#Deploy application in openshift using container images
govindhtech · 8 days
Red Hat Openshift Virtualization Unlocks APEX Cloud Platform
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Dell APEX Cloud Platform
With flexible storage and integrated virtualization, you may achieve operational simplicity. In the quickly changing technological world of today, efficiency is hampered by complexity. The difficult task of overseeing complex systems, a variety of workloads, and the need to innovate while maintaining flawless operations falls on IT experts. Dell Technologies and Red Hat have developed robust new capabilities for Dell APEX Cloud Platform for Red Hat Openshift Virtualization that are assisting enterprises in streamlining their IT systems.
Openshift Virtualization
Utilize Integrated Virtualization to Simplify and Optimize
Many firms are reevaluating their virtualization strategy as the use of AI and containers picks up speed, along with upheavals in the virtualization industry. Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization, which offers a contemporary platform for enterprises to operate, deploy, and manage new and current virtual machine workloads together with containers and AI/ML workloads, is now included by default in APEX Cloud Platform for Red Hat OpenShift. Operations are streamlined by having everything managed on a single platform.
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APEX Cloud Platform
Adaptable Infrastructure for All Tasks
Having the appropriate infrastructure to handle your workload needs is essential for a successful virtualization strategy. An increased selection of storage choices is now available with APEX Cloud Platform for Red Hat OpenShift to accommodate any performance demands and preferred footprint. Block storage is needed by the APEX Cloud Platform Foundation Software, which offers all of the interface with Red Hat Openshift Virtualization.
For clients that want a smaller footprint, Dell have added PowerStore and Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation to the list of block storage choices available from PowerFlex. In order to avoid making redundant expenditures, customers may use the PowerStore and PowerFlex appliances that are already in place.
Customers may easily connect to any of Their business storage solutions for additional storage to meet their block, file, and object demands. This is particularly crucial for the increasing amount of AI workloads that need PowerScale and ObjectScale’s file and object support.
Support for a range of NVIDIA GPUs and Intel 5th Generation Xeon Processors further increases this versatility and improves performance for your most demanding applications.
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Continuity Throughout Your Red Hat OpenShift Estate
Red Hat OpenShift 4.14 and 4.16 support is now available in the APEX Cloud Platform, adding a new degree of uniformity to your Red Hat OpenShift estate along with features like CPU hot plug and the option to choose a single node for live migration to improve OpenShift Virtualization. This lessens the complexity often involved in maintaining numerous software versions, streamlining IT processes for increased productivity.
Red Hat Virtualization
Red Hat OpenShift includes Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization, an integrated platform that gives enterprises a contemporary way to run and manage their virtual machine (VM) workloads, both new and old. The system makes it simple to move and maintain conventional virtual machines to a reliable, dependable, and all-inclusive hybrid cloud application platform.
By using the speed and ease of a cloud-native application platform, OpenShift Virtualization provides a way to modernize infrastructure while maintaining the investments made in virtualization and adhering to contemporary management practices.
What advantages does Red Hat OpenShift virtualization offer?
Simple transfer: The Migration Toolkit for Virtualization that comes with Red Hat Openshift Virtualization makes it easy to move virtual machines (VMs) from different hypervisors. Even VMs can be moved to the cloud. Red Hat Services offers mentor-based advice along the route, including the Virtualization move Assessment, if you need practical assistance with your move.
Reduce the time to manufacture: Simplify application delivery and infrastructure with a platform that facilitates self-service choices and CI/CD pipeline interfaces. Developers may accelerate time to market by building, testing, and deploying workloads more quickly using Red Hat Openshift Virtualization.
Utilize a single platform to handle everything: One platform for virtual machines (VMs), containers, and serverless applications is provided by OpenShift Virtualization, simplifying operations. As a consequence, you may use a shared, uniform set of well-known corporate tools to manage all workloads and standardize the deployment of infrastructure.
A route towards modernizing infrastructure: Red Hat Openshift Virtualization allows you to operate virtual machines (VMs) that have been migrated from other platforms, allowing you to maximize your virtualization investments while using cloud-native architectures, faster operations and administration, and innovative development methodologies.
How does Red Hat OpenShift virtualization operate?
Included with every OpenShift subscription is Red Hat Openshift Virtualization. The same way they would for a containerized application, it allows infrastructure architects to design and add virtualized apps to their projects using OperatorHub.
With the help of simple, free migration tools, virtual machines already running on other platforms may be moved to the OpenShift application platform. On the same Red Hat OpenShift nodes, the resultant virtual machines will operate alongside containers.
Update your approach to virtualization
Virtualization managers need to adjust as companies adopt containerized systems and embrace digital transformation. Teams may benefit from infrastructure that enables VMs and containers to be managed by the same set of tools, on a single, unified platform, using Red Hat Openshift Virtualization.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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qcs01 · 2 months
Becoming a Red Hat Certified OpenShift Application Developer (DO288)
In today's dynamic IT landscape, containerization has become a crucial skill for developers and system administrators. Red Hat's OpenShift platform is at the forefront of this revolution, providing a robust environment for managing containerized applications. For professionals aiming to validate their skills and expertise in this area, the Red Hat Certified OpenShift Application Developer (DO288) certification is a prestigious and highly valued credential. This blog post will delve into what the DO288 certification entails, its benefits, and tips for success.
What is the Red Hat Certified OpenShift Application Developer (DO288) Certification?
The DO288 certification focuses on developing, deploying, and managing applications on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. OpenShift is a Kubernetes-based platform that automates the process of deploying and scaling applications. The DO288 exam tests your ability to design, build, and deploy cloud-native applications on OpenShift.
Why Pursue the DO288 Certification?
Industry Recognition: Red Hat certifications are globally recognized and respected in the IT industry. Obtaining the DO288 credential can significantly enhance your professional credibility and open up new career opportunities.
Skill Validation: The certification validates your expertise in OpenShift, ensuring you have the necessary skills to handle real-world challenges in managing containerized applications.
Career Advancement: With the increasing adoption of containerization and Kubernetes, professionals with OpenShift skills are in high demand. This certification can lead to roles such as OpenShift Developer, DevOps Engineer, and Cloud Architect.
Competitive Edge: In a competitive job market, having the DO288 certification on your resume sets you apart from other candidates, showcasing your commitment to staying current with the latest technologies.
Exam Details and Preparation
The DO288 exam is performance-based, meaning you will be required to perform tasks on a live system rather than answering multiple-choice questions. This format ensures that certified professionals possess practical, hands-on skills.
Key Exam Topics:
Managing application source code with Git.
Creating and deploying applications from source code.
Managing application builds and image streams.
Configuring application environments using environment variables, ConfigMaps, and Secrets.
Implementing health checks to ensure application reliability.
Scaling applications to meet demand.
Securing applications with OpenShift’s security features.
Preparation Tips:
Training Courses: Enroll in Red Hat's official DO288 training course. This course provides comprehensive coverage of the exam objectives and includes hands-on labs to practice your skills.
Hands-on Practice: Set up a lab environment to practice the tasks outlined in the exam objectives. Familiarize yourself with the OpenShift web console and command-line interface (CLI).
Study Guides and Resources: Utilize Red Hat’s official study guides and documentation. Online communities and forums can also be valuable resources for tips and troubleshooting advice.
Mock Exams: Take practice exams to assess your readiness and identify areas where you need further study.
Real-World Applications
Achieving the DO288 certification equips you with the skills to:
Develop and deploy microservices and containerized applications.
Automate the deployment and scaling of applications using OpenShift.
Enhance application security and reliability through best practices and OpenShift features.
These skills are crucial for organizations looking to modernize their IT infrastructure and embrace cloud-native development practices.
The Red Hat Certified OpenShift Application Developer (DO288) certification is an excellent investment for IT professionals aiming to advance their careers in the field of containerization and cloud-native application development. By validating your skills with this certification, you can demonstrate your expertise in one of the most sought-after technologies in the industry today. Prepare thoroughly, practice diligently, and take the leap to become a certified OpenShift Application Developer.
For more information about the DO288 certification and training courses
For more details www.hawkstack.com 
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akrnd085 · 4 months
OpenShift vs Kubernetes: A Detailed Comparison
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When it comes to managing and organizing containerized applications there are two platforms that have emerged. Kubernetes and OpenShift. Both platforms share the goal of simplifying deployment, scaling and operational aspects of application containers. However there are differences between them. This article offers a comparison of OpenShift vs Kubernetes highlighting their features, variations and ideal use cases.
What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes (often referred to as K8s) is an open source platform designed for orchestrating containers. It automates tasks such as deploying, scaling and managing containerized applications. Originally developed by Google and later donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Kubernetes has now become the accepted industry standard for container management.
Key Features of Kubernetes Pods: Within the Kubernetes ecosystem, pods serve as the units for deploying applications. They encapsulate one or multiple containers.
Service Discovery and Load Balancing: With Kubernetes containers can be exposed through DNS names or IP addresses. Additionally it has the capability to distribute network traffic across instances in case a container experiences traffic.
Storage Orchestration: The platform seamlessly integrates with storage systems such as on premises or public cloud providers based on user preferences.
Automated. Rollbacks: Kubernetes facilitates rolling updates while also providing a mechanism to revert back to versions when necessary.
What is OpenShift? OpenShift, developed by Red Hat, is a container platform based on Kubernetes that provides an approach to creating, deploying and managing applications in a cloud environment. It enhances the capabilities of Kubernetes by incorporating features and tools that contribute to an integrated and user-friendly platform.
