smileyfacesim · 24 days
Aspiration Legacy Challenge - Gen 1.4
Challenge rules
Cam and Cait discussed what to do now and both decided Cameron should stay in University so he started a new term right away. Thanks to Caitlin's freelance gigs they could easily afford the term and add stuff to the house.
Cameron decided he likes affection and Julia called to ask Cait's advice about her new crush. While Caitlin went to meet her new client, Cameron worked on his homework. He managed to buy his own robotics station so he could keep working on his skills and hoped his investments would be worth it in the end. Fortunately, the meeting went very well and Caitlin got paid quite the amount.
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When Cam left for class, Kyle Kyleson texted Caitlin to tell her she and Cameron were a great couple and they should think about something long term. "Kyle, we're engaged and I'm pregnant. I'd say we have something pretty long term going on :p" She replied on which Kyle sent "Aaaaawesome dudes!". A few hours later, Cam came home from school and was completely stressed out so he went to watch some tv as his fiance finished up her gig. When she got paid, she also received the Supreme Freelance Award.
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And then it was time, Caitlin went into labor. Cameron was in class so she went to the hospital by herself. 'I can do this' she nervously mumbled to herself. Since she had to wait, she bought a snack and before she knew it, she had to push and welcomed a baby boy. "Welcome baby Chanda." Cait whispered, stroking his cheek with her finger. "Let's go home and see daddy."
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Cameron couldn't believe he wasn't there to support his fiancé and watch his son being born but he fell in love with Chanda the moment he laid eyes on him. It was hard to leave but he had to go to class. In between classes, term papers and presentations he did do his best to spend a lot of time with him.
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On his first birthday, Chanda aged up into a cautious infant with his mum's eye color and his dad's hair color.
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A few days later, Julia came over for a visit. "Well, isn't he the most adorable baby?" She grinned as Caitlin handed Chanda over. She helped Cait put him down for a nap, before going outside for a chat. "I'm glad you came over. I wanted to ask you something. Will you be the sim of honor at my wedding?" Julia gasped, clapping her hands together as she nodded. "YES! I'd love to." She exclaimed excitedly, hugging her friend tightly.
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smileyfacesim · 2 months
My Save File (WIP)
Hi everyone. I'm working on a personal save file and I thought it would be fun to share my progress here.
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This is the first family I've created: the Hills Family. Bobby and Myron moved to Willow Creek so their son, Duncan, would be closer to his new job. Chestnut is Myron's prized horse who has been with him for a long time, competing in every championship they could and winning everytime. Bobby on the other hand stays home, paints and sells his paintings to earn some money eventhough both men have retired.
This is their house:
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Look, I'm not a great builder but I'm using this save file to practice and get better at it. Tips and tricks are always nice to get though. Please be nice..
Gallery ID: SmileyFaceSim
Hashtag: #SmileySave
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smileyfacesim · 3 months
Aspiration Legacy Challenge - Gen 1.3
Challenge rules
After having breakfast, Caitlin got back to the icons she was creating for her client. She decided to go with a llama theme and the client loved it, happily handing her 444 simoleons. Suddenly, Cameron invited her over to his house and obviously Cait said yes. She really liked the guy, though she wasn't sure how he felt about her. He greete her with a hug and the conversation flowed effortlessly. He even helped her get ridd of her fear of the dark. 'Okay, this is it. I have to know if he feels the same about me' Cait thought as she tried flirting with him. Cameron flirted right back and at the end of the night they held hands. Cait left with a happy feeling and a goofy smile on her face.
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The next day, she started out with some yoga before getting ready for the day and going back to the spa to work on her inner peace aspiration but as she was about to head out, Cameron asked her out on an official date. They were both feeling flirty right away. Then Caitlin had the idea to sing some karaoke together. They didn't sound great, but it was fun. The two had some drinks together and ended the night with their first kiss! Cait couldn't be happierr and jumped in the pool to celebrate. Cam had to go but Caitlin stayed to listen to some music before heading home when it got dark.
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Before heading to the spa, Caitlin had to repair her toilet since she couldn't pay for someone else to do it for her. She started out in the sauna, then got a deep tissue massage. Afterwards, she sat down to read a wellness book. In the afternoon she accepted a rather sketchy gig and headed to the library to work on it. It earned her 1330 simoleons.
