#Diagnosis of vitiligo
healthcare021 · 2 years
Vitiligo Treatment in India: Say Bye-Bye to Skin Diseases
Our cells contain a skin-coloring pigment called melanin, produced by melanocytes. When the melanocytes stop producing melanin, our skin starts to lose color in the form of white patches. This condition is known as vitiligo. It is an autoimmune disorder suffered by 1% of the human population. Celebrities like Canadian supermodel Winnie Harlow suffers from this condition. Vitiligo treatment in India is gaining momentum around the world due to its cost-effectiveness and high success rates. Although there is no cure for the condition, medical advancements have made it possible to keep the disorder in check.
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wikipediapictures · 1 year
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Comprehensive Vitiligo Treatment in Surat at Elegance Clinic: Restore Skin Health with Advanced Care
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Discover expert Vitiligo Diagnosis and Treatment in Surat at Elegance, India. This blog covers everything you need to know about vitiligo, including its types, symptoms, causes, and advanced treatments such as topical creams, UVB therapy, melanocyte transfer, and skin grafting. With personalised care from Dr. Ashutosh Shah and a team of experienced dermatologists, Elegance Clinic offers cutting-edge solutions to manage and restore pigmentation. Read more to learn how you can take control of your vitiligo and regain your confidence.
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
IRT 4978 and all ensuing drama:
I want to start off by saying, I would never directly accuse anybody of faking, even if I have doubts, I'd rather err on the side of caution.
However, you can't pretend that there isn't a HUGE influx of people who are just play-acting for attention to jump on a trendy bandwagon.
That's not to say I think 100% of them are lying intentionally, I think a good portion are just being mislead as to what DID even is, and are too eager for community, connection (and yes, attention too) to second guess anyone. Loads of tiktoks provide instructions for "discovering" or "programming" new alters, and what they're describing is basically just the process of. Coming up with OCs? Like, if you're just thinking real hard about your blorbos that is NOT the same as having dissociative identity disorder.
I could see how it could be fun and interesting as a creative exercise, and a method of self-exploration, to associate certain facets of yourself with different characters. BUT!! THAT IS NOT! WHAT DID IS!! And it is NOT the same as living with a debilitating mental disorder as a result of trauma! You can play with your OCs in your head, but by god you have to come up with a different term for it, instead of using an actual medical descriptor. And it doesn't give you permission to throw tantrums when people won't give you special treatment for a disorder you don't have.
I am normally the FIRST person to say "hey, just let people have fun!" But this is NOT "harmless fun!" You lot talk so much about respecting self diagnosis, but what about someone who may actually have the condition, trying to do more research, but all they can find are thousands of teenage rpers who just want to show you their cool new OCs, Alastor the Radio Demon With Vitiligo and Eric Cartman But Like A Different Version Where He's Nicer.
If you want to play dolls inside your mind just install the Sims.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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whumpinggrounds · 1 year
Writing Facial Difference
As always, this is based in personal contact with individuals in the community I’m writing about, as well as personal research. Many of these things are subjective and limited in scope. Take everything with a grain of salt, and if you have an issue with anything I’ve said, or just a different perspective, please feel free to question, comment, or clarify!
Facial difference is exactly what it sounds like. Many resources define it more technically as anything above the neck that is visibly different from the majority of other people. This term is used by everyone from burn survivors to people with cleft lips, to people with vitiligo. Note that facial difference does not necessarily mean disability.
Visible difference is related to facial difference, but even broader. Visible difference is anything about one’s body that is visibly different from the majority of other people. Not all disabilities are visible, and not all visible differences are disabilities.
Congenital differences are those that one is born with, which can be the result of an inherited condition, random mutation, or genetic condition. A genetic condition is congenital, but a congenital condition is not necessarily genetic. In the case of facial difference, examples include any number of craniofacial conditions.
Acquired differences are those that occur in the course of one’s life.  Examples include scars or burns. 
Episodic facial difference is a visible difference that comes and goes. Examples include rashes or skin irritation.
A condition is a set of symptoms that have a common cause. Condition is a good word to describe visible difference or disability in a neutral, nonspecific way.
A syndrome is a set of symptoms that occur together whose cause is not known or understood. Syndrome, while neutral, is a medicalized term and is not often used to describe visible difference or disability in a nonspecific way.
Survivor is preferred to victim in describing facial difference acquired through injury. For example, “burn survivor” is vastly preferred to “burn victim,” “acid attack survivor” is preferred to “acid attack victim.”
Someone may have a visible disability that makes their face look different, but this isn’t usually referred to as facial difference if it’s part of a broader diagnosis. For instance, people with achondroplasia, a common form of dwarfism, have distinctive facial features that are part of this condition, but aren’t likely to describe themselves as or identify with the facial difference community.
Avoid: deformed, disfigured, defect/birth defect. A specific diagnosis/description is preferred, or the more neutral phrasing of “genetic condition/medical condition.”
Disfigurement is in some places a legal term, so may be used in that context. I have not personally encountered or read of anyone who would describe themselves as disfigured or wants to be described that way in a personal context.
Medical Aspects
Does your character’s facial difference affect the way they breathe? They could use supplemental oxygen or an inhaler to open their airway. They might have a trach or a BiPap or C-Pap they use at night. What effect does this have on their ability to exert themselves physically or what environments they can tolerate?
Does your character’s facial difference affect the way that they eat or drink? Are there foods or liquids they can or cannot chew or swallow? Are they at increased risk for choking, and if so, how do they manage that? Do they eat or drink by mouth at all? How does this affect where they eat or drink, and with whom?
Does your character’s facial difference affect the way they speak? In order to produce standard speech, people make use of their throats, vocal cords, tongue, and lips. Are there sounds your character can’t make? Is the volume of their voice affected? If speech is difficult, what other communication methods might they use?
Does your character’s facial difference affect one or more of their five senses? How does that affect the rest of their life? What adaptations would they have made?
Does your character need to care for their face in different ways than a person without their difference? They might use different methods of skincare, take medications, or have increased support needs.
Does your character’s facial difference affect how their face moves, particularly in terms of expression? Facial expressions communicate a lot to the people around us, and help express emotions as well as form bonds with others. How does your character’s facial difference change their ability to visibly emote and connect? Do they worry about being misjudged or misunderstood?
These are just a few questions to get you thinking about how your character’s facial difference impacts the rest of their life. Since facial difference is an extremely broad category, I’m not going to give specific advice here, but having a specific diagnosis in mind, and knowing how it affects your character, is key to an accurate and thoughtful portrayal.
If the answer to all of these things are “no,” and truly the only affect of your character’s facial difference is that they look different, I gently suggest you think about why that is.
Describing Facial Difference
This is really tough to give advice about both because facial difference is very broad, and because it can be an extremely sensitive subject for many. The best way I can think to advise is to imagine that a loved one of yours has the facial difference that you’re describing, and they’re reading your description of it. It may be tempting to use dramatic or striking words, but they can be stigmatizing and hurtful to readers.
As listed above, please try not to use words like deformed, disfigured, or defect/birth defect. Try not to use descriptors that focus on how strange, frightening, or shocking someone’s face is. It is possible to describe facial difference accurately without using harmful or othering language. Even if it is your character doing it - “That’s how they see themselves! That’s not how others see them.” That’s a cop out. Please be thoughtful.
