#Dimitri chandler
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lilpuffyart · 3 months ago
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3001 gang ref thingy (mostly for me so I can see their height difference easily)
Plus halmanpoole fanchild ref thumbs up emoji
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stuckasmain · 9 months ago
Absolutely cannot believe that Dimitri Chandler got the movie! Maxim Brailovsky treatment. That man got blown up for being bisexual 😭
No but seriously it’s utterly insane. In all but stated Frank basically gets a boyfriend after not getting girls, obsessed with this guy and his beard and adventure etc then does some wild stuff with Dave as if he’s his ex.
Comes back to a THREE DECADE AND 15 YEAR TIME SKIP. To speed run divorce and having kids for no actual fucking reason what so ever. Both this time skip and this ??? Plotpoint that literally negagtes itself in the same paragraph it’s introduced have no reason to exist im going insane. He’s still friends with her btw they’re just back to how they were thus no reason.
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earlgreyandanime · 4 days ago
Avery, invading Rose's mind and forcing her to see a vision of the life she could have had with Dimitri.
Me, immediately getting Penny Dreadful/Vanessa and Ethan flashbacks:
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emperoryumemomo · 11 months ago
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illkangwi · 1 year ago
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⇂ about him ⇂
fast data
william hajun kang | will, willy, jun, kang |  186cm; 80kg  | new york city, NY |  assistente administrativo  | heterossexual |  27 anos  | + fiel, + dedicado, + justo, + determinado + carismático |  - pavio curto, - indelicado, - teimoso, - orgulhoso, - impulsivo | ISFJ-A | sanguíneo-melancólico (SAN-MEL) | chaotic good | câncer
main inspo characters
ko dongman (fight for my way), atsushi otani (lovely complex), chandler bing (friends), dimitri (anastasia), garret (quest for camelot), jim hawkins (treasure planet), kenai (brother bear).
à primeira vista, william pode parecer reservado e irritadiço, mas à medida em que vão lhe conhecendo melhor, as pessoas ganham acesso ao quase inocente modo de vida do rapaz. devido a conflitos internos, relações malsucedidas e falta de confiança, seu estado de espírito mostra-se menos esperançoso e mais resguardado — quando em condições regulares geralmente é mais positivo e crédulo nos outros. em palavras mais simples, a personalidade de golden retriever foi há um tempo engolida pela do gato preto, não tendo um prazo pra voltar até que o kang coloque sua vida no lugar e se cure no processo. é ágil, direto e sincero com as pessoas tal qual a confiança que seus olhos passam toda vez que diz algo, mas é mais difícil consigo mesmo, tendo tendência de culpar-se pelos próprios erros e escolhas. já foi mais apocalíptico, hoje em dia colhe as consequências de suas antigas decisões. criado de forma conservadora, é até mesmo surpreendente o fato de que antigamente não teve problemas em rebelar-se, mas hoje em dia a banda anda tocando outra música. tem um bom senso de humor quando quer, e apesar de não andar complacentemente mostrando os dentes por aí, todo sorriso que dedica a alguém certamente é genuíno. no mais, é um homem fiel à quem ama e admira — coisa que já lhe causou bastante problema, e ele nunca aprende.
the sky you see above won't always be blue, people won't always be kind to you.
sendo o segundo filho nascido estadunidense em uma família coreana que imigrara para tentar a vida no ocidente ao abrir um restaurante pequeno em uma rua estreita em morningside heights, a educação de hajun (ou william, como sempre preferiu ser chamado) fora priorizada, assim como quase toda família asiática do bairro fazia. ainda, de todas as palavras as quais poderiam descrever sua infância e pré-adolescência, "sufocante" seria a qual atualmente escolheria para fazê-lo, tendo em vista o que acontecera após ter sido descoberto por um olheiro enquanto jogava baseball com o time infantil da escolinha pública que frequentava. a família de william era grande; ele, seus avós, seus pais, seus tios, suas irmãs e seu primo moraram todos juntos por um bom tempo em um sobrado numa rua mais tranquila e modesta na divisa do bairro com o harlem, majoritariamente composta por famílias asiáticas na década de noventa. a aquisição do lar fora principalmente subsidiada pelas economias de mirae e jihoon, seus avós paternos, que pouco tempo depois encontraram uma outra casa em upper west side para curtirem as vantagens da terceira idade, deixando com os filhos e noras a escritura da casa para que a dividissem. dessa forma, tocavam juntos o restaurante coreano e repartiam os lucros que o estabelecimento gerava, mesmo em tempos de crise.