Key Features of OpenShift Tools for Developers and Operations: OpenShift offers an array of tools that cater to the needs of both developers and system administrators.
Enterprise Level Security: It incorporates security features that make it suitable for industries with regulations.
Seamless Developer Experience: OpenShift includes a built in integration/ deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, source to image (S2I) functionality, as well as support for various development frameworks.
Service Mesh and Serverless Capabilities: It supports integration with Istio based service mesh. Offers Knative, for serverless application development.
Comparison; OpenShift, vs Kubernetes 1. Installation and Setup: Kubernetes can be set up manually. Using tools such as kubeadm, Minikube or Kubespray.
OpenShift offers an installer that simplifies the setup process for complex enterprise environments.
2. User Interface: Kubernetes primarily relies on the command line interface although it does provide a web based dashboard.
OpenShift features a comprehensive and user-friendly web console.
3. Security: Kubernetes provides security features and relies on third party tools for advanced security requirements.
OpenShift offers enhanced security with built in features like Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and stricter default policies.
4. CI/CD Integration: Kubernetes requires tools for CI/CD integration.
OpenShift has an integrated CI/CD pipeline making it more convenient for DevOps practices.
5. Pricing: Kubernetes is open source. Requires investment in infrastructure and expertise.
OpenShift is a product with subscription based pricing.
6. Community and Support; Kubernetes has a community, with support.
OpenShift is backed by Red Hat with enterprise level support.
7. Extensibility: Kubernetes: It has an ecosystem of plugins and add ons making it highly adaptable.
OpenShift:It builds upon Kubernetes. Brings its own set of tools and features.
Use Cases Kubernetes:
It is well suited for organizations seeking a container orchestration platform, with community support.
It works best for businesses that possess the technical know-how to effectively manage and scale Kubernetes clusters.
It serves as a choice for enterprises that require a container solution accompanied by integrated developer tools and enhanced security measures.
Particularly favored by regulated industries like finance and healthcare where security and compliance are of utmost importance.
Conclusion Both Kubernetes and OpenShift offer capabilities for container orchestration. While Kubernetes offers flexibility along with a community, OpenShift presents an integrated enterprise-ready solution. Upgrading Kubernetes from version 1.21 to 1.22 involves upgrading the control plane and worker nodes separately. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a smooth and error-free upgrade process. The selection between the two depends on the requirements, expertise, and organizational context.
Example Code Snippet: Deploying an App on Kubernetes
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: myapp-pod
app: myapp
- name: myapp-container
image: myapp:1.0 This YAML file is an example of deploying a simple application on Kubernetes. It defines a Pod with a single container running ‘myapp’.
In conclusion, both OpenShift vs Kubernetes offer robust solutions for container orchestration, each with its unique strengths and use cases. The choice between them should be based on organizational requirements, infrastructure, and the level of desired security and integration.
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computingpostcom · 2 years
Logging is a useful mechanism for both application developers and cluster administrators. It helps with monitoring and troubleshooting of application issues. Containerized applications by default write to standard output. These logs are stored in the local ephemeral storage. They are lost as soon as the container. To solve this problem, logging to persistent storage is often used. Routing to a central logging system such as Splunk and Elasticsearch can then be done. In this blog, we will look into using a splunk universal forwarder to send data to splunk. It contains only the essential tools needed to forward data. It is designed to run with minimal CPU and memory. Therefore, it can easily be deployed as a side car container in a kubernetes cluster. The universal forwarder has configurations that determine which and where data is sent. Once data has been forwarded to splunk indexers, it is available for searching. The figure below shows a high level architecture of how splunk works: Benefits of using splunk universal forwarder It can aggregate data from different input types It supports autoload balancing. This improves resiliency by buffering data when necessary and sending to available indexers. The deployment server can be managed remotely. All the administrative activities can be done remotely. Splunk Universal Forwarders provide a reliable and secure data collection process. Scalability of Splunk Universal Forwarders is very flexible. Setup Pre-requisites: The following are required before we proceed: A working Kubernetes or Openshift container platform cluster Kubectl or oc command line tool installed on your workstation. You should have administrative rights A working splunk cluster with two or more indexers STEP 1: Create a persistent volume We will first deploy the persistent volume if it does not already exist. The configuration file below uses a storage class cephfs. You will need to change your configuration accordingly. The following guides can be used to set up a ceph cluster and deploy a storage class: Install Ceph 15 (Octopus) Storage Cluster on Ubuntu Ceph Persistent Storage for Kubernetes with Cephfs Create the persistent volume claim: $ vim pvc_claim.yaml kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: cephfs-claim spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany storageClassName: cephfs resources: requests: storage: 1Gi Create the persistent volume claim: kubectl apply -f pvc_claim.yaml Look at the PersistentVolumeClaim: $ kubectl get pvc cephfs-claim NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE cephfs-claim Bound pvc-19c8b186-699b-456e-afdc-bcbaba633c98 1Gi RWX cephfs 3s STEP 2: Deploy an app and mount the persistent volume Next, We will deploy our application. Notice that we mount the path “/var/log” to the persistent volume. This is the data we need to persist. $ vim test-pod.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test-app spec: containers: - name: app image: centos command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["-c", "while true; do echo $(date -u) >> /var/log/test.log; sleep 5; done"] volumeMounts: - name: persistent-storage mountPath: /var/log volumes: - name: persistent-storage persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: cephfs-claim Deploy the application: kubectl apply -f test-pod.yaml STEP 3: Create a configmap We will then deploy a configmap that will be used by our container. The configmap has two crucial configurations: Inputs.conf: This contains configurations on which data is forwarded. Outputs.conf : This contains configurations on where the data is forwarded to. You will need to change the configmap configurations to suit your needs. $ vim configmap.yaml kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: configs data: outputs.conf: |-
[indexAndForward] index = false [tcpout] defaultGroup = splunk-uat forwardedindex.filter.disable = true indexAndForward = false [tcpout:splunk-uat] server = # Splunk indexer IP and Port useACK = true autoLB = true inputs.conf: |- [monitor:///var/log/*.log] # Where data is read from disabled = false sourcetype = log index = microservices_uat # This index should already be created on the splunk environment Deploy the configmap: kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml STEP 4: Deploy the Splunk universal forwarder Finally, We will deploy an init container alongside the splunk universal forwarder container. This will help with copying the configmap configuration contents into the splunk universal forwarder container. $ vim splunk_forwarder.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: splunkforwarder labels: app: splunkforwarder spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: splunkforwarder template: metadata: labels: app: splunkforwarder spec: initContainers: - name: volume-permissions image: busybox imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent command: ['sh', '-c', 'cp /configs/* /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/'] volumeMounts: - mountPath: /configs name: configs - name: confs mountPath: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local containers: - name: splunk-uf image: splunk/universalforwarder:latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent env: - name: SPLUNK_START_ARGS value: --accept-license - name: SPLUNK_PASSWORD value: ***** - name: SPLUNK_USER value: splunk - name: SPLUNK_CMD value: add monitor /var/log/ volumeMounts: - name: container-logs mountPath: /var/log - name: confs mountPath: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local volumes: - name: container-logs persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: cephfs-claim - name: confs emptyDir: - name: configs configMap: name: configs defaultMode: 0777 Deploy the container: kubectl apply -f splunk_forwarder.yaml Verify that the splunk universal forwarder pods are running: $ kubectl get pods | grep splunkforwarder splunkforwarder-7ff865fc8-4ktpr 1/1 Running 0 76s STEP 5: Check if logs are written to splunk Login to splunk and do a search to verify that logs are streaming in. Splunk_Logs You should be able to see your logs.
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codecraftshop · 4 years
Deploy application in openshift using container images
Deploy application in openshift using container images
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Deploy container app using OpenShift Container Platform running on-premises,openshift deploy docker image cli,openshift deploy docker image command line,how to deploy docker image in openshift,how to deploy image in openshift,deploy image in openshift,deploy…
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venatrix191-blog · 5 years
Use the power of kubernetes with Openshift Origin
Get the most modern and powerful Openshift OKD subscription with VENATRIX.
OpenShift Origin / OKD is an open source cloud development Platform as a Service (PaaS). This cloud-based platform allows developers to create, test and run their applications and deploy them to the cloud.
Automate the Build, Deployment and Management of your Applications with openshift Origin Platform.
OpenShift is suitable for any application, language, infrastructure, and industry. Using OpenShift helps developers to use their resources more efficiently and flexible, improve monitoring and maintenance, harden the applications security and overall make the developer experience a lot better. Venatrix’s OpenShift Services are infrastructure independent and therefore any industry can benefit from it.
What is openshift Origin?
Red Hat OpenShift Origin is a multifaceted, open source container application platform from Red Hat Inc. for the development, deployment and management of applications. OpenShift Origin Best vps hosting container Platform can deploy on a public, private or hybrid cloud that helps to deploy the applications with the use of Docker containers. It is built on top of Kubernetes and gives you tools like a web console and CLI to manage features like load balancing and horizontal scaling. It simplifies operations and development for cloud native applications.
Red Hat OpenShift Origin Container Platform helps the organization develop, deploy, and manage existing and container-based apps seamlessly across physical, virtual, and public cloud infrastructures. Its built on proven open source technologies and helps application development and IT operations teams modernize applications, deliver new services, and accelerate development processes.
