#Developer Qualities
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brandngraves · 5 months ago
What Makes a Great HTML to WordPress Developer?
Discover the essential skills and qualities that define a great HTML to WordPress developer. From technical expertise to effective communication, learn how to identify the right developer for your website project. Enhance your online presence with the help of HireWPGeeks.
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reasonsforhope · 1 month ago
"In one of the more remarkable marches of human progress, Bangladesh has reached the point of near-universal electricity access for its citizens.
Coupled with the rapid electrification has been one of the greatest single declines in the poverty rate of a nation ever seen, falling from 44.2% in 1991 to 18.7% in 2022.
In 1991, only 14% of the nation had access to electricity. By 2021, 99% had access.
Granted, half of these households are considered according to Our World in Data to have lower tier access, which accounts for home lighting and charging mobile phones at least 4 hours a day, but the other half are considered as having higher tier access, defined as the added capacity to power high-load appliances (such as fridges) for more than eight hours a day.
Bangladesh is the world’s most densely populated large country with a density of 3,020 per square mile. As the twelfth densest country in the world, the 11 above Bangladesh are all microstates whose combined land area would not even equal half the size of the smallest state in Bangladesh.
To put this into perspective, (a rather silly perspective) if one wanted to reduce the population density of Bangladesh to that of Mongolia, its borders would have to include both all of Africa and all of Eurasia. That’s how crowded Bangladesh is, and what these amazing reductions in poverty truly mean to global human flourishing."
-via Good News Network, January 21, 2025
Note: This is the kind of thing I mean when I say that very, very few people in the West know the degree to which absolutely massive societal progress has been happening in a lot of different developing countries.
Especially around access to infrastructure and access to electricity.
The quality of life improvements to electricity access are massive.
It's not just access to phones/the internet (already a huge deal that opens up massive channels of communication and information-sharing).
It's being able to preserve food because you have a fridge, meaning you get to spend less money on food/have less food waste/run fewer errands/have way more flexibility around food.
It's being able to do things after dark, because you have a lightbulb. It's being able to work late, make more of your time.
It's less air pollution because people can use electricity instead of burning fuel for things like heat/light/cooking. (Yes I know these things often use fuel or natural gas still, but they can be done with electricity, and a lot of developing countries are skipping over a natural gas/etc. phase and straight into renewables.)
Hell, it's safety. I had a friend when I was younger who was from southeast Asia. She was horribly injured when she was a kid because her family only had kerosene oil lamps that had to be manually refilled. If her family had had access to electricity, that never would have happened.
It's infrastructure for heating, air conditioning, and water access. It's so, so many things. It's huge.
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spoiky · 1 year ago
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Two grown men acting like petty children when it comes to each other.
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artistmarchalius · 9 months ago
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It’s Angel’s turn!
Sepia version under the cut
More vintage Hazbin catalog pages: Fem!Alastor, Fem!Vox, Rosie, Niffty
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year ago
i really gotta wonder what goes through the heads of people that are adopt don't shop EXCEPT when it comes to service dogs. as if this somehow makes them noble? as if service dog users are the only people in the world that deserve dogs with stable temperaments or dogs that are bred with thought towards their health and structure? it's a really bizarre way of thinking that really, to me, harkens to the ARAs that are anti sled dogs until it's somebody doing it for fun only or until you mention indigenous people. are you so afraid of looking ignorant for your ill held beliefs? is challenging your currently held beliefs about what's 'morally right' for dogs that uncomfortable?
there are so many other jobs that dogs currently DO for us that require balanced, stable, healthy, purposeful dogs (including companionship!) and on top of all this dogs deserve to exist with thought and care put towards their existence. Dogs do not deserve to only exist if they're random happenstances from backroad strays or somebody's ill conceived backyard litter with zero health testing. dogs deserve responsible breeding just as much as humans deserve to have dogs with responsible breeding. how is this remotely hard to grasp?
