#Der Gentleman
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Bernhard Roetzel
Le luxe s'achète, le goût s'acquiert, l'élégance est innée. Bernhard Roetzel est l'auteur de manuels d'éducation du goût portant sur les détails de la culture occidentale. Ses livres illustrés Der Gentleman (1999) et Traditional Style (2000) sont des reportages photographiques de chaque aspect concret de la Culture européenne: le vêtement, l'ameublement, les arts de la table, l'éducation des enfants, l'ordonnancement urbain, la classification des loisirs, jusqu'à l’entretien d’une pelouse, au cirage des chaussures ou à la préparation du pique-nique champêtre. Ce sont là des choses connues? Pourtant nous redécouvrons à neuf chacune d'entre elles, ressuscitées, à la lumière de photos et de commentaires dont l'efficacité sont sans concurrence dans ce domaine. M. Roetzel est un réenchanteur de tout ce que nous aimons dans le monde.

Il y avait davantage de sagesse dans le concret des gestes quotidiens de nos grands-parents que dans la pseudo-philosophie du 20ème siècle. Vivre ainsi aujourd'hui, en Français traditionnel, est une voie ouverte à qui veut la prendre: la Culture Européenne détaillée par Roetzel est intemporelle ; la forme de cette Culture touche à une perfection qui ne souffre ni ajout ni retranchement.

Nous vivons au milieu des pièces d'un fabuleux héritage et y sommes accoutumés au point de ne plus même le voir. Ce faisant nous perdons l'usage de ce legs, oublions d'où nous venons, qui nous sommes et ce que nous faisons.
Un homme annonce-t-il vouloir diriger une ferme, un village, une ville ou une région? Pour évaluer la confiance à lui accorder vous étiez jusqu'ici habitués à écouter ses discours. Vous examinerez désormais la manière dont cet homme a dirigé son propre domaine: son jardin, sa maison, son studio de 20 mètres carrés, sa toilette du jour. L'homme fidèle en peu de choses est capable de grandes choses dit l’Evangile.

Notre monde du tertiaire, du débat, de l'abstrait, est rempli de directeurs de cabinet mais vide de chef de protocole. Aux "valeurs" il est bon de joindre les actes. C'est la stature, l'incarnation, l'exemple vivant qui nous donnera sans recours aux mots les clés de la vraie Culture. "Je n'ai point besoin de sermon mais de délivrance légère" disait Céline.
Der Gentleman est à la fois une encyclopédie du vêtement masculin, jalonnée d'encadrés, de bonnes astuces, et une notice d'utilisation, un vrai mode d'emploi de la vie pratique. Si Der Gentleman constitue le catalogue de l'Européen habillé, Traditional Style explore le cadre de vie de ce même homme. Ces deux titres complémentaires ont pour objet ce que les peuples occidentaux ont produit de plus beau, de plus intelligent, de plus pratique, bref d'objectif, au point d'y convertir le monde entier: porter un pantalon, manger avec des couverts dans une assiette, s'asseoir sur une chaise, dormir dans un lit. La fenêtre, le savon, la salle de bains et mille autres objets spécifiquement occidentaux sont eux aussi devenus objets universels. Roetzel a expliqué, illustré chacun de ces éléments considérés dans leur finition la mieux aboutie.

Est-ce en raison du fameux "esprit de système" germanique qu'il fallait que Bernhard Roetzel, allemand, fût le pédagogue le plus complet sur la culture anglaise, par exemple? L'Angleterre, l'Italie et la France sont des revendicateurs bruyants d'un certain art de vivre. Il existe en Allemagne une classe d'esthètes ignorée du reste du monde et peu soucieuse de s'en faire connaître. La bourgeoisie patrimoniale et industrieuse de Cologne, Munich, Hanovre, Brême, Hambourg, aux bourgeoisies très Heimat, connaît bien ses codes culturels : habitat, vêtement, sport, éducation, voiture, art et artisanat. Une bourgeoisie probablement plus raffinée, plus enracinée que la parisienne, que la londonienne, plus sérieuse, plus discrète.
M. Roetzel est un sujet qui s'efface pour ne montrer que l'objet, la chose en soi. En cela il rend davantage service à la cause qu'il sert que les "sartorialistes" montreurs de costume issus du youtubage. Seule doit demeurer la Culture, dont le vêtement et l'ameublement sont des catégories "superficielles par profondeur", parmi d'autres.

La production d’une Culture est la preuve de la Conscience de Soi d’un peuple. Les primitifs ne produisent pas de culture. Plus un peuple a de Conscience de Soi et plus la Culture qu’il produit est codifiée. L'exaltation de l'intelligence individuelle est une marque de basse époque, source de divisions hélas durables. La Culture, elle, est une intelligence collective, un pacifique ensemble d'habitudes forgées par l'expérience concrète de la vie, un tissu de réticences du Je en faveur du Nous, une science de la sous-expression (understatement), un code de reconnaissance communautaire à usage interne pour l'exercice du Bien Commun. La Culture était très understatement jusqu'à la fin des années 1990, avant les années Eden Park, avant la vague tapageuse du faux preppy, du genre gala d'école de commerce, lorsque l'argent était encore une chose un peu honteuse et que les classes sociales d'avant internet vivaient dans un relatif cloisonnement. Charme discret de la petite bourgeoisie locale, où êtes-vous ?

M. Roetzel écrit non en conseiller en mode mais en technicien de la culture attentif aux faits, aux actes et aux objets qui équipent celle-ci, il rédige un rapport d'enquête renseigné, neutre, qui démontre chaque argument par la photographie appropriée.
Le vrai style ne peut être sujet qu'à un ou deux changements mineurs par génération. Contrairement à la mode le style est stable, sa supériorité n'est pas dans le renouvellement cyclique de nouveautés mais dans le perfectionnement d'une Forme qui vise la plus pure exactitude fonctionnelle. L'ergonomie du vêtement bien pensé, l'importance de connaissances en anatomie pour former de bons modélistes, vastes sujets qui sont la voie royale du bel habillement.

Deux principales tendances accaparent les hommes: ils sont plutôt exhibitionnistes ou bien plutôt voyeurs c'est ainsi. Les exhibitionnistes sont la majorité de ce monde qui gît au pouvoir du mauvais goût, individus à haute estime de soi et basse conscience de soi. Monsieur Roetzel appartient au tempérament exactement opposé, celui du voyeur, celui des hommes en retrait qui aiment voir et n'être pas vus, qui ont tout compris et que personne n'écoute, c'est pourquoi ils écrivent.
#Bernhard Roetzel#Der Gentleman#Traditional Style#L'éternel masculin#Sartorial#mens style#Class#Classicisme#Tradition#Vêtement#Habitat#Ameublement#Décoration#Rug
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Arthur but make it fancy
#what a dapper gentleman#hehehe *pinches his cheeks*#also sorry 4 the gap i been having pc issues smh#red dead#red dead 2#red dead redemption#red dead redemption 2#rdr#rdr2#rdr2 photomode#rdr2 photography#rdr2 screenshots#rdr2 arthur#arthur morgan#van der linde gang#photo mode#virtual photography#vp
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Box 3, Seat 2 - Edgar Hull, only son of the manufacturer Paul Hull - 90 million - member of the club "17 + 4"
Paul Richter in DR. MABUSE, DER SPIELER (1922) | dir. Fritz Lang
#paul richter#dr. mabuse the gambler#dr. mabuse der spieler (1922)#edgar hull#1920s#fritz lang#classic film#silent film#german cinema#weimar cinema#german expressionism#gentleman's club#filmedit#imageedit#screencaps#classicfilmsource#dailyworldcinema#my post
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OK but imagine a universe where there's multiple Dutches (double Dutches!). Like a Barbie World but with many variations of this guy with different codenames/nicknames, based on his different outfits, chapters or game titles. Like Epilogue Dutch would be Santa Dutch/Sad Dutch/Goth Santa Dutch), Storymode Dutch could be Stereotype Dutch, RDR1 could be Danger Depressed Dutch, Colter Dutch could be Snow Dutch and the like. My RDO Dutch could be Babygirl Dutch or Weird Dutch, I realize that he'd probably be picked on as he daubles in bounty hunting and the other Dutches wouldn't be too down with that.
Then there's the sad realization that some of them wouldn't have Hoseas :( More Hoseas would need to be part of this universe so that the Hosealess ones have a Hosea now too. Otherwise they could be fighting over the Hoseas and making plans.
And lets not stop there in addition to all the Hoseas and Dutches why not we could also have 100,000 Arthurs and Johns too (because the clothing options are endless) and all the ladies and all the Lennies and Seans and Charleses omg multiple Micahs too.
#i accidentally cloned him and the clone was a gentleman to “my” Dutch#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#dutch van der linde#rdr2 photography#red dead redemption 2 photography#red dead#rdr2 AUs
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Weil ich grad noch mal in Superpapagei reingesehen habe - schon sehr mutig von Ben Nevis, Morton sagen zu lassen, er wisse gar nicht, wie man sich prügelt, wenn das hier literally einer seiner ersten Auftritte ist.
#ganz abgesehen natürlich davon wie er den autodieb in nacht der tiger mit dem regenschirm ausknockt#alles nach den originalfolgen erkennt nevis ja eh nicht an#aber das hier hätte er doch eigentlich wissen müssen xD#morton ist in den originalfolgen ungefähr so viel pazifist wie victor gentleman. also. überhaupt nicht.#drei fragezeichen#superpapagei#morton#kaj rambles#die drei fragezeichen#die drei ???#ignoriert die komischen absätze das ebook ist irgendwie fucked#ach so und das morton gar nicht weiß wie man eine prügelei anfängt war in yacht des verrats
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Marc Warren Characters & Their Reaction To You Owning Squishmallows/Squishables Pt 2

🔍Piet Van Der Valk (Van Der Valk Reboot)🔍
●Is curious about the plushies, wonders why you do collect them. But after explaining to him he'll just roll with it. Shrugs it off if anybody asks about it at work. "It's their own thing, just go with it" is his response.
●Lucienne thinks it's cute and whenever you two meet she always asks what plushie you are on the lookout for, makes a mental note to buy one for you as a gift.
●When you and Piet's relationship starts to bloom more, you bring two of your plushies on to his boat whenever you spend time with him. You become confident enough to leave one behind on the boat. The next day it was still there, safe.
●So you decide to sometimes leave one with him.
●"So, you've moved into the next step of your relationship it seems since their plushie is here" Said Lucienne smirking. Piet rolled his eyes at that but gave a little smirk back.
●He buys one from time to time, sometimes two. He likes hunting for ones that are unique or exclusive, he particularly is fond of the Black Light Squad Squishmallows. He does love Squishable sea creatures too. "They look, goofy" is his comment on them.
●You do gift him a Squishmallow, Steve The Seagull. He tries to play it off, saying "You can have him" until you tell him you already have one of your own or firmly tell him it's for HIM and HIM alone! In the end, he takes the gift with a thank you and kiss to the forehead, blushing a bit as he holds the plushie awkwardly.
●"You live on a boat and go sailing, what better companion to have then a seagull" is your reason for gifting Piet Steve The Seagull. He smilies a bit at that. "Well, that's true" is his answer.
●One time took him to work in the office. Steve has a spot at his desk next to his laptop, just chilling. Of course is protective of the plushie. When Brad feigned reaching to grab the plushie to toss him into the basket Piet looked at him dead in the eyes and just said "Don't". Brad raised his hands up in surrender and walked away.
●Grows fond of his plushie companion, often talks to him on his boat about his latest cases he's working on, even asking for Steve's opinion on different matters. "What do you think eh?" Piet would ask, looking at Steve.
●The plushie became a little popular at the office. Hendrix would often greet the plushie, Cloovis would leave any paperwork for Piet next to Steve in case Piet was out getting coffee and Lucienne would just fawn over it, taking various pictures of it in different parts of the office. Even Brad would take a few pics. Even the newbies!
●In the end, Piet gifts you a bird of your own. The Griffin Squishmallow from the Black Light Squad. "He's gonna keep you company on days when I'm at work, just like Steve keeps me company" Said Piet smiling warmly as you squeal in delight and embrace him in a loving hug that he happily returns.

🦇Dracula (Dracula 2006)🦇
●Looks at them with a curious look, titling his head.
●You explain to him why you love to collect them, he listens intently and takes in everything. In the end he is perfectly fine with them. "If it makes my bride happy then who am I to deny her?" Is The Count's response with a small warm smile. You practically grin and let out a little squeal of joy.
●You move in to Dracula's London home, the large master bedroom perfect space and with such a large gorgeous Queen sized bed, there's enough space for you two and a few plushies. Large plushies have a special corner in the room next to your reading nook.
●He allows you to indulge in your plushie shopping. Does buy some for you, especially exclusive and very rare ones. He is fond of the cute dark plushies collection you have, made up of skeletons, bats and more.
●Some nights are spent cuddling a Squishmallow in bed in your beloved vampire's embrace while he sometimes read aloud to you or just traces soothing circles in your skin as you drift off to sleep.
●You eventually gift him a mini bat Squishmallow. Dracula at first is reluctant to have it near him but eventually grows to keep it nearby with him, evening cuddling it when he's in bat form. Awww!
●On Valentine's, you gift him a Plague Doctor Squishable and Dracula gifts you the Nurse Plague Doctor. You love seeing the two plushies propped up together.
●Things do change up when Lucy is turned and joins you. Dracula worries that there may be jealous involved but is relieved to find how quickly you and Lucy both grow close and become best friends. You even allow her to cuddle with a few of your plushies to help her settle in and sleep at times. Dracula grows even more protective of both you and Lucy though sometimes it's Dracula and Lucy that grow more protective of you!
●Despite his bloodthirsty reputation and vicious nature in hunting and killing anyone who stands in his way, The Count has a softness reserved only for his beloved, that includes gifting and helping you in filling your plushie collection.

