#Diary of an injured runner
ballyhubbock · 1 year
An injured Achilles Tendon is a slow healer
An injured achilles tendon is going to stretch your patience, as we are talking months, before you can recover. This is my story and if this blog helps one other, it will have done its job.
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otmaaromanovas · 2 years
Romanov myths part one: Alexei being injured by sledding down the stairs
Although Alexei was given more freedom than is assumed by many people, and certainly had a rambunctious personality, the long-standing story of him sledding down the stairs and then crashing, causing a haemophilia attack in Tobolsk is a myth.
Both Nicholas and Alexandra do not mention this in their diaries, and surviving letters from the Grand Duchesses also do not record Alexei’s rumoured ill-fated sledding adventure. This especially is unusual, as their letters from Tobolsk included a lot of detail about them having fun sledding and on the snow mountain they constructed, so this omission is telling. Alexei did, however, have a sled and a boat which he, his friend Kolya Derevenko, and sister Olga sometimes rode down the stairs and onto the pond (which appears to be mostly small pools of water with a lot of imagination) outside (Olga apparently lost her balance and then fell out once!)
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From Alexei's diary (note how he does not mention crashing or having a haemophilia attack):
Sunday 25/7 March [1918]
At eight o'clock there was a religious service, Mama and the sisters sang because the choir was busy. Kolya came at two o'clock. We played in the garden in the afternoon. We shot at a target with bows and arrows [there is a photo of this - see below]. It's very interesting. After tea, we played hide and seek. I received a sleigh and a boat as a gift from a local trader, models of the sleds and boats of the region. Kolya and I played with them a lot and we went down the stairs in the boat. He left at nine o'clock.
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Alexei’s sister Anastasia writes about the boat and ‘pond’ here:
4/17 April 1918
Thank you very much, dear Dalechka, for the letter. It took a long time to get here – since December! But it is good it arrived. How are you? We think of you often. It is more or less quiet here. The weather has been divine, but not very warm the last few days. We continue to chop and cut up firewood, and it turns out pretty good. We fixed up our swing, and started to use it again, but probably the ropes will break soon as it has been done poorly. Our garden is a mass of water and mud. My brother has a little boat in which we, so to say, take a ride (it is a big imagination.) There is still not enough water, so we push it of the tracks with sticks and of course get completely soaked. Well, it is a little bit of fun! And how do you pass the time? Well, we are off for a walk so I must finish. I wish all of you the very best. Big greetings to all! I kiss you firmly. Greetings to your Papa and Seryozha.
In reality, Alexei injured himself after contracting a bad cough. This was most likely caught off one of the visiting children to the house who kept him company, probably Kolya. The repeated coughing unfortunately triggered internal bleeding, leading to a haemophilia attack which left him unable to walk.
It was this attack that meant Alexei, Olga, Tatiana, and Anastasia were not moved to Ekaterinburg with their parents and sister Maria, as the Heir was too ill to move across the country. However, he did make some sort of recovery, at least to the point of being able to be safely transported to Ekaterinburg, and he is photographed sat upright on the Rus steamer, although looking thin. Despite this slight recovery, he was still unable to walk for the rest of his life. The night of the execution he was given a chair to sit on due to being unable to stand independently for any length of time.
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A staircase at Tobolsk
So - where did this myth of Alexei sledding down the stairs causing his last haemophilia attack come from?
Robert K. Massie’s 1967 book ‘Nicholas and Alexandra’ appears to be the origin of the story in popular history. On page 490, Massie wrote:
‘[Alexei] was devising new and reckless games which no one seemed able to inhibit. One of these — riding down the inside stairs  on a boat with runners which he had used on the snow mountain — led to calamity. He fell and began to bleed into the groin.’
Whilst Massie’s book is a cornerstone in Romanov historical works, it was released 56 years ago, when there was still a fair amount of mystery and rumour surrounding the Romanovs and their final months. The 1971 film, also named ‘Nicholas and Alexandra’, adapted the book into a three-hour epic film dedicated a whole scene to re-enacting this myth, giving it more publicity.
VIDEO CREDIT: Nicholas and Alexandra, Franklin J. Schaffner, 1971, Columbia-Warner Distributors, Archive.org, uploaded by Olga Movie Man on December 26, 2019, https://archive.org/details/1971nicholasandalexandra. Alexei played by Roderic Noble. They make Tobolsk look a LOT rougher and barren than it actually was!!
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A floor plan of the Governor's Mansion, Tobolsk, drawn by Prince Vasily Dolgorukov. Translated in red by Helen Azar.
To summarise: although Alexei did have a boat and a sled whilst at Tobolsk and did ride them down the stairs, these games never caused a haemophilia attack and he never crashed them to the point of causing serious injury. Rather, he contracted a cough which caused internal bleeding. Robert K. Massie mistakenly put this in his book 'Nicholas and Alexandra', and the myth became more popular due to its inclusion in the 1971 film of the same name.
Diary and letters quoted available here
Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings, by George Hawkins
Anastasia Romanov: The Tsar's Youngest Daughter Speaks Through Her Writings (1907 - 1918), by Helen Azar and George Hawkins
Nicholas and Alexandra - film, directed by Franklin J. Schaffner - free to watch here
Nicholas and Alexandra - Robert K. Massie - free to read here
Floorplan of Tobolsk - Helen Azar's website
Tour of Tobolsk in its current form as a museum - (Russian language!)
Photos: public domain, toptyumen
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frostironfudge · 2 years
🎪 house of song
Can’t remember to forget you by Shakira feat:Rihanna + pre-serum Steve rogers
(No Peggy plz in my requests..nothing against her..just no..plz😘😘🌻🌻)
I Cannot Bring Myself To Let You Go
Pairing: Pre-Serum!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader (also includes post serum steve)
Word Count: 2.8k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
warnings: not canon compliant, fluff, angst, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, miscommunication trope, in general its sad-ish?, angst, unrequited love sort of?, they end up together at the end, i don't think i made this out to be a very healthy dynamic but the song warrants for a sort of toxic rship
A.N: hi love, thank you for sending in this request, first time writing pre-serum steve so i hope you enjoy what i came up with and thank you for participating in ‘frositonfudge’s funfair’! it means alot! 
Main Masterlist || frostironfudge's funfair masterlist
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When the morning sun greets you through the small window, your eyes slowly open to bring in the day. Your breath is a slight sniffle reminiscent of the tears flown down the night before. 
Your diary remains open, from when you were reading old entries. Picking it up from near the headboard, the old entry doesn’t have tears brim over again. 
‘Dear Diary,
Remind me not to fall any further for him. He doesn’t reciprocate anything. All he wants to do is enlist. He showed me the small tattered book in which he keeps the fake names he uses for enlisting. 
I shouldn’t follow him.
I shouldn’t fall for him.
But Steve Rogers some how possesses my heart in his grasp.’ 
You shut the book, bounding it in the leather tie. Tucking it into place in your small trunk. 
The day begins ever eventful with the other nurses moving around to get to work. You go through the motions, the war waiting for no one. 
Your first rounds with the doctors complete. Dressing the wounds of the soldiers. Tending to their needs. A part of you is relieved that he isn't here amongst them. Injured or worse. 
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Steve stands watching from the edge of the alleyway. The audacity of the bullies to try to take your purse. 
“Hey, punks!” Steve draws their attention. 
You straighten as the tormentors turn to the small built, man. Scoffing as he raises his fists at them. 
“Come on Rogers, I’ll blow a whistle and you will fly away—,” 
Steve throws a pebble at their quote unquote leader. “Assholes.” He spits at them. 
“Rogers the fuck, you’ve had it.” They run behind him as he takes off. 
“Run! Doll!” Steve calls out and you should run the opposite way but you know these idiots would not leave him. 
You rush through the buildings trying to find Bucky from where he was meeting the sweet brunette girl he had met while out dancing. 
You enter panting and Bucky spots your worry, 
“What is he doing?” Is all he says moving out after apologising to the woman and promises another date. 
Bucky sets a quick pace and you explain on the way. 
Four alleys down from yours you can hear a rattling wheeze. 
Bucky only gives a worried glance before you two enter. 
The two of three are holding Steve, allowing the third to lay punches against his abdomen. Your eyes begin to tear up and Bucky pulls back the guy punching him in the jaw and the other two run. 
You grab the lid of the trash can and one of the runners, slams right against it, falling as the lid comically hits him square in the face. 
Steve grabs another lid and throws it like a frisbee as it hits the other runner in the back. He also falls with an unceremonious thud. 
Bucky turns from you to Steve, then just gives a deep laugh at the antics. Steves wheezing breath turns into a wheezing laugh and you have to chastise him to come along so he can rest. 
“Shouldn’t have done that.” You repeat, patching up the wound on his forearm. 
“They were going to hurt you.” He reasons, covering his hiss with a cough. 
“Buddy, you need to have lungs to be able to pull that off. Could hear ya from a mile away.” Bucky teases him, but the worry is evident. 
Steve brushes it off with a chuckle. 
The small paper drops from his pocket, you grab it before he can retrieve it. 
Bucky grabs it from your hands as well, then rolls his eyes. 
“You know lying on the enlistment form is illegal.” He tuts. 
“Steve!” You almost yell, “You—,”
“I cannot sit by and watch.” He steps down from the table. To leave out the door. 
You bitterly shake your head. 
“I ship out tomorrow.” Bucky announces much to your dismay. You didn’t want your friends hurt. 
“The 107th.” He adds. 
Steve’s mouth presses into a thin line, “I should be with you.” 
“You are doing all you can, here.” Bucky claps his shoulder. 
“Not enough.” The smaller man shakes his head disappointed. When he meets your gaze, he looks away at the bitterness. 
“Come on, it’s my last night. Let’s go celebrate.” Sergeant Barnes says, you take a deep inhale. 
“Stark Expo.” He shows you two the newspaper advertisement. 
Attires are changed, you pin up your hair a hand smoothening your dress. Steve stands outside your door. A single flower in his hand. 
“I’m sorry.” He says, you take the flower. 
“Its alright, Stevie, you know I worry.” You shrug, keeping the flower close. 
You both walk, hands finding each others and you smile at him shyly. 
The night goes on and the marvels are there, Bucky is so excited and Steve is eyeing something in the corner and you follow his gaze. 
An enlistment centre. 
You bite the inside of your cheek. 
“Will you ever stop? You aren’t medically clear.” You tell him off, so done with his sheer stupidity. 
“I have to be at the front lines.” He sends a glare your way. 
