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yaellaharpe-blog · 8 months ago
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(English / Español / Italiano)
The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology did it again by publishing in Nature a couple of years ago the discovery of the first direct offspring of two different human species.
"Denny" (Denisova 11 for Science) was a teenage girl who lived 50,000 years ago in the Denisova cave (Altai) and left us at the age of 13.
His mother was a Neanderthal female and his father was a Denisovan. That makes Denny the first first-generation hybrid human found so far.
We know that Denisovans and Sapiens hybridised somewhere and sometime (very little is known about the mysterious Denisovans compared to other human species) because they left part of their genetic legacy in today's original human communities in Australia and Oceania.
We also know that Neanderthals and Sapiens hybridised and the proof is in our genetic map.
But in Denny's case, it is the first time that a direct (first generation) descendant of two different human species has been found.
What secrets did he keep?
We will be telling you about them as we get to know them. But for the time being, as expected, Denny was not alone 😉
El Instituto Max Planck de Antropología Evolutiva volvió a hacerlo publicando en Nature hace un par de años el descubrimiento de la primera hija directa de dos especies humanas distintas.
"Denny" (Denisova 11 para la Ciencia) era una adolescente que vivió hace 50.000 años en la cueva de Denisova (Altai) y nos dejó a la edad de 13 años.
Su mamá era una mujer neandertal y su papá era denisovano. Eso convierte a Denny en el primer humano híbrido de primera generación encontrado hasta el momento.
Sabemos que denisovanos y sapiens hibridaron en algún momento y en algún lugar (es muy poco lo que se conoce sobre los misteriosos denisovanos comparándolo con otras especies humanas) porque dejaron parte de su legado genético en las comunidades originarias humanas actuales de Australia y Oceanía.
Sabemos también que neandertales y sapiens hibridaron y la prueba está en nuestro mapa genético.
Pero en el caso de Denny es la primera vez que se encuentra a una descendiente directa (de primera generación) de dos especies humanas diferentes.
¿Qué secretos tenía guardados?
Os los vamos a ir contando conforme los vayamos conociendo. Pero de momento os adelantamos que, como era de esperar, Denny no estaba sola 😉
L'Istituto Max Planck per l'antropologia evolutiva lo ha fatto di nuovo, pubblicando su Nature un paio di anni fa la scoperta della prima discendenza diretta di due specie umane diverse.
"Denny" (Denisova 11 per la scienza) era un 'adolescente vissuta 50.000 anni fa nella grotta di Denisova (Altai) e ci ha lasciato all'età di 13 anni.
Sua madre era una femmina di Neanderthal e suo padre un Denisovano. Questo fa di Denny il primo ibrido umano di prima generazione finora trovato.
Sappiamo che i Denisovani e i Sapiens si sono ibridati da qualche parte e in qualche momento (si sa molto poco dei misteriosi Denisovani rispetto alle altre specie umane) perché hanno lasciato parte della loro eredità genetica nelle attuali comunità umane originarie in Australia e Oceania.
Sappiamo anche che Neanderthal e Sapiens si sono ibridati e la prova è nella nostra mappa genetica.
Ma nel caso di Denny, è la prima volta che viene trovato un discendente diretto (di prima generazione) di due specie umane diverse.
Quali segreti ha mantenuto?
Vi parleremo di loro man mano che li conosceremo. Ma per il momento, come previsto, Denny non era sola 😉
Source: ArqueoEduca
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
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LOMENÁ GALLERY, Denisova 284/30, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia The Lomená galerie, literally Broken Gallery, is a cultural space in Olomouc, located in the so-called Lomená Passage in a Baroque building from 1701–1708, the former school building of the Jesuit University, in the historical place where the New Gate once stood as the boundary of Olomouc's forecourt and the burgher town. Lomená galerie je kulturní prostor v Olomouci, který se nachází v tzv. lomeném průchodu v barokní stavbě z let 1701–1708, bývalé školní budovy jezuitské univerzity, v historickém místě, kde stávala kdysi Nová brána jako hranice olomouckého Předhradí a měšťanského města. Lomená galerie
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netmassimo · 3 months ago
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista "Nature Communications" riporta varie considerazioni sulla variabilità degli ominini che abitarono nell'Asia orientale tra 300.000 e 50.000 anni fa e la proposta di una nuova specie chiamata Homo juluensis che include fossili scoperti in varie parti dell'Asia, inclusi quelli attribuiti ai Denisova. Il professor Christopher J. Bae dell'Università delle Hawaii a Mānoa e Xiujie Wu dell'Accademia delle Scienze cinese hanno cercato di fare ordine nell'organizzazione dei fossili di ominini asiatici del Tardo Quaternario con lo scopo di creare un sistema più chiaro che permetta di capire le specie umane che vissero in Asia.