Developers can quickly and easily create applications and deploy them. With S2I (Source-to-Image), a developer can even deploy his code without needing to create a container first. Operators can leverage placement and policy to orchestrate environments that meet their best practices. It makes the development and operations work fluently together when combining them in a single platform. It deploys Docker containers, it gives the ability to run multiple languages, frameworks and databases on the same platform. Easily deploy microservices written in Java, Python, PHP or other languages.
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What Are The Best Devops Tools That Should Be Used In 2022?
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Actually, that's a marketing stunt let me rephrase that by saying what are the best tools for developers and operators and everything in between in 2022 and you can call it devops  I split them into different categories so let me read the list and that's ids terminals shell packaging Kubernetes distribution serverless Github progressive delivery infrastructures code programming language cloud logging monitoring deployment security dashboards pipelines and workflows service mesh and backups I will not go into much details about each of those tools that would take hours but I will provide the links to videos or descriptions or useful information about each of the tools in this blog. If you want to see a  link to the home page of the tool or some useful information let's get going.
Let's start with ids the tool you should be using the absolute winner in all aspects is visual studio code it is open source it is free it has a massive community massive amount of plugins there is nothing you cannot do with visual studio code so ids clear winner visual studio code that's what you should be using next are terminals, unlike many others that recommend an item or this or different terminals I recommend you use a terminal that is baked into visual studio code it's absolutely awesome you cannot go wrong and you have everything in one place you write your code you write your manifest you do whatever you're doing and you have a terminal baked in using the terminal in visual studio code there is no need to use an external terminal shell the best shell you can use you will feel at home and it features some really great things.
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Experience if you're using windows then install wsl or windows subsystem for Linux and then install ssh and of my ssh next packaging how do we package applications today that's containers containers containers actually we do not packages containers we package container images that are a standard now it doesn't matter whether you're deploying to Kubernetes whether you're deploying directly to docker whether you're using serverless even most serverless today solutions allow you to run containers that means that you must and pay attention that didn't say should you must package your applications as container images with few exceptions if you're creating clips or desktop applications then package it whatever is the native for that operating system that's the only exception everything else container images doesn't matter where you're deploying it and how should you build those container images you should be building it with docker desktop docker.
if you're building locally and you shouldn't be building locally if you're building through some cicd pipelines so whichever other means that it's outside of your laptop use kubernetes is the best solution to build container images today next in line kubernetes distribution or service or platform which one should you use and that depends where you're running your stuff if it's in cloud use whatever your provider is offering you're most likely not going to change the provider because of kubernetes service but if you're indifferent and you can choose any provider to run your kubernetes clusters then gke google kubernetes engine is the best choice it is ahead of everybody else that difference is probably not sufficient for you to change your provider but if you're undecided where to run it then google cloud is the place but if you're using on-prem servers then probably the best solution is launcher unless you have very strict and complicated security requirements then you should go with upper shift if you want operational simplicity and simplicity in any form or way then go with launcher if you have tight security needs then openshift is the thing finally if you want to run kubernetes cluster locally then it's k3d k3d is the best way to run kubernetes cluster locally you can run a single cluster multi-cluster single node multi-node and it's lightning fast it takes couple of seconds to create a cluster and it uses minimal amount of resources it's awesome try it out serverless and that really depends what type of serverless you want if you want functions as a service aws lambda is the way to go they were probably the first ones to start at least among big providers and they are leading that area but only for functions as a service.
If you wanted containers as a service type of serverless and i think you should want containers as a service anyways if you want containers as a service flavor of serverless then google cloud run is the best option in the market today finally if you would like to run serverless on-prem then k native which is actually the engine behind the google cloud run anyways k native is the way to go if you want to run serverless workloads in your own clusters on-prem githubs and here i do not have a clear recommendation because both argo cd and flux are awesome they have some differences there are some weaknesses pros and cons for each and they cannot make up my mind both of them are awesome and it's like arms race you know cold war as soon as one gets a cool feature the other one gets it as well and then the circle continues both of them are more or less equally good you cannot go wrong with either progressive delivery is in a similar situation you can use algorithms or flagger you're probably going to choose one or the other depending on which github solution you chose because argo rollouts works very well with dargo cd flagger works exceptionally well with the flux and you cannot go wrong with either you're most likely going to choose the one that belongs to the same family as the github's tool that you choose previously infrastructure is code has two winners in this case one is terraform terraform is the leader of the market it has the biggest community it is stable it exists for a long time and everybody is using it you cannot go wrong with terraform but if you want to get a glimpse of the future of potential future we don't know the future but potential future with additional features especially if you want something that is closer to kubernetes that is closer to the ecosystem of kubernetes then you should go with crossplane.
In my case i'm combining both i'm still having most of my workloads in terraform and then transitioning slowly to cross plane when that makes sense for programming languages it depends really what you're doing if you're working on a front end and i it's javascript there is nothing else in the world everything is javascript don't even bother looking for something else for everything else go is the way to go that that rhymes right go is the way to go excellent go is the language that everybody is using today i mean not everybody minority of us are using go but it is increasing in polarity greatly especially if you're working on microservices or smaller applications footprint of go is very small it is lightning fast just try it out if you haven't already if for no other reason you should put go on your curriculum because it's all the hype and for a very good reason it has its problems every language has its problems but you should use it even if that's only for hobby projects next inline cloud which provider should be using i cannot answer the question aws is great azure is great google cloud is great if you want to save money at the expense of the catalog of the offers and the stability and whatsoever then go with linux or digitalocean personally when i can choose and i have to choose then i go with google cloud as for logging solutions if you're in cloud go with whatever your cloud provider is giving you as long as that is not too expensive for your budget.
If you have to choose something else something outside of the offering of your cloud use logs is awesome it's very similar to prometus it works well it has low memory and cpu footprint if you're choosing your own solution instead of going with whatever provider is giving you lockheed is the way to go for monitoring it's prometheus you have to have promote use even if you choose something else you will have to have prometheus on top of that something else for a simple reason that many of the tools frameworks applications what's or not are assuming that you're using promit use from it you see is the de facto standard and you will use it even if you already decided to use something else because it is unavoidable and it's awesome at the same time for deployment mechanisms packaging templating i have two i cannot make up my mind i use customize and i use helm and you should probably combine both because they have different strengths and weaknesses if you're an operator and you're not tasked to empower developers then customize is a better choice no doubt now if you want to simplify lives of developers who are not very proficient with kubernetes then helm is the easiest option for them it will not be easiest for you but for them yes next in line is security for scanning you sneak sneak is a clear winner at least today for governance legal requirements compliance and similar subjects i recommend opa gatekeeper it is the best choice we have today even though that market is bound to explode and we will see many new solutions coming very very soon next in line are dashboards and this was the easiest one for me to pick k9s use k9s especially if you like terminals it's absolutely awesome try it out k9s is the best dashboard at least when kubernetes is concerned for pipelines and workflows it really depends on how much work you want to invest in it yourself if you want to roll up your sleeves and set it up yourself it's either argo workflows combined with argo events or tecton combined with a few other things they are hand-in-hand there are pros and cons for each but right now there is no clear winner so it's either argo workflows combined with events or tactile with few other additional tools among the tools that require you to set them up properly there is no competition those are the two choices you have now.
If you want not to think much about pipelines but just go with the minimal effort everything integrated what's or not then i recommend code rush now i need to put a disclaimer here i worked in code fresh until a week ago and you might easily see that i'm too subjective and that might be true i try not to be but you never know serious mesh service mesh is in a similar situation like infrastructure is code most of the implementations are with these two today easter is the de facto standard but i believe that we are moving towards slinkerty being the dominant player for a couple of reasons the main one being that it is independently managed it is in the cncf foundation and nobody really owns it on top of that linker d is more lightweight it is easier to learn it doesn't have all the features of youtube but you likely do not need the features that are missing anyway finally linkedin is based on smi or service mesh interface and that means that you will be able to switch from linker d to something else if you choose to do so in the future easter has its own interface it is incompatible with anything else finally the last category i have is backups and if you're using kubernetes and everybody is using kubernetes today right use valero it is the best option we have today to create backups it works amazingly well as long as you're using kubernetes.
If you're not using Kubernetes then just zip it up and put it on a tape as we were doing a long long time ago that was the list of the recommendation of the tools platforms frameworks whatsoever that you should be using in 2022 i will make a similar blog in the future and i expect you to tell me a couple of things which categories did i miss what would you like me to include in the next blog of this kind what are the points you do not agree with me let's discuss it i might be wrong most of the time I'm wrong so please let me know if you disagree about any of the tools or categories that i mentioned we are done, Cloud now technologies ranked as top three devops services company in usa.Cloud now technologies devops service delivery at high velocity with cost savings through accelerated software deployment.
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OpenShift Container | OpenShift Kubernetes | DO180 | GKT
Course Description
Learn to build and manage containers for deployment on a Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift cluster
Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180) helps you build core knowledge in managing containers through hands-on experience with containers, Kubernetes, and the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform. These skills are needed for multiple roles, including developers, administrators, and site reliability engineers.
This OpenShift Container, OpenShift Kubernetes course is based on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.2.
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Understand container and OpenShift architecture.
Create containerized services.
Manage containers and container images.
Create custom container images.
Deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift.
Deploy multi-container applications.