“You can barely—,”
“You wouldn’t understand.” 
“Steve.” You pause, how could he say that, after harbouring three condolence letters. Your mother’s ill health due to the shock. The bills. The heartache.
“This war has taken everything from me.” You tell him, “If I want to be selfish and allow it not to take one more person. Someone I’ve been wanting to go steady with, then I am selfish.” You admit, his eyes widen. 
“You, what?” He furrows his brows and you nod. Closing the gap between you two, his lips are on yours. 
Your admission comes after on and off dates you two have been on, he knew his heart held you but he didn’t want to break your heart. 
He knew what he was about to do and it wasn’t just his kiss to your lips. 
It was a kiss that was short, soft and he hums at the lingering taste of vanilla from the cakes you ate earlier. 
“I, I feel the same way.” He says and you blush. 
“Go with me to dinner tomorrow?” He holds your hand and you nod. 
Steve wants to punch himself. He should just tell you. But he can’t. 
So he never turned up at the diner the next night. 
Nor the next. 
When you asked at his home, they said he had gotten enlisted that he left. 
You left with tears spilling down your face and a broken heart. 
Your mother passed away, after another two weeks of her own broken heart. You had no choice and requested your aunt to take in your younger sister. Then enlisted to be a nurse. The most money was from there, it would help set a comfortable life for your sister. 
And yourself, should you return. 
‘Dear Diary,
I need to leave, but I cant stop thinking about him. He appeared today looking unrecognisable. His blue eyes even in black and white photos shine bright. 
Star spangled man with a plan, selling bonds. This was his front line. Surrounded by women.’
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Today Steve was prancing around on stage. A circus monkey. You stood at the back. Watching as he moved across the stage, dancing with the gorgeous women all the men were staring at, you tried finding Bucky in the crowd. 
Somehow you landed up in the 107th and he was elated to have you. When he heard what Steve did, leaving you without reason, without an explanation. He was beyond pissed off. 
You don’t know if that sternly worded letter by Bucky reached him or the letter you wrote explaining your own reluctance but need to join as an infirmary nurse was even held in his grasp. 
You tried not to let the scarce number of soldiers get to you. Bucky hadn’t returned. Steve was here looking completely different, stronger, taller. 
At end of the song he caught your eyes, the smile plastered upon his face gone and lips parted. 
You left to go back to your medical tent, hoping to catch some information. Also you couldn’t allow yourself to look at him more because you would forgive him. When you should not grant him a semblance of forgiveness. 
“Letters of condolences were written.” Nina says as you enter, restocking the bedside drawers with gauze packets and you take a share of your own and begin on your side. 
“They don’t think they are coming back?” You murmur quietly. 
“I’m afraid not.” Nina gives you an apologetic look, knowing the friendship Bucky and you shared. 
You bite your lip trying to not let the tears fall. 
The gravel crunching under boots floods the tent. 
Nina lets out a small laugh and a flirtatious giggle. You look up from where you’ve crouched down to fill the cabinet, Steve.
You look back at your work. 
“Ma’am, I’m searching for Nurse Y/N. I was told this is her assigned medical tent.” His voice is somehow deeper. It doesn’t have the crack in it from before. 
“Yes, she’s right there.” Nina points at you. 
You silently let out a curse. 
There isn’t any point in hiding, you stand holding the remaining basket of gauze packets. 
“Captain America, is it?” You let the harshness drip from each letter. 
Nina excuses herself from the tent. 
“What are you doing here?” He questions, answering your unspoken question. 
“Mum passed away.” You shrug, as if that sentence explains everything. 
“You hated the very essence of war and now you’re amidst it.” He steps closer, only the plinth between you separates the two of you. 
“I didn’t have a choice.” 
“Now you know how I felt.” He says and you glare at him. 
“How dare you compare what I went through.”
“I had to save—,”
“You aren’t saving anyone Steve. Your selling war bonds. You could have stayed back. You could have been there for me. But you left. You left me without looking back. And you’re here now but you aren’t. Whatever they did to you, this isn’t you.” You hate the fact that he is seeing you cry, you don’t want too, not anymore. 
But all you can see is moments with him. Moments untainted that had your heart given itself over. Into his unwilling arms. 
“Doll.” He reaches to wipe the tears. 
“Please don’t.” You request, his hand pauses mid air. 
“You’ve done it enough without meaning.” 
“It isn’t—,”
“Please do not.” You press, turning away from him. 
‘Dear Diary,
His touch is right there, warm. His breathing is occurring easier. He still harbours the same qualities. He only looks different. At least his eyes haven’t changed. Somehow I can still see the love in them that he had promised.’
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It’s a month into receiving the news of condolence for your father. Your mother doesn’t move from the bed still. Your brothers are on the verge of their deployment. 
Your younger sister still asks about her father. When will he return? 
Is he going to be back before Christmas? Why are your brothers leaving?
You the answers but you don’t have the strength to speak the truth. So you find yourself grasping away at the twenty minutes to yourself on the fifth floor of the abandoned building at the end of the street. You sit in the corner. 
“She’s still asking questions?” Steve doesn’t startle you when he speaks, you nod, staring out the large broken windows. 
“It’ll be better, its bad now but it will be better.” His arm wraps around your shoulders, you lean against him. Closing your eyes. 
His lips are soft against your forehead. 
“I’ll be there.” He assures. 
“Promise?” You look up at him.
“I do.” He says and your lips brush against his, just as the gap between them closes a cat hisses loudly drawing the two of you apart. 
“I-,” He shakes his head, “Doll, I think I will enlist as well.”
“Steve…” Your voice makes his heart crack, he needs to do this, needs to keep himself at the forefront so you could be safe here at home. 
“I’ll come back for you.” He promises. 
“My dad said that, Steve.”
“But I will come back.” He presses his lips to yours, allowing himself to finally admit to the feelings for which you both walked on eggshells. 
His lips feel like heaven, he leads the kiss, nipping at your own lips and his hands shakily move along your neck to your hair, your hands stay against his chest. 
All too soon, you pull away, panting and giddy smiles on your faces.  
He wonders if he would break your heart. He doesn’t want to, but this gnawing in his chest would not relent. 
‘Dear Diary,
I was promised by Steve, he’d come back to me. I know he will enlist. I know he will find someway to get in, I know someday he won’t return and I will lose him. I see it in his eyes, the feelings he hides. 
He’s scared he will break my heart.
I’m not scared because I know he will.
He’s scared because he knows he will too.’
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“I hope you enjoyed dancing for the 107th.” You spit at him. 
“The 107th? Where, where is Bucky?” Steve’s gaze softens and worry laces his features. 
“They were sent out, I heard it was an ambush and— and they sent out letters.” You inform him. 
“Where is Colonel Philips?” Steve demands. 
“I don’t think you are wanting to do anything beyond being a circus monkey.” You seethe. 
“Doll,” He steps around standing in front of you. Cupping your cheek. The warning in your mind fading away as he leans down. 
“I didn’t want to leave you.” He admits, voice thick. 
“But you did.” You accuse. 
“I would come back to you.” He brushes his lips against yours. 
“We’re out of time, Steve.” You grasp at his wrist, looking up at him. 
“I’ll carve time out of the fabric of the world for you.” His words hang heavy. 
“I’ll take you, to the Colonel.” You say, he nods. 
Traversing through the base layout, you lead him, watching him argue from outside and huff, and then late in the night he takes off with Howard Stark to board a plane.  A rescue mission, improvised at every step.
It is a losing battle with him, you lay in bed not knowing, hoping for a return. A return you may not get. 
You open your diary again; reading through the older entries of your friendship with Steve. Your eyes gliding across the words which your heart remembers the moments. 
‘Dear Diary,
He came to speak to me in the building a week ago. we’ve gone to the diner a few times together. He makes me laugh and gives me the look I’ve seen people in love hold, will he ask me to go steady?’
‘Dear Diary,
He got rejected again, today was supposed to be when he took me for a film but he only speaks about the rejection. I did my hair up with the pins he had gifted. I feel I am alone sometimes, that I hold no water against his dream for enlistment.’
‘Dear Diary,
Two more letters came, mum got worse. My brothers, they are gone. Steve kept quiet. I saw the rejected enlistment form, his name, age, hometown changed. The red stamp however the same. 
How can he still go, how can he hold my hand and still want to leave? How can he just leave me in tattered ruins?
Bucky got accepted, his enlistment details are yet to arrive.
I saw the flash of jealousy in Steve’s eyes. 
I still believe I’m secondary. 
But in moments when it is just us, he makes me feel like I am first. That the world? His world only moves for me.’
At four a.m the sirens blare, you don your uniform, heaviness left on your bed. The influx of soldiers has you sweating all of them either shaken up or partly injured. All hands on deck and it seems that only hours later does the clamour settle into soft whispers. 
The shift change is about to happen, you have your notes ready to hand off when Steve and Bucky walk into the tent.  
“Y/N,” Bucky’s smug grin sends you rushing towards him. His assurances have you calmer and your worry for him reduces. 
Steve watches, a sad smile on his face that maybe, maybe you are better off with someone stable. Someone who would stay behind, then your eyes turn to him. 
Steve swears he watches you with love, a love he doesn’t want to give up. Maybe, maybe he could. 
“Doll,” He says and both of you meet each other half way, uncaring about the lingering eyes or the hoots of cheer at the display of affection. 
Steve’s lips leave yours briefly, “I’ll follow you, wherever you lead.” 
Your lips back upon his, even though you know somewhere this will end with you in tears, unlearning ready to have your heart broken by him again. 
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permanent tags: @stevesmewmew @pandaxnienke
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
BTS - Master List
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No word count = under 1k.
    💞 = Fluff
    🌩 = Angst
    💋 = Smut
Updated as of 6-6-2021.
Click here to Return to the Main Master List.
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This is Girl Talk, so Leave 💞
Slice of Life AU
Do you think I’m scared of a woman? 💞
College AU
Slice of Life AU
Short Stories:
A Lifetime under Moonlit Nights 🌩 💞
God AU
Overview: It was a love story that began when Gods roamed the Earth, and lasted over the course of several centuries, always under the beauty of a moonlit sky. When one life cut too short, you realize how tiresome it is to constantly be reborn.
Dad Jokes and Spilled Coffee 💞
Book 7 in the Mated Love is Never Easy Universe
Hybrid AU
Overview: TBW
Sneak Peak: “I knew I was handsome, but now I’m just hot. And it’s not because of the coffee that you spilled on me either.”
