#Digital Shopping Mall Digital Shopping Coin Digital Shopping Points
biznocrats · 1 year
Digital Shopping Mall's Timeline
The first phase will be the inauguration of our social media component, where members will be paid ad revenue share 10 levels deep. Each content posted on your homepage in our social media website will earn you ad revenue share, in addition to paying affiliate commissions to ad purchaser's and ad consumer's affiliate team 10 levels deep.
More than 99% of social media users don't make money on their content shared in social media websites because you need to be an influencer to be able to monetize your content. With our ad revenue share program, everyone has an opportunity to participate through our affiliate program and our ad revenue share that is not limited to the traffic your content can attract. Each ad view or click on your home page (wall) will earn you ad revenue share, depending on whether ad revenues are shared per view or per click.
The launch of our DSM social media component will be in tandem with the launch of our Founding Membership opportunities, where Founding Members will be rewarded with Digital Shopping Points that can be spent to preorder for products and services on our mall, as well as sharing the spoils of 10% of DSM monthly revenues based on their Founding Membership ratio, which is inheritable to their heirs.
The DSM software specifications have already been prepared in a Word document and an Excel file that automates all core transactions inherent in the business model, so that blockchain-based smart contracts can be scripted by DSM's blockchain specialist and programmer, who together with the inventor of DSM's revolutionary e-commerce business model are the lead co-founders of DSM.
Right now, we are looking for capital to invest in the server that will host our DSM, affiliate software that will reward our members 10 levels deep, integration of our social media website, and the development of DSM software. This is why we are marketing our angel investment deal.
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If we get enough people who will invest in our angel deal, then the project will move faster. Otherwise, I will have to wait until the opportunity arises for me to sell my YEM and other coins I own in Unicorn Network in order to raise the needed capital.
With or without angel investment capital injection, the project will ultimately prevail and, mark my words, it is going to shut down all retail businesses worldwide.
#DigitalShoppingMall #DSM #DigitalShoppingCoin #DSC #DigitalShoppingPoints #DSP #SmartPreordering #FreeShopping #AdRevenueShare #SocialNetworking #DSMSocialMedia #AngelInvestor #EarlyInvestor #BlockchainTechnology #blockchainenthusiasts #FoundingMembers #InvitationMarketing #AffilliateProgram #WorkFromHome #ShopFromHome #ShopFromAnywhere
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santoshkumar7787 · 3 days
Benefits of handling Digital Payments by using UPI
In ancient times, people used some types of coins for purchasing purposes. Then, they used the commodity exchange method. After that, we are using money in the form of paper and coins. We used to give cash in a physical form for every purchase, even if it was a single penny or a large amount. To give or receive money from someone, we have to appear physically. Then only we can get the amount if you want to send money to anyone through the bank, which also takes some time. But now we have an option for quick money transferthrough UPI transfer. Let’s look at the benefits of UPI transactions in the post.
UPI stands for Unified Payments Interface. The UPI method was introduced by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) in 2016. UPI is a digital payment platform, even though you can use banks to send money to anyone by deposit into their account. However, it needs the account number, name, and IFSC, and you have to wait and spend your most valuable time in the bank. We must wait to take the Demand Draft, deposit the checks, and all. By using UPI money transfer,we made money transactions easy.
Digital Payment
Digital payments make our transactions more efficient through UPI money transfer.UPI is nothing but sending or receiving money using any mobile application. Now, it is more effective for everyone. To make a UPI payment, we don’t need to register the secondary person’s account details on our own. We just need the phone number linked to their bank account. One more way of digital payment is scanning the QR code to send money.
Benefits of UPI Payment
There is no need to carry cash, card, or wallet everywhere.
Caring for a mobile phone as a digital wallet is enough to make our payments.
You can instantly send money to anyone by using mobile phones.
It provides 24/7 support for money transactions.
It helps us to reduce the transaction fees from banks.
Can integrate more than one bank account under one UPI ID.
Can pay all bills by the use of UPI Payment.
You can shop for anything online by using it.
Many digital platforms provide cashback and offer reward points by using UPI Payment.
Everyone can use UPI Payment as it is a user-friendly platform.
It helps to save our time.
 The Bottom line
            After the UPI Payment's introduction, most payments are paid as digital payments. Everyone highly welcomes this payment method. Malls, Cinema Theaters, Department Stores, Showrooms, Educational Institutions, Hotels, Hospitals, and even very small merchandise shops also now have the digital payment method. Given the easy accessibility of the platform, the usage of UPI Payment is becoming more common nowadays. The UPI Paymenthas made a big change and created a revolution in Indian payment, making it more accessible to non-residential Indians. Now, this quick money transfermade us feel a stress-free life.
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
UX vs. UI Design – Everything You Need to Know
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Oftentimes, people use the terms UX and UI interchangeably, but in reality, these two have very different meanings.
At one point in time or another, we all must have overheard discussions regarding the excellent UX of a product and the lousy UI of a site. But what exactly are these two terms? What are their actual meanings? Is it some secret language that we’ll never know? Or do people just use these terms to sound cool?
Well, perhaps yes to the last question but a big NO to the rest of them. In this blog, we will discuss the difference between UX and UI. Keep reading this blog till the end to know everything about it.
Before we start talking about anything, we must make sure that we are clear on the basics. So what are UX and UI? Let’s see.
UX design stands for “User Experience Design,” and UI designs stands for “User Interface Design.”
Both of them are crucial components of a product, and they work closely together. However, notwithstanding their connection, they play very different roles and deal with entirely different facets of the product development process and the design discipline.
Prior to diving into the difference between the two elements, first, let’s go through what the terms UX and UI individually mean.
UX Design can be understood as a ‘human-first’ process that teams use to design digital and physical products.
Donald Norman, a cognitive scientist who coined the term “User Experience,” defines it as a term that circumscribes each and every facet of the interaction between the end-user and the brand and its products and services.
Sounds pretty much clear, isn’t it?
But you might have noticed that unlike what we discussed earlier, this definition does not tell much about what a UX designer does. But then again, similar to any other profession in this world, this too cannot be explained in just a line or two.
Nevertheless, this definition does imply that no matter what the medium, User Experience Design circumscribes all interactions that take place between an active or potential consumer and a business. Being a scientific method, this can be applied to anything ranging from street lamps to vehicles. But, despite being a scientific process, ever since its rise, it has been almost entirely used within the digital fields. One of the primary reasons behind this is the fact that the tech industry began exploding around the period of this term’s inception. UX Design has a fascinating history, and in case you want to know all about its origin and rise, you can always look it up on Google.
Virtually, UX applies to everything that can be experienced – whether it is a website or a coffee/tea maker or even a visit to the mall. As stated earlier, user experience is nothing but all the user interactions with a company, its product, or service. Therefore, UX design refers to all the various components that shape this user experience. A UX designer considers the feelings that the experience evokes in the user and how easily users can accomplish their desired tasks. For instance, in the case of an eCommerce website, the designer may think how easy it is for the users to complete the checkout process while shopping online? Or how easily customers can grasp that vegetable peeler? Or does our company’s mobile banking app allow the users to manage their money well? The end goal of UX design is to build easy, streamlined, coherent, and overall delightful experiences for the users.
Now we will talk about what precisely a UX designer does later in this blog. For now, let’s take a quick peek into everything you should know about UX design in short.
UX design is the way to develop and enhance the quality of all aspects of user interactions with a brand and its products or services.
Even though, in theory, UX design is a non-digital (cognitive science) process, it has been used and defined for the most part by digital fields.
One of the most widespread misconceptions about UX design is that it is about “visuals.” User experience design focuses on the overall feel of the experience.
Regardless of the fact that user interface design is an older and more practiced discipline, answering the question “What is UI design” seems like a bit of a challenge due to the wide range of misconceptions surrounding this field.
While the UX design is a cluster of tasks focusing on optimizing a product to make it more efficient and enjoyable for the users, UI design complements or adds the finishing touch to the product. User Interface design focuses on the look and feel as well as demonstration and interactivity of a product.
However, just like in the case of UX, here, too, the company hiring UI designers often and most commonly confuse it with other professions. This misinterpretation is to the extent that entirely different job posts will usually refer to the profession.
Take a look at the job openings for UI designers and go through their descriptions. You will most likely observe interpretations of the profession similar to graphic designing, and sometimes even front end development and branding design.
Meanwhile, if you go through the ‘expert’ definitions of UI design, you’ll predominantly spot descriptions that are partially akin to UX design.
Perhaps you are now wondering which one of them is actually right? – Sadly, none.
First things first, let’s clear this up for good. To begin with, unlike user experience design, UI design is purely a digital practice. A User Interface is a POI (point of interaction) between a user and a digital product or device. For example, your smartphone’s touchscreen, the trackpad you tap on to choose the type of beverage you want from the hot drinks vending machine, or the fingerprint sensor on your devices, all are points of interaction. In regards to websites and applications, user interface design focuses on the look and feel, and interactivity of the product. This process is all about ensuring that the UI of the given product is as intuitive as possible. This means cautiously taking all visual, interactive components into account that the users may come across. A UI designer will consider everything – from imagery, spacing, icons, and buttons to responsive design, color schemes, and typography.
Similar to UX design, UI design is a many-sided and challenging task. It accounts for the transformation of a product’s research, development, layout, and content into an appealing, navigating, and responsive experience for the users.
We will be discussing the whole UI design process and particular tasks that UI designers can expect later in this blog. For now, before proceeding forward, let’s take a quick recap on UI design.
UI design is strictly a digital process that thinks about each and every visual, interactive component of a product interface, such as color scheme, imagery, typography, icons, buttons, responsive design, and spacing.
The ultimate purpose of user interface design is to navigate the users visually through the interface of a product. UI design is all about developing an intuitive experience that does not make the users think a lot.
User interface design transfers the strengths and visual assets of a company to the interface of its products, ensuring that the design is harmonious, relevant, and visually appealing.
