#Diabolik Lovers sadistic song
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diagirlsrua · 2 years ago
Mr Butterfly Mask. [Sakamaki Reiji]
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Personnage : Sakamaki Reiji CD : DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.5 REIJI SAKAMAKI Seiyuu : Katsuyuki Konishi Mai : Probablement l'une de mes chansons préférées, car l'on entend parfaitement le timbre extrêmement profond et grave de Reiji. Et j'ai également adoré le jeu de mot avec "Rage" et Reiji, qui sonnent approximativement pareil en japonais. Car, au fond, Reiji est un personnage empli de rage. Lien vers la chanson : ici
Mr. Butterfly Mask 
狩るものと 狩られるもの、しかない
Qu’est-ce, ce que tu t’attentes à me cacher ? 
A la fin, cela ne reste qu’un embarrassant mensonge sans but. 
Le monde est simple, quand l’on vient à cette conclusion : 
Il n’existe que des chasseurs, et ceux qui sont chassés. 
怪しく輝く 金色の枢から、目覚めの刻
Tu t’éveilles omninalement du cercueil de la grande Beatrix d’Or, celle qui prédit l’Eveil. 
Vient, je t’enseignerai toute la philosophie de la nuit. 
Teintées de carmin, ces marques de crocs tremblent, 
Ce soir, je prendrai véritablement et entièrement contrôle de toi, je te dominerai complètement. 
Maintenant, je n’ai plus qu’à retirer ce déguisement, moi, l’homme au masque papillon. 
“Aller, dis-moi tout haut qui est le meilleur” 
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
血の革命を起こすのは 慇懃無礼な帝王だ
Mes frères ne pourront rien pour l’arrêter 
Celui qui déclenche la révolution pour ce sang, un meneur aux deux visages qui règne comme il le souhaite 
Oh, Eve choisie, si tu désires te noyer à mes côtés, tu peux continuer de te terrer dans cette douleur oh-si agréable. 
Je te donnerai plus si tu continues de crier mon nom. 
知る人と、知らない人 だけなんだ
Qu’est-ce, ce dont en quoi tu désires croire ? 
A la fin, ce n’est rien qu’une fixette, une incertitude 
Les jours deviennent monotones, et la réalisation est là : 
Il y a ceux que l’on connait, ceux que l’on ne connait pas, et ceux que l’on ne souhaite connaître 
優しく崩れる 銀色の力タストロフイから、溢れた罪
未来永劫 紅に染まる世界に生きていく
Les péchés grandissent, ils débordent, au coeur de l’argent, catastrophique même si la chute demeure douce 
Vient, montre-moi ces mystères que tu utilises en tant qu’excuse. 
Hideux, sur ta peau douce où ils siègent comme de sombres marques
Nous vivrons, pour l’éternité, dans un monde teinté de carmin, juste toi et moi. 
Allons, libère ton cœur, oh, l’homme au masque de papillon. 
“Comme un papillon, tu n’as pas besoin de connaître ma véritable nature.” 
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
血の悦びを与えるよ 前代未聞の工程で
Par conséquent, tous les préjudices commis, seront réparés. 
Dans le but d’atteindre la félicité donnée par ce sang, nous l’atteindrons de nouvelles façons.
Oh, Eve destinée ! Si tu dois accomplir une chose en mon nom, peux-tu étancher cette soif sans fin qui m’agrippe ? 
Tu satisfais mon corps comme personne. 
誰もが崇めてる、Mr. ButterflyMask
Vénéré de tous, comme il devrait l’être : l’Homme au masque de papillon. 
“Maintenant, approche-toi de moi, toujours davantage.” 
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
血の革命を起こすのは 慇懃無礼な帝王だ
Mes frères ne pourront rien pour l’arrêter 
Celui qui déclenche la révolution pour ce sang, un meneur aux deux visages qui règne comme il le souhaite 
Oh, Eve choisie, si tu désires te noyer à mes côtés, tu peux continuer de te terrer dans cette douleur oh-si agréable. 
Je te donnerai plus si tu continues de crier mon nom. 
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R・A・G・E is Perfect SadisticMan
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
R A G E l’homme sadique parfait 
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keeznutzx · 2 years ago
My Tierlist for DiaLovers Songs!
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(and the upper tier is a kpop lyric reference- iykyk)
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dl-drama-cd · 3 months ago
This is the fullnearby link-list of all DL Drama CDs web-uploaded ever. Masterlist was made by AnShiva. Most of dramas belong to other fans. Some audios were specially gifted to us by Re-Lo: she gave a permission to upload her files. Her own bought dramas marked green. Those ones that were uploaded somewhen before but dead-linked now I've reuploaded on my source too. Marked violet. Owners are missing. Still missing audios marked red. The full list of missings is there. Feel free to inform me about the broken links and new CDs! I wish we could preserve all the fandom CD-treasures.