It’s okay to describe facial difference, but try not to dwell on it in description. Paragraphs that render exactly how your character’s face is different from others focus on that difference at the exclusion of all other characteristics. Let me say it again: It is totally okay to describe facial difference! Spending longer than necessary/longer on this than any other thing is not great.
Don’t forget to describe their other features! Sure, they have a port wine stain across their cheek, and that’s relevant to how they look, but they also have a big gorgeous nose! Or thin lips that they’re always biting! Or freckles that only show up in the summer! You get it.
A facial difference might affect how you describe the motion or emotion shown on your character’s face. If they have facial paralysis, you probably can’t write your character smiling or frowning. If they have a skin condition, a blush may present differently on their cheeks. It’s okay to write about how a facial difference affects these things - remember to make the portrayal consistent.
It’s okay for characters to have feelings about their facial differences. It’s certainly accurate to real life. Having negative feelings about one’s facial differences does not mean that someone, or a character, is shallow or unenlightened. People can live happy, fulfilling lives and still not like the way their face looks. 
That being said: Let your characters have their feelings about their facial difference, but if that is something your character thinks about obsessively, consider why that has to be the case. Think carefully about the way your character talks to and about themselves and their facial difference.
Let your character love their face! Let your character feel completely neutral about their facial difference! Let them hate the way other people react, but not think about it at all in private! There are lots of emotions to explore besides “I’m different = I’m ugly = I hate myself and my face.”
Finally: What do you (and maybe your character) consider to be an “average” face? A beautiful face? Do these ideas line up with others around you/your character? How might dissonance with a broader population affect these ideas, or put your character in conflict with others? Are there people out there who may not have the same condition (if your character has a medical condition) but may share those facial features? What impact does that have on your character?
Facial difference should not be stared at, pointed at, called out, or commented on by respectful people in your story. Obviously, your character could experience bullying or harassment, and that’s fine to write about, but be aware that however innocently intentioned, these things are rude at best.
Neither you as the writer nor other characters should refer to someone by their facial difference. Neither person-first nor identity-first language is appropriate when referring to someone by their physical difference.
To clarify in case these terms are unfamiliar: “guy with the partial jaw” is no better than “partial jaw guy” in this situation.
People with visible or facial difference may have strong feelings or memories around mirrors, being photographed, or seeing photos of themselves. This could be from discomfort with their appearance, but it could also be from photos being taken without their consent, or because of a dissonance between how they look now and how they used to, or a dissonance between how they think they look and how they actually look. This is something that you should probably flesh out and think about when developing your character.
Other characters should not disclose this character’s diagnosis. It is, however, okay for others to give information about a character, especially if that information is relevant. For example:
“He has facial dysplasia so he doesn’t like going out.” = Not good. “Sometimes people make comments about how he looks and how he eats. We should check in before we make plans to eat out.” = Much better.
This next is a controversial one, and people should feel free to weigh in. I am giving this advice on the word of people that I personally know, but other people may feel differently, and I respect that.
Here goes: It is okay to give people a heads up about someone’s facial difference, in writing or in reality. People can have involuntary reactions that are really hurtful, whether they mean to or not, and knowing in advance can help to limit the impact on someone who probably gets a lot of negative attention from strangers already. How those heads up are given, and if/when they are felt to be necessary, is a choice to think very hard about. But it can be useful and even necessary, especially with young kids. Appropriate examples below.
“Hey, just so you know, my friend Suzie who we’re going to meet has a medical condition that makes their face look different.”
That’s it. That’s all it needs to be.
Villains with facial difference. Do you think maybe we have enough villains with facial difference already? The different = ugly = evil moralistic writing trope is a little played out, no?
A subtrope of this is “someone acquires a facial difference and becomes a villain. Once again, morality being tied to how someone looks is just not great messaging.
Shallow or evil character acquires a facial difference and Learns A Lesson. Disability is not a lesson, nor is it a punishment for bad morals or bad behavior. Think about the beliefs and messaging that undergird this narrative.
Only enlightened characters can see beyond facial difference. The entirety of Wonder is basically this, and real people with facial difference are tired of seeing it. Being able to treat people with facial difference with respect and dignity does not make anyone a saint, nor should others reacting to facial difference be the primary purpose of your character with facial differences.
Love will save you. Love, however true and real, will not solve someone’s insecurities, traumas, or deep feelings about their facial difference. Being truly, deeply, genuinely loved, whether romantically or platonically or familial-ly, is a powerful beautiful thing, but not a cure-all.
“I don’t even see your facial difference!” This doesn’t always ring very true. “I don’t think about it,” “don’t notice it,” or even “don’t care about it” can work better, but “I’m so accepting I don’t even see it” is a bit over-the-top.
In a truly depressing turn of events, when I looked this up, hoping to find more positive representation, I was met only with discussions of villains with facial difference. So. Limited resource section, here.
Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy was a bestseller when it first came out in 1994, and in my opinion, stands the test of time. It is an autobiography of a woman whose face is changed by surgery and chemotherapy through her experience of childhood cancer. It’s a nonfiction memoir that deals primarily with themes of illness and recovery, childhood, self-esteem, self-image, and the perceptions of others.
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley is a young adult novel about a girl with a port wine stain, which primarily deals with young love, self-esteem, and self-image.
Avatar: the Last Airbender notably features Zuko, a burn survivor with facial scarring who starts the series as a villain but is redeemed by the end of the show, in ways that do not exploit his facial difference as fuel for moral decay or moral growth.
I am begging people to add media they know that has characters with facial difference because those three are literally the only positive examples I can come up with. Not to sound like Tr*mp but: Very sad!
Anyway, that is what I have for now, will likely rehash much of this (and more!) if I write up something about visible difference. Let me know if you have requests, feel free to ask me questions, and as always - Happy writing!
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Sing Characters in Human AU Explained: PT 1 The Teens
Ta-Da! Here's a version of my lovely character sheets for the teens (+ alfonso) in my continuation fic! These are all headcanons obviously, I just thought y'all would like to see their information before the fic comes out. I hope y'all enjoy! - <3 Gooseless
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Legal Name: Noemie Victoria Peart
Common Name: Nooshy Peart
Nicknames: Noosh, Shy
Pronouns: They/She
Age: 20
Birthday: November 13, 2002
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Height: 5'6.7"
Ethnicity: Welsh Canadian American
Languages Spoken: Welsh, English
Diagnosis: Autism, ADHD
Hair Color: Black roots with the rest dyed silver
Eye Color: Brown
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Vitiligo, faint freckles, four piercings per ear, nose piercing
Family Members: Bio older brother (William), Bio younger sister (Isla), Bio younger brother (Owen)
Habits/Stims: swaying back and forth or in figure eight shapes, bounces on toes
Romantic Partners: Ash (very barely hinted at eventually)
is basically Johnny's adopted sibling
loves teasing the other teens
calls her older brother once a week since he moved back to Canada with their siblings
was homeless for two years before the events of Sing 2
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Legal Name: Ashlen Gabriella Batalla-Moon
Common Name: Ash Batalla
Nicknames: Ashy, A
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 18-19
Birthday: February 27, 2003
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender Identity: Demigirl
Height: 5'5"
Ethnicity: Guatemalan American
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English, ASL
Diagnosis: Autism, PTSD
Hair Color: Dark brown with dyed blonde streaks
Eye Color: Blue
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Six piercings per ear, nose piercing, identical tattoos on upper arms, tattoo on ribs, tattoo on back, tattoo behind left ear, tattoo on right wrist, tattoo on right ankle.