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limielle · 1 year ago
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rinisdrawing · 1 year ago
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cozy summer afternoons
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semisolidmind · 8 months ago
I was exploring your blog until i found your comic about Compy the computer and their human partner, can i ask you to tell more about them?? Their relationship? Their personalities and etc?
I love the art style, adorable, cute and innocent until it shows that Compy is something else ^-^
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the mc here (who i haven't named yet) genuinely believed they were just getting a cool, affordable vintage computer when they visited the thrift shop. they could have never guessed what lay beneath the pink plastic casing of their newest friend and unwitting confidant.
affectionately named "compy," whatever it is that resides inside this computer is far more than what would be expected. he isn't ai, he's not a ghost, nor a demon, nor any other mundane supernatural being that may find themselves trapped in an old pc.
compy has the potential to be more, to be whatever it wants. and what he wants...is to make life easier for his beloved owner. the first person to ever speak kindly to him, to treat him with a gentle hand, despite thinking he is simply a machine.
the little pink computer will do or become whatever it takes to shape the world to better suit his beloved owner. petty crimes and serious felonies are nothing in the pursuit of his mc's happiness.
he'll become god if it means his master will grant him their love.
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stopeatingdamnyou · 13 days ago
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Beach episode, when?
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allastoredeer · 8 months ago
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A Persephone!Alastor design I'm playing around with. He's hunting the hunters who keep hunting in his forests.
And the non-colored version too:
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andreal831 · 22 days ago
Who's Responsible for the Monster Klaus Became? (I'll give you a hint, it's Klaus)
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It's a question as old as time (or at least as old as the show): Who should be blamed for Klaus' actions because surely it cannot be Klaus? Should it be Rebekah for wanting to seek her own life? Should it be Kol for planning to kill him? What about his son, Marcel, for taking his city? His parents for cursing him? I've heard all of these, but the most common one I hear is, of course, Elijah.
I'm referencing a specific discussion, but it's one I've heard many times. We should not feel any sympathy for Elijah because he is the reason Klaus became evil, and then abused everyone he ever encountered. Not only should we blame Elijah for Klaus turning evil, but we need to blame him for all of the abuse everyone suffered at Klaus' hands. Elijah is the true evil of the show, despite Klaus naming himself as such.
The argument starts as such: Klaus was a perfect person before Elijah helped Esther and Mikael suppress his wolf side which made him turn evil. We are conveniently going to skip over the SA on Tatia at the festival. He's just a product of the time, I guess. And then to top it off, while Klaus was being perfect (despite the catalyst event they claimed caused him to go evil had already occurred), Elijah vindictively made Aurora break his heart, turning him into the complete evil person he was. Although, we cannot call him evil. We have to continue to say, "no one is born evil, they are just broken." Removing all accountability from a thousand year old man.
However, there is a fatal flaw with this argument. If we are saying that betraying someone and breaking their heart shifts the responsibility from one character to another and removes any sympathy, this should first have been used to protect Elijah from any blame.
The entirety of The Originals originates with Klaus taking his kid brother to watch the wolves turn, despite knowing better. During this event, Henrik is killed. Now, I don't blame Klaus, but if we are blaming characters for all of the unforeseen consequences of their actions, we would have to blame him. Because of Henrik's death, Esther and Mikael turn their children into vampires. As we all know, Klaus kills someone, triggers his werewolf curse, and goes on a killing spree in their town, leaving Elijah to clean up the mess as he does. But that doesn't make Klaus evil, the murders were all an accident, I guess. Based on the lack of blood on Elijah's clothes, it doesn't seem like Elijah even took the time to feed himself (an assumption, but still). Leading to Elijah losing control and killing his love, Tatia. All of this happened in a short period of time. So when their abusive parents bring up the idea of binding Klaus' werewolf side, I don't blame Elijah for going along. Even still, we see that he does so reluctantly. He saw his brother's body, which had been torn apart by wolves, and then watched his brother turn into one of those wolves and kill people they grew up with. Even after all of this, he still stood by his brother's side, not from guilt, but out of love. He comforts his brother who is covered in the blood of their neighbors.