Developers who wish to containerize software applications
Administrators who are new to container technology and container orchestration
Architects who are considering using container technologies in software architectures
Site reliability engineers who are considering using Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift
Be able to use a Linux terminal session, issue operating system commands, and be familiar with shell scripting
Have experience with web application architectures and their corresponding technologies
Being a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA®) is recommended, but not required
Introduce container technology 
Create containerized services 
Manage containers 
Manage container images 
Create custom container images 
Deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift 
Deploy multi-container applications 
Troubleshoot containerized applications 
Comprehensive review of curriculum
 To know more visit, top IT Training provider Global Knowledge Technologies.
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OpenStack Services Market Outlook By Size, Share, Future Growth and Forecast From 2020-2025
The OpenStack Services Market is expected to register a CAGR of 26.53% over the forecast period from 2020 to 2025. Openstack controls large pools of computing, storage, and networking resources; all managed through APIs or a dashboard. Beyond standard infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) functionality, additional components provide service management and fault management to ensure user applications' availability. According to Red Hat, Inc., 65% of cloud adopters said that OpenStack is essential to their cloud strategy. Communications service providers embrace cloud technologies, such as OpenStack, to meet demands for innovative new services. To ensure business continuity, these production cloud environments are required to be highly available and reliable. By the availability of both the components and topology of the cloud environment, organizations can build a highly available, production-grade OpenStack infrastructure. - There is a foundation that engages in the promotion of global development, distribution, and adoption of open infrastructure called OpenStack Foundation (OSF) with more than 105,000 community members from 187 countries around the world. The OSF goal is to serve developers, users, and the entire open infrastructure ecosystem by providing a set of shared resources to build community, facilitate collaboration, and support integration of open source technologies. The foundation's primary activities include community management, organizing large-scale test infrastructure, and bringing together more than 20,000 public infrastructure enthusiasts each year at global events, including the Open Infrastructure Summit. The OSF even began incubating new Strategic Focus Areas, starting with Container Infrastructure, CI/CD, and Edge Computing.
Click Here to Download Sample Report >>  https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-90607 - According to the 2019 OpenStack User Survey, 28% of organizations with employees ranging from 1000 to 9,999 utilize OpenStack. 18% of the organizations utilize OpenStack as Infrastructure Provider, followed by 13% using as a private cloud provider, with 72% of the deployment type being an off-premises private cloud. Rising operational efficiency and accelerating the ability to innovate is the primary reason organizations choose OpenStack as their cloud infrastructure platform. Other business reasons cited by greater than 75% of the survey organizations include avoiding standardizing on the same open platform and APIs that power a global network of private and public clouds, vendor lock-in, and saving money. Additional reasons include achieving security/privacy goals and attracting top technical talent. - In June 2020, the OpenStack Foundation confirmed that open source project StarlingX as a top-level open infrastructure project supported by the foundation. StarlingX project is expected to provide a deployment-ready, highly reliable edge, and scalable infrastructure software platform to build mission-critical edge clouds. Applications for StarlingX include the far edge or last mile and such use cases as on-premise clouds in factories, Industrial IoT, autonomous vehicles and other transportation-based IoT applications, Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) and virtualized Radio Access Networks (vRAN), 5G, smart buildings, and cities, augmented and virtual reality, high-definition media content delivery, surveillance, healthcare imaging, and universal customer premise equipment (uCPE). - In March 2020, DriveScale, Inc., a provider of elastic bare-metal cloud infrastructure, announced support for OpenStack. DriveScale provides programmable, scale-out storage to the usage of traditional bare-metal clouds by supporting the OpenStack Cinder standard. Cinder act as a block storage service for OpenStack. It presents storage resources that can be utilized by OpenStack Compute with the usage of a plugin driver. Through a self-service API, Cinder makes OpenStack Compute to consume and request block storage resources, and DriveScale through its Cinder plugin organizes the underlying hardware and delivers HDDs and SSDs as well as slices of SSDs at a large scale, cost-effectively and with the performance of local drives. - As COVID-19 continues to regrettably spread around the world, affecting large numbers of people and disrupting organizations worldwide, some enterprises were further at risk with the government having announced nation-wide lockdowns, impacting the availability of enterprise support teams and suppliers' support teams. In April 2020, Sardina Systems, a European company that provides Kubernetes and OpenStack cloud platforms, offers Sardina FishOS products and services to help all those affected customers and suppliers with teams in India. Sardina FishOS, built on OpenStack and Kubernetes, is designed for flexible & efficient operations, and rapid deployments to enable enterprises to respond to business demands ultimately rapidly. In April 2020, Rackspace's technology services company has set aside USD 10 million in no-cost OpenStack Public Cloud hosting resources over the next six months for organizations participating in COVID-19 response efforts. Key Market Trends Telecommunication is Expected to Witness Significant Growth - Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is essential for the deployment of 5G. Organizations whose expertise lies in Kubernetes and OpenStack are helping telecom operators build its next-generation SDN-based infrastructure for its 5G network. For instance, in February 2019, Mirantis, Inc. formed a three-year deal to build out AT&T 5G's infrastructure using Airship. The Airship is a project initially found by AT&T, SKT, and Intel. The Airship is designed to enable telcos to take advantage of on-premises Kubernetes infrastructure to support its SDN infrastructure builds. Mirantis will partner with AT&T and other core contributors to develop Airship's essential features. This work will then be deployed in production at scale via AT&T's Airship, Kubernetes, and OpenStack-based Network Cloud infrastructure. - In May 2020, at the Think Digital conference, IBM Corporation launched new solutions and services to help enterprises and telecom companies speed their transition to edge computing in the 5G state. This effort adds IBM's experience and expertise in multi-cloud environments with Red Hat's open source technology, which became part of IBM in 2019 in one of the most significant tech acquisitions of all time. One of them is IBM Telco Network Cloud Manager, where service providers will have the ability to manage workloads on both Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Red Hat OpenShift, which will be important as telcos increasingly look for ways to modernize their networks for greater efficiency and agility, and to provide new services and as 5G adoption expands.
- In March 2020, ZTE Corporation, one of the primary international providers of telecommunications, enterprise, and consumer technology solutions for the mobile internet, has extended its collaboration with Red Hat, Inc. for accelerating the deployment of 5G networks. The partnership includes a new reference architecture that enables telecom companies to more effectively deploy virtual network functions (VNFs) on the Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Red Hat's highly-scalable and agile Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution on ZTE's hardware. Using the Red Hat OpenStack Platform for its VNF services, ZTE can better prepare service providers for 5G deployments by transforming traditional core data centers (DCs) into more agile, efficient, and innovative open environments. - As part of the endeavor to build a 5G ready network for India's requirements, in May 2020, Bharti Airtel, one of India's largest integrated telcos, has selected IBM and Red Hat to build its telco network cloud, designed to make it more flexible, efficient and future-ready to support core operations and enable the latest digital services. Under the partnership, Airtel will build its next-generation analytical tools, core network, and new consumer and enterprise services on top of this cloud platform, which is based on open standards. Utilizing Red Hat and IBM's portfolio of hybrid cloud and cognitive enterprise capabilities, Airtel plans to adopt an open cloud architecture that uses the Red Hat OpenStack Platform for all network workloads and Red Hat OpenShift for newer containerized workloads. Asia-Pacific is Expected to Hold Significant Growth - The majority of hyperscale cloud and telecom organizations in China are taking charge of adopting OpenStack services across the Asia-Pacific region, the OpenStack Foundation (OSF) declared at its Open Infrastructure Summit in Shanghai in November 2019. Citing the use of OpenStack by companies such as Tencent and China Mobile, the OSF said these companies play a critical role in the rapidly growing OpenStack market in Asia-Pacific. For instance, Tencent, the company behind the WeChat super app and hyperscale cloud supplier, has been using OpenStack to power its operations and public cloud services that are being used by different industries. Also, at China Mobile, OpenStack is being used to deliver public and private cloud services and its telecom cloud to power its next-generation telco network. - Users throughout the region are combining OpenStack and Kubernetes to solve big open infrastructure problems. They’re increasingly leveraging projects like Airship and StarlingX, using open, composable infrastructure to meet the demands of applications operating in the region. China, which is expected to account for almost half of the world’s OpenStack deployments, has the third-highest number of members in the OSF, an organization comprising users and contributors to the open infrastructure projects piloted and hosted by the organization. The latest version of the software, known as OpenStack Train, was launched in October 2019, which features almost 3,000 changes that contributed upstream from China, the second-largest contributor of differences present in 165 countries. With more than 150 contributors, China also ranks second globally in terms of the number of contributors. - Multiple Chinese companies contribute upstream to the StarlingX project, including 99cloud, China UnionPay, and FiberHome. For instance, Electronic Commerce and Electronic Payment National Engineering Laboratory of China UnionPay has researched a secured edge infrastructure, powered by StarlingX, for a contactless payment use case. With the evolution of 5G, technologies such as Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), Media Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI) have strongly emerged along with rapid growth in 5G network infrastructure. The infrastructure itself must evolve as a cloud-native service to fully support the development. Korea-based SK Telecom has been developing cloud-native infrastructure technology from the past few years and actively participates in global projects both in OpenStack Foundation (OSF), especially the Airship project in OSF. - In October 2019, Red Hat, Inc., announced that Vodafone Idea Limited (VIL), one of India’s leading telecom service provider, is leveraging Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Red Hat Ceph Storage, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and Red Hat Enterprise Linux to transform its distributed network data centers to open standards, open interfaces based ‘Universal Cloud.’ These will also be extended to serve third-party workloads. Red Hat OpenStack Platform enables VIL to design efficient pods, which can be geographically distributed and taken closer to the end-users, helping reduce latency and enable an optimal user experience. With leveraging Red Hat’s open APIs, VIL plans to deliver actionable insights to its enterprise users and help them potentially create a competitive advantage. Request For Full Report >> https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-90607 Competitive Landscape The OpenStack Services Market is quite competitive moderately fragmented due to the presence of significant players such as Cisco Systems, Inc., Red Hat, Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP, Mirantis, Inc., etc. The players in the market are frequently launching innovative solutions, forming partnerships, and mergers to increase their market share and expand their geographical presence. - May 2020 - VMware announced VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0. VMware Integrated OpenStack delivers OpenStack functionality and a smooth configuration workflow. VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 offers a 5G ready platform that meets the 5G core and other workloads' demands. Upgrading directly from VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0, 6.0, or 5.1 is seamless with zero data plane downtime. - February 2020 - Red Hat, Inc. has made the general availability of Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16, the latest version of its highly agile and scalable Infrastructure-as-a-Service solution. Approximately 1,000 enhancements and new features are expected to lay the foundation for enterprise and telco workloads from programmable IaaS for hybrid clouds, production clouds, and developer clouds, and cloud-native applications like network function virtualization, edge computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Reasons to Purchase this report: - The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format - 3 months of analyst support
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superspectsuniverse · 4 years
Container technologies are transforming the way we think about application development and the speed at which teams can deliver on business needs. They promise application portability across hybrid cloud environments and help developers to focus on building a great product, without interrupting underlying infrastructure or execution details.
