critterbitter · 9 months
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Lampent enters her miku stage in unlife, much to the fear and consternation of the rest of the staff. ((One day in the future, the twins will turn the Gear Station into a battle faculty and put Chandelure’s cute aggression to good use. Today is not that day.))
Link to submas masterpost!
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proxycrit · 8 months
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Elesa climbs to celestial tower to ring the bell. Emmet, stuck in between the distortion world, finds his way home.
Part 1/ Part 2
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The conductor falls, down, down, down.
“What’s my name?” He calls to the abyss in terror (what is terror?)
He’s a singular being, right? (That’s not right. He’s one of a pair.)
The abyss gazes back. It has no answers to give, in its multitude.
Not to someone that’s so, so alone.
Somewhere else, one Elesa of Nimbasa rings the Celestial Tower’s Bell, over and over. Her companion, Chandelure, keeps watch.
Nothing happens.
Elesa’s stomach sinks. The reverberations of Celestial Tower’s brass bell mocks her in its echo. The vibrations of it’s distortion only makes the tears she tries to hold at bay worse.
In the blur of her failure, she sees chandelure’s flames suddenly die. Part of her panics.
The rest of her is apathetic and numb.
What’s the point? It didn’t work. Elesa closes her eyes. Tries to swallow, and fails. She’s so tired. She’s so, so tired. The deal with Azelf, the media storm she’s weathered, the constraints of her job, the almost loss of chandelure-
Emmet has been gone for three months. Ingo has been gone even longer.
They have gone where she can’t follow.
Elesa, the ghost whispers in her head. Elesa shakes her head in denial. She doesn’t want to plan right now. She wants to curl into herself, and disappear, just for a bit.
“I can’t do this,” she croaks. The sob in the back of her throat bubbles outwards. She wants Zebrstika. She wants Skyla. She wants her friends.
The paliphet Azelf forced her forward. It permeates her thoughts, drowning out logical thought.
(Too much willpower, and it will become an obsession, Azelf had warned her once in Ingo’s voice. And then, in Emmet’s voice: And when you fail, it willll break you. And finally, in her own voice: you will not have a choice but to move forward, with this curse.
I accept, elesa and told it back in the lake.)
I’m so tired, Elesa thinks now, two months later.
But she keeps moving forward. The bell rings again as Elesa strikes it, with all the hurt and rage and longing forced by her own hand into her soul-
-And that’s when chandelure screams, and there is a terrible rolling crack, and Elesa feels the sudden lurch in her gut as she looks up, her apathy torn into shreds as-
The sky tears open in a fractal wave.
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Elesa gapes.
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She can not comprehend the sudden black webbing across the sky. In the distance, sirens suddenly start wailing as people stop to perceive the impossible.
But Elesa does not care, because in that moment, the wrench in her gut is so great she almost staggers off the platform. Chandelure is by her side in an instant, her glass body a warm comfort to the sudden chill, because-
Something white is falling.
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Elesa’s doesn’t know what she yells. But the tug in her chest feels like the beat of a drum, and she is helpless to the melody that calls for action.
Azelf’s blessed takes a leaping step forward, off the building. Chandelure lets out a panicked chime and the warmth of psychic cradles Elesa as she reaches out, arms outstretched, falling and flying and-
And Emmet, sparking with white electricity, reaches back.
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AU’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Everybody has a Bad Time. (Emmet and Eelektross go to Hisui and learn about the joys of the distortion world. Elesa hunts legends and makes bad deals. Ingo babysits some sneaslets.)
Backstory and explanation:
Prior this scene, Emmet was travelling Hisui with Eelektross before he falls through a mirror and becomes lost in the distortion world for a month. Elesa and Chandelure, meanwhile, refuse to give up on their remaining friend. (Ingo’s fine! He’s in Hisui right now trying to get fired so he can go searching for his memories. Eelektross is… less fine. We will Worry about That Later.)
Disclaimers: Everything’s a work in progress and subject to change!
Part 2!
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ratwithhands · 2 months
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Read Right to Left (Manga Format)
I have returned to watching demon slayer after a year and it came up while I was having a serious late night talk with my big sister. I was talking about the relationship between Michikatsu/Kokushibo and Yoriichi and it turns out we both see each other in Yoriichi's shoes and ourselves in Michikatsu's place. Definitely surprising, but really relieving to know that we both worry too much and we are not so far apart in skill as we believe.
This is technically the first piece of fanart I've ever made for the characters in Demon Slayer, I have made OCs before but I never drew an actual character from the story. For context this is mostly just a fun "what if" scenario with them meeting in the afterlife. I like to think Yoriichi's love would reawaken Michikatsu's humanity.