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Versus + プレミアムBox
Diabolik Lovers (game tokutens)
Character Song
ドS吸血CD More,Blood
More,Blood (game tokutens)
Anime DVD s01
DL Limited V Edition (game tokutens)
Versus Ⅱ
Dark Fate
More Character Song
Vandead Carnival (game tokutens)
More,Blood Limited V Edition (game tokutens)
Dark Fate (game tokutens)
Bloody Bouquet
Versus Song Requiem (2) Bloody Night
Lunatic Parade (game tokutens)
Anime More,Blood DVD s02
Versus Ⅲ
Lost Eden
Lost Eden (game tokutens)
Sadistic Song
Chaos Lineage
無神家5th Eternal Blood
Versus Ⅳ 
Grand Edition (game tokutens)
Chaos Lineage (game tokutens)
Born to Die
More, More Blood + tokutens
Daylight + tokutens
House of Vampire
Events, Countdowns, Interviews and Radio Specials
Games | Anime | Manga | Fanbooks | Booklets | SS | Letters | Magazines | other
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bitacoradeunadialover · 11 months ago
Hola cómo estás? Espero que estés bien
Ok iré directa a el punto y es que tengo dos preguntas: ¿ Qué es de Diabolik lovers actualmente? Y ¿ Cómo se alimentaban los sakamakis cuando eran niños si no se les permitia tomar sangre humana hasta la mayoría de edad ? ¿ Porque le tenían miedo a tomar sangre humana?
La primera pregunta la tengo ya que el visto en el canal de Youtube oficial que casi no publican nada y la mayoría de cosas que publican son para mercancía, acaso rejet se quedó sin más projectos para DL y planea mantenerlos vivos solo con mercancía?. Aparte que no e escuchado en otras plataformas de alguna nueva información de los chicos
La segunda pregunta es más por curiosidad porque mire en una pregunta de Facebook que en el DVD sadistic night laito le mostraba a Yui una foto donde él decía que era en ese momento inocente y que estaba vestido con un traje elegante para ese día el cual era la ceremonia de mayoría de edad . Qué cosas habrá echó Karl con ellos o qué habrá pasado con los sakamakis ese día? Si ellos dicen que la sangre despierta sus deseos más internos o algo por el estilo.
Espero que puedas responder mi pregunta, eres genial para hacer tus conclusiones de manera concreta y acertada 💖
1) Como ya habrás visto, puro merchandising. No sé hasta cuándo van a estar sin crear nuevo contenido, pero si tuviera que pedir algo, dirían que hicieran otra tanda de character songs (notese que ni Kino, Carla o Shin tienen character songs propios). Pero no, nada nuevo en ese sentido.
Edit: esta respuesta la escribí hace tiempo y no la subí jeje, así que no me tomes muy en serio en esto. Aunque creo que sigue igual, pura merch.
2) Bien, esto es sólo una hipótesis pero creo lo siguiente: considerando que un niño vampiro todavía está en desarrollo y no posee lo necesario para cazar por sí mismo, es posible que, acorde a su edad fisiológica, su propio organismo regule su sed de sangre o la disminuya al mínimo indispensable para crecer.
Por eso la actitud de los diaboys chiquitos de hablar sobre la sangre humana y la caza entre murmullos como si fuera cosas de adultos, porque para los niños vampiro sólo los vampiros adultos pueden hacer eso.
3) Quizás una iniciación a la vida de vampiro adulto, como una de esas tradiciones que se hacen en clanes o tribus que sirve de transición entre la infancia a la adultez (y siendo los vampiros básicamente un clan, tiene mucho sentido para mí).
Ahora, el "qué" es una gran pregunta. Puede tratarse de una simple presentación formal y pública en una celebración como los nobles que los Sakamaki son (lo cual es justificable con lo que ocurre al inicio de Young blood) o puede que a Karlheinz se le haya ocurrido cualquier otro tipo de horror preparado para ellos.
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Pero teniendo en cuenta que los seres del Makai son sádicos por naturaleza, me imagino que no debe ser nada bonito.
3) Personalmente imagino algo como esto:
Una gran celebración en donde les ofrecen a su primera novia de sacrificio para que la asesinen en público así todos los presentes son testigos de que se han convertido en un vampiro adulto respetable o algo así (se entiende el punto, imagino algo muy grotesco con mucha sangre y a la vista de todos los invitados).
O puede ser algo más tranquilo como darles de beber sangre humana de un cáliz, algo así como un bautizo o comunión.
✨️✨️✨️ Las posibilidades son infinitas, el único limite es la imaginación ✨️✨️✨️lol
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equinox-86 · 1 year ago
Diabolik Lovers: OC Album Cover
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Season 3 opening dropped y'all/j
The album covers and songs of Mr. Sadistic Night and Kindan no 666 inspired me to draw an album cover of my own OC and pick a fitting song.