Having said that, with these crystal-clear definitions of both user experience and user interface, we are clear on the basics. This brings us to the difference between UX and UI.
Let’s dive in!
We will try and explain the various parts of a digital product using a metaphor:
Think of a product as the human body – here, the bones of the body portray the code which gives structure to the product. Likewise, the organs depict the user experience design – assessing and optimizing against input to support functions of life. Finally, the user interface design portrays body cosmetics: its demonstration, senses, and responses.
Still, confused? No need to stress out because you are not the only one.
UX and UI are the two most mistaken and abused terms in the digital field. User interface without user experience is like an artist throwing paint onto a canvas without thinking or having any idea. Similarly, user experience without a user interface is like a sculpture’s frame without any papier-mache on it. In order to offer an excellent product experience, UX and UI need to work together closely. They are both equally vital to the success of a product.
In case you have got some space for another metaphor, we would like to clarify the relationship between the UX and UI better:
Suppose you are on a vacation trip and you went to a restaurant to try out the local cuisine. As you step inside, you notice the lavish ambiance – the chairs, tables, glasses, plates, etc. Everything you are seeing is UI. Meanwhile, UX includes everything from delicious food, lighting, service, background music, parking lights, etc. Now, if you exit the restaurant in a happy mood, you experienced a great UX.
We hope you realize the difference between these two now.
Moving forward, keep in mind that UI and UX go hand in hand – you cannot just have “one” of them. Another crucial point to understand is that one does not need to have UX design skills to become a UI designer, and vice versa. UI and UX make up distinct roles with distinct processes and tasks.
In a nutshell, the primary difference that you should remember is that user experience design is all about the overall feel of the experience. While user interface design is all about how the interface of a product looks and functions.
A UX designer thinks about the whole journey of the user to resolve a specific issue: what measures do they take? What tasks do they have to accomplish? How simple and easy is the overall experience? A vast part of their work includes focusing on the types of issues as well as pain points that users encounter and how a particular product may fix them. UX designers carry out comprehensive user research to identify their target users and their needs regarding a specific product. Next, they will map out the entire user journey across the given product, taking into account things, such as IA (information architecture), i.e., the way content is organized and labeled across the product and the types of features a user might require. Ultimately, they will build a wireframe that lays out the skeleton blueprints for the particular product.
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Once they have mapped out the bare bones of the product, that’s when the UI designer comes into play to bring it into existence. A UI designer thinks about every visual facet of the user journey, such as all the separate screens and touchpoints that a user may come up against – for example, clicking on a button or scrolling down a web page, or browsing through a picture gallery. Therefore, the UX designer outlines the user journey, and the UI designer focuses on every detail that will facilitate this journey. However, this no way implies that UI is all about looks either. UI designers significantly influence whether a product is accessible and all-encompassing or not. They will ask questions such as how various color combinations can be employed to create contrast and improve readability? Or, what color combinations contribute to color blindness?
Expectantly, you must have now begun grasping the difference between UX and UI design and how they both are indeed two different practices. To sum it up:
User experience design focuses on finding out and resolving the problems users face, while user interface design focuses on developing intuitive, appealing, and interactive product interfaces.
Typically, in the product development process, UX design comes first and is followed by UI design. First, the UX designer outlines the skeleton of the user journey; then, the UI designer completes it with visual, interactive elements.
While user experience can be applied to any type of product, service, or experience, a user interface is firmly limited to digital products and experiences only.
By now, we have looked at UX and UI as individual terms as well as discussed their differences. Let’s move on to how these two work together. You may be wondering if one of them carries more weight than the other. But the truth is that both of them are equally essential.
A product that looks very pleasing but is too hard to use is an excellent example of good UI but bad UX. In contrast, a product that is very easy to use but looks awful is a perfect example of good UX but lousy UI.
As you must have realized, UX and UI strictly work together. Having one of them work without the other would still make it feel like something is missing. Even though there are hundreds of thousands of examples of excellent products that have only one of them without the other, just envisage how incredibly successful they could have been if they had kept a firm grip on both the practices.
User interface design is like the frosting on the user experience cake. Suppose you think of a fascinating idea for an application that is evidently missing from the market, and its presence could truly change the lives of many. Therefore, to proceed, you recruit a UX designer to carry out inclusive user research and help you ascertain the different features your app must have and how you should map out the complete user journey. Finally, you develop and launch the app. The word is out now that your app provides something that people have been longing for since forever. But as soon as users install the app and open it, they observe that the text on all screens is hardly visible (imagine peach text on a white background). However, that’s not it. Furthermore, the buttons are placed too close to each other, resulting in users accidentally tapping the wrong button repeatedly. This is a perfect example of a poor UI ruining what could’ve been a great UX.
In contrast, have you ever landed on an aesthetically pleasing website and found that besides the fascinating animations and apt color scheme, it is an actual pain to use it? Great UI can never compensate for a poor UX; think of buying an eye-pleasing, delicious-looking cake that actually tastes horrible as soon as you take a bite.
Hence, when it comes to product design and development, UX and UI go hand in hand, complementing one another. Moreover, it is an absolute necessity to get both these facets right with the rising market competition. Thus, whether you decide to become a UX designer or a UI designer, it is beneficial to know both aspects because, at the end of the day, you will be essentially working together.
The sole reason why we chose to write this blog is that the two fields – User Experience (UX) Design and User Interface (UI) Design have been repeatedly and unnecessarily mistaken. While these two do work together closely and complement each other in the product development process, they are not the same at all. And hopefully, we have set this straight once and for all through this blog.
When there is something wrong existing in our industries for so long, it is our responsibility to help clear things up. To wrap up, bear in mind that you need to be strong in both these fields in order to help make your product successful in this competitive marketplace. Once you get them right, there is no stopping you.
With this valuable information available at your disposal, we are sure you will be able to get the most out of both practices. So go ahead and implement this knowledge. Make sure to share this information with others who are still using the terms UX and UI interchangeably and not bothering to correct themselves. Happy designing!
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC, and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences.  We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : UX vs. UI Design – Everything You Need to Know
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faydashop · 2 years
How to get customers into your shops?
Basically, every shopkeeper wants a larger crowd of customers into their shops. “Because customers are equals to god for them”. Therefore every business needs to strategize for acquiring and retaining customers. To get the attention of customers or to attract customers there are many strategies that are being used by the businesses. And one of the major strategies is discounting. Discounting attracts the customers for buying the products and services. Discounting encourages the customers to increase their purchasing capacity. Therefore businesses use this kind of marketing strategy majorly. It is seen most of the time that online platforms like flipkart, amazon , etc provide offers for enhancing their sales. Big malls, d-marts also often use discounting methods for encouraging their sales.but small retail shops rarely use these kinds of marketing strategies for encouraging their sales. They often use bargaining as their only selling strategy. Most of the time what happens is they differ their bargaining pattern from customers to customers which leads to dissatisfaction for customers . and this is how nowadays customers are preferring online applications and malls, d-marts for shopping because they often provide offers and discounts to their customers. And it doesn't differ from customers to customers like bargaining. But this is encouraging customers to not buy from small retail shops . So what's the solution for them? How can they attract the customers using strategies like discounting? The solution is “fayda shop”! Fayda shop is a blockchain based ecosystem which will provide small retail shops a digital platform for showcasing their products online so that they can get a better customers crowd and for attracting the customers fayda shop will provide rewards points in the form of crypto coin to the end customers on their purchase and they can redeem it on their other purchase. This will encourage the customers to buy from small retail shops and it will help the small local businesses in their growth and expansion. Therefore this application will help in saving the existence of small shops which are losing their scope after the commence of online businesses. Therefore if you are a small retailer you must register yourself in the “fayda shop”.
 So that you can get better customer traffic into your shop .You can download fayda shop via playstore.
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neeraj08 · 3 years
Best deals on Shopee 10.10 Sale in Malaysia
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Shopee 10.10 Brands Festive Sale 2021 Avail Fantastic Discounts on Branded Goods on Shopee Malaysia!
Shopee 10.10 Malaysia is back with a boom with another thrilling and exciting Sale, and we can’t wait to share with more exquisites. In the previous month we have been of Shopee, 9,9 sale a great deal accelerated the inventories. 
You’re in good fortune due to the fact our 10.10 Shopee Brands Festival sale 2021 is here! Enjoy every day free delivery vouchers with a minimum spend of RM10 only, so you can purchase your favored brands barring going over budget. What’s more, our 10.10 online sale points 50% Big Brand Discounts on Unilever, P&G, and more! Expect splendid offers & discount drops and unique 10.10 promo offers on genuine products!
Besides free shipping, offers for the duration of this 10.10 company sale to shop and reward. From Daily RM1 Deals to Daily 100% Coins Cashback vouchers. Remain tuned in for one-of-a-kind 10.10 offers and promos. Want to take a new car or a new TV? Then stand a hazard to Tap & Win a Toyota Vios or LCD of Sony when you play Shopee video games like Shopee Farm and Shopee Go. 
Get Amazing Promo Deals on 10.10 Online Shopping Sale 2021 From A Variety of Brands!
No rely on what you’re searching for, we have in save for you this 10.10 sale. Need to inventory up on formulation milk and disposable diapers for your little one? Grab discounts and vouchers on Pediasure, Enfagrow, and Applecrumby. Is your skincare walking low? Replenish them while taking part in pocket savings with 10.10 offers from Nivea, Olay, L’Oreal, as from fitness & splendor companies like Sasa and Watsons!
We’re additionally present Philips, Akemi, and Colgate this 10.10 online purchasing sale, so can splurge on domestic appliances, bedding, and oral hygiene products. The 10.10 Brands Festival sale is the best time to improve all your gadgets! Look out for 10.10 offers and discounts codes digitally like Realme, Oppo, and Vivo. 
