#Definitely will need to write poetry or fic about her later :3
kandicon · 1 year
Is nobody talking abt Nova Storm being a potential trans woman?? Like she not only takes Thundercracker's place but also has his sonic booms?? The show has gone over nonbinary people and gender conversations already, this is not out of the relm of possibility at all.
If nobody's gonna talk about it that just means I'm gonna talk EXTRA about it. Headcanon time.
Okay, so obviously Starscream was the one who did the surgery. He'd be all to happy to have unique colors w the removal of Thundercracker's blue and be the only boy in the group. The chance to stand out even more amongst his trine AND a free opportunity to stick his hands in some internals and do as he pleases?? HELL yes.
He was only a little upset that Nova Storm wanted to keep her sonic booms and he couldn't take that mechanism to stick into his own internals. Just a little.
Skywarp started doing makeup because Nova Storm took interest in it. Which of course meant Starscream also got into it too because he would not let his trine walk around with messy lipstick! Don't they know they're an extension of himself?! Their image is his image and they will look the best. Both Skywarp and Nova Storm have shaky hands from their outlier abilities. Good thing no-smudge paint can last without wear for months, no war or prison could ever get in the way of a perfect face of makeup.
Nova Storm realized she was a femme during the war, which is the main reason she got Starscream to do her transition and not a less biased, less unethical actual doctor. It had downfalls, but it was also one of the trine's closest times during the war. The three of them, all sitting around a room meticulously planning "Thundercracker's" death for months, because Nova Storm's a writer and no way she's gonna give up the chance to act out one her stories in real life. Skywarp is so proud of the fake tears she made at the news to this day (Starscream learned mascara just so Skywarp could wear some that day to get it all runny). Y'all will think that the Decepticons' most guarded secret has something to do with the war, or a Shockwave experiment, but no. The Decepticons' closest kept secret is Nova Storm's transition.
Everyone can kinda agree that it was probably the best for Nova's transition to be secret, "Thundercracker" was a very public figure as one of Starscream's trine. It would have been an easily available weakness for other Decepticons or Autobots to attack to hurt Starscream or Nova Storm. But the main reason was for the tragic death story potential and siblings scheming together.
Skywarp and Nova Storm definitely had their whole finishing each other's sentences before her transition, but they totally played it up even more afterwards.
Nova Storm got so happy and euphoric when people started to refer to her and Skywarp as sisters (usually with a negative "s" word before it. Ex. Scary, sinister, spooky, etc.). She still feels euphoric over it, but it's much more normal for her now and then she realizes she feels less about it because is so much more normal and common now and that makes her even happier. It's just a thing for her now!! It's a correct thing and it's natural and that's exactly how it's supposed to be.
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CFWC Writer of the Month: the-pale-goddess
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @the-pale-goddess! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog: the-pale-goddess Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I downloaded Choices in an extremely terrifying moment of my life in late 2019. I was seeing the ads everywhere and thought that this game might serve as a fairly decent distraction. Well, I wasn’t wrong skfjksjfk 
I’m not sure which one was actually the first, but it was either the default TRR or Save The Date promoted at that time. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
My obsession with Open Heart and Ethan Ramsey tied nicely with the release of the second book in 2020. The lockdown allowed me to explore this fictional world further, so I started looking for more content. I found the legendary Denise, aka @justanotherrookie, while lurking on IG. That’s when my long-forgotten Tumblr account came to my mind, and I logged in with the intention of scrolling through the tags to satisfy my EJR thirst.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
Oh, dear…It’s very silly! My skin is extremely pale and I have always been obsessed with music; hence the combo. 
Fun fact: this account is quite old (though still not as old as my tumbroke card; I had like three other accounts before this one), and I was slightly embarrassed to enter a new fandom with my dusty aesthetic blog signed by some ominous name, but decided to go with the flow. Then the-pale-goddess has become my brand, and it was too late for any changes–anyone who has changed their URL knows how problematic blogging is afterward.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
My first fandom post was inspired by the frustrating ending of the softball chapter AND the first hiatus announcement…It didn’t age well. As we all know, Ethan & MC didn’t ‘talk about it.’ What’s more, we had to survive a long OH drought before PB decided to resume the second book. 
Three years later, the very same shitpost is still the most popular Choices post on my silly little blog lol
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
3 years, fanfiction is my pandemic baby! Though I’ve been writing since I was a kid, it was mostly poetry and never in English. But as time passed, I got more occupied with my teenage life and eventually lost motivation to write. That old passion resurfaced several years later, at the beginning of the pandemic. Apart from the obvious need for distraction from the COVID situation, I was frustrated that my English skills were getting rusty, so I decided to dive in. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to write about?
No surprise here: Open Heart (the first book) and Open Heart 😂 I never tried writing about any other Choices book. 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were writing it today?
Miami Heat aka my smutty Miami AU. The concept is brilliant, but the execution…Yikes! I often think of rewriting the entire thing because the writing is amateur at best and my inner perfectionist cringes whenever I think of this mini-series.  
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
It all depends on my mood, so here’s a list of my favorites!
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but found could use a little more love?
Cabin Fever - apparently this 69 plotless smut is iconic for some reason? I don’t really get the hype. It has an insane amount of kudos on ao3, my other fics can’t compare lol 
Burnt - Book 1 mutual pining E&T classic and one of my absolute favorites (we’re talking top 3); it could definitely use a little more love!
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
I’ll shock you all and say that I wish I could write fluff for the rest of my life kjgkdgjkdf But since I suck at it, I’d love to be stuck with angst and a dash of smut. 
It’s probably a sad thing to admit, but I feel the most comfortable while writing angst. The realism of pain and the emotions that follow are simply very familiar, and it’s easy for me to conjure up a creative image to match the idea. Besides, there’s so much to explore in the angsty realm: all the flavor, nuance, layers, and symbolism. The possibilities are endless!
Smut doesn’t need an explanation, does it? I live on the thirst street 🤡
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
I do. That’s probably why Open Heart got me sucked right in–OH MC felt very real and relatable, I couldn’t help but see bits of myself in her. Though we share many traits and experiences, Tiffany definitely isn’t an extension of me. I poured my heart and soul into this woman, but she has become her own person and I try to avoid self-projecting into her character unless there’s a clear purpose. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Recently, I have been struggling with writing in general lol The internet is ruthless!
My biggest issue is that self-loathing perfectionist who doesn’t let me enjoy the process, nothing seems to be good enough for her, and that attitude dims my motivation and hinders creativity.
On a more technical note, I absolutely suck at describing basic movement. I could churn out a long essay on a character’s internal struggle explaining the most complex emotions or a 4K elaborate smut, but when it comes to finding the right words to portray the simplest action, like walking down the stairs or setting the scene for an early morning conversation at the hospital, I feel lost kdhdkhdkdb 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Pretty much all of my WIPs are neglected 🤡 But here are the most important projects I’m hoping to finish at some point in the not-too-distant future: 
Home With You AU
Past, Present, Future
My Way Home Is Through You
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
Since fanfic is based on an existing work of fiction, and the core plotlines and characters should be well-known to the readers, I guess it could be a tedious and confusing read for someone who isn’t involved in the fandom. But then I have received comments from people unfamiliar with OH who have stumbled upon my fics and gave them a chance, so maybe I’m wrong lol 
I like to think that I would be okay with sharing my works with someone I know and trust in real life, but let’s be honest: my crippling anxiety would stop me ksjfkjssd However, if I were to pick a fic rec, I’d choose Heaven Upside Down AU because it doesn’t need an extensive OH knowledge. Plus, I’m very proud of this series.
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? 
While I try to keep my writing style unique and simply mine, there are three lovely ladies who had a huge impact on my writing journey:
@writinghereandthere (aka an actual genius and my writing role model) was the direct source of inspiration behind my fanfic revelation. I fell in love with Ethan and Mariana, Ana’s beautiful prose, her wit, unparalleled talent, and fantastic characterization. Her writing changed the trajectory of my life. Though she left the fandom long ago, her masterlist is a must-read for everyone, trust me! (Ana, if you’re reading this: I miss you more than words can convey. Sorry for the spam I leave in your inbox every now and then skgjksgjk Hope to hear about your original work soon ❤️)
@starrystarrytrouble & @terrm9 - these two literary geniuses have inspired me to follow my own writing path and develop a distinctive style. Their masterpieces offer poetic, raw emotions, encouraging me to allow myself more creative freedom. I’m in constant awe of their unmatched talent and come back to their works whenever I want to feel things ❤️
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Can I have all of them, please? 
I would pay all my money to watch a TV series based on my canon OH plotline…I’m not kidding, I even made a bunch of Netflix edits because I need it in my life. On the other hand, my precious AUs would look amazing on the big screen! The most scrumptious one still hasn’t left my head though, so you have to trust me–the cinematic potential is truly there kdgjkdgjk 17- Do you write original fiction? 
I have a few ideas, but they’re so complex I’m stuck on the outlining phase. Mayhaps one day?
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I’m a certified music freak and a cinephile. I practice destroying male egos on a daily basis. I love photography, niche sports, playing with my dog, lifting people’s moods, random unhinged facts, and ignoring reality, and I have just entered my skincare expert era. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
🥰 + ✨ + 💀 
These three emojis perfectly encapsulate who I am as a person, I think: full of love and magic, but also dead inside ksjgksjgks 
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to)
I’d like to thank our lovely admins for giving me this exciting opportunity to ramble about my tiny corner on this hellsite and showcase my word vomit. My heart is full of gratitude! I may not be as active as I used to be, and real life doesn’t allow me to change that, but our fandom will always have a special place in my heart, and I feel very lucky to be a part of this community. Thank you for still putting up with me and supporting my fictional world ❤️❤️❤️
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verecunda · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @firebatvillain... er... a few weeks ago, I think. Thank you! Sorry it took me so long.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh, God. Loads, too many to list. Tolkien is currently at the top of the list, and I'm also deep in the extended Jacobite Literary Universe. :D Generally, my fandoms tend to have some sort of historical and/or fantasy setting.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Amo, Amas, Amat (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius) Slightly Scandalous (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius) Kindred Spirits (Ghosts, Captain/Thomas) Reality Bites (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius) Poetry Slam (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius)
My NATM fics are still my most popular ones by a country mile. I still get almost daily kudos on all of them, which is somewhat bamboozling, given that they're pretty old, very short, and there's been a lot more NATM fic written since then. But it is nice that folks are still finding them and reading them. :D
Then there's that random Ghosts one in there, too!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, almost always. I like to let readers know I appreciate their feedback, and it's fun to flail about our favourite characters and ships. Though right now, I have to admit that I have a bit of a backlog of comments that I need to respond to. But I'll get there. :S
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've written a few, but possibly Nunc Dimittis, which is about Morgoth sending Sauron away at the final fall of Angband. It ends with Sauron feeling the moment that Melkor is taken captive, then later, when he's cast into the Void, and realising he's now truly alone. That fic was entirely Dark Lord angst. :P
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oof, a fairly tough one. I'm quite big on giving my ships happy endings, wherever possible. But I'll go with A Few Good Years to Spend, because that whole fic was an exercise in giving Andreth and Aegnor a happy ending. But I very much liked the final scene, with Andreth growing old and Aegnor as totally, utterly besotted with her as ever. It also had them all surrounded by the various kids of the House of Bëor, and Aegnor being the confirmed favourite, and the image was cute. :3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I did get one really weird comment on a fic, which was basically a diatribe against the POV character. But it had nothing to do with the actual fic, it was about the character in the canon, and it seemed like it was part of some larger screed had just been c+p'd from some other site. Very strange.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, every so often. I wish I wrote more tbh, because I'm a pervy wee hobgoblin. I've never even written an f/f scene or a proper threesome. So far, all my smut has been fairly tame, but I'd like to try my hand at some more kinky stuff at some point. ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah, when inspiration strikes. I don't know about the craziest, but I think the daftest must definitely be And Long Would Mandos Hold Him, where Death from Horrible Histories meets Saeros from The Children of Húrin and is, naturally, delighted. That one was a riot to write. XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but fuck, who knows. The internet is huge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times, into Chinese and Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, not if you mean both of us writing. I think the closest I've come so far was when I collaborated with peasina for last year's Pod_Together, which involves teaming up to create both a written fic and a podfic version of the same. It was a really fun experience, coming up with ideas for a story together, and interesting, because it's the first time I've ever written a story specifically intended to be read aloud, so it was something to keep in mind all the time I was writing. The end result was A (Confirmed) Knight Bachelor: written version here and pod version here. I really enjoyed doing this one! :D
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
God, I don't know. I have no idea how to gauge that.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ahahahaha... oh God, right now, it feels like all of them. XD
But really... sadly, probably the Legolas/Gimli post-LOTR fic I started. Honestly, I think the fact it was looking to end up as a multi-chapter affair kind of scared me from the get-go. Then I wrote myself into a knot trying to work out Legolas and Thranduil's dynamic immediately after the War of the Ring. No doubt it's the sort of thing that could be easily worked out with a bit of tinkering, but I got discouraged and ended up shoving the whole fic on the back-burner, where it's like to stay. :[
(Of course, talking about it inevitably makes me want to open it up and have another crack at it. But realistically, I don't think I'll ever finish it.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do character voices pretty well, and in book fandoms, I think I can usually pull off a decent pastiche of the style. And on a good day, I think I can do good descriptive prose.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking plots, how do they work??? On a bad day, I think my prose is overdone and pedantic: too fussy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It can definitely add something - authenticity, atmosphere - but should also be used with caution. Writing is all about communication, after all, and if you start writing whole screeds of conversation in a language that you're not guaranteed your target audience will understand, you're not serving the story, just trying to show off. Economy is the key, I think. I also usually include a translation, either as an endnote, or as a hover-over caption.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
lol technically, I think it must be historical RPF. I used to write wee stories about the historical peeps I was obsessed with at the time.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh, how the hell is anyone meant to answer a question like that.
Tagging, with no obligation: @nocompromise-noregrets, @cilil, @bryndeavour, @chiropteracupola, @regshoe, @sanguinarysanguinity, @technicallycleverdetective, @swanmaids, @cycas, and @di-daydreamer.
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voidichor · 2 years
hello xanthe, you brought this on yourself.
i would like to know more about karliya and the universe they are from in your headcanon.
i know you said you were going to make it a comic, and i've been frothing at the bit like crazy to learn more.
would you be willing to share?
aaaa absolutely!! I'm really happy you're interested ^_^ I'm not entirely sure yet where I'll end up going with my AU, ideally I'd like to make a longer comic or fic series out of it but right now it's a lot of bits and pieces that I've been tinkering with in my head and the question of whether I end up having the time and energy to string them all into something coherent is one I never really know the answer to, haha. The responses to the stuff I've posted so far have been so motivating, though ;w; I'm definitely going to try my best to bring some of it to life, even if it ends up being more of a collection of oneoffs.
OKAY SO. That being said, time to ramble about some of my ideas/hcs ^^
I'm going with a post-etv au for now, though I might end up going off the rails and experimenting more with the premise once I actually start writing a proper outline, who knows!!
It starts with Ghost missing after becoming the Shade Lord; basically after ascending and going on their godhome rampage they panicked, overwhelmed by all the new void power, not wanting to lose themselves and destroy everything they set out to save, so they dove down into the abyss. I'm really intrigued by the area that would have been under the void sea had we gotten the abyss expansion and I have a need to explore it, so that's where they end up.
Grimm, Hornet and Hollow (reluctantly) team up in Ghost's absence, eventually going to the abyss in search of them once Hollow recovers enough physically to make the journey; when they get there Hollow ends up going down into the void sea, finding Ghost and helping them come back to themselves.
Ghost eventually starts to learn how to manage all their new power, Grimm becomes something of a godhood mentor to them and eventually they're able to switch between being themselves and being the Shade Lord relatively smoothly.