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Please...love me 🌩
Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween 💞
Safety First 🌩
Unrequited Love AU
College AU
Short Stories:
If you can’t sleep...we could have sex? 💞 💋
Slice of Life AU
Overview: You can’t fall asleep. So Yoongi finds an alternative solution to your problem.
A Slice of Forever 💞 🌩
Vampire AU
Poly AU
Featuring Namjoon
Overview: They were just stories. Werewolves, Witches, Gremlins, Vampires...they were all a story that thrived off of Halloween. At least, that’s what you thought. Until you met them.
Midnight Love Songs 💞 🌩 💋
Book 4 in the Mated Love is Never Easy Universe
Hybrid AU
Overview: TBW
Sneak Peak: “The stars are pretty, but there’s a moon that shines more brightly, and who I love quite dearly.”
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Tied Up 💞 💋
Date Night AU
Short Stories:
Man-Child 🌩
Idol AU
Stop Being So Cute 💞
Coffee Shop AU
Overview: Dating is never easy. So when your best friend sets you up on a blind date, you agree to meet up at a coffee shop. Only problem is, he never shows up, and a certain barista can’t help glancing your way.
Daydreaming About Dandelions 💞
Daycare AU
Overview: For the time that they were in your classroom, they were your kids and nothing meant more to you than them. Being a teacher at a daycare was your life, and to your surprise, the new teacher Mr. Hoseok, was going to be shadowing you for the day.
Hookup on an Airplane 💋💞
Traveling AU
Overview: You were finally achieving your dream of traveling the world, and the the first stop on your list was South Korea. After a stressful morning and with a long day ahead, all you wanted to do was sleep on the plane. But when your seat mate turns out to be cute, and offers to help you take care of a certain problem, well, the flight suddenly becomes more fun than you expected.
Strawberry Cream and BBQ 💞 💋 🌩
85k in total.
Book 1 in the Mated Love is Never Easy Universe
Hybrid AU
Overview: Your best friend knows that she can count on your for anything, so when she asks you to watch her hybrid while she’s gone for a study abroad trip, you can’t say no. But when these four months are over, things have changed in a way that no one expected.
Move in Day: A SC&BBQ Drabble 💞 4k
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Does he know about the baby? 💞
Slice of Life AU
Overview: Namjoon accidentally reads a text that wasn’t meant for him.
Short Stories:
My Everything 💞
Slice of Life AU
Overview: You go to a family reunion that only results in disaster with how your family treats you, so you go back home to seek comfort in your boyfriend.
Yellow Gerber Daises 💞
Slice of Life AU
Overview: It’s your birthday, but you’re the one who has a surprise for Namjoon.
Stop interrupting me 🌩
Slice of Life AU
Dear Diary... 💞
Soul Mate AU
College AU
Overview: The last thing Namjoon expected was to wake up in someone else’s bed, let alone with a stranger who he doesn’t remember in the slightest bit.
A Slice of Forever 💞 🌩
Vampire AU
Poly AU
Featuring Yoongi
Overview: They were just stories. Werewolves, Witches, Gremlins, Vampires...they were all a story that thrived off of Halloween. At least, that’s what you thought. Until you met them.
Brotið Hjarta 🌩💞
Fantasy AU
Elf AU
Norse Light Elf Mythology
Overview: When a magical storm threatens to wipe out your home, you venture into the forest in search of someone - anyone - who can help end it. When an Elf takes you in after getting injured, you learn that those who live in the forest are not the monsters your village town has made them out to be, but victims.
Knitting You a Home 🌩💞💋
Book 2 in the Mated Love is Never Easy Universe
Hybrid AU
Overview: With questions far larger than either of you imagined, you can’t help but wonder if Namjoon’s let his past and old fears to come back and haunt him. You had shown him that it was possible to have a home and to be loved once before, but will you be able to do it again?
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I’m not going to be sympathetic until you see a Doctor 💞
Slice of Life AU
Welcome back. Now fucking help me💞
Slice of Life AU
Short Stories:
Dancing in Europe 💞
Idol AU
Overview: You and Jimin have only recently started dating when he he whisks you of to Europe on his days off, and surprises you with a date to go see a ballet performance.
Mon Amour 💞
College AU
Artist AU
Overview: You were Jimin’s muse. No matter what his materials were, his ideas, he always found you at the center of his latest art piece.
Memories of Old and New 💞
Christmas AU
Established Relationship AU
Slice of Life AU
Overview: It the first Christmas that you’re celebrating with Jimin, but the magical holiday isn’t the same after the unexpected passing of your parents.
Type 2 💞 🌩
Established Relationship AU
Slice of Life AU
Medical Condition
Overview: You were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in high school and ever since then, you’re been able to manage it without a problem Sticking to a schedule and monitoring your blood was easy. Then came Jimin, and you suddenly you found yourself hiding it all from him. But when your blood sugar drops dangerously low in the middle of the night, Jimin’s the only one who can help you.
Snapshots of Our Story 💞
Sleep - Sleepless Nights - Pt 3?
Idol AU
Overview: With a once in a lifetime chance of hanging out with BTS for a week, you and Jimin unexpectedly end up growing feelings for each other. These are the snapshots as the two of you try to make it all work out.
Simply Baby Steps 💞 🌩 💋
Book 3 in the Mated Love is Never Easy Universe
Hybrid AU
Overview: TBW
Sneak Peak: “I don’t care if it’s just the two of us for the rest of our lives. I love you, and we’re going to figure this out, together. That’s what it means to have a Mate; supporting and being there for them when everything is going right, and being there when they’re hurting and loving them nonetheless. Because I’ll always love you, no matter what.”
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Tell me that you need me 💋
Vampire AU
I’m not buying IKEA furniture again 💞
Slice of Life AU
Short Stories:
Otherworldly Lovin’ 💋
Alien AU
Overview: Not only did he crash land into your yard, but he also crashed right into your heart...among other places.
Knowing You 💞 🌩
Late Night Bus Rides - A Missed Stop
Idol AU
Unrequited Love AU
Overview: You and Taehyung were best friends, feelings grew, and even when he went off to become an Idol, you thought nothing would ever change your friendship. But then life came knocking.
Running Wild 🌩💞💋
Book 5 in the Mated Love is Never Easy Universe
Hybrid AU
Overview: TBW
Sneak Peak: “I’ve always been told that I was runner. So I ran. From everything that was possible to run away from. With you, for the first time all I want to do is stay.”
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I lost our baby 💞
Slice of Life AU
Overview: Jungkook looses more than a game of hide and seek.
The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids 💞
Overview: Jungkook has an unlikely helper when trying to impress you.
Short Stories:
The Coffee Lounge 💞
College AU
Overview: Jungkook has had a crush on you since the semester started, and when he informs you about an essay that you knew nothing about and is due the next morning, he jumps at the chance to help you out with it. What he doesn’t realize, is that you share the same feelings for him.
Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass! 🌩
Idol AU
Overview: All he wanted to do was surprise you, but when he arrives at your place, Jungkook realizes just how much work has interfered with his relationship with you.
One on One 💞
Boxer AU
College AU
Overview: He was a boxer, and you were a student. Two separate lives and yet, you were the one putting him back together.
Consequences 💞 🌩
College AU
Forbidden Love AU
Overview: You had dated one of his best friends - someone Jungkook considered to be an older brother - and even though were single and he never once stopped loving you, dating was an impossible option. The consequences of dating an ex of the leader? Life threatening.
Mistaken Identity 🌩 💋 💞
Book 6 in the Mated Love is Never Easy Universe
Hybrid AU
Overview: TBW
Sneak Peak: “I got sick of them calling me something that I’m not, that I pushed myself to prove to them who I really am. But without you, I’m right back where I started. Lost and incomplete.”
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tabbydrafts · 4 years
50 Strange Traits To Give Characters
I’m no expert, but in OC creation, one of the things I find most helpful is to give them an identity beyond what the story demands. Often these things DO end up popping up in the plot, and they often make it much richer than it is before. Even if they don’t, it’s good to know the background a character has and the skills they possess that aren’t actively driving things forward. So, I made a list of traits that aren’t commonly thought of when writing. Please feel free to adopt, adapt, and add them into your OCs!
lost the ability to snap the fingers on their right hand after spraining their middle finger
they have extremely vivid dreams that usually involve their best friends being some sort of supernatural creature. this is (probably) not prophetic
won an international award for making a really good powerpoint presentation when they were a teenager
was once voted runner up miss congeniality in a pageant
can whistle really well
knows a lot of edible plants
their parent introduced them to a possibly age inappropriate hobby as a kid and they turned out okay but with some really weird habits due to it
they have auditory processing disorder and read lips to supplement what they hear. most people don’t know they read lips, though
has a distinctive “reader’s accent”
used to have a collection of stuffed and ceramic unicorns; at its height, there were over 120 different figurines and stuffies
they are ambidextrous, but not in the fun “can do everything with both hands” way, just in the “left handed for some things and right handed for other things” way
is a certified archery instructor but barely gets to practice archery because of where they live
once they fell off a hayride that was going 15 miles an hour, hit their head, and blacked out for five minutes. they’ve been scared of hayrides ever since
spent four summers as a camp counselor and still hums and sings camp songs to themself when bored
shares a birthday with a popular cartoon character
the character’s parents couldn’t pick a name for them that they both agreed on and liked, so they settled on a name they could kind of stand and then proceeded to call the character other things for several years
they have a small scar under their hair from when their sibling threw a toy car at them when they were seven and it hit them in the head
highly sensitive to caffeine, to the point where it’s basically an allergy
actually allergic to cigarette smoke
didn’t believe in ghosts until a number of small and unexplained events led them to believe they were haunted
they keep a diary even though it’s not “age appropriate”
the character walks noticeably fast and people often comment on it
has a small collection of furbies they customized which freaks their family out sometimes
the character sounds EXACTLY like one of their parents, to the point that to people who can’t tell who’s speaking based on word choice, they are impossible to tell apart based on voice alone
goes out of their way to get a couple very specific candies from another country, despite the cost
they love to get and receive snail mail and even have a wax sealing set they use on all outgoing letters
got kicked out of an extracurricular or club as a kid and never got over it
used to be afraid of dogs and then found one they adored… and now they just adore all dogs period
has been “out” for over ten years and has yet to get around to going to a pride event
tends to narrate what they’re doing if there’s nobody around. sometimes, they narrate in song.
reads tarot cards
belongs to a religion that isn’t very well known and often has to explain it to people
joined a secret society at one point in their life, but it was a benevolent sort of secret society and rarely comes up
figured out what they wanted to do when they grew up by the time they were eight; as of their current age, that’s still what they want to spend the rest of their life doing
can cut or otherwise injure themself on anything. ice cubes, paper clips, a computer keyboard, a bottle of soap… it’s all fair game.
the character was a “bad kid” when they were in school, but nobody believes them about that now because they did such a 180 and are now almost a goody two shoes
they enjoy good food and will splurge on fancy cheeses and ingredients for elaborate dinners rather than on things like movie tickets, clothes, or trinkets
they’re multicultural
loves houseplants but often has trouble keeping them alive
eats frozen corn right out of the bag like it’s candy, without heating it
tried to get over a fear of heights by climbing onto the roof of their house and almost fell off while doing so
read an entire encyclopedia as a preteen to prove they could
has dissociative amnesia that is not plot important
they have six siblings
extremely tolerant to cold temperatures; used to walk outside in the snow while barefoot
dubbed the “family historian.” they have boxes full of scrapbooks, their great-grandparents’ love letters, old photos, and antique diaries.
can’t see ghosts- remarkable because everyone else in their family claims they can
poor growing up and had to learn to get food for free or very little money at an early age
once got stung right in the heart by several hornets and now is extremely wary around anything with a stinger
walked twenty miles in the rain to impress a girl
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zeal-zephyr · 4 years
Rebounds are similar to a game of cricket. A runner padding up for an injured player. It's him who ran all the way to the end still never got a chance to touch the pitch.