Family Members: Adoptive dad (Buster), Adoptive stepdad (Eddie), Foster younger sister (Porsha), Honorary mom (Rosita).
Habits/Stims: Tapping her fingers in a rhythm
Romantic Partners: Nooshy (very barely hinted at eventually)
legally changed her name seven months after Sing 1, when they were legally adopted by Buster
has a pet turtle named Taquito
has several phobias (lilapsophobia, ophidiophobia, aquaphobia)
her PTSD was due both to Lance and the theatre flood
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Legal Name: Porsha Rose Dominque Camilla Crystal
Common Name: Porsha Moon
Nicknames: Porshe
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 19
Birthday: August 19, 2003
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender Identity: Questioning/Unlabled
Height: 5'9.2"
Ethnicity: White American
Languages Spoken: English
Diagnosis: ADHD
Hair Color: Platinum blonde dyed bluish silver
Eye Color: Brown
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: one piercing per ear, single freckle on right cheek
Family Members: Foster dad (Buster), Foster stepdad (Eddie), Foster sister (Ash).
Habits/Stims: clapping or flapping her hands, bouncing on her toes
Romantic Partners: none
publicly disowned her dad after the Sing 2 performance and now goes by her foster dads' last name
currently stepped down as heir of Crystal Entertainment to focus on the show
barely sees her mom and stepdad
hates quiet spaces
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Legal Name: Ryan Oliver Biāo Willis
Common Name: Ryan Willis
Nicknames: Ry, Toast, Biāo
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18
Birthday: September 24, 2003
Sexuality: Gay
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Height: 5'10"
Ethnicity: Chinese American
Languages Spoken: Cantonese, ASL, Haitian Creole, English
Diagnosis: ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Anxiety, Eating Disorder
Hair Color: Orangish red
Eye Color: Green
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Freckles, tongue piercing, two piercings per ear, small scars from falling backstage in Sing 2 on knees.
Family Members: Bio mom (Lila), Stepmom (Ellie), Half younger sisters (Amy, Bella).
Habits/Stims: fiddling with his jewelry, rubbing his arms, skin picking
Romantic Partners: Johnny (not officially yet, this is a slow burn)
really close to his family, especially his sisters, since he wasn't able to really see them for years
started his own dance troupe with other former students of Klaus
going to an online university getting a degree in dance, english literature, and gender studies (he's currently a freshman)
has several phobias (astraphobia, claustrophobia, phasmophobia, sociophobia)
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Legal Name: Johnathan Demarcus Taylor
Common Name: Johnny Taylor
Nicknames: Johns, Jahnu, John-Song, Jay
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 17-18
Birthday: January 24, 2004
Sexuality: Gay
Gender Identity: Demiboy
Height: 5'8.5"
Ethnicity: British Indian
Languages Spoken: Hindi, English, ASL
Diagnosis: Autism, Depression, Panic Disorder, PTSD
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Golden Brown
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Four piercings per ear, lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, tattoo on left wrist, tattoo over heart, tattoo across back, tattoo on right wrist, small scar on right hand from an engine, small scar on left cheek from falling glass during a heist, a few small scars on left forearm.
Family Members: Bio dad (Marcus), Honorary uncles (Stan and Barry).
Habits/Stims: Tugging on his sleeves, chewing on his bottom lip, tapping his fingers like playing the piano
Romantic Partners: Ryan (not officially yet, this is a slow burn)
his bio mum died when he was 6, only a few months before they met his uncles, and is utterly babied by the rest of his family due to their worry of him
attends family and personal therapy virtually during the run of the show and calls his dad everyday
moved to the US at age 10 rather unwillingly
has several phobias (coulrophobia, melissophobia, nosocomephobia, trypanophobia)
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Legal Name: Alfonso Francis Romano-Hassan
Common Name: Alfonso Romano-Hassan
Nicknames: Al, Ice Cream Man
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18
Birthday: April 3, 2004
Sexuality: Straight
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Height: 6'2"
Ethnicity: Italian Jordanian
Languages Spoken: Italian, Arabic, English
Diagnosis: OCD
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Dark green
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Dimples, pierced upper ears, scar on upper left arm from some machinery falling when he was opening the truck.
Family Members: Bio Mom (Ghazal), Bio Dad (Tommaso), Bio older brother (Omar), Bio younger sister (Zara)
Habits/Stims: Saying the word "wow"
Romantic Partners: Meena
opened the ice cream truck when he was 14 for a school project
is the middle sibling
calls Meena everyday
is afraid of the dark
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Legal Name: Minha Farrah Amari
Common Name: Meena Amari
Nicknames: Meens
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16-17
Birthday: May 18, 2005
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender Identity: Trans Woman
Height: 6'
Ethnicity: Pankistani American
Languages Spoken: Arabic, English, ASL
Diagnosis: Anxiety, PTSD
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark blue
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Faint freckles
Family Members: Bio Mom (Aamanee), Maternal grandpa (Wildan), Maternal grandma (Tahiyat)
Habits/Stims: Picking at her nails
Romantic Partners: Alfonso
wears a hijab and eats halal
has multiple phobias (agoraphobia, claustrophobia, glossophobia, sociophobia)
developed PTSD after the theatre flood
is completing her senior year of high school online to continue working on the show.
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catrawoods · 1 year
Meet Imelda ( Sing 1-2 movie OC )
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Nicknames: Gorilla, monkey, or other stuff
Pronouns: She/they or her/them
Gender Identity: Demigirl ( Female )
Age: 14
Birthday: September 27, 2008
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'0 or 5'3 ( 2 in )
Ethnicity: Indo-Iranian
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Hindi
Diagnosis: Therapy, Happiest, Depression ( Only As a child )
Hair Color: full Black and grey mixed
Eye Color: pink
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Vitiligo ( Human au ), Scars on her body, whole scar mark on the back of her neck, a Hindi mark on her forehead( Human au ), strawberry earrings on both of her ears ( ( Human au )That it was given by the orphaned foster care worker ), characteristic sides passed by her grandmother
Family Members: unnamed homeless birth parents, unnamed birth grandmother, Johnny ( Adopted older brother ), Marcus and Rick ( Adopted Dads ), Stan and Barry ( Adopted uncles )
Romantic Partners: not applicable
-she grew up in the orphan house for 11 years after being throwed a away in the Ocean river in poor cities by her mom at the age of 4
-inspiration by Perrito in puss in boots: the last wish
-in the puss in boots: the last wish Fandomronpa she met Johnny in the orphan house of retirement after causing the gorilla bad luck deaths in his lives by not valuing them
-before growing up in the orphan house she lived in the homeless city aside form the Indo-Iranian
-she got few scars by her mother (who physically abused her)
-her parents didn't named her after she was born
-she cannot be given a name in the foster care by someone until she's adopted
-also an Only Child in the birth family before being Adopted
Other Hairstyles:
Hair down
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Hair braids
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LGBTQ+  Details:
Pansexual Gloves
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( Proof: she wears one pansexual glove (Right) but the Left glove was taken by another person)
Demigirl random thing in her arm or shoulder
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(she founds her herself that she's a Demigirl and she's happy about who she was)
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The Last Illuveterian - Part 7
CW: Panic attacks, PTSD, Self depreciation
I awoke with a start some time later, though, I’m not exactly sure how long. The water was still warm and clear. I was no longer covered in blood, and the floor was clean. I stood up and pulled the plug in the tub for the water to begin draining. I carefully peeled the soaked clothing off and wrapped myself in a warm towel which had been placed on the wall next to the tub.