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Containers deploy for much shorter periods of time than virtual machines (VMs), with greater utilization of underlying resources. The container technologies must manage far more objects with greater turnover, introducing the need for more automated, policy-driven management. Many IT companies are turning to Kubernetes and its wide variety of complex features to help them orchestrate and manage containers in production, development, and test environments.
OpenShift is a group of containerization software products developed by Red Hat. Its flagship product is the OpenShift Container Platform — an on-premises platform as a service built around Docker containers orchestrated and managed by Kubernetes on a foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The family’s other products provide this platform through different conditions: OKD serves as the community-driven upstream, OpenShift Online is the platform provided as software as a service, and OpenShift Dedicated is the platform offered as a managed service.
OpenShift is a turn-key enterprise grade, secure and reliable containerisation tool built on open source Kubernetes. It is built on the open source Kubernetes with extra features to provide out of the box self-service, dashboards, automation-CI/CD, container image registry, multilingual support, and other Kubernetes extensions, enterprise grade features.
By using OpenShift Pipelines developers and cluster administrators can automate the processes of building, testing and deploying application code to the platform. With pipelines, it is possible to reduce human error with a consistent process. A pipeline includes compiling code, unit tests, code analysis, security, installer creation, container build and deployment.
As a result of the heightened industrial importance of containers, Red Hat extends two of their core Linux courses by a day to include containers. Beginning Oct. 1, 2020, Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) and RHCSA Rapid Track course (RH199) extended from four to five days with the final day focused on the container, Kubernetes, and OpenShift content. The students who have purchased or taken either course within the last year will be given free access to the added course materials and virtual training, which will help them to prepare for the upcoming changes to the Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam (EX200).
This changes to RHCSA courses allows for our Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam (EX200) exam to include container material as well. This updated exam content will give test-takers hands-on experience in real world container applications and will extend the duration of the exam by 30 minutes. RHCSA Exam EX200 version 7 will not be impacted by these changes. Content updates are only occurring on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RH199, RH134, EX200.
For extended support and reach there are various RHCSA training in Kochi to get your path on the right track. Reach out to the best solutions. Always learn to understand more and more. With various RHCSA courses in Kochi readily available to provide services, anything is possible. All that is needed is just to connect with a dependable solution. https://www.stepskochi.com/blog/red-hat-openshift-2/
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opsmxspinnaker · 4 years
About the Bank
The Customer is an international banking group, with around 86,000 employees and a 150-year history in some of the world’s most dynamic markets. Although they are based in London, the vast majority of their customers and employees are in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The company is a leader in the personal, consumer, corporate, institutional and treasury segments.
Challenge: To Provide an Uninterrupted Customer Experience
The Bank wanted to stay ahead of the competition. The only way to succeed in today’s digital world is to deliver services faster to customers, so they needed to modernize their IT infrastructure.  As part of a business expansion, entering eight additional markets in Africa and providing virtual banking services in Hong Kong, they needed to roll out new  retail banking services. The new services would enhance customer experience, improve efficiency, and build a “future proof” retail bank.
Deploying these new services created challenges that needed to be overcome quickly, or risk delaying the entry into the new markets.
Sluggish Deployments for Monolithic Applications
The bank was running monolithic applications on old Oracle servers, located in HK and the UK, that served Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia Grade. Each upgrade forced a significant downtime across all regions that prevented customers from accessing their accounts.  This was not true for the bank’s competitors, and it threatened to become a major source of customer churn.
Need for Secured Continuous Delivery Platform
As part of the bank’s digital transformation, they decided to move many services to a container-based infrastructure. They chose Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift as their container environment. To take advantage of the ability to update containers quickly, they also decided to move to a continuous delivery (CD) model, enabling updates without downtime. Their existing deployment tool was unsuitable for the new environment.
Of course, strict security of the platform and the CD process was an absolute requirement. Additionally, the bank required easy integration to support a broad range of development and CI tools and a high performance solution capable of scaling to the bank’s long term needs.  
Lack of Continuous Delivery Expertise
The bank’s IT team, operating on multiple continents, was stretched thin with the migration to OpenShift and containers. Further, their background in software deployment simply did not include experience with continuous delivery. The bank needed a trusted partner who could provide a complete solution – software and services – to reduce the risk of delays or problems that could hobble the planned business expansion.
Solution: A Secured CD Platform to Deploy Containerised Applications
After a thorough evaluation, the bank chose OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker (OES) as their CD solution. They chose OES for its ability to scale, high security, and integration with other tools. They chose OpsMx because of their expertise with Spinnaker and continuous delivery and their deep expertise in delivering a secure environment.
Correcting  Security Vulnerabilities
There are four main security requirements not available in the default OSS Spinnaker which are satisfied by OpsMx.
Validated releases: Spinnaker is updated frequently due to the active participation of the open source community. However, the bank required that each release be scanned for vulnerabilities and hardened before installation in the bank’s environment. OpsMx delivers this as part of the base system, so OpsMx customers know that the base platform has not been compromised.
Air gapped environment: The bank, like many security-conscious organizations, isolates key environments from the public internet to increase security. OES fully supports air gapped environments.
Encryption: Another key requirement was the ability to encrypt all data communication between the Spinnaker services and between Spinnaker and integrated tools, offered by OES.
Authorization and authentication: OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker supports LDAP and Active Directory (AD), fully integrating with the bank’s standards for authorization and authentication.
Simplifying the Software Delivery Process
The bank quickly completed the secure implementation and deployed pipelines for services. The bank is now able to deploy updates on-demand rather than grouping them together in a “big-bang” release that forces application downtime. The new CD process enabled by OpsMx made the process of requesting downtime unnecessary. Deployments are made into OpenShift with the help of templates available for developers.  
OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker now controls the overall software delivery pipeline. The application team at the bank uses Bitbucket to commit the new piece of code, then OES triggers Jenkins to initiate the build.
After a successful build, the package is pushed into an external repository – either Jfrog Artifactory or BitBucket. . OES fetches these images and deploys them into the target environment. This provides an end-to-end continuous delivery system without the use of scripts.
Self Service Onboarding
Development teams, such as the team responsible for the Retail Banking applications, are able to create and manage their own pipelines using OES. This reduces demand on the central team and speeds the creation and enhancements of new services.  
Results: Software Delivery Automated with Zero- downtime
Code to Production in Hours
Since the deployment of OES, the retail application development team has seen significant improvements in software delivery velocity. The code flow time has been reduced from days to few hours. OES seamlessly integrated with their existing Build and cloud environment avoid rework cost and time.
Automated Software Delivery for Global Operations
From a Traditional Software delivery process the bank was able to move towards a modern Continuous Delivery framework. OpsMx enabled a  total of 120 different pipelines to serve twenty two different countries. In addition a standard template for each country was also set up that allowed the developers to quickly set up further pipelines with ease. These templates ensured that the initialization errors were reduced to nil.
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qcs01 · 3 months
Diving Deep into OpenShift Architecture
OpenShift is a powerful, enterprise-ready Kubernetes container orchestration platform developed by Red Hat. It extends Kubernetes with additional features, tools, and services to simplify and streamline the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. Understanding OpenShift architecture is crucial for leveraging its full potential. This guide explores the core components of OpenShift, including the Master Node, Worker Nodes, and other essential elements.
Core Components of OpenShift Architecture
1. Master Node
The Master Node is the brain of an OpenShift cluster, responsible for managing the overall state of the cluster. It includes several key components:
API Server: The entry point for all REST commands used to control the cluster. It handles all the REST requests and processes them by interacting with other components.
Controller Manager: Manages various controllers that regulate the state of the cluster, such as replication controllers, node controllers, and more.
Scheduler: Assigns newly created pods to nodes based on resource availability and constraints.
etcd: A distributed key-value store used to persist the cluster state and configuration. It is crucial for maintaining the consistency and reliability of the cluster.
