#December Day 16
card-of-the-day · 10 months
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Today's Card Is: I Did It! I'm The First Beagle On The Moon!
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cypherdecypher · 10 months
Animal of the Day!
Northland Green Gecko (Naultinus grayii)
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(Photo in Public Domain)
Conservation Status- Near Threatened
Habitat- Northern New Zealand
Size (Weight/Length)- 20 cm
Diet- Insects; Nectar; Fruits
Cool Facts- The Northland green gecko, also called the Gray’s tree gecko, lives an arboreal life on the northern island of New Zealand. They are sunbathers at heart, climbing onto leaves for camouflage and soaking up the rays. The gecko’s tail is prehensile and tiny claws aid their tree climbing skills. During the breeding season, males will travel from tree to tree in search of a mate. When encountering another male, the two have a yawning competition before launching into battle with a surprisingly strong bite. Despite female Northland green geckos not having a maternal instinct, they  allow their babies to stay in close proximity for several months for access to the best nectar. Unfortunately, Northland green geckos are declining in the wild due to the illegal pet trade and wildfires. 
Rating- 12/10 (They make a squeaking noise.)
Requested by @pleb-the-original
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cressida-jayoungr · 10 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Anything Goes December
Dr. Who ("The Ribos Operation") / Mary Tamm as Romana (Romandvoratrelundar)
This is a very "wintry" episode, taking place on a snow-covered planet, and Romana looks both stylish and warm in her ostrich-feather-trimmed white cloak. It has capacious inner pockets, a hood, and slits for her arms. We catch just a glimpse of silver shoes as well.
The gown underneath looks like something Princess Leia might wear, which may not be a coincidence. This episode originally aired in September 1978, or about a year after the first Star Wars movie was in theaters.
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typelikeagirl · 2 years
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vox-anglosphere · 10 months
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The Boston Tea Party: 92,000 lbs of imported tea were thrown overboard 250 years ago tonight, in the lead-up to the American Revolution.
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yoohyeon · 2 months
My sweet little cousin is 16 today….what do you mean he was born yesterday
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tungle-scant-sequels · 11 months
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what do you mean it's not a good time to start huevember
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chic-a-gigot · 10 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 50, vol. 10, 16 décembre 1888, Paris. 1. (1) Toilette en pékin soie et faille vert sauge; — (2) Toilette en drap brique et tresse mohair noire. Modèles de Mlle Thirion, 47, boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(1) Toilette en pékin soie et faille vert sauge. — Jupe ronde en faille, recouverte d'une draperie ronde relevée sur les côtés encadrée par deux panneaux plissé en pékin, pouf plissé légèrement soutenu dans le haut. Corsage court bordé d'un biais de pékin, gilet et revers devant. Col droit, poche sur le côté, manche à coude, revers uni au bas.
(2) Toilette en drap brique et tresse mohair noire. — Jupe ronde unie garnie devant de plusieurs rangs de tresse mohair posés en cerceaux. Corsage à basque rapportée, plissée, formant pouf droit derrière, le devant du corsage est ouvert sur un gilet bouillonné en surah noir, revers bordés, boutons fantaisie noirs, col droit, manche à coude, revers bordés au bas.
(1) Ensemble in silk and sage green faux pekin. — Round fault skirt, covered with round drapery raised on the sides framed by two pleated panels in peking, pleated pouf lightly supported at the top. Short bodice edged with a pekin bias, waistcoat and lapels at the front. Straight collar, side pocket, elbow length sleeves, plain lapel at the bottom.
(2) Ensemble in brick cloth and black mohair braid. — Plain round skirt trimmed in front with several rows of mohair braid laid in hoops. Bodice with attached, pleated peplum, forming a straight pouf behind, the front of the bodice is open on a bubbled vest in black surah, edged lapels, black fancy buttons, straight collar, elbow length sleeves, edged lapels at the bottom.
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wowbright · 8 months
Fic: Out of Eden, Ch. 56, Every Beautiful Thought
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Chapter 56 of Out of Eden, aka the big Mormon!Klaine fic, is up on AO3.
Fic Summary: As a gay Mormon, Kurt Hummel has decided to go the rest of his life without falling in love. But toward the end of his two years as a missionary in Germany, Elder Blaine Anderson moves into his apartment—and Kurt’s best-laid plans fall apart.
Chapter Summary: Holly Holliday causes trouble. An incident occurs at the bus stop. Mason McCarthy appears to have a crush on the new sister missionary. And Kurt has a lot of feelings.
Blaine picked Kurt's ring up from the pavement and slipped it onto his fourth finger next to his own CTR ring. The metal of the band felt warmer than the day around him. Even in its battle-scarred condition, it felt natural on his finger, like it belonged there: the weight of it, the warmth of it, the fact of how well it fit.
Read it on AO3: Chapter 56—Every Beautiful Thought
Additional notes: Lots of stuff in this chapter that has never been seen on Tumblr! Thanks to @gleefulpoppet for the art and beta! Any mistakes are mine.