Once I was sufficiently dry I went into the closet to get new clothes, leaving the other set in the tub to either dry off or vanish, it didn’t matter which occurred at that moment. From the closet I selected a pair of loose sweatpants, a baggy sweater, and a set of house shoes. 
The room seemed to swim around me, so I sat carefully on the carpet, leaning against the wall. I sat there for several minutes contemplating what I had done. I had just killed 6 people. The 6 people remaining that had caused all of my suffering. They were gone and I’d never have to deal with them again. I should have felt free, I didn’t. It didn’t feel like enough. There were hundreds. Thousands of people who thought, believed, acted, and caused harm exactly as those men did. Innocent people suffered at the hands of them. I suffered at their hands. And people continue to suffer. It wasn’t enough. 
Even though outwardly, I was calm, a powerful anger grew inside me as I continued to think about it. My reflection offered no emotion to my face. An energy coursed through me then, causing me to stand and make my way downstairs. I made my way over to the door that led to the woods. I gripped the handle and pulled open the door. As I peered through the endless shadowed forest the anger vanished, along with the calm. It confused me. That was the third time that had happened. And the first had been 9 years prior. I closed the door.
I went back upstairs through my room and into the library, sitting heavily into a seat at a table. 
“What is happening to me?” I asked aloud. I kept my gaze to the table, not even raising it when a book fell in front of me. I simply slid it over to me. The cover read “Colors and Personality Types”. There was a small piece of paper marking a page. I flipped to that section and the paper fell to the table.
The particular section I had flipped to was titled: Vitiligo types 1 and 2. Vitiligo? That was incredibly rare, and I knew for certain I hadn’t been born with it. As far I was aware previously, there was only “vitiligo”, and I had no idea there was one type. To be perfectly fair, I was very small, and all I knew is that some people had it. 
Vitiligo in our species is essentially a personality disorder, though there’s not really a diagnosis that humans have which would accurately describe it. It’s not usually anything bad. Most of the time if a person has more than one dominant personality type, the colors blend into their new colors. With vitiligo, they have two or more dominant personality traits, however they never interact or occur at the same time, meaning the colors stay separate. If you’re born with it, each color occupies 50% of your body and neither progresses further, as that is the maximum it can be. This is “Type 1” Evidently, there’s a “Type 2”. According to that book, type 2 vitiligo is when you develop it after trauma. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t always there, because it was. The secondary color just needs to be triggered by a significant event. Spots usually begin materializing in locations that are harder to see, meaning it’s more difficult to spot early. It then progresses over time until it reaches the maximum of 50%. The progression occurs each time an “episode” of that color is experienced, and the growth is determined by how long that episode lasts. Type 2 is apparently more dangerous, as suddenly a person becomes more and more unpredictable, and the secondary personality is usually one of more “self protecting” aspects. 
That is where I stopped reading. I dropped the book and ran back out into my bedroom and into the closet. 
“I need another mirror” I called out, staring at my reflection in the one. It expanded into another 4 mirrors, creating a half circle around me. I rolled up the right pant leg to the hip, what was left of that leg was clean. I did the same to the other side. The entire leg was good. I pulled off the sweater next. There was nothing on my one arm, and my chest and next showed nothing. Slowly, I turned at an angle. There, in the middle of my back immediately next to a scar, was a green spot, about the size of a quarter. I had vitiligo. My entire being began shaking and I fell to the floor. I felt ashamed. Like I was a failure. Blue and Green never blended. They were exact opposite personalities. It was the absolute worst combination to have. I threw the sweater back on quickly. I didn’t even want to think of its existence. I was curled up for several minutes in that panic attack before I fell. There was no heat from my body, but the floor gave way and all of a sudden I was on ornate obsidian flooring. The floor itself was warm, and the air around me had a dark ambiance.
As I sat up, I glanced at my new surroundings. The walls were a dark stone with gold accents. The room was lit with torches and candles, and the lighting was overall a red tone. There were a few tables in the room and several chairs. 
Dull clicks on the floor accompanied a tall woman walking in suddenly. I sat frozen on the floor. She was quite obviously taller than me by a good several inches. Curled horns stuck out from either side of her head and her hair fell in neat curls to her waist. Her skin was a dark gray and her eyes a shining orange. She was dressed in a long light purple dress, which had a slit up most of her leg. We stared at each other for several moments, and I’m sure my face mirrored the fear I felt. It felt like we were locked in that stare for eternity before she smiled and spoke.
“Hello, dear. I take it you didn’t expect to find yourself here?” She made her way to me, peering down. I couldn’t find the words to speak so I just shook my head. She continued, “Do you know where you are?” I shook my head again.
“This is Hell, my name is Lilith, and you’re currently residing in my castle. Here.” She knelt a bit and offered her hand. I took it and she helped me stand. I was still shaking and a bit wobbly on my feet. She placed a hand gently onto my shoulder to steady and I involuntarily flinched. I suppose it was the first genuine contact I had received that wasn’t accompanied with pain of some sort. This caught her off guard for a moment, but she smiled again and guided me over to a table, having me sit in one of the chairs. She sat opposite to me.
“What’s your name?” She prodded gently
“Raymond.” I answered, not daring to look her in her eyes.
“It is wonderful to meet you, Raymond.” She paused a moment before continuing ���What are you, if I may ask, dear?” She lowered her head down to meet my gaze, and I shot straight up, my face flushing a deep blue.
“Ah! Sorry. I’m-- I’m Illuveterian.” I diverted my gaze again.
“Oh. Curious. I thought that’s what you were, however, I was under the impression that they went extinct a couple decades ago.” At that I slumped forward a bit. I hated thinking about the fact.
“Well, ah, I am the last one, as far as I’m aware. Everything I’ve read says I should be dead if I wasn’t completely alone.” I looked only at the floor. My face felt hot, and I was sure I’d start to break down if I looked any longer at her directly.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry to hear that darling, It must be a dreadful experience. Aren’t you a touch bonding species? How long have you been on your own?” She put her left hand on mine across the table, not taking a moment to care that it was made of metal.
“19 years. And yeah. We, um, we are.” I pulled my legs closer to me, and gripped onto the fabric of my sweatpants, my hands both shaking. She sat in thought for several moments, the quietness of the air was uncomfortable.
“Wait here, I will be right back.” She stood quickly and rushed from the room. It became entirely silent within moments of her absence, the clacks of her shoes against the floor fading as she went. My own thoughts clouded my consciousness, and I felt tears burn down my cheeks.
I was so absorbed into my mind that I didn’t even notice when Lilith had returned. She gently placed her hand back on mine and I jumped. On the table now were two mugs with steam coming from them. I quickly wiped my face and looked up to her.
“I am not sure if alcohol has any effect on your species, however I do hope you enjoy it anyways.” She smiled, and lifted one of the mugs to her lips.
“What is it?” I asked, pulling the other mug towards me.
“It’s a bourbon hot chocolate. I find them quite comforting on rough days.” I looked at the mug in my hands and carefully lifted it. I wondered for a moment if maybe there was poison in it, before I quickly shook my head to be rid of the thought. Even on the off chance that it had been poisoned. That wouldn’t do anything. Regardless of the immortality.