Play Shopping and Securely at Shopee Malaysia This 10.10 Brands Sale!
Besides vouchers and discounts, there are many to save like Shopee Guarantee, can experience that your cash will solely be sent to the vendor as soon as you click on “Order Received” or as soon as length elapses. Moreover, our 10.10 Brands Festival sale aspects genuine merchandise from Shopee Mall. Discovered that the product is not authentic then report to us and get instances of your cashback!
Also, observe these online purchasing protection recommendations once you keep in the course of our 10.10 sale, as nicely like the 11.11 sale and 12.12 sale so you don’t cease up falling for scams! Enjoy a wallet-friendly and protected purchasing journey with Shopee Malaysia!
What is Shopee 10.10 Hot-Air Season?
Shopee Hot Air Season let you begin purchasing till October 10,2021. During the Hot-Air session, there will be more promotions and vouchers code can use and store the excellent deals. Here are some highlights of it:
Daily free delivery with a minimum spend of RM 10 – In different words, purchase online brands with much less than RM 10!
Limited products at lowest promotional price with discounted codes and offers.
More than 30 manufacturers be a part of the 10.10 sale celebration which provides large discounts to electronics, kitchen tools, household essentials, domestic living, fashion, fitness & beauty.
Hot Air Products that come every day, check out on the web portal for updates.
Shopee’s 10.10 Brands Festival is back! 
Find the finest quality Shopee vouchers for 10.10 to revel in great pocket savings online purchases from Shopee 10.10 Malaysia. When for coupons, you’ll be in a position to find out the first-rate deals, which include free delivery on orders really worth RM10 daily, Shopee 10.10 purchases of RM33 and above as 10% cashback on carts well worth RM100. Check oftentimes up-to-date coupons web portal to unearth the brand of new Shopee 10.10 vouchers so you can avail the largest discounts offers!
Grab & Avail the Latest 10.10 Shopee Vouchers and Promo Codes for Malaysia 2021
Online buying continues to develop in Southeast Asia with much-improved systems for clients and manufacturers or retailers. Shopee, biggest brand in south-east Asia obtained a lot of promotions, a massive product range, and a streamlined web portal and mobile app, giving clients a trouble-free buying experience with Shopee Promo Codes, Voucher Codes & Discount Codes Malaysia September 2021
Shopee presents you with an easy secure online shopping environment and an easy return policy. Check out Vouchers Portal Malaysia for pocket finances with Shopee voucher codes and discount price codes to have an exciting buying ride enriched with more savings.
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wonderlandforfrosts · 3 years
Documentary “Non-place” Week 1: Scenarios & Snapshots
What is Non-place?
Non-place is a new term coined by Marc Augé. Spaces defined as non-places are spaces that are cognitively deficient; it does not require or elicit any thinking procedures from its users. These spaces are transient and they give certain directions and instructions to anonymous users; by being given directions and instructions, the spaces are cognitively deficient and does not hold enough significance to be considered as places.
Cyberspace as Non-place
In Richard Coyne’s research paper, “Thinking through Virtual Reality: Place, Non-Place and Situated Cognition,” Coyne raises questions and discusses about the validity of non-place’s terminological definition and how controversial it is. Spaces that fall under the categories of non-place are places like shopping malls, airports, or carparks, which are “custom-designed and left-over spaces of mass production, consumption and global capital.” Experiences in these spaces are fleeting and insignificant, hence, lacking in cognitive importance. And these spaces are usually permeated with new technologies consisted of human computer interactions; digital environment cannot become places since it socially isolates and dislocates users with its “detachment, coarse graphics and the desperate nature of anonymous social intercourse.”
If you use non-place’s terminological definition as the opposite of definition of places, places are spaces that enable people to achieve cognitive activities; they are spaces where thinking takes place. Coyne argues that cognitive activity has relations to environments.
“Thought is “out there” as much as it is in the head or the body.” – Richard Coyne, Thinking through Virtual Reality: Place, Non-Place and Situated Cognition
Based on related research and literature, Coyne explains that cognition is situated, meaning our brain is not the only agent of cognitive process since human bodies are very dependent on its surrounding environments. For example, how humans and animals walk is heavily relied on gravity. Accordingly, cognitive activity also depends and derives from current environment and space people are put into and therefore cognition is situated. Situated cognition redefines the concept of space “less as a container” where cognitive activity merely takes place, but more of “a social enabler within a cognitive scaffolding.”
This concept of situated cognition empowers the argument of that “we work and think in situations permeated by ubiquitous devices and technologies.” These situations can be in the spaces categorized as non-places or digital environments. The aspects of cyberspace which do align with the concept of non-place, according to Coyne, should not be considered in isolation. What makes cyberspace is not only the experience within the space, but also the transitions and procedures to reach that point. And during these procedures, users are implicated of thoughts. Therefore, cyberspace may be cognitively deficient, but when it is considered through “transitions, boundaries between conditions and thresholds,” it still has cognitive attributes and therefore, it has a room to become a place.
Documentary “Non-Place” Scenario #1
Part One. Explanation of definition of non-place (Approx. 30 secs)
What is the definition of non-place?
Examples of non-place in our daily lives
Part Two. Discussion of the term non-place (Approx. 60 secs)
Non-place in digital environments
Controversial aspects of non-place
Questions of whether cyberspace can offer places to users
Part Three. Non-place and place in Sky (Approx. 90 secs)
Videos and screenshots of non-place in Sky
Explain why users consider these spaces as non-places
Videos and screenshots of place in Sky
Explain why users consider these spaces as places
Scenario #2
Part One. Isolation: Non-place (Approx. 60 secs/ Slow, melancholy background music/ Dull colors)
Cyberspace in game Sky as non-place with user being isolated and distant from other players. 
Video is in perspective of main character.
Character starts alone in a dark place.
She reads instructions from game and follows them, but soon, she looses interests and darkness falls again.
She is surrounded by other players in shadow form; even though she sees other players, they just pass her by.
Part Two. First Encounter: Non-place to place (Approx. 60 secs/ faster-paced, opposite ambience from previous part both in colors and music)
Social interactions with other players makes the space the character is in more meaningful and important.
Character meets another player.
She lights up the player she encountered, the player lights her back, the screen becomes slightly brighter. 
Part Three. Belonging: Place (Approx. 60 secs/ Cheery music, bright colors)
Character is with more players.
Character is holding hands with other players while flying; they sit and chat together.
Ending screen with players all gathered holding hands and zooming out to the sunset.
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biznocrats · 6 months
How can you more than compensate for missing the opportunity with Bitcoin?
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khanshiqqheil · 4 years
Community Business Token
Transparent and Stable Trading Platform
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DigitalFlyer TM : The Most Affordable Business Service Platform in South Africa Introduces the Community Business Token
CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it's digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.
CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it’s digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.
Why CBT?
CBT’s vision and focus is to allow any type of community business, enter the digital era of doing business, while funding community projects for upliftment and upskilling.
Community Projects
CBT funding is mostly ear marked for various community projects including children schooling, community support, community health and entrepreneurial skilling. Stay connected to learn more.
Business and Marketing Platform
CBT is not just something that would be done in the future but an extension of an existing and growing business platform. CBT is not a future planned concept but a living and growing community infrastructure.
Giving back from the word GO
CBT’s referral bonus structure is a money back guarantee option. Our CBT partakers have the option to earn even before the CBT is closed. Make sure you read our Whitepaper and learn about the CBT bonus and cash pay-back package options.
CBT’s ICO Project Overview
Development and rollout strategy
The combination of a running business platform, an already trading and expanding market share and our CBTis a winning solution with immense growth potential for our early adopters into CBT. DigitalFlyer’s continuous expansion by means of the Community Business Expos in the more popular malls, the marketing workshops and growing market reach, enables a much broader adoption of doing business online, ultimately increasing, not just our market share but the value of CBT, for when CBT is launched as a tradeable commodity.
DigitalFlyer Overview
Firstly, it is important to understand DigitalFlyer’s business offering in order to appreciate its value as the chosen vehicle for the Initial Community Business Coin Offering. Digital marketing is the most powerful marketing platform yet in the history of our planet. We have access to around 3.5 billion users via smart devices, enabling you to sell just about anything to anyone. The trick is for you and your customer to find each other. A digital marketing base makes it possible for you to start or boost a business more easily than was possible in the past.
DigitalFlyer is a business-to-customer (B2C), as well as a business-to-business (B2B) platform focussed on serving small to medium enterprises, connecting customers to their chosen service provider or product. DigitalFlyer is an established and growing marketing and business service platform.
You started your business to make more money. You want to do what you enjoy and profit from it. In order to do that you need your time to be available to you to generate more business and more profit, not to spend time and most of your budget on administration, invoicing, marketing, social media and websites. We have created a, growing and evolving, toolkit that does all that for only R600.00 ($40) a year. By joining our network and community we multiply the value of your R600.00 ($40) many times over. DigitalFlyer is not a middleman, but an enabler and connector.
We provide you with the means to free up your time so that you can focus on your health, wealth and happiness. Our platform achieves this by lightening the administration and marketing load at an affordable price by opening the communication channels between those looking for a service and those providing it. You and your customer target each other which makes landing new business a pleasure. The platform adapts to your industry to upskill, train and empower you at whichever experience level or business stage you are at by providing you with a customisable one-stop business marketing and, ever evolving, administration platform. Our modules will streamline any business so that you are able to focus not only on doing business, but on creating wealth.
DigitalFlyer charges a R600.00 ($40) annual business membership fee for the following services which we call business modules:
Business and Marketing Platform
Your business profile can be found via web searches on our web platform and app.
Other modules that will be available as a growing list of separate add-ons to your directory are:
Recruitment made easy on our Job Seekers and Job Givers platform
Outsourcing platform for specific contractors, such as developers
Second-hand car sales section
Real-estate section
Full eCommerce Module
We provide you with the option of integrating with one or all the below online payment merchant accounts. This enables you to get paid with no commissions charged by DigitalFlyer for any sales. All commissions will be charged according to the contract with the respective payment merchant. We will always be researching the best suited payment gateways and continue to add more options.