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The next day was mostly filled with skill building. She did yoga, read some books, went for a jog, accepted a new gig and worked on that. She did manage to buy some walls, which means she almost has a room. She also invested in a meditation pillow to find peaceful surroundings.
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On Friday, Caitlin went to the new gym to take a break from work. She practiced some sparring to clear her head and it really seemed to help as she felt relaxed and happy after. She ran on the threadmill and talked to some people before going home. Now her brain felt empty, she could work on a gig again. It really paid off too, she earned 1600 simoleons. With that money she bought the remaining walls she needed to officially have a house. Though it was just 1 room, it felt like home. She added some windows and a light and happily sat on her bed.
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Feeling proud and confident, Cait asked Cam out and took him to a bar where they had a few drinks, talked and flirted. Cait then asked him to be her boyfriend and he said yes! They ended the night at Cait's house where they woohoo'd in the shower. It was the next day, Cait found out she's pregnant. She was happy, she always wanted to have a baby but how will Cameron react? She called him, asking to come over. Nervously, she shared the big news and Cam was surprised but he loved the news. In the heat of the moment, Cam proposed and asked if he could move in. Cait agreed and he got his stuff right away. Some might say they moved fast but the couple didn't care, they were in love so, why not?
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
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i’m not a new simblr, just giving myself a fresh start after a bit of inactivity! my dash is a bit dead, so if you’re an active simblr reblog this post and i’ll check out your blog (or just to help spread the post!!) i prefer sims 4 maxis match simblrs and mainly gameplay, but any type of simblr is welcome to reblog!
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
Day 10 of crocheting everything in this book
The tenth thing I've crocheted is a mustard bottle.
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
I have started playing through many legacy challenges: disney princess legacy, career legacy, not so berry... I love the concept of them and even created my own legacy challenge (Aspiration Legacy Challenge). Following and getting to know different gens of the same family is so much fun.
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📩 Simblr question of the day: Have you ever played a legacy challenge in the sims? If so, what made you decide to play it? If you haven't, do you think you'll attempt one in the future?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon ! ~thank you for contributing multiple questions! (This is question 6 out of 10 that this specific anon sent)~
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
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25 berichten!
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
Aspiration Legacy Challenge - Gen 1.2
Challenge rules
Instead of heading home right away, Caitlin walked around the neighborhood. She ended up at the town center where she took a selfie with the Yamachan statue and sat down with Mortimer and Shigeru Nishidake, a local who knew everything that mt. Komorebi had to offer. "My wife works at the food stall, you should definetely try the maki rolls." He proudly said. Caitlin ordered some avocado rolls right away. She tried one and grinned. "These taste wonderful!" She exclaimed. While getting to know Shigeru, she found out he loved talking about his family. The man said goodbye when the night had fallen and Cait decided to return home aswell.
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After having breakfast, Cait worked on her yoga skills before she'd go back to the spa. "I'll leave as soon as I've taken a shower." She mumbled to herself. Today, she started out at the massage tables. "I'll show you what to do but then you're on your own." Her unfriendly new co-worker, Alex, said. She showed Caitlin what to do befoe leaving the room. Sadly no one seemed interested in getting a massage so Caitlin hopped in the sauna. "Hey, you must be the new girl! I'm Julia." A girl suddenly said. "Yep, that's me. But my name's Caitlin." She smiled. "It's sooo nice to meet you. Shedule me in for a massage sometime." Julia said with a wink before leaving. 'Was she flirting with me?' Caitlin thought as a blush started to form on her cheeks.
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Caitlin decided to give her meditation session another go. 3 clients joined this time and gave her 80 simoleons each. Julia looked over at her and gave her thumbs up. "If you've got the time, join my yoga class." "I will." Caitlin smiled.
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After Julia's class, Mortimer Goth walked over to Caitlin. "I must say, I've never felt more relaxed than after your meditation session." He told her. "But I doubt you can live from that money!" "I do it more as a hobby anyway, but I am looking for a fulltime job that isn't too stressful." Cait explained. "Ah yes, in that case why not become a freelancer and be your own boss?" That made Caitlin think. Why not? Deciding on that would have to wait till the morning though.