The drink itself was incredible. It was very warm and comforting. The flavors all mixed really well, and a strong calm immediately washed over me. A heavy sigh escaped me as I finally felt relaxed. It didn’t occur to me that I hadn’t felt that in days or months even, until that moment. The air around me went from feeling tense to calm and inviting. The red glow that most things in the surrounding room had now felt warm. It was nice to look at. There had to be magic ingrained in the drink.
“Raymond?” Lilith drew me from my thoughts.
“Hm?” I hummed in response, mid sip.
“I do realize that this is our first time meeting. But I feel bad you’ve been on your own this long. And you’re still a child. I would like to offer you something.” There was no malice in her tone. It reminded me of my own mother’s voice.
“Offer me something?” I set the mug down, hesitant at the question. “Have you been living alone all those years?” She pressed. And I tensed again. “Ah, since I was 16. I spent about 14 months unconscious and healing at first, that’s when I got my prosthetics. Then I was with a couple for about a year. They tried to adopt me, and were killed because of it.” I paused for a moment, questioning if I should continue. I don’t know why I felt so open to tell her, “Then I… I was sent to Nuemann’s Asylum where I stayed for 8 years. Then I escaped at 16. I live in a pocket dimension now.” It felt like some weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It felt good to talk about it, and it certainly didn’t seem hard to trust Lilith. It was like talking to my own mom, easy to do. Though I wasn’t entirely sure why I was suddenly so willing to be open. Definitely magic in the hot chocolate.
“Well, dear, I have plenty of empty rooms sitting here in my castle, and nobody to use them. Despite human rumors I am not the mother of all monsters or demons. I only have 7 children, and though they live at home here, I have plenty of room. All but one are grown.” She then paused, as if pondering the best way to ask, “Who were your parents if I may ask?”
Of course she could ask. She was Lady Lilith, queen of Hell. I felt obligated to answer, though no anxiety followed, “My mother was Queen Adulia, and my father was Prince Signe.” That was the first time I had said their names aloud. I had read them in the records, but never put voice to them. It was odd not simply referring to them as ‘mom’ or ‘dad’.
“Given the current circumstances. Doesn’t that make you ‘King Raymond’?” I pondered the question. I had never put thought to it. I was the last in line for the throne, and was never supposed to receive it. I didn’t really want it, and  in my opinion, my eldest brother, Sage, was the best fit, though he wasn’t here any more. I had never received any formal training on royal duties, and with no kingdom to rule, I didn’t know what there even would be to do, or where I would begin.
“I suppose. In a technicality.” I paused, continuing to think, “I was never supposed to be King, and I don’t know how to be one.” I picked the mug back up and took a long sip.
“Well, I could certainly teach you how to do that. I think you’d get along quite well with the youngest of my boys. You’re pretty equivalent in Age. His name is Beleth. I would introduce you now, however he’s off doing training with his legions.” She noticed that I was focused primarily on the hot drink in my hands. “How would you feel about perhaps living here, in Hell? Maybe part time if you still wish to reside in your pocket dimension as well. It is entirely up to you, dear.” 
I thought about it for several moments. I barely knew Lilith, yet I felt as though I could trust her with anything. I took another sip and answered her, “Part time sounds nice.” She smiled, and stood, offering her hand again.
“Then let's get you a room picked out, Little King.” She pulled me to my led me down the hall, the half empty mugs left abandoned on the table. 
Each room was more magnificent than I had become accustomed to, though they certainly had a familiar feel. Lilith’s castle was far larger than the one my family used to reside in. Though, I suppose there is infinite room in hell for a castle of such size. The fact that I was walking around in a human afterlife hadn’t even fully registered yet. And it didn’t until several hours later. Eventually we came upon a room that she deemed as perfect. It’s not that I was being “picky” before that one. She just seemed absolutely determined to give me the best one in her mind. I wasn’t one to object.
The “perfect” room she had selected for me was very nice inside. There was a sizable fireplace on the back wall, a bed which appeared to be even bigger than my own, and several comfortable chairs. A couple of the walls contained floor to ceiling bookshelves, which sat empty for a few minutes until they slowly began filling. Each book just appearing from thin air.
“It knows what books you like, or what books you might like, and it’ll fill with those. As your taste changes, so will the shelves.” I spent several minutes looking through them, glancing over some titles. Some were even written in Illuveterian.
An ornate oaken door then appeared next to the bed, visually standing out quite a bit from the rest of the decor, being lighter in color. 
“That door is now connected to your pocket dimension, so you may come and go as you please. This is your home now as well, so you are welcome at any time.” At that statement she wrapped me in a tight hug. It definitely caught me off guard, but it wasn’t bad in any way. It was the first hug I had received in so many years, and I’m a little embarrassed to say that I melted into it quite a bit. She was warm and smelled of lavender. That hug lasted for several long moments before she let go. She cupped my cheek in her hand as she smiled. 
She motioned to the door that had appeared near the bed, “I would wager a guess that your pocket dimension has missed you. You’ve been here for some time now.” Time hadn’t even occurred to me at all, but she was right. From the time I had fallen to that moment it had been at the very least, a few hours, likely quite a bit more.
I nodded and made my way to the door, putting the knob when I reached it before then looking back at Lilith. “I’ll come back,” I promised. The time I had spent with her had made me feel significantly better than I did on my own.
“Whenever you wish,” She agreed, with a slight bow of her head. I turned my gaze back and made my way through the door. It was my living room. There were no lights on, causing everything to be shrouded in shadows. I could see that this new door was placed exactly opposite the door which leads into the human world, and right next to the doors which lead out to the void.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind me, the fireplace erupted in bright flames. The jukebox which I had placed under the landing of the stairs started playing loud music, and the lights all immediately came on. I will admit I was sufficiently startled, and nearly fell back against the door. After I had caught my balance I looked around at everything.
“Well, you’re certainly a bit more sentient than you let on, aren’t you? Did you miss me?” The fireplace once again lit up, tall flames reaching the top of the hearth, “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” The music from the jukebox stopped playing and the fire returned to normal. Something then occurred to me. “Do you have a name?” The fireplace shrunk to mere embers. 
“A ‘no’ then. Would you like one?” The fire grew once more to touch the hearth, bursts of static coming from the jukebox. The energetic reaction made me laugh. It was the first time I had honestly laughed since I had lived with the Millers, and it felt freeing in a way. Knowing that I felt better enough to the point where I even could. It was nice. Once I had calmed down, I sat on the couch.
“Well, let's pick you out a name. I need a notepad and pen, please.” Both objects appeared on the coffee table in front of me. I leaned forward and began jotting down some names. Just any off the top of my mind that sounded nice. Once I had filled the page, I sat back, holding the notepad and looking over the list. The first name caused me pause. I certainly didn’t remember writing it. ‘Sunni’ sat at the very top of the list. I quickly grabbed the pen and scribbled it out. I love my sister, and I love the memories of her. But the thought of giving the pocket dimension her name hurt too much. We would have shared the pocket dimension if she was still around. Just as we used to share a Soul Space. We were of the same magic so it would have been both of ours. I moved onto the next name.
“Okay, you give me a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the names, okay?” The fire grew, “Great! Onyx?” The fire almost completely disappeared. “Alright, definitely not, then. Marlo?” Once again, fire was nearly gone, “Arbor?” No fire, not even embers. I skipped the similar names, landing on one about halfway down the page, “Evryn?” The fire sat neutral for a few moments, pondering. It then grew quickly to touch the top of the hearth. 