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I made a meme do you leik it :)
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jilychallenge2023 · 10 months
day 16
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A piece of lovely fanart: skating jily for you all today! See it on ao3
Thank you @thecasualauthor18 for this, it brightened my Saturday, we hope you’ll enjoy these Jily skaters too!
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Eyelash Viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)
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(Photo by Geoff Gallice)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Central America; Northern South America
Size (Weight/Length)- 80 cm
Diet- Small mammals; Birds; Lizards; Frogs
Cool Facts- You might think on first glance that the bright yellow eyelash viper lacks any form of camouflage, but you’re strangely enough wrong. Curled up in a palm tree, their scales are nearly indistinguishable from the bark. They will sit and wait for days without moving, only striking if prey gets close enough. Their venom quickly shuts down the nervous system of rodents and birds, giving the viper an easy meal. Some snakes have memorized the trees migrating birds favor to roost in. The viper returns to the same spot every year to get an easy meal in the form of travel weary birds.
Rating- 11/10 (Cannot physically wink.)
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quaranmine · 7 months
Honestly I'd love to know what kind of comments you'd be adding to the fic for your mother. Very curious :0 (also I'm terrible at knowing what information an outsider would and wouldn't have and/or would need)
Sure, I'll add a few. (Redacted since my google account is my full name.) Also remember that y'all also got the benefit of my author's notes, but I'm not giving my mom the AO3 copy because over my dead body does she look at that account. I'm giving her a document copy. So a lot of the comments will likely be details you guys already got in either a post or author's note.
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^^^ This one is written specifically because my mom, like me, has been going to Big Bend National Park since she was young. A member of my family has gone there nearly every single year since....1965? lol. So it's a fun tidbit for her to know I was thinking of it while writing this. (There will be a similar note when the Pinnacles trail comes up, because I named Pinnacles after a trail in Big Bend.)
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me trying to explain Scar's general dramatic flair (i also have a comment somewhere explaining that Scar is dyslexic and that is why he occasionally mispronounces stuff in the fic, and why he says the scientific documents the rangers let him borrow were difficult to get through)
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My mother and I are both Gary the cat stans. Trust me she knows Exactly what I am picturing here.
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^^ a few other comments on the story, ranging from "background character details" to "research details" to "totally unecessary personal opinions"
it's also fun for little self-aware asides:
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She already knows a significant amount of the plot, including the ending, because I talked to her about it. That is also why she gets to read it, because the moment I opened my mouth about writing it I basically had to. I don't always talk about my writing with her but I really wanted to talk about this one. So! By talking about it I just made the decision for myself that I'd allow her to read it. She is....very excited haha. And I am too? I mean I think I am going to send it to her and then just immediately go back to my apartment so I don't have to be in the same house as her while she's reading it LOL. The embarassment of people who know you too closely reading your things etc etc. But I'm very proud of this story and I don't think she realizes how good of a writer I can be. She knows I'm good at it (like, she's read my essays and newspaper stories) but not how I handle fiction.
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v-thinks-on · 10 months
As I stepped deeper into the dank, horrible chamber, I became aware of a strange, sticky sensation on my face and arms, which clung even as I tried to brush it away.
“There is something peculiar-” Holmes began to say, still bent over the corpse of young Hopkins’s late foe.
A sudden movement caught my eye and I interrupted with a shout of “Holmes!” as I saw a cluster of glittering lights emerging from the dark.
These lights were smaller and more tightly clustered than the strange glowing orbs which entranced us through the study window; they gleamed and glinted like as many little eyes in the lantern light. They were followed closely by an immense, dark shape which seemed to melt out of the very shadows.
An enormous shaggy spider loomed over us, its long legs like deadly spears, and its six little eyes winking lazily with the flickering light.
I stumbled backward and grabbed Holmes by the arm to drag him with me if needs must, as he still crouched beside the corpse.
“It’s impossible,” he murmured, slowly rising to his feet beside me, his eyes like mine transfixed upon the spider. “I wondered if we had been drugged, but…”
“I do not mean to wait and find out now,” I replied, perhaps too sharply, as the spider bristled.
To be continued...
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theroguequeenaniki · 10 months
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December Day 16: Fawn 🦌
We got these little fawn ornaments from Target a few years ago. And my mom embroidered the reindeer pillow in the back. 😊
#fawn #deer #babydeer #fawnornaments #deerornament #ornamtnets #decorations #reindeerpillow #embroidery #countdowntochristmas #day16 #december #december2023 #photo #photoaday #photoadaychallenge
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blackheart-6 · 10 months
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dess-ember day 16/31
a bit of my dess lore below the read more lol
the way i imagine dess, she doesnt really care for school. shes one of those people who were never really meant for it.
that doesnt stop her mother from forcing her to get good grades, which just makes dess dislike it even more. she would much rather be outside playing softball, or hanging out with her friends, or just doing literally anything else lol
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