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After waking up early in the morning, Caitlin started by doing an enerrgy centering yoga routine, when she fell. "Awtch!" She yelped, rubbing her lower back. "I need to stop overthinking everything and just focus on the now." She told herself. She laid back on her mat, focussing so hard on her breathing, she fell asleep. After her nap, she felt completely energized and went for a jog. So many thoughts were running through her head: Julia, financial issues, herr family and friends back home... She showered and decided then and there she'd look into becoming her own boss. Being a freelancer meant making even more choices: Should she become a writer? A ghosthunter? After doing a lot of research, she decided on the freelance artist career. She had always loved drawing. "Okay, let's see what I can do..." She muttered, looking through the available gigs. Eventually, she chose to create a portrait of someone's deceased relative who apparently sometimes came back as a ghost.
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Her current funds wee just enough to get herself a sketchpad which meant she had to go to the library to use a computer. Step 1: look up some reference pictures. Who was this person? What expression should they have? Caitlin really wanted her client to be happy. Step 2 is to paint the portrait. When her painting was ready, she sent it to the client who wasn't happy with the result so Cait used their comments to edit the painting. It was late by the time she was done editing but the client couldn't be happier and gave her a bonus, handing her 156 simoleons.
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Cait's phone rang. "Hey Cait! It's single's night, come join me!" Julia yelled over the music in the background. Caitlin chuckled. "I'm on my way!" She hung up and made her way over. Sadly, Julia had left when Caitlin arrived due to a family emergency. But Cait wasn't going home. She ordered water at the bar and got wrapped up in a conversation with Cameron Fletcher, A smart guy who was majoring in computer science at the local university. He was a lovely bar buddy who made Cait's heart flutter a little as she walked home.
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To start off the first day of Summer, Caitlin made herself some eggs on toast. The quality was decent and filled her up nicely. "What a nice way to start my day." She sighed happily, cleaning her plate before doing some yoga. Later, she'd pick another gig to work on but right now she wanted some peace. Her eyes kept looking over to her phone. Should she text Cameron? "Why not?" She shrugged, texting him with a smile on her face. "Focus, Cait. Let's see who we can paint for today." She sternly told herself, accepting a gig to design some icons for the Sims Forever's new expansion pack.
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She heard from Julia again while working at the library. She asked Caitlin if she should go out with a guy she met at school. "You should go for it. Let me know how things went!" Cait replied, putting her phone away and sketching some icons. When her phone rang and Cameron's name flashed across the screen, She immediatly picked up. "Hey, it's Cameron, wanna go to the gym together?" "YES! I um... I mean sure.." She answered, practically running out of the library.
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While waiting for him, Caitlin waited outside the gym. The dark scared her a little. She felt anxious so when Cam arrived, she instantly felt safe. The two worked out together and got to know each other a bit more. It wasn't a date but it was nice to be around him.
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
Would anyone be interested in some save file making content (tips, pics of my families, lots, maps...)? If yes, comment what you'd like to see.
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
This is probably a weird reason but I just laugh every time I see one of those Strangerville possessed sims. It's like an over excited smiley face so that's where my name comes from.
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📩 Simblr question of the day: What's the story behind your URL?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon ! ~Thank you for the SQOTD contribution~
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
Aspiration Legacy Challenge - Gen 1.1
Challenge rules
In this legacy we're following the Reynolds' family, starting with Caitlin. She has the high maintenance, active and cheerful traits and her main generational goal is to complete the Inner Peace aspiration.
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Caitlin had ecently moved to Mt. Komorebi to find some inner peace. The decision to move away from the big city wasn't easy: leaving her family and friends behind, but she had to. The stress of work and her unlucky love life just became too much so she booked a one way ticket, hopped on a plane and started her new life on an empty plot of land with zero simoleons and the excitement to start her new journey.
To start the day off, Caitlin visited the Keyomatsu Spa where mindfulness is key and clothing just an option. She started practicing some yoga and meditation. Once she felt confident enough around the all the clothingless people, she took off her own.