“That one? You sure? Do you want to hear any others?” It shrunk down to a dim glow, “No? That was a bit quicker of a process than I thought it’d be. Evryn it is, then.” I tore off the page and tossed it into the fire. It vanished quickly. I went up the stairs and fell promptly onto my bed, exhausted from the day’s events.
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The photo on the right is not mine, but I wanted to show what it looked like when the dermatologist looked at my skin for my vitiligo diagnosis. This purple coloured light (called a woods lamp) is put up to your skin. If you have lost pigment, the areas shine bright white and the rest of your skin looks purple.
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robbialy · 2 years
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Eloquently put by • @pathologeek 🎃 Halloween is next Monday! This will be our last post about diseases that may have inspired Halloween characters. At least for this year. So last but not least: 👰 A Monster’s Bride 👰 Today we’ll review a skin / hair condition commonly depicted on Frankenstein’s bride and also seen on Lily Munster: the streak of white hair. A medical condition that may have inspired this characteristic hair is known as Poliosis circumscripta. For starters, this nothing spooky, evil, or even different about people who have Poliosis. And you shouldn’t judge anyone with it in any way. Poliosis is defined as a localized patch of white hairs, and it is actually a clinical sign not an specific diagnosis. This is important to point out, because it can be associated with multiple diseases, from genetic syndromes to autoimmune diseases and even neoplastic entities or as a side effect to a topical or systemic drug. Above you can review some slides that show the microscopic characteristics of white versus black hair, and also some examples of skin diseases that can manifest themselves as poliosis. While we opened with a reference to the classic brides of Frankenstein’s monster, this feature is common in several beloved Halloween characters, as well as in novels such as The Mallens by Catherine Cookson, Rogue in the X-Men, and even Cruella de Vil in 101 Dalmatians. All of which would make excellent characters to dress up as this old Hallows Eve!!! #vitiligo #alopecia #halonevus #biology #poliosis #histology #pathologist #pathology #surgicalpathology #histopathology #medicine #medstudent #medicaleducation #pathologeek #pathologyresidents #medicalresident #medschool #medicalstudent #premed #pathologyassistant #histo #pathologylab #laboratory #HALLOWEEN https://www.instagram.com/p/CkOcWU5jb0zmSOcFXDO8EszjCV7gqHwZkhuJww0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Vitiligo Prevention and Treatment
The loss of skin pigmentation that is characteristic of vitiligo cannot be completely prevented, but it can be slowed down by receiving the right care and diagnosis as soon as possible.  Explore Vitiligo Prevention and Treatment.
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Topical lotions, light therapy, and skin grafting are among the treatment methods that assist restore color and enhance attractiveness. Even while there may not be a preventive solution for vitiligo, proper treatment can greatly improve skin tone and increase self-esteem.
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richenskin2 · 2 days
Inding the Best Dermatologist Clinic in Delhi: A Guide
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Best Skin Care Clinic in Delhi Paschim Vihar
Delhi, being a bustling metropolis, offers a plethora of medical facilities. When it comes to skin health, choosing the right dermatologist clinic is crucial. Here's a guide to help you find the best Dermatologist in delhi
1. Research and Recommendations:
Online Reviews: Check platforms like Google Reviews, Practo, and Justdial for patient feedback and ratings.
Word of Mouth: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations based on their personal experiences.
Medical Directories: Explore medical directories like Indian Medical Association (IMA) or the Medical Council of India (MCI) for verified listings.
2. Specialization and Expertise:
Skin Conditions: Ensure the clinic specializes in treating your specific skin concerns (e.g., acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo).
Board Certification: Look for dermatologists who are board-certified by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) or the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Mumbai (CPS).
Experience: Consider the experience and qualifications of the dermatologists and their team.
3. Modern Facilities and Equipment:
State-of-the-Art Technology: Inquire about the clinic's equipment and facilities, ensuring they use advanced technology for diagnosis and treatment.
Hygienic Environment: A clean and hygienic environment is essential for skin treatments.
4. Patient Care and Consultation:
Personalized Approach: Look for clinics that offer personalized consultations and treatment plans tailored to your individual needs.
Accessibility: Consider factors like location, appointment availability, and waiting times.
Follow-Up Care: Ensure the clinic provides adequate follow-up care and support.
5. Cost and Insurance:
Affordability: Compare pricing and payment options to find a clinic that fits your budget.
Insurance Coverage: Check if your health insurance covers dermatological treatments at the clinic.
6. Richen Skin: A Trusted Choice
Richen Skin is a renowned dermatology clinic in Delhi, offering comprehensive skin care solutions. Our team of experienced dermatologists is dedicated to providing personalized care and using the latest techniques to address various skin concerns.
Key features of Richen Skin:
Experienced Dermatologists: Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced dermatologists.
Advanced Treatments: We offer a wide range of treatments, including laser therapy, chemical peels, and injectables.
Personalized Care: Our consultations are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring effective treatment.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with modern technology for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Convenient Location: We are conveniently located in Delhi - 957, GH 14, Block GH 14, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, 11008
By following these guidelines and considering factors like specialization, facilities, patient care, and cost, you can find the best dermatologist clinic in Delhi to address your skin health needs.
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mordormr · 5 days
Exploring the Rapid Growth of the Photomedicine Technology Market
The Photomedicine Technology Market is projected to be valued at USD 4.54 billion in 2024 and is anticipated to grow to USD 6.64 billion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.90% over the forecast period (2024-2029).
Photomedicine, a medical field leveraging light and laser technologies for diagnosis and treatment, has witnessed significant growth in recent years. From dermatology to oncology, its diverse applications are transforming healthcare, offering non-invasive, precise, and efficient treatments. The photomedicine technology market is rapidly expanding, driven by the demand for innovative, patient-friendly medical solutions.
Key Market Drivers
Growing Prevalence of Skin Disorders: Increasing incidences of skin conditions such as psoriasis, vitiligo, and acne are boosting the demand for phototherapy-based treatments. Photomedicine is becoming a preferred solution, as it offers effective results with minimal side effects.
Rising Adoption in Cancer Treatment: Photodynamic therapy (PDT), a branch of photomedicine, has emerged as a promising treatment for certain types of cancer. The ability to target cancer cells with minimal damage to surrounding tissues is driving interest and research in this area.
Technological Advancements: Continuous innovation in laser technology, light-emitting devices, and biophotonics is propelling market growth. Companies are investing in developing more advanced, compact, and efficient devices, which enhances both treatment efficacy and patient comfort.
Increasing Demand for Non-invasive Procedures: Patients and healthcare providers alike are shifting toward non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments. Photomedicine offers solutions like laser surgery, which reduces recovery time and lowers the risk of complications, making it a popular choice.
Expanding Applications in Ophthalmology: Photomedicine plays a critical role in treating eye conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. With an aging global population, the demand for these treatments is growing steadily.
Challenges in the Photomedicine Market
Despite the promising growth, the market faces challenges:
High Equipment Costs: Advanced photomedicine devices, particularly laser systems, are costly. This can limit accessibility, especially in developing regions where healthcare budgets are constrained.
Stringent Regulatory Approval: The regulatory pathway for medical devices, especially those using emerging technologies, can be slow and complicated. Navigating the rigorous approval processes of authorities like the FDA is a challenge for manufacturers.
Lack of Awareness: While photomedicine offers numerous advantages, many healthcare providers and patients remain unaware of its full potential. Increased educational efforts are needed to promote the benefits of these technologies.