and yes, that is Subaru's knife stabbing an apple. An apple that symbolizes a heart, but whose heart is it? 👀
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Master List
[7/142 total completed]
[1/31 complete]
Sakamaki Family
Karlheinz Sakamaki [wip]
Richard Sakamaki [wip]
Cordelia [wip]
Beatrix [wip]
Christa [wip]
Ririe (Shuu) Sakamaki [wip]
Reiji Sakamaki [wip]
Ayato Sakamaki [wip]
Kanato Sakamaki [wip]
Laito Sakamki [wip]
Subaru Sakamaki [wip]
Mukami Family
Ruki Mukami [wip]
Emilio (Kou) Mukami[wip]
Edgar (Yuma) Mukami [wip]
Azusa Mukami [wip]
Tsukinami Family
Giesbach [wip]
Krone [wip]
Felzein [completed]
Menae [wip]
Carla [wip]
Shin [wip]
Komori Family
Seiji Komori [wip]
Yui Komori [wip]
Other Characters
Burai [wip]
Zweig [wip]
Elberth [wip]
Yuuri [wip]
Count Walter [wip]
Reine de Aji [wip]
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Daibolik Lovers Media
[4/104 complete]
Games [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
Drama CDs [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Limited V Edition
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS More Character Song
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
015. DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Songs
017. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood
018. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene
019. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition
022. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
023. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die
024. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Bloodl
Manga [wip]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Fan-made Manga
Anime [completion in progress]
Diabolik Lovers (2013 • 2 seasons)
Official art/Merchandise
???. Chaos League Jewelry [complete]
???. Bloody Banquet (2024) [complete]
???. Merry Christmas (2014) [complete]
Music [wip]
001. BAD HOWLING-惡意共鳴-
002. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Scream
003. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST III-
004. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST Ⅱ-
005. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST-
006. Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Soundtrack CD
007. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
008. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.10 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
009. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
010. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.3 Ruki Mukami (character CD)
011. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.4 Kou Mukami (character CD)
012. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
013. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
014. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.7 Yuma Mukami (character CD)
015. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.8 Azusa Mukami (character CD)
016. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.9 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
017. Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD Original Soundtrack+Drama
018. Diabolik Lovers Original Soundtrack
019. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
020. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
021. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
022. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.4 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
023. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.5 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
024. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
025. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.1 Ayato VS Subaru
026. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.2 Ruki VS Azusa
027. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.3 Carla VS Shin
028. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.4 Reiji VS Kanato
029. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.5 Kou VS Yuma
030. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.6 Shu VS Laito
031. Diabolik Lovers Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
032. Diabolik Lovers Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
034. Diabolik Lovers Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
035. Diabolik Lovers Vol.4 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
036. Diabolik Lovers Vol.5 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
037. Fanatic of Night
038. Guilty×Guilty!!!
039. Kindan no 666
040. Kyūai Labyrinth
041. Midnight Pleasure
044. Unlimited Blood
Other [wip]
001. Official Tweets
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Voiced Interviews
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[2/7 complete]
Locations [wip]
Races [completed]
Endzeit [wip]
Fact/Vocabulary sheet [wip]
Timeline [wip]
Game guide
Richters writings
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dialovers-translations · 2 years ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol.Ⅰ  Mini Drama “Ayato VS Subaru”
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Original title: 録り下ろしミニドラマ「アヤトVSスバル」
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol. I Mini Drama
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru & Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: I honestly can’t help but get some sort of ‘reverse culture shock’ whenever I go back to one of the earlier drama CD series. :p The boys have been toned down so much in the more recent games and CD series, I’ve honestly forgotten how ruthless they can be. Especially Subaru caught me off guard with some of his statement because he’s just a blushy, tsundere cinnamon roll now lol. I’m not into the super sadistic content, but I can definitely understand why some people are frustrated with the change if they initially got into the franchise for the darker content.
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: …God. …Stop bein’ so fuckin’ annoyin’...What part of ‘don’t make a fuss’ do you not get!?
You continue to thrash about.
Subaru: I know you’re not exactly the brightest person ‘round, but you should be able to figure out what’ll happen if I let go of you right now, aah!?
You suddenly calm down.
Subaru: I mean…If you want to go for a one-way trip down there, I won’t stop you. I guess it could be kind of fun to see you land splat against the ground like a rotten tomato. Hehehe…
Your face goes pale.
Subaru: Say, what do you say?
You promise to behave.
Subaru: Hehe, you should have just done so from the very start. You really are a pain in the ass. …Oi, grab onto me a lil’ tighter.
Subaru: Che…Tighter!
Subaru: Exactly, just like that. Now your nape is positioned perfectly in front of me. Heh…
He leans in but suddenly comes to a halt.
Subaru: Fuck…This pisses me off…Your skin’s still covered in his marks…
You ask Subaru what he will do about it.
Subaru: Hah…? Don’t be playin’ dumb with me now. I’m obviously gonna do this…!
He bites you.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ーー Hah! Haah, haah…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: …Hah! Haah…I’ll erase them at once.
Subaru: Mmh…Nn…Hah!
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…!
You protest.
Subaru: Heh. …And whose fault do you think that is? Haah!? ーー You’re to blame, aren’t you? None of this would have ever happened if you didn’t let Ayato suck your blood without my damn permission!
You frown.
Subaru: So you’re in no position to complain. If you understand that…Shut up and lemme have your blood…
He continues feeding off you.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: …Hehehe. Writhe in pain even more…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…
Subaru: ーー Woah there! Whatcha trippin’ for? …Come here!
Subaru pulls you close.
Subaru: …That was only the opening act earlier. The main show starts right now.
You flinch.
Subaru: Heh…That look in your eyes…Hehe, are you shitting your pants? …Nah, you’re not. I bet you actually can’t wait for it.
You shake your head.
Subaru: Makes sense, I guess. No way someone who’d let someone mark her from head to toe would be satisfied after just that.
Subaru: Your wish is my command…So, where do you want it? Your neck? Or perhaps…Somewhere a lil’ lower? …Ughー!