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hoofpeet · 2 years
ouuguuh … it would be cool if lik (going off the tags of this post) … there was a story reason as for why all the pokemon are attracted to the gear station :3 maybe theres a super ancient pokemon beneath (or somethinng similar IDK ! THEY GOT XURXITREE HOOKED UP TO THE WIRES annd its lik ghost stories lik Oooh theres emptty trains ! and spice is lik Thats not me doing it .) like its SOMETHING tahts drawing them there , whether it be another pokemon or some sort of life force or energy
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THOUGHTS .... Okay giratina specifically loves trains for whatever reason and starts hanging around railyards as soon as they get invented and protects the trains from harm, seeing them as part of it's 'hoard.' Even though it's ??? weird at first the railroad workers eventually just accept Giratina's presence since it's not harming the rails or anything and it eventually becomes kindof the patron saint of trains, later becoming an influence for the design of some trains and Giratinism kindof just becomes a slightly ironic tradition for railway workers .
--> Giratina eventually hibernates in an abandoned tunnel in gear station (possibly unbeknownst to Ingo & Emmet) which attracts a lot of various types of pokemon to the area . Some of which start working at the station
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
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so. my demon slayer hyperfixation came back full force and i had to do something about it
tengen and rengoku make me INSANE so ive decided emmet and ingo are friends with them now <3 and also they get silly powers cus i love being cringe <333333
i want tengen to crush me haha who said that
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077gasoot · 10 days
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more angel demon au stuff..
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Before I forget again, here's another submas au drop
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Submas Isekai AU
Close ups and AU lore in the read more
In another world of fantasy, the demon kingdom try to resurrect their fallen king. Only, they accidentally use a summoning circle instead and pull Ingo from his world into theirs. Believing that he is the past king reincarnated, the demons immediately crown Ingo as their current king and accidentally gaslight him I to believing it too. Because as he was brought over and gained demon traits from the summons, Ingo also lost all his memories but his name.
On the opposite end, the human kingdom hear that the demon king has returned. Fearing for their downfall, the humans correctly use a summoning circle to bring forth a hero from another world. Emmet leaps headfirst into the portal that opens on his end, hoping it will lead him to Ingo. And while he does end up in the world his brother landed in, Emmet is tasked with defeating the demon king before the human kingdom will aid in his search.
While Ingo begins to govern the demon kingdom and actually help improve the lives of the people without starting another war, Emmet is lifted a magic sword and gathers a party of companions. Emmet then makes his journey to co front the demon king, neither brother knowing who they're about to fight.......
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About a year ago, I started up a rp with discord friends centered around this au. It's been one of the best rp experiences I've ever had, mostly because of how awesome those folks and their own characters have been :]
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yanban-san · 1 year
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"Ingo, darling, would you please let some light in?"
"…It's not even light outside yet, little Love." You pouted, and were about to retort- But you were stopped by the feeling of something strangely cold and liquid wrapping around your arms and snaking it's way across your back. The ephemeral mass pulled you into the softness of your bed, shifting and coiling and moving- A darkness you could stare into forever, triggering the appearance of shapes and colors before your eyes that weren't really there.
"Why must you rise with the Sun, Darling? Stay and rest with me. The world will wait." The sonorous voice rumbled in your ears, echoing all around you. A deep, muttered growl- Or perhaps a purr. Something intertwined with your hands, and something else coiled around your shoulder. "The world might wait," You answered back, "But my stomach certainly won't. Can't I go get some breakfast?"
"Hrn," The thing wrapped around you groaned in annoyance- And suddenly you felt something weighty in your hand. A bowl.
A bowl of pecha berries.
"I would rather this satisfy you for now, little Love." Nobori grumbled. You sighed- And ate the berries. Sweeter than normal, and perfectly ripe. As always. "I still wanna get up."
Nobori did not reply- And you set the bowl down, thinking of your next move.
"…Do I need to ask a certain brother of yours for assistance?" You goaded. "Absolutely not," Nobori replied. "…Surely you do not despise my embrace so much you would invoke my own brother against me?"
"Of course not, dear, but…" You squeezed the shadowy hand holding your own. "I would like to get up."
Nobori growled- And half whined. "…I do not want you to get up right now. Can you not stay for a little longer?" You felt something press against you. Heavy, silken, shifting- Cold yet warm, yet stiff, yet hollow- No matter how long you stayed with them, the form of Nobori always eluded description to you. "Why though?" You asked.