Regional Insights
North America: Leading the global market, North America benefits from well-established healthcare infrastructure and high healthcare expenditure. The region also boasts a high prevalence of dermatological and ophthalmological conditions, further driving demand.
Europe: Europe is a key market for photomedicine, particularly in oncology and dermatology. Supportive healthcare policies and reimbursement schemes in countries like Germany, the UK, and France are boosting adoption.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth due to rising healthcare investments, increasing awareness of advanced treatments, and the growing prevalence of cancer and skin disorders.
Future Outlook
The future of the photomedicine technology market looks bright. With continued innovation and expanding applications in various medical fields, this technology is set to revolutionize healthcare delivery. Investments in research and development, coupled with strategic partnerships between technology developers and healthcare providers, will further enhance the market's potential.
As the global healthcare landscape evolves, photomedicine will play a pivotal role in offering safer, non-invasive, and highly effective treatments, driving its adoption across the world.
The photomedicine technology market is poised for robust growth, driven by technological advancements and increasing demand for minimally invasive treatments. While challenges remain, the ongoing research and development efforts, coupled with rising awareness, are likely to accelerate the market's expansion in the coming years. As more industries and healthcare systems adopt these technologies, photomedicine is set to become a cornerstone of modern medical practice.
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bharathomeopathy2 · 15 days
Vitiligo Treatment Naturally: Effective Natural Remedies for Skin Restoration
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What is vitiligo?
It is a chronic skin condition that is characterised by the loss of colour to the skin and white patches of skin. The spots can be seen anywhere on the body, including hands, face and feet. The melanocytes (the cells that create the colour of skin) get destroyed. The condition is common to all types of skin but is most noticeable for those with darker skin tones. Although vitiligo isn't life-threatening, it can have serious emotional and psychological impacts on the affected because of its apparent appearance. It is crucial to consider vitiligo disease treatment when it is in its earliest stages.
The Severity and Complications of Vitiligo
It's a collection of illnesses that could cause a variety of complications. One of the major issues is the higher chance of sunburn. Because the affected areas do not contain melanin, a substance that protects against UV (UV) radiation These patches are more vulnerable to sun-induced damage. This increased sensitivity may result in skin cancer if the proper precautions, including wearing sunscreen and appropriate clothing are not followed.
In addition, vitiligo may be a sign of other autoimmune diseases like diabetes, thyroid disease and Alopecia areata. Vitiligo sufferers may be afflicted with emotional stress or depression due to the stigmatisation of their social status and self-esteem issues that may result from the visible changes to their skin.
Homeopathic is the Best Treatment for Vitiligo
Vitiligo treatment using homeopathy aims to bring back the colour of the skin and slow the process of the loss of pigment. There is no universal approach to treating vitiligo, and the importance of the treatment may differ depending on the individual. The best treatment for vitiligo usually involves a combination of treatments that are tailored to a person's requirements and the severity of their disease. Skin spots that appear white aren't always caused by the condition known as vitiligo. Other ailments, like tinea versicolor, which is a fungal infection or idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (small white spots that are typically located on the shins as well as forearms) could also trigger white patches. treatment for white spot on skin differs from the treatment for vitiligo. This underscores the importance of having a precise diagnosis.
For vitiligo treatment, early intervention is essential. The earlier treatment is initiated with the best chance of stopping the progress of the disease and restoring pigmentation on the affected area. Regular monitoring and consultation with a dermatologist will aid in managing the condition efficiently.
Natural Treatment for Vitiligo
Vitiligo treatment naturally are often sought-after by those seeking alternatives or complementary treatments. Although these therapies may not be suitable for everyone, they can be helpful as part of a more holistic treatment plan for the symptoms of vitiligo.
Diet There are studies that suggest certain nutrients, like Vitamin C, B12 and folic acid, may help skin health and improve pigment production. A diet high in foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may supply these vital nutrients.
Herbal Treatments: Herbal remedies such as ginkgo biloba have been examined for their ability to treat vitiligo-related symptoms. Ginkgo biloba has antioxidants as well as immunomodulatory properties, which could assist in the process of repigmentation.
Stress Management: As tension can lead to or worsen Vitiligo, managing stress via exercises like meditation, yoga or mindfulness is an important part of natural treatments.
Sun Protection: Shielding your skin against UV radiation is vital to the prevention of further loss of pigment as well as keeping sunburn at bay. Natural sunscreens made of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide offer broad-spectrum protection.
Homeopathic Solutions for Vitiligo
Homeopathy is an alternative treatment option that some patients who suffer from vitiligo seek out. The homeopathic treatment is based in the spirit of "like cures," using high-dilution of substances to stimulate a body's own healing process.
Although some individuals report improvement by using homeopathic remedies, it's crucial to use these remedies cautiously and consult an expert doctor prior to starting the next treatment.
Vitiligo is a complicated and serious disease that requires a multifaceted approach for treatment. There are many options, such as homeopathic medications for vitiligo and natural remedies that help to maintain the disease and improve quality of life for the affected. Patients suffering from vitiligo must cooperate with their doctor to create a customised vitiligo medication that addresses both the physical & emotional aspects of the issue.
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ageology5 · 17 days
Dermatologist in Chandigarh: Your Guide to Expert Skin Care at Ageology
Chandigarh is renowned for its medical facilities and expert professionals, making it a hub for high-quality dermatological care. Whether you're dealing with acne, pigmentation, hair loss, or other skin-related concerns, consulting a dermatologist is crucial for effective treatment. If you are looking for a reliable and highly skilled Dermatologist in Chandigarh, Ageology is the place to visit.
In this blog, we’ll explore why it’s important to seek the help of a qualified dermatologist, the range of treatments available at Ageology, and why it stands out as one of the best dermatology clinics in Chandigarh.
Why Consult a Dermatologist?
The skin is the largest organ of the human body, and like any other part, it can face various issues that affect not only your appearance but also your overall health. While some skin conditions might seem minor, they could be indicators of underlying health issues. A dermatologist specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of skin, hair, and nail problems. Consulting a professional ensures you receive accurate diagnosis and the best treatment plans.
Common Reasons to Visit a Dermatologist:
Acne: One of the most common skin issues, acne can be persistent and frustrating. Whether it's occasional breakouts or severe cystic acne, a dermatologist can help identify the root cause and provide tailored treatment.
Psoriasis: This chronic condition causes red, scaly patches on the skin, often leading to discomfort and emotional stress. Professional treatment can help manage symptoms effectively.
Eczema: Characterized by itchy, inflamed skin, eczema can affect people of all ages. A dermatologist can offer relief through topical treatments and lifestyle changes.
Skin Cancer Screening: Regular check-ups with a dermatologist can help detect skin cancer in its early stages, significantly improving treatment outcomes.
Pigmentation Issues: Hyperpigmentation, melasma, or dark spots can be treated with advanced dermatological techniques.
Hair Loss: Whether due to genetics, hormonal imbalances, or nutritional deficiencies, hair loss can be addressed with specialized treatments.
Now, let’s delve into why Ageology is recognized as one of the best dermatology clinics in Chandigarh.
Ageology: A Leading Dermatology Clinic in Chandigarh
Ageology is a renowned clinic offering top-tier dermatological services in Chandigarh. Known for its patient-centric approach, cutting-edge treatments, and highly experienced dermatologists, Ageology has helped countless individuals achieve healthier skin and hair. Here’s why Ageology is the go-to clinic for anyone seeking dermatological care in Chandigarh.