2. Worker Nodes
Worker Nodes run the containerized applications and workloads. Each Worker Node has the following components:
Kubelet: An agent that ensures the containers are running in a pod. It interacts with the Master Node to get the necessary information and updates.
Kube-Proxy: Maintains network rules on the nodes, allowing network communication to your pods from network sessions inside or outside of the cluster.
Container Runtime: The software responsible for running containers. OpenShift supports different container runtimes, including Docker and CRI-O.
3. Additional OpenShift Components
OpenShift Router: Manages external access to services by providing HTTP and HTTPS routes to the services. It ensures that incoming traffic reaches the appropriate pods.
Registry: An integrated container image registry that stores and manages Docker-formatted container images.
Authentication and Authorization: OpenShift integrates with various identity providers for user authentication and enforces role-based access control (RBAC) for authorization.
Web Console: A user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring the OpenShift cluster and applications.
OpenShift Architecture Diagram
Here's a simplified diagram to visualize the OpenShift architecture:
In this diagram:
The Master Node components (API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler, etcd) are shown at the top.
The Worker Nodes, each containing Kubelet, Kube-Proxy, and Container Runtime, are depicted below the Master Node.
Additional components like the OpenShift Router, Registry, and Web Console are also illustrated to show their integration with the cluster.
OpenShift's architecture is designed to provide a robust, scalable, and flexible platform for deploying containerized applications. By understanding the roles and interactions of the Master Node, Worker Nodes, and additional components, you can effectively manage and optimize your OpenShift environment.
Feel free to ask any questions or seek further clarification on specific components or functionalities within the OpenShift architecture!
For more details click www.qcsdclabs.com
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
AWS Responds To Anthos And Azure Arc With Amazon EKS Anywhere
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/aws-responds-to-anthos-and-azure-arc-with-amazon-eks-anywhere/
AWS Responds To Anthos And Azure Arc With Amazon EKS Anywhere
Amazon made strategic announcements related to container services at the re:Invent 2020 virtual event. Here is an attempt to deconstruct the container strategy of AWS.
Amazon EKS Distribution – An Alternative to Commercial Kubernetes Distributions
The cloud native ecosystem is crowded and even fragmented with various distributions of Kubernetes. Customers can choose from upstream Kubernetes distribution available for free or choose a commercial offering such as Charmed Kubernetes from Canonical, Mirantis Container Cloud, Rancher Kubernetes Engine, Red Hat OpenShift and VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. 
Amazon has decided to jump the Kubernetes distribution bandwagon with Amazon EKS Distribution (EKS-D), which powers the managed EKS in the cloud. Customers can rely on the same versions of Kubernetes and its dependencies deployed by Amazon EKS, which includes the latest upstream updates and comprehensive security patching support. 
Amazon EKS-D comes with source code, open source tooling, binaries and container images, and the required configuration via GitHub and S3 storage locations. With EKS- D, Amazon promises extended support for Kubernetes versions after community support expires, providing updated builds of previous versions, including the latest security patches.
Why Did Amazon Launch EKS-D?
Customers running OpenShift or VMware Tanzu are more likely to run the same flavor of Kubernetes in the cloud. Most of the commercial Kubernetes distributions come with services and support for managing hybrid clusters. In this case, ISVs like Red Hat and VMware will leverage Amazon EC2 to run their managed Kubernetes offering. They decouple the underlying infrastructure (AWS) from the workloads, making it possible to port applications to any cloud. 
Amazon’s ultimate goal is to drive the adoption of its cloud platform. With EKS-D, AWS  has built an open source bridge to its managed Kubernetes platform, EKS. 
Backed by Amazon’s experience and the promise to maintain the distribution even after the community maintenance window expires, it’s a compelling option for customers. An enterprise running EKS-D will naturally use Amazon EKS for its hybrid workloads. This reduces the friction between using a different Kubernetes distribution for on-prem and cloud-based environments. Since it’s free, customers are more likely to evaluate it before considering OpenShift or Tanzu. 
Additionally, Amazon can now claim that it made significant investments in open source by committing to maintain EKS-D.
The design of EKS-D, which is based on upstream Kubernetes, makes it easy to modify the components such as the storage, network, security, and observability. The cloud native ecosystem will eventually build reference architectures for using EKS-D with their tools and components. This makes EKS-D better than any other distribution available in the market. 
In summary, EKS-D is an investment from Amazon to reduce the friction involved in adopting AWS when using a commercial Kubernetes distribution. 
EKS Anywhere – Amazon’s Response to Anthos and Azure Arc
According to AWS, Amazon EKS Anywhere is a new deployment option for Amazon EKS that enables customers to easily create and operate Kubernetes clusters on-premises, including on their own virtual machines (VMs) and bare metal servers. 
EKS Anywhere provides an installable software package for building and managing Kubernetes clusters on-premises and automation tooling for cluster lifecycle support.
EKS-A can be technically installed on any infrastructure with available compute, storage, and network resources. This includes on-premises and cloud IaaS such as Google Compute Engine and Azure VMs. 
Simply put, Amazon EKS Anywhere is an installer for EKS-D with AWS specific parameters and options. The installer comes with the defaults that are optimized for AWS. It works best on Amazon Linux 2 OS and tightly integrated with App Mesh for service mesh, CloudWatch for observability and S3 for cluster backup. When installed in a VMware environment, it even provides infrastructure management through the integration with vSphere APIs and vCenter. EKS-A relies on GitOps to maintain the desired state of cluster and workloads. Customers can subscribe to an Amazon SNS channel to automatically get updates on patches and releases. 
Amazon calls EKS-A an opinionated Kubernetes environment. The keyword here is opinionated, which translates to as proprietary as it can get. From container runtime to the CNI plug-in to cluster monitoring, it has a strong dependence on AWS building blocks.
There is nothing open source about EKS-A. It’s an opaque installer that rolls out an EKS-like cluster on a set of compute nodes. If you want to customize the cluster components, switch to EKS-D, and assemble your own stack. 
EKS-A supports three profiles – fully connected, semi-connected and fully disconnected. Unlike ECS Anywhere, EKS-A clusters can be deployed in offline, air-gapped environments. Fully connected and semi-connected EKS-A clusters talk to AWS cloud but have no strict dependency on the cloud. 
EKS-A is Amazon’s own version of Anthos. Just like Anthos, it’s tightly integrated with vSphere, can be installed on bare metal or any other cloud. But the key difference is that there is no meta control plane to manage all the EKS-A clusters from a single pane of glass. All other capabilities such as Anthos Service Mesh (ASM) and Anthos Config Management (ACM) will be extended to EKS-A through App Mesh and Flux. 
Unlike Anthos, EKS-A doesn’t have the concept of admin clusters and user clusters. What it means is that customers cannot use EKS-A for the centralized lifecycle management of clusters. Every EKS-A cluster is independent of others with optional connectivity to the AWS cloud. This topology closely resembles the stand-alone mode of Anthos on bare metal. 
EKS-A will eventually become the de facto compute environment for AWS Edge devices such as Snowball. Similar to K3s, Amazon may even plan to launch an EKS Anywhere Mini to target single node installations of Kubernetes for the edge. It may have tight integration with AWS Greengrass, the software for edge devices. 
EKS-A is the first, real multi-cloud software coming from AWS. If you are not concerned about the lock-in it brings, EKS-A dramatically simplifies deploying and managing Kubernetes. It brings AWS a step closer to multi-cloud platforms such as Anthos, Azure Arc, Rancher, Tanzu Mission Control and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Manager for Kubernetes. 
EKS Console – The Meta Control Plane for Kubernetes in the Making
Though EKS-A comes across as a proprietary installer for EKS, it goes beyond that. Combined with a new addition called EKS Console, multiple EKS-A clusters can be managed from the familiar AWS Console. Of course, the EKS Console will provide visibility into all the managed clusters running in AWS.
EKS-A clusters running in fully-connected and semi-connected modes can be centrally managed from the EKS Console. AWS may open up the ability to attach non-EKS clusters to the EKS console by running an agent in the target cluster. This brings the ability to apply policies and roll out deployments from a single window. 
When Amazon connects the dots between the EKS Console and EKS-A, it will deliver what Azure Arc promises – a single pane of glass to manage registered Kubernetes clusters. Extending this, EKS Console may even spawn new clusters as long as it can talk to the remote infrastructure, which will resemble Anthos. You see the obvious direction in which Amazon is heading!
The investments in ECS Anywhere, EKS Distribution, EKS Anywhere and EKS Console play a significant role in Amazon’s container strategy. They lay a strong foundation for future hybrid cloud and multi-cloud services expected from AWS.