- Chirayu, Rebound Diaries.
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imaginingyourfandom · 5 years
oneshot masterlist
the originals:
Nightmare (Klaus Mikaelson)
Worth A Try (Emmett Cullen)
Partners (Jasper Hale)
Goodbye (Edward Cullen) 
Hike (Seth Clearwater)
Family (Embry Call)
Misunderstanding (Embry Call)
Hurt (Alec Volturi)
vampire diaries:
Knight In Shining Armour (Damon Salvatore)
You’re Beautiful (Stefan Salvatore)
harry potter:
Not A Secret Anymore (Draco Malfoy)
Nightmares (Draco Malfoy)
Ignoring For The Better (Oliver Wood)
One Kiss Too Many (Seamus Finnigan)
The Parchment (Fred + George Weasley)
Never Believe What They Say (Remus Lupin)
Pet Names (Sirius Black)
Snake (Cedric Diggory)
Werewolf (Remus Lupin)
Nice View (Steve Rogers)
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You (Steve Rogers)
Then And Now (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
I’m Sorry (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)
Paint Wars (Tony Stark)
You’re Not Alone (Wanda Maximoff)
Truth (Peter Parker)
So Small (Steve Rogers)
The Best Mission Of My Life (Natasha Romanoff)
Return (Peter Parker)
Scarlet Familiar (Wanda Maximoff)
Worth It (Bucky Barnes)
maze runner:
I Miss You (Newt)
teen wolf:
Forever Friends (Brett Talbot)
Here For You (Scott McCall)
Maybe It’s Love (Scott McCall)
What Do I Win?  | PART 1 | PART 2 (Derek Hale)
One Last Time (Derek Hale)
Til’ We Are Seventy (Derek Hale)
Hormonal Girl | PART 1 | PART 2 (Derek Hale)
I’ll Be Here (Isaac Lahey)
Goodbye Kiss (Theo Raeken)
Blame (Stiles Stilinski)
Thunderstorm (Stiles Stilinski)
Love Will Find A Way (Prince Caspian)
I Love You (Chris Halliwell)
Can’t Lose You (Chris Halliwell)
Mine (Chris Halliwell)
the librarians:
Answers (Ezekiel Jones)
Life And Death (Jacob Stone)
Stealing Together (Ezekiel Jones)
Admiring Your Vast Knowledge (Ezekiel Jones)
Taking Care Of You When You’re Injured (Ezekiel Jones)
Finding It Cute When Ezekiel Fangirls Over UFOs (Ezekiel Jones)
You & Ezekiel Decorating The Christmas Tree (Ezekiel Jones)
You Can’t Call Dibs (Ezekiel Jones)
Baby Winchester (Dean Winchester
My Fault (Dean Winchester)
A Place In This World (Mordred)
hawaii five 0:
Protect You (Steve McGarrett)
Talking (Jim Street)
madam secretary:
Make A Move (Blake Moran)
the resident:
Phobia (Conrad Hawkins)
chicago pd:
Relax (Adam Ruzek)
Who (Kenny Crosby + Jay Halstead)
FBI most wanted:
Witness (Jess LaCriox)
Newborn (Kenny Crosby)
Who (Kenny Crosby + Jay Halstead)
Despite It all (Wolverine)
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carmecendants · 5 years
I've been looking for this book I read a while ago and I'm ao honestly desperate at this point so I figured that I might as well put it on here in case anyone has read it before. If you can help me figure this out, I will literally love you for the rest of my life. The thing is, I'm not sure if what I'm remembering is only one book, or two books that I'm mixing together. Here's what I remember:
The main charecter is a boy on a track team. He's known as the fastest runner at his school.
He has a group of friends, one whom is his douchy best friend. The Best Friend's crush is into the Main Charecter, (I think they kiss?), which leads to the Best Friend and the rest of their friends having a falling out with Main Charecter.
At some point, this other Track Charecter shows up in the book. I vaguely remember him having an accent and being heavy, but I'm not too sure. This Track Charecter is faster than Main Charecter, they played this game where Main Charecter tried to tag him but couldn't, but he's really sweet and offers him advice.
The book either references or has a scene where one of the Main Character's other friends gets injured at some sort of junkyard hangout. (I think it was a dare gone wrong?)
The Best Friend and Main Charecter make up at the end.
Now, this is where I really struggle to figure out if I'm referring to the same book, but I'll throw it out here anyways.
The book is written like a diary/journal, written by the Main Charecter as punishment/a way to learn his lesson for throwing rocks and seriously injuring a disabled kid. (It was him and all of his friends doing it, but he took it too far and was the one to seriously hurt him.)
At the end of the book, I think the Main Charecter winds up visiting the disabled kid, but I'm incredibly fuzzy on the details about this part.
The cover of the book is someone with a paper bag with a smiley face over their head.
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irungracepace · 8 years
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Whale hello stress fracture number 5 in two years. How are you? Are you cereal? I haven’t ran in 6.5 months. Perhaps the elliptical dampened your spirit. How would I know? You snuck up on me. That’s okay, I don’t have time to feel salty about you because I’ve got so many other things to be happy about. You’ll never win.
Happiness is a choice so I chose to be happy because I can.
Stress fracture count: 1. March 2015 - left 2nd metatarsal. 2. November 2015 - left 2nd metatarsal. 3. March 2016 - left posterior shin (never got an MRI for that, but it felt like how my stress fracture in the same place felt). 4. August 2016 - left posterior shin. 5. March 2017 - left 1st metatarsal (from the elliptical) 😒 All stress fractures came unexpectedly. But I’m still not giving up.
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cheekeloheim · 6 years
This Habit Will Improve Your Weight-lifting Form And Reduce The Chance Of Injury; It Also Provides A Little Bit Of Exercise To Help Tone Up Your Butt.
You have probably found this article because you are one of the many people out there who wants to improve their fitness. It is crucial to stay physically fit. If you are in good shape, you will be able to live an active and exciting life which will be longer than if you are not in shape. If you have any sort of interest in your health, this article will give you some solid fitness advice. Change the types of exercises that you do from day to day to achieve optimum results. For instance, instead of doing all your workouts on your treadmill, take a walk around your neighborhood. Walking outside is much different with the hills and the sidewalk. Having various kinds of exercises can help the body not fall into becoming used to just one type, so that you can keep losing weight. Improve your overall fitness by creating an exercise routine that strengthens your muscles, enhances flexibility, and boosts cardiovascular health. Try to find classes that are held near your location. Reduce the chances of being injured by walking with proper posture. You should be standing tall, and your shoulders should be drawn back. Try to keep your arms bent at a 90-degree angle. Be sure that your arms are opposite your forward foot. With each step, allow your heel to hit the ground first then, roll the rest of the foot forward. Inhale at the beginning of your reps when weight lifting, and exhale at the end of your reps. Your body will make use of its available energy, and you will be able to take in more air as a result. Keep losing weight even when you are watching tv. There are several exercises that can be done right in front of the TV without any thought including walking in place, jumping jacks or sit-ups. Small weight-training exercises can be done, even as you sit on the couch. You can always squeeze exercise in somewhere. If you'd like to improve your muscle mass, then you should do less reps, but lift a greater amount of weight. Start off by choosing a muscle group like the chest. Before getting into the main workout, warm up with light weights. You can do upwards of 15-20 reps with these weights, then increase the intensity. Change to a heavier weight for the next set. You should only be able to do 6 to 8 repetitions at this weight. Your third set should be completed with an additional five pounds. Start a diary that contains your fitness efforts from the day. Be inclusive; you should note down not just your scheduled workouts but also any extra opportunities you had to be physically active. Make sure you also purchase a pedometer so that you can easily track your steps and add those to your information as well. Maintaining your fitness information in writing assists you in keeping track of your goals. When lifting weights, doing many reps of lighter weights is far more effective at increasing muscle mass than doing only a few reps with heavier weights. Bigger muscles do not always come from the person who lifts the most weights. The top lifters in the world swear by this way of training. Are you looking for ways to get more impact from your workouts? Add more stretching to it. Stretching has been shown to increase strength anywhere up to 20%. Take 20-30 seconds to stretch any muscles involved after each exercise you do. Your workout will be more effective by just stretching. You can enhance your workouts effectively by learning how to control your breathing properly. While doing crunches or situps, exhale as your shoulders reach their highest point. Forceful exhalation supports the abdominal muscles in working to the utmost. Try flexing your glutes when you raise weights above your body. This habit will improve your weight-lifting form and reduce the chance of injury; it also provides a little bit of exercise to help tone up your butt. This position protects your spine. A visible, touchable sign of weight-loss progress can provide the sort of motivation many people need to stick with their goals. Rather than weighing yourself constantly, try using tight-fitting clothes to help provide motivation. Try these clothes on every week, and you will literally feel how much your life is changing. Fitness is more than physical. By starting to work out regularly, you can even feel better emotionally. Exercising releases opoids in your brain called endorphins, which give you a temporary high. You can also better your self-esteem and confidence by getting in shape. In some ways, just a couple of routines stand between you power grip liquid chalk review and contentment. When cycling, slow and steady wins the race. By pedaling too quickly, you will become tired very fast. A steady pace will help to build endurance and, eventually, reduce fatigue. A brisk and steady pace also allows you to better feel muscle strain, which helps you to recognize potential injuries before they happen. Weight-lifting is great for runners. Runners often overlook the importance of weight training. However, runners who incorporate strength training into their routines have improved endurance and fewer injuries. As mentioned before, working out and eating properly to gain fitness is necessary to help you live longer and more robustly. You should never think great health is guaranteed to always be there. Use the advice laid out here and you can be fitter and healthier in no time.