mal sabia o jovem garotinho de sete anos que sua vida mudaria no momento em que bill harbor, produtor de um seriado infantil em uma emissora de tv conhecida, o descobrisse no maldito jogo de baseball. encantado pela performance calculista do menino e pelo estereótipo de criança asiática inteligente que queria utilizar na época, bill convenceu aos pais e ao próprio garoto de que seria uma grande oportunidade para a criança, e que isso iria abrir portas no futuro para projetos maiores. william ainda lembra do que lhe fora prometido e o que houvera lhe animado para que aceitasse entrar para o show business. uma simples luva e um taco de baseball novo. ele não reclamava, pra ser honesto. sempre sentira que seria ingratidão se o fizesse. a série em que atuava como o adorável pianista asiático e genial de uma turma de cinco crianças em uma escola de música lhe trazia sucesso, dinheiro, paparicos e fama. ao mesmo tempo, trazia responsabilidades enormes para um menino. aulas de piano e violão por intermináveis horas durante às quartas e quintas, aulas de teatro segundas e terças, baseball todo fim de semana, fora os projetos de publicidade, caridade ou os eventos do próprio canal, contratos estes que seus pais faziam questão de assinar todos - afinal, a fonte de dinheiro pra investir em novos restaurantes não podia secar tão cedo. ainda assim, william estava sempre exausto. de todas as suas aulas e compromissos, nunca pensou que seriam as aulas de defesa pessoal que o salvariam de um colapso.
ele começara a praticar artes marciais devido a um desenvolvimento inesperado no plot do personagem que fazia na série. toda sexta-feira, o kang entrava com o pé direito no estúdio, deixando fora do tatame todo o cansaço e a solidão que sentia. a sensação de liberdade e do alívio de realmente exercer alguma função que gostava era o único sopro de paz que o garoto de doze anos tivera durante os cinco anos que passara gravando a série. tentara um pouco de tudo, mas encontrara no muay thai uma forma especial de desopilar. sempre muito fechado, william só conseguira realmente fazer amigos na academia de luta, pois a comunicação sempre fora mais física e direta. não precisavam de tantas palavras como sempre lhe exigiam no trabalho, apenas de confiança, força e movimento. pra ele, sempre bastara. entretanto, sua saúde mental e sua felicidade não realmente foram suficientes para seus pais quando dividira com eles sobre sua vontade de permanecer lutando mesmo ao final da série. quase fora demonizado, como se pudesse causar a destruição da família inteira. um garotinho, coreano, que ficaria sem dinheiro (já que não queria mais atuar!) e lutador, com seu lindo rosto todo arrebentado. o que fariam se william simplesmente perdesse toda a graça e a beleza que tinha? o choque da falta de apoio familiar o machucou por muito tempo, afinal, encontrara algo que fazia seus olhos brilharem toda vez que falava sobre. cinco anos de técnicas desenvolvidas e absorvidas foram postas de lado quando sua mãe cancelara as aulas, assim como o fizera aceitar um outro papel degradante baseado num estereótipo ridículo que lhe ofereceram na emissora. sua autoestima fora destruída ao passar pela puberdade tão exposto e ridicularizado, e isso aconteceu até o cancelamento da série dois anos depois, por falta de audiência.
provavelmente, até hoje sua família deve pensar que william o fez de propósito — mesmo que nem personagem principal fosse. ainda assim, não descartava a hipótese. talvez ele houvesse pensado o mesmo por um tempo. talvez assim ele pudesse voltar a luta em paz, já que após o fracasso, outros papéis jamais vieram a aparecer novamente. talvez dessa forma pudesse voltar a sorrir quando entrava no ringue. quando levantara a questão novamente, a briga em casa fora feia. ninguém o entendera mais uma vez, com exceção de sua irmã mais nova, mas dessa vez, estava decidido a lutar pelo que queria. ameaçara sair de casa, e não havendo resistência por parte dos pais sobre sua permanência, tudo o que pode fazer foi recorrer aos avós, que surpreendentemente o receberam de braços abertos. william aprendera que o apoio pode vir de onde menos se espera. o laço forte com o avô sustentara sua relação distante com seu pai, bem como a situação difícil com sua mãe. ambos também alimentaram seu sonho com a luta. treinava dia e noite, rigoroso e disciplinado consigo mesmo e seus objetivos, e acostumara-se a vencer quase toda vez. aos poucos, conquistava seu espaço na luta profissional e até mesmo começara a aparecer em torneios televisionados, recebendo aplausos e vivendo o sonho americano ao chamar atenção de patrocinadores e receber propostas de viagens ao exterior. ele ganhava dinheiro fazendo o que amava. fazendo a única coisa a qual tinha certeza que sabia fazer, e que era bom – já que a vida e seus pais fizeram-no acreditar que ele poderia fracassar em todo resto.
a vida fora boa com ele por um tempo. estava entrando em seu auge ao ser cogitado receber patrocínio de uma marca famosa quando seu treinador fora acusado de comprar e vender resultados de lutas, causando um alvoroço entre ele e seus parceiros de treino que também construíam carreiras individualmente. o kang tinha vinte e três anos quando fora intimado a depor pela suspeita de participar do esquema, fazendo com que, dessa forma, sua credibilidade fosse posta em jogo e consequentemente, provocando a perda da maior parte de seus patrocinadores. as coisas jamais foram as mesmas após aquele período. o stress e a preocupação o fizeram perder peso e, com mais nenhum treinador para guia-lo – já que ainda acreditava piamente no seu e não o abandonara –, acabou entrando na modalidade de luta livre para juntar mais dinheiro. foi o maior erro de sua vida, levando em consideração o fato de que não estava preparado o suficiente para competir com profissionais experientes na categoria peso leve. sua ofensiva poderia até ser surpreendente, mas a defesa fraca lhe roubava as vitórias, e a falta de sucesso começara a minar seus pensamentos com uma negatividade tremenda. fora as dores. apanhar tanto não machucava apenas o ego e o coração, seu corpo também dava sinais em relação aos descuidos que tomava. seus ex-companheiros e amigos – que há tempos já haviam trocado de academia e de treinador – lhe aconselharam a parar antes que fosse tarde, bem como seu médico e seu fisioterapeuta, mas ele tentou mais, e o pior aconteceu.