From Cloud in Perfectirishgifts
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computingpostcom · 2 years
Harbor is an open-source cloud native registry that stores, signs, and scans container images for vulnerabilities. This guide will walk you through the installation of Harbor Image Registry on Kubernetes / OpenShift with Helm Chart. Some of the cool features of Harbor image registry are: Features of Harbor Registry Multi-tenant support Security and vulnerability analysis support Extensible API and web UI Content signing and validation ​Image replication across multiple Harbor instances ​Identity integration and role-based access control Helm is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that was created to simplify deployment of applications and services to Kubernetes / OpenShift Container Platform clusters. Helm uses a packaging format called charts. A Helm chart is a collection of files that describes Kubernetes resources. OpenShift Courses: Practical OpenShift for Developers Ultimate Openshift Bootcamp by School of Devops Step 1: Install Helm 3 on Linux / macOS Helm is distributed a binary application which means no dependency is required to install it on your Linux / macOS machine: ### Linux ### sudo curl -L https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/helm/latest/helm-linux-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/helm sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helm ### macOS ### sudo curl -L https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/helm/latest/helm-darwin-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/helm sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helm Check the installed version: $ helm version version.BuildInfoVersion:"v3.9.2", GitCommit:"1addefbfe665c350f4daf868a9adc5600cc064fd", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.18.4" Step 2: Install Harbor Helm Chart on Kubernetes / OpenShift A Chart is a Helm package. It contains all of the resource definitions necessary to run an application, tool, or service inside of a Kubernetes cluster. Add Harbor Helm repository: $ helm repo add harbor https://helm.goharbor.io "harbor" has been added to your repositories Update the repository: $ helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "harbor" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈ Configure the chart The configuration items can be set via –set flag during installation or configured by editing the values.yaml directly. You can download default values.yaml file. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goharbor/harbor-helm/master/values.yaml You can modify the values in the file to suit your installation: vim values.yaml See Harbor Helm configuration page for accepted values in different blocks. Once you’ve customize the file then install Harbor helm chart with custom configurations once done modifying. $ helm install harbor harbor/harbor -f values.yaml -n harbor NAME: harbor LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Apr 1 19:20:07 2021 NAMESPACE: harbor STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Please wait for several minutes for Harbor deployment to complete. Then you should be able to visit the Harbor portal at https://ocr.example.com For more details, please visit https://github.com/goharbor/harbor. You can as well --set to pass values during Helm installation. See Harbor Helm configuration page Here is an example with few parameters passed with –set flag. helm install harbor harbor/harbor \ --set persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.accessMode=ReadWriteMany \ --set persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size=50Gi \ --set persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.chartmuseum.size=5Gi \ --set persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size=5Gi \ --set externalURL=https://ocr.example.com \ --set expose.ingress.hosts.core=ocr.example.com \ --set expose.ingress.hosts.notary=notary.example.com \ --set harborAdminPassword=H@rb0rAdm \ -n harbor Check status to confirm it is deployed: $ helm status harbor Updating Hem deployment If you update parameters in values.yml or add new ones, upgrade helm deployment with the command:
$ helm upgrade harbor harbor/harbor -f values.yml -n harbor Release "harbor" has been upgraded. Happy Helming! NAME: harbor LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Apr 30 11:30:06 2021 NAMESPACE: harbor STATUS: deployed REVISION: 2 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Please wait for several minutes for Harbor deployment to complete. Then you should be able to visit the Harbor portal at https://ocr.example.com For more details, please visit https://github.com/goharbor/harbor. If you ever want to remove deployment, run: $ helm uninstall harbor -n harbor Fixing Init:CrashLoopBackOff on harbor-harbor-database-0 on OpenShift Some container images such as postgres and redis require root access and have certain expectations about how volumes are owned. We need relax the security in the cluster so that images are not forced to run as a pre-allocated UID, without granting everyone access to the privileged SCC: Grant all harbor authenticated user access to the anyuid SCC: oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:harbor:default Check your deployments status: $ kubectl get deployments NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE harbor-harbor-chartmuseum 1/1 1 1 24m harbor-harbor-clair 1/1 1 1 24m harbor-harbor-core 1/1 1 1 24m harbor-harbor-jobservice 1/1 1 1 24m harbor-harbor-notary-server 1/1 1 1 24m harbor-harbor-notary-signer 1/1 1 1 24m harbor-harbor-portal 1/1 1 1 24m harbor-harbor-registry 1/1 1 1 24m Check pod status: $ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE harbor-harbor-chartmuseum-58f8647f95-mtmmf 1/1 Running 0 5m16s harbor-harbor-clair-654dcfd8bf-77qs6 2/2 Running 0 5m16s harbor-harbor-core-5cb85989d6-r7s84 1/1 Running 0 5m16s harbor-harbor-database-0 1/1 Running 0 5m33s harbor-harbor-jobservice-fc54cf784-lv864 1/1 Running 0 5m16s harbor-harbor-notary-server-65d8fb7c77-xgxvg 1/1 Running 0 5m16s harbor-harbor-notary-signer-66c9db4cf4-5bwvh 1/1 Running 0 5m16s harbor-harbor-portal-5cbc6d5897-r5wzh 1/1 Running 0 25m harbor-harbor-redis-0 1/1 Running 0 5m16s harbor-harbor-registry-7ff65976f4-sgnnd 2/2 Running 0 5m16s Lastly confirm Services and ingress are created. $ kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE harbor-harbor-chartmuseum ClusterIP 80/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-clair ClusterIP 8080/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-core ClusterIP 80/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-database ClusterIP 5432/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-jobservice ClusterIP 80/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-notary-server ClusterIP 4443/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-notary-signer ClusterIP 7899/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-portal ClusterIP 80/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-redis ClusterIP 6379/TCP 26m harbor-harbor-registry ClusterIP 5000/TCP,8080/TCP 26m $ kubectl get ing NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE harbor-harbor-ingress core.harbor.domain,notary.harbor.domain 80, 443 26m Since I’m actually doing this deployment on OpenShift, I’ll have routes created.
$ kubectl get route NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION WILDCARD harbor-harbor-ingress-7f9vg notary.harbor.domain / harbor-harbor-notary-server 4443 edge/Redirect None harbor-harbor-ingress-9pvvz core.harbor.domain / harbor-harbor-portal 8080 edge/Redirect None harbor-harbor-ingress-d7mcn core.harbor.domain /c/ harbor-harbor-core 8080 edge/Redirect None harbor-harbor-ingress-gn5w6 core.harbor.domain /chartrepo/ harbor-harbor-core 8080 edge/Redirect None harbor-harbor-ingress-jf48l core.harbor.domain /service/ harbor-harbor-core 8080 edge/Redirect None harbor-harbor-ingress-lhbx4 core.harbor.domain /api/ harbor-harbor-core 8080 edge/Redirect None harbor-harbor-ingress-vtt8v core.harbor.domain /v2/ harbor-harbor-core 8080 edge/Redirect None A number of persistent volume claims are created as well. Matching the values of size you specified. $ kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE data-harbor-harbor-redis-0 Bound pvc-1de4a5b2-d55a-48cc-b8b6-1b258214260c 1Gi RWO ocs-storagecluster-cephfs 29m database-data-harbor-harbor-database-0 Bound pvc-9754adde-e2bd-40ee-b18b-d72eacfdfc12 1Gi RWO ocs-storagecluster-cephfs 29m harbor-harbor-chartmuseum Bound pvc-3944fce8-ecee-4bec-b0f6-cc5da3b30572 5Gi RWO ocs-storagecluster-cephfs 29m harbor-harbor-jobservice Bound pvc-5ecf0be4-002c-4628-8dcc-283e996175bc 1Gi RWO ocs-storagecluster-cephfs 29m harbor-harbor-registry Bound pvc-072358e9-06f2-4384-b7d6-88e97eb29499 5Gi RWO ocs-storagecluster-cephfs 29m Step 3: Access Harbor Administration dashboard Use the external Domain configured during installation to access the Harbor container registry dashboard. Default logins if you didn’t change password are: Username: admin Password: Harbor12345 Don’t forget to change your password after first login. Step 4: Add Pull Secret to Kubernetes / OpenShift Follow the steps in the guide below to add pull secret to Kubernetes / OpenShift. Add Harbor Image Registry Pull Secret to Kubernetes / OpenShift
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codecraftshop · 4 years
Deploy application in openshift using container images#openshift #containerimages #openshift # openshift4 #containerization Deploy container app using OpenShift Container Platform running on-premises,openshift deploy docker image cli,openshift deploy docker image command line,how to deploy docker image in openshift,how to deploy image in openshift,deploy image in openshift,deploy image into openshift,Deploy application in openshift using container images,openshift container platform,openshift tutorial,red hat openshift,openshift,kubernetes,openshift 4,red hat,redhat openshift online https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnIp4tLcBJ0XbtKbE2ITrwA?sub_confirmation=1&app=desktop About: 00:00 Deploy application in openshift using container images In this course we will learn about deploying an application from container images to openshift / openshift 4 online cluster in different ways. First method is to use the webconsole to deploy application using docker container images. Second way is to login through OC openshift cluster command line tool for windows and through oc command we can deploy the container image to openshift cluster. Openshift/ Openshift4 a cloud based container to build deploy test our application on cloud. In the next videos we will explore Openshift4 in detail. Commands Used: Image to be deployed: openshiftkatacoda/blog-django-py oc get all -o name :-This will return all the resources we have in the project oc describe route/blog-django-py :-This will give us the details of the route that has been created. Through this route or url we can access the application externally. oc get all --selector app=blog-django-py -o name :-This will select only the resources with the label app=blog-django-py . By default openshift automatically applies the label app=blog-django-py to all the resources of the application. oc delete all --selector app=blog-django-py :-This will delete the application and the related resources having label app= app=blog-django-py oc get all -o name :-This get the list of all the available resources. oc new-app --search openshiftkatacoda/blog-django-py oc new-app openshiftkatacoda/blog-django-py :-This command will create / deploy the image in openshift container. oc new-app openshiftkatacoda/blog-django-py -o name blog :-This command will create / deploy the image in openshift container with custom name oc expose service/blog-django-py :-This will expose the service to the external world so that it can be accessed globally. oc get route/blog-django-py --- this will give the url of the application that we have deployed. certification,OpenShift workflow,openshift tutorial,ci cd pipeline,ci cd devops,openshift container platform,ci cd openshift,openshift installation,Getting Started with OpenShift,OpenShift for the Absolute Beginners,Get started with RedHat OpenShift https://www.facebook.com/codecraftshop/ https://t.me/codecraftshop/ Please do like and subscribe to my you tube channel "CODECRAFTSHOP" Follow us on facebook | instagram | twitter at @CODECRAFTSHOP . -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Install hyperv on windows 10 - how to install, setup & enable hyper v on windows hyper-v" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KooTCqf07wk -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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technuter · 5 years