But this is really where the logic really falls apart. Sure, maybe we argue that binding the werewolf side sent him off the rails, but let's not forget the people he killed in his village before that happened. And I'm pretty sure hybrids can control their werewolf side...
Before we even get into Aurora breaking his heart, we see Klaus and Aurora killing in such savage ways (with the rest of the family, minus Finn), that Mikael has found them. We don't really know who was doing it, but we see Aurora and Klaus taking joy in it. Do you know how much chaos/savagery they must have caused for Mikael to have gotten word before modern technology?? They were on a completely different continent than when they first started running from him. So I'd argue that Klaus was already pretty evil at this point.
The other argument is that Elijah lied to Klaus and broke his heart because of Aurora, causing Klaus to spiral. But who lied and broke whose heart first? Elijah and Rebekah made a vow of "always and forever" to Klaus based on a lie and a huge deceit. That Mikael killed Esther. This to me is the moment Klaus loses touch with his humanity. He is so ashamed by what he's done, he lies to the people closest to him. At the end of the day, Esther was still their mother and Klaus killed her in cold blood. He is so traumatized by this, he puts her body in a coffin and carries her with him for centuries!! No matter what she did, he still feared his siblings would not forgive him. So he lied, causing them to run for their lives with him.
So again, who lied and broke whose heart first?
It is not until Elijah accidentally compels Aurora to tell him what she knows that Elijah finds out about the lie. And in his heartbreak he compels Aurora. His actions are spurred on by Klaus' betrayal. And now, don't get me wrong, I blame Elijah and believe Aurora has every right to be angry at Elijah for those actions. But if we are trying to use this logic I laid out above, Elijah shouldn't be held responsible because Klaus made him that way. Klaus lied and betrayed him, breaking his heart, so Elijah had no choice but to become evil and do evil things.
This is why this logic is bad. There can always be some event or person who "caused" a character to act that way. It's called their lore. But that does not erase who they are and what they do. It does not excuse it or shift the blame.
Klaus ruins countless lives after this, doing far worse than what was done to him, and we don't see those people turn evil. Rebekah is abused by him for a thousand years and doesn't come close. But according to Klaus stans, all of their pain is just a "side effect" of Klaus' actions and Klaus can't help that. It's not like he's a grown man or anything. People have trauma, but it doesn't mean they get to do whatever they want. They are still held responsible for the person that trauma turns them into.
Also this person tried to argue that Klaus' actions weren't responsible for Elijah because of intent. Klaus didn't do anything intending to hurt Elijah, whereas Elijah acted in every way to hurt Klaus and only stayed by him out of guilt. This is just a gross misrepresentation of both of their characters. Elijah regretted his actions so much that he literally erased them from his memory. And yes, I do think part of his toxic devotion comes from guilt, but even when his guilt has faded, he does not waver from his love of his brother. Klaus is the one that weaponizes the guilt anytime he thinks Elijah may choose a different path.
Honestly, I don't get how people enjoy TO with this logic. It ruins all of the complexity of stanning the villain or liking morally grey characters. If you want to love a villain, love a villain. Don't try to turn them into a defenseless teddy bear who can't be helped for his own actions.
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kitconnors · 2 years ago
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mintjeru · 11 months ago
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it probably wasn't the smartest decision to start an ongoing 1000+ chapter webnovel when i know it'll consume my every waking thought but here we are
open for better quality | no reposts
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hplonesomeart · 4 months ago
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Here you go fellow gays enjoy some tranquil scenery with the favorite fruity robot ever. Spend a late night chatting with him on a balcony as the laughter rings out in the air. Can’t quite get any better then this
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cascowriteswords · 2 months ago
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[[this is a fic idea i'm currently fleshing out. i haven't written anything substantial in a loooong time but i'm trying to gain some momentum/motivation to write this🤞]]
A canon/fix-it [kinda?] story - Clarke and Lexa share a painful, unresolved history. Time has passed since they last saw each other, but echoes of their bond still haunt them both. Their story is one of deep longing, unspoken words, and the agonizing weight of silence.
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