-based, epoxy, or furan resin grout, consider the specific needs of your space and the look you want to achieve. By understanding the different types of grout and their applications, you can make informed decisions and enjoy beautiful, long-lasting results in your home.
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zionshipping · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Shipping Household Goods to Ecuador
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Shipping household goods from the USA to Ecuador can seem like a daunting task, but with the right information and preparation, it can be a smooth process. Whether you're relocating for work, moving closer to family, or simply starting a new adventure, understanding the ins and outs of international shipping is crucial. This guide will help you navigate the complexities of shipping household goods to Ecuador, ensuring a stress-free experience.
Understanding International Shipping
International shipping involves transporting goods across international borders, which can be more complicated than domestic shipping. You need to be aware of customs regulations, shipping costs, and the best practices to ensure your goods arrive safely and on time.
Read more: The Cheapest Ways to Ship Internationally from the US in 2024: A Guide
Key Factors in International Shipping
Customs Regulations: Each country has its own set of rules and regulations for importing goods. Understanding these regulations is crucial to avoid delays and additional costs.
Shipping Costs: Shipping costs can vary significantly depending on the size and weight of your shipment, the shipping method, and the carrier you choose.
Shipping Method: There are various shipping methods available, including air freight and ocean freight. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your needs and budget.
Choosing the Right Shipping Company
Selecting a reliable shipping company is one of the most critical steps in the shipping process. A good shipping company will provide comprehensive services, from packing and shipping to customs clearance and delivery.
Zion Shipping: Your Trusted Partner
At Zion Shipping, we offer global shipping solutions tailored to your needs. Our expertise in international shipping ensures that your household goods are handled with the utmost care and delivered on time.
Steps to Ship Household Goods to Ecuador
1. Plan Your Move
Planning is essential for a successful move. Start by making a list of the items you want to ship. Consider the size and weight of each item, as this will affect your shipping costs.
2. Choose Your Shipping Method
Air Freight
Pros: Fast delivery, ideal for smaller shipments.
Cons: More expensive than ocean freight.
Ocean Freight
Pros: Cost-effective for large shipments, suitable for household goods.
Cons: Longer transit time.
3. Get a Shipping Quote
Contact Zion Shipping to get a quote for your shipment. Provide detailed information about the items you’re shipping, including their size, weight, and value. This will help us give you an accurate estimate.
4. Pack Your Goods
Proper packing is essential to protect your goods during transit. Use sturdy boxes and packing materials to ensure your items are secure. Label each box clearly with its contents and your contact information.
5. Complete the Necessary Documentation
Ensure you have all the required documentation for shipping your goods to Ecuador. This may include a packing list, commercial invoice, and any necessary permits or licenses.
6. Customs Clearance
Understanding Ecuador’s customs regulations is crucial to avoid delays. At Zion Shipping, we can assist you with the customs clearance process, ensuring all your documentation is in order.
7. Track Your Shipment
Once your goods are shipped, you can track their progress using Zion Shipping’s tracking services. This will keep you updated on the status of your shipment and its expected arrival time.
Tips for Cost-Effective Shipping
Optimize Packaging
Use Appropriate Boxes: Avoid oversized boxes that increase shipping costs.
Protect Your Items: Use bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or foam to secure your goods.
Compare Shipping Rates
Get Multiple Quotes: Compare rates from different carriers to find the best deal.
Consider Bulk Shipping: If you have many items, consolidating them into one shipment can save money.
Choose the Right Time to Ship
Avoid Peak Seasons: Shipping costs can be higher during peak seasons. Plan your shipment during off-peak times to save money.
Read more: 15 Things to Remember When Shipping Internationally
Shipping household goods to Ecuador from the USA doesn't have to be complicated. By understanding the process and working with a reliable shipping company like Zion Shipping, you can ensure a smooth and cost-effective experience. From planning and packing to customs clearance and delivery, we're here to help every step of the way. Contact us today for a quote and start your journey with confidence.
Q: What is the cheapest way to ship household goods to Ecuador? A: Ocean freight is generally the most cost-effective method for shipping household goods to Ecuador, especially for larger shipments.
Q: How long does it take to ship household goods to Ecuador from the USA? A: Shipping times can vary. Air freight typically takes a few days, while ocean freight can take several weeks.
Q: What documents are needed for shipping household goods to Ecuador? A: Commonly required documents include a packing list, commercial invoice, and any applicable import licenses or certificates.
Q: Can I track my shipment to Ecuador? A: Yes, Zion Shipping provides comprehensive tracking tools to help you monitor your shipment from start to finish.
Q: Are there any items I cannot ship to Ecuador? A: Yes, some items are prohibited. It’s essential to check the list of restricted items before shipping. Zion Shipping can assist with this information.
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