IBM unveils updates to key Watson tools and applications
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Recognizing that organizations are slow to adopt AI, due in part to rising data complexities, IBM announced new innovations that further advance its Watson Anywhere approach to scaling AI across any cloud, and a host of clients who are leveraging the strategy to bring AI to their data, wherever it resides. Rob Thomas, General Manager, IBM Data and AI, said, "We collaborate with clients every day and around the world on their data and AI challenges, and this year we tackled one of the big drawbacks to scaling AI throughout the enterprise – vendor lock-in. When we introduced the ability to run Watson on any cloud, we opened up AI for clients in ways never imagined. Today, we pushed that even further adding even more capabilities to our Watson products running on Cloud Pak for Data." Increasing data complexity, as well as data preparation, skills shortages, and a lack of data culture are combining to slow AI adoption at a time when interest in AI continues to climb. Between 2018 and 2019, organizations that have deployed artificial intelligence (AI) grew from 4% to 14%, according to Gartner's 2019 CIO Agenda survey. Those figures contrast with the rising awareness of the value of AI. According to the 2019 MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group study, Winning with AI, 9 out of 10 respondents agree that AI represents a business opportunity for their company. Adding to growing enterprise complexities, a 2018 IBM Institute for Business Value study said that 76% of organizations surveyed reported that they are already using at least two to 15 hybrid clouds, and 98 percent forecast they will be using multiple hybrid clouds within three years. Anil Bhasker, Business Unit Leader, Analytics Platform, IBM India/South Asia, said, "We have been collaborating with Indian organizations across sectors to help them fast track to Chapter 2 of their Digital Reinvention, which is characterized by AI being embedded everywhere in the business. Our clients are recognizing AI's capabilities to deliver intangible outcomes such as enhanced customer & employee satisfaction, stronger brand equity, etc., in addition to the traditional Return on Investment (RoI) approach. With Watson Anywhere, organizations are able to innovate and scale AI on any cloud instead of being locked into a single vendor, thus enabling them to maximize the value delivered by AI. It's an approach that brings AI to wherever the data resides and help Indian companies unearth hidden insights, automate processes and ultimately drive business performance." The innovations announced today are designed to help organizations overcome the barriers to AI. From detecting 'drift' in AI models to recognizing nuances in the human voice, these new capabilities can be run across any cloud via IBM's Cloud Pak for Data platform to begin easily connecting their vast data stores to AI. As evidence of the growing appeal of this approach to enable AI to run on any cloud, IBM announced a number of clients that are leveraging Watson across their enterprises to unearth hidden insights, automate mundane tasks and help improve overall business performance. Companies like multinational professional services firm KPMG, and Air France-KLM, are leveraging Watson apps, or building their own AI with Watson tools, to facilitate their AI journeys. Steve Hill, Global and US Head of Innovation at KPMG, said, "IBM's strategy for developing AI tools that enable clients to run AI wherever their data is, is exactly the reason we turned to OpenScale – we needed multicloud scalability in order to give clients the kind of transparency and explainability we were talking about. Supporting the client's environment, whatever it may be, reflects the understanding that IBM has not only about AI, but about the expanding enterprise." KPMG, the multinational professional services network and long-time IBM alliance partner, for years has integrated the latest cognitive and automation capabilities into services across its businesses from governance, risk, and compliance to taxes and accounting. Earlier this year KPMG turned to IBM to collaborate on a new service that would provide KPMG clients greater governance and explainability of their AI, no matter where that data resides, no matter what cloud and no matter what AI platform the company was using. KPMG developed the KPMG AI in Control solution leveraging the Watson OpenScale platform, to give clients the ability to continuously evaluate their machine learning and AI algorithms, models and data for greater confidence in the outcomes. Last month, KPMG teamed with IBM to release a joint offering of this solution to clients called KPMG AI in Control with Watson OpenScale. And to help accelerate customer service and improve the passenger experience, Air France-KLM and its customer service team developed a voice assistant called MIA (My Interactive Assistant), which uses IBM Watson Assistant with Voice Interaction. Air France-KLM collaborated with IBM to develop the voice assistant to improve the customer experience by reducing file processing time. Since the beginning of the pilot in July in a single country, MIA has responded to 4,500 calls from people needing additional information about their flights or their travel plans. MIA asks the customer for his reservation reference number (PNR) and extracts from this PNR all information relating to the passenger, including name, flight number and telephone number. If needed, the voice assistant can quickly pass the call to a human agent who can take over. The agent will already have all the necessary information on the screen in the background and will therefore be positioned to resolve the request. By design, the higher the number of requests handled by MIA, the more intelligent it will be over time. Other use cases are also under study. New Capabilities Come to Watson Apps and Tools  IBM rolled out an array of new features and functionality to several of its key products today, including the following: Watson OpenScale – With rising data privacy regulation and growing concern for how AI algorithms are reaching their results, bias detections and explainability are becoming critical. Last year, IBM launched OpenScale, the first AI platform of its kind to do just that – provide organizations the ability to look for bias and govern their AI and query it to understand how it arrived at its results. With such insights, clients can gain greater confidence in their AI and in their results. Today we announced a new capability called Drift Detection which detects when and how far a model "drifts" from its original parameters. It does this by comparing production and training data and the resulting predictions it creates. When a user-defined drift threshold is exceeded, an alert is generated. Drift Detection not only provides greater information about the accuracy of models, but it simplifies, and hence, speeds model re-training. Watson Assistant – Building on IBM's leading position in enterprise AI assistants, IBM today announced several new key features to the conversational AI product that allow users to deploy, train and continuously improve their virtual assistants quickly on the cloud of their choice. For example, the new Watson Assistant for Voice Interaction is designed to help clients easily integrate an AI-powered assistant into their IVR systems. With this capability customers are able to ask questions in natural language. Watson Assistant now can recognize the nuances of the way people speak and will fast-track the caller to the most appropriate answer. Clients can also blend texting and voice at the same time, allowing instantaneous information exchange. IBM also announced that Watson Assistant is now integrated with IBM Cloud Pak for Data which enables companies to run an assistant in any environment – on premises, or on any private, public, hybrid, or multi-cloud. Watson Discovery – IBM announced several key updates to Watson Discovery, the company's premier AI search product that leverages machine learning and natural language processing to help clients find data from across their enterprises. New to the platform is Content Miner, which allows for the searching of vast datasets for specific content types, such as text and images. A new simplified setup format helps non-technical users to can get up and running quickly, while a new "guided experience" dynamically recommends next steps in configuring projects. All of which results in a more agile data discovery process. Cloud Pak for Data – IBM advances its first-of-a-kind, integrated data analytics platform, with key new features and support. The platform, which has supported Red Hat OpenShift, one of the leading Kubernetes-based container orchestration platforms, since its launch 18 months ago, is now certified on OpenShift. With full certification brings added confidence to clients knowing that all the components came from a supported source, container images contain no known vulnerabilities and most importantly that the containers running throughout are compatible across Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments, regardless of the cloud, and whether private, public or hybrid. In addition to certification, this latest version now comes with a host of capabilities standard as part of the base platform. Among the new capabilities is Db2 Event Store, for storing and analyzing more than 250 billion events per day, in real-time, and Watson Machine Learning, equipped with AutoAI. AuoAI is IBM's innovative automated model building program that enables data scientists and non-data scientists alike to build machine learning (ML) models with ease. As its name suggests, AutoAI automates such tedious and complicated tasks of ML, including data prep, model selection, feature engineering and hyperparameter optimization, to truly speed clients' adoption of AI. Now these tools come standard with Cloud Pak for Data to be used and scaled across any hybrid multi cloud environment. In addition, Cloud Pak for Data now features open source governance in the base platform, enabling users for the first time to set policy for, and govern the use of open source tools and programs within the enterprise to enable more efficient model building, testing and deployment. To empower developers to take advantage of the IBM Cloud Pak for Data platform, IBM also announced the Cloud Pak for Data Developer Hub. Here, developers have step-by-step tutorials, code patterns, ongoing support and information on in person workshops taking place in their area for hands-on labs. OpenPages with Watson – IBM today also announced new features and capabilities to OpenPages with Watson in version 8.1. This governance, risk and compliance (GRC) platform, helps clients as they set and manage operational risk, policy and compliance, financial controls management, IT governance, and internal audits. Version 8.1 comes integrated with a new rules engine, new intuitive views, visualizations, advance workflow features, and a personalized workspace, all of which is designed to enable users to be more productive and effective in managing their risk. One result of the additional engagement and automation features is a more risk-aware culture that empowers more people to participate in managing important risk and compliance activities. Read the full article
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