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brokehorrorfan · 6 years
Best New Horror Movies on Netflix: Spring 2018
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There’s an overwhelming amount of horror movies to sift through on Netflix, so I’ve decided to take out some of the legwork by compiling a list of the season’s best new genre titles available on Netflix’s instant streaming service.
Please feel free to leave a comment with any I may have missed and share your thoughts on any of the films you watch. You can also peruse past installments of Best New Horror Moves on Netflix for more suggestions.
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1. The Ritual
The Ritual is the great Blair Witch Project sequel we never got. Although not found footage, it explores many similar plot points as the recent Blair Witch - yet it feels far more fresh and, more importantly, scarier. The first two acts are superbly eerie, and, while it loses a tiny bit of momentum toward the end, it offers a truly imaginative creature design. After memorable segments in several anthologies, David Bruckner's (V/H/S, The Signal) feature directorial debut offers a small but strong cast led by Rafe Spall (Prometheus), well-developed characters, a creative use of flashbacks, and a brilliant atmosphere of dread.
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2. Veronica
Veronica's reputation precedes it, as it has been the subject of several high-profile articles touting it as the scariest movie on Netflix. I'm not sure it lives up to that claim, but it's certainly worth seeing for yourself. Based on true events, the film takes place in 1991 Madrid. When 15-year-old Veronica (Sandra Escacena) attempts to contact her deceased father with a Ouija board alongside two fellow Catholic schoolgirls, she becomes haunted by something from the other side. Escacena - an actual teenager - delivers a great performance, and director Paco Plaza ([Rec]) channels James Wan in his expert crafting of frightening set pieces.
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3. Before I Wake
Nearly three years after it was supposed to open in theaters, Before I Wake was rescued from rights issues by Netflix. Director Mike Flanagan (Ouija: Origin of Evil, Gerald's Game) has since cemented himself as a modern master of horror, and Before I Wake is another winner. Kate Bosworth (Superman Returns) and Thomas Jane (The Mist) star as a couple who, still grieving the death of their young son, adopt a 6-year-old boy, Cody (a then-unknown Jacob Tremblay, Room). Upon learning that Cody's dreams manifests themselves in reality, the parents encourage him to dream about their deceased son in order to spend more time with him. Unfortunately for everyone, Cody also suffers from nightmares about a creature he calls The Canker Man. It's a bit heavy on exposition, but the film has ample heart and strong visuals. Similar to the work of Guillermo del Toro, Before I Wake blends horror motifs with fantastical and dark dramatic elements.
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4. 47 Meters Down
Originally scheduled to go straight-to-DVD in 2016, 47 Meters Down was given a theatrical release last summer, which proved to be an unlikely success. Mandy Moore (This Is Us) and Claire Holt (The Vampire Diaries) star in the underwater thriller as sisters whose shark diving expedition goes wrong. Trapped on the ocean floor, the girls' air supplies are quickly depleting while a swam of great white sharks circles the area. There are a few unfortunate jump scares, and suspension of disbelief is certainly required, but director Johannes Roberts (The Other Side of the Door) takes a mostly grounded, serious approach, crafting a bit of old-fashioned suspense at a brisk pace. Read my full review of the film here.
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5. Mute
Mute is a sci-fi mystery, not a horror movie - although it does have a brutal kill at its climax. Aesthetically, the film is total Blade Runner worship - perhaps even more so than Blade Runner 2049 - so it is gorgeous to look at. Set in the near future, the plot finds a mute bartender (Alexander Skarsgård, True Blood) searching the seedy underbelly of Berlin for his missing girlfriend. But it's the B-story - in which Paul Rudd (Ant-Man) and Justin Theroux (The Girl on the Train) play a pair of wise-cracking black market surgeons - that steals the show. Director Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code), who co-wrote the script with Michael Robert Johnson (Sherlock Holmes), also throws in a fun nod to Moon that sets Mute in the same universe.
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6. Nails
Nails occasionally feels like a lesser Insidious movie (particularly Chapter 3, since both involve injured female antagonists), but it'll hit that sweet spot when you're browsing Netflix for something short (only 85 minutes!) and creepy in the middle of the night. After a nasty hit and run, Dana (Shauna Macdonald, The Descent) is left confined to a hospital bed, barely able to speak or move. She believes someone is in the room with her at night; at first, she feels a presence watching her, and then it starts touching. Her family and doctors dismiss her claims as hallucinations from painkillers. It suffers from a bit too much exposition, but there are some strong horror set pieces. The Irish film earns bonus points for being almost entirely contained to the hospital bed without getting stale.
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7. Ravenous
Ravenous (also known as Les Affamés) is yet another post-apocalyptic zombie thriller in the vein of The Walking Dead, but it's better than many of its contemporaries. The Canadian production is in French, but it addresses universal themes in its exploration of human drama. In the film, various rogue survivors band together to strengthen their chances of survival among the hordes of infected. Along the way, it introduces a mysterious ritual of sorts that the zombies perform, though it's never fully paid off. Nevertheless, this one is worth a watch if you’re a fan of recent zombie dramas like Maggie, The Cured, Here Alone, and What We Become.
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8. Bad Match
The first act of Bad Match resembles a sophomoric “bro” comedy, but it's worth sitting through to watch it blossom into its final form: Fatal Attraction for the digital age. Jack Cutmore-Scott (Deception) stars as Harris, a 20-something tech worker with a tendency to hook up with women from a Tinder-like dating app and then never speak to them again. He finally meets a woman he really likes, Riley (Lili Simmons, Bone Tomahawk), only to have her become deeply obsessed with him. The supporting cast includes Noureen DeWulf (Anger Management), Chase Williamson (Beyond the Gates), Brandon Scott (Channel Zero), and Trent Haaga (Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV).
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9. Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters
I'm surprised it has taken this long for Toho to make a Godzilla anime, as both are staples of Japan, and the medium eliminates any limitations caused by having an actor in the rubber suit. Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters is the first installment in a planned anime trilogy. Like many Godzilla films, it spends a tedious amount of time with character exposition before the creatures are introduced. The film is set in 2048, after giant monster attacks have caused the earth to collapse. Humans search space for an inhabitable planet before returning to earth; nearly halfway through the movie, they finally land and start fighting the kaiju. It's an impressive sight when Godzilla finally shows up, as it’s the biggest version of the king of the monsters ever put on screen. With all of the set up out of the way, Planet of the Monsters sets the stage for the next two installments to be even better.
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Bonus: The End of the F***ing World
The End of the F***ing World is a British series released in the US as a Netflix original. 17-year-old James (Alex Lawther, Black Mirror) is fairly certain he's a serial killer, but when his would-be first victim, the moody Alyssa (Jessica Barden, The Lobster), invites him to runaway with him, the unstable couple fall for one another. Like Natural Born Killers meets Moonrise Kingdom, their time on the road includes absurd crime, unlikely death, young love, and pitch-black humor. With an engaging story spread out across eight 20-minute episodes, it's virtually impossible not to binge through the entire season in one sitting.
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Bonus: Haunters: The Art of the Scare
Haunters: The Art of the Scare is ostensibly a documentary about homemade haunted houses, similar to The American Scream. It profiles a few mom-and-pop haunts, illustrating the communal aspect as well as the strain it can have on personal relationships. But the bulk of the film is dedicated to McKamey Manor, a nonprofit "extreme haunt" run out of certifiably insane guy's house in San Diego. There's a waiting list of thousands of people who are more than willing to be debased on camera for all the internet to see. Deplorable as it may be, it's a fascinating subject that, frankly, should have been the sole subject of the documentary.
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devonrunning · 6 years
The Injury Diaries
When I began training for the Jack & Jill Marathon, I was certain there would be one of three outcomes: I would finish but not PR (maybe); I would PR (probably); I would qualify for Boston (hopefully).
I never once considered a fourth outcome—the one that actually happened—that I would never even make it to the start line.
My training was going so well—better than I ever could have hoped. I was hitting my goal paces, feeling great during speed workouts and long runs, and not having any issues with a much more rigorous training schedule and higher mileage than I’d ever attempted before.
That is, until the end of week 14.
I ended week 13 (one of my peak weeks, with 56 miles of running) feeling awesome and looking forward to the lower mileage of week 14 (just 43 miles). I cranked out a handful of easy runs Monday through Wednesday, then nailed my 9 x 800m speed workout on Thursday. Aiming for 3:30 intervals, I ran them all between 3:21 and 3:29. I felt on top of the world.
Then on Saturday, after an easy 6-mile run, I noticed my hips felt a little tight. We had Hallie and her husband Patrick over for drinks that night, and I asked her about stretches to help relieve the tightness (she’s a personal trainer and fitness instructor). My 12-mile long run on Sunday went fine, but I had the same tight feeling after that one. I started stretching, foam rolling and trying to release my piriformis with a hard ball like crazy.
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Week 15 was meant to be my final peak week, ending with my third 20-miler on Sunday. I felt a little off as I began each run that week, but then felt fine after I got warmed up. The hip tightness and a strange feeling of weakness in my left glute plagued me every night. I continued stretching and cursed myself for previously not being more diligent about stretching after every run, and for not doing any hip- or glute-strengthening exercises throughout my training.
We drove up to Whistler, B.C. on Wednesday, the 4th of July. It was a 4.5-hour drive. (I later learned that my injury is exacerbated by long periods of sitting). My run on Thursday did NOT go well, but I thought that was because it was meant to be a tempo run and I accidentally did it on a very hilly trail.
Saturday was supposed to be my final 10-mile run at marathon goal pace (8:00 average). I shook off the weird tight/weak feelings in the first few miles and had a great run nearly on pace for the first four miles or so. The path then turned into rolling hills and I started feeling discomfort in my lower back, just above my left glute. At mile 5, I stopped to stretch. By mile 5.4, I was in a LOT of pain and knew I shouldn’t run another step. 