1. Highly Qualified Dermatologists
At Ageology, you’ll find a team of highly qualified and experienced dermatologists who specialize in treating a wide variety of skin and hair conditions. The team stays updated with the latest advancements in dermatology to offer the best possible care to their patients. From common skin issues like acne and eczema to more complex conditions like vitiligo and psoriasis, the dermatologists at Ageology provide effective solutions tailored to individual needs.
The dermatologists at Ageology are also skilled in identifying early signs of skin cancer, offering expert consultations and screenings to ensure your skin remains healthy.
2. Advanced Skin Treatments
Ageology offers a range of advanced skin treatments that utilize the latest technology and techniques to provide optimal results. Whether you are looking for medical treatment for skin conditions or aesthetic procedures to enhance your appearance, Ageology has you covered.
Some of the treatments available include:
Laser Therapy: Ageology offers advanced laser treatments for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, and pigmentation correction. Laser treatments are non-invasive and provide excellent results with minimal downtime.
Chemical Peels: Ideal for treating acne scars, pigmentation, and dull skin, chemical peels at Ageology can help reveal fresher, brighter skin.
Dermal Fillers and Botox: For those looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, Ageology provides dermal fillers and Botox treatments to help achieve a youthful appearance.
Microneedling: A popular procedure for improving skin texture and reducing acne scars, microneedling stimulates collagen production for smoother skin.
These advanced procedures are carried out under the supervision of experienced dermatologists, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care.
3. Personalized Treatment Plans
At Ageology, dermatological care is not a one-size-fits-all approach. The clinic prides itself on providing personalized treatment plans based on each patient’s unique skin type, condition, and lifestyle. During the initial consultation, the dermatologist will conduct a thorough examination of your skin and discuss your medical history to determine the best course of action.
For example, acne treatment may vary depending on whether it's caused by hormonal imbalances, environmental factors, or an underlying medical condition. By customizing treatments, Ageology ensures the best possible outcomes for each patient.
4. Focus on Aesthetic Dermatology
In addition to treating medical skin conditions, Ageology is also known for its expertise in aesthetic dermatology. If you're seeking treatments that enhance your appearance, Ageology offers various cosmetic procedures to address concerns like aging skin, pigmentation, and scars. These treatments not only improve appearance but also boost self-confidence.
Popular aesthetic procedures include:
HydraFacial: A non-invasive treatment that cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the skin for a glowing complexion.
PRP Therapy: Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy is used to rejuvenate skin and treat hair loss by stimulating natural growth factors.
Skin Tightening: Non-surgical skin tightening procedures help reduce sagging skin and restore firmness to the face and body.
These treatments are safe, effective, and performed by skilled dermatologists to ensure excellent results.
5. Patient-Centric Approach
At Ageology, patient satisfaction is the top priority. The clinic is committed to providing a comfortable and positive experience for every patient. The friendly and knowledgeable staff ensures that patients feel at ease throughout their treatment journey, from consultation to follow-up care.
Patients also benefit from Ageology’s transparent pricing policy, with no hidden fees or unnecessary procedures. The dermatologists take the time to explain each treatment option and its benefits, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their care.
6. Hygienic and Safe Environment
Ageology follows stringent hygiene protocols to maintain a clean and safe environment for all procedures. Whether you are undergoing a medical treatment or a cosmetic procedure, the clinic ensures the highest standards of cleanliness and patient safety.
Why Choose Ageology for Dermatological Care in Chandigarh?
Expertise: Highly experienced dermatologists with a focus on both medical and cosmetic dermatology.
Advanced Technology: State-of-the-art equipment and techniques for effective skin and hair treatments.
Customized Care: Personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs.
Patient Satisfaction: A patient-centric approach that prioritizes comfort and transparency.
Comprehensive Services: A wide range of dermatological and aesthetic treatments under one roof.
If you’re looking for the best dermatologist in Chandigarh, Ageology should be your first choice. With its team of skilled dermatologists, cutting-edge technology, and commitment to patient care, Ageology offers a comprehensive range of treatments that cater to all your skin and hair needs. Whether you’re dealing with a medical skin condition or seeking aesthetic enhancements, Ageology provides the expertise and solutions you need for healthy, glowing skin.
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Why Dr. Rinky Kapoor Provides the Best Vitiligo Treatment in India
Vitiligo and leucoderma are skin conditions that can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Finding the right treatment is essential for achieving the best possible results. In India, Dr. Rinky Kapoor’s clinic has become a leading destination for people seeking advanced and effective care for these skin conditions. With innovative therapies and a personalized approach, Dr. Kapoor’s clinic offers the best vitiligo treatment in India, helping patients regain their confidence and improve their quality of life.
Understanding Vitiligo and Leucoderma
Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition characterized by the loss of pigmentation in certain areas of the skin, leading to white patches. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin color, are destroyed or malfunction. Leucoderma, though often confused with vitiligo, typically results from injury or inflammation to the skin that leads to the depigmentation of the affected area. While both conditions affect skin appearance, professional diagnosis and treatment are key to managing them effectively.
If you’re looking for the best vitiligo treatment in India, Dr. Rinky Kapoor’s clinic offers comprehensive solutions tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Why Choose Dr. Rinky Kapoor for Vitiligo Treatment?
1. Advanced Treatment Options
At Dr. Rinky Kapoor’s clinic, patients receive world-class care utilizing cutting-edge technology. Treatments such as targeted phototherapy, excimer laser, and surgical procedures like melanocyte transplantation are available to treat vitiligo effectively. These therapies are carefully selected based on the patient’s condition and skin type, ensuring that each treatment plan is personalized for optimal outcomes. This makes the clinic one of the go-to places for the best vitiligo treatment in India.
2. Expertise and Experience
Dr. Kapoor is renowned as one of the top dermatologists in India, with years of experience in treating complex skin conditions like vitiligo and leucoderma. Her extensive knowledge, combined with a compassionate approach to patient care, ensures that each individual receives top-notch treatment in a comfortable environment. Her ability to offer innovative solutions, combined with her patient-first philosophy, positions her clinic as the destination for the **best vitiligo treatment in India**.
3. Holistic Approach to Treatment
Understanding that vitiligo is more than just a skin condition, Dr. Kapoor and her team adopt a holistic approach to care. They consider factors like psychological well-being, lifestyle habits, and long-term skin health when developing treatment plans. This comprehensive care strategy ensures that patients not only achieve better skin appearance but also feel more confident in their everyday lives. It’s this approach that sets Dr. Kapoor apart as a provider of the **best vitiligo treatment in India**.
What to Expect During Treatment
Patients undergoing vitiligo treatment at Dr. Kapoor’s clinic can expect thorough consultations to identify the most suitable treatment. Depending on the extent of depigmentation, the doctor may recommend topical medications, light-based therapies, or even surgical options. The ultimate goal is to restore skin pigmentation and prevent further depigmentation, helping patients achieve long-lasting results.
When searching for the best vitiligo treatment in India, it’s essential to choose a clinic with a proven track record of success. Dr. Rinky Kapoor’s clinic combines innovative treatments, expert knowledge, and compassionate care to offer top-tier dermatological solutions. Whether you’re seeking treatment for vitiligo or leucoderma, Dr. Kapoor’s clinic is dedicated to helping patients feel confident and comfortable in their skin.
To learn more, schedule a consultation today and discover why Dr. Rinky Kapoor is recognized as the Best Dermatologist In India.
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