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Her next stop was the sauna where she met the mysterious Alon Sadya. He was the first person she had met since she moved here so she friendily introduced herself and they got to know each other. Alon was a neat sim who loved the outdoors. Sadly, he had to go after their conversation in the sauna so Cait showered and headed somewhere else. Sure, she could go back home but that was just an empty plot of land.
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Howeve, if she went to the park she might find some thing to sell. "Ugh, I need to find a job or something to afford a house...or at least some money for a bed." Caitlin sighed. Once at the park, it started raining. "Of course it's raining, just my luck." She said, looking around. Fortunately, the local bar was open so Caitlin ran over, hoping to get some food into her growling stomach and get some sleep.
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"What can I get ya?" Kent, the bartender, asked. "Actually... I can't afford anything here but...do you, maybe, have some scraps? Anything will do...please, I had the worst afternoon and I'm starving..." Caitlin explained. Kent looked at her and nodded. "I can get you some chips and water...just don't tell anyone you got it for free... You can freshen up in the bathroom." He told her, pointing towards the stairs.
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"O, thank you so much! just one more question, do you know a place I can stay the night?" "For tonight, you can sleep on the couch upstairs but I can't help you tomorrow. I suggest finding a few odd jobs or find a hobby to get some money together." Cait nodded, thanking Kent once more before freshning up upstairs. Before calling it a night, she talked to some people that were hanging out at the bar. Later she went back up the stairs and laid down on the couch.
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With a painful back and confused by a weird dream, Caitlin woke up late in the morning. "Morning." Kent greeted her while washing some glasses. "So what's the plan for today?" "I have no idea." She answered with a yawn. "I think you need to clear your head. Luckily, Mt. Komorebi is known for its beautiful place to hike. Legends say hiking can bring you luck." "I could use some of that." Caitlin sighed.
And so, she walked a sceneric hike. She took some pictures, looked around and breathed the crisp outside air. "Come on luck, I'm ready..." She whispered. That moment, her phone rang. "Hello?" "Hello, ms. Reynolds. We forgot to give you the money we owed you. It's sent now." "What? Who is th-" The caller had hung up the phone before she could even finish her sentence and suddenly she had 2500 simoleons under her name. "Wow, Kent wasn't kidding about that luck...Time to get some furniture."
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The "plot of land" now had a bed, a tiny kitchen/bathroom combo and some space for her own yoga mat. Exhaused, Caitlin went straight to bed. The next more she would go to the spa to get rid of the tension she was feeling.
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She used what was left of the money to get a massage from Kyle Kyleson, relaxed in the sauna and went to meditate. "Hey, you!" Caitlin opened her eyes to see Kyle looking at her. "Heard you need some money, dude. I know a way." He said, looking around in silence. "Um...yes...It's not anything illegal right?" "What? No dude. Listen, all the rich people come here and they love spending their money on meditation and stuff. If you hosted some sessions, you could really earn some cash." He explained. Caitlin smiled. "That would be awesome! Thank you!" "Just host a session whenever you've got time. Good luck, dude! O and don't forget to buy a lottery ticket, the pay is huge!". Kyle yelled as he walked off.
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So Caitli hosted her first session right away for a naked Mortimer Goth and Bjorn Bjergsen who was very smelly. It went a little wonky but she got 160 simoleons out of it. She used it to buy a lottery ticket. Who knows, she might get lucky.
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Generation goals:
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'high maintenance' trait
Max the wellness skill
Get rid of 3 fears
Max the fitness skill
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
Hey everyone,
I deleted my save file of and posts about the Aspiration Legacy Challenge because I just didn't feel it with that family anymore also the way I wrote the posts wasn't how I usually write and I just didn't like it anymore.
I am, however, starting over today. Fresh save file, a notebook to write the parts out before posting it here and hope I will like everything more this time.
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
Day 9 of crocheting everything in this book
Today I've finished a tiny christmas tree
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smileyfacesim · 5 months
Day 8 of crocheting everything in this book
Today I finished making a blueberry ice cream cone.
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smileyfacesim · 5 months
Day 7 of crocheting everything in this book
Today I've finished crocheting a little lemon!
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smileyfacesim · 5 months
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25 berichten!
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smileyfacesim · 5 months
Day 6 of crocheting everything in this book
I finished this Saint Patrick's Day cake yesterday!
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