🌿The Gentleman With Thistledown Hair🌿 (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)
●Is visibly bewildered. Like I mean he's befuddled!🤔
●Like no gems? No fancy jewellery? No rare riches you collect? Only, soft toys? Is what he's thinking in his head.
●You explain why, he listens but at the same time is still bewildered. "Humans and their strange habits" are his thoughts on the matter. He looks over at the plushie collection with a air of distaste, scowling at the plushies's smiling faces and cute eyes. You finish your explanation and offer The Gentleman a frown as you notice his scowling at your beloved plushies. 🤨
●"You just have to grow use to them since we are partners sir" You Say unyielding as The Gentleman frowns at you but ultimately says nothing and somewhat agrees to let the situation be. But that doesn't stop him from causing some form of mischief.😑
●He first tries to bargain with you. "You have pictures of horses, you are fond of horses. I can gift you a gorgeous and most noble purebred steed with a beautiful engraved saddle with gold trimmings!" Said The Gentleman joyfully, eyes gleaming. 🤩
●"But I live in the city and I have no stable sir" You Replied. The Gentleman frowns but you suggest in buying a small horse which The Gentleman smiles at that notion.🐴
●Only for The Gentleman to frown and scowl when you open up a package from some online shop and showed off Lily The Horse from the Squishmallow Kentucky Derpy set that you ordered online. You smile warmly as you cuddle Lily and grinned at The Gentleman. 😁
●I don't know if Faeries really sleep, possibly not I mean The Gentleman dances all night at the balls at Lost Hope but if you manage to convince him to lie next to you in bed for a cuddle, expect for him to delicately pick up the plushies on the bed and then unceremoniously toss them off the bed. You frown and shoot a glare at him, to which The Gentleman raises an eyebrow at you with a look that just says "What?" In a sly way. He knows what he did!😏
●I fully think he will be jealous to see you cuddling the plushies more. He will just then wrap his arms around you tight and hold you. "Why cuddle those fabric creatures when you have me, my dear?" The Gentleman would ask. You can't help but blush and smile softly at The Gentleman's obvious jealously of your soft squishys. It's kinda cute.💚
●You do assure The Gentleman that you care for him deeply and that you hope he cares for you in return in some way and that he doesn't have to worry. 💚
●The Gentleman plays it off though. "Me jealous? Nonsense my dear!" He would say but of course he's jealous. But he tries to play nicely when the plushies are involved, though he stills tosses them off the bed and one time tried to hide them away. Thankfully Stephen always finds them and returns them to their place in your bedroom.😊
●"Really sir, Y/N cares for these soft plushies. I dread to think how upset she'd be if anything were to happen one of them. She even saves up extra money just to treat herself to buying one or three" Explained Stephen. It was then, The Gentleman had an idea. Since you and him are partners and he loves to gift the people he takes an interest in, The Gentleman decides to help you grow your plushie collection despite his repulsion of them.☺️
●So to your pleasant surprise, you wake up to find a cute Squishable Woodland Plague Nurse on your bed. You grinned excitedly and hugged the cute cottagecore Plague Nurse. Then The Gentleman appeared, he smirked warmly at you before you ran to embrace him in a hug. He felt a warmth in his heart at that.🥰
●But of course you did question if this "gift" had something attached. There was an old saying that "you must never accept gifts from the Faeries". 😬
●The Gentleman scoffed and smirked at that. "We have worked together for a long time now have we not my dear? Have I ever deceived you once?" Asked The Gentleman. You smile and confirm he hasn't since you don't ask for anything that does require some sort of bargain or deal. ✨️
●The Gentleman looks for specific plushies. Of course lots of the plushies he picks are exclusive and special, ones that are rare and hard to find, ones that are beautifully designed like with some bright colours, glittery parts and ones that are quite magical, like unicorns and dragons. You eventually gift him a plushie. If it's a Squishmallow, it's Mint The Horse because well the green colour. If it's a Squishable, it's the King Raven. "Not Raven King, King Raven" You Said when The Gentleman snarls at it before slightly relaxing. "At least this King knows who's really in charge of Lost Hope" Said The Gentleman smiling. You smile happily. 💚
🩷Part 3 Coming Soon!🩷
#marc warren#Piet van der valk#dracula#the gentleman with the thistledown hair#van der valk#dracula 2006#jonathan strange and mr norrell#lost hope#squishmallows#squishable#plushies#headcanon#f/o#faerie#vampire#Detective#marc warren characters
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#holiness#quote#meister eckharft#catholic gentleman#faith#christianity#jesus christ#god#jesus#lord#christian faith#roman catholic#der alltagskatholik#telegram#religion#glaube#christ#gott#römisch katholische kirche#christentum#betrachtung
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you said to do headcannons right?
can you do sex headcannons for the members of the gang? Only ones you're comfortable with obv. Personally, I don't care much for Micah (I want to set him on fire) so feel free to leave him out if you don't feel like writing for him
But the usual Dutch, John, Javier, Arthur, Charles, and anybody else you feel like are just perfect. I love your writing, so I'm excited to see your take on these
Sex HC Ft. Van Der Linde Gang
(Dutch Van Der Linde, John Marston, Javier Escuella, Arthur Morgan, Charles Smith, Lenny Summers, Kieran Duffy, Micah Bell, Sean Macguire, Sadie Adler)
I should write for the girls more
Warnings: Smut, duh
Dutch Van Der Linde
He probably loves roleplaying
Pretending he's the outlaw and you're the officer punishing him
But most times he loves being in control of you, thinks it's so attractive when you submit completely to him and become his pliable little servant
Likes it when you wear expensive jewelry and gifts he buys you with nothing else on
Definitely wants you to call him Sir
Says the most poetic and flowery things to you during
Probably enjoys receiving but LOVES giving head. Views it as another way to take control
Quickies with him are non existent. To him, sex and intimacy are an art, and he will take his time with every little detail and aspect of it
Enjoys playful brattiness, definitely a brat tamer
I can see him being into BDSM. Ball gags, leather crops, leashes, blindfolds, etc
John Marston
Super messy, super rough, super desperate
Pussy eating pro. I'm talking mind blowing, back arching, toe curling, sheet gripping head. ALWAYS asks if he can go down on you
Acts like every time you two have sex will be the last
On the contrary though, I feel like he'd be into edging
Also doesn't mind letting you be dominant, he has such submissive energy
Mayhaps a mommy kink, because I can also see him calling you mommy
Would let you tie him up, totally at your mercy
He loses any semblance of shame, will beg, cry, whimper, you name it
Could consent to just about anything, if you tell him to bark he'll bark
Gets carried away when during sex sometimes, just gets absolutely drunk from pleasure
Javier Escuella
Incredibly romantic and passionate
He can fuck, but he can also make love
So much sexual stamina, and makes every time you have sex absolutely unforgettable
Loves to make sure you are as comfortable as possible and feel as though you have enough privacy. Even if it means paying for a hotel, he'll do anything to ensure your comfort
But if you wanna have risky public sex he's more than willing to as well lmao
Holds you and whispers how much he loves you while he thrusts slowly
But if y'all are fucking he'll say the filthiest shit he can conjur up in his mind while thrusting as hard and fast as he can
Slaps and grips anything he can hold onto
Overwhelms all of your senses and stimulates you in multiple ways at once
Loves cumming inside you but if not inside then on your torso or face
Arthur Morgan
Loves putting his whole weight on you when y'all fuck
Just simply pinning you down with the size of him drives him crazy
Is such a gentleman even during sex. Always stops and asks how you are and if you like how he's doing
Insists you don't have to go down on him but secretly loves it when you do
His favorite positions are ones where you're totally helpless like mating presses or locking your arms behind you
Whenever he fucks you from behind he wraps his massive arm around your neck. Idly squeezes down on your neck
Enjoys sex totally naked, makes it feel more intimate exposing yourselves fully to each other
But he loves it if you wear cute outfits for him just so he can take it off you
But he absolutely loves quickies. Complains they're too risky but every time you suggest one he's unbuckling his belt before you can finish your sentence
Definitely does the knee thing
Charles Smith
He is a pure giver. You will always cum at least 3 times or else he won't feel like he did a thorough job.
Will ignore his own aching cock as long as he can see you squirm in ecstasy
Your pleasure is his pleasure
Doesn't care if he doesn't get to cum tbh
Definitely aware of his size and uses it to his advantage if you're into that
Cages you in his arms, holds you down, puts you in choke holds, etc
I feel like he'd be pretty vanilla and you'd be the one to bring kinks to the table if anything. Will honestly do most anything you want if it brings you pleasure
Soft but firm touches, like every touch is done with intent and thought
Type to make out with you for hours without any actual stimulation and be content. Will see you off with the bluest balls.
Lenny Summers
He's still pretty young so I believe his experience would be limited
You two are probably eachother's first everythings, atleast you're his
Probably cums real fast but makes up for it with enthusiam
Will try out so many things with you, the two of you will both bring ideas to the table
Tries to start things off slow but his excitement gets the best of him
SO MUCH communication and talking during (feedback, jokes, etc...)
Very forward with his needs
Asks for hand/blow jobs a lot to blow off some steam
Very fast learner, and probably very risky
I feel like he'd ask to finger you a lot in risky situations
There's been instances where he just forgets foreplay altogether and just wants to go at it
Kieran Duffy
Submissive as hell
Definitely whimpers
Let's you take the lead 99% of the time
Will cum within five minutes max, and it really takes it out of him
Super sensitive literally everything. Touch him anywhere and he's blushing and squirming
Loves it if you wrap your thighs around his head
That being said, enjoys face sitting
Feels reassured when you tell him what to do and help him in the process
Hands roam all over you, it's like he can't fathom that you're a real being that's actually doing this with him
Eyes roll back and his face goes red when he cums. He's super embarassed about it
Micah Bell
SO rough. Drags you into position and commands you to do certain things
Likes slapping, hair pulling, spitting, I feel like he'd even be into piss. All of the above would go both ways for him.
Hate sex with him goes crazy ong. And after arguments? Just fucking all your anger away
Into degrading for sure
Sex is definitely the best emotional release for the both of you without actually hurting eachother
He's into marks. That entails scratches, bites, bruises
Make him bleed, literally beat the shit out of him during sex and he'll let it slide
Sex is a constant battle for dominance
Probably makes you do embarassing things for him like bark
Also puts you in obscene and embarassing positions just for his own pleasure
If anyone ever heard y'all have sex they'd think it sounds more like an argument and a fist fight than love making
Sean Macguire
The goofiest man during sex, not even intentionally either. He'll say the stupidest thing you've ever heard with his whole chest and you'll have to ask if he's serious
"You ready for the Macguire special?"
Loud ass moans, cannot contain them. If you're into public sex you better either prepare to be caught or mentally prepare yourself for the influx of scoldings/questions that'll come later
LOVES playful brattiness or when you want to take control. He's all for it
Has fantasies of being woken up with head
Will do the same for you in return if that's what it takes to enact his fantasies
Also into roleplay but way cornier shit like you're a nurse and he's a patient. Indulges in costumes as well
Drunk sex is the best because it's combining two of his favorite things
Sadie Adler
Also definitely does the knee thing...
Genuinely one of the sweetest and more passionate lovers, and it will translate during sex
Super gentle and passionate
Lot's of "I love you"s exchanged
Never any space between you, your limbs constantly intertwined as you kiss and move against eachother
Either of you can take the role as dom, it doesn't matter to her
Smiles the whole time out of pure adoration for you
Can be super sultry and kinky when the time calls for it though
Not opposed to being a little rougher but I can't see her going too far with that
Thinks you're far too delicate and special to be treated in such a way
#red dead redemption 2#red dead redemption 2 x reader#van der linde gang x reader#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#arthur Morgan smut#dutch van der linde x reader#dutch van der linde#dutch van der linde smut#john marston#john marston x reader#john Marston smut#Javier Escuella#javier escuella x reader#javier escuella smut#charles smith#charles smith x reader#charles smith smut#lenny summers#lenny summers x reader#Lenny summers smut#Kieran Duffy#Kieran duffy x reader#Kieran Duffy smut#Micah bell#Micah Bell x reader#sean macguire x reader#sadie adler x reader#sadie Adler smut#sean Macguire smut
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𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬, 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
Arthur Morgan x afab!reader || Masterlist || Arthur playlist