The whole gang starts to grow closer over time, which they're very bad at but little by little they start to care for each other and learn how to be cared about and become a weird little family made out of broken pieces.
And of course Grimm and Hollow slowly start to fall in love ~
Very, very slowly. The slowest of burns, as agonizing and full of Hollow angst as I can make it 😈
Now for Karilya hcs!!
She comes in a long while later, I'm thinking around 10 or so years into Grimm and Hollow being in an established relationship.
She was conceived with the help of some kind of magic ritual since Hollow was never supposed to be able to have kids, and they're as nervous as they are excited, thinking of all the things that could go wrong and getting lots of reassurances from Grimm. (meanwhile Ghost and Hornet are just like "hey at least you can't fuck up as bad as our dad")
When Karilya hatches, Hollow just stares at her for the longest time, hardly able to believe she's real, eventually getting overwhelmed by how much they love her and breaking down in Grimm's arms :3 (Grimm is also Overwhelmed and hugs both of them for hours)
Karilya has Hollow's soft heart, Grimm's charm and fiery spirit, and a feral streak courtesy of Ghost and Hornet.
Ghost and Hornet love their little niece so much.
Karilya thinks the Shade Lord is the most badass thing ever and is always begging Ghost to turn into them (they always do)
Hornet teaches her to hunt and gives her the Weaversong charm so she'll never have to be lonely.
Grimm reads Karilya poetry to lull her to sleep and conjures her all kinds of fun adventures in her dreams, he also teaches her how to use fire powers once they start to manifest (which she is beyond thrilled about when it happens)
Eventually Karilya learns about all the ugly family history; when she's little it happens gently in moments like the one from the wip I posted, her getting curious and asking questions about Hollow's scars or their statue or the weird temple that they avoid going near on their walks through the crossroads, and as she gets bigger she starts to really comprehend it all.
Adult Karilya is very protective over her home and her family, I've been playing with the idea of some new god coming around Hallownest trying to start shit and her facing off against them but I'm not sure yet, I definitely know there will be some kind of new Horrors for the gang to deal with >w>
That's about everything I can think of right now but feel free to send more questions my way if you have them, I'm always happy to ramble about my ideas 💖
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piratejenna · 2 years
Day 5 of @justleaveacommentfest and it's time to shout out some of my favorite comments!
I have received some incredibly sweet comments, and they never fail to make me smile! So here are a few of the comments that have continued to stick with me:
from @villklovn
GOD I HAD A MIGHTY NEED FOR AUNT ZISKA AND TRUCY BONDING Franziska relating to Trucy and her favorite Christmas memories all involving Miles and her not being able to say no to Trucy we’re all adorably heartrending moments Also Franziska fearing Trucy could be like Kay agsjahsh screaming Also Franziska’s characterization is absolutely spot on 10/10, and Trucy and Nick too. Also Miles trucking her into it agsjah he absolutely would do that This was so lovely, thank you so much for sharing thissss <3
from LostGuard on AO3
I actually meant to comment on this a while back, but I couldn't figure out how to word it. Yet this is the third or fourth time I've reread it, and it still hits just as hard (maybe even harder) as the first time I read it, and so I finally decided to force myself to comment (I really should make a habit of commenting!) Poetry fics are something that I find quite rare and underrated. Practically every time I've seen one, I've loved it, and this one certainly isn't an exception. I love how you implement and bounce off of the canon dialogue, and I love the main point as well - I completely agree that Asougi isn't necessary different, he's just showing another side of him (yeah, looking back at case 1, you can see the threads of his later characterization poking through). You manage to perfectly encapsulate his feelings/emotions on the subject! The Ship of Theseus is something I've learned about through fics, and I love the usage of the reference here, subverting it in a way ("Seems irrelevant when you haven’t fulfilled the only prerequisite"). My first instinct was to comb through all the lines and pick out some of my favorites, but I can't do that, because there's so many good ones! There's also the fact that the lines are all intertwined so well; they lead into each other so well and I feel that every word, every line, has a purpose. Essentially, I really like this, and I just wanted you to know that! I hope you're having a great day, and in the event that you choose to write another fic/poem in the future (as mentioned in the author notes), I hope you'll have fun :)
from tigerharting on AO3
IT'S KAY!!!! i love that this edgeworth is a little more realistic because he's less confident, i definitely dont think someone raised by von karma would be rich with confidence even at 20 and especially not for his first case, and i especially loved how his uneasiness is built up through the elevator incident and the nightmare which makes it even MORE realistic so it's really fun to read and gets you into his headspace way easier. i also love how edgeworth immediately notes the similarities between his situation and kay's, even before faraday's death, and can't really shove aside his emotions with his logic yet because of it. great chapter!!! i am so excited to read more thank you so much for writing and sharing this with us!!
from @mrsnaildood
Uhm. Hello, I loved this fic so much that I drew fanart of it?? Thank you so much for writing for this AU. It's everything I ever wanted to see. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time reading this, and you write Jove perfectly(the way he teases Klavier, the way he comforts Apollo, all of it). I really, really can't wait to read more of it ;u; Here's the link to the art: https://twitter.com/YJ_Doodle/status/1280554888854831104?s=20
from DoodleSweet on AO3
HI. It's taken me WAY too long to comment on this but OHMYGOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH That anyone wants to write Jove and Jolassa makes me so, so happy, I've been so invested in them for ages! (I've got two Jolassa gift fics in the tag!) ANYWAY. You write so well! I love what you're doing with Jove and your lives AU is so close to mine! I love so much that we as a Jove fandom agree on so much about him! Including the later chapters (which I won't spoil here in case!) with more dadding. Bless you! <3 You're amazing and wonderful and I can't wait to read more!!
from @sunflowersforphoenix
Hey! So I came across this fic while I was taking a break from housework, I had just put a sinkful of dishes in hot water, and I was like “I’ll just read the first page while my dishes are soaking” and now it’s two chapters later and my dishwater’s cold and I’m still reading! XD My favorite part so far is the flashback scenes between Jove and Thalassa, they make such a sweet couple, you can tell they really care for each other. Now I’m wondering how far Jove will go to unravel this mystery and find out what really happened to his wife. Thanks so much for sharing your writing and hope to read more soon!
from merinarasauce on AO3
DELICIOUS. EATS THIS UP LIKE GROCERIES. i am SO happy you came back for this one!! i thought it might've been gone for good, but i checked my email (of all things, lol) and saw that you'd updated to finish it out. thank you for sharing this with us! it was a wild ride from start to finish, and i enjoyed every second of it. i hope you're doing well, and have a great day!!
If you've ever commented on one of my fics, know that I have read your comment, probably multiple times, and likely have saved it to my phone. Every single comment means the world to me, and I am so thankful for them!
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shivunin · 1 year
Hello! 💜
For the fanfiction writing ask…
11, 18, 22 and 35!
Hello! <3 Thanks for asking, Arja!! c:
(Questions here)
11. Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
Both, depending on the story. I usually have one super clear scene in mind when I start writing, so I usually start there and work toward it from the beginning. Occasionally I'll have other clear ideas as I go and I'll jot them down before coming back to the beginning. I never, under any circumstances, write the ending until I get there, though---I might as well dig the poor thing a grave. Once I know how it ends, I lose all interest in actually finishing it.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
Yes and no! If I'm in the pre-writing process, I really enjoy research because it can help shape the narrative. If I'm already halfway through and I need to stop everything to look something up, it really interrupts the flow for me. So I try to get an idea of what I'll need to know beforehand so I don't have to stop.
So far, The Red Crossing Arrangement, which is still not finished or posted lol. I needed to know a lot about the elves post-Andraste and pre-Exalted March and invent a lot of other things that still felt like they fit into that period. I still have seven or eight tabs open of information that goes with that fic. Of the published ones, though, definitely Your Fate for Mine, since it was the first. I read a lot of wiki entries about the Dalish and the Fade going into that one.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
I've done all! Sometimes I hear an especially delightful word and I know I've got to use it. Sometimes I think of a name that just easily fits the story (see: The Red Crossing Arrangement, which I think has a nice flow and and directly relates to the content of the story; on the other hand, Wander the Drifting Roads was originally named Certain Purpose after a quote from the game and it has no flow and doesn't quite fit the narrative). Sometimes I don't publish something for a while precisely because I can't think of a decent name.
I pull titles from lines of poetry, neat words I've heard (Misericordia, for example), quotes in the story, or fun wordplay if I can think of it. I had the most fun naming the Checkmate fics, because I needed to look up all the ways you can check in chess and they already have fun names. If the stories are in a series, I try to keep names thematically similar (Unyielding/Inexorable, for example).
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
Ouch!! That's hard. I think probably Wander, because it was devastating and healing to write, and because I have made some absolutely lovely friends because Wander exists c:
But my second choice would probably be Only Ghosts. It really has all my favorite things in it, tbh---I guess the only trope missing is Zev carving a bloody path through enemies to get to her, but I can always save that one for later!
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
If I had a gun - Noel Gallagher X Reader
Pairing: Dilf! Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Language, fluff, smut (P in V sex), age gap
Words: 2195
Summary: Noel falls in love with a girl who’s a chorist in his band and who’s younger than him and he doesn’t know what to do because he thinks this relationship is forbidden, but one night, he breaks down.
A/N: Hello everyone ! I’m back with this new smut with Noel. I know the summary talks about Noel points of view but the story will be told by the reader of course. I’ll to publish as much as I can but I won’t publish smut (except the fan fic) on April 20th because I’ll be passing my exams for college.  Also, I know the song was written in Lima, but let’s act as if it was written later, and for and because of reader, shall we?
Enjoy and much love to you all!
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(Because Dilf Noel though)
At the second he saw you, Noel knew he was trapped. It’s like the world around him stopped. He definitely fell in love with you. And at the second you saw your idol, the same thing happened. But how could you manage this love you both shared, when the one you loved didn’t want to touch you, to kiss you, to make love to you ?
Noel had confessed about his feelings 4 months after you met. But he just held hands with you, and told you he was sorry, but that you couldn’t love each other, because it was forbidden.  Okay, you were 20 years apart, but you were in age to have a relationship with an older man, you weren’t a child anymore.
Once, you kissed, Noel couldn’t resist it. He couldn’t resist you.
One day when you came to the studio, you found words on a table:
“If I had a gun
I'd shoot a hole into the sun
And love would burn this city down for you If I had the time
I'd stop the world and make you mine
And every day would stay the same with you
I'll give you back a dream Show you now what might have been If all the tears you cry would fade away
I'll be by your side When they come to say goodbye We will live to fight another day Excuse me if I spoke too soon My eyes have always followed you around the room
'Cause you're the only God that I will ever need I'm holding on, I'm waiting for the moment to find me”
To your eyes, it was poetry. Was it his way to declare his love for you to the world ?
He saw you reading the paper and gave you a weak smile. He hadn’t planned for you to read it.
A few days after, you found another part of this text. The man was writing a song about you two.
“Hope I didn't speak too soon My eyes have always followed you around the room 'Cause you're the only God that I will ever need I'm holding on, I'm waiting for the moment For my heart to be unbroken by the sea Let me fly you to the moon My eyes have always followed you around the room 'Cause you're the only God that I will ever need I'm holding on, I'm waiting for the moment to find me”
If he couldn’t have you, he would write poetry. It was so romantic and so sad at the same time. Using words instead of actions, you couldn’t take it anymore.
It has been 7 months you knew Noel, 7 months you were singing for him.
You were rehearsing his album in Manchester.
Noel and the whole band including you were sleeping in the same hotel. Noel didn’t want to bother his mother by sleeping at her house.
One night, you heard a loud knock at your room’s door.
You took a look at the clock, it was 3 past 40 in the morning.
Who’s that ? You tried to yell with your sleepy voice
Noel ?
You got up and put on your bathrobe because you were used to sleep naked and went towards the door.
You opened it and saw Noel, sweating a bit and out of breath.
Noel, are you okay ?
No… No. Can I come in ?
Of course, come, take a sit.
He entered your room and sat on the edge of the bed, putting his head in his hands.
Noel, hey, what’s going on ? You said, putting a hand on his shoulder
I…I had a dream.
A bad dream ?
No. A good one.
Then what is it?
Tell me Noel, it’s okay.
You were in this dream.
And ?
Do you really want me to tell you about this dream in detail?
I don’t even know why you’re hesitating.
Because once I’ll tell you there will be no turning back.
Who said that’s what I want ?
Since you’re insisting, here, I’m going to tell you. In this dream, we were together. I…I invited you to come in my room and… I was standing in front of the window… and…
Take your time Noel. It’s okay.
You were walking to me and… you were kissing me Y/N. But that’s not all. Things were getting… quite hot. I… I was like now, sat on the edge of the bed and you were taking your clothes off. And I couldn’t resist you Y/N. I couldn’t. I’m just breaking down actually. It’s… it was just a dream. But it seemed so real. You and I making love in this dream… You know now, but I think I said too much.
You are the one telling me we can’t.
I know.
You are the one saying that us two it’s forbidden.
I know ! He exclaimed.
But Noel, if such a thing really happened, would you be able to resist me ?
I…I don’t know !
You got up and stood in front of him.
What are you doing ?
You didn’t answer and untied your bathrobe without taking it off.
Noel could see you naked, but not entirely. You were testing the waters, seeing if he would make a move to see more.
Y/N, we can’t…
You can’t. But I can. Stand up Noel, and show me if you can resist.
Show me ! you insisted.
Noel stood up in front of you, and he let out a shaky whimper.
First, he look you deep in the eyes. His was full of lust. But then his hands came to spread the opening of your bathrobe, revealing your full body to him. He looked at it, fully, and slid the bathrobe off you, leaving you naked.
His hands caressed your neck, and slid to your breasts before looking at you again.
 I have me answer now. He said before latching his lips on yours and kissing you passionately.
You melt into the kiss. You had been waiting for this for such a long time, you just enjoyed the moment.
He laid you on the bed, still kissing you.
You felt his hands caress your breasts, your hips, your thighs and to finish, slid between your legs.
At the moment you felt his fingers touch your clit, you whimpered.
It made him smile, the sexual tension and what you both felt for each other will be released in just a few minutes if he decided to keep going.
Which he did.
His fingers teased your wet entrance and pushed inside, making you moan.
Fuck Y/N, your moans are even better than in this dream…
You could hear more…
Patience love.
He pumped his fingers in and out of you, making you squirm under him. Oh god, guitarists and pianists know how to work you with their fingers. He was so talented at this. It was slow but oh, how good it was.
Soon his fingers hit your G-spot, making you tremble and grunt at the feeling.
Noel… please… don’t stop. I want… I-I-I want you to make me cum Noel.
Your wishes are orders.
His lips never left yours, watching your face contorsionning with pleasure, his magic fingers working you like he was touching the strings of his guitar.
You saw him shift uncomfortably his in his pyjama pants. He was hard and impatient to finally make love to you.
You felt your walls start to contract around his fingers, and a coil invade your body. You were moaning louder and louder at the feel of him, knuckles deep inside you hitting your G-spot.
I know baby, let go.
You let the heat invade your whole body, your legs shaking and panting hard. Noel helped you ride your climax, and he panted himself when he saw you cum.
It was so beautiful to him, and pleasuring you was his new favourite thing.
When you got down from your high, you took time to catch your breath while he was taking his clothes off.
And now for the main event…
Please, just do it already, we’ve been waiting for too long Noel, I can’t hold on anymore.
Me neither.
He straddled you, aligning his tip with your entrance and slowly pushed inside, causing you both to moan in unison, Noel moaning louder than you.
He let you adjust to his size before you nod, and he started rolling his hips against yours.
It was a release, just like you thought. So many things accumulated by the both of you before this. Everything that was needed was a dream to break Noel’s chains.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, making him go deeper inside you, which didn’t seem to displease him.
 Fuck Y/N… I don’t know how much I’m gonna last… I wanted this for so long…
Me too Noel, me too, I’m with you.