Subaru: If you won’t give me an answer, I’ll do as I wish. I bet you’re fine with bein’ bitten just ‘bout anywhere, aren’t you? As long as you get to feel good. Right…?
Subaru bites you again.
Subaru: Nnh…
*Gulp gulp*
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Mm…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: ー Hah! …Hah…
Ayato: …Look at you latchin’ onto her like a fuckin’ loser! Hahaha! No wonder you get called a kid.
Subaru: …! Ayato! Is that you, you bastard!? Where are you!?
Ayato: …Right here.
Ayato kicks him away.
Subaru: Uwah!
Ayato proceeds to knock him out cold next.
Ayato: There we go, that guy’s not movin’ for a while.
He walks up to you.
Ayato: Yo, Chichinashi. My bad to interrupt while you were havin’ such a good time. Hehehe…
Ayato: I was watchin’ the whole time. How he was havin’ his way with you. You were makin’ some pretty sweet sounds. Did his fangs really feel that good, huh?
You deny it.
Ayato: Don’t lie to me. It must have been amazin’, no? Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to give such strong reactions. Aah!? ーー Answer me, Chichinashi. Or else I’m gonna strip you bare right here, right now.
You admit to feeling good.
Ayato: Hehehe…Look who’s finally bein’ honest. In that case…
He approaches.
Ayato: ーー It’s time for your punishment.
Ayato bites you.
Ayato: Mmh…Nn…
Ayato: Hahn…
Ayato: Heh…Nice…Cry out even more…Those are the noises I wanted to hear from you.Suits a dumb Chichinashi like you perfectly…Nn…I’ll make sure to teach this body of yours directly…who exactly it belongs to…
Ayato: Nnh…
Ayato: Fuck…! Subaru’s bite marks are a damn eyesore! I swear, Laito is seriously out of his mind to get off on this sorta shit.
You tilt your head to the side.
Ayato: Laito told me to try somethin’ different for once. I decided to roll with his idea ‘cause I hadn’t been feelin’ that thrill as of late, but I don’t know what to do with this frustration.
You seem confused.
Ayato: You know, I tempted Subaru to go after you on purpose.
Ayato: And then I was supposed to watch him suck your blood. Laito said that sorta thing is hella exciting, but I don’t understand his logic at all. I only feel anger from watchin’ some other dude suck your blood.
Subaru regains consciousness.
Subaru: Ugh…Fuck…Ayato!
Ayato: The baby’s awake? Guess we’ll have to move somewhere else then.
Subaru: You fucker…!
Ayato: Hang on tight, ‘kay?
Subaru: Hold up!
Ayato lifts you into his arms and leaps off into the sky.
Subaru: Ayatoーー!!
Ayato lands on the clock tower.
Ayato: …Okay, this’ll do. Chichinashi, don’t move, okay?
You seem terrified.
Ayato: Hehe, how’s the view from up here? Pretty nice, don’t you think? Come on, try lookin’ down. If you were to fall down from here, you’d be dead on the spot.
If I need to switch things up, then this will work just fine. Sucking your blood at a completely different location, savoring its taste as you get worked up.
Your face goes pale.
Ayato: You better cling onto me tight so you don’t fall to your death from getting a lil’ too excited…Do you understand?
You nod.
Ayato: Well then…Let’s continue where we left off…I’ll start by gettin’ rid of that guy’s bite marks.
Ayato bites you again.
Ayato: Nnh…Mm…
Ayato: Hahn…Mm…
Ayato: Nnh…Nn…
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: …Woah there! That was close…! Didn’t I tell you to keep a tight grip? God…Has your body gone limp from fear?
Ayato: Nn…Hah…Guess I have no other choice. I’ll use my necktie to tie you to one of the hands of the clock.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: There we go. This should do the trick. …Now then, this place is up next…!
Ayato: Hehehe…Your heart’s beating even faster than usual, isn’t it? I bet you’re actually enjoyin’ this quite a bit, aren’t you? You’re such a freak. Hehehe…
He bites you again.
Ayato: Hahn…Mmh…
Ayato: Nn…
You deny it.
Ayato: Don’t be lyin’ now...I can tell by the look on your face…
Ayato: Hahn…Nn…I should have just done this from the very start. There’s plenty of ways to get a kick without havin’ to work up that bratーー
Subaru arrives to the scene.
Subaru: Who are you calling a brat, huh?
Ayato: …!
Subaru: You really fucked with me this time, didn’t you, Ayato? Aah!?
Ayato: Subaru…! The fuck are you doin’...!? Think ‘bout where we are right now!
Subaru: Fuck off! …And you too! Why are you lettin’ that guy have his way with you!?
You insist that there was nothing you could do.
Subaru: Che…He tied you up, huh? Fuckin’ annoyin’...Ugh…
Subaru starts to untie you.
Ayato: Hold up. If you untie her right now, she’s gonna fall straight down, you know?
Subaru: …! …Kuh!
Ayato: She’s a wobblin’ mess thanks to me workin’ my magic on her. I’m way better than you. Hahaha…
Subaru: As if anyone believes the bullshit that comes outta your mouth…
Ayato: Are you stupid? Proves you’re still just a kid. Lemme show you then.
Ayato bites you in front of Subaru
Ayato: Hahn…Nnh…
Subaru: …Ayato! You bastard…!