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cilginfizikcilervbi · 3 months ago
Taş Devrine Ait Bir Objeden İlk Kez DNA Yalıtıldı
Taş Devrine Ait Bir Objeden İlk Kez DNA Yalıtıldı 20 bin yıllık kalıtım, geyik dişinden yapılmış kolye ucunu taşıyan kişiyi hakkında bilgiler sunuyor. Taş Devrine Ait Bir Objeden İlk Kez DNA Yalıtıldı DNA analizleri artık arkeolojide ve antropolojide standart  prosedür haline geldi. İskeletlerden ve dişlerden yalıtılan kalıtım, yüz yıllar hatta bin yıllar önce ölen insanlanın kökeni ve aile…
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thecutiecollective · 1 month ago
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Maryna Denisova
IG: MarynaDenisova
Maryna is represented by MSS Group
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digitalfountains · 3 months ago
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Yaroslava Denisova by Balerio Bent
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sharenadraculea · 4 months ago
Every so often I just get the urge to write a story set in the paleolithic but like the tropes are all from your classical high fantasy stories, with multiple humanoid species and cool big animals and a cool quest for the protagonists to go on
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rearte2 · 1 year ago
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Mark Rothko by Denisova Olesya Alexandrovna
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balletomaneblog · 9 months ago
I would even argue against Arina being leading soloist "some day"...in my opinion she has potential, but not so much that we can certainly say she'll reach that level someday.
Yeah, she's not everyone's cup of tea. I will say that I've enjoyed watching her in smaller roles (like L'aurore in Coppélia). I think she has potential, like you said, and I could see her being at leading soloist level one day but I totally understand you having another opinion. She's not at the level of skill that Sergeenkova is or where Kokoreva, Sevenard, and Kovalyova were when they had that rank.
Sorry for the late reply btw!!
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strathshepard · 1 year ago
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Rosemary hotel in Marrakech via Wallpaper*
Photography Marina Denisova
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ballet-symphonie · 2 years ago
Bolshoi Theatre Asks
Has Kokoreva ever done the Etudes ballerina part? I feel like she would be so charming in the variation.
I don’t think she has? But I need this casting. Her and that huge diagonal of chaine...chefs kiss. 
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Thoughts on alyona kovalyova? 
She would not be my first choice to see in anything honestly. 
What do you think of Arina Denisova? She just came out of nowhere and suddenly was given big roles like O/O and Nikiya. Is she having a great sponsor or is Bolshoi that desperate to seek leggy dancers to prepare for Zakharova’s inevitable retirement? I personally found her unremarkable and too young for the roles she was given?
I’m not a fan. It’s a combination of a lot of things, the current aesthetic of ballet and Vaziev’s artistic choices, sponsorship, the corruption at MGAH, ‘preparation’ for the future…its a whole mess. I feel for her and Eva, because they both look like they’re completely out of their depth. 
how were denisova and sergeenkova’s nikiya debuts?
Sergeenkova’s was better, both were not it. 
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tenth-sentence · 2 years ago
We have to face the uncomfortable fact that, until not long ago, our species shared the planet with other kinds of humans.
"Humankind: A Hopeful History" - Rutger Bregman
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netmassimo · 8 months ago
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista "Nature" riporta i risultati di uno studio di oltre 2.500 fossili trovati nella grotta di Baishiya Karst, nella regione cinese dello Xiahe, sull’altopiano del Tibet tra i quali è stato identificata una costola parziale attribuita a un uomo di Denisova. Un team di ricercatori ha utilizzato una tecnica di analisi chiamata Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) per attribuire ossa isolate e spesso frammentate alle specie giuste attraverso le caratteristiche del collagene. Secondo i ricercatori, i Denisova potrebbero aver vissuto in quella grotta tra 200.000 e 40.000 anni fa.
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kanej-jabin · 1 year ago
The world's oldest computer found under the sea is a mysterious discovery of the 21st century by scientists
As a result of advancements in science and technology, today we are able to discover many unknown facts about the earth and the universe. However, there are still many secrets hidden in the world. It can be said without any doubt that the 21st century is more important than any other period in the history of science and technology. Many things have been discovered in this century, which have brought revolutionary changes in human life, and have given some ideas of prehistoric existence. Today's video kicks off with some of the best discoveries of the 21st century, including the enormity of Vietnam's San Dong Cave, an ancient underwater civilization found in Denmark.rede more...
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thecutiecollective · 8 months ago
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Maryna Denisova 💗
IG: MarynaDenisova
Maryna is represented by MSS Group
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digitalfountains · 3 months ago
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Yaroslava Denisova by Balerio Bent
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