His pace quickened. It was erratic and passionate, everything you wished, and even better. You desired to feel him inside you for so long it made your climax approach closer and closer.
The coil in your belly returned and Noel felt it by the way your insides were convulsing around him.
He pulled out and you whined at the loss.
Just a little bit more my love, please… ride me. In my dream, you were riding me.
You nodded, overing him, and aligning his tip with your entrance again, sinking down on him.
You bounced up and down on him, building your climax little by little, your lips connected to each other’s and looking in each other’s eyes, waiting for the moment him or you would cum.
Moment that quickly came, him first.
Y/N…love, I’m gonna cum, are you close?
You nodded while moaning. Noel sat and wrapped his arms around you, helping you reach your climax by thrusting inside you.
His lips found yours again and you felt him twitch inside you.
I’m cumming… he said half moaning, half grunting.
You felt him release ropes of white cum inside you, his eyes shutting and his body trembling. You flowed him behind, your walls contracting around him, milking him. Your eyes shut themselves and soon you were just like Noel: A trembling and moaning mess.
You stood in this position, both your heads falling on each other’s shoulders.
You caught your breath and you collapsed on the bed, Noel holding in his fall.
Thank you Y/N.
For what?
Just… you understood me, I kept you waiting… You have been so patient. I needed to find me first.
And did you?
I just did. I needed you. Now here… it’s done.
I love you Y/N. I needed to say it as much as you wanted to hear it. I don’t know why I…
Shhh, It’s okay Noel. You said it you needed to find yourself.
Yes. And now I should clean ourselves.
Indeed, yes.
He went to pick a wet cloth in your bathroom and cleaned your mess off your bodies before coming back to bed ad laying next to you, his arms wrapping around you. You quickly fell back to sleep.
When you woke up the morning after, Noel was gone. He left without saying anything. Or so you thought. On the bedside table, you found a word he left to you.
“I enjoyed this night so much, ready to do it again tonight, join me in the studio, I’ll be waiting for you. Tenderly and with love, Noel.”
You smiled after reading the word.
You put on some clothes, went to eat your breakfast, and joined Noel at the studio, as instructed.
Good morning! He said, when he saw you enter the studio
Good morning!
You didn’t know if he wanted to keep it a secret between the both of you or act normal. You decided to opt for the second option.
Today we’re recording a song. He said
Yeah, it’s called “If I had a gun”.
Oh yes, I know which one you’re talking about.
Yeah, well I finished it. You’ll sing the choirs as always, but we’ll hear your voice more than usual.
Yes madam.
You put on some headphones, Noel standing beside you, his hand taking yours.
You took a look at the lyrics, and saw he added just three sentences to it, the same as the first ones.
“If I had a gun I'd shoot a hole into the sun And love would burn this city down for you”.
While recording it, you looked inside each other’s look, flashbacks of the previous night crossing your heads. The chemistry was obvious, there was love.
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alkalinefrog · 4 years
may I request your top 10 favorie lawlight fics ?? I’m really interested
AIGHT BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP because I’ve got a lot of feelings about these! Also, people have been asking me for fics featuring:
Ryuk shenanigans
yagami sibling hijinks
whammy kids found family
----- from my bingo card I made a while back. Tbh, I put those on the list to try and manifest the energy into the universe hoping people would bring fics to ME about them lmao. I do have a couple that check the boxes though! 
Also thank you to everyone who’s been recommending me fics!! You’ve all hit the nail on the head and sing straight to my heart! I’m just slow to make my way through them between work. <3
GOING UNDER THE CUT (rip mobile users)
Aight here we go, in no particular order:
“Change OR the one where L and Light get married” by @translightyagami (I’m so sorry I keep tagging you in these alsfjkalsfdj)
The one I never shut up about and am adapting part of into a comic because it’s just that GOOD. :’’’D Light and L get married in front of Watari and Light’s family back at the Whammy orphanage in England. A melancholy yet painfully sweet tale as Light and L reminisce on their history together while getting ready for the ceremony, and their first night together afterwards. Single-handedly sold me on Kira being intrinsically part of Light to boot.
“the forest holds strange creatures” by @translightyagami (I’m sorryyyyyyy I just love your stuff)
An AU where Light’s a paranormal researcher and L’s a reclusive cryptid living in the forest next to a small town. The writing has a fairytale feel to it, and the romance is so gentle. Light’s bunking at Whammy’s small little house, and Near and Mello are there as little kids pestering Light. It’s ADORABLE. Beyond Birthday also shows up in one of the extra chapters as a creepy cashier at a thrift shop for double the fun!
"Sickness” by BlueberryValentine (more fics on their fanfiction.net account!)
The ultimate hurt/comfort + fluff + angst with a happy ending fic. The first fic I read to get back into lawlight a couple months back! Canon divergence starting during the Yotsuba arc. Light is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer while still under investigation. L has to take care of him, and somewhere along the way they fall in love. It carved out a chunk of my heart but luckily filled it back up with a sweet sort of aching.
“Seeking His Hand” by magic__mind
Historical regency AU! L is a rich nobleman courting Light, a humble farm boy, for his hand in marriage. One of the most romantic pieces of literature that I have ever come across. The prose is pure poetry, and their love so pure! This one also has a special place in my heart for its portrayal of Misa! She’s A)a spy who helps L on his cases, B)totally removed from her co-dependence for Light, C)the  bubbly badass she was always meant to be. 100/10 worth the read!
The “Resurrections” Series by Shadow_of_Quill
A modern Orpheus and Euridice story, wherein Light’s spirit leads L back from Hades while he’s still Kira. L is thereby present for the confrontation at the warehouse. Believing that any trace of Light is lost in the man, he executes him right then and there. However, this was a grave mistake, and Light’s soul won’t be as easily revived. (spoilers, they’re both fine in the end) ******* THIS ONE ALSO INCLUDES YAGAMI SIBLING HIJINKS. Sayu plays a HUGE role in bringing Light back!
“Is This The Way It Ends Now?” by Seastar98
The one that checks off ALL the above three boxes!! A “characters watch their own show” fic, wherein the gang receives a mysterious DVD in the middle of the Yotsuba arc. Horrified by what’s to come, Light and L work to make sure their future is brighter than the one they witness. They bring in all three heirs to watch with ‘em, everyone gets character development, and Sayu comes in like black panther in endgame yet again to bring Light back from the darkness! Ryuk pops up in the end and the epilogue and he’s great. The ultimate and most direct fix-it you’re ever gonna get.
“From the Same Star” by Nilahxapiel
This is my only pure “Ryuk Shenanigans” fic, and it’s really really sad :’’’D A short but sweet one-shot wherein Ryuk traverses multiple dimensions, dropping the Death Note at Light’s feet each time. Light and L were always fated to clash, and it’s just as heartbreaking every time. 
“Primitive Liars” by Nilahxapiel
This one’s super popular in the fandom for a reason! The only omegaverse fic that I’ve liked! The A/B/O dynamics and their affect on society are super well developed, and the writer manages to keep L and Light very in character while still developing their budding romance in a believable way. This is an AU where somebody else is Kira, and Light’s genuinely helping L and the task force hunt him down. ***** Naomi Misora lives, the heirs come in, and Sayu actually hops aboard the task force!!! DUDE. BRILLIANT. I also just love the exploration of gender and identity that the author weaves in. Lots of LGBTQ rep!
“and indeed there will be time” by lawlietismyfavorite
The ultimate soulmate AU. People grow to be 18, then stop aging until they meet their one. L is the greatest detective of not only this century, but of six centuries. And then there's Light. (taken straight from the description!) The prose is absolutely breathtaking; like walking through a dream. Can not recommend this fic enough! It’s got my head up in the clouds and looking towards the stars!
“K” by  Dlvvanzor
AU where Light’s a Whammy with the moniker ‘K.’ He and L grow up together along with kiddos covering the rest of the alphabet. A murder-mystery-thriller on top of the romance featuring Beyond Birthday as a main character! Light’s a pathological liar and L’s super into it. They’re the top students at Whammy’s and are tasked with solving a string of homicides happening RIGHT AT THE ORPHANAGE (guess who dunnit). It had me on the edge of my seat, and I binged the whole thing in two days.
i’mMMMM doing more than 10, this’ll just be my ultimate fic rec post 😂
“Change of Circumstances” by wordbombs
Another AU where Light’s a whammy! It’s just a one-shot though, but one of my all time faves!!! I’ve gone back and reread it so many times and drew some stuff for it a couple weeks back. Much more light-hearted than “K”, Light arrives at the orphanage at age four and meets an eleven year old L, and from there they grow up together and fall in love (the age difference is handled really well, L’s not physically present for a lot of Light’s childhood and they bond on a platonic level first). It’s one of the healthiest relationship dynamics that I’ve seen for these two, which is honestly such a breath of fresh air. Matt, Mello, and Near are there too in the background!
“Dial K for Kira” by @kiranatrix
“Light needs some easy money to finance his Kira plans, and notices there’s a big demand for Kira roleplay phone sex. So he figures, “Why not? Pretty sure I’ll be convincing.”He raises some fast cash and plans to shut the whole thing down and get back to writing names, until he gets a request from somebody who wants to “roleplay” as L....“
Taken straight from the description! It’s very VERY NSFW so be warned. I’m too shy to talk about it more alskfjdasldjf sorry BUT IT’S GREAT.
“Dance with Me” and “Birthday Note” by @dotti55fanfiction
These are both one-shots so I’m putting ‘em together! Absolutely adorable tooth-rotting fluff!! “Dance with Me” has Light and L going to a club, while “Birthday Note” features L trying to think of the best present for Light. The dictionary definition of “warm fuzzies.” (Dotti ilu, I still gotta find time to read your longer works)
“you’re a wasp nest” by  raisuki (inthegripofahurricane)
Blind!Light AU! Light and L are both college students who meet when Sayu dares L to break into her house. Yagami sibling hijinksssss! Their quippy dialogue is adorable and it’s just a fun time watching them flirt.
“softly now” by smallestbird (jenwryn)
THANK YOU TO THE ANON WHO SENT ME THIS REC. The softest lawlight one-shot to finish off this list! Light and L share an intimate moment while painting their new apartment. The absolute JOY this fic radiates in a short 700 words!! Read it before bed for the sweetest dreams!
These are just my favourites, but read anything by any of these authors and you will not be disappointed! I might make a separate post later for soulmate AUs because... There’s just too many. :’D
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So Many Fanfics So Little Time
This is just my list, I have seen so many (but if you want to use it it’s all yours too!).  I’m not a writer.  But I am a hell of a reader. Voracious one might argue. I just wanted to track my progress through the weeds of the absolutely never ending supply of Destiel and Cockles fanfic. 
Read on if you want to see what I’ve read, and what I’ve thought. I am but one person with opinions - some of them may be unpopular - some of them you might agree with, but if you find something you haven’t read here, I encourage you to do so. 
Honestly, this is just so I can track what I have read already, and when my friends ask, I can reference something easily. I have found some different fics on all kinds of ‘best of’ lists all over the interwebs. And I love recs - so rec away friends. 
As someone who reads a solid 40 novels a year typically, I don’t come by the “I read a lot” innocently. I do actually read a LOT.  When not reading fanfic (a new obsession, all things being fair), I usually read a lot of Fantasy/high fantasy, romance/erotica, and or YA (yeah, that was a bit of a ride no?).  So from this one might digress that I like fluffy, cute stories, complicated and supernatural/paranormal type stories, and I sure do not shy away from violence or smut (or maybe violence with smut? *smirk*). 
I have read all of these in the last 2-3 months (I will continue to add as I go). I had never read a fanfic until 2-3 months ago.  A lot of these wonderful people are on here, and I mean you no offence by not directly tagging you - I’m still learning how to actually properly use this site. Links to AO3 are included (and I love you all). 
These aren’t necessarily in any real order - I did read T&S first, followed by 91W, and 4LW...after that it’s just a shit show of Long or Short, Destiel or Cockles - smorgasbord. Some of these are the most popular Fics out there, and others I’ve never seen recc’d anywhere (just sort of accidentally happened upon them).  So let’s get to it, shall we? 
Twist and Shout - ok look. I understand the stigma associated with this one, but it was the FIRST one I read. It was the ball that shot me down the hill, and I haven’t stopped since. So. I loved it. I CRIED like a baby. SOBBED. It was not the quality of the writing but the way the story was developed and delivered. I have Never Cried Like This Reading a Story IN MY LIFE. It’s a rite of passage. Read It and have an opinion - it doesn’t need to be mine.  
Author(s): gabriel, standbyme   https://archiveofourown.org/works/537876/chapters/955188
Ninety-One Whiskey - aka 91W, it is mentioned so much, and is SO worth the read.  I continued my dive into the war fics (not typically my bag really and here I was reading 2 in a row).  There are a couple of followup stories as well to this series (and yes, I’ve read them all).  Although I’ll say that the original is my favourite. I often got lost in a bit of the War/Tactical descriptions, but would recommend it to anyone anyway. Ugh...the “stolen moments”...they were at the same time tragic and the most amazing things ever.  You feel me? no? go read it. 
Author:  komodobits   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2362190/chapters/5214500
Four Letter Word for Intercourse - aka 4LW.  OMG just, OMG. I loved this story. I loved it so much. I think I read it in a day.  Devoured it. It’s so HOT. Just read it. If you haven’t you’re missing out.  LEMME AT IT. I loved “knowing the secret”, and had some major anxiety about that realization dawning (I had to take a breath, and be like, no, no, this is gonna be a mess, but it’s gonna be SO GOOD - I was not disappointed).  There’s more than one work here too - read them all. PLEASE. 
Author: bendingsignpost  https://archiveofourown.org/works/16086839/chapters/37568591
Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You) - This was the first Sobs one I read, but it sent me on a spree.  this is the Memory Loss one.  I have one piece of advice here - read everything by Sobsicles. You can thank me later...just go to her page, and fucking sort to supernatural (or not, read it all!) I’d list them but I’d fucking seriously be here all day.  Also, her tags make me laugh so hard.
Author:  sobsicles https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022945/chapters/57796885
Orpheus - I love this one too, Tattooed!Cas, my LOVE. paired with Mechanic!Dean, my HEART, #help.  Read this one in one evening as well. (I was on a roll).  It’s a one night stand that turns into more (much like my last relationship)....hmm...maybe this is why I was pulled in - although to be fair that is the last similarity to my shitty love life! I do not remember how I stumbled onto this one (tattooed Cas may have been the draw...tbh). Read the warnings though, there is some triggering stuff in this one - but if you can handle it, it’s definitely worth the read. 
Author: sysrae       https://archiveofourown.org/works/2364347/chapters/5220227
Have Love, Will Travel - Can you say no to Stripper!Dean? Cause I sure as hell cannot. Typical sort of character development here with Dean having trust issues, and Cas being painfully awkward...(but in like a super cute way?).  Would Recommend. 
Author: squeemonster   https://archiveofourown.org/works/565455/chapters/1011747
The Inexhaustible Silence of Houses - Change of pace here...It’s got a nice twist.  I didn’t actually clue into how it was going to end until very near the end (maybe I was being oblivious), when the realization came over me and I was...man. I was DONE IN.  I hope that doesn’t spoil (I need some kind of way of remembering them). Voiceless!Cas Hunter!Dean
Author: Askance (doomcountry)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/560268/chapters/1000755
Adagio - This is super short, and super cute. Honestly, I would read the whole thing just for the last line. It’ll take you less than an hour if I remember correctly. Go, I’ll wait. I squeeed. did you? 
Author: noangelsinthegarrison   https://archiveofourown.org/works/1397248/chapters/2928145
Any Little Heartache - super easy read (not in a bad way, but in a ‘you’ll fly through it’ way).  It’s mid-length, not graphic, but really fun hospital AU. HeartSurgeon!Dean / Nurse!Cas - enemies to lovers anyone? Fuck you to Fuck me? yeah. YUM. 