"…I have my reasons." He answered.
The thing twitched and shivered in the dark. And you hummed, wondering what to do. It certainly wasn't unpleasant being wrapped up in Nobori's shadows- But you wanted to get on with your day. And you knew the Depot Agents would be missing their beloved Boss. This behavior was quite unlike Ingo too, you knew. Normally he was last to come to bed and first to rise- It was rare you did not see him in his human form, or even a pseudo human appearance.
So why now?
The shadows continued to coil around you. Small little you. Precious little you. Holder of his heart, who could have the Earth bent and shaped to your whims if only you would ask- Normally. Nobori knew it was... Well, rather wrong of him to be holding you hostage. He always did his best to be respectful of your will, but... And it was difficult to admit to himself, too, the reason why he wanted to have you to himself.
You felt something rub against your cheek. Something else twist around your leg, coiling around your thighs-
"I-Ingo," You stuttered, feeling your face flush with warmth- Which made the shadows so much colder as they continued to rub against you-
Or would it be better to call it nuzzling?
"Ingo- Are you... Do you... Are you wanting me to cuddle you?"
"...I merely wish your for your company and affections, my Dear."
"...So you want cuddles."
Something swished in the dark- Like wispy cobwebs collecting around a duster, so to did the shadows suddenly gather into something more corporeal- Tendrils sweeping into shadowy shapes that dared to let the smallest sparks of sunlight trickle into your room as the void pooled into a dark ink, dripping and undulating into a vague, humanoid shape.
"I... I would like to cuddle you. I would like it very much, love. I want to hold you."
The creature grasped at you again, and from it's sorrowful looking facade of a face, you could tell just how despondent your darling was.
Perhaps you could let Nobori win this once.
"Well then, come here." You beckoned, and suddenly the dripping ink expanded again- Except this time you were practically floating in it. A hand grabbed your arm, another wrapped around your stomach, one around your leg, another around your other leg- Gently stroking at your limbs and rubbing your back, and something smooth and firm purring into your neck.
"Mmm... Soft." He hummed. And the shadows went quiet- And so did you. Might as well catch some more snoozing. And as you drifted off again, you could've sworn you heard a quiet, whispered hush of a voice- Almost off in the distance.
"You've been a verrrry bad brother, keeping our soulmate all to yourself like this. I want to cuddle them too."
...Oh dear.
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ya-bug-boy · 3 months
Demon Submas x reader! I've been having fun seeing all the demon twins content that I wanted to also try writing something.
No blankshipping, gender neutral reader
Scenario below
The twins aren't quite accustomed with human culture despite how many millennia they've been alive. It was fair to say they're like this due to their demonic nature, given the fact they are entities beyond human comprehension.
However, they conjured human forms to participate in your world after they found you, their soulmate. Demon and human soulmates are typically a recipe for disaster. Demons who lacked the patience and integrity don't treat their human partners kindly, terrorizing them accidentally in an effort to show their commitment to them. Some humans outright shun their demon partners or some demons trap their humans into a state of forced submission, which guarantees never being able to invoke true, genuine love between them.
Nobori and Kudari were determined to not let that be their circumstances when they found out their soulmate was human. Granted, they were shocked at the news of their partner but grew excited when they shared the same human.
In order for them to appear before you, you needed to summon them first. You came across a soulmate ritual online that you decided to do for fun, taking the idea of magic lightly.
You summoned them correctly! They appeared in your bedroom but the human forms they created weren't correct, part of their eldritch qualities were exposed and they were too much for your human brain to comprehend, sending you into a state of hysteria, their voices overtaking your thoughts. Your state of shock nearly drives you into insanity, if not stopped.
Seeing your reaction, Nobori immediately puts you to sleep, you collapse in his shadowy tendrils as Kudari cries. They erase your memories and set you in your bed, leaving the room the way it was before hiding.
Nobori hides in your shadows and Kudari hides by passing on from one light source to another at first. They want to see what you're like before even trying to see you again.
They see what your life is like though observations, making adjustments when they deem fit. When you walk up stairs, it feels like there's a force supporting you. You don't remember there being a stop sign on this street but there is one now. You forgot your lunch at home but your work surprises everyone with catering from your favorite restaurant; you take home a lot of leftovers. Little adjustments completely directed by them.
It's strange but you start to take notice of your little blessings. Saying a little, "Thank you," in quiet moments where others can't hear you. But they can. Though they know you're thinking of someone else, another god or diety of this world and not them, they do take in a sense of pride that they're bringing you some comfort and joy.