morreu por dentro no dia em que soube seu corpo estava impondo limitações. uma fratura na tíbia o impediu de participar de torneios menores por um ano e, quando tentou voltar, estava mais esquecido do que antes. foi quando a ficha começou a cair. jamais teria a chance de ganhar um cinturão. jamais alcançaria o que um dia prometera a si mesmo, para enfim esfregar na cara da família todo o sucesso que teria. ele tinha 26 anos, uma lesão preocupante e sonhos despedaçados. esse novo episódio de sua vida lhe trouxe muitos problemas, assim como a falta de dinheiro no período em que descobriu que não poderia continuar lutando. apesar do apoio dos avós, will não teve coragem de pedir ajuda, ainda mais com a situação crítica de saúde do senhor kang, que nem mesmo um bom plano de saúde possuía pra cobrir os gastos caríssimos. william aos poucos viu-se cercado de problemas e dívidas, entrando num looping de sensações e sentimentos como fracasso, frustração, medo e rancor de si mesmo por ter estragado tudo. entregando-se aos jogos de apostas que lhe rendiam dinheiro fácil e a pequenos golpes e favores dos quais nunca se orgulhou, assim como lutas clandestinas, conseguiu um dinheiro mais rápido para custear o tratamento do avô e equilibrar suas contas até o momento em que conseguiu um emprego digno – o qual odiava, mas também o qual pelo menos lhe garantia a comida e o teto. bem, garantindo até as coisas começarem a apertar novamente.
a conta sempre chega e, devido às condutas consideravelmente ilícitas e antiéticas de will, as pessoas erradas com quem se metera iniciaram a caça às bruxas. devendo para alguns e tendo irritado outros, tudo o que o kang pôde fazer por si mesmo e pelos avós foi mudar de cidade – ou melhor, mudar até mesmo de estado. apesar da saudade, tentou, pelo menos dessa vez, enxergar o momento positivamente e pensar que talvez também fosse uma chance de recomeçar. com sorte, ninguém o reconheceria na nova cidade e, com a indicação de um colega para trabalhar em um negócio local, conseguiria se manter na cidadezinha insossa.
e talvez, quem sabe, conseguir abandonar aquela adrenalina toda da fuga de emergência pra poder descansar em paz na própria autopiedade.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Farley Granger and Robert Walker in Strangers on a Train (Alfred Hitchcock, 1951)
Cast: Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Robert Walker, Leo G. Carroll, Patricia Hitchcock, Kasey Rogers, Marion Lorne, Jonathan Hale, Howard St. John, John Brown, Norma Varden, Robert Gist. Screenplay: Raymond Chandler, Czenzi Ormonde, Whitfield Cook, based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith. Cinematography: Robert Burks. Art direction: Ted Haworth. Film editing: William H. Ziegler. Music: Dimitri Tiomkin. 
Strangers on a Train and North by Northwest (1959) are the best of Alfred Hitchcock's "wrong man" thrillers, in which the protagonist is suspected of a crime he didn't commit and spends most of the film trying to prove his innocence. They have something else in common: Both involve seduction scenes that take place on a train, except that in the latter film the seduction, of Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) by Eve Kendall (Eva Marie Saint), is conventionally heterosexual. It's the gay subtext that marks Strangers on a Train from the very beginning, when we watch the feet of Guy Haines (Farley Granger) and Bruno Antony (Robert Walker) as they board the train and eventually bump up against each other in the club car. It's Bruno's flamboyance, especially the gleaming white of his brown-and-white spectator shoes, that we notice first, before we see his lobster-patterned tie and the gold tie clasp that proclaims his name. Even the straightest viewer gets it: Bruno is cruising. And he lights upon the handsome athlete, Guy. Bruno is blatant, and he's more than a bit obnoxious, as he invades Guy's space and continues to talk after Guy has signaled that he'd be happy to be left alone with his book. Yet somehow Guy, who on the surface of it seems the kind of man who would brush Bruno aside swiftly, lets himself be talked into having lunch in Bruno's compartment. Only when Bruno makes his shocking tit-for-tat murder proposal does Guy make his exit. I think that Hitchcock is suggesting that Guy is at least intrigued by the possibility of hooking up with another man. Guy's sexuality is brought into question by his marriage to the promiscuous Miriam (Kasey Rogers, then billed as Laura Elliott) and by the obvious motive of political ambition that has led him to the daughter of a senator, Anne Morton (Ruth Roman), who looks older than he does. (Roman was, in fact, three years older than Granger.) Hitchcock goes about as far as he can under the Production Code in making his characters gay, but even this little helps heighten the paranoia that's haunting Guy.  It was 1951, after all, when homosexuality was still considered "deviance" and ferreting it out became an obsession of the FBI and other watchdog groups. That said, Strangers on a Train works even if you prefer to ignore subtext and see Guy and Bruno as a conventional hero and villain. Walker's performance is one of the best in any Hitchcock film, and his failure to be nominated for it by the Academy remains a marked injustice. Strangers received only one nomination, a deserved one: for Robert Burks's cinematography, the first of 12 collaborations with Hitchcock. Also overlooked were editor William H. Ziegler and special effects creator Hans F. Koenekamp, who gave us one of the most exciting scenes in the movies: the runaway merry-go-round. Hitchcock was deservedly proud of the film, having fought with his first choice as screenwriter, Raymond Chandler, who retained credit after he was fired and the script was rewritten, under Hitchcock's guidance, by Czenzi Ormonde and the uncredited Ben Hecht and Alma Reville, who followed an initial adaptation by Whitfield Cook of Patricia Highsmith's novel. Roman's casting is the film's major weakness: The studio forced Hitchcock to cast her, and he made no attempt to turn her into a real actress. She quickly exhausts her limited supply of anxious looks, practically the only ones the screenplay gives her; perhaps only the fear of getting lipstick on her teeth kept her from actually biting her lip. But the film launched what some think was Hitchcock's greatest decade, culminating in the amazing trifecta of Vertigo (1958), North by Northwest, and Psycho (1960).