Sage Pay (Enabled) – DigitalFlyer is the only platform that allows for multi Sage Pay account integration, meaning each of our business members can integrate their own Sage Pay account to their DigitalFlyer profile, and be paid directly.
Chips Money Manager (Under review)
K-Merchant (Under review)
PayFast (Under review)
PayPal (Under review)
Events Management Module
Any business member or user can use the Events Listing module to list upcoming events free of charge. Business members can use the full events management system to sell tickets, add merchandise and manage an event’s ticket sales.
Appointment Booking Module
All business members can use the booking system to manage their appointments. This plug-in is designed for service-based businesses, such as hairdressers, massage therapists, estate agents doing house viewings, or any other service that books out specific time slots for customers. The customer can book a desired time slot and even pay a deposit if required. Both the customer and business member will be able to track and modify their appointments.
Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)
All business members will be able to manage their customer relationships and track the status of their sales and leads via the CRM module.
Email Marketing
Email funnel – The business member has the option of creating multiple funnel mails and execute said funnel at their leisure. The platform will be POPI Act enabled, and each member will have the ability to build their own email lists.
Social Media Module
All business members will be able to integrate the major social media platforms into their marketing strategy and publish articles, messages, service or products from a centralised dashboard to all their selected social media platforms. This module will also be able to track the success of marketing campaigns, enabling our business members to adapt their marketing campaigns to maximize customer reach.
Accounting Module
All business members will be able to access basic accounting functionality on our system. Included will be the ability to action and record the following information on the fly:
Purchase Orders
Slip Management
VAT Management
Bank Reconciliation
Stock Management Module
All business members will be able to manage their stock directly from their dashboard. Stock levels can be customised with an automatic ordering setup and early warning system when stock levels are low. This plug-in will be fully integrated into the eCommerce module.
Human Resources Module
Business members will be able to manage all employee records from their dashboard, advertise available positions and publish basic job requirements.
Legal Contracts and Administration Manager Module
Business members will have a fully integrated legal file system to store, secure and manage all contracts and legal advice.
Public users i.e. customers will benefit from the following free of charge:
A personalised dashboard offering functionalities such as:
Favourites list
Transactions list
Appointment calendar
Personalised and family shopping list (shared and accessible from various devices)
Holiday planning chart
Personalised communication preference, such as specials or location notifications
Points reward tracking and management plug-in
The DigitalFlyer platform is adaptable and constantly evolves as we receive feedback from business members and their customers. It is with this community of production and exchange that we have decided to grow the platform’s ability to create wealth and opportunity for our members and their customers alike. We invite you to continue reading as we introduce you to our Community Business Coin.
Technical Info
DigitalFlyer and CBC Technical Overview
User Interface and Communication
DigitalFlyer’s business members will manage and administrate their tasks via a web interface available on all major web browsers. Basic tasks and communications will be done via the app interface.
Public user functionality will be available via the web and app interfaces. The app interface has been built on React Native for the fastest operation and phone OS integration. The app is available on iOS and Android stores.
All communication will take place digitally, utilising blog posts, via the member’s back office which will keep business members and users updated on our latest news. Our own integrated chat module will provide a real time support platform where we can quickly respond to business member and user queries. Social media platforms will be used to communicate public news and updates. The aim of all our communication channels is to maximise efficiency and minimize costs to our business model. The acquisition of on-going concerns will add a further market value growth to DigitalFlyer, resulting in the increased value of the CBC, which is linked as a tradable coin between DigitalFlyer business members and clients alike.
DigitalFlyer is a market leader in the field of digital marketing and business support. The team strives to provide top quality service to businesses and their clients by streamlining the process of connecting business to client and client to business. DigitalFlyer sources and provides best-of-breed business support partners, accounting systems and support services. We can offer this at an affordable price because we already have an active and operational platform, delivering on quality and focused on quantity.
Now, DigitalFlyer has gone one step further by introducing the Community Business Coin and our Initial Coin Offering. We created a space where our business members and their customers can generate wealth by partaking in and trading with CBC’s on our existing platform. We invite you to partake in our CBC ICO during our 12-month cycle and reap the potential benefit of an estimated 3000% growth on your initial buy-in or CBC value at the end of the ICO. Furthermore, you could not just increase your share of CBC’s by referring customers, business partners and friends. Our shared goal is more business, more profit and ultimate wealth generation, converting individual businesses and one man shows to self-sustaining prospering communities.
Token Details
Ticker: CBT
Total supply: 70000000000
Token Distribution:
20000000000 For team and participating members and reward circulation
50000000000 for public sales and bonus payouts
Accepted Currencies: USD
Min Contribution: 50 USD
Company Details
Registered Company Name: Community Business Token
Registered Country: South Africa
Company Founded: Feb 28, 2020
01 March 2020
ICO Launch
Third Community Business Mall Expo in Pretoria and launch of ICO.
01 Jun 2020
Second Stage
HELPLIFT SYSTEM ROLLOUT New release user experience release + NEW app release.
01 Sep 2020
Third Stage
Launch of FIRST CBT Community hubs + Pay with FIAT and/or Crypto on DigitalFlyer.
01 Dec 2020
Final ICO Stage
First stages of CBT on exchanges.Testing of CBT own wallet and integration to FIAT banking apps.
01 Mar 2021
Launch of CBT on exchanges. New release of DigitalFlyer App with reward system using CBT.
Jun 2021
Closing of first CBT community hub and start of second community hub.
Constant growth to ensure a sustainable growing community.
Dewald Rosema: Founder and Visionary
Abhishek Mehta: Technology Master Mind
Andrew Visagie: Wellbeing and Communications Expert
Jeetesh Gajjar: Product Owner
Doepie Du Plessis: Financial Distributor
Deep Yadav: CTO
For More Information Click Links Bellow:
Website: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/#homeToken
Whitepaper: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/files/Community%20Business%20ICO%20V3.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/cbtico
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communitybusinesscoin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/business_token
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2550289
ETH Address: 0xa809395b84354d256302D97d5C68AaEE9EF84005
DigitalFlyer TM : The Most Affordable Business Service Platform in South Africa Introduces the Community Business Token
CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it's digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.
CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it’s digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.
Why CBT?
CBT’s vision and focus is to allow any type of community business, enter the digital era of doing business, while funding community projects for upliftment and upskilling.
Community Projects
CBT funding is mostly ear marked for various community projects including children schooling, community support, community health and entrepreneurial skilling. Stay connected to learn more.
Business and Marketing Platform
CBT is not just something that would be done in the future but an extension of an existing and growing business platform. CBT is not a future planned concept but a living and growing community infrastructure.
Giving back from the word GO
CBT’s referral bonus structure is a money back guarantee option. Our CBT partakers have the option to earn even before the CBT is closed. Make sure you read our Whitepaper and learn about the CBT bonus and cash pay-back package options.
CBT’s ICO Project Overview
Development and rollout strategy
The combination of a running business platform, an already trading and expanding market share and our CBTis a winning solution with immense growth potential for our early adopters into CBT. DigitalFlyer’s continuous expansion by means of the Community Business Expos in the more popular malls, the marketing workshops and growing market reach, enables a much broader adoption of doing business online, ultimately increasing, not just our market share but the value of CBT, for when CBT is launched as a tradeable commodity.
DigitalFlyer Overview
Firstly, it is important to understand DigitalFlyer’s business offering in order to appreciate its value as the chosen vehicle for the Initial Community Business Coin Offering. Digital marketing is the most powerful marketing platform yet in the history of our planet. We have access to around 3.5 billion users via smart devices, enabling you to sell just about anything to anyone. The trick is for you and your customer to find each other. A digital marketing base makes it possible for you to start or boost a business more easily than was possible in the past.
DigitalFlyer is a business-to-customer (B2C), as well as a business-to-business (B2B) platform focussed on serving small to medium enterprises, connecting customers to their chosen service provider or product. DigitalFlyer is an established and growing marketing and business service platform.
You started your business to make more money. You want to do what you enjoy and profit from it. In order to do that you need your time to be available to you to generate more business and more profit, not to spend time and most of your budget on administration, invoicing, marketing, social media and websites. We have created a, growing and evolving, toolkit that does all that for only R600.00 ($40) a year. By joining our network and community we multiply the value of your R600.00 ($40) many times over. DigitalFlyer is not a middleman, but an enabler and connector.
We provide you with the means to free up your time so that you can focus on your health, wealth and happiness. Our platform achieves this by lightening the administration and marketing load at an affordable price by opening the communication channels between those looking for a service and those providing it. You and your customer target each other which makes landing new business a pleasure. The platform adapts to your industry to upskill, train and empower you at whichever experience level or business stage you are at by providing you with a customisable one-stop business marketing and, ever evolving, administration platform. Our modules will streamline any business so that you are able to focus not only on doing business, but on creating wealth.
DigitalFlyer charges a R600.00 ($40) annual business membership fee for the following services which we call business modules:
Business and Marketing Platform
Your business profile can be found via web searches on our web platform and app.
Other modules that will be available as a growing list of separate add-ons to your directory are:
Recruitment made easy on our Job Seekers and Job Givers platform
Outsourcing platform for specific contractors, such as developers
Second-hand car sales section
Real-estate section
Full eCommerce Module
We provide you with the option of integrating with one or all the below online payment merchant accounts. This enables you to get paid with no commissions charged by DigitalFlyer for any sales. All commissions will be charged according to the contract with the respective payment merchant. We will always be researching the best suited payment gateways and continue to add more options.
Sage Pay (Enabled) – DigitalFlyer is the only platform that allows for multi Sage Pay account integration, meaning each of our business members can integrate their own Sage Pay account to their DigitalFlyer profile, and be paid directly.