summary: Since joining the Van der Linde gang, you have felt yourself gravitate toward Arthur Morgan. Like a moth to a flame, this rugged yet kind man has captured your attention. On an unusually cold night, your infatuation finally comes to a head.
word count: 5.3k
warning/tags: Smut! (18+, mdni!) Fluff. Grinding. Cunnilingus. Unprotected p in v. Arthur is a gentleman. This is my first time writing for Arthur and it's been a while since I played the game, so I hope I captured him okay.
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞: 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎) 𝐇𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡
The moon hangs high in the star-speckled sky, casting a silvery glow on the encampment of the Van der Linde gang, with the biting chill of the night air settling in like a thick blanket. The crackling of the campfire fills the air, chasing off the chill that has settled in once the sun dipped below the horizon. Arthur sits across from the flames, his usual bravado softened by the flickering light. He gazes into the fire, lost in thought, the shadows dancing across his strong features.
You sit a short distance away, bundled in a blanket, and you shiver despite the flames dancing before you. Your eyes flickering between him and the fire. The chill in the night is more biting than you had expected, and it has settled right into your bones. You glance at Arthur, his shoulders broad and inviting; an idea sparked in your mind.
Since you joined the Van der Linde gang, you have felt pulled towards him. Like a magnet to a magnetic field, strong and irresistible. You couldn’t even fight it, not that you would want to. There is something about Arthur—a mix of strength and vulnerability—that drew you in like a moth to a flame. And, despite his immediate ruggedness, he has been so kind to you, a much gentler man than his reputation would let on.
It had all accumulated within you about a week ago, when you saw him by the river, you hadn’t meant to stumble upon him. You hadn’t seen much, you left almost immediately, not wanting to invade his space, but the view of his bare backside had been burned into your memory ever since.
There was a rawness to him in those moments of solitude, something unguarded, something real. It left you breathless and a little envious of the water that cascaded over his skin, the way it dripped and glistened under the sun. That day, you realized your feelings for him went deeper than mere admiration.
Now, amidst the crackling flames and the pull of the night, you find yourself sorting through those emotions like kindling. You wrap the blanket tighter around you, contemplating your next move. The fire pops, sending a small spray of embers into the air, momentarily illuminating the dark before they vanish into the vastness above.
“Arthur?” you call softly, hesitating for a moment.
“Yeah?” he replies, glances up from the tin cup he is nursing, his eyes sparkling with the firelight.
“Do you think… maybe I could sit closer? It’s getting pretty cold,” you say, the honesty spilling easily from your lips.
He raises an eyebrow but nods. “Sure…” You move closer, feeling a bit shy but determined to warm up. As you settle next to him, the warmth from the fire is immediately replaced by the heat radiating from his body.
“You’re freezing,” he comments, noticing how you hug your arms around yourself, still not quite warm enough.
“Yeah… I guess I underestimated how cold it would get,” you admit with a shy smile.
Silence envelopes you for a moment, but it isn’t uncomfortable. The crackling of wood and the distant calls of the night echo around you, creating a serene backdrop. Arthur shuffles a little closer, his eyes flicking toward yours, as if assessing the situation.
“Here,” he says, leaning in a bit more and draping his arm across your shoulders. “That should help.”
Your breath is caught in your throat as his warmth seeps into you, a protective barrier against the cold. You stiffen for a moment at the sudden intimacy, but his presence is steady and comforting. It feels right.
“Thanks,” you mumble, leaning into him, instinctively seeking the heat the flames couldn’t provide.
“You’re really cold,” he murmurs, his breath trailing over your ear, making you shiver for an entirely different reason. “You shoulda said somethin’ sooner.”
You nod, reveling in the closeness, a soft warmth spreading in contrast to the chill of the evening. “I didn’t want to bother you. You seemed… deep in thought,” you say, glancing up at him sideways.
Arthur chuckles quietly, the sound deep and rumbling. “Not that deep… Just thinkin’ ‘bout what’s next. You know how it is,” he replies, his gaze returning to the flames. There’s an unspoken weight in his voice, a hint of the burdens he carries. You don’t push him for more; you know better than to pry. Instead, you shift slightly, fitting into the curve of his side, embracing the warmth he offers.
“I get it,” you say softly, looking into the fire. The flames crackle and pop, sending sparks dancing into the night. You steal A glance at him, but just as you look up, he looks down at you, a subtle smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as if he caught you in the act of admiring him. It makes your heart skip just a little and heat creeping up your cheeks. You quickly return your gaze to the fire, feigning indifference.
The atmosphere shifts slightly, the warmth between you growing with each passing moment, and you can almost feel the magnetic pull of his gaze. Arthur doesn’t need to say anything; the silence is filled with everything unspoken, the tension hanging like the starry sky overhead.
“Cold as it is, it sure is peaceful tonight,” he remarks, glancing up at the stars for a brief moment before his gaze slips back to you. You nod, the serenity of the night cloaking you, but it’s the closeness with him that makes the stars shine brighter. There’s something intimate about sharing a moment like this amidst the chaos of the world, just the two of you, together under the vast expanse of stars.
“Yeah, it is,” you agree, your voice barely above a whisper. A warmth blooms in your chest, and you allow yourself to lean a little further into his side, breathing in the scent of him—leather, smoke, and something distinctly Arthur.
“Y’know, sometimes I wonder how we ended up here,” he says, his tone contemplative, stirring your curiosity. “This life… it ain’t pretty, but it’s moments like this that keep us going, I reckon.”
You turn to look at him, noting the way the firelight casts shadows across his face, highlighting the rugged lines that tell stories of hardship and resilience. “It is,” you respond, then add playfully, “I guess it beats freezing alone out here.”
He chuckles softly, and the sound vibrates through you. You can’t help but study him closer, the way his mouth curves when he smiles, the tenderness that lies beneath his hardened exterior. “You got a point. Just don’t go gettin’ too used to me keepin’ you warm,” he teases, his tone playful but his eyes betraying something deeper.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you reply, attempting to sound nonchalant, though your heartbeat quickens at the thought of sharing more than just warmth.
A moment passes, and the atmosphere shifts again, charged with an electric tension. You feel his breath against your skin, each inhale igniting a flicker of desire deep within you. Tentatively, you glance up again, catching his eyes locked onto yours, and your heart races.
You look up at him, wanting to reach out and bridge the unspoken gaps between you and In that moment, as the warmth of the fire flickers and the world outside of your little bubble fades away, something shifts. Arthur’s fingers brush against your arm, a gentle caress that sends shivers down your spine. The air feels thick with unspoken words, an invitation hanging between you both.
“Y’know… I actually wouldn’t mind if you got used to me keepin’ you warm,” Arthur murmurs, his voice low and gravelly, laced with an undeniable sincerity that makes your breath hitch in your throat. The shift in his demeanor—more serious, more vulnerable—sends a rush of heat through you.
Your heart pounds against your chest, and you can’t tell if it’s from the warmth of his body or the pull of desire igniting between the two of you. “Arthur…,” you start, but the words escape you as his gaze drops to your lips.
Without fully realizing how it happens, you shift closer, your breath mingling with his. In the space of a heartbeat, he closes the gap, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss. It’s soft at first, a gentle exploration filled with a sweet urgency, but soon turns more fervent, fueled by a longing that has been building unnoticed until this very moment.
Your hands find their way to his hair, fingers tangling in the surprisingly soft strands as you deepen the kiss, leaning into him, feeling the heat radiating off of his body. Arthur responds in kind, wrapping his arm tighter around you, pulling you against him, as if he never wants to let you go.
The world around you fades away, leaving only the warmth of the fire and the heat of each other. You lose yourself in the sensation—his lips moving against yours, his fingers skimming over your back, igniting every nerve in your body.
As the world outside dims, it feels like nothing else exists but the two of you. You feel his body against yours, the roughness of his hands juxtaposed with the fire’s warmth. The chill of the night fades completely, leaving only the heat that surges between you.
“Arthur,” you breathe, pulling back slightly to catch your breath, your forehead resting against his. His eyes are dark and intense, a mixture of longing and something deeper.
“Yeah?” he replies, that low rumble of his voice sending tingles down your spine. His gaze stays locked on you, filled with an intensity that leaves no room for doubt about how he feels.
“Are you gonna keep me warm tonight?”
Arthur’s breath hitches slightly at your question, a playful spark lighting in his eyes. He searches your gaze as if looking for the truth behind your inquiry, the shadows of the fire dancing across both your faces, bathing you in its warm light.
“I reckon I can manage that,” he answers, his voice low and full of promise, steadying himself as he leans even closer. The intensity of the moment is electric, wrapping around you like the embrace of the night.
With a slow deliberation, he shifts his body, creating a more intimate cocoon around you. His hand runs gently down your arm, sending waves of warmth pulsing through your skin. You feel the weight of his gaze on you, heavy yet inviting, as he moves slightly, his lips brushing past your ear.
“Why don’t we head to my tent, then?” you suggest, a nervous thrill coursing through you at the thought of such proximity. The air hangs between you, thick with possibilities.
“Lead the way, darlin’,” his voice gravelly and coaxing, a hint of mischief threaded through his words. The intimacy of the proposition sends a shiver down your spine—not from the cold this time, but from excitement.
You stand, heart racing, and reach for Arthur’s hand, your fingers intertwining with his as you lead him away from the warmth of the fire and the potential curious eyes of the camp. The chill of the night air bites against your skin, but Arthur’s presence is a comforting blanket around you. The way he moves beside you, the strength of his hand enveloping yours, intensifies the fluttering in your stomach.
As you approach your tent, the world outside fades into silence, just the two of you amidst the stillness of the night. You pause just outside, your pulse quickening as you glance back at him. His gaze is dark, heated, full of expectation, and it sends a thrilling rush through you.
Without thinking, you lean in slightly, brushing your lips against his, a teasing caress filled with anticipation. He responds instantly, his hand moving to cradle your face, deepening the kiss as his other arm wraps around your waist, pulling you against him.
“Let’s not waste any more time,” he murmurs against your lips, his breath hot and mingling with yours as he nudges you into the tent. You stumble in, laughter spilling from your lips as he follows, his gaze intensely focused on you.
Inside, the dim light casts a cozy glow, illuminating the space where your bodies stand mere inches apart. The air is thick with tension, the scent of leather and smoke surrounding you as Arthur steps closer, a predatory glint in his eye. It sends another wave of excitement coursing through you.
“Closer,” he says, voice low and commanding, and you obey instinctively, stepping into his personal space. You can feel the heat radiating from him, and the electric spark between you intensifies.
His hands find your waist, gripping you firmly as he leans down, capturing your lips again with a fierce need. This kiss is different—hungry and demanding. You melt against him, losing yourself in the taste of him, the warmth of his body enveloping you. Your fingers tangle in his shirt, pulling him closer, urging him on.
Arthur’s hands roam your back, gently urging you towards the edge of the small cot amid the tent. You gasp against his mouth, and he takes the opportunity to explore further, trailing kisses down your neck as you tilt your head back in delight.
“Damn,” he murmurs, his voice ragged with desire. “You’re somethin’ else, you know that?” His breath is warm against your skin, sending shivers down your spine as you pull him back up to you, crashing your lips together again.
The feeling of him—his rough hands, the weight of his body—intensifies the urge coursing through you, the desire to surrender to this moment. You tug at his shirt, muscles straining beneath your fingertips. With deft hands, he works it free, his shirt falling to the ground as your hands roam over his bare skin, feeling the heat radiate off of him.
“You’re incredible,” he breathes out as you touch him, exploring every inch of his toned torso as he leans over you, the power dynamic propelling your heart rate even higher. His lips find your collarbone, brushing over the sensitive skin, making you gasp.
“Arthur,” you murmur, your voice a combination of need and admiration. He pulls back slightly, his blue eyes dark and full of intent as he studies you. There’s a possessive heat in his gaze that makes your insides curl with anticipation.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispers, his breath hovering over your lips. The way he speaks sends a ripple of excitement through you, the possibilities stretching out like the night sky above.
“I want you,” you admit, surprise mingling with clarity. The words tumble from your lips, bold and unguarded. “I want all of you.”
Arthur grins, a slow, wicked smile that sends a rush of heat through you. “Then you’ll have me,” he declares, and in an instant, he’s on you, capturing your mouth again, deepening the kiss as he pushes you back onto the cot.
The world around you fades away, engulfed in the warmth of the moment as his body presses against yours, igniting every nerve with a fervor you hadn’t anticipated. Your breath quickens as he trails kisses down your jaw, over your neck, and back to your lips, again and again, each exploration sending electrifying sparks shooting through you.
His hands roam freely, brushing against your skin while his lips do their own wandering, every touch stirring a primal need in you that’s impossible to ignore.
“Arthur,” you breathe, tugging him closer as you arch against him, the heat between you both rising like wildfire. “Please,” you beg. You need him, need him to touch you without anything between you, no clothes, no barriers.
He pauses for a fraction of a second to meet your gaze, seeking confirmation—desire laced with care—and in this moment it is as if can read your thoughts. You don’t need to voice your wish, only to confirm to him that it is okay.
“Please, Arthur,” you repeat. It is all he needs to hear. Calloused hands start to undress you, helping you shred your garments and expose your skin to the chill air of the night.��
The cool air rushes over your bare skin, contrasting sharply with the heat radiating from Arthur as he leans over you, his breath warm and steady. A shiver runs through you, not from the cold, but from the heady anticipation swirling in the air. With every piece of clothing that falls away, a new layer of vulnerability is revealed, but instead of feeling exposed, you feel a sense of liberation, a boldness surging from within.
Arthur’s gaze is intense, roaming over your body as if committing every curve, every scar, and every inch to memory. His exploration is slow, deliberate, full of reverence, and it ignites a fire within you that dances just below the surface. You watch as the flickering light from the fire outside casts warm shadows across his rugged features, illuminating the desire etched in his expression.
In one swift motion, he discards your last garment, and a heat flushes through you, both from exposure and the rawness of the moment. “You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice a low rasp that tugs at your heartstrings. There’s an honesty in his eyes that makes you feel cherished in a way you never expected.
“Arthur, I—” you begin, but he silences you with a kiss, capturing your words and folding them into the intensity of the moment. His lips move over yours with a tender ferocity, igniting a hunger that spreads like wildfire throughout your body. You respond eagerly, your hands pulling him closer, craving his touch against every inch of your skin.
He breaks the kiss, leaning down to press his lips against your collarbone, trailing soft kisses down to the swell of your breasts, his breath warm against your skin. Each movement sends jolts of pleasure coursing through you, every kiss igniting a spark that sets your nerves alight.
“Arthur…” you breathe, arching your back instinctively, wanting more of him, needing him to explore every inch of you. His hands roam freely, caressing your curves, memorizing the way your body responds to him.
“Easy, darlin’,” he murmurs against your skin, his voice rich with warmth and desire. “I got you.” There’s a sweetness to the way he speaks, a reassurance that only deepens the connection between you. He lifts his head to meet your gaze, and in that moment, the world outside, the gang, the chaos of life fades entirely. All that matters is the quiet, intimate space you’ve created together.
With a gentle touch, his hands guide you back down towards the cot, his body following, pressing against you, enveloping you in his warmth. You feel the weight of him against you, the sensation almost overwhelming in its intensity as he leans down, kissing you deeply once more. The kiss deepens, both of you lost in the surge of desire that envelops you.
You pull him closer, your hands exploring the muscles of his back, tracing the lines of his form. He moves with a mix of urgency and reverence as he grinds against you, cultivating a rhythm that makes your pulse race. You feel every press of his body against yours, the heat soaring higher with each passing moment. you gasp as you feel the curve of his hardened cock through the rough denim of his jeans.
“Darlin’, I want to taste you,” he murmurs, the growl of his voice promising things that make your breath hitch. The implication sends a thrill up your spine, desire surging through you like fire. You can hardly respond, only nodding breathlessly, caught up in the intensity of his gaze and the heat radiating from his body.
“Please,” you manage to whisper, the plea escaping your lips with a mix of eagerness and urgency.
With skilled hands, he begins to move lower, trailing kisses along your body, down the gentle curve of your waist, following the soft dips of your hips. Each kiss sends ripples of anticipation coursing through you, and you arch towards him, craving more. Arthur moves with deliberate slowness, taking his time, savoring every moment, the intent in his eyes making you feel cherished and desired.
“Trust me,” he whispers, his breath ghosting over your skin, and you can hardly muster a reply as he reaches your thighs, the heat of him only intensifying your longing. You can feel the weight of his gaze as he looks at your body, and a breathless shiver runs through you; he's memorizing you, relishing each curve.
His hands part your thighs gently, and you feel an exhilarating rush of vulnerability and excitement. With a teasing touch, he trails his fingers along your inner thigh, barely brushing against your skin, igniting sparks of electric sensation. The anticipation builds within you, a tantalizing chord strumming tighter and tighter, waiting for him to play the melody that will make it snap.
“Arthur,” you breathe, the urgency of your need unmistakable now.
“Gotcha,” he replies, the smirk evident in his voice before he dips his head. As soon as his lips make contact, you let out a soft gasp, your body responding instinctively to his mouth. His warm, firm lips explore and tease – deliberate, unhurried – and the world outside the tent melts into nothing.
Every flick of his tongue sends waves of pleasure crashing over you, and you feel yourself lose track of everything—the camp, the stars, the night—nothing matters but this moment, this connection. He revels in the taste of you, eyes locked onto yours as if wanting to drink you in not just physically, but soulfully.
“Just relax, darlin’,” he murmurs against you, and the sound vibrates through you, only adding to the swirling sum of sensations. You feel his lips curve into a smile against your skin, knowing just how responsive you are to him, and that realization sends a ripple of heat coursing through you.
His movements become more fervent, focused on every inch of you, and as his tongue works its magic, you feel your body tighten, shaking at the intensity of the pleasure he’s drawing from you. “Arthur…,” you gasp again, surrendering completely to the waves of ecstasy that just keep rising and rising.
“Feel good?” he teases, glancing up briefly, and the rogue glimmer in his eyes tells you he knows just how much you're enjoying this.
“More than good,” you reply, your voice trembling with need. “Don’t stop.”
“Trust me, I won’t,” he promises, and his focus returns, deepening the intimacy of this moment. He immerses himself fully, your body moving instinctively in rhythm with his expert ministrations. The sensation becomes addictive, and with each flick, each pull of his lips, you feel yourself teetering on the edge, ready to leap.
You can feel the tension building, each wave of pleasure rolling higher within you, and you fight to hold on, pleading with him through moans and gasps. With a final, deliberate stroke against your most sensitive spot, you shatter, the world erupting in a shocking brilliance as you crest over the edge and fall into bliss.
“Arthur!” you cry out his name, your body trembling, stars exploding behind your eyes, and you lose yourself completely in the overwhelming pleasure. The waves of ecstasy roll through you, and it feels like everything fades away—nothing but you and him, anchored together in this intimate cocoon.
He continues to tease and coax you through your high, savoring every moment, every sound you make. The connection between you both deepens in this exquisite stillness—passionate and primal, a sweet collision of souls in an unforgiving world.
When the tremors finally subside, you pull him back up to your lips, hunger evident as you kiss him deeply, tasting yourself mixed with the warmth of his breath. Arthur responds, diving into the embrace, arms wrapping around you, pulling you close as you share this sacred moment.
“Goddamn,” he breathes into your mouth when you finally part, his voice rich with both awe and hunger, the need between you still pulsing like a living thing. “You’re incredible.”
You manage a breathless laugh. “I could say the same about you.”
He smirks, brushing a palm gently over your cheek, his thumb lingering against your cheekbone. “And trust me, darlin’, I’m just gettin’ started.”
Your heart races again at his words, the promise of more sending a thrilling shiver down your spine. As you pull him closer once more, ready to explore every depth of this connection, nothing seems daunting anymore—just the two of you, the embers of the fire outside, the stars above, and the wild world fading beyond the complexities of your shared intimacy.
“Then get out of those boots, and those jeans, and take me, Arthur.” Your statement hangs heavy in the air between you, a daring challenge laced with vulnerability. Something primal glints in his eyes as he gaze down at you, igniting a spark that sends butterflies swirling in your stomach
With a swift motion, he frees himself from the restraints of his jeans, the sound of the fabric falling to the earth blending into the chaos of your racing hearts. You glance down, taking in the sight of him, and a rush of lust surges through you. He’s strong, and rugged, the embodiment of passion entwined with a rugged charm that makes your pulse quicken.
Arthur positions himself between your legs, leaning forward to kiss you deeply again, his body pressing against yours, reminding you of the heat that you both share. His hands roam over your body, exploring every curve and contour, igniting sparks wherever he touches.
“Damn, you feel good,” he murmurs, his voice rough with need as he trails kisses down your body, savoring every taste, every gasp that escapes your lips. The way his lips move on your skin makes it nearly impossible to hold back, your body arching and twisting beneath him as you crave more of his touch.
“Arthur, please…” you whimper, the urgency in your voice unmistakable. You need him, need him to fill the void; you crave the connection that you both share. He meets your pleading gaze, and the sincerity in his eyes sends warmth flooding through you.
With a steady, commanding hand, he guides himself to your entrance, hesitating for only a moment as he seeks your permission. “Are you sure?” he asks, his voice low and gravelly, a mix of concern and desire lacing his words.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you reply, breathless, your heart racing as you nod fervently. The moment stretches, the tension palpable as the air between you thickens with promise and anticipation. Arthur doesn’t need to be told twice.
In one fluid motion, he fills you, pushing deep within with a slow, deliberate intensity that leaves you gasping. Every nerve in your body ignites, overwhelmed by the sensation of him surrounding you, overwhelming you with pleasure. You feel fullness, desire, and unyielding connection as your bodies meld together as one.
“Shit,” he breathes, his voice strained as he begins to move within you, the rhythm developing as he finds a pace that balances urgency and sweetness. Each thrust sends shockwaves of pleasure erupting inside you, a blissful spiral that pulls you closer to the edge.
You dig your nails into his back, urging him on, pushing him deeper as waves of delight crash over you with every plunge, every grind of his hips against yours, the sounds of skin meeting skin echoing in the quiet tent. Your breaths mingle, chaotic and desperate, amplifying the heat that races between your bodies.