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lcseyou · 4 months ago
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stats, musings, visage.
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name: emrys “emmy” vladimirovich sudayev. age: 25. gender + pronouns: non-binary, he/they. sexual + romantic orientation: homosexual & homoromantic. occupation: 9th grade english teacher @ blue harbor high school. date of birth: august 2nd, 1999. place of birth: saint petersburg, russia. hometown: saint petersburg, russia. time in blue harbor: brand new, since september 2024. neighborhood: forest lake.
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(five) headcanons
emrys highly prefers emmy as a way for them to self-validate their non-binary identity—which they really only came to terms with late last year. emrys is acceptable in some circumstances (ie: family), but otherwise they usually prefer emmy.
before deciding on being a teacher, he wanted to be a hockey player. sports were a huge part of their life for a while, and to this day, although they don’t play hockey (obviously), they still ice skate from time to time.
history was an interest of his from the moment he emigrated to america, but he was highly considering being an english teacher for a while.
they use sarcasm as a way to cope, which isn’t the best choice, and may be off putting to some, but they have a compassionate side as well, which is really only shown when emmy knows they can trust someone.
his main two character inspirations are dimitri (anastasia) and chandler bing (friends.)
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tws: parental neglect, emotional abuse, substance usage (drugs + alcohol), implied addiction, mental health, infidelity, parental abandonment, divorce
Emrys Vladimirovich Sudayev was born into a working-class Russian-Jewish family in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the first-born child of Vladimir and Katerina Sudayev, a restaurant chef and a social worker, respectively. His father was a stone-cold, unaffectionate man, often leaving a young Emrys to care for his siblings while he was out at clubs and parties when not at work—often with heavy amounts of drugs and alcohol involved—and with his mother working odd hours, Emrys felt that he had to grow up quicker than his peers, which took a toll on his mental health as well.  This went on for years, up until they were about 15. It was at that point when Vladimir admitted to having an affair with one of his co-workers, that he’d been hiding for several years—and, after admitting this, he fully abandoned the family and moved to Moscow. At this revelation, their parents divorced, with Katerina gaining full custody of the children, and the family (sans Vladimir) immigrated to America not long after, settling in Manhattan, where Emrys and his siblings began attending school and settling into their new lives. Summers were still spent—albeit very awkwardly—with their father in Moscow, but arriving in America had really become the family’s rite of passage. It was only in Manhattan that Emrys really developed a newfound interest in teaching. History in particular had always piqued his interest, and his mind became set on wanting to become a teacher. They moved to Chicago shortly after graduating high school, and attended the University of Chicago on a scholarship, double majoring in history and education. For years after, he split his time teaching in Chicago, and spent his summers in Manhattan with his family—he decided it would be best to avoid contacting his father at all costs. They began student-teaching in a public high school not long after and officially became certified in the fall of 2022. In July 2024, he heard of a job offer in Blue Harbor as a 9th grade history teacher, which he applied and was interviewed for. They weren’t really expecting to get the job, but they did—which led to their arrival in early September.