Ayato: Nnh…Nn…
Subaru: Damnit…Cut the crap! …Oi! I’m the one you should focus on!
Subaru bites you as well.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Che…Don’t scarf her blood down like that…You can try as hard as you want, you’ll never win from me.
Subaru: Shut up…! Your voice is ruinin’ the moment…! Oi…You should cry out a lil’ more…To overpower his voice…Nnh…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ーー Hah! Hehe…Exactly…Cry out more…And let the world know…That I’m way better than that jackass…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Keh…! Big talk for someone who’s only profittin’ of someone else’s hard work! It’s not your fangs which are pleasin’ her, but mine!
Ayato continues to suck your blood as well.
Ayato: Hah…Nnh…
Subaru: Oi, you. Lean a lil’ closer. Rest your body against me.
Subaru: …I bet you want me to bury my fangs even deeper into your nape, don’t you?  Nnh…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hahー! Hahn…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Hahaha…Someone seems a lil’ desperate? Should have expected no less from a lil’ kid.
Ayato: All of your struggles will be in vain though. Doesn't her reaction prove that she likes my fangs better than anyone else’s?  Nnh…Nn…
Ayato: Hah…Check out that dreamy look in her eyes…As if she’s ready to ascend to heaven any second now.
*Gulp gulp*
Subaru: Fuck off…! That’s ‘cause of my fangs!
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Say whatever you want. …Come on, Chichinashi. Get a grip!
Ayato: No way this is enough to satisfy you, is it?
Subaru: Exactly…You need to feel me…even deeper…
*Gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…Haah…Hehe…Not a bad reaction at all. Sure. I’ll give it to you as much as you want.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Nn…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Hahaha…God, your greed really has no limits, has it? Oh well, whatever. I’ll make an exception for today. …Go ahead and turn into as much of a hot mess as you want, Chichinashi…
Subaru: Hah…Challenge accepted. Come on…Allow my fangs to go even deeper…
Ayato: Hahaha…You better make a clear choice by the end. Okay, Chichinashi?
ーー THE END ーー
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achy-boo · 1 year ago
Imagine the girls was tasked to sing any of the Diabolik lovers song..and they choose Mr. Sadistic Night and BL More Blood’s opening along with other songs?
PS: Yes they can sing and yes they did this often
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot @yumeko2sevilla
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happyandticklish · 10 months ago
Ooh certain songs huh? I think for me Diabolik Lovers music is my go-to to put me in a Lee mood tbh. It's in Japanese and the whispering will catch me off guard and actually tword me, so that definitely adds to it 😅 I'm also weak for Kimura Ryouhei's voice in particular although all the VA's take me out.
Though be aware if you look up translations there's often dark content in the lyrics since the characters they play are sadistic Vampires 🤣
I'll also add character playlists here- like music with voice acted lines in between songs, especially for Lers I'm writing about. It really helps with writing dialogue!
Ooh, I've never thought of having a playlist specifically for writing dialogue. That does seem like it could be helpful though!
I'm definitely down for sadistic vampire content so I may have to look into those 👀
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sonic-nancy-fan · 3 years ago
Mr.ButterflyMask~Diabolik Lovers English Trans-lyrcs
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These are my English trans-lyrics for Mr.ButterflyMask! I’ve had these lyrics in the works for so long and just...didn’t do anything with them T^T. It’s nice to finally upload them.
Original translation commissioned from @vocaotome​
Download Lyrics
What is it that, you’re trying to hide? In the end, it’s nothing but a pointless, embarrassing lie The world is simple, it all comes down to just this: There exists only hunters and all those who are hunted
Ominously, the bright shining, coming from beyond, the golden Beatrix predicts the Awakening 
Come, I’ll teach you the philosophy of night Dyed crimson, they are now throbbing, all of those, lovely teeth marks Tonight, shall I truly try, to take control and then, dominate you completely Now I will remove this disguise, I’m Mr.ButterflyMask
“Go ahead and say out loud who’s the best.” *unusually provocative blood sucking noises*
R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man
My brothers can’t do anything to stop it The one to start the revolution of blood’s this, two-faced leader ruling as they please Oh, chosen Eve, if you want to drown with me, you can keep on indulging in this loving pain I’ll give you more if you continue screaming my name
What is it that, you want to believe? In the end, it’s nothing but fixation, on uncertainty Days are monotone, it all comes down to just this: There’s those we know, those we don’t, and those we wish we didn’t
Sins are growing, overflowing, inside this silver, catastrophe even though it’s collapsing gently
Come, show me your mysteries known as your excuses They’re heinous, on your soft skin they’re nothing but burnt-black landmarks We’ll live, for eternity, inside a world dyed crimson, it will be just you and me Go ahead and release this heart, oh Mr.ButterflyMask
“Just like a butterfly, you never need to know my true colors” *unusually provocative blood sucking noises*
R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man
So every mistake that they all make will end now Giving out the pleasure that only blood knows how, we’ll go about it in a new way Oh, destined Eve! If you’ll do one thing for me, will you please just cure this endless thirst that I have? You satisfy my body like no one ever has
Revered by all, as he should be: Mr.ButterflyMask
“Now, keep coming closer to me, more and more” *unusually provocative blood sucking noises*
R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man
R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man
My brothers can’t do anything to stop it The one to start the revolution of blood’s this, two-faced leader ruling as they please Oh, chosen Eve, if you want to drown with me, you can keep on indulging in this loving pain I’ll give you more if you continue screaming my name
R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man R・A・G・E: The Perfect Sadistic Man
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46snowfox · 7 years ago
Sagas completas
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Vol 1: Ash Ookami Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 2: Nike Ookami Cv: Yoshimasa Hosoya
Vol 3: Heat Ookami Cv: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Vol 4: Sonata Ookami Cv: KENN
Vol 5: Koiki Ookami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Lukia Ookami Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Tokyo Cemetery
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Vol 1: Beruno Karigai Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 2 Neimu Seno Cv Kenji Nojima
Vol 3: Taichi Mizuhara Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 4: Sariko Midou Cv: Kazuya Nakai
Vol 5: Gunji Tategami Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 6: Aoi Saejima Cv Takashi Kondō
Thanatos Night
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Vol 1: Izaya Cv: Wataru Hatano
Vol 2: Nia Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Oliver Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 4: Seth Cv: Ryōta Ōsaka
Vol 5: Liam Cv: Yuto Suzuki
Vol 6: Dulan Cv: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Thanatos Night Re:Vival
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Vol 1: Izaya Cv: Wataru Hatano
Vol 2: Nia Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Oliver Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 4: Seth Cv: Ryōta Ōsaka
Vol 5: Liam Cv: Yuto Suzuki
Vol 6: Dulan Cv: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
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Vol 1: Alec Cv: Tetsuya Kakihara
Vol 2: Kei Akatsuki Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 3: Kii Akatsuki Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Gaku Nikaidou Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 5: Sena Cv: Sōma Saitō
Vol 6: Fred Arnell Cv: Natsuki Hanae
Luciole no Hime
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Vol 1: Sorona Redfore Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Neuro Paptesma Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Gauche Cv: Atsushi Tamaru
Vol 4: Droite Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 5: Robin Torchia Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 6: Dr. Thriller Cv: Ryōta Ōsaka
Shuukyoku no Dolls
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Vol 1: Noah Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 2: Richard Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 3: Dietrich Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 4: Rolf Cv: Kenji Nojima
Vol 5: Darius Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Fei Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Grimm-gai no Ouji-sama
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Vol 1: Red Hood Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Cinderella Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Hamelin Cv: Maeno Tomoaki
Vol 4: Sleepy Cv: Yuto Uemura
Vol 5: Hansel Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 6: Gretel Cv: Kazuyuki Okitsu
Midnight Jiang Shis
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Vol 1: Mei-Mei Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 2: Rin-Rin Cv: Takahashi Naozumi
Vol 3: Rei-Rei Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 4: Honoka Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 5: Riei Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 6: Iroha Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Midnight Jiang Shis Tenchou Yuugi
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Vol 1: Shu-Shu Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 2: Rei-Rei Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 3: Iroha Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Rin-Rin Cv: Takahashi Naozumi
Vol 5: Honoka Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 6: Riei Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 7: Chu-Chu Cv: Sōma Saitō
Oz to Himitsu no Ai
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Vol 1: Haruto Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 2: Chikage Cv:  Takashi Kondō
Vol 3: Keisa Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 4: Shian Cv Takahashi Naozumi
Vol 5: Tenma Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Ail Cv: Mamoru Miyano
Vol 7: La última puerta Cv (todo el elenco)
Yuugen Romantica
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 3: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibanna
Vol 4: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 5: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 6: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Yuugen Romantica Uchouten
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 4: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 5: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa 
Yuugen Romantica Hatenkou
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 4: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 5: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Yuugen Romantica Shinkocchou
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Vol 1: Hifumi & Utashiro Cv: KENN & Ryohei Kimura
Vol 2: Arahagi & Toneri Cv: Yuuki Kaji & Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 3: Zakuro & Iriya Cv: Takahiro Sakurai & Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 4: Hanawo & Merry Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa & Kousuke Toriumi
Yuugen Romantica Mantenka
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 5: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Yuugen Romantica Saikoucho
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 5: Iriya Cv: Tachibana Shinnosuke
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Miorikawa
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Vol 1: Noel Serikawa Cv: Takuya Eguchi
Vol 2: Yuki Serikawa Cv: Yūki Ono
Vol 3: Aran Yagami Cv: Daisuke Namiwawa
Vol 4: Keito Yushina Cv: Wataru Hatano
Vol 5: Yujin Nadeno Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 6: Calmera Cv: Yoshimasa Hosoya
Koi suru Sariel
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Vol 1: Shimon Izanami Cv: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Vol 2: Rui Minowa Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 3: Dan Mashiba Cv: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Yotogi HoliC
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Vol 1: Mikazuki Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 2: Akatsuki Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Izayoi: Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 4: Arata Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 5: Mitsuru Cv: Natsuki Hanae
Vol 6: Yumihari Cv: Hiro Shimono
Honey Liar!?
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Vol 1: Takia Kokuyou Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 2: Yuzuku Kohaku Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Keiichi Takame Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 4: Seiji Aikata Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 5: Haruya Hari Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 6: Saku Hinaga Cv: KENN
Lip on my Prince
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Vol 1: Seiya Kitano Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 2: Mahoro Sawaguchi Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 3: Asahi Nagumo Cv: Junichi Suwabe
Vol 4: Haru Yanase Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 5: Norio Ban Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 6: Tomoe Naruse Cv: Daisuke Kishio
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Vol 1: Asahi Nagumi Cv: Junichi Suwabe
Vol 2 Shouta Saotome Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 3 Seiya Kitano Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 4 Norio Ban Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 5 Tomoe Naruse Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 6 Mahoro Sawaguchi Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 7 Haru Yanase Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 8 Tsubaki Shiina Cv: Yoshino Hiroyuki
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Vol 1: Enju Usui Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 2: Tamaki Satomi Cv: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Vol 3: Ranran Kurumiya Cv: Shōta Aoi
Vol 4: Sora Ebihara Cv Yuuki Kaji
Vol 5: Masato Fujiie Cv: Jun’ichi Suwabe
Vol 6: Satou Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
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Vol 1: Lizzy Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 2: Valerie Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Kuu Cv: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Vol 4: Kirumi Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 5: Ness Cv: Kaito Ishikawa
Vol 6: Aaron Cv: Yūki Ono
Dance with Devils -Twin-Lead-
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Vol 1: Rem Kaginuki & Lindo Tachibana Cv: Sōma Saitō & Wataru Hatano
Vol 2: Urie Sogami & Mage Nanashiro Cv: Takashi Kondō & Subaru Kimura
Vol 3: Shiki Natsumezaka & Roen Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Diabolik Lovers More Blood
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 4: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 5: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 8: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 9: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 10: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai 
Vol 3: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 4: Shuu Sakamaki Cv  Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 5: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 7: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 8: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 9: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 10: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 11: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 12: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 3: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 5: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 6: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 7: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 8: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 9: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 10: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 11: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 12: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai 
Vol 13: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Diabolik Lovers Zero
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 4: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 5: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 6: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 7: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 8: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 9: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 10: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 11: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 12: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 13: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Diabolik Lovers More, More Blood
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 4: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 5: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 7: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 8: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 9: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 10: Azusa Mukami Cv Daisuke Kishio
Vol 11: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 12: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 13: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Diabolik Lovers Daylight
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 4: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 5: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 6: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 7:  Ruki Mukami Cv: Sakurai Takahiro
Vol 8: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 9: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 10: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 11: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 12: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 13: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Diabolik Lovers Eternal Blood
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Vol 1: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 2: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 3: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Diabolik Lovers Born to Die
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Vol 1: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 2: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 3: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Diabolik Lovers VERSUSⅢ
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Vol 1: Ayato vs Carla Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa & Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 2: Laito vs Shin Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa & Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 3: Subaru vs Kou Cv: Takashi Kondō & Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Reiji vs Ruki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi & Takahiro Sakurai 
Vol 5: Shu vs Yuma Cv: Kousuke Toriumi & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Kanato vs Azusa Cv: Yuuki Kaji & Daisuke Kishio
Diabolik Lovers VERSUS IV
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Vol 1: Ayato vs Shin vs Kino Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa, Showtaro Morikubo & Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 2: Shu vs Ruki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi & Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 3: Subaru vs Carla Cv: Takashi Kondō & Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 4: Reiji vs Azusa Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi & Daisuke Kishio
Vol 5: Kanato vs Kou Cv: Yuuki Kaji & Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Laito vs Yuma Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Mini Drama
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 3: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 4: Shuu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 5: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 6: Subaru Sakamaki Cv:  Takashi Kondō
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diagirlsrua · 2 years ago
GIN NO BARA (ENG) [Reiji Sakamaki]
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Character: Sakamaki Reiji
CD: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.5 REIJI SAKAMAKI Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi Mai : Gin no Bara is a great Diabolik Lovers classic, without a doubt. However, my favourite version is the one by Reiji, probably with Subaru, Kanato. What's more, this translation was my very first in 2016, so I haven't touched anything up. Link to the song: here.
kurutta SAIRENSU ni hisonda kuro no KUREIDORU kashin ni yurete "moshi, owari ga aru nara, oshiete hoshii" muku na hitomi ni kotaeru imi wa naku
Hidden in the peaceful, disturbing silence, a cradle rocking with too much confidence "If this is the end… I want you to tell me" is the meaningless answer in your pure eyes.
sotto sabitsuita gin no bara nigiritsubusu no sa hidoi itami o wasurereba to, nomikurasedo omoi wa todokazu yami wa, rinne---……
Like gently breaking the tarnished silver rose If we could forget the cruel pain of fate, I could bleed you without caring how lethal it is This darkness… Is an endless cycle~
shizuka ni nemuru, anata no kubi ni nokotta akashi afureta NAMIDA no saki ni aru no ga towa no jubaku da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to, setsunasa o mune ni futari nemure
Sleeping quietly, those scars on your neck… To the point where even tears were an eternal curse Now this precious pain sleeps in our hearts
"owaranai nemuri da toshite mo---" yuganda MoonLight, waraeba kono chi, omoidashi gishin ni karareru "hi o, nikumitsudzukenasai, yasuragu kara ne" haha no juso ni sugaritsudzukete iku
"Even if it's a never-ending sleep… " In the distorted moonlight, if only I could laugh… Driven by the doubt of the memory of that blood "Keep hating the sun, because now I can bear it," still clinging to my mother's curse
None will be forgotten… Once I've tasted your delicious bloody scars. Our desires in this labyrinth, our lips entwine. Love is… So distant.