Author: followthattardis https://archiveofourown.org/works/5143376/chapters/11838311
Ad Astra - This is another short(ish) one, just one chapter.  And by that I mean that this is written like a very long poem. Cas as a star who has visited Dean many times over the years of his life, that culminates in 4x01 barn scene. It’s ‘awe’ sad. ‘puppy dog eyes’ sad. The writing format took me a bit to understand what was happening - it’s my lack of poetry knowledge, not the writing.  
Author: nhixxie https://archiveofourown.org/works/1013491
Ad Astra Per Aspera - This is a cute story.  ESL writer, no judgement.  I found this while looking for the one above, and thought the premise looked cute - and it was. Misunderstanding leading to Dean realizing he’s actually Bi.  Miscommunication leading to realization.  
Author: Riverchester https://archiveofourown.org/works/12354336/chapters/28101816
Psalm 40:2 - Time travel post-canon Cas and Pre-series Dean.  If you’re wondering how that works, strap in for this ride, it’s well worth it. 
Author: unicornpoe https://archiveofourown.org/works/30786425/chapters/75992444
Addicted to You - Warlock!Dean/Incubus!Cas - accidental ‘mating’ (I actually really don’t like that word, but there’s sort of no avoiding it in this situation). Cute story.  When you drunk dial a succubus and get an incubus instead...Whatever will we do? 
Author: Ltleflrt https://archiveofourown.org/works/4387346/chapters/9959288 
A Glimpse Beyond - End Fix-it. Not yet complete, 10 chapters so far...I want MORE! Reliving memories Dean/Cas & Sam/Eileen.   
Author: NorthernSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/27731689/chapters/67875925
Cas-ti-el - Please I want more...It’s like the story just started. Please write more of this story!! 1 chapter, it’s a trope prompt challenge, but I want it to be a full on story of its own. Imprinted names of their soul mates, Dean doesn’t understand his (because it’s in a different language)...I’m frustrated by wanting this story to keep going. 
Author:  Valinde (Valyria)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/1941591
Our Bodies, Posessed by Light - another short one. Not going to lie, this one took a little getting used to, and I can’t say that I enjoyed it too much for the sole purpose that the premise gave me the willies.  Cas has to vessel jump - ends up in Sam...I got through it, it had a good ending, but yeah, sorry. This just wasn’t for me. 
Author:  obstinatrix  https://archiveofourown.org/works/260289
Peanut Butter Pumpkin Wedding Cake - Waiter!Dean / Writer!Cas - This is so effing cute, just misunderstanding after misunderstanding bumbling around like the couple of dorks that they are. It’s only one chapter. 100% would recommend. 
Author:  Sparseparsley https://archiveofourown.org/works/223962
Destiel, Actually - This is another super cute story, 5 chapters. Gabriel playing a singular role in putting Dean and Cas in awkward positions to push them together.  I fucking DIED at “oh, I am the sub” - needs context, but I guarantee you that you’ll laugh out loud...
Author:  Bexism  https://archiveofourown.org/works/399934/chapters/658398
The Smell Before the Rain - This was my first A/B/O - a big apology to all those who are into mpreg and whatnot, this was my lesson that I am not. this was not for me. Also - I’m a firm Cas (Alpha/Dom) believer, and i’m good with switch Cas, but it’s hard for me to take him being the full Omega here, when paired with the rest I just couldn’t do it. I finished it, but, not my thing. I know now. 
Author: jscribbles https://archiveofourown.org/works/22355230/chapters/53406127
Crazy Diamonds - This is another short one, only 3 chapters - it’s a body swap for Dean, 4x02 him and 2018 him swap places (assumption that 2018 him is “with” Cas).  It’s a super cute little story. 
Author:  pantheon_of_discord https://archiveofourown.org/works/16151642/chapters/37738631
The Breath of All Things - Wheelchair!Dean / Volunteer!Cas.  This is a lovely story, typical Dean self-hatred etc. Triggering for those with suicide warnings. It had me in tears at the end. There’s a really spectacular quote near the end that I found so romantic I screen grabbed it. 
Author:  KismetJeska https://archiveofourown.org/works/994750/chapters/1967519
Kind of a Forever Deal - SummerCamp!AU This is just a really cute and fluffy summer camp AU.  Which is so different from 91W (That’s right, check the author)! I was a little disappointed with the ending, but otherwise really enjoyed this all the way through and was loving all the discovery and young characterizations of all the characters. 
Author: komodobits https://archiveofourown.org/works/999291/chapters/1978478
Everytown, USA - Best way I can break this one down? Wanderer!Dean (listless and without a place in the world, he ends up in a small town...), Twin!Cas (that leads to some fun things). There are a number of points where you’re gonna yell at Dean for doing stupid shit (that are very much in character for him to do), you think, well, yes, obviously you’re going to do that you silly fucking boy [affectionate]; but whyyy? (but we know). 
Author: aileenrose https://archiveofourown.org/works/1797559/chapters/3854836
Chalk and Chainmail - HighSchool!AU, Cas is an artist, Dean LARP’s - it’s cute and angsty. 
Author:  lemonsorbae https://archiveofourown.org/works/804704/chapters/1517551
A Little Patience - Ok. you want smut? This is your story. You want Kink? This is your story.  I actually did not finish this. It got a little carried away in my opinion. It was VERY panty kink oriented (which, while essentially canon isn’t really my kink) so, if you want that Panty Kink on full display? Go forth and enjoy! it  is thirty something chapters, I got to the mid-twenties I Think. 
Author: riseofthefallenone https://archiveofourown.org/works/1750058/chapters/3739232
Control - I REALLY ENJOYED THIS. Which is saying a lot for someone who has already admitted that a Subby Cas isn’t really my HC - so to so thoroughly enjoy a Sub!Cas story? (maybe it’s the tattooes...*wink*). It’s an AU where Cas is the head of a company - Dean is a callboy I guess, for lack of a better term. Just read it.
Author: dothraki_shieldmaiden  https://archiveofourown.org/works/31156601/chapters/76993217
More (I copy pasted the next lot from my google doc, I’ll flush them out later - no i wont...)
Teach Me (short) - movie night in the bunker, things get a little carried away   Author:  Chiyume  https://archiveofourown.org/works/5961327
You Light the Spark (in my bonfire heart) (short) - when cas doesn't realize that dean is unaware of his feelings, super short, super cute                      Author: noangelsinthegarrison https://archiveofourown.org/works/1193910 
Communication Breakdown (short/cockles) - dean ends up in Jensen's head while he films the confession scene, no sexual content Author: jujubiest   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29669601/chapters/72951339
Look What You Made Me Do (short/cockles) -      -  Vegas Con 2020 / jensen comes out with a song     - cute short - no sexual content Author:  green_blue_heller https://archiveofourown.org/works/30251592 Full House (short/cockles) - reimagined version of the rented house story - putting it in order (so to speak). funny / cute / fluffy not explicit   Author: n_nami  https://archiveofourown.org/works/30855827
Cyber Sex (short/cockles) - anastiel https://archiveofourown.org/works/31467086      - shameless post GISH Fest zoom call porn      - Short (very short)
It's Complicated (cockles) - gail_morgan https://archiveofourown.org/works/31434938/chapters/77747519       The GISHtake (short/cockles) - MellyCrazyCoconut https://archiveofourown.org/works/31508099     - cute short post GISH zoom     - oops "babe, really?"  
(10.02.2021 updated) Since last update: New reads - Fuck i’m gonna be here all day - there’s not gonna be as much gonna be NO detail in these breakdowns...sorry! This has now just become a “what i’ve read list” as opposed to a Rec list...
Love, All Alike (Pt. 1 Love, All Alike) - Phantoms_and_Foxgloves   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4555599/chapters/10370646                             - Though The Stars Walk Backward (pt 2 Love, All alike) - Phantoms_and_Foxgloves
And this, your living kiss - opal_bullets   https://archiveofourown.org/works/18083927/chapters/42744872
Come On, Let's Strike a Match (Domination and Submission: a love story pt 1) - anyrei & queerwerewolf ***   https://archiveofourown.org/works/25722478/chapters/62458810    - Playing With Fire (D&S: a love story pt 2)    - We Kiss and the Flames Get Higher (D&S: a love story pt 3)     - Sparking That Old Flame (D&S: a love story pt 4) 
Cinderwings - bendingsignpost Cinderella!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/12847041/chapters/29336421
Linden - fleeceframe Swan!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33126730/chapters/82236118
No Netflix, No Chill (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28764966
Can't Drink You Away (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28785792 
Jensen Totally (Does Not!) Snore (short RPF) - Dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30315717
Dean Ships It (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30349434
All about control - wingless   https://archiveofourown.org/works/9151930/chapters/20791243
Aesthetics in Autoerotica (pt 1 Aesthetics in Autoerotica) - relucant   https://archiveofourown.org/works/3885544                                                             - The Ties that Bind (pt 2 Aesthetics in Autoerotica) - relucant
Let's take a drive - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32581027/chapters/80819581 
Enchanted ink - castielslostwings TattooArtist!Dean TattooArtist!Castiel AU ***   https://archiveofourown.org/works/23043622/chapters/55109530
The bones beneath our skin - darknessbound   https://archiveofourown.org/works/24633754/chapters/59515804
The Plot (RPF) - Castiel_Left_His_Mark_On_Me   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2795588/chapters/6274970
The Gentle Force with which you Take Me (RPF) - Phoenix_Ascended   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32110120/chapters/79549183
According to all known laws of Life (Pt. 1 Cursed Metaphors) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29207901                                                          - and he's back (with a mind of his own) (pt. 2 Cursed Metaphors) - sobsicles
Six hundred sundays (and many more) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31158776
Aching in the Absence of you - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31832977/chapters/78811378
gorging myself on you, still can’t get full (insatiable) (Short) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32203291
memories bring back memories (bring back you) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022945/chapters/57796885
Dream Come True (short) - bendingsignpost   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28071159
tall grass - aeli_kindara   https://archiveofourown.org/works/13127040/chapters/30030726
asunder (Short) - rageprufrock https://archiveofourown.org/works/62115
Apheresis - bendingsignpost BloodDonor!AU **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32674783/chapters/81056680
we always were but never knew it - frightfullyrude   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32698324/chapters/81119503
In this Louisiana Bar (Short) - fleeceframe   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31764487
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alternate Universes - n_nami   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32687929/chapters/81092785
my heart a compass - lagaudiere https://archiveofourown.org/works/28629951
Unsound Inverses - sp8ce (not complete)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29836881/chapters/73413300
The Jensen Mistake (RPFish) - fellshish   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31950169
tell me about the dream (Pt. 1 Kids are coming home) - playedwright   https://archiveofourown.org/works/27984813/chapters/68544450
It's handy to know (FIMMF Themed ;)) - RosaMarloes   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31761322
So Says The Sword - komodobits AngelTrueform!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/12597892/chapters/28695592
Communication Breakdown (RPFish)- darkshrimpemotions (jujubiest)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29669601/chapters/72951339
Carry You Home - Casloveshisfreckles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/26982637/chapters/65862916
In the Shadow of your Wings - Enochian Things (Salr323)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/7531294/chapters/17121655
When Harry Met Sally (RPF) (Pt. 1 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood   https://archiveofourown.org/works/7622347/chapters/17351845    - Eight Dildos (RPF) (Pt. 2 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood    - Attention, Please (RPF) (Pt. 3 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood             - Boat Trip (RPF) (Pt. 4 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood
A Winter's Tale - NorthernSparrow   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2654327/chapters/5930561
A Close Shave - NorthernSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/3090167
r/supernatural - renrub (short) https://archiveofourown.org/works/27626783
sam reads destiel fics - rebshome (short - funny!)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33721624
Angel Cookies - noxsoulmate Chirstmas!AU **  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11729640/chapters/26427765
Under The Midnight Sun - NorthernSparrow Arctic!AU **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/16690645/chapters/39143677
Bron-Yr-Aur - mrbluesky (Short) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28225335
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet - saltyfeathers   https://archiveofourown.org/works/19258594/chapters/45800209
The Meaning On My Skin - saltnhalo   https://archiveofourown.org/works/18005378/chapters/42538133
Red Right Hand (Pt. 1 Murder Ballads)  - Duckyboos   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4306110/chapters/9760008    - Are you the One that I've been waiting for? (pt. 2 Murder Ballads) - Duckyboos   
Riptides - sharkfish   https://archiveofourown.org/works/13230426/chapters/30263556
Damn Fine Ride - Cimorene105 (pt 1 - rodeo) Cowboy!AU** (I’m a horse girl, sue me...)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14342340    - My Face Just Does This, Sometimes - Cimorene105 (pt. 2 rodeo)    - The Kinkiest Thing I've Ever Done- Cimorene105 (pt 3 rodeo)    - All Signs Point to Love - Cimorene105 (pt. 4 rodeo)    - Monster Love - Cimorene105 (pt. 5 rodeo)    - My Man, The Siren - Cimorene105 (pt. 6 rodeo)    - A Pain in My Ass - Cimorene105 (pt. 7 rodeo)
Astrolabe (terra incognita pt 1) - reluctantabandon, Winter_of_our_Discontent   https://archiveofourown.org/works/3348812/chapters/7326794    - Drollery (terra incognita pt 2) - reluctantabandon Winter_of_our_Discontent    - Rubrication (terra incognita pt 3) - reluctantabandon Winter_of_our_Discontent
Go Down With This Ship - PorcupineGirl   https://archiveofourown.org/works/8023642/chapters/18370474
Fire and Ice - Castielslostwings (Firefighter/Paramedic AU!) **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/23286295/chapters/55768486
The Structural Similarities of Hunters and Onions - Faster_Than_the_Speed_of_Sound (Short)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33383101
Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean - emmbrancsxx0   https://archiveofourown.org/works/22411336/chapters/53545840
Out of the Deep (out of the deep pt. 1) - riseofthefallenone - MERMAID AU! **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/548878/chapters/977676
Dean (and Cas') Top 13 Zepp Traxx - pantheon_of_discord   https://archiveofourown.org/works/10909440/chapters/24256989
I'll Be Good - LittleAngelCassie   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4118334/chapters/9282234
Kenosis - CastielsCarma (Short - part of Destiel ABC collection)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30411720
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scribeofred · 3 years
Thanks to @onereyofstarlight for the tag!
 1. What fandoms have you written for?
This is embarrassing but I actually had to look at both FFnet and AO3 because I couldn’t remember all of them. TRON: Legacy, Assassin’s Creed, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, Sherlock, Final Fantasy VII and XV and Kingsglaive, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Merlin, Skyrim, and, of course, Thunderbirds. I have a couple other fandoms that crop up in various wips, including a Tom Swift/Thunderbirds crossover that I really should finish.
2. How many works do you have on AO3 &/or FFNet?
FFnet has 45, and AO3 has 41. There’s also a couple stories lurking on tumblr, notably a final chapter for Reflection.
3. What are your top 3 fics by kudos on A03 &/or Favs on FFNet?
AO3 dominates in this area, if I can use a word like “dominates” for stories that have less than 125 kudos each haha. Oh well, the numbers don’t matter!
1.     118 kudos on tell the shades apart (my world is black and white)
2.     94 kudos on Reflection
3.     91 kudos on The 43rd Hour
4. Which 3 fics have the least kudos & Favs?
Again on AO3:
1 kudos on I Am You (And You Are Me)
5 kudos on The Dragonborn Chronicles
6 kudos on cynosure
5. Which Fic has the most comments and which has the least?
Reflection has the most at 29 threads, and I Am You (And You Are Me) has the least at zero.
6. Which complete fic do you wish had gotten more attention?
Lodestar, definitely. Sure, it’s for something of a rarepair, but they aren’t that rare, and I just really really like the way the story came together. On the other hand, of course my unfinished Merlin fic has gotten probably the most attention, because that’s just the way it goes, eh?
7. Have you written any crossovers?
None that I’ve published! I have various crossovers lurking in mostly unfinished states, including the aforementioned Tom Swift/Thunderbirds crossover, and an Assassin’s Creed/Thundeerbirds crossover that is very good and I should also finish. There’s an Expanse/Thunderbirds fic lurking in my brain that I may or may not ever commit to paper, who knows. I’ve also very vaguely toyed with a Batman/Thunderbirds crossover, in the sense that “nebulous” is too strong a word for the kind of toying I’ve been doing.
8. What is the craziest fic you’ve written?
I don’t really write crazy or crack or humor in general, so probably the closest thing to “crazy” is On the Lam, which was the result of wanting to throw Scott and Penelope toward an Egyptian stud farm. It ended up being the host for a bad joke about that, courtesy of one @thebaconsandwichofregret, who consistently gives some of the best dialogue advice I’ve ever encountered.
Actually, the true answer is probably a chapter in Glimpses into a Supernova, maybe the one about blood? It seems bonkers when I think back on it now, but I admittedly haven’t read it in many years. Possibly I am misremembering. Glimpses has some weird ones, though.
9. What’s the fic you’ve written with the saddest ending?
It’s a tossup between The Painting and a place where the water touches the sky. The former deals with a prior off-screen death; the latter is (maybe??) an on-screen death. People seemed upset by it, at any rate. I said it was ambiguous!
10. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
“Happy” is probably a matter of perspective? Depends on the overall reading experience and the ending within that context. Either septet or Three Towels and a Tracy, they’re both pretty fluffy overall.
11. What is your smuttiest fic?
protoinstincts, which I completely forgot I wrote and then rediscovered like a year later and realized “hey, this is actually pretty good” and you know what, despite it not being overly spicy, it is pretty good.
12. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate, per se, but someone left a review on Less Than Nothing saying they “didn’t like” that I “wrote the story as a series of drabbles.” Cool, I didn’t write the story for you, random guest reader, and the back button exists, friend 😂 It didn’t bother me on a personal level because I wrote the fic for an audience of one (incidentally, not myself and rather the recipient of a secret santa event), but I was mad because the reviewer had no way of knowing where I was at as a writer, and I know from longtime observation how that kind of comment can crush less experienced or confident writers.
Don’t leave flames, kids, you don’t understand the power your words have. Don’t like, don’t read.
13. What is the nicest comment you’ve received?
The nicest? Goodness. Hmm. I’d have to go hunting to find the nicest, but in recent memory, @ayzrules sent me a couple passages from Spanish texts she’s been studying that reminded her of my writing, and I was honestly so touched by the fact that she even thought to make such comparisons, much less mention them to me. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with someone’s style until you can make comparisons between it and someone else’s work is so much more meaningful to me personally than a basic “Nice story!” or “Loved this!” type of comment ever could be. <3 Ayz <3
14. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of, but I’ve never gone looking on any sort of copycat site or whatever either.
15. How many fics do you have marked as incomplete?
Two. First is The Dragonborn Chronicles, which is a retelling of Skyrim from Lydia’s perspective via her journal, to complement the in-game journal. It’s a slog of a style to write, though, even for someone who loves writing first person and doesn’t really want to write a lot of dialogue, and the outline is huge, and the story will be many times more huge, and just. Some day. Some day.
Second is tell the shades apart (my world is black and white), which has always been unfinished because the outline itself is over seven thousand words and the fully written story would undoubtedly land between 100,000 and 200,000 words, and there’s no way I’m writing that. I’ve always meant to upload the outline, but I got kind of self-conscious about the way I formatted it, and ugh I just haven’t bothered. One day, one day, right?
Moral of the story is I’m intensely a short story writer, and I’ve really found myself settling into that role over the last couple years. Better a clipped, punchy short story than a bloated slog of an epic.
16. Which of the WIPS will most likely be finished first?
Literally no one knows that. I wrote 95% of the observable entropy of a closed system over five years ago, and then I proceeded to pull it out roughly once a year and write and rewrite various endings until last month, which was when I finally figured out how I wanted to end the story. septet, too, languished for about five years before I finally remembered it existed and managed to wrangle an ending. Endings are hard, man. So are those third plot points. Terrible creatures, those, bog me down every time.
17. Which WIP are you looking forward to finishing?
Uh... mm. See. If I were looking forward to finishing any of them, I’d be actively working on them. At this moment, writing fic isn’t exactly high on my list of priorities, but I am also coming off a four-day idle game bender, so I still feel like I haven’t quite reengaged with myself as a living person. Give me another few days and I might have an answer.
(I am always most looking forward to finishing this ridiculous Ignis-drives-the-Audi-R8 fic that’s been languishing in my wips for literal years. As mentioned above, third plot points. Killer, man.)
(oh and also the working-titled the art of murder. Scott and Penny attend a private art auction. Things don’t go to plan. It, too, is stuck at the third plot point. I know, I know I have a problem, shush.)
18. Is there a WIP that you’re considering abandoning?
Any wip has the potential to be revived—this year and the old wips I’ve unearthed, dusted off, finished, and posted have been proof of that. I don’t intentionally permanently abandon anything for that reason, some stories just probably will remain dusty old wips forever because I didn’t actually need or want to write the full story for one reason or another.
19. Which complete fic would you consider rewriting?
Now that’s an interesting question. Hmm! Honestly? None of them. Once I finish a story, I’m not inclined toward rereading it again any time soon, to the point of years in some cases, and I feel like I’ve moved on from the stories I wrote one, two, five, eight years ago in the actual writing sense. They’re finished stories, and on top of that are relics of their time, which doesn’t mean the stories don’t have any ongoing significance on a reading level—I just don’t have any interest in rewriting those particular stories. I’ve gotten them out of my head, to the point of not remembering at least a third of them on demand anymore, and I don’t have any desire to “retell” those exact stories. I do tend to tighten the wording and fix perceived errors/weaknesses whenever I do end up rereading an old story, and I usually silently update the AO3 version if I make any significant changes because AO3 makes it a breeze to update a posted fic. I might do FFnet too if I’m feeling up to it or have the time.
20. Which complete fic is your favourite?
Once upon a time I would’ve said Holding On, but I honestly find it kind of unbearably melodramatic now. the observable entropy of a closed system is equally melodramatic, as it was written in the same era, but at least it has the excuse of being told in second person and via a style that is a half step away from being poetry. Possibly I will reread it in a few years and find it equally obnoxious and overly dramatic, but it received some shockingly positive comments, which I wasn’t expecting at ALL, and I’ve been honestly blown away by the amount of praise it’s received. <3 to everyone who’s said anything about it!
21. What’s your total published word count?
141,000 on AO3, 160,000 on FFnet, but technically the light of my life SS wrote fifty thousand words of each. It’s too late for math.
 I tag @velkynkarma, @lurkinglurkerwholurks, @writtenbyrain, @thebaconsandwichofregret, and anyone else who wants to play!
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sagemoderocklee · 4 years
Reiteration ❤️ A (but not GaaLee :p) P T
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
oof. okay so aside from GaaLee:
1) ShikaTema 2) NejiTen 3) Kakagai
i think these are the only like three ships i could say i feel strongly enough about that i’d classify them as OTPs. GaaLee honestly gets its own category anyways. im not really active in any other fandoms, and the only other ship I’ve ever felt as strongly about as i have gaalee was really Harry/Draco and well... ya know. Although if i were still super active in CLAMP fandom KuroFai and DouWata would 100000% be up there. And of course the forever and unbeatable Sakura/Shaoran but specifically CCS SakuShao because I think TRC isn’t quite as good with their romance
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
oh. that’s. okay we’re answering hard questions tonight i see.
something niche for you and me: new member of your MLM/communist/leftist reading group is Very Cute but very new to MLM/etc and needs extra help to understand the complicated history, theories, etc.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything).
oh god. this is really opening a can of worms lmao and also.... i may have to put this under a cut because god i have so fucking many and some of them may need elaboration.
1. Gaara doesn’t ever take up sleeping/napping post Shukaku
this is something that I know a lot of ppl don’t like/want because everyone wants Gaara to be happy and like big same! but i do think that Gaara’s physiology is entirely altered from Shukaku and the lack of sleep. I feel like having it ingrained in him that he couldn’t sleep, knowing the devastation it would cause, plus all the trauma he has--he’d be plagued by nightmares first of all, and no shinobi is gonna wanna take a sleep aid or something to help them sleep more easily because that would just be a huge opening for someone to attack you. but the other thing is i think it would genuinely make him feel sick. like i know that when i get too little sleep i feel sick because my body needs a certain amount. BUT i also know that those days where im too depressed and don’t get out of bed and sleep too much i ALSO feel like shit. Gaara has lived his entire life without sleep--barring specific instances of forced sleep to release Shukaku--and his body has to have adapted to that. fifteen years of not sleeping there’s no way his body would know what to do with that. his body is so used to subsisting (and this is my own like explanation for how Gaara survived pre and post Shukaku) off of massive quantities of food and by funneling his own chakra into his brain to act as rest, healing, etc.  like i think at this point it’s so unconscious that he isn’t even aware he’s doing it anymore--like breathing. His chakra--which is already another physiological system in their bodies--is just taking up the job of the rest portion of his brain.
that all being said, i do still think this will have an overall affect on his lifespan, but not necessarily his physical or mental health in the immediate sense.
2. Kankuro is straight.
this goes for like all the characters i see as straight, and like i hate like putting this in the like “die defending” category, but there’s this sort of.... sense that when you’re LGBT in fandom you’re gonna see every character as gay and you’re sus/someone’s gonna side eye you if you don’t. like i get the whole ‘well obviously everything is straight and cis IRL, and im sick of it’ reasoning behind “everyone is gay/trans” but the thing is.... I wanna see cis and straight people who support their gay/trans friends and family. I don’t need to live in a world where no one is straight and cis. I need to live in a world where people who are straight and cis actually support and love LGBT people. i personally don’t get anything out of the fantasy of no straight cis people because what does that solve? and what does that say about the homophobia and transphobia within the series? It doesn’t solve or say anything. And quite frankly a series like Naruto is inherently homophobic and transphobic (especially trans misogynistic), and i think brushing that aside with an “everyone’s gay/trans” is more insulting than helpful because it’s not addressing the issue. I’m more invested in seeing the characters who aren’t LGBT supporting and loving and working to make the world better for their LGBT friends, family, and community.
like i know not everyone is writing/reading fanfiction or art or what have you in fandom for like realism or whatever, i get the whole escapism of it all, but i approach it this way because for me I just don’t get anything out of pretending that the -isms and -phobias within the series don’t exist.
also straight trans people exist?????
i could go on about this--like some characters are just... not good and i don’t wanna claim that as LGBT because of that--but like i think this is the biggest thing for me at the end of the day: seeing ppl who aren’t LGBT supporting LGBT ppl.
3. Gaara is a polyglot. Also, he’s self-taught in just about everything. He spent most of his youth in the Suna library for obvious reasons, so reading, writing, language, poetry, history, politics, arts, etc he learned there on his own.
4. Shikamaru and Temari live in Suna 6 months out of the year, and Konoha the other 6. Temari does NOT give up her job to be a nagging wife, and Shikamaru is 100% a wife man.
5. Lee is not originally from Konoha or Fire. He doesn’t remember his parents or how he wound up at a Konoha orphanage because trauma. Also his first language isn’t Japanese.
I have more specific HCs about who Lee’s parents are, where he came from, and what happened to his parents, but that’s like spoilers for a fic.
6. Tenten is not an outright orphan. She actually comes from a clan of weapons masters and smiths.
I think it’s fairly common for ppl to assume Tenten is an orphan because we obviously never see her family--granted we just don’t see much of her to begin with--but I personally fell in love with the idea of her having a clan with the focus being weapons. Her parents are still dead, but she lives with her grandmother, who’s renowned for her weapons.
7. Lee has a HUGE amount of chakra. Like obnoxiously huge stores of it that he just doesn’t know how to manipulate--not quite Kisame levels, but definitely a LOT. He gets as far as walking on water and walls, but he absolutely has to be focused to accomplish those feats and prefers just going really fast so he doesn’t fall in/off.
8. Sage mode!Rock Lee.
I have talked about this before(x, x), but you can absolutely pry this from my cold dead hands--actually, you couldn’t. I’d still hold on to this even in death.
9. Lee has like a photographic memory which is why he always writes things down that people tell him.
10. Gaara will be the last Kazekage--whoever comes after him (and i do have a HC for that) will be Kazekage only in the sense that they’re like the figurehead maybe, but ultimately Gaara is working to completely change the shinobi way of life and the Kage system will be dismantled starting with Suna/Gaara.
11. In a modern AU context, Lee is a HUGE fan of Queen and Bruce Lee.
12. Lee definitely grows his hair out later on in life and changes up his attire and becomes his own person.
13. The Kazekage Estate is a generation home--most households in Suna are, and in fact, it’s really fucking weird for someone not to live in a generational home--so Gaara lives there with his siblings. When Temari gets married, she and Shikamaru live there, and continue to do so when they have kids. If Kankuro has a kid (and a spouse), they’ll live there too. Lee eventually moves in. The house is always filled with love. When Gai visits with Kakashi, or when Tenten and Neji visit, they stay there too.
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King chap 17 & 18
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Your life changed completely when from a slave, you became a spy for the king. Will you be able to help him in his fight against slavery before it’s too late and the threat hanging over him comes true?
In this society where love comes after fortune, will your mutual affection be able to flourish?  
Royal au fic pairing female reader and Kwon JiYong
Feat: YoungBae, TaeHyung, MinHo and SeoJoon (just because  I had their face in mind when I pictured their character)
W.C: 5786
Warnings: no specific warning... Is there any? 
Disclaimer: Everything in this story is fictional. There is no research to be politically  accurate or to fit a certain period of time or place. In one word, it’s all invented.
Special thanks to my loyal and loving friend, that I love with all my heart. Princess @aspaceformyself​ I often tell you this but you are my safety net in that fic. Knowing you were reading me, made me explore a new way of writing. I wasn’t scared to make a mistake, I knew you would tell me id I did. And you did. When I was having a hard time, you were there to ask me the good questions. “Do you think yn would do it? Does it fit her personality? Isn’t she overreacting there? How is that possible”. Not because you told me I was bad or didn’t make sense. Juste because you made me reflect on my characters and plot. I am already overthinking. With you, I experienced overthinking x1000 :) But in a really good way. I think that my writing improved a lot and it’s a lot because of you.  
Also, in chapter 18, my princess wrote a part. Like 2 or 3 paragraphs. Will you notice the difference in our writing??? :) I was imagining a scene in my head. I explained her and she said “hold on, can I give it a try?” And she did. It’s so perfectly written :) I love you, my sweet princess. You mean a lot to me.
Chapter 17 
“The prince is coming, Cheon Ha, should I let him in as soon as he arrives?” the servant asked after he put your breakfast on the low table next to JiYong’s bed. Your bed. 
JiYong wanted the moving to be done fast, he had sent his maids in your little room to pack and bring your few belongings. The night before yesterday, as soon as you arrived, JiYong had made you visit every little spot of his quarters as if it was the first time.  “Here’s our bookshelf. Here’s our dresser you can... oops we’ll have to get another one, this one is full! Here’s our backyard, here’s our fountain.” He had dragged you in every room of his quarters and made sure you would have your little spot in each. “If you want to rearrange anything, just do it. We can change the furniture, we can change the tapestry, whatever you want to, we’ll do it”. Of course, there was nothing you wanted to change. You were used to sleeping in a stable, outside or in a little ‘room’ made with mug and hay. There is nothing in JiYong’s room that wasn’t already perfect.
The servants bowed at both of you, still in bed. But you couldn’t get used to it, so you hide under the duvet. 
“Yes, let him in, thank you” he answered his servant. The morning had been lazy, you had expanded the night a little longer than the king used to do. The servants left the room and JiYong covered you both with the blanket.