Chips Money Manager (Under review)
K-Merchant (Under review)
PayFast (Under review)
PayPal (Under review)
Events Management Module
Any business member or user can use the Events Listing module to list upcoming events free of charge. Business members can use the full events management system to sell tickets, add merchandise and manage an event’s ticket sales.
Appointment Booking Module
All business members can use the booking system to manage their appointments. This plug-in is designed for service-based businesses, such as hairdressers, massage therapists, estate agents doing house viewings, or any other service that books out specific time slots for customers. The customer can book a desired time slot and even pay a deposit if required. Both the customer and business member will be able to track and modify their appointments.
Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)
All business members will be able to manage their customer relationships and track the status of their sales and leads via the CRM module.
Email Marketing
Email funnel – The business member has the option of creating multiple funnel mails and execute said funnel at their leisure. The platform will be POPI Act enabled, and each member will have the ability to build their own email lists.
Social Media Module
All business members will be able to integrate the major social media platforms into their marketing strategy and publish articles, messages, service or products from a centralised dashboard to all their selected social media platforms. This module will also be able to track the success of marketing campaigns, enabling our business members to adapt their marketing campaigns to maximize customer reach.
Accounting Module
All business members will be able to access basic accounting functionality on our system. Included will be the ability to action and record the following information on the fly:
Purchase Orders
Slip Management
VAT Management
Bank Reconciliation
Stock Management Module
All business members will be able to manage their stock directly from their dashboard. Stock levels can be customised with an automatic ordering setup and early warning system when stock levels are low. This plug-in will be fully integrated into the eCommerce module.
Human Resources Module
Business members will be able to manage all employee records from their dashboard, advertise available positions and publish basic job requirements.
Legal Contracts and Administration Manager Module
Business members will have a fully integrated legal file system to store, secure and manage all contracts and legal advice.
Public users i.e. customers will benefit from the following free of charge:
A personalised dashboard offering functionalities such as:
Favourites list
Transactions list
Appointment calendar
Personalised and family shopping list (shared and accessible from various devices)
Holiday planning chart
Personalised communication preference, such as specials or location notifications
Points reward tracking and management plug-in
The DigitalFlyer platform is adaptable and constantly evolves as we receive feedback from business members and their customers. It is with this community of production and exchange that we have decided to grow the platform’s ability to create wealth and opportunity for our members and their customers alike. We invite you to continue reading as we introduce you to our Community Business Coin.
Technical Info
DigitalFlyer and CBC Technical Overview
User Interface and Communication
DigitalFlyer’s business members will manage and administrate their tasks via a web interface available on all major web browsers. Basic tasks and communications will be done via the app interface.
Public user functionality will be available via the web and app interfaces. The app interface has been built on React Native for the fastest operation and phone OS integration. The app is available on iOS and Android stores.
All communication will take place digitally, utilising blog posts, via the member’s back office which will keep business members and users updated on our latest news. Our own integrated chat module will provide a real time support platform where we can quickly respond to business member and user queries. Social media platforms will be used to communicate public news and updates. The aim of all our communication channels is to maximise efficiency and minimize costs to our business model. The acquisition of on-going concerns will add a further market value growth to DigitalFlyer, resulting in the increased value of the CBC, which is linked as a tradable coin between DigitalFlyer business members and clients alike.
DigitalFlyer is a market leader in the field of digital marketing and business support. The team strives to provide top quality service to businesses and their clients by streamlining the process of connecting business to client and client to business. DigitalFlyer sources and provides best-of-breed business support partners, accounting systems and support services. We can offer this at an affordable price because we already have an active and operational platform, delivering on quality and focused on quantity.
Now, DigitalFlyer has gone one step further by introducing the Community Business Coin and our Initial Coin Offering. We created a space where our business members and their customers can generate wealth by partaking in and trading with CBC’s on our existing platform. We invite you to partake in our CBC ICO during our 12-month cycle and reap the potential benefit of an estimated 3000% growth on your initial buy-in or CBC value at the end of the ICO. Furthermore, you could not just increase your share of CBC’s by referring customers, business partners and friends. Our shared goal is more business, more profit and ultimate wealth generation, converting individual businesses and one man shows to self-sustaining prospering communities.
Token Details
Ticker: CBT
Total supply: 70000000000
Token Distribution:
20000000000 For team and participating members and reward circulation
50000000000 for public sales and bonus payouts
Accepted Currencies: USD
Min Contribution: 50 USD
Company Details
Registered Company Name: Community Business Token
Registered Country: South Africa
Company Founded: Feb 28, 2020
01 March 2020
ICO Launch
Third Community Business Mall Expo in Pretoria and launch of ICO.
01 Jun 2020
Second Stage
HELPLIFT SYSTEM ROLLOUT New release user experience release + NEW app release.
01 Sep 2020
Third Stage
Launch of FIRST CBT Community hubs + Pay with FIAT and/or Crypto on DigitalFlyer.
01 Dec 2020
Final ICO Stage
First stages of CBT on exchanges.Testing of CBT own wallet and integration to FIAT banking apps.
01 Mar 2021
Launch of CBT on exchanges. New release of DigitalFlyer App with reward system using CBT.
Jun 2021
Closing of first CBT community hub and start of second community hub.
Constant growth to ensure a sustainable growing community.
Dewald Rosema: Founder and Visionary
Abhishek Mehta: Technology Master Mind
Andrew Visagie: Wellbeing and Communications Expert
Jeetesh Gajjar: Product Owner
Doepie Du Plessis: Financial Distributor
Deep Yadav: CTO
For More Information Click Links Bellow:
Website: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/#homeToken
Whitepaper: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/files/Community%20Business%20ICO%20V3.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/cbtico
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communitybusinesscoin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/business_token
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2550289
ETH Address: 0xa809395b84354d256302D97d5C68AaEE9EF84005
0 notes
orbemnews · 4 years
GameStop Finance Chief to Depart After Stock-Trading Frenzy: Live Updates Here’s what you need to know: A GameStop store in the Koreatown area of Los Angeles. Jim Bell, the company’s chief financial officer, who joined the company in mid-2019, is leaving.Credit…Philip Cheung for The New York Times GameStop’s chief financial officer, Jim Bell, is leaving the company in late March, following a stock-trading frenzy that briefly sent shares in the video game retailer surging. The company gave no reason for Mr. Bell’s departure in its announcement on Tuesday, but noted it would look for a successor “with the capabilities and qualifications to help accelerate GameStop’s transformation.” Mr. Bell joined GameStop less than two years ago. GameStop jumped into the headlines in late January when amateur investors used trading apps to buy options and pump up its share price, defying hedge funds that had bet the price would fall. The chaotic trading led to congressional hearings last week, but executives from GameStop, which was essentially caught in the middle, were not called to testify. GameStop’s share price closed at about $45 on Tuesday. It reached $483 on Jan. 28 after starting the year at $19. The wild swings in share price were detached from what was happening at the company, where a major stockholder has been trying to force a turnaround. In early January, Ryan Cohen, the manager of RC Ventures and a large stockholder, joined the GameStop board. He has been pressuring the company’s executive team to overhaul GameStop’s strategy and focus on digital growth. The company has more than 5,000 stores, many in American malls and shopping strips, but has steadily lost sales to major online retailers like Amazon. Mr. Bell joined the company in June 2019 at the age of 51 from Wok Holdings, which owns the restaurant chain P.F. Chang’s. In a short statement, GameStop thanked Mr. Bell “for his significant contributions and leadership, including his efforts over the past year during the Covid-19 pandemic.” A line at a San Antonio food distribution center on Sunday after a winter storm left millions without power.Credit…Christopher Lee for The New York Times A winter storm in Texas that pushed its power grid to the brink of collapse and left millions without electricity during a brutal cold snap has led to the resignations of five officials who oversaw the state’s electric grid. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which governs the flow of power for more than 26 million Texans, has been blamed for the widespread failures. The governor, lawmakers and federal officials quickly began inquiries into the system’s failures, particularly its preparation for cold weather, reports Rick Rojas for The New York Times. The five board members, who announced on Tuesday that they intended to resign after a meeting set for Wednesday morning, were all from outside of Texas, a point of contention for critics who questioned the wisdom of outsiders playing such an influential role in the state’s infrastructure. In a statement filed with the Public Utility Commission, four board members said they were stepping down “to allow state leaders a free hand with future direction and to eliminate distractions.” In a footnote, the filing added that a fifth member was also resigning. Those departing are the chairwoman, Sally Talberg, a former state utility regulator who lives in Michigan; Peter Cramton, the vice chairman and an economics professor at the University of Cologne in Germany and the University of Maryland; Terry Bulger, a retired banking executive who lives in Illinois; and Raymond Hepper, who is a former official with the agency overseeing the power grid in New England. Another person who was supposed to fill a vacant seat, Craig S. Ivey, has withdrawn from the 16-member board. The board became the target of blame and scrutiny after the winter storm last week brought the state’s electric grid precariously close to a complete blackout that could have taken months to recover from. In a last-minute effort to avert that, the council, known as ERCOT, ordered rolling outages that plunged much of the state into darkness and caused electricity prices to skyrocket. Some customers had bills well over $10,000. Natasha Van Duser has war stories from bartending during the pandemic. She has since left service work.Credit…Desiree Rios for The New York Times During two enormous crises — a public health emergency and an economic crash — restaurant service workers have found themselves double-exposed. Many say their average tips have declined, while they’ve been saddled with the added work of policing patrons who aren’t social distancing, or as one service worker put it, “babysitting for the greater good,” Emma Goldberg reports for The New York Times. On top of this, women, who make up more than two thirds of servers, say they are facing “maskual harassment” — a term coined by the nonprofit organization One Fair Wage to describe demands that servers remove their masks in order to get tipped. The economic challenges have raised existential questions: Could this crisis herald the end of tipping, or a raise in the minimum wage for tipped workers? Depending on subjective gratuities has long been a fraught issue, but rarely has it had the safety consequences that it does now, when workers are struggling to enforce public health compliance from the customers whose tips they depend on. Natasha Van Duser, 27, who tended bar in Manhattan, had never thought to show up to work with pepper spray. That was before last spring, when, she said, a customer dining outside spat on her and threatened to kill her when she asked him to put on a mask before walking to the bathroom; there were others who shouted expletives at her or suggested she take the temperature of their behinds instead of their foreheads. In a recent national study of more than 1,600 workers, conducted by One Fair Wage and the Food Labor Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, over three-quarters of workers reported “witnessing hostile behavior” from customers who were asked to comply with Covid-19 protocols, more than 40 percent reported a change in the frequency of unwanted sexual comments during the pandemic and over 80 percent reported that their tips had declined. Credit…Andrea Chronopoulos Last month, Laurence D. Fink, BlackRock’s chief executive, wrote that the company wanted businesses it invests in to remove as much carbon dioxide from the environment as they emit by 2050 at the latest. But crucial details were missing from the pledge, including what proportion of the companies BlackRock invests in will be zero-emission businesses in 2050. On Saturday, in response to questions from The New York Times, a BlackRock spokesman said that the company’s “ambition” was to have “net zero emissions across our entire assets under management by 2050,” The New York Times’s Peter Eavis and Clifford Krauss report. As the biggest companies strive to trumpet their environmental activism, the need to match words with deeds is becoming increasingly important. Household names like Costco and Netflix have not provided emissions reduction targets. Others, like the agricultural giant Cargill and the clothing company Levi Strauss, have struggled to cut emissions. Technology companies like Google and Microsoft, which run power-hungry data centers, have slashed emissions, but are finding that the technology often doesn’t exist to carry out their “moonshot” objectives. Determining how hard companies are really trying can be very difficult when there are no regulatory standards that require uniform disclosures of important information like emissions. Institutional Shareholder Services, a firm that advises investors on how to vote on corporate matters, analyzed what corporations are doing to reduce emissions. Just over a third of the 500 companies in the S&P 500 stock index have set ambitious targets, it found, while 215 had no target at all. The rest had weak targets. “To realize the necessary emission reductions, more ambitious targets urgently need to be set,” said Viola Lutz, deputy head of ISS ESG Climate Solutions, an arm of Institutional Shareholder Services. “Otherwise, we project emissions for S&P 500 companies will end up being triple of what they should be in 2050.” The U.S. Postal Service on Tuesday chose Oshkosh Defense, a manufacturer of military vehicles, to build the next generation of postal delivery trucks, shunning an all-electric vehicle maker that had been in the running for the multibillion-dollar, 10-year contract. Under an initial $482 million deal, Oshkosh will complete the design and then assemble 50,000 to 165,000 vehicles over 10 years, the Postal Service said. Oshkosh was awarded the contract over two other bidders. One, the Workhorse Group, a small producer of electric delivery trucks based in Loveland, Ohio, was counting on the postal contract to provide a surge in revenue. At its height this month, the company’s stock was up more than tenfold in a year, in part on hopes it would win all or part of the postal contract. On Tuesday, after the Postal Service announced its decision, Workhorse shares lost nearly half their value. The other final bidder was Karsan, a Turkish maker of trucks and buses that was considered a long shot for the contract. The choice of Oshkosh, which has no track record in producing electric vehicles, over Workhorse raised questions among some environmentalists over President Biden’s promised push to electrify the federal fleet. But some critics had also raised concerns that too swift a transition to plug-in trucks made by a fledgling company — and the buildup of charging infrastructure that would require — could burden a Postal Service already struggling with delivery delays. Oshkosh has promised to shift to battery-powered vehicles if necessary, reflecting a wider push by automakers to bolster their offerings of electric vehicles to cut down on the industry’s carbon footprint. The new vehicles will be equipped with either fuel-efficient gasoline engines or electric batteries, and they will be retrofitted to keep pace with advances in electric vehicle technology, the Postal Service said. The Post Office operates almost 230,000 vehicles and has one of the world’s largest civilian vehicle fleets, but its aging fleet — which federal data shows gets only about 10 miles a gallon — had also long been due for an upgrade. Source link Orbem News #chief #Depart #Finance #frenzy #GameStop #Live #StockTrading #Updates
0 notes
ngkio · 4 years
NGK takes you in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each project
At present, there are many types of projects on the market, such as splits, mutual assistance, dividends, rebates, air coins, etc., which are dazzling, but most of them are still cut leeks. In this industry, everyone must not be speculative and high returns. Along with high risks, there is another point that is not knowing not to invest. If you want to make a profit, you must understand the laws of the industry and have the ability to see the essence of the project.
Tumblr media
 Split disk
 The soul of the split is one sentence: The Millionaire Formula Three Out and Three In, relying on three out and three in, runs through the entire split mode to promote the market. For example, if the global initial circulation is 100 shares of wealth, and you buy 1 of the wealth, when 100 shares can no longer meet the needs of all players, then the 100 shares of wealth will be split into 200 shares. Then the 1 share you hold will become 2 shares, your wealth has increased and doubled, and the wealth doubled is because the wealth held by the player has changed from 1 share to 2, then what is the extra share? Where did it come from? From the increase in player demand, new players continue to spend money to buy "wealth", and the demand will naturally come. After all, it is a bright Ponzi scheme to use the money of new users to send benefits to old users.
 Dividend plate
 The compound interest model has been very popular in recent years. The bubble of the compound interest model is very large because everyone’s contacts are limited. When the number of platform members reaches a certain level, there will be a day when the number of orders will decrease. At this time, the platform will not The way to fulfill the promise of daily rebate is only halfway.
 Consumer rebate
 What is rebate? That is, if you buy a product in this mall, he will rebate you how much money per day according to his model, until all your money for shopping is returned to you. But there is a misunderstanding. If you invest 7,000 yuan in a project, how much will you earn in three years? Ten times the guarantee, that’s 70,000, but the consumption rebate will only give you back the cost in three years. If you invest your 7,000 investment project and earn 70,000, and then use the 7,000 to buy a TV, is there still 63,000? Yuan earned profit?
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  Mutual aid
 Mutual assistance is when you pay me, I pay you, help each other, that is, mutual assistance! For example, if you invest 3,000 yuan in it, with a monthly profit of 30%, you will enjoy a return of 3,900 yuan after that month, and a net profit of 900 yuan. In fact, mutual aid itself is similar to a fixed dividend disk, because it does not matter how many people enter the market, as long as you play The same profit is returned to you every month. It sounds okay, but this kind of mutual aid market is extremely opaque. The platform will create a lot of fake accounts to benefit the platform. This kind of project is a completely true pure fund. Once the project fails to advance, the mutual aid may change. Into mutual pits.
 Air coin
 There is still a currency speculation model. Bitcoin is the king. A big problem with currency speculation is that many people cannot judge the authenticity of the currency. Nowadays, there is a flood of currencies, including air coins, altcoins, There is a dazzling array of items, and the current speculation of coins requires large investment, ranging from 10,000 to hundreds of thousands. However, most of these air coins have no application scenarios and no background to support them. Taking advantage of the panic of the market, you think you are a Old Leek's analysis is well done, but he can't hide from the merciless sickle.
 In general, how to look at the project. First of all, the project must be able to be implemented. If the project cannot be implemented, there will be certain risks. Second, it has a good marketing system and hematopoietic function. Finally, it depends on the project team and project precipitation.
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 Compared with the projects mentioned above, NGK is a new generation public chain project. The development team has a deep technical background, adopts an innovative consensus mechanism, has Turing-complete smart contracts and the underlying technology is open source. In addition to technological innovation and stability, the project , It also needs to have a clear development direction. Various decentralized applications will be built on the underlying public chain of NGK, and a diversified business and financial ecosystem will be built, integrating various developers, side chains, communities, DAPPs, and smart contracts. And so on constitute the entire commercial closed loop.
 Not only that, on NGK’s ecological construction platform, mining can be realized through the computing power of super nodes. The mining rewards are used to promote the public chain ecology. The user’s purchasing computing power creates the concept of new market value. The accumulated users of NGK have built NGK into a value network, which is a real public chain project promoted by the community.
 On NGK's digital gain platform, users can obtain revenue by purchasing computing power, and they can also invite users to participate in obtaining direct or indirect revenue. Each time a new NGK mining user is invited, the inviting party obtains new users 5%-30 % NGK reward for mining revenue. In other words, any NGK user has very considerable dynamic mining income.