They're not quite sure how to approach you yet, but they've got the right spirit. Approaching you so boldly is deemed an irresponsible choice given how your mind can't comprehend them. But having a mundane being such as a human being soul mates to demons... it is understandably quite dangerous. Would you understand or even accept them? How does this world even react to demons? Humans exist in nearly all worlds but their culture and civilization differs in some small or impactful ways. This is the first time the demons had seen humans being the only intelligent humanoid race in a world completely devoid of magic. Even the strange creatures that outnumber the human population here don't draw their powers from magic. How truly bizarre. If they showed their mightiness...that would surely frighten you, now wouldn't it?
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spicyicetea · 9 months
This is the start of a fic I briefly spoke about in THIS post. These won’t be chapter by chapter posts, at least not at first, but somewhat disconnected posts that change POV. I still don’t know what to call this but if you have suggestions feel free to let me know.
Yandere Eldritch Submas x reader
May contain NSFW topics including violence, swearing and sexual references. MDNI. This is a Fem reader but referred to with GN pronouns the majority of the time. Not proofread because I can’t be bothered.
Oh Arceus
It wasn’t often Arceus had to intervene with his creations, but now he feels obligated. He lowered his guard and something… slipped through the cracks into the reality he had created. Powerful beings they were, rivalling his own power easily when working together. They were hungry beings, greedy things he had tried to protect his creations from. But no, they’ve been a pain in his… neck ever since one of them discovered the concept Soulmates. Their desire to watch his creations grew, wanting to discover what those… humans meant when calling someone a soulmate. Then they found her, what a battle they caused. He held them off, reminding them of a deal they had sealed millennia prior but they easily shattered it as he turned his back to heal. Sliding through the cracks in reality to find her… find their soulmate.
“So, you’re telling me that you fucked up and I have to fix it?”
It was hard to believe a single word they were told, it isn’t often the god you were studying appears before you to beg for your aid. But this was no ordinary situation. Two other god-like beings slipped into the world you held so dear and now god wants you to help fix it, to find them.
“I don’t think I’m qualified for this job.”
“Hold on! Don’t just walk away!”
Y/N stopped in their tracks, sighing before looking at the towering white god before them. Despite how unbelievable it was, it felt wrong to just say no. Arceus wanted them to travel back to Unova, where he believed these beings were hiding. That doesn’t sound so bad… it would be nice to return to Unova…
“Fine, I’ll help you.”
And with that, your fate was sealed. As the phone like shape settled into your palm, Arceus taking a more familiar form to not arouse suspicion, you had been played into their arms perfectly. Disguising themselves in human forms to find their beloved. It’s the perfect plan.
“And given that Arceus can never let things be without his permission, he will lure them home to us!”
“Perfect plan brother! I’m so verrry excited to see our darling again.”
“Yes, however, we should be weary Kudari, I fear Arceus may recognise us and take her away from us…”
“Then we shall use our other names Nobori, remember? I am Emmett and you’re-“
“Ingo, I remember brother.”
The sun streamed through the parted clouds onto the pavement, street vendors offering food at every corner. It had been years since you had lived in Nimbasa, but the sights were still as familiar as ever. Except that was a lie. It had never been so… perfect. In fact, it was uncomfortably so. Your new friend tucked in your pocket not doing much to heal your discomfort.
“I need to get a job… I wonder if that coffee shop I used to visit is hiring.” Y/N muttered, a hand on their chin while trying to figure out how to afford food.
Their shoes clicked along the pavement before a hand tapped her shoulder. With wide eyes, she spun to face them. The person in green uniform bowed and apologised repeatedly. They knew if they didn’t then their bosses would have a few harsh words for him.
“Ah my apologies ma’am! I overheard you talking about needed a job and thought I could lend a hand. You see, we’re currently hiring new workers at the the station and-“
“Station? I don’t remember Nimbasa having a-“
“Ah, it’s always been here, come along, I’m sure you’d love to join us.”
He dragged Y/N along the stairs into the subway grinning at her. His bosses may be your soulmates but all the other workers were eager to meet you. They had followed them from the worlds they originated from as their worshipers and now are often treated as family, or their children more or less. As much as their bosses desired you, the workers needed you just as much, you were their new mom pretty much.
“Ah there they are! Master Ingo!”
Master? What a strange way to refer to their boss…
“Hm? Ah Jackie have you-“ the man in the black coat froze, his eyes widening as he adjusted his cap and cleared his throat. “I see you’ve found someone who wishes to work with us?”