“Shhh, let’s pretend we are sleeping, let’s see what he will do” JiYong said, smiling.
Both of you hid your face from the door and kept your ears open. You were trying to figure where Channie’s little feet would bring him. It didn’t take long before you felt the little boy jump on the bed and crawled between you and JiYong, making himself enough place between your intertwined bodies. He laid down heavily on the blanket and stopped moving. After a moment, you cracked an eyelid, curious to see what he was doing.  His little fingers were toying his father’s hair as he’s other hand was reaching out towards you. JiYong had a content smile on his face. You couldn’t help but open your eyes wide and hold the little hand that was looking for yours. 
“Father is sleeping, we have to stay quiet”.
“Ok, Channie” you whispered tenderly. Wanting a hug, he drew you to him with all his strength while he was still stroking his father’s hair. You could not have found the words to express your happiness at this precise moment.  Your heart was swelling.
“Do you love my father, Y/n?”
“Yes, Channie, I love him very much”.
“I love him too,” he stated, serious.
Yesterday, JiYong had a diner with him, the queen and you. He explained that from now on, you’d be living together. Channie had clapped his little hands and hugged you both, happy. He accepted you in his life as easily as that. His mother had congratulated you but she stayed quiet, thinking.
“Do you think that your father loves me too?” you asked with a low voice, curious to hear what the little man would say.
“Yes, I believe he does”
“What makes you believe it?”
He thought of it, for an instant.
“When he looks at you, his eyes sparkles just like when he looks at his pork chops”
“Yaaaah! Channie” JiYong burst into laughter! “I love her more than food, what are you talking about?” he was unable to stop laughing. 
“Oh! Lord! Your child is amazing JiYong!” you couldn’t stop laughing either. 
Pretending to be upset, he started a tickling battle with Channie. They laughed and squirmed for a while, lost in their own little world. You felt privileged to be witnessing such an intimate moment between father and son. When you saw them complot something, you tried to snake out of the bed but you couldn’t. You found yourself the victim of the king and the prince’s tickling assault. 
“Stooooop! please! I surrender”
“She surrenders too fast abeoji, we have to make her more endurant” 
“I agree Channie! We’re doing it for her own good after all”
Their fingers were running on your sides, making you cry and scream in laughter. 
“You guys are the worst” you managed to say, between 2 breathes. Trying to balance the forces, you decided to use an arm against them. The tickling battle became a pillow fight that stopped only when you got interrupted by YoungBae, smiling under a rain of dancing feathers.
“Cheon Ha, we have to go, everybody is waiting for you”  He was very pleased to witness that domestic scene. Resigning himself to having to work, JiYong rose from the bed and kissed you both on the forehead before he quickly got dressed with the help of his maids. He left, escorted by YoungBae. Deprived of his laughter, his voice and his secure arms, you already missed him. Turning around to face the prince, you pat his hair.
“Let’s eat our breakfast, Channie”
“Not before I win the battle” He said right before he threw a pillow right in your face, giggling.
“Channie…” you took your serious tone “No my love, we have to hurry. Mr Kim will be coming soon. You’ll have your classes in the garden this time. Don’t think that I haven’t noticed Mr Kim was alone last time I sneaked in your apartments”.
“Oooh! Yes! I saw you! I was there… somewhere” he said, serious.
“Channie, it’s not the good time to escape. Please, promise me that you will listen to Mr Kim and stay by his side? Will you?”
“I’ll try my best, Y/n. I promise you I’ll try”.
“Oh! Lord! Like father, like son! What am I gonna do, with the both of you?” 
“You’ll be just fine, you love us”, Channie answered, flashing his teeth.
“Aaaaw! I guess you’re right”!
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
By the end of the morning, you have received an invitation to meet the queen. Walking with your escort along the beautiful path, you couldn’t be happier.  It was a humid and cool day. There were dark grey clouds in the sky and the wind was blowing so furiously, it looked like it wanted to chase the summer and bring the fall in his furrow. It will be raining later, for sure. Most of the people you know would have qualified today’s temperature as dull. This dark atmosphere was poetry for you. It seemed like the seasons had agreed to change at the same time that your life took a completely new turn. Living with the king, your love, was definitely the biggest change you faced so far. The most beautiful one as well. And that your new position in JiYong’s life was accepted so easily by his son, lighten your heart. 
There were only three problems that needed to be solved. MinHo. SoYoung. MiNa and HyunSa. When everything related to them will be solved, you’ll be completely happy.
You were welcomed by the queen’s servants and sewers from the village. They came to present to you, in secret, beautiful dresses, shoes, jewelry and hanbok. The queen said it was her welcome gift for you. She was happy that you were sharing JiYong’s life. She could have been jealous and tried to chase you away from him but she was genuinely happy for her friend. Even if the latter was her husband.
“Y/n, I was honest when I told you I want to know you better. To befriend you. Please accept it as a proof of my good intentions. I’ve never seen JiYong this happy, he smiles a lot now. He was not used to smiling. You make my friend a happy man and I cannot be more grateful for that’.
“This is a little strange, Mama. I’m not gonna lie. But, I’ll get used to it”.
“Thank you Y/n. Now, I have something really special for you. I want you to look at it”
Were spread out on her bed, 3 magnificent pieces of clothing in white silk, lace and satin that you had never seen before. It was so short and delicate, you couldn't imagine that someone could wear such things.
“What’s this?” you asked, dumbfounded.
“This, my dear, are 3 beautiful nightdresses that I may have made sew for you only. Nobody else in the kingdom has those pieces of clothing”
“But, it’s so small… it doesn’t cover anything and I’m sure we can see through it”
She laughed, genuinely amused by your naivety.
“Yes, it’s exactly the point! The only purpose of these is to please your man’s eyes. You wear it under your handbok and he’ll have a beautiful surprise when he discovers it on you. Or, if you’re willing, you wear it alone and surprise him wearing only that”
“You wear clothes like that?”
“Oh! Yes! Believe me, it pleased SoYoung eyes a lot” she was sad when she mentioned it but she collected herself. “It’s also common for the honeymoon night among nobles”. 
“But do you think JiYong will love it? Isn't it vulgar?”
“It would please every man in this world. JiYong included. Well, maybe not every one of them, cause we all have our thing, right?!”
“I’m not sure Mama, I don’t want to be indecent”
“Take it with you, you can show it to him first, if you’re not sure. JiYong is open minded. Trust me!”
“I don’t know if I have the confidence to wear such a nightdress. I feel like I would ruin the expected effect” you said, caressing the soft fabric.
“Y/n, you are so beautiful, please don’t say that. Look at you! How can you not be proud of this pretty face? Of that body shape? It’s a shame. Plus, I noticed how our majesty looks at you… There is no doubt he found you beautiful as well”.
“Thank you Mama”.
“HyeJin, please. Call me HyeJin”.
The maids laid the new garments in silk paper and placed them in beautiful boxes. You let them bring your new things to your new room. You weren’t used to receiving gifts or even less being served. You took the time to thank everyone, including the Queen for this magnificent gift. She seemed trustful, after all.
You carefully unboxed everything yourself and placed it in the cupboard JiYong had liberated for you. You’ll think about the nightdress, you were not so sure about it. But you loved the affection mark HyeJin had for you. 
During the afternoon, JiYong called you out in the executive room.  He wanted you to be there, when he would declare his new law valid. He wanted you to be by his side when he was giving the orders to his ministers. The moment was solem and touching. It was meaningful for you and you wished your friends would have been here to celebrate the official end of slavery with you.
The king had taken all the precautions to make sure the owners of the slaves would free them or send them to the palace. Not a single slave should be killed unless their masters want to receive the same treatment. He made sure to send a messenger on every single property that has slaves. Making sure each and every one of them would receive the good information. 
“I’m so proud of you. So, so proud” you told him as soon as everybody had left the room. He was sitting on his throne while you were standing in front of him.  He reached out and drew you to him, his arms encircling your waist and his nose nuzzling your stomach while you played with his hair.
“Thank you my love. I couldn’t have done it without you. Without your work, the japanese emperor would be still receiving the wrong documents and not only there would have been even more slaves but we could have been in war, too. I’m grateful for your help and I’m grateful to have you in my life”
“I’m happy I helped Ji. Working with you on those documents was fun. I could work like that every single day of my life”.
“Actually, I might take your words. Would you like to be our official translator? You could translate the stories written by the authors. Like, people cannot read the japanese authors, right? You could translate in korean for them.  Countries have so much to learn from each other’
“Aaaw! This is such a good idea. Yes! I want to do it. I love to write, I love to use feathers and ink and parchment. And we could work side by side, when you are doing paperwork. I’m so happy! Mama was right, you really are open mind” You gently guided his chin up to kiss him. 
“Oooh, you saw HyeJin? How is she? Still crying over the traitor?” he asked, half serious.
“She’ll be over him, hopefully. We should introduce her to TaeHyung. I’m sure they would be a perfect fit”.  
“Yah! My woman is really clever! What a good idea”
 You kissed him again as the thunder was heard, growling loud and long. The rain was about to fall. You had a thought for your friends, out on a mission to track down SoYoung. You hoped they were protected from the storm. The front door opened suddenly, making you jump even stronger than the storm. It was YoungBae, breathless. It’s your name that he called.
“Y/n! Y/n! You have to come here, please. Come fast. Run! You too, Cheon Ha!”
Trusting your man’s first counselor and principal guard, you obeyed without further ado. When you walked towards him, he bowed at you with his most genuine smile.
“Look” he said, he said, pointing in a direction.
Tae, Seo and the guards who had left for the mission arrived in the public square of the palace. All of them on their horses, their chin up in the air on their mounts.  It took you a few seconds to realise that on the horse next to Seo, was a tinier person holding a baby against her chest, held by a piece of cloth tied around her. HyunSa and MiNa were here.
“Oh lord! Oh Lord! Is this true?”.
You didn’t lose time and you ran towards them, followed by YoungBae. JiYong stayed behind, smiling tenderly at the scene. Not aware that the king was supposed to be the one welcoming the soldiers coming back from a mission, you exclaimed:
“HyunSa! MiNa! I can’t believe that you are here! Thank you! Oh lord! Thank you!” YoungBae helped her get down from the horse. You couldn’t hold your tears as you were hugging your friend carefully taking care not to crush MiNa.
“She is not even a bit happy to see us back” you heard Tae joke from behind her.
“Take MiNa out of that thing! I want to hold her too. Oh! My! God! Thank you” you cried with baby MiNa against your heart, big fat happy tears running down your cheeks. You patted her little back and kissed her cheeks while telling her how beautiful she was.
“She’s older now, but she didn’t gain a lot of weight, we’ll have to feed her. I’m so relieved that she’s here” not all the children born on the plantation survived those conditions. The majority died after their first months. 
“It’s over now, it’s all behind us SaSa. You’ll see, we’re really happy here” you wanted to chase that sad look HyunSa had on her face. Now that you know MinHo wanted you back, you’re sure he took his revenge on the other slaves when you left. 
“I know, Seo told me so many good things, about life on the palace. About the people here and in the villages around” she answered with a weak voice. She seemed tired and she had lost weight. A lot of weight. “By the way, as soon as I have the chance, I would like to ask an audience with the king. I want to give him my gratitude. I hope he will accept to meet me.” she didn’t notice JiYong’s presence although he was austentatory wearing his royal robe, his crown and his jewels. There was no doubt he was the king. He walked towards you but kept a certain distance. 
“You don’t need to thank me HyunSa. It’s my duty as the King to take care of the people in my kingdom. I’m sorry I couldn’t bring you here sooner and that you had to suffer longer than your friends.” he exclaimed in a calm and assured voice, lowering his head in her direction. HyunSa’s jaw dropped open. She could never have imagined that the king himself would mingle with the people. Or even less that he could bow at her.
“SeoJoon, TaeHyung! Welcome back! I’m glad to see you again. I know a woman that will be relieved, now that her friends are reunited”. He smiled, looking in your direction.
Shocked, HyunSa looked at you. You smiled brightly at her. You were always a little surprised when you noticed the way people reacted to JiYong. But to see your friend, made you realise even more that indeed, it was the king that was sharing your life now. With his responsibility and his status. With the effect he has on people.
“Cheon Ha? Are you really the king? Please don’t look at me, I’m not presentable right now, I am covered in dust and mug” she said before she knelt down before him. 
“It’s normal, considering you’ve been riding for a while. May I have a look on that little girl I have heard a lot of? She looks like you, SeoJoon, she has your dimples. What a beautiful baby!” He said, smiling brightly at MiNa.The affection oozing out of his eyes is making your heart melt.
There was a tradition in the kingdom that when the king holds a baby, the latter will be fortunate and live happily ever after. HyunSa knew it and she took MiNa from your arms and placed her directly in JiYong’s. Laughing, he welcomed the little girl and caressed her little hair tenderly. Your heartbeat fastened at the view, he must have been such a wonderful father when Chan was a baby. 
“Welcome to the palace little MiNa. I wish you’ll have a happy and healthy life among us. I have the strange intuition that I will see you very often” he said, smiling in your direction.
HyunSa was crying happy tears, happy that her girl had received the king’s blessing. She also seemed confused about what was going on between you and JiYong. She had the feeling that it was more than an official relation. Damn Seo! He didn’t tell her while they were riding.
SeoJoon came by your side. He pushed TaeHyung who was hugging you, kissed your cheek and bowed at the king. 
“Y/n, you look even more happy than when I left. I can’t wait for you to tell me what happened while I was away” He turned towards JiYong. “Majesty, we have to discuss as soon as possible. Jang MinHo is following us. He’s probably 4 or 5 hours behind. He didn’t like the way I took my wife back. You might receive his complaint.” He said, proudly encircling his wife’s waist. “We learned that your brother and chancellor Kyo had escaped in Japan. I’m sorry we couldn’t catch them”
“No worry about MinHo, the palace is already on high alert. You’ll tell me more about it later.  Go freshen up and eat in your old room for now. I’ll ask the maids to prepare a little house for you and your family. Would you prefer in the village or inside the palace border?”
“The closest I can be to my friend” HyunSa answered “Thank you Cheon Ha, we’ll be working hard to repay for all of this. Thank you so much”
“Love” he surprisingly called you, in front of Tae, Seo, HyunSa and YoungBae. Tae was lifting you in his arms again, turning around from happiness.
“Tae, our king is calling me” you said, tapping on his shoulder to have his attention.
“Nah, he’s talking to the queen. Ooooh…. Sorry, Cheon Ha” His eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the endearing way the king called you. But no sooner than that, it morphed into genuine happiness. Like it suddenly clicked into place and everything made sense. His boxy grin rapidly spread across his face as he dropped you back on the ground.
“Love, can you go with HyunSa? Mrs Lin will assign them a house. Can you help them with all they might need? You’ll be escorted, please don’t go anywhere without your guards”. 
“Yes, I can do, of course” you shyly bowed at him. It was strange to be ceremonial with the man you share your bed with. But it was a little funny at the same time. He came over and whispered in your ear, so that no one could hear.
“I’ll come back later. Please stay safe, meanwhile. I love you”. 
Closing your eyes in contentment when you heard those words, you told him you love him back. “so much…” You were trying the best you could to keep a poker face but every one that knows you could tell, the king had told you something that made you melt like jelly. As soon as his face moved away from yours, he was no longer your lover. He had become the king again, authoritarian, cold and serious. He left the public square place, escorted by Young Bae and his guards. The men needed to talk about the mission, about his brother and about MinHo. HyunSa came closer and poked your side.
“What’s going on between you and our majesty? How can he talk to you in your ear and you’re still alive? I would have died! He’s the king Y/n… This is amazing. And he’s so handsome, I never saw such a perfect face before, it’s almost like he has been drawn by the gods themselves!!” 