0 notes
herokita · 4 years
Written by Farhan Gazi Have you been online shopping recently? If you’re a Malaysian, the answer is likely yes. Since the Movement Control Order was put in place in March to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping has become the way of life for us Malaysians in the New Normal. Both young and old now look towards online solutions for their daily essentials. When the country moved towards the slightly laxed Conditional Movement Control Order in May, eCommerce platforms, like Lazada Malaysia, still remain as the one-stop lifestyle destination for us to get our everyday needs and it also became a lifeline for previously-offline SMEs to make ends meet. Actually, some local agricultural businesses like the Cameron Farmers even became a national sensation over a weekend by selling fresh produce on Lazada. We, Malaysians, really like our fruits and vegetables. Today, as we adapt to the Recovery Movement Control Order with the government’s digital-led economic recovery plan, online shopping will be here to stay – ingrained as part of our Malaysian culture. But online shopping isn’t just about clicking a button, you have to shop smart too! For those that are new to the digital space, it might seem scary and unfamiliar. But worry not, we have Mr. Kiasu from Lazada, here to share seven ways you can maximise your savings on Lazada Malaysia. Mr. Kiasu Tip #1: Be on the lookout for stimulus packages and incentives online By now, most of you would’ve watched countless special announcements on television or on your various screens regarding ePenjana’s RM50 eWallet credit, Shop Malaysia Online discount vouchers, and more. It is now easier than ever to save by shopping online as we are incentivised to stimulate the digital economy. On Lazada Malaysia, users can enjoy savings of up to RM36 each through the #KitaBantuKita platform-wide vouchers and rebates from now until July 31, 2020 via: Instantly useable, no minimum spend, RM5 credit for new Lazada Wallet users Instantly collectable RM10 discount voucher for new Lazada users when activating account Instantly collectable RM3 discount voucher for all Lazada Wallet users Instantly collectable RM3 discount voucher for all Touch ‘n Go eWallet users on Lazada One-off RM5 cashback for the first purchase on Lazada by new Touch ‘n Go eWallet users One-off instant cashback of up to RM10 for the first top-up on Lazada Wallet Mr. Kiasu Tip #2: Add-to-cart when deal hunting Every veteran online shopper knows that speed is the name of the game, come online sales season, and there’s one coming soon on July 7: the much-anticipated Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale. These are what we call Mega Days, where the discounts are off the charts, but one must know where to look – Mesti Beli and Crazy Flash Sale. Lazada’s Mesti Beli promotions are Malaysian’s ultimate 7.7 shopping guide for amazing must-buy deals. On the other hand, the Crazy Flash Sale is where you get your hands on special discounts of up to 90% and also RM1 deals on selected Flash Sale items on 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale from 12AM – 2AM, on July 7. But, here’s the catch, these deals sell out in seconds. So, it’s best to add-to-cart while you are deal hunting, a few days before. Then, get your Lazada Wallet ready when the clock strikes midnight on Mega Day to checkout without having to overload Malaysia’s payment infrastructure capacity. In short, topping up your Lazada Wallet before Mega Day helps you avoid payment failures when the race for checkouts begin at midnight when every second counts to grab the best deals. Mr. Kiasu Tip #3: Always Chup Dulu! If you think the prices are low now, it can go even lower if you know what you’re doing. Few weeks before Mega Day sales, Lazada usually features the Chup Dulu function on the platform. The Chup Dulu function allows customers to reserve the most sought-after deals on the platform by paying a small non-refundable deposit (subject to terms and conditions). So, if you’re a Mr. Kiasu like me and you don’t want your favourite deals to be snatched away, Chup Dulu is for you! Not only that, when you Chup Dulu, the low price will drop even lower, resulting in more savings. This Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale, Chup Dulu starts from now till 6 July 2020. Mr. Kiasu Tip #4: Know your source with LazMall It’s no secret that, in order to shop online, it takes some know-how to navigate a digital marketplace, similar to shopping at a physical night market. However, for those that prefer authentic branded goods with reliable services when shopping online, Lazada Malaysia has a LazMall section on its platform, a virtual mall which features thousands of brands’ official flagship stores. LazMall has three promises – 100% authenticity, 15-day easy returns, and the newly expanded guaranteed delivery. You can be assured that all products on LazMall flagship stores are managed by the brands themselves and sourced directly from a licensed distributor. What happens if you receive a non-authentic LazMall product? You get twice your money back What happens if you receive a faulty LazMall product? You have 15 days to claim your refund What happens if your LazMall delivery is late? You receive an automatic RM5 credit rebate It is smart shopping made easy. Mr. Kiasu Tip #5: Research and compare prices Nothing is more frustrating than buying something, only to then find it cheaper elsewhere. However, comparing prices have never been easier on Lazada Malaysia with LazChoice, the everyday-lowest-price destination for quality products that meet your daily needs. LazChoice products, which are the lowest price guaranteed, takes the grunt work out of smart shopping because you will receive a 200% rebate of the price difference if you find that exact product for cheaper elsewhere(subject to terms and conditions).   Fun fact: Just for Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale, the Lowest Price Guaranteed promotion is extended throughout the entire platform for any product with ‘CHUP DULU’ and ‘MID YEAR SALE’ in its title. Of course, research isn’t just about price points. You also need to check the ratings and reviews of a seller and product. But, it’s a different story when shopping on LazChoice because Lazada utilises AI and Machine Learning to scan its entire platform to shortlist trending sellers and products with a good track record and great ratings. You can be assured of both price and quality when shopping on LazChoice as it ensures daily value for money, with Free Shipping vouchers too! Mr. Kiasu Tip #6: The bigger the basket size, the more worthwhile your free shipping Everyone loves free shipping vouchers, but not many realise that Lazada Malaysia has an evergreen page dedicated for free shipping deals! For the Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale only, there will also be platform-wide vouchers to be collected, which offers RM8 off with a minimum spend of just RM15. As the number of vouchers available are limited, it should be used wisely to maximise savings.   By using the add-to-cart function, you are able to increase your basket size and checkout all of your purchases in one payment transaction – minimising your number of shipment fees and maximising the value of the Free Shipping voucher. This is much cheaper as compared to having multiple checkouts and accruing relatively larger shipment fees. Mr. Kiasu Tip #7: Earn LazCoins through Shoppertainment The final Mr. Kiasu guide for stretching your digital Ringgit and maximising your savings is the most fun. Believe it or not, you can earn LazCoins by playing FunFarm and completing Missions. Once you’ve collected enough LazCoins, you can redeem prizes in the form of vouchers or free gifts from the Reward Store. You can also join in on the 7.7 Coin Race from now until Mega Day on July 7, where you can redeem rewards worth up to RM23,000 on Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale at 3PM. Congratulations! You have now graduated from Smart Shopping 101 with Mr. Kiasu. With these seven tips, you will undoubtedly be the ultimate saver during this Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale, while also doing your part to stimulate the digital economy. Such exciting 24 hours to look forward to! Remember to top up your Lazada Wallet, add to cart, then be the first to seamlessly checkout the best deals at 12AM on July 7. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&appId=428626330554993&version=v2.9"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); HEROKITA.com | Digital Talents On Demand Source link
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assetgdp-blog · 4 years
GDP Coins act as payment gateways of Malls that allow smooth transfer of cryptocurrencies and enables merchants and users to do transactions in GDP Coins. GDP Malls helps customers, redeem Payback Points & Convert it in to asset gdp coin. GDP Malls is the only place where you can convert your points to Digital currency, which can be used for shopping, recharges etc. This feature can and do build customers' loyalty and create strong relationships.And it can grow our company Organizationally, huge.
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coinmarked · 5 years
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ECP + Is overcoming The Limitations Of Blockchain ECP + project which has already been listed on the global exchanges, HOTBIT and COIN2X Korea Exchange, has now also been listed on the UK global exchange P2PB2B.IO for the third time. ECP+ was created with the idea of bringing efficiency as well as convenience in transaction process and increasing utility. It comes with the ECP + project which has already been listed on the global exchanges, HOTBIT and COIN2X Korea Exchange, has now also been listed on the UK global exchange P2PB2B.IO for the third time. ECP+ was created with the idea of bringing efficiency as well as convenience in transaction process and increasing utility. It comes with the benefit of being used in various subsidiaries and partners not just in Korea but also China, Vietnam and the United States. The project has also come up with its own ECP + APP which aims to be the “payment economy platform.” The app can help one with various economic activities such as shopping and fuelling, real-life use, conversion to other cryptocurrencies and trading, currency exchange, money transfer, and global payment. ECP + DAPP is available on both Google Play Store and Apple Store. The ECP + project even announced the MARS BLOCKCHAIN ​​mainnet, the next-generation patented blockchain technology. This helps in further enhancement of the ECP + APP to build a new blockchain ecosystem platform through the next-generation blockchain complementary technology and the mainnet wallet, certification, and settlement. The coin ECP + comes with benefits of better security, fast payment speed, and withdrawal in local currency. The user has the ability to exchange payments with cards that can be used at partner companies’ ECP + exchange offices. Sure there won’t seem a lack of enough Pay services but whether it is usable is the question here; it is important to note that there are no services that give the user the ability to use real currencies in connection with credit card companies. The ECP+ coin is not limited in services as it can be used in various places such as hotels, franchises, online malls, and performances in various countries, including China, the United States, and Vietnam. INTO THE ECP+ TECHNOLOGY DCOS (Digital Content Original System): Digital Content Original System, Digital Original Identification System is a system responsible to control the entire process of creating, recording, distributing, and disposing of digital content (electronic documents, movies, sound recordings, photos, etc.) created online / offline. The system is designed in a way that it works towards prevention of distortion and alteration of data by storing collected data as original and copy, original is stored in its own system, and copy is distributed. Application of the big data-based AI technology help TO analys customer usage information which in turn helps them provide services accordingly. Big Data & AI: The ECP + Platform works towards efficiency in digitizing and bringing existing data together. Existing data differs in terms, forms, and formats from simple collections it may have been misleading to use AI technology to bring together terminology, forms, etc. for prevention of data loss and to expanding its reach. It is stored as big data, refined and analysed in various ways such as individual and domain. This is then applied with artificial intelligence technology to provide information specifically catering to participants’ requests. BETTER SECURITY Key management scheme that encrypts / decrypts using OTE (One Time Encryption) Key generated every time from Secret Master Key shared between security server and user terminal. Note that all security uses unique encryption key Context Blockchain: The ECP + Platform provides spatio-temporal blockchains that help in eliminating the system limitations of blockchains that previously recorded only viewpoint information. The ECP + Platform uses only simple point-of-view information using multimodal and digital content source verification technology to increase the reliability of smart contracts, this goes beyond the horizons of the existing Blockchain technology. https://coinmarked.com/ecp-is-overcoming-the-limitations-of-blockchain/?feed_id=1118&_unique_id=5de1f91c98db0
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thedivinefish · 5 years
TGIWednesday and a download for having thankfulness
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TGIWednesday News
Some people will never like you because you irritate their demons.  Re-read that again if you need to.  My mother always said, “Kill them with kindness.”  More often than not it’s better to say nothing and let things slide.  Ask yourself will this matter 5 or 10 years from now?  If it’s not a birth/life or death or mortgage signing - chances are it will not matter.  Do your best even in adversity to show a good attitude and to remain thankful for what you do have knowing that tough times don’t last but tough people do. Stay tuned for an announcement next Wednesday for how you can join the next Live 30-minute Zoom call I'll be hosting on December 11th at 8pm EST all about Turning on Your Abundance Switches.  We're calling them MySwitchWorks calls and these are different from the audio mp3s as they are super-charged live clearings to create the foundation for your ability to allow abundance and prosperity. We'll work on turning On and Off your Switches and creating reference points - it will be fun AND you can send me a BRIEF email with a specific abundance related issue YOU want addressed.  This is a paid call including replay (around $22) Registration link will be available soon!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ HAVING THANKFULNESS~ (Press play to watch and listen as I fish this for you) Today I will acknowledge being thankful for the little things. I believe, think, know and feel that I have spirit's definition of thankful. I am ready, willing and able to be thankful so that I can actually increase my good. I know when, where, how and why via spirit's direction to remain steadfast and thankful this time of year and always and so it is in all languages and throughout all time lines.