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I was five miles away from our condo, so I called Aaron and asked him to come pick me up. It was raining. I waited inside the vestibule of a grocery store and tried stretching some more. When I realized stretching did nothing to help the pain, I started crying. I didn’t want to believe it, but somehow I knew my race was probably over.
I Googled like crazy to try to figure out what my injury was, and anything I found with symptoms similar to mine came with a recommendation to stop running for 4-6 weeks. The marathon was three weeks away. More tears.
We drove home from Whistler that day, and it was the most uncomfortable car ride of my life (other than the car ride to the hospital to give birth, but that was only about 5 minutes long!). This one took 5+ hours, thanks to the looooong line we had to wait in at the border to get back into the U.S. Sitting felt horrible, so I constantly squirmed around trying to find a better position. Putting a small, hard ball under my left glute felt somewhat better, but still not great.
The next few days were quite painful, especially in the mornings. I was super stiff and tight, and even something as simple as getting into the car brought me to the brink of tears. Bending over to pick up Evie was excruciating. Sitting for any longer than 10-15 minutes was uncomfortable, so I ditched my desk at work and took my laptop into the kitchen so I could work standing up at a tall counter. (I did that every day for a month or so until I finally got a standing desk.)
First I went to my chiropractor to see if he could figure out what was wrong with me, but I quickly realized I needed to see a physical therapist. I had my first appointment on July 11, during which the PT diagnosed hypermobility of my left sacroiliac (SI) joint going into anterior rotation, so that when I run and my left leg extends behind me, it forces my pelvis into an anterior rotation beyond the normal limits of the joint.
He recommended no running for 6-8 weeks and weekly physical therapy (along with daily exercises at home) through August, but he also said that since I’d been injured for a short amount of time (one week), there was a chance the issue could resolve in a short amount of time and I’d be able to run soon. Did that mean running a marathon on July 28 was a good idea? I didn’t know for sure, but probably not. I tried to stay positive and keep an open mind. I had come too far in my training to give up just yet.
My glute and lower back felt better every day as I continued my physical therapy. I was wary to even attempt to run until the day I woke up completely pain-free, in fear of ruining the progress I’d made, so I just walked in the evenings or used the elliptical or adaptive motion trainer in my office gym at lunchtime to try to keep up my fitness.
On July 20, my PT had me do a test run on the treadmill, and I ran 3/4 of a mile with no pain. I was very hopeful. But then on July 22—the Sunday before the marathon—I attempted a run outside and didn’t even make it two miles before I felt the familiar ache of my SI joint and knew I should stop.
The funny thing was that I stopped my run right at the finish line of the actual marathon course. I looked at the empty trail that would soon be filled with timing mats, spectators and an announcer shouting out the names of finishers and Boston qualifiers. They would all be there—but not for me.
I let go of my dreams for this race knowing that I had given it my all. I gave it my all in training and I gave it my all in attempted recovery. Whether you make it onto the race course or not, that’s all you can do in a marathon. The rest just is what it is.
I’m tearing up as I write this, even though it’s now September and this all happened more than a month ago. I had hoped to be running again by now. I had hoped to be training for a December marathon by now. But it looks like I have to let go of that one, too, and put in more work before I can set another big goal.
My PT cleared me to run a few miles at a time starting in mid-August, and he gave me some cues to correct my running form and hopefully avoid future injuries. But either I’m doing something wrong or it will take time for my body to adjust because I started feeling pain along the inside of both shins that my PT says is posterior tibial tendonitis.
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So now my SI joint feels fine, but here’s this new thing holding me back. I’ve added a new exercise to my PT routine to help with it, and tried to run through it a few times, but now I’m just done. I’m taking time off from running, focusing on walking, continuing physical therapy and doing the Bikini Body Guide over again. I’m planning to work with a running coach on my eventual return.
It’s frustrating to still be sidelined, but it doesn’t feel good trying to force my body to do something it apparently doesn’t want to do, either. I’ll stick with what feels good, which—for now—is not running.
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I’m fortunate that I’ve been running since 2010 and am only now dealing with injuries, and I’m thankful that they’re not so bad in the grand scheme of things. I believe pain-free running is ahead for me. I just need more time—and more help—to make it happen.
Thanks for following along and for your encouragement. I still like to see other runners out there killing it. It makes me happy, and gives me hope.
Follow along in real time on Instagram @dev.on.running.
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dietplan5 · 2 years
Fitness Tips to Follow: A Guide to becoming healthier
Certain people are naturally fit in terms of fitness, while others have to work hard to reach the same end goal. This article was written to aid people of all levels by providing helpful ways to meet whatever fitness goals you want to achieve. intermittent fasting 16 8 meal plan
Purchase an extended gym membership ahead of time to ensure that you make use of it. This is a great way to fool yourself into joining the gym when you're having difficulty attending.
If you are a regular at the gym, you'll be capable of running within their community. A hilly path can cause different muscles to be engaged and challenged.
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Start with lighter weights as you begin lifting weights. Small muscles get worn out before those of larger size, so the use of barbells prior to larger machines makes sense.
Make sure to think creatively before you start an exercise program. There are many various fitness options that do not require a gym. It is important to choose a sport that you like about the exercise you choose to ensure that you are motivated and keep going.
Personal trainers are an excellent investment for those who are committed to constantly getting fitter. Personal trainers follow a strict exercise routine.
Keep a daily exercise diary in which you record what you have done throughout the day. Keep track of your routine workouts along with any extra physical activity you participate in. Purchase a pedometer you can track how you move every day. Include it in your log also. This kind of record is invaluable for monitoring your progress toward your ultimate target.
Wall sits are an effective way of reducing and effective way to increase leg strength. Begin by choosing a wall that will fit your body's motion. You should stand about 18 inches away off the wall. Maintain the position till you cannot remain there any longer.
An excellent way to stay fit. The intense workout of kickboxing can burn off a lot of calories and boosts your endurance by tenfold.
Work out only your muscles after you have done the day before in a light manner. This can be done by exercising at a much less intense level.
Lifting can help you run. Many runners don't consider the weights training method as a way to improve their performance in running, however, they ought to! Studies show that those who regularly exercise strength are better and further than those who don't.
Volunteering to help with an active job can be a fantastic opportunity to stay fit and incorporate an exercise routine into your daily routine. There are a variety of volunteering opportunities that require physical work. It keeps you active and help out to those in need. organisations.
Do certain exercises outdoors whenever you can. You can go for a hike or to the beach or climb and descend an extensive set of stairs. It will provide you with an enjoyable workout as well as your mind. The outdoors can aid in clarity of thought and assist to focus your mind more effectively.
You'll need to increase your body's strength by doing exercises to strengthen strengthening your abs.Sit-ups and crunches that are done in small sets each day will build the abdominal muscles.
If you're on the path to fitness, consult your doctor prior to stepping into any hard training. Even if you've already started an exercise routine Your doctor will be able to give you some useful advice.
Barbells and dumbbells along with an exercise bench is a great method to stay in shape. It is essential to pick the most suitable bench. This bench can weaken your spine.
Be careful not to bounce when you're stretching. It can cause muscle strain without a reason. While many people bounce while stretching, it is not the truth. You could even injure yourself while doing this. Remember that proper stretching is a solid hold, that do not require moving.
Include exercises in the cleaning schedule.If you're bent down to clean up a spill then think about doing some lunges. You can even do push-ups.
Sitting up correctly can result in back pain.Take an Swiss ball by putting a towel on your body for the same result as anchoring. When you anchor your feet, you sit up can add an additional burden on your back.
Avoid focusing on one specific side while you're putting your body. Many people believe they will achieve good results by only focusing on a specific area.
The option of paying your trainer in advance is a good way to ensure that you're able to attend all of your training sessions.
This technique can help increase the speed of your footwork when playing exercises. Bring your left foot up in forward, and then touch it using your right hand and then set it down in the ground. Bring up your right food, and then grasp it using your other hand, then lower it down. Make sure your right hand is touching your left foot, from behind and reverse versa.Try this for at least 20 seconds each time, making sure to move as fast as you can. You may keep going for five sets.
Buy some fitness equipment, if you wish to create your own. This investment will assist you earn money as long as you use it to the maximum extent possible. Make sure you determine which business provides the most competitive price on the equipment you'd like to purchase. Be sure to purchase equipment of top quality to last.
Pause for a short break every now and then often throughout your workday to ensure that you don't develop the condition of deep vein thrombosis. It is recommended to walk or stand for 20-30 minutes every hour. Keep your blood flowing by stretching your legs and arms. Your fitness levels will improve through this constant light exercise throughout the day.
You should exercise at least twice per week, however it is better to work out every day. Your workouts don't have to be long ones. A fifteen or twenty-minute session typically will suffice. It is recommended to not go longer then 60 minutes.
Whatever your fitness level is it is possible to benefit from adhering to the advice you've learned. Be aware of these suggestions and incorporate them into your workout routine. Take the time necessary to attain a healthy lifestyle and the benefits will last for a long time.
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Miyuki Kazuya headcannons
ok so I've already made a post about my miyusawa head cannons but i wanted to do just miyuki so here it goes;
Kazuya has a thing about control, it stems from insecurities, childhood neglect and always feeling as if he had no control in middle school. He likes to have control in his relationships too, most people find it annoying but a select few understand and embrace it. (cough- Eijun- cough).
Kazuya is a domineering bastard and possessive too, but he's also a total marshmallow. a gooey half baked cookie to those he loves.
he has a diary, its mostly filled with snarky (affectionate) comments about the team and what they did to annoy him that day. 
Kazuya is super protective of his close friends and deeply against violence from when he was bullied as a kid. The first time Kazuya saw Eijun’s grandpa hit him he just about crawled out of his skin, it went against every instinct he had to just let his pitcher get hurt.
he is the absolute worst patient when he’s injured or sick. but he’s a hella good caretaker when someone else is sick.
He and Mochi have the oddest relationship. they will insult each other, fight, and just generally not get along, but heaven help anyone else who tries to insult the other. they're brothers and they both claim the other is the younger brother.
Eijun might end up taller than Kazuya but the catcher always outpaces him in muscle and is just generally bigger than him. Eijun is built like a runner and Kazuya is built like a brick house. 
eijun slouches all the time so he still fits under Kazuya’s chin. Kazuya finds it absolutely adorable.
he plays in the pro league until he can't any more (Catchers have issues with their knees a lot in the MLB and other prologues.) then he becomes a coach for his old middle school (all of the kids love him, though no one can figure out why).
he only starts to wear contacts all the time because he knows how flustered it makes Eijun. 