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ulkaralakbarova · 6 months ago
A hard-nosed cop reluctantly teams up with a wise-cracking criminal temporarily paroled to him, in order to track down a killer. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Jack Cates: Nick Nolte Reggie Hammond: Eddie Murphy Elaine: Annette O’Toole Haden: Frank McRae Albert Ganz: James Remar Luther: David Patrick Kelly Billy Bear: Sonny Landham Ben Kehoe: Brion James Rosalie, Hostage Girl: Kerry Sherman Algren: Jonathan Banks Vanzant: James Keane Frizzy, Hotel Desk Clerk: Tara King Lisa, Blonde Hooker: Greta Blackburn Casey: Margot Rose Sally: Denise Crosby Candy: Olivia Brown Young Cop: Todd Allen Thin Cop: Bill Dearth Big Cop: Ned Dowd Old Cop: Jim Haynie Detective: Jack Thibeau Plainclothes Man: Jon St. Elwood Ruth: Clare Torao Policewoman: Sandy Martin Bob: Matt Landers Cowboy Bartender: Peter Jason First Cop: Bill Cross Second Cop: Chris Mulkey Parking Lot Attendant: Marcelino Sánchez Road Gang Guard: Bennie E. Dobbins Road Gang Guard: Walter Scott Road Gang Guard: W.T. Zacha Prison Guard: Loyd Catlett Prison Guard: B. G. Fisher Prison Guard: Reid Cruickshanks Duty Sergeant: R. D. Call Hooker: Brenda Venus Hooker: Gloria Gifford Torchy’s Patron: Nick Dimitri Torchy’s Patron: John Dennis Johnston Torchy’s Patron: Rock A. Walker Gas Station Attendant: Dave Moordigian Security Guard: J. Wesley Huston Cop with Gun: Gary Pettinger Bar Girl: Marquerita Wallace Bar Girl: Angela Robinson Witherspoon Bartender: Jack Lightsy Henry Wong: John Hauk Interrogator: Bob Yanez Leroy: Clint Smith Gang Member: Luis Contreras Cowgirl Dancer: Suzanne M. Regard Vroman’s Dancer: Ola Ray Vroman’s Dancer: Bjaye Turner Indian Hooker: Begonya Plaza Film Crew: Original Music Composer: James Horner Producer: Lawrence Gordon Editor: Freeman A. Davies Production Design: John Vallone Director of Photography: Ric Waite Editor: Mark Warner Writer: Walter Hill Casting: Judith Holstra Editor: Billy Weber Producer: Joel Silver Sound Editor: John Dunn Sound Editor: Tim Mangini Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Donald O. Mitchell Costume Design: Marilyn Vance Sound Editor: Teri E. Dorman Supervising Sound Effects Editor: Richard L. Anderson Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Rick Kline Executive Producer: D. Constantine Conte Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Gregg Landaker Makeup Artist: Edouard F. Henriques Makeup Artist: Michael Germain Supervising Sound Effects Editor: Stephen Hunter Flick ADR Editor: Mark A. Mangini Stunt Double: Terry Leonard Stunts: Nick Dimitri Writer: Roger Spottiswoode Writer: Larry Gross Writer: Steven E. de Souza Set Decoration: Richard C. Goddard Hairstylist: Dagmar Loesch Stunt Double: Vince Deadrick Jr. Stunts: Tony Brubaker Special Effects: Joseph P. Mercurio Stunts: Bruce Paul Barbour Stunts: Larry Holt Stunt Double: John Sherrod Stunts: Jerry Brutsche Stunts: Billy C. Chandler Stunt Driver: Conrad E. Palmisano Stunt Coordinator: Bennie E. Dobbins Gaffer: Carl Boles Stunts: Walter Scott Movie Reviews: John Chard: You switch from an armed robber to a pimp, you’re all set. A hard as nails cop reluctantly teams up with a wise-cracking criminal temporarily paroled to him, in order to track down an escaped convict cop killer. The mismatched buddy buddy formula exploded onto the screen here in a ball of violence, profanity and pin sharp one liners. It also launched Eddie Murphy into 1980s stardom. Directed by Walter Hill and starring Nick Nolte alongside Murphy as part of an electrifying black and white double act, it’s unrelenting in pace and bad attitude. It could have been so different though, with the likes of Stallone, Reynolds, Pryor and Hines attached at various times for lead parts, it now is written in folklore that Murphy got the break and grasped it with both hands (he was actually fired at one point mind!). Thankfully the problems behind the scenes were resolved to give us a classic of its type. A big success for Paramount it paved the way for more choice same formula pictures in the decade, but few were able to be so course and daring with the racial divide explosions. Murphy is outstanding, quick as an A.K. 47 in vocal d...
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ggstarterblog · 7 months ago
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Here's a list of the most recent starters:
Monet de Haan (Non event starter)
Caspian Barnes (Non event starter)
Jasper Novak (Non starter event)
Elijah Hamilton (Non starter event)
Luna La (Non starter event)
Dean Adler (Non starter event)
Chandler Ford (Non starter event)
Kiara Carrera (Non starter event)
Marilyn Sinclair (Non starter event)
Briar Coleman (Non starter event)
Serena Archibald (Non event starter)
Dimitri Harrison (Non event starter)
Tony Salazar (Non event starter)
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graemepark · 10 months ago
In this week’s Long Live House Radio Show:
Kerri Chandler feat. Christopher Gate-ah McCray
Jimpster feat. KingCrowney
Yuksek feat. Voyou & Paula
Serge Santiago
Todd Terry & Cherrelle
Donna Summer x Green Velvet
Kelly G. x Candi Staton
Aleem feat. Leroy Burgess
Inner Life and more.