“God, you feel incredible,” Arthur gasps, his forehead pressed against yours as he moves, each thrust igniting your senses, the pressure building within you. You can feel the heat between you boiling over, a feral need surging through you, driving you closer to the precipice.
“Arthur, I’m so close…” you cry out, the urgency of your release bubbling over as you cling to him, urging him on. With each powerful thrust, he drives you higher, pushing you toward the brink of ecstasy.
“Let go for me, darlin’,” he murmurs, his voice low and husky. “Let it all happen.”
That encouragement is all it takes. With one final thrust, your body shatters in bliss, waves of passion crash over you as you cry out his name, the world around you dimming into nothing but pleasure and warmth.
“Yeah, just like that,” he groans. He pulls out at the last minute, spilling rope upon rope of warm, white cum over your skin, his own ecstasy evident in the way his body tensed against yours. The two of you crashing together in a flurry of shared ecstasy that sends both of you spiraling into pure delight.
As the waves of pleasure ebb away, you both lie tangled in each other’s arms, breathless and elated. The world outside fades into an echoing silence as the fire crackles softly, illuminating the tenderness of the moment shared between you.
Arthur holds you tightly, your bodies entwined beneath the warmth of the blankets and the remnants of the heat you’ve both created. In the aftermath, an intimate silence settles between you, the sound of your breathing mingling with the gentle crackle of the fire outside, a calming cadence that feels sacred in its intimacy.
“Are you alright?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with a mixture of concern and tenderness as he brushes his fingers along your skin. He grabs his shirt, his long, strong arm reaching it with ease, and gently wipes his cum from your thigh and stomach, the gesture both intimate and caring.
You nod, a soft smile playing on your lips, feeling cherished in this vulnerable moment. “Yeah, I’m more than alright,” you reply softly, your heart swelling with a warmth that eclipses even the fire’s glow. You glance up to meet his piercing blue eyes, shimmering with sincerity and a hint of vulnerability that makes your chest tighten. It’s a contrast to the fierce man you had known; in this moment, he’s not just rugged and wild, but tender, caring.
A shy smile breaks upon his lips, and you can’t help but mirror it. “Good,” he murmurs, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. The sweetness of the gesture sends a wave of warmth flooding through you, solidifying the bond that had cemented itself in the fiery passion of just a few moments ago.
The quiet feels different now—less charged with tension and more filled with understanding—a blank canvas where something beautiful can unfold. The shadows in the tent off the flickering light dance around you both, echoing the intricate tapestry of emotions woven from the intimacy you just shared.
He leans down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss that speaks of more than just passion; this was special, it meant something. You both share a lingering smile before settling into the quiet once more, a sense of peace enveloping you amidst the chaos of the outside world.
As time drifts lazily onward, you let your eyes wander deeper into the safe haven of his presence, the warmth of your intertwined bodies gradually creating a sanctuary against the chilling night air. The crackle of the fire outside serves as a soothing soundtrack to the warmth surrounding you, and you revel in this moment—a blissful interlude that feels entirely yours.
“Let’s rest,” Arthur murmurs, stealing another kiss before pulling you closer, cocooning you in his embrace. You nod against him, content to let the exhaustion of reality slip away for a while.
As sleep intertwines with the serenity of the night, you feel his heartbeat against your cheek—a steady reminder that, for now, you have everything you need. Together, you drift into dreams, the warmth of each other’s presence cocooning you as the chill of the world outside feels light years away.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs and comments are always greatly appreciated ♡
#springtyme writes#springtyme october challenge 24#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan smut#arthur morgan fanfiction#arthur morgan x you#arthur morgan fluff#arthur morgan x female reader#arthur morgan rdr2#rdr2 fanfic#rdr fanfiction#rdr 2#arthur morgan imagine#arthur morgan oneshot#kinktober#flufftober#x reader
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Wolf in sheep’s clothing
(van der linde has a gentleman werewolf, and old dogs can still bite)
#Hosea Matthews#RDR2#red dead redemption 2#art crimes with koko#werewolf AUs my beloved#did this instead of being productive because I’m fucking STRESSED#western monster au
665 notes
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★ STATUS . . . ongoing, arthur morgan x f!reader. 18+ smut mdni !!
★ CW . . . voyeurism, female masturbation, male masturbation, arthur's kind of a meanie.
★ SUMMARY . . . recently welcomed into dutch van der linde's gang, has a tense first encounter with arthur morgan, who is suspicious of her and questions her trustworthiness. after a sharp exchange, she withdraws to her tent to find solace. meanwhile, arthur, tasked with returning her forgotten journal, approaches her tent but hesitates when he sees the intimate silhouette of her body through the illuminated canvas.
★ AUTHOR'S NOTE . . . really don't know what washed over me. this was initially meant as a drabble , but somehow bloomed into what is going to be a continuing story. as the start of the story, it's loaded with "setting the scene" mostly to establish a dynamic between the reader and arthur. however , it does get spicy towards the end ;)
An orphan, a wanderer, and most notably, a thief for hire. Your occupation brought you countless adversaries, shaped by a lifetime of hardship. The Wild West wasn’t forgiving, especially for someone like you. It forced you to compromise whatever moral compass you’d developed, exchanging it for a life filled with unsavory characters. Your skills became notorious in Lemoyne, earning you a wanted poster of your own—though the paltry $3,000 bounty made you wonder if the authorities truly knew your worth.
One man, however, saw your potential: Dutch Van der Linde. Knowing Dutch’s reputation, you were well aware there was no honor among thieves, but the price he offered for your services was one you couldn't afford to refuse.
"I'm a man who keeps his word," Dutch said, locking eyes with you. You stiffened momentarily, your guard raised.
"And if you don’t, I’ll have you dead," you warned, your voice steady.
Dutch chuckled, raising his palms in mock surrender. "I'll take you to my camp, introduce you to my people," he said, patting his chest for emphasis. "I take care of my own. I'll take care of you too, ma��am, ya hear?"
You clenched your jaw, swallowing hard before releasing a sigh. Camps, people—these weren't things you were accustomed to. Yet, the promise of a warm fire and a decent meal was hard to ignore. Stepping forward, you motioned with your boot. "Be a gentleman and lead the way."
Dutch quickened his pace, guiding you to his horse. Retrieving your own, you both rode off toward the confines of Clemens Point.
As you arrived at the secluded camp, the thick forest enveloped the intimate commune. Pulling on the reins, your horse came to a halt behind Dutch’s. He dismounted and extended a hand to help you down. You ignored his gesture, earning another chuckle.
"Your independence is admirable," Dutch said, amused. "Maybe you'll set a good example."
"I won’t be staying long," you replied curtly.
Dutch nodded, unfazed. "Come on, now, lemme introduce ya."
You followed behind him, scanning your surroundings, planning your escape if needed. Clemens Point had its rustic charm, much like the rest of Lemoyne, but it wasn’t a place you intended to linger. As you approached the heart of the camp, the residents began to take notice. Some watched from a distance, while others stepped closer. You stayed close to Dutch, observing the crowd.
"Bring a lady for the night?" one man jeered. You tried to get a glimpse of the man behind such a crude remark, catching only the sight of a weathered hat adorned with a feather.
"It ain’t like that," Dutch countered.
"Well, if she’s with you, she sure ain’t cheap," the man sneered.
You felt anger flare in your chest.
"Arthur!" Dutch barked.
So, that was his name—Arthur.
Stepping out from behind Dutch, you made yourself visible to the Van der Linde gang, especially the man at the center of it all.
He was tall, built like a seasoned gunslinger, with the brim of his hat pulled low, hiding much of his face. But from your shorter vantage point, you could see beneath the brim—strands of sandy brown hair fell just above his eyes. You squinted, trying to get a clearer look at the man responsible for the comment.
"My, my," Arthur drawled, his voice low. "What do we have here, then?"
You stared Arthur down, unfazed by his comment. “What you have here,” you said, voice dripping with sarcasm, “is someone who doesn't take kindly to men who don’t watch their tongues.”
Arthur raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Bold. I like that.” He crossed his arms, eyeing you with a mix of amusement and curiosity. “But talk’s cheap out here, darlin’. You gonna back it up?”
You took a step closer, not backing down. “Guess you’ll find out soon enough, cowboy.”
Before things could escalate further, Dutch stepped in between the two of you, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. “Now, now, let’s all calm down, shall we?” He chuckled as though this kind of exchange was nothing new. “Arthur, meet our new friend here. She’s more than capable, I assure you. She’s got quite the reputation—thief for hire, and from what I’ve heard, she’s damn good at it.”
Arthur’s gaze flickered to Dutch, then back to you. His smile faded, replaced by a skeptical scowl. “A thief, huh?” He tilted his head, clearly unconvinced. “And you’re just gonna bring her into camp, just like that? You don’t think maybe we oughta vet her a little first? Or better yet, see if she’s worth her salt?”
Dutch sighed, clearly accustomed to Arthur’s protective nature. “Arthur, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t bring someone into our fold if I didn’t believe in their abilities. You, of all people, should trust me on that.”
Arthur scoffed, shaking his head. “It ain’t about trust, Dutch. It’s about common sense. You’re always bringing in strays, but how do we know she’s as good as you say? How do we know she ain’t just gonna take what she wants and bolt?”
You folded your arms, feeling the heat of Arthur’s scrutiny, but before Dutch could respond, you cut in.
“If I wanted to bolt, I wouldn’t be standing here listening to you question me like some washed-up lawman,” you said flatly. “And as for being good at what I do… Why don’t you give me a chance to prove it?”
Arthur’s eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable for a moment. The tension was thick between the two of you, the unspoken challenge hanging in the air.
Dutch clapped his hands together, cutting through the silence. “See? That’s the spirit! Let’s not get too hung up on doubts and suspicions. Besides, Arthur, you know better than anyone—we all had to start somewhere.”
Arthur shook his head, still unconvinced, but his tone softened slightly. “Fine. But if she messes up, Dutch, it’s on you.”
Dutch grinned. “I’ll take full responsibility. You’ll see, Arthur—she’s gonna fit right in.”
Arthur gave you one last look, his blue eyes hard, but he stepped back, leaving the matter for now. “We’ll see,” he muttered, turning his back to head deeper into the camp.
As he walked away, Dutch leaned in close, speaking just low enough for you to hear. “Don’t worry about Arthur. He’s always cautious with new faces, but once you prove yourself, he’ll have your back. Just give it time.”
You nodded, though your eyes remained fixed on Arthur’s retreating form. “I’ll prove myself, alright. To everyone.”
Dutch patted you on the back, his voice light once again. “That’s the spirit. Now, let’s get you settled in.”
Your shoulders relax slightly when Dutch introduces you to another, kinder member of the camp—Mary-Beth. With a warm smile, she takes it upon herself to show you around. As she guides you through the camp, she explains the delicate intricacies and rich history the Van der Linde gang has accumulated over time. Her warmth is disarming, and though you find her friendliness endearing, your guard remains firmly in place.
As the day gives way to night, the camp grows lively. The smell of roasting meat fills the air, and the sound of laughter and clinking bottles echoes around the fire. Everyone seems to be enjoying the night, drinks in hand and plates full. You sit beside Dutch, notebook in hand, writing down the events of the day—your observations, the faces you’ve encountered, and your thoughts on the gang’s dynamics.
Dutch glances over your shoulder, a grin tugging at his lips. “Writing a novel already?” he teases.
You smirk but keep writing. “Just taking notes, is all.”
With a chuckle, Dutch pats your shoulder. “Well, don’t let me interrupt your musings. I’m gonna get myself another drink.” He stands, leaving his spot beside you empty for just a moment.
Before you can settle back into your thoughts, Arthur takes Dutch’s place without so much as a word. You immediately tense, looking up from your journal in annoyance.
“I didn’t invite you to sit,” you snap.
Arthur leans back, crossing his arms, clearly unbothered by your protest. “I’m just doin’ my due diligence,” he says with a casual shrug. “Lead enforcer and all that. Gotta make sure you ain’t some rat lookin’ to get us all killed.”
You narrow your eyes at him, anger bubbling up. “A rat? You don’t know a thing about me.”
“I know enough,” Arthur retorts, his gaze hard. “You waltz in here, Dutch vouches for ya, but me? I don’t trust anyone that quick. Seen too many faces come and go. Some good, some… not so much.”
You bite your tongue, forcing yourself to stay calm. “I don’t have anything to prove to you, Arthur.”
His stare lingers on you, unflinching. “Maybe not. But until I see otherwise, I’ll keep an eye on you.”
The tension between you is palpable, and despite the fire’s warmth, you feel a chill settle in your bones. This is why you hated dealing with people. No matter what you did, someone was always suspicious, always trying to dig into things that weren’t their business. You snap your journal shut, your patience worn thin.
“I’m done here,” you mutter, standing abruptly. “I didn’t come here for this.”
You walk away from the campfire, the weight of Arthur’s gaze following you as you disappear into the shadows. As you distance yourself from the group, you hear a voice call out.
“Arthur, you really can be an asshole sometimes, you know that?”
It’s Hosea, who had been watching the exchange from a distance. His tone is firm, but there’s an edge of disappointment in it. Arthur grumbles in response, shifting uncomfortably.
“Just doin’ my job, Hosea,” Arthur mutters defensively, but there’s a flicker of something else in his eyes—regret, maybe.
Hosea shakes his head. “Yeah, well, you could stand to be a little more welcoming.”
As Hosea walks away, Arthur notices something on the ground beside him—your journal. You must have left it behind in your rush to escape the conversation. He picks it up, flipping it over in his hands, his expression softening for a brief moment. He exhales a long breath while he debates with himself, glancing in the direction you disappeared, wondering if he should bring it to you.
Storming away from the campfire, you mutter under your breath. "Should've known better than to get mixed up in this." The tension Arthur brought upon you still burns in your chest. Now, away from the glimmer of the camp you question why you even agreed to Dutch's offer.
Quickly the weight of reality sets in. The promise of money looms heavy, more than you've ever made in one place. Enough to change your life, if things go smoothly. And then there's the camp —more than just a place to lay your head. It has food, shelter, warmth, and plenty of drink, luxuries you haven’t had in a long while. The thought alone makes your stomach growl, reminding you of the times you’ve gone hungry for days on end. A little discomfort with people like Arthur might just be the price you have to pay to survive this.
With a resigned sigh, you make your way toward your tent, situated near the lake, away from the central campfire. The sounds of laughter and idle chatter slowly fade, replaced by the gentle lapping of the water and the rustling of the trees in the night breeze. The solitude brings you a moment of peace.
Inside the privacy of your tent, you begin to undress. Shedding your coat, shirt, and pants, you remain in your undergarments, your body finally relaxing after a long day. You sit down on the edge of your bedroll, running a hand through your hair, letting yourself unwind. The faint sounds of the camp are distant now, just a quiet hum in the background. For the first time all day, you feel like you can breathe.
You sink deeper into the quiet, trying to escape the frustration that still simmers after your run-in with Arthur. His suspicion and brash attitude had only amplified the uncertainty you already felt about your place here. But in this moment, alone in the privacy of your tent, you allow yourself a rare moment of vulnerability.
The day’s exhaustion has left your body aching, and as you lie back on the bedroll in nothing but your undergarments, your mind drifts, seeking comfort in the solitude. The warmth of the lamp glows around you, its light illuminating the canvas tent, casting your shadow against the fabric walls.
Meanwhile, outside Arthur approaches the tent with your journal firmly in his grasp. His steps are quiet, almost hesitant has he nears. From the outside, the soft light from your oil lamp betrays the outline of your figure through the thin material of the tent. He pauses, eyes narrowing as he makes out your shape, it stops him in his tracks.
"What in the hell is she up to?"
As the glow from the lantern outlines your curves, you move with an intensity that betrays the calm facade you usually project. Your guard is down, and in this moment of vulnerability, your form is unmistakable. Your hands roam freely over your body, pressing, squeezing, tugging at the fabric of your undergarments. Even in solitude, you tease yourself, building anticipation for the release that awaits.
Your fingers reach up to hold your breasts, pinching the hardened buds as a loud moan escapes your lips and echoes through the tent. Arthur watches silently from outside, his breath catching as he realizes what's happening. His initial intention of returning the journal completely fades away as he becomes transfixed by the intimacy of the scene unfolding before him. He feels like an intruder but can't bring himself to look away.
Lost in pleasure, you lie back and let your hand trail down to your center, seeking refuge in the coarse hair. Gripping tightly, you insert a single digit into your core and feel a rush of wetness surround it as you sink deeper and deeper. Your breathing quickens and unbeknownst to you, the quiet rhythm of your movements is not confined to the tent. You whimper for more, "ple-please, give it to me. i want more," caving release from the stress that has consumed you since arriving here.
Watching from afar, Arthur feels his primal instincts kick in but fights them off with all his might. His sense of honor wavers as he struggles against his own desires. The tightness of his jeans and gun belt only add to his physical discomfort as he closes his eyes tightly, trying to resist temptation.
Meanwhile, inside the tent, you continue to lose yourself in ecstasy, completely oblivious to anything else in the world. Your moans grow louder and more desperate as your fingers quicken their pace inside of you. The sounds of squelching flesh mixed with your cries fill the night air as you beg for more.
Arthur finally gives in to his conscience and with one last look at the tent, he pulls away and retreats into the darkness. "The hell you doing, you pervert?" he curses himself as he walks away, leaving you to your privacy and pleasure. The intense moment has passed, but the memory lingers in Arthur's mind, igniting a curiosity about what else lies behind that sharp tongue of yours.
A man still had his urges.
Your journal finds its temporary home in Arthur's pocket. The heat of the moment lingers in his chest, an ache he can’t quite shake. His body tenses, and the desire to escape the situation grows stronger with every step. He moves quickly through the camp, intent on retreating to his own quarters and pushing away the thoughts still buzzing in his mind.
But just as he rounds a corner, he spots Dutch leaning against a post, nursing a drink and chatting with one of the gang members. Dutch’s keen eyes lock onto Arthur almost immediately, and before Arthur can disappear, Dutch calls out.
“Arthur!” Dutch’s voice cuts through the campfire chatter. “Where’d our new friend wander off to?”
Arthur stiffens, his eyes darting briefly before he forces himself to face Dutch. “She, uh… she’s at her tent,” Arthur mutters, his tone gruff as he shifts his weight awkwardly. Hands firmly grasp his gun belt and a satchel that once sat on the side of his hip is awkwardly placed at the center of his core, disguising what throbbed underneath.
Dutch raises an eyebrow, clearly sensing something off. “You sure about that? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Or… something else.” There’s a smirk tugging at the corner of Dutch’s mouth, amused by Arthur’s discomfort.
Arthur avoids eye contact, the urge he’s trying to suppress making it difficult to keep his composure. “Ain’t nothin’. Just tired, Dutch. Been a long day.”
Dutch takes a swig of his drink, watching Arthur closely, clearly enjoying the rare sight of Arthur flustered. “Right, right. Well, if you see her, let her know she’s always welcome to sit by the fire.”
Arthur grunts, eager to end the conversation. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
Dutch takes another sip and, with a knowing chuckle, waves him off. “Get some rest, Arthur. You look like you need it.”
Without another word, Arthur quickly shoos Dutch away with a curt nod and makes a beeline for his tent. The moment Dutch turns his attention back to the campfire, Arthur lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, his footsteps quickening.
Finally reaching the safety of his own tent, a shaky hand, Arthur pushes through the canvas flap. He collapse onto his cot with heavy breaths. Images rush through his mind like a raging river - your body outlined in flickering light, the softness of your movements, and the burning desire that he can't seem to shake.
He lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling with shallow breaths as he replays the memory over and over again. His fists clench at his sides, frustration and longing coursing through him. It's been too long since anything has affected him this deeply.
As someone no stranger to temptation, Arthur knows the pull of the flesh all too well. But this moment with you felt different - more intimate, more real. The vulnerability he saw in you makes it impossible for him to simply brush off the encounter.
Running a hand through his hair in frustration, he tries to push the thoughts away, but they cling to him like thorns. The tension in his body only grows, refusing to let go even in the quiet of the night.
"Damn it," he mutters under his breath, rolling onto his side in an attempt to distract himself. But it's no use - your silhouette, bathed in lamplight, is burned into his mind.
Sitting up abruptly, Arthur grips the ends of his cot tightly as he stares at the ground beneath him. He lets out a frustrated sigh and runs a hand over his face, trying to rub away the persistent thoughts. But they only intensify in the darkness of his tent, driving him to take action.
Without hesitation, he untucks his flannel and removes his gunbelt before freeing himself from his trousers. His arousal is already evident as his length throbs against his palm. Unlike you, who sought relaxation in these moments alone, Arthur seeks indulgence.
Spitting into his palm for lubrication, he grips his cock tightly and sinks his weight onto the cot, groaning at the sensation. His ankles are freed from his trousers as he spreads his legs wider, giving himself more room to move. With each stroke of his hand, he can feel the tension slowly dissipating, replaced by a raw need for pleasure.
His hand moves with urgency and desperation, his thumb frequently visits the tip of his cock gathering the liquid before slipping it down his length. The sounds of your pleasure entertain his memory, your gentle pleas for pleasure make him whimper, "take it, woman. t-take it all." He feels like a fool but he can't suppress the praises he's eager to provide, "like a g-good girl."
His moans were deep and gravelly, resonating with the same desperate desire that you had been yearning for. As he released his essence into his palm, the sticky substance leaked between his fingers. He caught his breath with his eyes tightly shut, murmuring a curse under his breath, "damn woman." Somehow, this was all your fault.
Arthur reached for a handkerchief to clean himself off, wiping away the evidence of his passion. He adjusted himself before settling onto his cot with a sense of contentment, ready to spend the evening in peaceful slumber. The quiet rustle of the sheets echoed through the room as he settled in, still feeling the lingering effects of your intense encounter.
#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan x you#arthur morgan x female reader#arthur morgan smut#red dead fanfic#rdr2 x reader#rdr2 fanfic#filed: honor among thieves.#saddleups
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A Night at the Kings Theatre
The Kings Theatre had been long abandoned by the city for over half a century, haunted by the memory of that fateful night in 1978. No one knows exactly what happened, but from tragedy arose legend. 143 people entered the auditorium that April night, prepared to see a terrifying new film just recently brought to America out of West Germany. "Der Kuss der Lust" was some sort of return to the German Expressionist Horror of the 1920's, a film scarcely heard of outside art houses in Berlin, and the hapless crowd came in droves. By the end of the showing, the police had arrived, the majority of patrons leaving the theatre in handcuffs or straightjackets. The city never released any information on the event, opting instead to board up the grand building and never speak of the subject again. That is, until 2024.
The group stared up at the Grandiose Marquee, excited for the long awaited return of their neighborhood movie palace. The four of them giddy with anticipation, they each had their tickets in hand: all found mysteriously in their post boxes that morning. Teddy stood with his mouth agape in awe at the sheer beauty of the facade, while Rod, Sabrina, and Pete gossiped amongst themselves.

