#Declaration of Independence of the United States
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fuckyeahfightlock · 3 days ago
I think people confuse the history of Thanksgiving with the story of Thanksgiving we were taught in school (pilgrims and "Indians" sharing a meal as a sign of camaraderie).
From Theodore Roosevelt Center's website:
"Prior to Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency, Thanksgiving was celebrated on whichever date the President proclaimed it to be. George Washington issued the first Presidential proclamation for Thanksgiving in 1789, and Presidents continued to do so thereafter.
Following this long-standing tradition, Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed Thursday, November 29, 1906, to be a day of thanksgiving and supplication. The text of this proclamation is as follows:
"By the President of the United States of America.
     The time of year has come when, in accordance with the wise custom of our forefathers, it becomes my duty to set aside a special day of thanksgiving and praise to the Almighty because of the blessings we have received, and of prayer that these blessings may be continued. Yet another year of widespread well-being has past. Never before in our history or in the history of any other nation has a people enjoyed more abounding material prosperity than is ours; a prosperity so great that it should arouse in us no spirit of reckless pride, and least of all a spirit of heedless disregard of our responsibilities; but rather a sober sense of our many blessings, and a resolute purpose, under Providence, not to forfeit them by any action of our own.
     Material well-being, indispensable tho it is, can never be anything but the foundation of true national great-ness and happiness. If we build nothing upon this foundation, then our national life will be as meaningless and empty as a house where only the foundation has been laid. Upon our material well-being must be built a superstructure of individual and national life lived in accordance with the laws of the highest morality, or else our prosperity itself will in the long run turn out a curse instead of a blessing. We should be both reverently thankful for what we have received, and earnestly bent upon turning it into a means of grace and not of destruction.
     Accordingly I hereby set apart Thursday, the twenty-ninth day of November, next, as a day of thanksgiving and supplication, on which the people shall meet in their homes or their churches, devoutly to acknowledge all that has been given them, and to pray that they may in addition receive the power to use these gifts aright.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixt.
Done at the City of Washington this 22nd day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-first.
Theodore Roosevelt
By the President: Elihu Root / Secretary of State.
Interestingly, this proclamation may be more cautionary than celebratory. Roosevelt declares the day of thanksgiving in a solemn tone that suggests that American citizens take their blessings for granted. He [exhorts] the population to build upon their material prosperity in a meaningful manner so that this prosperity is not wasted. Considering how sober the final proclamation is, it is more surprising to see the content Roosevelt removed. The document in our digital library clearly shows what the president removed from his original manuscript, the language of which was much harsher. In the sentences that were removed, TR discusses "our own folly, weakness or wickedness," and expounds upon the theme of disaster that would surely come if Americans are not careful with their "material well-being." 
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Detail, A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America, October 22, 1906, MS Am 1454.50 (146), Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University. Electronic copy sponsored by the Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University. For reproduction or publication permission, contact the Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Houghton Library.
The content of this proclamation reflects a turning point in our nation’s history. As the extreme wealth of the late 19th century continued to be amassed early in the 20th, proponents of reform began to emerge, pushing the nation toward the Progressive Era."
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year ago
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The first formal public readings of the Declaration of Independence of the United States took place on July 8, 1776 in Philadelphia by John Nixon in the yard of Independence Hall.
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timmurleyart · 5 months ago
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Dancing under the sky. 🇺🇸🧨💥🧨🧨🔴⚪️🔵
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National Treasure (2004, Jon Turteltaub)
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bearfoottruck · 25 days ago
Just a reminder, the Declaration of Independence contains this little gem:
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Think about that.