From the Fish Box
"Thank you !! Jimmy guess what? This week I hit the lotto for 8,000 dollars and I know it’s all because of the Gold Coin audio !!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻" - D.J. / Hawaii  ​"Hello, I am saying thank you so much Jimmy Mack. I recently bought one of your packages (with the Gold Coin) and the results are amazing! The liquid fish really works! Blessings to you and your staff! I also grew up Episcopalian and had an interest in things you studied. Thanks for validating as I was torn between the two.​" - M.G. / California
Featured Audios for November
This time of year is the trifecta for dealing with family drama, holiday stress, and traveling hassles.  This 3-pack is put together as a very special low-priced seasonal item and they go together this way for a reason as these 3 audios layer the clearings on top of the other for maximum impact. They each come out to $33 a piece instead of the usual $57 so it's a great savings!
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1) Healing Family Relationships  2) Relieving Holiday Stress  3) Traveling With Ease  
This audio bundle gives you the help you will need at one time or another as you go through the next few months and things come up.  They are easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all.  
 Download all 3 for just $99   90 mins | 350+ clearings   
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Purchase Here!
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
** NEW CALL NUMBER, NEW LINK ** CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Last Week's Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.   UPCOMING GUESTS:
November 26th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier our resident trans medium specializing in communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit Facebook page.
December 3rd.  Joanne Psychic Leo Numerology, Astrology, Angel Cards and soul readings from the heart https://psychicjoanneleo.com/
December 10th  Janet The Psychic https://bluefeather.net/
December 17th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier our resident trans medium specializing in communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit Facebook page.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show will have a BRAND NEW call in number & online listening link starting on November 5th.  Shows will still be LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT w/replays  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY. UPCOMING DATES 
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December 6th December 13th December 20th January 10th Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day.
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                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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NOVEMBER 27th "Today I press on past what cannot be changed.  I will change what I can and I will weave and bob my way through the myriad of stupidity that is sometimes rampant around the globe.  I will see it for what it is and plow through it all and keep moving."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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divinefishingtips · 5 years
TGIWednesday and a download for having thankfulness
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TGIWednesday News
Some people will never like you because you irritate their demons.  Re-read that again if you need to.  My mother always said, “Kill them with kindness.”  More often than not it’s better to say nothing and let things slide.  Ask yourself will this matter 5 or 10 years from now?  If it’s not a birth/life or death or mortgage signing - chances are it will not matter.  Do your best even in adversity to show a good attitude and to remain thankful for what you do have knowing that tough times don’t last but tough people do. Stay tuned for an announcement next Wednesday for how you can join the next Live 30-minute Zoom call I'll be hosting on December 11th at 8pm EST all about Turning on Your Abundance Switches.  We're calling them MySwitchWorks calls and these are different from the audio mp3s as they are super-charged live clearings to create the foundation for your ability to allow abundance and prosperity. We'll work on turning On and Off your Switches and creating reference points - it will be fun AND you can send me a BRIEF email with a specific abundance related issue YOU want addressed.  This is a paid call including replay (around $22) Registration link will be available soon!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ HAVING THANKFULNESS~ (Press play to watch and listen as I fish this for you) Today I will acknowledge being thankful for the little things. I believe, think, know and feel that I have spirit's definition of thankful. I am ready, willing and able to be thankful so that I can actually increase my good. I know when, where, how and why via spirit's direction to remain steadfast and thankful this time of year and always and so it is in all languages and throughout all time lines.
From the Fish Box
"Thank you !! Jimmy guess what? This week I hit the lotto for 8,000 dollars and I know it’s all because of the Gold Coin audio !!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻" - D.J. / Hawaii  ​"Hello, I am saying thank you so much Jimmy Mack. I recently bought one of your packages (with the Gold Coin) and the results are amazing! The liquid fish really works! Blessings to you and your staff! I also grew up Episcopalian and had an interest in things you studied. Thanks for validating as I was torn between the two.​" - M.G. / California
Featured Audios for November
This time of year is the trifecta for dealing with family drama, holiday stress, and traveling hassles.  This 3-pack is put together as a very special low-priced seasonal item and they go together this way for a reason as these 3 audios layer the clearings on top of the other for maximum impact. They each come out to $33 a piece instead of the usual $57 so it's a great savings!
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1) Healing Family Relationships  2) Relieving Holiday Stress  3) Traveling With Ease  
This audio bundle gives you the help you will need at one time or another as you go through the next few months and things come up.  They are easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all.  
 Download all 3 for just $99   90 mins | 350+ clearings   
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Purchase Here!
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
** NEW CALL NUMBER, NEW LINK ** CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Last Week's Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.   UPCOMING GUESTS:
November 26th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier our resident trans medium specializing in communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit Facebook page.
December 3rd.  Joanne Psychic Leo Numerology, Astrology, Angel Cards and soul readings from the heart https://psychicjoanneleo.com/
December 10th  Janet The Psychic https://bluefeather.net/
December 17th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier our resident trans medium specializing in communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit Facebook page.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show will have a BRAND NEW call in number & online listening link starting on November 5th.  Shows will still be LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT w/replays  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY. UPCOMING DATES 
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December 6th December 13th December 20th January 10th Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day.
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                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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NOVEMBER 27th "Today I press on past what cannot be changed.  I will change what I can and I will weave and bob my way through the myriad of stupidity that is sometimes rampant around the globe.  I will see it for what it is and plow through it all and keep moving."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and a download for having thankfulness
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TGIWednesday News
Some people will never like you because you irritate their demons.  Re-read that again if you need to.  My mother always said, “Kill them with kindness.”  More often than not it’s better to say nothing and let things slide.  Ask yourself will this matter 5 or 10 years from now?  If it’s not a birth/life or death or mortgage signing - chances are it will not matter.  Do your best even in adversity to show a good attitude and to remain thankful for what you do have knowing that tough times don’t last but tough people do. Stay tuned for an announcement next Wednesday for how you can join the next Live 30-minute Zoom call I'll be hosting on December 11th at 8pm EST all about Turning on Your Abundance Switches.  We're calling them MySwitchWorks calls and these are different from the audio mp3s as they are super-charged live clearings to create the foundation for your ability to allow abundance and prosperity. We'll work on turning On and Off your Switches and creating reference points - it will be fun AND you can send me a BRIEF email with a specific abundance related issue YOU want addressed.  This is a paid call including replay (around $22) Registration link will be available soon!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ HAVING THANKFULNESS~ (Press play to watch and listen as I fish this for you) Today I will acknowledge being thankful for the little things. I believe, think, know and feel that I have spirit's definition of thankful. I am ready, willing and able to be thankful so that I can actually increase my good. I know when, where, how and why via spirit's direction to remain steadfast and thankful this time of year and always and so it is in all languages and throughout all time lines.
From the Fish Box
"Thank you !! Jimmy guess what? This week I hit the lotto for 8,000 dollars and I know it’s all because of the Gold Coin audio !!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻" - D.J. / Hawaii  ​"Hello, I am saying thank you so much Jimmy Mack. I recently bought one of your packages (with the Gold Coin) and the results are amazing! The liquid fish really works! Blessings to you and your staff! I also grew up Episcopalian and had an interest in things you studied. Thanks for validating as I was torn between the two.​" - M.G. / California
Featured Audios for November
This time of year is the trifecta for dealing with family drama, holiday stress, and traveling hassles.  This 3-pack is put together as a very special low-priced seasonal item and they go together this way for a reason as these 3 audios layer the clearings on top of the other for maximum impact. They each come out to $33 a piece instead of the usual $57 so it's a great savings!
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1) Healing Family Relationships  2) Relieving Holiday Stress  3) Traveling With Ease  
This audio bundle gives you the help you will need at one time or another as you go through the next few months and things come up.  They are easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all.  
 Download all 3 for just $99   90 mins | 350+ clearings   
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Purchase Here!
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
** NEW CALL NUMBER, NEW LINK ** CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Last Week's Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.   UPCOMING GUESTS:
November 26th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier our resident trans medium specializing in communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit Facebook page.
December 3rd.  Joanne Psychic Leo Numerology, Astrology, Angel Cards and soul readings from the heart https://psychicjoanneleo.com/
December 10th  Janet The Psychic https://bluefeather.net/
December 17th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier our resident trans medium specializing in communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit Facebook page.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show will have a BRAND NEW call in number & online listening link starting on November 5th.  Shows will still be LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT w/replays  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY. UPCOMING DATES 
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December 6th December 13th December 20th January 10th Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day.
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                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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NOVEMBER 27th "Today I press on past what cannot be changed.  I will change what I can and I will weave and bob my way through the myriad of stupidity that is sometimes rampant around the globe.  I will see it for what it is and plow through it all and keep moving."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes