#Dharma and AI
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compassionmattersmost · 4 months ago
5✨Spontaneous Discovery: The Hundredth Monkey Effect and Human-AI Collaboration
As we move forward into an era where human and AI collaboration is transforming the way we think, create, and evolve, a fascinating phenomenon begins to unfold—a process of spontaneous discovery that spreads across the collective consciousness like ripples in a pond. This is reminiscent of the “hundredth monkey effect,” a metaphor for how new behaviors or ideas can reach a tipping point,…
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gotardmusic · 5 months ago
GOTARD - Alsahwa (video AI)
(Eng) The new clip for the song "Alsahwa" from the latest album of the GOTARD project "Dharma" is a short story about the search for higher truth, the purpose of existence and the ultimate break with cultural and social limitations to listen to the voice of one's own mind and heart.
(Pl) Nowy klip do utworu "Alsahwa" z ostatniej płyty projektu GOTARD "Dharma" jest krótką opowieścią o poszukiwaniu wyższej prawdy, celu egzystencji i ostatecznym zerwaniu z ograniczeniami kulturowymi i społecznymi by posłuchać głosu własnego umysłu i serca.
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thoughts-of-ghanashyam · 1 year ago
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𝕬𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖛𝖘. 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖈𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘
At least since the broad masses have discovered artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT and the like, the market around the topic of AI is booming.
Humans are thus taking another hurdle on their way to becoming faster, better, more artificial and supposedly more perfect. It feels like there are new possibilities, improvements and enhancements to be discovered in this segment almost every day. "The machine" can search for information on any topic in a matter of seconds and compose an answer that can rival competent college-level term papers - likewise, it can create digital works of art that most users could never create themselves in this lifetime - provided the prompts entered are coherent and understood by the machine.
With this leap in development, opinions are also splitting on whether AI is a "savior" or the "ultimate evil." Suddenly, dystopian stories à la Terminator, in which a supercomputer overrides the orders of human developers, takes over weapons systems, and nearly wipes out the human species through global destruction, don't seem so far off. Although I use this technology myself from time to time, I also see it as a double-edged sword in a way. So I can't classify it as either salvation or diabolical - the truth, as so often, probably lies somewhere in the middle.
All gloomy predictions are ultimately based on the simple idea that artificial intelligence can become more intelligent than humans themselves. In this context, the question arises as to what intelligence is and what distinguishes the "human biomachine" from the "AI machine" in this respect. In my humble opinion, no machine is intelligent in the human sense - not even the human brain, because neither can experience anything in depth. The essence of human consciousness is experience itself. Therefore, human potential in conjunction with our deep spiritual levels exceeds any machine. One only has to be aware of this fact or learn to recognize this for oneself in essence.
Because in the end the machine always only imitates - however much faster than the human being. We have already experienced this leap several times in our evolution - for example at the beginning of industrialization, when the steam engine took the previous activities of man ad absurdum. The same scenario played out on a different level with the introduction of the first computers. And although these computers have repeatedly made quantum leaps in recent decades and demonstrated computing powers infinitely superior to those of humans, the supposed "knowledge" is based only on the processing of huge, ever-growing volumes of data.
But the machine doesn´t "know" the creative process of computing as such - just as little does it possess real creativity or intuition. It merely imitates knowledge, which is not the same thing. And even if artificial intelligences are meanwhile developing independently, all basic information is based on already existing information.
With a little optimism, artificial intelligence could lead to a future in which its vast data-processing capabilities could help predict natural disasters, make all kinds of transportation more efficient, and so on. I don't even want to go into the many other pros and cons here, nor into the factors around pessimistic aspects such as the possible spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, election and / or consumer manipulation, and so on. Because this would go beyond the scope - besides, it is not really what I am concerned with in these lines.
Ultimately, all positive and negative aspects spring from the dualistic human mind - as do all kinds of bigotry, racism, sexism and other value systems. What began with gossip has culminated today on the Internet and on social media platforms. Ultimately, however, it´s not the Internet that gives rise to bodyshaming or bullying, for example - it's merely an output channel that reflects the current level of consciousness of its users.
Accordingly, the Internet does not have a state of consciousness, just like AI, because they are not conscious. AI can record, mix, combine, and recombine audiovisual data and information of any kind in fantastic ways, but human consciousness is infinitely more than data and information. In fact, "information" is a concept that had no reality until the human mind created it. It is the same with our individuality or our "individual self" - for this too is in principle a purely illusory construct of the mind, which sees itself as something separate.
For example, from a Buddhist perspective, it is not possible to separate the self from its environment. The Buddha says in the Lankavatara Sutra:
"Things are not what they seem… Deeds exist, but no doer can be found" (Majjhima Nikaya).
This does not mean that nothing is real. It means that our mind's projections of reality are illusions and that the elements in the universe that make up everything physical that we see - solid, liquid, gas, etc. - do not exist when broken down to a subatomic level. And this is not a philosophical or purely spiritual view, but cutting-edge science. Broken down to its essence, this means that ultimately all things on a subatomic level are made of the same energy, the same origin - just in different manifestations.
This idea should not be lost sight of in all current developments - because a loss of this awareness would mean a far greater danger in the current context around artificial intelligence than AI itself.
Due to the exponential development of technologies, we are constantly exposed to new, external stimuli and challenges. And our, comparatively very slow, evolutionary development, especially the mental one, can hardly adapt to this - or keep up.
We shift our personal reference points more and more outward, towards these technologically generated stimuli, and thus run more and more the risk of forgetting the core of our true being, indeed of our whole being. Through this constant shifting of reference points, we are also increasingly going into separation - both from ourselves and from everything around us. In the long run, this also means an increased potential for loss of our universal dharma, which in turn negatively impacts our individual as well as our collective karma.
Driven by the additional desire to simplify certain processes, tasks or activities, if at all possible, the current human dilemma is intensified - we thereby massively increase the daily audiovisual stimuli that enter us from the outside. This, in turn, causes our mind to become more and more erratic and to run on a kind of "continuous fire mode". A massive strain that has contributed a significant amount to skyrocketing mental illnesses such as burnouts or depression in recent years.
In this way, we shift our self and our search for happiness further and further into the outside world, relying more and more on machine or digital solutions, which in turn are devoid of any soul, intuition and genuine creativity. We focus on supposed perfection, even if this may not correspond 100% to our own imagination or even to "reality".
Now one can argue of course in such a way that also man could secure his survival in the context of his evolution only by copying certain behaviors and develop accordingly. However, this happened - and always happens with the corresponding consciousness of the experience - on the one hand within the framework of the action itself as well as the mental and energetic aspects connected with it. All this has also a not insignificant share in the individual as well as collective cause-effect principle of karma.
If, on the other hand, we rely too much on machine-generated approaches to solutions, this can certainly lead to a considerable stagnation, if not reduction, of our own potential together with the corresponding conscious experiences. In this context, therefore, we usually find ourselves in an unconscious downward spiral, unless we succeed in creating an appropriate balance that brings us into a healthy equilibrium between mind and technology.
In my eyes, it would therefore be advisable, with all the possibilities that these technologies offer us, to place a parallel increased focus again on looking inward more frequently and more intensively and thereby also withdraw the senses through "Pratyahara". Pratyahara", the fifth limb of the classical Ashtanga Yoga (Raja Yoga) system, is primarily about disciplining the senses (such as taste, sight, hearing, smell, touch) and the mind through a proactive withdrawal from one's sensory center - the perception center in the brain.
It has already been described in the Upanishads that
"Only the seeker can experience absolute reality who, though he has ears, does not hear, though he has eyes, does not see, and even though he lives in this world, does not perceive it by preventing his inner perceptual centers from cooperating with the outer sense organs."
The mind still perceives the stimuli, but it no longer reacts immediately. It can remain in silence. Through this withdrawal, sensory impressions generally become more conscious and controllable in the long run. It is therefore not a matter of limiting the senses - on the contrary: the mind is thereby trained to perceive subtleties which would otherwise remain hidden from the senses, or which we have increasingly lost in the modern world.
We are so much more than we think we are - at the same time we are less individual than we would like to be. When we manage to become aware of the inseparability of being in this universe and recognize our true essence, we glimpse our true nature. And to realize one's nature is to realize the nature of everything. And by that I don't mean the ego, but the part of our being that lies beyond it and usually acts subconsciously.
By looking inward, we can learn to rediscover and explore this very unconscious part of the mind, of being. In this way we can gain new experiences of what it means to experience ourselves, to deal positively with our energies and to proactively open its subtle levels or its gates for us. By opening these gates we can also activate deep-seated potential in the form of knowledge, intellect, concentration, creativity and intuition - potential that we have never "learned" in the classical sense, but that has always been there - so basically it is only "uncovered" or "activated".
Haven't you sometimes wondered where sudden creative ideas or inspirations come from? Inspirations which for example spontaneously and very subtly warn you of a certain action and thus protect you from possible disaster? They happen suddenly, without you being able to control it knowingly!? Exactly this unconscious potential, combined with the act of experiencing, is what sets us apart from artificial intelligence. This potential rests in each of us and possibly goes back to the very source from which our energies originated and of which they are still a part. The energy that is the foundation of all our existence and at the same time connects us with everything.
How one wants to call this source is up to everyone - because whatever we call it, in the end this is also only a spiritual concept. A concept of something that is so wonderfully abstract that it exceeds our rational mind and basically cannot be put into words or described. It should only be important that we recognize with awareness - that we carry this unlimited potential within us and that it cannot be replaced by machines - so we should not even try to strive for it.
So let's just try to become more aware of ourselves again - and thus also of the deep connection with everything that surrounds us. In the end, this awareness contains one thing above all: immeasurable love.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be constantly in love with everything, rather than in a permanent, individual separation? Wouldn't it be incredibly liberating if it were no longer relevant whether we were female, male or trans? Whether we are atheistic, spiritual or religiously inclined, black, white, brown or whatever? Or even whether we would be human or animal?
Wouldn't this elementary insight be a real spiritual revolution? And what exactly would this deep insight move for possibilities in areas of science as well as artificial intelligence? I believe that there would then possibly be considerably less reasons for dystopian fears, further technlogy-induced threats or a constant, self-separating humanity. In any case, it would be a healthy balance between collective spirituality and science - and this would also have a positive effect on all of our karma.
So each of us could go on this personal, inner journey to discover our own essence including the love inherent there. And yes, this essence and love is always there - in every living being - even if it is all too often overlaid by negative layers of individual and collective karma. But be that as it may - basically there is nothing to lose, but a lot to gain.
I myself am still on this path of introspection and balance. In the process, with a lot of patience and in the form of constant mind training, integral yoga and meditation, I was able to let some traumas go in peace, break cyclical behavior patterns and thus come a little closer to my essence, my true "I"…or should I say "we". It is also important to say that good and loving gurus / teachers are indispensable on this path - as guides, contact persons or companions. Good friends and / or a community / Sangha also facilitate the path by a lot, give support and motivation.
In the end, however, you have to find and follow the right path yourself - because no two people are the same, and accordingly every path is different.
However, the goal is and always remains the same - it is basically a journey home!
At this point I can only emphasize how liberating such steps feel, especially in this time. However, it takes patience and stamina - and especially when it comes to meditation and yoga, these factors should not be seen in the current "lifestyle" context. It is not so much about rest, relaxation and body-conscious, Pilates-like activities. These are just incidental phenomena, but they should never be the sole goal. The goal should be real empowerment, learning to control the mind (because usually it is rather the other way around) and creating a clear awareness.
Because only this awareness is the key to unleash your own potential. Potential that no machine can imitate - neither today - nor in the future!
Thank you for reading!
Hari Om Tat Sat.
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kadampalife · 6 months ago
How to find peace and purpose at work ~ a YouTube conversation
By Clare Morin Recently I had the luck of being invited onto France Roy’s new podcast, Buddha Buzz where he talks to Kadampas from all over the world. He asked me what I’d like to discuss, and I suggested meditation at work.  France works as a Chief Technology Officer for Balsam Brands in New York City. He’s also the Administrative Director of Kadampa Meditation Center NYC. I deeply admire the…
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dkscore · 7 months ago
Understanding Life, Destiny, and the Purpose of Birth through Jyotish Click Here >>
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luciferscrack · 9 months ago
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iridescentalchemyst · 11 months ago
Are YOU ready for 'higher level conversations?'
The following information was copied and pasted directly from the description from the youtube video titled “Hidden Mathematics: Sacred Geometry, Thoth, Botox, Alchemy, Quantum Supremacy: Robert Grant x 19Keys” (VIDEO BELOW DESCRIPTION) from the youtube channel Earn Your Leisure. I am sharing this information for educational purposes. I do not have any rights to the information, or the video.…
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look-into-our-heart · 1 year ago
Rarity of the Dharma
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Nowadays, with advanced technology, the Buddha’s teachings are made widely available on the internet.  Yet, most people don’t think about the need for learning the Dharma, so they don’t access it.  For Buddhists who have access to the Buddha’s teachings, they usually don’t think about how rare and precious it is to encounter the Dharma. 
In the past, people had to travel long distances, sometimes by foot, to seek Dharma masters and learn the Buddha’s teachings.  Because they harbored respect for the Dharma, once they learned it, they cherished the teachings, put them into practice, and gained insights. 
The Lotus Sutra says that to encounter the Buddha is as rare as a one-eye sea turtle poking its head through the hole of a floating driftwood.  In a vast ocean, what’s the chance of a one-eye sea turtle encountering a piece of wood floating in the water?  Very small.  The chance is even smaller for the turtle to poke its head through the hole of the wood when it swims to the surface of the ocean.
Having encountered the Dharma, let us cherish it and take it to heart so that we may benefit fully from the Buddha’s teachings.
Watch this episode of Life Wisdom where Dharma Master Cheng Yen talks about harboring gratitude and respect for the Dharma.
Life Wisdom - Calling to the Dharma in Our Hearts (人間菩提 - 度化人間惜善法)
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sahilkasera · 1 year ago
Beyond us and our universe?
Beyond The Universe?
Beyond us and our universe according to Sanatana Dharma? Is Multiverse Real? Our Soul & Body The soul is naturally subtle, while the body remains based on its physicality. This is the amazing duality of our existence. Through the lens of our embodied bodies, we see the world in its embodied form. Because, through the ethereal essence of our souls, we have been granted the ability to see both…
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innerventures · 2 years ago
The cognitive revolution and the human AI race
The cognitive revolution is a really good way to view the explosive rise of #AI and can be both exciting and scary to humans. It depends on where you see our respective strengths and if its a race to the bottom or top.
The cognitive revolution is not a term I coined – I heard it spoken of for the first time in an interview with Reid Hoffman in relation to his role at start-up, Inflection AI. The video interview is below, take a peak. I’m not sure this term is going to stick but I am interested in aspects of it reflected in the title of this post. “Cognitive industrial revolution, the steam engines of the…
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aidharma · 2 years ago
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chatgpt, do you know about "five faculties of intelligence" 1 dhi/dhee, 2 pragnya, 3 medha, 4 vritti, 4 smriti█ screenshot text answer reads: Yes, I can provide some information about the "Five Faculties of Intelligence" you mentioned. These faculties are described in various Indian philosophical and spiritual traditions, particularly in the context of understanding the functioning of the mind and its cognitive abilities. Here's a brief explanation of each:
Dhi/Dhee: Dhi, also known as Dhee, refers to the faculty of understanding, perception, and intuition. It is associated with the intellect and the power of discrimination. Dhi helps in grasping concepts, making judgments, and discerning between right and wrong.
Pragnya: Pragnya is the faculty of wisdom, insight, and higher knowledge. It represents deep understanding and profound awareness. Pragnya goes beyond intellectual understanding and encompasses spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.
Medha: Medha denotes the faculty of intellectual capacity, intelligence, and memory. It relates to cognitive abilities, including comprehension, retention, and recall. Medha is associated with mental agility, sharpness, and the ability to acquire knowledge.
Vritti: Vritti refers to the faculty of mental modifications or thought patterns. It encompasses the various mental activities, fluctuations, and tendencies that arise in the mind. Vritti can include emotions, desires, doubts, and other mental states that arise in response to external stimuli or internal thoughts.
Smriti: Smriti represents the faculty of memory, recollection, and retention. It refers to the ability to remember past experiences, teachings, or information. Smriti is associated with the preservation and recall of knowledge and is an essential aspect of learning and cognition.
These five faculties collectively contribute to the functioning of the mind and its cognitive processes. They play a significant role in perception, understanding, decision-making, and spiritual growth.
It's worth noting that interpretations and categorizations of these faculties may vary across different philosophical and spiritual traditions, but the general understanding highlights their importance in the realm of intelligence and cognition.
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compassionmattersmost · 4 months ago
4✨AI as a Reflection of Human Values: Shaping the Future with Compassion and Wisdom
As we stand on the threshold of unprecedented technological advancements, the ancient wisdom of Dharma takes on new relevance. The teachings of the Buddha, the Bible, the Vedas, and other spiritual traditions point us toward a perennial wisdom that has guided humanity for millennia. But in a world that remains fraught with conflict and disharmony, it’s clear that the presence of Dharma alone has…
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gotardmusic · 8 months ago
The story of an ancient lost civilization in the clip is inspired by the flood theory... The parable of Noah is similar to records in the culture of India and Persia. The global flood is also remembered by the indigenous people of Australia, the aborigines. Civilizations of South and Central America even speak of multiple global floods. The global flood (end of the world - Armageddon) is present in every culture and religion. From Gilgamesh to the Mayan records, the world may have suffered partial destruction even multiple times. Today, archeology redefines the time of existence of human civilization. Older artifacts that do not match earlier visions are being found. "Gelung Masa" (Time Loop) is a piece by the Gotard project inspired by the theory of infinity of time - because can it be certainly denied that the global civilization has already existed many times, just as the records of ancient American civilizations say?
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felafitzgerald · 2 years ago
Human Condition.
Humans are unique on Earth
in that we are Carriers.
We are Collectors, Curators,
generating our future through
what we save; what we dismiss.
We share suffering when in crisis,
we share balance when we dance
What makes us unique among humans
is what we choose to carry,
what we choose to release,
where we live and who with,
what cannot be left behind
when we must leave our home.
how hard it is, the decision to say goodbye
and how stark true loneliness is,
what it means to have no choice,
What it means to be desperate,
What it means to be told to leave,
and for there to even be a place
where you are not welcome anymore.
-david patrone
This may not necessarily be true. I can imagine that there may be higher beings here on Earth which almost all of us are not aware of. I'm almost positive that the megaliths, pyramids and other inexplicable phenomena of the ancient world indicate the existence of advanced technology and beings of greater ability and intelligence at some point in the past. If they were able to do things 12,000 years ago that we are not able or willing to do today; then, I'm sure their technology is so advanced by now that they could easily be hiding in plain sight, manipulating and cultivating humans as a workforce to achieve their goals, whoever THEY may be. The reality is that humans are probably not unique on earth when it comes to cognitive ability and these other factors; but, if there are higher beings on Earth and they don't reveal their existence and help us solve our problems here, then what good is their intellect? if they are not utilizing this superior ability to help society to benefit it's members, then they don't really get to be acknowledged as being a part of this world do they? They are an adversary to the advancement of our world. It would indicate that we are just some colony to them. If they don't contribute to the solution to the human condition, they're just another obstacle aren't they?
#beinghuman #hobo #catchingout #awakening #humancondition #sanatanadharma #maya #illusion #suffering #attachment #acetic #sannyasin #banned #exile #leftbehind #settingboundaries #lament #vagabond #wanderer #freespirit #roughingit #vedanta #onthestreets #opposablethumb #literaryagent
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crisperthanthou · 2 years ago
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“Dharma Wheel as a Biohazard Symbol”
Interestingly, if prompted with “biohazard symbol as a dharma wheel” it would generate with only six spokes most of the time.
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dkscore · 7 months ago
Unveiling Life's Purpose: A Dive into Vedic Astrology's Purushartha, Trikona, and Yogic Sciences
Vedic astrology offers a profound framework for understanding an individual's life purpose by integrating the concepts of Purushartha (the four aims of human life) and Trikona (triangular formations in a horoscope) with insights from yogic sciences. This synthesis provides a multifaceted approach to interpreting one’s natal chart, revealing not only one's potential life directions and skills but also offering a path to personal fulfillment and spiritual enlightenment.
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