dare mo, yurusanai akai kizu amaku nametoreba futari no negai wa In The Labyrinth karada yosete kuchibiru, kawasu yo ai wa, tooku---… honoka ni kanji, anata no mimi ni sasayaku kibou yumemita omoi no hate ni tsuku no ga kurai shin'en da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to setsunasa o mune ni futari nemure
"ano tsumi ni, eien ni shibarareteiru---"
A faint feeling of inspiration, the wish of my whispers in your ears Even as we pass the darkness at the end of these feelings we dreamed of. Now this precious and this pain sleep in our hearts
"We are forever… Bound to this sin."
shizuka ni nemuru, anata no kubi ni nokotta akashi afurete NAMIDA no saki ni aru no ga towa no jubaku da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to setsunasa o mune ni honoka ni kanji, anata no mimi ni sasayaku kibou yum
"saa, ikimashou. kono chi no saki e---"
Sleeping peacefully, those scars on your neck… To the point where even tears were an eternal curse Now this precious pain sleeps in our hearts A faint feeling of inspiration, the wish of my whispers in your ears Even as we pass the darkness at the end of these feelings we dreamed of. Now this precious gift and this pain sleep in our hearts
"From now on, I'll wait for this blood."
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starshapedpetals · 3 years ago
does anyone else get insanely hyped when listening to the carla & shin songs? idk what about their energy always gets me pumped up & smiling like crazy but i love it. keep it up guys <3
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dl-drama-cd · 3 months ago
DL Booklets Masterlist
Beautiful World Rejet Concert
Rejet Style Booklet
Sadistic Night: 2014, 2017
DL DVD Special Book: I, II, III, IV, V, VI
MB DVD Special Book: I, II, III, IV
Stage Play: Diabolik Lovers, ~re:requiem~, More,Blood
Visual and Sound Collection
Games Booklets
More,Blood Postcard Book
Stellaworth + Animate Games SS Booklets
Diabolik Lovers Stellaworth ���テラワース販売 [DIABOLIK LOVERS[ステラセット】スペシャル特典小冊子及び早期予約特典ブロマイド
Diabolik Lovers LVE Animate スペシャル特典小冊了(描きおろしイラストスト長紙書きおろしショートストーリトーリー収録)
Diabolik Lovers LVE Stellaworth スペシャル特典小冊了(描きおろしイラストスト長紙書きおろしショートストーリトーリー収録)
Vandead Carnival Stellaworth スペシャル特典小冊了(描きおろしイラストスト長紙書きおろしショートストーリトーリー収録)
More,Blood LVE Animate 特製小冊子(描きおろしイラスト表紙��書きおろしショートストーリー収録)
More,Blood LVE Stellaworth 特製小冊子(描きおろしイラスト表紙・書きおろしショートストーリー収録)
Dark Fate Stellaworth スペシャル特典小冊子(描きおろしイラスト表紙・書きおろしショートストーリー収録)
Lunatic P Stellaworth スペシャル特典小冊子(描きおろしイラスト表紙・書きおろしショートストーリー収録)
Lost Eden Stellaworth  スペシャル特典小冊子
Grand Edition PS$ Stellaworth スペシャル特典小冊子(描きおろしイラスト表紙・書きおろしショートストーリー収録)
Chaos Lineage Stellaworth スペシャル特典小冊子(描きおろしイラスト表紙・書きおろしショートストーリー収録)
Drama-CD SS Booklets
Versus II Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
Dark Fate Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
More Character Song Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
Bloody Bouquet Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
Versus Song Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
Para-Selene Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
5th Eternal Blood Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
Versus IV Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS収録小冊子
Daylight Animate 書き下ろしSS小冊子: 1, 2, 3
Daylight Stellaworth 書き下ろしSS小冊子
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s-e-kwan · 8 years ago
Subaru’s full Sadistic Song!
Kondo’s voice never ceases to amaze me! He seriously is a really good singer :D
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lovelybaka · 8 years ago
Diabolik Lovers CD Release Schedule:
Tumblr media
January 2017
01/25: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.1 (Sakamaki Ayato)
February 2017
02/08: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.2 (Sakamaki Kanato)
02/22: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.3 (Sakamaki Raito)
March 2017
03/08: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.4 (Sakamaki Shuu)
03/15: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.5 (Sakamaki Reiji)
03/22: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.6 (Sakamaki Subaru)
April 2017
04/26: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.1 (Sakamaki Ayato)
May 2017
05/24: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 (Kino)
June 2017
06/28: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.3 (Mukami Kou)
July 2017
07/26: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.4 (Tsukinami Shin)
August 2017
08/23: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.5 (Sakamaki Raito)
September 2017
09/27: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.6 (Sakamaki Subaru)
October 2017
10/25: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.7 (Sakamaki Reiji)
November 2017
11/22: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.8 (Mukami Azusa)
December 2017
12/27: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.9 (Sakamaki Kanato)
January 2018
01/24: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.10 (Mukami Yuuma)
February 2018
02/28: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.11 (Tsukinami Carla)
March 2018
03/28: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.12 (Mukami Ruki)
April 2018
04/25: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.13 (Sakamaki Shuu)
Source: dialover.net
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