“He’s handsome, indeed. Have you seen his piercing and intelligent eyes? And his cute smile? Aaaaw! It makes me feel warm, just thinking of it” you said, dreamily. “I know, he’s the king but... I was working with him, in secret. It's a long story that I will tell you later. But we were alone together for many days, working in his office. I got to know him, the real him. Slowly, something strong built between us and we fell in love with each other. To me, he’s just JiYong and we live together, now”.
“You call him by his name? Have you lost your mind? WHAT? You what?” she was shocked at your revelations, not processing any of it, yet. “I thought he was married already? Is the queen alive? What’s going on?” she asked, question marks all over her face. 
“I’ll explain everything my lovely Sasa. Now, let’s go to your new house. I’m so glad that you are here. We’ll chat like we used to. Give me my little girl. I missed her so much”
“Is that really true, Y/n? Is this over for real?” HyunSa asked.
“You probably don’t know yet, it just happened. The king had sent messages all over the country. All the slaves will be free from now on. You are not a slave anymore, HyunSa. And your daughter will never be one, either”. 
“Woah!  Can it be really the truth? What does it mean, exactly? How am I gonna live?”
“It means that from now on, you’ll be paid for your work, if you decide to have a job. Seo earns enough money for the three of you, you can rest as much as you want. It means that from now on, you have civil rights and the laws will apply for you too. I know, it may sound surreal, I couldn’t believe it either. But trust me, it’s all true. Our king is the greatest man I know.”
“I can tell… But it’s still hard to believe” 
“You’ll get used to it, little by little. Come, you need to rest”
You followed Mrs Lin in the new house your friends will inhabit. The rain was flooding you but none of you noticed. The most important thing is that you were reunited, finally. And that slavery was forbidden from now on. Jang MinHo will never have any power on you, your friends or anyone. It was over. 
Chapter 18
You have spent the rest of the afternoon at HyunSa’s house. When you arrived, you hid from Mrs Lin in a little spot in the house and told your friend everything between you and JiYong. She couldn't believe it! She was shocked. You held MiNa on you the whole time, it was almost as if the baby recognised you, which was impossible because she was so small when you left the plantation. But she felt safe in your arms and she smiled a lot, trying to grab your hair or your mouth with her little fingers while she was babbling.
EunMin, the official cook for the royal family, had come and brought something for MiNa. She had come by herself, which was surprising but in a good way.
“Duljjae mama (second mama, second queen), my husband has told me that there was a baby that needed to be fed. I personally prepared vegetable purees mixed with oat or barley.  You have variety so, depending on the baby’s preferences, you can choose. Tell me when you need more or if you have a special demand”. 
“Duljjae mama? Why are you calling me like that?” you were shocked.
“We all call you like that since you live with our majesty, duljjae mama”.
“Oooh! I see. But there is no need to be official with me, I’m just Y/n. Ok? Please? I don’t want to be a queen!”
“I will try”.
“Come and sit with me would you? You’re YoungBae’s wife, right? I love him. He’s a genuine man. He’s protective of JiYong, sorry… of our majesty and me. You’re lucky to have him in your life”.
“He only has good words for you too, duljjae mama. He said you were bringing joy inside the king’s heart. If you have any special demand for your meals, please just let me know. I would like to add dishes that you like on the menu”.
“I’m sure that our little prince keeps you busy enough, already” you laughed. “But I’d like to share a cup of tea with you sometimes, if you want of course”.
“Ooooh! It would be my honour”.
You have given MiNa all the food she wanted, you let her drink as much milk as she needed. You wanted her to gain weight, she was so petite and delicate. You didn’t tell your friend who was mostly sleeping today but MiNa looked pale and sick. It concerned you.
“Mrs Lin, is there a way to bring the doctor here? I would like him to auscultate my friends, just to make sure everyone is completely fine”.
‘It’s not for you to ask, miss. It’s an order the king, the queen or the prince have to give”.
“Hum Hum,” Jiyong cleared his throat from behind you. You turn around with a surprise to see Jiyong arrive with Seojoon at his heels as people shuffled around and scattered about the room to make room for the king. Upon arrival, Jiyong’s eyes scanned the room as they automatically settle on you. A tender smile gracing his lips. Almost like, everyone else in that room was insignificant compared to your presence. 
“From now on, you will be taking orders from Miss Y/n too, Mrs. Lin,” He stated, a firm stance in his voice, his gaze was not directed at her, but his tone proved his authority, “She is someone important to me, the woman I’m sharing my life with. Therefore, I would like it if you obey her as well. I’m sure she will have reasonable demands.”
You shyly looked up at Jiyong at the overwhelming love and consideration he showed towards you. This was probably the first time he acknowledged your relationship among people who aren’t you, the queen or the little prince. It made your heart flutter and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his. If you weren’t surrounded by so many people or if you were in the privacy of your quarters, you were pretty sure, you’d probably just jump him and kiss him stupid. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you were sure SeoJoon being the protective older brother he was, was sending the King, “You better take care of my sister or I’ll kill you”, glances. To which Jiyong just sent him another reassuring smile. The whole thing was so adorable, you weren’t sure if your heart could take more of it in the time span of one single day.
“Yes, CheonHa” Mrs Lin said, bowing as she left the room backwards. EunMin left with her, with the promise to come back tomorrow to check on the baby’s eating and health evolution. She kept you company today and she was adorable, you were happy that you got to know her. JiYong came closer and whispered in your ear so only you can hear: “Mrs Lin is the mother of one of my ex-courtesan. I guess she has a little something against me. Don’t take it personal, love”.
It was already the evening, the day went so fast! SeoJoon stood in front of you and reached his arms to have his daughter.
“Thank you, Y/n, thank you CheonHa. I too, would like to know if everything is fine with my girls”.
HyunSa, who had slept ever since she arrived, came by her man’s side. He drew her to him with one arm and placed his hand around her waist. You were never used to seeing any affection marks between them, Seo being private most of the time. But he missed her so much, he probably couldn’t help himself.
“Do you think you’ll have one baby on your own?” he teased you and JiYong. The comment made you sad. Considering your life on the plantation, you had come to the conclusion that you couldn’t get pregnant.
“I don’t know… Seo, don’t talk about it” you shyly said, uncomfortable.
“Love, I don’t have to hide my feelings here, right? So let me kiss you. I’ve missed you so much the 3 hours we were apart” He said in front of still under shock HyunSa. He drew you to him and kissed you, his arms encircling your waist. You tenderly combed his hair with your fingers. You couldn’t resist their softness. You hid your nose in the crook of his neck as soon as your lips parted.  SeoJoon couldn’t contain his joy.
“Yes, they will certainly have little babies real soon”. he joked.
“That would make me very happy,” the king said, smiling at you.
Three little knocks were heard. YoungBae and TaeHyung came in, agitated. Even if the situation was serious, Tae took one second to kiss MiNa’s head and pat her little back.
“CheonHa, MinHo had killed a guard in the woods. He stripped him of his clothes. We think he stole his uniform to get closer to the palace without making waves.  HaeChoo was making a round in the woods, he found the guard, he died in his arms”. Curiously, it’s Tae that delivered the message to the king. Not YoungBae.
JiYong was furious. He should have never let him go. But he had nothing that justified his detention and he didn’t want to become this kind of king. The ones who let his hatred rule the kingdom. But he regretted his decision. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he closed his eyes.
“Who’s dead? he wanted to know.
“EunMin’s brother” YoungBae answered.
“Oh, noooo!” you exclaimed. “Your wife’s brother?”
“Yes, duljjae mama. She doesn’t know yet, I’ll tell her as soon as I have the permission to leave”
The name surprised the king, Seo and Tae but none of them said anything about it.
“I’m sorry for your loss, YoungBae. He was a brave soldier, as far as I know. Too young to die…” Jiyong said.
“I guess, you’ll have another meeting tonight? I think I will go visit your wife after she knows, if you don’t mind YoungBae. I don’t want her to be alone in times like this”.
“No, no, no! There is nothing we can do for tonight. YoungBae, we’ll meet at the first hour tomorrow morning. You go and take care of her, we’ll handle the rest for now. Tae, you’ll be in charge of the operations for the night.  I want the soldiers to do their rounds in groups of three or four. They also have to stay close to the border. Seo, Tae, I want you to assist tomorrow. We’ll be discussing military strategy. I count on you”.
“Yes, CheonHa” they answered in one voice.
“Good. Now, everybody else but Tae, you take the rest of the night, it’s an order. We all need to rest, the last couple of days were hectics”.
‘Yes, CheonHa”
You called YoungBae before he left:
“I met EunMin today, she’s a lovely person. If I can do anything for you and for her, please don’t be shy to ask me. I’m really sad for you, I know what it is to lose his family”.
“Thank you, I appreciate it. I will be going, if you don’t mind. It will be a tough night”.
Tae left along with YoungBae. He was clinging to his arm, like if he wanted to comfort him. You heard them exchange some words before they left in different directions. Turning to your man, you took his hand in yours and spontaneously kissed his palm, something you never did before.
“You’ll rest too, Ji. You need to sleep as well”.
“Yes, love! I’ll obey you” he joked.
He kissed your temple under the ‘whews’ and the ‘oooh’ of Seo. 
  “Are you sure, their arrival is a good thing” JiYong asked, forcing himself not to laugh when he noticed their stunned faces “I have the feeling that they will be teasing us way too much for my liking”.
“Yeah, give them a mission far far away from here’ you add, playing along with your man.
“Good idea! Come home my love. Let’s plot something as we go home” he joked and you left, your arm under his.
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dfwsecondary · 5 years
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Our next Editor Feature is the fab @scarycat23 AKA LunaRavenclaw9! Read on to get to know her better, or say “hello” if you’ve never had the pleasure of interacting with her!
How long have you been an Alpha/Beta? What got you started as an Alpha/Beta?
I have been a beta for about a year and a half. One of my friends who got me into fanfiction asked if I would look over one of her fics she was working on.I only recently started as an alpha. Another friend needed more than just beta help with a fic so I offered and it sort of spiraled from there. I definitely beta more than I alpha though but I always enjoy throwing ideas around for a fic.
What projects have you worked on as an Alpha/Beta? What has been your favorite part about working on those projects?
When hard to get backfires by EvangelineRiver, I helped with the smut scene in A Valentine's Business Conference by noxsoulmate, A Child's Wish and a currently unpublished work(will be revealed soon) by Charlie9646
If you are also a writer: 1) Did you first start off in fanfiction as a writer or an editor? 2) What do you find easier or more natural for you: writing or editing?
I started as a writer. After about a year of reading fanfiction my fingers got itchy and I knew I needed to try my hand at writing a story again. I used to write in high school, a few short stories but mainly some really bad poetry, but hadn't written anything for years. My friends gave me the courage to write what came to mind and I haven't looked back since. Both come fairly naturally to me, when editing I sometimes have to remind myself that I'm not just reading the story and I'm supposed to be editing it as well. I will just be enjoying the story and then half a page later I think 'dang it now I've gotta go back and start actually editing this page instead of just reading it and enjoying the story'
For those who are considering being an Alpha/Beta, what advice can you give them?
Remember that this isn't your story, this isnt your voice giving life to the words. You are there to suggest edits and help improve their grammar. You are there to bounce ideas off of but not be pushy. Something I always make sure to explain when I start to beta for someone is that everything I send to them is only suggestions but they have the decision to use my suggestion or not and if they decide not to then no hard feelings because ultimately it is their story to tell and not mine.
Share with us your go-to tip for editing!
Oh this is a hard one to come up with because i list sort of go with the flow when I am editing.In dialogue I try to make sure speech feels natural and if that means speaking it out loud to see if it sounds right then I will, even if my husband looks at me crazy when he is home. I try to do the same thing with my own writing as well.
What is your 1) Hogwarts house; 2) Patronus; and 3) Favorite holiday/winter food?
I am a Ravenclaw, my patronus is a fox, and my favorite winter food is a nice hot bowl of potato soup. For the holidays my aunt almost always makes homemade caramels and those are my favorite!
If you’re interested in checking out her editing style, here’s a fic she’s worked on:A Child’s Wish by Charlie9646https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611575/chapters/51533524
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nightklok · 4 years
Fandom Meme [Open]
How I feel about this character: God, I love her! I wish I could be able to write more with her but man, do I just adore Abigail. Fell in love with her design at first sight and haven’t stopped since; she can kick me in the face and I’d thank her 10/10. I also just love how much more potential one has with her? I try to see the glass half full with what we’re given with certain characters and the fact I can basically be given this gorgeous character and do as I wish with her backstory?  Love it
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:Oh boy, I do have a few-I do ship her and nathan- Nathan being all awkward about emotions but attempting to bring them out just for her always gets me; he wants to fall in love and just basically have someone to share his awkward way of loving with!! Abigail would be able to read between the lines, understand his way of communication and just be one of the few including Dethklok, charles, and his family that understand him!-I kinda have some headcanons on her that I kinda feel provide a sort of yin/yang thing to their relationship-(possibly her having a fear of water while Nathan’s themes have always been water/whales) but I can also see her working well with Pickles and Skwisggaar tbh! I feel like Pickles would treat her well and they’re both secret romantics in my opinion so it could make for some pretty cute and funny moments of keeping a relationship in secret even though everyone fucking knows at that point. I feel like Skwisgaar and her would be a pretty calm couple too; cute aquarium dates, enjoying each other’s company, probably rent out a skii lodge, just adorable things- I do also lowkey ship Charles, Dick and Abigail as a poly ship-it’d be cute-
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:Here me out- I think Dick and her would be pretty good and close friends! They’d roast each other and just end up bring something chaotic about the other (in a loving, friendship kind of way), and just have a good old time together. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think I have one on her tbh- I love her;;
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I think Abigail does have a role in the prophecy and I would love to see the show expand on that. Maybe she’s meant to work alongside Charles as second in command in the church? Maybe she would also need to be ‘dead’ to give more intel as for a while, they could’ve not updated the public on her status or pronounced her dead just to buy more time. Hell, maybe even for a plot twist she was aware of the prophecy all along (probably why she’s so calm, because she recognizes that these things would happen and also why Charles probably allowed her in Dethklok despite them both knowing that they have the horniness of teenagers) and just simply stringing along to watch the show before her time to help officially comes. So much damn potential it makes me excited on what I can do in the future once I acquire more braincells
Favorite friendship for this character: I did answer for Murderface’s one that I adore their friendship so I’m gonna state another friendship i’d love! I think Charles and Abigail would be great friends! They have a good relationship and even writing them together I feel like they’d be really close and develop a sibling-like relationship. After all, if Abigail didn’t die around Dethklok then that means she’s in it for the long-run, right? So much easier for Charles to let himself become friendly with her :D They probably share a drink, trade stories on their personal life and with Dethklok, tell whatever stupid shit their boyfriends did that day, Charles probably invites her to hang out with his friends on weekends and her vice versa, and they probably made Spotify playlists for each other; texts that are lowkey roasting like typical friendships (”Hey Charles I found this twig on the ground reminds me of you”, “I walked by a squirrel that attacked a bird, reminds me of you”)  just a pure and wholesome friendship-(I know they both have friendships outside of Dethklok, Charles especially with the extras, but lemme have this;;;)
My crossover ship: Dana Cardinal from Welcome to Night Vale (Spoilers for the earlier years because it’s an 8 year old podcast-)-I have no idea why I do but I just feel like it works; Dana is honestly an amazing character and her arcs in the Mayor and Blood and space war? Holy shit she’s amazing. Dana, like Abigail, just started out in a rather minor job; she was the intern for the local community radio station. And it suddenly becomes apparent that Dana is much much more than that especially when we see she becomes mayor later on in the series. Dana has her doubts about herself but she’s able to persevere and I’ll admit the latest I can remember her is in the blood and space war arc but she ended that with a high note in my opinion- She’s gentle but can definitely stand her ground if she needs to, every word she speaks is almost poetry and I think Abigail would definitely fall in love with her. They’d have that balance that I think is just honestly wonderful and even though I’d love to write a crossover fic on that one day, they’re probably my ultimate crossover OTP in my mind-(I also want to add in Keisha from Alice Isn’t Dead but I have only managed to listen to the first three or so episodes? There’s potential though-)
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faeriexqueen · 5 years
For the fanfic asks— A, E, N, H, and J! 💖
sfjksdfjsdlj IT TOOK A WHILE BUT AAAA here you are! A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
God, this is hard.  Honestly, I’ve enjoyed working on so many fics for so many different reasons?  Each one (especially of all the multi-chaptered slowburns) has such a special place in my heart.  Lotus in the Snow is based off “The Snow Queen”, so I’m attached to that one since it’s my first long fic.  But I absolutely loved writing both Encompassed in Glass and The Chime of a Crystalline Flower - both are also based off stories I’m so connected to, and really, I love my longer works best.  I really enjoy getting lost in the story writing, to the point of letting it suck me in.  (Honestly, I just finished Dark Flower and really...it’s up there with my tops for the same reason.)