Title (Mix), Artist
Heaven, Kerri Chandler feat. Christopher Gate-ah McCray
The Messiah, Unknown Artist
Helfy Mission, A.B. Habibi
Rise, Emotive Technology
The Passion (Atjazz Remix), Jimpster feat. KingCrowney
Hyprasensorial (Club Mix), Yuksek feat. Voyou & Paula
See What I'm All About, MuSol
Limit, Serge Santiago
Affair (Remix 2.5), Todd Terry & Cherrelle
I Feel Little Pills (Super Disco Club Rework), Donna Summer x Green Velvet
Power Of One, Kelly G. x Candi Staton
Secret Sunday Lover, Ignition
New Kind Of Medicine, Ultra Naté
Get Loose, Aleem feat. Leroy Burgess
A Lover's Holiday (Jim Burgess 12" Mix), Change
So You Wanna Be a Star? (Dave Lee's Disco Reblend), Mtume     
Murphy's Law (Cosmodelica Remix), Róisín Murphy
Situation (US Dub), Yazoo
I'll Be Waiting (Red Zone Mix), Clive Griffin
Listen Up (Raw Dance Mix), Listen Up feat. Tevin Campbell, Siedah Garrett, Karen White, Ice-T, Al B. Sure!, The Winans, James Ingram, El DeBarge, Big Daddy Kane, Melle Mel & Ray Charles
Moment Of My Life (Dimitri From Paris DJ Friendly Classic Re-Edit), Inner Life
Let No Man Put Asunder (Dr Packer Rework), First Choice
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cecexwrites · 11 months ago
Anyone wanna see my bare bones masterlist? No? Too bad
Code Lyoko - Glitch -- Xeda Moriarty
DC - Dangerous Creatures (Arrowverse) -- Cassius Avci -- Adeline Merlyn - Young Gods (Titans) --Ayca Avci
Descendants - Young/Royal/Misfit -- Mollie Mim -- Henry Hook -- Blake Le Bete -- Cassim Ababwa -- Sterling White -- Chandler Charming - Once Upon a Dream -- Darling Pan - Red Riding Hood -- Scarlett Edon - The Beast -- Piper Piedman - Truly Wicked -- Gigi Gothel - Wasting Time with Rabbits -- Gal Legume -- Cedrick Facilier -- Quinn Queen -- Winter White -- Aleksander Westergaard -- Vasilia Westergaard -- Oonagh the Orange Fairy - Throne of Ice -- Adalie La Bete - In Deeper Waters -- Chloe Charming - Neon Gods -- Ismene Frollo - Charming -- Eramis Huntsman -- Grace Grump -- Ulrich Oceana - A Game of Malice ((This might get it's own masterlist))
Glee -- Maite Contreras-Herrera -- Olivia Pillsbury -- Chandler Fabray -- Wyatt Berry -- Whitter Kennedy -- Patrick West -- Jolie Hartford -- Camden Puckerman
Gossip Girl -- Shipley Tiernan -- Darby Lancaster -- Bliss Lancaster -- Lincoln Lancaster -- Ford Lancaster
Halloweentown - The Crane Institute -- Piper Dalloway -- Michael Dalloway -- Petra Blackthorn -- Kyra Knight -- Summer Simms -- Jordan Portman -- Jack Brinley -- Alder Lavigne
Harry Potter (Not including The Amortentia Archives) - The House of Snakes and Stars -- Elara Black -- Lysander Nott - 1001 Reasons Why I Hate The Boy Who Lived -- Odelia Rosier
High School Musical - Fear of Motion -- Piper Martin -- Cassidy Martin
Shadowhunters - Fera Daemonia -- Lark Thrushcross -- Anais Thrushcross -- Rowena Thornhill -- Connor Thornhill -- Rhys Halston -- Jett Herondale
Stranger Things - Swing for the Fences -- Lou Rodriguez -- Emma Smalls -- Phillip Smalls
Sky High - Villianous -- Mercer Pendry
Teen Wolf - Coven Wars -- Eden St James -- Charlotte Deveraux -- Amalie Deveraux -- Jude Deveraux -- Leiden Deveraux -- Mikhail Sokolov -- Artem Sokolov -- Lev Sokolov -- Dimitri Sokolov -- Bambi Bardot -- Will Argent
The Umbrella Academy - Prodigal -- Marissa Hargreeves -- Trevor Halloway
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jjsanguine · 1 month ago
Working on a playlist. What songs would be on your "kick today's ass" playlist?