Jackie nodded eagerly taking his cap off and placing it on your head. The expression the other man held changed, it held something dangerous. It felt as if every shadow in the station were starring at you. With a nervous laugh, you took the cap off, placing it into Jackie’s hands again.
“Aha, thanks but I don’t think-“
“We’d love for you to work with us! Wouldn’t we brother?”
“Yes verrry much so Ingo!”
Y/N jolted as a man in a white coat appeared beside him, seemingly out of thin air. What are you saying Y/N, he must have walked over while you looked at Jackie…
“I am Emmett! And this is my dear brother Ingo. We would love for you to join us here.”
Ingo just nodded along with him, both staring at you expectantly. The way both brothers stared into your eyes sparked something. It felt like the shadows were groping at your thighs and weighing down on your chest, coiling around your breasts. Well they were, but you didn’t need to know that, nor did you need to know that they had… gotten rid of one of your neighbours and claimed the house next to yours so they can keep an eye on you.
“I… fine, I might as well. As long as you pay well.” You sighed, the twins lighting up with glee. Both grabbing your hands and leading you further into the station to their office.
“We’ll grab you a uniform and you can start tomorrow!” They said in unison, turning their backs to hide the way their faces distorted, too happy to contain their true forms fully.
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emmangst · 1 year
This will be the last time he ever smiles in October.
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don't worry Emmet, you'll be Fine™ in my hands this October
added bonus : flipped image looking way better
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My thumb is dead
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keksflunsch · 7 months
I guess I got a new Banner now :>
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Angel AU Ingo is here.
Well, Demon Ingo hehe.
He is the embodiment of Pride in this Universe. His familial a Raven, who also gave him his wings.
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krikidilly · 1 year
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EEK! The goobers have evolved!!
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madd-nix · 8 months
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"I feel you, Johanna! I feel you... I was half convinced I'd waken, Satisfied enough to dream you, Happily I was mistaken, Johanna!"
So, I saw Sweeney Todd on Broadway almost two weeks ago, and this idea hasn't left my mind since. Just the idea of Ingo as Antony singing to Johanna is really sweet, and the song itself is really pretty! Makes you temporarily forget that the musical is about murder and cannibalism, lol!
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
For the first time since his brother had become a demon, Kudari gets to ride a train. Nobori and his other friends are there too, and for a while, things are nice. That changes when a powerful demon attacks. Kudari has to first face his inner demons if he ever hopes to defeat the one endangering the passengers. Lucky for him, he has a brother who would never let him down.
Hey! Happy Pokemon Day!
I am FINALLY posting, at long last, my @destinationunownzine fic! Figured today was a great choice lol. Thank you, mods, who organized the fic and let me participate <3 It was literally a dream come true!
It's my Demon Slayer AU! I need to share more about this one ngl, it's been a while since I thought about it! Either way, please enjoy this fic free for all to read <3
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 years
{Demon bride au: Y/n wakes up on an altar with cultists all standing around her.]
Y/n, struggles with the binds: The fuck is this? {Date’s name}?! where are you, what happening?! (One of the cultists cuts her hand.) OW!
Cultist leader: Now we will start the ceremony, oh forces of the void hear my voice (a portal opens soon as they spill Y/n’s blood on glowing stone) 
Y/n: W-What is that? what did you do???
Cultist leader: We your fellow servants offer you this virgin Mareep-- 
Y/n, interrupting: Hold up, Hold up! …Virgin? Who the fuck said I was virgin?
{Awkward silence.}
Cultist leader:...….Pardon?
Y/n: I’m. Not. A. Virgin.
Cultist leader: {D/n}! You said she was virgin!
Cultist: She is, she’s Asexual!
{The other cultists groan and face palm.]
Y/n: Yes, I’m ace. But that doesn’t mean I’ve never had sex before!
{While everyone’s yelling at [Date’s name] no one notices the portal becoming unstable until Y/n is sucked in.]
Cultists: ....Shit!
[cut to the hell’s welcome gate station where the twin guards, Ingo and Emmet wait for the next train of souls to arrive.]
Ingo: Another one stood me up last night, Emmet, what’s wrong with me?
Emmet: Nothing brother, people just don’t know a good thing when they see it. you’ll find the person who does someday.
Ingo: Well I don’t want it to be someday. I wish that person would appear to me now!
{As if on cue the portal opens up in the sky and an unconscious Y/n falls out of it into Ingo’s arms. The twins stare down at the knocked out human stunned, then back up at the sky.]
Emmet: Quick Ingo! Now wish for donut rain!
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