"Yeah, it was literally in my mailbox this morning." Sabrina's characteristic monotone delivery making the two boys snicker.
"Girl I can tell you're sooo excited." Rod rolling his eyes at his roommate, well acquainted with her stoic persona. Pete stood looking down at his phone, trying to browse the theatre website to see what film they were about to be subjected to.
"All it says on here is 'Grand Opening Event.' It doesn't say what movie it is. OH! I bet it's that new one we've been seeing trailers all over the place about! The one with Ryan Gosling and Ross Lynch necking while Jennifer Coolidge just sits there!" Pete's boisterous and brash demeanor yet again shining through. A lack of volume control was a typical symptom of his theatre gay archetype, but nothing his friends were unprepared for.
"Shhhh. Look, they're letting people in!" Teddy hushed his little group, pointing to the tall gentleman at the door, now checking ticket stubs as the patrons slowly trickled inside. Teddy was merely along for the ride, roped into the outing by Rod, who was continuously concerned with his homebody lifestyle. "So we don't know what we're watching tonight, huh?" The three others shrugged.
"Does it really matter? It's something to do, Teddy..." Sabrina scoffing under her breath as they slowly inched toward the front doors. Teddy looked at the ticket man up ahead, his eyes sunken in and hunching over the audience members like Frankenstein's Monster.
"I bet he's in character for the movie! I've heard about this in class. They used to have all the staff act all spooky and improv with the crowd to get them in the mood for the movie! I bet it's a horror movie then!" Pete's enthusiasm was not exactly reciprocated as the boys shrugged and Sabrina rolled her eyes. Teddy felt a twinge of foreboding as they approached the towering man, each handing him their tickets. He stared at the group for a moment, the four tickets just hanging loosely from his grey fingers.
"Uh, are we good to go?" Rod stared at the man, whose head slowly turned down to meet his gaze before a demented grin crawled across his decrepit face. He bowed dramatically, waving his arm to usher them into the building, not a single utterance leaving his blue lips.
"Wow, impressive acting. Let's go, boys." Sabrina pushed the three through the open brass doors, Teddy's gaze having a hard time breaking with the strange man. His grin seemed to melt away almost instantly, returning to stonefaced indifference as he attended to the group behind.
"What the fuck was that?" Teddy turned to his group, Rod the only one taking the time to even acknowledge his query.
"Listen, they're just gettin' you in the mood! Like Pete was saying! Lighten up, man. I promise we'll take you home right after this, and you don't have to come out until next week. And we're doin' karaoke baby!" Rod nudged Teddy, whose response was a coy smile as he stared at his feet. He didn't want to be there, but for the sake of his friends he was making an effort.
The lobby was bright and opulent, the Beaux-Arts architecture perfectly coordinating with the beautiful exterior. Heavy red velvet drapes hung between the marble columns, a grand staircase likely bringing folks to the mezzanine, and a modest but well stocked concessions stand stood in the middle of the room. Historic film posters hung prominently against the walls: Casablanca, Dracula, Gone with the Wind, Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, Rebel Without A Cause, Rebecca... all with bold 'COMING SOON' stickers plastered against the glass displays.
"I guess they're doing a whole retro movies vibe! Ooh! I wanna come back to see James Dean on the Silver Screen!" Pete jumped excitedly at the prospect, running over to the poster to take a picture as Sabrina walked to concessions to get popcorn. Rod and Teddy stood there, just admiring the grandeur of the space before the chandeliers began to flicker rather ominously.
"I think that means we need to find our seats." Teddy turned to look at Rod, who was squinting at the tickets to see what seat they'd all been assigned.
"We're in something called MEZ? What the fuck does that mean?" Teddy snatched the ticket, pointing to the top of the stairs in response.
"It means mezzanine, we're upstairs." Teddy motioned to Pete to rejoin them just as Sabrina returned with a gigantic barrel of buttery popcorn, munching away. The group ascended the stone stairs, avoiding brushing against the eager spectators as they rushed to their seats.
The auditorium was equally as grand. A massive brass chandelier hung prominently above the house, boxes lining the sides of the walls above row after row of velvet seats. The group made their way to their rows: Rod and Sabrina in row 3, Pete and Teddy in row 2 immediately in front. They took their seats as the vintage concessions ad played on the massive screen. Teddy heard Rod and Sabrina bickering about roomie problems he cared nothing about, as Pete blathered on about the history of the anthropomorphic dancing popcorn box. The mood in the room was one of excitement, of anticipation, yet for Teddy... it was off. The air felt stale and stagnant, the uncanniness of the movie palace long after it's prime seemed to hang differently in his mind. It felt like a time capsule, a liminal space where time had just frozen still, waiting to swallow it's naive visitors. Perhaps it was just the social anxiety, as Rod would likely dismiss it as. Yet, for whatever reason, Teddy sat on edge and alert. The lights began to dim, and a hush fell over the auditorium as previews began to roll for the films advertised in the lobby.
"Ooooooh! Bela Lugosi was so hot. Like seriously." Pete chimed with his typically chipper demeanor, stealthily stealing a handful of Sabrina's popcorn from behind him as they whispered deep in their argument. "Like can you even blame her for falling for him? I mean come on." Teddy just nodded along, peering around him at the crowd of exceedingly normal people watching the old trailer with glee.
The trailers ended with the screams of Bette Davis and Olivia de Havilland; Hush, Hush Sweet Charotte ending it's preview as the room was flooded in blackness. Teddy swore he could faintly hear whispers emanating from all around him in the dark cavern, before the room was once again illuminated as the black and white title card brightly shone on the canvas screen. The words were in a strange font, clearly not in English.
"Durr kusss durr loost... Ahh shit is this some kind of foreign film?" Sabrina sighed and reclined back into her chair, taking solace in the handfuls of popcorn she'd been shoveling into her mouth. Teddy recognized none of the actors names as they quickly flashed before his eyes, nor could he understand any of the words in the opening credits. He didn't speak German, but he couldn't wait to rub the hiccup in Rod's face: yet another social outing turning out completely unintended. Thankfully, as the camera opened onto some old Baroque village, as dialogue began, he was relieved to see English subtitles scurrying at the bottom of the screen.
He struggled to keep up with the narrative, as the translation may have been rather poor to begin with, instead opting to focus on the increasingly strange sets these actors were traversing. From what he could tell, there was a nobleman of some sort who found a village woman he'd fallen in love with. The book was promising powers of love beyond human comprehension, and in his hubris, the nobleman tries to cast a spell of lust on the beautiful young woman.
"I mean look at the set design, it's giving Nosferatu. NO! Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.... Oooh it's so cool!" Rod nudged Pete with his shoe, shushing him as neighboring patrons shoot dirty looks in their direction. Teddy became completely enveloped in the bizarre imagery rather quickly. The film was almost dreamlike in quality, walls seemed to jut out in different directions, the lighting was dim at best and only illuminating essential props or entrances and exits for characters. The sounds of the auditorium slowly faded away into the periphery, and all that could be perceived was the muffled voices of the actors.
Time was not a consistent factor in the film, it just meandered from scene to scene, with disconcerting Dutch angles increasing dread at every turn. What felt like one minute could easily have been twenty, but fortune momentarily smiled on the encapsulated young man. Teddy felt his stomach rumble, momentarily breaking him from his trancelike state to reach behind him into their popcorn bowl. He'd fully expected a wrist slap from Sabrina, but after three or four handfuls of popcorn, that moment never came. This moment of sheer confusion pulled him out of his tunnel vision, if only to reassure Sabrina that he'd pitch in for the popcorn. As he turned around, he was met with a sight he never could have ever imagined.
Sabrina's head was turned toward Rod, and for a moment, Teddy thought they were just whispering to eachother, continuing their asinine argument over who ate the pickle chips the night before. Though as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room around him, it became clearer just what it was they were doing. Her lips were planted firmly on Rod's, his left hand slowly sliding up her thigh. Teddy quickly swiveled his head back to the screen, eyes wide with shock. Rod was a flaming queer, just as he was and just as Pete was. Sure, Sabrina was straight, but he couldn't imagine her boyfriend being thrilled at the sight of Rod necking her in a movie theatre.
"Dude! Look at their facial expressions! You don't even need subtitles, you just need to see their faces!" Pete's voice hummed distantly, being completely ignored by all around him, doing little to aid Teddy's growing discomfort. The sounds of wet, sloppy kissing began to ring out from behind him, their breaths shallow and low. Teddy's eyes darted around him, the faded outlines of the other patrons not getting any clearer, nothing but the film there to distract him. Especially as the sounds of comingling tongues abruptly came to an end, only to quickly be replaced by another more terrifying sound.
*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp* "Ahhhh yeah, baby..." It was unmistakable. That was Rod... With each stifled moan, every snarling growl and wet slurp, he could hear his friend's voice growing lower and lower. His growls becoming louder... rougher... more animalistic. Teddy stared forward, beads of sweat starting to seep out of his forehead as he listened to the two most ill-matched people get it on directly behind him. He heard their pace quicken, Sabrina's slurps turning into gags as he heard more bizarre sounds arising from behind. Creaking... The sound of shifting leather, or maybe it was tearing fabric... Or the sound of an inflating balloon... Teddy felt his breath start to quiver, as he looked down between the armrests, seeing Rod's Chuck Taylors start to wriggle and writhe. His eyes widened, seeing the black canvas fabric start to flush white, growing larger and larger. He recognized the Nike symbol starting to protrude from the sides of the sneaker, and as Rod's voice growled into an enraptured release, the Converse were now a pair of large, beat up AirForce1's, covered vulgarities written in black Sharpie. Teddy whipped his head back to the screen, Sabrina giggling as he heard the sound of a waistband snapping back to place. It was silent for a moment, Teddy too nervous to look behind him, but desperately wanting to know what happened to his friends.
"Ahhhhhhh yeah, babe." There was a thud, Teddy peering down to his right and seeing the gigantic sneaker resting on his arm rest. Taking a deep breath, he slowly turned his head. There, leaning forward with his hands on his head was Rod- or at least, someone that once was Rod. The tall, skinny little gay boy he'd befriended had been replaced with a gigantic, tattooed man. His hair cropped short, his muscles bulging, his shirt sitting on his thigh below his exposed torso now adorned with thick silver chains.