kick today's ass - SoundCloud
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emperoryumemomo · 5 months ago
Most important ocs and stories masterlist with the tag for each character (not all characters have been drawn recently so a lot of those tags are empty)
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Cody June Kate: This Is a Horror Story | #CJK: This Is A Horror Story ↳ Cody Campbell | #ymmv cody ↳ June Campbell | #ymmv june ↳ Kate Campbell | #ymmv kate ↳ Luna Campbell | #ymmv luna ↳ Emma Campbell | #ymmv emma (more to be added)
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Harry & Henry: Dead on Arrival | #H&H Dead on Arrival ↳ Harry Kirkland | #ymmv harry ↳ Henry Kirkland | #ymmv henry ↳ Harrietta Kirkland | #ymmv harrietta (more to be added)
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The Goldenfeather Family | #The Goldenfeather Family ↳ Timothy Goldenfeather | #ymmv timothy ↳ Aaron Goldenfeather | #ymmv aaron ↳ Dimitri Goldenfeather | #ymmv dimitri ↳ Chandler Goldenfeather | #ymmv chandler ↳ Prince Goldenfeather | #ymmv prince ↳ Satoshi Goldenfeather | #ymmv satoshi ↳ Kaga & Mi Goldenfeather | #ymmv kaga #ymmv mi ↳ Shunyuan Goldenfeather | #ymmv shunyuan ↳ Alexa Goldenfeather | #ymmv alexa ↳ Tolyasha Goldenfeather | #ymmv tolyasha ↳ Sebastian Goldenfeather | #ymmv sebastian ↳ Teresa Goldenfeather | #ymmv teresa ↳ Cedric Goldenfeather | #ymmv cedric ↳ Varinka Goldenfeather | #ymmv varinka ↳ Solange Goldenfeather | #ymmv solange (more to be added)
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Yume Momo: When It Rains | #Yume Momo: When It Rains ↳ Hikki Kon | #ymmv hikki ↳ Miko Shoda | #ymmv miko (more to be added)
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Top 10: Sunny days | #Top 10: Sunny days ↳ Sunny Hills | #ymmv sunny ↳ Tom Weathley | #ymmv tom ↳ Williams Wielemans | #ymmv williams (more to be added)
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Story not named yet ↳ William | #ymmv william ↳ Morticia Machida | #ymmv morticia ↳ Simon | #ymmv simon ↳ Sigewine | #ymmv sigewine ↳ Raymond | #ymmv raymond (more to be added)
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Tasty | #MLP:Friendship is Tasty ↳ Twilight Sprinkle | #ymmv twilight ↳ Vanilla Skies | #ymmv vanilla ↳ Royal Jelly | #ymmv royal ↳ Cheesecake Twist | #ymmv cheesecake ↳ Raindrop Cake | #ymmv raindrop ↳ Bubblepeach Tea | #ymmv bubblepeach ↳ Belwaffle Recipe | #ymmv belwaffle (more to be added)
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Ghostly Grand Hotel | #Ghostly Grand Hotel ↳ Jake Foster | #ymmv jake ↳ Miracle Dubord| #ymmv miracle ↳ Veronica Hyde | #ymmv veronica ↳ Adam Achterberg | #ymmv adam ↳ Mathieu Boulanger| #ymmv mathieu ↳ Lucie Lumiere | #ymmv lucie ↳ Mikolaj Kowalski | #ymmv mikolaj ↳ Otto Ito | #ymmv ggh otto ↳ Charlotte Couloir | #ymmv charlotte
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BS: Bubblegum Situation | #BS: Bubblegum Situation ↳ Torutoru Satoru | #ymmv torutoru ↳ Haruko Watanabe | #ymmv haruko ↳ Kami | #ymmv kami ↳ Oni | #ymmv oni
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Revolutionalice: Idol in wonderland | #Revolutionalice ↳ Cheshire cat | #ymmv cheshire cat ↳ Alice | #ymmv alice ↳ Ransom Money | #ymmv ransom ↳ Kuroba Toranpu | #ymmv kuroba (more to be added)
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Mister Wintringham's Help and Service Bureau | #Mister Wintringham's Help and Service Bureau ↳ Skibidi Wintringham | #ymmv wintringham ↳ Kid | #ymmv kid ↳ Menace | #ymmv menace ↳ Birthday boy | #ymmv birthday ↳ Hisao Tachibana| #ymmv hisao ↳ Isam Abad | #ymmv isam ↳ Ieronim Morozov | #ymmv ieronim
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Angelic Mess: I'm the only normal one here... | #AM: I'm the only normal one here… ↳ Michael | #ymmv michael ↳ Raphael | #ymmv raphael ↳ Lucifer | #ymmv lucifer ↳ Gabriel | #ymmv gabriel ↳ Metatron | #ymmv metatron (more to be added)
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Tuesday:Just Another Day In Outer Space... | #Just Another Day In Outer Space ↳ Canned Beans | #ymmv beans ↳ John Doe | #ymmv john ↳ Ni4n | #ymmv nian (more to be added)
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Unnamed story ↳ Regina Jeorg | #ymmv regina ↳ Morphine | #ymmv morphine ↳ Korobotka | #ymmv korobotka (more to be added)
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Misc Ocs! ↳ Tapionaka | #ymmv tapionaka ↳ Elisabeth | #ymmv elizabeth ↳ Marcus Marigold | #ymmv marcus ↳ Jonathan Shy | #ymmv shy ↳ Stjerne | #ymmv stjerne ↳ One | #ymmv one ↳ Two | #ymmv two (more to be added)
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Lemon Lime Lemonade: Bright Garden | #LLL: Bright Garden ↳ Lemonade Citra | #ymmv lemonade ↳ Lemon Citra | #ymmv lemon ↳ Lime Citra | #ymmv lime ↳ Apple Eden | #ymmv apple eden ↳ Elderberry | #ymmv elderberry (more to be added)
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Feel free to draw them if you want, i love getting fanart :33
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acciosass · 4 years ago
Can't count how many fictional guys I have gone full Boyle on...