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eagle-of-siwa · 5 months ago
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Happy Fourth of July!!! Never forget those who helped the cause in America’s Independence (including Connor)
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nocternalrandomness · 1 year ago
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"Declaration of Independence" by John Trumbull
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thepastisalreadywritten · 21 days ago
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maryellencarter · 10 months ago
you know, the preamble to the (us) constitution is by far the shortest piece of english writing i've ever failed to memorize
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dedibelyegei · 1 year ago
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Újra átnyergelünk a Tengerentúlra, vagy hát inkább átrepülünk, mert egy légiposta bélyeg kerül terítékre. Ezt a négytagú airmail sorozatot két évig nyomták, 1959-60-ban, a képen látható darab pedig a legkisebb tagja. Érdekes, hogy a sorozat neve hivatalosan New Daily Stamps, de amúgy meg a szabadsággal kapcsolatos jelentős amerikai jelképek láthatók rajtuk, úgymint ezen a 10 centesen a híres Liberty Bell, a sárga 15 centes két változatán (csak a fogazat különbözik) a Szabadság szobor, illetve a piros 25 centesen maga Lincoln a hármas jelmondattal. A bélyegekből több tízmilliót nyomtak, ebből a 10 centesből, konkrétan 40 milliót, így bár régi, de nem érnek nagyon sokat, egy ilyen használt kb. 100 forintot, egy posztatiszta pedig 3-400 forintot.
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Írnék azért pár szót erről a harangról is, hiszen ez nem egy akármilyen harang! Az amerikai függetlenség egyik legjelentősebb jelképe, melyet Londonból rendeltek meg 1752-ben. Már egy évvel előtte megépítették a tornyát Pennsylvania State House területén - ma a Szabadság Csarnokaként ismert az épület - ahol a 945 kilós harang 1753-ban foglalja el helyét. Egy idézet van belevésve a Leviták könyvéből angolul: 'Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.' (25:10). A harang első megszólaltatásakor megrepedt, aztán ez a repedés terjedt még, további két megszólaltatáskor. Eredetileg akkor szólaltatták meg, amikor a törvényhozókat összehívták határozathozatalra, illetve nagyobb városi események kezdésekor. A Függetlenségi Nyilatkozat kihirdetésekor, 1776 július 8-án az akkori Egyesült Államok összes harangját megszólaltatták egyszerre, így ezt is, de a jellegzetes nagy repedés ami látható rajta nem ekkor keletkezett, hanem valamikor a XIX.század elején, erről különböző mendemondák szólnak, hogy kinek a hatására.
A harang 1847-ben lett országszerte híres és vált jelképpé, amikor is elkezdett terjedni egy történet, hogy egy idő harangozó megszólaltatta 1776 július 4-én, amikor megtudta, hogy kongresszus megszavazta a függetlenséget. Azóta persze kiderült, és kutatók megerősítették, hogy a harang (legalább is ezügyben) nem szólalhatott meg aznap, mivel semmilyen bejelentés nem történt a Nyilatkozat elfogadásáról aznap semmilyen városban, az információ a falak között maradt. Ennek ellenére a nép a mai napig akkor és azóta is elfogadja ezt a történetet, és persze kétkedők is vannak a mai napig, a lényeg, hogy a harang tulajdonképpen egy légből kapott sztori mentén lett az ország egyik fontos jelképe. Ez olyannyira így volt, hogy 1885-től Philadelphia városa elkezdte különböző alkalmakra, különböző városoknak kölcsönadni: utazóharang lett belőle! Ahogy az lenni szokott ebből persze probléma lett, egyrészt a repedés a sok ide-oda pakolástól elkezdett aggasztóan nőni, másrészt a gátlástalanabb lakosok elkezdtek törni belőle apró darabokat szuvenírnek. Ezért aztán 1915 óta, a harang nem hagyta már el helyét, és nem adják oda senkinek (nagyon helyes)!
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angelkeitai · 6 months ago
i recieved a small booklet containing the entirety of the constitution of the united states and the declaration of independence as a gift a few months before the school year ended
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months ago
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The first formal public readings of the Declaration of Independence of the United States took place on July 8, 1776 in Philadelphia by John Nixon in the yard of Independence Hall.
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donutsandbagels · 1 year ago
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tenaciousmoneymuffinzine · 1 year ago
Anyway, shoutout to these guys today
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And happy 247th anniversary of the signing of this awesome document
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butchgrantcurly · 1 year ago
actually a CRIME that all of my friends are off eating barbeque or pledging allegiance or talking to their families or something today. i want to go berrypicking with them :(
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wolfspaw · 1 year ago
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