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
Alma.  I really identified with him in Lotus in the Snow, particularly because he’s this character who is outwardly so happy and good natured, but...harbors so much pain inside?  I projected a lot with that fic, especially in terms of how I felt cut off from so many people and isolated due to a lot of anger I was dealing with for a while.  Honestly, Alma is generally easy for me to project on.  He just is one of those characters that tries so hard to see the good in things, despite whatever pain he’s in - and that’s something I’ve always related to?  He doesn’t know how to face certain fears and troubles, and can struggle with running away and being avoidant (ex. Encompassed in Glass), and I know that growing up that was something I really struggled with.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
When do I not have ideas brewing? XD  I have a list, though I’m probably going to take a break to focus on my own original story for a bit (which shhhh I’m finalizing plot things! ;3).  But I do have a few (mostly Yulma and DGM of course):Anastasia AU for Yulma (yes, I’m still thinking about it and haven’t pitched this idea yet XD.)  The premise is Kanda, Lavi, and Allen are all struggling to afford to live in the early 20th, and have fallen into debt.  To try to get out of it, they come up with a plan to find someone to impersonate the missing prince who disappeared years ago - and end up roping in Alma as a result.Swan Lake AU for Yulma.  It would be similar to Lotus in the Snow, though it wouldn’t be an exact re-writing.  Kanda and Alma are childhood friends, though early on, they’re separated when Kanda is recruited as an exorcist.  Years later, their paths cross again - but things go awry when Alma disappears, and Kanda has to find him before it’s too late.Beauty and the Beast/Little Mermaid AU for Yulma.  I haven’t thought of a shorter AU name for this, but it would take elements from both fairytales.  In this AU, dark matter is like a virus that can infect normal people, turning them into monsters known as akuma, who fall under the control of the Millennium Earl.  Human soldiers known as exorcists wield innocence, which is able to kill akuma, freeing their souls in the process.  Alma is an akuma, having been infected since he was a child - however, he wants desperately to be human after having contact with one.  He makes a deal with the Earl, that allows him to disguise himself as a human temporarily - but only if he does exactly what the Earl says...Omegaverse/Regency AU for Tyki x Alma.  An AU for my rare pair!  This would be a historical omegaverse one, in which Alma is an omega from a wealthy, noble family.  Being an omega, he is quickly shoved into an arranged marriage with a very cold and cruel alpha, and unable to stomach being bound to him, Alma runs off before the wedding, not knowing the first thing how to navigate the real world.  In the process, he meets a rugged alpha named Tyki, and things develop from there.Modern/Fashion AU for Yulma.  I haven’t given this one much thought in a while, but recently it came up.  But it’s an AU where Lenalee ropes Kanda into modeling for a friend of hers - who turns out to be Alma going to school for fashion design.Thumbelina AU for Yulma.  Alma is a tiny person born from a lotus flower, who thinks he’s the only one of his kind.  This changes when he meets Kanda, who is a faerie and the same size as Alma.  As time goes on, they begin to fall in love, before they unexpectedly get separated and have to find each other.Vampire/Beauty and the Beast AU for Tyki x Alma.  Alma is employed as a gardener for the enigmatic owner of a seemingly abandoned estate that has been rumored by the people in his village to be haunted/cursed.  However, Alma accepts the position, tending to the grounds but never once seeing who his employer is...Alice in Wonderland AU for either Yulma or Tyki x Alma.  Originally, this idea came to me as a Yulma one, with Alma being the “Alice” character.  However, it’s up in the air now, since rather than having it be a romance with him and Kanda (who would be a flower gardener in Wonderland), it would potentially be with Tyki, who is the Knave of Hearts.  (Honestly, I’ve wondered if I should make it a love triangle?  I’ve never written one, and never used to be into them - but now, I’m wondering... >.>)Basically, I have a lot of AUs.  I have no idea if these ideas will get written, but they’re definitely being tossed around in my head.
H: How would you describe your writing style?
Fucking too long, like I need to cut down. XD  But really, probably more descriptive and imagery heavy?  I focus on imagery a lot, which I thinks come from being a visual person in general.  I also really like poetry, so at times, I do try to aim for more lyrical when appropriate?  Alliteration makes me weak. XD
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
I cannot just pick one.  I have so many - but I think it would be when Character A is injured/hurt/upset, and Character B tends to them.  It’s just something that never gets old, and I think I’ve used it in damn near all of my fics.  I also love slowburns - which should be no surprise.  Pretty much every long fic I write is a slowburn.  I just really love that gradually development, especially when it begins from a rocky start?  Character A is frustrated with Character B and vice versa, but eventually, they start to fall, and when they do the pining is hard.  Longing gazes, nearly brushing hands - I’ve definitely used those tropes, and will continue to do so. ;3The one I haven’t used as much as I’d like (except in Encompassed in Glass), is probably class differences.  I’d really love to focus on that more, especially in a modern AU.  I’ve also really been into the whole “falling in love with the enemy/forbidden romance” trope - which I’ve finally gotten to write in Dark Flower.  Not going to lie, the whole being captive and falling in love with your captor trope does appeal to me. >.>
Fanfic Writer Asks.
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Danatole: non-thoughtful man and the drunk
((I had a prompt sent to me and then I totally went against it, I don’t have a lot of experience with writing so please be kind. There’s not a lot of danatole fics))
Anatole was sitting in his study, reading poetry when he was a kid. Some old books that Hélène used to read him.
See Anatole did this when he was upset, he went back to the good ole days. The days when his sister would kiss him night, the days when he didn’t have consequences for his actions, days when everything was better.
For Anatole had ran from his best friend the previous day. His best friend, Dolokhov has confessed feelings of unholy desire to Anatole. Freya had confessed love to Anatole.
Anatole yelled and screamed at him. Dolokhov took it and told him to think about it. And think about it he did. He thought and Anatole came to a conclusion this morning. That he did not want to think about it. He wanted things to return to normal.
It had been almost 24 hours. It was 8:00 in the morning and all Anatole planned to do was read and ignore his thoughts. All of them. He pretended it was just the usual, just like every day.
Anatole picked up the next small novel and the next and the next. Soon a whole day had passed.
It was a quarter till 12 when he heard a knock on his door.
“Allez-y, come in!” Anatole called out closing his book.
A maid slid in with a smile on her face “My prince, Hélène is here with a friend.”
“Oh, let her in, I’m not busy!” Anatole smiled letting himself indulge his novel, not caring for his sisters nonsense. He could definitely use a distraction. His sister was the perfect person.
The maid smiled. She curtsied and proceeded to leave the room.
Then not 5 minutes later Hélène walked into the room with Dolokhov, looking mighty furious. Dolokhov was clinged over Hélène, wrapped around like a wounded animal.
“Found this drunken man at the bar. Could you care to explain why?” Hélène shifted dropping Dolokhov, who proceeded to the floor laughing. “This man will not share anything besides your name and babbling nonsense.”
Dolokhov was laughing and fumbling around. He was trying to get up, but once he did he fell again. He was drunk, so very drunk.
“That man who’s laughing on the floor, needs to be away from me for now. I don’t want to see him.” Anatole spat with fire. He stood from his desk pointing and thrashing his hands around at his dear sister as he spoke “I don’t want to be around Dolokhov.”
“Please Anatole I’m tired, Pierre found him when he was out getting his drinks. We are tired of this child of a man.”
The blonde French man glared at his sister, he did not want to meet eyes with that scrowndral.
“I do not wish to be near Dolokhov right now.”
“H-he's right ya know!” Dolokhov said through his laughs. the man stood up, trying to stand tall “If I was him I’d never want to see me again! I barely want to see me as it is!”
Anatole batted an eye at Dolokhovs statements but didn’t say a word.
“Anatole please whatever happened between you two, take him. Just help him. He is in misery.” She smoothed her gown and walked away.
“Where are you going?!”
“Home! I need a drink myself.”
Anatole could not believe the situation he was in. He couldn’t imagine what Pierre and Hélène had to deal with. But with what had happened in the past 24 hours he’s not sure what.
Sighing, Anatole retrieved Dolokhov into his arms. Dolokhov was a heavy man. He is a good 5’11 and weighs about 173. While Anatole is a 6’0 man but has the weight of a limp noodle. Anatole is trained in many things, but he did lack upper body strength sadly.
“Dolokhov-god-Move your legs!” Anatole shrieked almost falling.
Dolokhov did not respond verbally, he just moved his legs weakly.
Anatole guided him up each step of his stairs, carefully entering his room.
“You can walk the rest of the way. You can sleep
On my bed.”
“Lovely.” Dolokhov preceded to hiccup as he crashed on Anatoles bed.
Anatole pulled out a chair and watched as Dolokhov put his nasty wet shoes into his bed.
“If your going to lounge around my house please kindly take off your coat and shoes, they’re filthy.” He seethed grasping his temples. He was so annoyed. He didn’t know why, but he just was.
Dolokhov took off his shoes and his coat. He shivered and pulled a blanket over himself. Anatole watched annoyed at this weak display his friend was showing.
Dolokhov pushed his head out of the blankets and let out a wet cough.
Anatole softened, his facial features relaxing. “Do you feel ill freya?” Anatole May have been upset at his friend, but it wasn’t to the point of not caring for his health.
Dolokhov nodded in response, coughing once more.
“Anatole I don’t feel so well.” Dolokhov groaned coughing more violently. Suddenly Dolokhovs eyes opened wide and he sprang up from the bed. “Bucket! Bucket! I’m going to t-throw up.” Dolokhov urged motioning to a small bucket filled with discarded papers.
Anatole let out a fierce groan and threw the bucket into his friend's lap.
The sick man let out two loud coughs, before hurling into the bucket. It lasted for one minute and soon he collapsed back, gasping for breath.
Dear Anatole sucked up courage. He picked up the bucket, almost vomiting himself from the smell and threw it out for the maid to handle later.
“That was utterly repulsive.” Anatole muttered. Soon he looked to his side to see freya on his side, looking visibly upset. No tears, but sad.
“Dolokhov..” Anatole sat down in the chair once more “I know it takes a lot to make you drunk. Why did you drink this much?”
Dolokhovs eyes did not move, they stayed focused. To avoid Anatoles eyes.
Dolokhov had to be upset. He deserved to be. He let out his heart and the fear of being killed for it was terrifying.
“Dolokhov. Did you think I was going to turn you in?”
Dolokhov shook his head.
“Did you think I was going to hurt you?”
Dolokhov shook his head again.
“Did you think I was going to leave you?”
Dolokhov paused. Then he nodded. “Anatole. You don’t u-understand. I know your not the man to hurt me nor get me arrested. But your a man to leave. And to leave would hurt me most.” Dolokhov moved to his other side away from Anatoles gaze.
“Dolokhov, I wouldn’t leave you. That’s absurd! Your an amazing friend. A best friend. I’m not going to leave. I just…I just need time to think. I have many thoughts running through my mind.”
“That’s the first time you thought about anything.” He laughed.
“Because it’s you...Dolokhov. Get rest. You need it.”
Dolokhov was already fast asleep. Snoring.
Anatole however was not, he only slept a mere 3 hours that night.
He thought and thought and thought. He tossed and turned on his sofa.
If he was to be infatuated with Dolokhov, he would be guaranteed happiness until he was bored again.
If he was to reject the poor man, he’d give a man grief for the rest of his days.
Maybe not grief. Maybe the man would grow to live without him. And leave.
He didn’t want that.
Anatole felt something close to what he felt with his previous lovers. However, it felt completely different. He felt warmth and happiness. But he also felt ice and fear. Anatole could hear the birds sing and people scream. It was absolutely exciting yet terrifying.
Anatole couldn't figure out what was different.
He didn’t want to lose Dolokhov, Anatole felt like Dolokhov would pack up and leave just to tell him that he respects his descuo
‘I don’t want Dolokhov to leave.’
Anatole bolted straight up. That’s the difference with what he’s feeling. He knew Dolokhov. The pain, scars, fear, trauma, stupid descuons. He knew it. And he loved every inch of it.
All the fighting, all the dances, and everything. Anatole loved Dolokhov for him.
Anatole stayed up thinking more and more. Every laugh, the mischief, all of it he loved every inch of it.
The books he was reading, it was all about love. Was he in love with Fredya? Love was pain and healing all at once. Is that what he was feeling with Dolokhov?
Soon the morning came and Dolokhov awoke groaning. Anatole rushed to his aid.
“Come now, what do you need?”
“Long story, what do you need?”
“Um…water?” Dolokhov sat up immediately regretting that choice, he clutched his head with his left hand and frowned.
Anatole went down to the kitchen and retrieved a glass of water.
When he went back up he saw Dolohkov laying covering his eyes with his arm.
“Here’s your water.” Anatole handed the water over to Dolohkov.
Dolokhov sipped on the water for 5 minutes. It was an awkward, until he finally spoke.
“So how did I get here? I don’t remember a thing”
“Hélène. she found you drunk.”
“Why’d she bring me here?”
“She was annoyed? And plus what’s wrong with, here?”
“Anatole, you don’t reciprocate feelings of my kind. That is what’s wrong.”
“She doesnt know I don’t blame her for taking you here” Anatole shifted uneasy. He was really bad at talking to Dolokhov. He didn’t have the right words to say.
Dolokhov got up and put on his boots.
“Where are you going?” Anatole inquired latching onto Dolokhovs arm.
“Home. you need to be left alone. For the time being or indefinitely.”
“What no!” Anatole shrieked unmanly.
“Listen i-I.” He took a breath in. “I don’t know how to feel exactly. I’m not sure exactly what it is but it’s not friendship. It’s not hate. I think it’s love. B-But! It’s different. It’s not Natasha, or my many many other lovers.”
Anatole pauses that sounded bad. He smiled uneasily.
“The point is that I think I’m in love with you. Your smile, your scars, you laugh, I love it all. And i don’t want to rush it. So c-can we start from the beginning?”
Dolokhov looked up at Anatole with a harsh glare before softening as Anatole put his hand out. Dolokhov started for a moment, only a moment, before he spoke.
“Fine, it’s only because your cute.” Dolokhov shook his hand, admiring the blush that ran up to Anatoles face. Anatole didn’t really know what to say, he’s not really used to his best friend/now lover? Flirting with him back. They’ve kissed before sure, but every man had kissed their best friend. It was like common knowledge. He did the best thing he could do, talk out his ass.
“Your one to talk.” Anatole laughed. Not his best, but it was the best he could manage. God he felt red and nervous.
Freya clutched his head and hiccuped. Dolokhov groaned and anatole started laughing.
“It’s not funny!”
“You got a hangover so you have to suffer.”
“I hate you.”
Dolokhov took off his boots and layers in the bed once again. Anatole joined him this time.
“Hi.” Anatole snuggled up awkwardly into Dolokhov
“Hi. This is very awkward.”
“But it's a start.”
“Yeah a start.”
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