"Huhu, my bad, bro. When duty calls, am I right?" Rod grabbed onto his monstrous bulge, hiding behind the cum stained fabric of his white shorts. Teddy felt the blood rush from his head at the very sight of it. He watched as Sabrina, now equally scantily clad with tattoos, jet black hair, and devious grin mischievously slithered her hand beneath his waistband, grabbing ahold of his thick cock and slowly pumping. Rod winked at Teddy, turning again to Sabrina and kissing her once again.
Teddy whipped his head back to the screen, mortified and terrified in equal measure. He looked around him yet again, only seeing once again the dim outlines of the other patrons completely enveloped in the film before them. He turned behind him, doing his best to ignore the slimy sound of Rod's handjob to see the doors had staff members blocking each exit.
"Fuuuuuuck, bro. This shit is tight. Lemme tell you, man. I need this shit on Netflix." Teddy ignored Pete's typical unwarranted commentary, peering down over the house to see if the patrons below were also... different. Through the dark haze of the auditorium, he received his answer. The vast majority of the audience was completely enraptured with the film, not so much as flinching as they watched the nightmarish visions on screen. However, he'd started to notice the dim outlines of a couple people leaning in toward eachother. He couldn't pry his eyes away, so Teddy could only watch as he saw the patrons start to grope, kiss, and go down on eachother. A couple up front necking in the first row, two guys sliding their hands into eachother's pants in box 5, a group of what he'd assumed were bachelorettes just sliding their hands over eachother's breasts.
"Pete... Pete, we gotta get the fuck out of here." Teddy whispered to his friend, not taking his eyes off of the filth that was unraveling around them. Three seats over, one man was now bent over the railing of the balcony, three other men taking turns railing him right there in public to no outcry whatsoever. Teddy whipped his head toward Pete, still intently watching the film. "Pete! Pete, let's go!" He grabbed onto his wrist, feeling a strange rubbery texture tightly wrapped around it. He looked down, watching in terror as his friend's pristine watch slowly warped beneath his hands. Tightening until all that was left were three rubber bracelets in bright vivid colors.
Teddy's gaze slowly rose from his friend's hand as his fingernails slowly turned black. The rotund theatre gay was rapidly losing mass. His tight sweatervest growing looser and looser before his eyes. Fat seemed to shrink into nothingness as the sleeves of his shirt began to slowly rise up the length of his arms.
"Dude... I feel kinda funky, bro." The typical chipper demeanor was slowly vanishing, his eager eyes began to droop, as his short brown hair started to grow. The dark brown hairs quickly were flushed with a wash of bright blonde as it snaked out of his scalp down to the nape of his neck in sweaty, messy curls. His jawline was sharpening, his lips getting plump and thick.
"Pete... PETE!" Teddy screamed at the top of his lungs, not a single patron even flinching at the toil in his voice. "HELP! SOMETHING IS WRONG! SOMETHING IS VERY VERY WRONG!" Teddy shot up out of his seat, his ankle painfully hitting something hard. He peered down to see a heavily used skateboard resting under his friend's feet, absentmindedly rolling side to side as his loafers warped quickly into large, well worn white Vans. Teddy clamped his hand over his mouth as he followed the shifting clothes, up the khakis turning tight and ripped against lean thighs, up to the growing bulge and wet patch bulging out of his groin, up to the studded belt tightly wrapped around his lean waist.
"Heheh..." Pete's voice was growing duller, more coarse as the scent of sweat and cannabis began to waft off him. His sweatervest and shirt shrinking into a sweat stained white tee shirt, and as Teddy's gaze finally fell on Pete's face... he knew he was gone.
"Broooo this shit is sick... Oooh, man. I got a j in my pocket, man. I'll let you hit it if you let me..." Pete's fingers inched toward his belt buckle, slipping under the fabric of his jeans. "C'mon bro. Don't let Rod be the only one gettin' some dick attention tonight." He winked through the colored sunglasses hiding the red, stoned eyes behind.
"I..." Teddy nervously stood there as Pete unbuckled his pants, his twinky, sweaty hand sliding down into his underwear and wrapping around his slowly growing cock.
"Yeah, bro... Come let Petey take care of this." Teddy was lost in a moment of bliss as Pete slowly and tenderly stroked his cock in his pants, igniting the joint between his lips as he pumped.
"Whuh.... Wait... I uh... I need to go to the bathroom. Really bad. I'll be back, just give me a minute..." Pete smirked, letting his hand retract from Teddy's groin.
"Well, don't be too long, bro. My throat is waitin' for ya. Heheh." He stuck out his long tongue with a vulgar whip. Teddy wasted no time bolting toward the door, realizing only as he was chest to chest with the decrepit usher that the restrooms were merely to his right and left. The creepy man flashed the same unhinged smile, not budging an inch. Teddy burst into the men's room, leaning against the ceramic pedestal sink and peering into the mirror. He flipped the faucet, water flowing from the tap as he splashed it against his face. Then, he heard it. The creaking of leather. He looked down at his feet in horror as the New Balance sneakers he sported started to quiver and undulate.
"No... Noo... NOOO." He vigorously splashed his face with the cold water, rubbing his face like a maniac. It was only then that he started to feel the roughness around his upper lip and jaw. He couldn't bring himself to look into the mirror, as he felt hair sprout below his nose and stubble poking around his sharpening jawline. He could only peer down as he slowly began to accept his fate. The sneakers quickly stretched wide and big, a scuffed black leather replacing the grey suede as they shifted into a pair of heavy black harness boots.
His breath grew shallow and rapid, watching his sweatpants suction in tight around his inflating calves and thighs, turning slick and black. The comfortable grey Champion sweats were nearly skintight now, as if painted on atop his lengthening legs. The bottoms slipped into his boots and fastened beneath the damp fabric of his black socks, and the shiny black leather pants began to creak as his own bulge started to grow round and distended. Teddy gasped for air as he felt his shaft stretch out, a foreskin creeping over the head of his weeping cockhead, seeping into the sweat and cum inundated jockstrap now around his waist and thick ass.
"Ohhh... fuuuuuuuck." His fingernails turned black as tattoos began to sprawl from his knuckles up his swelling arms. The sweatshirt he wore felt tighter and tighter as his shoulders broadened and his torso stretched upward, taking on a lighter tone as little tears started to appear around the collar and along the seams. "Unnnnnnnnff" His voice started to dip lower and lower as the heavy sweatshirt's sleeves retracted in toward his shoulders. He felt himself sweating, wiping the sweat from his lowering brow and brushing the now frosted blonde tips of his mullet to the side. He looked at his hands, undeniably his own, yet completely unfamiliar; watching them as they slowly slipped lower toward his throbbing cock. He pulled up his weathered, well loved white tank top, the intricate ink across his rippled abs begging him to go lower and lower, his head throwing itself back as his fingers slipped into his creaking leather pants.
"Brooooooo you in here? What, didja fall in?" As he heard Petey's stoned ass voice echo off the tiled walls, he turned his head as he groped his slimy cock in his pouch. His three friends, vaguely familiar now, all sauntered in looking at him with knowing smirks. "Awww, Theo. I told ya not to get started without me."

