#Dinner Habits
ebuddynews1 · 2 years
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shushmal · 3 months
Eddie shakes the foundations of Steve's world on a Sunday evening, at 6:44 p.m.
Steve knows the exact moment because he's standing at the stove, stirring pasta sauce and watching the time to make sure the garlic bread in the oven doesn't burn. It's June and it's hot, and they've got all the windows thrown open to let in a cool breeze. Eddie's sitting at the little kitchen table, probably messing with his D&D game notes, Steve would guess because he's focused on making dinner so it's ready when Wayne gets back from his shift. The three of them will eat together tonight, like they have Sundays past since April, a new little tradition that Steve's always craved to be a part of.
Except, when he turns, after Eddie speaks, he finds Eddie leaned back in his chair, like he's been watching Steve the entire time.
But before that, Eddie says, "I'm in love with you."
Steve stops stirring. The numbers on the stove tell him that it's 6:44 p.m. If he looks, the calendar would tell him it's a Sunday in June. And Eddie just told Steve that he was in love with him.
The numbers change—6:45 p.m.
Slowly, like he's moving through water, Steve turns, looks at Eddie over his shoulder, finds him leaned back, watching, smiling soft and wistful. Steve turns a little more, looking closer.
Has anyone ever looked at Steve like that before?
Eddie's eyes are bright, round and relaxed, as he gazes at Steve, those pretty lips curled up just right, a happy little smile. He doesn't say anything, even though there's only silence between them now. The sauce on the stove simmers, bubbles rising through the thickness to pop in shushed bursts. Steve drops his spoon.
"What?" he asks, turning further now. Steve's bread is going to burn under the broiler and his sauce is going to be scorched if he doesn't focus. He doesn't know what time it is anymore.
"I'm in love with you," Eddie says, again. That smile grows a little more. "I'm so in love with you, Steve Harrington."
And Steve is good at moving on instinct, good at chasing the ball down, good at finding himself in the right spot to make the right decision. He moves now, floats across the little kitchen, until he's in front of Eddie, leaning down, breathing his air, tasting his lips—
Their dinner burns.
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newsdeets · 2 years
रात के खाने की कुछ आदतें जो आपके जीवन को छोटा कर सकती हैं (Bad Dinner Habits)
रात के खाने की कुछ आदतें जो आपके जीवन को छोटा कर सकती हैं (Bad Dinner Habits)
Bad Dinner Habits: रात का खाना दिन का वह समय होता है जिसमें हमारा शरीर सबसे कम सक्रिय होता है। इसलिए, हल्का भोजन करने की सलाह दी जाती है जो पाचन को उत्तेजित करता है और भारी भोजन के कारण अपच का कारण नहीं बनता है। साथ ही डिनर में लाइट जाने से आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद मिलेगी। कुल मिलाकर हल्का डिनर स्वस्थ जीवन शैली के लिए अच्छा होता है। लेकिन, बहुत से लोग रात के खाने के समय जघन्य गलतियाँ करते हैं…
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curapicas · 1 month
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Writing so good you have a foil at the dinner table
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
Look Mihawk’s eyes definitely glow in the dark and this fact definitely threw Shanks of the first time he learned it which coincidently was during their *coughs* first time. But it’s kind of hot and he’s grown used to it now……mostly.
Because you know Mihawk is definetly the type of dude to never turn on a light ever and with his propensity for staring unblinkingly and his half hazard middle of the night sleeping habits. It’s a bit of a bit of a problem .
the years Shanks has lost of his life waking up to a floating pair of shimmering golden and ringed eyes staring at him in complete darkness he will never gain back and are best not talked out.
Also imagine if Mihawk is prone to midnight snacking (making up for all the food he doesn’t eat during the day to maintain his vampiric reputation) so many a red haired pirate have woken the ship with Shrieks having stumbled into the very dark kitchen to see a pair of otherworldly eyes completely demolishing a plate of leftovers or an entire charcuterie board staring right into their soul.
Ben and Yasopp have almost shot him multiple times(with only one of those times being on purpose) Many a crew member has solicited Shanks to get his boyfriend exorcised and the ship cleansed. In 2 years the closest Zoro ever came to cutting Mihawk was while blindly flailing his swords around in the dark trying to fend of the kitchen demon that besieged him during his midnight beer run. This will happen every night, they never talk about it. Zoro never figures out it’s Mihawk and is pretty sure the Kitchen is haunted. Won’t keep him from his midnight protein shake (he is no longer allowed beer)
Perona is the only person who is even slightly normal about this (she lived on thriller bark floating pair of eyes in the dark is child’s play) she just switches on the very bright white kitchen lights, effectively blinding Mihawk and leaving his terrible posture and he use of his precious kogatana to eat meatballs exposed to the light. She gets a cup of water turns off the light and leaves. The next day Mihawk buys her a new dress they never speak of this again.
