#Delta's Posts
el-pada · 9 days
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HEY!! do you! yes you! want a real life mariza to hug??!!!
then please go and support @shandzii 's campaign on makeship! were almost reaching the amount needed to make the prototype!!
you can throw her against the wall!! or put her in a blender!! but she must be real first, so please go and pledge if you can!! we can make this real!!
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gl1tzh · 3 months
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doodled instead of studying!!!!!!!!!! because this is more important!!!!
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rennebright · 6 months
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GOOD MORNING, BOSS~SU! by GaiNoob [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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sandeewithtwoe · 1 month
Just getting it all out of my system
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Color: You’re giving it back after you’re done with it, right?
Killer: Yeah, yeah, sure
Color: Promise?
Killer: Nah
Color belongs to Superyoumna
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
(Bonus below the cut)
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Delta: Why do my friends keep hanging out with criminals?? <- Always third-wheel
Delta belongs to Animated Zorox
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blueteamjax · 2 months
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[We have a problem. A big problem]
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tezzbot · 20 days
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Scene idea for a fic I'm kind of writing was so clear in my minds eye I had to try and draw it so here's a rough. thing. everyone like 20 years younger than canon woagh
Branch huddles round the campfire with other kids from the country troll tribe listening to an older country troll (who I couldn't be bothered drawing shhh) telling stories while softly playing his guitar to accompany them while JD and Delta Dawn have a chat nearby :0
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faggazoid · 28 days
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* Drew some art of myself. For fun.
* :)
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gamelpar · 10 months
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sev text posts!! he's alive and back with delta i accept no criticism
fixer | sev | boss | scorch | delta squad
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shandzii · 1 year
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youtube moment
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grissomesque · 1 year
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Star Trek: Voyager 7x05: "Critical Care" x The Delta Flyers
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protagonist-art · 4 months
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I KEEP FORGETTING TO POST HERE delta for ur troubles...
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bombcollar · 1 year
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haven't played rain world yet but i enjoy a rotund beast
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delta-syrup · 3 months
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redesigns for verin and kj!!!! boring poses but thats the way it is when i do redesigns
verin uses he/they, kj uses she/he
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rennebright · 6 months
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【陰の実力者になりたくて!】デルタ by 疾風✦Hayate [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 month
So I picked up Hard Contact today and was finally skimming through it and found this:
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faerytrait · 2 days
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one friday night in san myshuno; sade's band lands their first bar gig, and all the besties show up to the show
isabela: that was so fucking sick sade! seriously, you guys are amazing.
sade: it means so much that you guys are here. our first fucking bar gig! can you believe it?
[indistinct chatter]
delta: hey... you killed it up there. that was an awesome show.
riley: oh... thanks.
sade: alright! drinks on me! everyone to the fucking bar!
riley: hey... delta. wait a minute.
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