Theo leaned on the sink, groping himself with a devilish smirk, beckoning his favorite throat goat to come gobble up his musky rod. Petey took a hit off the joint, handing it to Sabrina before getting on his knees before their bisexual bad boy. He opened his maw, Theo knowing right away what to do as he spit in Petey's eager mouth, and pulled out his throbbing dick. As the skater expertly wrapped his lips around his manhood, Theo turned to Rod and Sabrina, winking. Rod grinned.
"Yeah, boy. Gimme summa that, no homo though, bro." The 6'5 basketball stud sauntered over to his bro, planting a wet kiss onto Theo's supple, cigarette stained lips. As Sabrina took Rod's monstrous cock into her mouth, the four of them fucked in the bathroom surrounded by the stench of sex. Swapping partners at the drop of a hat, sucking face and dick with no hesitation, worshipping Theo & Rod's big smelly feet or railing Petey's tight little hole while Sabrina ate out Theo's sweaty rear. By the time the Usher came in to tell them the film was over, buckets of cum were splattered over the walls, floor, ceiling, and friends.
"Heh, c'mon guys. We can continue this back at my place." Theo wrangled his little posse of fuck buddies out of the bathroom, past the outrageous orgy slapping about in the auditorium. The four walked out of the Kings Theatre, stinking of cum and sweat in the night air, knowing fully well they'd be returning soon enough.
#male transformation#body transformation#original#transformation#musk#gay transformation#bi transformation#gay to straight#gay to bi#bad boy#transformation curse#badboy#tattoos
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L. Moholy-Nagy. Der wohlwollende Herr (Zirkusszene). [The benevolent gentleman (circus scene).]
Die Bühne im Bauhaus. Munich, 1925.
Heidelberg University
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#dr. mabuse the gambler#dr. mabuse der spieler (1922)#dr. mabuse#1920s#fritz lang#silent film#german cinema#weimar cinema#cabaret#clubs#gentleman's club#nightclubs#gambling#tumblr polls#my polls#my post
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America's most wanted