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th3idi0tsquad · 5 months
uh oh! Double Trouble!!
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kruinka · 2 years
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thoughts were thunk and i had to draw it before i forgot -,,,orphan kaiser who always got picked on and protected his little soccer ball with his life,,, it was the only thing he had -who stares at others like how the adults looked at himmmm -kaiser who got in on a sports scholarship and has the monthly dilemma to starve in order to keep his hair blue so he can get along with the other students -people pleaser kaiser.... fake sticker tattoos..... trying out eyeliner.............
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vegan-nom-noms · 4 months
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Tempeh Burritos
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slavhew · 5 months
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Stroiders + hannibal jackman
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captainhysunstuff · 2 months
Uh oh. I dreamed about RadioApple/AppleRadio (Alastor x Lucifer Morningstar and vice versa) from Hazbin Hotel. I’ve been infected. 😅
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mako-neexu · 6 months
love that monte cristo still gets summoned. man literally has marriage vow NPs and it wouldnt make absolute sense if he doesnt come running for you beyond the speed of light should you be in trouble/should you simply breathe his name djdbskdbdbx
like him being summoned is such a big thing because summoning means YOU have to make the call but its up to the other end to PICK IT UP like.... why is mutual agreement so sexy it just makes me so unwell fucjcjckk.
because considering Id chapter, he shouldnt answer it anymore for the sake of making sure the human foundation grade has gone up but THEN YOU REMEMBER WHY THESE NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO SUMMON EXTRA CLASSES ARE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! theyre only here bc they care about this stupid human!!!!!!! who is so much like a dazzling star for everyone aboard this ship!!!!! so dantes answered the call, took guda's hand and allowed himself to materialize!!!!!!! bc no matter what, he wants to be there for his accomplice!!!! despite everything, he cares about you he loves you so much and if youre still willing to hold out a hand despite the cruelty he did to you, then hes a fool NOT to take it the moment he sees that star shining his way argghghgggghhhhjgjgkgmg
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oifaaa · 2 months
The one who said slice of unbuttered bread that’s what I was thinking of when I called u a low level beta but Tim is top tier omega just fyi
Damn you see me as unbuttered bread I'd be insulted if I didn't literally have just a piece of unbuttered bread for my breakfast this morning - but yeah I refuse Tim being an omega I just refuse that boys a beta through and through infact new test to see if you understand Tim as a character which abo alignment is he if you say anything other then beta you don't understand Tim
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introspectivememories · 10 months
in my head and in my heart, i know for a fact that all 3 todoroki children have really unfavorable habits that they got from endeavor.
fuyumi is mean. just honest to god mean. she doesn't even mean it most of them time. just being everyone's emotional support all the time causes her to suppress her meaner emotions and when someone pushes, it all comes out. but there is nothing in the world sharper than fuyumi's tongue on a bad day.
natsuo, ever the middle child. always there and always forgotten. natsuo is quick to get physically aggressive. never on people, god no. but he'll punch through walls like it's nothing. he's had his fingers broken and set more times than he can remember. he hates this part of himself. he already looks so much like enji, does he need to have his father's destructive rage too?
shouto... where to even begin with shouto. the child kept under enji's thumb the longest. shouto is more like enji than he would like to admit. he eats his food the way enji eats his food, greens first then everything else. he does his morning routine a near copy of his father's. this is what happens when you spend every waking moment of the first 15 years of your life with your abuser. that being said, shouto, ignoring the ever present constant thrum of anger that hides just below his skin, shouts a lot when he's angry. it comes from the chest, booming and seething. it scares people. he knows this and he hates that he cannot stop himself.
they don't like thinking about but when it happens all of them can't help but think i'm just like dad.
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learningfromlosing · 2 months
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demento-mori · 4 months
Out of curiosity, how long did it take you guys to beat isat?
I ask because I've heard that the playtime is around 30 hours but........
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I feel like that's severly underestimating my dedicaction to dilly-dallying
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sciderman · 2 years
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web of spider-man #33
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