Kazuya and Rei still have a close relationship, though its mostly them bitching to each other about stubborn pitchers (Eijun and Katoaka) and talking about their players.
Kazuya is still the best catcher is japan and the MLB though he says Chris is better. of course Chris says Kazuya is better, they've actually gotten into arguments about it, Eijun usually just ignores them or says their both the best and moves on.
as a joke Kazuya wrote a sarcastic cook book with snarky comments in the margins, it was published and becomes a household staple in tokyo.
Eijun almost burnt their house down, and Kazuya was almost hospitalized because he was laughing so hard he failed to get out of the house. it still cracks him up when Eijun even mentions cooking. (yes i am aware that Eijun can cook in cannon leave me alone).
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thefinalcinderella · 4 years
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Chapter 3 - Practice Begins (Part 5)
This chapter took a lifetime lol
List of translations here
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Students who were earnestly tackling long-distance ran at least six-hundred kilometers in a month. When it was time for the final stretch, it was common for some to run more than a thousand kilometers a month. Kakeru did long training runs, aiming for that level. He wished the residents of Chikusei-sou success, but that didn’t mean he intended to match his own training to the level of a newly-formed team.
“Kakeru, you ran a little too much.”
Kiyose, who was checking the training diaries, told him that after the main training. It was when everyone was working on leisurely cooling down while changing clothes and stretching on the grass of the field.
For the first two weeks, everyone struggled to make it through the regimen, in dire straits with muscle pain, blood blisters and awful foot blisters. However, the members had potential from the beginning. Now, it seemed that their bodies were adjusting little by little: running was becoming a bit more fun, and they had managed to assimilate the regimen written on the training table.
Inwardly, Kakeru was surprised at the high adaptability of the residents, but it was ultimately just beginner’s training. He was pursuing running on a whole different level. Unless someone stopped him, he tended to run for as long and as far as he liked.
“Even at your age, your body isn’t fully matured yet, so you can’t push yourself too hard. What will you do if you overwork your body now and injure it?”
Lately, Kakeru’s body felt very light. He felt that the more he ran, the stronger he got, and the more his speed improved. That was why in actuality, Kiyose’s warning didn’t hit home for him. Even so, he obediently answered, “Yes.”
“On the other hand, Prince is running too little.”
In Prince’s training diary, the word “treadmill” was written once every two days instead of “evening jog”.
“I thought that honesty was one of your best points but…this is actually just ‘I skipped jogging and read manga’, right?”
Even if Kiyose invited Prince to jog with him in the evening, Prince had built a barricade out of manga and stubbornly refused to open the door to his room.
Pursued by Kiyose, Prince desperately explained himself. “That’s true, but I really do read manga while using the treadmill. Lately, I feel like I’ve been gaining some muscle on my legs.”
“Let me see.”
Kiyose touched Prince’s calves to confirm. Seeing that, Yuki warned him, “Haiji, you should really stop that leg-touching habit of yours soon.”
Kiyose got up with a “hmm”.
“It’s true that you’ve made some progress in morning jogging and main practice. But working out on a treadmill while reading manga isn’t a good idea; it’ll ruin your form and it won’t help you develop the sensation of running on a road. I hope that you’ll join the evening jogs every day as well.”
Before Kiyose’s quiet, forceful power, Prince had no choice but to swear, “I will join.” As for Kakeru, he was relieved: he wanted Prince to run outside as much as possible. The treadmill was installed in his room, which was already bearing a lot of weight, and every time Prince trained there, Kakeru’s ceiling creaked like it was going to burst open.
“Unlike our honest Prince, there’s a king who is submitting a diary that’s filled with lies and embellishments.”
At Kiyose’s words, everyone looked at King and laughed. “You found out?” King asked, picking at the dirt with the toe of his shoe like he was embarrassed. “It’s because I can’t run at all and my times aren’t getting any better. I thought that was bad, so I showed off a little in my report.”
“It’s still only two weeks since you started training. Results won’t show that quickly,” Kiyose told King gently. “To become the quiz king, you need to steadily build up your knowledge and skills to hit the buzzer fast, right? It’s the same with track; cheap tricks won’t work. The physical strength and skills are acquired through daily training. Then, the courage to look at your true ability straight on is what will save you in the end in the actual event. I know that you’ve been training seriously, so you can just write down the truth.”
King nodded. “I’ll do that.”
“There’s no particular problems with anyone else so far. But, Nico-chan-senpai.”
“Yeah?” Nico-chan, called by Kiyose, stopped fixing his shoelaces and looked up.
“You haven’t been eating a lot lately.”
“That’s not true.”
“Don’t lie. Who do you think is making your food?”
It was Kiyose. Nothing could be hidden from the master of Chikusei-sou, who not only made the training plans but also the residents’ food.
Nico-chan explained himself while scratching his cheek. “Look, I’m stocky, you know? I need to lose some weight.”
“There’s no need for that,” Kiyose cut him off flatly. “You work your body during training, so you’ll lose weight even if you continue to eat the way you have until now. An unreasonable diet can cause your body to break down, so please eat a balanced and proper diet.”
“Got it. But if I can’t tighten up my body well in training, then I’ll go on a diet.”
“I’ve calculated that you should be able to tighten up over the summer for sure,” Kiyose conceded. “If it looks like it’s not working out, then we’ll think about it then. Don’t do anything reckless on your own.”
 “Is it advantageous to be lighter?” Shindou, who was listening to the conversation, asked, tilting his head. “Won’t you have less energy if you lose weight?”
The theorist Yuki answered his question.
“Of course, unreasonable diets are banned. You’ll get anemia, and if you have that, it’ll be dangerous for your heart since that’ll put a burden on it. But fundamentally, you should tighten up your body—whittle away the extra fat and improve your cardiopulmonary functions. Even racing cars have their bodies as light as possible to make their engines more powerful. It’s the same as that.”
“I see.” Shindou withdrew in understanding.
“It’s just as Yuki said.” Kiyose looked over everyone. “Just like racing cars, where the body’s balance is confirmed and the engine’s performance is enhanced through repeatedly doing test drives, a runner also builds up their body by running every day. The backlash will be big if you seek a sudden change, so I want you all to be careful.”
Icing your muscles immediately if they seem to be staying hot after training, even just a little bit. Never missing stretches and massages. Taking supplements for iron and other nutrients which people tend to lack.
After teaching them the various ways of preventing injuries and maintaining their health, Kiyose said, “Now, you’re all dismissed.”
On the way back to Chikusei-sou, Kakeru ended up running next to Nico-chan by chance. Nico-chan was worried about his weight and currently abstaining from smoking, and he didn’t seem to be able to relieve his stress well. He looked somewhat somber.
At times like these, one should provide a fun and lighthearted topic of conversation. However, Kakeru tried thinking of all sorts of things, but couldn’t come up with anything.
“Kakeru, what’s for dinner today?”
In the end, Nico-chan was the one who started talking. I really am no good at anything other than running. Kakeru was dejected indeed.
“It’s probably curry. Haiji-san asked me to go to the shopping district to buy curry powder before the main practice.”
Something flickered at the back of Kakeru’s mind. That’s right, the shopping district. Didn’t Musa invite me to go and see his evening jog? Maybe it could be a diversion for Nico-chan.
“Nico-chan-senpai, would you like to run with me tonight?”
“Why are you talking like you’re picking me up all of a sudden?”
Yuki, who was a bit ahead of them, turned back. “Where are you taking me, darling?” he teasingly cut into the conversation with an expressionless face, as though he was wearing an iron mask.
“The shopping district,” Kakeru answered seriously. The three of them were the members who jogged on their own. It was perfect, so they decided to take a look at the “interesting thing” happening to the group jogging together.
As expected, dinner was curry. Kiyose’s personality of not cutting corners was demonstrated in his cooking as well. Before the main training, he boiled the onions until they were soft and tender, and adjusted the taste by uniquely blending the several commercially available curry powders that Kakeru bought.
But no one noticed the depth of the flavor of the curry sauce; everyone seemed more joyful at the fact that the curry contained a lot of boneless pork ribs. Even the colorfully arranged salads were devoured in an instant without a single chance to be visually appreciated.
“It wasn’t worth making this.” Kiyose, with an expression that was halfway between resentment and sadness, put the empty plates in the sink. 
Nico-chan, who seemed to have decided to eat properly, said, “I’ll just have a little more.” He stood before the rice cooker. “More than taste or anything else, just let these guys eat meat.”
The kitchen didn’t fit a table for everyone to eat at. When the dining table was filled, the people who came to eat later would get out a small tea table and sit in the hallway in front of the kitchen.
Shindou and Musa arrived when Kakeru was still eating his curry. The dining table was completely filled, and though the twins were nearing dessert, they didn’t attempt to clear their seats. They were currently in a fierce argument over whether to cover strawberries in condensed milk or milk and sugar.
Kakeru, who was mindful of hierarchical relationships no matter what, held his spoon in his mouth and picked up his curry-filled plate, about to give up his seat at the table. Shindou hurriedly stopped him. “It’s fine, Kakeru.”
“Senpai-kouhai relationships do not matter in Aotake,” Musa said. “That is why it is so comfortable, right?”
Kakeru sat back down at the table and ate the rest of his curry. For him, who had spent his three years of high school in his track and field club’s dorm, the fact that the upperclassmen ate in the hallway and the underclassmen ate at the table was unbelievable.
From his experience, as an underclassman he had to attend to his seniors’ personal needs, such as washing their shoes and doing their laundry. And of course his turn for the bath was near the end. That was the extent of it, and he didn’t really mind it as long as he could devote himself to practice without his seniors getting jealous of him.
Conversely, when he became an upperclassman, Kakeru didn’t want to let his underclassmen wash his shoes; they were important objects that were required for running. How his former senpai could so easily leave their shoes in someone else’s hands, he had no idea. His teammates in the same grade as him gossiped about him behind his back, saying things like “He’s messing up the order of things” and “Don’t try to look cool”. Kakeru ignored it all. No one could catch up to his speed, and if he could run without reservations when he became an upperclassman, then he was satisfied with just that. He thought he would let them say whatever they wanted.
Within the club, Kakeru had come to be kept at a distance, treated as an aloof and solitary existence. To put it another way, he was somewhat isolated.
But in Chikusei-sou, it was easy to breathe. Nobody cared about the difference between the years of their birth. They said what they wanted to say to each other. Even now, Nico-chan had just put an end to the twins’ fight. It was done forcefully by throwing both condensed milk and milk and sugar into the two’s strawberry bowls.