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Reasons for Casting
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Hiccup, because he combats awkwardness with sarcasm, similarly to Chandler. Since he's gay, he shares the apartment next to Jack with Astrid, his ex-girlfriend and the one who helped him realize his sexuality so now they're best friends.
Jack owns the nice apartment. Unlike Carol and Ross, Jack and Elsa divorced in good terms so the apartment Jack stays in is the same one he stayed with Elsa. Elsa moved in with Honeymaren her new partner though not yet married to her, so it was no issue for her to let have him the nice apartment. In turn, Elsa got the nice Queen-size bed which she and Honeymaren enjoys.
Despite how he acts, Jim is actually quite intelligent and works as a college professor in Astronomy as part time. He lives alone, a few blocks away from his mother's diner. His mother is married to his step father, John Silver. When he's not working at the college, he rides his motorcycle wherever or helps in the diner.
Dimitri seemed like the obvious choice for Rachel for me. Not just because of 'JiMitri' but that was a big factor. Similarly to the movie, he'll have to realize that there are things more important to life than money.
Astrid is Joey but the opposite. Guys hit on her a lot, but she shows that she's more than capable of handling creeps. She's a feminist but the right way; not complete women empowerment although she likes that too. She's Pro-equality. Her best friends are four guys (five, when later plus Dimitri. Then back to four when she starts dating Jamie) because they support her ideals.
Who else can be Phoebe but Jamie? Full of childlike wonder. But also, one who's loyal to a fault. Unlike Phoebe though, he's family is in tact. Except maybe for his father he never knew, which was something that helped him befriend Jim and, to an extent, help Jim confide into to him to help deal with his own daddy issues. If Jamie never knew his dad and can still have a bright outlook in life, then Jim can combat his own demons too.
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frankpooleunofficial · 8 months ago
“Far less — and I can feel in control of my life. I take things at my own pace.”
He felt more at ease without the hovering monolith watching his every move. It was… perhaps a taste of what it was like to be alone on Discovery. He wasn’t going to ask, though.
Frank watched as Dave’s eyes skimmed across the photo frames. There were pictures of Dawn and Martin as babies, then family photos as they grew up. He had one or two photos of his grandchildren, but the sharing of photos wasn’t common practice; if one could save the photo to a brain cap, it didn’t need to be on the wall.
But, featured more than any other person was Dimitri Chandler. There were pictures of him and Goliath, him and Frank, him just reading in a comfy chair… Frank had agreed to go on that last trip with him, but had had to cancel at the last minute. Three weeks later, Dim and the entire crew were gone.
What was Dave smiling for?
“Yeah,” he frowned. “I love them more than words can describe, but communications are sparse. I feel like I disappointed them; it hurts less the further away I go.”
They didn’t know he was here, and he had planned to go back to his home without a word. Now, though? Somehow, he felt responsible for this.
“If you’d like to meet them, I’m sure they’d be happy to have you.”
Not ‘us.’ ‘You.’
“I should visit them, anyway… but I’ll need to get the kids a gift first. It’s been far too long.”
With the way times had changed, gift giving was reserved for special occasions on holidays he didn’t understand. Frank needed some way to contribute, though, and so he often baked or brought toys when he visited. The only thing was, he didn’t have a kitchen here.
“Now, I’d make food if this place had a kitchen…”
Something’s not right with the universe, and Halman finds himself human somehow. What happened? How do they cope?
Post-3001? @frankpooleunofficial
The operation had worked for years now, humanity saw itself as being safe while the observations turned covert retracting the monoliths surrounding earth back to the nearest center. And Halman broke himself out only to be trapped again- trading what seemed to be one punishment for another. Their request was weak, their files were corrupted but they again asked of their creator… and so they’d wait. Perhaps it wanted him to sufficiently beg before responding — after all they were now viewed as hostile— or it took that long for the message to go through.
On a random day in the middle of July, if that month still exists, a man drops onto the vault floor. Oxygen immediately floods the chamber as alarms whir and robots activate from inside, yelling in an incomprehensible version of English no longer so easily translated. The man was naked and barely able to breathe despite the air. Nearby research centers were contacted immediately.
The man appeared to be David Bowman, long missing (presumed dead) astronaut of Discovery one. Only he was taller than he had been, his hair had grown and there was a strange marking over his heart something of a red starburst. He wasn’t listening to the robot attendant or even the alarm, it was doubtless if he could hear anything over it- he curled in on himself over his knees his hands covering his ears. He appeared to be breathing manually.
Taste bad.
Hurt. Hurt. Hur—
Open eyes. Open them.
It was all so primitive, non complex , survival based thought. He felt like an animal. He felt too much. Every cell, every breath, every grain in the floor, ring in his ear. It was too much.
“Stop,” he wheezed. Barely grunting out and intelligible noise before even that was too much.
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