dutch van der linde x reader
summary: when being 'partners in crime' with your boyfriend gets boring, you let yourself get seduced by a handsome stranger. but... is that his only intention?
wc: 2.7k
tw: smut, power play, dub-con, cheating, abduction[?]
all pics taken from pinterest
You didn’t know why you stayed with Beau. Or Gene Finley, as his real name was. But he was so pretty the public nicknamed him Beau. Damn it, he was gorgeous and aware of that. And he chose you because of your own ethereal beauty. Not because he fell in love, though. He knew together the two of you could be the greatest partners in crime America had ever seen.
Maybe that was true. You were on the run with Beau for a few months now, and the most honest money you’ve made was through poker games. Otherwise crime was the correct way. Train robberies, even bank heists, and you got away every time. It was no secret you two were the most wanted couple in America - legally, and carnally. The beauty of you both affected everyone, no man and no woman were safe.
Did you love Beau? Probably not. But you loved life on the run. Maybe that was the reason you stayed with Beau. Easy money, and the illusion of being untouchable. Don’t forget about all the gifts he had showered you with. It would’ve been such a shame if something ruined that little paradise you’ve built, but you were oh so sure nothing could.
It was just another night of the kind where you decided to make some honest money. After all, nobody ever ended up in jail for winning a poker game. Or for cheating during the game.
Beau sat at the table with you in his lap. His hands were busy with cards, so it was your job to keep the right amount of whiskey in his blood, and just enough smoke in his lungs. With every sip or drag you took, you then brought the cigarette to your boyfriend’s mouth.
But the game was boring to you. It could go on for a long time, and you knew nothing about poker. The eventual money was worth it, but your slightly hazed with whiskey mind wouldn’t mind a little entertainment. A different type of entertainment.
Your eyes scanned the room and all the other guests of the parlor. One gentleman caught your eye, dressed almost as fine as your Beau. Except the man looked older, you could guess his mid forties. His black hair was neatly combed back. The black coat he wore was well-tailored, but you could see it was slightly weathered. A golden chain peaked from underneath it, matching those golden rings on his fingers you noticed when he brought a cigar to his lips.
And he was looking at you just as much as you were looking at him. Thinking of an excuse to approach, you downed the whiskey you were sharing with your boyfriend.
You leaned in to whisper into Beau's ear, “I’m gonna go for a refill.”
Beau barely acknowledged you, too focused on the cards in his hand. He gave a small nod. “Don’t take too long sweetheart,” he murmured.
You slid off his lap, letting your fingers trail along his shoulder before moving away. You weren’t worried about him watching you. He was too confident to ever think you’d ever express interest in another man, too full of himself to ever notice that was exactly what you were about to do.
The stranger didn’t even pretend to look away, he made it clear he was awaiting your approach. You expected him to say something as soon as you’d approach the bar, where he stood, and you weren’t wrong.
“You know,” he said immediately, “a man would be a fool to let a woman like you wander off alone in a place like this.”
You turned your head slightly, firstly looking at his mustache before his gaze. Up close, he was even more intimidating. Sharp eyes, dark and intelligent, and a smirk that gave you an idea of what he had planned for the night.
“Good thing I don’t belong to a fool then,” you replied, keeping at least the initial facade of decency. You couldn’t just throw yourself at a stranger for the thrill of it.
The man chuckled, taking a slow drag from his cigar before exhaling the smoke to the side. “Who do you belong to then, miss?”
There was no hesitation. “Nobody.” How indecent that was.
“I don’t think the man in the white suit would be happy to hear that.”
“Beau and I are a… mutually beneficial arrangement.”
The man chuckled. “Doesn’t that ever get dull?”
“Maybe,” you paused to take a sip of your drink, “that depends.”
“On what?”
“On whether someone makes me a better offer.”
“I do like a woman who knows her worth,” the stranger mused.
Oh, you knew your worth well. You were aware of how big the bounty on your head was.
The man added, “And I make damn fine offers.”
You arched an eyebrow at the statement. “What a bold thing to say. I wonder if you could back it up, mister…”
“Van der Linde,” he finally introduced himself. “I’m renting a room just upstairs, why don’t we go and find out?”
For a moment you pretended to hesitate. Even gave the man a look of disbelief to give him the idea of possible rejection. “And how would the man in the white suit react to that?” You chuckled.
“He won’t even notice. I promise not to ruin you too much.” His hand slid gently to your lower back, just enough to guide you away from the bar, toward the staircase leading to the rooms upstairs.
You didn’t look back. Not at the poker table where Beau was still lost in his game. Something told you he wouldn’t notice you were gone. Maybe he wouldn’t even expect an excuse once you return. You just followed Dutch van der Linde, eager to see just how good his offer really was.
He didn’t bother to lock the door as he shrugged his jacket off, while you attempted to untie your corset. However, he stopped you, landing his hands on yours. You looked at the man standing behind you, or rather at his reflection in the mirror you were in front of.
“I doubt there’s time for this, miss,” he said. “We don’t wanna keep anyone waiting, now, do we?”
You were about to answer, but you failed when you suddenly felt the man’s lips on one side of your neck. He wasn’t marking you, his kisses were gentle. He wasn’t going to leave any signs of what was about to take place in the room.
He guided you to the bed, soft pressure urging you down, laying your chest on the mattress. You didn’t resist. The wetness between your thighs grew hotter at the thought of being used by a man you barely knew. Hell, you didn’t know him at all, and yet there he was, hiking up your skirts and pulling down your undergarments.
But before he freed his cock, he crouched down behind you. His face was perfectly lined up with your dripping cunt. The sight made him wanna devour you whole, and soon his mouth came into contact with your needy folds.
You wanted to stop the moans from leaving your mouth, but you couldn’t. His mouth was performing some kind of magic on you, and you never wanted it to stop. It was something new, something you weren’t used to, but it felt so good you could come on command right there.
When suddenly the man pulled away and stood up again.
You turned your head just enough to catch his gaze. “You know, I was enjoying this,” you whispered with a teasing smile.
“Don’t worry, miss, I have other tricks up my sleeve.”
You were gently guided to rest your chest against the bed again. Then, the man took your wrists and you felt him tie them together behind your back with something soft but durable. You didn’t protest, the restraint turning you on.
Neither did you protest when he pushed a scarf into your mouth.
“Wouldn’t want anyone downstairs to hear us,” he explained.
Something about being so helpless turned you on even more. Your cunt was practically begging for him to enter it already. Hands tied and mouth gagged, you were completely at a strangers mercy, and it gave you goosebumps.
You could hear Dutch undo his pants. Dutch van der Linde was a man who didn’t waste time, because he knew time is money.
Then, he slapped your ass, making you jolt a little, and a moan drowned in the fabric stuffed inside your mouth.
“Look at you,” the man teased, pushing just the tip inside your welcoming walls. “I bet that boy of yours doesn’t even know how desperate you get.”
You wouldn’t have replied even if you weren’t gagged. Your mind went simply blank. And as he pushed into you, stretching you with his girth, you were practically seeing stars behind your eyelids.
Your eyes were closed when you fantasized about the aftermath. Would Beau notice something was different about you? Would he hold you and kiss you and completely miss the fact your body was still worked up over another man’s touch? Or when he fucks you later on, would he notice he’s sinking his cock into the remains of another man’s release?
Just then, as if reading your mind, Dutch spoke, “You like this, hm? Knowing he’s there, while you’re up here taking my cock.”
You nodded, your body already trembling with pleasure.
Did Beau notice you’re gone yet? Or was he too focused on his little game still? As you remembered that the door wasn’t locked, you felt an additional wave of excitement. What if Beau decided to leave the game and look for you? What if something would’ve told him to check this specific room? What if he walked in on another man rearranging his girlfriend’s guts?
These thoughts combined with the skilled pacing of the man behind you sent you over the edge. Your lower belly tensed with pleasure that threatened to spill any moment now. Dutch felt it by the way your cunt gripped him tighter.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” Dutch asked, but he didn’t expect an answer. “Gonna cum over the fact that you’re cheating on your boyfriend? Like a whore?”
You whined into the fabric in your mouth, and when Dutch’s hand dived down to stimulate your clit, the tension in your body finally found its release.
The orgasm consumed you like a fire. Thighs trembling, brain empty, and your cunt spasming around Dutch’s cock. It had practically milked him, sending him towards his own high as well.
“Oh, fuck,” was all he managed to groan right before you felt him shoot his release inside you.
His cock was twitching with the seed that left his body as he buried himself balls deep. Your body was pressed into the mattress by the weight of the man’s own body as he ground his hips into your ass.
You felt him pull your undergarments up and get your skirt back in its place so that it covered you. Next should have been the fabric around your wrists, and the one inside your mouth. But that moment never came. Instead, Dutch grabbed you and turned to look at him
He was holding a gun. Pointed at you, which made your heart beat faster. You’ve never been in a position like this. Every time you were the one holding the gun. For the first time you were on the other hand, and you didn’t like it. For the first time a man outsmarted you.
You started to panic. He grabbed you and tried to drag you outside, but you fought. So he threw you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing. Where was this man taking you?
His cum dripping out of you, mixed with your own release, made a mess inside your undergarments, and added to the discomfort you felt. Dutch walked out of the door, you hanging over his shoulder, and sneaked through the door that led to the balcony. From there, it was quite easy to reach the stairs and sneak off into the night without anyone noticing.
Maybe Beau would have saved you, only if he knew what was happening. Only if he didn’t find out what you had done. But he was still at the table, you caught a glimpse of him through the window when Dutch threw you over the back of his horse.
It wasn’t that you didn’t fight back. You tried to yank himself away from the man before you were thrown onto his horse. But Dutch was way stronger than you. So you ended up over the back of his horse, being taken somewhere you didn’t expect.
“You really are a piece of work, miss,” he mused with a chuckle.
You squirmed, unable to do anything, but the bastard only reached one hand to adjust you so that you didn’t fall off his horse. You wanted to scream, wanted to bite, scratch, anything, but Dutch only chuckled at your struggles.
The horse came to a sudden stop after a short time. You looked up, and your eyes widened at the sight of the sheriff’s office.
“You were real pretty, darling. Fun, too. But I’m a businessman and I take my opportunities when I see them.” Dutch dismounted off his horse, and hauled you off to your feet.
You started struggling against his grip again, after all your feet were free. If you managed to escape his grasp, you could run away. But his hands held you tightly, so he dragged you up the few steps and walked inside where the sheriff slept in his chair, feet up on the desk.
Dutch barely hesitated before slamming his boot against the desk, jarring the man awake.
"What the—!" The sheriff jolted upright, fumbling for his rifle before his eyes focused on the two of you.
Dutch smirked. "I believe I have something valuable for you, Sheriff.”
You kicked out, nearly slipping from his grasp, but he yanked you back, making you stumble.
The sheriff blinked, squinting at you. Then his face lit up with recognition. "Well, I'll be damned. Ain't this the lil’ lady on that wanted poster?"
Dutch patted your shoulder like you were old friends. "The very one who rode with Finley."
The sheriff walked over to intercept you from Dutch. “Money’s on the desk, mister. Thank you for helping us catch her, she’ll lead us to Beau. Won’t she?” He looked at you and took the fabric out of your mouth right before opening the cell and throwing you in there.
Dutch, having counted the money to check if the amount is correct, added, “Actually, he might be at the saloon, gambling money away.”
“Oh really?”
You protested in panic, “He’s lying! Beau is— well, I don’t know where, but— he’s, he’s… ugh, fuck!”
The sheriff laughed, “I had no idea America’s most wanted woman would be that… well, that. With all the stories going around about her, I didn’t expect anyone to deliver her alive.”
“Well, everyone cracks just under the right amount of pressure,” Dutch stated, tipping his hat before heading to the door. Then, he turned directly at you, “Expect to see your boyfriend here soon. It’ll be a pleasure to watch you two get hanged together. So romantic, wouldn’t that be?”
You gritted your teeth, lunging at the bars with all your strength. “You son of a bitch!” Your heart pounded and a cold, genuine fear settled in your chest. Dutch had played you perfectly, luring you in with the promise of pleasure, of a nice change from your boring boyfriend, right before selling you off like you were nothing more than another opportunity to him.
Dutch only chuckled, amused by your rage. “Now, now, sweetheart. You play with fire, you’re bound to get burned. Excuse me, but I have another bounty to deliver.”
And with that, he was gone. But you knew he was going to return shortly, with your boyfriend. And perhaps on the next day at the same hour, there would be no more you and Beau.
#dutch van der linde x reader#rdr2#rdr2 community#rdr2 x reader#red dead redemption 2#rdr2 fanfic#red dead redemption 2 x reader#dutch van der linde smut#red dead redemption 2 smut#rdr2 smut
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The painting depicts a girl in mourning attire with a tearful face gazing at us with a resigned expression. The young girl, possibly in her teenage years, is dressed modestly in a middle-class style.
A persistent wealthy man is leaning over the wooden partition behind his seat to try to talk to the visibly uninterested young girl. Dressed in a flawless suit paired with a bow tie, adorned with glasses and a stylish hat, he leans in with an almost suggestive grin while holding a cigarette. The elderly companion he is meant to share his space with looks away, perhaps feeling uncomfortable about the man's clearly unsuitable attempt.
The young woman immediately grabs our attention, as she highlights that there is nothing amusing about this situation, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Her dignified expression conceals her suffering caused by the irritating gentleman's disrespect, showing the full seriousness of the situation. The young woman only shows her sadness through her face and nowhere else on her body. One could argue that Berthold Woltze's painting possesses a significant moralistic significance.
The Irritating Gentleman (Der lästige Kavalier in his native German) is the most famous painting by Berthold Woltze, a German genre painter and professor. This is his most notable work, which is what the general public mainly recognizes him for. It showcases the beauty of narrative genre painting through everyday scenes captured in a single snapshot.
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