“You’re awful, Nico-chan-senpai! I wanted to eat it with milk and sugar!”
“I put it in for you, didn’t I.”
“I definitely prefer condensed milk.”
“I said I put it in, didn’t I.”
Leaving the exchange between the twins—who were far from reaching an agreement—and Nico-chan aside, Kakeru helped Kiyose in cleaning up. They stood next to each other at the sink, washing the dishes.
“Haiji-san, what time do you run near the shopping district?”
“Around eight. Why?”
“No, it’s nothing.”
Musa, who had come to put his plate away, winked at Kakeru.
Kakeru, Nico-chan, and Yuki went to the children’s playground at the entrance to the shopping district. Running in circles between the sandbox, swings, and slide was monotonous, but there was no other way to keep an eye on the shopping district while jogging.
They ran around thirty laps beneath the dim outside lights in the park, and just when they were feeling pretty dizzy, Kiyose and the others from Chikusei-sou appeared. They turned the corner and entered the large shopping district that led to the station. Their running abilities varied, so the procession was long and stretched out, but Prince somehow managed to keep up.
“They’re here.”
“Let’s try following them secretly.”
Kakeru and the others left the park and entered the shopping district.
There were many private shops lining both sides of the narrow street: the bakery, which had its shutters down after finishing a day’s work; the fish dealer, shouting loudly to sell the last of their wares before closing time; the snack bar, where customers were starting to come in for the night.
Lamps that imitated paper-covered lanterns cast an orange light over the street. People walking home from the station and shoppers aiming for limited-time sales crowded the shopping district.
“No matter how you look at it, Prince is too slow,” Yuki grumbled. “It’ll be hard to run without passing him.”
Kakeru and the others hid behind the passersby and slipped past Prince. When King’s back became visible, they also managed to pass him without being noticed.
“It’s Haiji.” Yuki indicated forward with his chin. Kiyose was running towards them.
“Why’s he coming back?”
“It’s too soon for him to have turned back from the station.”
The three tried to slip past by looking down, but Kiyose didn’t fail to notice them.
“Why are you guys sneaking around?” Kiyose turned and ran next to Kakeru and the others, who were running towards the station, to accompany them.
“What are you doing, Haiji-san?” Kakeru asked.
“I came to see how the guys running in the back are doing,” Kiyose answered.
His management abilities were flawless as usual. Kakeru wondered just how far he was running to keep an eye on everyone. He was a bit worried; his legs weren’t even fully recovered yet, apparently.
Meanwhile, Kiyose was carrying on the conversation with Yuki.
“Kakeru said something interesting was happening with you guys, so we came to see.”
“Oh, you mean that?”
Kiyose pointed straight ahead, where Shindou and Musa were running side by side.
“What are they doing?”
It was understandable that Nico-chan was puzzled. Shindou and Musa were wearing white T-shirts, but there were words written on their backs in jet black permanent marker. Kakeru strained his eyes and read the words on the two’s backs as they were running through the middle of the shopping district.
We’re aiming for the Hakone Ekiden!!
Supporters wanted for Kansei University Track and Field Club
“…That’s some proper lettering,” Yuki commented.
“Apparently, Shindou did it by hand,” Kiyose explained matter-of-factly, his breathing not even disturbed. “I told him to stop since it’s embarrassing, but he insisted that we needed it to raise funds. He actually made enough for everyone, supposedly.”
I’m definitely not wearing it, Kakeru thought. Shindou was always quiet and calm, with an air of aloofness like he wasn’t connected to this earthly world, but he seemed to be quite practical.
“That’s surprising. To think that Shindou-san would collect money so actively.”
“Through running, you can see unexpected sides of people,” Kiyose said with a smile. “Shindou, Musa,” he called out to the two running ahead.
“It seems that these three want to cooperate with your business activities.”
We never said that, we never said that! Kakeru and the others shook their heads in unison. Musa raised his hand a little towards Kakeru, who joined them.
“I will give you one of Shindou-san’s handmade T-shirts as well, Kakeru. Also, please take a look at that person.”
There was a bicycle weaving through the crowd of people in the shopping district. The person riding it was a girl around the same age as them. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was peddling her bike with all her might, her eyes fixed on something. Even from a distance, it was clear that her profile, which could be seen occasionally, was refined and beautiful.
“That’s the daughter of the owner of Yaokatsu,” Kiyose said.
“How do you know her?” Kakeru, who was preoccupied with the girl’s profile, moved his gaze to Kiyose running next to him.
“I’ve been coming here to buy food to cook for everyone at Aotake for a long time now, so I’ve seen her around.”
“Then have you ever chatted with her?”
“Just stuff like ‘these daikon have very nice leaves’ and ‘here’s your two-hundred yen change,’” Kiyose laughed from the corner of his mouth. “Are you curious about her, Kakeru?”
“No, not really.”
He returned his gaze forward. The bike was still heading for the station, popping in and out of the crowd.
“We’ve become a bit famous thanks to this.” Shindou pulled at the hem of his T-shirt. “Every day, we form a line and run like this, and the shopkeepers who recognize Haiji-san call out to us. ‘You’re a student staying in that shabby apartment, aren’t you? Looks like you’re starting something interesting,’ they say.”
“The landlord is a regular at the go parlor here,” Kiyose said. “Apparently, he’s going around spreading word that the ‘residents of Aotake are aiming for the Hakone Ekiden’.”
It was probably a strategy to get the locals involved in the plan so they wouldn’t be able to say “I quit” so easily. Kakeru was impressed with Kiyose and the landlord’s abilities to steadily remove the obstacles in their way. Since he was the first to announce his participation, it seemed that Shindou also intended to take the initiative in doing publicity. The carefree and easygoing residents were rapidly getting carried along by the flow towards the Hakone Ekiden. Will it be okay? Kakeru felt uneasy. However, it was nice and heartening that the people outside of Chikusei-sou showed interest in Kakeru and the others aiming for the Hakone Ekiden.
“She has been showing up when we are jogging recently,” Musa lightly pointed at the daughter of Yaokatsu who was riding her bike. “Her goal is…”
Drawn in, Kakeru, Nico-chan and Yuki’s gazes looked further ahead of the bike. The person who was running there was…
“The twins!?” Kakeru shouted in shock.
“Which one!?” Nico-chan also moaned. Musa shrugged.
“Well, I don’t know.”
“It doesn’t matter, they’re identical,” Yuki coolly pointed out.
I’m sensing love in the air, Kakeru thought. Jouta and Jouji, running next to each other, didn’t seem like they noticed at all. He would have to advise them to take a proper bath as soon as possible.
For now, it seemed certain that the residents of Chikusei-sou, who worked hard to jog every morning and evening, were becoming familiar to the people of the shopping district.
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morebedsidebooks · 6 years
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Top Ten Most Challenge Books in 2017:
1.Thirteen Reasons Why written by Jay Asher
Originally published in 2007, this New York Times bestseller has resurfaced as a controversial book after Netflix aired a TV series by the same name. This YA novel was challenged and banned in multiple school districts because it discusses suicide.
2. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian written by Sherman Alexie
Consistently challenged since its publication in 2007 for acknowledging issues such as poverty, alcoholism, and sexuality, this National Book Award winner was challenged in school curriculums because of profanity and situations that were deemed sexually explicit.
3. Drama written and illustrated by Raina Telgemeier
This Stonewall Honor Award-winning, 2012 graphic novel from an acclaimed cartoonist was challenged and banned in school libraries because it includes LGBT characters and was considered “confusing.”
4.The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini
This critically acclaimed, multigenerational novel was challenged and banned because it includes sexual violence and was thought to “lead to terrorism” and “promote Islam.”
5.George written by Alex Gino
Written for elementary-age children, this Lambda Literary Award winner was challenged and banned because it includes a transgender child.
6. Sex is a Funny Word written by Cory Silverberg and illustrated by Fiona Smyth
This 2015 informational children’s book written by a certified sex educator was challenged because it addresses sex education and is believed to lead children to “want to have sex or ask questions about sex.”
7. To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee
This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, considered an American classic, was challenged and banned because of violence and its use of the N-word.
8. The Hate U Give written by Angie Thomas
Despite winning multiple awards and being the most searched-for book on Goodreads during its debut year, this YA novel was challenged and banned in school libraries and curriculums because it was considered “pervasively vulgar” and because of drug use, profanity, and offensive language.
9. And Tango Makes Three written by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson and illustrated by Henry Cole
Returning after a brief hiatus from the Top Ten Most Challenged list, this ALA Notable Children’s Book, published in 2005, was challenged and labeled because it features a same-sex relationship.
10. I Am Jazz written by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings and illustrated by Shelagh McNicholas
This autobiographical picture book co-written by the 13-year-old protagonist was challenged because it addresses gender identity.
It’s Banned Books Week again, the 2018 theme: “Banning Books Silences Stories”.
The Top Ten Most Challenged and Banned List once again reflects a good deal of diversity and several recognizable perennial titles on the list. In fact almost 57 years separates the youngest and oldest titles, which both dare to examine racial issues in the US.
Perhaps of more concern than any one book is the chilling effect any challenge can exact. “Blanket bans” are on the rise affecting entire collections of books and other materials with commonalities such as subject matter, author or, rating. There have also been more censorship incidents from an administrative level without following policy in (ineffective) attempts to evade a controversy.
Of significance also back in December of 2016 the OIF began collecting information about hate crimes that take place on library property. (I.e. defacement, vandalism and harassment or assault meant to threaten and injure someone based on membership in a specific group.) While not a new occurrence, there was a marked upsurge of such incidents, in some areas for the first time, immediately following the 2016 US presidential election. 2017 saw 23 such incidents reported, mostly involving vandalism but, some regarding death threats.
Such should be a wakeup call to the ALA and OIF about the risks associated with hate groups and speech. How does one acknowledge “real world consequences, sometimes causing great pain, suffering, and even trauma” in communities and how the price being paid for living in a democracy must always be reevaluated?  These are more than just unpleasant or, contentious issues but, about the rights of someone to exist and the ethics upheld in society. If libraries are one venue where building communities and bringing about positive social change occurs, I more than hope the ALA will do better in its guidance and support on issues that affect the very welfare of library professionals and patrons.
So let’s celebrate this Banned Books Week by speaking out about books and on issues in our communities, aspiring to true freedom!
 (Artwork from The Top Ten Most Challenged Books in 2017 from The State of America’s Libraries 2018: A Report from the American Library Association. Kathy S. Rosa, ed. 2018.)
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